I believe when he said in the right direction, he meant clockwise. As in, it's moving right. These perspectives are interesting, but I look at which way the nose is going to determine these things.
@@shockwave6213 that's funny I also was using the nose as a sort of marker or its what I was focusing on. And it seemed to look fine but the nose was problematic and it's what my brain was having issues with I feel like. The nose always looks like it's poking out to me?
In reality if the mask was rotating in the same direction you'd end up seeing the back of the mask which would look different. The out dents would be indented. So I'm not sure about this test. And I think the ones who invented this test need a psychiatrist.
The point of the test is that the front and back of the mask look identical from certain angles. It’s actually quite an interesting experiment regarding human depth perception and how the brain processes the world around you. I’ve seen it done in real life and it’s quite a bit harder to tell and much more trippy than in the video
@@leanvolcano9562 The front and back of a mask do not look identical. This is only true at 0 and 180 degrees of rotation. At other angles, you will get blockage and shadows. The animation is not showing what they want to show here.
You can be a genius and not put that to use- it would be futile boasting about it unless you actually did something like create art, write books, put your theories to the test, etc.
here and now yeah you dont have to be a genius to write books, create art, or test out theories. and this bs test is one of those "ooh spot the trick hurhurhur" tests rather than an accurate depiction of how smart you are.
Not totally, your brain is always assessing things than he can't fully comprehend. So he sorts of choose what he wants to understand, and that is that (that's where illusion comes from btw, when you deal in those things the brains choose to ignore). Healthy people all "filter" information the same way and assume this is reality. So in that sense they "deceive" themselve. Mental illness usually implies your filter doesn't work properly or not at all. Like schyzophrenic or paranoid person might be hyper aware of thei surrounding and interpret wrongly normal stuff like people talking to their phone or notice things that aren't actually important
But it is legit unfortunately to make mass production of those things digitally. Here: first they sell trauma, then they talk about mental health. Not right
I'm considered pretty high iq wise and can see the image turn both or one way. I see the images in my mind very similar to when looking at a puzzle being solved in my head is the way I can best describe it.
Erica Lynn Joseph I’m pretty sure they were referring to be schizophrenic, not a genius. The voice was them hearing voices. It’s a joke about being crazy.
I was literally diagnosed with schizophrenia, but according to this video I just have a high IQ.... Wtfuck is going on? Doctors wanna exploit me or what???
Rebel-chan Nightcore Maybe you are just a typical 12 year old kid scrolling through youtube and watching videos that says 'you are a genius'. But you don't realise that they are doing this just to gain more views and likes for their channel.
Basically these videos say what you want to hear!!, They say a positive thing about any choice and any result and you get happy too then you want more and more, you watch these videos more they get more money
Yea. I don't want to be selfish, but I think I have high iq. But, this quiz hasn't got ANY sense!!!!!!! It's just for more views and more subscribes and more likes etc. Sorry my English are bad
Me to my mom: Mom i have mental illness My mom: And how do you know that? Me: I saw a video in the RUclips where i found that i have mental illness Mom: show me that video(Me showing the video) My mom: Yup, you are right you are having a mental illness coz you are saying you have a mental illness by watching this video
6 Ways To Guard Your Energy 1. Trust with your intuition 2. Don’t engage in negative gossip 3. Go in nature you’ll never be alone 4. Meditation 5. Eat Clean 6. Don’t sleep next to your phone
This video is extremely unreal and illogical. It is extremely offensive to people with mental illness (like myself) to hear these things. Not to mention in 2:15 it plainly stated that if you got the answers wrong, then you are "healthy". So it's basically saying that if we got them right due to common sense and obvious clues, then we are living an "unhealthy" mental lifestyle. It also says in the title "Mental illness", but in the video it says schizophrenia, referring to the stereotype that schizophrenic people are dangerous, which is not the case. It's very hypocritical to say that you can't tell the difference between a "normal" human being and someone with mental illness, again referring to schizophrenia as mental illness in all. This video could mess up poor people's minds and make them think they are so called crazy when they just wanted to enjoy solving puzzles because that's what your channel is about. It's not about mental illness and accusing people who can figure out riddles to have mental illness. I thought this channel was for children, not falsely accused mental patients.
I am mentally unwell(I have Aspergers which is technically a mental illness it makes you think differently)yes but I don’t care about it I’m still normal to some degree
Its based on preseption and logic and how you combine and precive the information around you. I got by this vidio i t states i would be genious or skit in reality im hf autistic i see the concave because i am "wired" to see logic
dawbre42 Good point, as I'm autistic myself (Asperger's syndrome). But, considering how the narrator addresses this, with little to no proof, it's hard to say that it's believable.
There are. The video is trimmed. It’s not physically correct. Honestly I don’t get how so many people fight against the two answers. There’re just both wrong to me.
I don't quite understood the point behind this exercise. I just think it's inappropriate to suggest someone might have this terrible illness or might be some sort of genius based on your "test". I happen to know both perfectly average and highly intelligent people with schizophrenia and believe me when I say that mental illness does not discriminate, nor is it something to be made light of.
Both of them were completely obvious to me. So what am I? My inner voices say i am a genius EDIT: Why are yall answering "same" or "me too"? Are you my inner voices?
It's true that people with very low IQ are more likely to develop schizophrenia. But that's all. I have many acquaintances around 130 who have schizophrenia, including myself. Saying that schizophrenics generally have lower IQ than the average population is nonsense and I've never heard of that. The answer is that probably it doesn't differ. Schizophrenia doesn't lower your intelligence, it's merely more difficult to access it.
It sounds like this is a simple correlation issue. I don’t think there is any evidence of causation here that a low iq puts you at higher risk of developing schizophrenia. If a schizophrenic questions things less, this would make sense as to why they have a lower iq score, but it doesn’t make sense the other way around.
Umm. Hello? Those who said that schizophrenics have low IQs, has anyone of you heard of John Nash? He was schizophrenic and a genius. He won a noble prize in Math! There's a movie based on his story called Beautiful Mind that won an Oscar. So, yeah. Schizophrenics can be geniuses too!
I got both questions right and I'm not schizophrenic nor am I a genius. It's just common sense... Oh thanks for the likes! Look mom see I told you I'm not a loser.
You are looking at it as what it SHOULD be, not what you actually see. Everyone can tell it's only convex on one side and that it only spins in one direction, that's obvious, it's common sense. However, it doesn't LOOK like that when looking at the inside of the mask.
Right my mom is taking me to the doctor soon for having hallucinations and delusions and for hearing and seeing things and I already feel crazy so when he said that he triggered me a lot
Malcolm Dale reminds me of a scene from the film What about Bob. Roses are red Violets are blue I'm a schizophrenic And so am I Which funnily enough I said to a co-worker the day before seeing your comment. If that's A) spooky- you're an Joe Average Or B) A happy coincidence- there may be hope for you yet.... Just kidding Stay humble. Peace
Great, now we're gonna have a bunch of rejects running around acting all high and mighty thinking they are geniuses after watching your video... Thanks Brightside.
alex walker thats what I'm saying, ppl act so hard to be different and wanting to be the most weird person on the planet, like it's just a video wanting views, u r normal.
jade that might be true for administering psycho therapy, but with diagnosing and prescribing meds it's all a matter of checking off symptoms on a list and shooting in the dark until you find a medication that works.
craftyheidi I see it rotate one direction, round and round, concave on one side. And at anytime, I can see it rotating two different directions (around one way to face me and then it turns back the other way and goes a round) which makes it concave on both sides. It goes around one way and turn back the other, over and over. Two directions: Clockwise (facing my right and turning left to look strange at me). Then when facing head on, the rotation goes back the other way, counter clockwise (--> right) all the back around the other way. It flips back and forth, rotating one direction then the other. It rotates 2 ways. When I see it concave on one side, it rotates clockwise never flipping directions
ocre78 According to this, you are a genius because you see the illusion as well as the way the "trick" is being done. I saw it the same way. He said that a healthy brain sees the illusion. A genius brain sees the flaws. A brain with psychosis or schizophrenia sees it rotating and concave without any strange illusion. So, no schizophrenia for us! 👌
Saying it's rotating in the right direction is a more specific way of detailing that it is rotating in one direction. If someone perceives it as rotating to the left, then they are likely mis-perceiving or fooling themselves into seeing it that way. A completely valid answer if you perceive it's actual rotation and grasp the implication of it.
#1 Is the mask convex on one side or two? Me: Pauses the video to remember what convex even ment #2 Is the mask rotating in one direction or two? Me: Its going left Answer the mask is only going right Me: Wha-
I got it right because you can clearly see alternate points of light on each side of the mask, showing that it’s a two sided mask that from one side looks the exact same, although the lighting shows otherwise. One side is seen is bending away from you, while the other side bends towards, just like a real mask.
That means you are of a small group of people called "the lucky ones". Doesn't matter if you're crazy or not... Your luck will help carry your life burdens.
Allen Paguio14 well, individually you have a 50% chance to get each right purely by chance, but to get both right by chance it's a 25% chance, however this shouldn't matter, as you shouldn't be guessing in the first place
But there's no wrong or right, it's simply a question to test your state of mind and how you think, in the end both answers are right, it's just theperspective that's different and the perspective you're seeing things with is what's interesting for psychologist ^^
You are looking at it as what it SHOULD be, not what you actually see. Everyone can tell it's only convex on one side and that it only spins in one direction, that's obvious, it's common sense. However, it doesn't LOOK like that when looking at the inside of the mask. You're fine
When you pause it, it's easier to see the concave side as convex since it's a perfect reflection. You can also see the face in concave side as rotating in the opposite direction of the convex side.
Both were very obvious. It's not about what you see, it's about common sense. A real mask can only be convex in one direction. It can only rotate in one direction at a time. It's simple. Do not go to a doctor because of this
Nathan Coffey yeah. It's amazing the extent the media will go to convence the common folk there is something wrong with them when there actually isnt, and this video is no exception. It's all about tricking people into spending money they don't need to spend.
No, the implication is that the vast majority of people _perceive_ that you can only have one or the other (i.e. black-or-white thinking), whereas the genius-level mind can find the happy medium.
Sherwoodbears to be honest what you just said as an argument may have been the most immature and pathetic way to prove intellect. You should be able to stand above the petty ways of the average being.
If yes, I hate u. I am evil, I hate girls and also I am rude to many people, I even bully children at school, an I even beat up a boy, and he was bleeding
Stephanie Sunshine though you replied, so it proves something Stephanie. And correct on what note, it was subjective, so there is no wrong answers. But it's good to accept there is nothing wrong with you, regardless of how you answered.
My IQ is 165, what they do tell you is that the test is subjective, and due to the fact it's subjective it realize on personal feelings and opinions. But because no one is exactly the same even those with higher IQ's the cases don't always apply; so basically take it with a grain of salt, it's more of a correlation than anything else. On the other hand if you take a regular IQ test it would be objective and purely informational without influence from your feelings and/or opinions and those are the results to listen to and trust.
skinsman82000 They messed that part up- he said if you chose the first question both times then you are very happy, yet the first one said "No, lots of people stress me out." Which sounds significantly less happy then the latter.
Alyx The Aerialist others may justify their reality as normal while seeing someone with schizophrenia is crazy. First off, the boundaries of mental health are created by mankind, so to anyone delcared as sick or ill, maybe the person saying to you that you are crazy is the dellusional one. i would like to mark that this universal existence is not totally comprehensable, to a blank stranger i maybe nothing more than a projection of them, because they need me to prove their existence as much as i need you
Thank God someone made that point here! There is a reason that real IQ tests are hundreds of questions and need to be interpreted by professional psychologists.
It's kind of hard to not answer it correctly when you know it's supposed to be an illusion. Even if you tell me to answer how it looks and not what I think it is, I'm still going to answer with what I know is right.
I lived in Las Vegas for a few years for work after growing up in a small Utah town. It was the greatest experience of my life living a block away from the LV Blvd. with absolutely nobody but myself. No friends and no family, just Las Vegas and myself. I ate and drank whenever and whatever I wanted without anyone saying a word.
The title of this video is outright awful. Schizophrnia is a serious conditon that has changed my life and my partner's life severly. It is an awful, painful, and absolutley terrifing condition that has nothing to do with these "tests". My girlfriend has awful hallucinations that absolutley impair her ability to live a normal life of and young adult. this video is misinforming many people about the dangers, causes, and symptoms of scizophrenia. it is not simply being a perfectionist or part of and ocd which is the message coming across to me at the moment. Using a serious mental conditon as a way to make people want to know if they have the disorder is absolutelty barabric and unclaled for. I am sorry for going on a complete rant but this is some awful clickbait here..not only is it luring people into your awful videos having nothing to do with the thumbnail or title most of the time, BRIGHT SIDE is satting standards for awful mental condiitons...ugh
Had a similar reaction to this video. I hope things get better foryou. I have really bad anxiety and some OCD but my boyfriend loves me and helps me through it. Not the same thing but it helps for someone who society deems "crazy" to have people in their lives to support And be there for them. You seem like a strong person. :) god bless and good night
The only reason I clicked on this video was to see if other people were as upset about the title as I was. Unfortunately I can't find many people who see anything wrong with it. I completely agree with you and I'm really disappointed to see that not many people are aware of how disgusting the title is.
I have to say i also got offended by this title. Since 3 years i have a schizophrenic hamster and the struggle he goes through on a daily basic is not worth the belittling of captions n titles like these. My lil bud struggles everyday. Sometimes i come home from work and u can find him in the kitchen making sandwiches cause he thinks hes a woman again. The struggle is real and schizophrenia aint a joke. RESPEC WAHMEN.
Well, my invisible friend Bob got all the questions wrong but my other invisible friend Ilean got then right but told me not to tell Bob cause he gets jealous.
what we learn in school today were founded by geniuses who didn't perform well at school because they could not follow the rules so they create their own rules. so don't be upset if you perform bad in school because geniuses think oddly
Emily Hartsay the video is meant to make you think you're a genius so you'll go take the IQ test he offered at the end of the video. It's, for lack of a better term, a scam.
Well whoever says their mental stat is not stable are those craving attention, real sociopaths tend to hide behind a mask and pretend they are normal, and they are great at doing so.
tinylilmatt exactly, many think that actions are the key to know if someone is normal or not, and many blame what they do on their emotion, but in reality its them that control what they do.
Also, try these exercises! They'll make you smarter in a week 😉видео.html
Easy for me
that ''IQ'' test was basically asking someone if they're extravert or introvert which has barely anything to do with intelligence
Click link look up down look all around theres nouthing fake about this fool, ...
**me laying in a couch with a psychiatrist sitting across the room**
Psychiatrist: Tell me your story.
Me: So it all started on a youtube video...
weaveSNATCHED Army!!
Great, now everyone's assuming they're a genius
I'm a genius 👁️👄👁️ 👍
@@grapzyke6334 for me, due to my personality and the absence of the offline school, I think, I'll fail school
Nah I know I’m mentally ill
Now I just assume I’m schizophrenic
“Is the mask convex on one side or two?”
*Whats convex??*
same here
yeah right like "if you get this right you're a genius!"
me, googling what convex means:
Convex is defined as being inwardly skewed.
Let me tell you the right answers: if you believe this, you're not a genius
That’s so true
That's a shure thing
Yea because I'm mental ill
Agreed, seems no matter what you choose, now just questioning truth of I.Q. & sanity even more..💭🤔
I got both of them easily and I'm not schizophrenic or genius
But are you sure...?
Same ..
Me too and i know how you feel!!!!!
It's said what do you see im sure you applied common sense to your anwsers
I'm schizophrenic and still got the answers wrong. What am I now? Ultra-idiot?
Same with me.
You’re cured
NasCore pretty much.
"Hello doctor? Yes- I believe I have schizophrenia because a RUclips video said so."
KveldeCraft The answer clearly said: If you think one of these questions are obvious, you have schizoprenia
For me "Hello doctor, I believe I'm a genius and have schizophrenia"
Brina hahahahaha ikr
“ if you got both wrong you are a perfectly healthy person “
*laughs in ADHD and anxiety*
*laugh in ADHD and social anxiety*
@@emeraldvanic5518 Hey, what anime character is in your profile picture?! Please reply to me!
Self diagnosis lol
@@emeraldvanic5518 have ocd too ;-;
It doesn't take a genius or a schizophrenic to figure out the answers to the questions, it just takes someone with common sense
The Professor Observing
well said Dumbledore I-I am not a Genius?
Breiststufe IIX you can believe this video and be a genius or believe my comment and not be a genius
+The Professor What about if I believe ur comment and be a schizophrenic?
is the mask moving in one direction or two?
it is moving in the right direction
that wasn't what the question asked
Yeah, but if it's moving in the right direction it's obvious that it's moving in one direction.
I believe when he said in the right direction, he meant clockwise. As in, it's moving right. These perspectives are interesting, but I look at which way the nose is going to determine these things.
@@shockwave6213 that's funny I also was using the nose as a sort of marker or its what I was focusing on. And it seemed to look fine but the nose was problematic and it's what my brain was having issues with I feel like. The nose always looks like it's poking out to me?
@@dennisford867 same
Rotating right is one direction as opposed to left and right, which is two directions
Or you’re an artist who has trained yourself to see light and shadow??
Anyone can see a freaking shadow on the other side I’m not a genius or schizophrenic like bruh
I do portrait,,,I see both there are convex,.in both image,,,but theres a time it has a concave..
oh that makes more sense haha
I don't like how he associated Schizophrenia with "a crazy person".
Yes, i think this too. I am artist.
Schizophrenic patients are still people.
I felt offended tbh
@Stock Raising are you siding with bright side or us?
@@FrozenMermaid666 that doesnt make it any less rude
And i go to the doctor he asks me whats the problem
Well, doc, i saw a one sided mask and it was rotating in ONE direction
Bleach Is The Solution 😂😂😂😂
Bleach Is The Solution Hahaha 😂😂😂
And if i can make it rotate to the direction y want?
The shadow is on a different side.
One of them is convex, the other one is not
Is it really not obvious??
yeah...even i was thinking of the same thing
We live in an age where your sanity and intelligence are determined by only two questions. If only humans were that simple
nah, suppose u re right dude
- it shows how arrogant humans are.
In reality if the mask was rotating in the same direction you'd end up seeing the back of the mask which would look different. The out dents would be indented. So I'm not sure about this test. And I think the ones who invented this test need a psychiatrist.
The point of the test is that the front and back of the mask look identical from certain angles. It’s actually quite an interesting experiment regarding human depth perception and how the brain processes the world around you. I’ve seen it done in real life and it’s quite a bit harder to tell and much more trippy than in the video
@@leanvolcano9562 The front and back of a mask do not look identical. This is only true at 0 and 180 degrees of rotation. At other angles, you will get blockage and shadows. The animation is not showing what they want to show here.
@@ihague4568 yep! I 100% agree! That’s why only at those certain angles they’ll look identical, thanks for explaining the shadows bit
That was so easy 👽 The mask was rotating in one way, right side and I was choice the correct answer:)
Quote your last sentence 👍
Bold of you to assume I have friends
How is your comment 54 years ago when this video was posted 2 years ago
Hahahahah sameeee
This is the genius 👍
@@mrbbqcraig Haha,
@@laf1493 1 month ago. His name says 54 Years ago
Can't wait to scroll through the comments and find all the people who are "genius"
Cant wait? why wait it's already full
AshGabe 18 all im finding are schizophrenics.
You can be a genius and not put that to use- it would be futile boasting about it unless you actually did something like create art, write books, put your theories to the test, etc.
here and now yeah you dont have to be a genius to write books, create art, or test out theories. and this bs test is one of those "ooh spot the trick hurhurhur" tests rather than an accurate depiction of how smart you are.
Well that's only because the test was easy lol
The brain of a healthy person tends toward self-deciet.
That sounds insane.
It is- the legal definition of lunacy is an inability to discern between fantasy and reality.
Therefore, I was right- the whole world is mad.
Not totally, your brain is always assessing things than he can't fully comprehend. So he sorts of choose what he wants to understand, and that is that (that's where illusion comes from btw, when you deal in those things the brains choose to ignore). Healthy people all "filter" information the same way and assume this is reality. So in that sense they "deceive" themselve. Mental illness usually implies your filter doesn't work properly or not at all. Like schyzophrenic or paranoid person might be hyper aware of thei surrounding and interpret wrongly normal stuff like people talking to their phone or notice things that aren't actually important
Right? I'm convinced the majority are actually crazy. Mass delusion
Honestly. This video is tripe.
it makes you wonder, are we really the healthy ones?
my schizophrenia is usually only triggered by animated physics defying rotating floating shadow mask illusions, so I can confirm that this is legit.
^Clearly the only irrationally logical explanation.
But it is legit unfortunately to make mass production of those things digitally. Here: first they sell trauma, then they talk about mental health. Not right
I'm considered pretty high iq wise and can see the image turn both or one way. I see the images in my mind very similar to when looking at a puzzle being solved in my head is the way I can best describe it.
The voices in my head tell me this video is inaccurate
voices are telling every body it is as simple as finding the f in a buch of E'S
Mixey tbh this video seems to be bogus
Don’t listen to him he’s lying
I’m not lying it’s obvious fake
Me: I'm a genius!!
A voice in my head: No , you're not
Me: :O
You don't have to listen to that voice in your head :)
Erica Lynn Joseph
I’m pretty sure they were referring to be schizophrenic, not a genius. The voice was them hearing voices. It’s a joke about being crazy.
@@sparksfly6149 genius here though^
I was literally diagnosed with schizophrenia, but according to this video I just have a high IQ.... Wtfuck is going on? Doctors wanna exploit me or what???
Apparently I'm a genius. C'mon I cried for 20 minutes yesterday because I couldn't find my phone, which I was holding in my hand the entire time. 😐
Rebel-chan Nightcore lll
Just Another Memer well give an example of a genius
first of all, why would you cry that you couldn't find your phone? secondly, that happens to me sometimes. but i'm just forgetful XD
Rebel-chan Nightcore Maybe you are just a typical 12 year old kid scrolling through youtube and watching videos that says 'you are a genius'. But you don't realise that they are doing this just to gain more views and likes for their channel.
2:08 It was extremely rude of him to replace schizophrenic with “crazy”.
This test is rigged. There is NO way everyone in this comment section is a genius, including me
Sss Nake lol
I am not a genius...but i got both right...
+Jugenmujugenmugokono Sedegakaisadeasensu
That doesnt make you a genius. It simply means you know how optical illusions work....
Sss Nake it's called lieing
Sss Nake i saw the difference look at the mouth
don't think i'm a genius had to pause the video at 1:02 to google the word convex lol
Charlie Brown lol this made my day.
ME :D I was like, I'm taking a intelligence test over here, don't need an English test butting in :D
This happened to me
I didn't have to. But your comment made me cry with laughter
people with high IQ's didn't watch the entire video
we get bored too u know -_-
I’ll have you know I’ve been busy educating myself with the comment section thank you very much
-One Schizophrenic Genius
When a smart person sees clickbait, they turn off the computer and read the encyclopedia.
+garet claborn That must be my problem, then. The voices discouraged me at aardvark.
that is what alcohol is for
Basically these videos say what you want to hear!!, They say a positive thing about any choice and any result and you get happy too then you want more and more, you watch these videos more they get more money
@vonto FN hmm, maybe 😂lol
Amen. Well said. It only strengthens the confirmation bias
Bruh you are kind of schizophrenic
I mean that could be a possibility I don't blame ya :p
It requires a genius to understand what you've just posted
First off this was easy anyone can get this and secondly schizophrenics aren't crazy..
Musicsavedme exactly. I'm not crazy.
Musicsavedme Define crazy..
Where does it say crazy?
Musicsavedme +
Clicking this video means you are not a genius - just like me!
JJ Sparrow oh man, wbk
thank you to let me know that ...
Nah, this is not accurate.
Yea. I don't want to be selfish, but I think I have high iq. But, this quiz hasn't got ANY sense!!!!!!! It's just for more views and more subscribes and more likes etc. Sorry my English are bad
Me to my mom: Mom i have mental illness
My mom: And how do you know that?
Me: I saw a video in the RUclips where i found that i have mental illness
Mom: show me that video(Me showing the video)
My mom: Yup, you are right you are having a mental illness coz you are saying you have a mental illness by watching this video
6 Ways To Guard Your Energy
1. Trust with your intuition
2. Don’t engage in negative gossip
3. Go in nature you’ll never be alone
4. Meditation
5. Eat Clean
6. Don’t sleep next to your phone
This video is extremely unreal and illogical. It is extremely offensive to people with mental illness (like myself) to hear these things. Not to mention in 2:15 it plainly stated that if you got the answers wrong, then you are "healthy". So it's basically saying that if we got them right due to common sense and obvious clues, then we are living an "unhealthy" mental lifestyle. It also says in the title "Mental illness", but in the video it says schizophrenia, referring to the stereotype that schizophrenic people are dangerous, which is not the case. It's very hypocritical to say that you can't tell the difference between a "normal" human being and someone with mental illness, again referring to schizophrenia as mental illness in all. This video could mess up poor people's minds and make them think they are so called crazy when they just wanted to enjoy solving puzzles because that's what your channel is about. It's not about mental illness and accusing people who can figure out riddles to have mental illness. I thought this channel was for children, not falsely accused mental patients.
Happiness is letting the little, insignificant people or thoughtful go.
Its quite telling on what we believe and admire as genius
If you watch a youtube video that says you have a mental illness, and you believe it, then there's definitely something wrong
I am mentally unwell(I have Aspergers which is technically a mental illness it makes you think differently)yes but I don’t care about it I’m still normal to some degree
Cr Saddler I agree my old friend is schizophrenic and not crazy
Well, that's 6 minutes of my life I'm not getting back.
LOL! LOL!!! same here only super bored clicked------Blessings
I felt like 20 minutes....
I watched it in 2x speed so only wasted 3 minutes of my life. I really am a genius!
Zombies Ate My Pizza! That's priceless!
Hmm, sounds very psychotic of you.
So, I'm either a genius with high IQ, or a schizophrenic?
Hm. I wonder how accurate these videos even are.
Nathan Paterson not at all... I think this guys a complete tool
Its based on preseption and logic and how you combine and precive the information around you. I got by this vidio i t states i would be genious or skit in reality im hf autistic i see the concave because i am "wired" to see logic
how about not accurate we click on them to test we all have an ego problem
Well he did say that genius and schizophrenic are very similar....
dawbre42 Good point, as I'm autistic myself (Asperger's syndrome).
But, considering how the narrator addresses this, with little to no proof, it's hard to say that it's believable.
Me out of nowhere: tHerE aRe 2 mAsKs
Then ur geniud
There are. The video is trimmed. It’s not physically correct. Honestly I don’t get how so many people fight against the two answers. There’re just both wrong to me.
@@alalapaca7252 Same goes to me lol
I don't quite understood the point behind this exercise. I just think it's inappropriate to suggest someone might have this terrible illness or might be some sort of genius based on your "test". I happen to know both perfectly average and highly intelligent people with schizophrenia and believe me when I say that mental illness does not discriminate, nor is it something to be made light of.
Ravi : I agree with you. This entire video is irresponsible.
It is bad.
read my explanation of what YOU say here
@@matrix23225 this entire channel is
Both of them were completely obvious to me. So what am I?
My inner voices say i am a genius
EDIT: Why are yall answering "same" or "me too"? Are you my inner voices?
Johanniklas I scroll down to comment sections for people like you.
What does the 2nd and 3rd voice say?
Oh and don't listen to the demon.
The little man inside of me says I'm a genius
Johanniklas True
what if you are a schizophrenic genius?
A schizophrenic person is ussually a smart one...
Zeridi actually anyone with. Below OR above average IQ is likely to develop schizophrenia
It's true that people with very low IQ are more likely to develop schizophrenia. But that's all.
I have many acquaintances around 130 who have schizophrenia, including myself. Saying that schizophrenics generally have lower IQ than the average population is nonsense and I've never heard of that. The answer is that probably it doesn't differ.
Schizophrenia doesn't lower your intelligence, it's merely more difficult to access it.
It sounds like this is a simple correlation issue. I don’t think there is any evidence of causation here that a low iq puts you at higher risk of developing schizophrenia. If a schizophrenic questions things less, this would make sense as to why they have a lower iq score, but it doesn’t make sense the other way around.
Umm. Hello? Those who said that schizophrenics have low IQs, has anyone of you heard of John Nash? He was schizophrenic and a genius. He won a noble prize in Math! There's a movie based on his story called Beautiful Mind that won an Oscar.
So, yeah. Schizophrenics can be geniuses too!
“People who are “crazy “ won’t sit around worrying about it!”
time to find a psychiatrist
Jessica P same..
Jessica P same...
Jessica P same
Welp, I'm an idiot. I had to pause the video just to Google "convex." 🤣
Nah, that makes you a genius idiot. The true idiots didn't bother finding out what convex means
Now you are the genius because you recognized a lateral way of thinking
KoolKidzKlan for real so did i,😂
omg i was about to. Thought id swing it but i got both wrong, i think. im hoping im crazy more than genius or dumb will do
i knew what i meant by looking at how the mask moved i hadnt even heard of that word untill now
I got both questions right and I'm not schizophrenic nor am I a genius. It's just common sense...
Oh thanks for the likes! Look mom see I told you I'm not a loser.
You are looking at it as what it SHOULD be, not what you actually see. Everyone can tell it's only convex on one side and that it only spins in one direction, that's obvious, it's common sense. However, it doesn't LOOK like that when looking at the inside of the mask.
jules it does
And I am not scitzophrenic
nevermind re did it yous are completely correct, its rotating in 2 directions and its convex on both sides
I'm just a sociopath
i thought the mask was going in both left and right for a second
but i was just decieving myself lol
Thumbnail: Can you spot the difference?
Me: *instantly sees that the shading is different*
Same 😅😅😆😂
@I subbed to dream Hello Same
i think they just mirrored the image...
@@moiclarri yeah that’s what i thought.... maybe we’re..... geniuses
*its big brain time*
Are you a genius or “crazy”? This is an ignorant, offensive question.
agreed, calling people with mental illness crazy makes it worse. Besides, this description is just cringe.
I got them both right 😔
@@Justcatc what am I if I made one right and missed the other? Half crazy half not?
Right my mom is taking me to the doctor soon for having hallucinations and delusions and for hearing and seeing things and I already feel crazy so when he said that he triggered me a lot
@@xavierhart7115 oh my
I don't have schizophrenia and neither do I.
What about you? You don't either.
Malcolm Dale how is this not the top rated comment
Malcolm Dale lol
Malcolm Dale reminds me of a scene from the film What about Bob.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm a schizophrenic
And so am I
Which funnily enough I said to a co-worker the day before seeing your comment.
If that's
A) spooky- you're an Joe Average
B) A happy coincidence- there may be hope for you yet....
Just kidding
Stay humble. Peace
OMG, that made me spit out my morning Coffee. Nicely done Malcolm, et al.
I never felt so relieved for failing a test 😂
The progression of this video is slower than a turtle in peanut butter.
2x speed for lyfe
no way haha brilliant
...that's been frozen.
That's so oddly specific
I saw this video, and got all the genius scores, so I went to a psychologist to take an IQ test and scored a 143. It's from watching Rick and Morty.
Now that is awesome!
Ryan Cokus you beat me by 5 points... but we can both be accepted into Mensa I believe.
Clem Marchal Tru, you only have to have an IQ of 130 to get into mensa, but I'm lazy and do not feel like doing something like that.
My IQ is also 143, or was in the mid-2000s.
If you actually bought into any of these 2 tests, then don't worry, you're probably not a genius!
They're not even tests but they work in most cases
Sounds like you and 123 other people are butthurt cause u failed😬
BigBirdYellow Films I got both right and am not a genius or schizophrenic. My IQ is higher than average but nowhere near genious level.
St tom I had an opinion IQ is not related to being genius or not being one. Take savants for example.
There's a fine line between crazy and genius.
imagine standing on the line
Great, now we're gonna have a bunch of rejects running around acting all high and mighty thinking they are geniuses after watching your video... Thanks Brightside.
"High and mighty". I've always found that phrase retardedly charming.
I'm mighty high that's all i know.
here here to that.
alex walker thats what I'm saying, ppl act so hard to be different and wanting to be the most weird person on the planet, like it's just a video wanting views, u r normal.
The most bogus video ever.
Schyler Chappell the comments are gold tho, full of geniuses here
Skumm 😂
i somehow doubt that
The mask deal is certainly bogus.They used the right word"deceit"
I didn't get these unfortunately, but the voices in my head aced it!
lol...good one 😜
Old Gregg ++00aa!
Good one
Be happy: "Follow the middle path between the passions of attachment & aversion" -S.G
*sees thumbnail*
The shadow are on the different sides...
I also saw that XD
That's what I saw.
Wolfy Tamara ikr
Wolfy Tamara omg so samee!!😂😂
Wolfy Tamara thats why every single person clicked on this video
"find a friend who's a psychiatrist"? then they wouldn't be able to diagnose you accurately because they're biased towards you.
jade Problem solved
Did someone say conflict of interest?
everyone is biased u genius.
remember when freud tried to apply his psychotherapy to his daughter?
jade that might be true for administering psycho therapy, but with diagnosing and prescribing meds it's all a matter of checking off symptoms on a list and shooting in the dark until you find a medication that works.
Happily forward
"Is the mask rotating in one direction or two?" Its rotating on the right side! BUT WHAT? YOU ASKED 1 OR 2 NOT LEFT OR RIGHT
I see it rotate one direction, round and round, concave on one side. And at anytime, I can see it rotating two different directions (around one way to face me and then it turns back the other way and goes a round) which makes it concave on both sides. It goes around one way and turn back the other, over and over.
Two directions:
Clockwise (facing my right and turning left to look strange at me). Then when facing head on, the rotation goes back the other way, counter clockwise (--> right) all the back around the other way.
It flips back and forth, rotating one direction then the other. It rotates 2 ways.
When I see it concave on one side, it rotates clockwise never flipping directions
ocre78 According to this, you are a genius because you see the illusion as well as the way the "trick" is being done.
I saw it the same way.
He said that a healthy brain sees the illusion. A genius brain sees the flaws. A brain with psychosis or schizophrenia sees it rotating and concave without any strange illusion.
So, no schizophrenia for us! 👌
Lets just say that the person who made this video didn't score on the genius side ;)
Saying it's rotating in the right direction is a more specific way of detailing that it is rotating in one direction. If someone perceives it as rotating to the left, then they are likely mis-perceiving or fooling themselves into seeing it that way. A completely valid answer if you perceive it's actual rotation and grasp the implication of it.
#1 Is the mask convex on one side or two?
Me: Pauses the video to remember what convex even ment
#2 Is the mask rotating in one direction or two?
Me: Its going left
Answer the mask is only going right
Me: Wha-
I don't need friends. They just disappoint me.
Depressed peep 💃🏼
hacks for life you could stop at five or six stores. Or
But still looking For the right ones?
@@yassirvend9952 yes
Then there not youre friends. If you find real friend they wont dissapoint you.
Realized this was a bad video when people in RUclips comments thought they were geniuses
thehappypine oof
thehappypine haha
Looking at these comments, the fact I stopped watching at 2 minutes - says that I am a real genius. 😉
i didn't even start
Probably spent like 10 writing this comment though
I've never been to this page.
The mask is a mirror image of itself going to the right.
It does neither
I was really hoping to be a mad scientist when I grow up but I guess I'm just gonna be a crazy genius. Hope my mom isn't disappointed.
Well as it seems I'm a genius. (I propably shouldn't listen to an internet video about this but ok I'll take it.)
LOVE IT!!! BTW, so am I.
Matthew Silver n so am i
ok all the people in this comment section are apparently geniuses so let's make a group and solve the planets problems.
Yeah I know right, that's my reaction
me too. I can choose to see the illusion however I want on command. for a second there is thought I was crazy XD
If you have just started the video, now would be the best time to leave.
Nosferatu You've made a good choice, mate.
good I wanted to read the comments first.. thx
thank you
thank you
Antelani Atuaia thx your the real mvp
I knew both of them right away and it was obvious to me... But it's okay the voices didn't tell me the answer.
which one are you?
Michsel Holiday it was a really bad joke.
Larry Nance I'm assuming I'm just a magnificent genius ;) it was a bad joke... In case you were worried.
Sure "they" didn't....uh-huh, we believe you...wink wink!
I got it right because you can clearly see alternate points of light on each side of the mask, showing that it’s a two sided mask that from one side looks the exact same, although the lighting shows otherwise. One side is seen is bending away from you, while the other side bends towards, just like a real mask.
*jokes on you, I don’t have any friends*
*Jokes on you, I guessed both and got both right*
That means you are of a small group of people called "the lucky ones". Doesn't matter if you're crazy or not... Your luck will help carry your life burdens.
There is no point. You LITERALLY have a 50% chance to get both of them right...smh
Allen Paguio14 well, individually you have a 50% chance to get each right purely by chance, but to get both right by chance it's a 25% chance, however this shouldn't matter, as you shouldn't be guessing in the first place
Actually it's 25%
Very true.
But there's no wrong or right, it's simply a question to test your state of mind and how you think, in the end both answers are right, it's just theperspective that's different and the perspective you're seeing things with is what's interesting for psychologist ^^
what if the answer was obvious to you but your brain kept switching between them after you learnt what a convex was?
You are looking at it as what it SHOULD be, not what you actually see. Everyone can tell it's only convex on one side and that it only spins in one direction, that's obvious, it's common sense. However, it doesn't LOOK like that when looking at the inside of the mask. You're fine
I don't even know what convex is even after google said so...
same xD I think it means, like, the visible curve of something
well technically it's flat computer screen so it would have no curve
even more proof that this video is false
spong mongler & Daisy Pie Concave describes an inward curve; its opposite, convex, describes an outward curve.
When you pause it, it's easier to see the concave side as convex since it's a perfect reflection. You can also see the face in concave side as rotating in the opposite direction of the convex side.
Welp... guess I need to find a psychiatrist now . Fml.
Lucie Loo Same
Lucie Loo same ig
Elliot Whinchester g
Lucie Loo me too
me too
Both were very obvious. It's not about what you see, it's about common sense. A real mask can only be convex in one direction. It can only rotate in one direction at a time. It's simple. Do not go to a doctor because of this
Dumpster Cat I have no idea what convex means lol
Jake Osouris it just means curved outward
Yea, my thoughts were "It can only be convex on one side" and "It could be spinning either way but not both at the same time".
Nathan Coffey yeah. It's amazing the extent the media will go to convence the common folk there is something wrong with them when there actually isnt, and this video is no exception. It's all about tricking people into spending money they don't need to spend.
It couldve been with two convexes as if you put two masks. Nose is easiest part to distinguish between inside of the mask and out
"happy medium between happiness and intelligence" Implying that you can only have one or the other...
No, the implication is that the vast majority of people _perceive_ that you can only have one or the other (i.e. black-or-white thinking), whereas the genius-level mind can find the happy medium.
+Sherwoodbears You're* Lol irony incarnate.
Sherwoodbears to be honest what you just said as an argument may have been the most immature and pathetic way to prove intellect. You should be able to stand above the petty ways of the average being.
Sherwoodbears I really don't care
If you only see in black and white you miss the shades of grey you can believe in black and white all you want
I got em both right but I’m not a genius. Anyone here a phsychiatrist
And for the questions: I’m never sad away from my friends cuz I’m never alone.
Im not crazy im just high right now.
Edit: it was so funny how he predicted how I was high
Haha me too
Same haha
On what? It makes a difference.
ok i was scared i was the only one
JD vlogs same 😁😁😁
Me: Welp I'm Schizophrenic
me again: wait a second.
Skull Bunny LOL
Skull Bunny n
Skull Bunny crazy=genius
well done.*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* nice joke
Skull Bunny its a bad illuision to much shadow gives it away.
"Answer the questions with accordance to your feeling"
Um, i love you?
I love you too 😄
Jane Hervilla are u a girl?
If yes, I hate u. I am evil, I hate girls and also I am rude to many people, I even bully children at school, an I even beat up a boy, and he was bleeding
+Dark Scorpion Could you be a little less edgy please? You're making yourself look like a spoiled brat that's trying to hard to be cool.
+Dark Scorpion why do u do horrible things like that.. you don't want to be loved.. and if yes can I love you
I am not a genius nor am i schizophrenic. What I am is self aware.
The test hasn't even started and im already confused.
what's the definition of convex ?
Curving or bulging outward-bulging, domed, arched, convexity, bulged
Convex shortens the focal length. Hence, apparently image becomes magnified.
@@ambikashuklaofficial well if he asked what a convex lense did then yes, but that is not what convex means (congrats on knowing year 7 physics)
I answered both correct and I'm ok with the fact that I know that I'm normal.. this video doesn't prove anything at all.
Stephanie Sunshine though you replied, so it proves something Stephanie.
And correct on what note, it was subjective, so there is no wrong answers.
But it's good to accept there is nothing wrong with you, regardless of how you answered.
the fact that I replied it means that I somewhat have an opinion. still doesn't prove anything for me. thanks for the advice anyway.
Stefania Livya I'm not fine mentally, but I know I don't have schizophrenia
Why are you so sure that you are normal?
I also enjoy taking pictures and I'm really creative, but I've never been to psychologist to find out if I'm normal..I just know it xD
So all geniuses only want to live in big cities? Cmon, thats just nonsense.
No, it means we can adapt with emotional intelligence.. i test normaly around 120-130 in online iq tests..
My IQ is 165, what they do tell you is that the test is subjective, and due to the fact it's subjective it realize on personal feelings and opinions. But because no one is exactly the same even those with higher IQ's the cases don't always apply; so basically take it with a grain of salt, it's more of a correlation than anything else. On the other hand if you take a regular IQ test it would be objective and purely informational without influence from your feelings and/or opinions and those are the results to listen to and trust.
+skinsman82000 where did you get "only want" from? the question is if you feel comfortable with it.
Right? Newton would indicate the opposite.
skinsman82000 They messed that part up- he said if you chose the first question both times then you are very happy, yet the first one said "No, lots of people stress me out." Which sounds significantly less happy then the latter.
I'm in the happy medium between happiness and intelligence
Is nobody going to talk about the fact that he said "are you crazy or a genius?" Implying that schizophrenics are crazy while they are not.
SomeRandomDemigod yeah! I noticed it too. Was scrolling to see if somebody else did.
*Crazy = Genius plays in background*
SomeRandomDemigod true
SomeRandomDemigod Ikr I'm schizophrenic and I am not crazy... most of the time...
Alyx The Aerialist others may justify their reality as normal while seeing someone with schizophrenia is crazy. First off, the boundaries of mental health are created by mankind, so to anyone delcared as sick or ill, maybe the person saying to you that you are crazy is the dellusional one. i would like to mark that this universal existence is not totally comprehensable, to a blank stranger i maybe nothing more than a projection of them, because they need me to prove their existence as much as i need you
I don't wanna be that guy but... can you really diagnose schizophrenia with a 6 min video on RUclips?
Be that guy all you want, 'cause u're right! No medicine or science here, just the usual every day RUclips bull $hit. Funny tho', passes the time...
Indy J *everyday
Thanks! Noted.
Thank God someone made that point here! There is a reason that real IQ tests are hundreds of questions and need to be interpreted by professional psychologists.
6mins and 12 seconds
It's kind of hard to not answer it correctly when you know it's supposed to be an illusion. Even if you tell me to answer how it looks and not what I think it is, I'm still going to answer with what I know is right.
I lived in Las Vegas for a few years for work after growing up in a small Utah town. It was the greatest experience of my life living a block away from the LV Blvd. with absolutely nobody but myself. No friends and no family, just Las Vegas and myself. I ate and drank whenever and whatever I wanted without anyone saying a word.
The title of this video is outright awful. Schizophrnia is a serious conditon that has changed my life and my partner's life severly. It is an awful, painful, and absolutley terrifing condition that has nothing to do with these "tests". My girlfriend has awful hallucinations that absolutley impair her ability to live a normal life of and young adult. this video is misinforming many people about the dangers, causes, and symptoms of scizophrenia. it is not simply being a perfectionist or part of and ocd which is the message coming across to me at the moment. Using a serious mental conditon as a way to make people want to know if they have the disorder is absolutelty barabric and unclaled for. I am sorry for going on a complete rant but this is some awful clickbait here..not only is it luring people into your awful videos having nothing to do with the thumbnail or title most of the time, BRIGHT SIDE is satting standards for awful mental condiitons...ugh
and yet you chose someone almost totally beyond help to "mate"/pair up with? Who's the crazy one?
Had a similar reaction to this video. I hope things get better foryou. I have really bad anxiety and some OCD but my boyfriend loves me and helps me through it. Not the same thing but it helps for someone who society deems "crazy" to have people in their lives to support And be there for them. You seem like a strong person. :) god bless and good night
The only reason I clicked on this video was to see if other people were as upset about the title as I was. Unfortunately I can't find many people who see anything wrong with it. I completely agree with you and I'm really disappointed to see that not many people are aware of how disgusting the title is.
I have to say i also got offended by this title.
Since 3 years i have a schizophrenic hamster and the struggle he goes through on a daily basic is not worth the belittling of captions n titles like these. My lil bud struggles everyday. Sometimes i come home from work and u can find him in the kitchen making sandwiches cause he thinks hes a woman again. The struggle is real and schizophrenia aint a joke.
What are you? 12?
Me : *gets all the questions correct*
Also me : _wait, what?_
- L ø v e l y - C h a n - Same
You dont have a mental illness. But as bright side told, you could also be *genius*
I know the answers because I've seen enough optical illusions to know these
If you built a 3d model with double sided material, you would know the answers.
I’m not crazy
Then you also know that as with many optical illusions, it doesn't matter whether you know the answer, it still LOOKS like the opposite is true
房乐天 I do research in 3D human face reconstruction, and its what I see everyday.. lol
Your the genuine genuis dreming up this little slight 👍
Me after the tests: A happy and intelligent schizophrenic person
Well, my invisible friend Bob got all the questions wrong but my other invisible friend Ilean got then right but told me not to tell Bob cause he gets jealous.
Wonderful names
You might want to look up what schizophrenia actually means, because you're thinking of Dissociative identity disorder
It's voices or delusions and voices wake you up at night screaming telling you to do things you don't want to
Oh my invisible friend Jonathan got them both wrong. Even more bizzarely my inner demon said that there is no mask! Haha
no bob, i only use logic
Salsabila Putri exactly
me too
Psychiatrist: *stands up and spins around in 1 direction* did I spin in 2 directions or 1?
Me: bruh 1
Psychiatrist: you have schizophrenia.
Well apparently according to this quiz I'm a genius but the same thing cannot be said according to my grades
Noore Rehmat lol same
what we learn in school today were founded by geniuses who didn't perform well at school because they could not follow the rules so they create their own rules. so don't be upset if you perform bad in school because geniuses think oddly
Noore Rehmat einstein was a c student.
Noore Rehmat I'm in beyween median and happiness and my grades are eh
Stewart James why im agree with you?
Both answers are obvious if you just look correctly.
I guess I'm an f-ing genius.
Emily Hartsay the video is meant to make you think you're a genius so you'll go take the IQ test he offered at the end of the video. It's, for lack of a better term, a scam.
Me to
I saw both the answers as correct to
No, you're not. Most of the people got it right, including me. A test on the internet will not determine if you are a genius :)
i know lol
Does anyone find it extremely rude for him to have said “your not crazy”
Jasmyne Davis
Yes Yes i do
who do you know that wants to be crazy? The fact they would be willing to act crazy, could mean they are actually crazy though. Lol.
Well whoever says their mental stat is not stable are those craving attention, real sociopaths tend to hide behind a mask and pretend they are normal, and they are great at doing so.
tinylilmatt exactly, many think that actions are the key to know if someone is normal or not, and many blame what they do on their emotion, but in reality its them that control what they do.
Actually when he said "you're not crazy", I felt very disappointed... All these years