How to Keep the Sabbath, Part 2: Holiday or HolyDay- (Doug Batchelor) AmazingFacts ©

  • Опубликовано: 10 окт 2024

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  • @adorable5318
    @adorable5318 4 года назад +14

    It June 2020
    I am here!!!!! Learning because I want to summit my whole self to God whether it sounds pleasing to me or not, I am ready to obey GOD...
    I have chosen a path of truth that I must follow....
    Thank you Jesus for pastor Doug and this great Commission

  • @dougkoroll6643
    @dougkoroll6643 2 года назад +5

    Thank you for this video. I have been keeping the Sabbath for many years now. I have taken advantage of the human rights laws to have myself excused from working the Friday afternoon shifts and Saturdays. I sacrifice thousands of dollars a year in pay because of that and am quite happy to do so. I have always struggled with how to properly keep the Sabbath. This 2 part teaching helps me to understand better the whole idea of the Sabbath. This helps me on my path to holiness. We are called to be holy as He is holy. It is the sole desire of my heart to partake of His divine nature. Praise God.

    • @polycarpsmith1419
      @polycarpsmith1419 Год назад +1

      ***One of the more *bizarre doctrines of Adventism* and Ellen G. White is her claim that The Apostle Paul writing in 2Thessalonians is on one hand making every effort to bring as many Gentiles ( *"all nations"* Rom.1:4) into the Church as possible, while at the same time, *the Adventist's* preach PAUL is telling everyone that His own Church which Christ instituted is going to become a great whore in less then 200 years. What people will do to justify themselves.
      In fact, what the Apostle Paul was saying was that the rebellion and persecution of the Church by the Sabbath keepers, was the acts of lawlessness against the authority of the Church, wherein some future date, the rebellion against Christ's duly established Church was going to find it's culmination in some egomaniac so full of himself, that he so try to undermine the authority of the Pope and Church, that he would attack the Church and the Pope to the point he would declare himself God in order to undermine the Pope and the chair of Peter. It is indeed, in the city of Thessalonica that this very thing took place *(Acts 17)*
      5*But the Jews (devout Sabbath keepers) which believed not, *moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.* (to be killed)
      6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
      7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
      Here you have it, motivated by hate and envy, the fabrication of lies and persecution against the Church by devout Sabbath keepers in the very city to whom 2Thessalonians written.
      Again, to the Thessalonians in 1Thess. 1:14, Paul writes concerning the rebellious Sabbath keepers, *"they MURDERED BOTH CHRIST AND THEIR OWN PROPHETS."* (As Christ also taught in Mt. 23)
      They *"DON'T PLEASE GOD!"*
      And, they are *"CONTRARY TO ALL MEN"!*
      All these same things were taught by Christ in Mt. 23.
      The rebellion and persecution against the Church Christ himself established is well documented in the actions of the Judaizers who vowed they wouldn't eat or sleep until they murdered the Apostle Paul as they did James and later Peter and others. '
      It is the Apostle Paul who wrote these inspired words engraved in scripture for all the world to see in every bible to the Church of Rome in his Epistle called "Romans" : Paul prophesied, *"The God of PEACE will crush Satan under YOUR feet"* *Rom.**16:20* This verse says all you need to know as to whose side people are on. Those who fight the Church of Rome, will be gathered with Satan and be crushed, as promised by the prophetic and inspired words the Apostle Paul, not given over to Satan as the Adventists teach.

    • @dougkoroll6643
      @dougkoroll6643 Год назад +2

      @@polycarpsmith1419 We are commanded by God, Himself, to keep the Sabbath. It is the fourth commandment. It is also the test commandment which determines who is loyal to God and who are the sons of disobedience. Keeping the Sabbath will absolutely be a rebellion against the Catholic church. They change times and laws (Daniel 7:24-25) and their purpose is to have us all violate the fourth commandment. This, I believe, will come to us by way of the climate-change agenda. They will make a law requiring a day of rest - and that day will be SUNDAY - in a direct violation of the fourth commandment. I believe this will be the basis for the mark of the beast. That is when every one of us will have to make a decision.
      In 2015, Pope Francis issued an encyclical entitled “LAUDATO SI” in which he calls for a global weekly day of rest - to be on Sunday (chapter 237)
      The rebellious Sabbath-keepers were the Jews who rejected Jesus as Messiah.
      The righteous Sabbath-keepers were the Apostles and disciples of Christ.
      They ALL kept the Sabbath - the day of rest on the seventh day.
      The Jews kept it as a matter of law. The Apostles and disciples kept it as a matter of partaking in God’s divine nature (2 Peter 1:4)
      The Jews who rejected Christ wanted to stop the Apostles from spreading the gospel. They didn’t want another church being established. The Pharisees and Sadducees were desperate to hang on to their positions of power and authority. They would do whatever was necessary to stop them. It is they who eventually established the Catholic church.
      Christ did not establish the Catholic church. That church is a continuance of the Pharisees who served in the temple - the hypocrites (Matthew 23). They didn’t just quit and go home because Jesus yelled at them. They established a new church (the same as the old church.) It is that church from which comes the anti-Christ - which is the woman sitting on the beast - the harlot. Peter was not the first “pope” as some claim. The position of “pope” was not established until the third century. Peter would not have associated himself with the Pharisees.
      The harlot - the second beast - is the Catholic church (Rev. 13:11) which exercises all the power of the first beast - the European Union (revived Roman Empire) (Rev. 13:12)
      The Catholic church will be destroyed by the European Union (Rev. 17:16)
      All of these things the Adventists teach. I don’t claim to be Adventist or any other denomination. I simply study the Bible and that alone is my authority. I have found excellent teachers and ministers and pastors teaching the scriptures and have discovered that every single one has some point or other on which I disagree. That’s ok. Our understanding - all of us - unto the most highly educated and experienced and Spirit-filled - is at best dim. Yet, we struggle along supporting each other the best we can. God loves to see His children so fully engaged in His Word. It brings Him great joy. ~ 1 John 1:3 "And hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments."

    • @polycarpsmith1419
      @polycarpsmith1419 Год назад

      @@dougkoroll6643 your reply is typical propaganda from Adventism. The Bible does not even teach that it is the sole authority. That’s another false doctrine made up so you all can pretend YOU are the authority on the Bible, deceiving yourself and others. No one who had the slightest modicum of familiarity with the scriptures would repeat your nonsense. The scripture commands you STOP preaching Sabbath keeping to the Gentiles, by commandment of God. You all ignore it and then tell everyone how holy you are!! What’s the matter with you all???!!!!

  • @monicalongo2034
    @monicalongo2034 7 лет назад +17

    Thank you for clarification of this subject, for now on I am gone cook, and by everything a day before the Sabbath day.

  • @robadams5799
    @robadams5799 10 месяцев назад +2

    Watching this on Friday, November 17, 2023. Happy Sabbath.
    "God will understand." I've heard that before, and I didn't accept it.

  • @shellyrichardson4188
    @shellyrichardson4188 Год назад +1

    Thank you for words of Truth...and Learning ...Praising Jesus, AMEN....

  • @darkkratos69
    @darkkratos69 12 лет назад +4

    This sermon helped a lot. Praise the Lord! And happy Sabbath!

  • @MrCallyweed
    @MrCallyweed 11 лет назад +3

    Thanks be to God!! He has given us six days to labour lets Glorify His name on this His Holy Day.

  • @coltrammell
    @coltrammell 11 лет назад +6

    My Brothers, I found you the day before I started my first sabbath! I did not know what i was going to do exactly until I logged onto this site, I have spent my first Sabbath from Friday at dusk till Saturday listening to the Nazarene (Hebrew that accepted Christ)

  • @dewisulandjari
    @dewisulandjari 11 лет назад +3

    Let's bless the Lord on His Holy Day -the Sabbath. Be blessed in Yeshua HaMassiach.
    Warm regards from Indonesia.

  • @re3182
    @re3182 2 года назад +1

    I love the Sabbath I pentecostal also but glad the 7th day Adventist as a testimony to the world.

  • @annointedllc4072
    @annointedllc4072 9 лет назад +3

    After receiving the teaching on how to keep the Sabbath, truly I am blessed. My question now if someone can clarify my thought on how to keep the Sabbath in a country where there's no church that worship God on the Sabbath?. In this country, churches worshiped God on Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.

    • @kimwood3277
      @kimwood3277 8 лет назад

      This was done by the Roman Catholic Church for the anti Christ . I have a personal relationship with God . But that is just it why did people stand for this or why didn't they change it to Saturday ?

    • @rudyhanson1029
      @rudyhanson1029 Год назад +1

      Hi... am late seven years to respond... but I imply you to seek God on this NOW that you would have received the true. Ask God to guide you to where you can fellowship with other Sabbath Keepers. You may think that there isn't any one worshiping on the sabbath but the Lord will find someone just special for you... OR you may be the Moses in this story.. going out to rescue those who are lost about the true on the Sabbath...

  • @monicalongo2034
    @monicalongo2034 6 лет назад +24

    I always have this problem in my family, because I am the only one in my house who keep the Sabbath. I explain this to everybody in my family, and they look at me like I am crazy. Is hard when the members of your family are not Christians

    • @sandramerrill2698
      @sandramerrill2698 6 лет назад +6

      i know what you mean they think your in a cult

    • @ahminitumakonnen3388
      @ahminitumakonnen3388 6 лет назад +7

      Keep the faith and do what GOD commands. You will get a REWARD....ETERNAL LIFE....

    • @godiseverything1482
      @godiseverything1482 5 лет назад +2

      I am the only one In my family that observes the sabbath...
      So i understand...
      Keep on doing what you are doing..
      To God be the GLORY...

    • @Marcus_Thomas_
      @Marcus_Thomas_ 5 лет назад +3

      I'm with you. Stay faithful though.

    • @jenthomas345
      @jenthomas345 4 года назад +1

      Live a holy sanctify live free from sexual sin bribery stealing lieing

  • @discerningacumen
    @discerningacumen 4 года назад +6

    In South Korea, sabbath keepers have been called "heretics" by almost all Korean Christians. Being ridiculed and oftentimes abused. It is very difficult to live in S. Korea for sabbath keepers.

    • @debofChrist
      @debofChrist 4 года назад +2

      I'm sorry. I'll be praying for you, your family, friends and country.

    • @discerningacumen
      @discerningacumen 4 года назад +1

      @@debofChrist Thanks, God bless you.

  • @lakmaleewijetilleke4945
    @lakmaleewijetilleke4945 10 лет назад +1


  • @victoryismine2926
    @victoryismine2926 4 года назад

    I really appreciate this teaching. I have no one to teach me and have had this one aspect of details missing from my learning. I have the opportunity to go to Shabbat service on Friday nights but because of my 6 day a week schedule with full time work and full time school, sometimes driving an hour there and back is too much. I fall asleep driving. However, I can see where that is simply part of my Sabbath preparation. I do not have family to keep Sabbath with and I do tend to sleep til well into the day. It is good to have further understanding about what I should do with the time rather than only what I should not do. Thank you for this teaching!!! I will implement it in my life.

  • @BloodOfYeshuaMessiah
    @BloodOfYeshuaMessiah 9 лет назад +12

    *"Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him , and I too will love them and show myself to them."*
    John 14.21

    • @BloodOfYeshuaMessiah
      @BloodOfYeshuaMessiah 9 лет назад +5

      Dear brother, yes, sadly many reformed Protestant churches have succumb to the erroneous teaching that those very commandments that God said were eternal and would last for ever have now been abolished. Is God a liar ?
      True believers observe all of the 10 commandments, not to earn our salvation through works or for legalistic reason but as an expression of the love that the believer wishes to demonstrate to his Creator.
      They claim that because we are under grace these commandments can be trashed - done away with. Romans 6:14 .....'For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.'*
      This must be the most popular Bible verse to say that *the law is abolished.* That well loved phrase I hear Christians quoting all the time, "I don't need to keep the law now, I'm under grace, not under the law".
      In anticipation that some will construe the apostle Pauls words to mean that you can disregard the law because you are under grace, he says, "Shall we sin (break the law) because we are not under the law but under grace? God forbid."
      In the strongest possible language Paul states that being under grace does not give a license to break or disregard the law. Yet this is exactly what millions believe today, and they totally ignore Paul's specific warning.
      "If you me *LOVE* me KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS" John 14.15

    • @BloodOfYeshuaMessiah
      @BloodOfYeshuaMessiah 9 лет назад +1

      ***** dear brother , your words are so true. why is this truth so plain and clear to us yet to others is so confusing ? Perhaps its not confusing at all but. Perhaps there is that part of them, (those Christians that claim the law is abolished), that still attempts to cling to sin and uses the claim that Gods eternal law has been abolished to justify that sinful desire?
      There are so many Christians that profess a belief in Messiah yet pull back when it comes to actually putting words into actions? How do we show our love to our Creator ? How do we demonstrate that love ? By obeying the commandments !
      We do so not out of a sense of legalism or because of salvation through works , (for we are under grace), but out of love for God, those laws now being written on our hearts.
      If we said to lour wives and children "i love you" but never demonstrated that love to them , then pretty soon our loved ones would wonder if we were just spouting empty words.
      How much more do we show , disrespect and dishonor to our Creator by saying "i love you God , but don't expect me to obey your commandments."
      YHVH bless you.

    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 9 лет назад

      BloodOfYeshuaMessiah i like John 14:21

    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 9 лет назад


    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 9 лет назад


  • @312countrygirl
    @312countrygirl 7 лет назад +31

    We Need to Keep the Sabbath (Saturday) as the 10 commandments say. God wrote it with His own Finger in Stone! Not to be changed!

    • @johnappleseed4833
      @johnappleseed4833 7 лет назад +1

      countrygirl4Christ the sabbath is found using the Lunar Solar calendar. Ignore the Satanic Gregorian calendar. If you look through the old testament you can find out how to find God's feast days and calculate the sabbath. The new moon is the real start of the month and seven days from that is the sabbath for that month.

    • @johnappleseed4833
      @johnappleseed4833 7 лет назад +1

      countrygirl4Christ In psalms 104:19 it says "He appointed the moon for seasons".

    • @realtalktv2530
      @realtalktv2530 6 лет назад +4

      @ChildOf God the Sabbath is on Saturday. If starts at Friday sundown to Saturday sundown.

    • @mikepotter1291
      @mikepotter1291 2 года назад

      @@realtalktv2530 except in nome Alaska

    • @93556108
      @93556108 3 месяца назад

      @312countrygirl FYI Christians is under Law of Christ and NOT law of Moses. Keeping of the Sabbath is not compulsory.

  • @zargitario
    @zargitario 10 лет назад +6

    I don't understand people when they say the sabbath it's not a biblical teaching when in fact the sabbath it's in middle of the ten commandments.

    • @zargitario
      @zargitario 8 лет назад

      Brayan Diaz you would have to trace the day back in history to be sure.. the easiest way to do it would be comparing the day the jew people observed.. its the most reliable way to see if it is the same day or not. :)
      Today it's the same day we observe as the Shabat.

    • @pearlstanley2581
      @pearlstanley2581 8 лет назад

      I see that Brayan Diaz has posted this "interesting proposition" 3 times. WHY can't people see he is trying to plant seeds of doubt in the minds of whoever He can on WHEN the 7th day Sabbath IS? It's SO OBVIOUS I guess people just don't see it. NOW!!! WHO would LOVE to see people DOUBT WHEN the 7th day Sabbath IS? IF we don't know for sure WHEN it is, then HOW can we REMEMBER IT & KEEP it Holy? THIS is what Brayan Diaz WANTS, so WHO is he REALLY SPEAKING FOR? For All of You Bright Boys & Girls, I know the answer to these questions so don't presume I am so STUPID I don't know the answers & show me how much you know & try to educate me, at least in regards to these questions in THIS message.

    • @zargitario
      @zargitario 8 лет назад

      Pearl Stanley for me yhe shabath we keep its been the same God commanded since Adan times. How do I know this?
      Simple.. jew people have observed the same day as long as time can trace it, and im sure it can be traced up to mosestimes at least. Nowadays the shabat we observe its yhe same jew people have it.

    • @brayandiaz4935
      @brayandiaz4935 8 лет назад

      zargitario To think that the jews have not changed their sabath is simply not true. They used to follow a lunar calendar.

    • @brayandiaz4935
      @brayandiaz4935 8 лет назад +1

      Pearl Stanley Hey calm down pearl. I am simply just questioning the common belief that most people hold. I have asked God many times for the truth and he has given me many answers. I am very thankful to our lord and out of love for him I want to know the truth so I can follow him to the best of my ability. I know I am saved by faith in Grace not by works.
      Look I posted this many times because, I felt like sparking conversations about this topic with people and maybe learn something from others. I asure you I had no bad intentions.

  • @samusnowbukai6569
    @samusnowbukai6569 12 лет назад +1

    thank you..we have a Truth that admits of no compromise

  • @mrkrabsco.
    @mrkrabsco. 7 лет назад +1

    Hafa Adai. Thank You for Clarifying The Sabbath. God bless you ..

  • @wenieparks7799
    @wenieparks7799 10 лет назад +11

    I believe everything said in this sermon. All I heard today are Bible based explanation and not by any individual's opinion. otherwise there's no truth if anybody can just interprete the Bible.

    • @EusebiusNdikum300
      @EusebiusNdikum300 10 лет назад +1

      This man is deceiving you

    • @EusebiusNdikum300
      @EusebiusNdikum300 10 лет назад

      do you believe that there is hell?. He teaches that it does not exist. He also reject the Holy spirit

    • @kenvansanford6323
      @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад +2

      Well Jeff show us the verse that states that the 4th Commandments was dropped from the Decalogue? If anyone would have done it it would be Jesus..

    • @carlogambino4486
      @carlogambino4486 9 лет назад +2

      Eusebius Ndikum
      Do you believe that there is already hell at this point of time? Do you believe that satan is in hell right now? That God already put judgement to satan and all sinners? Because if you say yes, well, what's the point the second comming of Jesus Christ then? There is no hell right now, brother. It does not exist up to this point of time. Satan was present at the garden of eden, He is present in heaven arguing with God during the time of Job, present in the time of Jesus, and present up to this point of time. Even present in every church and minds of people. The earth where we live in is satan's temporary place.

    • @wenieparks7799
      @wenieparks7799 9 лет назад +1

      Ben tell me where in the Bible that says satan is already in hell. I would love to now where you can find it.

  • @wenieparks7799
    @wenieparks7799 10 лет назад +12

    Read Bible from Genesis to revelation. and find out yourself about the Sabbath.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 6 лет назад

      Wenie Parks,
      "Man made" Protestant false teachers are FULL OF CONTRADICTION.
      For example???
      1. Protestant false teachers preach an "invisible" and "Spiritual" Church, while they hypocritically reach deep down into gullible people's pockets for money in a very "visible" place. Why do Protestants preach an "invisible" or "Spiritual" Church??? To hide the fact and truth they have absolutely no history back to Jesus Christ or beyond a 1500'S "man" Martin Luther.
      2. Protestants teach a self contradictory false teaching "Bible Alone", which ironically is found absolutely no where in the Bible.
      3. Protestants say "Everything has to be in the Bible to be believed". Where is that statement even in Sacred Scriptures??? Instead, what do Sacred Scriptures say??? John 21:25, 2 Thessalonians 2:15 or especially Acts 1:3. Which ONE CHURCH has these "40 days" of Jesus Christ's teachings that are not in the Bible per the Bible???
      4. Protestants say "ORAL TRADITION" is to be rejected. Why??? Because, not one "man made" Protestant denomination has history back to Jesus Christ, so they have to reject it - despite what 2 Thessalonians 2:15 clearly says.
      5. Protestants say the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH" is the Bible. 1 Timothy 3:15 clearly says "the Church" singular meaning the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH is the "pillar and bulwark of TRUTH", who ultimately put the Bible together in the first place.
      6. Protestants say "the Bible" is the final authority. As a result, it has led to 35,000 and growing "divisions" - as they each become their own "Pope" deciding what is correct or not. Conversely, we see Jesus Christ giving His final "authority" to resolve faith and moral disputes to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per Matthew 18:17.
      7. Protestants preach "Faith Alone". The Bible clearly rebukes this specific false teaching by stating in James 2:24 "NOT BY FAITH ALONE". In John 13:34, Jesus Christ commands us in the NEW COVENANT to "love", which clearly is an action or work that is needed (John 5:29, 15:12, 17, Romans 2:6, Philippians 2:12, Colossians 1:10, Acts 26:20, etc.) for salvation.
      8. Protestants say the Holy Eucharist is just "symbolism" - another word not found in the Bible just like "Bible Alone". But, Jesus Christ Himself (WHO CANNOT LIE) repeats over and over in the Bible "THIS IS MY BODY....THIS IS MY BLOOD" (Matthew 26:26, Mark 14:22, Luke 22:19, John 6:51, 54-58) and is needed for salvation (John 6:54-55) or for "Death to Passover" in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19). Jesus Christ, the "Lamb of God" (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1:19), is the true fulfilled "forever" GOD liturgically commanded "Bread of the PRESENCE" (Leviticus 24:5-9).
      9. Protestants say Matthew 23:9 "call no man father" is an indictment against the Catholic Church priests being called "Father", while they hypocritically call their own biological father's "father".
      In that Matthew 23:9 statement of Jesus Christ's, Protestants don't understand Jesus was using a hyperbole teaching emphasizing not to get caught up in honors or titles that can detract from proper worship due to our Heavenly "Father". Proof??? Judges 17:10, 18:19. What did GOD allow His old covenant priesthood to be called??? Philem 10 and especially 1 Corinthians 4:15. What did Catholic St. Paul consider himself in the New Covenant???
      10. Protestants say "no man" can forgive sins. However, in the old covenant GOD clearly used ordained "men", the Leviticus Priesthood, to forgive sins (Leviticus 5:5-6, Numbers 5:5-9). In Matthew 16:19, 18:18, and specifically explained in John 20:21-23 what same "power" did Jesus Christ give to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH or to the NEW COVENANT ordained "men" of GOD???
      11. Protestants claim the Catholic Church is "man made" or "pagan". But, what does clear history and the Bible (Matthew 16:19) say???
      The irony and contradiction here is each and every single Protestant denomination (35,000 and growing divisions) is truly "man made" all stemming from a 1500's "man" Martin Luther. For instance, Protestant history can easily be revealed like the Seventh Day Adventist was formed by a "man" in Battle Creek, MI in 1863AD.
      So yes, there are many contradictions in the rebellious "man made" Protestant Golden Calf faiths.

    • @artesyamoore
      @artesyamoore 6 лет назад

      ChildOf God Dictionary the word Saturday. It’s the seventh day of the week. Saturday in Spanish is Sábado. In other languages it is similar. The word of God says MANY times that the sabbath is the seventh day of the week. Watch part 1. He outlines those verses. Peace, blessings and truth to you!

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 6 лет назад

      Curlee Lox,
      One cannot even remotely understand the NEW COVENANT without properly understanding the old covenant, i.e. all the other various covenants (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Mosaic, David, Levi), and all the covenant promises being “fulfilled” by Jesus Christ.
      Are you aware Jesus was prophesized to be a NEW MOSES? Deuteronomy 18:18.
      Leading a NEW EXODUS like Moses through “water (Baptism) and Spirit (Laying of Hands)” John 3:5 fulfilling Ezekiel 36:25-27 prophecy being “reborn” no longer liturgically bound by the old “written” covenant law (Baptism is per Romans 6:3-13 and explained in Romans 7:6)???
      Establishing a NEW ISRAEL by choosing “12 Apostles” to represent the “12 Tribes” and gathering them all into the “NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH” where “ALL MANKIND” can come to worship Him (both Jew and Gentile alike) fulfilling Isaiah 66:22-23 prophecy???
      Through Jesus Christ the NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-18) we become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15) as “adopted” sons and daughters of GOD (Galatians 4:4-7)???
      How like Moses Jesus went up on a mountain and gave us NEW LAW in the NEW COVENANT that “fulfill” (Matthew 5:17, Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14), elevate and “perfect” the old covenant laws (Matthew 5:1-12 and especially John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, 1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2)???
      Aware that Jesus Christ transformed the Exodus 12:14 “forever” GOD commanded passover in the upper Room in the “Last Supper” into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19-20) replacing the lamb in all the Synoptic Gospel accounts (Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20) with Himself by becoming the “Lamb of GOD” (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1 :19) for “Death to Passover” (John 6:54)???
      Giving us a NEW SABBATH as the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER "fulfills" all the Leviticus 23 "forever" GOD commanded Feasts that point to what "day" in Leviticus 23:11,15 and verse 21 "on the same day" with a “day of rest”, and verse 39??? Further, see “AGAIN HE SET A CERTAIN DAY” and “another day” per Hebrews 4:7-9 with what conclusion in verse 9???
      Aware that Jesus gave us a NEW PRIESTHOOD as He fulfilled His Father’s “forever” WORD (Exodus 29:7-9, Exodus 40:15, 1 Chronicles 23:13), covenant promise to Levi (Numbers 25:12-13, Malachi 2:4-7), and NEW COVENANT PROMISE (Jeremiah 33:14-22) to take in some “Gentile” priests (Isaiah 66:21) so it will no longer be based on tribal lineage??? Are you aware an old covenant Jew could not go directly to GOD to receive His forgiveness for his personal sins??? Leviticus 5:5-6 and Numbers 5:5-9. The same is true in the NEW COVENANT as the ONE MEDIATOR gave what “power” to His Church in Matthew 16:19, 18:18 and specifically stated to newly certain ordained “men” in John 20:21-23???
      Aware Jesus Christ gave His very self to us as the NEW MANNA in the Holy Eucharist (John 6:31-35) to sustain us until we reach the NEW PROMISED LAND (Heaven)???
      Doubts about the “real presence” of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist??? If the old covenant is a mere “shadow” of the revelation in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:1), then what do you believe the “forever” liturgically GOD commanded “Bread of the Presence” (Exodus 25:30, Leviticus 24:5-9) becomes in the NEW COVENANT???

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 6 лет назад

      Curlee Lox,
      This one keeps getting deleted by SDA false teachers and followers. I wonder why??? Just in case there was any confusion over the NEW MOSES post.
      ***There are two stages (old covenant laws and NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT) or two steps to GOD’S REVEALED LAWS.****
      The 10 Commandments are the "forever" immutable and immovable first step of GOD'S LAW. It will "forever" be convicting the WORLD of the need for the "sacrifice" of Jesus Christ to be "forgiven" or "released" through Baptism (Romans 6:3-13) into "NEW LIFE OF THE SPIRIT" (Romans 7:6, 8:2) to live in the "Spirit of the Law" which is LOVE (John 13:34) of the "second step" of revealed Law towards Heaven.
      NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH (Isaiah 66:18-23), NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15), NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15:22, 15:45), NEW STAGE, NEW STEP, NEW COMMANDMENT IN THE NEW COVENANT IS LOVE (John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17) = NEW SABBATH (Hebrews 4:7-9).
      Additionally, the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) “fulfills” all of the “forever” Leviticus Chapter 23 Feasts that are commanded on what “day” per Leviticus 23:11-14, 15-21, and verse 39 with a commanded “day of rest”??? All the Feast dates you say??? Moot point as the Catholic Church celebrates the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER “daily” as Jesus Christ compared Himself to the old covenant “manna” that came down “daily” per John 6:31-35.
      Now back to the Laws, as a NEW COVENANT CHRISTIAN (Catholic) not only can I still break the old laws of the immovable and immutable first step or stage of law, but the second step or second stage of revealed LAW refusing to LOVE as Jesus Christ commands (John 13:34).
      ***I can commit sins of "commission" by "morally" breaking the old covenant laws (10 Commandments) and sins of "omission" not LOVING AS CHRIST DID.****
      What "fulfilled" means is I am no longer "liturgically" bound to worship by the old covenant (Hebrews 8:13) through Jesus Christ's "sacrifice", but still "morally" REQUIRED TO FOLLOW THE 10 COMMANDMENTS AS IT IS THE FIRST STAGE OF GOD'S LAWS THAT ARE "FOREVER" IMMUTABLE AND IMMOVABLE LAWS.
      Do you understand??? I am to "die" to my old "fleshly" sinful self to be "born again" and "LIVE IN THE SPIRIT". John 3:3-6. Verse 6 "THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE FLESH IS FLESH, THAT WHICH IS BORN OF THE SPIRIT IS SPIRIT".
      If I don't choose to "LIVE IN THE SPIRIT" of the Law of the second step up, then what does Romans 8:13 say about that specifically or Hebrews 10:26 what happens to Jesus Christ's "sacrifice" if I “deliberately sin”???
      Welcome to Matthew 5:17 paraphrase "I DID NOT COME TO ABOLISH, BUT FULFILL" which means to elevate and "perfect" the old laws or first stage of revealed law. Sin???
      Ultimately, in the NEW COVEANNT we have a NEW ADAM (Jesus Christ), NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH (Catholic Church where “all mankind” both Jew and Gentile alike can worship Him), NEW CREATION, NEW LAW = NEW SABBATH!!!

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 6 лет назад

      Curlee Lox,
      Now, in CONTEXT of what Baptism is (Romans 6:3-13) through the NEW ADAM Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-21) what are the effects for a NEW COVENANT CHRISTIAN (Romans 6:14-15, 7:6, 8:2, 10:4 1 Corinthians 9:20-21, 2 Corinthians 3:3-11, 5:17, Galatians 3:19-25, 4:21-31, 5:14, 6:2, Hebrews 7:12, 18-19, 8:13)???
      Please list out FULLY Romans 7:6 and interpret for me in CONTEXT of what Baptism is.
      (Side note, do not remotely think you can "deliberately sin" as what does Hebrews 10:26-27, 29 say about that and what happens to that same freeing "sacrifice"??? What are we back under and "much worse" per Hebrews 10:29??? Additionally, we are under "GRACE" and the "Law of Christ" 1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2 and a NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT John 13:34 meaning sinning would be "unloving" anyway, right??? Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:18. What does "Love" really do??? Now, if we violate old covenant laws "morally" or the NEW COVENANT COMMANDMENT by not "loving" as He commands, then you will need the "power" the ONE MEDIATOR Jesus Christ gave to His ONE and ONLY established Church being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH per Matthew 16:19, 18:18, and specifically explained in John 20:21-23 to be reconciled with GOD again.)

  • @mariesavannah2369
    @mariesavannah2369 8 лет назад +3

    Only those who love the Truth will understand these deep Truth and will obey.That the only commandment that God say Remember because he knows a lot of people will forget or misinterpret it....Isaiah 8:20 God says If they dont talk according to the law and the testimony there is no light in them and the book of James God say if we break one commandment we are breaking the whole lot.God commandment is not like any kind of law its his character why will he get rid of his own character when he says that he is the same yesterday today and tomorrow....soon the whole world will have to make a choice whom will they obey the True Day of God's Sabbath or the Sunday man made Sabbath?The lord just remind me to show us the proof of the importance of the Ten commandment He wrote it himself with his own fingers and when Moses break the law God call him up to the mountain a second time and God rewrote that law, what more proof do we need?.

    • @colsomemiah6095
      @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад +1

      The Pharisees kept the LETTER of the law but not the SPIRIT "Draw near to me and I will draw near to you" James 4:8....Jesus Christ is out Savior, not obedience to the 4th cmd. the job of the Holy Ghost is to interpret as we STUDY the Word : the Spirit will convict us of all truth 2 Timothy 2:15 There are 9 other commandments and too often those who observe the 4th disobey some of the others; being pleased that they have " observed the Sabbath"

    • @colsomemiah6095
      @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад +1

      Marie Savannah: The truth is a person: Jesus. John 14:6 The testimony of Jesus is his life death and resurrection, that he is God. Testimony is much the same as we may testify of a given incident as a witness. John 8::12-17-18. Matt.26:28, The Pharisees tell Jesus he does not have a witness to his testimony that He is the light: (God). Jewish law called for 2 witnesses. Deut 19:15Jesus says My Father (God) is my witness. The Spirit that inspired the prophets the coming Messiah in the OT is the Holy Spirit of prophecy (Acts 10:43) who foretold of a savior thousands of years before Jesus was born, which is why Abraham's belief was counted as righteousness.righteousness. Proof that we need for salvation is that WE KNOW JESUS PERSONALLY, AND THE Bible, HIS WORD, ; not a series of man made writings.

    • @truthforjeaus9909
      @truthforjeaus9909 6 лет назад +1

      Marie Savannah , great sis.
      Keep up the good work.
      God bless.

    • @ahminitumakonnen3388
      @ahminitumakonnen3388 6 лет назад +1


  • @LithiumTheKid
    @LithiumTheKid 12 лет назад +1

    Great attitude and presentation. Peace

  • @anthonywolfe3636
    @anthonywolfe3636 2 года назад +1

    I'm a driver for a small company. How do I keep the Sabbath having to deliver loads? I listen to preaching and gospel singing on Sabbath but what else can I do

  • @edwardmccullough9888
    @edwardmccullough9888 10 лет назад +3

    Why the law? David in the psalms says he delights in the law of God. SDA's also delight in the law of God (the one written with His own finger). Revelations says of God's remnant people hear are they that hold to the testimony of Jesus and keep the commandments of God (all ten as written by God,s own finger). I really wish people would understand SDA s are Hebrew christians we choose to follow the traditions of the Jews but believe in Jesus as the Son of God. We are not legalistic, we believe we are saved by grace through Jesus Christ we delight in God developing obedience to His Law in us, we are His workmanship for good works in Christ, our effort at keeping the law is never good enough to meet God's standard of holiness which is absolute perfection. We choose to follow the Bible and the Bible only as the word of God. If people disagree with Adventist view of the bible that is theirs to do, but I ask you who are you following where do you get your doctrine? My humble opinion is you are following Rome. You are roman Christians! Can roman Christians be saved? Yes! Can Hebrew Christians be saved? Yes! Because our salvation is based on a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. I believe SDA's are the most accurate Bible based religion on the face of the earth!!! But that WILL NOT save one of them, if they don't know Jesus. Why do I believe SDA's are so Biblically accurate? Because the suppose Holy Roman Catholic Church says it is so "People who think that the Scriptures should be the sole authority, should logically become 7th Day Adventists and keep Saturday holy." I ask what about 7th Day Baptist or 7th Day Church of God or any other 7th Day Believer, why 7th Day Adventist? I answer with boldness because the Mother Church knows just how Biblically accurate SDA's are!!! We represent Bible Truth!!! If you desire salvation Know Jesus. If you desire Bible truth and salvation Know Jesus as a Seventh Day Adventist Hebrew Christian!!!!!!!

    • @kenvansanford6323
      @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад

      Jeff. Let's have a Bible debate?? Seems you like to bash.

    • @kenvansanford6323
      @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад

      Come on Jeff where you At. Run but you can't hide...

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 10 лет назад

      Edward, please watch the video "SDA Church - How UNHOLY have you kept the Sabbath?" on RUclips and check whether you're really keeping the Sabbath holy according to the prophetess of your church.

    • @kenvansanford6323
      @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад

      Lmjason do you. Keep the Sabbath?

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 10 лет назад

      Ken vansanford First of all, can you confidentially say that you have kept the Sabbath truly holy every week? Yes or no? If not, then you're a serial Sabbath-breaker.

  • @kenvansanford6323
    @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад +4

    Protestants follow Rome.
    About one billion Protestants also observe Sunday. Before examining what they say about why they observe the first day of the week, here are several quotes from the Catholics explaining their view of why the Protestants do what they do. Consider them carefully..
    It was the Catholic church which. By the authority of Jesus Christ, has transferred this rest to sunday in remembrance of the. Resurrection of our Lord. Thus the observance of sunday by the protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the catholic church."
    Mgr. Argue, " Plan Talk About the Protestantism of Today," p.213
    "We move from the 'sabbath' to the 'first day after the Sabbath' from the seventh day to the first day; the Dominic becomes the dies Christ!.. By contrast, the Sabbath's position as the seventh day of the week suggest for the Lords day a complimentary symbolism, much loved by the fathers. Sunday is not only the first day, it is also ' the eighth day', set within the sevenfold succession of days..."
    Pope John Paul 2, Apostolic letter, Dies Domini, Vactican, May 31, 1998.
    "Only gradually did Christians begin to observes sunday as a day of rest.. In the third century, as We learn from Tertullian, many Christians had begun to Keep sunday as a day of rest to some extent.." The real need of sunday as a day of rest as Well as worship came much later..." "Yes I Condemned. The Catholic Church." P.4 ( Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus).

    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 10 лет назад

      they never came too far out of the mother church and would not recieve new light

    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 9 лет назад

      I am not wonderful but my savior Jesus Christ is beyond wonderful. He is the light of the world and he is a the alpha and omega . the ceator of all life and the originator of the sabbath. so many gifts for us to open.

    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 9 лет назад

      isn't it amazing

    • @skepticalanderson2533
      @skepticalanderson2533 9 лет назад

      keep it up

    • @kenvansanford6323
      @kenvansanford6323 9 лет назад

      Micheali. LMNJason100. Is catholic. Wow.

  • @fidah18
    @fidah18 3 года назад

    Lord help me to keep your day Holy

  • @franciscoleonardo151
    @franciscoleonardo151 8 лет назад

    I love this true serman

  • @dnreyn7
    @dnreyn7 12 лет назад

    So thankful for your truthful message!

  • @caseyjones8203
    @caseyjones8203 Год назад

    I grew up as a Baptist and not knowing what had happened to the Sabbath until last year now being a grown up. I caught a video by Doug that caught my attention and learning what had happened litterly physically made my insides hurt. It brought tears to my eyes that l had been blinded to the truth. Now l feel freedom from a hidden secret the church labored to keep it a secret. The truth will set you free, indeed.

    • @polycarpsmith1419
      @polycarpsmith1419 Год назад

      ***One of the more *bizarre doctrines of Adventism* and Ellen G. White is her claim that The Apostle Paul writing in 2Thessalonians is on one hand making every effort to bring as many Gentiles ( *"all nations"* Rom.1:4) into the Church as possible, while at the same time, *the Adventist's* preach PAUL is telling everyone that His own Church which Christ instituted is going to become a great whore in less then 200 years. What people will do to justify themselves.
      In fact, what the Apostle Paul was saying was that the rebellion and persecution of the Church by the Sabbath keepers, was the acts of lawlessness against the authority of the Church, wherein some future date, the rebellion against Christ's duly established Church was going to find it's culmination in some egomaniac so full of himself, that he so try to undermine the authority of the Pope and Church, that he would attack the Church and the Pope to the point he would declare himself God in order to undermine the Pope and the chair of Peter. It is indeed, in the city of Thessalonica that this very thing took place *(Acts 17)*
      5*But the Jews (devout Sabbath keepers) which believed not, *moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.* (to be killed)
      6 And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;
      7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
      Here you have it, motivated by hate and envy, the fabrication of lies and persecution against the Church by devout Sabbath keepers in the very city to whom 2Thessalonians written.
      Again, to the Thessalonians in 1Thess. 1:14, Paul writes concerning the rebellious Sabbath keepers, *"they MURDERED BOTH CHRIST AND THEIR OWN PROPHETS."* (As Christ also taught in Mt. 23)
      They *"DON'T PLEASE GOD!"*
      And, they are *"CONTRARY TO ALL MEN"!*
      All these same things were taught by Christ in Mt. 23.
      The rebellion and persecution against the Church Christ himself established is well documented in the actions of the Judaizers who vowed they wouldn't eat or sleep until they murdered the Apostle Paul as they did James and later Peter and others. '
      It is the Apostle Paul who wrote these inspired words engraved in scripture for all the world to see in every bible to the Church of Rome in his Epistle called "Romans" : Paul prophesied, *"The God of PEACE will crush Satan under YOUR feet"* *Rom.**16:20* This verse says all you need to know as to whose side people are on. Those who fight the Church of Rome, will be gathered with Satan and be crushed, as promised by the prophetic and inspired words the Apostle Paul, not given over to Satan as the Adventists teach.

  • @JuanGonzalez-0308
    @JuanGonzalez-0308 2 года назад +1

    I have a question and this is just something I read recently. In Exodus chapter 16 verse 29 it says everybody must stay in their place, I interpret this as to not leave the house am I interpreting this or is my understanding of this wrong?

  • @stellashio3842
    @stellashio3842 7 лет назад

    God bless you

  • @joehastings1
    @joehastings1 9 лет назад +2

    What about those of us who have to work on the Sabbath, what are we supposed to do.?

    • @truthforjeaus9909
      @truthforjeaus9909 6 лет назад +2

      Joe Hastings , good question, Let's pray about it,
      We are going to need JESUS now MORE THAN EVER JOE.
      Perilous time is upon us.
      Talk to JESUS , listen for His answer. I'll be praying for u.

  • @savanvanschannel6063
    @savanvanschannel6063 12 лет назад

    I was raised in church we went to church on sunday then to my grandparents which was the preachers house we cooked and ate at home then to church that night then home GOD showed granny it was a sin to shop on sunday even to food.
    mom rembers when stores where closed on sunday and gas station took turns being open
    chick fla hoppy lobby and few others are closed on sunday to keep the sabbath holly

  • @joanphilbin8210
    @joanphilbin8210 Год назад

    Isn't it amazing how some folks the commandments they want to dismember, and the major one they want to forget is the one that says "Remember"!

  • @Itsmeweelynn
    @Itsmeweelynn 11 лет назад +1

    Great video of the truth!! Not many out there so thank you

  • @La_Muerte917
    @La_Muerte917 5 лет назад

    It’s sad there are not many Sabbath-keeping churches in my country, only few and very far from home, you would have to commute and travel very far. When you pay the buses or taxi or commuter trains, is that violation of buying & selling on the Holy day? It’s sad we could not do the communal worship on Sabbath day of the Lord, I hope that day will come soon. We can only content to watch religious videos and Bible exposition on the Holy day. While for the offering, maybe it’s okey to find ways to give directly to the poor, those who hunger & thirst, the sick and prisoner, on any day of the week, coz the Sabbath day of the Lord is rest.

  • @joanphilbin8210
    @joanphilbin8210 Год назад


  • @bobdemetroable
    @bobdemetroable 12 лет назад +2

    lets remember the 7th day sabbath

  • @robadams5799
    @robadams5799 10 месяцев назад

    4:50 - 2 Kings 4:23 "And he said, 'Why will you go to him today? It is neither new moon nor Sabbath.' She said, 'All is well.'”
    When I talk to my Christian friends about why I keep Sabbath, they say "you're under the law, but I'm under grace." They don't say that when honor my parents, though, or obey any other commandments.

  • @johncolage1651
    @johncolage1651 5 лет назад +1

    However, the Law covenant became in a sense "obsolete" when God announced by means of the prophet Jeremiah that there would be a new covenant. (Jer. 31:13-34; Heb. 8:13) In 33 C.E. the Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christ's death on the torture stake (Col 2:14), the new covenant replacing it.---Heb. 7:12; 9:15; Ac. 2:1-4.

  • @DixieLive
    @DixieLive 8 лет назад +1

    When I observe the Sabbath,,, I ask myself "" WHAT did GOD do while he was resting ? "" enjoying the beauty of the things he created, watching Adam and Eve run after butterflies, they probably went swimming, take a nap, talk a walk and look at nature, think about how things are and how they work.... I understand GOD doesn't want us to work... but I think HE also realizes that there are a lot more things available to us these days then there was in the Ancient Days.... I believe GOD wants us to ENJOY HIS day... so when Im in doubt I ask my self.... If GOD was here now..... would he do it ???

    • @colsomemiah6095
      @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад

      Dixie Live (Dixie 45) having friends over for a special lunch/brunch, nappng, calling friends , reading extra Biblical books, writing letters, walking and all the things you mentioned, playing Bible trivia (yep), doing puzzles, walking on the beach especially in winter, enjoying solitude just sitting in the presence of a loved one, discussing lesson taught, visiting sick or well, I prefer well, exchanging miracles or incidents that happened during the week, sharing obscure Bible verses most don't know, (how old is old 2 Sam.19:32:,Deut.14:26 (no, never drank, but fermented in the presence of the Lord!!!! ) see if you can remember 12 tribes (names) , memorize matt. 1, go to a nursery and admire odd plants you didn't know, A HOLY DAY IS NOT A BORE AND TEDIUS THAT ONE WISHES IT WERE OVER!!!!!! It was made for us to Enjoy, not laden down ourselves with straitjackets or staying (safely) in church until eyes glaze over.

    • @truthforjeaus9909
      @truthforjeaus9909 6 лет назад

      Dixie Live, yes he would go to the temple in the morning
      HE WOULD STAND UP TO READ AND TEACH , I believe he would give us the spiritual
      Manna for mid day sermon, after that we would break for lunch
      WHEN ISAIAH CHAPTER 66 : 23 WILL BE FULFILLED ................😆👧

  • @BEALCA1
    @BEALCA1 10 лет назад

    I watched #1, and now am # 2, it is wonderful. thank you

    • @brayandiaz4935
      @brayandiaz4935 8 лет назад

      Hello I have an interesting proposition for you guys. What if the Sabbath day is not Saturday or Sunday. I agree it is not Sunday but, where did our modern day calendar even come from? According to my readings it came from the Roman Empire. Which also gave us Catholicism.
      What if our sabath day was on Monday? Yes the "worst" day of the week for most people living in the USA. I came upon this by looking at the new moon cycle which its seventh day is always on Monday. Now did god not create the moon cycle? So could it be that this is what we should be counting seven days from? If this is true this would not surprise me at all. The devil always works backwards right? The devil is master of deceptions so could this not be one more on the list?

  • @robbiebob6267
    @robbiebob6267 Год назад +1

    Much debated, argued, protected, defended, upheld, importance is this issue of the Sabbath with the SDA church .... It is more & more apparent that it is their identity & pivotal to their salvation & belief system to get closer to Christ even though say it's not but it really is .
    After hearing Pr Doug with how SDA people should observe the Sabbath & feel the real presents of the lord with our hearts, minds & soles we should channel the focus on Christ that is man made kosher conditions on how the SDA church members should observe & this is where legalism & bondages become apparent....
    Christ came to were we are at it's not a case of measuring up to Christ.
    The 7th day Adventist Sabbath....
    Without it... that denomination ceases to exist.
    One other thing... don't the SDA church love the Catholic church with a passion....not!

  • @russcollins4762
    @russcollins4762 5 лет назад

    the first meal of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the Passover Meal. eaten just sfter sun set

  • @densar8407
    @densar8407 7 лет назад

    the question of "how to keep the seventh day sabbath in outer space, or in the north pole" is the same question as how to keep the sunday sabbath in outer space, or in the north pole, since the catholic church (and the protestants) put sunday in the same category as saturday, the seventh day. i think we should also consult the pope about this matter. maybe he has an answer also.

  • @samuelkurgat2408
    @samuelkurgat2408 7 лет назад

    thank you for this precious message from this channel please assist me to know how to keep it Holy.exodus16 v23 seem to say not to cook on the Sabbath and else where in the law books also states that not even to light a fire on the Sabbath.
    we always cook even after sunset on Friday please help.EVEN IN OUR SCHOOLS WE COOK ON THE SABBATH WHAT SHOULD WE DO?

  • @sassy3923
    @sassy3923 10 месяцев назад

    What about dairy farmers that have to milk their cows twice a day?

  • @donnawheeler1716
    @donnawheeler1716 7 лет назад +2

    my son is 34 yrs old. I can not force him to worship God or keep the Sabbath.

    • @olgaweisher9331
      @olgaweisher9331 7 лет назад +2

      Donna Wheeler, only the holy Spirit can do that by prayer .Read the new testament to direct you.

    • @godiseverything1482
      @godiseverything1482 5 лет назад


  • @cr4zyu
    @cr4zyu 6 лет назад +1

    “If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath Day. In keeping the Sunday they are following a law of the Catholic Church.” (A. Smith, Chancellor Archdiocese of Baltimore, replies for the Cardinal, Feb 10, 1920)

    • @jostocks1801
      @jostocks1801 5 лет назад

      One of many comments the Catholic church has to say about the protestant churches who still claim sola scriptura

  • @jenthomas345
    @jenthomas345 4 года назад

    Again the Sabbath is nail to the Cross

  • @donedone3048
    @donedone3048 6 лет назад

    What happens if you are to go into the army? Did the Jew keep guard on the Sabbath day or they just believed God to protect them?... The soldeirs also march round the walls of Babylon 7days, meaning the Sabbath was included.. What should a soldeir do if he is to take a Sabbath exam to enter the army as well?

  • @TimpBizkit
    @TimpBizkit 6 лет назад

    24:23 collect flowers, pine cones, rocks (just make sure they don't collect any wood)

  • @bearvillebear1468
    @bearvillebear1468 4 года назад

    I've got a few words of encouragement in the midst of what's going on. It might sound wierd, it is for real and I thought it would be important to say it.
    Its long because I've tried to and any faqs!
    Hopefully this will answer some of those nagging questions -
    Why can't evil be forgiven and let off, how is the whole "Jesus dying" thing really relevant to anything? To you? if you still have any questions let me know x
    Ever struggle? Ever doubt that God Loves You After what you've done? Ever wonder if He exists for that matter? Read this:
    All of us have lied, stolen (even tiny things count), spoken badly to our parents and had embarrassing and detestable thoughts in our thought life. The Bible calls this "sin", the breaking of God's laws. You might think, so what? Everyone lies and thinks bad things about others! Its human!
    You're right. That's exactly what the Bible says, we're "born into sin" and that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Romans 3:23
    What is that "glory", morally speaking?
    Well, the opposite of human nature and desires.
    Not lying, not stealing, and having a perfect thought life is God's standard for us.
    But if its God's standard and we were made in "God's image", Why don't we meet it?
    Well, Remember Adam and Eve and when they sinned. Before sin they were perfect in thought word and DEED completely, but after the first sin occured due to Satan's tempting in the Garden, it destroyed that part of us that was morally perfect and in perfect harmony with God's morals, standard, and love. So while we kept certain things, the ability to be thinking individuals with unique personalities, the moral part (affecting how our thoughts, actions and personalities operate) was damaged. To the point where we are "opposed" to God, hence His nature and standards being the opposite of what we see as reasonable or possible. The Bible even makes it clear that "apart from God you can do nothing" - John 15:5. Without Him, it will 100% feel "opposite", unreasonable and alien to us. Only WITH Him can we gain victory in these things.
    Why doesn't God just let sin off and leave it?
    The Bible describes God as a "righteous judge", many wonder why God doesn't just let sin off and leave it, but He can't. Why? That's like a if a judge let off a
    murderer who broke the state law. Everyone would attack that judge and call Him corrupt, saying that he had not done right and should be fired for failing to punish the murderer for his evil. AND to completely love and be good as God is, means you need to, in turn, hate all forms of evil. You can't truly love good unless you hate the existence of evil.
    This means that God needed, as a righteous judge to punish sin with the ultimate penalty of death - expressing His hatred of evil - and separation from His presence forever. Hence Hell.
    "The soul that sins shall die (in Hell and suffer damnation)" - Ezekiel 18:20
    But God, who is also love, did not want to see His creation tortured and cut off from Him. He cares so much for is that He couldn't bear to see us fall into Satans hands and suffer death, even though we broke the law and deserve to bear the guilt, pain and be cut off from perfection forever through damnation.
    Because of justice, God could not leave sin and evil unpunished, BUT because of LOVE, God provided someone else to take that punishment on our behalf, satisfying both justice (by punishing the evil committed), and love (by sparing OUR lives) despite our sin.
    God sent His own SON - think about that. His *Son*, the one whom He loved infinitely (the same way He loves us).
    God allowed Him to take the pain we deserved, He took ALL of Gods wrath for every single sin you and I have committed. He was punished brutally and completely as if He was the picture of mankind's sin itself so that we do not have to be punished.
    Back in the courtroom scenario: He paid the "fine" at His own expense (His life had to be morally perfect on this Earth, then He had to be killed as a sinless sacrifice on our behalf).
    So when He returns to remove all evil from the face of the Earth, we can be spared and free because Christ has already BEEN punished on our behalf. He then rose again on the third day, conquering not only life and sin and temptation, but DEATH.
    "I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (immortally and eternally in Heaven when I return)" - John 11:25-26
    ALL we have to do is accept it by faith. Faith alone in Christ alone.
    Religion = rules to be saved
    The gospel = Christ saved us already we just have to believe it by faith. If you lack faith (as I did before), pray. He will make it strong it time. Trust Him as you would trust those close to you. He knows you even better than that. He created you and knows you inside out.
    What does it actually mean for us?
    It means we can be completely free from the penalty of damnation.
    Not only that but we can be restored to Him and recreated into His moral image AGAIN as long as we accept Jesus having paid the price for us and accept Him as our Lord, the one who is in the front seat of our lives. He has a plan for your life, He's created you for a purpose. Just remember that. A purpose that includes being recreated into His image, one you can only accomplish through Him and reliance on His power and by following HIS way of life.
    What is this new way entail?
    It entails love, true love and service and aid to others, to "love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength" and "love your neighbour as you love yourself" Matthew 22:37, 39.
    Sharing the message of Christ's death, resurrection and soon return on this Earth to give justice OR mercy depending on what the person chose.
    Sound "opposite" again?
    God knows it sounds opposite, which is why, as The Bible states, this is NOT something we can do alone. It's not in our nature.
    We need a new nature in the front seat, and the first step is to repent (turn from and reject our sin, pursuing the opposite direction and drawing close to God)
    Christ will give us an actual DESIRE to do these things. Through the, Holy Spirit, sent by Him to us after the ascension. He speaks to us through thoughts, verses, ideas and prayers and guides us so that we gain a desire to follow God and be able to do these "opposite" things through Him.
    What is the way FOR though?
    Firstly its to save you from sin - the only way to gain victory over sin and not have it as your master is through having Christ as your master and following His aid to resist the devil's temptations.
    Christ lived down here for 33 years suffering EVERY FORM of temptation that you have ever faced - "who in every respect [has] been tempted as we are, yet without sin" Hebrews 4:15.
    Therefore He is able to help us through our struggles. When the devil knows people have left his camp, he always tries harder with more temptations and evil attacks. BUT - His way is also there to guard and teach you daily in the midst of this (and despite this) sinful, selfish world.
    The path He wants you to walk is one of committment and love - its not about rules and regulations to save us - what Christ did GAVE us salvation. All we need is faith. The rest, the "fruits of good works (the will to obey and follow Him)", are what come through true, maturing faith. It's all about faith and the relationship God wants with you just like before sin arrived.
    God preferred His own Son to be tortured And *killed* to give a chance to us (who broke His law of perfection) so that we can live as His children again. He wants us to love and trust and worship Him.
    What if I still find myself sinning after I have accepted Christ?
    That's why Christ died, For our sin. His death doesn't fix us in a snap like that, but it does protect us from the damnation that our past, present and future sins would bring without Jesus.
    It's a process - a lifelong process - of God bringing you back to Him, away from the destructive pleasures of sin (greed, selfish temptations, trampling on people to gain). This takes a *lifetime*, as it does for all, but NEVER give up, when you fall, know Christ paid for that sin you committed already - just acknowledge your sin and ask for forgiveness - and you can get back up again because He already bore your guilt and shame.
    Regardless of the darkness you are in or the extent or frequency of the sins you have committed or will commit, regardless of how doubtful you may feel, know that Jesus UNDERSTANDS completely and He is faithful.
    "those who come to Me, I will by no means cast out" - John 6:37
    Don't know where to start?
    Note down the Gospel of "John", or "Luke" (if you want a more detailed account of it all).
    Remember that He will "NEVER - and that means never - leave you, NOR forsake you" - Deuteronomy 31:6
    Regardless of what goes on down here, God knows, Jesus has been down here and felt all the emotions you are feeling. You can go to Him with them and be assured that He loves you and is for you.
    Even in the storm, God is still there, walking on the water alongside you.
    Keep your heart open to Him and remember that if we pray for Christ to enter our lives, He will.
    "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only begotten Son, that whomever believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life". - John 3:16
    Thanks for reading if you did. I just felt that I should tell you regardless. Let me know if you have any more or if you need clarification on anything xx

  • @dimneichonghaokip455
    @dimneichonghaokip455 5 лет назад

    Wat bout going to college......?????V hav to miss whole day or wat.... V cnt du it evry Saturday... Smtyms xam also cme on Saturday...... Plzzzzz reply

  • @glendagonzalez2469
    @glendagonzalez2469 5 месяцев назад

    Do you make your bed on the sabbath?

  • @nobodygoody2455
    @nobodygoody2455 7 лет назад

    Just because you keep the seventh day sabbath does not mean your entering God's rest?

  • @chuckhackett4493
    @chuckhackett4493 5 лет назад

    11:11 ministries might I suggest that you turn off comments on your videos. It might be a good idea seeing some of these comments.

  • @ItsMyFate
    @ItsMyFate 5 лет назад

    Book of Jubilees 50:8
    And the man that does any work on it shall die: whoever
    desecrates that day, whoever lies with (his) wife, or whoever says he will do
    something on it, that he will set out on a journey thereon in regard to any
    buying or selling: and whoever draws water thereon which he had not prepared for
    himself on the sixth day, and whoever takes up any burden to carry it out of his
    tent or out of his house shall die.

  • @The_Ring_Leader
    @The_Ring_Leader 8 месяцев назад

    Is it okay to get married on the Sabbath?

  • @russcollins4762
    @russcollins4762 3 года назад

    Jn.20.1 on the first day of the week came mary magadalene to the tomb while it was still dark and found the stone already taken away .nasb/kjv
    Hard ti have a sunday sunruse resurrection when the tomb is already empty before sunrise.
    Jn.19.31 clearly not the eve of a weekly Sabbatg

  • @allenelman1233
    @allenelman1233 5 лет назад

    IF someone will, please explain to me that what is written in Leviticus Chapter 23, verse 1, that begins > "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, Concerning the feasts of the LORD, which ye shall proclaim to be holy convocations, even these are my feasts."< The word convocations IS PLURAL MEANING MORE THAN ONE! SOoooooo WHY do many "CHRISTIANS" say the ONLY Holy Convocation is what is written in verse 3, and every other HOLY CONVOCATION WRITTEN ABOUT IN VERSES 4 through 44 are NOT HOLY CONVOCATIONS BUT CARNAL ORDINANCES. splain dat to lil ol dummy me. In other words, HOW IS A HOLY CONVOCATION A CARNAL ORDINANCE?

  • @sulongenjop7436
    @sulongenjop7436 Год назад

    God does not rest anymore on Sabbath as demonstrated by Jesus who performed miracles and healing on Sabbath.😊

  • @Ms.Mimi.Speaks
    @Ms.Mimi.Speaks 8 лет назад

    What he has omitted in teaching this Sabbath lesson is that when Emperor Constantine messed the Greek and Christians the Greeks used a 8 day Calendar while the Christians and Hebrews used another. So Emperor Constantine commissioned The Sanhedrim to create a New Calendar. It shifted the days because Constantine wanted everyone to still worship on the days of his gods ( Thor, The Moons day, etc). So Saturday is Saturn Day and not the true Sabbath. He ordered everyone to worship on Saturday by penalty of death that wanted to worship on the other true Sabbath. They used the seasons that God taught them. They started the Month on the New Moon. Their Calendar is called The Luni-Solar Calendar. So unless you are following that Calendar you are still not observing The Sabbath correctly.

    • @cr4zyu
      @cr4zyu 6 лет назад +1

      So, Melinda how come several hundred cultures throughout the world, with little to no knowledge of Hebrew traditions or the teachings of the Bible, how come they lived according to a seven day week? I ask you: 1) what specific culture kept an eight day week? 2) Which came first, a) belief in a Creator God, AKA the Lord of the Sabbath, hence Sabbath Day, Seventh Day, Saturday, etc, or b) counterfeit sun-worshiping religions?

    • @ahminitumakonnen3388
      @ahminitumakonnen3388 6 лет назад +1

      WHAT DOES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 , YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ?

    • @ahminitumakonnen3388
      @ahminitumakonnen3388 6 лет назад


  • @giturdone1200
    @giturdone1200 5 лет назад +1

    You know I've been very careless through out my adult life but even in my ignorance I knew that if God was not serious about keeping the Sabbath he would owe the poor man that got stoned to death for gathering twigs an apology and I didn't while even being total heathen see that happening I think Hebrews Chapter 4 1- 13 is very clear

  • @LMNJason100
    @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

    For Linda Anderson: "Swimmer" Mike had only copied part of the case's verdict for you to read. I had sent the full text of the verdict to you in a private message and you'll note that "The district court found Defendant (i.e. Don) guilty of all charges. In addition to fines, the court issued an injunction prohibiting Defendant ..." etc. Please Google for "reading private messages in RUclips" if you're not familiar with how to go about it and probably my message had ended up under the "Most likely spam" tab as it's quite a lengthy one. Regarding the other case "swimmer" Mike brought up, the appeal was dismissed "because plaintiff (i.e. Don) was incompetent to stand trial." Please Google "what does incompetent to stand trial mean" to find out more about what it means. And *do remember to check "swimmer" Mike's ID if you both meet up.* His place of residence is L .. L .. a part of A ... I had ignored him initially but he egged me to respond to his comments and finally I did which prompted me to check out who he really is. And what the "swimmer" had said about the late singer Marvin Rainwater is a figment of his wild imagination as a search of the singer's background did not come up with a case of attempted murder on him. :-)
    To "Swimmer" Mike: Concerning your latest comment about Marvin (see below), it's an interesting story but you should tell us more about it as the details you had given so far are a bit sketchy. :-)

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      Tony Russo Daniel Purifoy As my other thread has reached 500 comments, no more comments can be added there. I read about another RUclips user who has experienced the same situation. It's best if either of you start a new thread.

    • @tonyrusso1363
      @tonyrusso1363 9 лет назад

      LMNJason100 Okay.

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      Tony Russo It's time for either you or Daniel to start a new thread.

  • @columkenn
    @columkenn 11 дней назад


  • @kenvansanford6323
    @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад

    There is only one day described in the Bible that could lay claim to being " The Lords day," and that is the Sabbath. The Decalogue describes it as " the Sabbath of the Lord." Ex. 20:10. Isaiah tells us to call this day " the holy of the Lord." Isa. 58:13. Christ described Himself as " Lord also of the Sabbath." Mark 2:28. John had heard the Saviour utter these words. He knew also the words of the Decalogue and the words of Isaiah. How reasonable, then, to conclude that he meant the Sabbath when he said " Lords day..

  • @logicdon
    @logicdon 9 лет назад +1

    Amen, Amen, Amen, .... Indeed NOT the 10 suggestions or 10 recommendations .... the 4th being sealed and Holy.

    • @tonyrusso2382
      @tonyrusso2382 8 лет назад

      +logicdon --Sorry, logicdon, the Sabbath is not the seal of God, the Holy Spirit is the seal of God, Ephesians 1:13 and 4:30. The only thing the law can do is to condemn us, not seal us, "The wages of is death."

    • @tonyrusso2382
      @tonyrusso2382 8 лет назад

      +Donald Bailey You run in circles. You have stated you are not born again and you don't have a church home, so what is the purpose for your arguments? To argue for the sake of arguing? I hope you find Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit and have a wonderful relationship with heaven. God bless you.

    • @franciscoleonardo151
      @franciscoleonardo151 8 лет назад

      Wolf in sheep's clothes and a stoker of woman

  • @LMNJason100
    @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

    To Linda Anderson: "Swimmer" Mike had intentionally left out certain details of the case's verdict and here's the full text: (By the way, a copy of this verdict had also been sent to you as a private message due to its length but now it can finally be viewed here). And do remember to have a good look at "swimmer" Mike's ID if you & him ever meet up. :-)
    BOSSON, Judge.
    This case presents two interesting questions. The first is whether a court exercising criminal jurisdiction and acting sua sponte may include in its sentencing order an injunction against further criminal conduct. The second is whether the injunction, even if invalid, insulates Defendant from a contempt citation for its wilful violation. We hold that the district court's injunction exceeded its authority, but we nonetheless affirm the citation for contempt.
    Defendant was convicted in magistrate court of speeding, driving without proof of financial responsibility, driving without a current vehicle registration, and driving without a driver's license. NMSA 1978, §§ 66-3-19, 66-5-205, 66-7-301 (Cum.Supp.1993); and § 66-5-2 (Repl.Pamp.1989). He appealed to district court where he received a trial de novo. Defendant did not deny the charges. Instead, he argued that he had an inherent, inalienable right to drive without complying with license and registration requirements of the State. Defendant had been previously stopped, warned, and cited regarding similar infractions.
    *The district court found Defendant guilty of all charges. In addition to fines, the court issued an injunction prohibiting Defendant from operating his vehicle until he satisfied the licensing and registration requirements of the Motor Vehicle Code. Defendant refused to comply, and soon thereafter he was brought before the court for violation of the injunction. The judge found Defendant in contempt of court and sentenced him to six months in jail, suspending all but three days. Defendant appeals both the finding of contempt and the underlying injunction.*
    It is fundamental in New Mexico that when a district court exercises its criminal jurisdiction, it has only those powers to punish that are specifically prescribed by the legislature. See State v. Sparks, 102 N.M. 317, 324, 694 P.2d 1382, 1389 (Ct.App.1985). A court may not improvise or elaborate on that specific grant of power. In this case, the Motor Vehicle Code includes fines, incarceration, or both, within the potential sphere of punishment. See NMSA 1978, § 66-8-7 (Cum.Supp.1993). The legislature does not authorize courts to issue injunctions as an additional means of enforcing the Code. Therefore, the district court's injunction exceeded the authority prescribed by law. See State v. Charlton, 115 N.M. 35, 37-38, 846 P.2d 341, 343-44 (Ct.App.1992), cert. denied, 114 N.M. 577, 844 P.2d 827 (1993); State v. Crespin, 96 N.M. 640, 643, 633 P.2d 1238, 1241 (Ct.App.1981).
    The State suggests that authority lies in the constitutional grant of power to district courts to issue writs of injunction in
    [882 P.2d 59]
    exercise of their jurisdiction. See N.M. Const. art. VI, § 13. However, injunctive powers, as with other writs, must be properly invoked by legal process, which puts the party on notice and affords an opportunity to defend. See SCRA 1986, 1-065, 1-066 (Repl. 1992); In re Doe, 99 N.M. 517, 520-21, 660 P.2d 607, 610-11 (Ct.App.1983). For example, repeated illegal conduct and the threat to continue it, might justify a civil complaint for injunction, see Los Lunas Consol. Sch. Dist. No. 1 v. Zbur, 89 N.M. 454, 457, 553 P.2d 1261, 1264 (1976), or a suit to abate a public nuisance if there is a threat to the general public. See State v. Davis, 65 N.M. 128, 131-32, 333 P.2d 613, 615-16 (1958). However, there is nothing in the rules of procedure, civil or criminal, which authorizes a district court to issue an injunction on its own, without process and without prior notice. Nor can we read such a power into the state constitution.
    Having determined the district court lacked authority to issue its injunction, we must now decide whether that order was enforceable, nonetheless, by the court's contempt power. There is no question that New Mexico district courts have the power to hold a litigant in contempt for disobeying a direct order. See State ex rel. Bliss v. Greenwood, 63 N.M. 156, 315 P.2d 223 (1957); SCRA 1986, 5-902 (Repl.1992). This Court has only recently underscored the district court's use of its contempt power, where a person defies judicial authority instead of seeking redress through the appeal process or extraordinary writ. See Purpura v. Purpura, 115 N.M. 80, 83, 847 P.2d 314, 317 (Ct.App.), cert. denied, 115 N.M. 79, 847 P.2d 313 (1993); State v. Cherryhomes, 114 N.M. 495, 498, 840 P.2d 1261, 1264 (Ct.App.), cert. denied, 114 N.M. 501, 841 P.2d 549 (1992). This is the "collateral bar rule" under which litigants ignore a court order at their peril and may not attack the order collaterally when held in contempt.
    Defendant argues for an exception to the collateral bar rule. He claims the court's injunction, issued in the context of a criminal case, was not just erroneous, but an act in excess of its jurisdiction, and therefore void. In this case the district court had both personal and subject matter jurisdiction. Defendant had been cited for violations of the Motor Vehicle Code, see SCRA 1986, 6-201 (Repl.1990) (commencement of action in magistrate court), was personally before the district court, and the district court was hearing the case on appeal de novo from magistrate court. See SCRA 1986, 6-703 (Repl.1990). Therefore, the district court was armed with the two classic elements of jurisdiction to proceed with the case.
    However, New Mexico courts have, at times, spoken expansively of a third kind of jurisdictional defect, where a court exceeds its jurisdiction "even though it had jurisdiction of the parties and generally of the subject matter." See State ex rel. Miller v. Tackett, 68 N.M. 318, 322, 361 P.2d 724, 727 (1961). The focus is upon so-called "jurisdiction" to decide the particular question, rather than jurisdiction over the subject matter as a whole. See, e.g., Heckathorn v. Heckathorn, 77 N.M. 369, 423 P.2d 410 (1967); see also State v. Patten, 41 N.M. 395, 69 P.2d 931 (1937). Generally, discussion about acts in excess of jurisdiction is either a prelude to issuing a writ of prohibition, see State v. Zinn, 80 N.M. 710, 712, 460 P.2d 240, 242 (1969), or a justification for considering an issue for the first time on appeal, see State v. Orosco, 113 N.M. 780, 783, 833 P.2d 1146, 1149 (1992); State v. Sinyard, 100 N.M. 694, 695, 675 P.2d 426, 427 (Ct.App.1983), cert. denied, 100 N.M. 689, 675 P.2d 421 (1984). The analytical foundation of such cases goes back many years, and bears contemporary review. See In re Fullen, 17 N.M. 394, 128 P. 64 (1912).
    The notion of mere judicial error rising to the level of an act "in excess of jurisdiction" has been the subject of scholarly criticism. Zechariah Chafee, Jr., Some Problems of Equity 298-305 (1950); Dan B. Dobbs, Trial Court Error as an Excess of Jurisdiction, 43 Texas L.Rev. 854, 869-872 (1965); Doug Rendleman, More on Void Orders, 7 Ga. L.Rev. 246, 274 (1973). These and other commentators are of the view that much of the confusion between judicial error and acts "in excess of jurisdiction" arises from ancient limitations imposed upon the jurisdiction of
    [882 P.2d 60]
    equity courts. These concepts are now largely of historical interest only, given the merger of law and equity into one form of action. See SCRA 1986, 1-002 (Repl.1992), see also Patten, 41 N.M. at 397, 69 P.2d at 933.
    The modern view is generally to confine jurisdiction to its essentials, which are jurisdiction over the person and the subject matter. Rendleman, supra, at 274. The New Mexico Supreme Court has recently noted that, "`jurisdictional error' should be confined to instances in which the court was not competent to act and that it is inappropriate to equate jurisdictional error with other instances in which an error may be raised for the first time on appeal." See Orosco, 113 N.M. at 783, 833 P.2d at 1149. Our Supreme Court has also noted that, today, "`[j]urisdiction over the subject matter' is commonly treated as a unitary topic," placing in doubt the continued utility of a third category of jurisdiction, over the particular subject matter, where the court exceeds its grant of jurisdiction over the subject matter generally. Sundance Mechanical & Util. Corp. v. Atlas, 109 N.M. 683, 687, 789 P.2d 1250, 1254 (1990). "[A]t this stage in the development of the law one may doubt that the distinction serves any useful purpose." Id.
    Whatever the continuing validity may be of characterizing egregious judicial acts "in excess of jurisdiction," we decline to apply that notion to this case. Here, the district court had personal and subject matter jurisdiction, and therefore, the district court had the authority to proceed. The district court had the power to decide, even if in error. Therefore, the injunction is not subject to collateral attack. Defendant either had to appeal, seeking expedited judicial redress, or accept the order of the court. He did not have the right simply to ignore the court's ruling; in effect, to become his own judge and jury. "The method of correcting error is by appeal, and not by disobedience." Patten, 41 N.M. at 402, 69 P.2d at 935. Accordingly, under the collateral bar rule, Defendant is precluded from challenging his contempt citation by a collateral attack on the injunction.
    This affirmance should not, however, be misconstrued as granting undue judicial license in the area of contempt. Courts and commentators have questioned the outer limits of the collateral bar rule. For example, where fundamental constitutional liberties are subject to irremediable and irreparable harm, or where alternative avenues of judicial redress are simply not available given the press of time, the collateral bar rule may have to yield. See Cherryhomes, 114 N.M. at 498-99, 840 P.2d at 1265-66; see also Rendleman, supra, at 275-77. None of these concerns are at issue in this case, and therefore, they are not material to our affirmance. Nevertheless, courts should proceed with caution where fundamental rights and liberties are at stake.
    Defendant, pursuant to State v. Franklin, 78 N.M. 127, 129, 428 P.2d 982, 984 (1967), and State v. Boyer, 103 N.M. 655, 658-60, 712 P.2d 1, 4-6 (Ct.App.1985), raised vague issues regarding the State's lack of legal authority to require him to have a driver's license and vehicle registration. Because Defendant offers no citations in support of his position on these issues, we do not address them. See In re Adoption of Doe, 100 N.M. 764, 765, 676 P.2d 1329, 1330 (1984) (issues unsupported by cited authority will not be considered on appeal).
    We reverse the injunction entered by the district court as part of Defendant's sentence for violation of the Motor Vehicle Code. The finding of contempt is affirmed because the district court had jurisdiction, and, pursuant to the collateral bar rule, Defendant ignored that injunction at his peril.

  • @russcollins4762
    @russcollins4762 5 лет назад

    it is the Spirit of the Law not the letter of the law God knowa what is in your heart

  • @toddkeeran3479
    @toddkeeran3479 Год назад

    We must honor the Father, Who. Holds in His hand,our life. And all our ways. Pray that our flight will not take place in winter or on the sabbath. Ask the Father if his teachings were spoken through Jesus? Then. Turn to Jesus and abide in Him and He will reward you for what you have done.

  • @tecomaman
    @tecomaman 6 лет назад

    You never mention fellowship ,a day of fellowship with the body of Christ ,this is how to have quality time with Jesus ,you have lost the plot,I pray at home ,but maybe I need pray ,and what about 1 cor .12 and 14 .26-33 ???

  • @1stlovecom
    @1stlovecom 12 лет назад

    do you know what is Leviticus mean?

  • @rickhuntling7338
    @rickhuntling7338 6 лет назад

    ISIAH 66 IS NOT SABBATH. The word says we willl atend the sabbath feast in jerusalem .It is not speaking of corporate worship. on saturday. The Law never says to have corporate worship on the 7th day but to stay in your place on the sabbath.

  • @kkDaddy
    @kkDaddy 3 года назад

    so Saturday is the Sabbath?

    • @e11evenMinistries
      @e11evenMinistries  3 года назад

      Sabbath begins at sunset Friday and ends at sunset Saturday. A day in Jewish times was from sunset to sunset. God bless!!

    • @kkDaddy
      @kkDaddy 3 года назад

      @@e11evenMinistries thank you!

  • @onetruefaith5750
    @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад

    Hebrews 4:7-9. Can a 1863 "man made" SDA please tell me how per verse 7 "AGAIN HE SETS A CERTAIN DAY" and per verse 8 "GOD would not speak later of ANOTHER DAY" with the conclusion in verse 9 somehow mean the "same day" to you guys???

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад

      One cannot even remotely understand the NEW COVENANT without properly understanding the old covenant, i.e. all the other various covenants (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Mosaic, David, Levi), and all the covenant promises being “fulfilled” by Jesus Christ.
      Are you aware Jesus was prophesized to be a NEW MOSES? Deuteronomy 18:18.
      Leading a NEW EXODUS like Moses through “water (Baptism) and Spirit (Laying of Hands)” John 3:5 fulfilling Ezekiel 36:25-27 prophecy being “reborn” no longer liturgically bound by the old “written” covenant law (Baptism is per Romans 6:3-13 and explained in Romans 7:6)???
      Establishing a NEW ISRAEL by choosing “12 Apostles” to represent the “12 Tribes” and gathering them all into the “NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH” where “ALL MANKIND” can come to worship Him (both Jew and Gentile alike) fulfilling Isaiah 66:22-23 prophecy???
      Through Jesus Christ the NEW ADAM (Romans 5:12-18) we become part of the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15) as “adopted” sons and daughters of GOD (Galatians 4:4-7)???
      How like Moses Jesus went up on a mountain and gave us NEW LAW in the NEW COVENANT that “fulfill” (Matthew 5:17, Romans 13:8, 10, Galatians 5:14), elevate and “perfect” the old covenant laws (Matthew 5:1-12 and especially John 13:34, 15:12, 15:17, 1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2)???
      Aware that Jesus Christ transformed the Exodus 12:14 “forever” GOD commanded passover in the upper Room in the “Last Supper” into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19-20) replacing the lamb in all the Synoptic Gospel accounts (Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20) with Himself by becoming the “Lamb of GOD” (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1 :19) for “Death to Passover” (John 6:54)???
      Giving us a NEW SABBATH as the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER "fulfills" all the Leviticus 23 "forever" GOD commanded Feasts that point to what "day" in Leviticus 23:11,15 and verse 21 "on the same day" with a “day of rest”, and verse 39??? Further, see “AGAIN HE SET A CERTAIN DAY” and “another day” per Hebrews 4:7-9 with what conclusion in verse 9???
      Aware that Jesus gave us a NEW PRIESTHOOD as He fulfilled His Father’s “forever” WORD (Exodus 29:7-9, Exodus 40:15, 1 Chronicles 23:13), covenant promise to Levi (Numbers 25:12-13, Malachi 2:4-7), and NEW COVENANT PROMISE (Jeremiah 33:14-22) to take in some “Gentile” priests (Isaiah 66:21) so it will no longer be based on tribal lineage??? Are you aware an old covenant Jew could not go directly to GOD to receive His forgiveness for his personal sins??? Leviticus 5:5-6 and Numbers 5:5-9. The same is true in the NEW COVENANT as the ONE MEDIATOR gave what “power” to His Church in Matthew 16:19, 18:18 and specifically stated to newly certain ordained “men” in John 20:21-23???
      Aware Jesus Christ gave His very self to us as the NEW MANNA in the Holy Eucharist (John 6:31-35) to sustain us until we reach the NEW PROMISED LAND (Heaven)???
      Doubts about the “real presence” of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist??? If the old covenant is a mere “shadow” of the revelation in Jesus Christ (Hebrews 10:1), then what do you believe the “forever” liturgically GOD commanded “Bread of the Presence” (Exodus 25:30, Leviticus 24:5-9) becomes in the NEW COVENANT???

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад

      Where is Pope in the Bible???
      The Pope or Biblically known as GOD’s “ONE SHEPHERD, MY SERVANT DAVID” “LINE” or “Descendants” can be found in five New Covenant prophecies: Jeremiah 33:14-22, Psalm 89:29, 36-37, Isaiah 22:21-22, Ezekiel 34:23 and Ezekiel 37:24-26.
      Jeremiah 33:14-22 “Behold, the DAYS ARE COMING, says the Lord, WHEN I WILL FULFILL THE PROMISE I MADE to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring forth for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will dwell securely. And this is the name by which it will be called: ‘The Lord is our righteousness.’ For thus says the Lord: DAVID SHALL NEVER LACK A MAN TO SIT ON THE THRONE of the house of Israel, and the LEVITICAL PRIESTS SHALL NEVER LACK A MAN IN MY PRESENCE to offer burnt offerings, to burn cereal offerings, and TO MAKE SACRIFICES FOREVER…….If you can break my covenant with the day and my covenant with the night, so that day and night will not come at their appointed time, then also my covenant with DAVID MY SERVANT may be broken, SO THAT HE SHALL NOT HAVE A SON TO REIGN ON HIS THRONE, AND MY COVENANT WITH THE LEVITICAL PRIESTS MY MINISTERS. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered and the sands of the sea cannot be measured, SO I WILL MULTIPLY THE DESCENDANTS OF DAVID MY SERVANT, AND THE LEVITICAL PRIEST WHO MINISTER TO ME.”
      Isaiah 22:21-22 “I will clothe him with your robe, and will bind your belt on him, and will commit your AUTHORITY TO HIS HAND; and he shall be a FATHER to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah. And I WILL PLACE ON HIS SHOULDER THE KEY OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID; HE SHALL OPEN AND NONE SHALL SHUT; AND HE SHALL SHUT AND NONE SHALL OPEN”. What does Jesus Christ say to Peter in Matthew 16:18-19??? “I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. I WILL GIVE YOU THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, AND WHATEVER YOU BIND ON EARTH SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN, AND WHATEVER YOU LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN”.
      Ezekiel 34:23 Thus, says the Lord in context - “And I WILL SET OVER THEM ONE SHEPHERD, MY SERVANT DAVID, and HE SHALL FEED THEM; HE SHALL FEED THEM AND BE THEIR SHEPHERD”. Yes, this is initially referencing Jesus Christ, but notice these exact words in this prophecy mentioned to Peter alone in John 21:15-17 to the eventual “SON TO REIGN ON HIS THRONE” and is instructed to do what three times ??? Jesus says to Peter alone “FEED MY LAMBS”, “TEND MY SHEEP”, and “FEED MY SHEEP”.
      Ezekiel 37:24-26. Thus says the Lord in context - “MY SERVANT DAVID SHALL BE KING OVER THEM; and they shall all have ONE SHEPHERD. They shall follow my ordinances and be care to observe my statutes”. Then in verse 26 “I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them; and I WILL BLESS THEM AND MULTIPLY THEM, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them forever more”
      We have in Matthew 16:18-19 Jesus Christ fulfilling all these prophecies by establishing ONE SHEPERD in Peter by passing the “keys” of authority of His ONE and ONLY established CHURCH to him. From Peter what do we see throughout the course of history, but a “multiplication of DESCENDANTS”:
      GOD does keep His covenant promises in His ONE HISTORICAL, BIBLICAL, and LITURGICAL CHURCH: the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
      Now, what does GOD say would not “shine” if His covenant with David was “broken” in Jeremiah 33:20-22??? Better start thanking GOD and His ONE and ONLY Church’s “multiplication of DESCENDANTS” “on a throne” for the sun still shining upon you.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад +1

      +Donald Bailey
      I will gladly now walk you through the Book of Revelation to show how False Teachers spread “outright lies” to get you to hate the ONE TRUE FAITH or the only Church established by Jesus Christ: the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Book of Revelation was placed in the back of the Bible for a reason by the “authority” that put the Bible together. The assumption is that you read ALL the preceding Books, so a PROPER INTERPRETATION can be made in a very complex and multilayered book.
      Are you aware that BOTH Jerusalem and Rome have “7 Hills” ??? Google Jerusalem and “7 Hills”. Are you aware “666” was NERO’s name spelled out in Hebrew ??? Are you aware NERO was the one who killed St. Peter and St. Paul along with many other saints ??? Are you aware the Roman Empire Caesars wanted and demanded to be viewed as “GODS” otherwise face death ??? Are you aware the Roman coins were referenced as the “mark of the Beast” because the graven images of the Caesars and were required to be worshipped as GODs ??? Are you aware from the Jewish understanding anything coming “out of the sea” represented pagan Gentiles???
      Are you aware anything that came out of “the land” was referring to the Jewish Faith ??? Are you aware in the OT repeatedly the Jewish Faith is called a “harlot” (Exodus 34:16, Leviticus 20:5-6, Numbers 25:1, **Deuteronomy 31:16, **Judges 2:17, **Judges 8:27, 33, 1 Chronicles 5:25 and I could go on and on) because of repeatedly accepting and worshipping pagan GODs and how they did commit idolatry and adultery in GOD’s eyes as the prophets repeatedly told the Jewish leaders over the centuries ???
      What old covenant “harlot” wore “fine linen” of “gold, blue, and purple and scarlet” Exodus 28:5-6, 8, 39:8 ???
      In the Book of Revelations what “same colors” are part of the description of the “harlot” in Revelation 17:4, 18:12, 18:16???
      Now, are you aware that it is a HISTORICAL FACT the “harlot” (Jewish Faith) rode the “beast”(Roman Empire) teaming up to kill not only our Lord (John 19:15), but the saints of the Early Church ??? Further in Matthew 24:34, Jesus Christ correctly predicted within one generation (40 years) JUDGMENT upon Israel would happen - foretold the destruction of the Temple in CONTEXT (Matthew 24:2) - where the “beast” (Roman Empire) would end up devouring the “harlot” (Jewish Faith) in 70AD by destroying the Jewish Temple and over a million of Jews killed.
      How about Revelation 17:13-14 where "THE LAMB WILL CONQUER THEM"??? Where the "beast" Roman Empire leadership was located in Rome, now where is Jesus Christ's throne and "descendants on a throne" fulfilling Jeremiah 33:21-22 NEW COVENANT PROPHECY heading His church located at showing the "Lamb did CONQUER"???
      Now, let’s finish using a little logic and Bible sense. Does it make any sense St. John would prophecy AGAINST the ONE and ONLY Church created by Jesus Christ at the time of his writing the Book of Revelation??? Second, would St. John prophesy against the ONE and ONLY FAITH that can give out Jesus’s Body and Blood for ETERNAL LIFE that he wrote about in John 6:54 and instead encourage people to walk away from Jesus’s Body and Blood becoming like those in John 6:53 ??? Makes absolutely no logical or Biblical sense whatsoever. My brother or sister, you have been repeatedly “lied” to in order to blind you from TRUTH and to get you to hate what is the ONE and ONLY TRUE FAITH. I pray for your eyes to become open to this FACT and TRUTH.
      We know false teachers are known by their “fruit” and in this case it is “out right lies”.

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад

      Please help me understand how a Protestant can believe in an invisible GOD who created an extremely complex universe, our world, and man (Genesis 1:1-31). Believe GOD flooded the whole Earth and only saved Noah and his family along with some animals aboard the Ark (Genesis 6:11-7:24). Believe GOD interceded with man again and caused different languages to form at Babel (Genesis 11:7). Believe GOD interceded and allowed a 99 year old man and 90 year old woman to conceive a son Isaac (Genesis 17:17-21). Believe GOD appeared to Abraham as “three men” (Genesis 18:1-2). Believe GOD rained down “brimstone and fire” upon Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24). Believe GOD revealed Himself and spoke to Moses as a “burning bush” (Exodus 3:4). Performed miracles and plagues to deliver the sons of Israel from Egyptian bondage (Exodus chapters 7-13). Believe the Lord “went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire” (Exodus 13:21). “Saves” the sons of Israel through the separated Red Sea “water” and leading them through with the cloud “Spirit” (Exodus 14:21-28). Believes GOD when He stated “I will rain bread from heaven for you” giving the sons of Israel “Daily Heavenly Manna” (Exodus 16:4). Believe GOD provides life giving “water” from “a Rock” (Exodus 17:6). GOD’s presence “dwells” in the tent of meeting (Exodus 29:45). Believe Jesus performed the miracle of turning water into wine (John 2:7-10). But, a Protestant faith runs “dry” when it comes to transubstantiation in the Holy Eucharist when a Holy Priest uses the exact same words the “WORD THAT BECAME FLESH” used during the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER INSTITUTION (Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, Luke 22:19-20)??? How is that even remotely logically consistent???
      Let’s examine how Jesus responded to the Jews in John 6:60 and to a Protestant’s current disbelief. Jesus states as the “Lamb of GOD” (John 1:29, 1 Corinthians 5:7, 1 Peter 1:19) that during the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19-20) one must eat His BODY AND BLOOD FOR ETERNAL LIFE (John 6:54) or for “Death to Passover”. Everyone (John 6:60) and even Jesus’s Apostles (John 6:67) had a “hard” time believing this difficult teaching in John 6:54 and in His follow up words in John 6:55.
      Put yourself in Jesus’s shoes, what would you do responding to people disbelieving you??? Wouldn’t you want to provide some “proof” or “evidence” to get them to believe you??? In context of not being believed (John 6:60), what “proof” will Jesus give them and to your current unbelief to get you to believe in John 6:62???

    • @onetruefaith5750
      @onetruefaith5750 8 лет назад

      *****​ What does Protestant false teachers have to spread to HIDE THE FACT AND TRUTH THEY HAVEABSOLUTELY NO HISTORY BACK TO JESUS CHRIST OR BEYOND A 1500'S" MAN " MARTIN LUTHER ??? Absolute lies and propaganda.
      Now, the original Passover that was commanded to be "forever" by God in Exodus 12:14, could a Hebrew or later Jew refuse or only “ symbolically ” eat the lamb and have “ death Passover” per Exodus 12:8???
      Yes or No as there is no duplicity with God. Not sure, then ask any Jew who is still "forever " celebrating the original Passover that Jesus Christ transformed into the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER.

  • @rsthornberry
    @rsthornberry 6 лет назад

    wow; so he was picking up sticks and he got the death penalty; but they picked up stones and nothing happened to them????

  • @kac0404
    @kac0404 3 года назад +1

    Jesus kept the Sabbath. He lived under the Law Moses. "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law" (Galatians 4:4). As an observant Jew, Jesus was circumcised (Luke 2:21.) He kept the Passover (Luke 22:15). There is no mention of his observing the Sabbath after his resurrection, even though he remained on the earth for some 40 days. That would include at least five Sabbath days.
    The reason we find no further observance of the Sabbath is seen in the fact that the Sabbath and other Old Testament observances were abolished at the death of Christ. "When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him. Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ" (Colossians 2:13-17).
    The Scripture says Christ took the decrees out of the way, having nailed them to the cross. Therefore, we are not to be judged any more concerning food or drink (dietary laws), or the observance of special days (including Sabbath days) or seasons. One commentary states: "The word 'judge' here is used in the sense of pronouncing a sentence. The meaning is, `since you have thus been delivered by Christ from the evils which surrounded you; since you have been freed from the observances of the law, let no one sit in judgment on you, or claim the right to decide for you in those matters'" (Albert Barnes). The apostle Paul, by inspiration declares that the Sabbath day has no more significance to us any more than the feast days, etc. We do not live under the Old Testament system at this time.

    • @e11evenMinistries
      @e11evenMinistries  3 года назад +2

      You are misguided on your beliefs of the sabbath. It was never abolished at the cross. There were 2 “laws”, the ceremonial laws that were written by Moses and Aaron and related to how Israel should be governed because the nation was a theocracy. Those ceremonial laws were nailed to the cross because they looked forward to Christ thus when he completed his sacrifice on the cross those laws were no longer needed because he became the fulfillment of them. The 10 commandments on the other hand, written by the hand of God are still binding to this day. The ceremonial laws (Moses laws) were kept in the side of the Ark of the covenant whereas the 10 commandments were written on tablets of stone and kept inside the Ark.
      Here is what Jesus said when asked about “The Law”….Matthew 5:17-19, NIV. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven."
      Whenever persons say the law was abolished they always only refer to the sabbath. What about the others? Is it ok to murder, commit adultery, covet etc? However it’s ok to not keep the Sabbath? God bless!!

    • @kac0404
      @kac0404 3 года назад +2

      @@e11evenMinistries Misguided beliefs? To begin with, the Bible does not use the expressions moral law or ceremonial law. That does not necessarily mean the concepts are not there, but it is interesting. Looking further, the suggested distinctions do not hold up in Biblical usage.
      The expressions law of Moses and law of God are used interchangeably. Ezra brought “the book of the law of Moses” to read (Nehemiah 8:1), yet in v. 8 that same book is called “the law of God.” In describing the events of Jesus’s birth, Luke says, “And when the days for their purification according to the Law of Moses were completed, they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord (as it is written in the Law of the Lord, ‘Every firstborn male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord’), and to offer a sacrifice according to what was said in the Law of the Lord, ‘A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons’” (Luke 2:22-24).
      Since Luke cited the sacrificial regulations of Leviticus 12 as “the Law of the Lord,” it is obvious that the law of God was broader than the Ten Commandments; it included sacrificial laws as well. See 2 Chronicles 31:2-4 for a similar example, or the events of 2 Chronicles 34.
      The Bible says the law of Moses was given by God (Ezra 7:6), and the Law of the Lord was given by Moses (2 Chronicles 34:14).

    • @kac0404
      @kac0404 3 года назад +2

      @@e11evenMinistries ▸ Keeping the sabbath was part of the law that Christ took away. “He . . . canceled out the certificate of death consisting of decrees against us . . .; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ” (Colossians 2:14-17). Christians are no more obligated to keep the sabbath than the other Old Testament festivals or its food and drink regulations! In fact, we are warned against going back to the Law to justify our practices. To do so severs us from Christ (Galatians 5:1-4).
      ▸ Death was the God-given penalty for not keeping the sabbath. “Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to the Lord; whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death” (Exodus 31:14-15). If, as some suggest, we should still keep the sabbath because of what is said in these Old Testament references, should we enforce the penalty that these same references require?
      Let us be content to leave the Sabbath where God put it, part of His ancient covenant with the nation of Israel, a covenant that has been replaced by the gospel of Christ.

    • @kac0404
      @kac0404 3 года назад +2

      @@e11evenMinistries Is there really a difference between “the law of Moses” and “the law of God,” as some claim? Consider this example. After the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary took Him to the temple in Jerusalem to offer a sacrifice and present Him to the Lord. They did this “according to the law of Moses” (Luke 2:22), or, “As it is written in the law of the Lord” (2:23). In these verse, “the law of Moses” and “the law of the Lord (God)” are the same. The quotation in Luke 2:23 is from Leviticus chapter 12. Please note: what is said in Leviticus 12 about such sacrifices is NOT part of the ten commandments, yet the Holy Spirit calls this command part of “the law of the Lord.” Therefore, the law of the Lord or law of God included more than the ten commandments. Consider also Nehemiah 8:1,7,8,13,14,18. In these verses the Holy Spirit records that Ezra read to the Israelites from a book, and the message which he read to them is called “the law of Moses,” “the law,” “the law of God,” and “the law which the Lord had commanded by Moses.” Obviously, the law of Moses and the law of God are one. Thus, when the Bible says that Jesus abolished the law, it means all of the Old Testament law, including the Sabbath.

  • @doreenhuntington-oo5px
    @doreenhuntington-oo5px 18 дней назад


  • @onetruefaith2091
    @onetruefaith2091 8 лет назад

    Hosea 2:11 and who is truly the Biblical "harlot" per GOD in Deuteronomy 31:16-17??? What "day" did they worship on in the "OLD COVENANT"???

    • @pearlstanley2581
      @pearlstanley2581 8 лет назад

      +One True Faith
      Re: > Deuteronomy 31:16-17???
      Deut. 31:6-22. the Lord said unto Moses, … this people will rise up- Moses was distinctly apprised of the infidelity of Israel, their corruptions of the true religion through intercourse with the idolatrous inhabitants of Canaan (Amos 5:25-27), and their chastisements in consequence of those national defections.

    • @onetruefaith2091
      @onetruefaith2091 8 лет назад

      Pearl Stanley Who was being spoken of in Deuteronomy??? Sorry, can't blame the Catholic Church or the NEW ISRAEL as it was not created yet by Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, chew on this and I pray someday it will be the "Lamb of GOD" for ETERNAL LIFE (John 6:54) in His ONE and ONLY established Church.
      The NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19-20) must "fulfill" all of GOD's old covenant "forever" Leviticus Chapter 23 Feast commands, otherwise that would make GOD out to be something different than WHO HE TRULY IS.
      Examine all the Leviticus Chapter 23 "forever" Feasts. What "day" are they commanded on: Leviticus 23:11-14, 15, verse 21 "ON THE SAME DAY" now with an added "forever" day of rest, verse 39 "First" and "Eighth day" with again a “solemn rest”. Additionally, we have the Passover “forever” commanded in Exodus 12:14, the Unleavened Bread Feast “forever” commanded in Exodus 12:17 which is the same duration of "7 Days" just like the “7 Day” Tabernacle Feast in Leviticus 23:36.
      How does all these "forever" Feasts and "dates" get reconciled in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER???
      Well, Jesus the "Lamb of GOD" compares Himself to the "daily" manna in John 6:31-35. Further, in the "OUR FATHER" prayer Jesus commands "give us this DAY OUR DAILY BREAD". Not any normal bread being spoken here, but the "BREAD OF LIFE" that Jesus repeats about Himself 3 times in John Chapter 6. Before, the bread becomes through the "WORD THAT BECAME FLESH" very own Words that which is for ETERNAL LIFE (John 6:54) being His Body and Blood.
      Now, the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER being commanded "daily" or for “7 days” every week, and with a day of rest on the "First" and "Eighth" days being one in the same SUNDAY completely makes any "forever" Feast dates a moot point. And, the Catholic Church celebrates Mass with "Unleavened Bread" for "7 Days" thereby honors ALL OF GOD'S "FOREVER" COMMANDS. GOD IS TRULY AMAZING AS WELL AS HIS ONE AND ONLY HISTORICAL, BIBLICAL, AND LITURGICAL CHURCH HE CREATED IN AND THROUGH JESUS CHRIST: ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH.
      Do you know another thing really cool and amazing??? In the Old Testament, circumcision was the "mark" for GOD's people in the "everlasting covenant" with Abraham and commanded to be performed on what "day" in Genesis 17:12??? In the NEW COVENANT, BAPTISM replaced circumcision as the "NEW MARK" for the "born again" children of GOD and what "day" should that be on per GOD???
      What "day" do we become as a "First Born Son" in the NEW CREATION (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 6:15) through Christ Jesus truly being “reborn” again with Him on His resurrection and “adopted” (Galatians 4:4-7) into GOD’s family?

    • @pearlstanley2581
      @pearlstanley2581 8 лет назад

      +One True Faith
      Re: > His ONE and ONLY established Church.
      You mean by HIS, Simon The Sorcerer! Anyway, NOW that Simon The Sorcerer ONE UNHOLY APOSTATE Church has many offshoot abominations, whoops, I mean, Denominations, as ALL came out of that One unholy APOSTATE Church, The RCC, and those offshoot churches are aka PROTESTANTS who PROTESTED some of the RCC Doctrines. After they came out in PROTEST, they began to protest each other's beliefs & this is WHY we have ALL the different Abomination churches, ALL CLAIMING TO BE CHRISTIAN!! Satan is very happy about this & for many reasons!!!

    • @onetruefaith2091
      @onetruefaith2091 8 лет назад

      Pearl Stanley I forgot you 1863 "man made" SDA followers are lied to stating the Catholic Church was established in 325AD or later.
      We see Jesus Christ fulfilling Jeremiah 33:14-22 NEW COVENANT prophecy in Matthew 16:18-19 by passing the "keys" of authority to Peter alone and what do we see throughout the course of History but a "multiplication of DESCENDANTS)"on a throne" in Jesus Christ's ONE and ONLY established Church:
      So, can you count HOW MANY POPES there were BEFORE 325AD???
      Got to be asking yourself what else has my 1863 "man made" church been lying to me about???

    • @onetruefaith2091
      @onetruefaith2091 8 лет назад

      Pearl Stanley Please pay attention to this Bible Study.
      In the Book of Hebrews Chapter 10 in context the author was talking to “baptized” Christians (Hebrews 10:22) telling them to not be “neglecting to meet together” in “the Church” - being the ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Why “the Church”???
      What does Sacred Scriptures clearly say “IF WE SIN DELIBERATELY” or willfully break any of the commandments whether the old (10 Commandments) or NEW (Laws of LOVE or refusing to LOVE as Christ commands per John 13:34)??? If “THERE NO LONGER REMAINS A SACRIFICE FOR SINS, BUT A FEARFUL PROSPECT OF JUDGMENT”, then how does one obtain reconciliation with GOD again???
      We must examine the old covenant to fully understand the NEW COVENANT. In Leviticus 5:5-6 and Numbers 5:5-9 we can understand what an old covenant Jew had to do to receive GOD's forgiveness. Additionally, GOD in the Books of Leviticus and Numbers any time personal “sin” is mentioned you will read over and over again “THUS THE PRIEST SHALL MAKE ATONEMENT FOR A MAN’S SINS AND IT WILL BE FORGIVEN” (Lev 4:20, 4:26, 4:31,4:35, 5:6, 5:10, 5:13, 5:16, 5:18, 6:7, 7:7, 12:8, 14:18, 14:19, 14:20, 14:29, 14:31, 15:15, 15:30, 16:32, 16:33, 19:22 Num. 6:11,15:25, and 15:28). In the old covenant, GOD uses ordained “men”, the Leviticus Priesthood, to administer His forgiveness.
      Now, does GOD keep His WORD and covenant promises??? GOD promises to have a perpetual priesthood per His covenant in Numbers 25:12-13 and Malachi 2:4-7 and has WORDS of “forever” in Exodus 29:7-9, 40:15, and 1 Chronicles 23:13. Then, GOD promises to have a perpetual priesthood in Jeremiah 33:14-22 NEW COVENANT PROPHECY. Additionally, in context of “gathering the nations” in Isaiah 66:18 GOD states in Isaiah 66:21 “some of them also I will take for priests” meaning no longer based on Levi tribal lineage in the NEW COVENANT. In John Chapter 13, we see Jesus Christ fulfilling His Father’s Levi Covenant promise and Malachi 3:3 prophecy, when He sits down in the upper room “purifying” the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD with a “washing”. This “washing” was a “forever” priestly liturgical GOD command in Exodus 30:21 in order to perform any altar work or sacrifice.
      What “same” power does the Son of GOD give to His ONE and ONLY established Church or “the Church” per Matthew 16:19, 18:18 and specifically explained to the NEW COVENANT PRIESTHOOD by Jesus in John 20:21-23??? In 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 St. Paul describes what Jesus Christ did was He “GAVE US THE MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION” and concluded “SO WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST”. An “ambassador” wields what kind of power as an “official representative” of Christ or more specifically explained in “the Church” as “persona Christi”???
      Please come to your real home and be “reconciled” to “the Church” HIS ONE BODY (Ephesians 4:4-6). What did Jesus Christ create, pray for in John 17:21-23 and die for??? If you really LOVE Jesus Christ, then you will respond to His prayer and join the “ONENESS” that He created. The “Lamb of GOD” wants to unite with you in the NEW COVENANT PASSOVER (Luke 22:19) in His ONE and ONLY established Church, so we all can be “perfectly ONE”. May GOD richly bless you on your journey.

  • @kenvansanford6323
    @kenvansanford6323 10 лет назад +2

    Acts 20:7. If you read futher Acts 2:46. They broke bread house to house. Daily ..

    • @protiebuster
      @protiebuster 10 лет назад

      to bad you don't follow their example the catholic church does

    • @protiebuster
      @protiebuster 9 лет назад

      ***** Brake Bread means the Eucharist moron

    • @protiebuster
      @protiebuster 9 лет назад

      ***** that's right moron Eucharist

    • @protiebuster
      @protiebuster 9 лет назад

      ***** cant get more loon than ellen white and her gaggle of buffoons

    • @protiebuster
      @protiebuster 8 лет назад

      ***** idiot

  • @steffigrace9928
    @steffigrace9928 9 лет назад

    it makes me so uncomfortable to see Michael Phelps, Linda Anderson and Ken in every comment section of doug's video... it's full of their comments.

    • @steffigrace9928
      @steffigrace9928 9 лет назад

      ***** dude. i commented with a simple single vague statement and your replies are outrageous. Full of assumptions about people and stuffs. I admire your firm stand on your religious views & passion about whatever you believe in (i didn't really read your comments) but i'm mostly disturbed. i hope your functional outside these.

    • @steffigrace9928
      @steffigrace9928 9 лет назад

      no, i'm disturbed by HOW you respond to people and the amount of it in every video of Doug's.

  • @kenvansanford6323
    @kenvansanford6323 9 лет назад +1

    Protie. Don't think so. I can walk in a catholic church. Open one of their Bibles. Look at the 10 Commandments. Catholic church has pull the 4th Commandments that deals with the Sabbath . And took I believe the 9 th. And cut in half to make 10 Commandments. The church is evil. And catholic pray to the saints. And pray to Mary.

  • @estreetman1
    @estreetman1 5 лет назад

    Why did God leave out the wife when He was listing who was not to work? Children, serpents
    Why did God leave out the wifes when he gave the list of who could not work? Children, serpents, strangers dwelling amongst them but not the wives. I thought it was because of taking care of infants. Thank you and bless your ministry.

  • @loricalass4068
    @loricalass4068 8 лет назад

    I worry for SDAs because it seems they often think that if they go to Church on Saturday that they are keeping the Sabbath. No, not at all. Church is a Greek translation of ecclesia and simply means a gathering of believers The Bible never says to go to Church on any day. It says to rest from sundown Fri. to sundown Sat. and to even have our servants rest. Yet, after Saturday Church, how many SDAers go out to eat or shop where others have to wait on them? How often are people in their Churches cooking hot meals for after Church services when the Bible says not to cook on the Sabbath? (Picnic style eating is the way to go.) Also they are not uncommonly making cash transactions on the Sabbath and in Isaiah we see that is forbidden. Then they watch Netflix or do whatever they want. Again in Isaiah we are told that the Sabbath is to be set apart, holy, to YHWH, aka God, and we are not to go after our own desires and pleasures. Aren't SDAers also generally keeping the pagan holidays of Christmas and Easter? Why aren't they keeping the true holy days in the Bible which we are told are "for all generations. Rhetorical Qs but those in the Upper Room were not celebrating the RCC "holiday" of Pentecost. They were celebrating the high holy day of Shavuot when the Holy Spirit came down.

    • @loricalass4068
      @loricalass4068 8 лет назад

      ***** I most certainly am keeping Passover. I had a day of rest yesterday as commanded (easy since this year, as you are aware, since it coincides with a weekly Sabbath.) I had my unleavened bread today, etc.
      The point is not what I do or I do not do, however, the point is what does the WORD command us to do? "YHWH never changes."
      The Apostles kept the Law of Moses. See Acts 21, KJV, as just one example. Secular, RCC and Protestant 1st century historians all agree that the early believers kept the holy days, the food laws (see Acts 15), the new moons, and of course the Sabbath. Sacrifice was still going on until 70 A.D. when the Temple was destroyed. See Actts 21 again.
      I keep the Torah as much as I can. There is now no Temple and the Levitical priesthood has been scattered to the winds since its destruction. However, when the Temple was destroyed before that, the Israelites kept the Law as best as they could in captivity. When they returned to Israel they were able to keep the Law in full.
      Those of us today who want to keep the Law, the Torah, have even more of a tough time doing so than they did in Babylon. There are many laws that require a priest to be carried out properly, for ex. The Israelites in captivity at least had the priests.
      We see in the Old Testament that in the New Millenium sacrifices will be going on, as well as observance of high holy days. "YHWH never changes." When He says "for all generations" He means it. He means everything He says.
      Right now, with no Temple and no Levitical priesthood it is not possible to keep all of the Law. Again, one does the best one can. I'm sure you agree we don't commit adultery or steal now, just because the Temple is no longer standing.
      I am what is called Messianic, though I prefer the term Torah observant. Many of us have discovered that traditions of men have kept us from being obedient to what the Bible clearly tells us to do.
      If you want to check that out in a very scholarly way I can't recommend a better series than 119 Ministries' The Pauline Paradox.
      And btw if you hear that the Law was too difficult to keep, that is a tradition of men, nowhere in the Bible. For ex. the parents of John the Baptist are described as being perfect in keeping the Law.
      Yahushuah, aka Jesus, said that not the slightest stroke of the pen would be changed from the Law and the Prophets until Heaven and earth pass away. Both are still here.

    • @loricalass4068
      @loricalass4068 8 лет назад

      ***** Yes, but keeping the holy days and the food laws are also part of the Law. Messiah said not the slightest mark of the pen would be done away with in the prophets and the Law "until Heaven and earth pass away."

    • @loricalass4068
      @loricalass4068 8 лет назад

      ***** It ain't smart, for sure.

    • @loricalass4068
      @loricalass4068 8 лет назад

      ***** Oh I was just agreeing that it is not the smartest path to ignore Biblical guidelines.

    • @mark9531
      @mark9531 8 лет назад

      ***** Good evening Donald. I hope you are well.
      "IF You are, then You ARE RARE, i.e., IF You "KEPT" it! :-)"
      -First you would have to know if the 23rd WAS, indeed, the first day of Unleavened Bread, which would be a Sabbath.
      You would *KNOW* that if two priest appeared on the porch of the temple in Jerusalem, and blew two *SOLID SILVER* trumpets.
      Otherwise, you wouldn't have a clue.
      -Then, along with one lamb sacrificed on the morning, and one lamb sacrificed in the evening, the priest would sacrifice 2 lambs in the morning and 2 lambs in the evening.
      -PLUS, for a sacrifice for each day of unleavened bread, the priests would sacrifice 7 additional lambs, 2 bullucks, 2 rams and 1 young goat for a sin offering.
      -Then ALL, ALL, ALL, ALL devout *Jews* (yes I said Jews) would have a holy convocation in Jerusalem and eat no leavened bread.
      If *THAT* is what you did on the first day of Unleavened Bread, then you had a FEAST, and OBEYED the commandments of God.
      *IF, IF, IF, IF* you did *ANYTHING* else, or left *ANY* of these sacrifices out, then you were disobedient to the commandments of God.
      I, me, mark9531, a Christian, was 100% obedient to God's commandments.
      I, me, mark9531, a Christian, obeyed the Law, EXACTLY as it was written.
      *I DID NOTHING* And THAT is why i was obedient.
      If you are a JEW, you have ONE thing to do on the feast days: ONE THING:
      That's it. And you are 100% obedient.
      Now, I DARE you to ask me to prove that from scripture. I DARE YOU.
      You won't because you don't WANT to know what the Bible says. You are perfectly satisfied with the traditions of men.

  • @alvarohernandez2764
    @alvarohernandez2764 10 лет назад

    What is he reading? Where does the bible say the sabath should start and end with worship??

    • @jcerby03
      @jcerby03 10 лет назад

      He is giving his suggestion there and backing why he suggest that with examples from the bible. through out the sermon he repeats in some parts that he "is taking some quotes" or "speaking by permission not authority". How exactly to keep the Sabbath is a widely debatable issue and people tend to eliminate everything or make everything ok, so he is giving his suggestions

    • @alvarohernandez2764
      @alvarohernandez2764 10 лет назад

      Wanna know how to keep the Sabbath God instructed? Start with the calendar He instructed marked by constellation (Hebrew calendar), follow high Sabaths after feasts in the day instructed by God, and don't forget about your year Sabbath, where the whole year you are to do no work. Good luck becoming a Jew.

    • @jcerby03
      @jcerby03 10 лет назад

      well the 10 commandments says remember the sabbath day and specifies in the commandment that it is the 7th day out of a 7 day week, and that it should be done once every week where you rest. It also is the only law where God specifies to "remember" it. The sabbath(s) that you refer to are ceremonial. I don't wish to be a Jew I only wish to be a Christian and follow what the bible instructs. If that makes me a Jew then ok

    • @alvarohernandez2764
      @alvarohernandez2764 10 лет назад

      jcerby03 all the sabaths are ceremonial, also the sabath specifies after 7 years too. and it's not the only law to remember, they were to remember all the law, if they missed one, they were guilty of all. Show me one verse where the gentiles are to keep the sabath

    • @jcerby03
      @jcerby03 10 лет назад

      Exodus 20:8-11 (it is copied and pasted at the bottom) but this is not a ceremony the ceremony sabbaths were things of tradition, this is something that is in the 10 commandments. All the commandments are to be kept and remembered, but this law specifically is actually said to be "remembered" in those commandments. I believe God said that because he knew people would forget it.
      "8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
      9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
      10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
      11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

  • @anneoise7599
    @anneoise7599 Год назад

    14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, HAVING NAILED IT TO THE CROSS. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.
    16 so let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon “OR SABBATHS”, 17 WHICH ARE A SHADOW OF THINGS TO COME,” BUT THE SUBSTANCE IS OF CHRIST”.
    MATTHEW 11
    Matthew 22:
    36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
    38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
    39 And the second is like it:
    MATTHEW 25
    ! 35 for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;
    36 I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’
    37 “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?
    38 When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You?
    39 Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’
    Jeremiah 22
    16 He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Is not this to know me? Declares the Lord.
    Jeremiah 9:
    24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, DECLARES THE LORD.”
    Isaiah 1
    17 learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
    Psalm 72:12-13
    For he delivers the needy when he calls, the poor and him who has no helper. He has pity on the weak and the needy, and saves the lives of the needy.
    Psalm 109: 31
    For he stands at the right hand of the needy one, to save him from those who condemn his soul to death.
    Psalm 9
    10 And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.
    Psalm 82:3-4
    Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
    Jeremiah 31:33-34
    But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbour and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”
    Job 29:12-17
    Because I delivered the poor who cried for help, and the fatherless who had none to help him. The blessing of him who was about to perish came upon me, and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. I put on righteousness, and it clothed me; my justice was like a robe and a turban. I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame. I was a father to the needy, and I searched out the cause of him whom I did not know.

  • @peppershane1097
    @peppershane1097 8 лет назад

    Yeshua (Jesus) said, in, Luke 4:43, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well, for I was sent for this purpose.” People like colsome miah, Greg Cox, say that means Jesus is saying He is returning for the purpose of destroying ALL people by the brightness of his coming except his chosen ones & those he takes back to heaven and they will Rule over each other for 1,000 years. colsome miah says this is like a "vacation". Ruling/Reigning over each other is like a vacation?? Anyway, when asked what happens after the 1,000 years are UP? They do not have an answer for that question, OR, many other questions asked of them. ANOTHER thing they do not seem to care about IS, newcomers who are searching for answers SEE that something is not adding up, & one poster says this & another says NO, it's this way, & others say NO You are both wrong and the newcomers throw in the towel & chuck it. Who can blame them? Those who perpetuate all this confusion IGNORE this scripture TOO! Luke 17:1 “Stumbling blocks are sure to come, but woe to him through whom they come. LOOK!!! Whatever proceeds FROM The TRUE "God" MAKES SENSE. EVERYTHING! I also SEE where these stumbling block people say they are NOT INTERESTED is seeing and listening to a short video using bible scriptures to PROVE their 1,000 year reign in heaven is FALSE!. I took the time to watch & listen & The speaker in the video. David Pack IS RIGHT & by the scriptures he uses which are clear on their face. These heaven goers use scriptures that are not clear at all to establish their false belief. Woe 2 U!

  • @colsomemiah6095
    @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад

    Donald Bailey: I never identified myself as being of any denomination; am a child of Jesus who study his world assiduously, so that when bibles are no longer available I will know the word and be instructed and comforted. The Southern Kingdom which gradually became apostate as did the Northern after it split following Solomon's death was composed of the two tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The post you had was phrased so tat I understood it. There are many Messianic Jews: one comes on called The Jewish Jesus.don't know iff that has any meaning you but it seems like you are of the Jewish ethnicity from what I gather that I can comprehend. Marvelous Heritage and we Gentiles were grafted in after many years through Jesus whoo first came to the "lost sheep of Israel"

    • @colsomemiah6095
      @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад

      donald Bailey: I hardly know what to say. 1K pardons: to yu were addressing SDA's. Actually I never listened to this video except for at beginning ; Catholic friend led to Christ by it so I was curious. I also was under impression you were addressing SDA's. Not elitist: all equal at foot of cross: neither male female, jew or greek , bond or free. However, I DO know my Bible and want to keep learning IT. Please forgive any intimation of superior intellectual gifts: that too is from God :Every good and perfect gift is from the Lord. James:1 16: You sound irritated and Titus 3;9 so I'll wish you God's continued blessings until we meet in Glory. dr. c miah lower case

    • @franciscoleonardo151
      @franciscoleonardo151 8 лет назад

      Stop Bullying her she is sweet and has more truth than you. You are only trying to bully woman, girls and head of families

    • @franciscoleonardo151
      @franciscoleonardo151 8 лет назад

      You said not one thing stop Bullying her

    • @colsomemiah6095
      @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад

      Francisco Leonardo: Deep thanks for your marvelous chivalry, which still exists, not to mention Christian ethics. That individual is deeply flawed, and speaks erratically and without rational Bible based sense. God has told us to avoid such interchange: Titus 3:9, and also part of my training was an affiliation at Bellevue Hospital, Have to play for Song Service so wishing you the "high places of our father Jacob" on Sabbath. Blessings, c miah

    • @peppershane1097
      @peppershane1097 8 лет назад

      Colesome miah, In my opinion, I do not see Donald Bailey being Jewish whatsoever. From what I see he says, he is obeying what God says his people will do. Unlike 99.99% of all other "Faiths" who only obey PART of what God says to do. It looks like the 7th day Sabbath Keepers think the 4th Commandment and the remaing 6 Commandments are all that is necessary to obey. The only ordinances that were nailed to the Cross were those that pertained to sacrificial laws, cleansings, etc. The Holy Days are still valid and binding. There are "Jews" that do "observe" The 7th day Sabbath and the Holy annual Sabbaths but they do so in vain because they reject the Creator of them so they do not grasp the true meaning. People who "Love" God with all their heart mind and soul KNOW that the 7th day Sabbath AND ALL the annual Sabbaths reveal the entire overall Plan of God for ALL of Mankind, ALL RACES, Creeds, etc, ALL people. RARE are the few who KNOW this. The vast majority of people have many reasons to say the 7th day Sabbath AND the Annual Holy Convocations are nailed to the Cross and in that majority there are those who are selective and say no this holy day is still binding but that one is not & so on & so forth. You have your reason for saying God's Holy Convocations are Jewish and are only for Jews and others say regardless of what they are they were all nailed to the Cross. Satan can sell an Eskimo a Freezer when it's 85 degrees below zero. ALL of You have bought a Bill of Goods which is BAD! Willingly ignorant people do that every day.

  • @eme1286
    @eme1286 4 года назад

    Here is something for you - - - Papa, Pope, Papacy, Holy father, father (used in the spiritual sense) are words of blasphemy. Papa or Pope is a translation of the Hebrew name ABBA = FATHER (Our CREATOR).
    Our LORD JESUS commands us, “And call no one your father on earth, for you have one Father-the one in heaven.” Matthew 23:9 (New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition). He is the “Bishop of Rome”, a Priest, the Head of the Roman Church, the Leader of Babylon, the Beast, but he is no ABBA and cannot be called as such by any follower of CHRIST. To call him Pope or Papa is a sinful blasphemy that JESUS commended us NOT TO DO SO. AB in Hebrew is father. BA reading from right to left as is done in Hebrew is also father. AB and BA = ABBA which also means Father. ABBA is literally 3 Fathers in ONE. The S”ABBA”TH is literally GOD’s house or Sanctuary. “B” in Hebrew mens House or place of habitation. The SABBATH is God’s house where HE, OUR CREATOR, meets us, HIS children, every week. The SABBATH is God’s Temple in Time where ABBA and HIS beloved children enjoy, Worship, Fellowship, Friendship, and Discipleship! Because ABBA literally resides in the SABBATH making the SABBATH holy because of HIS presence. When we meet ABBA in ABBA’s Holy Sanctuary (The SABBATH) we also become holy in HIS holy presence. Don’t ever call S”ABBA”TH, “Satur”day - - - That is a violation of the 3rd Commandment. Don’t replace ABBA’s holy name by a pagan (Satanic creation) “Satur.” Be careful with error - - - The Weekend does not ends with Sunday or Monday (Long). Remember, the week ends with the SABBATH, not on Sunday or Monday. Now you know the Truth share it with others. ABBA’s blessings!

  • @katherinewilliams3984
    @katherinewilliams3984 10 лет назад


  • @russcollins4762
    @russcollins4762 5 лет назад

    lev . chptr. 23

  • @kenvansanford6323
    @kenvansanford6323 9 лет назад

    +LMNJASON100. Doesn't say anything about keeping sunday/ first day.

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      "The light given me by the Lord at a time when we were expecting just such a crisis as you seem to be approaching was that when the people were moved by a power from beneath to enforce Sunday observance, Seventh-day Adventists were to show their wisdom by refraining from their ordinary work on that day, devoting it to missionary effort."
      "At one time those in charge of our school at Avondale inquired of me, saying: 'What shall we do? The officers of the law have been commissioned to arrest those working on Sunday.' I replied: 'It will be very easy to avoid that difficulty. Give Sunday to the Lord as a day for doing missionary work. Take the students out to hold meetings in different places, and to do medical missionary work. They will find the people at home and will have a splendid opportunity to present the truth. This way of spending Sunday is always acceptable to the Lord.'"
      Notice that Mrs. White directs Adventists to keep Sunday the same way all conscientious Sunday observers do! They are instructed to hold religious "meetings" and do "missionary work!" They are to refrain "from their ordinary work on that day." Furthermore, the prophetess told them that "this way of spending Sunday is always acceptable to the Lord."
      Source:National Sunday Law - Fact or Fiction? Chapter 6

  • @rickhuntling7338
    @rickhuntling7338 6 лет назад

    You keep it Holy by leaving the TV on the day before so you don't have to push a button on the Sabbath. You prepare all the snacks and goodies before sunset Friday, Then sit down and enjoy the Games Saturday morning. Remember not to flush if nature calls. You would not want to push a lever and flush. It might be considered work, just bear the smell until sunset. Is wiping considered work?
    In the Bible no where laws for corporate worship.Exudus 16: 23 YOU ARE COMANDED TO STAY IN YOUR PLACE

    • @ahminitumakonnen3388
      @ahminitumakonnen3388 6 лет назад

      Now you are being sarcastic.
      The BIBLE says, let us REASON together...

  • @LMNJason100
    @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

    *In another thread Ken wrote: "I see you have been on face book today."*
    Now, Ken, you've got to *post that particular Facebook link* so that all of us can visit the page & see exactly who you're referring to. :-) *Update: My response to GREG COX's open appeal he made to me yesterday is found in this thread.* (Current date & time: 1.40am PST Friday January 30, 2015).
    My earlier post:
    (Re "Swimmer" Mike's responses, they aren't so crystal clear enough. He should continue to elaborate on the matter. "Being found incompetent to stand trial does not mean a person will never face his charges. Incompetent to Stand Trial is not a legal defense like Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity is. It is a matter of legal fact that must be decided by the court." Also *Don was the plaintiff* & not the defendant in the case that was dismissed. I had read Don's 20-page petition relating to the case). My earlier comment: Why did "swimmer" Mike mention about murder when the case I referred to earlier (Court of Appeals Decision dd August 5, 1994) had nothing to do with it and there weren't the words "The appeal is dismissed" in the verdict? :-). I had sent the full text of the verdict to Linda in a private message and she'll note that *"The district court found Defendant* (i.e. Don) *guilty of all charges. In addition to fines, the court issued an injunction prohibiting Defendant ..."* etc. If Linda isn't familiar about how to go about reading private messages in RUclips, she can Google for "reading private messages in RUclips" and perhaps my message had ended up under the "Most likely spam" tab as it's quite a lengthy one. Regarding the other case that "swimmer" Mike brought up in his comment, it was dismissed *"because plaintiff* (i.e. Don) *was incompetent to stand trial."* :-)

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      *For Linda Anderson:* Please insist that "swimmer" Mike shows you his *ID (identification card)* if he ever gets to see you. :-). By the way, Don's birthdate is December 23, 1940.

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      That particular case was related to Don's rambling 20-page petition and his grievances (and not charges against him) were dismissed because he (i.e. the plaintiff) was judged incompetent to stand trial (and he still is, I suppose). :-)

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      Ken vansanford In another thread you said "Hey Michael. I got most of. LMNJason100 post in the trash. What a loser."
      Here's my response:
      I've got a back-up copy of everything I posted & can repost them anytime to my own thread if I wish to do so :-)
      Here's an example of one of mine you had just deleted:
      "Swimmer" Mike: Actually I've got no real animosity towards you all the time. You & I know who you really are and I'm not really concerned about what you had done in the past nor what you will do in the future. I just wanted to keep you on your toes & see how well you would respond to my posts. You've also been improving in your comments for you haven't launched any all-out attacks on me lately. This shows that you've got a good side to your character as well. Perhaps it's time for you to make your place of abode in a sparsely populated place but first I suggest you try to find a nice little lady, preferably a well-to-do & generous one, to keep you company till the end of your days. Perhaps you can find her in an online dating website (but you've got to be careful of con artists). Mind you, there might not be many more years left for you to enjoy a more idyllic life. :-)

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      Ben Ezra Faraon I like your post in another thread in which you said: "if we want a debate, then let's debate in a proper, Christian way. if both satan and Christ would read this thread, who do we think is the one smiling? ..." :-)

    • @LMNJason100
      @LMNJason100 9 лет назад

      Daniel Purifoy Concerning your post "How to keep the Sabbath? Answer: As a Sign between the Children of Israel and God under the Old Covenant, ( Exodus 31:13-18)", you might like to touch on it further when you're free to do so. :-)

  • @colsomemiah6095
    @colsomemiah6095 8 лет назад +1

    Dean Baker: There are 7th Day Pentecostals, Baptists and Church of Christ as far as I know. T salfific issue is not the work of "keeping, it as the Parisees thought but is KNOWING JESUS PERSONALLY AND PLACING HIM ABOVE ALL ELSE, and loving all around you more than yourself. As for those who pride themselves on being true to the law and testimony, whatever hat means as I explained below it is not a man made book of writings, but the Bible only and the Holy Spirit who corrects, scolds, (reproves) convinces jus of what the bible is saying when we disobey. Wen we see luther, Huss, Mother Theresa, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and other saints who died for Christ's sake, rising up in the clouds with Christ to go to heaven, we see all who know Jesus indwell will shout Glory!!!! .

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 8 лет назад

      colsome miah, what does the churches today have to do with anything about the 7th day sabbath, when they were not there at the time Christ Jesus was here on earth, the gospel was not given to us Gentiles until after the cross of Christ Jesus and it was disciple Paul that was commission to take the gospel to the Gentiles by Christ Jesus, so the churches of today were not even there at the time of Christ Jesus was here on earth and not that but Christ Jesus was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel.

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 8 лет назад

      colsome miah, the 7th day sabbath was only given to Israel as a sign between them and God, Therefore Gentiles are not under the law to keep the 7th day sabbath, that was only given to Israel as a sign between them and God. so where in the New testaments from the book of Acts to Revelation where is it written that Gentiles are to keep the 7th day sabbath. in the books of Matthew,Mark, Luke and John, the people Israel were still under the law, to keep the requirements of the law, only until Jesus gave Himself on the cross that now we are not under the law nor the requirements of the law, but we are now we are under the Grace of God.

    • @victorcrowne8257
      @victorcrowne8257 8 лет назад

      Dean, YOU >> the 7th day sabbath was only given to Israel as a sign between them and God, Therefore Gentiles are not under the law to keep the 7th day sabbath,
      ME >> so true. the Council in Jerusalem made it clear that the Jewish Law was bondage that even the Jews could not keep (Acts 15:10) and their conclusion was that the incoming Gentile Believers would only have to abstain from blood, strangled meat, idolatry and fornication (Acts 15:20,29) -- which has no mention of the sabbath

    • @nobodygoody2455
      @nobodygoody2455 8 лет назад

      +Go Bold That is right, but if you notice that in Acts 15:20,29, that not only is the sabbath day not mention, no other day is not mention also,such as Sunday worship. So how is it that there are people will Sunday worship came by the disciples, when in Acts 15:20,29, there is no mentioning of keeping Sunday as a day of worship nor is the sabbath day made mentioning of as keeping as a day of worship, something to think about in reading Acts 15:20,29?

    • @victorcrowne8257
      @victorcrowne8257 8 лет назад

      Donald, YOU >> Deuteronomy 12:28 WHAT IS JEWISH ABOUT THAT GO BOLD???
      ME >> seriously? it is God speaking to ISRAEL, not all of Mankind. the entire Law transcribed by Moses was a covenant between God and ISRAEL, not all of Mankind. every time you pluck an OT verse to prove your point, you are actually DIS-proving your point. the CHRISTian has a NEW Covenant with God that is based on being indwelled by His Holy Spirit because of our Faith/Belief in The Son of God. now we obey CHRIST's commands listed in 1John 3:22-24 (John 6:29,40, John 13:34).

  • @Bella-bz7fq
    @Bella-bz7fq 3 года назад +1


  • @russcollins4762
    @russcollins4762 5 лет назад

    sunday is an invention of Catholicism

    • @kac0404
      @kac0404 3 года назад +1

      Constantine (325 AD) DID NOT change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as Sabbath keepers falsely teach. Christians never kept the Sabbath from the apostolic age (33 AD) through the time of Constantine (325AD). Constantine merely made the first "Sunday closure law", since it had already been the day Christians worship for 300 years!