I'm not really in your demographic (I'm 49) but have to give you props for being pretty fair when it comes to vaping. The only negative I can say about this, is a lot of those "studies" have been discredited (one even by it's own author). Vaping helped me completely stop smoking after 25 yrs. If every smoker switched to vaping, we would save millions of lives each year, along of all the medical issues that go with smoking. If you Don't Smoke, then Don't Vape. But I'd rather someone vape, then start smoking. just my 2 cents, and thanks for the good video!
Agreed!! The mafia that is the FDA, big tobacco & medical industry are losing mega bucks due to the vape boom. So we're now seeing endless smear campaigns to discredit vaping because it's a threat to all of those businesses & they don't have their greedy fingers in the mix... YET! I know several people, including myself, that have successfully quit smoking, thanks to vaping. After 3 days if vaping & no cigs, my smokers cough was gone & had no more rumbling in my chest. I felt so much better I stated working out. And the other ex smokers I know that vape now had a similar experience. Vaping is hands down a FAR better alternative to smoking! ! It's been a life changer for me & so many other people. I hope & pray it continues to grow & the government doesn't get involved & make it more difficult or more harmful for the public!
Smoking supposedly kills over 450,000 smokers each year and you are making fun of the cure? You should be promoting them to smokers like the UK has been doing for years! www.rcplondon.ac.uk/news/promote-e-cigarettes-widely-substitute-smoking-says-new-rcp-report
I love / hate this video, because on the one hand I applaud your attempt to minimize vaping among teens, but then you perpetuate falsehoods or highly suggestive information. There is an absolute clear and proven benefit to vape instead of smoke. As the same UK government health organisation says that was the first to call smoking bad (PHE), they did a comprehensive meta analysis and found it to be 95% less risky. You can't deny it doesn't contain any carcinogens like tar or carbon monoxide if you use it correctly (and it's practically impossible to do otherwise). Also, the most popular device among teens (as you state yourself) is the Juul - a device that has none of the colorful e-liquid packaging you refer to, not does it allow those to be used. Look, vaping shouldn't be cool, totally agree, but if teens have to experiment with drugs (and a significant amount always will), I'd rather they do it with vaping then cigarettes (or many other substances).
@@Dee-ye2dk really...? I've beening juuling for almost a year now and I don't wanna even try regular cigarettes lmao nic ain't addictive I could quit today if I wanted to... It's all the other harmful chemicals in reg cigs that get you hooked...
Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking and can save millions of smokers lives, if you care about smokers lives. www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review
vaping is more toxic than not smoking though. if you smoke it's a good alternative. but it's better to not do it at all. and if your pen explodes in your face... XD that's pretty rare though luckily.
I successfully quit smoking and then vaping by turning down my nicotine over a 6 month time span. I quit smoking a pack a day by going to 3mg nicotine. Then I went from 3mg to 1.5, and then zero. I vaped 0 for 2months and then dropped vaping completely.
The nice thing about vaping is that it IS a better alternative to smoking in a lot of ways including the fact that you can select your own nicotine level. This males it way easier to taper down on the nicotine and eventually quit. But even for those who don't quit - vaping is a better choice than cigarettes. For sure though, more research needs to be done, and sales need to be regulated.
Vape juice doesn't just contain vegetable glycerin. It has to contain propylene glycol as well or else the liquid will be too thick. That's why vape juice bottles usually say 70VG/30PG.
I wish you had given more airtime to UK studies. I really do think it's entirely safe to say that vaping is *healthier than smoking*. Also, while it's true that the FDA did not regulate e-liquid until 2016: 1. The vaping community is pretty damn good at self-regulating. Most juice brands, especially US-based juice brands, have always use 3 to 4(, 5, or 6) ingredients: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and/or flavorings (that accounts for the 4-6 other ingredients). Diacetyl was a flavoring in a minority of e-liquids, but that was voluntarily removed from, I think, all e-liquid a few years ago. 2. These regulations are geared up to destroy the vaping industry as we know it, because the cut-off date in the regulations is February 15, 2007. Because there are zero PMTAs for any vaping product at all (and PMTAs are far more expensive than most US-based e-cig manufacturers can afford unless they're part of Big Tobacco, which, BTW, most of the vaping industry is separate from), all vaping products that entered the market after February 15, 2007 will be taken off the shelves once the FDA decides to enforce its regulations. For the record, that will be quite literally all vaping products on the market except for, basically, disposable cigalikes. So there would be no vaping industry to speak of after that, except as controlled by big tobacco (and, need I remind y'all... the whole point of vaping is to quit cigarettes in the first place). There is an amendment called the Cole-Bishop Memo which would change that date to August 8, 2016, which would be much better for the industry... but it didn't pass, which is, frankly, BS. Hopefully, we'll have another chance at the next session of Congress. I quite recently ended my nicotine addiction entirely thanks to electronic cigarettes. I starting vaping back in 2014 after being a 2.5-pack-a-day smoker. One of the best things about vaping is the ability to control the amount of nicotine you inhale. I found an e-liquid manufacturer I trusted, and started with a high level of nicotine that I could handle. Then I slowly tapered off. Yes, it took four years, but now I'm off nicotine entirely, and I don't even crave it anymore. And that is genuinely thanks to electronic cigarettes. The UK has said that vaping is 95% healthier than smoking. Cancer Research UK recommends that smokers switch to vaping. In fact, the UK treats electronic cigarettes as medical smoking cessation devices, and they champion it for that reason. Why do we in the US have to treat vaping as the enemy when nearly every other country recognizes it for what it is: a harm reduction device that can easily help smokers... you know... quit smoking? Obviously non-smokers shouldn't vape, but it's obviously better for smokers to vape. I'm not against regulation. I strongly think regulation is a good thing, and I am someone who thinks kids should not have access to vaping (even nicotine-/THC-free vaping). But the current FDA regulations are basically the death-knell for the industry if they're enforced. You're a part of PBS Studios, right? See if you can get your hands on the 2016 episode of BBC Horizon about Electronic Cigarettes ("E-Cigarettes: Miracle or Menace?"). It should give you some insight into how the UK treats them, and is, I think, the single most balanced view of them I've ever seen (the conclusion: "smokers should switch, non-smokers should stay away"). I really hope you'll give this topic a second look. This video may be the most balanced take on vaping I've seen from a US perspective yet (and that's good!), but... you still missed some rather important information.
That's amazing. I wish you had that on video so we could share with our Youth Advisory Board (they wrote this episode and convinced us to keep in the vines even though the adults in the room had no idea what was going on. Lol!)
I'm from Canada and we have to be 18 to buy e-juice with nicotine, but there's this weird glitch in the law that I don't fully understand and it's the reason the only e-juice outlet in my small town can only carry nicotine free e-juice. I'm also 29 and a smoker/vaper AKA indecisive quitter. I understand how vaping helps alot of people quit and it's popularity in my area makes it by far the most accessable quitting aid. I never did understand why non-smokers would start vaping. THC e-juice isn't available in my area but I'm hoping with legalization in july it will be soon.
Gotta say these videos are fricken amazing and there should be millions of subscribers here but I think in some specific cases it feels a tad like you’re taking the video too slow idk why
I know this is bit off topic but as alternatives for smoking go, what about chewing tobacco? It has become quite popular where I live and I've heard mixed, yet worrying reports of its health hazards.
Chewing tobacco has been around for quite a bit longer than vaping, so there should be studies on the longer term effects. From what I've been taught in school (it's school, so this info is probably biased), it has been linked to throat/mouth cancers due to chemicals found in the tobacco (probably similar substances that make smoking harmful).
I think chewing gum would probably be the best of both worlds in that scenario. 😀 But if you feel the need to walk out on one of those limbs- go for it. I mean you’ve done the research, right? That right there shows that it causes mouth cancer and other things. It’s not healthy for you if that’s your question. But all in all, at the end of the day - it’s everyone’s individual decision and it’s their own life, own health, no one else’s. 🤷♀️ I feel as long as it doesn’t impact me (I don’t have to smell it- be affected by it in anyway) then people can do what they want to do. What do I care? 😁
Love you guys but I there are a lot of variables you didn't explain looking at the FDA studies of the individual parts of what goes into the liquid shows a different story then what you have given not to include that pens you get at a gas station (which are not healthy) are very different in construction and composition then "mods" or high end vapes. Sadly "pens" are almost exclusively study rather then the former. I hope that you can have someone look into this more deeply in a future video and feel free to DM me if you would like any further reference material I would be happy to help.
>completely ignores the beneficial effects on people already addicted to nicotine through smoking "lets make them illegal because teens are using them, despite the fact that legal barriers to teens are already in place".
Hey I’m a fan of y’all’s show and I’ve never vaped before. But it just seemed to me like you might have been showing your bias in this episode. It sounded like you strongly promote an abstinence only position. On the under tone though it seems like the common suspicion is correct that vaping isn’t as bad as smoking. Just an small observation. I still love the show and will continue to be a fan.
Sounds like the tobaco companies hating . Just like taxies vs. Uber. In both cases somebody came up with a better product , and the other is no longer able to dominate .
I really wish you noted just how much less exposure to toxic elements that former smokers get from vaping than from traditional cigarettes. In many cases it's as low at 1/400th or even 1/1000th. The British health governments found that vaping is about 95% less toxic than combustible cigarettes. There WAS a study that found elevated amounts of cadmium and chromium, but if you read the study you'll find that they used only 1 liter per minute airflow in their tests. Considering that a normal breathing rate is 6 liters per minute, you can assume that they were torching their coils and ramping up the heat much higher than what any vape user would do. It was misleading at best. Other than that, thanks for not being alarmist like a lot of other publications like to do.
Not once while vaping did I ever think it looks cool. The clouds are kinda neat, but I think it looks ridiculous. I do it because nicotine got it's hooks in me early on and cigarettes are just really gross and more expensive. I keep telling me myself this is the last bottle of e-juice I'll buy, but quitting vaping is proving to be more difficult than quitting cigarettes was. There just aren't the same degree of rewards that quitting tobacco had. My clothes don't stink, I don't have the same cough, I can vape in my house, etc.
Normalization of vaping is largely from more and more people who are quitting smoking cigarettes. I know it's hilarious to clown on vaping but it's helping many people over 50 stop the life long habit (smoking cigarettes) that has been seriously killing them.
Vaping laws in my area are that only tobacco and Menthol flavor could be sold no fruit or custom flavors. However you could cross counties and cities to buy the frut and custom flavors. I find it ironic that there are marijuana dispensaries in my area however Vape smokers can't buy fruit and Custom flavor vapes. I find that to be hypocritical
Im from Argentina, im a heavy smoker and i succesfully managed to stop smoking for a while thanks to vaping as a replacement. I say for a while becouse i couldnt get more nicotine liquid since its ILLEGAL so i switched back to tobacco. The goverment says they want to stop people from smoking while at the same time making illegal the best method of leaving the cigarrette... why? well becouse they are either imcopetent or they love the insane amount of drug money they get via heavily taxed tobacco. Either way this sucks and i would love for these videos to focus more in how vaping its an excellent cure/alternative for cigarrette addiction.
As long as cigarettes aren't banned there is no wright to ban vaping. I don't call vaping safe but sure is less harmful. I've been vaping for 4 years with no issues
I live in WA. I think it should be up to individual choice. I tried it. I didn't care for it. If I want to smoke something, the little I smoke I might as well smoke the real thing.
to be completely honest, I found it difficult to believe that PBS could be mostly politically neutral when I heard about this channel, but after watching a few videos, it seems legit. Y'all really need to tone down the lame animation jokes though, its really the new "laugh track" for youtube videos. If you want to remain relevant, tone down the meme usage every 7 seconds. Love the videos.
Why does every wipe transition have a whip sound effect? It's annoying. I wonder about the demographic segmentation between chewers and vapers. I'd guess more rural kids chew than vape.
Vaping just started being in stores here in japan and i think the slogan for japan shouldn’t be land of the rising sun it should be the land where things take along time be popular but when it becomes popular it takes along time to become dead
You need to do real research before posting something like this. There are several decade long studies done in Europe regarding vaping and their effects on the body. Vaping has been found to be 95% safer than smoking. Also, studies in Europe have found that vaping isn't a gateway to smoking among teens. Vaping helped me stop smoking over 2 years ago and I did a lot of research before I started vaping. Please do further research of studies outside of the US that are independent and not funded by the tobacco companies in order to make vaping look like it's bad for you.
Serious WTF the point of calling without nicotine? I'm at the point I wish I never started smoking but why would you want to inhale posion for no benefit what so ever (the reason I want to quit the cost, health & money, way out weigh the miniscule benefits nicotine buzz that don't even feel)
I'm much more open to Vaping. I wouldn't do it myself but at the very least it smells infinitely better than cigarettes. Where I live in LA you can't walk more than a few feet without hitting a wall of the worst smelling cigarette smoke imaginable. I wish more popular drugs didn't involve exhaling the drug into the air. I don't mind folks doing it but I'd like to not be a part of their adventure.
How do you make a 6 minute video on vaping and not even MENTION smoking cessation? Most vapers are former smokers, not future ones. If PBS can't make an informative video without peppering in fear mongering and derisive opinions that boarder on bullying, I have little faith that anyone can.
Frraaanco we hear your feedback and point well taken. Our video is focused on the growing trend of teens vaping and trying to understand why it’s so popular with that demographic and potential health risks and benefits for them. Our research showed that very few high school students nowadays started vaping after smoking cigarettes.
Above The Noise Thanks for the reply! No reasonable person is for minors getting their hands on a vape. Maybe frame the conversation as 'What's the deal with teen vaping?'. Also, don't be shy to post references and links at the end, but please do try to entertain the other side of the argument. Multifaceted views are increasingly rare, and you might find them appreciated.
Thanks again. We do strive to represent multiple perspectives on all the topics we cover on the channel. Our series is a core part of an online platform for high school students to collaborate on their own research projects (KQED Learn) so while we want to reach a general audience, our target demo are educators and their students.
I've been brought here by IT'S OKAY TO BE SMART and I both enjoy the discovery and regret a all lot tha "funny" side to the show. It will prevent me to watch it.
If you look up how much you die from secondhand smoke it's a big number I don't want that to happen why you don't want that to stop turn the stuff is bad I don't see it for myself it is pretty bad or we just
I'm not really in your demographic (I'm 49) but have to give you props for being pretty fair when it comes to vaping.
The only negative I can say about this, is a lot of those "studies" have been discredited (one even by it's own author).
Vaping helped me completely stop smoking after 25 yrs.
If every smoker switched to vaping, we would save millions of lives each year, along of all the medical issues that go with smoking.
If you Don't Smoke, then Don't Vape. But I'd rather someone vape, then start smoking.
just my 2 cents, and thanks for the good video!
Thanks for the feedback, and sharing your perspective!
Agreed!! The mafia that is the FDA, big tobacco & medical industry are losing mega bucks due to the vape boom. So we're now seeing endless smear campaigns to discredit vaping because it's a threat to all of those businesses & they don't have their greedy fingers in the mix... YET! I know several people, including myself, that have successfully quit smoking, thanks to vaping. After 3 days if vaping & no cigs, my smokers cough was gone & had no more rumbling in my chest. I felt so much better I stated working out. And the other ex smokers I know that vape now had a similar experience. Vaping is hands down a FAR better alternative to smoking! ! It's been a life changer for me & so many other people. I hope & pray it continues to grow & the government doesn't get involved & make it more difficult or more harmful for the public!
Well said @Freya
Agree, It's been more than a year I switch from tobaco product into eliquid, I feel way healtier
Excellent episode - and it was great to see the students who produced it with you.
Thanks, Deep Look! The students did a great job with this episode.
Smoking supposedly kills over 450,000 smokers each year and you are making fun of the cure? You should be promoting them to smokers like the UK has been doing for years! www.rcplondon.ac.uk/news/promote-e-cigarettes-widely-substitute-smoking-says-new-rcp-report
I love / hate this video, because on the one hand I applaud your attempt to minimize vaping among teens, but then you perpetuate falsehoods or highly suggestive information.
There is an absolute clear and proven benefit to vape instead of smoke. As the same UK government health organisation says that was the first to call smoking bad (PHE), they did a comprehensive meta analysis and found it to be 95% less risky. You can't deny it doesn't contain any carcinogens like tar or carbon monoxide if you use it correctly (and it's practically impossible to do otherwise). Also, the most popular device among teens (as you state yourself) is the Juul - a device that has none of the colorful e-liquid packaging you refer to, not does it allow those to be used.
Look, vaping shouldn't be cool, totally agree, but if teens have to experiment with drugs (and a significant amount always will), I'd rather they do it with vaping then cigarettes (or many other substances).
Werner van Alphen the American lung association states teens are more like to smoke a regular cigarette due to its higher nicotine content.
@@Dee-ye2dk really...? I've beening juuling for almost a year now and I don't wanna even try regular cigarettes lmao nic ain't addictive I could quit today if I wanted to... It's all the other harmful chemicals in reg cigs that get you hooked...
Darien so quit. There’s not research on long term health when vaping. You need to study the respiratory system.
I don’t care what other people do but you should not do it in public cause it looks and smells like shit
why are all the cool things toxic.. weed, vaping, chocolate cake..
Very good question...
Maybe it's not cool unless it's toxic...?
Vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking and can save millions of smokers lives, if you care about smokers lives. www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review
vaping is more toxic than not smoking though. if you smoke it's a good alternative. but it's better to not do it at all.
and if your pen explodes in your face... XD that's pretty rare though luckily.
Much less toxic than following a diesel down the road. bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2458-14-18
Watch all your videos, love what you guys do. I started vaping about 3 years ago as an alternative nicotine delivery system (no more cigs). I'm 66.
Thank you for watching and for the kind words! It definitely seems clear that vaping helps people quit smoking regular cigs. Good luck!
Umm...thanks for the suggestion! We'll have to see if those folks are up for a collab, but I like the idea--esp. Yo Gabba Gabba. Love that show!
I successfully quit smoking and then vaping by turning down my nicotine over a 6 month time span. I quit smoking a pack a day by going to 3mg nicotine. Then I went from 3mg to 1.5, and then zero. I vaped 0 for 2months and then dropped vaping completely.
The nice thing about vaping is that it IS a better alternative to smoking in a lot of ways including the fact that you can select your own nicotine level. This males it way easier to taper down on the nicotine and eventually quit. But even for those who don't quit - vaping is a better choice than cigarettes. For sure though, more research needs to be done, and sales need to be regulated.
Vape juice doesn't just contain vegetable glycerin. It has to contain propylene glycol as well or else the liquid will be too thick. That's why vape juice bottles usually say 70VG/30PG.
So excited you guys chose this topic. We've got a team of students working on a science rap on this coming out soon!
That's so cool! Let us know when it comes out -- we'd love to share out! Thanks for watching.
It's finally done! Hilarious, educational, catchy, controvertial. Enjoy! ruclips.net/video/QIWs4ohluCM/видео.html
I’ve been chewing tobacco for about 4 years and I’m 17. I got a juul a month ago and haven’t touched a can since then
I wish you had given more airtime to UK studies. I really do think it's entirely safe to say that vaping is *healthier than smoking*. Also, while it's true that the FDA did not regulate e-liquid until 2016:
1. The vaping community is pretty damn good at self-regulating. Most juice brands, especially US-based juice brands, have always use 3 to 4(, 5, or 6) ingredients: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and/or flavorings (that accounts for the 4-6 other ingredients). Diacetyl was a flavoring in a minority of e-liquids, but that was voluntarily removed from, I think, all e-liquid a few years ago.
2. These regulations are geared up to destroy the vaping industry as we know it, because the cut-off date in the regulations is February 15, 2007. Because there are zero PMTAs for any vaping product at all (and PMTAs are far more expensive than most US-based e-cig manufacturers can afford unless they're part of Big Tobacco, which, BTW, most of the vaping industry is separate from), all vaping products that entered the market after February 15, 2007 will be taken off the shelves once the FDA decides to enforce its regulations. For the record, that will be quite literally all vaping products on the market except for, basically, disposable cigalikes. So there would be no vaping industry to speak of after that, except as controlled by big tobacco (and, need I remind y'all... the whole point of vaping is to quit cigarettes in the first place). There is an amendment called the Cole-Bishop Memo which would change that date to August 8, 2016, which would be much better for the industry... but it didn't pass, which is, frankly, BS. Hopefully, we'll have another chance at the next session of Congress.
I quite recently ended my nicotine addiction entirely thanks to electronic cigarettes. I starting vaping back in 2014 after being a 2.5-pack-a-day smoker. One of the best things about vaping is the ability to control the amount of nicotine you inhale. I found an e-liquid manufacturer I trusted, and started with a high level of nicotine that I could handle. Then I slowly tapered off. Yes, it took four years, but now I'm off nicotine entirely, and I don't even crave it anymore. And that is genuinely thanks to electronic cigarettes.
The UK has said that vaping is 95% healthier than smoking. Cancer Research UK recommends that smokers switch to vaping. In fact, the UK treats electronic cigarettes as medical smoking cessation devices, and they champion it for that reason. Why do we in the US have to treat vaping as the enemy when nearly every other country recognizes it for what it is: a harm reduction device that can easily help smokers... you know... quit smoking? Obviously non-smokers shouldn't vape, but it's obviously better for smokers to vape.
I'm not against regulation. I strongly think regulation is a good thing, and I am someone who thinks kids should not have access to vaping (even nicotine-/THC-free vaping). But the current FDA regulations are basically the death-knell for the industry if they're enforced.
You're a part of PBS Studios, right? See if you can get your hands on the 2016 episode of BBC Horizon about Electronic Cigarettes ("E-Cigarettes: Miracle or Menace?"). It should give you some insight into how the UK treats them, and is, I think, the single most balanced view of them I've ever seen (the conclusion: "smokers should switch, non-smokers should stay away"). I really hope you'll give this topic a second look. This video may be the most balanced take on vaping I've seen from a US perspective yet (and that's good!), but... you still missed some rather important information.
when the memes came in the beginning my entire class and i qouted them 😂😂
That's amazing. I wish you had that on video so we could share with our Youth Advisory Board (they wrote this episode and convinced us to keep in the vines even though the adults in the room had no idea what was going on. Lol!)
our science teacher wouldnt let us use phones in our class sadly
Lol same, in my class as soon as we saw the, “wow” one we started quoting them as fast as we could. It was hilarious.
This is the original reason the vape was invented. to help smokers quit smoking
"..Not smoking/vaping is the healthier alternative." Thank you! People use "healthy" on just about anything these days. Smh..
I'm from Canada and we have to be 18 to buy e-juice with nicotine, but there's this weird glitch in the law that I don't fully understand and it's the reason the only e-juice outlet in my small town can only carry nicotine free e-juice. I'm also 29 and a smoker/vaper AKA indecisive quitter. I understand how vaping helps alot of people quit and it's popularity in my area makes it by far the most accessable quitting aid. I never did understand why non-smokers would start vaping. THC e-juice isn't available in my area but I'm hoping with legalization in july it will be soon.
Cool - thanks for sharing your perspective and experience from up there in Canada!
Gotta say these videos are fricken amazing and there should be millions of subscribers here but I think in some specific cases it feels a tad like you’re taking the video too slow idk why
What if you put water
I know this is bit off topic but as alternatives for smoking go, what about chewing tobacco? It has become quite popular where I live and I've heard mixed, yet worrying reports of its health hazards.
Chewing tobacco has been around for quite a bit longer than vaping, so there should be studies on the longer term effects. From what I've been taught in school (it's school, so this info is probably biased), it has been linked to throat/mouth cancers due to chemicals found in the tobacco (probably similar substances that make smoking harmful).
I think chewing gum would probably be the best of both worlds in that scenario. 😀 But if you feel the need to walk out on one of those limbs- go for it. I mean you’ve done the research, right? That right there shows that it causes mouth cancer and other things. It’s not healthy for you if that’s your question.
But all in all, at the end of the day - it’s everyone’s individual decision and it’s their own life, own health, no one else’s. 🤷♀️
I feel as long as it doesn’t impact me (I don’t have to smell it- be affected by it in anyway) then people can do what they want to do. What do I care? 😁
You have great potential man! Not that you asked, but imo if you sped up the delivery, it would really help!
Keep up the good work👍🏼
Love you guys but I there are a lot of variables you didn't explain looking at the FDA studies of the individual parts of what goes into the liquid shows a different story then what you have given not to include that pens you get at a gas station (which are not healthy) are very different in construction and composition then "mods" or high end vapes. Sadly "pens" are almost exclusively study rather then the former. I hope that you can have someone look into this more deeply in a future video and feel free to DM me if you would like any further reference material I would be happy to help.
>completely ignores the beneficial effects on people already addicted to nicotine through smoking
"lets make them illegal because teens are using them, despite the fact that legal barriers to teens are already in place".
Shared on Myspace.
This is a good channel! Hope it really takes off.
Hey I’m a fan of y’all’s show and I’ve never vaped before. But it just seemed to me like you might have been showing your bias in this episode. It sounded like you strongly promote an abstinence only position. On the under tone though it seems like the common suspicion is correct that vaping isn’t as bad as smoking. Just an small observation. I still love the show and will continue to be a fan.
Sounds like the tobaco companies hating . Just like taxies vs. Uber. In both cases somebody came up with a better product , and the other is no longer able to dominate .
I really wish you noted just how much less exposure to toxic elements that former smokers get from vaping than from traditional cigarettes. In many cases it's as low at 1/400th or even 1/1000th. The British health governments found that vaping is about 95% less toxic than combustible cigarettes. There WAS a study that found elevated amounts of cadmium and chromium, but if you read the study you'll find that they used only 1 liter per minute airflow in their tests. Considering that a normal breathing rate is 6 liters per minute, you can assume that they were torching their coils and ramping up the heat much higher than what any vape user would do. It was misleading at best. Other than that, thanks for not being alarmist like a lot of other publications like to do.
Fun and informational. Keep up the good work!
"Wow" is my favorite vine right now! -Scratchy the Eagle
It's pretty good. Thanks for watching!
I prefer "Adam!" myself
This should be a thread of great vines. What’s your fav all time jackson?
My favourite is the ‘wow’ vine too
Yeah !! I lol young and smart ones !! Excellent job to ALL OF YOU 👏👏👏
Not once while vaping did I ever think it looks cool. The clouds are kinda neat, but I think it looks ridiculous. I do it because nicotine got it's hooks in me early on and cigarettes are just really gross and more expensive.
I keep telling me myself this is the last bottle of e-juice I'll buy, but quitting vaping is proving to be more difficult than quitting cigarettes was. There just aren't the same degree of rewards that quitting tobacco had. My clothes don't stink, I don't have the same cough, I can vape in my house, etc.
Normalization of vaping is largely from more and more people who are quitting smoking cigarettes. I know it's hilarious to clown on vaping but it's helping many people over 50 stop the life long habit (smoking cigarettes) that has been seriously killing them.
Vaping laws in my area are that only tobacco and Menthol flavor could be sold no fruit or custom flavors. However you could cross counties and cities to buy the frut and custom flavors. I find it ironic that there are marijuana dispensaries in my area however Vape smokers can't buy fruit and Custom flavor vapes. I find that to be hypocritical
Im from Argentina, im a heavy smoker and i succesfully managed to stop smoking for a while thanks to vaping as a replacement. I say for a while becouse i couldnt get more nicotine liquid since its ILLEGAL so i switched back to tobacco. The goverment says they want to stop people from smoking while at the same time making illegal the best method of leaving the cigarrette... why? well becouse they are either imcopetent or they love the insane amount of drug money they get via heavily taxed tobacco. Either way this sucks and i would love for these videos to focus more in how vaping its an excellent cure/alternative for cigarrette addiction.
As long as cigarettes aren't banned there is no wright to ban vaping. I don't call vaping safe but sure is less harmful. I've been vaping for 4 years with no issues
As a non smoker I think that even normal cigarettes shouldn't be banned. It's people's choice what they wanna do to their health
I live in WA. I think it should be up to individual choice. I tried it. I didn't care for it. If I want to smoke something, the little I smoke I might as well smoke the real thing.
"You might be thinking 'wait, hold up, why is vaping so popular in teens'?" Nah, I'm thinking who was that random that popped up 2 seconds ago?
to be completely honest, I found it difficult to believe that PBS could be mostly politically neutral when I heard about this channel, but after watching a few videos, it seems legit. Y'all really need to tone down the lame animation jokes though, its really the new "laugh track" for youtube videos. If you want to remain relevant, tone down the meme usage every 7 seconds. Love the videos.
Raleigh Cockerill thanks for the constructive feedback! #noted
Why does every wipe transition have a whip sound effect? It's annoying. I wonder about the demographic segmentation between chewers and vapers. I'd guess more rural kids chew than vape.
Thanks for the feedback on the transitions -- and...that's a good question for you to investigate and let us know what you find out. We're curious.
Vaping because its cool is stupid. I thought there was a chill effect.
i really like this different format! It's kinda cheesy, but in a good way! ^^
Vaping just started being in stores here in japan and i think the slogan for japan shouldn’t be land of the rising sun it should be the land where things take along time be popular but when it becomes popular it takes along time to become dead
You need to do real research before posting something like this. There are several decade long studies done in Europe regarding vaping and their effects on the body. Vaping has been found to be 95% safer than smoking. Also, studies in Europe have found that vaping isn't a gateway to smoking among teens. Vaping helped me stop smoking over 2 years ago and I did a lot of research before I started vaping. Please do further research of studies outside of the US that are independent and not funded by the tobacco companies in order to make vaping look like it's bad for you.
Serious WTF the point of calling without nicotine? I'm at the point I wish I never started smoking but why would you want to inhale posion for no benefit what so ever (the reason I want to quit the cost, health & money, way out weigh the miniscule benefits nicotine buzz that don't even feel)
Tbh I don’t vape to look cool and everyone In my school does it because of the advertising we thought it wouldn’t be bad then we got addicted
I'm much more open to Vaping. I wouldn't do it myself but at the very least it smells infinitely better than cigarettes. Where I live in LA you can't walk more than a few feet without hitting a wall of the worst smelling cigarette smoke imaginable.
I wish more popular drugs didn't involve exhaling the drug into the air. I don't mind folks doing it but I'd like to not be a part of their adventure.
Are smoke machines in clubs dangerous then?
I actually didn't know the age you can vape in California was 21. Everyone seems to just be vaping anyways.
I'm 19 and its ridiculous that we have to be 21 to vape... but my vape shop let's me buy vapes anyways lmao
I am a teenager and about 8 in 10 kids vape at my school I dont vape and i dont think it is good
Thanks for watching the episode! What did you think of our channel overall?
This video makes me want to try vape. My only drug of choice is coffee.
It takes a 5th grader to figure out what's inside a e liquid so why it takes us this long answer that question
How do you make a 6 minute video on vaping and not even MENTION smoking cessation? Most vapers are former smokers, not future ones. If PBS can't make an informative video without peppering in fear mongering and derisive opinions that boarder on bullying, I have little faith that anyone can.
Frraaanco we hear your feedback and point well taken. Our video is focused on the growing trend of teens vaping and trying to understand why it’s so popular with that demographic and potential health risks and benefits for them. Our research showed that very few high school students nowadays started vaping after smoking cigarettes.
Above The Noise Thanks for the reply! No reasonable person is for minors getting their hands on a vape. Maybe frame the conversation as 'What's the deal with teen vaping?'. Also, don't be shy to post references and links at the end, but please do try to entertain the other side of the argument. Multifaceted views are increasingly rare, and you might find them appreciated.
Thanks again. We do strive to represent multiple perspectives on all the topics we cover on the channel. Our series is a core part of an online platform for high school students to collaborate on their own research projects (KQED Learn) so while we want to reach a general audience, our target demo are educators and their students.
*cough*royal college of physicians*cough*
I smoke fresh air
sam and colby intro core
I've been brought here by IT'S OKAY TO BE SMART and I both enjoy the discovery and regret a all lot tha "funny" side to the show. It will prevent me to watch it.
So I’m watching this and I see a video of vaping
Why I'm a 9 year old who like history and stuff and remember a lot of flag name ;-;?
My irl friend don't know alot of countries I literally know alot of countries
2:42 Lovely. Just like an individual uncovering the meaningless of the universe.
Is it just me that find it funny BRAND
I'd like to hear what Neil Degrassi Tyson has to say about vaping 😂 just saw his master class ad
If you look up how much you die from secondhand smoke it's a big number I don't want that to happen why you don't want that to stop turn the stuff is bad I don't see it for myself it is pretty bad or we just
I came here from my teacher lol
nicotine delivery is nicotine delivery is nicotine delivery
Im sorry this video is informational but do not pretend that juice comes in bae and unicorn milk
VapeNaysh y'all!
E-juice do not have ThC what the hell you talking about
Lemme hit a juul bro