American Hand Gestures in Different Cultures - 7 Ways to Get Yourself in Trouble Abroad

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2024

Комментарии • 332

  • @garfieldcones
    @garfieldcones 12 лет назад +52

    Lesson: When in Greece, keep your hands in your pockets.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад +36

    The middle finger is almost universally offensive.

  • @gregmixing
    @gregmixing 12 лет назад +19

    When you turn the peace sign around in Australia it means "two beers please."

  • @lcdstudios
    @lcdstudios 13 лет назад +5

    My uncle went to Brazil for a business trip. One of his friends offended a guy by snapping his fingers. It's amazing how one action can mean something so different to other cultures.

  • @jopoy456
    @jopoy456 12 лет назад +5

    I lived in the Philippines and I've done that plenty of times to get my kid's attention and I've never gotten arrested.

  • @bytesabre
    @bytesabre 13 лет назад +1

    Brit here. V symbol with palm facing towards recipient = peace, see Winston Churchil "V for Victory". Palm towards person giving gesture = same as flipping the bird. Please note that flipping the bird US style will also work as intended.

  • @MightyLemur
    @MightyLemur 12 лет назад +2

    In the UK, the victory symbol with palms facing the other person means "peace". With palms facing yourself it is similar to the f-bomb.
    ..Although the whole v for victory thing was actually started by the British prime-minister during WW2.

  • @cynicalbluewhale
    @cynicalbluewhale 12 лет назад +3

    This applies to Canada as well, the A-OK symbol from the USA can be used both ways here depending on which province you're in, and how much we're used to American tourists (most people know what it means in the states.)

  • @PleiadesRuby
    @PleiadesRuby 12 лет назад +1

    The "peace"(Uk here) sign, originates from when the french said they would take over england, and cut of the english archers primary fingers.When the french had lost, and the survivors were fleeing, the we made that sign as an offensive gesture to the french, showing we still had our fingers

  • @SKSiren97
    @SKSiren97 12 лет назад +2

    in Asia (or at least Korea that i know of) the same rule applies with the 'Come Here' hand sign. anything similar is used only for dogs and other lower animals and pets. if you want to tell a person to "come here" your palm should be face down and do a similar motion.
    and (in Korea) if you try to flag down a taxi just by waving your hand, they will breeze by you with no hesitation. its similar to the rude 'come here' signal fro a dog.

  • @ThatEnglishGuy13
    @ThatEnglishGuy13 12 лет назад

    Just to clarify, in Britain, the v sign with the palm and folded fingers facing outwards means peace, the v sign with the palm facing inwards is the equivalent of the middle finger.

  • @SPR4GOD
    @SPR4GOD 12 лет назад +2

    We still have the peace sign in Australia, but when you flip it around (back of your hand outwards) it becomes an insult.

  • @bluebull2006
    @bluebull2006 12 лет назад +1


  • @DarthSivius
    @DarthSivius 12 лет назад +1

    I'm from Belgium and the sign at 0:33 means something is extremely good, mostly used when eating something and someone asks how it was.

  • @sfaginx
    @sfaginx 12 лет назад +1

    Also the stop hand sign is exactly the same in Greece. What you are reffering to is the mountza that is being done with palm and fingers spread. It means condemnation, but not to hell. It derives from Byzantine times, where for certain crimes, the judge would literaly make the mark of Saruman on the criminals face. Some say it even dates back to the eleusininan mysteries. Wikipedia has an article on mountza

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад

    We appreciate hearing your opinion.

  • @melodyperez6058
    @melodyperez6058 12 лет назад +6

    ahahahahaha! I LOVE THIS! He says it so naturally like nothing matters "In greece it means it sh*t" XD

  • @ghetts1990
    @ghetts1990 11 лет назад +6

    The two finger thing with the palm faceing the person is ok in the uk it means peace just dont do it the other way round

  • @TheGreatSteve
    @TheGreatSteve 12 лет назад

    The way the arms angled makes it look like it's your own hand from the back giving the peace sign. When you do the rude version the hand is always aligned straight with the arm.

  • @hreilly20
    @hreilly20 11 лет назад +1

    I love how the victory or peace sign is offensive in the UK but Winston Churchill used it after the Allies won WWII

  • @Coillscath
    @Coillscath 12 лет назад

    Same here in New Zealand, and I presume Australia too. Thanks for clarifying the distinction for everyone.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  13 лет назад

    @blackmancer Yes, that's why the illustration depicts the hand with the knuckles facing outward.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад

    Well, actually, many Americans do make the peace sign with their hand facing out. If you Google "peace sign hand" and click on "images", you can view several examples of this. If you Google "rapper peace sign" and click on images you can see even more. So while we appreciate fonz114's opinion, it is just that- an opinion.

  • @Klaus1386
    @Klaus1386 12 лет назад

    He also said it was usually not ok "only for today" or something like that.. which as an American I didn't get until now.

  • @vaiol123
    @vaiol123 12 лет назад +4

    "But in Greece, it means eat sh*t"

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  13 лет назад

    @TuxTurner Yes, you will note that in the video that the knuckles are facing outward.

  • @evilcandybag
    @evilcandybag 12 лет назад

    The V-sign only means "up yours" when combined with an upward motion, with the back of the hand towards the recipient i.e. quite vididly mimicking the phrase in question.

  • @AABatterykun
    @AABatterykun 13 лет назад +2

    I am tying my hands together next time I travel.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад

    That is an excellent question. It would definitely require further research.

  • @Rexific
    @Rexific 11 лет назад +1

    The Victory rule doesn't apply if the palm is facing towards the recipient. If you have your palm facing towards you then it applies and this apparently goes back to the 100 years war when our English and Welsh longbow men would show the French that they still had their shooting fingers.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  13 лет назад

    @LightningStripeDFTBA Yes, you will note that in the video that the knuckles are facing outward.

  • @tzx551
    @tzx551 12 лет назад

    1:16 the cuckold (horns sign) is not used in is used as a normal horns/metal sign here

  • @man8dude
    @man8dude 11 лет назад +3

    Since when is \m/ "Texas Longhorns" Pretty sure its more widely considered a sign for heavy metal.

  • @VbrSoro
    @VbrSoro 12 лет назад

    actually only a palm with the all fingers extended is offensive in greece.and it has to be a part of within '' in ur face'' motion,or it will be simply considered the same as saying five

  • @MikeOfKorea
    @MikeOfKorea 12 лет назад

    I spent my holiday in Novosibirsk, Tomsk, and Altai. Some of us avoid big cities when we travel!

  • @blackmancer
    @blackmancer 13 лет назад

    You are wrong on the peace sign in Australia. Its only when you turn your hand around so back of your hand is facing the person. I'm from Australia

  • @DarthBane123
    @DarthBane123 12 лет назад

    are there any hand gestures or whatever from other countries from other countries that would be considered offensive in the u.s. but considered completely normal in x country?

  • @MermaidsAreNice
    @MermaidsAreNice 13 лет назад

    @Rubixcubexx It depends on which part of the hand is facing the receiver of the signal. The back of the hand means something different than the front of the hand, but in American both sides mean the same thing when giving the peace sign.

  • @Corpor3aL
    @Corpor3aL 12 лет назад

    i don't get the last one... and i am greek
    also for the "stop" one, the hand needs to be open wide (the fingers separated from each other)

  • @whateverlolawants
    @whateverlolawants 13 лет назад

    There is a gesture for telling someone their spouse is cheating? That's pretty specific. How often does someone need to say that? And without words?

  • @bullproductions
    @bullproductions 12 лет назад

    The Australia/NZ signs were a tad wrong. Doing the "rabbit ears" with your palm towards the person means peace, but with the back of your hand facing someone it becomes an insult. A bit like flipping the bird.

  • @gaeel330
    @gaeel330 12 лет назад

    little finger extended means cuckhold in France, and in the UK the V sign is fine and means victory if the palm is towards the recipient. The V sign with the back of the hand towards the recipient, much like the raised middle finger gesture, is insulting.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  13 лет назад

    @Maloccoda Yes, you will note that in the video that the knuckles are facing outward.

  • @attentiontodetale
    @attentiontodetale 12 лет назад

    The first paragraph is correct.
    The second paragraph is historically incorrect. The English (or more accurately, the Welsh) longbow (as depicted in films about Robin Hood) was a devastating weapon against French knights in armour. It was the French who did the chopping. Look up the Battle of Crecy (1346) & the Battle of Agincourt (1415) if interested. The English would taunt the French by waving "two fingers" at them, basically telling them they were about to be shot full of arrows.

  • @lonewolf5151
    @lonewolf5151 12 лет назад

    I was think this when he mentioned that, I've seen people from England, Ireland, Australia, etc. here in the U.S. use that with some of thier fellow countrymen, exactly how you explained it, some would get pissed off others would just laugh it off, I assumed the ones who laughed it off where mates or somrthing.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад

    That is why the knuckles are facing outward in the video, to denote the back of the hand.

  • @xeorage
    @xeorage 11 лет назад +1

    The two finger salute is still pretty similar, from I can remember it dates back to medieval times when the French used to cut the two fingers off of British archers if they were caught. So flipping the V sign became an insult to the French as if to say "Still got em', come at me bro!" - Or something like that, that's what I was told. :)

  • @LightningStripeDFTBA
    @LightningStripeDFTBA 13 лет назад

    In the UK, we use the peace sign. It offends nobody in my area. If you do it with your palm turned towards you, then it is swearing.

  • @adamsmith4614
    @adamsmith4614 11 лет назад

    @1.20 that is not a violation when u do the point finger back and fort.. it means you want to get into a fight like one on one

  • @Ghelimir
    @Ghelimir 13 лет назад +1

    The moral of the story: If you're in another country simply run around waving your middle fingers at everyone and you will be loved by all.

  • @skorp7365
    @skorp7365 11 лет назад +1

    Peace sign in out of all the other countries lol. Hope that isn't true as I am all about peace and always throw the peace sign when I meet someone or leave.

  • @1acroyear1
    @1acroyear1 13 лет назад

    Umm... so what exactly is on the "like" and "dislike" buttons in Russia, Greece and Sardinia?

  • @gablison
    @gablison 12 лет назад

    the front of the hand is peace and victory, but i thought the back means "up yours" in america as well!

  • @grecomic
    @grecomic 13 лет назад

    Your grasp (if you pardon the pun) seems a tad vague on the 'Victory' sign. It's only rude if you show the recipient the back of your hand (much the same way you flip someone the bird). Winston Churchill was able to display the victory sign in his homeland, controversy-free, because he was careful to show the front and not the back!

  • @olintofcbj2
    @olintofcbj2 12 лет назад

    The two hand gestures in this video referring to brazil are right but there's some considerations to do. The first one, that used in USA as OK, in Brazil (specially in northeast) they have a special way to do it, they do it like OK but showing the O in the hand to the person they're talking and with palm turned up. The second one is used like rock/metal sign as well, not just for refering to unfaithful spouse.

  • @Asakura818
    @Asakura818 12 лет назад

    It depends on whether you turn your palm in or out, I believe. Doing the victory sign with the back of your hand to the other person (and your palm facing you) is rude. Doing it with your palm out and the back of your hand facing you is what Churchill did. I think :).

  • @Felixttt
    @Felixttt 12 лет назад

    you'd only flip someone off in the UK if you had the back of your hand facing people, your palm facing people and the V sign with your fingers mean, 'victory', not offensive.

  • @FlyingPenguinMaster3
    @FlyingPenguinMaster3 11 лет назад

    The victory sign isn't really rude in Scotland. That's in the UK. Also, it's only rude if back hand shows to another person whilst doing the victory sign. If the back of your hand is not showing them, it means peace. :)

  • @bboyjamaica
    @bboyjamaica 11 лет назад +1

    I live in Brisbane too and I'm not at all offended with the peace sign.

  • @andynicolae2712
    @andynicolae2712 12 лет назад

    So why was churchill using the peace/victory sign if it is a vulgar sign in Great Britain ?

  • @LoveBeholder1992
    @LoveBeholder1992 12 лет назад

    THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HEAR THIS AND I AM GREEK.....WE DO THE THUMBS UP GESTURE...THE INSULTING ONE IS THE MOUNTZA (extending all fingers of one or both hands and presenting the palm or palms towards the to-be-insulted person in a forward motion)

  • @JDMoore5509
    @JDMoore5509 11 лет назад +1

    The horns hand gesture was popularized by heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio who was a member of Elf (lesser known blues rock band), Rainbow, Black Sabbath, Dio, and Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath under another name) until his death in 2010. He described it as an old Italian supersticious gesture meant to ward off evil. Ironicly there are quite a few ill informed people who think that it is a satanic symbolism. I would recommend looking up his music, he was an exceptionally skillful vocalist.

  • @tallend62
    @tallend62 12 лет назад

    The victory one confuses me because didn't Churchill use that for victory in Europe?

  • @Quackoid
    @Quackoid 12 лет назад

    I've heard from an undefined source that the pinkie finger you hold up when drinking something, its like the middle finger in East Asia. Is that true

  • @micheal89edwards
    @micheal89edwards 12 лет назад

    the victory gesture in america it means the same in the UK or peace depending on context its when your knuckles are pointing away from yourself that it an insult

  • @HitachiHenemaru
    @HitachiHenemaru 13 лет назад

    What does a hand gesture have to do with archers?

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад

    Yes, that is why the illustration shows the knuckles facing out.

  • @vel0_rouge
    @vel0_rouge 12 лет назад

    @ChappiePete Everyone know from the UK would consider the peace symbol as and the "f bomb" to be the same but the peace symbol you face the palm of your hand towards the person, if you face the back of your hand towards them it's basically the same as giving the middle finger.

  • @A_Dopamine_Molecule
    @A_Dopamine_Molecule 12 лет назад

    I'm Russian, and I'd like to give this video a thumbs up.

  • @DaddysTexanChika
    @DaddysTexanChika 11 лет назад

    @man8dude it has to do with college sports. \m/ is "hook 'em 'horns" for the Texas Longhorns. A similar hand gesture in Texas would be the thumbs up is "gig 'em Aggies" for Texas A&M. They are rival schools, especially where football is concerned. Hope this helps!

  • @sammy3212321
    @sammy3212321 12 лет назад

    It's fine to do the victory gesture; just make sure you point your hand palm-out.
    But the 'come here' gesture is totally true.

  • @Greenwolf83
    @Greenwolf83 12 лет назад

    Exactly I can't see how that is a bad symbol because there are pently of pic of Churchill with the peace sign

  • @quinterbeck
    @quinterbeck 12 лет назад

    In Britain we hold our hand the other way round, palm forward. Then it means victory, or more commonly nowadays, peace. Doing it with the back of your hand is offensive.

  • @BleachDNOuranFrubar
    @BleachDNOuranFrubar 12 лет назад

    My softball team uses this to insult each other without out coaches realizing it XD

  • @Pottan23
    @Pottan23 12 лет назад

    0:29 actually it's only offensive if the back of your hand is facing the recipient.

  • @fasgamboa
    @fasgamboa 12 лет назад

    The "OK" / Zero in Brazil depends on the situation. It may be "OK". It may be zero and it may be "up your @¨&" depending on the angle of the hand and situation

  • @nonames364
    @nonames364 12 лет назад

    I live in Australia and the peace sign means peace here?

  • @OddManeuver
    @OddManeuver 12 лет назад

    In the Middle East, US soldiers held up their hands to stop cars at checkpoints. The drivers misinterpreted it as "go". Anyways, the drivers were shot because of a hand gesture.

  • @din80s
    @din80s 11 лет назад

    thumbs up just means thumbs up, okay sign is anything that's excellent, stop sign is just fine too (holding your fingers together - not apart) the horn sign is the horn sign (only metalheads use it) and the sign for cuckold is the victory sign behind our head, or index fingers on forehead. got it?

  • @robly17
    @robly17 12 лет назад

    I'm from Portugal, and here(atleast where I live) we don't actually use the Texas Longhorn as an insult. In fact, it's more of a "Peace" gesture.

  • @bboyjamaica
    @bboyjamaica 11 лет назад +1

    Using the "Victory" sign in Australia is not offensive.

  • @JoanaJorgejk
    @JoanaJorgejk 12 лет назад

    The texas longhorn or whatever you call it doesn't have an offensive meaning in Portugal. I'm Portuguese.

  • @syrus021
    @syrus021 11 лет назад

    yes, that's true. Persian's call the thumbs up "Belakh" and it means "up yours" as well.

  • @PimsleurApproach
    @PimsleurApproach  12 лет назад

    That is considered offensive in most countries.

  • @fonz114
    @fonz114 12 лет назад

    you are incorrect with the peace sign, im from ireland and peace sign means the same there as it does in america, you are mistaken, it is offensive when you turn the peace sign around, that is when it is offensive, that is when it becomes an up yours sign, its exactly like giving the finger it just you ad another finger, make a peace sign then turn it around and only then it becomes offensive,

  • @doddo6231
    @doddo6231 11 лет назад +1

    I have never seen that used in Australia...

  • @meteordude44
    @meteordude44 12 лет назад

    The peace sign is not offensive here in Australia...

  • @ShiroiShiryo
    @ShiroiShiryo 12 лет назад

    In Japan, men often put their middle finger on their cheek or use their middle finger to point/follow along with lines of text.

  • @Jarrettmonty99
    @Jarrettmonty99 12 лет назад

    It's the same for Great Britain. There's image after image of Winston Churchill doing the victory from the front and back of his hand.

  • @Confozzled
    @Confozzled 12 лет назад

    I don't know about in Great Britain, but in Australia the two fingers up gesture only means "go f**k yourself" (or something to that effect) if the back of the hand faces away from you (assuming you are making the gesture). The other way around, with the back of the hand facing towards you, means peace.

  • @GoVeryInsane
    @GoVeryInsane 12 лет назад

    @ChappiePete I don't know where in Britain you live, but where I am if someone were to do that it would basically be considered to be the same as the middle finger.

  • @livesARElikeLEMONS
    @livesARElikeLEMONS 12 лет назад

    the peace sign in Britain still means peace but if you turn your hand around then its an insult. its something to do with archers during the 100 years would be captured by the french and their twon finger would be cut off to stop them firing their bow and they began to show the french they still had the firing fingers as an insult. its something like that anyway

  • @kevin25798
    @kevin25798 11 лет назад

    so what's the thumbs up icon in greece?
    or the like icon in greece?

  • @laht93
    @laht93 12 лет назад

    It looks more like it's from the hand's owners perspective in my opinion... You should have clarified that I think, great video though!

  • @fabixtrem
    @fabixtrem 12 лет назад

    200 years ago this might have been true, but nowadays these signs are internationally understood and mean the same thing all around the world...

  • @carrotsoffury
    @carrotsoffury 12 лет назад

    In Australia, and the other countries I think, it only means that if you start with it down and flick your wrist up. Basically meaning up yours

  • @dennisrossonero
    @dennisrossonero 12 лет назад +1

    In Greece thumbs up means the same as in America...

  • @alabalacr2
    @alabalacr2 12 лет назад

    the "a ok" in most arabic countries means something on the lines of "you're gonna get your ass kicked after this" or "be warned"

  • @NicoleFarkas123
    @NicoleFarkas123 12 лет назад

    What is the last one

  • @jedihacim
    @jedihacim 13 лет назад

    @PimsleurApproach i love how your responses were the same