Imagination!!!!!! Evolution of silence vs continuity of generation should not be an issue, as they are becoming natural. Rather the how of devoiding it. Let's work towards this and inculcate even being victimized
Reminder: yemane has said 1.5m and more than .5m were displaced from wolkaite and rata respectively. Add this to 1million claimed dead = 3m. How much is total pop¿ 40 percent were displaced?
Brother the formation of a kingdom led by King Jesus is in progress forget your Ethiopia or Eritrea or Somalia or Burkina Faso or Bangladesh or .....194 countries and try to be an ambassador to the soon coming eternal government. Follow developments in Israel since the future headquarter of the world is going to be Jerusalem.
Please support our show👇
Thank you Mogesee !
እውነት ነው ያልከው ሞገስ ምንም እንዃን ሃቁን መስማት ቢያምም. መፍትሄው ግን ቢገፉንም እየተንገዳገድንም ቢሆን በ🇪🇹ነት መቆም ነው. በርታ. 🕊❤️🇪🇹.
Moges u r really great person
Great analysis!
ግሩም ዘነበ
MT በርታልን!!!
ሞገስ በርታ
💚 💛 ♥️
ምርጥ አመለካከት፣ ግን ሁሉም ሰጥሟልኔ ማን ሰሚ አለ?
Imagination!!!!!! Evolution of silence vs continuity of generation should not be an issue, as they are becoming natural. Rather the how of devoiding it. Let's work towards this and inculcate even being victimized
Unmaking of the Empire 😮
Moges, so many of us stand with you. don't be discouraged with such stupidity
ignore this few politicians and activists and look the poor ethiopian Amhara people
አዜብ ወርቁን አስረዋት ከሆነ፣ አሁንስ በዛ ጠነዛ ያሰኛል።
ከጠነዛ እኮ ቆየ::
እንቆቆ ራስ የአምሐራ መከላከያ ያሸንፋል ለወዘሪት ኤርሚያስ ለገሰች 😢 ለጀለስህ ንገራት
U mean if there is no poverty and impoverishement, Ethiopianism will prosper?
Reminder: yemane has said 1.5m and more than .5m were displaced from wolkaite and rata respectively. Add this to 1million claimed dead = 3m.
How much is total pop¿ 40 percent were displaced?
ኢህአዲጋውያን ለምንድነው ቁጥር የሚደፍሩት?
ሞገስ ግሩም ትንተና በቀላል አማርኛ ለሁሉም እንዲገባ አድርገህ እንደተለመደው አቅርበሃል። በጣም የሚያሳዝንና የሚያስፈራ ግዜ ላይ ነው ያለነወ።
ምናልባት ሁሉም ብሄሩ ውስጥ ገብቶ ሲያልቅ፣ አለማዋጣቱን ሲገነዘብ ወደ ኢትዩጵያዊነት ይመለስ ይሆን?
Moges amara amara
negn sil lemin amemeh
Brother the formation of a kingdom led by King Jesus is in progress forget your Ethiopia or Eritrea or Somalia or Burkina Faso or Bangladesh or .....194 countries and try to be an ambassador to the soon coming eternal government. Follow developments in Israel since the future headquarter of the world is going to be Jerusalem.
ኢትዮጵያዊነት አይዶሎጂ ነው ወይስ ዜግነት???
ጀርመናዊነት ወይም አሜሪካዊነት ወይም ናይጄሪያዊነት ወይም ጃፖናዊነት አይዲኦሎጂ ነው ወይስ ዜግንት?
ታዲያ ይሄ ከሆነ ለምን አብይ አህመድ እና ለማ መገርሳ ኢትዮጵያ ሱሴን ሲዘምሩ ከፍተኛ ድጋፍ አገኙ?
ያኔም ድጋፍ ያገኙት ከከተሜውና አማራ በኩል ሲሆን፣ ሌላው የራሴን አጀንዳ ያስፈፅምልኛል ብሎ በማሰቡ ነው።