THANK YOU, The Honorable (Dr) Asmamaw Kelemu; One Amongst The BEST and FOREMOST Ethiopian HEROES!! I Wish You The Best In ALL Your Remaining Life on earth!! Apparently, there is a PLENTY To Learn From Individuals like You about What The LOVE Of PEOPLE and Nation means; More over, you have shown us What HONORABLY Serving the People and Nation means, as well!! You've a Superbly Remarkable Journey, Sir❤😁👍👍👍👍👍!!!!!
ደ/ር አስማማው ቀለሙ የጀግና ጀግና አገር ወዳድ ናቸው።
በሒወት አለ??
ረጅም እድሜ ለክቡር አምባሳደር ዶ/ር አስማማው ቀለሙ::
Yhe hulu Meswaet/Sacrifice yetekefelebaten Ethiopia; ahun yemanem Wefzerash, Agershiach Bandawoch Terekem, mechawecha honech! Ethiopian wede manenetuwa/ keberuwa memeles, yehulachinem Ager Wedad Ethiopians gedeta new! Promise! 🦁🔥
THANK YOU, The Honorable (Dr) Asmamaw Kelemu; One Amongst The BEST and FOREMOST Ethiopian HEROES!! I Wish You The Best In ALL Your Remaining Life on earth!!
Apparently, there is a PLENTY To Learn From Individuals like You about What The LOVE Of PEOPLE and Nation means; More over, you have shown us What HONORABLY Serving the People and Nation means, as well!!
You've a Superbly Remarkable Journey, Sir❤😁👍👍👍👍👍!!!!!
እንደዚህ ተሁኖ የተጠበቀ ሀገር እና ህዘብ ዛሬ ፈተና ላይ ነው ፣ይሁን እንጂ ዛሬም ሀገራቸውን ከራሳቸው በፊት ያስቀደሙ ለመስዋዕትነት የተዘጋጁ ዜጎች ስላሉ እንፅናናለን