LucasTheLudius even albums he has the most debatable top 3 everyone has their opinions about Kanye top 3 To me Mbdtf LR CD But the order changes from person to person. It's not easy to agree on Kanye top albums. Some throw graduation and 808 up to top 3
Family Business is not his most emotional, Hey Mama or most of the songs on 808s are more emotional than Family Business. I mean the song isn’t even about his own family he was rapping about some dude in the studio’s family.
Mo Naqvi Even though Kendrick's bracket is crazy good for someone with only four albums and some mixtapes under his belt, it still doesn't come near the Kanye bracket versatility wise... He still needs a couple of records to his name before he can get a bracket like Kanye's, but he'll get there, no doubt
@@valdyvalere5374 i started really listening to kanye this year and college dropout is still probably my favorite album, and All Falls Down might be my favorite Kanye song. The year someone starts listening to an artist shouldn't affect their preferences against classics.
Top 20 overall Kanye has too many good songs. But I would say Roses is probably one of Kanye’s most poetically written songs next to Lost in the World.
Been rocking with you guys for years, but I legitimately don't think I've ever been this hyped. Stopped everything as soon as this notification came up.
Yo when Feefo got hype starting up “Gorgeous” and Rod picked “I Wonder” real quick before the shit even got started I actually started laughing hard as shit, Feefos reaction had me rollinggggg
Nah deadass, I use TIDAL lol. I prefer it actually. Besides the music, their playlists are usually well put together and their shows/podcasts are dope. Plus, I can't get Jay's whole catalog anywhere else and I be needing that old Hov sometimes lol
Touch the sky is one of his best peices of work , if i had to make a finals I’d have Touch The Sky vs Can’t Tell Me Nothing . Those two songs are not only incredibly produced but full of impeccable lyrics and incredible hooks (stadium shouting every line type hooks) every single bar on Can’t Tell Me Nothing is quotable , both of those songs hit home with the impactful meanings behind the songs . Both motivational AF , I don’t know which to pick between those two though lol . YE is the Goat
The hardest picks: Homecoming V.S Gorgeous Drive slow V.S highlights Blood on the leaves V.S Run away Monster V.S heartless Addiction V.S all falls down I wonder V.S Heard ‘em say
I think these bracket conversations would be a good monthly or quarterly series to have on the channel. It makes for great conversation and debate because you all have differing and unpredictable opinions. I was shocked when Ken chose Say You Will haha.
been on a kanye binge and forgot how hilarious this video is. honestly Sophie causes brings out the big brother in all y'all and the grandfather outta Ken to make these convos/debates that more entertaining
Carson You you should ahahah I remember when they were laughing because the oldest one told scarface discography was better than Jay Z one, they belittled his pick disrespecting scarface. That was the other huge shocking opinion they gave that stunned me.
45 seconds in and I know this is gonna be a gem
Camren Jeffers lmaaoo
So much meme potential holy shit feefo reactions were on point today
Camren Jeffers Sophie looking so damn thick I could eat off that for life. Shit my grandkids night be set too.
Not even a minute in and im already disagreeing with ya. Smh, every time
hahaha this is so accurate the second he said "so bound 2 it is" and the cam goes to kens face i was dead
Didn't realize people liked So Appalled that much
TJ Hastie That beat is insane 🎧
So Appalled is a classic ,one of the best hip hop songs of the last decade imo
lmao i had never let me down beating it
Its fucking sick. Underrated
TJ Hastie to me so appalled is average at best.
Feefo looks like Hood Palpatine
Anthony facts
"This bumps in the AT-AT"
hghh underrated comment
recycled jokes.....
Anthony similar shit was said on the Cardi B - Invasion of privacy review
This is why Kanye is one of the best to ever do it, so many different opinions across the board. I feel like he has music for everyone.
LucasTheLudius even albums he has the most debatable top 3 everyone has their opinions about Kanye top 3
To me
But the order changes from person to person.
It's not easy to agree on Kanye top albums.
Some throw graduation and 808 up to top 3
Shit bro its honestly hard af to rank his albums. Right now, Pablo is my 2nd favorite album rn bruh. It changes all the time for me
Facts. There aren’t many other hip hop artists you can make a 64 song bracket of, and struggle to choose between so many of them
I mean I like So Appalled, but picking it over Through The Wire?!
This real friends hate will not be tolerated.
Real friends is incredible, devil in a new dress is something else
That song was great though. Like seriously
Miles ahead of devil in a new dress... the mixing on that song was so shit it’s not even funny
DiaND has a cool instrumental and all but Real Friends fucking hits hard not just on the beat but on the lyrics and vocals
not even top 30 kanye
Can't believe they all picked Monster over All Falls Down....
And runaway...
They were tripping
And fucking all of the lights AND runaway
Oldheads btfo
“I had crack too, if anyone cares” lmao
Dark Fantasy is one of the best opening tracks in rap history and it’s insane that y’all didn’t put it past the first round
Anthony Witherow FACTS
Anthony Witherow True
The more u relisten to that beat the more u catch. That beat is nuts
It's cause it was against Sierra Leone. Easily the toughest 1st round choice
never let me down is an underrated deep cut tbh
thank you
Fire verse from Ye
J . Ivy kills it
Never let me down is a top 10 ye tack for me
Top 5 Kanye songs for me. It sounds so nostalgic...
I don't care how long it takes, do the Kendrick bracket
kendrick don't have enough much great tracks. facts
Nah Kendrick don’t even got enough good music lol
Previous two comments catch an L
Jamo Say No yeah WTF how can you have four of the best rap albums of the 2010s and not have that many great tracks.
The bracket I saw blew, a whole lot of Black Panther and actually needed better or more GKMC and TPAB cuts
The love for So Appalled literally has me appalled lol. It's a good song but kept beating out pure CLASSICS.
Felt exactly the same, in what universe is So Appalled better than Touch the Sky?
So Appalled is dope though🤷🏾♂️
It beat Never Let Me jaw beat CAN'T TELL ME NOTHING....I needed to get a new phone anyway....🤣
So Appalled sucks.. Not even in the top 50 of Kanyes songs
Yeah crazy. Don’t see how runaway didn’t make it far
Brackets like these end friendships.
On the B A S E D G O D
Family business... hurt how that was overlooked so quick... kanyes most emotional tract fam
How the fuck did they choose Bound 2 over Family Business
@@VarsityAthlete04 IKR, Bound 2 is trash in my opinion
Family Business is not his most emotional, Hey Mama or most of the songs on 808s are more emotional than Family Business. I mean the song isn’t even about his own family he was rapping about some dude in the studio’s family.
I thought the exact same thing family business is so good
@@VarsityAthlete04 because bound 2 is simply better
Ken looks like he me makes a mean bbq brisket
Chancellor Leavitt lol 😂
Top 5 DEHH video of all time right here
MyNamesCody the lil b album review is number one for sure
Brandon Molina I've been following DEHH for 6 years cuz of the Lil B review. Classic
Lil B and Goblin are top 2
Do the Kendrick bracket
CHUCK3457 Kendrick don’t have 64 songs like “that” yet fam.... 32 for sure
have you seen the Kendrick bracket... IT'S DEADLY
Sean Drummer no
Mo Naqvi Even though Kendrick's bracket is crazy good for someone with only four albums and some mixtapes under his belt, it still doesn't come near the Kanye bracket versatility wise... He still needs a couple of records to his name before he can get a bracket like Kanye's, but he'll get there, no doubt
Sean Drummer nah its actually awsome
Glory and Champion mad underrated
Hayden Eden champion is 🔥
Hayden Eden Champion and Glory was good too
Kanye just doing the light singing in the beginning of Glory makes the song amazing
Glory is a top 5 kanye song don’t @ me
The glory
Dehh I’ve been waiting for a bracket, especially a Kanye bracket oh man thank you.
I'm just sad Hold my Liquor isn't on bracket.
Broke my heart when I heard Can’t tell me nothing didn’t make it to the third round😂
Its like when Kansas loses in the 2nd round every year.
When Rod picked “I Wonder” over “Gorgeous” 😂😂😂!! Funniest part of the video!! I lost it when Myke said “I don’t even wanna play anymore” 😂😂💀💀
Bumpin with a lightsaber lol
Still mad that Gone isn't on the bracket
Man the beat switch and his last verse was other worldly!
FML too!
Damn, gone is such a good track
St. Pablo is the real killer
Salty c-town is best c-town lol
Thank you Myke for giving Streetlights the respect it deserves. Such an amazing song
Andrew Hong facts man, easily one of the best off 808’s
Andrew Hong yeah truly amazing song!
@Keyser Soeze nah fam even graduation aged better than 808s
@@heeldarrell Graduation didn't aged at all. 808s is still bangable, especially in an 808s saturated era lol
Myke is the artistic leader of the group he loves the art of music doesn't have to be traditional hip hop from him cause he fucks with Cudi so respect
the college dropout disrespect is insane
yop these people started listening to Kanye in 2010. They wasn't with him in '04
@@valdyvalere5374 well, you're a casual viewer, you wouldnt know.
@@valdyvalere5374 lol you obviously aren’t a fan
@@valdyvalere5374 i started really listening to kanye this year and college dropout is still probably my favorite album, and All Falls Down might be my favorite Kanye song. The year someone starts listening to an artist shouldn't affect their preferences against classics.
Can I just say that Feefo looks like he’s trying to seduce Myke to the dark side
Myke: Do you know where I can learn this power [having things bump in the whip]?
Feefo: Yes but not from Kinge
These 2 comments made my day lol. Thank y’all.
Roses is a top ten Kanye song. It’s a shame it didn’t even make it past the first round. Great video and hope to see more from you guys.
top 3
Top 20 overall Kanye has too many good songs.
But I would say Roses is probably one of Kanye’s most poetically written songs next to Lost in the World.
Roses aint all that really. The message brings up the song alot, but thats it. I do like the synth part tho or whatever that whistle thing is called.
Do one for Kendrick Bracket
ALL FALLS DOWN is a perfect hip hop song the beat, Sample, lyrics, fire
Surpised they overlooked that
It’s not a sample, it’s a feature. He had syleena Johnson sing the hook for him
Been rocking with you guys for years, but I legitimately don't think I've ever been this hyped. Stopped everything as soon as this notification came up.
Erick Caligula facts. This bracket crazy asf.
NEW SLAVES IS A GREAT SONG! Dope beat and meaningful lyrics. I feel you Sophie..
This man really said "School Spirit" over "All of The Lights" im dead 13:00
BEDCORN so did Fantano. Who also had Amazing over Cant Tell me Nothing
charlie truong lmao “wrong opinions”
@@mike-gn1wi Good song but its not better than AOTL
The fact that Roses lost like that still traumatizes me to this day
Real friends is such an underrated song. Probably one of his best songs.
Nana Gyambibi its damn near top 10 ye song, it's just that it's the most recent and people don't see the greatness but idk lol
To me it's a top 5 song from Kanye
I feel like FML is better than Real Friends but they both are very good
good song but i don’t see it cracking my top 30
This just made me want to listen to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
I need y’all to hurry up and drop that 808s video bc I can’t deal w this anymore
I don’t need a bracket to know Street Lights is my favorite Kanye track. Song helped me through so many rough times, man.
IsaiahChavezCA let me know
Devil in a new dress ended up being my overall top pic same with feefo
Monster is probably Ye's most overrated song imo. Also, it's been like a month and I'm still upset Everything I Am didn't make the bracket
eric I agree .... " Can't tell me nothing " is way better
Saint Pablo should’ve made it too
Lol same Ye and Premo collaborating and it's not even considered? Also one of the best on graduation
Lost in the world
Monster may be overrated but’s awesome!!!!! They all killed it! Nicki too! And the beat is ridiculous !
kanye west so appalled and devil in a new dress are two of best kanye songs to me
Yo when Feefo got hype starting up “Gorgeous” and Rod picked “I Wonder” real quick before the shit even got started I actually started laughing hard as shit, Feefos reaction had me rollinggggg
So I definitely went on a random Kanye binge on TIDAL today and then y'all post this! Perfect timing lol
ok TIDAL marketing, whatever you say
Nah deadass, I use TIDAL lol. I prefer it actually. Besides the music, their playlists are usually well put together and their shows/podcasts are dope. Plus, I can't get Jay's whole catalog anywhere else and I be needing that old Hov sometimes lol!/artist/6933394
Jay z think he slick with this fake account
Young King Kush its called pirate bay, i got all his albums from there
That final two was kinda weak
banana bread for reaaalll
Yeah it was, it coulda been better
We Major is honestly not that great of song. One of the weaker Nas verses and the hook just takes over the song wayyyyy too much
Head me say got disrespected
MTWENTY Nah We Major is the shit. Plus it was on 2K13
Roses/Late Registration are so slept on😭
Make a 'Taste and Class' shirt or hoodie. I'm buying
This is a Dead End classic... I always come back to it..
Respect New Slaves!!!!
This is classic DEHH right here. More brackets please!
LMAO Myke C-town @5:34 I was thinking the same exact thing 😂😂😂😂😂
That’s the funniest part of the video 😂😂 “OH FUCK NO” “ARE YOU FUCKIN SERIOUS” 😂 “YOU HAD FAMOUS”
Make this a series and keep it going, this was gold.
I’ve rewatched this vid like 4 times😭
Picking So Appalled over Can’t Tell me Nothing is an egregious sin.
Damn, I've missed DEHH convos! Bring them back, this just made my night for real.
This is goes into my Top 5 dehh videos of all time
The Kendrick Bracket is Gonna be Asked For Now 😂
No more parties is the best track on Pablo
DOC MaRK DREW BILLY QuICK that’s easy. No way there’s any other opinion for real. No more parties is godlike
I liked Ultralight Beam more
FML is my personal favorite
Prefer saint pablo
MTWENTY fml is insane 🔥
I can already tell this is going to be great just from that intro teaser lol Been looking forward to this one
@21:09 Myke with the face though lmaaaooooo
“I ain’t even have to go around the room for that wack shit” 😂😂😂😂
This was one of my favorite videos from DEHH
This was dope, y’all should’ve had the bracket pop in every so often through the video to update viewers of DEHH’s picks tho
Ken picking a 808 song was beyond my comprehension, but Im glad he did, Say You Will is an underrated Kanye song imo
Touch the sky is one of his best peices of work , if i had to make a finals I’d have Touch The Sky vs Can’t Tell Me Nothing . Those two songs are not only incredibly produced but full of impeccable lyrics and incredible hooks (stadium shouting every line type hooks) every single bar on Can’t Tell Me Nothing is quotable , both of those songs hit home with the impactful meanings behind the songs . Both motivational AF , I don’t know which to pick between those two though lol . YE is the Goat
mrjasonshay and the music video is so timeless also :)
mrjasonshay touch the sky would win for me cause he also introduced me to Lupe
man , that Lupe verse was a MOMENT ! such a great song
mrjasonshay for real! “Les slow it down like we’re on the syrup, bottle shaped body like mrs butterworth” still one of lupes best bars
If stadium quality is all that counts then all of Graduation is better than every other Kanye song.
This how u know it's good art when people disagree like this
0:28 MCT face...yeah this about to be a lit ass convo lmaoooo
The hardest picks:
Homecoming V.S Gorgeous
Drive slow V.S highlights
Blood on the leaves V.S Run away
Monster V.S heartless
Addiction V.S all falls down
I wonder V.S Heard ‘em say
Drive Slow
All Falls Down
Heard em Say
Every Kanye song with "lights" should at least be in the top 8. Street Lights will always be #1 with me.
I like Rods roll in this video. it was appropriate
12:50 lmao ken when Rod picked School Spirit
Silver Enigma That needs to be a GIF. 😂
That’s fucking great
Like HOW do you even consider School Spirit over Lights? I mean that is a masterpiece.
19:57 my fave upset lol both feefo’s and myke’s reaction
Sleeping on Never Let Me Down and Gorgeous looool
Rob: *"JESUS BOUTA WIN"* 😂😂😂
I've been saying for ages I wish Christian Dior Denim Flow was on MBDTF instead of So Appalled, so needless to say I am shook
Myke stays being right
This video was unexpected...... This video took me back to those 2011 - 2013 Deadendhiphop topics lol 😂 .....
Aw man I love Roses, was just listening to it lol.
*Beezy:* hell yeah! *Feefo:* [sings song] *Sophie:* sense taste and class *King:* WHAT? *Myke:* You're wrong
This video is a classic
This video reminded me of how good Yeezus is. Man, that album has aged beautifully.
HAHA HAHA yeah I still play it to get me pumped up 🔥🎶
HAHA HAHA it amazes me that people like it I can't stand that album lol
Glorie Mpaka I used to be indifferent to it but it’s grown on me. Still more of a CD and MBDTF fan though
B is low key the funniest man in the group
I think these bracket conversations would be a good monthly or quarterly series to have on the channel. It makes for great conversation and debate because you all have differing and unpredictable opinions. I was shocked when Ken chose Say You Will haha.
Yeah this was lit y’all. Fasho need more of these
Y'all are REALLY sleeping on Never Let Me Down. I cri evryteim
thekickback they thinking with this new generations brain
Bro the grammar no offense.
been on a kanye binge and forgot how hilarious this video is. honestly Sophie causes brings out the big brother in all y'all and the grandfather outta Ken to make these convos/debates that more entertaining
i'm taking my ball home with me
You gotta do this again. Great video, myke was too funny
Someone need to make a gif of Ken face at 12:51 had me rolling😂😂😂
I’m just saying runaway is the only song that can actually make me cry that shit is so beautiful no cap
2Pac needs a madness bracket. That'd be interesting.
Man this was such a good idea for an episode! Please make more like this, was really fun!
How the actual fuck did he pick No Church in the Wild over Through the Wire lmao
I haven't watched you guys in a few years but it's like you guys have even more chemistry now. Great energy man. Keep laughing and enjoying life.
Maaaaan y'all unanimously chose Bound 2 over Family Business with no hesitation. I almost unsubscribed.
Carson You you should ahahah I remember when they were laughing because the oldest one told scarface discography was better than Jay Z one, they belittled his pick disrespecting scarface.
That was the other huge shocking opinion they gave that stunned me.
Please do more of these. This was awesome. Thanks for the quality work as always guys.
Damn myke really digs Dark Fantasy
otheamazing one of the greatest album openers of all time tbh
it's meh