I travelled transit to Warsaw on my way to London, and I was really impressed with the development of the country. Well done to Poland! Albania has also done very well the last 10 years, especially coming from such a low base where Albania used to be....
I remember Tirana very well in 1988. There were just a few cars!! Had such a wonderfull trip. I was used to listen to Radio Tirana in the 80 / 90's on MW in Holland for the Albanian music. In 1988 I saw Parashqevi Simaku live in Durres!
🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱met kumanova shqiperia te don ty dhe krejt iliriden kosoven malin e zi camerin presheven medvegjen bujanovcin deri te molla e kuqe jena krejt shqipe me nje gjue nje gjak dhe nje komb🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱faleminderit met qe nuk e haron shqiperin🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Ashtu si po behet Tirana...do te behen krejt...qytetet e medha te ILLYRIKUMIT....me Dardani.....me Iliride...me Mal te zi...e Cameri....O sot o kurre....!!!! Boll kane vujt keto troje.....!!!!
@@aldodaka8398 atë e dimë ne që jemi një po hë ku jemi të bashkuar. Kufi kemi gjithandej. E kanë shndërruar Shqipërinë si ato vejushat kur u vdes bashkëshorti. Vetëm zhvat nga një copë nga të gjitha anët. Edhe duan akoma copa nga Shqipëri se nuk u ngopën me ato që vodhën gjatë luftës. Gjithsesi të përshëndes nga Shqipëria patriot.
Tirana is sunny, colourful, warm, with a very young and lively population. The city is pure chaos, where not a single corner looks like the other one, but that makes it so interesting and charming, never boring....
I would say Tirana is becoming even more important in modern and prosperity than Athena and all counties in Balkans , been in Albania you can notice the desire of change , youth into streets , caffe shops , a vivable city and looking the amazing positive change from 1991-1999-2006-2012-2022 Albania it’s becoming the Milan or NYC of Balkans. Looks more modern even than athina and in Tirana really it’s full of tourists and just in 2022 10-16 milion tourist visit Albania (3-4times more than Albania population that is 3 milion)! Lovely city maybe buying a home for 80,000-100,000 € in Tirana it’s a great investment specially for EU citizens and US UK or Canada people ! This city will be millionaire city in 2040-2060 belive me
Too bad you hold no Illyrian culture at all. Starting from your language. You share nothing with the Illyrians besides the part that you live in what once was Illyria. Speaking a slavic language wasn’t part of anything Illyrian buddy but greetings from the heart of Illyria (Albania).
Tirana....me malin e Dajtit ne sfond....eshte dashuria jone...oksigjeni yne....feminia jone...lumturia jone...E kam shetitur gjithe Europen....por asgje nuk ma ka marre zemren si Tirana....Vetem kur te groposet korrupsioni dhe hajdutet me pushtet...do te jete akoma me e admirueshme..
Tirana ka nje skenografi natyrore te perkryer...malet nga lindja si barriere...shkembore..e kodrat e embla rreth e qark.......qe e flladitin fushen e bukur te Tiranes....deri ne det...Ne te ardhmen e afert do te kemi nje qytet te bashkuar Tirane--Durres....qe do e quajme Durrana....per te ruajtur emrin antik te famshem te Durrakiumit.....
Yeah as if we hadn’t enough from you EU sc*ms. Now we need to store your dump here too. We have had enough of your mockery and missery. You have been dragging us with that EU bs for years and see where that has brought us. Totally jobless. People suffering to even eat food let alone pay the bills. The youth is forced to immigrate and join the drug lords. This is your doing alongside our corrupted leaders and I hope God throws his greatest wrath upon you all. I will enjoy seeing you suffer just like my people are currently. We have a saying here: “God delays, but never forgets.”
Jemi toke e bekuar nga zoti...ndaj duan te na grabisin e percudnojne...Veriun e Evropes...sikur te ma falin nuk e dua...Vetem vrenjtesira...qiell i murrme...ftohte...bore..akull....Kam qene ne Belgjike me pushime 3 muaj...mbanin cadren e mushamane ne xhep...cdo 1 ore rigonte shiu...mu shpif derisa ika...
Give Tirana around 4 more years to finish some already projects on its way such as Tirana's Ring, New Boulevard buildings on its both sides as well as the project of the end of the new boulevard at the river area, the New modern National Theatre and some of the Towers in the centre, the Railway Line and you'll see a completely another face of Tirana...it is moving at such a fast pace that it surprises even me that I come to Albania 3 times a year. It has been a CRAZY amount of money being poured in Albania, especially in the last 10 years.
Por shqiptaret ne histori kane qene popull i ndershem...e me zemer...Nuk kane vra e pre njeri....nuk i kane hapur lufte askujt....ndaj mbeten mprapa...pastaj okupacioni osman 5 shekuj....Nuk duhet te kemi zili popuj si anglezet...francezet...spanjollet...qe e kane vene pasurine me gjakun e kolonive te pushtuara......
Bullshit!! It wont! The EU will only steal money from Albania. Albania will be enslaved by Germany, France. They will steal Albanian money. The same will happen in Ukraine.
What is the cost of living for a family of 4 (2 kids) in Tirana? I mean how much you need in € to pay everything (rent a house, bills, food, school, etc)?
A family cost in Tirana is : Rent apparent 2 sleep rooms (300-500€/month) Albania don’t make food with gas but electricity and bills for water +electricity =40-60€ month , internet is 13€ Month very good , Food calculated per family is about 10-20€ day so a family need 400-600€ food in a month ! Other cost are transport (if bus is 2 parents 30€month) If auto is about 100€ month (100-150€) for parking diesel price etc etc Children kindergarten is free of charge some people pay about 30-50€ month for a bus(minibus) private bus to pick up children at home and bring to schools ! If child is in primary or secondary they pay just books about 30-40€ for all year ! Children art lessons are 8€ for an hour lesson (music art sport etc ) Fitness all month registration is from 30-45€ month person ! Cinema and other maybe 10-15€ depends by once a week ! Theater bill is from 5-10€ week and mostly are held in local language ! TV channels are about 100€ year with all tv necessary even sport etc ! Man + woman need at least 2-3 caffe at day (6€ both ) to drink , chill or wait or speak with friends ! Caffe Wi-Fi is free and lovely ! 4 people in a lunch in restorant cost from 30-40€ all 4 people ! This calculation you should make in big cities on the top 3-5 Albanian cities ! In rural area or in small cities has less costs for rent , transport costs etc etc ! Buying a home in Albania as i know has 0% or 0€ year tax just should be done the maintenance of home and other bills such as water and electricity ! Albania produce 92% of all electricity in the country by green Hydropower so electricity is more “famous” than gas (like Italy Germany and rest of central west Europe )! So basically if two parents have 600-900€ month as wage or income they both can live good average monthly ! Depends even in the city knowledge after more time is easier to find better price with same quality and same location nearby even in restaurant etc ! For non Albania that what to bring child in one private school where is teached all in English cost a fee becouse is not government school or public and is about 300-500€ monthly and are high class school (country top 10 best schools probably )! Summer holiday in Albania all included for 4 persons in 10 days is about 800-1000€ about all holiday in Albania nord or south coast line
I remember before leaving tirana to emigrate in UK in the 1998 it was in horrible state, 1997 found tirana full of ruins, illegal kiosks everywhere, horribly managed, Since tirana fell under socialists it started to get revived, it has now reached its pick in advancement and development under the prime minister Rama (Well done Rama and City mayor Veliaj) In 10 years, it could become the most beautiful capital city in Europe if it continues with this pace of development On the other hand the whole of that naturally beautiful country is advancing very fast, especially infrastructure The country has got everything sea sun alps and snow Climate perfect It could soon become very attractive as retirement place for the west and Europe I feel so proud that this country is managing to become sunshine within my lifetime Good on you Edi Rama
Kushton shume e sidomos tash qe jane shtrenjtuar te gjitha, nuk ia vlen njehere, une shpresoj te blihen sa me shume autobus njehere e te ndertohet edhe ndonje hekurudhe mbi toke se edhe Beogradi ka metro por ende mbetet nje qytet i shemtuar.
Per ndertimin e metroje, kushti i par eshte qe qyteti te kete me shume se 1milion banor , sepse eshte investim shume i kushtushem , investitori nuk i mer dot parat mbrapa ! Kur tirana te shkoj te 1milion e gjysem , ateher do te ndertohet metroja! E llogaris nga 2050 me 2060! Edhe ne Europe asnje qytet me me pak se 1 million, nuk ka metro , sepse eshte mathematik e thjesht , kto investime gjigande behen vetem ne metropole , 1milion e gjysem e lart!
We will solve Macedonian issue very easy. Albanian towns in the east of Macedonia join Albania and the rest of Macedonia goes to Bulgaria. What say you, good idea?
@@Undheti05 jetohet mire ne fakt, po kjo s'eshte merita e atyre te dyve. bile jeta po prishet qe nga 2015. ndertimet pastaj i bejne privatet, ata te dy vetem japin lejet dhe mbushin dhe xhepin e tyre. shteti eshte i mbytur ne borxhe (per investimet Publike), pothuaj ka sa prodhimi i pergjithshem brut i nje viti. mbi 80%. rekord me vendet ngjitur. nje dite do t'i paguajne keto borxhe, duke shitur pjese qe dyshoj se e bejne qe tani. (me Butrintin, etj pasuri)
True Albania has 400km of coastline , my parents from Milan are in retirement in Albania and as well Albania looks like a new “Croatia “ model for Turism , Albania advantage over Serbia it’s Albania has all nation with seacoast and amazing beaches ! Probably every year better and better ! In pandemic 2020 I visit Albania and I saw even Greek citizen working there in season and this is development and probably in 2030-2040 in Albania will come to work Greeks Turks and Serbian similiar as happened with Croatia ! I see Albania very similiar in characteristic with Croatia but Albanian has even other factor they are lovely person and funny after knowing them !
@@liridonlimani3162 Patjeter. E dij se ka shum ndertime te jo bukura vjeter nga epoka komuniste ose ne kohen kaostike te Shqiperis, se cilla dasht Zoti do‘t perfundon sa me shpejt. Ato ndertime terhiqen, dhe behen te rrinje te bukura. Tirana tashme hala ac Metropol nuk esht. Por esht nje nga me te miret ne Evrope dhe do te jet Metropol ne ardhmen. Por vetem krahesohe Shqiperin e tashme me Shqiperin ne 20 vite me par. Ishte tmerr, por ne udhetim per Metropol
Do rregullohen gjerat, po duhen edhe ca vjet!! E kemi nisur nga zero, mos harro!! Mos e krahaso me londrer dhe berlin, se ata kane 100 vjet kapitalizem!!
@@valmeta9622 i have, I meant current Mariupol of course. Pre war Mariupol is a part of Russian-European beautiful architecture, Tirana is certainly not part of that legacy
@@valmeta9622 built by Russians, taken back by Russians and will stay there. Check the real time info, stop watching fake news. Renovation of Mariupol has already begun, new residential blocks have already been finished.
@@valmeta9622 Brother, in my opinion you are stoned, Mariupol is Russia, the time will come when we will take back Alaska, California and the Hawaiian Islands from America, which the German impostor posing as the Russian Tsar leased to America for 99 years, the lease expired and the territories were never returned to rightful owner!!
@@bletrick3352 It’s bits from different times put together. The vertical forest is about half height on the video, while in reality it is toped out. Also the old mosque is seen in scaffolding .
they had to safeguard the vegetation and fauna which in communism was very rich in beautiful biodiversity, where today it is almost dead, all destroyed by mass construction.
У Кавказских Албан Лезгин Есть Слово Тирана Как И У Балканских Албан Ещë Мы Леки У Балканских Албан Денежная Единица У Них Шикипитар У Нас Чу Куь Патар.
Incroyable, mais .... pas de Transport Public et trop de voiture ... elle a l’air d’avoir beaucoup progressé mais ce n’est pas un modèle comme Ljubljana, la capital slovène !
Great Video, greetings from Belgrade
Greetings to you, too!
Tirana and Albania look so beautiful. Greetings from Warsaw, Poland 🙂🇵🇱
Warsaw is so beautiful I want to visit
@@Shqiptari335 you are welcome 😀
I travelled transit to Warsaw on my way to London, and I was really impressed with the development of the country. Well done to Poland! Albania has also done very well the last 10 years, especially coming from such a low base where Albania used to be....
Thank you 🙏! Poland 🇵🇱 it’s beautiful country to
Beautiful city and kinkly people. Greetings from France 🇫🇷♥️💐
merci beaucoup
Nice flight around Tirana! Well done job. Worth subscribing !
Great! Greetings from Warsaw.
I remember Tirana very well in 1988. There were just a few cars!! Had such a wonderfull trip. I was used to listen to Radio Tirana in the 80 / 90's on MW in Holland for the Albanian music. In 1988 I saw Parashqevi Simaku live in Durres!
Tirana is beautiful city .... from lebanon
I love your country too
É Albânia
Tirana Metropol Evropian
Respekt te bahet zemra mal kur e shef Tiranën se sa ka perparu
Zoti e bekoft Shqipërin si edu me zemër e shprit 🇦🇱
🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱met kumanova shqiperia te don ty dhe krejt iliriden kosoven malin e zi camerin presheven medvegjen bujanovcin deri te molla e kuqe jena krejt shqipe me nje gjue nje gjak dhe nje komb🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱faleminderit met qe nuk e haron shqiperin🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱
Shume shpejt do te prishen te gjitha godinat e vjetra e rrangallhanet....e do zevendesohen me pallate moderne....Paraja e madhe ia ben foraaaaa...!
Ashtu si po behet Tirana...do te behen krejt...qytetet e medha te ILLYRIKUMIT....me Dardani.....me Iliride...me Mal te zi...e Cameri....O sot o kurre....!!!! Boll kane vujt keto troje.....!!!!
Rrofte e qofte kush e don Atdheun e vet....!
@@aldodaka8398 atë e dimë ne që jemi një po hë ku jemi të bashkuar. Kufi kemi gjithandej. E kanë shndërruar Shqipërinë si ato vejushat kur u vdes bashkëshorti. Vetëm zhvat nga një copë nga të gjitha anët. Edhe duan akoma copa nga Shqipëri se nuk u ngopën me ato që vodhën gjatë luftës. Gjithsesi të përshëndes nga Shqipëria patriot.
Beautiful modern city
.....siii e come sara ancora in futuro...!
....bravo...è la verita sacrosanta...!
Wow! I didn't anticipate Albania to be that stunning , but it tumbles out that it's extremely gorgeous! Salutations from Serbia 🇷🇸 ❤️
Biggest problem in Albania is its corrupted government
All Balkan countries are beautiful ❤️
Tirana is sunny, colourful, warm, with a very young and lively population. The city is pure chaos, where not a single corner looks like the other one, but that makes it so interesting and charming, never boring....
Thank you brother, Belgrade is also a beautiful city
🇷🇸 + 🇦🇱 = ❤️
Jam nga Gjilani por Tiranen e kom Metropol
Mireardhsh perher ❤ Kosova nzemer teme gjithashtu.
Nuk ka ketu bukuri dhe stil ndertimi, ta zeme sic ka Ferizaji!
As a Brazilian, i want to visit Albania as soon as possible.
Summer it’s best time and autumn (October ) in 28-29 november Albania it’s full of joy and fest day
....Benvenuto a TIRANA...amico
You can do it it wont cost you much, maybe the flight may be a problem but once you are here you can adjust your budged to every level.
We love Brazil here.
WHY albania ? albanians love trans sluts
Tirana linda !
Bella Tirana unica ❤
Tirana è una bellissima città!! Tirana është e bukur!! Tirana is an amazing city!!❤️❤️🇦🇱🇦🇱
So awesome and relaxing view
Benvenuti a TIRANA....
Bravo...kjo eshte e verteta per TIRANEN sot...
🇦🇿🇦🇱🇦🇿🇦🇱Tirananın bu qədər gözəl olduğunu düşünmürdüm . Çox gözəldi Tirana .
Te Shqiptr
anana veriyim azeri pci
Thank you 🙏
I would say Tirana is becoming even more important in modern and prosperity than Athena and all counties in Balkans , been in Albania you can notice the desire of change , youth into streets , caffe shops , a vivable city and looking the amazing positive change from 1991-1999-2006-2012-2022 Albania it’s becoming the Milan or NYC of Balkans. Looks more modern even than athina and in Tirana really it’s full of tourists and just in 2022 10-16 milion tourist visit Albania (3-4times more than Albania population that is 3 milion)!
Lovely city maybe buying a home for 80,000-100,000 € in Tirana it’s a great investment specially for EU citizens and US UK or Canada people !
This city will be millionaire city in 2040-2060 belive me
Tirana jon , pershendetje nga kosova ,super video 🙌🤩
Ju faleminderit
Tirana jon e pershendes nga greqija super bravo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Lovely place! Greetings from México 🇲🇽
Please don’t come to Albania 🇦🇱 we are 100% Muslim we don’t need Christian
Thank you 🙏
Sarajevo 💚 Tirana
*🗽I L I R I J A 🗽*
Too bad you hold no Illyrian culture at all. Starting from your language. You share nothing with the Illyrians besides the part that you live in what once was Illyria. Speaking a slavic language wasn’t part of anything Illyrian buddy but greetings from the heart of Illyria (Albania).
Përshëndetje nga Shkupi, vetëm kështu vazhdoni, kisha nderin vitin që kaloj të vizitoj këtë qytet madhështorë
C qytet madheshtor o trim edhe une isha vjet nje xhungel e vertet pa pik standarte
Tirana....me malin e Dajtit ne sfond....eshte dashuria jone...oksigjeni yne....feminia jone...lumturia jone...E kam shetitur gjithe Europen....por asgje nuk ma ka marre zemren si Tirana....Vetem kur te groposet korrupsioni dhe hajdutet me pushtet...do te jete akoma me e admirueshme..
Tirana ka nje skenografi natyrore te perkryer...malet nga lindja si barriere...shkembore..e kodrat e embla rreth e qark.......qe e flladitin fushen e bukur te Tiranes....deri ne det...Ne te ardhmen e afert do te kemi nje qytet te bashkuar Tirane--Durres....qe do e quajme Durrana....per te ruajtur emrin antik te famshem te Durrakiumit.....
Sikur politikanet te mos kishin vjedhur aq shume....edhe standarti i pagave do ishte si ne Itali...e Greqi....
حب من 🇮🇶 الى الاخوه في البانيا 🕌
Long live his Royal Highness Family Faroukh
@Ahmed Ahmadou You do know that Albanian muslims share the same opinion as the guy you replied to right?
is that your profile ?
@@illyrian.Lezha27 berri Xhamin per shej si Vellazen Islamisme
Kemi shum Shqiptar krrishte.
@@illyrian.Lezha27 bravo ❤❤
Prsh nga Tetova vella Lezhjan
Wonderful,i love Tirana🥰😍🤩
Tirana in the next 10 years will be the Europe of the Balkans 👍
Tirana is beautiful from Colombia
Grazie amici columbiani....Siete benvenuti in Albenia...!
Thank you Colombia 🇨🇴 from 🇦🇱
I loved it, greetings from Morocco 🇲🇦
Free Western Sahara 🇪🇭 many Albanians and Somalians and Algerians in Tirana I love it here
Love ❤️ Morocco 🇲🇦 from Albania 🇦🇱
I been visiting your country and it’s beautiful Marrakesh and Casablanca
@@daviroza4700 free ur Brainwashed
@@addysadrija9430 glad to hear 😍
Cool video as always friend 👍👍👍👍👍
Albania best place to retire for us EU people as well sun it’s Albania advantage 🎉
Excellent option
Yeah as if we hadn’t enough from you EU sc*ms. Now we need to store your dump here too. We have had enough of your mockery and missery. You have been dragging us with that EU bs for years and see where that has brought us. Totally jobless. People suffering to even eat food let alone pay the bills. The youth is forced to immigrate and join the drug lords. This is your doing alongside our corrupted leaders and I hope God throws his greatest wrath upon you all. I will enjoy seeing you suffer just like my people are currently. We have a saying here: “God delays, but never forgets.”
Better west eu people dont go to retire in Albania. Albania dont need depressed boring west EU people, all with psicological problems, iam sory !
Albania is the first country in Europe from sunshine 🌞 and second after Norway with drinking water ❤🇦🇱
Jemi toke e bekuar nga zoti...ndaj duan te na grabisin e percudnojne...Veriun e Evropes...sikur te ma falin nuk e dua...Vetem vrenjtesira...qiell i murrme...ftohte...bore..akull....Kam qene ne Belgjike me pushime 3 muaj...mbanin cadren e mushamane ne xhep...cdo 1 ore rigonte shiu...mu shpif derisa ika...
Ku ka vend ne Europe.....qe te piqet domatja qe ne Prrill....????!!!!!
It’s first in caffe culture in Europe (tirana capital )! Caffe it’s nice in Albania remember me of Italian caffe in Torino
Thats true 😆?
Superb !!!
Beautiful country 💓💓💓 from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Tirana is really a beautiful city...
Türkiyeden Arnavutluk Tirana sevgi ve selamlar olsun.
Alejkum selam abii
Wa alejkum esselam.. tşkler
@@gjergjkastriotiskanderbeg2645 who gives a shit about your opinion? At the moment you sound like a serb to me
@Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg don't cry kid
@Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg They aren't.
They are what they speak...
Hermosa ciudad, me gustan sus edificios
que cidade linda ......saudações de são paulo .....BRASIL
Wait to see the beaches
@@spartakdauti9783 bacana , quero ver
Great video and amazing city 👏👏 super je 👍 greetings
Bravo....dielli nuk mbulohet me shoshe...
Beautiful ❤ ! Greetings from Bucharest.
Bravo....è la sacrosanta verita....
Shumë e bukur Tirana
Beautiful city 🇽🇰❤️🇦🇱 from Prishtina ❤️
Pristina is in Serbia
@@carllucas89 po tqifsha robt po
@@carllucas89 you spelled Albania wrong. It’s okay. That’s why I am here. To teach analphabets geography and a bit of writing.
@@carllucas89Tvoja majka je kucka
@@carllucas89 albania is serbia not prishtina !!!!
Wow..amazing indeed...👍👍🇸🇻🇸🇻🇸🇻
It's a capital, impeccably filmed, so beautiful!
Give Tirana around 4 more years to finish some already projects on its way such as Tirana's Ring, New Boulevard buildings on its both sides as well as the project of the end of the new boulevard at the river area, the New modern National Theatre and some of the Towers in the centre, the Railway Line and you'll see a completely another face of Tirana...it is moving at such a fast pace that it surprises even me that I come to Albania 3 times a year. It has been a CRAZY amount of money being poured in Albania, especially in the last 10 years.
Асалламу Алейкум От Кавказских Албан.
I am surprised seeing how fast the city has been modernized over the last 30 years after the end of the communist regime.
....Grande denaro in giro....!
You should see vids of it from 20 years ago. It was 3rd world
30 Years are much to say, its less.
Makes it even more incredible
What is your nationality
Wow 😲
Knaqësi ta shohish Tiranën si ka përparue 👍
.....e si do te bohet akoma....Paraja ben cudira...dhe vullneti e deshira e shqipove....
Por shqiptaret ne histori kane qene popull i ndershem...e me zemer...Nuk kane vra e pre njeri....nuk i kane hapur lufte askujt....ndaj mbeten mprapa...pastaj okupacioni osman 5 shekuj....Nuk duhet te kemi zili popuj si anglezet...francezet...spanjollet...qe e kane vene pasurine me gjakun e kolonive te pushtuara......
@@dinolulieta9803 të gjithë paratë e drogës aty pastrohen, duke ndërtuar pallate dhe kulla
Mio dio che grande cambiamento dal 1996
ALBANIA TIRANA BEFORE 30 years I really can’t believe it’s true this
shume bukure tirana 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱💓💓💓❤❤❤
Tirana super mega mire. Bravo!!!🤩🤩🤩😍😍😍😍😍😍🇦🇱🇦🇱💪💪
Nice video
It is modernized vastly.😮.. After joining the EU will bring more investment to the city.
Bullshit!! It wont!
The EU will only steal money from Albania. Albania will be enslaved by Germany, France. They will steal Albanian money. The same will happen in Ukraine.
Hi there! Would it be okay for me to use some of your footage for a small travel video I'm doing about Albania? :)
Xhungel ...
Nice vid 🇦🇱❤️
Tirana je super grad a Albanci dobri ljudi.Opet ću doći u posjetu.
Hrvat/ica si?
@@illyrian3057 Crnogorac iz Podgorice
@@grujicavidic8982 ok, Veliki pozz ❤
Tirana bella,veliki pozdrav od Bosanca iz Italije,na ljeto se vidimo..Ciao
Pozdrav za Bosnu 🇽🇰 iz Kosova 🇽🇰
@@Milinjos🇦🇱 esht Flamuri i Dardanis.
❤️Tirana❤️Prishtina❤️ nder mat mirat in europ njerz, kush ka inat shiptart asht legen?
Te kam zili per emrin qe me ke..puro araboturk dmth puro"shqiptar"!
How is it with drone restrictions here?
Tiranen e beri Saliu jo keta
What is the cost of living for a family of 4 (2 kids) in Tirana? I mean how much you need in € to pay everything (rent a house, bills, food, school, etc)?
A family cost in Tirana is :
Rent apparent 2 sleep rooms (300-500€/month)
Albania don’t make food with gas but electricity and bills for water +electricity =40-60€ month , internet is 13€ Month very good ,
Food calculated per family is about 10-20€ day so a family need 400-600€ food in a month !
Other cost are transport (if bus is 2 parents 30€month)
If auto is about 100€ month (100-150€) for parking diesel price etc etc
Children kindergarten is free of charge some people pay about 30-50€ month for a bus(minibus) private bus to pick up children at home and bring to schools !
If child is in primary or secondary they pay just books about 30-40€ for all year !
Children art lessons are 8€ for an hour lesson (music art sport etc )
Fitness all month registration is from 30-45€ month person !
Cinema and other maybe 10-15€ depends by once a week !
Theater bill is from 5-10€ week and mostly are held in local language !
TV channels are about 100€ year with all tv necessary even sport etc !
Man + woman need at least 2-3 caffe at day (6€ both ) to drink , chill or wait or speak with friends !
Caffe Wi-Fi is free and lovely !
4 people in a lunch in restorant cost from 30-40€ all 4 people !
This calculation you should make in big cities on the top 3-5 Albanian cities !
In rural area or in small cities has less costs for rent , transport costs etc etc !
Buying a home in Albania as i know has 0% or 0€ year tax just should be done the maintenance of home and other bills such as water and electricity ! Albania produce 92% of all electricity in the country by green Hydropower so electricity is more “famous” than gas (like Italy Germany and rest of central west Europe )!
So basically if two parents have 600-900€ month as wage or income they both can live good average monthly !
Depends even in the city knowledge after more time is easier to find better price with same quality and same location nearby even in restaurant etc !
For non Albania that what to bring child in one private school where is teached all in English cost a fee becouse is not government school or public and is about 300-500€ monthly and are high class school (country top 10 best schools probably )!
Summer holiday in Albania all included for 4 persons in 10 days is about 800-1000€ about all holiday in Albania nord or south coast line
Metropol duajeni kujdesuni per kte vend kaqe te mrekullueshëm.qe ka dite me e kriju perendija......
I am from Algeria and I want to visit Albania. Can someone send me an invitation to visit from Albania? ❤😍
Yes I can do that for you
Love Algeria 🇩🇿 from 🇦🇱
@@addysadrija9430 thank you
How can I contact you?
I remember before leaving tirana to emigrate in UK in the 1998 it was in horrible state, 1997 found tirana full of ruins, illegal kiosks everywhere, horribly managed,
Since tirana fell under socialists it started to get revived, it has now reached its pick in advancement and development under the prime minister Rama (Well done Rama and City mayor Veliaj)
In 10 years, it could become the most beautiful capital city in Europe if it continues with this pace of development
On the other hand the whole of that naturally beautiful country is advancing very fast, especially infrastructure
The country has got everything sea sun alps and snow
Climate perfect
It could soon become very attractive as retirement place for the west and Europe
I feel so proud that this country is managing to become sunshine within my lifetime
Good on you Edi Rama
Kushedì sekur do e ndertojn nje tren të nëndheshëm!
Kushton shume e sidomos tash qe jane shtrenjtuar te gjitha, nuk ia vlen njehere, une shpresoj te blihen sa me shume autobus njehere e te ndertohet edhe ndonje hekurudhe mbi toke se edhe Beogradi ka metro por ende mbetet nje qytet i shemtuar.
@@Alan-cl2ix ke te drejt, vjet e visitova shume qytet i ndyre ishte, mespaku tirana ka higjiene maksimale
Per ndertimin e metroje, kushti i par eshte qe qyteti te kete me shume se 1milion banor , sepse eshte investim shume i kushtushem , investitori nuk i mer dot parat mbrapa ! Kur tirana te shkoj te 1milion e gjysem , ateher do te ndertohet metroja! E llogaris nga 2050 me 2060! Edhe ne Europe asnje qytet me me pak se 1 million, nuk ka metro , sepse eshte mathematik e thjesht , kto investime gjigande behen vetem ne metropole , 1milion e gjysem e lart!
Tirana edhe Shqiperia jon
Братята Албанци да влязат в Европа ,но с македонците имаме проблем който мисля ,че няма да разрешим!🇧🇬
We will solve Macedonian issue very easy.
Albanian towns in the east of Macedonia join Albania and the rest of Macedonia goes to Bulgaria. What say you, good idea?
Tirana si Dubai
Beautiful country! Stay there! 😃
It's 2024 no one but Blacks and Pakistanis are moving Greece mate don't worry.
Që kur erdhi Edi Rama dhe Lali Eri Tirana është bërë një kryeqytet nga më të bukurit në Europe bravo ju qoftë Respekte 🙏🏛🌟✨🌷🏞🌲🇦🇱🇺🇸.
Dmth Ca Bukurie??
@@AB____414 E kane zili bota o rrocke,kete Dmth doje he trapi xhaxhajit.
Me te bukurit ne Europe? Cfar ka perveçse beton?
@@Undheti05 jetohet mire ne fakt, po kjo s'eshte merita e atyre te dyve. bile jeta po prishet qe nga 2015. ndertimet pastaj i bejne privatet, ata te dy vetem japin lejet dhe mbushin dhe xhepin e tyre. shteti eshte i mbytur ne borxhe (per investimet Publike), pothuaj ka sa prodhimi i pergjithshem brut i nje viti. mbi 80%. rekord me vendet ngjitur. nje dite do t'i paguajne keto borxhe, duke shitur pjese qe dyshoj se e bejne qe tani. (me Butrintin, etj pasuri)
Ca lloj droge perdor o plako
Circus city.
Super Miasto, byłem w 2022 roku 🙂✌️💪
Diggih, Tirana (aa) ist ja wie in der Schweiz wie basel oder zürich.😮
MashaAllah Tirane dhe video shume e bukur 💞
Fol shqip.
Looks pretty much like I'd want to explore.
last year I visited Belgrade it's truly poor village no one is visiting
True Albania has 400km of coastline , my parents from Milan are in retirement in Albania and as well Albania looks like a new “Croatia “ model for Turism , Albania advantage over Serbia it’s Albania has all nation with seacoast and amazing beaches ! Probably every year better and better ! In pandemic 2020 I visit Albania and I saw even Greek citizen working there in season and this is development and probably in 2030-2040 in Albania will come to work Greeks Turks and Serbian similiar as happened with Croatia !
I see Albania very similiar in characteristic with Croatia but Albanian has even other factor they are lovely person and funny after knowing them !
@@airwaystraveldefinitely agree with you
Kaos urbanistik tmerr edhe ma kaos se nprishtin
Mos bo krahasime si keto or mik.Prishtina osht fshat hala.Nuk ka as standartin e Rrogozhines.😉
@@viggofootyPrishtina esht mir, por Tirana esht metropol❤️🇦🇱.
Pershendetje nga Dardania❤️🇦🇱🙋🏻♂️
@@ALBKS-y3he bukur eshte tirana por mos te eksagjerojme ta quajm metropol. Qytet metropol konsiderohet kur qyteti i ka min mbi 2 milion banore.
@@liridonlimani3162 Patjeter. E dij se ka shum ndertime te jo bukura vjeter nga epoka komuniste ose ne kohen kaostike te Shqiperis, se cilla dasht Zoti do‘t perfundon sa me shpejt.
Ato ndertime terhiqen, dhe behen te rrinje te bukura. Tirana tashme hala ac Metropol nuk esht. Por esht nje nga me te miret ne Evrope dhe do te jet Metropol ne ardhmen. Por vetem krahesohe Shqiperin e tashme me Shqiperin ne 20 vite me par.
Ishte tmerr, por ne udhetim per Metropol
Do rregullohen gjerat, po duhen edhe ca vjet!! E kemi nisur nga zero, mos harro!! Mos e krahaso me londrer dhe berlin, se ata kane 100 vjet kapitalizem!!
Лепо изгледа
Next Mariupol
Have you seen Mariupol before the war, I suggest you do
@@valmeta9622 i have, I meant current Mariupol of course. Pre war Mariupol is a part of Russian-European beautiful architecture, Tirana is certainly not part of that legacy
@@MChicago89 whatever you been smoking I want some too,😜 Mariupol is in Ukraine, make sure to use Google map some times.
@@valmeta9622 built by Russians, taken back by Russians and will stay there. Check the real time info, stop watching fake news. Renovation of Mariupol has already begun, new residential blocks have already been finished.
@@valmeta9622 Brother, in my opinion you are stoned, Mariupol is Russia, the time will come when we will take back Alaska, California and the Hawaiian Islands from America, which the German impostor posing as the Russian Tsar leased to America for 99 years, the lease expired and the territories were never returned to rightful owner!!
Albania used to be as poor as cuba.tragically cuba still stack with socialism
You can tell it’s not a recent video.
It’s literally from 2023 and I’m 100% sure of it. Just look at the Downtown One facade
@@bletrick3352 It’s bits from different times put together. The vertical forest is about half height on the video, while in reality it is toped out. Also the old mosque is seen in scaffolding .
@@wutheringheights739 is the new mosque open yet namazgah
Spetakolare 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱grandioso kryeministri ynë e pastroj vëndin
27 miljard fraga kam blhen italijes greqijes tok lipja
they had to safeguard the vegetation and fauna which in communism was very rich in beautiful biodiversity, where today it is almost dead, all destroyed by mass construction.
A asht montazh apo. Vertet kshu asht
Po,keshtu eshte
....cfare montazhi or ...mik...? Eshte T IRANA reale....e vitit 2023
У Кавказских Албан Лезгин Есть Слово Тирана Как И У Балканских Албан Ещë Мы Леки У Балканских Албан Денежная Единица У Них Шикипитар У Нас Чу Куь Патар.
Incroyable, mais .... pas de Transport Public et trop de voiture ... elle a l’air d’avoir beaucoup progressé mais ce n’est pas un modèle comme Ljubljana, la capital slovène !
o man Ljubljana it's micro city as village you can't compare with 1 million 😅😅😅😂😂😂
για σας θελο λεφτά στα τιρανα είναι παρά πολοι πλούσιο μέρος και θελο να βγαλο θα ερθο με σηγενεια
Boll me grataciela...se Tirana eshte toke sizmike....!
Jo jo e hoqen nga toka sizmike, me kerkese se bashkise,nuk eshte me !
@@gazmendmahmutaj5448 ....te kete ti japi nje kolpo tjeter...e ti rrafshoje...per toke...Keshtu e dun keta te pangopur
Kullat kane standardet me larta kunder termeteve deri ne 9-10 shkalle.
@@Alan-cl2ix ...ishalla...ashtu qofte..!