If you are ignorant and do not know the history of Israel, who created it, and who supports it in the Middle East, yes, you will say this, but on the contrary, the Zionists in Palestine came to colonize, and we do not recognize it as a state because that land is occupied.
There may be an irrational phobia towards Muslims, who can be way better than the doctrines of their religion. But well, after decades of seeing what happens when Islam gets very "old timey" and violent and destructive, and seeing it happen over and over and over again repeating itself in cycles of violence... with a doctrine that radicalizes and militarizes every generation with the intention of becoming theocracies... That's no phobia! It's a consistent threat to security in the world.
Lol that's what the media want you to be believe. Islam continues to being the fastest growing Religion on the planet in terms of conversions. And don't say by force.. Go to your local Mosque and ask any convert to the religion and they will tell you why they chose Islam. Most of you here have never probably read the Qur'an or gone to your local Mosque to learn about it. Continue to live in your ignorance.
I’m a Muslim, and I have never not once been taught that it’s okay to kill. Where the f do you get ur info from? I live in a very Muslim community in London, spend 100% with Muslims. Went to school, went to an Islamic school. Never had a thought to kill another, never did any of my Muslim teachers teach this. Never did I open an Islamic book and see stuff about killing non Muslims. But I did read history books, modern world specifically and do you know who did alot of killing?? WHITE people! And do you not who they killed in droves? Muslims. Didn’t Americans kill millions of Muslims in the Iraq war they later said was a mistake? Ooops that’s one group of WHITE murderers. Didn’t French massacre millions of Algerian Muslims when they resisted the invasion of their country? Oops that’s another groom of white murdered. Didn’t America also kill alot of Muslims in the war in Syria? Ooops another group of Muslims. Didn’t Americans also cause alot of children to die to starvation in Yemen by aiding the genocide there? Oops the same group of Muslims. Aren’t Americans giving money to Israel to bomb the crap out of Gaza and already killed 8,000 Muslim children, and 15,000 Muslims in total? Ooops another group of whiye people working together. Didn’t Americans invade Afghanistan and kill about of Afghans there? Even bomb buildings where civilians were getting married? Oh wow, another unjust massacre there by white people. Damn, all those killings and it’s mostly Muslims being killed and YOUR people doing the killing. Interesting gaslighting tactic ain’t it
Always remember this pattern, 1) Conflict is always between islam vs other religions 2) Other islamic countries will not accept those affected muslims as their refugees, but they somehow sneak into non-islamic countries. (Russia, whole EU problem with refugees: France, Germany, Spain etc., India divided into 3+ countries, Iran was not an islamic state initially) 3) once they are into non-islamic countries, they create separate laws and try to break that country too.
Indeed conflict is between islam and other religions. Because islam doesn’t allow to subjugate people. For example usury is not allowed in islam. Which is by extension subjugation of the borrower. Now if Islam stays your entire unhealthy economic system will crash. “Other islamic countries will not except those effected muslims” is just a blatant lie. Bangladesh the forth largest muslim majority country took over 1 million Rohingya. As they were being persecuted and subjected to genocide by violent buddhists. The “choice people” community does that all the time every where they go. So much so that you unchosen one wouldn’t be even to step foot in their neighborhood. On the other hand where ever islam ruled that land thrived.
I agree .... you never hear of hinduophobia, buddhistophobia, mormonophobia, jainophobia etc etc as these religions are not seen as a threat to us in the West and elsewhere.
Yes, but sound people are phobic towards violence and extremism like islam. Cf hydrofob = not soluble in water. Or 'fear of water' - hydrophobia - rabies.
Islam has murdered ~270,000,000 people since it began and there have been closing in on 50,000 lethal terrorist attacks in the name of Islam since Sep 11th 2011.@@andersf5464
Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are BOTH forms of Racism. How can we Muslims be Anti-Semitic,...When we Muslims experience Racism of IslamaPhobia on a Daily Basis? IslamaPhobia is the only form of BIGOTRY allowed in today’s times.
@@kumarshivam1234 mental gymnastics 😂 western ppl are confused and lost touch to reality. You have to be intolerant to ensure law and order. Everyone of you is intolerant.
If I ask myself if I am happy with my very imperfect life in Europe right now that I am always complaining about, I just have to think about sharia law and the life we see others have in Muslim countries and then all of a sudden I become the happiest person on the planet...😂
So happy that you will unwittingly accept the Zionist NWO as your new life , you don't even know that you are a slave, commercial banks have irrevocable power of attorney on everyone, we are all owned By the banks, the birth certificate is the deed, how else do you think they can take the promissory note that you signed, without paying you anything for it, that's how they foreclose when you don't pay, you sign money into creation and as your power of attorney they control that money, that is how they are controlling all the resources, so if they are controlling the resources they would have to pay royalties to the real owners of the resources and you think the religion that specifically forbids this is your problem, no no you have it backwards, the religion of Islam is a problem for your slave masters, because it forbids what they are doing to you and that is why they have brainwashed you into forging such an ignorant position, you know if you actually took the time to read, you would know what Riba and Harram is
@@nathaliemaes I said everything that's crucial to the argument that you did not know yet about, if you want to thank me for educating you go ahead I'm sure countries that tried to instate some form of sharia are benefiting, gulf ones for example are surely much safer than most of UK, France, Sweden and U.S. simply cause they adopted some principles from the Divine
The short answer to the question is: Yes. If we let it Islam will destroy us. Islam is fundamentally about the exaltation of believers in Allah and the conversion or subjugation or eradication of non believers. It has no desire to co-exist with other faiths. And right now the West is allowing it to happen.
@jackwachtel-scott8000 (Jack Wachtel-Scott) even within believers there are categories: serious believers who will "strive" (jihad) for allah who will die striving for allah and those who are jihad weary (quran 9:43-74) and then there are women who face double standards (4:43 versus 4:128) and opposition to scientific methods ... we need to understand these to remind ourselves in face of all the glib talk about false equivalences that muslims bandy about that accusation of genocide is worth wearing on our heads as crown of thorns rather than offer a weak resistance ... hitler was right in method wrong on people he was against ... our sensitivity to genocide has made us weaker because now there is clear case of its need but we have self-psyched ourselves into weakness and hypocrisy and prevarication
The prime single purpose Islam openly states it has is that it's purpose is to be the one and only world religion.....surely that tells the whole story and illustrates how dangerous it is?
As opposed to Roman Catholic or the early Christian church, who butchered and murdered millions in the name of God. How many conquests did the church/royalty carry out? I certainly don't need these 5 individuals telling me what to think about the world's current affairs. I can read and entertain ideas for myself.
Majid is hilarious 😂,his growth is inspiring, I heard his story a while back and I'm impressed on how much this man changed. It takes some serious stones to admit as a grown man that what you believed your whole life was a lie. I truly respect this gentleman!
Why? You should realistic be afraid of a philosophy that wants to destroy you. Deeply aware and consciously afraid, not merely blind with fear of the unknown.
Islamophobia and anti semitism have both become such nonsense phrases that can literally be tied to anything. Like the term "racist" they're meaningless.
It's not Islamophobia if the the book literally says kill the non believers and they blindly follow it. They actually give titles to people who kill the non believers.
@@ShifuCareaga yes - that’s exactly my point. The term is used in a derogatory way to make us look like the problem for being legitimately fearful of Islam. A reasonable fear is not a phobia. Phobia implies that the fear is irrational.
The same can be said about every single country America has decided to intervene in to "free" its people from tranny. Educate your self on history of muskims in Andalucia and see for your self how the quality of life for muslims and non-muslims was back then compared to the quality of life in europe. Stop getting your information from hater of Islam only, search and read then comment.
@@Mandems973 Human rights organisations consider the UAE substandard on human rights, citing reports of government critics being imprisoned and tortured, families harassed by the state security apparatus, and cases of forced disappearances.[26][27] Individual rights such as the freedoms of assembly, association, the press, expression, and religion are also severely repressed. Yeah that sounds much better than living in Sweden lol.
@@joebroart The entire premise of the Apartheid state is due to the Zionist regime’s desires to remain the demographic majority and power. Otherwise the idea of it being a Jewish state will be challenged. Therefore, they treat Arabs differently in different parts of the OPT and Israel depending on their location and particular concerns. Fundamentally they are treated differently from Israeli Jews. The rights of Arabs/Palestinians rank in the following hierarchy: Israeli National>West Bank> East Jerusalem> Gaza > Exile/diaspora. You can mover down (or to the right) of the hierarchy, but each step will limit your rights, and you can’t move up the hierarchy (to the left). A Jewish Israeli however, can move between this hierarchy as they please, while having more and full rights at all stages, and always more than any Arab at any one spot. Again, they are treated differently from Israeli Jews. In the West Bank for example, Palestinians are subject to a military occupation administration even when they are not in Israel proper (remember Israel doesnt recognize the two state solution or Palestinian sovereignty). Israeli settlers in the West bank are subject to civil courts where as the Palestinians are subject to Israeli military courts, which give unreasonably high conviction rates, sometimes long periods of confinement without even representation, make arrest of minors and can include torture. Why are Israeli settlers treated differently than to Palestinians in the WB? Israel applies different systems of governance and courts on both groups in the WB extraterritorially and unequally. For example a settler committing a crime goes to an Israeli civil court, whereas a Palestinian goes to a military court, often witheld without trail for ling periods of time, in a hearing that has always been condemned as unfair when compared to international standards of fair trails. Why does Military Order 101 Regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile Propaganda Actions punish and criminalizes Palestinians for attending and organizing an assembly of 10 or more people without a permit for an issue that “may be construed as political”. And then why does it not define what is meant by “political”, effectively banning protests, including peaceful protests, while stipulating up to 10 years’ imprisonment and/or hefty fines for anyone breaching it? Why is a Palestinian’s ability to build homes and move within the west bank restricted and why is the human registry restricted by an Israeli Military administration if they are not Israeli citizens? Why are there tens of thousands of palestinians married to foreign nationals, who cant bring their nationals over because Israels Military administration blocks adding these individuals to the registries, effectively closing them out to immigration to their spouses? Clearly they are subjected to forms of subjugation and domination even when they are not Israeli citizens, and not in Israel proper, because they are Arab and thats the definition of Apartheid. Remember, under the Rome Statute, the crime against humanity of apartheid means inhumane acts committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups. And how about the discriminatory zoning laws for Israeli Arabs? Why are refugees not allowed to return to their homes in Israel if all Jews world wide can “the law of return”? Why, according to a 2016 analysis by Mossawa Center of the Israeli Ministry of Educations, do Israeli Arabs get a third of the funding per capita for education and other social welfare programs than their Jewish Israeli counterparts? Why is it so difficult to get building permits for Arab Israelis too? Arab Israelis don’t need to join the army, but miss out on social benefits that come with it, which is fair - but why are the ultra orthodox who also dint join the army granted access to those services? Why are 75% of Gazans registered as non Gazan refugees in the UN Relief? Why are they restricted from using 35% of their agricultural land, 85% of the sea and 100% of the sky by the Israeli occupation? Why is it only that the Eastern Jerusalem Palestinians the ones who are revoked of their ID cards retroactively, if they cannot prove that Jerusalem is their “center of life”? Why does this jot happen to Israeli Jews? There are mannnyyyyy more points that make Israel an Apartheid state, but above are a few. Its so overwhelming and multilayered the best thing you should do to read about it. Have you read any of the reports? If you have I doubt you would be doubting the conclusion. Have you read any of the reports? You can go read any of the following: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The UN Special Rappetoires, B’Tselem, the ESCWA report, Yesh Din, the International Federation if Human Rights. Pick and choose there are plenty more.
@@liusaw Islam is a deen (din). A socio-political government structure with it's own legal system. Not just a religion, the religion part is only one aspect
@@sdrc92126 ah yeah the political of marry and r@pe 9yo, alloha snackbar, off ppl for drawing pe-do phrophit. top notch politics, what makes you think i didn't know already. your kind riot, r@ped and destroy europe cities in order to make sharia hellhole in our countries despite running from a sharia hellhole
@@liusaw I am a Muslim myself, our religion states that any Muslim given safe passage and being entrusted to live in a non-Muslim nation, he/she cannot inflict any kind of physical harm in any way whatsoever. It is prohibited and a sin (meaning haram) by what is western people are afraid of, sharia. Sadly, those jihadist have strayed from my religion’s values. I know what their extremist beliefs are, but I have no power to help subjugating this extremism. I am referencing the Ottoman Empire that had already fought off and defended the crowd from extremism discreetly and kept peace in my country for 5 centuries; look at the so-called self-proclaimed jihadists now, they kill the likes of me who try to oppose them and bring destruction to Syria and Iraq. After the British and France’s intentional division of us, we lost that protector and the British had a hand in putting one of those extremist groups in power that grew in influence and spread their ideas over the last century. What I would like to say is that those extremists do not represent my religion’s values.
Reneging and rejecting a faith in Islam by a Muslim would be a death sentence in some Islamic communities. The communities are often a living hell, especially painful for women and "heretics".
the scaremongering is understandable. ISlam remains the fastest growing by way of reversions, and the more lies and hate you people spread, the stronger it gets. Truth is easily distinguished from falsehod, and thats why satan desperately tries with the media propoganda, the fake news, false flax, etc etc to demon ise Islam Satan already has the xtians and hidnus worshipping multiple Gods, all that remains is for the muslims, but we will hold tight to the religion of God, he has blessed us with believing in him, the one and only, the creator of all, and we will remain steadfast. Islam teaches there is no expulsion in religion, you to yours, us to ours on the other hand, the crusades, xtians basically kild anyone who didnt accept it. Hindus are currently doing this ethnic cleasing in india the jews were being slaughtered by xtians all around europe, and the only place they found peace, was under Islamic rule. Under islamic rule, christians, muslims and hindus all live together in peace. In fact, the oldest churches are found in muslim countries. Any sincere person can look through all the lies we are being told abut Islam, and see it for what it is. desperate blaspemers who work for satan,...,
I have travelled widely and support the work of Prof. Amadi. Take a trip to Peshawar, Pakistan and check there. It’s a question of being a Muslim and committing apostasy.
Islamphobia is when moderates are scared to say, what the holy books of islams says about non-Muslims and how they should be treated. In india biographies by Muslim rulers proudly proclaime the genocide of hindus as quotas fulfilled. In 1990 Kashmir, about 400,000 Hindus were driven out nazi style. Muslims proudly claim their relationship with hindus as brothers, in reality no Muslim come out on the streets to protest for the Kashmir Hindus. They never say Hamas did wrong by attacking civilians. For the mullahs what hamas ,taliban, any Islamic terrorist organisation do is according to the rule book about how to treat non-Muslims.
@@knowledgeispower6726 i don't deny that caste don't exist. Within the society reforms are being brought in to change the attitude towards Dalits. Muslims institutions do not accept reservations for Dalits and harp about Dalits in TV debates. AND you never denied my comments about Muslims and typically always deflect.
@@koushikvemuri3130 The point was in response to the person talking about Muslim mistreatment of Hindu's which he says is based on Islam. I was simply pointing out there's a polarity with Hindus mistreatment of dalits/untouchables. Ignorance is ignorance - suggesting it is the preserve of any one people or religion is a nonsense!!! And for the most part people are not 'talking about Islam here' they are talking about what they THINK is Islam.
@@knowledgeispower6726 You are telling me that caste system doesn't exist in Indian Muslims? Do some research before showing your ignorance. There are lower caste muslims are treated badly by upper caste muslims as well. No hindu will deny that caste system existed and we have worked towards removing the discrimination.
Those who say i respect all religions, definitely doesnt know what ISLAM thinks abt his or other religions. If u tell him the reality, he will realise the stupidity in his earlier statement
They don't know what they are saying. I can tolerate that people have the freedom to have whatever religion. That does not mean that I respect the doctrines of such religions. Especially those that read like straight out hate speech.
@@mejsjalv yes. A religion should not stand on the premise that "all others are false, thus we r true. Such ideology is inherently manufactured out of hate for others and thats why all over the world wherever there is a religious conflict, 99% of time ,its a M vs NON-M. When there is no NON-M. Its M vs M ,coz they practice this "i m right and u r wrong even among themselves" ,for example, if this is a religion of peace ,atleast two M should never fight but shia and sunnis are always ready to destroy each other. They keep repeating that its the most peaceful religion and they utter it million times, they whisper it into the ears of their young ones, they grow up actually believing that we r the most peaceful religion and we r true but other religions hate us and we r victims. The reality is absolutely different, there is only violence. Throughout islamic history, its violence in the name of allahhhh. Time and again. Every arab tribe was attacked and slaughtered for this and they dare say we r peacefull. Every terrorist come from this , every suicide bomber, every plane hi jack ever happened was done by the followers of this cult. And yet its a peaceful religion. 🤣,, They start doing propaganda since birth and brainwash their kids by spewing venom and hate for other religions. The only way they create loyal M is by abusing other religions. Theur prophet abused and used filthy language for the local deities of arabs at that time. M grow up disrespecting every religion except their own. And thats why it becomes very difficult for them to see that there is something wrong with their own cult. They hav mad man's confidence. Whenever u tell a M that this is wrong with ur cult. They wd never talk abt why its there or why its shouldn't be there, their justification starts from throwing insults at other religions. Thats why for a M ,its very important to know the religion of the person who is criticising i s l a m. If its a christian that exposes i s l a a m. The defend it by abusing Christianity. This cult is built on lies. Thats why they say, without lies , its dies
@@sananaamir1622 bro the thing is , which i think u wd agree, Islam is a cult, it doesn't give people religious freedom. The fact that 99.9% acts of terroristss are devout true muslimss is enough for u to understand whats the problem. The moment u hear legit criticism, ur balls start hurting and u try to defend islamm by pointing fingers on others. Ur sense of right religion comes from abusing and comparing with other religions, u hav nothing of substance that came from god. Thats why muslims first reaction is to attack other religions.
@@sananaamir1622 You're making an assumption that the OP is Christian. Could very well be of none or be of another faith entirely. As for you point: It's well made and *most* people, including Christians, realise that only certain parts of relevant and of those who don't, most are not violent. That's not true of many fundamental Islamists.
The conflict is between good and evil. Christians have built great societies in America 🇺🇸 and Europe. Islam is a builds inferior societies. The only thing binding Islamic countries is their hatred of the Jews. I'm American and lived and went to school with Jews and Christians ✝️. We all had great education. Islam will destroy Western cultures.
It's very simple. Just keep Islam within Islamic world. Don't let any newcomers in and send them all to their former countries of origin. And so there will be no need to prove which world is better. Once it's done all the truth seekers of both worlds may sing their songs for their respective and understanding crowds. And publish, publish, publish.
honest question: I am an atheist from a muslim country, born in a muslim country and i don't want to live in it. I want to legally leave my country for a western country. if your method is implemented, will I and people like me be outright refused? or will you also come up with a way to sift through the applications to find the real muslims to refuse? also, in my own country i am legally and officially a muslim, because loudly leaving islam is not an option compatible with continued life. I really am curious as to what your solution is, because if it were up to me, I wouldn't want any more muslims in non-muslim countries than you do, but I don't see a way other than to sacrifice myself and my life and many others like me along the way of "keeping islam within islamic world".
i am talking about religion not nationality. the only state known to me as truly Islamic state was tried by daiesh and only for a very brief period. thus i think i will be correct to assume that every single citizen of a muslim country would also have a nationality. i never mentioned or intended that citizen of muslim countries should not be allowed into countries that want immigrants to come. and in fact, living in one of them myself, i would not care how their religion should be called as long as the traditional islam ideology, i.e. idea of conquest of the world from the hands of "kufars" is abandoned. there is no other religion today that strives to do this and thus various religions live together and their missionaries compete for the followers on the market of romantic ideas along with other generally non-violent groups including very disgusting ones. but you don't need to worry about yourself as my proposal is nothing but wishful thinking. the western civilization is so eager to commit suicide that my little squeak would not be noticed. @@tarathetortoise
The truth is that it is destructive. But, it is not polite to admit it. It needs courage and honesty to state the truth. Why so hesitation to accept the obvious?
If you want to understand what is your future, come to India. The moment Muslim population reach sizable level, they will demand a separate country for muslims and it will keep repeating.
@@Qthetar lol they funded the top brass not created hamas, and there is no more election because west bank gov know hamas is way more popular so pls miss me with your half baked pro-pa-gan-da
@@syedabbas5822yeah and like israel, america won your kind however jumped on israel and lost every single time despite multiple attempts for 2 states solution
it is interesting to say the least that even Tibetan Buddhism, originally from India, sees Islam as a major threat. The Kalachakra tantra says that there will be an apocalyptic defeat of Islam by forces emanating from the land of Shambala. This arose because of the way that the Moguls had destroyed Buddhism in India.
@@layletts7888 I'm not sure about prophecy ringing true as this place is in India and I, for one, do not support subjugation of Muslims rather than the idea of illiberal Islamist ideals of the movement prophesed by many of them. As an Indian, I have said this often recently that Westerners should ignore India's problems in culture and value systems which are plentiful, and, just acceot that India is ahead in the game in recognizing the core issues of Islamism and send their leaders and people to Indian "centrist" people (probably not to Hindu Nationalistic far right) to learn about these issues and the entire intricacies of how and when they play into society which even people like Sam Harris probably doesn't know. Westerners do not have that many Islamists in their country compared to India still (also Indian Muslims are culturally better in my observations than most of those in the West of India but Islamists are same pretty much more or less), and you have more power in law and order, defense, geography, etc, I guess, so it should not be that big of an issue to identify the roots and tackle them. You also have a pretty solid enlightenment history which if applied through rationality, empathy and strength which I hope India does, can tackle the issue without actually subjugating Muslims and giving rise to your anti enlightment and anti empathy Far Right in your countries.
@@_sayan_roy_ I don't know if you know of Abhijit Iyer Mitra. I've listened to him on Citti Media. Abhijit says the most extremist talk coming from Muslims is found in some men in India.
Islam is the only tolerant religion show me a verse in quran where allah called a violence toward unbelieverr you can't because you ignorant old man with zero knowledge At your big age how can't you still not understand islam
After Beslan, I realised, nothing was off the table. Charlie Hebdo showed how low the bar is to upset them. A UK teacher and his family are in hiding, still, today, because of a cartoon.
Not really, the enlightenment you're talking about was mainly about free thinkers, philosophers and scientists that were actually persecuted and for some of them killed, so it was despite Islam, not because of it. A good example of that would be Avicenna who was called "the imam of the atheists" by the religious scholars in those times, there's also an old saying in Arabic dating from those times that roughly translates to "philosophy is heresy"...
@@ScalpaxosWell every civilization has it's fundamentalist nut jobs (look at America today) but at least the Caliphate allowed for people like Al Hazen, Al Kindi, Avicenna, Averroes, Al Kwarizmi, etc. to exist, and even move among the elite. There was also a bit of a melting pot in places like Baghdad, Samarkand, Cordoba, etc. This simply isn't the case in the muslim world now. The only places people around the world congregate is perhaps in the gulf and that's only to wallow in surface level luxury afforded by the oil towelies. Nothing of any cultural depth going on there.
To echo Scalpaxos, books published by some Islamist organizations that are meant for a western audience will trumpet or claims these scholars as if they are proof of Islam having a history of being open-minded. Rather, the Islamic religious class had to be kept in check by pragmatic rulers interested in building working kingdoms and empires. Many of those scholars were persecuted otherwise, or tolerated within some intellectual circles where there ideas were not allowed to proliferate. Those who were more connected to the religious class generally had more freedom to spread ideas. The more rationalist schools of religious and ethical doctrines basically disappear with the advent of the Mongols. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyya have huge impacts during this period which reverberate to this day as far as developing more austere conceptions of a faith hostile to philosophy and naturalism.
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the scaremongering is understandable. ISlam remains the fastest growing by way of reversions, and the more lies and hate you people spread, the stronger it gets. Truth is easily distinguished from falsehod, and thats why satan desperately tries with the media propoganda, the fake news, false flax, etc etc to demon ise Islam Satan already has the xtians and hidnus worshipping multiple Gods, all that remains is for the muslims, but we will hold tight to the religion of God, he has blessed us with believing in him, the one and only, the creator of all, and we will remain steadfast. Islam teaches there is no expulsion in religion, you to yours, us to ours on the other hand, the crusades, xtians basically kild anyone who didnt accept it. Hindus are currently doing this ethnic cleasing in india the jews were being slaughtered by xtians all around europe, and the only place they found peace, was under Islamic rule. Under islamic rule, christians, muslims and hindus all live together in peace. In fact, the oldest churches are found in muslim countries. Any sincere person can look through all the lies we are being told abut Islam, and see it for what it is. desperate blaspemers who work for satan,.,.,.
how is islam destroying you? did islam cause your economic problems? did islam create the ridicules wealth gap? did islam make your politicians and government stupid like they are right now? what exactly islam is doing to destroy you? these intellectuals are making the west disservice, they are blaming the effect while ignoring the cause. the west will destroy itself and islam has nothing to do with it.
Maajid’s body language, throwing his hands/arms, about him almost putting his right hand over Sam’s face invading Sam Harris’ personal space was something which I wonder was perceived by someone else?
I don't claim to believe or understand everything that's being discussed here but it is just strengthening to hear that there are people who fight for understanding the problem and try to fix it!
"Fixing the problem" requires Europeans to abandon their "euro-centric" liberal values and push these barbarians out of Europe; Which will never happen.
You know how easy it is to fix the problem? Deport all of them, close the borders, certainly not give them welfare and make our people work for them to do nothing but destroy.
There is no fixing 'the problem' unless you mean getting rid of islam altogether. B/c islam's closed end cult structure that brainwashes followers with hate & violence is the problem.
@Green_MnM_Commander_of_Antifa Lol missed the gatherings in Florida where they threw gays off rooftops and chanted Takfir over and over while refusing to let the women go to school.
We need to stop blindly accepting and including all types of ethics, ideologies, world views, and politics. We as a society need to start rejecting what is not congruent with Liberalism and Our shared Morals (Like the idea of killing innocents is bad, or the idea of sexual relationships with children is aborant) We cannot assume all people everywhere share or values or ideas of what is worth protecting, what is right ethically, and what is true objectively. Rejecting does not mean eradicating. But it does mean not allowing their Right to Religion to undermine the intrinsic ways our societies and Western cultures function.
@@mahirabdulahi4131 The point of liberalism is to guard the inherent rights of _the individual_ to life, liberty (meaning protection of both physical property and physical personal boundaries), and the pursuit of property ('happiness'). Ideologies, faiths, and 'collectives' do not have rights. They have rights in so far as any individual who adheres to them has rights. There is no such thing as a 'right' to oppress others, meaning infringing on the rights mentioned above, without justification. If an ideology or system of government, or culture does not respect those rights, whatever other positive or negative quirks they may have, they are irrelevant. They have no right to exist as far as a liberal society is concerned. If following your ideology interferes with this way of life, it's you and your ideology that must change _as much as needed_ and adapt, not the other way around. All religions do this to varying degrees on a large scale. All except Islam. Why should Islam get special privileges if the others don't? The 'point' of all of this, and of adopting liberalism, is that it enables societies that are multiracial, multi-religious, and (within constraints) 'multicultural'. Societies like this enable peaceful coexistence, material wealth creation, material security and safety of all kinds, on scales that cannot be matched by other societies. You can't deny this, because every impoverished immigrant family, from ever corner of the globe, that risks their own lives and their children's lives to journey to the West, is a testament to the West's economic and social strength, and the rightness of its way of life. You can see this with Great Britain, and the United States, but similar kinds of societies existed even as far back as the Roman Empire. These societies had an unusual tolerance of coexistence with other races, faiths, and cultures. The Romans are savage slavers by today's standards, but were 'progressive' in many ways for their time. The condition for coexistence, was that each subset of their population, submitted to a bare minimum of shared core values, the essence of the law. In the West today, those are separation of church and state, and mutual respect for personal and property boundaries. Even someone destroying your most cherished beliefs with words, beliefs that you would die for, or conducting foreign policy in a way you don't like, or living a 'lifestyle' you don't like, does not give you license to break those rules. It's not dictatorship to have _rational standards._ If you can't live a civilized life under a welfare state, with equality under the law, the problem is you, and whatever values you hold. Change as much as you need to, or find a another place that you believe will give you a better life.
I was attacked by a Muslem 5 Days after the attack in Jerusalem, When I bent over to retrieve my Phone that he had ripped out of my hand when I wanted to record his Psyco demeanor... He hit me in the head with a Baseball Bat; while I was bent over withy back to him... I never saw the attack coming! I spent the next MONTH in the Hospital!! The Police, (Westbrook, ME)Never bothered to Investigate The Deadly attack... Like I said, I was in the Hospital for a Full Month and the Westbrook, ME Police NEVER took the time to even get my side of the story!!! If we had been in Texas, the story would be Totally Different... But the soviet states of New England, Prefer a society of Victims... I now jave a 50/50 Chance of surviving 5 Years...
Oh im sorry to hear that. I used to mock muslims since i love in iran but somehow everyine turned to athiest these days unless the govermental child molesters. Please try to act as neutral as possbile.
Off the rails officially happened in… I don’t know, say, the first few remarks made in this comment thread. Lol. Apparently few of the people here grasp the concept that Maajid was steal manning the case against the west and doesn’t hold the views he espoused himself. Even though, he told them that point blank in simple terms and reminded them throughout the conversation.
@@matthewcurry3565 No one on this panel understands the causal computation of reality driving themselves or the Muslim world. These are delusional people.
I think the best way to simplify Maajid’s statement is that he believes in order to convert religious cultures to enlightenment values we need to be consistent and avoid hypocrisy in political affairs. The issue with that statement is that it’s a one-way argument and therefore hypocrising in itself. Religious countries are filled with corruption, poverty and violence and supposedly that is despite being guided by the hand of “god”. Meanwhile every country on the planet constantly import technology and expertise that originated from the west in order to improve their life quality. This should not be a debate about foreign policy because it’s irrelevant and it shouldn’t be our goal to force the entire world to share our philosophy. This should be a debate about how we retain our own values and make sure we maintain being in the forefront of scientific discovery and development. How we can stop giving ground and immunity to criticizing iron-age philosophy that pollutes future generations minds from being contributing citizens. That is what really matters! We are not responible for the chaos and corruption around the globe and we need to remind ourselves of that. We need to once again grow a backbone and stand up for our own culture and values. Being empathetic is a good thing but not if it’s going to paralyze us.
If you ever feel useless, remember it took 20 years, 3 trillion dollars taxpayers money & 4 US presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban & inject democracy into the afghan people.
@@Sam-tz8ou I think you'll find that poverty was pretty much self-inflicted and still is. Curiosity, education and innovation is what made Europe rich and prosperous not natural resources. There's plenty of African countries swimming in natural resources to this day and still live in extreme poverty because of their own stupidity.
I think the discussion does miss a topic in neo-colonialism. Watch "smoking gun: us backed coup topped pakistan pm..." by geopolitical economy report. US overthrows Imran Khan because he wanted to buy cheap oil from Russia to help his own country. He also didnt want Pakistan to get involved in Ukraine conflict. However US decided that if this weak country wouldn't support the west they will overthrow him and put in place someone who will. That's what happened. This kind of western pressure reduces growth and advancement and increases crime. And thats what happened mass inflation because Pakistan cant buy oil from Russia and Pakistan is forced to help Ukraine per wishes of US. I assume most people just blame religion and not the geopolitics and destabilization that happens. Since then Pakistan shipped aid and weapons to Ukraine and in return received payment. What we call foreign aid in America but its really just forced bribery. The money mostly goes into the corrupt politicians who will do the US bidding or else their overthrown. Imran Khan was going to bring Pakistan to the modern world like China or India. But now its set back at least half a century as the problem is how we can push national interests and grow while keeping in line with the US. You say "We are not responsible for the chaos and corruption" and yet we have US bases all over the world and giving out "aid money" to every country. And yet we have a huge homeless crises. The US is literally the Empire from star wars. I replied to you mainly cause you had a logical comment and thought Id share my point of view.
God Almighty said in the Qur’an: God refuses except to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers dislike it [At-Tawbah: 32]. The hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: God planted the earth for me, so I saw its easts and wests, and the kingdom of my nation will reach what he has planted for it. The first miracle is from the Qur’an and the second miracle is from the hadiths of the Prophet This is evidence from the Qur’an that it is the word of God, and the Hadith is evidence of the prophecy of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace The spread of Islam was used as an excuse for those who rejected it Alhamdulillah
@@dellabrodsky4655 outright banning this religion in our country. Passing a UN resolution that recognized Islam as a terrorist cult. Unrecognizing Islam as a legitimate religion in nation all around the world. Holding a referendum.
You can not criticize Islam or its questionable profit who won't be named and may or may not have a child bride. Islamist youtubers are also very disingenuous they paint an ideal and peaceful rational islam when, in reality, only a few islamic countries are even remotely free.
Read the History of Jihad by Robert Spencer and you know the answer. Maybe you know it already. Because you can. History shows the truth of Islam despite the sweet words that their representatives try to lullaby us with.
What really, truly, UTTERLY makes me depressed, is that The Peaceful Majority Does not Matter video (ruclips.net/video/OTz77SdlUuE/видео.html start from 4.40) and all it comments was first published in 2014. And NOTHING has still been changed. It's like The Lord of the Rings. One needed to destroy the evil BACK THEN!
31:41 for the win! "The moral frivolity of deciding to forget the gulag in order to win a point against Piers fricking Morgan is a real disgrace." Love it!
Like most “intellectuals”, they pontificate for an hour and never really discuss “Will Islam destroy us”. Rather it became a defense of enlightenment values.
@@dellabrodsky4655It's not a foregone conclusion at all. Anyway, we have plenty of potential for climate disaster as well as wars with powerful nations (where Islam isn't involved). Just throw it on the pile, mate. Got a nice little stack of things that could destroy what we're doing going already.
Majid is a snake. He was a violent extremist before, but now he figured out that the pen is mightier than the sword. His goal has always been to spread islam. He is just doing it in a smarter way now. Islam is like a mind virus that hijacks the hosts brain and makes the person try to spread islam through the best means available.
I understand that people love Sam Harris, but I can't gel with him at all, I find him a terrible bore. I have tried to find this love for his ideas and fail. Murray speaks to my soul though through and through.
A panel of secularists including a majority of Secular Jews, citing “Enlightenment values”, perplexed and troubled at the advance of Islam into their midst and wondering what can be done about it, is a modern picture of what the term “hoisted on one’s own petard” means. You guys were at the forefront, historically, of the undermining and removal of the only antidote or preventative to this happening and the scrubbing of it from the national character, namely the formation of the national character that can only be achieved through the embrace of and adherence to Biblical virtues. You guys made your beds, now you will have to lie in them. The old saying holds true here: “If you will not be ruled by God, then, by God, you will be ruled”.
1:10: 🗣 The speaker agrees to 'steel man' the case for Islamism in order to understand its weaknesses and defend Western Enlightenment values. 4:31: 🌍 Islamists criticize Western foreign policy for prioritizing economic interests over freedom and democracy. 9:23: 🔎 The UK government has been involved in human rights violations through rendition to third countries and detention without trial. 13:41: 💔 The speaker expresses anger and frustration towards the West for their actions in the Middle East, including supporting dictators, invading countries, and ignoring Israel's occupation of Palestine. 18:05: 📚 The loss of meaning in the west and the lack of a philosophy of life are discussed as challenges to be met. 23:00: 📚 ISIS wants to bring about the end times by inviting the world to Islam. 27:47: 🔍 The speaker believes in democratizing the power of the Enlightenment rather than rejecting it. 32:35: ! The speaker finds it fascinating and concerning that only a few people are defending the enlightenment in an environment where they face consequences for doing so. 37:10: 🗣 The speaker discusses the importance of understanding and utilizing the Enlightenment and expresses concern about the exhaustion of the Jewish community compared to other groups like Islam, Russia, and China. 41:50: 🔑 The speaker believes it's important to acknowledge the flaws of the state and the Enlightenment in order to advance it further. 46:29-47:20: 😕 The speaker discusses the unfairness of society and the lack of viable alternatives to address it. Recap by Tammy AI
37:10 the speaker discusses taking Enlightenment values at the expense of their inventors to use as a weapon to protect Jewish interests, while gleefully rubbing his hands.
They removed the roots of the enlightenment and pretend that the tree will flourish. Christianity is the roots of the enlightenment whether you like it or not. I think without Christianity the enlightenment is screwed.
@@diaryofnricom163 Christians don’t follow the covenant of Moises (aka the mosaic law). Jesus gave a new law or a new convenant. You clearly don’t know what you are taking about. But naturalism has no credibility to say that any thing is wrong. You can’t get oughts from its. Matter can’t tell me what is right or wrong. And neither can my mind if naturalism is true my minds only function is survival and not truth.
It's the interpretation of their book and sacred verses which give clear instructions to destroy all other non believers mean the world is in clear and present danger. Its amaizing how the protagonists begin the human rights obfuscation and totally derail this debate into nothingness.
the strength of democracy has been turned into weakness. it is exploited and used against democracy. that's what these people do. neither of them believe in or value democracy, but use and abuse it. the gray areas, is the area Hamas uses to feed you with hate. there are no gray areas when it comes to terrorism, that is where we have to draw a line between what is right and what is wrong for whatever reason. that has to be our absolute bottom line I'm not Jewish, I'm not Christian, unfortunately I'm Muslim, and I'm ashamed that what I see supports terrorism. I hope Israel stands strong and civilized people stand strong with them
That was the purpose of the crusades. They were a response to over 400 Islamic caliphate attacks on Europe. The final expulsion was on September 11, 1683 Battle of Vienna. But once land is owned by Muslim, it is the duty of all Muslims to fight (struggle(jihad)) to reclaim it.
If they are genuinely peaceful as they keep claiming. Why, when a visiting hate preacher in the mosque starts preaching his vile tirade, dont they all stand up en masse and walk out. Prove it, show us youre peaceful.
Bret Weinstein saying that his ancestors were not the Enlightenment people is completely out of reality in two ways: first it is false that Jews did not participate in the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a cultural phenomenon that resulted from the ideas of Maimonides, who influenced Thomas Aquinas, and also influenced Baruch Spinoza. Modern rationality descends from Spinoza's philosophy, which strongly influenced the 18th-century non-Jewish philosophers, who were Christians, but it also influenced the Jewish Haskalah movement, to which Moses Mendelssohn belonged. The Enlightenment started off as a Judeo-Christian cultural symbiosis before it reached the first expressions of atheism in the 19th century. And second, no European Jew can ascertain that his/her origin is only Jewish. A number of Europeans converted to Judaism along the centuries and vice-versa.
The ultimate problem with the debate between Islamic countries and Western countries is that both sides are right and both sides are wrong. Neither is willing to accept culpability for their many, many evil deeds, so there’s no clear path to a metaphorical and literal ceasefire, even though both sides know and admit to their group’s nearly infinite blood-drenched faults. Luckily, this tension will *not* be what destroys humanity. That distinction belongs solely to AI. (see: Eliezer Yudkowsky)
AI is just another excuse for greedy billionaires Lack of wisdom. I look around and I can see that people are really Shallow as long as they have a good job, nice house And drive a nice car. The generations who lived through hardship and wars are Dying out. Therefore the millennials have no idea they are Being sucked in by social media and tik tok. Then something upsets the apple cart and their Life is in chaos. At this point is when they start Seeking the truth. Laugh if you like but the 'THE HUNGER GAMES' Trilogy of books doesn't seem so fictional to me. Humans are capable of great good and great evil.. To this I agree.
I find it pathetic that the discussion is about islam and the only person on the panel is a deviant by mainstream muslim standards. This how they always frame the discussion without having a traditional mainstream muslim to represent our position.
It's irrelevant when you are all lying, ignorant snakes anyway. There is no logic or consistency in islam & everything boil's down to the lustful, greedy & genocidal fantasies of the world's most obvious false prophet in history - proven by islam itself: Quran 69:44-46 - And if he (Muhammad SAW) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah), We surely should have seized him by his right hand (or with power and might), And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta), Sahih Bukhari 5:59:713 - ...Narrated ‘Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, “O ‘Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison.”
Presenting of the unqualified and incompetent to defend the cause of right, It is intended to offend this issue and alienate its true followers from it to rise up around it as well as those who are thinking of joining. This is how the enemies of the Islam do with Islam
This is a rational discussion and therefore can't include what you suggest as Islam is irrational. That's kind of the point. These guys aren't interrupting each other, their thoughts are freely flowing.
Christianity is the same as Islam in the respect that it is nothing but garbage made up of lies and bulshit from people who had no knowledge of the natural world
It's amusing to hear someone speak down about someone or people but then, in an example, demonstrate their own ignorance. Mr Weinstein, the reason EVERY state has an equal number of senators, is because The United States is A UNION OF STATES! EACH STATE, as an independent entity, with State Rights and self governance... Has an EQUAL say in the process ... The ONLY branch that is, by design to take into consideration population, is The House. I hope you know American history well enough that the United States is & was never meant to be a democracy. Congress, by design, was meant to be a deterrent to some of the worst consequences of a democracy. In this effort, the founders hoped to balance a democratic process (the house) with RIGHTS of each state (The Senate) .. In the hopes of avoiding a tyranny by the majority. The problem that the United States is having today, goes all the way back to when parties got introduced into our politics. One's parties were introduced to our politics. . are politics became less and less local and more and more national. Loyalties to what was best for your community, those people that you represent, and the state went by the wayside as party loyalty became more prevalent. The illusion of us voting for people to represent us, It's just that an illusion. Parties pick who were allowed to choose from. But make no mistake, whoever you vote for is a party man. And quite honestly, that's why they don't like Trump. Trump wasn't anteloper. Trump had the ability due to his resources and his celebrity status to override the party system and actually become an outsider. Has an outsider, he owed no allegiance to anybody. He could do what he wanted to do and follow his own agenda. Is amusing to me, that people like Sam Harris and haven't figured out that he is actually been a victim of propaganda. His total TDS as a result of that propaganda. Why? Trump has been a known quantity for decades. People knew who he was people knew all about his character the way he talked. The people that trash him now in the media and other politicians took his money invited him to parties went to his parties etc etc. But once he dared to step into the political arena, and he said I don't need these people telling me what to do I know what to do. Dick Schumer got on TV and said the intelligence services know how to get you six ways from Sunday and you better not buck the system. And what has happened since? Basically would amounts to a PR smear. All these negative ads, negative news press, negative coverage, talk show after talk show saying how horrible Trump is blah blah blah blah blah Remind you that's before any mean tweets. That's before any of the stuff that was said policies were done anything. The negative press on this guy has gotten so bad that people like Sam Harris got duped by it. And you see it time and time again the accused Trump of something. Later turns out not to be true but that doesn't get nearly the airtime that the accusations did. But has anyone noticed how, even though it turned out not to be true, they still speak in terms as if it's still true. In other words his character, has been tarnished. And it's being done deliberately. They created this narrative that generally weak-minded people, or people That just disagree with his agenda his policies his ideology or even his mannerisms... I understand that Trump is abrasive and that's going to put some people off, but when you add this being put off with the negative narrative that you're eager to believe and eat up because you don't like his conduct you are now being propagandized and you don't even realize it
Majid Nawaz doing the steelman was intensely moving. Made me pause. How can this be answered? I think the mere fact that we can have this debate and recognize our failings is an endorsement of enlightenment values. We can know we are not perfect and are capable of catastrophic mistakes, but enlightenment helps us see mistakes, learn, and improve. Utopia can not be achieved but incremental improvement is possible through the application of enlightenment values.
Root, I guess? I would add some other suspects: unhinged capitalism, exaggerated feminism, the extreme hedonism/ dopaminisation of our world, decivilization via social media, the loss of decency (?) in all media, shortsighted and totalitarian left political views... all very damaging. We have to return to more order, humbleness, cohesion and transhedonistic purpose in a western way.
2018. Remembering. This panel (and notably Harris and Bret Weinstein sharing a stage 😲) is good to listen to principally for archaeological reasons, it was a step along the way, a moment so easy to forget. Today it provides clues to the question, "How did we get here?"
I respect and appreciate each one of you all individually so much, and as a panel. Could you please, please run for office? :-) We just need some common sense to make a comeback in order to save this civilization right now. Please and thank you for your courage and your stand.
Why are they considering Enlightenment as being of such importance and value in the modern west? That’s not the foundation stone they are assuming- enlightenment is a fruit of the west, not its driving force or origin
Exactly the perspective of Hindus in India. It is to get to enlightenment values, leave out the feudal part and still be strong enough to face to Islamism in Pakistan and Communism in China. That's after the 1000 years colonization from Turks, Moghuls and Britain. Majid himself was a product of that colonization, as in Pakistan was a creation due to the same Islamism.
Maajid must also keep in mind Syria, Yemen, Ottoman conquests, Sudan slaughters, Iran Iraq War. Follow Quran 1 brother. Simple. Humble. Do you BELIEVE in and Trust Allah or not?
Enlightenment ideas are a boon, but they have no real boundaries to keep them from going too far left. Christianity embraced properly can keep it in bounds.
What Douglas Murray says is interesting. The Western intellectuals did not see the connection between India-Pak partition, Iranian revolution, Afghan Mujahideen, Kashmir separatism etc. They only woke up after Sept 11. This shows their shallowness and their parochialism in viewing events only from Western perspective
I hope they will figure out their problems without pulling everyone into obese. They’re a lot of islamo-suppremasist out there, including in the west, who wants to convert and deprive of native culture other people around the world. One example is Kazakhstan. Nominally a Muslim world country but most of the population are secular. They have unique cultural traditions like music etc that being eroded by Islamist influences who “teaching” locals how to practice “correct” Islam. They have internal tensions now because of this colonial (not my opinion but there’s) intrusion.
the scaremongering is understandable. ISlam remains the fastest growing by way of reversions, and the more lies and hate you people spread, the stronger it gets. Truth is easily distinguished from falsehod, and thats why satan desperately tries with the media propoganda, the fake news, false flax, etc etc to demon ise Islam Satan already has the xtians and hidnus worshipping multiple Gods, all that remains is for the muslims, but we will hold tight to the religion of God, he has blessed us with believing in him, the one and only, the creator of all, and we will remain steadfast. Islam teaches there is no expulsion in religion, you to yours, us to ours on the other hand, the crusades, xtians basically kild anyone who didnt accept it. Hindus are currently doing this ethnic cleasing in india the jews were being slaughtered by xtians all around europe, and the only place they found peace, was under Islamic rule. Under islamic rule, christians, muslims and hindus all live together in peace. In fact, the oldest churches are found in muslim countries. Any sincere person can look through all the lies we are being told abut Islam, and see it for what it is. desperate blaspemers who work for satan,,.,.
You deliberately portray current culture in Kazakhstan as a native. However, it is not. Current culture in Kazakhstan is a secular soviet culture which was imposed on natives through colonialism. They have tensions because new generation is rejecting the soviet way of life.
@@dehaman_4_144 I based my opinion on watching interviews with Kazakh academics. I understand rejection of Soviet culture but what is a substitute? Qatar, Saudi Arabia or turkey? Maybe you can preserve and develop native cultural heritage instead of bringing another imperialist culture
@@dehaman_4_144 I based my opinion on watching interviews with Kazakh academics. I understand rejection of Soviet culture but what is a substitute? Qatar, Saudi Arabia or turkey? Maybe you can preserve and develop native cultural heritage instead of bringing another imperialist culture
@@NJIT22 Native culture does not exist, it is dead. Nothing to preserve. Kazakh people used to be nomads before the Soviet Union, they've been forcefully settled into cities and villages. The native nomadic culture is irreversibly dead. The academics you are referring to are the products of the Soviet Union and the soviet academic system. They are not part of the native culture. Most probably they don't even speak the native language. The whole premise of preserving and adopting is misleading. The question is should we use force to keep the soviet imposed system or not. The new culture is eminent and the only opposition is the soviet minded people.
ISLAM is the problem in ISRAEL ruclips.net/video/KzZoXe95MwE/видео.htmlsi=F4mE23ZLDhz_JbJL
thank you for uploading; this is the greatest panel I've ever seen outside of a scientific context.
Christian’s is the problem in Israel because it Christians giving weapons to Zionist in order to commit genocide.
Your dad was the problem when he forced your mumma the night your were conceived
There's multiple global fatwas against women wearing skirts but zero fatwa against the most dangerous terrorists. Why?
If you are ignorant and do not know the history of Israel, who created it, and who supports it in the Middle East, yes, you will say this, but on the contrary, the Zionists in Palestine came to colonize, and we do not recognize it as a state because that land is occupied.
"Will Islam Destroy Us?" -- The answer is in the question. Nobody is asking whether Buddhism will destroy us.
It’s because the west hasn’t made an enemy from the Buddhists as it has to Muslims.
That's deep
Read about Myanmar genocide...it was carried out by buddhists
@@uruhara6713 agaisnt who? its the muslims again. Its almost like muslim made enemies out of everyone
Very simple indeed
Thete is no such a thing as Islamophobia. A phobia is a irrational fear. THERE IS NOTHING IRRATIONAL about fearing Islam
There may be an irrational phobia towards Muslims, who can be way better than the doctrines of their religion. But well, after decades of seeing what happens when Islam gets very "old timey" and violent and destructive, and seeing it happen over and over and over again repeating itself in cycles of violence... with a doctrine that radicalizes and militarizes every generation with the intention of becoming theocracies... That's no phobia! It's a consistent threat to security in the world.
Try out the word "islamomisia". It fits better how rational people's reaction to it should be.
Amen to that!
Islam is the evil of this earth
Imagine yelling, "God is Great" after every act of violence and calling yourself the religion of peace.
Islam is evil at its core. Everyone knows it but don’t have the balls to say it
But they are the religion of peace, it's just not peace as we understand but as they understand it. For when one submits under Islam you are at peace.
im an indian and i absolutely agree
They are psychopaths.Just look up what isis or Hamas doing.
And pathological liars.
Imagine a religion whose followers admit that they want to kill you. But they say you have a phobia if you don't want to be killed.
Well said 👏
Lol that's what the media want you to be believe.
Islam continues to being the fastest growing Religion on the planet in terms of conversions.
And don't say by force.. Go to your local Mosque and ask any convert to the religion and they will tell you why they chose Islam.
Most of you here have never probably read the Qur'an or gone to your local Mosque to learn about it.
Continue to live in your ignorance.
I’m a Muslim, and I have never not once been taught that it’s okay to kill. Where the f do you get ur info from? I live in a very Muslim community in London, spend 100% with Muslims. Went to school, went to an Islamic school. Never had a thought to kill another, never did any of my Muslim teachers teach this. Never did I open an Islamic book and see stuff about killing non Muslims.
But I did read history books, modern world specifically and do you know who did alot of killing?? WHITE people! And do you not who they killed in droves? Muslims. Didn’t Americans kill millions of Muslims in the Iraq war they later said was a mistake? Ooops that’s one group of WHITE murderers. Didn’t French massacre millions of Algerian Muslims when they resisted the invasion of their country? Oops that’s another groom of white murdered. Didn’t America also kill alot of Muslims in the war in Syria? Ooops another group of Muslims. Didn’t Americans also cause alot of children to die to starvation in Yemen by aiding the genocide there? Oops the same group of Muslims. Aren’t Americans giving money to Israel to bomb the crap out of Gaza and already killed 8,000 Muslim children, and 15,000 Muslims in total? Ooops another group of whiye people working together. Didn’t Americans invade Afghanistan and kill about of Afghans there? Even bomb buildings where civilians were getting married? Oh wow, another unjust massacre there by white people.
Damn, all those killings and it’s mostly Muslims being killed and YOUR people doing the killing. Interesting gaslighting tactic ain’t it
The phobia is not unfounded.
imagine after killing millions of innocent women and children, calling your self "enligntened beings", "free democracy"
Always remember this pattern,
1) Conflict is always between islam vs other religions
2) Other islamic countries will not accept those affected muslims as their refugees, but they somehow sneak into non-islamic countries. (Russia, whole EU problem with refugees: France, Germany, Spain etc., India divided into 3+ countries, Iran was not an islamic state initially)
3) once they are into non-islamic countries, they create separate laws and try to break that country too.
Muslims have lived in India and Iran for longer than Europeans in North America, South America, Australia, etc. You reek of hypocracy 😂
How dare you notice what is happening. How dare you state the obvious
Indeed conflict is between islam and other religions. Because islam doesn’t allow to subjugate people. For example usury is not allowed in islam. Which is by extension subjugation of the borrower.
Now if Islam stays your entire unhealthy economic system will crash.
“Other islamic countries will not except those effected muslims” is just a blatant lie. Bangladesh the forth largest muslim majority country took over 1 million Rohingya. As they were being persecuted and subjected to genocide by violent buddhists.
The “choice people” community does that all the time every where they go. So much so that you unchosen one wouldn’t be even to step foot in their neighborhood.
On the other hand where ever islam ruled that land thrived.
Tru dat!
It's not immigration with Islamists, it's an invasion.
Islamophobia is a very carefully crafted word to make people with valid concerns about Islam, look as if they have some sort of mental issue.
Yes, that's the way phobia is almost always used in the current day.
I agree .... you never hear of hinduophobia, buddhistophobia, mormonophobia, jainophobia etc etc as these religions are not seen as a threat to us in the West and elsewhere.
Yes, but sound people are phobic towards violence and extremism like islam. Cf hydrofob = not soluble in water. Or 'fear of water' - hydrophobia - rabies.
Islam has murdered ~270,000,000 people since it began and there have been closing in on 50,000 lethal terrorist attacks in the name of Islam since Sep 11th 2011.@@andersf5464
Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are BOTH forms of Racism.
How can we Muslims be Anti-Semitic,...When we Muslims experience Racism of IslamaPhobia on a Daily Basis?
IslamaPhobia is the only form of BIGOTRY allowed in today’s times.
There is no need to tolerate intolerance. We need to understand that tolerating intolerance is going to destroy our values.
Just like the freedom to destroy freedom. It's illogical.
No. Tolerating WHATEVER DESTROYING OUR VALUES will destroy our values. Because our enemies don't bother with tolerance. And by so - win by definition
Arent you intolerant if you dont tolerate intolorance 😂?
Umm, no because your intolerance is in pursuit to create tolerance.
@@kumarshivam1234 mental gymnastics 😂 western ppl are confused and lost touch to reality. You have to be intolerant to ensure law and order. Everyone of you is intolerant.
If I ask myself if I am happy with my very imperfect life in Europe right now that I am always complaining about, I just have to think about sharia law and the life we see others have in Muslim countries and then all of a sudden I become the happiest person on the planet...😂
No muslim country has instated sharia laws except iran and afghanistan and maybe saudi and all of them arent fully sharia ruled, educate yourself
So happy that you will unwittingly accept the Zionist NWO as your new life , you don't even know that you are a slave, commercial banks have irrevocable power of attorney on everyone, we are all owned By the banks, the birth certificate is the deed, how else do you think they can take the promissory note that you signed, without paying you anything for it, that's how they foreclose when you don't pay, you sign money into creation and as your power of attorney they control that money, that is how they are controlling all the resources, so if they are controlling the resources they would have to pay royalties to the real owners of the resources and you think the religion that specifically forbids this is your problem, no no you have it backwards, the religion of Islam is a problem for your slave masters, because it forbids what they are doing to you and that is why they have brainwashed you into forging such an ignorant position, you know if you actually took the time to read, you would know what Riba and Harram is
@@LARESCIVyou have said absolutely nothing... your muslim ppl come into western countries and start protesting to have sharia.
@@LARESCIV And Brunei
@@nathaliemaes I said everything that's crucial to the argument that you did not know yet about, if you want to thank me for educating you go ahead
I'm sure countries that tried to instate some form of sharia are benefiting, gulf ones for example are surely much safer than most of UK, France, Sweden and U.S. simply cause they adopted some principles from the Divine
The short answer to the question is: Yes. If we let it Islam will destroy us.
Islam is fundamentally about the exaltation of believers in Allah and the conversion or subjugation or eradication of non believers.
It has no desire to co-exist with other faiths.
And right now the West is allowing it to happen.
christianity,judaism and hinduism are about the same. prove me wrong
@jackwachtel-scott8000 (Jack Wachtel-Scott) even within believers there are categories: serious believers who will "strive" (jihad) for allah who will die striving for allah and those who are jihad weary (quran 9:43-74) and then there are women who face double standards (4:43 versus 4:128) and opposition to scientific methods ... we need to understand these to remind ourselves in face of all the glib talk about false equivalences that muslims bandy about that accusation of genocide is worth wearing on our heads as crown of thorns rather than offer a weak resistance ... hitler was right in method wrong on people he was against ... our sensitivity to genocide has made us weaker because now there is clear case of its need but we have self-psyched ourselves into weakness and hypocrisy and prevarication
@@usmannazir-fb1vy thats also a bad thing. Lol you weirdo.
@@ChillAssTurtle but who will decide good and bad ?
@@usmannazir-fb1vy human beings.. who else? Lol are you high
The prime single purpose Islam openly states it has is that it's purpose is to
be the one and only world religion.....surely that tells the whole story and
illustrates how dangerous it is?
This is a given. But what can Europe do about it NOW?
@@dellabrodsky4655 there is a whole list of things Govts 'could' do but wont unless there is enough constant public outcry!
@@dellabrodsky4655 Determined people can always make a difference. Just look at the founding fathers in 1776 or Sinn Fein.
Notice how the time for starting the tit-for-tat is always just after the Islamist has attacked, in this case Sept 2 or now Oct 8.
As opposed to Roman Catholic or the early Christian church, who butchered and murdered millions in the name of God. How many conquests did the church/royalty carry out? I certainly don't need these 5 individuals telling me what to think about the world's current affairs. I can read and entertain ideas for myself.
Majid is hilarious 😂,his growth is inspiring, I heard his story a while back and I'm impressed on how much this man changed. It takes some serious stones to admit as a grown man that what you believed your whole life was a lie. I truly respect this gentleman!
I think one of the first things we should do is delegitimize the term "Islamophobia".
Why? You should realistic be afraid of a philosophy that wants to destroy you. Deeply aware and consciously afraid, not merely blind with fear of the unknown.
Islamophobia and anti semitism have both become such nonsense phrases that can literally be tied to anything. Like the term "racist" they're meaningless.
It's not Islamophobia if the the book literally says kill the non believers and they blindly follow it. They actually give titles to people who kill the non believers.
@@ShifuCareaga yes - that’s exactly my point. The term is used in a derogatory way to make us look like the problem for being legitimately fearful of Islam. A reasonable fear is not a phobia. Phobia implies that the fear is irrational.
@@ghostofdayinperson fair enough
One thing about Islam you can't dispute...as its number goes UP quality of life goes DOWN
The same can be said about every single country America has decided to intervene in to "free" its people from tranny. Educate your self on history of muskims in Andalucia and see for your self how the quality of life for muslims and non-muslims was back then compared to the quality of life in europe. Stop getting your information from hater of Islam only, search and read then comment.
People in the UAE and KSA have a much higher quality of living than Europe lol
Conflating politics and religion is such a stupid take.
@@Mandems973 Human rights organisations consider the UAE substandard on human rights, citing reports of government critics being imprisoned and tortured, families harassed by the state security apparatus, and cases of forced disappearances.[26][27] Individual rights such as the freedoms of assembly, association, the press, expression, and religion are also severely repressed.
Yeah that sounds much better than living in Sweden lol.
A dream i had
@@joebroart The entire premise of the Apartheid state is due to the Zionist regime’s desires to remain the demographic majority and power. Otherwise the idea of it being a Jewish state will be challenged. Therefore, they treat Arabs differently in different parts of the OPT and Israel depending on their location and particular concerns. Fundamentally they are treated differently from Israeli Jews.
The rights of Arabs/Palestinians rank in the following hierarchy: Israeli National>West Bank> East Jerusalem> Gaza > Exile/diaspora. You can mover down (or to the right) of the hierarchy, but each step will limit your rights, and you can’t move up the hierarchy (to the left). A Jewish Israeli however, can move between this hierarchy as they please, while having more and full rights at all stages, and always more than any Arab at any one spot. Again, they are treated differently from Israeli Jews.
In the West Bank for example, Palestinians are subject to a military occupation administration even when they are not in Israel proper (remember Israel doesnt recognize the two state solution or Palestinian sovereignty). Israeli settlers in the West bank are subject to civil courts where as the Palestinians are subject to Israeli military courts, which give unreasonably high conviction rates, sometimes long periods of confinement without even representation, make arrest of minors and can include torture. Why are Israeli settlers treated differently than to Palestinians in the WB? Israel applies different systems of governance and courts on both groups in the WB extraterritorially and unequally. For example a settler committing a crime goes to an Israeli civil court, whereas a Palestinian goes to a military court, often witheld without trail for ling periods of time, in a hearing that has always been condemned as unfair when compared to international standards of fair trails. Why does Military Order 101 Regarding Prohibition of Incitement and Hostile Propaganda Actions punish and criminalizes Palestinians for attending and organizing an assembly of 10 or more people without a permit for an issue that “may be construed as political”. And then why does it not define what is meant by “political”, effectively banning protests, including peaceful protests, while stipulating up to 10 years’ imprisonment and/or hefty fines for anyone breaching it?
Why is a Palestinian’s ability to build homes and move within the west bank restricted and why is the human registry restricted by an Israeli Military administration if they are not Israeli citizens? Why are there tens of thousands of palestinians married to foreign nationals, who cant bring their nationals over because Israels Military administration blocks adding these individuals to the registries, effectively closing them out to immigration to their spouses?
Clearly they are subjected to forms of subjugation and domination even when they are not Israeli citizens, and not in Israel proper, because they are Arab and thats the definition of Apartheid. Remember, under the Rome Statute, the crime against humanity of apartheid means inhumane acts committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups.
And how about the discriminatory zoning laws for Israeli Arabs? Why are refugees not allowed to return to their homes in Israel if all Jews world wide can “the law of return”? Why, according to a 2016 analysis by Mossawa Center of the Israeli Ministry of Educations, do Israeli Arabs get a third of the funding per capita for education and other social welfare programs than their Jewish Israeli counterparts? Why is it so difficult to get building permits for Arab Israelis too? Arab Israelis don’t need to join the army, but miss out on social benefits that come with it, which is fair - but why are the ultra orthodox who also dint join the army granted access to those services?
Why are 75% of Gazans registered as non Gazan refugees in the UN Relief? Why are they restricted from using 35% of their agricultural land, 85% of the sea and 100% of the sky by the Israeli occupation?
Why is it only that the Eastern Jerusalem Palestinians the ones who are revoked of their ID cards retroactively, if they cannot prove that Jerusalem is their “center of life”? Why does this jot happen to Israeli Jews?
There are mannnyyyyy more points that make Israel an Apartheid state, but above are a few. Its so overwhelming and multilayered the best thing you should do to read about it. Have you read any of the reports? If you have I doubt you would be doubting the conclusion.
Have you read any of the reports? You can go read any of the following: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, The UN Special Rappetoires, B’Tselem, the ESCWA report, Yesh Din, the International Federation if Human Rights. Pick and choose there are plenty more.
I don't understand why Islam isn't banned everywhere because of the real dangers to innocent lives it outwardly creates, and is honest about.
cry louder XD
because everyone thought those jihaddist would behave like normal humans, here in europe we are starting to limit their numbers
@@liusaw Islam is a deen (din). A socio-political government structure with it's own legal system. Not just a religion, the religion part is only one aspect
@@sdrc92126 ah yeah the political of marry and r@pe 9yo, alloha snackbar, off ppl for drawing pe-do phrophit. top notch politics, what makes you think i didn't know already. your kind riot, r@ped and destroy europe cities in order to make sharia hellhole in our countries despite running from a sharia hellhole
@@liusaw I am a Muslim myself, our religion states that any Muslim given safe passage and being entrusted to live in a non-Muslim nation, he/she cannot inflict any kind of physical harm in any way whatsoever. It is prohibited and a sin (meaning haram) by what is western people are afraid of, sharia. Sadly, those jihadist have strayed from my religion’s values. I know what their extremist beliefs are, but I have no power to help subjugating this extremism. I am referencing the Ottoman Empire that had already fought off and defended the crowd from extremism discreetly and kept peace in my country for 5 centuries; look at the so-called self-proclaimed jihadists now, they kill the likes of me who try to oppose them and bring destruction to Syria and Iraq. After the British and France’s intentional division of us, we lost that protector and the British had a hand in putting one of those extremist groups in power that grew in influence and spread their ideas over the last century. What I would like to say is that those extremists do not represent my religion’s values.
Douglas is awesome. God bless him.
Even though i'm a muslim i do still like him
@@theguyver4934 He hates you though.
Lol he don't believe in God. He's a prostitute of the zionist regime
Reneging and rejecting a faith in Islam by a Muslim would be a death sentence in some Islamic communities. The communities are often a living hell, especially painful for women and "heretics".
the scaremongering is understandable. ISlam remains the fastest growing by way of reversions, and the more lies and hate you people spread, the stronger it gets.
Truth is easily distinguished from falsehod, and thats why satan desperately tries with the media propoganda, the fake news, false flax, etc etc to demon ise Islam
Satan already has the xtians and hidnus worshipping multiple Gods, all that remains is for the muslims, but we will hold tight to the religion of God, he has blessed us with believing in him, the one and only, the creator of all, and we will remain steadfast.
Islam teaches there is no expulsion in religion, you to yours, us to ours
on the other hand, the crusades, xtians basically kild anyone who didnt accept it. Hindus are currently doing this ethnic cleasing in india
the jews were being slaughtered by xtians all around europe, and the only place they found peace, was under Islamic rule. Under islamic rule, christians, muslims and hindus all live together in peace. In fact, the oldest churches are found in muslim countries.
Any sincere person can look through all the lies we are being told abut Islam, and see it for what it is.
desperate blaspemers who work for satan,...,
Wow.. how many muslim countries have you visited because last time I checked I could have whatever faith I wanted without being killed.
@@j.h3442Nonsense. You obviously are either a shill for Islam or haven't been exposed to hardline Islamist nations.
I have travelled widely and support the work of Prof. Amadi. Take a trip to Peshawar, Pakistan and check there. It’s a question of being a Muslim and committing apostasy.
Absolutely right.
Islamphobia is when moderates are scared to say, what the holy books of islams says about non-Muslims and how they should be treated.
In india biographies by Muslim rulers proudly proclaime the genocide of hindus as quotas fulfilled. In 1990 Kashmir, about 400,000 Hindus were driven out nazi style. Muslims proudly claim their relationship with hindus as brothers, in reality no Muslim come out on the streets to protest for the Kashmir Hindus. They never say Hamas did wrong by attacking civilians. For the mullahs what hamas ,taliban, any Islamic terrorist organisation do is according to the rule book about how to treat non-Muslims.
And Hindus are so 'enlightened' they have a caste system with the darkest skinned 'dalits' or 'untouchables' as the lowest caste.
@@knowledgeispower6726 i don't deny that caste don't exist. Within the society reforms are being brought in to change the attitude towards Dalits. Muslims institutions do not accept reservations for Dalits and harp about Dalits in TV debates. AND you never denied my comments about Muslims and typically always deflect.
@@knowledgeispower6726So what’s the point. We’re talking about Islam here.
@@koushikvemuri3130 The point was in response to the person talking about Muslim mistreatment of Hindu's which he says is based on Islam. I was simply pointing out there's a polarity with Hindus mistreatment of dalits/untouchables.
Ignorance is ignorance - suggesting it is the preserve of any one people or religion is a nonsense!!!
And for the most part people are not 'talking about Islam here' they are talking about what they THINK is Islam.
@@knowledgeispower6726 You are telling me that caste system doesn't exist in Indian Muslims? Do some research before showing your ignorance. There are lower caste muslims are treated badly by upper caste muslims as well. No hindu will deny that caste system existed and we have worked towards removing the discrimination.
Islam should never have been allowed into ENGLAND 🏴🤬
According to Thomas Jefferson it's illegal to allow muslims to immigrate to the U.S.
Or the USA 🇺🇸.
Or Germany
@@ginawhiteley8834 According to Thomas Jefferson, it's supposed to be illegal to allow muslims to immigrate to the US.
@@TomasCorvidea I did not know that. I didn't know Thomas Jefferson was ever in a Muslim country. Interesting.
So glad to find this channel- lots of new information for me but keen to learn more- keep up the good work panel and thank you.
The answer is simple. If you fight it and do not let it take root. No. If you ignore it or pander to it. Yes.
Those who say i respect all religions, definitely doesnt know what ISLAM thinks abt his or other religions. If u tell him the reality, he will realise the stupidity in his earlier statement
They don't know what they are saying. I can tolerate that people have the freedom to have whatever religion. That does not mean that I respect the doctrines of such religions. Especially those that read like straight out hate speech.
@@mejsjalv yes. A religion should not stand on the premise that "all others are false, thus we r true. Such ideology is inherently manufactured out of hate for others and thats why all over the world wherever there is a religious conflict, 99% of time ,its a M vs NON-M.
When there is no NON-M. Its M vs M ,coz they practice this "i m right and u r wrong even among themselves" ,for example, if this is a religion of peace ,atleast two M should never fight but shia and sunnis are always ready to destroy each other. They keep repeating that its the most peaceful religion and they utter it million times, they whisper it into the ears of their young ones, they grow up actually believing that we r the most peaceful religion and we r true but other religions hate us and we r victims. The reality is absolutely different, there is only violence. Throughout islamic history, its violence in the name of allahhhh. Time and again. Every arab tribe was attacked and slaughtered for this and they dare say we r peacefull. Every terrorist come from this , every suicide bomber, every plane hi jack ever happened was done by the followers of this cult. And yet its a peaceful religion. 🤣,, They start doing propaganda since birth and brainwash their kids by spewing venom and hate for other religions. The only way they create loyal M is by abusing other religions. Theur prophet abused and used filthy language for the local deities of arabs at that time. M grow up disrespecting every religion except their own. And thats why it becomes very difficult for them to see that there is something wrong with their own cult. They hav mad man's confidence. Whenever u tell a M that this is wrong with ur cult. They wd never talk abt why its there or why its shouldn't be there, their justification starts from throwing insults at other religions. Thats why for a M ,its very important to know the religion of the person who is criticising i s l a m. If its a christian that exposes i s l a a m. The defend it by abusing Christianity. This cult is built on lies. Thats why they say, without lies , its dies
You do know your Old Testament and the New Testament is quite barbaric too!! Go read your own book lots of things that you will find barbaric!!
@@sananaamir1622 bro the thing is , which i think u wd agree, Islam is a cult, it doesn't give people religious freedom. The fact that 99.9% acts of terroristss are devout true muslimss is enough for u to understand whats the problem. The moment u hear legit criticism, ur balls start hurting and u try to defend islamm by pointing fingers on others. Ur sense of right religion comes from abusing and comparing with other religions, u hav nothing of substance that came from god. Thats why muslims first reaction is to attack other religions.
@@sananaamir1622 You're making an assumption that the OP is Christian. Could very well be of none or be of another faith entirely.
As for you point: It's well made and *most* people, including Christians, realise that only certain parts of relevant and of those who don't, most are not violent. That's not true of many fundamental Islamists.
"Westerners are so protected that they don't know why the walls are there.." Jordan Peterson
“People like to say that the conflict is between good and evil. The real conflict is between truth and lies.”
- Don Miguel Ruiz
The conflict is between good and evil. Christians have built great societies in America 🇺🇸 and Europe. Islam is a builds inferior societies. The only thing binding Islamic countries is their hatred of the Jews. I'm American and lived and went to school with Jews and Christians ✝️. We all had great education. Islam will destroy Western cultures.
It's very simple. Just keep Islam within Islamic world. Don't let any newcomers in and send them all to their former countries of origin. And so there will be no need to prove which world is better. Once it's done all the truth seekers of both worlds may sing their songs for their respective and understanding crowds. And publish, publish, publish.
Unfortunately implementing your simple solution is anything but simple
one who knows "why" will always find "how" @@martinjnagy
honest question: I am an atheist from a muslim country, born in a muslim country and i don't want to live in it. I want to legally leave my country for a western country. if your method is implemented, will I and people like me be outright refused? or will you also come up with a way to sift through the applications to find the real muslims to refuse? also, in my own country i am legally and officially a muslim, because loudly leaving islam is not an option compatible with continued life.
I really am curious as to what your solution is, because if it were up to me, I wouldn't want any more muslims in non-muslim countries than you do, but I don't see a way other than to sacrifice myself and my life and many others like me along the way of "keeping islam within islamic world".
i am talking about religion not nationality. the only state known to me as truly Islamic state was tried by daiesh and only for a very brief period. thus i think i will be correct to assume that every single citizen of a muslim country would also have a nationality. i never mentioned or intended that citizen of muslim countries should not be allowed into countries that want immigrants to come. and in fact, living in one of them myself, i would not care how their religion should be called as long as the traditional islam ideology, i.e. idea of conquest of the world from the hands of "kufars" is abandoned. there is no other religion today that strives to do this and thus various religions live together and their missionaries compete for the followers on the market of romantic ideas along with other generally non-violent groups including very disgusting ones.
but you don't need to worry about yourself as my proposal is nothing but wishful thinking. the western civilization is so eager to commit suicide that my little squeak would not be noticed. @@tarathetortoise
all the islamic border are bloody, every one.
The truth is that it is destructive. But, it is not polite to admit it. It needs courage and honesty to state the truth. Why so hesitation to accept the obvious?
The truth as in Zionism is a Cult hell bent on killing indigenous Semites but land grabbing Americans and Europeans 😂
Judaism and Christianity are equally destructive.........
The only that is destructive is ultra-nationalism. Not religion. IQ much?
If you want to understand what is your future, come to India. The moment Muslim population reach sizable level, they will demand a separate country for muslims and it will keep repeating.
You've Just described Africa and South Africa
on poll 60% muslims approve of hamas thats enough to say about their barbarity
You don’t know history 😂. Hamas was created by Israel and US, last election was in 2006.
@@Qthetar lol they funded the top brass not created hamas, and there is no more election because west bank gov know hamas is way more popular so pls miss me with your half baked pro-pa-gan-da
Yet Muslims follow it like a herd. The end result is barbaric terrorism performed by more and more followers. Who cares about Stalins mother?@@Qthetar
As if the Americans did not do the same to gain independence from the British
@@syedabbas5822yeah and like israel, america won your kind however jumped on israel and lost every single time despite multiple attempts for 2 states solution
it is interesting to say the least that even Tibetan Buddhism, originally from India, sees Islam as a major threat. The Kalachakra tantra says that there will be an apocalyptic defeat of Islam by forces emanating from the land of Shambala. This arose because of the way that the Moguls had destroyed Buddhism in India.
Even Jainism also sees it as threat. The most peaceful religion according to sam haris
judging by whats happening, this prophecy rings true! scary.
@@layletts7888 I'm not sure about prophecy ringing true as this place is in India and I, for one, do not support subjugation of Muslims rather than the idea of illiberal Islamist ideals of the movement prophesed by many of them.
As an Indian, I have said this often recently that Westerners should ignore India's problems in culture and value systems which are plentiful, and, just acceot that India is ahead in the game in recognizing the core issues of Islamism and send their leaders and people to Indian "centrist" people (probably not to Hindu Nationalistic far right) to learn about these issues and the entire intricacies of how and when they play into society which even people like Sam Harris probably doesn't know.
Westerners do not have that many Islamists in their country compared to India still (also Indian Muslims are culturally better in my observations than most of those in the West of India but Islamists are same pretty much more or less), and you have more power in law and order, defense, geography, etc, I guess, so it should not be that big of an issue to identify the roots and tackle them. You also have a pretty solid enlightenment history which if applied through rationality, empathy and strength which I hope India does, can tackle the issue without actually subjugating Muslims and giving rise to your anti enlightment and anti empathy Far Right in your countries.
@@_sayan_roy_ I don't know if you know of Abhijit Iyer Mitra. I've listened to him on Citti Media. Abhijit says the most extremist talk coming from Muslims is found in some men in India.
Islam is the only tolerant religion show me a verse in quran where allah called a violence toward unbelieverr you can't because you ignorant old man with zero knowledge
At your big age how can't you still not understand islam
After Beslan, I realised, nothing was off the table. Charlie Hebdo showed how low the bar is to upset them. A UK teacher and his family are in hiding, still, today, because of a cartoon.
“The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray
He predicted it all..
@@mashenka6189 He just listened to Muslims
I am an Indian and I have read it. Shame to any European who hasn't.
The problem is the Islamic world had a kind of enlightenment in the 9th century and it was downhill from there
Not really, the enlightenment you're talking about was mainly about free thinkers, philosophers and scientists that were actually persecuted and for some of them killed, so it was despite Islam, not because of it. A good example of that would be Avicenna who was called "the imam of the atheists" by the religious scholars in those times, there's also an old saying in Arabic dating from those times that roughly translates to "philosophy is heresy"...
@@ScalpaxosWell every civilization has it's fundamentalist nut jobs (look at America today) but at least the Caliphate allowed for people like Al Hazen, Al Kindi, Avicenna, Averroes, Al Kwarizmi, etc. to exist, and even move among the elite. There was also a bit of a melting pot in places like Baghdad, Samarkand, Cordoba, etc. This simply isn't the case in the muslim world now. The only places people around the world congregate is perhaps in the gulf and that's only to wallow in surface level luxury afforded by the oil towelies. Nothing of any cultural depth going on there.
To echo Scalpaxos, books published by some Islamist organizations that are meant for a western audience will trumpet or claims these scholars as if they are proof of Islam having a history of being open-minded. Rather, the Islamic religious class had to be kept in check by pragmatic rulers interested in building working kingdoms and empires. Many of those scholars were persecuted otherwise, or tolerated within some intellectual circles where there ideas were not allowed to proliferate. Those who were more connected to the religious class generally had more freedom to spread ideas.
The more rationalist schools of religious and ethical doctrines basically disappear with the advent of the Mongols. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Taymiyya have huge impacts during this period which reverberate to this day as far as developing more austere conceptions of a faith hostile to philosophy and naturalism.
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Why is Sam Harris still invited to intellectual discussion? Who keeps giving him this platform, and why?
@@Rick-bi9fw Because anyone with 2 braincells left want to hear what he has to say
the scaremongering is understandable. ISlam remains the fastest growing by way of reversions, and the more lies and hate you people spread, the stronger it gets.
Truth is easily distinguished from falsehod, and thats why satan desperately tries with the media propoganda, the fake news, false flax, etc etc to demon ise Islam
Satan already has the xtians and hidnus worshipping multiple Gods, all that remains is for the muslims, but we will hold tight to the religion of God, he has blessed us with believing in him, the one and only, the creator of all, and we will remain steadfast.
Islam teaches there is no expulsion in religion, you to yours, us to ours
on the other hand, the crusades, xtians basically kild anyone who didnt accept it. Hindus are currently doing this ethnic cleasing in india
the jews were being slaughtered by xtians all around europe, and the only place they found peace, was under Islamic rule. Under islamic rule, christians, muslims and hindus all live together in peace. In fact, the oldest churches are found in muslim countries.
Any sincere person can look through all the lies we are being told abut Islam, and see it for what it is.
desperate blaspemers who work for satan,.,.,.
how is islam destroying you? did islam cause your economic problems? did islam create the ridicules wealth gap? did islam make your politicians and government stupid like they are right now? what exactly islam is doing to destroy you?
these intellectuals are making the west disservice, they are blaming the effect while ignoring the cause. the west will destroy itself and islam has nothing to do with it.
Maajid’s body language, throwing his hands/arms, about him almost putting his right hand over Sam’s face invading Sam Harris’ personal space was something which I wonder was perceived by someone else?
Yes, one of the first things I immediately noticed, too -
They are co-authors & close friends
I don't claim to believe or understand everything that's being discussed here but it is just strengthening to hear that there are people who fight for understanding the problem and try to fix it!
"Fixing the problem" requires Europeans to abandon their "euro-centric" liberal values and push these barbarians out of Europe; Which will never happen.
You know how easy it is to fix the problem? Deport all of them, close the borders, certainly not give them welfare and make our people work for them to do nothing but destroy.
Whatever you understood is wrong ,you need to read quran by exmuslims and then watch the video again ..
@@ligo369are you an ex muslim?
There is no fixing 'the problem' unless you mean getting rid of islam altogether. B/c islam's closed end cult structure that brainwashes followers with hate & violence is the problem.
Sam is the only one who realizes how dangerous islam is.
@Knucklehead4400 then you know nothing about Islam preaching death to unbelievers.
@redbeard0311 Christians do that to. Ever been to Florida?
@Green_MnM_Commander_of_Antifa Lol missed the gatherings in Florida where they threw gays off rooftops and chanted Takfir over and over while refusing to let the women go to school.
Majid knows
@@Oscar_the_fascist_slayerwhy is that an argument in oposition?
We know ,most people who say islam is bad say the same about all relligions .
We need to stop blindly accepting and including all types of ethics, ideologies, world views, and politics. We as a society need to start rejecting what is not congruent with Liberalism and Our shared Morals (Like the idea of killing innocents is bad, or the idea of sexual relationships with children is aborant) We cannot assume all people everywhere share or values or ideas of what is worth protecting, what is right ethically, and what is true objectively. Rejecting does not mean eradicating. But it does mean not allowing their Right to Religion to undermine the intrinsic ways our societies and Western cultures function.
What is the point of liberalism if you don't want others to follow their own religion. Please don't act like the dictator that you are decrying.
@@mahirabdulahi4131 The point of liberalism is to guard the inherent rights of _the individual_ to life, liberty (meaning protection of both physical property and physical personal boundaries), and the pursuit of property ('happiness').
Ideologies, faiths, and 'collectives' do not have rights.
They have rights in so far as any individual who adheres to them has rights.
There is no such thing as a 'right' to oppress others, meaning infringing on the rights mentioned above, without justification.
If an ideology or system of government, or culture does not respect those rights, whatever other positive or negative quirks they may have, they are irrelevant.
They have no right to exist as far as a liberal society is concerned.
If following your ideology interferes with this way of life, it's you and your ideology that must change _as much as needed_ and adapt, not the other way around.
All religions do this to varying degrees on a large scale.
All except Islam.
Why should Islam get special privileges if the others don't?
The 'point' of all of this, and of adopting liberalism, is that it enables societies that are multiracial, multi-religious, and (within constraints) 'multicultural'.
Societies like this enable peaceful coexistence, material wealth creation, material security and safety of all kinds, on scales that cannot be matched by other societies.
You can't deny this, because every impoverished immigrant family, from ever corner of the globe, that risks their own lives and their children's lives to journey to the West, is a testament to the West's economic and social strength, and the rightness of its way of life.
You can see this with Great Britain, and the United States, but similar kinds of societies existed even as far back as the Roman Empire.
These societies had an unusual tolerance of coexistence with other races, faiths, and cultures.
The Romans are savage slavers by today's standards, but were 'progressive' in many ways for their time.
The condition for coexistence, was that each subset of their population, submitted to a bare minimum of shared core values, the essence of the law.
In the West today, those are separation of church and state, and mutual respect for personal and property boundaries.
Even someone destroying your most cherished beliefs with words, beliefs that you would die for, or conducting foreign policy in a way you don't like, or living a 'lifestyle' you don't like, does not give you license to break those rules.
It's not dictatorship to have _rational standards._
If you can't live a civilized life under a welfare state, with equality under the law, the problem is you, and whatever values you hold.
Change as much as you need to, or find a another place that you believe will give you a better life.
I was attacked by a Muslem 5 Days after the attack in Jerusalem, When I bent over to retrieve
my Phone that he had ripped out of my hand when I wanted
to record his Psyco demeanor... He hit me in the head with a Baseball Bat; while I was bent over withy back to him... I never saw the attack coming! I spent the next MONTH in the Hospital!! The Police, (Westbrook, ME)Never bothered to Investigate The Deadly attack... Like I said, I was in the Hospital for a Full Month and the Westbrook, ME Police NEVER took the time to even get
my side of the story!!! If we had been in Texas, the story would be Totally Different...
But the soviet states of New England, Prefer a society of Victims... I now jave a 50/50 Chance of surviving 5 Years...
Oh im sorry to hear that. I used to mock muslims since i love in iran but somehow everyine turned to athiest these days unless the govermental child molesters. Please try to act as neutral as possbile.
Praying for you! ❤
I don't need 51 minutes to just acknowledge this. The answer is yes.
You're gonna surrender?
So glad this question is being asked. Biggest one out there.
Indeed. We have a struggle here in the west. You could say its my struggle. Or maybe just yours
Why does the white so called Christians love to colonize??
I’m relieved to see a calm rational discussion about this. We can’t wait for it all to go off the rails
Off the rails officially happened in… I don’t know, say, the first few remarks made in this comment thread. Lol. Apparently few of the people here grasp the concept that Maajid was steal manning the case against the west and doesn’t hold the views he espoused himself. Even though, he told them that point blank in simple terms and reminded them throughout the conversation.
Saying words does not stop a locomotive. Its a loco-motive for a reason.
that's only when muslims join the conversation since acting civil isn't something they are used to
@@matthewcurry3565 No one on this panel understands the causal computation of reality driving themselves or the Muslim world. These are delusional people.
Americans cannot comprehend this problem. The House of Peace and the House of War. Religious totalitarianism. There is no reasoning with it.
Murray has such a sharp sense of humour to match his wisdom.
I think the best way to simplify Maajid’s statement is that he believes in order to convert religious cultures to enlightenment values we need to be consistent and avoid hypocrisy in political affairs.
The issue with that statement is that it’s a one-way argument and therefore hypocrising in itself. Religious countries are filled with corruption, poverty and violence and supposedly that is despite being guided by the hand of “god”.
Meanwhile every country on the planet constantly import technology and expertise that originated from the west in order to improve their life quality.
This should not be a debate about foreign policy because it’s irrelevant and it shouldn’t be our goal to force the entire world to share our philosophy. This should be a debate about how we retain our own values and make sure we maintain being in the forefront of scientific discovery and development. How we can stop giving ground and immunity to criticizing iron-age philosophy that pollutes future generations minds from being contributing citizens. That is what really matters!
We are not responible for the chaos and corruption around the globe and we need to remind ourselves of that. We need to once again grow a backbone and stand up for our own culture and values. Being empathetic is a good thing but not if it’s going to paralyze us.
If you ever feel useless, remember it took 20 years, 3 trillion dollars taxpayers money & 4 US presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban & inject democracy into the afghan people.
But the poverty was spread around the world by the colonial barbarians
@@Sam-tz8ou I think you'll find that poverty was pretty much self-inflicted and still is. Curiosity, education and innovation is what made Europe rich and prosperous not natural resources. There's plenty of African countries swimming in natural resources to this day and still live in extreme poverty because of their own stupidity.
@@Sam-tz8ouare you smoking crack?
I think the discussion does miss a topic in neo-colonialism. Watch "smoking gun: us backed coup topped pakistan pm..." by geopolitical economy report. US overthrows Imran Khan because he wanted to buy cheap oil from Russia to help his own country. He also didnt want Pakistan to get involved in Ukraine conflict. However US decided that if this weak country wouldn't support the west they will overthrow him and put in place someone who will. That's what happened. This kind of western pressure reduces growth and advancement and increases crime. And thats what happened mass inflation because Pakistan cant buy oil from Russia and Pakistan is forced to help Ukraine per wishes of US. I assume most people just blame religion and not the geopolitics and destabilization that happens. Since then Pakistan shipped aid and weapons to Ukraine and in return received payment. What we call foreign aid in America but its really just forced bribery. The money mostly goes into the corrupt politicians who will do the US bidding or else their overthrown. Imran Khan was going to bring Pakistan to the modern world like China or India. But now its set back at least half a century as the problem is how we can push national interests and grow while keeping in line with the US. You say "We are not responsible for the chaos and corruption" and yet we have US bases all over the world and giving out "aid money" to every country. And yet we have a huge homeless crises. The US is literally the Empire from star wars. I replied to you mainly cause you had a logical comment and thought Id share my point of view.
If we don’t do something now, Yes!
God Almighty said in the Qur’an: God refuses except to perfect His light, even if the disbelievers dislike it [At-Tawbah: 32].
The hadith of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: God planted the earth for me, so I saw its easts and wests, and the kingdom of my nation will reach what he has planted for it.
The first miracle is from the Qur’an and the second miracle is from the hadiths of the Prophet
This is evidence from the Qur’an that it is the word of God, and the Hadith is evidence of the prophecy of Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
The spread of Islam was used as an excuse for those who rejected it
@@marouan-sa86muslim npc copy pasting all over the comment section 😂
And what CAN we do? Speciously, any sort of suggestion, thoroughly thought through, will make me happy
@@dellabrodsky4655 outright banning this religion in our country. Passing a UN resolution that recognized Islam as a terrorist cult. Unrecognizing Islam as a legitimate religion in nation all around the world. Holding a referendum.
Douglas Murray is the best
The Weinstein brothers are very sharp minds but Murray is possessed of an unmatched wit.
@@owensthilaire8189 I think the fact he embodies the archetypal sassy gay man helps as well.
Douglas Murray is my hero
You can not criticize Islam or its questionable profit who won't be named and may or may not have a child bride. Islamist youtubers are also very disingenuous they paint an ideal and peaceful rational islam when, in reality, only a few islamic countries are even remotely free.
Just to be safe I'll say it on your behalf - piss pee upon him.
At the end of the day the last religious standing will be Islam since it is the fastest growing religion in the world. Thats the stats my friend.
@@Tiadeal Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV
As a Christian, hearing SH talk about how it's only by adopting enlightenment values that Islam can critique the enlightenment was pretty rich.
Read the History of Jihad by Robert Spencer and you know the answer. Maybe you know it already. Because you can. History shows the truth of Islam despite the sweet words that their representatives try to lullaby us with.
What really, truly, UTTERLY makes me depressed, is that The Peaceful Majority Does not Matter video (ruclips.net/video/OTz77SdlUuE/видео.html start from 4.40) and all it comments was first published in 2014. And NOTHING has still been changed. It's like The Lord of the Rings. One needed to destroy the evil BACK THEN!
Thank you Douglas Murray for actually telling the truth he would be a wonderful PM of the UK
The short answer is yes, the long answer is yes they will...
The general public have been severely gas-lit for a good few decades. Gas-lighting is very harmful to mental well-being
I don't believe they were. It is woke that makes it impossible for regular people to express their truly thoughts
31:41 for the win! "The moral frivolity of deciding to forget the gulag in order to win a point against Piers fricking Morgan is a real disgrace." Love it!
Thank you for this opportunity.
Like most “intellectuals”, they pontificate for an hour and never really discuss “Will Islam destroy us”. Rather it became a defense of enlightenment values.
Oh, it will. And thus the pontification. Because there is nothing anyone can do to prevent it from happening.
@@dellabrodsky4655It's not a foregone conclusion at all. Anyway, we have plenty of potential for climate disaster as well as wars with powerful nations (where Islam isn't involved).
Just throw it on the pile, mate. Got a nice little stack of things that could destroy what we're doing going already.
What a fantastic panel of speakers. Big fan of Douglas, Sam and Majid.
Majid is a snake. He was a violent extremist before, but now he figured out that the pen is mightier than the sword. His goal has always been to spread islam. He is just doing it in a smarter way now. Islam is like a mind virus that hijacks the hosts brain and makes the person try to spread islam through the best means available.
I understand that people love Sam Harris, but I can't gel with him at all, I find him a terrible bore. I have tried to find this love for his ideas and fail. Murray speaks to my soul though through and through.
@@jumblestiltskin1365Sam’s good. He talks sense. But it’s ok you don’t like him.
And the Weinsteins.
If it doesn't, it won't be for lack of trying.
Spot on.
A panel of secularists including a majority of Secular Jews, citing “Enlightenment values”, perplexed and troubled at the advance of Islam into their midst and wondering what can be done about it, is a modern picture of what the term “hoisted on one’s own petard” means. You guys were at the forefront, historically, of the undermining and removal of the only antidote or preventative to this happening and the scrubbing of it from the national character, namely the formation of the national character that can only be achieved through the embrace of and adherence to Biblical virtues.
You guys made your beds, now you will have to lie in them.
The old saying holds true here: “If you will not be ruled by God, then, by God, you will be ruled”.
1:10: 🗣 The speaker agrees to 'steel man' the case for Islamism in order to understand its weaknesses and defend Western Enlightenment values.
4:31: 🌍 Islamists criticize Western foreign policy for prioritizing economic interests over freedom and democracy.
9:23: 🔎 The UK government has been involved in human rights violations through rendition to third countries and detention without trial.
13:41: 💔 The speaker expresses anger and frustration towards the West for their actions in the Middle East, including supporting dictators, invading countries, and ignoring Israel's occupation of Palestine.
18:05: 📚 The loss of meaning in the west and the lack of a philosophy of life are discussed as challenges to be met.
23:00: 📚 ISIS wants to bring about the end times by inviting the world to Islam.
27:47: 🔍 The speaker believes in democratizing the power of the Enlightenment rather than rejecting it.
32:35: ! The speaker finds it fascinating and concerning that only a few people are defending the enlightenment in an environment where they face consequences for doing so.
37:10: 🗣 The speaker discusses the importance of understanding and utilizing the Enlightenment and expresses concern about the exhaustion of the Jewish community compared to other groups like Islam, Russia, and China.
41:50: 🔑 The speaker believes it's important to acknowledge the flaws of the state and the Enlightenment in order to advance it further.
46:29-47:20: 😕 The speaker discusses the unfairness of society and the lack of viable alternatives to address it.
Recap by Tammy AI
What? You didn't write any of that? Explain yourself.
aanchaallllllll: Thanks very, very much for taking the time to do that for us 👌
Seriously appreciate that 👌
Tammy ai ,what is that?
37:10 the speaker discusses taking Enlightenment values at the expense of their inventors to use as a weapon to protect Jewish interests, while gleefully rubbing his hands.
Amazingly anti-Semitic! But when God sees this, you're done for.@@graemecreegan6749
"Load-bearing fictions" Eric really knocks it out of the park with his turn of phrase sometimes
Can you explain what it means for thickos like me?
@@Gillfuddy let me go back and watch for thebcontext because from what I can remember, I might take one of two explanations
This was excellent!! More please!
Hopefully this gets shared worldwide. It might wake people up to see how evil Islam is at its core
It's a real pleasure to sit back and listen to some intelligent people and their views about the world we live in. Thank you for sharing.
Excellent video. I like the respect the panel shows to each other. And don't interrupt.
The west will fall. I will be its anti deliverer. Darth Brandon chose me. I will win
It wasn't a debate, just a panel discussion, and they were all pretty much in agreement, so there's that.
They removed the roots of the enlightenment and pretend that the tree will flourish. Christianity is the roots of the enlightenment whether you like it or not. I think without Christianity the enlightenment is screwed.
May I cite some "enlightenment" verses in Deuteronomy and Exodus?
@@diaryofnricom163 Christians don’t follow the covenant of Moises (aka the mosaic law). Jesus gave a new law or a new convenant. You clearly don’t know what you are taking about. But naturalism has no credibility to say that any thing is wrong. You can’t get oughts from its. Matter can’t tell me what is right or wrong. And neither can my mind if naturalism is true my minds only function is survival and not truth.
So philosphers that predate Christianity... such as Socrates... they weren't enlightened??
It's the interpretation of their book and sacred verses which give clear instructions to destroy all other non believers mean the world is in clear and present danger. Its amaizing how the protagonists begin the human rights obfuscation and totally derail this debate into nothingness.
History has shown that a powerful citadel can only fall when a traitor inside opens a gate to the invaders.
In this case we have a lot of traitors, unfortunatly people with power.
the strength of democracy has been turned into weakness. it is exploited and used against democracy. that's what these people do. neither of them believe in or value democracy, but use and abuse it.
the gray areas, is the area Hamas uses to feed you with hate.
there are no gray areas when it comes to terrorism, that is where we have to draw a line between what is right and what is wrong for whatever reason. that has to be our absolute bottom line
I'm not Jewish, I'm not Christian, unfortunately I'm Muslim, and I'm ashamed that what I see supports terrorism.
I hope Israel stands strong and civilized people stand strong with them
And not only these people. Embrace Woke! It will bring you to the verge of existence, and then blame you for doing so
Islam needs to go
That was the purpose of the crusades. They were a response to over 400 Islamic caliphate attacks on Europe. The final expulsion was on September 11, 1683 Battle of Vienna. But once land is owned by Muslim, it is the duty of all Muslims to fight (struggle(jihad)) to reclaim it.
Muslims were the original crusaders. How do you think it spread. Conquest and forced conversion
I have just found this amazing channel with all my favourite people thank you 🙏 for talking the truth 👍👍👍👍
If they are genuinely peaceful as they keep claiming.
Why, when a visiting hate preacher in the mosque starts preaching his vile tirade, dont they all stand up en masse and walk out.
Prove it, show us youre peaceful.
Bret Weinstein saying that his ancestors were not the Enlightenment people is completely out of reality in two ways: first it is false that Jews did not participate in the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a cultural phenomenon that resulted from the ideas of Maimonides, who influenced Thomas Aquinas, and also influenced Baruch Spinoza. Modern rationality descends from Spinoza's philosophy, which strongly influenced the 18th-century non-Jewish philosophers, who were Christians, but it also influenced the Jewish Haskalah movement, to which Moses Mendelssohn belonged. The Enlightenment started off as a Judeo-Christian cultural symbiosis before it reached the first expressions of atheism in the 19th century. And second, no European Jew can ascertain that his/her origin is only Jewish. A number of Europeans converted to Judaism along the centuries and vice-versa.
Now that is interesting.
Douglas Murray is a Gem of a human being.
The ultimate problem with the debate between Islamic countries and Western countries is that both sides are right and both sides are wrong. Neither is willing to accept culpability for their many, many evil deeds, so there’s no clear path to a metaphorical and literal ceasefire, even though both sides know and admit to their group’s nearly infinite blood-drenched faults.
Luckily, this tension will *not* be what destroys humanity. That distinction belongs solely to AI. (see: Eliezer Yudkowsky)
AI is just another excuse for greedy billionaires
Lack of wisdom.
I look around and I can see that people are really
Shallow as long as they have a good job, nice house
And drive a nice car.
The generations who lived through hardship and wars are
Dying out. Therefore the millennials have no idea they are
Being sucked in by social media and tik tok.
Then something upsets the apple cart and their
Life is in chaos. At this point is when they start
Seeking the truth.
Laugh if you like but the 'THE HUNGER GAMES'
Trilogy of books doesn't seem so fictional to me.
Humans are capable of great good and great evil..
To this I agree.
It has taken people of Netherlands twenty years to partially understand danger of islam. Better late than falling in dar-ul-shit-pit forever।
Brilliant - One of the highest wisdom per capita on stage in the internet.
Simple read the Qur'an. You will understand what islam is
Yeah. A cancerous fable of fear and death. Basically written for momo's
The best English translation costs £83
@@deniseg-hill1730 Charmin is cheaper
Read anything from it to a muslim, and he/she will claim that its a bad translation.@@deniseg-hill1730
Thank you for the great conversation
I have great respect for Mr. Nawaz and I hope with all my heart his project is met with success.
I find it pathetic that the discussion is about islam and the only person on the panel is a deviant by mainstream muslim standards. This how they always frame the discussion without having a traditional mainstream muslim to represent our position.
It's irrelevant when you are all lying, ignorant snakes anyway.
There is no logic or consistency in islam & everything boil's down to the lustful, greedy & genocidal fantasies of the world's most obvious false prophet in history - proven by islam itself:
Quran 69:44-46 - And if he (Muhammad SAW) had forged a false saying concerning Us (Allah), We surely should have seized him by his right hand (or with power and might), And then certainly should have cut off his life artery (Aorta),
Sahih Bukhari 5:59:713 - ...Narrated ‘Aisha: The Prophet in his ailment in which he died, used to say, “O ‘Aisha! I still feel the pain caused by the food I ate at Khaibar, and at this time, I feel as if my aorta is being cut from that poison.”
Who would you recommend?
Presenting of the unqualified and incompetent to defend the cause of right, It is intended to offend this issue and alienate its true followers from it to rise up around it as well as those who are thinking of joining. This is how the enemies of the Islam do with Islam
This is a rational discussion and therefore can't include what you suggest as Islam is irrational. That's kind of the point. These guys aren't interrupting each other, their thoughts are freely flowing.
I'm sick of people bashing Christianity, Christianity is all about peace and treating everyone with love
No... it isn't.
Christianity is the same as Islam in the respect that it is nothing but garbage made up of lies and bulshit from people who had no knowledge of the natural world
It's amusing to hear someone speak down about someone or people but then, in an example, demonstrate their own ignorance.
Mr Weinstein, the reason EVERY state has an equal number of senators, is because The United States is A UNION OF STATES!
EACH STATE, as an independent entity, with State Rights and self governance...
Has an EQUAL say in the process ...
The ONLY branch that is, by design to take into consideration population, is The House.
I hope you know American history well enough that the United States is & was never meant to be a democracy.
Congress, by design, was meant to be a deterrent to some of the worst consequences of a democracy.
In this effort, the founders hoped to balance a democratic process (the house) with RIGHTS of each state (The Senate) .. In the hopes of avoiding a tyranny by the majority.
The problem that the United States is having today, goes all the way back to when parties got introduced into our politics.
One's parties were introduced to our politics. . are politics became less and less local and more and more national.
Loyalties to what was best for your community, those people that you represent, and the state went by the wayside as party loyalty became more prevalent.
The illusion of us voting for people to represent us, It's just that an illusion.
Parties pick who were allowed to choose from. But make no mistake, whoever you vote for is a party man.
And quite honestly, that's why they don't like Trump.
Trump wasn't anteloper. Trump had the ability due to his resources and his celebrity status to override the party system and actually become an outsider.
Has an outsider, he owed no allegiance to anybody. He could do what he wanted to do and follow his own agenda.
Is amusing to me, that people like Sam Harris and haven't figured out that he is actually been a victim of propaganda.
His total TDS as a result of that propaganda.
Why? Trump has been a known quantity for decades. People knew who he was people knew all about his character the way he talked.
The people that trash him now in the media and other politicians took his money invited him to parties went to his parties etc etc.
But once he dared to step into the political arena, and he said I don't need these people telling me what to do I know what to do.
Dick Schumer got on TV and said the intelligence services know how to get you six ways from Sunday and you better not buck the system.
And what has happened since? Basically would amounts to a PR smear.
All these negative ads, negative news press, negative coverage, talk show after talk show saying how horrible Trump is blah blah blah blah blah
Remind you that's before any mean tweets. That's before any of the stuff that was said policies were done anything.
The negative press on this guy has gotten so bad that people like Sam Harris got duped by it.
And you see it time and time again the accused Trump of something. Later turns out not to be true but that doesn't get nearly the airtime that the accusations did.
But has anyone noticed how, even though it turned out not to be true, they still speak in terms as if it's still true. In other words his character, has been tarnished. And it's being done deliberately.
They created this narrative that generally weak-minded people, or people That just disagree with his agenda his policies his ideology or even his mannerisms...
I understand that Trump is abrasive and that's going to put some people off, but when you add this being put off with the negative narrative that you're eager to believe and eat up because you don't like his conduct you are now being propagandized and you don't even realize it
Majid Nawaz doing the steelman was intensely moving. Made me pause. How can this be answered? I think the mere fact that we can have this debate and recognize our failings is an endorsement of enlightenment values. We can know we are not perfect and are capable of catastrophic mistakes, but enlightenment helps us see mistakes, learn, and improve. Utopia can not be achieved but incremental improvement is possible through the application of enlightenment values.
Islam the route of all evil
Root, I guess? I would add some other suspects: unhinged capitalism, exaggerated feminism, the extreme hedonism/ dopaminisation of our world, decivilization via social media, the loss of decency (?) in all media, shortsighted and totalitarian left political views... all very damaging. We have to return to more order, humbleness, cohesion and transhedonistic purpose in a western way.
No, religion as a whole tends to be.
2018. Remembering. This panel (and notably Harris and Bret Weinstein sharing a stage 😲) is good to listen to principally for archaeological reasons, it was a step along the way, a moment so easy to forget. Today it provides clues to the question, "How did we get here?"
They're gonna give it a go
Give it go!
They are doing so since 1st of them arrived to Europe. It needs to end before it's too late
I respect and appreciate each one of you all individually so much, and as a panel. Could you please, please run for office? :-) We just need some common sense to make a comeback in order to save this civilization right now. Please and thank you for your courage and your stand.
Why are they considering Enlightenment as being of such importance and value in the modern west? That’s not the foundation stone they are assuming- enlightenment is a fruit of the west, not its driving force or origin
I really got tired of Maajid complaining and whinnying
It's such a shame that Maajid is not on mainstream media anymore.
The main stream media doesn't want him. He doesn't suit their narrative.
Where did he go ? And why ? Any idea ?
Exactly the perspective of Hindus in India. It is to get to enlightenment values, leave out the feudal part and still be strong enough to face to Islamism in Pakistan and Communism in China. That's after the 1000 years colonization from Turks, Moghuls and Britain. Majid himself was a product of that colonization, as in Pakistan was a creation due to the same Islamism.
Murray great as ever. Nawaz a bit of a showman, but not bad.
I heard that he converted back to islam.
Well he isn't a trustworthy guy
I saw the Jordanian pilot video shortly after it was done and I had to get in the shower to cry so nobody would know and ask me why. Horror
”Isis want a 2.5 percent reduction of VAT” 😂
Maajid must also keep in mind Syria, Yemen, Ottoman conquests, Sudan slaughters, Iran Iraq War. Follow Quran 1 brother. Simple. Humble. Do you BELIEVE in and Trust Allah or not?
This aged quite well, here we are in 2023
Enlightenment ideas are a boon, but they have no real boundaries to keep them from going too far left. Christianity embraced properly can keep it in bounds.
As long as Christianity also is put in some boundaries, unlike, say, Crusades or Inquisition
@@gedonckerscrusades were a reaction to muslims doing what they always do
The look on Sam’s face right at the beginning, thinking “that’s not a very good definition of a steel man argument”
What Douglas Murray says is interesting. The Western intellectuals did not see the connection between India-Pak partition, Iranian revolution, Afghan Mujahideen, Kashmir separatism etc. They only woke up after Sept 11. This shows their shallowness and their parochialism in viewing events only from Western perspective
Only if we let it. It is up to us. The way it’s going, I’d say yes.
Up to us HOW? What can we do? What can ANYONE do, other than start the actual bloodshed?
I hope they will figure out their problems without pulling everyone into obese. They’re a lot of islamo-suppremasist out there, including in the west, who wants to convert and deprive of native culture other people around the world. One example is Kazakhstan. Nominally a Muslim world country but most of the population are secular. They have unique cultural traditions like music etc that being eroded by Islamist influences who “teaching” locals how to practice “correct” Islam. They have internal tensions now because of this colonial (not my opinion but there’s) intrusion.
the scaremongering is understandable. ISlam remains the fastest growing by way of reversions, and the more lies and hate you people spread, the stronger it gets.
Truth is easily distinguished from falsehod, and thats why satan desperately tries with the media propoganda, the fake news, false flax, etc etc to demon ise Islam
Satan already has the xtians and hidnus worshipping multiple Gods, all that remains is for the muslims, but we will hold tight to the religion of God, he has blessed us with believing in him, the one and only, the creator of all, and we will remain steadfast.
Islam teaches there is no expulsion in religion, you to yours, us to ours
on the other hand, the crusades, xtians basically kild anyone who didnt accept it. Hindus are currently doing this ethnic cleasing in india
the jews were being slaughtered by xtians all around europe, and the only place they found peace, was under Islamic rule. Under islamic rule, christians, muslims and hindus all live together in peace. In fact, the oldest churches are found in muslim countries.
Any sincere person can look through all the lies we are being told abut Islam, and see it for what it is.
desperate blaspemers who work for satan,,.,.
You deliberately portray current culture in Kazakhstan as a native. However, it is not. Current culture in Kazakhstan is a secular soviet culture which was imposed on natives through colonialism.
They have tensions because new generation is rejecting the soviet way of life.
@@dehaman_4_144 I based my opinion on watching interviews with Kazakh academics. I understand rejection of Soviet culture but what is a substitute? Qatar, Saudi Arabia or turkey? Maybe you can preserve and develop native cultural heritage instead of bringing another imperialist culture
@@dehaman_4_144 I based my opinion on watching interviews with Kazakh academics. I understand rejection of Soviet culture but what is a substitute? Qatar, Saudi Arabia or turkey? Maybe you can preserve and develop native cultural heritage instead of bringing another imperialist culture
@@NJIT22 Native culture does not exist, it is dead. Nothing to preserve. Kazakh people used to be nomads before the Soviet Union, they've been forcefully settled into cities and villages. The native nomadic culture is irreversibly dead. The academics you are referring to are the products of the Soviet Union and the soviet academic system. They are not part of the native culture. Most probably they don't even speak the native language.
The whole premise of preserving and adopting is misleading. The question is should we use force to keep the soviet imposed system or not. The new culture is eminent and the only opposition is the soviet minded people.
Someday, most intelligent men will hopefully walk through the gates of Sanatan. 🙏
And don't forget, collect their 72 virgins. And they claim to respect their slave like women.