I think something just left me here and now. I’m on week 7 of repenting and praying and i was writing to Jesus and i felt something leave from my body especially from my arms and heart. Still have many demons to fight against but this just happened and i wanted to share it. Thank you bless all
I like to listen to the teaching at least once a week. The more I listen to it, the more it captivates me. This is more than just words, more than an idea, it's the whole new level of Life! The Life of Freeeeedom in Jesus!!!😀
Tack Torben du har inpirerat mig och du får mig komma närmare gud och jesus vara dag. Dina video är en lära från kristus genom den heliga anden gud velsigna dig Torben amen
I remember someone once explained it like this: Once we repent and are baptized to Christ we are set free.. the doors of our prison are thrown wide open for us to walk out and be a slave no more. But because we are to used to sinning, and it is so engrained in us.. we don’t walk out. We sit there in the prison of sin even though the door is wide open. We need to stand and walk out.. and live a free life in Christ.
This is very enlightening, churches goers and pastors have caused alot of confusion on these chapters, it's really upsetting, chruchianity teaches boondage to sin, Christ teaches freedom from sin
I was studying this very topic and Romans 7 and 8. I was having a spiritual struggle within myself and then my friend sent me this link. I have not been so blessed by a youtube video is such a long time. Torben. Thank yu so much. Praise God.
So true you need to be in a church who teaches the unadulterated Word of God, and spends time and disciples you so that you too “ Can KNOW the TRUTH and the truth will make you FREE.
@@sozozoe1 ... Reformations are for Rebels .. I'm a REVELATION MAN .. not some baby from a bible college called of self, a religion or grandpa .. there's some truth for ya .. EPHESIANS 4:11, JEREMIAH 1:5, ROMANS 2:29 .. Amen?..
Thank you my friend. Your personal testimony will clarify the idea that even after baptism in water many people still have not experienced freedom from sin. But, as in your life, when we read and understand the promise of baptism, we can accept and experience this freedom and life changing grace as God fully intended.
Your teaching changed my life 2 years back when i read your books sound doctrine, Are you a christian, Freedom from sin. My life changed drastically. I am free from the power of sin. I live a peaceful life full of gratitude towards Lord., I am an overcomer now. I can say i am living a life witnessing jesus. Thank you Torben. We love you. God be with you all the time.
Forgot to say that I did my baptism shortly after my conversion over 30 years ago, but only recently began speaking in tongues, still getting used to doing that. Very thankful for the gift! In His love & grace, Mary Ann USA
Thank you God and brother Torben for this message. Brother Torben I am so happy that you uploaded this video. This has helped me understand what i am going through right now. I was baptized by my own choosing the 2nd time when i was about 15 years old. The first time i was sprinkled on the head when i was a baby, so i don't really count that. After i had choosen to get baptized, I didn't feel any different and I couldn't figure out why. I too wanted to do the right thing for God, I loved God, but I kepted messaing up and struggled with sin and still do. I too was told that this was normal way of life as a Christian. Thank you for teaching me the Truth.
Torben, Thank you for this video. I find your teachings to be mind blowing. I feel like everything I have learned and experienced was all wrong, so distorted and so binding. I needed a renewing of the mind and a new infilling and these videos help...so very much. Just this morning I screamed at the top of my lungs, like a crazy person in my car because I felt still bound...even after being baptized by a TLR member. I feel like God brought this video to me so I could see and understand that I am free and no longer bound and that fear is a liar. Thank you for the revelation, God. I AM TRULY FREE.
This is the Kingdom of God in us He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,( Col 1:13) We are now under the Kingship of Jesus Christ 🙌🙌🙌
For me Holy Spirit showed me that it was understanding and faith that I needed. It is clear in scripture Jesus has broken my chains but I needed to believe/build up my faith that this is truth. After Holy Spirit led my into this understanding I got up and walked away.
Thank you for the obedience of you and your family. May our Father bless and keep you and give you wisdom in every situation. The harvest is ready, may the Father send more labourers to reap the harvest. We are keeping your family in prayer. One day we will see Jesus coming in Glory and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is God!..... Even those who spitefully persecute you now.
Reading the comments to a video gives a good understanding of the message of the video. The strong fixation at sin and how to be free from sin is the sign of legalism. In Christ we are righteous and by His imputed righteousness on us we are holy before God! Because it's not about our righteousness(which is like filthy rags but about HIS righteousness. If you understand that we are saved by grace through faith and that WE ARE righteousness in Christ you will not be oppressed by condemnation! There is no condemnation for us who are in Christ, so why continue to live under condemnation??? You are actually trying to be righteous by the law if you mean that YOU need to repent and YOU need to be obedient and YOU need to stop sinning. It's not about you but about JESUS. He has fulfilled the law for us and the only way to be saved is to trust in Him. If you do that YOU ARE righteousness and your works neither can add or remove anything to that fact!
wow such straight teaching against antinomianism (christian sinning lifestyle)! Sadly few follow this teaching yet which is cause of so much Gospel distortion. So encouraging to hear you speak out boldy on the issue especially among the healing movement circles.
Torben teaches that we can ALL help each other; healing with touching hands, coming out from sin,....and being reborn. Our individual lives are not in our control without Jesus....we all need Jesus....not any other thing or God....for there is no other God...the father of Jesus Christ. I ask everyone here to pray for me....."Frank".....God knows me...you don't need to know "exactly who I am" as a mere man...but your prayers will collectively help ME,...as a man asking for help via your prayers...then my strength can grow...and I can help others too.
This is the truth! When I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, God started telling me to read the Bible every day. Four months later, He told me to go be baptized. I had been baptized in the Baptist church at age 12 with no repentance. Romans 6 is crucial, and those I have baptized I have told to read Romans 6-8 over and over until they get it. I think I am going to be baptizing a young woman who grew up Catholic today who grew up Catholic, and got baptized in a Baptist church at age 10, but she stayed in sins of fornication, idolatry of her children and money and anger. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Thank you Jesus.
Thanks Torben. Great teaching on this. I was baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost 6 1/2 months later but have run into a wall for a couple of years. I don't really know what happened to me. Please pray for me that God will restore me.
+Harald Haslerud Emmanuel (God with us) is a term that disappears after Jesus rose from the dead. The new phrase is , "Christ IN you your hope of glory'. Him, living His life through the born again person. Shalom
I don't agree. I believe his name was emmanuel. His function on earth. That through him with will be with the most high. The letter J was not inveted before 1700s so I know that name cannot be Jesus. But a hebrew name like Immanuel( Ahmanwaahla)
Allow me to start by saying may God bless everyone who teaches freedom from sin. There is freedom. That is what Christ came to do Daniel 9:24. he has finished the transgression and made an end to sin. Though it is through crucifiction with Christ Galatians 2:20. Our old man is crucified with him Romans 6:6. for this is what we preach Christ crucified 1 Corinthians 1:23. And the flesh is crucified Galatians 5:24 and the world is crucified to me as well Galatians 6:14. At this point we no longer walk in flesh but walk in the Spirit. so living in the spirit we also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:16-25
Thank you brother, this is the truth. Yes we have to live, we can live, we live free from sin. For our Heavenly Father gives us to live outside the sin by faith in Jesus sacrifice. Jesus not only died to forgive our sins but to get us out of sin. Let us not follow the whole congregation who is mocking us when proclaiming it ! We have to follow our God, not people. Whatever it costs. Even though we remain alone. Is it not a blessing to be persecuted for our God ? The greatest blessings are experienced while persecuted. Blessed be His Name !
I am in the same situation, especially when it comes to obey God and faithfully preach the gospel without fear especially if doing it is about doing it alone .
@@JiminyCricket57 Thank you. I went and read it. Also, this morning, I wrote that every day is an opportunity to get right. Opportunity, a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Amen .
@@helenholdsworth6407 ... This is a nice little read too Helen .. from a fellow Minister of mine, one that I reckon blows the wings of every OSAS - Living in Known Sin Plane in the World .. Amen?.. MATTHEW 1:21 .. www.fireandhammer.com/freedom.htm ..
True brother. You r right. Sin will be there in our life. And everytime the sinful nature provokes you which is called as temptation, you can overcome/conquer it, for we are given the holy spirit, the spirit of love, power and self control. The sin in our body will be gone with our physical death. Until then we gotta fight and overcome it. This is how we overcome.
I'm just now, finally !! having a REAL relationship with JESUS, I read the bible daily, I pray from deep in my heart, BUT..I have no family who are religious. I have no friends who are religious. I want to go to church, I so badly want to get baptized! I don't know what exactly to do, I feel as if I'm doing this all on my own , With Jesus. He's the only one whose answers my prayers, my questions, if I don't understand something, I'll pray about it. What you talked about in this video , is what I'm experiencing! I feel so condemned more and more ~every time I sin. I feel the same, as you said.."Like, what's wrong with me?" I just don't feel good about myself...I'm struggling with this..so, I'm very interested in getting baptized and hopefully I too can feel free as you are.
Brother, read his books Freedom from sin and Sound doctrine. Try to understand what Romans 6,7,8 tells us. Torben teaches romans 6,7,8 like no one else in the booklet called Freedom from Sin, freely downloadable from his website. It changed my life.
I love this man's teaching. when I was without Christ and was sitting the first time in a church I tried arguing with God about accepting Jesus. Knowing nothing about Jesus and only knowing that God is and nothing more; I was assuming that was all. Knowing God is was enough? I did not even think about salvation, salvation from what? Spirit, heaven, hell, prayer, sin,holieness, repentance, etc. what was all that, never even heard those words. Boy, did I find out, just knowing that God is real is not enough. Even satan, a third of the angel's who fell, and demons know the reality of God, and where are they? Choose, to learn, believe, and trust not only in the existance of God but, in the message, the word, and go to a library and read real accounts of people who lived during the time of Jesus, the Christ(annointed) of God.
Amen....great and powerfull...God desire for us to be Saints and not siners....Trough Jesus Christ we are made the rightceousness of God In Christ Jesus....And because we beleive in Him we become rightcheous...and now because we are back in the nature of God....we are not longer desire to sin....we are free from it!! We have to be baptised into Jesus to become free from sin....And afther receiving the Holy Spirit can have victory over temptations and so on....We are free brothers and sisters!!! Holy blamles saints...son and doughters...priests and kings...Thats Good mesage from God. Becoming like Him again...thats love and mercy. Glory to the most High God!!!
Wow this is exactly what I have been facing in my life now. Thank you Torbin for this message i always wanted to be free from the bondage of sinew in my life but somehow I couldn't i always want to do the right this but I does the wrong things the then i ask God to forgive me and after a few weeks or months and i fall again and sometimes I wonder if I am truly saved. Deep inside me hate!!! Sin but fall into things that just can't believe I've done. I've always wanted to know what it really means to be free from the bondage of sin. Thank you very much this video helped me. God bless!!
thanks Torbin for a great teaching. if you could pray for me, that I have the break thru that I know you have and is available to everyone.... I'm a returning combat soldier from Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm broken in so many ways that I need help. thanks for all your doing, eternity will show it. Daniel from Brighton, Michigan USA.
Hi Dan, my name is Chris from The Last Reformation. I would love to suggest going on thelastreformation.com and connecting with local people on the map. I actually had a kickstart weekend in Lansing and there are a lot of people on fire to grow and help others. I would even suggest a guy named Sam Squires to you. God bless and thank you for your service.
Thanks Chris, Sam Squires got ahold of me and we're going to meet soon maybe have lunch. I'm excited to have what I read in Word in my life. I'm already a new creation, but need others who think the same as I believe. Thanks for the follow-up. Dan
@@isanna6075 I've been good mostly. I don't post often, just when I really have something to say or have a question. God is so very good to all of us! Peace!
I know Christians (including myself) been water baptized, but living in all types of sins. I totally agree on the law of gravity analogy, but I believe only way I can be free from law of sin is total calling out to God to set me free from my bondage of sin. I still fall, and if I say I am totally free from all sins, I am a big liar.
+primetime0104 you will never be fully walking a sinless life because sins begin and are counted from our thought life, but the longer and further we walk in faith, according to the spirit, resting on the Lord as our strength fighting off temptations and doubts, overcoming sicknesses and ailments because we believe he is our healer, not worrying when we experience times of hunger or financial difficulty because he is our provider and holding onto his promise in faith he will provide...we will increasingly become overcomers. So as the song says 'Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you, I am not afraid, I am not ashamed, because I'm walking in faith and victory, because I'm walking in faith and victory, for the lord my god is with me!' we will stumble at times but we will not be ruled by our lusts; no more bondage to gossiping, to slander, to jealousy, to coveting, fornication, drugs, pompousness and arrogance - we are free to walk in the power of his love. If we still walk a life dominated by these chains of bondage then we need to admit to the Lord we need his strength, his wisdom and his holiness to purify our minds and lift us out of these sins. Daily. If we seek the fruits of his spirit in prayer, as we begin our day, and ask for his wisdom to direct our path and guard our mouths, and if we believe in faith he will provide these spiritual gifts then HE WILL. And we WILL grow. And when he returns we will have fully oiled lamps. Pretty exciting and comforting to know none of this requires our effort and just our resting on Him :-).
Well, I don't quite believe water baptism is what immediately allows someone to escape bondage to their sins...it's the start and yes there will be initial release but...that freedom from sins bondage, on the thought level of sin especially, is one that's pretty gradual. Simply because from the point of water baptism we receive the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit has to reveal things to us, correcting and setting our paths straight. In a way it liberates us from the fear of making mistakes because we know we can and will hear his voice to tell us where to go, who and what to avoid to steer us from temptations and will also remind us of The Word that has been stored in our hearts, to comfort and lift us up when we do fall. So, in the sense water baptism does immediately free us from the bondage of fear and condemnation because we are reassured in recieving His Spirit who gradually moulds us...but doesn't mean we'll be instant overcomers from our sins. I'm not the best at saying what I mean but hopefully this communicates my opinion clear enough lol
We are all different I guess! Just as your short reply hints but doesn't really communicate anything clear, I know my point could be shorter...but at this point I do not quite know how to condense it lol.
thanks for this good teaching! For me everything happend backwards. I was not babtised in water either holy spirit. then suddenly i got free from porn addiction by a prophetic word. i then understood what is the freedom from sin. i then started to learn more and soon got babtised of the holy spirit, thungs etc. got freedom to go out and tell others. then later on i understood what waterbabtism is i also wanted to be babtised in water. The devil was angry about that waterbabtism i can tell you.
Excellent teaching & so important , you explained it in a very simple way that anyone can understand. Its December, I do hope the movie trailer will be out very soon, would love to see it. God Bless You brother, we love & support ya ~
A great video teaching on the truth of the gospel of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes baptism is essential and always happens immediately after repentance and deciding to follow Jesus forevermore and being filled with the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to fill us with His Holy now that we have been washed by the blood of Jesus.Its so important that the people that are baptizing us know the real meaning of baptism and that they people being baptized are set free from the oppression of the devil. All blessings in Jesus name from Ireland. Baptism like the Lords Supper is not symbolic or ritualistic but we’re being initiated into Christ Jesus body and are participating in Jesus body and blood.
You are not saying that we are now sinless are you? I was always taught that as you grow in Christ, you, over time will sin less and less BUT never become sinless in this life. Looking forward to hearing your response. Your sister-in-Christ, Mary Ann USA
+angelathisfeet I think he made it clear that Christians are not to keep falling back into the same sins. one week free and the next week you are controlled by that sin. That is not the freedom Jesus promised. He is not preaching sinless perfection but he is definitely sharing a freedom from the "slavery" of sin.
+The Last Reformation ...Yes I wrote before finishing the entire video sorry about that. My issue has been on and off for many years now, the sin of gluttony. I will watch this again and will definitely read Romans over & over. I know I will have victory, prayers appreciated. Thank you!
+angelathisfeet If you want prayer for this... if you go to the map at TheLastRformation.com and see if there is someone you can meet up with near to you.
I want to get baptized in the water but I do not can on my own self... Man if someone I know here where can help me .. to baptised in the water I will go to him!...
I experienced that freedom.. that revelation.. being washed completely clean from sin.. being completely forgiven and free.. happiest and best moment in my Life.. but I was not baptized in water... it just happened.. under the shower.. was this the baptism?
The law was not made for the righteous, to stop being a slave unto sin, but to be a slave unto God’s righteousness, there by being in holiness. Then by being persecuted we are then perfected in God, as we are the son of God.
I see a lot of comments disputing water baptism and freedom from sin. Torben I believe is not comparing Jesus blood shed on the cross for the sins of the world to water baptism. The blood saves, the water washes, receive the revelation on the true meaning of baptism, Romans 6 and freedom to not sin. Jesus set us free and gave us the authority over sin so we no longer fall to it: Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
The only way this teaching works is to lower the standard of the law. After studying the 10 commandments suddenly I realised it's utterly possible to perfectly fulfil the law. All the holiness people I speak with tend to have a very supercial understanding of the law.
Thank you brother God gave you the Good example of law of gravity. I was looking this truth too even I am not believing sin when you come to Jesus Christ! If we people are continue with sins how they can be Christ like, Thank you , Thank you
Isn't Torben teaching the principles of Baptismal Regeneration, relating the baptism in waters with freedom from sin? Isn't this wrong according to 1 Peter 3:21, where says that baptism in waters is *not* about the filth of the flesh but about our conscience towards God? I'm not saying, of course, that unregenerated people, non believers, people without the salvific faith, people without the Holy Spirit, and so on, can be freed from sin, but i'm saying that baptism in waters doesn't grant freedom from sin *BY ITSELF*. What grants us freedom from sin is repentance and the work of the Holy Spirit. God bless
Maybe what it means is that from repentance and seeing we do not have correct conscience toward God we should be baptised in water so to show to God in obedience we want our conscience set straight.
@Mark 16:17 Miracle Ministries Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works.” Biblically speaking, there is nothing we can do to earn salvation besides choosing to receive the grace that God gave us by believing in Him.
@@lexricci4140 So correct. We cannot boast. Neither "repentence from sin" our "obedience" can save us. All this talk is a way to hide that it's about works salvation. God's standard is perfection and no one of us can be enough obedient or repentent. Our righteousness is like filthy rags and we need to trust in God's grace. Through faith He imputes His righteousness on us!
Anyone who say they no longer sin at all......have just sinned by telling lies. Can anyone of you say to me you havent ever sinned since being reborn. Somehow i dont think one of you can make this claim.
so i got filled with the spirit a year before I got baptized. How do I know? I quit heroin and selling heroin on the spot and started telling my friends about Jesus. They were freaked out. A bunch of Church of Christ people told me I was not free from sin cause I hadnt gotten baptized. I didnt sweat it and I did get baptized cause I think its biblical. I dont speak in tongues or heal people but I did move the entire way across the world to preach the gospel in China and I did receive the spiritual gift of Chinese which for me is more useful than tongues cause English is tongues enough for the Chinese. A bunch of super spiritual Christians think Im not spiritual enough, but I dont sweat it. I just keep preaching the gospel which makes dead people rise from the grave. It's spiritual enough for me. Faith and grace come from a relationship with your Creator not some formula or ritual. Everyone is trying to define salvation. God's not interested in formulas or sequences of events. Jesus just wants your heart. Believe in Christ and dont let people look down on your for your faith cause it doesn't fit their formula. Know the Word and talk to God in prayer it will bring you great confidence and strength in your salvation and keep you from false teaching.
4:37 somebody who was very alcoholic before, says (i am free to not drink anymore) and its very true when you depend the something, you can't say i am free to not doing this, you are slave for this things.
angelathisfeet, yes we can and should be sinless now. Abraham was Zecharias and his wife "were both righteous before God" (Luke 1:6), Job: “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” (Job 1:1), the Apostle Paul "touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” (Philippians 3:6b). Torben is living free from sin and so am I. Here is how I do it.First, I stay attached to the Lord 24/7/365. I allow NO SPACE for the world to enter between me and Jesus. I take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE. I allow no little thoughts to slip into my head. I catch all thoughts immediately and set them on the scale of scripture and the love of God. If it is not pure and just and holy then I immediately get rid of it. Allow nothing but that which is pure and just and holy imto your thoughts.I SET NOTHING BEFORE MY EYES, EARS, NOSE, SOUL, SPIRIT, AND LIFE that is not holy and pleasing to God. I control what goes into my eyes and ears. This means I purposefully and actively stay away from anyone and everything that takes me away from holiness. This means that I do not follow Facebook friends who post things not pleasing to God. I have nothing in my house or my life that I cannot lift up to God (either physically or symbolically(if the item is too large to lift)) and praise God and proclaim His holiness. If I cannot praise God and speak of His holiness when I am holding that item, then I throw that thing out of my life. Now, I am not a recluse and not living in a cave. I live in a large city and love and interact with everyone. What I am saying is to follow the bible, be led by the spirit, and live holy lives as God intended. It begins with realizing we are "set free from sin." Free From Sin - ScripturesJesus has set us free from the sin nature. Romans 6:7Romans 6:18Romans 6:221 John 3:61 John 3:91 John 5:18Matthew 5:481 John 4:17Job 1:1Job 33:9John 5:14John 14:21John 14:23John 8:111 Corinthians 10:131 Corinthians 15:34Galatians 5:16Philippians 3:62 Corinthians 11:3John 8:34Romans 6:6-7For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin- because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. (Romans 6:6-7)Romans 6:18You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. (Romans 6:18)Romans 6:22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. (Romans 6:22)1 John 3:6No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. (1 John 3:6)1 John 3:9No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. (1 John 3:9)1 John 5:18We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them. (1 John 5:18)Matthew 5:48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48)1 John 4:17This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. (1 John 4:17)Job 1:1In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. (Job 1:1)Job 33:9‘I am pure, I have done no wrong; I am clean and free from sin. (Job 33:9)Philippians 3:6as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.(Philippians 3:6)John 5:14Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” (John 5:14)John 8:11bJesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:3, 11)1 Corinthians 10:13No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)1 Corinthians 15:34“Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.” (I Corinthians 15:34)Galatians 5:16,17So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. (Galatians 5:16-17)2 Corinthians 11:3But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3)John 8:34“Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.”In Jesus' holy and freedom giving name, Amen. Marshall
+gjdude1 Cannot agree with being sinless in this life, to sin less & less but not able to be totally sinless this side of heaven. Marshall...I am assuming that you are male...do you pluck & throw out your eye when you lust at the opposite sex? We will never be sinless until we are with our LORD. By the way, one of my favorite verses (I have many) is Gal. 2:20 All glory to God alone. May God's blessings be upon you brother. In His grip forever, Mary Ann
+angelathisfeet The Bridegroom comes for a spot-free bride. Our Heavenly Father will not allow sin in His Holy presence. We must repent and turn from our evil ways embracing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be baptized in water for the remission of sin and then baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Lord will try us and refine us, so that we may be made perfect. Once I have repented and been baptized, I am now spot-free. God bless Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4
YES! ‘The second man is the Lord from heaven’ (1Cor.15:47 KJV), therefor, not only being in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost could reign over all spirititual wickedness, but also today, in your and my flesh, He surely is capable to do the same! Knowing this, and after I repented, have been baptised in water and with the Holy Spitit, by that Power from Onhigh, I can withstand and overcome the attacks of demons, lying at the ‘door’ of my ‘live house’, trying to enter. (Gen.4:7) Everytime, depending on the holy Ghost I come out stronger as the winner, because the Lord Jesus Christ gave me His enduring grace in my weakness. First, He showed me great grace by forgiving me all my guilt, I collected myself in my old existense, by sinning as a slave working for the devil! Then, secondly, the Lord even showed me more grace, when a repended to Jesus, He gave me in Matt.3:15 His example of baptism to follow, then He gave me the holy Spirit of God. Now I can pray and sing in new tongues, Hallelujah! This is what Scripture tells us that our heavenly Father the Allmighty God gives His obedience children ‘grace for grace’ (Joh.1:16) I could also say, He gave me His Holy Ghost, after He gave me amnesty! And now, with this Power of God in us, we can final overcome all sin attacking us. Glory to Jesus Christ, because of Him the law of gravity to sin no longer exists for us, who also ‘live in heaven’. (Joh.3:13) God bless you my brother and sister! Frits
I want to cry how much this has meant to me
I think something just left me here and now. I’m on week 7 of repenting and praying and i was writing to Jesus and i felt something leave from my body especially from my arms and heart. Still have many demons to fight against but this just happened and i wanted to share it. Thank you bless all
Hi Marleen, if you need any prayers, let me know
I like to listen to the teaching at least once a week. The more I listen to it, the more it captivates me. This is more than just words, more than an idea, it's the whole new level of Life! The Life of Freeeeedom in Jesus!!!😀
Tack Torben du har inpirerat mig och du får mig komma närmare gud och jesus vara dag. Dina video är en lära från kristus genom den heliga anden gud velsigna dig Torben amen
I remember someone once explained it like this: Once we repent and are baptized to Christ we are set free.. the doors of our prison are thrown wide open for us to walk out and be a slave no more. But because we are to used to sinning, and it is so engrained in us.. we don’t walk out. We sit there in the prison of sin even though the door is wide open. We need to stand and walk out.. and live a free life in Christ.
Profound analogy right there, brother. Thank you!
Wow! That's beautiful! Thank you and God bless you!!
Amen brother. You are right. I walked out of it 2 years ago. And i am free now enjoying the peace that Jesus gives.
Thank you! That's a great analogy.
This is very enlightening, churches goers and pastors have caused alot of confusion on these chapters, it's really upsetting, chruchianity teaches boondage to sin, Christ teaches freedom from sin
I was studying this very topic and Romans 7 and 8. I was having a spiritual struggle within myself and then my friend sent me this link. I have not been so blessed by a youtube video is such a long time. Torben. Thank yu so much. Praise God.
BACK IN 2004 .. interesting indeed .. www.fireandhammer.com/oneforthesmokers.htm .. Enjoy the truth the Christ .. Amen?
So true you need to be in a church who teaches the unadulterated Word of God, and spends time and disciples you so that you too “ Can KNOW the TRUTH and the truth will make you FREE.
@@sozozoe1 ... Reformations are for Rebels .. I'm a REVELATION MAN .. not some baby from a bible college called of self, a religion or grandpa .. there's some truth for ya .. EPHESIANS 4:11, JEREMIAH 1:5, ROMANS 2:29 .. Amen?..
@@sozozoe1 .. The truth/Jesus will never set anyone FREE till they DO .. ABIDE, LIVE IN the Truth .. JOHN 8:30-33, JOHN 14:21-24 .. Amen?..
Amen! This is a great teaching. I needed to hear this! God bless you Brother Torben and I look forward to seeing more!
Thank you my friend. Your personal testimony will clarify the idea that even after baptism in water many people still have not experienced freedom from sin. But, as in your life, when we read and understand the promise of baptism, we can accept and experience this freedom and life changing grace as God fully intended.
Your teaching changed my life 2 years back when i read your books sound doctrine, Are you a christian, Freedom from sin. My life changed drastically. I am free from the power of sin. I live a peaceful life full of gratitude towards Lord., I am an overcomer now. I can say i am living a life witnessing jesus. Thank you Torben. We love you. God be with you all the time.
What changed?
And what is sin to you?
Forgot to say that I did my baptism shortly after my conversion over 30 years ago, but only recently began speaking in tongues, still getting used to doing that. Very thankful for the gift! In His love & grace, Mary Ann USA
Thank you God and brother Torben for this message. Brother Torben I am so happy that you uploaded this video. This has helped me understand what i am going through right now. I was baptized by my own choosing the 2nd time when i was about 15 years old. The first time i was sprinkled on the head when i was a baby, so i don't really count that. After i had choosen to get baptized, I didn't feel any different and I couldn't figure out why. I too wanted to do the right thing for God, I loved God, but I kepted messaing up and struggled with sin and still do. I too was told that this was normal way of life as a Christian. Thank you for teaching me the Truth.
Thank you for explaining this so plainly!
Baptism in Jesus name is for everyone who believes!!
Hallelujah Jesus!
Torben, Thank you for this video. I find your teachings to be mind blowing. I feel like everything I have learned and experienced was all wrong, so distorted and so binding. I needed a renewing of the mind and a new infilling and these videos help...so very much. Just this morning I screamed at the top of my lungs, like a crazy person in my car because I felt still bound...even after being baptized by a TLR member. I feel like God brought this video to me so I could see and understand that I am free and no longer bound and that fear is a liar. Thank you for the revelation, God. I AM TRULY FREE.
This is the Kingdom of God in us
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,( Col 1:13)
We are now under the Kingship of Jesus Christ 🙌🙌🙌
I needed this message today!!
Praise Jesus💖🙏💖🙏
For me Holy Spirit showed me that it was understanding and faith that I needed. It is clear in scripture Jesus has broken my chains but I needed to believe/build up my faith that this is truth. After Holy Spirit led my into this understanding I got up and walked away.
Thank you for the obedience of you and your family. May our Father bless and keep you and give you wisdom in every situation. The harvest is ready, may the Father send more labourers to reap the harvest. We are keeping your family in prayer. One day we will see Jesus coming in Glory and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is God!..... Even those who spitefully persecute you now.
Thank you Torben, amazing teaching!
Praise God for this deep revelation!
It is so simple. Great teaching!!
You are such a safe place for me dude. What you preach is so wise and you have no idea how much this helps my walk with Christ.
relationship with Jesus is amazing, He set me free, Jesus walk with me, lead my may. Haleluyah
Thank you Torben! I needed to hear this so desperately today! I'll read Romans 6 and ask to God for revelation!
Glory be to God thank you God for giving me revelatiob through brother torben and brother torben God bless you
I am so glad I round your RUclips. Thank you God. God is great.
Reading the comments to a video gives a good understanding of the message of the video.
The strong fixation at sin and how to be free from sin is the sign of legalism. In Christ we are righteous and by His imputed righteousness on us we are holy before God! Because it's not about our righteousness(which is like filthy rags but about HIS righteousness. If you understand that we are saved by grace through faith and that WE ARE righteousness in Christ you will not be oppressed by condemnation!
There is no condemnation for us who are in Christ, so why continue to live under condemnation???
You are actually trying to be righteous by the law if you mean that YOU need to repent and YOU need to be obedient and YOU need to stop sinning. It's not about you but about JESUS. He has fulfilled the law for us and the only way to be saved is to trust in Him. If you do that YOU ARE righteousness and your works neither can add or remove anything to that fact!
Amen! And I would heartily recommend this video to all brothers and sisters: ruclips.net/video/tR6QmoFNCHo/видео.html
Awesome Teaching! I have experienced this first hand.
wow such straight teaching against antinomianism (christian sinning lifestyle)! Sadly few follow this teaching yet which is cause of so much Gospel distortion. So encouraging to hear you speak out boldy on the issue especially among the healing movement circles.
This was me til yesterday,testomany coming soon God is faithfull and will do what he says he will amen.
BACK IN 2004 .. interesting indeed .. www.fireandhammer.com/oneforthesmokers.htm .. Enjoy the truth the Christ .. Amen?
I just love your teaching Torben... Thank you so much.
Thank you, that was refreshing. God bless.
Torben teaches that we can ALL help each other; healing with touching hands, coming out from sin,....and being reborn.
Our individual lives are not in our control without Jesus....we all need Jesus....not any other thing or God....for there is no other God...the father of Jesus Christ.
I ask everyone here to pray for me....."Frank".....God knows me...you don't need to know "exactly who I am" as a mere man...but your prayers will collectively help ME,...as a man asking for help via your prayers...then my strength can grow...and I can help others too.
Hang in there my brother in Christ. Keep going and do not give Frank. God hears your prayers.
God bless you, Frank. I have prayed. How have you been doing since you posted?
This is the truth! When I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, God started telling me to read the Bible every day. Four months later, He told me to go be baptized. I had been baptized in the Baptist church at age 12 with no repentance. Romans 6 is crucial, and those I have baptized I have told to read Romans 6-8 over and over until they get it. I think I am going to be baptizing a young woman who grew up Catholic today who grew up Catholic, and got baptized in a Baptist church at age 10, but she stayed in sins of fornication, idolatry of her children and money and anger. Who the Son sets free is free indeed! Thank you Jesus.
Did the baptism today. Oh happy, happy day. Delieverance from spirit of fear and spirit of rejection.
I mis you brother. God bless you.
God bless you🙏❤️
Thanks Torben. Great teaching on this. I was baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost 6 1/2 months later but have run into a wall for a couple of years. I don't really know what happened to me. Please pray for me that God will restore me.
amazing grace we have in Jesus
Torben, I pray in immanuel's name that strength and blessings will come upon this movement( back to the roots)
+Harald Haslerud Emmanuel (God with us) is a term that disappears after Jesus rose from the dead. The new phrase is , "Christ IN you your hope of glory'. Him, living His life through the born again person. Shalom
I don't agree. I believe his name was emmanuel. His function on earth. That through him with will be with the most high. The letter J was not inveted before 1700s so I know that name cannot be Jesus. But a hebrew name like Immanuel( Ahmanwaahla)
You see that Ahman is also in his name. The same as Amen, just in hebrew.
Yeshua is the name in hebrews
Thank you for this great message! God Bless you!!!
Allow me to start by saying may God bless everyone who teaches freedom from sin. There is freedom. That is what Christ came to do Daniel 9:24. he has finished the transgression and made an end to sin. Though it is through crucifiction with Christ Galatians 2:20. Our old man is crucified with him Romans 6:6. for this is what we preach Christ crucified 1 Corinthians 1:23. And the flesh is crucified Galatians 5:24 and the world is crucified to me as well Galatians 6:14. At this point we no longer walk in flesh but walk in the Spirit. so living in the spirit we also walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5:16-25
Thank you brother, this is the truth. Yes we have to live, we can live, we live free from sin. For our Heavenly Father gives us to live outside the sin by faith in Jesus sacrifice. Jesus not only died to forgive our sins but to get us out of sin. Let us not follow the whole congregation who is mocking us when proclaiming it ! We have to follow our God, not people. Whatever it costs. Even though we remain alone. Is it not a blessing to be persecuted for our God ? The greatest blessings are experienced while persecuted. Blessed be His Name !
God bless u! I broke with almost all my sins!
I am in the same situation, especially when it comes to obey God and faithfully preach the gospel without fear especially if doing it is about doing it alone .
God bless you! Brilliant
At the end you became very clear.
thank you Torben for this revelation.Stay bless brother
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us." - 1 John 1:8
Yes, only in Christ by His to us imputed righteousness we can be counted as sinfree!
BACK IN 2004 .. interesting indeed .. www.fireandhammer.com/oneforthesmokers.htm .. Enjoy the truth the Christ .. Amen?
@@JiminyCricket57 Thank you. I went and read it. Also, this morning, I wrote that every day is an opportunity to get right. Opportunity, a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. Amen .
@@helenholdsworth6407 ... This is a nice little read too Helen .. from a fellow Minister of mine, one that I reckon blows the wings of every OSAS - Living in Known Sin Plane in the World .. Amen?.. MATTHEW 1:21 .. www.fireandhammer.com/freedom.htm ..
True brother. You r right. Sin will be there in our life. And everytime the sinful nature provokes you which is called as temptation, you can overcome/conquer it, for we are given the holy spirit, the spirit of love, power and self control. The sin in our body will be gone with our physical death. Until then we gotta fight and overcome it. This is how we overcome.
I'm just now, finally !! having a REAL relationship with JESUS, I read the bible daily, I pray from deep in my heart, BUT..I have no family who are religious. I have no friends who are religious. I want to go to church, I so badly want to get baptized! I don't know what exactly to do, I feel as if I'm doing this all on my own , With Jesus. He's the only one whose answers my prayers, my questions, if I don't understand something, I'll pray about it. What you talked about in this video , is what I'm experiencing! I feel so condemned more and more ~every time I sin. I feel the same, as you said.."Like, what's wrong with me?" I just don't feel good about myself...I'm struggling with this..so, I'm very interested in getting baptized and hopefully I too can feel free as you are.
How are you doing now?!
Desiree Peterson begin to pray for the lord to lead you to truth and a church of Jesus amen
Dam you got my attention torben. May God bless you, I struggle with certain areas in my life and I want that freedom so much 😭 pray for me
Brother, read his books Freedom from sin and Sound doctrine. Try to understand what Romans 6,7,8 tells us. Torben teaches romans 6,7,8 like no one else in the booklet called Freedom from Sin, freely downloadable from his website. It changed my life.
I love this man's teaching. when I was without Christ and was sitting the first time in a church I tried arguing with God about accepting Jesus. Knowing nothing about Jesus and only knowing that God is and nothing more; I was assuming that was all. Knowing God is was enough? I did not even think about salvation, salvation from what? Spirit, heaven, hell, prayer, sin,holieness, repentance, etc. what was all that, never even heard those words. Boy, did I find out, just knowing that God is real is not enough. Even satan, a third of the angel's who fell, and demons know the reality of God, and where are they? Choose, to learn, believe, and trust not only in the existance of God but, in the message, the word, and go to a library and read real accounts of people who lived during the time of Jesus, the Christ(annointed) of God.
BACK IN 2004 .. interesting indeed .. www.fireandhammer.com/oneforthesmokers.htm .. Enjoy the truth the Christ .. Amen?
Tom, thank you for this teaching :) I was in freedom, but i know this will help others to come in freedom what Jesus give to us :)
Blessing to you brother
Thank you so much I needed to hear this ❤️I desire to follow Jesus and I desire my family to as well❤️💕🥰
I feel this is for me
Thank you for this teaching
Amen....great and powerfull...God desire for us to be Saints and not siners....Trough Jesus Christ we are made the rightceousness of God In Christ Jesus....And because we beleive in Him we become rightcheous...and now because we are back in the nature of God....we are not longer desire to sin....we are free from it!! We have to be baptised into Jesus to become free from sin....And afther receiving the Holy Spirit can have victory over temptations and so on....We are free brothers and sisters!!! Holy blamles saints...son and doughters...priests and kings...Thats Good mesage from God. Becoming like Him again...thats love and mercy. Glory to the most High God!!!
Wow this is exactly what I have been facing in my life now. Thank you Torbin for this message i always wanted to be free from the bondage of sinew in my life but somehow I couldn't i always want to do the right this but I does the wrong things the then i ask God to forgive me and after a few weeks or months and i fall again and sometimes I wonder if I am truly saved. Deep inside me hate!!! Sin but fall into things that just can't believe I've done. I've always wanted to know what it really means to be free from the bondage of sin.
Thank you very much this video helped me. God bless!!
Btw... I love you videos and I'm here all the way in ARUBA
+Roy McDowell
Would you please post back and give testimony, once you have been water baptized, if that act has set you free from sin or not?
Hello, how are you right now? ☺
dont stop teaching us sir outstanding job you our saving my soul bless you in the name of jesus
Great teaching,thank you for it ,God bless you
thanks Torbin for a great teaching. if you could pray for me, that I have the break thru that I know you have and is available to everyone.... I'm a returning combat soldier from Iraq and Afghanistan, I'm broken in so many ways that I need help. thanks for all your doing, eternity will show it. Daniel from Brighton, Michigan USA.
Hi Dan, my name is Chris from The Last Reformation. I would love to suggest going on thelastreformation.com and connecting with local people on the map. I actually had a kickstart weekend in Lansing and there are a lot of people on fire to grow and help others. I would even suggest a guy named Sam Squires to you. God bless and thank you for your service.
Thanks Chris, Sam Squires got ahold of me and we're going to meet soon maybe have lunch. I'm excited to have what I read in Word in my life. I'm already a new creation, but need others who think the same as I believe. Thanks for the follow-up.
@@bulldozer7656 How is everything going now mate? It's been a couple of years since you last posted...
@@isanna6075 I've been good mostly. I don't post often, just when I really have something to say or have a question. God is so very good to all of us! Peace!
@@bulldozer7656 That's great to hear man.
God bless you
Amen brother 🙏👌
I know Christians (including myself) been water baptized, but living in all types of sins. I totally agree on the law of gravity analogy, but I believe only way I can be free from law of sin is total calling out to God to set me free from my bondage of sin. I still fall, and if I say I am totally free from all sins, I am a big liar.
+primetime0104 you will never be fully walking a sinless life because sins begin and are counted from our thought life, but the longer and further we walk in faith, according to the spirit, resting on the Lord as our strength fighting off temptations and doubts, overcoming sicknesses and ailments because we believe he is our healer, not worrying when we experience times of hunger or financial difficulty because he is our provider and holding onto his promise in faith he will provide...we will increasingly become overcomers. So as the song says 'Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you, I am not afraid, I am not ashamed, because I'm walking in faith and victory, because I'm walking in faith and victory, for the lord my god is with me!' we will stumble at times but we will not be ruled by our lusts; no more bondage to gossiping, to slander, to jealousy, to coveting, fornication, drugs, pompousness and arrogance - we are free to walk in the power of his love. If we still walk a life dominated by these chains of bondage then we need to admit to the Lord we need his strength, his wisdom and his holiness to purify our minds and lift us out of these sins. Daily. If we seek the fruits of his spirit in prayer, as we begin our day, and ask for his wisdom to direct our path and guard our mouths, and if we believe in faith he will provide these spiritual gifts then HE WILL. And we WILL grow. And when he returns we will have fully oiled lamps. Pretty exciting and comforting to know none of this requires our effort and just our resting on Him :-).
Still Dre
thanks for the lengthy encouragement, but it does not relate to the subject matter. Subject matter is about water baptism.
Well, I don't quite believe water baptism is what immediately allows someone to escape bondage to their sins...it's the start and yes there will be initial release but...that freedom from sins bondage, on the thought level of sin especially, is one that's pretty gradual. Simply because from the point of water baptism we receive the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit has to reveal things to us, correcting and setting our paths straight. In a way it liberates us from the fear of making mistakes because we know we can and will hear his voice to tell us where to go, who and what to avoid to steer us from temptations and will also remind us of The Word that has been stored in our hearts, to comfort and lift us up when we do fall. So, in the sense water baptism does immediately free us from the bondage of fear and condemnation because we are reassured in recieving His Spirit who gradually moulds us...but doesn't mean we'll be instant overcomers from our sins. I'm not the best at saying what I mean but hopefully this communicates my opinion clear enough lol
I wish people will make their point short and brief.
We are all different I guess! Just as your short reply hints but doesn't really communicate anything clear, I know my point could be shorter...but at this point I do not quite know how to condense it lol.
Obrigado irmão
Thank you so much for this lesson! :D God bless you! Praise be to God forever! :D
Someday i will meet this man of God
thanks for this good teaching! For me everything happend backwards. I was not babtised in water either holy spirit. then suddenly i got free from porn addiction by a prophetic word. i then understood what is the freedom from sin. i then started to learn more and soon got babtised of the holy spirit, thungs etc. got freedom to go out and tell others. then later on i understood what waterbabtism is i also wanted to be babtised in water. The devil was angry about that waterbabtism i can tell you.
Excellent teaching & so important , you explained it in a very simple way that anyone can understand. Its December, I do hope the movie trailer will be out very soon, would love to see it. God Bless You brother, we love & support ya ~
A great video teaching on the truth of the gospel of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes baptism is essential and always happens immediately after repentance and deciding to follow Jesus forevermore and being filled with the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to fill us with His Holy now that we have been washed by the blood of Jesus.Its so important that the people that are baptizing us know the real meaning of baptism and that they people being baptized are set free from the oppression of the devil. All blessings in Jesus name from Ireland. Baptism like the Lords Supper is not symbolic or ritualistic but we’re being initiated into Christ Jesus body and are participating in Jesus body and blood.
Thankyu for clearing up this issue for me.
You are not saying that we are now sinless are you? I was always taught that as you grow in Christ, you, over time will sin less and less BUT never become sinless in this life. Looking forward to hearing your response. Your sister-in-Christ, Mary Ann USA
+angelathisfeet I think he made it clear that Christians are not to keep falling back into the same sins. one week free and the next week you are controlled by that sin. That is not the freedom Jesus promised. He is not preaching sinless perfection but he is definitely sharing a freedom from the "slavery" of sin.
+angelathisfeet Please watch the entire video. It's addressed in it.
+The Last Reformation ...Yes I wrote before finishing the entire video sorry about that. My issue has been on and off for many years now, the sin of gluttony. I will watch this again and will definitely read Romans over & over. I know I will have victory, prayers appreciated. Thank you!
+angelathisfeet If you want prayer for this... if you go to the map at TheLastRformation.com and see if there is someone you can meet up with near to you.
@@angelathisfeet Hello, sister! How are you right now? Because, I also struggle when it comes to food :(
May we all overcome, in Jesus' Name 🙌🏻❤
I want to get baptized in the water but I do not can on my own self... Man if someone I know here where can help me .. to baptised in the water I will go to him!...
Amen !God bless brother xxx
Love you brother...
Thank you!!! This helped a way on my perspective :)
I experienced that freedom.. that revelation.. being washed completely clean from sin.. being completely forgiven and free.. happiest and best moment in my Life.. but I was not baptized in water... it just happened.. under the shower.. was this the baptism?
Maybe, just look at the fruit. But is still is recommended that you do it publicly with witnesses
Exactly what I am going through
The law was not made for the righteous, to stop being a slave unto sin, but to be a slave unto God’s righteousness, there by being in holiness. Then by being persecuted we are then perfected in God, as we are the son of God.
I see a lot of comments disputing water baptism and freedom from sin. Torben I believe is not comparing Jesus blood shed on the cross for the sins of the world to water baptism. The blood saves, the water washes, receive the revelation on the true meaning of baptism, Romans 6 and freedom to not sin. Jesus set us free and gave us the authority over sin so we no longer fall to it: Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Allélou Yah. Yes I’m free in Yeshoua.
The only way this teaching works is to lower the standard of the law. After studying the 10 commandments suddenly I realised it's utterly possible to perfectly fulfil the law. All the holiness people I speak with tend to have a very supercial understanding of the law.
Thank you brother
God gave you the Good example of law of gravity. I was looking this truth too even I am not believing sin when you come to Jesus Christ! If we people are continue with sins how they can be Christ like,
Thank you ,
Thank you
Please seek the Lord whether that Racy music should be played in the background. It's very distracting. Shalom
Isn't Torben teaching the principles of Baptismal Regeneration, relating the baptism in waters with freedom from sin? Isn't this wrong according to 1 Peter 3:21, where says that baptism in waters is *not* about the filth of the flesh but about our conscience towards God?
I'm not saying, of course, that unregenerated people, non believers, people without the salvific faith, people without the Holy Spirit, and so on, can be freed from sin, but i'm saying that baptism in waters doesn't grant freedom from sin *BY ITSELF*. What grants us freedom from sin is repentance and the work of the Holy Spirit.
God bless
Maybe what it means is that from repentance and seeing we do not have correct conscience toward God we should be baptised in water so to show to God in obedience we want our conscience set straight.
Filipe Merker yes repentance and the Holy Spirit but there things u have to do
@Mark 16:17 Miracle Ministries
Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works.” Biblically speaking, there is nothing we can do to earn salvation besides choosing to receive the grace that God gave us by believing in Him.
@@lexricci4140 So correct. We cannot boast. Neither "repentence from sin" our "obedience" can save us. All this talk is a way to hide that it's about works salvation. God's standard is perfection and no one of us can be enough obedient or repentent. Our righteousness is like filthy rags and we need to trust in God's grace. Through faith He imputes His righteousness on us!
Yes you are right. I am troubled by some of the things said.
Anyone who say they no longer sin at all......have just sinned by telling lies.
Can anyone of you say to me you havent ever sinned since being reborn.
Somehow i dont think one of you can make this claim.
so i got filled with the spirit a year before I got baptized. How do I know? I quit heroin and selling heroin on the spot and started telling my friends about Jesus. They were freaked out. A bunch of Church of Christ people told me I was not free from sin cause I hadnt gotten baptized. I didnt sweat it and I did get baptized cause I think its biblical. I dont speak in tongues or heal people but I did move the entire way across the world to preach the gospel in China and I did receive the spiritual gift of Chinese which for me is more useful than tongues cause English is tongues enough for the Chinese. A bunch of super spiritual Christians think Im not spiritual enough, but I dont sweat it. I just keep preaching the gospel which makes dead people rise from the grave. It's spiritual enough for me. Faith and grace come from a relationship with your Creator not some formula or ritual. Everyone is trying to define salvation. God's not interested in formulas or sequences of events. Jesus just wants your heart. Believe in Christ and dont let people look down on your for your faith cause it doesn't fit their formula. Know the Word and talk to God in prayer it will bring you great confidence and strength in your salvation and keep you from false teaching.
Praise God brother!!
True... Amen
When will you come to Namibia?
We have been asking the same question
great message and well filmed too :)
can you put teaching on sound cloud....
4:37 somebody who was very
alcoholic before, says (i am free to not drink anymore) and its very true when you depend the something, you can't say i am free to not doing this, you are slave for this things.
I want this! Thank you for sharing! Can someone please connect me to people here in Dallas Texas?
angelathisfeet, yes we can and should be sinless now. Abraham was Zecharias and his wife "were both righteous before God" (Luke 1:6), Job: “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil.” (Job 1:1), the Apostle Paul "touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.” (Philippians 3:6b).
Torben is living free from sin and so am I. Here is how I do it.First, I stay attached to the Lord 24/7/365. I allow NO SPACE for the world to enter between me and Jesus. I take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE. I allow no little thoughts to slip into my head. I catch all thoughts immediately and set them on the scale of scripture and the love of God. If it is not pure and just and holy then I immediately get rid of it. Allow nothing but that which is pure and just and holy imto your thoughts.I SET NOTHING BEFORE MY EYES, EARS, NOSE, SOUL, SPIRIT, AND LIFE that is not holy and pleasing to God. I control what goes into my eyes and ears. This means I purposefully and actively stay away from anyone and everything that takes me away from holiness. This means that I do not follow Facebook friends who post things not pleasing to God. I have nothing in my house or my life that I cannot lift up to God (either physically or symbolically(if the item is too large to lift)) and praise God and proclaim His holiness. If I cannot praise God and speak of His holiness when I am holding that item, then I throw that thing out of my life.
Now, I am not a recluse and not living in a cave. I live in a large city and love and interact with everyone.
What I am saying is to follow the bible, be led by the spirit, and live holy lives as God intended. It begins with realizing we are "set free from sin."
Free From Sin - ScripturesJesus has set us free from the sin nature. Romans 6:7Romans 6:18Romans 6:221 John 3:61 John 3:91 John 5:18Matthew 5:481 John 4:17Job 1:1Job 33:9John 5:14John 14:21John 14:23John 8:111 Corinthians 10:131 Corinthians 15:34Galatians 5:16Philippians 3:62 Corinthians 11:3John 8:34Romans 6:6-7For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin- because anyone who has died has been set free from sin. (Romans 6:6-7)Romans 6:18You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness. (Romans 6:18)Romans 6:22But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life. (Romans 6:22)1 John 3:6No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him. (1 John 3:6)1 John 3:9No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God. (1 John 3:9)1 John 5:18We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them. (1 John 5:18)Matthew 5:48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5:48)1 John 4:17This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. (1 John 4:17)Job 1:1In the land of Uz there lived a man whose name was Job. This man was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil. (Job 1:1)Job 33:9‘I am pure, I have done no wrong; I am clean and free from sin. (Job 33:9)Philippians 3:6as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.(Philippians 3:6)John 5:14Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him, “See, you are well again. Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you.” (John 5:14)John 8:11bJesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” (John 8:3, 11)1 Corinthians 10:13No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)1 Corinthians 15:34“Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.” (I Corinthians 15:34)Galatians 5:16,17So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. (Galatians 5:16-17)2 Corinthians 11:3But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:3)John 8:34“Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.”In Jesus' holy and freedom giving name, Amen.
+gjdude1 Cannot agree with being sinless in this life, to sin less & less but not able to be totally sinless this side of heaven. Marshall...I am assuming that you are male...do you pluck & throw out your eye when you lust at the opposite sex? We will never be sinless until we are with our LORD. By the way, one of my favorite verses (I have many) is Gal. 2:20 All glory to God alone. May God's blessings be upon you brother. In His grip forever, Mary Ann
+angelathisfeet The Bridegroom comes for a spot-free bride. Our Heavenly Father will not allow sin in His Holy presence. We must repent and turn from our evil ways embracing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be baptized in water for the remission of sin and then baptized with the Holy Spirit. The Lord will try us and refine us, so that we may be made perfect. Once I have repented and been baptized, I am now spot-free. God bless
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4
YES! ‘The second man is the Lord from heaven’ (1Cor.15:47 KJV), therefor, not only being in the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost could reign over all spirititual wickedness, but also today, in your and my flesh, He surely is capable to do the same! Knowing this, and after I repented, have been baptised in water and with the Holy Spitit, by that Power from Onhigh, I can withstand and overcome the attacks of demons, lying at the ‘door’ of my ‘live house’, trying to enter. (Gen.4:7)
Everytime, depending on the holy Ghost I come out stronger as the winner, because the Lord Jesus Christ gave me His enduring grace in my weakness. First, He showed me great grace by forgiving me all my guilt, I collected myself in my old existense, by sinning as a slave working for the devil!
Then, secondly, the Lord even showed me more grace, when a repended to Jesus, He gave me in Matt.3:15 His example of baptism to follow, then He gave me the holy Spirit of God. Now I can pray and sing in new tongues, Hallelujah!
This is what Scripture tells us that our heavenly Father the Allmighty God gives His obedience children ‘grace for grace’ (Joh.1:16)
I could also say, He gave me His Holy Ghost, after He gave me amnesty!
And now, with this Power of God in us, we can final overcome all sin attacking us.
Glory to Jesus Christ, because of Him the law of gravity to sin no longer exists for us, who also ‘live in heaven’. (Joh.3:13)
God bless you my brother and sister!