Can the New Jerusalem City Land on a Globe?

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024
  • Can John's vision of the heavenly city--New Jerusalem--be harmonised with the heliocentric model?
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Комментарии • 554

  • @earthenvesselsministry
    @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +5

    Many have objected to this video, saying that the New Earth will be of an unknown size and shape, or that it would be much larger than the present so-called globe and therefore able to accomodate the New Jerusalem.
    To answer this objection, we made the following videoвидео.html

    • @deejannemeiurffnicht1791
      @deejannemeiurffnicht1791 Год назад +1

      Also, the ''pyramid theorists' are entierely wrong too.
      If the height isw the same as the width and length, then it AIN'T possible for it to be a pyramid. As the edges rise up they grow towards the centre. Meaning they have NO CHANCE of reaching as far up the bottom edges are wide or long.
      Everything about John's description of the Holy city and the Coming Kingdom is saturated by crystal clear lucid imagery belonging to the Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple, the 12 tribes, all items within the tabernacle and so on. It's describing fruition for the Jews and Hebrews. G-d fullfilling the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants, and bringing about His governance with His people.
      It is so intricate within John's Rev's in how every item and dimension all tightly weave together within it. Everything represents real things, forces, people., offices, and administrations. And remember too, it is to be done without force (Not by power, not by might, but by My Holy Spirit says The Lord.) So it is unlikely the fullfillment of these prophecies will come due to military, political, or financial institutions.
      It may be that it will NOT AT ALL be a physical thing or place at all. But is an embodiment of all that must and need be done to get this whole ship sailing on course for a change.

    • @Anonymous-yy7ur
      @Anonymous-yy7ur Месяц назад +1

      Earth is not flat

    • @Anonymous-yy7ur
      @Anonymous-yy7ur Месяц назад +1

      That myth has been debunked so many freaking times.

  • @hpministry3696
    @hpministry3696 3 года назад +80

    with God nothing is impossible!

    • @deerene
      @deerene 3 года назад +6

      Thank you. 💯🙏 Amen

    • @claythomas7982
      @claythomas7982 3 года назад +15

      And with those 5 words totally out of context, every question is reconciled. How shallow and unBiblical

    • @jamalpinkerton817
      @jamalpinkerton817 3 года назад +2

      @@claythomas7982 very biblical though, that's one of the keystones of not having to think about things.

    • @keeshlon
      @keeshlon 3 года назад


    • @keeshlon
      @keeshlon 3 года назад +3

      @@claythomas7982 Jesus said those 5 words.

  • @1Virtuous
    @1Virtuous 3 года назад +17

    i don’t care if it was sideways or a circle all I care about is my soul entering that city!!! Thank You Jesus for saving me! I love you because You first loved me and died so that I may live ❤️

  • @claythomas7982
    @claythomas7982 3 года назад +15

    This is without a doubt the most solid presentation to challenge the halluvcination of an earth that is shaped like a ball and moving at such break neck speed and doing wierd things with other balls in the sky. This is the best presentation to support an earth that was hung in the sky, motionless, and touting a flat surface, PUT OF NECESSATY? A fĺat surface topped by a firmament makes the flood make so much more sense as well.

    • @AngloSaxonWheatFarmer
      @AngloSaxonWheatFarmer 2 года назад +1

      Or, you could acknowledge that these books were written by men who don’t have the same understanding of the earth as we do today.
      And realise that god would be able to reconcile this fact regardless of the Earth’s shape.

  • @gabbyslife4965
    @gabbyslife4965 4 года назад +15

    It may all seem impossible but my God is the God of the impossible, who make it possible. He's perfect on all his ways.

    • @SeaJay_Oceans
      @SeaJay_Oceans 3 года назад

      flying across the planet, communicating at the speed of the internet, transplanting organs - all seemed impossible at one time.
      Revelation 21 : 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” They are Literally True, it is for our understanding to catch up to the Word of God. Healing the Sick, Curing the Deaf and Blind, Lame, paralyzed and diseased = these are medical technologies to be invented and discovered, God gave us the Mind and the Will to do so, and the compassion and heart to care for the suffering.
      The cube certainly has a 'city' level, with streets of gold... but the entire construct is solid, top to bottom, over 600,000 stories of habitation and equipment and storage. This is a massively scaled terraforming colony ship of great power. It is REAL, and we shall build it.
      The 'golden' transparent material is made of new materials yet to be invented. The 'Pearls' are massive ball valve airlock gateways. The whole landing bay and stored shuttle craft are contained in the ball, and the doorways open as the ball openings rotate into place to release them or take them in.
      The 'New Heaven and New Earth' are clearly explained in Revelation 21. This is NOT old Earth, NOT the old star Sol, both are completely Gone.
      New Jerusalem is a Colony Ship - the planet it is landing on is Huge, larger than Earth, and perhaps with a thinner atmosphere and gravity up to 2.0 G. The Star it orbits is a new star, much younger than Sol.
      The middle section of the cube's bottom 'wall' will be buried into the surface of the planet. Deeply buried, if the four corners of the cube are to come to rest at ground level. The new planet has no sea, so it is a water poor planet, ecologically different than Earth. Perhaps an Ice Planet - no sea, but custed over solid water, much cooler and or dryer than old Earth.
      As a new star, it will be a White or Blue Sun, similar to Rigel, Canopus, Vega, Sirius, Altair, or even yellowish Polaris.
      A Supergiant Blue Star many hundreds times the mass of the Sun would be quite a sight - filling the sky over the new world.
      The dry / icy planet would need to have an orbit at a safe distance from the supergiant blue star, but plenty of resources remain to build with in the far outer orbit of the new star and new planet.

    • @randyrandall8274
      @randyrandall8274 3 года назад

      And yet "your God" allows unfathomable suffering to occur

  • @johnnyleewalker9872
    @johnnyleewalker9872 3 года назад +32

    The new Jerusalem will set on the new earth not this earth.

    • @Mike-dm5zg
      @Mike-dm5zg 3 года назад +5

      Yea agreed there will be a new heaven and a new earth and the city will come down out of heaven from God to be on the New earth.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  3 года назад +10

      Just because Earth is made new, that doesn't mean that the shape changes. Earth is renewed: it is Eden restored. It is not a 'new planet' for lack of a better term. There are no Bible verses to support that idea.
      Furthermore, the prophecy of Zechariah 14 says that Jesus "will stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west..." This is talking about when Jesus rules as King on the throne of David after the millennium. Notice verses 8-11.
      "Zech 4:8 And it shall be in that day, living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.
      9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
      10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses.
      11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited ."
      Notice that verse 8 describes living waters coming out of Jerusalem. Verse 9 says that Jesus shall be king over all the earth in that day. And verse 11 says that men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction. That is all literally describing the location of Jerusalem after the Earth has been renewed.
      How can the heavenly city land on the location of Jerusalem (namely, the Mount of Olives), if we are talking about a completely different planet? There would be no 'Mount of Olives'. Look at how much geography is recorded in this chapter. It is specific to the current world we live on. The only difference is that the earth has been quenched by fire, and made new.
      To suppose that the shape of the Earth changes from its current shape as a supposed globe to something else after it is renewed, actually proves the point that is being made in this video! That the heavenly city cannot land on the current 'globe Earth'! If one wants to claim that the renewed Earth is a different shape, such as a square, or an even bigger ball, then they need to provide some verses to support that.

    • @sudoertor2009
      @sudoertor2009 3 года назад +2

      @@earthenvesselsministry ever read Isaiah 24?
      See, the Lord is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it;
      he will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants-
      The earth is broken up,
      the earth is split asunder,
      the earth is violently shaken.
      The earth reels like a drunkard,
      it sways like a hut in the wind;
      so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion
      that it falls-never to rise again.
      In that day the Lord will punish
      the powers in the heavens above
      and the kings on the earth below.
      They will be herded together
      like prisoners bound in a dungeon;
      they will be shut up in prison
      and be punished a after many days.

    • @romeorock2
      @romeorock2 3 года назад +5

      @@sudoertor2009 yeah doesn’t mean he is gonna completely destroy the earth does it ? You can destroy the things in the earth but not the earth did not the bible say or say the earth will remain forever
      Ecclesiastes 1:4
      Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever

    • @rokin02
      @rokin02 3 года назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry You have never read Revelation 20:11-And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. and 2 Peter 3:7 - But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
      Before putting up such videos you should atleast have a basic understanding of God's Eternal Word - Holy Bible .
      Zechariah 14 chapter is about the millenial global rule of Lord Jesus Christ on this earth. After that satan is set loose for a short time and 2nd Gog Magog war occurs after that final judgment of God and at that time this earth and heavens will flee from God's presence and will be found no more as we read in Revelation chapter 20. After that it is Eternity of New Jerusalem, New Heaven and New Earth forever.
      This New Jerusalem City is in New Heaven and New Earth. Our present heavens ( 1st heaven earth's atmopshere, 2nd outer psace, 3rd- Heaven of God ) and earth will flee from the presence of God in Final judgement and will be destroyed by fire after the second Gog Magog war after the 1000 year rule of Lord Jesus Christ over all earth- Revelation 20;11, 2 Peter 3:7. Note that the millenial (1000 year) rule of Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t come to an end at 1000 years - note that satan and the people whom whe decieved (gog and magog) where destroyed by fire from heaven when they surrounded the camp of saints and the beloved city and thus God’s eternal kingdom continues forever in the New Jerusalem , New Heaven and New Earth which is also the fifth kingdom of uncut rock that destroys all other 4 empires and reigns forever with unlimited power, glory and authority in the Daniel chapter 2 and in other visions given to Daniel.
      Scriptures speak about 3 heavens-1-Earths Atmosphere-Sky.
      2-Outer Space-Angelic/Satanic realm.
      3-The real Heaven-Dwelling place of God. ~ Apostle Paul mentions in his letter to Chorinthians about being ascended to third heaven - 2 Corinthians 2:12- I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know - God knows.
      There is no need of sun or moon in the New Heavens because God himself will be the light forever Revelation 21:23, 22:5, Isaiah 60:19,20. Thus your false assumption of heliocentricity is proved wrong by God's Eternal Word- Holy Bible. Also your another false assumption that New Jerusalem is a perfect cube so unable to sit on surface of a globe is proved wrong by Revelation 21:16 in which God's Eternal Word- Holy Bible clearly says The New Jerusalem city lieth with four corners in the original greek text which is innacurately translated in many versions as four sqaure (KJV) or like a square (NIV).
      Also your assumption that a cube will not fit on surface of a globular planet is scientifically wrong as many large buildings fit on the surface of this near globular earth. There is slight curvature to both upper and lower surfaces of any building on this earth , which is more pronounced in larger buildings .
      Also note that the size of New Earth is not mentioned. Size of New Jerusalem is 12,000 stadia (2220 Km) in length , breadth and height which is a little more than half of USA in just surface area but the more amazing point is , it is also as high that is 2220 KM high and more than half of USA in just surface area- That is the size of the New Jerusalem city, which means that it is more than 20,000 times the size of USA if the average height of skyline is taken as 50 metres which itself is more than a 10 storey building .So New earth could be much bigger than New Jerusalem as New Jerusalem is a city in the New Earth that descended from the New Heaven (not the old heavens as you wrongly assumed).

  • @ryanfephilippines8023
    @ryanfephilippines8023 4 года назад +24

    That's why the Heliocentric model is totally wrong and NOT the representation of our reality.

    • @Rockys-Mum
      @Rockys-Mum 4 года назад +3

      Its HELIOcenter worship.

    • @hookedontronics
      @hookedontronics 4 года назад +1

      Read the Bible.

    • @dakotastein9499
      @dakotastein9499 3 года назад

      You can't be serious....the solar system IS least it is at this moment...the bible suggests that there will not be a sun at all when the new heavens and earth are made.

  • @tacticalant3841
    @tacticalant3841 4 года назад +23

    I love it!! I have been trying to describe this problem to people for over a year now. This visual is a great help!

  • @devondostalie5085
    @devondostalie5085 7 месяцев назад +2

    The earth is flat! God did not create a globe earth, man did!‼️

  • @DDee-oi6kn
    @DDee-oi6kn 3 года назад +6

    With God, everything is possible.

    @FOUNDEDEARTHBROTHERS 3 года назад +16

    Great teaching! Love the wisdom shared! Someone linked this in a comment on one of my fb posts or I would've never found your channel. Just subscribed.

    • @tylerporter2171
      @tylerporter2171 Год назад +3

      What up Josh 👋yes indeed it is a great teaching but they do error thinking that the new Jerusalem comes down at the end of the millennial reign ,it does not,
      it most definitely comes down at the beginning of the millennial reign!
      And the survivors on the day of the Lord will say come let us go up to the mountain of YAHUAH
      To the house of the God of Jacob, He will teach us His ways and we shall walk in his paths,
      for out of Zion shall go forth the law(Torah)the word of YAHUAH from the New Jerusalem.
      And the leafs from the tree of life shall be for the healing of the nations.
      🙌🏻HalleluYAH 🙌🏻

  • @starlitmoonbeam
    @starlitmoonbeam 10 месяцев назад +2

    The earth is not a globe. It isn't possible. The earth is flat.

  • @nadocato9260
    @nadocato9260 3 года назад +20

    When the New Jerusalem comes down there is no sea

    • @djokampungtz2108
      @djokampungtz2108 2 года назад

      Chapter and verse?

    • @nadocato9260
      @nadocato9260 2 года назад +4

      @@djokampungtz2108 Revelations 21 and 1 New International Version
      Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea

    • @djokampungtz2108
      @djokampungtz2108 2 года назад +2

      @@nadocato9260 never saw that before, youre right. It makes me think of a movie/serie where its hot and dry everywhere on earth except in one place where its basically paradise but i forgot the name

  • @claythomas7982
    @claythomas7982 3 года назад +7

    Regardless of how this is accomplished, I look forward with the blessed hope of being a citizen and worshiper in this oh so Holy place of worship and praise.

    @VAGUXI 3 года назад +7

    Thanks,praise Yah. AlleluYah to the wisdom He has giving you. 🙏

  • @True_Christian
    @True_Christian 4 года назад +24

    Amazing video, Earthen Vessels. Thanks for holding fast to God's Word. I always feel happy when I finally find some more true Christians in this world who believe the whole Bible, as the vast majority are fake and do not.

  • @Medinah789
    @Medinah789 2 года назад +3

    AleluYAH, truth is out. Those with ear may listen.

  • @johnn6953
    @johnn6953 4 года назад +22

    This is such a breath of fresh air, for those who believe that the shape is a pyramid or a cube, both shapes have a flat square base! God Bless Earthen Vessels.

  • @yahwehsaviour9083
    @yahwehsaviour9083 2 года назад +3

    Earth is flat so we don't need to worry.

    • @vernyanke1131
      @vernyanke1131 2 года назад

      Nope it is round. I have seen it from a very high place near the sea. You can see the curve it is round

    • @yahwehsaviour9083
      @yahwehsaviour9083 2 года назад +1

      @@vernyanke1131 lies. U have never seen any curve. Ur deluding urself. Earth is flat mate. Gravity doesn't exist

  • @narcissuswashington9028
    @narcissuswashington9028 4 года назад +16

    Praise the Lord for opening our eyes to the truth, because some are teaching pure error concerning this matter may God continue to bless and guide the ministry of Earthen Vessels.

  • @dragoslav3859
    @dragoslav3859 3 года назад +7

    It descends on a NEW EARTH FROM A NEW HEAVEN. Nothing will be as it is.

    • @oneidamorgan2333
      @oneidamorgan2333 3 года назад +1


    • @djokampungtz2108
      @djokampungtz2108 2 года назад

      Regenerated/transformed heaven and earth. Not ex nihilo as in the beginning

  • @marcandhelenregnier7039
    @marcandhelenregnier7039 4 года назад +28

    Well done. May the truth about the world we live on be proclaimed to the ends of the earth. Blessings, Marc and Helen

  • @nina7831
    @nina7831 4 года назад +18

    Such a well made presentation discussing this particular point! I really enjoyed watching this and have already seen it a few times. It is very clear: New Jerusalem cannot land on a globe.

    • @hookedontronics
      @hookedontronics 4 года назад +5

      The Bible does not say it lands on earth. Read Revelation 21 for yourself. it says there's a new heaven and new earth and the new earth has "no more see", and it says the new Jerusalem is "descending out of heaven". Don't read into something it doesn't say. You're even assuming, that the Earth is even the going to be the exact same size as it is today.

    • @hookedontronics
      @hookedontronics 4 года назад +2

      It's a horrible presentation that contradicts the Scriptures. Have you ever read the Bible for yourself. this lady here says that the Bible is a contradiction, therefore she elevates herself to be above God and says she knows the truth. Wise up.

    • @SeaJay_Oceans
      @SeaJay_Oceans 3 года назад +1

      She totally missed the 'New Heaven and New Earth' part of Revelation 21 : 1. This is NOT old Earth, NOT the old star Sol, both are Gone.
      New Jerusalem is clearly a Colony Ship - the planet it is landing on is Huge, much larger than Earth, and perhaps with a thinner atmosphere and gravity up to 2.0 G. The Star it orbits is a New star, much younger than Sol. Clearly the Space-Cube must have enormous drive engines, since it can navigate to the new planet, land, and perhaps also take off (however, the Bible only says it's a one-way trip, landing only).
      That said, the middle section of the cube will be buried into the surface of the planet. Deeply buried, if the four corners of the cube are to come to rest at ground level. The Spaceship will need massive shielding from the heat of impact, even at low speed, the crushing forces of the middle of the cube burying itself into the planet's crust will generate high temperatures and pressures.
      You won't want to step outside for a several decades until it cools off and the dust cloud of impact settles down out of the atmosphere.
      The new planet has no sea, so it is a water poor planet, ecologically different than Earth. Perhaps an Ice Planet - no sea, but custed over solid water, much cooler than old Earth. New Jerusalem rebuilds on New Earth, Terra Mark 2... from that point it is the base station of civilization, and the inhabitants of the city will most likely stay inside of the structure, while automations terraform the rest of the new planet, installing life forms, altering the atmosphere, perhaps capturing comets and asteroids to modify the new world to suit the new inhabitants.
      'I will make everything new' = Terraforming the colonized planet.
      ' There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. ' = The people are not exactly human.
      They don't die, so they are cyborgs, or digitally stored in the ships computers. There mentality - their engrams, fully copied out of their meat bodies, and stored electronically in ship's memory. The majority of the cube is drive engines, shielding, and 1nm microprocessors, hardened against all cosmic rays, hardened to withstand faster than light energies and long distance travel, both in time and space. Leaving Out of the Cube, out from one of the gates - will require the people to be downloaded into 'new bodies' - not human, some form of cybernetic biomechanical constructions grown for when they wish to exit the cube. Clearly exiting the cube requires ussing shuttle craft.
      Often the Cube is shown as a city with mostly empty space, which would be incorrect. The cube certainly has a 'city' level, with streets of gold... but the entire construct is solid, top to bottom, over 600,000 stories of habitation and equipment and storage. This is a massively scaled terraforming colony ship of great power. The walls of the hull of the ship are very thick, and able to withstand gravitational forces of being landed on the planet.
      The 'golden' transparent material is not literal gold, but new materials to be invented. The 'Pearls' are ball valve airlock gateways. The while landing bay and stored shuttle craft are contained in the ball, and the doorways open as the ball openings rotate into place to release them or take them in.
      The Star it orbits is a new star, NEW, so much younger than Sol. As a new star, it will be a White or Blue Sun, similar to Rigel, Canopus, Vega, Sirius, Altair, or even yellowish Polaris.
      A new Supergiant Blue-White Star, many hundreds of times the mass of the Sun would be quite a sight - filling the sky over the new world.
      The dry / icy planet would need to have an orbit at a safe distance from the supergiant blue star, but plenty of resources remain to build with in the far outer orbit of the new star and new planet.
      Revelation 21 : Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. 2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. 3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
      5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
      Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

    • @SeaJay_Oceans
      @SeaJay_Oceans 3 года назад

      @McRarv Well, it says there will be a new heavens and new Earth. New heavens means new stars, and the closest new stars are in the Orion Nebula.
      The icy large planet will probably be under 2 G in gravity, we need to stay alive as humans, so there is an upper limit on the gravity we can adapt and survive in, although cyborg bodies / full andriod bodies widens some of those limits.
      Ice planet because it says there are no liquid seas. No liquid seas puts a great limit on what kind of new earth you can grow. Believing you would still want organic life and water and oxygen are required, but there is not liquid seas, means it's an icy or cold planet below freezing most of the time over most of the globe.
      Again, all limits are off if we are contained in a virtual civilization inside the big space cube of New Jerusalem. A Second Life, if you will ... :-)
      What's clear is that Giant Space Cubes generally speaking do not fall from the sky - we have to build it, and whomever has the original ark of the covenent needs to install it inside and make contact with the being that identifies itself as IAM.

  • @flatearthbanjo
    @flatearthbanjo 4 года назад +20

    Can not WAIT to watch this one. Can I mirror this? Credits will be given of course!

  • @zfoxfire
    @zfoxfire 3 года назад +8

    It works if the Earth was flat ;)

    • @leesydreamy
      @leesydreamy 2 года назад

      The new earth will be bigger, Like at least the size of jupiter and the laws of physics will be different.

  • @432hzauthorizedversion3
    @432hzauthorizedversion3 4 года назад +15

    Amen, we are the center of the universe.

  • @MackMayne420
    @MackMayne420 2 года назад +4

    No...but on a flat earth it could.

  • @tacticalant3841
    @tacticalant3841 4 года назад +5

    Another interesting thought. Lets say a large flat spot was made on a ball shaped earth for the foundation of the city to rest on. Because of the gravity theory, you would literally be walking downhill when traveling toward the center of the city, or uphill when traveling from the center outward toward the perimeter. The amount of grade for that slope would be calculated as 17%.
    Thats 897.6 feet for every mile traveled (or 170 m for every Km)! To put this into perspective, even if only traveling 1/2 mile round trip at that grade would exceed the “challenging hike” category and would be upgraded to “difficult hike”. And traveling a 3 mile round trip would be considered “very difficult“.

    • @Brian-tb1op
      @Brian-tb1op 3 года назад +1

      I think if God created the universe and is going to park his capitol ship on earth that he will be able to balance out the gravity lmao

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 3 года назад +2

      Brian - are you a bible believing christian? Which gravity are you referring to?

    • @Brian-tb1op
      @Brian-tb1op 3 года назад +1

      @@tacticalant3841 I am a bible believing christian. If God can part the red sea to free the Israelites from egyptian captivity that is a very insane feat of Gods "hands" ignoring the laws of our physics. Gods ways are not our ways. Are you a bible believing christian, Tactical?

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 3 года назад +2

      Brian - yes i am a bible believing christian. So which gravity are you referring to? Newtonian, Einsteinian, or the newest idea of gravitons?

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 2 года назад

      @Passing Through - are you a bible believing Christian?

  • @ShilohMediaMinistries
    @ShilohMediaMinistries 2 года назад +2

    The earth is not a globe, it is flat earth.

  • @rhenegamezyt695
    @rhenegamezyt695 3 года назад +3

    I cant wait to meet jesus in earth and heaven i hope too

  • @PressHBCA
    @PressHBCA 3 года назад +4

    If we believe that snakes and donkeys spoke in the Bible without knowing why then it’s easy to believe this can happen too

  • @truthsword6772
    @truthsword6772 Год назад +3

    Really cool! A flat earth is such a cool concept.

    • @janestorm9813
      @janestorm9813 Год назад

      A true concept. Simple evidence of this is how much flat earthers are mocked and most flat earth videos have been removed from RUclips. The Bible says the earth is fixed on its foundation.

  • @lightofeloah5919
    @lightofeloah5919 3 года назад +4

    God said he’s making all things new, so the earth probably won’t be orbiting around a star. In fact the earth might not even be in the shape of a ball, and the universe might be something completely different. Like an infinite heavenly place and the new earth could be part of this fanciful land. When God says all things new he means all things new. You have to remember that your putting revelations measurements along with this now condemned earth. The earth hasn’t been made new yet like God said. EVERYTHING new. So don’t use the current state of earth and put it with the future ages of revelation.

  • @eyesallred
    @eyesallred 3 года назад +6

    Revelations 21: 21 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea........🤔 If new Earth is the size of Jupiter, it wil fit just fine....God never said new Earth would be the same size as old earth

  • @ZJesusIsTheWay
    @ZJesusIsTheWay Год назад +1

    Wow, Praise God our Heavenly Father.

  • @ShirleyCooper-bo8sv
    @ShirleyCooper-bo8sv 3 месяца назад +1

    There is no absurdity in the word of God. Your comments are scientific and not biblical. God spoke the universe into being . He says it’s going to happen, it will.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  3 месяца назад

      @@ShirleyCooper-bo8sv A belief that the earth is a globe is not Biblical, which was the point of this video if you misunderstood that.
      New Jerusalem will land on the earth, but it will be the true earth described in the Bible, not the false earth described by science falsely so called

  • @CaptainPilipinas
    @CaptainPilipinas 3 года назад +1

    this is the Very Same GOD that has Made this World into 6 Days.
    Let's leave All of the Full Crafting of His Holy City only for Himself to have the Finishing touches. No current logical orbits or something else for now that would distract us all further.

  • @marriagesupperofthelamb
    @marriagesupperofthelamb 2 года назад +2

    The city is equilateral on all sides but the foundation could be designed in such a way it assumes the earth’s curvature so that the city sits on the flat of it’ s foundation whose base is curved as the earth.
    Alternatively, the New Earth must have a larger radius than the current earth and that would compensate and allow for the city’s base to be entirely on the earth and still have equilateral measurements.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  2 года назад

      The first point would make the city no longer square in dimensions.
      We answered your second point in this video:видео.html

    • @vernyanke1131
      @vernyanke1131 2 года назад

      I am pretty sure earth doesn't exist any more when it is seen up close. Any way maybe a lot more will be learned when JWT comes on line in April or May.

    • @janestorm9813
      @janestorm9813 Год назад

      Or the earth could be flat

    • @Theosis78
      @Theosis78 10 месяцев назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Why? A perfect cube sitting on a foundation.

  • @TipsbyThomas
    @TipsbyThomas 4 года назад +5

    Fabulous video... 100% truth...Praise Yah

  • @pratiknirmalkar7078
    @pratiknirmalkar7078 3 года назад +2

    It is clearly mentioned that God will create a new earth...
    Just like today we have Israel nation and Jerusalem city maybe we may have New Jerusalem but well guarded and only certain people have entry..the place outside maybe utilize for some other purpose...or maybe the structure of new earth is different ..truly with God all things possible...))

  • @erhimer
    @erhimer 3 года назад +2

    With GOD all things are possible!

  • @quietrain7340
    @quietrain7340 4 года назад +16

    Amen. Makes sense.

  • @newlightstudios6338
    @newlightstudios6338 3 года назад +6

    So true: The size of the New Jerusalem is enormous; twelve thousand furlongs equals 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers). This is the same distance from Maine to Florida; Using their calculation for curvature at 8 inches per mile squared, the curvature of the city would be enormous. Great video as always!!! Love you guys, keep up the good work!!

    • @SeaJay_Oceans
      @SeaJay_Oceans 3 года назад +3

      She totally missed the 'New Heaven and New Earth' part of Revelation 21 : 1. This is NOT old Earth, NOT the old star Sol, both are Gone.
      New Jerusalem is clearly a Colony Ship - the planet it is landing on is Huge, much larger than Earth, and perhaps with a thinner atmosphere and gravity up to 2.0 G. The Star it orbits is a New star, much younger than Sol.
      The Star it orbits is a new star, NEW, so much younger than Sol. As a new star, it will be a White or Blue Sun, similar to Rigel, Canopus, Vega, Sirius, Altair, or even yellowish Polaris. Perhaps still shrouded in the surrounding Nebula clouds too, in a stellar nursery.
      A new Supergiant Blue-White Star, many hundreds of times the mass of the Sun would be quite a sight - filling the sky over the new world.
      The huge dry / icy planet would need to have an orbit at a safe distance from the supergiant blue star, but plenty of resources remain to build with in the far outer orbit of the new star and new planet.
      Often the Space Cube is shown as a city with mostly empty space, which would be incorrect. The cube certainly has a 'city' level, with streets of gold... but the entire construct is solid, top to bottom, over 600,000 stories of habitation and equipment and storage. This is a massively scaled terraforming colony ship of great power. The walls of the hull of the ship are very thick, and able to withstand gravitational forces of being landed on the planet.
      The 'golden' transparent material is not literal gold, but new materials to be invented. The 'Pearls' are ball valve airlock gateways. The while landing bay and stored shuttle craft are contained in the ball, and the doorways open as the ball openings rotate into place to release them or take them in.
      Revelation 21 : 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
      Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

  • @ALROD
    @ALROD 3 года назад +2

    It looks or sounds impossible, but the one who created the universe and its laws was God.

  • @shimmerelle
    @shimmerelle 3 года назад +1

    This is AMAZING! Our creation that He has placed us in is AMAZING! HOW MUCH MORE AMAZING IS HE!?! Praises to the Most High our Creator and His Son!

  • @JimOstromSTP2023
    @JimOstromSTP2023 Год назад

    Very very powerful!! God bless.

  • @jesuschristisgod9613
    @jesuschristisgod9613 4 года назад +6

    Great Presentation! Glory to God! Shared this also on my FE playlist!

  • @LeandroPineda-j4j
    @LeandroPineda-j4j 25 дней назад

    For God' all things are possible 🙏 don't forget,

  • @mathana1000
    @mathana1000 2 года назад

    Helooooo...He is the one who created time space and matter...adjusting the foundation for new jerusalem is not a problem at all.

  • @resistenciaviva1
    @resistenciaviva1 4 года назад +5

    Now we need a Portuguese version.

  • @KingdomInContext
    @KingdomInContext 3 года назад +3

    Very well done. Great visuals and logic. Thank you.

    • @SeaJay_Oceans
      @SeaJay_Oceans 3 года назад

      She totally missed the 'New Heaven and New Earth' part of Revelation 21 : 1. This is NOT old Earth, NOT the old star Sol, both are Gone.
      New Jerusalem Cube Ship is clearly a Colony Ship - the NEW planet it is landing on is Huge, much larger than Earth, and perhaps with a thinner atmosphere and gravity up to 2.0 G. The Star it orbits is a NEW star, much younger than Sol. The cube certainly has a 'city' level, with streets of gold... but the entire construct is solid, top to bottom, over 600,000 stories of habitation and equipment and storage. This is a massively scaled terraforming colony ship of great power. The walls of the hull of the ship are very thick, and able to withstand gravitational forces of being landed on the planet.
      The huge dry / icy planet has no sea, and would need to have an orbit at a safe distance from the supergiant blue star, but plenty of resources remain to build with in the far outer orbit of the new star and new planet.
      The Star it orbits is a new star, NEW, so much younger than Sol. As a new star, it will be a White or Blue Sun, similar to Rigel, Canopus, Vega, Sirius, Altair, or even yellowish Polaris. Perhaps still shrouded in the surrounding Nebula clouds too, in a stellar nursery.
      A new Supergiant Blue-White Star, many hundreds of times the mass of the Sun would be quite a sight - filling the sky over the new world.
      So what revelation is telling us, is the new terraformed home for humanity: A massive icy planet with no liquid sea, and a new blue-white star, much larger than Sol.
      Revelation 21 : 5 He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
      Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

  • @rhideout
    @rhideout Месяц назад

    Thank you for the truth.

  • @MrTomdom69
    @MrTomdom69 3 года назад +4

    It doesn’t have to be a cube, it can be a pyramid. Which is what I believe it will be.
    Also it can have equal sides and have a concave bottom..
    Just sayin

    • @wescoastblues
      @wescoastblues 5 месяцев назад

      Finally, someone else gets it, too! It will be a pyramid shape beyond a shadow of doubt for Manny reasons I won't get into now. I am a songwriter and have a new song about it:видео.htmlsi=w2K2DiclCVcHWHxV

  • @earthenvesselsministry
    @earthenvesselsministry  4 года назад +23

    Some interpret the 12,000 furlongs of Revelation 21:16 to be the perimeter of the city, making each side 3000 furlongs, or approximately 375 miles long. If this is indeed the case, then the corners of the city would STILL be floating approximately 9 miles (roughly 14.4 km) above the surface of the earth. As such, all the same contradictions apply. The square base of the city could NOT sit flat on a ball earth. Ultimately, a literal understanding of Revelation 21:16 cannot be harmonized with the globe and the heliocentric model, regardless of whether one interprets 12,000 furlongs to be the length of each side or the total perimeter.

    • @Rockys-Mum
      @Rockys-Mum 4 года назад +5

      It doesn't matter how many feet or inches. Flat straight line and circle cannot be mend together. One of them will bend or change its shape.

    • @boogiefever1970
      @boogiefever1970 4 года назад +12

      1st of all, your thinking all things will be normal when that day arrives. We're talking about the extinction of all normalty and human limitations. When that day approaches the laws of physics will not apply. So if scriptures says it's width and height is 12000 (appx 1500) on the earth then that's how it will be. No floating. It's a reason scriptures says WITH MAN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Matt.19:27.

    • @mdmorell
      @mdmorell 4 года назад

      Never heard such a wasted-time bunch of BOLOGNA as when Earthen Vessels started posting these meaningless FE messages. THIS IS A COMPLETE NON-ISSUE FOLKS!

    • @aidapatata
      @aidapatata 4 года назад +3

      I agree with another comment on this thread about how the laws of physics will not apply when that day comes, because the first heaven and the first earth will have passed away by then as the Apostle John describes. He sees a New Heaven and a New Earth before he sees the descent of the Celestial City. Then he said that the city did not need the sun or the moon to shine on it for the Glory of God gives it it's light.
      Shamefaced moon will cower, humiliated, red-faced sun will skulk, disgraced, Because God -of-the-Angel-Armies will take over, ruling from Mount Zion and Jerusalem, Splendid and glorious before all his leaders. Isaiah 24:23 MSG
      The sun shall no more be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you, but the Lord shall be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory and your beauty. [Rev. 21:23.] Isaiah 60:19
      Yes I also agree that "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"!
      I also believe an article about the "God Particle" (Higgs-Boson) explains this perfectly without the scientists even realizing that what they've discovered about the universe is actually explained in Revelation 20:14-15 and Rev 21.
      SCIENTIFIC evidence:
      The Higgs Boson otherwise known as the God Particle
      "If the Standard Model is valid, then the particles and forces we observe in our universe exist as they do, because of underlying quantum fields. Quantum fields can have states of differing stability, including stable, unstable and metastable states (the latter remain stable unless sufficiently perturbed). If a "more stable" vacuum state were able to "arise", then "existing" particles and forces would "no longer" arise as they presently do. "Different" particles or forces would "arise" from (and be shaped by) whatever "new" quantum states arose. The world we know depends upon these particles and forces, so if this happened, everything around us, from subatomic particles to galaxies, and all "fundamental" forces, would be "reconstituted" into "new fundamental" particles and forces and structures. The universe would potentially "lose" all of its "present" structures and become inhabited by "new" ones (depending upon the exact states involved) based upon the "same" quantum fields."
      All quotation marks within the start and end quotes are "emphasis mine". Also the "Standard" Model they speak of here is what I believe to be the "Genesis" Model with it's "fundamental" forces.
      BIBLICAL evidence:
      Then I saw a "new" heaven and a "new" earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had "passed away", and the sea no longer existed. I also saw the Holy City, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband. Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look! God’s dwelling is with humanity, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will no longer exist; grief, crying, and pain will exist no longer, because the "previous" things have "passed away!"" Revelation 21:1‭-4
      All quotation marks within the start and end quotes are "emphasis mine"
      JESUS YESHUA is the God Particle:
      For by Him all things were created in heaven and on earth, [things] visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities; all things were created and exist through Him [that is, by His activity] and for Him. And He Himself existed and is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. [His is the controlling, cohesive force of the universe.] Colossians 1:16‭-‬17 AMP

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 4 года назад +5

      null null - tell that to all your followers who hear you say that, and see your “no flat earth” statement on your channel, then they come over to Earthen Vessels to join them. Thanks for the referrals bro!

  • @setmyspiritfreecommunity2274
    @setmyspiritfreecommunity2274 10 месяцев назад

    YES. Ang Bagong Jerusalem sa Daigdig, Mararanasan ng mga Tao ang Prasensiya at Kapangyarihan ng Diyos, Ang Pamamahala at Pagtuturo ng Diyos Amang YHWH.
    Juan 6: 44 Walang makakalapit sa akin malibang dalhin siya sa akin ng Ama na nagsugo sa akin. At ang lumalapit sa akin ay muli kong bubuhayin sa huling araw. 45 Nasusulat sa aklat ng mga propeta, ‘At silang lahat ay tuturuan ng Diyos.’ Ang bawat nakikinig sa Ama at natututo sa kanya ay lumalapit sa akin

  • @sunnyormsby8402
    @sunnyormsby8402 Год назад

    the new Jerusalem, never touches the earth; No harmonizing needed.

  • @schoolofelijah2409
    @schoolofelijah2409 Год назад

    Awesome! great video thanks

  • @MrMercy1966
    @MrMercy1966 3 месяца назад

    Is this something that we should be concerned about? No, it’s not if God said it’s gonna happen it’s gonna happen. as a 57-year-old private pilot I’m still amazed how airplanes fly I know the principal. Thrust = drag and lift = weight 4 basics of flight watching a 747 so big just float across the sky and land on a 10,000 foot runway as if it was magic. so my point is as you have faith in that airplane when you get in it to go see family and loved ones on vacation have faith that the new Jerusalem is gonna descend as God said it would just believe you don’t have to understand it.

  • @NervousNorman
    @NervousNorman 3 года назад +5

    As the Earth is flat it would not be a problem.

  • @irenegea7644
    @irenegea7644 3 года назад +4

    This presentation is human scale.
    God is the CEO of the Universe. All things are possible to him. We human can question his might? We don't have power to doubt his power just believe what he says in his
    Jeremiah 32:27
    Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

  • @ronnyandersen6733
    @ronnyandersen6733 Год назад +1

    Not to take away from the video, but there is another shape that bares the same measures, a Pyramid. It is also Mount Zion, the Mount Assembly. So it is going to be a Pyramid of that I am certain. Esthetically more beautiful as well. Not being dogmatic of course. :)

    • @rickdalbey6009
      @rickdalbey6009 11 месяцев назад

      A pyramid does not solve anything. You still have the problem of a flat pyramid base balanced on a round ball.

  • @hookedontronics
    @hookedontronics 4 года назад +5

    This video presumes the "new earth" is the same look, dimensions of the existing earth which is speculation at best. In fact the Bible says the new earth has "no more sea" as well. ("And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea."
    Revelation 21:1). The fact is there will be an entirely "new earth".
    Second, it does not say it "lands on earth" but the Bible says: "And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, DESCENDING OUT of heaven from God"
    Revelation 21:10).
    Third, Jesus' feet touch on Mt. Olives in current Jerusalem is the start of the millennial reign of Christ right after the Tribulation. That has nothing to do with eternity and the bride of Christ in the New Jerusalem as stated in Revelation 21.
    Fourth this "Earthen Vessels" says Revelation is a contradiction, which is to call God a liar. She clearly doesn't believe the "record" of the Bible ("He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the RECORD that God gave of his Son."
    1 John 5:10). Clearly the Bible talks about a new heaven and new earth AND the new Jerusalem which is for the Church where Christ also will dwell (Revelation 21-22).
    Study the Scriptures instead of this stuff. This RUclips channel mocks the Bible. Read for yourself. "STUDY to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD OF TRUTH."
    2 Timothy 2:15

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  3 года назад

      Just because Earth is made new, that doesn't mean that the shape changes. Earth is renewed: it is Eden restored. It is not a 'new planet' for lack of a better term. There are no Bible verses to support that idea.
      Furthermore, the prophecy of Zechariah 14 says that Jesus "will stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west..." This is talking about when Jesus rules as King on the throne of David after the millennium. Notice verses 8-11.
      "Zech 4:8 And it shall be in that day, living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.
      9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
      10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses.
      11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited ."
      Notice that verse 8 describes living waters coming out of Jerusalem. Verse 9 says that Jesus shall be king over all the earth in that day. And verse 11 says that men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction. That is all literally describing the location of Jerusalem after the Earth has been renewed.
      How can the heavenly city land on the location of Jerusalem (namely, the Mount of Olives), if we are talking about a completely different planet? There would be no 'Mount of Olives'. Look at how much geography is recorded in this chapter. It is specific to the current world we live on. The only difference is that the earth has been quenched by fire, and made new.
      To suppose that the shape of the Earth changes from its current shape as a supposed globe to something else after it is renewed, actually proves the point that is being made in this video! That the heavenly city cannot land on the current 'globe Earth'! If one wants to claim that the renewed Earth is a different shape, such as a square, or an even bigger ball, then they need to provide some verses to support that.

    • @tacticalant3841
      @tacticalant3841 3 года назад

      @ Hooked on Tronics- since you study the scriptures, what do you think about the details on how the earth is designed? Is there a Firmament, what is it? Does the earth move, or is it unmovable? Are the sun, moon and stars close or very far away?

  • @cris_u3616
    @cris_u3616 3 года назад +1

    I knw something like this would happen .. God can make the impossible possible.. thats God he can do anything .

  • @RenaBritland
    @RenaBritland 9 месяцев назад

    The God who created everything, is certainly capable of this.

  • @aquiamerica
    @aquiamerica 3 года назад +3

    The earth is not a ball.... how many times we have to say that?

    • @dukemarvel3974
      @dukemarvel3974 3 года назад

      @@tristonp please put all the verses, ALL verses that states earth is sphere or globe

    • @Bluewirenut76
      @Bluewirenut76 3 года назад

      Please name one sphere earth verse.
      Just one, I’ll wait..
      Circle isn’t a sphere by the way.
      And the writers of the Bible know the difference, that’s why circle was used in the one and only verse your thinking of.

  • @jackwilliamatkins5602
    @jackwilliamatkins5602 2 года назад

    Queen Elizabeth owes me $7 billion in gold

  • @johnholsti2724
    @johnholsti2724 4 года назад +5

    I think you nailed it, except for some of Ellen White's ideas, including earth devastated and uninhabited for 1000 years.

  • @SavedTraveler-1975
    @SavedTraveler-1975 3 года назад +1

    Not land but hover very closely.
    The cube creates an area for antigravity to work. Anything within the cube made of a specific aloy will float.
    Even an entire city.

  • @heartsandmindsathome
    @heartsandmindsathome Год назад

    I believe it is symbolic - a cube shape, as was the most holy place in the physical temple. But it's a present, spiritual reality, not a physical city. In this view, whatever shape the earth is, loses its relevance. It's a fun topic though :)

  • @chiefhowlingwolfhannibal7360
    @chiefhowlingwolfhannibal7360 2 года назад +1

    The world is flat and much bigger than we are told so its possible

  • @resistenciaviva1
    @resistenciaviva1 4 года назад +3


  • @soarn2170
    @soarn2170 2 года назад

    '''And behold the heavens were opened, and an angel of God said to me, Levi, enter. And I entered from the first heaven, and I saw there a GREAT SEA HANGING.''---Testament of Levi 1:9-10
    ''As he [the sun] rises, so he sets and decreases not, and rests not, but runs day and night, and his light is sevenfold brighter than that of the moon; but AS REGARDS SIZE THEY ARE BOTH EQUAL.''---Enoch 72:37

  • @perryfroze
    @perryfroze 4 года назад +2

    Who said it was going to land on a curved surface ?? It's possible that God can produce a level surface for it to rest on.

  • @benreynaga8806
    @benreynaga8806 Год назад

    Let's hope time doesn't go backwards again

  • @talismanskulls2857
    @talismanskulls2857 Год назад

    Actually the translations are all wrong. If it was taken to be literal, the way its written as 12,000 broken down into equal parts of 3000 then the concept actually describes a ground area of 375 "Squared Miles". That being the case, it's base area as equal to its width and height would be the ground area covered by Olympus Mons on Mars (which is 375 squared miles wide and about 16 squared miles tall), which basically covers an area of equal to that of such locations as the whole of Italy, or the Philippines, and fitted inside the whole of Paris.
    Now that is still massive and would look like a massive square zit on the land surface of Earth, so while what your basic concept isn't inaccurate in context, its still inaccurate in measurement. For anyone thinking I am supporting a :"vision claim" I am not. To put it in perspective, the Mariana Trench Is 7 Miles Deep, the part known as Challenger Deep. That would basically still be extremely massive.
    Though not impossible structurally to construct something such a size, as some sort of object out in space, it would be more like a small artificial moon. Plus, the materials described are also symbolic and wouldn't support the weight or gravity generated by something of that size or of that kind of structure. Even if we try and use the claim it could be a simple error of adding an extra zero from some book of almost 2000 years old, that still massive, because it would still be about 37.5 miles squared and still just 2x double the high of Olympus Mons and be subject to the same problems of weight and gravity.
    Now, the other issue is, its not "God" that says anything. Its people claiming God said something and then other people re-writing what the previous stated. But above all else, the Bible in its original texts never actually use the noun God which comes from the adverb meaning Good and was a noun taken and shortened about the 9th century form Godan and simply re-applied and associated with Roman Latin Deu (Deity), Greek Theo, and Semitic Al/El as it was reduced over time from Godan as a now meaning Good One to God and distinguish it from 'good' which was also originally spelled god as an adjective by Latin trained monks in monasteries that became the foundations of the first western colleges and "education/re-education" system.
    Yet if we check the actual meaning of all these different languages word sources, they don't actually mean the same thing. Deu/Deus is drawn from Greek Theo means Bright/Shine in the sense of "Day Light" while Latin s the source of that Light is Lux/Luks/Lucs. The Semitic Al/El is represented by the symbols for an ox head and a shepherd's crook implying the symbolic expression of "strong leader" loosely translated as mighty one. So we have again the historic error of glossing, and applying definitions by associations rather than meaning and isn't new, which is why there is the old saying "meaning lost in translation."

    • @joshuafichtelman2605
      @joshuafichtelman2605 6 месяцев назад

      Except, God wrote the King James Bible. It's mathematically perfect proving divine intelligent design and Authorship. Therefore, it's testimony is true. God didn't make any mistake. You are wrong.

  • @IsJesusGod.
    @IsJesusGod. Год назад +1

    is the new Holy City of Jerusalem a real place or sibylic as many say?
    Can anyone give me your thoughts please?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад +1

      There is nothing in Johns vision that suggests that the New Jerusalem is symbolic such as things illogical or impossible.
      I see no reason to believe it is not literal.

    • @IsJesusGod.
      @IsJesusGod. Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Thank you so much for your reply.
      Yes, I always thought the NEW Jerusalem was a real place to come.
      But I have been told I am wrong, and been debating with others who tell me it is not a real place to come, but symbolic.
      And I am hungry for the truth, so I would like to hear what you say about what my good friend has been telling me below.
      There is also an article called: Is the New Jerusalem a place-or a people? By Ian Paul.
      I will add a bit of both below, and very much look forward to hearing from you and thank you for all you time.
      GOD bless.
      1). Think about this: It is a symbolic prophetic vision. If the New Jerusalem is the Bride and the Bride is God's people. We can see through the whole bible, God is the husband and His people is the bride, and then we are told that the city is the bride the city can't be a city it is God's people, God isn't going to marry to a city the wedding is between God and His people. The city is only as I said a symbolic prophetic symbol of God's people. Just remember Christ is the head and we are His body. When God decide to make a partner for Adam, adam was put to sleep and out of him God took material to create his companion. After Jesus resurrection the church started in Acts two now Jesus' companion is being created, Jesus' isn't going to get married to a city, He's going to be marrying his bride, His people. That means the city isn't a cyti it is God's people. You can see in the answer you sent me: @Melquesedek Castro You 👉Let me ask you something else. In the whole bible God is represented by a husband or bridegroom and his people is always presented as the wife or the bride. But in Revelation 21:2 I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And also in Revelation 21:9 -10 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” 10 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. My question to you, why the angel called the new Jerusalem the bride of Jesus? Who is the bride? God's people or the New Jerusalem? Have a blessed day. The city John saw is just a symbol of God's people, after they are raptured, they come back as a whole body and now they have God's glory that's why they are represented as a city. God will indwell His people and His people will indwel God. Just thing about when God asked moses to build Him a tent for God to be with His people it was a symbol to what would happen Now in Revelation God and His people one big City. As Jesus said in my Father's house there are many indwellings I am going to prepare a place for you to be where I am, Jesus and us in the father. He never said I am going to build houses, He said I am going to prepare a place for you to be, Jesus is already there, in the Father preparing a place for us. Took me awhile until I could grasp this idea. Jesus is the way, because the Father is the destination, we are going to live in the Father and the Father is going to inhabits His people.
      As I told you in the beginning I spent a lot of time in the Eschatological aspect of the Bible. That's why Paul said: that we're couldn't imagine what God had in store for us.

    • @IsJesusGod.
      @IsJesusGod. Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Is the New Jerusalem a place-or a people?
      May 18, 2020 by Ian Paul
      Come with me, if you will, on an adventure of biblical imagination in Revelation 21 and 22. The New Jerusalem that is described there by John is mostly taken to be a place in which the people of God dwell with the presence of God-but what would happen if we interpreted everything in the vision as a description not of their place, but of the people themselves? And what then happens if we use that as a way of imagining the destiny of the people of God in the current day?
      The reason for asking these questions comes from some writing I have been doing in the last couple of months. I was asked to write a short study booklet (of around 15,000 words) on Revelation, for small groups meeting for six sessions. And for the final session, I was once more reading Rev 21, and was struck forcibly by the opening claim John makes at the start of this vision:
      I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband (Rev 21.2).
      There is no doubt that the use of ‘bride’ is a personal metaphor for the people of God. It has been used earlier in Revelation to signify the people of God (the ‘saints’ or ‘holy ones’) as they experience oppression in the 42 months of their wilderness wanderings between the exaltation of Jesus and his return (‘The gentiles will trample it…’, 11:2). And previous use of the personal metaphor of the people of God as the bride in 19:7-8 identifies the adornment of her fine clothing as ‘the righteous acts of God’s people’, which connects this vision to the earlier, less developed nuptial imagery of 14:4-5. The personal adornment and the jewels of the city are neatly connected by the background text Isa. 61:10, where the the ‘bride adorns herself with jewels’.
      I will greatly rejoice in the LORD; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself like a priest with a beautiful headdress, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. (Is 61.10)
      This kind of nuptial imagery, with the Messiah as bridegroom and the people of God as his bride, is present in the gospels (Matt. 9:15; 25:1-2; Luke 5:34; John 3:29) as well as Paul (2 Cor. 11:2).
      But there is another reason why we might press the ‘city’ imagery to be that of a people rather than a place: John also emphasises that the city is the ‘dwelling place’ of God (Rev 21.3), and the fact that the city is a cube, thus looking like an enormous Holy of Holies in the temple, confirms this. But with the (anticipated? recalled?) destruction of the physical temple in Jerusalem in AD70, the NT consistently transfers temple language to the new covenant Israel of God, that is, the Jewish-Gentile followers of Jesus. Thus Jesus declares his own body to be the new temple presence of God in the world in John 2.19 (a claim picked up at his trial in Mark 14.58); Paul develops his metaphor of the followers of Jesus as his body from his Damascus Road encounter (‘Why are you persecuting me?’) so that both the community and individuals within it are God’s temple and his dwelling place (1 Cor 3.16-17, 1 Cor 6.19). In fact, Paul goes so far as to actually draw on the exact OT image that John makes use of in Rev 21:
      What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” (2 Cor 6.15)
      Paul is here making an ethical appeal to the Corinthians, on the basis of the spiritual understanding of the ekklesia as the holy dwelling place of God. But what is fascinating here is that he is drawing on a range of OT texts. Firstly, he is drawing from Lev 26.12, which is the promise looking forward to the settlement of the people in the Promised Land. But then he is also drawing on Jer 32.38 and Ezek 37.27, which are both re-purposing this future promise to look forward to the end of exile and the restoration of God’s kingly rule over his people when they are restored to that land.
      And here’s the thing: this is the move that Revelation is constantly making-combining promises of the exodus with promises of the end of exile. This is found most clearly in the use of the equivalent time periods ‘three and a half years’, ’42 months’ and ‘1,260 days’ that we find in chapters 11 and 12. The number 42 corresponds to the desert wanderings, since the total time in the desert is 42 years if you include the sojourn at Kadesh Barnea, and the people stop at 42 places listed in Num 33. But John’s calculation using ‘perfect’ months of 30 days each makes this equivalent to the time of ‘tribulation’ in Daniel 7.25 and 12.7. For John, the followers of Jesus are both in a time of exodus wanderings, heading towards the Promised Land, and in a time of ‘tribulation’ as they await final deliverance, which is first enacted by Jesus’ death and resurrection, but only completed with the descent of the Holy City. And for Paul, these promises are clearly fulfilled in Jesus.
      The question then arises: can we read the vision of the Holy City completely in those personal terms, as people rather than place? I checked back in my commentary, and saw that I held back from this. At the start, I comment on verse 2, ‘Different aspects of the report that follows will emphasise both aspects, of the city as the dwelling place of God and the dwelling place of God’s people’ (p 340), and I return to the language of ‘place’ several times in the following pages: the city is the ‘dwelling place of God’s people’ (p 348), its gates are the way that God’s people find their entrance into the city (p 349), and ‘the city is the home of the priestly people of God’ (p 352).
      There are good reasons in the text for moving from ‘city as people’ to ‘city as place’. Stephen Pattemore, in his monograph The People of God in the Apocalypse (SNTS Monograph series 128, 2004) notes some of the reasons, principally the nature of the metaphorical language, particularly in the second half of the vision.

    • @IsJesusGod.
      @IsJesusGod. Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry 2) R H Gundry ‘The New Jerusalem: People as Place not Place for People’, NovT 29 (1987) pp 254-64, argues that the New Jerusalem represents only the people of God, with no remainder of allusion to a place for them to live. This becomes increasingly difficult to sustain in the later parts of the second vision (21.24-7, 22.1-5). Schüssler Fiorenza…argues that the city is distinguished from the saints. It seems rather that the imagery is fluid, suggesting both identification and distinction (Pattemore, p 200 n 11).
      I am not sure I am persuaded by Pattemore’s reticence here. After all, the later parts of the vision he refers to includes the idea that ‘the nations walk by its light’ (Rev 21.24), which corresponds very directly to Jesus’ declaration in Matt 5.14 to his followers that ‘You are the light of the world’. And the river that flows down the centre of the city symbolises (I would argue) the presence of the life-giving water of the Spirit, which elsewhere in Scripture flows in and from believers themselves. And the tree of life provides fruit, and its leaves are for healing; elsewhere in the New Testament, the fruit of the Spirit are personal things found in the people of God, who themselves minister healing in the name of Jesus.
      So what does happen when we press this to be a personal vision of the people of God rather than a place?
      The city is on a great, high mountain (Rev 21.10): the people of God are visible, like a city on a hill (Matt 5.14), and they draw all sorts of people to them.
      ‘It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal’ (Rev 21.11). The attractiveness of the people is due only to the presence and glory of God in their midst, and it is this which draws people, rather than any particular quality of its own. Jasper has characterised the appearance of ‘the one on the throne’ in the opening vision of heavenly worship (in Rev 4.3)-so the people of God look stunning and impressive to the extent to which their character reflects the character of God. And they are to have a transparency about them; the idea of being ‘clear as crystal’ suggests that there is no pretence.
      The city has ‘great high walls’ (Rev 21.12). If we read this as about people not place, then rather than being contained in a place of safety, the people themselves are a place of safety. The gates are constantly open (Rev 21.25, since gates of a city in the ancient world close at night, and in the New Jerusalem there is no night), so the people of God constantly hold out a welcome to others to join them. But angels guard the gates, and ‘nothing impure will ever enter it’ (Rev 21.27); there is always an open welcome, but this is received by repentance, forgiveness and cleansing that comes through the death of Jesus for us.
      ‘On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel’ (Rev 21.12). The way into the people of God is through understanding the story of God’s dealings with his people all through the history of Scripture, and becoming a part of that story through Israel’s Messiah, Jesus. I find it continually striking that Paul, writing to the very mixed Jewish-Gentile community in Corinth (and probably a good deal more Gentile than Jewish), simply assumes that the story of Israel is now the story of this new Jesus community, and that they should take Israel’s scriptures as their scriptures.
      ‘There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west’ (Rev 21.13). Where ancient cities had gates usually only on one side, this city can be accessed from every direction. There is no limit to the different ways in which people can join to become part of the people of God.
      ‘The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb’ (Rev 21.14). The people of God are themselves built on the foundation of the apostolic testimony about Jesus, which we now have in the Scriptures of the NT, rooted in the OT. That is why, for example, Luke emphasises that the new community attend daily ‘to the apostles’ teaching’ (Acts 2.42).

    • @IsJesusGod.
      @IsJesusGod. Год назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry 3) ‘The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass’ (Rev 21.18). The mention of jasper again symbolises the character of God-but the image of gold consistently represents faith, sometimes in the context of being purified through testing, often by persecution (see 1 Cor 3.12, 1 Peter 1.7, and especially Rev 3.18). Gold as pure as glass might then symbolise a people with pure faith and absolute trust in God, perfectly refined by having come through the most severe of tests.
      ‘The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl’ (Rev 21.22). Within the text, these pearls are a counter-point to the pearls worn by the harlot Babylon (Rev 17.4), and within John’s context this refers to the ostentatious delight taken by the extremely wealthy in pearls, which were valued more highly than diamonds. In the gospels, the ‘pearl of great price’ stands for the kingdom (Matt 13.45-46), though John does not seem to make any connection there. But in wider culture, pearls have symbolised wisdom gained through experience, as a reflection on the way pearls form over time around a piece of grit in the oyster. So here we might have an image of the people of God blessed with unimaginable and incomparable wisdom, born of the experience of being faithful to God in an alien world.
      ‘The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendour into it’ (Rev 21.24). As I mentioned above, this resonates with Jesus’ teaching to his followers that ‘You are the light of the world’ (Matt 5.14). But John goes further; not only does the wise and illuminating presence of God amongst and in his people shed light on the whole world-his people are even hospitable to the best that the wider world has to offer, the ‘splendour’ of the kings of the earth. In my commentary, I note that this is ‘one of the most important and challenging statements in the whole of the text’.
      Taken as a whole, the nations seem to be constantly opposed to God and his people. They trample the holy city (11:2); they are angry with God (11:18); they were seduced by the great prostitute (14:8, 18:3) and deceived by the magical spells of her prosperity (18:23); they are deceived by Satan and make war with the lamb in the final battle (19:15; 20:8). And yet, from the beginning, Jesus is the rightful Lord over them (1:5; 12:5) and shares his authority with his followers (2:26) and God is ‘king of the nations’ (15:3). The same is true of the kings of the earth. They hide from the wrath of the lamb (6:15); they are ruled by the prostitute who is the great city (17:18) and ‘commit adultery’ with her (17:2, 18:3) and also make war on the rider on the white horse (19:19). Yet they too are subject to the rule of Jesus from the beginning (1:5), and the vision of the holy city makes true de facto on the earth what has always been true de jure in the economy of God (p 356).
      Finally, if we read the imagery personally rather than architecturally, then the water of life signifying the gift of the Spirit flows not so much through a city as through God’s people, and the fruit of the tree of life grows in them, and it is their ‘foliage’ that provides healing.
      I think there is more that could be said, but I hope you get the idea. I didn’t press these things in this way in my commentary-but I feel that it is quite a valuable way to read the text. (And it also goes to show that, however many times you read about a biblical text, and even write about it, there is more to be said!)
      But what difference might it make to us now, in practice? Some readers of Rev 21 want to take it in quite a realised way-as a description of the present reality of the church, or at least what the church might be in the present (I think Simon Woodman, in his SCM Core Text, reads it in this way). I don’t find that persuasive, due to the strongly future perspective that these chapters have, in contrast to the earlier parts of the book.
      But it does offer us a picture of what we are heading to-so that, even if this will never be fully realised in this age, we at least begin to see signs of this, and it might shape our ambitions for what we are in the process of becoming.

  • @sherylpietsch5582
    @sherylpietsch5582 2 года назад

    Unless a great southern land in the southern hemisphere actually has its center that is below sea level. Maybe to Globe fits the square City. There is such a land to the exact measurements of the New Jerusalem.

    • @vernyanke1131
      @vernyanke1131 2 года назад

      Nope too big can not fit on earth. Do the math. Nobody does the math.

  • @ericterry4544
    @ericterry4544 Год назад

    What do I know?... But, maybe the city adjusts itself right before it lands.

  • @SkysetCheryl84
    @SkysetCheryl84 4 месяца назад

    Maybe it doesn’t need to change shape its not only 3D but also higher dimensions

    @jORDNjAMESmuSICk Год назад

    Very nice presentation

  • @petangelqt
    @petangelqt 2 года назад +1

    What's the size of the new heaven and the new earth?

  • @natgenesis5038
    @natgenesis5038 3 года назад +1

    New Jerusalem on new earth and heaven which means there won’t be the sun ,moon and the same measures like this current earth .

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  3 года назад

      Just because Earth is made new, that doesn't mean that the shape changes. Earth is renewed: it is Eden restored. It is not a 'new planet' for lack of a better term. There are no Bible verses to support that idea.
      Furthermore, the prophecy of Zechariah 14 says that Jesus "will stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west..." This is talking about when Jesus rules as King on the throne of David after the millennium. Notice verses 8-11.
      "Zech 4:8 And it shall be in that day, living waters shall go out from Jerusalem; half of them toward the former sea, and half of them toward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.
      9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
      10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem: and it shall be lifted up, and inhabited in her place, from Benjamin's gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner gate, and from the tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses.
      11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction; but Jerusalem shall be safely inhabited ."
      Notice that verse 8 describes living waters coming out of Jerusalem. Verse 9 says that Jesus shall be king over all the earth in that day. And verse 11 says that men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction. That is all literally describing the location of Jerusalem after the Earth has been renewed.
      How can the heavenly city land on the location of Jerusalem (namely, the Mount of Olives), if we are talking about a completely different planet? There would be no 'Mount of Olives'. Look at how much geography is recorded in this chapter. It is specific to the current world we live on. The only difference is that the earth has been quenched by fire, and made new.
      To suppose that the shape of the Earth changes from its current shape as a supposed globe to something else after it is renewed, actually proves the point that is being made in this video! That the heavenly city cannot land on the current 'globe Earth'! If one wants to claim that the renewed Earth is a different shape, such as a square, or an even bigger ball, then they need to provide some verses to support that.

  • @samuellalhmangaiha4460
    @samuellalhmangaiha4460 Год назад

    Hebrews 1:10-12 (KJV) And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:
    They shall perish; but thou remainest; and they all shall wax old as doth a garment;
    And as a vesture shalt thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail.
    Everything will be changed. New earth is not the same earth. Don't worry, it'll fit just fine.

  • @Joelthinker
    @Joelthinker 11 месяцев назад

    Easy answer, the book of Revelation is HIGHLY cryptic and symbolic. Trying to apply it literally comes up with so many issues.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  11 месяцев назад

      Ok but do you take Genesis 1 literally?видео.html

  • @sparrowthesissy2186
    @sparrowthesissy2186 2 года назад +2

    I've been critically reading a bunch of the Bible and finished the NT last night, and I was laughing so hard at the idea of the giant cube. I'm so glad somebody out there put it to scale in CG. That story is clearly about the authors wanting Rome kicked out of Israel, but the giant cube and forehead tattoos and all of that... just wow. How do people take that seriously???

    • @sparrowthesissy2186
      @sparrowthesissy2186 2 года назад +2

      OMG you started so strong and then just dove straight into flat-earth belief? How do you get so close to realizing a silly story is just a silly story, and then instead of realizing that just eject all of the science and physics you've ever learned from your skull so that you can believe in the cube? Come on, now. Be serious.

    • @desativadoofficial
      @desativadoofficial Год назад

      I can't imagine your reaction when you see everything you laughed at is true... it will be the greatest despair of your life... knowing you got so close, but jumped away...

    • @sparrowthesissy2186
      @sparrowthesissy2186 Год назад

      @@desativadoofficial A big gold space cube isn't coming to Earth to blow it up and abduct the pious dead. Imagine the look on my face all you want, that is really never going to happen.

    • @desativadoofficial
      @desativadoofficial Год назад

      @@sparrowthesissy2186 We'll see, We'll see

  • @lisettemorgan9686
    @lisettemorgan9686 4 года назад +6

    Beautiful literal and logical! Thank you

  • @faithcomics5350
    @faithcomics5350 Год назад

    The old Earth will pass away! God will create a new heaven and new earth, so it is possible for there to be a literal city gracefully descending onto the NEW Earth. (Revelation 21:1-2)

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  Год назад

      We made a video explaining what the New Earth is in regards to you commentвидео.html

  • @bold58
    @bold58 8 месяцев назад +1

    The city may be four square but the foundations it rests on could be designed to fit the curvature of the earth .

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  8 месяцев назад +1

      There is no such thing as an earth with curvature according to the scriptures friendвидео.htmlsi=EO1JB3X4ATQKS_8f

    • @joshuafichtelman2605
      @joshuafichtelman2605 6 месяцев назад

      There is no physical evidence of curvature of the earth. The Scriptures don't support this belief either. We ain't spinning according to the Scriptures. The sun was created on the fourth day. What was the earth rotating around before God made the sun? God stopped the sun and moon at the command of Joshua in front of all of Israel for about a full day. We ain't spinning. What you believe to be true contradicts what the Scriptures teach. Period.

  • @anastasialaguardia3848
    @anastasialaguardia3848 3 года назад +1

    Real truth!

  • @jennycampbell43
    @jennycampbell43 4 года назад +1

    Could you possibly discuss the unfallen worlds and their position in the heavens

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  4 года назад +2

      At this stage we cannot make any solid conclusions regarding the location or precise nature of the other worlds. However the idea of ball shaped worlds traversing black space has been exposed as a nonsensical delusion concocted by sorcerers. To believe in such means we must accept all of their unsubstantiated theories like gravity (all mass attracts other mass), gas pressure without a container etc. So we may confidently conclude that other worlds are not of such a fantastical nature. The stars and 'wandering stars' (planets) in our own heavens are just lights made 'to give light on the earth' (Gen 1:17) therefore we have no reason to believe that they are worlds that can be inhabited. All the pictures of Mars, Saturn etc. they give us are just CGI fakery.
      Therefore in harmony with the nature and laws revealed in Scripture regarding our own world, we may surmise that the other worlds are, like our own, sealed systems with their own firmament, their own lights (sun, moon and stars) and are like ours somewhere within 'the great deep' - the abyss of waters above, below and beyond our world. Our world is the only example we have, so something resembling it is all we can build a picture from. This is not definite as God's ways are 'past finding out' (Job 9:10) but it is a thought.

    • @jennycampbell43
      @jennycampbell43 4 года назад +2

      Thanks very much. That sounds reasonable

    • @MyChihuahua
      @MyChihuahua 3 года назад

      Unfallen worlds??

  • @joshuakeefe
    @joshuakeefe 3 года назад +1

    Good video! Just subscribed!

  • @Godisnotjesus1967
    @Godisnotjesus1967 2 года назад

    Yes! And it will

  • @RunFool
    @RunFool Год назад

    Revelation 21:1 Remember, the city will not descend on this earth, it is on a new heaven and new earth that has no sea. This is IN MY OPINION, a state of existence beyond the 3 dimensions - the place where we can see the foundations of the present earth.

  • @RawRoyalart
    @RawRoyalart 8 месяцев назад

    So be careful relying on your own understanding. Like Jesus said in Luke , “ Thank you God for withholding the understanding of your word from know it alls and revealing it to those who are like children “ a child’s heart is always open for new understanding . We don’t know anything when it comes to reality , you are not the creator

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  8 месяцев назад

      I am not sure you understood the purpose of this video. What we were trying to say is that the concept of a spinning globe earth is incongruous with the Bible. The NJ will not land on the spinning globe earth, because such a thing does not exist according to scripture.
      If you haven’t researched the earth the Bible describes (which the NJ will land upon) we have a video on that hereвидео.htmlsi=aTpLx42xgL7C0PoA
      But like you said, you need the faith of a child to believe the truth about creation

  • @c.lappin-21
    @c.lappin-21 Год назад

    Good video, truly enlighten

  • @thestraymanc1229
    @thestraymanc1229 2 года назад

    Does anyone know where the scripture is that says the new Jerusalem lands on the Mount of olives?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  2 года назад

      Well Zechariah 14:3-4 mentions that when the Lord returns that His feet will touch the mount of Olives. It states that the mount shall break in two, and that a great valley will be formed in that position. These 'earthworks' are performed in preparation for the placement of the New Jerusalem.
      We made a follow-up video to this video where we expand on this.видео.html

  • @ChrisBuchanan1
    @ChrisBuchanan1 4 месяца назад

    While John saw an actual city, it is symbolic of the bride of Christ (the church). No problem with sizes😅

  • @lbudt29
    @lbudt29 3 года назад +1

    The Heaven talked about is not of this realm, rather the 7th Heaven, or another dimension. We know this from the extra books of the Bible , that were removed by the catholics back in 364AD. There are at least 7 dimensions to get to the Father's throne where Christ Jesus is seated. New Jerusalem comes from there, and there will be absolutely no problems of it landing here on earth. Were there any problems for Jesus, God Himself getting here ? None at all. Still an interesting take though.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  3 года назад

      I am not sure of the books you are referring to. Certainly there is merit in some of the books that did not make it into the canon of scripture, such at the book of Jasher. However I cannot accept that there are multiple dimensions and that heaven is outside of our reality. There is not a single verse to support such a notion. That idea would destroy the literality of many passages of the bible describing heaven such as New Jerusalem descending from above as stated in this video, the vision in Ezekiel ch 1 of the throne being directly above the firmament and so many other places that describing God's throne being literally of top of this earth (such as Isa 40:22).
      To spiritualise such verses is to throw the rest of scripture into the realm of conjecture, the same reasoning could then be applied across the board leading to confusion.
      We do not see any problem with the New Jerusalem landing as described I'm the Bible.

  • @sagetajr
    @sagetajr 5 месяцев назад

    i thought the new jerusalem was going to be way bugger than the earth. If you compare it the earth would literally just be like a grain of sand inside of it

  • @ronschofield8641
    @ronschofield8641 10 месяцев назад

    One would need to be devoid of the Spirit in order to swallow this as truth.