24:04 Ozza would like to report workplace harassment 32:20 Platy took Ze's desk (and writes his Magnum Opus) 43:14 Ze took ONE quiz. ONE! 1:05:07 Your old (ooollllddd) 1:06:26 Thrilling high speed chase 1:23:44 Uhhhhh 1:32:43 Never do that again 1:33:43 Platy. Platy please. Platy- 1:39:09 AND NOBODY NOTICED 1:50:46 You don't have to answer that. Quick, shake my hand 1:55:22 Women are the best (Jeremy is there too, I guess) 1:55:43 YOU SAW NOTHING 2:15:16 Skibidi Riiiizzz!! *audience applauds* 2:17:02 Yeah he does that 2:22:54 SKIBIDI RIIIIZZZ *the crowd goes wild* 2:23:31 S K I B I D I R I- (Platy has disconnected)
24:04 Ozza would like to report workplace harassment
32:20 Platy took Ze's desk (and writes his Magnum Opus)
43:14 Ze took ONE quiz. ONE!
1:05:07 Your old (ooollllddd)
1:06:26 Thrilling high speed chase
1:23:44 Uhhhhh
1:32:43 Never do that again
1:33:43 Platy. Platy please. Platy-
1:50:46 You don't have to answer that. Quick, shake my hand
1:55:22 Women are the best (Jeremy is there too, I guess)
2:15:16 Skibidi Riiiizzz!! *audience applauds*
2:17:02 Yeah he does that
2:22:54 SKIBIDI RIIIIZZZ *the crowd goes wild*
2:23:31 S K I B I D I R I- (Platy has disconnected)
Are we going to get a jeremy and chilled FanFic?!?