Mars in gemini ... the need for speed. My sister has this placement and has owned a number of motorcycles and sports cars. She can also be very cutting with her words, but excellent mental dexterity.
I have Mercury in Pisces and have a bit of advice for those who are working through those struggles, especially during these transits. The best thing I’ve learned to do is to repeat myself a lot. I say the same thing with different words two or three times one right after the other. Repeating yourself allows others to almost triangulate that you’re trying to say. This will probably be easier to practice during Mars in Gemini season so try it out. The second thing I do is try to say things in order starting from what the other person said. I noticed I would start my part of a conversation 6 thoughts down the line and have to tie back into what they’re saying frequently. This was the most difficult hill for me because I like taking whatever we’re talking about and diving straight into dream space with it but I find gradually stepping down to into dream space works better than starting with it and trying to backsolve for what they said that made me think of it. For anyone with this placement I want to tell you, if you can get good control of your communication skills, you’ll be able to articulate and expose people to stuff that they wouldn’t think of in 1000 years and help people in ways that can redefine their whole life. Hope this helps anybody out there with the same struggles.
I'm autistic and I have very similar issues: because I communicate differently than other people, I've learned to say the same thing in several ways, often using metaphor. I don't worry so much about "how I got from there to here," because people don't expect it of me. They're accustomed to my nonsequiturs. (My Mercury is in Virgo, but it's conjunct Pluto. Idk if that makes a difference....)
I love it! I will try explaining things in alternate ways. Good way to utilize the language skills. I am right there with you and have a Mercury/Mars contra-antiscia (in Pisces/Aries) so I’m jumping way ahead and my friends can get annoyed when they mention something and I finish their thought cause I’m 4 steps ahead of where they are. I’m learning to just listen to what they want to say even though I might know what it is. Sometimes I don’t. And everyone wants to be heard. But yes, it has been said to me many times , “ Wow! I never thought of it that way!” So our quirky minds are valuable. As all minds are! 😁 thanks for sharing this. Really appreciate it! 🙏
My s/o is Mercury Pisces and I watch him confuse himself trying to communicate and other times he’s abnormally perceptive... it’s been a journey of patience for me as Mars Gemini native...and learning not to take his misdirection personal... and learning when he’s playing dumb to avoid conflict 🙄
I have Mars in Gemini in the 8th house, trine Pluto. My vice was stealing little chocolate cake rolls from the freezer, probably on account of my Venus conjunct Jupiter, also in the 8th. Mars in Gemini people probably avoid conflict because other than the fact they are a waste of energy resources, we can be quite mean in a verbal argument. I was pretty quiet growing up but I read a ton of books. I’ve grown into it and the mutability has helped me move my fixed t-square energy. Physical movement meditation is big for me as well and I have to “get out there” to get out of my head. Oh and I’m really loud in the sack which seems like it could be a stereotype of an 8th house Mars in Gemini. I’m married to a Mars in Gemini 11th houser as well.
Today is my Father’s 1 year marker since he passed away. 62 years old, surrounded by his loved ones, listening to Pink Floyd playing gently as he passes on to the next chapter. What a blessed way to go. His 4 adult daughters, his 2 previous wives along with his current wife & soul mate of 25 years. His brothers, sisters, nieces & nephews & a couple life long friends. My dad rocked & was an example of devotion to me & my siblings and especially to the grace & goodness of God. Certain qualities of Achyuta remind me of my father. I was the youngest & my dad called me G.G, same as Achyuta’s young daughter. James Michael Davis of Riverside, Ca, born on October 3rd. Libra Sun & Sag Rising. I am also a Sag Rising. I was blessed with the karma to receive a truly incredible, kind, gentle, patient, non-perverted, funny, devoted, present father.
I knew someone with Mars in Gemini, he wriggled his way out of sticky tricky situations, mostly of his own making, and watching him explain why black was really white was like watching Mohammad Ali dance, like a butterfly. He was a good mimic, tri lingual, at times duplicitous, & liked having a back up option romantically . in Australia we call his snake oil salesman sort of charm a “gift of the gab” ; it came with a boyish please like me aren’t I cute? sort of vibe. Can you tell it’s my ex? 🤫
Mars in Gemini ♊️ in the 8th house (Scorpio Rising). It’s in a mutual reception with Mercury in Aries in the 6th. Mercury is oriental. I’ve been told I need to “watch my mouth” for as long as I can remember. I have an ability to cut (Mars) with words (Gemini) where it hurts the most (8th). It has helped me to manage empathetic energy; distinguishing what is mine + what is not mine. - I know you don’t use asteroids... but since Mars is my chart ruler, I feel its exact conjunction to Chiron in the nativity, STRONGLY. I didn’t learn it was okay to say “no” to things I didn’t want to do until I was around 7/8. Just like you, I too was a bit of an imaginative “storyteller liar” as a child lol! I’m amazing at keeping secrets, talking people away from the ledge. I have a Day chart, but I’ve always felt empowering (not always easy) lessons coming from the Mars placement.
You just can’t know how helpful it is to hear such personal stories. My son has mars in Gemini and some similar stories. For sure, it helps to hear how these things are resolved.sometimes it’s just experiences in life that bring you to a new realization. It’s difficult to understand unless someone who experienced it can articulate and obviously the person going through it can’t yet get there. Even when they are being open about it is not making any sense. She again thank you for your sharing.
Gemini is my 4th house and I am house shopping! Astrology is sooooo right on! Many hurdles: shopping in another state, lease at our place ends in May and we have to move by then! Scrambling, busy bee energy to get things done. This will be our fourth home, so we have done this before, have learned a lot about investing in property and the process of it all. The tensions will be around meeting of the minds (Mercury) and the emotional attachment to an ideal home (Pisces). I can already feel the tension forming!
Thank you for working with a planet over time and showing the aspects. There are so many astrologers who will do a month, throw in tons of transits, and act like the energies being expressed start and stop with certainty and in their little boxes, when really it's all continuous movement and flow. You show that so well when you take us on journeys like this one. Thanks for being a good sky oracle advocate. ✨ 🥰
My husband has an out of sect Mars in Gemini, exactly conjunct the MC, but it squares his beautiful Mercury in Virgo in the 1st house. He's a chemical engineer by education and works as an environmental scientist for county here in Minneapolis. Part of his job is talking to reps at companies that are on the brink of getting into legal trouble and smoothing the path. He has a beautifully nimble mind and we jokingly say that he has some awesome phone game. My Mercury in Pisces, which comes with its own gifts stands in awe. I'm the one in our marriage who knows intuitively when the guy down the street is angry or just stubbed his toe. Our Mercurys combine well for that mix of logic and intuition. He also writes science fiction stories for a hobby.
This was great - so easy to follow! Thank you! 🙏🏼 I’m a Gemini rising with Mercury and Venus in 1st house, and Mars in Aquarius in 9th house. I attest: I am the ultimate chatterbox, a bit scatterbrained (mom-brain), usually high-energy, and thoroughly enjoy the art of conversation. Moon in Pisces in 10th house, Sun and Jupiter in 12th.
I'm a native to Mercury in Scorpio, (with my Ascendant in Gemini), and have not only talked my way through/out of many conflicts, but I've also felt my way through them and even prevented fights with an intent gaze, based on said feelings and instinct. I also tend to speak up and represent other people who are being abused, and also endeavor to embolden them by way of words and sharing passionate sentiments; I only recently began taking a closer look to traditional astrology and things like house rulership, and have began to finally grasp this placement in my chart. Your video has helped me understand this placement further. Thanks!
Mars in gemini in the 12th house. I also have all the benefits you mentioned of this placement but on the downside, I find that I suppress my anger unconsciously and it eventually explodes through my words. Also, I'm a little clumsy(mars opposing sun), I have a very hard time staying focused on one thing at a time and I won't get into my fear of confrontation and anxiety.
♒ 4° asc ♈sun mercury @ 0°53' ♋ moon Mars @ 2° 16° venus in ♉ 29° 29° Pluto in virgo @1° 52° I have been told that I tell good renditions of past life events, and that I should consider writing. Master of many trades.
I have mars in Gemini, and Mercury in aries. Libra rising, I have always been the peace maker , or problem solver . High emotional intelligence , empathic, but always seem to draw to myself narcissistic types.
Super interesting video, thank you so much ! I didn't take too much into account the role and movement of the ruler of the planet in transit until now. I understand now how important it is ! It's fascinating ! I have mars in Capricorn but in 3rd house, thus also a mediator (and I also stole some candies when I was young haha ). I'm a bit concerned with Mars entering my 8th house, but curiosity is always stronger than fear :))
I have Mercury in Pisces. It’s hard for me to teach others effectively and I get very overwhelmed with putting together anything technical so when I owned a business my Taurus partner was a god send. The positives are my writing can be very poetic and I have an innate ability of reading peoples true intentions. Knowing this helps me break through it because in the past I’d just get frustrated and drop everything. I know today I need to either pay for help or find someone willing to handhold me through the mundane backend or technically advanced type stuff.
Thank you for this, Rachel. My progressed Mercury entered Pisces abt 2 years ago but has been stationed retrograde the entire time. Feeling so much frustration, confusion, blocks especially with regard to specifics in my 'mundane' communications (and generally getting my act together) but my psychic intuition is cruising like a '59 Deville lol
Omg Rachel, I’m a Taurus Sun & Rising with a Mars & Venus in Pisces and I can relate. I think I’m being tested to push through early on in my business and once I do that I will hire the right ppl. I hate mundane work like emails lol.. weirdly I enjoy the backhand technical stuff but the stop & go is one of those challenges of mine. I’m also a Projector in human design 🙃
@@zeynaj5844 I'm a projector too - good for you for pushing through with your business - I feel like it's 2.5x the struggle for projector My daughter is a Taurus rising and Venus Pisces - did you feel like people pushed you to go go go at the status quo pace all your life?
6th House Gemini/Mars, Capricorn rising, Scorpio MC, Mercury in Cancer/7th chemistry team research in nuclear power industry for 40 years, trouble-shooting problems, wide variety of interests, can be frustrating facing status quo/non action
I have Mars in Gemini (1 degrees), conjunct my ascendant in Taurus and Pallas Athena at zero degrees Gemini in the second house. You are so right about talking myself out of things. I have done that so many times. Mars in Gemini is aggressive, but we don't really like physical fights. I can look at a situation and sum it up quickly. One thing about Mars in Gemini is our minds go so fast its hard to focus. Meditation has helped that for me. Like right now I have about five different projects going. We really can just do things and figure them out. Mars in Gemini is really a fascinating placement. It's an energy that takes time to understand. Another area that's weird with this placement is sexuality. But I will leave that for a different forum. I believe you did a different you tube video about Mars in Gemini a couple of years ago, I will have to watch that one. Thanks for this. Mars in Gemini is such a big part of my personality ( I know we're not are planets though).
Just sat down to watch, after leaving work early from not feeling well. My head is buzzing so I’m hoping to gain insight here. Thanks so much for all you do
Thank you for this update! I've got both Mars in Gemini in the eigth house, ruling my first house (scorpio ascendant), as well as mercury in Pisces in the fifth. The Mars-Mercury energy in those houses has played out in my life as a mixture of intellect, conversational work and the love of poetic language - and feelings of being very alineated with words. I used to work as a psychologist and study french philosophy, doing trauma therapy as well as writing poetical philosophical texts about the healing effects of handicraft. I'm into abstract thinking, complex texts and writing poetry but often forget to eat or where I parked my bike. The Marsian-Mercurian aspects also tend to let a lot of people into my life in general (8th house) and I often found myself dealing with the (troublesome) ideas of others ever since I was a small child. Confronting the bullies at school or working with women in violent relationships - before I even open my mouth, people confess to me the thoughts that haunt and hurt them the most. Besides the conversational aspects, I see the handicraft part reflected in Mars in Gemini, as it is in a trine by degree to Venus in the fourth (both sextiling Jupiter in Aries in the sixth by degree). I am myself a devoted knitter and regard it as my daily spiritual practice. Being alone at home and knitting is simply what I do everyday for hours on end, especially after a huge breakdown with anxiety and depression six years ago. Moon-Saturn conjunction in the ninth house in Cancer plays a huge part as well in this life trajectory of producing (GeminiMars) beauty (AquariusVenus) and poetry (PiscesMercury) at home as a spiritual practice (4-9th houses)... The outward mental force of Mars in Gemini mixed in a square with the poetic, con-fused (Jupitarian "fusing together") Mercury in Pisces can bring the gift of translating liminal, indistinct experiences to others but also brings the feeling of words never being sufficient. Neurotypical language being inadequate when it comes to communicating the flow of life ;-) And so, language needing to find other ways of flowing. Mars in Gemini def gets my natal debilitated Mercury going in pushing it to actually "take place" (speek out) in communication with others, however also quickly exhausting the dreamy mind of the slower working Mercury in Pisces. On the other hand, that very same fishy Mercury helps Mars (in Mercury's domicile) communicate around matters that are not quite as obvious and straightforward as they might come across at first hand. All the liminal stuff that Mars in Gemini otherwise might overlook. Middle of April will be quite something with that whole Mars-Jupiter-Venus network in late degrees in my chart being activated ! Best wishes and thanks again from Copenhagen, Louise
Wow!! Yes I have so much to say about this! To start, my Mercury is at 27.6 degrees in Pisces, trining Neptune at 1 degree in Aquarius. For me I absolutely feel the part Adam said about sensing past what is being said. I have been going through conflict with my family lately (mother and sister are Geminis, other sister is Aquarius) because I read past what is and is not said. I have always been the “over-emotional overreactor who needs to get a grip on their emotions” which, in part could be true with my Pisces sun, and Cancer moon, causing me to act out as Scorpio rising. My moon absolutely works with this Mercury placement. I have tried to tell them that the truth is in the micro-expressions. Also, I find that I have to try to make sense of feelings that are based on big picture themes (macro) combined with the little expressions (micro) and it becomes very difficult to express these things sometimes. I have been working through relational gaslighting lately and it is very VERY hard with this Mercury placement. From a distance it is easy to understand but once I am face to face, trying to explain and reason with the gaslighter, I feel like I cannot be understood... like my words will never make sense to the other person, even when I am rewording the same thing dozens of times. I think this will be a theme across March, as it is with my immediate family and I need it to be sorted out/healed before I can feel loved and valued in the family. Also, I express Pisces in Mercury through divination. I am building my business of reading tarot/Oracle cards, which leads me to the next reflection:... WOW!! This is the perfect transit to be happening for me. My partner and I just booked tickets to New Orleans for March 30th-April 5th. I read the Celestine Prophecy then had two dreams about walking to New Orleans. I have almost no money after investing in a handful of tarot decks I created last year so it was a big deal for me to follow this intuitive nudge. I can’t even afford the air B&B yet 😅 but my birthday is this weekend and I am hoping for a check that will help pay for lodging and more decks so that I can sell them to the magic shops in New Orleans! Everything Adam said about that time being ideal for business growth, and leading to much support for business ventures was the perfect confirmation of my decision to go on this trip! Hopefully I will have enough money in the next couple weeks to order the second edition of the decks.. probably what that mid-month hustle is all about.. I trust it, otherwise it wouldn’t be moving forward so synchronistically. Thank you so much for this video and confirmation of my intuitive nudge!! I hope you all experience many blessings this month. Happy birthday to my fellow Pisceans and to the beautiful Aries out there! Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi 🙏✨
I have Mercury and Mars in Pisces. This is absolute nightmare. My whole life is inner battle, basically any event can tip me off the balance and if I cannot reconcile feelings and rational need (and I never can - it is always one at the expense of another, it's just if i can put up with one, usually feelings, being suppressed) then there is a risk that my world can collapse - job can be lost, friends lost, health problems - till I hit the bottom and begin rationalizing just to make the living. Then I am usually doing quite well for a while, but then emotions reach a boiling point - I either meet somebody who sets off my feelings or I feel bored. The worst is when I hurt someone who matters to me because I suppressed my feelings - then I fall into self-destructive circle of self-blame until I totally destroy everything of benefit in my life, throw myself in a pit and have to start all over again
My Mercury is at Pisces 27, 5th house. I do have an ability to look behind the facade of people & situations. Also I can write stream of consciousness poetry that tends to turn into visionary prophecy. Which is why I also use my poetic writing in some of my readings as I'm a professional diviner. On the downside I have trouble making plans & following through. But that may also be my Aries Sun talking lol.
Thank you for your videos 🙏....I’ve got Mars in Gemini in the eighth house I’m constantly researching and my curiosity can get the better of me I guess. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the amount of information that I accumulate and can get stuck with researching and not doing. My mind is very active. I also have quite a number of skills playing an instrument, singing, writing ,theatre and now visual arts. I never stop searching and sometimes I can get nervous exhaustion from trying to do too many things.... luckily I have sun and mercury in Virgo and Saturn in Capricorn and a Taurus moon which helps me to be a bit more grounded but even then I still have trouble. Also I like to avoid conflict by using my intellect and words rather than any type of aggressive action.
im a virgo rising with mars conj mercury in gemini. mars rules my third house of siblings and my older sister is both a kleptomaniac and pathological liar. i am on the other side of extremes in response growing up with that energy, goody two shoes zero tolerance for myself to use even white lies and petty theft(mercury in gemini - rob hand told me planets in rulership act their best not worst, so mercury in gemini is NOT a liar, but can see the truth in all its sides). also i LOVE to talk with mercury in pisces people better than anyone else, i find them to be one of the only placements where i want to really share my feelings with. all my confessions have been to mercury in pisces people. listeners extraordinaire.
Mars in Gemini in my 12 house. The de-escalation part resonated for me as well as an almost uncanny ability to stay calm in a crisis. Mars is also my profected time lord of the year (10th house). I am looking forward to finding out what that means.
Natal Mars in Gemini squaring Mercury in Pisces. I wake up with a new idea every day and those are really great ideas, but I hardly bring them to fruition, because I get easily distracted, bored etc. Also, I always have two occupations. Mercury in Pisces makes me aware of the larger picture, but it is difficult to communicate my insights to others. I get carried away when I speak, have had a success expressing myself through photography... Last year I became an English teacher and I always wonder if I have explained things clearly enough:)) . I am very self-conscious when I speak.
Neptune Libra in a wide (9 deg) superior square to exalted Mars in Cap. Pushes me to let happy accidents happen when creating. Puts a little magic into projects.
I have Mars in Gemini in my 12th house and Mercury in Pisces in my 9th house. I relate to what you said regarding this being an excellent placement for meditation. My Mars is conjunct my Saturn and my South Node. I feel as if I may have been a monk in a former life. Also my Mars does sort of obey my Saturn making me very disciplined. My Mercury in Pisces 9th house is conjunct my Jupiter in Pisces 9th house, expanding my writing abilities and communication, which can be dreamlike. Back to Mars in Gemini, I agree that dancing is a form of movement meditation. Also working with hands, as I am a massage therapist and a painter. Thanks for the video.
Tight conjunction of mars/mercury in Pisces 5th hse, square Uranus in Gemini 8th hse. So much of me is in this analysis and I'm loving it. New relationships and renewed driving license came in the mail today. Feeling way too confident!!! lol
My sun is at 23 degrees Pisces and I have been feeling Neptune approaching for awhile now. How do I feel it? I have been really spacey, more than normal. Neptune is exactly conjunct my moon and both are one degree from my Ascendant in Libra. So, I am naturally very intuitive and easily lifted into a dreamy place. I have no planets in earth signs but I do have Saturn also conjunct my ascendant in Libra, which I consider to be my saving grace (but tough love for sure). So I have been watching for about 6 months as the planets line up for the upcoming new moon on my birthday, March 13th. Neptune and Venus will also be conjunct the sun and moon that day. Your video is very helpful as I try very intentionally to stay grounded. I’ve been working in my garden all day, everyday lately, as a way to be grounded. It helps a lot. I had asked people I’m close to, to keep an eye on me and don’t let me float away. LOL. Even though I rarely drink alcohol, I do think about it a lot more lately. I know where that’s coming from, so I refuse to indulge those impulses. One seemingly harmless behavior I have indulged in is my pool. I’ve been spending a lot of time cleaning it and pressure washing around it and redoing the plants around it. The water calls me! LOL So that’s most of what I’m aware of. I am a regular meditator and would love for this upcoming Neptune conjunct my sun to bring me a burst of enlightenment but I’m not expecting it. My life is so blessed, I would never even consider asking for more of anything. I am truly grateful. You are one of life’s blessings Acycuta. Thank you for being there for us. ❤️🙏
Lots of good info, thank you. I have mars in libra and so far in my life I’ve managed to avoid any fist fights; not through words so much as just diving for cover. Lol. I also have Venus in Scorpio, so there’s some mutual reception there, for what that’s worth
I’m quite good at de-escalating stuff like that too and have Mars in Gemini in the 10th. Also I get into conflicts and then back out using words and seem to pacify people but leave them confused and slightly suspicious of me
I have Mercury in Pisces(5) conjunct my ascendant(9), opposite Pluto(in Virgo, of course). I have always seen it in 12th house, which tends to fit my mental functioning better. As I read about first house Pisces, and listen to your makes some sense.
I have Saturn @ 3 Gemini, Venus @ 7 Gemini and Mars @ 9 Gemini so this Mars transit will begin an entirely new Saturn, Venus and Mars cycle in regards to Mars. Looking forward to it 🙏. Great report 🙏
Mars in Gemini here too, looking forward to the Mars Return :D I used to steal too, not candy but Pokemon cards ... I also had a knack for languages but would try to study too many at once, a teacher literally told me "if you plus plus plus too much, you're head will explode!" in hindsight I saw my Mars in Gemini having a field day xD Thank you for this!!
AHA Gemini is in my 10th house dual careers which is kind of kicking off! prooving accurate - Mercury is linked with Sagg with me - could this be the reason why I a woke to some conflicting dreams about a persons lies and me reacting to them!
Lawd im too interested in what you think of this. This is my 10th and 6th house. Jupiter is here for me and where my progressed moon is currently. I feel the intensity, keeping grounded, greatful Imma listen now. Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge.
*Mars is Gemini retro (in the 9th), Mercury in Libra!* : I’m definitely a “ok, yea you can react right now, but the consequences are long term and stupid” kinda person.😭 As an adult I shared with my mom that I was ALWAYS too conscious of the consequences of fighting as an immigrant child to let myself get in a serious one. I would squeeze my way out of escalating tension or drama like I wasn’t even there lol .... Getting suspended or expelled would be a MUCH heavier toll on me than my American friends. My mom just thought I wasn’t the fighting type... I just weighed my pros and cons... and a pissed off immigrant mom is scarier than any potential bully I ever faced, sorry 💁🏾♀️ sometimes I hated it cuz I felt fighting would just get some ppl to leave me alone!...only for those same kids to try and be my friend months later 🤦🏾kids are weird🙄😭😭
With Mars almost conjunct Neptune (10th house, Sagittarius) in my natal chart I really identify with the Joan of Arc energy - it can be very intense, but at the same time it makes me feel alive 😁
Mars in Libra 7th, Mercury Scorpio 8th - thinking I will need be especially good with my communications, and listen patiently, especially with my loved ones. Sounds like a interesting month. "Water is not Air!" Looking forward to March 29th! Fun! :D
Mars (Rx + out of bounds) in Gemini 9H...did all sorts of mischievous things as a kid, and into my twenties, just for giggles! Sometimes just to see what I could get away with. Good thing that's a thing of the past, for the most part. 🙃
I don’t know my birth chart exactly I do know that gemini is my house of hopes wishes and dreams so I “ hope something awesome happens”!! This was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you! It sounds like it’s going to be an interesting time period!
Wow. This is uncanny. Me too. Astrology never ceases to amaze me. Best of luck to you with Mars through your 12th. I'll be rooting for you and all our Cancer Rising friends. I'm expecting a HIIT workout for the soul. Self-mastery, here I come...
Me too can't sleep. Sag, Cancer rising don't know if I am coming or going. Mercury in Sag and can say the wrong thing or write the wrong thing in an email and people get hurt. I am not even sure why most of the time.
Hmm...I'm wondering if Mars in Gemini will assist Mercury in Pisces. Just thinking this because I have the same rulers (different signs) for my Natal Mars and Mercury. I was born with Sagittarius Mercury and Mars in Virgo. The detriment with Jupiter ruled Mercury is that I find I'm constantly taking every little bit of info that I know and trying to piece it together into a bigger picture. It's always like I'm doing a jigsaw puzzle in my mind to see where each concept fits, which can lead to it wandering or getting away from the present moment/being grounded. But, with Mercury ruled Mars, I'm able to break down concepts and tasks into smaller pieces and am very efficient at getting things done. I can also break down complicated concepts in a way that other people can understand. So with this combination, maybe able to break down big picture ideas in a way that can be communicated clearly and simply to others.
My mercury is conjunct venus and my venus is conjunct jupiter all in Gemini in my 5th house . I have mars is in cancer in my 6th house. so far the engery has been refreshing to finally have Mars coming out of Taurus. I have been feeling more emotional than normal but also inspired looking forward to what March brings
Gemini is in my 11th house, and Pisces my I correct in that is where Mars and Mercury have influence at this time? So educational and insightful. Best astrology channel on RUclips🙏🙏🙏
I'm Gemini rising and unemployed. Tempted to push forward with a website doing intuitive work. Or just go get a damn job that I'll probably feel like steals all my time.
Gemini/4th house, Aquarius/12th house with natal Mars 3, North node 15. Aries/2nd house with natal moon 4. I've been dealing with 8th house issues, natal Saturn and Neptune conjunct at 23, for what feels like forever. So I'm certain/hopeful I'll manage all this 4th house energy also. Sigh.
Mars is gemini with Sun and Mercury in Cancer. I have been called the peacemaker a few times, told I can make lemonade from lemons and have street smarts. I also love to vend at craftshows (mars 10th house) and credit that to my Gemini Mars.
yep! Mars in gemini on my 11th house. February just whacked me. I feel so tired! I hope that mars leaving my 10th means more relaxed work environment coz it has been a roller coaster!
Bought The Dhammapada, The Kybalion, and a new pocket Bhagavad Gita today. Also got apps for the Gita, Upanishads, and Vedas today. Though I definitely prefer book in hand. 💞 next I want to get more James Hillman. Ordered Suicide and the Soul immediately after watching one of your videos last year. I loaned it to a friend I thought needed it and haven't gotten it back yet but hope to soon.
I have Mercury in Pisces in my 7th house. I find it difficult to understand things some times. I need a mental picture before i can understand things.. i write fairly creatively but if I am confronted with something or so.eone needs an immediate answer takes me a while to formulate an answer. However there are times when I can flow in speech and wonder where it came from. I like to pull facts and pieces of information from different places..I can see a big picture or how things connect and fit together.
Thank you for this! Also- I know you always like to hear some ideas about future videos. Here’s one! There are certain transits that I cannot find a lot of info on. For example this upcoming new moon at 23 Pisces lands on the exact degree of my natal north node. Just 10 minutes away. It’s not every day that a new moon hits such a point exactly. I cannot find any information about the significance or importance of a new moon exactly on the natal north node. Thanks!
Oh! I have mercury conj neptune in aquarius square mars in taurus. I cant be objective because its myself, but people often describe my way of speech as a bit aloof, rude/ annoyed (even when thats not my intention) so thats a bit of a bummer. I also have a tendency to describe complex concepts in a short and a quick way, but somehow certain people dont get what im saying at all, while others understand everything perfectly. Anyways, I loved the video, love your channel as well, have a nice day!
I’m a homebody/introvert recently feeling , quite strongly, that I want to take a road trip and romanticizing the heck out of the idea, lol 😆 Talk about a Mars in Gemini with Venus influence.
Mercury in Pisces with square to Neptune in Sag. Mercury is "under the beams" of my Sun. I have severe ADD of the "inattentive type" and am constantly struggling to keep up.
Where he said "Mercury in Neptune", he meant Pisces♓ 😹. This was a great chart reading! 👌🏾💖 Mars in Gemini ♊ would be business and the SOCIAL sciences. The deep dives and hard sciences are Scorpio ♏ and Aquarius♒
My Sun, Mercury & Mars is in Gemini! Half way through the clip I wondered if you had Gemini placements, 🙄, astro character descriptions are spot on! Since I have a Scorpio rising, I'm guessing the Mercury / Mars aspect will not be difficult?
Astrology is hard for me to grasp...but I love TRYING to understand it!!!! My sun is in Aquarius and I am a Gemini rising... no idea where mercury is for me but my natal chart mars is in scorpio. I need a chart done for this year, I'm overdue 🪐
Oh, and I have Mercury in Pisces. I think 🤔 can count my life fly stars. Sun and Jupiter ( conj no node and port of fortune ) are also there. Sometimes just speaking simple words get no more be can or mail be it’s will comprehend or take it as important what I say. You learn to repeat things that are important to you. Ultimately I thing Mercury in Pisces is a very good thing to bring us back to what’s really important. Shot the messages can not be what what we are here to be doing. I love my Mercury in Pisces. Not everyone else dose.
Hi, I don't have an exact birth time... I have an "about" time... unfortunately the "about" time lands in either Sag or Cap rising.. within in five minutes either way. I struggle with all of these postings because I try to see what topics come up that I can pin something to either rising sign... unfortunately with the pandemic my main topics seem to be work, sleep, RUclips.. so not much to go on. Thanks for the posting... I will keep trying. Denise :-)
Mars in gemini ... the need for speed. My sister has this placement and has owned a number of motorcycles and sports cars. She can also be very cutting with her words, but excellent mental dexterity.
I have Mercury in Pisces and have a bit of advice for those who are working through those struggles, especially during these transits. The best thing I’ve learned to do is to repeat myself a lot. I say the same thing with different words two or three times one right after the other. Repeating yourself allows others to almost triangulate that you’re trying to say. This will probably be easier to practice during Mars in Gemini season so try it out. The second thing I do is try to say things in order starting from what the other person said. I noticed I would start my part of a conversation 6 thoughts down the line and have to tie back into what they’re saying frequently. This was the most difficult hill for me because I like taking whatever we’re talking about and diving straight into dream space with it but I find gradually stepping down to into dream space works better than starting with it and trying to backsolve for what they said that made me think of it. For anyone with this placement I want to tell you, if you can get good control of your communication skills, you’ll be able to articulate and expose people to stuff that they wouldn’t think of in 1000 years and help people in ways that can redefine their whole life. Hope this helps anybody out there with the same struggles.
I'm autistic and I have very similar issues: because I communicate differently than other people, I've learned to say the same thing in several ways, often using metaphor. I don't worry so much about "how I got from there to here," because people don't expect it of me. They're accustomed to my nonsequiturs.
(My Mercury is in Virgo, but it's conjunct Pluto. Idk if that makes a difference....)
I love it! I will try explaining things in alternate ways. Good way to utilize the language skills. I am right there with you and have a Mercury/Mars contra-antiscia (in Pisces/Aries) so I’m jumping way ahead and my friends can get annoyed when they mention something and I finish their thought cause I’m 4 steps ahead of where they are. I’m learning to just listen to what they want to say even though I might know what it is. Sometimes I don’t. And everyone wants to be heard. But yes, it has been said to me many times , “ Wow! I never thought of it that way!” So our quirky minds are valuable. As all minds are! 😁 thanks for sharing this. Really appreciate it! 🙏
My s/o is Mercury Pisces and I watch him confuse himself trying to communicate and other times he’s abnormally perceptive... it’s been a journey of patience for me as Mars Gemini native...and learning not to take his misdirection personal... and learning when he’s playing dumb to avoid conflict 🙄
Mars in Gemini. Watch for cockiness. Especially if Mercury is prominent. A lesson I had to learn. What me cocky?! A dose of humility was the medicene.
I have Mars in Gemini in the 8th house, trine Pluto. My vice was stealing little chocolate cake rolls from the freezer, probably on account of my Venus conjunct Jupiter, also in the 8th. Mars in Gemini people probably avoid conflict because other than the fact they are a waste of energy resources, we can be quite mean in a verbal argument. I was pretty quiet growing up but I read a ton of books. I’ve grown into it and the mutability has helped me move my fixed t-square energy. Physical movement meditation is big for me as well and I have to “get out there” to get out of my head. Oh and I’m really loud in the sack which seems like it could be a stereotype of an 8th house Mars in Gemini. I’m married to a Mars in Gemini 11th houser as well.
Today is my Father’s 1 year marker since he passed away. 62 years old, surrounded by his loved ones, listening to Pink Floyd playing gently as he passes on to the next chapter. What a blessed way to go. His 4 adult daughters, his 2 previous wives along with his current wife & soul mate of 25 years. His brothers, sisters, nieces & nephews & a couple life long friends.
My dad rocked & was an example of devotion to me & my siblings and especially to the grace & goodness of God. Certain qualities of Achyuta remind me of my father. I was the youngest & my dad called me G.G, same as Achyuta’s young daughter.
James Michael Davis of Riverside, Ca, born on October 3rd. Libra Sun & Sag Rising. I am also a Sag Rising.
I was blessed with the karma to receive a truly incredible, kind, gentle, patient, non-perverted, funny, devoted, present father.
Bless your heart and bless his soul.
I knew someone with Mars in Gemini, he wriggled his way out of sticky tricky situations, mostly of his own making, and watching him explain why black was really white was like watching Mohammad Ali dance, like a butterfly. He was a good mimic, tri lingual, at times duplicitous, & liked having a back up option romantically . in Australia we call his snake oil salesman sort of charm a “gift of the gab” ; it came with a boyish please like me aren’t I cute? sort of vibe.
Can you tell it’s my ex? 🤫
Mars in Gemini ♊️ in the 8th house (Scorpio Rising). It’s in a mutual reception with Mercury in Aries in the 6th. Mercury is oriental. I’ve been told I need to “watch my mouth” for as long as I can remember. I have an ability to cut (Mars) with words (Gemini) where it hurts the most (8th). It has helped me to manage empathetic energy; distinguishing what is mine + what is not mine. - I know you don’t use asteroids... but since Mars is my chart ruler, I feel its exact conjunction to Chiron in the nativity, STRONGLY. I didn’t learn it was okay to say “no” to things I didn’t want to do until I was around 7/8. Just like you, I too was a bit of an imaginative “storyteller liar” as a child lol! I’m amazing at keeping secrets, talking people away from the ledge. I have a Day chart, but I’ve always felt empowering (not always easy) lessons coming from the Mars placement.
You just can’t know how helpful it is to hear such personal stories. My son has mars in Gemini and some similar stories.
For sure, it helps to hear how these things are resolved.sometimes it’s just experiences in life
that bring you to a new realization. It’s difficult to understand unless someone who experienced it can articulate and obviously the person going through it can’t yet get there. Even when they are being open about it is not making any sense. She again thank you for your sharing.
Gemini is my 4th house and I am house shopping! Astrology is sooooo right on! Many hurdles: shopping in another state, lease at our place ends in May and we have to move by then! Scrambling, busy bee energy to get things done. This will be our fourth home, so we have done this before, have learned a lot about investing in property and the process of it all. The tensions will be around meeting of the minds (Mercury) and the emotional attachment to an ideal home (Pisces). I can already feel the tension forming!
You hit the nail on the head to the point of it being eerie, quite often....
Thank you for working with a planet over time and showing the aspects. There are so many astrologers who will do a month, throw in tons of transits, and act like the energies being expressed start and stop with certainty and in their little boxes, when really it's all continuous movement and flow. You show that so well when you take us on journeys like this one. Thanks for being a good sky oracle advocate. ✨ 🥰
Yes, Mars in Gemini here. Tell me what the issue is and I can spin it.
My husband has an out of sect Mars in Gemini, exactly conjunct the MC, but it squares his beautiful Mercury in Virgo in the 1st house. He's a chemical engineer by education and works as an environmental scientist for county here in Minneapolis. Part of his job is talking to reps at companies that are on the brink of getting into legal trouble and smoothing the path. He has a beautifully nimble mind and we jokingly say that he has some awesome phone game. My Mercury in Pisces, which comes with its own gifts stands in awe. I'm the one in our marriage who knows intuitively when the guy down the street is angry or just stubbed his toe. Our Mercurys combine well for that mix of logic and intuition. He also writes science fiction stories for a hobby.
All my exs and my current partner have Mars in Gemini and you are absolutely right, they almost instinctively avoid any type of confrontation. 🤣🤣🤣
Wow , i have mars in gemini and i love confrontation 🤣 Maybe because i have an aries moon
Water is not Air !
Most excellent interpretation !
Hand on heart, thank you for all you do.
Namaste, Namaskar ! ! !
This was great - so easy to follow! Thank you! 🙏🏼 I’m a Gemini rising with Mercury and Venus in 1st house, and Mars in Aquarius in 9th house. I attest: I am the ultimate chatterbox, a bit scatterbrained (mom-brain), usually high-energy, and thoroughly enjoy the art of conversation. Moon in Pisces in 10th house, Sun and Jupiter in 12th.
I'm a native to Mercury in Scorpio, (with my Ascendant in Gemini), and have not only talked my way through/out of many conflicts, but I've also felt my way through them and even prevented fights with an intent gaze, based on said feelings and instinct. I also tend to speak up and represent other people who are being abused, and also endeavor to embolden them by way of words and sharing passionate sentiments; I only recently began taking a closer look to traditional astrology and things like house rulership, and have began to finally grasp this placement in my chart. Your video has helped me understand this placement further. Thanks!
Mars in gemini in the 12th house. I also have all the benefits you mentioned of this placement but on the downside, I find that I suppress my anger unconsciously and it eventually explodes through my words. Also, I'm a little clumsy(mars opposing sun), I have a very hard time staying focused on one thing at a time and I won't get into my fear of confrontation and anxiety.
Gemini rising 00*41’ Asc (cancer sun, Scorpio moon) I literally can not stop crying as Mars crosses my Asc degree. This ingress is freaking intense. 😰
♒ 4° asc ♈sun mercury @ 0°53' ♋ moon Mars @ 2° 16° venus in ♉ 29° 29°
Pluto in virgo @1° 52°
I have been told that I tell good renditions of past life events, and that I should consider writing. Master of many trades.
I have mars in Gemini, and Mercury in aries. Libra rising, I have always been the peace maker , or problem solver . High emotional intelligence , empathic, but always seem to draw to myself narcissistic types.
Super interesting video, thank you so much ! I didn't take too much into account the role and movement of the ruler of the planet in transit until now. I understand now how important it is ! It's fascinating !
I have mars in Capricorn but in 3rd house, thus also a mediator (and I also stole some candies when I was young haha ).
I'm a bit concerned with Mars entering my 8th house, but curiosity is always stronger than fear :))
I have Mercury in Pisces. It’s hard for me to teach others effectively and I get very overwhelmed with putting together anything technical so when I owned a business my Taurus partner was a god send. The positives are my writing can be very poetic and I have an innate ability of reading peoples true intentions. Knowing this helps me break through it because in the past I’d just get frustrated and drop everything. I know today I need to either pay for help or find someone willing to handhold me through the mundane backend or technically advanced type stuff.
Thank you for this, Rachel. My progressed Mercury entered Pisces abt 2 years ago but has been stationed retrograde the entire time. Feeling so much frustration, confusion, blocks especially with regard to specifics in my 'mundane' communications (and generally getting my act together) but my psychic intuition is cruising like a '59 Deville lol
@@enlightenupfrances4910 welcome to the club!!! 😁lol
Omg Rachel, I’m a Taurus Sun & Rising with a Mars & Venus in Pisces and I can relate. I think I’m being tested to push through early on in my business and once I do that I will hire the right ppl. I hate mundane work like emails lol.. weirdly I enjoy the backhand technical stuff but the stop & go is one of those challenges of mine. I’m also a Projector in human design 🙃
@Rachel Lovell thank you 😁
@@zeynaj5844 I'm a projector too - good for you for pushing through with your business - I feel like it's 2.5x the struggle for projector
My daughter is a Taurus rising and Venus Pisces - did you feel like people pushed you to go go go at the status quo pace all your life?
Mars in Gemini here 🙋🏻♀️ strong ability to negotiate/de escalate, able to figure whatever out, and always land on my feet 😎💃🏻 this was fascinating 🧐
The land on your feet part is so right...its eerie.
6th House Gemini/Mars, Capricorn rising, Scorpio MC, Mercury in Cancer/7th chemistry team research in nuclear power industry for 40 years, trouble-shooting problems, wide variety of interests, can be frustrating facing status quo/non action
Cool college semester begins April5!!!
My Son has Mar in Gemini, and started a podcast which is doing well well. And his Mars and Murcury are in Gemini in the ,9 🏠.
Aries born April 3rd Gemini rising. EXCITED!
I have Mars in Gemini (1 degrees), conjunct my ascendant in Taurus and Pallas Athena at zero degrees Gemini in the second house. You are so right about talking myself out of things. I have done that so many times. Mars in Gemini is aggressive, but we don't really like physical fights. I can look at a situation and sum it up quickly. One thing about Mars in Gemini is our minds go so fast its hard to focus. Meditation has helped that for me. Like right now I have about five different projects going. We really can just do things and figure them out. Mars in Gemini is really a fascinating placement. It's an energy that takes time to understand. Another area that's weird with this placement is sexuality. But I will leave that for a different forum. I believe you did a different you tube video about Mars in Gemini a couple of years ago, I will have to watch that one. Thanks for this. Mars in Gemini is such a big part of my personality ( I know we're not are planets though).
Just sat down to watch, after leaving work early from not feeling well. My head is buzzing so I’m hoping to gain insight here. Thanks so much for all you do
Thank you for this update! I've got both Mars in Gemini in the eigth house, ruling my first house (scorpio ascendant), as well as mercury in Pisces in the fifth. The Mars-Mercury energy in those houses has played out in my life as a mixture of intellect, conversational work and the love of poetic language - and feelings of being very alineated with words. I used to work as a psychologist and study french philosophy, doing trauma therapy as well as writing poetical philosophical texts about the healing effects of handicraft. I'm into abstract thinking, complex texts and writing poetry but often forget to eat or where I parked my bike. The Marsian-Mercurian aspects also tend to let a lot of people into my life in general (8th house) and I often found myself dealing with the (troublesome) ideas of others ever since I was a small child. Confronting the bullies at school or working with women in violent relationships - before I even open my mouth, people confess to me the thoughts that haunt and hurt them the most.
Besides the conversational aspects, I see the handicraft part reflected in Mars in Gemini, as it is in a trine by degree to Venus in the fourth (both sextiling Jupiter in Aries in the sixth by degree). I am myself a devoted knitter and regard it as my daily spiritual practice. Being alone at home and knitting is simply what I do everyday for hours on end, especially after a huge breakdown with anxiety and depression six years ago. Moon-Saturn conjunction in the ninth house in Cancer plays a huge part as well in this life trajectory of producing (GeminiMars) beauty (AquariusVenus) and poetry (PiscesMercury) at home as a spiritual practice (4-9th houses)...
The outward mental force of Mars in Gemini mixed in a square with the poetic, con-fused (Jupitarian "fusing together") Mercury in Pisces can bring the gift of translating liminal, indistinct experiences to others but also brings the feeling of words never being sufficient. Neurotypical language being inadequate when it comes to communicating the flow of life ;-) And so, language needing to find other ways of flowing. Mars in Gemini def gets my natal debilitated Mercury going in pushing it to actually "take place" (speek out) in communication with others, however also quickly exhausting the dreamy mind of the slower working Mercury in Pisces. On the other hand, that very same fishy Mercury helps Mars (in Mercury's domicile) communicate around matters that are not quite as obvious and straightforward as they might come across at first hand. All the liminal stuff that Mars in Gemini otherwise might overlook.
Middle of April will be quite something with that whole Mars-Jupiter-Venus network in late degrees in my chart being activated ! Best wishes and thanks again from Copenhagen, Louise
Wow!! Yes I have so much to say about this! To start, my Mercury is at 27.6 degrees in Pisces, trining Neptune at 1 degree in Aquarius. For me I absolutely feel the part Adam said about sensing past what is being said. I have been going through conflict with my family lately (mother and sister are Geminis, other sister is Aquarius) because I read past what is and is not said. I have always been the “over-emotional overreactor who needs to get a grip on their emotions” which, in part could be true with my Pisces sun, and Cancer moon, causing me to act out as Scorpio rising. My moon absolutely works with this Mercury placement. I have tried to tell them that the truth is in the micro-expressions. Also, I find that I have to try to make sense of feelings that are based on big picture themes (macro) combined with the little expressions (micro) and it becomes very difficult to express these things sometimes. I have been working through relational gaslighting lately and it is very VERY hard with this Mercury placement. From a distance it is easy to understand but once I am face to face, trying to explain and reason with the gaslighter, I feel like I cannot be understood... like my words will never make sense to the other person, even when I am rewording the same thing dozens of times. I think this will be a theme across March, as it is with my immediate family and I need it to be sorted out/healed before I can feel loved and valued in the family.
Also, I express Pisces in Mercury through divination. I am building my business of reading tarot/Oracle cards, which leads me to the next reflection:...
WOW!! This is the perfect transit to be happening for me. My partner and I just booked tickets to New Orleans for March 30th-April 5th. I read the Celestine Prophecy then had two dreams about walking to New Orleans. I have almost no money after investing in a handful of tarot decks I created last year so it was a big deal for me to follow this intuitive nudge. I can’t even afford the air B&B yet 😅 but my birthday is this weekend and I am hoping for a check that will help pay for lodging and more decks so that I can sell them to the magic shops in New Orleans! Everything Adam said about that time being ideal for business growth, and leading to much support for business ventures was the perfect confirmation of my decision to go on this trip! Hopefully I will have enough money in the next couple weeks to order the second edition of the decks.. probably what that mid-month hustle is all about.. I trust it, otherwise it wouldn’t be moving forward so synchronistically. Thank you so much for this video and confirmation of my intuitive nudge!! I hope you all experience many blessings this month. Happy birthday to my fellow Pisceans and to the beautiful Aries out there! Om Shanti Shanti Shanthi 🙏✨
This is practically my natal placement: Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces, Virgo rising. I am eager to experience this month.
Same here! Mars in Gemini squaring Mercury in Pisces... It will be a good month to explore this combination.
Virgo rising too!!! Natal mars is 2nd and this is happening in my 10th in gemini
My sun, Venus, and Mars are all in Pisces ♓ and as a Gem rising, Mercury is my chart ruler. Things are about to get real lol.
I have Mercury and Mars in Pisces. This is absolute nightmare. My whole life is inner battle, basically any event can tip me off the balance and if I cannot reconcile feelings and rational need (and I never can - it is always one at the expense of another, it's just if i can put up with one, usually feelings, being suppressed) then there is a risk that my world can collapse - job can be lost, friends lost, health problems - till I hit the bottom and begin rationalizing just to make the living. Then I am usually doing quite well for a while, but then emotions reach a boiling point - I either meet somebody who sets off my feelings or I feel bored. The worst is when I hurt someone who matters to me because I suppressed my feelings - then I fall into self-destructive circle of self-blame until I totally destroy everything of benefit in my life, throw myself in a pit and have to start all over again
Thank you for sharing . Anna
My Mercury is at Pisces 27, 5th house. I do have an ability to look behind the facade of people & situations. Also I can write stream of consciousness poetry that tends to turn into visionary prophecy. Which is why I also use my poetic writing in some of my readings as I'm a professional diviner. On the downside I have trouble making plans & following through. But that may also be my Aries Sun talking lol.
Thank you for your videos 🙏....I’ve got Mars in Gemini in the eighth house I’m constantly researching and my curiosity can get the better of me I guess. I sometimes get overwhelmed with the amount of information that I accumulate and can get stuck with researching and not doing.
My mind is very active. I also have quite a number of skills playing an instrument, singing, writing ,theatre and now visual arts.
I never stop searching and sometimes I can get nervous exhaustion from trying to do too many things.... luckily I have sun and mercury in Virgo and Saturn in Capricorn and a Taurus moon which helps me to be a bit more grounded but even then I still have trouble.
Also I like to avoid conflict by using my intellect and words rather than any type of aggressive action.
im a virgo rising with mars conj mercury in gemini. mars rules my third house of siblings and my older sister is both a kleptomaniac and pathological liar. i am on the other side of extremes in response growing up with that energy, goody two shoes zero tolerance for myself to use even white lies and petty theft(mercury in gemini - rob hand told me planets in rulership act their best not worst, so mercury in gemini is NOT a liar, but can see the truth in all its sides). also i LOVE to talk with mercury in pisces people better than anyone else, i find them to be one of the only placements where i want to really share my feelings with. all my confessions have been to mercury in pisces people. listeners extraordinaire.
Mars in Gemini in my 12 house. The de-escalation part resonated for me as well as an almost uncanny ability to stay calm in a crisis. Mars is also my profected time lord of the year (10th house). I am looking forward to finding out what that means.
Gemini rising, I hope that I can sit still and long enough to write some stuff....;D
Natal Mars in Gemini squaring Mercury in Pisces. I wake up with a new idea every day and those are really great ideas, but I hardly bring them to fruition, because I get easily distracted, bored etc. Also, I always have two occupations. Mercury in Pisces makes me aware of the larger picture, but it is difficult to communicate my insights to others. I get carried away when I speak, have had a success expressing myself through photography... Last year I became an English teacher and I always wonder if I have explained things clearly enough:)) . I am very self-conscious when I speak.
Neptune Libra in a wide (9 deg) superior square to exalted Mars in Cap. Pushes me to let happy accidents happen when creating. Puts a little magic into projects.
I have Mars in Gemini in my 12th house and Mercury in Pisces in my 9th house. I relate to what you said regarding this being an excellent placement for meditation. My Mars is conjunct my Saturn and my South Node. I feel as if I may have been a monk in a former life. Also my Mars does sort of obey my Saturn making me very disciplined. My Mercury in Pisces 9th house is conjunct my Jupiter in Pisces 9th house, expanding my writing abilities and communication, which can be dreamlike. Back to Mars in Gemini, I agree that dancing is a form of movement meditation. Also working with hands, as I am a massage therapist and a painter. Thanks for the video.
Tight conjunction of mars/mercury in Pisces 5th hse, square Uranus in Gemini 8th hse. So much of me is in this analysis and I'm loving it. New relationships and renewed driving license came in the mail today. Feeling way too confident!!! lol
“Water is not Air!”.....Acyuta Bhava
Taking notes... it’s like he’s channeling... got it.
I'm just about to buy some fish, very helpful ;o)
My sun is at 23 degrees Pisces and I have been feeling Neptune approaching for awhile now. How do I feel it? I have been really spacey, more than normal. Neptune is exactly conjunct my moon and both are one degree from my Ascendant in Libra. So, I am naturally very intuitive and easily lifted into a dreamy place. I have no planets in earth signs but I do have Saturn also conjunct my ascendant in Libra, which I consider to be my saving grace (but tough love for sure).
So I have been watching for about 6 months as the planets line up for the upcoming new moon on my birthday, March 13th. Neptune and Venus will also be conjunct the sun and moon that day.
Your video is very helpful as I try very intentionally to stay grounded. I’ve been working in my garden all day, everyday lately, as a way to be grounded. It helps a lot. I had asked people I’m close to, to keep an eye on me and don’t let me float away. LOL.
Even though I rarely drink alcohol, I do think about it a lot more lately. I know where that’s coming from, so I refuse to indulge those impulses. One seemingly harmless behavior I have indulged in is my pool. I’ve been spending a lot of time cleaning it and pressure washing around it and redoing the plants around it. The water calls me! LOL
So that’s most of what I’m aware of. I am a regular meditator and would love for this upcoming Neptune conjunct my sun to bring me a burst of enlightenment but I’m not expecting it. My life is so blessed, I would never even consider asking for more of anything. I am truly grateful.
You are one of life’s blessings Acycuta. Thank you for being there for us. ❤️🙏
I was a clepto as well ;D
Didn't have enough patience to wait to pay!
My son has Mars in Gemini, we have called him the mediator 😂
Lots of good info, thank you. I have mars in libra and so far in my life I’ve managed to avoid any fist fights; not through words so much as just diving for cover. Lol. I also have Venus in Scorpio, so there’s some mutual reception there, for what that’s worth
Namaste from Portland Oregon.
Thank you for the lesson on planetary placements coming from a Mars in cancer.
I’m quite good at de-escalating stuff like that too and have Mars in Gemini in the 10th. Also I get into conflicts and then back out using words and seem to pacify people but leave them confused and slightly suspicious of me
you mentioned moving meditation. My favorite ways to simultaneously express movement and meditation are BayGua and Tai Chi Chuan.
I have Mercury in Pisces(5) conjunct my ascendant(9), opposite Pluto(in Virgo, of course). I have always seen it in 12th house, which tends to fit my mental functioning better. As I read about first house Pisces, and listen to your makes some sense.
I have Saturn @ 3 Gemini, Venus @ 7 Gemini and Mars @ 9 Gemini so this Mars transit will begin an entirely new Saturn, Venus and Mars cycle in regards to Mars. Looking forward to it 🙏. Great report 🙏
Great stuff!!!!!!!!!!
Mars in Gemini here too, looking forward to the Mars Return :D I used to steal too, not candy but Pokemon cards ... I also had a knack for languages but would try to study too many at once, a teacher literally told me "if you plus plus plus too much, you're head will explode!" in hindsight I saw my Mars in Gemini having a field day xD
Thank you for this!!
AHA Gemini is in my 10th house dual careers which is kind of kicking off! prooving accurate - Mercury is linked with Sagg with me - could this be the reason why I a woke to some conflicting dreams about a persons lies and me reacting to them!
Lawd im too interested in what you think of this. This is my 10th and 6th house. Jupiter is here for me and where my progressed moon is currently. I feel the intensity, keeping grounded, greatful Imma listen now. Thank you in advance for sharing your knowledge.
*Mars is Gemini retro (in the 9th), Mercury in Libra!* : I’m definitely a “ok, yea you can react right now, but the consequences are long term and stupid” kinda person.😭 As an adult I shared with my mom that I was ALWAYS too conscious of the consequences of fighting as an immigrant child to let myself get in a serious one. I would squeeze my way out of escalating tension or drama like I wasn’t even there lol ....
Getting suspended or expelled would be a MUCH heavier toll on me than my American friends. My mom just thought I wasn’t the fighting type... I just weighed my pros and cons... and a pissed off immigrant mom is scarier than any potential bully I ever faced, sorry 💁🏾♀️ sometimes I hated it cuz I felt fighting would just get some ppl to leave me alone!...only for those same kids to try and be my friend months later 🤦🏾kids are weird🙄😭😭
With Mars almost conjunct Neptune (10th house, Sagittarius) in my natal chart I really identify with the Joan of Arc energy - it can be very intense, but at the same time it makes me feel alive 😁
Mars in Libra 7th, Mercury Scorpio 8th - thinking I will need be especially good with my communications, and listen patiently, especially with my loved ones. Sounds like a interesting month. "Water is not Air!" Looking forward to March 29th! Fun! :D
Is Rivers Pheonix's character in Stand By Me a good example of what you're talking about with Mars in Gemini breaking up fights?
Mars (Rx + out of bounds) in Gemini 9H...did all sorts of mischievous things as a kid, and into my twenties, just for giggles! Sometimes just to see what I could get away with. Good thing that's a thing of the past, for the most part. 🙃
I don’t know my birth chart exactly I do know that gemini is my house of hopes wishes and dreams so I “ hope something awesome happens”!! This was very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thank you! It sounds like it’s going to be an interesting time period!
Cancer rising so mars is entering my 12th house. I've been having trouble sleeping so I hope this transit doesn't make it worse!
Me too! Cancer rising and sleep pattern all screwy this past month. Did you let go of some group attachments while Mars was in 11th house?
@@Laura-il5lo yes i have actually. Letting go of group mentality/attachments so i can fully focus on myself and goals.
Wow. This is uncanny. Me too. Astrology never ceases to amaze me. Best of luck to you with Mars through your 12th. I'll be rooting for you and all our Cancer Rising friends. I'm expecting a HIIT workout for the soul. Self-mastery, here I come...
@@Laura-il5lo thank you! same to you :)
Me too can't sleep. Sag, Cancer rising don't know if I am coming or going. Mercury in Sag and can say the wrong thing or write the wrong thing in an email and people get hurt. I am not even sure why most of the time.
Hmm...I'm wondering if Mars in Gemini will assist Mercury in Pisces. Just thinking this because I have the same rulers (different signs) for my Natal Mars and Mercury. I was born with Sagittarius Mercury and Mars in Virgo. The detriment with Jupiter ruled Mercury is that I find I'm constantly taking every little bit of info that I know and trying to piece it together into a bigger picture. It's always like I'm doing a jigsaw puzzle in my mind to see where each concept fits, which can lead to it wandering or getting away from the present moment/being grounded. But, with Mercury ruled Mars, I'm able to break down concepts and tasks into smaller pieces and am very efficient at getting things done. I can also break down complicated concepts in a way that other people can understand. So with this combination, maybe able to break down big picture ideas in a way that can be communicated clearly and simply to others.
My mercury is conjunct venus and my venus is conjunct jupiter all in Gemini in my 5th house . I have mars is in cancer in my 6th house.
so far the engery has been refreshing to finally have Mars coming out of Taurus. I have been feeling more emotional than normal but also inspired looking forward to what March brings
Gemini is in my 11th house, and Pisces my I correct in that is where Mars and Mercury have influence at this time? So educational and insightful. Best astrology channel on RUclips🙏🙏🙏
I'm Gemini rising and unemployed. Tempted to push forward with a website doing intuitive work. Or just go get a damn job that I'll probably feel like steals all my time.
Mars in Gemini in 12th. I have absolutely no idea what I’m about here.
Gemini/4th house, Aquarius/12th house with natal Mars 3, North node 15. Aries/2nd house with natal moon 4. I've been dealing with 8th house issues, natal Saturn and Neptune conjunct at 23, for what feels like forever. So I'm certain/hopeful I'll manage all this 4th house energy also. Sigh.
What do you do with Gem in Sun/Gem in 12house.
Burn off energy and get out in nature.
Mars is gemini with Sun and Mercury in Cancer. I have been called the peacemaker a few times, told I can make lemonade from lemons and have street smarts. I also love to vend at craftshows (mars 10th house) and credit that to my Gemini Mars.
All the same placements expect my mars is in the 7th!
yep! Mars in gemini on my 11th house. February just whacked me. I feel so tired! I hope that mars leaving my 10th means more relaxed work environment coz it has been a roller coaster!
So I've got mars in gemini on my birth chart AND mars transiting through gemini. hm.. what does that mean??
Mercury ingressing will be entering opposition to my natal Mercury. And Pluto.
By the way, the blue-white walls with the cream-white woodwork is lovely.
It’s my solar return today and I got mercury in Pisces
This mars in Gemini is gonna hit my 7th house
Great video Adam! So for Gem rising to have Mars in it’s whole sign domicile..... hmmm 🤔 I am
Bought The Dhammapada, The Kybalion, and a new pocket Bhagavad Gita today. Also got apps for the Gita, Upanishads, and Vedas today. Though I definitely prefer book in hand. 💞 next I want to get more James Hillman. Ordered Suicide and the Soul immediately after watching one of your videos last year. I loaned it to a friend I thought needed it and haven't gotten it back yet but hope to soon.
Happy readings!!!!!
Thank you so much 🌻
I have Mercury in Pisces in my 7th house. I find it difficult to understand things some times. I need a mental picture before i can understand things.. i write fairly creatively but if I am confronted with something or so.eone needs an immediate answer takes me a while to formulate an answer. However there are times when I can flow in speech and wonder where it came from. I like to pull facts and pieces of information from different places..I can see a big picture or how things connect and fit together.
Thank you for this! Also- I know you always like to hear some ideas about future videos. Here’s one! There are certain transits that I cannot find a lot of info on. For example this upcoming new moon at 23 Pisces lands on the exact degree of my natal north node. Just 10 minutes away. It’s not every day that a new moon hits such a point exactly. I cannot find any information about the significance or importance of a new moon exactly on the natal north node. Thanks!
Oh! I have mercury conj neptune in aquarius square mars in taurus. I cant be objective because its myself, but people often describe my way of speech as a bit aloof, rude/ annoyed (even when thats not my intention) so thats a bit of a bummer. I also have a tendency to describe complex concepts in a short and a quick way, but somehow certain people dont get what im saying at all, while others understand everything perfectly. Anyways, I loved the video, love your channel as well, have a nice day!
I’m a homebody/introvert recently feeling , quite strongly, that I want to take a road trip and romanticizing the heck out of the idea, lol 😆 Talk about a Mars in Gemini with Venus influence.
Mercury in Pisces with square to Neptune in Sag. Mercury is "under the beams" of my Sun. I have severe ADD of the "inattentive type" and am constantly struggling to keep up.
My Mercury is in Pisces at zero degrees 27 minutes on House #9. I am author of The Peace Prophecy trilogy.
Where he said "Mercury in Neptune", he meant Pisces♓ 😹. This was a great chart reading! 👌🏾💖 Mars in Gemini ♊ would be business and the SOCIAL sciences. The deep dives and hard sciences are Scorpio ♏ and Aquarius♒
My Sun, Mercury & Mars is in Gemini! Half way through the clip I wondered if you had Gemini placements, 🙄, astro character descriptions are spot on! Since I have a Scorpio rising, I'm guessing the Mercury / Mars aspect will not be difficult?
Astrology is hard for me to grasp...but I love TRYING to understand it!!!!
My sun is in Aquarius and I am a Gemini rising... no idea where mercury is for me but my natal chart mars is in scorpio.
I need a chart done for this year, I'm overdue 🪐
Mars in Gemini Retrograde natally. I am not sure how this might show up?
Jupiter in Pisces ♓ 3rd house
Mars in Virgo 10th House
Mercury in Libra 10th House
Am a gemini ascendant with Mars and jupiter in Gemini ..and a double leo sun and moon..crazy combo..
Oh, and I have Mercury in Pisces. I think 🤔 can count my life fly stars. Sun and Jupiter ( conj no node and port of fortune ) are also there. Sometimes just speaking simple words get no more be can or mail be it’s will comprehend or take it as important what I say. You learn to repeat things that are important to you. Ultimately I thing Mercury in Pisces is a very good thing to bring us back to what’s really important. Shot the messages can not be what what we are here to be doing. I love my Mercury in Pisces. Not everyone else dose.
I’m a Scorpio moon in Cap and rising Taurus . No idea how this may play out?
I have Mars in gemini ...6-th rules 7th. Bday Sunday. ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️.I like Mars in gemini pep..they come to me🕯️😇
Mars in Scorpio. Mercury in Aries. Gemini in 10th House (Midheaven). How does this transit affect me? Appreciate any & all advice or information!
Hi, I don't have an exact birth time... I have an "about" time... unfortunately the "about" time lands in either Sag or Cap rising.. within in five minutes either way. I struggle with all of these postings because I try to see what topics come up that I can pin something to either rising sign... unfortunately with the pandemic my main topics seem to be work, sleep, RUclips.. so not much to go on. Thanks for the posting... I will keep trying. Denise :-)
Placing a meal to the waiter,,,, I would like some Mars with the Gemini and woo on the side, please 😂
Waiter: Great choice. Would you like your Mars well-done, medium rare or raw? :)
I'm Gemini rising so 1st house n I have natally Mars in Gemini! And my natal mercury is in cancer with my Sun, hoping this is good for me :)
Also having 2nd Saturn return exactly conjunction transit Saturn Saturday! Have Jupiter in Pisces in 10th with my Moon!
And ohboy! My Moon is at 19degrees conjunctwith Neptune!
Can relate to the stealing when I was younger too! And try to come up always how to fix things, also have a degree in chemistry! Nailed it!
🤣🤣😅❣💙laffy taffy child kleptomaniac..adore your channel..🤩