Beyond Coincidence: Rupert Spira on Synchronicity and Non-Duality

  • Опубликовано: 2 июл 2024
  • Rupert Spira A Renowned Teacher of Nonduality
    Rupert Spira: is a prominent contemporary figure in the field of nonduality, a spiritual movement emphasizing the underlying oneness of reality. He is known for his clear and relatable explanations of Advaita Vedanta, an ancient Indian philosophy centered on the unity of the individual self (Atman) with the ultimate reality (Brahman).
    In Ruper Spira talks, he delves into the core principles of Advaita Vedanta, a philosophy emphasizing the non-duality of reality. He guides us on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment.
    In many of his videos he explores crucial questions:
    How can we cultivate true self-awareness and overcome the limitations of the ego?
    What is the nature of consciousness, and how can we access our true nature?
    [How to find your true self, Rupert Spira] (Weave in a specific question he addresses)
    By drawing on the wisdom of Rupert Spira, you'll gain valuable insights on:
    Rupert Spira non-duality: Understanding the interconnectedness of all things.
    Spiritual awakening: The process of realizing your true nature as pure consciousness.
    Rupert Spira overcoming ego: Dissolving the illusion of a separate self.
    Whether you're a seasoned seeker or just beginning your exploration, this talk offers a transformative perspective on the nature of reality and your place within it.
    #rupertspira #satsang #advaitavedanta #selfrealization #enlightenment #nonduality #spiritualawakening #guidedmeditation #meditation #happiness #ramana maharshi teachings
    coincidence with extremely low probability, as separate minds cannot communicate over distance, making such events seem highly improbable.
    Common Experiences of Synchronicity: Everyone has experienced synchronicity, where unrelated thoughts or events coincidentally align, challenging the materialist view due to the high frequency and low odds of such occurrences.
    Consciousness-Only Paradigm: In the consciousness-only paradigm, all minds are connected through a single field of infinite consciousness, allowing for simultaneous thoughts in different minds, akin to thoughts in the mind of God.
    Connection of Minds: Minds appear distinct at the surface level but become more interconnected as they trace back to their source in infinite consciousness, explaining the occurrence of synchronicity as a natural connection at deeper levels of awareness.
    Impersonal Desires: For desires to manifest synchronistically, they must be asked impersonally, aligning with truth, love, or beauty, reflecting the interconnectedness of all minds within the same aware space.
    Thank you for watching!
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Комментарии • 12

  • @lisamoag6548
    @lisamoag6548 21 день назад

    Thank you, excellent concise and true.
    Grana Rose

  • @crookedzebrarecords
    @crookedzebrarecords 22 дня назад

    I have had them constantly. My favorite was playing with our 1 year old, when my partner texted me. I waited for about 15 minutes to read the text, when I did, it was my partner writing about estimates for attic insulation, I looked up at the tv to realize there was an episode of curious george on about a freezing attic. I've had MANY! the more mindful you are, on track in life, the more the universe sends guide posts to let you know you are doing the right thing! It's lifted me up in so many ways, because I know with being forced to take statistics (graduating with a BA in psych), how crazy the odds of them happening are. For me it solidifies faith in God. as I was writing this, I looked up to see 33 likes on the video, me being 34 :D The collective unconscious is very real in my opinion.

    • @Timelessteachingstoday
      @Timelessteachingstoday  22 дня назад +1

      I’ve also encountered some odd and intriguing synchronicities that have made me pause and reflect. It’s comforting to know others have similar experiences. Thanks for sharing.

  • @gannuji
    @gannuji 22 дня назад +1

    Isn't everything ever could we ask for is in some way for truth love beauty, i mean is there anything that is literally other than that one being doing being having everything everywhere all at once, in one way everything is impersonal and in another way of seeing everything just is very personal...the written the writer the writing ....

    • @terefefeyssa877
      @terefefeyssa877 13 дней назад

      @gannuji: Tell me how greed,manipulation, theft, and hurting others are impersonal.
      I want to know. Are those things done for love, beauty, and peace?

  • @chrishodge933
    @chrishodge933 19 дней назад +1

    The interviewer has just finished reading a pamphlet
    on how to be totally uninterested in your guest
    Or any of the twaddle he's selling,

  • @widipermono854
    @widipermono854 22 дня назад


  • @betweenworlds620
    @betweenworlds620 21 день назад


  • @davidalbro2009
    @davidalbro2009 19 дней назад +1

    He didn't address synchronicities. He addressed psychic phenomena.
    Rupert regularly lets his somewhat narrow paradigm reveal itself.