Hey, do you have any favorite shows, animes or cartoons? I would like to know because maybe I would like to be your friend (Even though I don't speak Japanese and I'm from Brazil, who cares, Solaire becomes our friend just because of his enormous charisma and compassion in helping the player)
I watch about 30 anime titles a week. Most of my favorite titles are from around 10 to 15 years ago. 私は1週間の間に約30作のアニメを見ています。 私の好きな作品はおおよそ15年前~10年前の物が多いです。
Hey, do you have any favorite shows, animes or cartoons? I would like to know because maybe I would like to be your friend
(Even though I don't speak Japanese and I'm from Brazil, who cares, Solaire becomes our friend just because of his enormous charisma and compassion in helping the player)
I watch about 30 anime titles a week.
Most of my favorite titles are from around 10 to 15 years ago.