Italy's economy has been struggling - it may be on the edge of a banking crisis - depositors are pulling their money out. Youth unemployment is very high. If you moved there, how would you make a living?
I'm not disputing the more laid back lifestyle there. I'm talking about the practicality of it. I actually live in Southern California by the beach - which is pretty nice and also laid back. It's not LA. I wouldn't mind living in parts of the the South Pacific or the Caribbean - BUT I don't know if I could sustain myself in these places. Did you used to live in Italy? Where are you now?
Actually, the law doesn't state specifically that it has to be 40% women. Instead, it states that neither gender can call below 40% representation. That's a far more egalitarian way of wording such a policy and it works to prevent the pendulum from going too far in the other direction. Some universities in the US have a similar wording for their admissions policy, which is now being used to benefit men since women are more likely to go to university.
I don't think that's exactly fair either. Hypothetically, if some all-female party came along and had the best solutions for everything, they should be able to win a majority. I don't think it's fair to take gender into account at all.
MarioAtheonio I think we're at our best when we allow a variety of different people to come together and use their personal experience to gain a better input about a problem. Qualifications, though important, aren't the only consideration that should be made; as anybody in HR can certainly tell you.
America deserves the life style it has, as do all other true democracies. Americans choose to have a low minimum wage, high health care costs, poor schooling systems, etc. If it did not so choose, then it would not be a democracy. Don't like it? Then get involved.
I get why Moore prefers living in the states, it's pretty great if you have money... Otherwise, western Europe is probably better, with all the issues that we have.
Goutham Nandan Except Somalia is unsafe, dirty and has shitty hospitals. Wouldn't want to live there if I had infinite money, nor any other African country for that matter.
Peter Spalthoff Dude .. honestly money buys everything!! With money, you can build a mini private Miami there! You really need to see the lives of super rich from such countries. World's most expensive home is in India. Check Antilia.. That guy has a whole city inside that building that overlooks slums!
Moved to France more than 20 years ago, and am appalled at the life my daughter's are living in the US! I often have to send them money for medical bills, etc.
Otherwise it was a nice clip (greetings from Finland), but why does American patriotism always have to lead to convincing viewers 'I would much rather live here in the States'. OK, why? It is a bit insulting for Europeans, if you first say: 'it is great', and then 'we are the best and we actually invented everything you have'. Do you really think the American people won't listen without these fishy lines?
If I was Micheal Moore, I'd too would rather live in the US. He is probably quite wealthy and can afford to live well there. But what's much more important is, that he's actually one of the most influential politcal figues there and. might play a crucial role in transforming the country. That sort of resposibility and purpose is worth a lot. The whole line of argumention concerning the origin of all the good stuff european countries implemented is really silly though. You can probably track back these ideas to the 16th century in european culture alone and might find various approaches in other cultures that might even predate that.
Well we want all Americans to have these great things; they can’t all move to Europe. And of course it all isn’t invented by America, but a good amount of it existed here before Reagan, etc. His point is that these ideas are not foreign, they’re American, too.
The only thing I really disagree with is affirmative action where there MUST be a set number women or minorities(Particularly blacks) in the workplace, politics or in education, etc. Whoever is the more qualified and/or experienced for the job should get it. That's just how I feel.
Affirmative action only exists in the US because if not forced to a lot of companies would not have hired blacks even if they were the most qualified. And this isn't restricted to decades ago. Even today studies show that whites with high school diplomas are often chosen over blacks with degrees.
+Isiah Wallace Tristian, what he said^. There have been numurous studies on this topic. As Blacks with a better education and work experience are often not picked when it comes down competing against a white worker. Also, it happens all the time with women. People, not all, with and sometimes without realize are bias with who they think is the better candidate for the job.
alejandro leos All I'm saying is that it shouldn't be the main goal just to be "diverse", a hypothetical situation is when a Caucasian man and an African-American woman are equally qualified for a job in every way from education to experience, who do you think they'll choose when there's public outrage?
Pfff Whateva Just adding to the point that being arrogant, thinking you know everything and that you're better than everybody else doesn't help America.
Personally, I think Michael Moore's recent documentary, "Where to Invade Next," really shows that certain ideas that have been used in some countries should be implemented here in America. I totally agree with what Mr. Moore and his documentary had pointed out.
"these all american ideas , aren't they " really!! even many great ideas inside US aren't originally american people elsewhere have brains too ,they do think and invent,, GOD
They aren't saying where it originated for the point. they are saying we have tried these things before where we pushed for a good change but just gave up something that countries are doing and benefiting from it. Pointing out our flawed conservative ways get in the way of progress in many ways.
I just watched the thing myself. Yeah, a lot of Europeans said they got these ideas from America. You guys were still torturing prisoners when we said no cruel and unusual punishment...
I know the declaration of independence, and of course the bill of rights, are huge models around the world. For instance, Poland enacted an even more progressive government after seeing the US win it's war against Britain. Side note- Poland was quickly invaded and taken over by it's non-progressive neighbors Germany and Austria for their attempt at american freedom. Many progressive ideas have been based on those early american documents. The problem is how much of the american capitalism+ignorance has moved away from those ideals.
So typical, to see how the most of the comments relativize everything they see, instead of accepting that some parts of life are better in other countries...
As a guy living in one of the countries he invaded (the country of easy-to-surrender-cheese-lovers), I think the image he gives of these countries is a bit embellished, but the idea of "what you think is awful works pretty well somewhere else" is interesting, not only for the US.
+Collin Pittman The qouta is at least 40% of either gender. at least 40% women or 40% men. I'm guessing (no facts to back this up) that it will make sure parliament always have a male perspective and a female perspective. This was enacted during a time where women had absolutely no say in politics which wasn't that long ago. Im assuming. Good question though
+Collin Pittman because studies show that women are not less educated than men (often even the opposite), they are not less able to lead and are able to make informed and tough decions just as well as men but are often marginalized and held back by the "boys club" that is politics. I am also not a fan of quotas in general but women make up 50% of the population so why should't they make up 50% of the population's representatives?
Fuck any form of affirmative action. Affirmative action is simply regressive and it should not be aplauded. Other than that everything else seemed fine to me.
+Death Angel Really?? What exactly do you mean by "affirmative action?" Can you give us a definition to work with? So, people who have been exploited, oppressed, and marginalized shouldn't be offered a hand to pull them from the ditch the system has kept them in for so long? Unfortunately, you don't offer us any explanation on how you reached this position of yours. Is it a religious belief? Do you base your position on the constitution? What exactly is your rationale against affirmative action? I don't know who you are, but it sounds like you are already enjoying your own affirmative action programs; you just don't want anyone else to share in your privileges.
+Masikini By "affirmative action" I mean any laws that deal with making businesses, government institutions, companies, colleges, universities, etc. have to meet some sort of quota based on things such as gender, sexuality, race, etc. You know, laws that undermine having a meritocracy and actually earning a job or position rather than getting it because the company was short a few (insert "marginalized" group here) and needed to meet the quota. I believe in this crazy system called a "meritocracy", it basically holds that people should earn their positions (I know, crazy idea right?!) rather than have them get a position based on their race, gender, sexuality, etc. under the guise of diversity, or for any reason really. I believe that people should get a job or position if they earn it and that things like race, gender, sexuality, etc. should have no place in whether or not someone has a higher chance of getting the position and that the only thing that should matter is how well qualified they are to be in that position. Also, you claim that I'm enjoying some sort of privilege myself. It seems as if you have already made assumptions about me. Tell me, since you obviously know so much about me, what are these exact privileges you think that I'm supposedly enjoying? I'm quite curious to find out just how much you have assumed about me based on just that one thing I said. I look forward to your response.
Death Angel "I believe that people should get a job or position if they earn it and that things like race, gender, sexuality, etc. should have no place in whether or not someone has a higher chance of getting the position and that the only thing that should matter is how well qualified they are to be in that position." I will reply... I am sorry to disappoint you, but the system you describe doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist. The idea that people get jobs because they are the best "qualified" for the job is simply ridiculous. Have you ever worked for a corporation? And the people you saw there were the best qualified? What are you talking about? People get jobs for all kinds of reasons. Some get them because they went to the same college as the people hiring; others get hired because they are the nephew to the CEO; it always helps if you have somebody powerful in your circle of friends and family. Qualifications are overrated!! Another example, which one of the last 5 US president would you consider to have been the best qualified for the job? Ronald Reagan? No!! He was already struggling with Alzheimer's. George Bush Sr? No, the guy couldn't even put an independent thought together. Bill Clinton? No, the guy was just a smooth liar. He never believed in being truthful. Everything that came from his mouth was a lie. George Bush Jr? No the guy looked liked he was brain-damaged in childhood. Obama? Do you really believe he is the best qualified person for that job right now? I don't. It amazes me every time I see these shaky arguments against affirmative action policies on the grounds that people should be the best qualified for whatever jobs they are hired for. And very often the people making these arguments have jobs themselves and they are obviously not the most qualified people for those jobs. They can continue to pretend to be morally superior to the rest of us in large part because they never bother to define what they mean by 'best qualified for the job." Is it the applicant's academic achievement? their prior job experience? their moral character? What is it exactly? Who decides? On what criteria? I agree with you the concept of meritocracy is "crazy." There is no such a thing.
+Masikini "I am sorry to disappoint you, but the system you describe doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist." I don't recall ever claiming that such a system ever existed or that it is the system that we had now, however I do think that it is quite possible to have in the future, but I will discuss this later. "The idea that people get jobs because they are the best "qualified" for the job is simply ridiculous. Have you ever worked for a corporation? And the people you saw there were the best qualified? What are you talking about? People get jobs for all kinds of reasons. Some get them because they went to the same college as the people hiring; others get hired because they are the nephew to the CEO; it always helps if you have somebody powerful in your circle of friends and family." While the idea that we are a meritocracy now is ridiculous, to assert that we should further ourselves from it even more just because we aren't currently a meritocracy is much more ridiculous. While most of those things that you said may be true, in regards to people currently getting jobs for arbitrary and subjective reasons, the answer isn't to then allow people to start getting jobs based on even more subjective and arbitrary things such as race, gender, sexuality, etc. but rather to crack down on the subjective and arbitrary reasons for which people may be getting their jobs now. "Qualifications are overrated!!" Haha! As I said earlier, I will be addressing this point a bit later in this comment. "Another example, which one of the last 5 US president would you consider to have been the best qualified for the job? Ronald Reagan? No!! He was already struggling with Alzheimer's. George Bush Sr? No, the guy couldn't even put an independent thought together. Bill Clinton? No, the guy was just a smooth liar. He never believed in being truthful. Everything that came from his mouth was a lie. George Bush Jr? No the guy looked liked he was brain-damaged in childhood. Obama? Do you really believe he is the best qualified person for that job right now? I don't." As far as the 5 U.S. Presidents that you listed go, 4 out of 5 of them were the most qualified for the job at the time that they were elected because how qualified a person is to be the U.S. President isn't based on any one's personal opinion, but rather the opinion of the country as a whole. The person that gets the majority vote is the one that is the most qualified for the job of U.S. President, because how well qualified someone is to be in that particular position is based on who the American people as a whole want. Now, the one exception is George Bush Jr. who got the most Electoral Votes but not the majority, popular vote. As far as the electoral college goes it is something that should be taken away as it is something that goes against having a meritocracy and gets in the way of the voice of the American people when it comes to picking the U.S. President. This is all, sadly, unimportant to the debate as I never did claim that we ever had a meritocracy or have a meritocracy and only that it should be the system that we should have, as I mentioned in the first reply I made in this comment. "It amazes me every time I see these shaky arguments against affirmative action policies on the grounds that people should be the best qualified for whatever jobs they are hired for." It amazes me that you believe that people should be hired to do a job based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. rather than their ability to be competitive and do that job better than other hopeful applicants and people in that line of work. Hiring someone based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. is just as racist, sexist, and bigoted as firing someone for their race, gender, sexuality, etc. Lets work to take arbitrary and subjective reasons for hiring someone out of the system, not to put more in. "And very often the people making these arguments have jobs themselves and they are obviously not the most qualified people for those jobs." But not always. Don't make hasty assumptions. "They can continue to pretend to be morally superior to the rest of us in large part because they never bother to define what they mean by 'best qualified for the job." Is it the applicant's academic achievement? their prior job experience? their moral character? What is it exactly? Who decides? On what criteria?" Why are you bringing morality into this? This isn't much of a moral argument, at least not when referring to how well someone can do a job or not. As far as the criteria that is decided upon, well that all depends on the job and what is required to do such a job. The criterias that are taken into account are decided by the company, business, etc. and must be directly tied to the work or job position they are hiring for and I'm sure that things like academic achievement, time on the field, prior job experiences in another field, and how well they meet the requirements to do the specific job that they are going for are all taken into account. "I agree with you the concept of meritocracy is "crazy." There is no such a thing." Remember how I said that I would be discussing how we could have a future meritocracy at a later point in this comment? Well, we have reached that point! While, once again, I never did claim that there was such a thing as a meritocracy right now or that there has ever been one I did claim that there should be one, here is how we could get one. First and foremost, lets not make the situation worse by having quotas that must be met in any workplace and I'm talking about quotas of any kind, besides the actual number of job positions that must be filled in general, of course. The first thing we need to do is stop advocating for equal representation of any group of people in any part of the work force, or other areas as well, such as learning institutions like colleges or universities. The next thing is to prevent people from hiring based on arbitrary or subjective reasons, such as simply being from the same university or college as the employer, or being a relative of the employer (unless we are talking about a family business). Basically all we have to do is get rid of ways in which employers could hire someone for subjective or arbitrary reasons, rather than for reasons directly pertaining to how well that individual can do the job compared to the other people that are applying to get that position. Its not all that difficult and not all that far-fetched. Anyways, before I end this already lengthy reply I will add one more thing. You never did tell me what sort of privilege I was enjoying. You mentioned that I was enjoying some sort of privilege and I kindly asked that you elaborated on what this privilege was, and if there are multiple privileges that you suspect that I enjoy do point them out to me. As I previously said, I am very curious to see how much you actually know about me, for all I know you're some sort of psychic or maybe your assumptions are actually baseless and you know absolutely nothing at all, and I'll go ahead and assume the latter of the two. Anyways, thank you for reading and for your time, and I do sincerely hope that you do not leave me hanging on my request once again.
You know it is funny that we could come up with rules like, "there must be a minimum number of women at a particular work place, in a sector and all that". It is so disturbing how it isn't a problem but becomes one when we turn tables with the rule.
As a Finn, I can tell you our prison system is an absolute joke! While you can make the argument of human rights, good conditions for the inmates etc. The whole thing is basically a holiday resort, and that should not be the case.
+OnePieceNation I would disagree. The world we live in has many capable female leaders. These same women live in a world where a lot of men, whether consciously or unconsciously, don't trust women to be leaders. It is a good thing when the parliament reflects what the public looks and thinks like. Politicians should be elected based on merit but there ought to be something in place to guarantee that that merit is recognised. How can it be labelled regressive to ensure that both men and women have an even platform to stand on when entering parliament?
Jacob Wootton "These same women live in a world where men, whether consciously or unconsciously, don't trust women to be leaders" baseless assertion citation needed. The parliament should be selected on merit only not on the composition of the population, equality of outcome is inherently discriminatory. Yes merit should be recognized but not on arbitrary things like race, gender and sexuality. Because it is equality of outcome and not equality of opportunity which is egalitarian. Equality of outcome is soft racism, misogyny and discrimination because it basically tells minorities that they cannot become members of parliament on their own merit instead the selection process have to be changed or rigged in the case of Canada to make sure that women and minorities are included, its the soft bigotry of low expectations.
You make an interesting point but I have to disagree once more. I don't think the game has to be rigged in order for women or minorities to be elected into parliament. I think the game is already rigged and has been for centuries. The white man has long been the typical leader of Western nations and now as other groups are gaining more ground, it makes sense that members of these demographics are trying to guarantee that their voices are heard. I live in Australia, a really diverse country. We have a lot of Greeks, Vietnamese, Lebanese and Aboriginal people but if you were to judge what we'd look like based on our parliament, you'd assume that we were a bunch of white guys with only a handful of women. And this does affect policy. Women still get paid less than men here, less than that of women in some of the nations Moore discusses. We're harsh on refugees, of which our country is filled, both first generation and their descendants. The policy here I feel would shift dramatically if their voices were better heard on the parliamentary stage.
+Jacob Wootton Okay, so do women especially need women to talk in their interest? Because i'm not sure how women like bachmann, palin, fiorina or coulter really reflect alot of womens interests really. Its so sexist to say that men can not understand the problem women have and what can be done for them politically.
I think he needs to say that. Otherwise he will immediately receive the standard accusation of not "being a patriot", which apparently renders all your arguments worthless in the US - no matter how justified they may be.
Something you Europeans will never understand about the America is that America itself was founded on an ideal. I know European countries, or any other countries for that matter, were not. But the US was founded on a set of ideals that most Americans highly value. Those ideals mean that even though the country needs some changes, we’re willing to stay here and stick it out even though it may not be great. Same as how our founders stuck it out during the American Revolution to make a better country.
Small but very important statement "I would rather live here" think about that. Also says it is not perfect, generally but fully explain the positives. I'm going to watch the movie though because my conclusion of such short info can be very wrong.
All to often I hear people from the US say, "ah, but Europe is a mess"... What has that to do with anything, if we are talking about basic ideas? US is a mess, does not change that certain parts of the US constitution, give a greater degree of protection for it's citizen, than anywhere else in the world! Why would I as a citizen of a European country not want to apply that part, into my own nations constitution?
He just undermined his whole movie with the sentence "i would rather live here". How is the movie supposed to have any impact if the guy who makes it says that?
My opinion just like everybody else does not matter. and if I write it down here... still nothing is going to change. And even if Michael Moore has an opinion... it does not mean he is right about what he is saying.
I would only agree with affirmative action on the condition that it be awarded on a case-by-case basis to people who actually deserve a little bit more opportunity. I would only agree with workplace quotas based on gender/ethnicity on the condition that every other factor aside from gender/ethnicity are approximately normalized and equal.
its not 50% companies son, its board of members that was mentioned. and it has to be min 40% for men and women EACH, max 60% of any sex, not more than that. cUrioUs huh
+Frankish Empire Actually they didn't give a shit about Bismarck. They used his name to entice German investors for the railroad and attract German immigrants to the area.
Imagine if Michael Moore was president and Bill Maher was vice president and Bernie Sanders replaced Paul what would U.S be like if that happened.
It's incredible that Americans put up with it. In Europe, in return for our taxes we get services that benefit us like healthcare. In America, their taxes are wasted on its already bloated military, corporate welfare etc. And on top of that Americans pay a fortune to buy their own healthcare
Agree with everything but that Iceland women quota thing, everything should be merit-based. People should not be discriminated based on their gender which is what selecting women over men just becasue they're women is.
Just to clarify some of the things Moore talks about in his film, and to put it back in context...
I dare the US to try the Norwegian prison system in their country. Their system is far from perfect, but no way given their social issues the Norwegian system works there.
+Jim Davis (Eastern Beaver) liberal use of circumstantial eye witness and prisecutorial witness testimony with the fear of mandatory minimums pkays a role the war on drugs has failed it is mostly the worker bees of the drug trade that are doing time
Perhaps instead of quotas, employers will have no access to an applicant name (which gender identity and racial/ethnic identity can be either inferred or deduced), biological sex, or racial/ethnic identity, only a designated number. Applications will then be evaluated in terms of favorability before face-to-face interviews commence, whereafter the initial nameless evaluations are compared to the outcomes of employment.
Sounds good, but not calling them taxes is the right choice, they're optional... you don't have to pay for someone else's choices. If you get a higher car insurance premium because others are involved in accidents, I bet you would complain too. If they're "baked in" into your taxes then you don't have a choice anymore. If your parents die before needing a nursing home, then you're paying for something you're not getting. Saying that they "pay a little more" in taxes is deceitful, paying 50% to 60% in taxes is NOT just a little more... is just wrong, that's how the rich get taxed (until they move their money to Panama). Just my opinion.
I don't blame anyone but the American voters. The people who wake up and go to work to earn a living needs to stop paying taxes to this government until we get a congress and President elect who actually makes the lives of those who work better! More vacation, paid sick days, more holidays off, etc. Our government has done nothing for us but line the pocket of the rich while we continue to struggle. It's time for real change!
America is a real trend setter and full of great people but where on earth is more diverse than Europe? not to mention it's proximity to Asia and Africa
I must say that in many cases Moore told too exaggerated things and not the ugliest faces of some European reality. He got partly good points which were truth but forget some other not so nice.
Ariana69, that's a stupid comparison, the presidency is not decided by one person like a job is, if you want to get a job, you meet 1 or 2 people, and they decide if you get the job. When you want to be the president, you need to get the people, as well as the electoral college (538 electors) on your side, very different.
Only 4 years longer on average, the Italian lifestyle v the American one? I would say thats pretty amazing,you are doing something right obv,lol. Sure the UK's is worse by comparison :P
Having a requirement by law to have a certain percentage of the board be women or men is fairly discriminatory in itself. We should remove the gender requirement and have a competence requirement instead, regardless if you're man or woman, if you're competent enough, maybe more competent than others, you get the job.
Don’t forget free healthcare..the U.S. is the only developed nation in the world that doesn’t guarantee healthcare as a right to its people. To the people who say we can’t afford it: single payer healthcare would save 17 trillion dollars over a decade. So we can’t afford NOT to do it
Healthcare isn't a right, I have no right to pay for someone else's products. Get off your ass and work for it, or die on the street. Either way, not my problem.
We don’t have payed vacation. Government force the company you work for to keep 12% of your salary. Then give it to you when you have vacation. Because they don’t believe you can save up.
+Luke Gibson That depends on how quota system is designed. But there indeed is a philosophical argument in favour of quotas (which I am going to describe in next paragraph) but I believe the quota system should not be based upon colour of skin (as in US) or religion (as in India), or gender (in many countries). Argument: children born to rich parents in rich suburbs are more likely to get great environment growing up, receive good education and all the rest, and hence they will always be more competitive. Children born to poor parents will usually end-up with one parent on drugs, or one parent beating the s**t out of other, they will have no one to pay attention and there is no good environment or education. These kids will never be competitive enough. Here is the real problem: no one chooses their parents or suburb/postcode/zipcode of birth. Laws of Physics preclude this possibility. Our parents meet first, do funny things in the bed BEFORE we begin to exist. Thus our parents, their circumstances and some of the most important things that may affect our lives are decided before we are born. Now IF a society follows only the pure merit, certain kids will be rewarded for the rest of their life because they happened to be born in right circumstances and certain kids will be punished for the rest of their lives because they happened to be born in wrong circumstances. This will continue in the next generation too. So, unfortunately, pure merit would mean, a society will punish someone all their life for something they didn't do. Can a society call itself civilised if it allows that to happen? This raises argument for quota, which is why quota system exists in virtually every society and culture, NOT just the West. How should quota system be designed? In Engineering, we do not concern ourselves with just the output of system, rather we focus on efficiency, which is the ratio of output to input. In my opinion, if two children / candidates are competing for something, and one is coming from a broken marriage, or living in ghetto and poor circumstances, or abusive parents, while other is coming from stable, wealthy, loving family, then it means they had different amount of input. So it's not fair to just compare their output, but ratio of output to input should be compared. Essentially designing merit score best on efficiency will IMPLY quota for less well-off candidates, rather than being blatantly quota in itself. This process should have nothing to do with colour of skin or gender. That is the only kind of quota system that is ethical. We are not born equal and let us not punish someone for not being born in good enough circumstances. Now I understand the colour-based quota in US might have started with implication than blacks come from poor circumstances. But whites do also come from poor circumstances and in colour based quota system, their concerns might not be addressed at all, which in turn may give credence to the message of Donald Trump. Peace.
I loved the life in Italy. The way they understand to enjoy life & not over work themselves to death is something we desperately need here.
Italy's economy has been struggling - it may be on the edge of a banking crisis - depositors are pulling their money out. Youth unemployment is very high. If you moved there, how would you make a living?
socalsun7 Have you ever lived there? Lets start there.
I'm not disputing the more laid back lifestyle there. I'm talking about the practicality of it. I actually live in Southern California by the beach - which is pretty nice and also laid back. It's not LA. I wouldn't mind living in parts of the the South Pacific or the Caribbean - BUT I don't know if I could sustain myself in these places.
Did you used to live in Italy? Where are you now?
Actually, the law doesn't state specifically that it has to be 40% women. Instead, it states that neither gender can call below 40% representation. That's a far more egalitarian way of wording such a policy and it works to prevent the pendulum from going too far in the other direction. Some universities in the US have a similar wording for their admissions policy, which is now being used to benefit men since women are more likely to go to university.
I don't think that's exactly fair either. Hypothetically, if some all-female party came along and had the best solutions for everything, they should be able to win a majority. I don't think it's fair to take gender into account at all.
MarioAtheonio I think we're at our best when we allow a variety of different people to come together and use their personal experience to gain a better input about a problem. Qualifications, though important, aren't the only consideration that should be made; as anybody in HR can certainly tell you.
+Lutra Nereis but these quotas aren't "allowing" ppl to come together, but forcing it.
America deserves the life style it has, as do all other true democracies.
Americans choose to have a low minimum wage, high health care costs, poor schooling systems, etc.
If it did not so choose, then it would not be a democracy.
Don't like it? Then get involved.
I get why Moore prefers living in the states, it's pretty great if you have money...
Otherwise, western Europe is probably better, with all the issues that we have.
exactly. if you have money then America is literally paradise or parts of it is
+Pierzing.glint1sh7 If you have money Somalia would be better!! If you are rich in 3rd world you can buy anything, people, cops, law etc etc ..
Goutham Nandan
Except Somalia is unsafe, dirty and has shitty hospitals. Wouldn't want to live there if I had infinite money, nor any other African country for that matter.
+Peter Spalthoff Europe is great - if you have money - if you don't - its pretty shitty.
Peter Spalthoff Dude .. honestly money buys everything!! With money, you can build a mini private Miami there! You really need to see the lives of super rich from such countries. World's most expensive home is in India. Check Antilia.. That guy has a whole city inside that building that overlooks slums!
Moved to France more than 20 years ago, and am appalled at the life my daughter's are living in the US! I often have to send them money for medical bills, etc.
Otherwise it was a nice clip (greetings from Finland), but why does American patriotism always have to lead to convincing viewers 'I would much rather live here in the States'. OK, why? It is a bit insulting for Europeans, if you first say: 'it is great', and then 'we are the best and we actually invented everything you have'. Do you really think the American people won't listen without these fishy lines?
i found Michael Moore said about "i'd rather live here -in US-" hypocritical too.
If I was Micheal Moore, I'd too would rather live in the US. He is probably quite wealthy and can afford to live well there. But what's much more important is, that he's actually one of the most influential politcal figues there and. might play a crucial role in transforming the country. That sort of resposibility and purpose is worth a lot.
The whole line of argumention concerning the origin of all the good stuff european countries implemented is really silly though. You can probably track back these ideas to the 16th century in european culture alone and might find various approaches in other cultures that might even predate that.
Well we want all Americans to have these great things; they can’t all move to Europe. And of course it all isn’t invented by America, but a good amount of it existed here before Reagan, etc. His point is that these ideas are not foreign, they’re American, too.
The only thing I really disagree with is affirmative action where there MUST be a set number women or minorities(Particularly blacks) in the workplace, politics or in education, etc. Whoever is the more qualified and/or experienced for the job should get it. That's just how I feel.
Affirmative action only exists in the US because if not forced to a lot of companies would not have hired blacks even if they were the most qualified. And this isn't restricted to decades ago. Even today studies show that whites with high school diplomas are often chosen over blacks with degrees.
Yeah I know, but the stories that I seem to always hear involve.....African-Americans XD
+Isiah Wallace Tristian, what he said^. There have been numurous studies on this topic. As Blacks with a better education and work experience are often not picked when it comes down competing against a white worker. Also, it happens all the time with women. People, not all, with and sometimes without realize are bias with who they think is the better candidate for the job.
alejandro leos All I'm saying is that it shouldn't be the main goal just to be "diverse", a hypothetical situation is when a Caucasian man and an African-American woman are equally qualified for a job in every way from education to experience, who do you think they'll choose when there's public outrage?
Tristan Hopkins In the majority of the studies they hire the white person, which is why they push for this quota. the quota is small anyways.
4:08 Italy stopped using the Lira in 2001 when the Euro was introduced. 10 million Lira to a dollar? The Euro is worth way more than the dollar...
Pfff Whateva Just adding to the point that being arrogant, thinking you know everything and that you're better than everybody else doesn't help America.
The €1.00 is only worth $1.11. I wouldn't call that "way more"
One of the best documentaries ever. Thank you Michael for all that you do.
Personally, I think Michael Moore's recent documentary, "Where to Invade Next," really shows that certain ideas that have been used in some countries should be implemented here in America. I totally agree with what Mr. Moore and his documentary had pointed out.
@richter75 - If you were talking about Michael Moore's documentary, "Fahrenheit 9-11," I disagree with you. I did NOT think it was false.
"these all american ideas , aren't they "
really!! even many great ideas inside US aren't originally american
people elsewhere have brains too ,they do think and invent,, GOD
Pretty much like the americans think they invented democracy...
+ThisCityIsDead Hahahahaha.......
@@yuval3022 I mean the US was the first modern liberal democracy so… kinda did. Didn’t invent the idea but were the first to do it.
I like how they just pretended as if everything that was good about Europe was just originally invented in America. lol
Well, much of it was, and then the people in charge decided America didn't need that, and they convinced the hicks to go along with it.
That's almost word for word what they said in the video but repeating it doesn't make it true.
They aren't saying where it originated for the point. they are saying we have tried these things before where we pushed for a good change but just gave up something that countries are doing and benefiting from it. Pointing out our flawed conservative ways get in the way of progress in many ways.
I just watched the thing myself. Yeah, a lot of Europeans said they got these ideas from America. You guys were still torturing prisoners when we said no cruel and unusual punishment...
I know the declaration of independence, and of course the bill of rights, are huge models around the world. For instance, Poland enacted an even more progressive government after seeing the US win it's war against Britain.
Side note- Poland was quickly invaded and taken over by it's non-progressive neighbors Germany and Austria for their attempt at american freedom.
Many progressive ideas have been based on those early american documents. The problem is how much of the american capitalism+ignorance has moved away from those ideals.
I'm seventy one year old this movie or info the best things I see in my life
America was ring design in my life
I need to check this movie out
Here in Portugal the drugs are decriminalize not legal. There is a difference.
So typical, to see how the most of the comments relativize everything they see, instead of accepting that some parts of life are better in other countries...
I miss this Bill Maher
This is the first time i see Moor without a hat lol
As a guy living in one of the countries he invaded (the country of easy-to-surrender-cheese-lovers), I think the image he gives of these countries is a bit embellished, but the idea of "what you think is awful works pretty well somewhere else" is interesting, not only for the US.
I'm italian. Believe me, we're not happy
+10anto82 thank you for your comment, that's why I love Internet
Have a nice day
Michael Moore is an original badass
Oh! So NOW Bill is finally feeling the Bern
It is amazing !
No more Oreos for Michael Moore!
I live in Europe and no successful businesswoman here wants quotas.
+Antagonista You've gone around, met all of them, and asked them whether they were for quotas? Aren't you overstating your point here?
Masikini Yes, I have met everyone of them. Every single one. Jeez.
Why is requiring a certain quota of women in parliament a good thing? Can anyone explain that to me?
having a "quotas never good. but having a system that encourages an accurate representation is something to aspire to.
+Collin Pittman The qouta is at least 40% of either gender. at least 40% women or 40% men. I'm guessing (no facts to back this up) that it will make sure parliament always have a male perspective and a female perspective. This was enacted during a time where women had absolutely no say in politics which wasn't that long ago. Im assuming. Good question though
+Collin Pittman because studies show that women are not less educated than men (often even the opposite), they are not less able to lead and are able to make informed and tough decions just as well as men but are often marginalized and held back by the "boys club" that is politics.
I am also not a fan of quotas in general but women make up 50% of the population so why should't they make up 50% of the population's representatives?
+BONE211 You're right when you say they are just as capable of leading. I also think women are just as capable of being fairly elected.
+Collin Pittman its not fair when men have a monopoly over it..
Fuck any form of affirmative action. Affirmative action is simply regressive and it should not be aplauded. Other than that everything else seemed fine to me.
i felt exactly the same way, lol
+Death Angel Really?? What exactly do you mean by "affirmative action?" Can you give us a definition to work with? So, people who have been exploited, oppressed, and marginalized shouldn't be offered a hand to pull them from the ditch the system has kept them in for so long? Unfortunately, you don't offer us any explanation on how you reached this position of yours. Is it a religious belief? Do you base your position on the constitution? What exactly is your rationale against affirmative action? I don't know who you are, but it sounds like you are already enjoying your own affirmative action programs; you just don't want anyone else to share in your privileges.
+Masikini By "affirmative action" I mean any laws that deal with making businesses, government institutions, companies, colleges, universities, etc. have to meet some sort of quota based on things such as gender, sexuality, race, etc. You know, laws that undermine having a meritocracy and actually earning a job or position rather than getting it because the company was short a few (insert "marginalized" group here) and needed to meet the quota.
I believe in this crazy system called a "meritocracy", it basically holds that people should earn their positions (I know, crazy idea right?!) rather than have them get a position based on their race, gender, sexuality, etc. under the guise of diversity, or for any reason really. I believe that people should get a job or position if they earn it and that things like race, gender, sexuality, etc. should have no place in whether or not someone has a higher chance of getting the position and that the only thing that should matter is how well qualified they are to be in that position.
Also, you claim that I'm enjoying some sort of privilege myself. It seems as if you have already made assumptions about me. Tell me, since you obviously know so much about me, what are these exact privileges you think that I'm supposedly enjoying? I'm quite curious to find out just how much you have assumed about me based on just that one thing I said.
I look forward to your response.
Death Angel
"I believe that people should get a job or position if they earn it and that things like race, gender, sexuality, etc. should have no place in whether or not someone has a higher chance of getting the position and that the only thing that should matter is how well qualified they are to be in that position."
I will reply... I am sorry to disappoint you, but the system you describe doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist. The idea that people get jobs because they are the best "qualified" for the job is simply ridiculous. Have you ever worked for a corporation? And the people you saw there were the best qualified? What are you talking about? People get jobs for all kinds of reasons. Some get them because they went to the same college as the people hiring; others get hired because they are the nephew to the CEO; it always helps if you have somebody powerful in your circle of friends and family. Qualifications are overrated!!
Another example, which one of the last 5 US president would you consider to have been the best qualified for the job?
Ronald Reagan? No!! He was already struggling with Alzheimer's.
George Bush Sr? No, the guy couldn't even put an independent thought together.
Bill Clinton? No, the guy was just a smooth liar. He never believed in being truthful. Everything that came from his mouth was a lie.
George Bush Jr? No the guy looked liked he was brain-damaged in childhood.
Obama? Do you really believe he is the best qualified person for that job right now? I don't.
It amazes me every time I see these shaky arguments against affirmative action policies on the grounds that people should be the best qualified for whatever jobs they are hired for. And very often the people making these arguments have jobs themselves and they are obviously not the most qualified people for those jobs. They can continue to pretend to be morally superior to the rest of us in large part because they never bother to define what they mean by 'best qualified for the job." Is it the applicant's academic achievement? their prior job experience? their moral character? What is it exactly? Who decides? On what criteria?
I agree with you the concept of meritocracy is "crazy." There is no such a thing.
"I am sorry to disappoint you, but the system you describe doesn't exist, never existed, and will never exist."
I don't recall ever claiming that such a system ever existed or that it is the system that we had now, however I do think that it is quite possible to have in the future, but I will discuss this later.
"The idea that people get jobs because they are the best "qualified" for the job is simply ridiculous. Have you ever worked for a corporation? And the people you saw there were the best qualified? What are you talking about? People get jobs for all kinds of reasons. Some get them because they went to the same college as the people hiring; others get hired because they are the nephew to the CEO; it always helps if you have somebody powerful in your circle of friends and family."
While the idea that we are a meritocracy now is ridiculous, to assert that we should further ourselves from it even more just because we aren't currently a meritocracy is much more ridiculous. While most of those things that you said may be true, in regards to people currently getting jobs for arbitrary and subjective reasons, the answer isn't to then allow people to start getting jobs based on even more subjective and arbitrary things such as race, gender, sexuality, etc. but rather to crack down on the subjective and arbitrary reasons for which people may be getting their jobs now.
"Qualifications are overrated!!"
Haha! As I said earlier, I will be addressing this point a bit later in this comment.
"Another example, which one of the last 5 US president would you consider to have been the best qualified for the job? Ronald Reagan? No!! He was already struggling with Alzheimer's. George Bush Sr? No, the guy couldn't even put an independent thought together. Bill Clinton? No, the guy was just a smooth liar. He never believed in being truthful. Everything that came from his mouth was a lie. George Bush Jr? No the guy looked liked he was brain-damaged in childhood. Obama? Do you really believe he is the best qualified person for that job right now? I don't."
As far as the 5 U.S. Presidents that you listed go, 4 out of 5 of them were the most qualified for the job at the time that they were elected because how qualified a person is to be the U.S. President isn't based on any one's personal opinion, but rather the opinion of the country as a whole. The person that gets the majority vote is the one that is the most qualified for the job of U.S. President, because how well qualified someone is to be in that particular position is based on who the American people as a whole want. Now, the one exception is George Bush Jr. who got the most Electoral Votes but not the majority, popular vote. As far as the electoral college goes it is something that should be taken away as it is something that goes against having a meritocracy and gets in the way of the voice of the American people when it comes to picking the U.S. President. This is all, sadly, unimportant to the debate as I never did claim that we ever had a meritocracy or have a meritocracy and only that it should be the system that we should have, as I mentioned in the first reply I made in this comment.
"It amazes me every time I see these shaky arguments against affirmative action policies on the grounds that people should be the best qualified for whatever jobs they are hired for."
It amazes me that you believe that people should be hired to do a job based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. rather than their ability to be competitive and do that job better than other hopeful applicants and people in that line of work. Hiring someone based on race, gender, sexuality, etc. is just as racist, sexist, and bigoted as firing someone for their race, gender, sexuality, etc. Lets work to take arbitrary and subjective reasons for hiring someone out of the system, not to put more in.
"And very often the people making these arguments have jobs themselves and they are obviously not the most qualified people for those jobs."
But not always. Don't make hasty assumptions.
"They can continue to pretend to be morally superior to the rest of us in large part because they never bother to define what they mean by 'best qualified for the job." Is it the applicant's academic achievement? their prior job experience? their moral character? What is it exactly? Who decides? On what criteria?"
Why are you bringing morality into this? This isn't much of a moral argument, at least not when referring to how well someone can do a job or not. As far as the criteria that is decided upon, well that all depends on the job and what is required to do such a job. The criterias that are taken into account are decided by the company, business, etc. and must be directly tied to the work or job position they are hiring for and I'm sure that things like academic achievement, time on the field, prior job experiences in another field, and how well they meet the requirements to do the specific job that they are going for are all taken into account.
"I agree with you the concept of meritocracy is "crazy." There is no such a thing."
Remember how I said that I would be discussing how we could have a future meritocracy at a later point in this comment? Well, we have reached that point! While, once again, I never did claim that there was such a thing as a meritocracy right now or that there has ever been one I did claim that there should be one, here is how we could get one. First and foremost, lets not make the situation worse by having quotas that must be met in any workplace and I'm talking about quotas of any kind, besides the actual number of job positions that must be filled in general, of course. The first thing we need to do is stop advocating for equal representation of any group of people in any part of the work force, or other areas as well, such as learning institutions like colleges or universities. The next thing is to prevent people from hiring based on arbitrary or subjective reasons, such as simply being from the same university or college as the employer, or being a relative of the employer (unless we are talking about a family business). Basically all we have to do is get rid of ways in which employers could hire someone for subjective or arbitrary reasons, rather than for reasons directly pertaining to how well that individual can do the job compared to the other people that are applying to get that position. Its not all that difficult and not all that far-fetched.
Anyways, before I end this already lengthy reply I will add one more thing. You never did tell me what sort of privilege I was enjoying. You mentioned that I was enjoying some sort of privilege and I kindly asked that you elaborated on what this privilege was, and if there are multiple privileges that you suspect that I enjoy do point them out to me. As I previously said, I am very curious to see how much you actually know about me, for all I know you're some sort of psychic or maybe your assumptions are actually baseless and you know absolutely nothing at all, and I'll go ahead and assume the latter of the two.
Anyways, thank you for reading and for your time, and I do sincerely hope that you do not leave me hanging on my request once again.
You know it is funny that we could come up with rules like, "there must be a minimum number of women at a particular work place, in a sector and all that". It is so disturbing how it isn't a problem but becomes one when we turn tables with the rule.
Anyone here in the U.S. - if you think it's so good in Europe - GO!
Here’s a good motto for America. “America, Pay more, Get less.”
When was anybody last worried about the lira to dollar exchange rate?
Actually really enjoyed this movie
As a Finn, I can tell you our prison system is an absolute joke! While you can make the argument of human rights, good conditions for the inmates etc. The whole thing is basically a holiday resort, and that should not be the case.
I'm with you up to 0:49 Iceland having a gender based limit n Parliament and upper management is regressive Bill.
+OnePieceNation I would disagree.
The world we live in has many capable female leaders. These same women live in a world where a lot of men, whether consciously or unconsciously, don't trust women to be leaders. It is a good thing when the parliament reflects what the public looks and thinks like. Politicians should be elected based on merit but there ought to be something in place to guarantee that that merit is recognised.
How can it be labelled regressive to ensure that both men and women have an even platform to stand on when entering parliament?
Jacob Wootton "These same women live in a world where men, whether consciously or unconsciously, don't trust women to be leaders" baseless assertion citation needed. The parliament should be selected on merit only not on the composition of the population, equality of outcome is inherently discriminatory. Yes merit should be recognized but not on arbitrary things like race, gender and sexuality. Because it is equality of outcome and not equality of opportunity which is egalitarian. Equality of outcome is soft racism, misogyny and discrimination because it basically tells minorities that they cannot become members of parliament on their own merit instead the selection process have to be changed or rigged in the case of Canada to make sure that women and minorities are included, its the soft bigotry of low expectations.
+OnePieceNation great insight
You make an interesting point but I have to disagree once more. I don't think the game has to be rigged in order for women or minorities to be elected into parliament. I think the game is already rigged and has been for centuries. The white man has long been the typical leader of Western nations and now as other groups are gaining more ground, it makes sense that members of these demographics are trying to guarantee that their voices are heard.
I live in Australia, a really diverse country. We have a lot of Greeks, Vietnamese, Lebanese and Aboriginal people but if you were to judge what we'd look like based on our parliament, you'd assume that we were a bunch of white guys with only a handful of women. And this does affect policy. Women still get paid less than men here, less than that of women in some of the nations Moore discusses. We're harsh on refugees, of which our country is filled, both first generation and their descendants. The policy here I feel would shift dramatically if their voices were better heard on the parliamentary stage.
+Jacob Wootton Okay, so do women especially need women to talk in their interest?
Because i'm not sure how women like bachmann, palin, fiorina or coulter really reflect alot of womens interests really.
Its so sexist to say that men can not understand the problem women have and what can be done for them politically.
no show this Fri :(
Valgehiir is heart broken
I wonder why are there so many reactions to other movies out there on the internet but so few if any to this movie.. I wonder I wonder..
How Germany teaches their TRUE history everyday in every public classroom...this is a MUST DO in America!!!
Haha wtf they have to have a quota on men and women in parliament? No thanks
Misogynistic fuck
+Zacc Wanted equality of opportunity instead of forced equality of outcome is misogyny? You stupid fuck.
+Benjamin Shultz excuse me?
Hard Candy-e Zacc is*
+Benjamin Shultz oh Ight Ight
Moore enumerates all these great benefits in Europe, but then says "I would rather live here". Why would he rather stay in the U.S.?
I think he needs to say that. Otherwise he will immediately receive the standard accusation of not "being a patriot", which apparently renders all your arguments worthless in the US - no matter how justified they may be.
Something you Europeans will never understand about the America is that America itself was founded on an ideal. I know European countries, or any other countries for that matter, were not. But the US was founded on a set of ideals that most Americans highly value. Those ideals mean that even though the country needs some changes, we’re willing to stay here and stick it out even though it may not be great. Same as how our founders stuck it out during the American Revolution to make a better country.
Understanding is key few can get the point of that.
Michael is trying hard to bring the mullet back
So much butthurt in these comments because...Moore is correct. If he wasn't right, his work would just be ignored.
+On The Offensive lol
Who is David Icke?
Moore is a fucking legend, probably the finest American ever!
Small but very important statement "I would rather live here" think about that. Also says it is not perfect, generally but fully explain the positives. I'm going to watch the movie though because my conclusion of such short info can be very wrong.
All to often I hear people from the US say, "ah, but Europe is a mess"...
What has that to do with anything, if we are talking about basic ideas?
US is a mess, does not change that certain parts of the US constitution, give a greater degree of protection for it's citizen, than anywhere else in the world! Why would I as a citizen of a European country not want to apply that part, into my own nations constitution?
FEELTHE BERN?!:) Thanks, Real.:)
How to destroy you own point; "Here's all these reasons Europe is better than America... but no, I wouldn't want to actually live there."
If Bill Maher was living in Venezuela he would be Bernie Sanders rice cakes!!!!!
He just undermined his whole movie with the sentence "i would rather live here".
How is the movie supposed to have any impact if the guy who makes it says that?
I've seen the movie, it was great! also hilarious! recommend!
Honestly, when they keep saying "I'd rather live here" as a caveat it makes people discount any changes.
Morris Berman dual processs
Taxes on people with no kids, health issues, legal troubles etc etc are unfair. Why should i pay taxes for things i dont need or use???!!!
I don't want to pay more for anything till the government is more efficient with all the money they collect atm
Truth bombs.
Human basic needs should ALWAYS come first! Housing, food, healthcare, and etc...we all live on this planet together!
My opinion just like everybody else does not matter. and if I write it down here... still nothing is going to change. And even if Michael Moore has an opinion... it does not mean he is right about what he is saying.
“I’d rather live here.” Because if I don’t get my Burger King by 9 AM I’m not a happy camper.
I would only agree with affirmative action on the condition that it be awarded on a case-by-case basis to people who actually deserve a little bit more opportunity.
I would only agree with workplace quotas based on gender/ethnicity on the condition that every other factor aside from gender/ethnicity are approximately normalized and equal.
MURICA = giving up on ourselves. I feel that every day. LOL.
This doc is in my top five favorite films.
6-8 weeks paid vacation?! Holy crap. O.O
Quotas, affirmative action and reparations of any sort piss me off to no end, how are they good?!
Que excelente documental anti EUA y feminista! como no lo vi antes!!!
"They have to have 50% company CEOs as women. . ."
I'm curious.
Has any company ever been fined for not hiring a man?
its not 50% companies son, its board of members that was mentioned.
and it has to be min 40% for men and women EACH,
max 60% of any sex, not more than that.
cUrioUs huh
Sure, health-care is an american idea... sure, sure....
+Frankish Empire the only Bismarck they know is the capital of North Dakota
+BONE211 Handsome gesture of the good people of North Dakota for remembering him.
+Frankish Empire Actually they didn't give a shit about Bismarck. They used his name to entice German investors for the railroad and attract German immigrants to the area.
0:41 Suomi mainittu
Maybe it's because I'm Swedish, but in my country it doesn't look good to walk around the Swedish flag in public.
Bill Gates and Robert Herjavec having a chat.
Why don't they talk about Greece?
Imagine if Michael Moore was president and Bill Maher was vice president and Bernie Sanders replaced Paul what would U.S be like if that happened.
It's incredible that Americans put up with it. In Europe, in return for our taxes we get services that benefit us like healthcare. In America, their taxes are wasted on its already bloated military, corporate welfare etc. And on top of that Americans pay a fortune to buy their own healthcare
Agree with everything but that Iceland women quota thing, everything should be merit-based. People should not be discriminated based on their gender which is what selecting women over men just becasue they're women is.
What's wrong with the death penalty?
Did he say Lira?
if WE pay collectively through tax WE get wholesale prices.
Just to clarify some of the things Moore talks about in his film, and to put it back in context...
Should we compare the convicts/criminals in Norway with our prisons here? Apples and Oranges. They have far less people per capita compared to the US
Drugs are not legal in Portugal.
Since when did Micheal Moore get Harry Styles hair?!
"Our idea", though? Equality as a socio-political notion was invented during the French Revolution.
I dare the US to try the Norwegian prison system in their country. Their system is far from perfect, but no way given their social issues the Norwegian system works there.
I agree with everything except the prison part, you don't go to prison for being Gandi, I say whatever happens to the prisoners is their problem
+Jim Davis (Eastern Beaver) liberal use of circumstantial eye witness and prisecutorial witness testimony with the fear of mandatory minimums pkays a role the war on drugs has failed it is mostly the worker bees of the drug trade that are doing time
Jim Davis I never said don't read them their rights, I said once their in prison, it's every man for himself.
Perhaps instead of quotas, employers will have no access to an applicant name (which gender identity and racial/ethnic identity can be either inferred or deduced), biological sex, or racial/ethnic identity, only a designated number. Applications will then be evaluated in terms of favorability before face-to-face interviews commence, whereafter the initial nameless evaluations are compared to the outcomes of employment.
What's with the fucking thumbnail?
Sounds good, but not calling them taxes is the right choice, they're optional... you don't have to pay for someone else's choices. If you get a higher car insurance premium because others are involved in accidents, I bet you would complain too. If they're "baked in" into your taxes then you don't have a choice anymore. If your parents die before needing a nursing home, then you're paying for something you're not getting. Saying that they "pay a little more" in taxes is deceitful, paying 50% to 60% in taxes is NOT just a little more... is just wrong, that's how the rich get taxed (until they move their money to Panama). Just my opinion.
I don't blame anyone but the American voters. The people who wake up and go to work to earn a living needs to stop paying taxes to this government until we get a congress and President elect who actually makes the lives of those who work better! More vacation, paid sick days, more holidays off, etc. Our government has done nothing for us but line the pocket of the rich while we continue to struggle. It's time for real change!
In Portugal drugs aren't legal :s I am portuguese, I live here ! I wish they were legal :D Here they dont treat you like a criminal right away..
when you compare the standard of living in Ireland to America it's hilarious.
America is a real trend setter and full of great people but where on earth is more diverse than Europe? not to mention it's proximity to Asia and Africa
Being an American this movie will piss you off that you live in America
I must say that in many cases Moore told too exaggerated things and not the ugliest faces of some European reality. He got partly good points which were truth but forget some other not so nice.
Women quotas are good? That's right forget about qualification.
Alex RondeauVA last time I checked the current president doesn’t have any experience nor qualifications???
And he is very much male
Ariana69 presidency is different
Ariana69, that's a stupid comparison, the presidency is not decided by one person like a job is, if you want to get a job, you meet 1 or 2 people, and they decide if you get the job. When you want to be the president, you need to get the people, as well as the electoral college (538 electors) on your side, very different.
We just got gender quotas for the federal cabinet here in Canada. It's a horrible idea.
Only 4 years longer on average, the Italian lifestyle v the American one? I would say thats pretty amazing,you are doing something right obv,lol. Sure the UK's is worse by comparison :P
Having a requirement by law to have a certain percentage of the board be women or men is fairly discriminatory in itself.
We should remove the gender requirement and have a competence requirement instead, regardless if you're man or woman, if you're competent enough, maybe more competent than others, you get the job.
I can't stand Michael Moore, but love Bill
Bill apparently likes this fat Marxist bastard - which does not surprise me. But what does that say about Bill?
Don’t forget free healthcare..the U.S. is the only developed nation in the world that doesn’t guarantee healthcare as a right to its people. To the people who say we can’t afford it: single payer healthcare would save 17 trillion dollars over a decade. So we can’t afford NOT to do it
Healthcare isn't a right, I have no right to pay for someone else's products. Get off your ass and work for it, or die on the street. Either way, not my problem.
We don’t have payed vacation. Government force the company you work for to keep 12% of your salary. Then give it to you when you have vacation. Because they don’t believe you can save up.
I'm as liberal as the next guy, yet I'm very against quotas. I think it's patronising and restricts potential.
+Luke Gibson That depends on how quota system is designed. But there indeed is a philosophical argument in favour of quotas (which I am going to describe in next paragraph) but I believe the quota system should not be based upon colour of skin (as in US) or religion (as in India), or gender (in many countries).
Argument: children born to rich parents in rich suburbs are more likely to get great environment growing up, receive good education and all the rest, and hence they will always be more competitive. Children born to poor parents will usually end-up with one parent on drugs, or one parent beating the s**t out of other, they will have no one to pay attention and there is no good environment or education. These kids will never be competitive enough. Here is the real problem: no one chooses their parents or suburb/postcode/zipcode of birth. Laws of Physics preclude this possibility. Our parents meet first, do funny things in the bed BEFORE we begin to exist. Thus our parents, their circumstances and some of the most important things that may affect our lives are decided before we are born. Now IF a society follows only the pure merit, certain kids will be rewarded for the rest of their life because they happened to be born in right circumstances and certain kids will be punished for the rest of their lives because they happened to be born in wrong circumstances. This will continue in the next generation too. So, unfortunately, pure merit would mean, a society will punish someone all their life for something they didn't do. Can a society call itself civilised if it allows that to happen? This raises argument for quota, which is why quota system exists in virtually every society and culture, NOT just the West.
How should quota system be designed? In Engineering, we do not concern ourselves with just the output of system, rather we focus on efficiency, which is the ratio of output to input. In my opinion, if two children / candidates are competing for something, and one is coming from a broken marriage, or living in ghetto and poor circumstances, or abusive parents, while other is coming from stable, wealthy, loving family, then it means they had different amount of input. So it's not fair to just compare their output, but ratio of output to input should be compared. Essentially designing merit score best on efficiency will IMPLY quota for less well-off candidates, rather than being blatantly quota in itself. This process should have nothing to do with colour of skin or gender. That is the only kind of quota system that is ethical. We are not born equal and let us not punish someone for not being born in good enough circumstances.
Now I understand the colour-based quota in US might have started with implication than blacks come from poor circumstances. But whites do also come from poor circumstances and in colour based quota system, their concerns might not be addressed at all, which in turn may give credence to the message of Donald Trump. Peace.