My most important video to date.

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2024
  • Throughout my travels I meet people from different walks of life and different circumstances. Meeting Erik has now opened my eyes to a topic I only have heard of, PTSD. PTSD is weighing on many of our friends and family and now I am wiser for it. Thank you Erik for sharing your journey today with all of us.

Комментарии • 7

  • @Lakertaker05
    @Lakertaker05 10 месяцев назад +2

    Wow, powerful video with a message many should hear. My brother is a volunteer fire fighter and has been for over 40 years. He has seen it all and unfortunately most to people he knows as he lives in a small town that he grew up in. I have sent him this video, thanks for sharing Eric and his message as well. Safe travels.

  • @luvcampinbc
    @luvcampinbc 10 месяцев назад +3

    Wow amazing speach Eric. Brought me to tears. You made excellent points. I am so sorry you had to witness such horrific events which ultimately caused the change but I commend you for the work you did to help others. Please continue to be strong. You are helping others by getting this message out. Thank you.

  • @lonnien.clifton1113
    @lonnien.clifton1113 10 месяцев назад +1


  • @jstans78utube
    @jstans78utube 10 месяцев назад +1

    JJ, I've been watching your show and I like your rig. I have an order in for a 10-2, selling mh. Coincidentally. I have ptsd - 30yrs policing, can confirm change aspect: I used to move often, swap vehicles, rearrange furniture, anything. I can guarantee you that loving self is only small part. Loving God is the only way, give your heart to God. A little weed helps with being content, just vape flower, keep it light. Cheers JJ - great channel

  • @horsetrader1991
    @horsetrader1991 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is sad, the truly sad part is you can't see a mental illness but you can see a physical one. This guy MUST live in Canada because health care like that in the US would cost a fortune or you would have to live in a special state. Our nation is funny, One United States within 50 states with different laws. So odd! Even with our insurance, which is some of the best because we pay dearly for it doesn't cover mental health treatment like that. My wife has Federal insurance with the Federal govt. I feel for the man, at the same time I don't understand everything, I'm sorry I don't. I do know what effects one person dearly doesn't bother another person at all. Death of another person doesn't bother me for some odd reason. Maybe I'm the sick one :o) . Great video though, so sorry for the man's troubles. Keep on trucking! Bill in Ga.

  • @charlesb4267
    @charlesb4267 10 месяцев назад +1

    JJ, I know that some of what I will say won't be popular to some due to the big pharma angle but as to having lost long time friends/neighbours or those that I knew fairly well in the area and starting a count as I reflect back through the years with fingers on one hand ... I ran out of fingers and used up most of the fingers on my second hand. From those that ended their lives quickly which were most to those that went into a final drinking binge that they would have known could ... and did take their life. Each one would and did have a story that lead up to that moment and some would have been many years in the making. Two were women, one that I knew from grade school and another the daughter of a friend and she was only 19 and a beautiful intelligent young woman who was in her initial stages of taking nursing. Most I knew either grew up on a farm or were actively on a farm as that only makes sense as I farm and live in a rural area. There is one thing that I know for a fact in quite a few of these instances and that is they had sought out the medical system and were actively taking anti depressants.
    Yesterday I was watching a segment of an independent news source ( redacted ), and they pointed out that in every case of the mass shooters in the USA ... school shootings etc was the example, they all were taking anti depressants. Also on a bit different angle as per what has gone on for almost the last four years with the "cough" ordeal, for those that have kept their eyes and mind open, what and whom do you think have taken peoples lives or injured them. Lets just say that government and big pharma are NOT our friend. Trudeau and cronies with one of their pet projects ... MAID, like are you kidding me ???. The people that do count are those around us in friends and family and as well, people from a distance but with a face and a voice just like yourself JJ and the man sitting beside you telling his story.