+mouwersor The so called benifits are only short lasting and you like any other drug need more to get what you once had. Also caffeen is known to negatively affect your bones, robbing them of minerals. So heavy drinkers are at a higher risk of getting osteo. Especially if they have the so called Energy drinks where it is even worse than coffee. I like to live a life where I can enjoy things and not have to worry about where to get my next fix. I just smile and grin to myself when the power goes out for an hour. People think the world has come to an end because the can't have thier coffee. Me no such problems :-)
"Caffeine is technically lethal." This is just a statement of the main general principle of toxicology: the difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose. Almost anything is lethal in sufficient quantity.
"Every day the world consumes 300 tones of caffeine - enough for one cup of coffee for every man, woman and child." Well, one of you is clearly drinking 2 cups a day, seeing as I'm not drinking mine...
Don't forget about the 2.2 billion that don't have access to clean drinking water, all the kids that don't drink coffee and all the people who can't afford it because their wage is less than 2$/day
That would still mean that an f ton of people are consuming more than 1 cup. Cus this estimate contains every person. A lot of people in developing as well as poor country can't even afford it. I wonder who is drinking that much
@@AG-JustYourAverageGuy Caffeine isn't only present in coffee, so it also get consumed from other source, like energy drink. So there's that to take into account into the worldwide caffeine consumption.
I remember sitting at a cafe with my friend as he explained to me his issues with anxiety, insomnia and frequent visits to the bathroom, all while he was sipping away at a cup of coffee. I wish I was joking
Yeah but you can't compare tobacco too coffee ^^ If you drink coffee in moderate ammounts its actually healthy. Yeah to much is bad, bad that counts for everything ^^
Ten years later: The research *does* seem to imply that caffeine has a few drawbacks. Namely that it can over-stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, causing anxiety, sleeplessness, jitters, and a temporary loss in cardiovascular performance. But it also depends on how fast you can metabolize it
Same here, I drank coffee since high school & I noticed I alway wanted to sleep + it helped to develop freaking hemorrhoids in my ass :'((((( & I thought it was healthy
cause or correlate??? i mean some people drinks coffee to be able to stay up late and chances are they are sleep deprived too, so maybe it's the lack of sleep that causes this. i do have once read that it can decrease quality of sleep if you have it close to your night bedtime.
But coffee being a stimulant means that its not giving you energy, its only managing your energy. Your body feels tired because its low on energy. Using coffee to stimulate it means you're delaying the crash, not eliminating it. That being said, I think coffee is ok for the occasional energy boost, maybe to get you through the hardest part of your day. Consuming it all the time will just lead to the same thing that happens with other drugs: you will stop getting benefits and instead just need it to stay normal.
Not managing your energy, more like ignoring your fatique, that's a different story. It blocks your fatique adenine's receptors, that's all. Not "managing your energy".
This is why coffee is great in the morning to help you get up You don't feel the fatigue you have from just waking up and by the time the caffeine fades it's the middle of the day and you (should) be fine
That is such a retarded logic. First of all that is complete bullshit because there are plenty of addicts whoa are not in denial and there are plenty of non-addicts who are rightfully denying being addicted. By your logic someone basically must be addicted if you say he is, because denying it only makes you think more that that it's the case. This kind of thinking is incredibly childish and just a terrible way to engage with the world.
@@ToBeIsWasWere First off: he literally calls it a physiological addiction. Second: Denying being addicted is what all addicts do at some point or another and the majority of coffee drinkers are indeed addicted due to caffeine inherently addictive chemical structure.
@@frankie5928 It's not a joke and the positive benefits of coffee have only grown in certainty since this video was made. Check out Healthcare Triage's video on the studies that have been done on coffee and tea.
@@bern.4 ADD and ADHD are two totally separate disorders that have complete opposite reactions to caffeine. There's a lot of similarities between the two, but they are still very different.
CGP Grey: "Who would want to get rid of coffee?" Me, with my caffeine induced migraines: "Unfortunately I've had to." CGP Grey: "They can even get rid of migraines!" Me: "What?"
Actually majority of migraines are due to caffeine withdrawal. Coffee causes vasoconstriction and once you stop drinking it your blood vessels widen with a surge of blood going to your head and causing a headache. This usually happens 24-48 hours after last caffeinated beverage. Once you drink it your vessels will constrict and the pain will go away. In fact almost all anti migraine drugs have caffeine in them for that very reason. It's very shady. Basically curing a migraine by feeding your addiction. After several days of no caffeine migraines go away.
"It's not like the coffee trees WANT humans cutting bits off of them." I'm telling ya, man, the most effective survival strategy in the history of EVER is "be useful to humans".
I absolutely love this video but as someone who has drank coffee and quit like 5 different times, I guarantee you that if you have anxiety, coffee can make it much worse. It’s great when you really need it but if you drink it regularly, it can have some negative effects on your mental health. That’s just my experience with it though, you do you.
Coffee is not a replacement for sleep. If you are so tired you need to drink coffee to function properly, it is likely a sign that you should sleep more. Most people don’t sleep enough, which is extremely unhealthy.
Of course it's not. But it can give a little boost if you need an extra hour or two once in a while. Or to wake up faster/ stay alive during night shifts (can save lives). And if you are already addicted..... a cup of latte won't help you (except for hydration and umm.... taste?), it will just bring you back to "normal". And since there are 0 side-effects to drinking a cup of coffee daily, why stop. btw. I mean coffee, not a coffee-flavored dessert
@@toomanycharacter even if he talked about the negatives this video wouldn't change much. As long as you are drinking it in moderation the negatives are mild at worst.
Dude you gotta at least mention the side effects like insomnia, anxiety, ulcers and for some, arrhythmia. It's not ALL upsides. Like any drug it needs to be used carefully.
No shit, but there is a difference between one cup a day plus a possible other one later in the day and dropping 6 cups in the span of 16 waking hours.
@@GlassWeringAwesomnes Italian speaking, it's not like we don't have a big ass tradition of coffee (the words "Espresso" and "Cappuccino" surely ain't english) and my city, Trieste, even has different dialectal ways to speak about coffee compared to the rest of Italy, but it's pretty rare to see people consuming coffee that many times everyday, it's more after meals.
@@Hyperversum3 The problem with coffee, that Gray doesnt mention, is adaptation. Drink one cup per day for a month, and your body will adapt. To get the same effects, you will either have to drink 2 cups, or stop drinking for a month. I have never drank coffee, and never will. Drinking a glass of water every morning does great job in waking me up.
Don't forget that if you've consumed caffeine consistently for long enough to suffer withdrawal symptoms, you're probably not being stimulated by the same amount anymore but instead just drink coffee/soda to feel normal and not be sleepy. It's a bad habit and every drug in the world that has benefits takes something from you in return don't forget that.
This is the only video of Grey's that I considered giving a thumbs down. If nothing else, coffee is a stimulant, and just as you describe, at the very least it will eventually be required by your body to function as efficiently as it used to before you started using it and in turn developed a tolerance for it. And of course this is anecdotal but I know many people that swear by their decision to stop drinking coffee after being a regular drinker for many years, citing a ton of improvements in their lives (physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, professionally). I just think saying it is completely free of negative effects is inaccurate.
I don't think everyone who habitually drinks coffee considers it a bad habit. I don't even think most people who drink coffee consider it a bad habit. That's your subjective opinion. Not saying that Grey didn't have a subjective opinion that he was freely expressing without calling it as much, but I think that goes without saying. I doubt anybody took this as actual medical advice....
Manny NOPE, I never* had coffee with sugar and after quitting I still feel better overall. What Einar said is true, you really become dependent on it just to function and what's even worse it can actually lead to you not getting enough sleep in the long term because you can't really distinguish between caffeine withdrawal and actually feeling tired anymore. Which seems allright at first (well, not really since sleep deprivation can have awful long term effects if you do it constantly) but it does kinda suck out the joy of your life. I remember just a few weeks ago everything, even the GREAT things weren't really that interesting or great and everything was just kinda faded out. Now I'm still kinda tired (school starts way too early) but I'm in a much better mood (things are actually fun now!) and I'm starting to do productive things again (a comic) when I was in an artistic rut for about a year or longer before. That is not to say that I'm principally against any coffee consumption, just that it's generally a better idea to not let it become a habit since then you'd be getting into tolerance which is just no good at all. At least if you're coffee-free** for the most part you actually get the desired effect if you really need it. *well, a handful of times I put in a little as a treat, but that was about 20-30 times total spread over 3 years. **including soda and tee in coffee because they contain caffeine as well.
@@bastbo3225 Yes, but the data he used for that might not be reliable. There's a heavy bias people have where they tend to believe what they want to believe, leading to people cherry picking data, only looking at data that supports their POV. I don't think CPG Gray is a medical professional, and I'd also bet he's some form of millennial who needs (or really wants) caffeine to get that boost of energy for a typically exhausting day, though I can't verify if either of my assumptions are true. I don't know what has happened in this scenario, but rest assured the best way to find an answer to whether or not caffeine is healthy is to look for a meta analysis comparing many many studies, for which all these studies were unbiased and controlled for all variables, including possible other components of coffee that may be healthy, like how people tout red wine as healthy (even though it isn't) just because it has antioxidants, which fruits, berries, greens, beans, etc also have in larger quantities.
@@maisiedonohue3234 where is the evidence that red wine in moderation isn't healthy? The longest-lived populations in the world, in Ikaria and Sardinia, drink one or more glasses a day. I have heard from doctors and medical students I know that moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers. And just because fruits, berries etc. have more antioxidants is not an argument against drinking red wine for its antioxidant properties.
There are two downfalls to this drink. The most understated one is that it's addicting. I know you said this, but the implications are such, something has a stranglehold on your mood and your actions. The addiction - calling you back for another cup, regardless if you want it. The second thing is that it amplifies your current emotion. That's bad for someone with chronic anxiety or other mental disorder. Coffee CAN make it harder to enjoy life, regardless of its short term effects.
My weirdest experience with coffee was uncovering ADHD. I had a friend who flatly refused to drink caffeine citing anxiety, until she was so out of it one day I convinced her to try a small, weak batch. She drank it and, as it is a stimulant, the caffeine had a paradoxical effect of calming her down. That nudged her towards visiting a psychiatrist, who indeed confirmed an ADHD diagnosis!
Oh, this video makes sense now after the road trip one where Grey was just pounding the coffee. I mean, so long as your anxiety isn't bad, your heart isn't acting funky, and you can sleep, drink all the coffee you want
sugar causes obesity and salt blood pressure related complications coffee however, a drug only effecting the brain does not cause illnesses related to other organs causes the worst effect of all it increases the amount of coffee you need to drink
The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose. Both Coffee and Sugar can be beneficial in small doses and harmful in large doses. The average westerner eats an unhealthy amount of sugar. That is an fact. Whether we drink an unhealthy amount of coffee is still up for debate
@jocaguz18 yeah but sugar is addictive and you really don't need that much, and it makes you obese. Water is none of those. Also why are you defending sugar? Fat is the one that gets all the hate even though sugar is worse
panteleimon panomarenko That's not even the saddest thing about that shithole. It's the fact that it isn't even owned by Canadians... My work here is done, I'll leave with my superior 1$ instant coffee now.
There are better things that will make you poop. Like going to Zoo. To see a Tiger. Inside it's gace. And you are in this cage too. And Tiger is slowly walking towards you.
I used to be addicted to sugar since I was young. Recently I started to drink coffee, got addicted and always combined it with sugar. Then I tried to drink it without any sugar and it tastes much, much better so now I don't put sugar on anything. Coffee helped me get rid of sugar addiction and since then I also quit the coffee adiction so I only drink it a couple times a week.
I love coffee, but one has to be willfully blind to say there's no negative side effects. here just a few from my own experience: ● increased blood pressure ● increased heart rate ● headache ● manic euphoria ● anxiety ● withdrawal-induced depression ● more work for the kidneys and that's just from a single 1 liter thermos on an odd day. I have no idea how Grey is still alive.
Also, stained teeth. Not to mention, if you're barely surviving when it comes to food, being addicted to a specific drink that costs money to have (some beans / grounds are more pricey than others) and does all of these other things isn't exactly the best situation.
The increased blood pressure and heart rate are short-lived side effects and are reduced if caffeine is consumed regularly, most likely due to a buildup of tolerance. Headaches are generally caused by withdrawal or other factors which correlate with caffeine consumption but are not affected by it, such as stress. If you're experiencing manic euphoria from coffee then either you are consuming too much and definitely need to cut down, have a genetic sensitivity to caffeine and need to cut down, or the two things are not actually related. Anxiety can be uncovered by increased alertness and maybe exacerbated by a short-term increase in blood pressure, particularly in individuals with already high blood pressure, but caffeine is very unlikely to routinely cause anxiety on its own from normal doses. caffeine withdrawal only lasts for a few days at most and will often lead to tiredness and irritability, but not actual depression. Studies have shown a correlation between moderate coffee consumption and *improved* kidney function, as well as a slightly lower chance of renal cell carcinoma, certainly no negative kidney effects to worry about. I would suggest that a full litre (equivalent to about 4 cups) "on an odd day" is ill-advised, it would be more healthy to drink less coffee more regularly if you're concerned about blood pressure and heart rate, or ideally less coffee less regularly to minimise negative effects while still increasing energy. Since you aren't drinking it regularly, you're going from 0mg to around 400mg of caffeine, which your body isn't used to dealing with, so it will have a much increased effect than if you were used to, say, 200mg per day.
A video about why some people don't get affected by caffeine would be nice. I can drink coffee before bed with no problems and it really doesn't feel like it has any effect on me
Some part of me still thinks that we'll discover side effects of caffeine. There's just no way something can have only benefits and zero negatives ( yes, I know addiction can be considered a negative, but, like Grey stated, there's no reason to give up coffee so you won't experience the withdraw anyway).
They're already discovered. Just Google Side Effects of Caffeine, it's downside is much worse than the upside, in addition the ingredients in coffee itself are even more unhealthy.
+Bhume TM Yes. It absolutely is xenoestrogenic and can cause a number of problems if consumed in large quantities (3+ cups a day) - not to mention the man boobs of which you speak. :). Women need to be careful also because it cause lactation (when not pregnant or post partum) and uterine polyps.
Ive found many studies saying that coffee helps you do things better for a while but after a couple week you actually work worse then you did originally.
@@adrianwalden9788 why rip? I function perfectly fine without it, and the allergy isn't so severe that I can't have chocolate. I actually tend to be more awake than my caffeine addicted friends 90% of the time.
@@8-bitsarda747 I personally have problems with caffeine, but I am also an unmedicated adhd-haver. So, my situation is different than yours probably. Just, for me that'd be really sucky, yk?
EnEvighet7 coffee and sugar are the greatest legal drugs to control the masses! the biggest drug dealers on the planet are the corporations that matket them!
Average coffee drinker: I am very addicted to this substance and need it just ab every day to be useful ... but that’s a good thing because it makes me useful
Im impressed brazil wasnt mentioned on the video. Coffee is our economy, history and so engrained our culture that breakfast is "café da manhã" which means morning coffee
Nice! Its great to see how coffee has shaped other cultures and languages in similar ways. In Costa Rica a lot of people have a morning coffee and an afternoon coffee. We also use the expression "drink coffee" to mean take a light meal, often in the afternoon, even if the person won't actually drink coffee or doesn't even like coffee.
2:18 CGP Grey: Caffeine releases dopamine which stops headaches so why would you wanna ever stop. Me: don't meth, speed, and cocaine also release dopamine
First of all, CGP grey didn't say that dopamine gets rid of headaches, and secondly meth, speed, and cocaine have actual health risks over long term use unlike caffeine(if used in healthy quantities)
@@gabrieldabriel don't do that magic mushrooms aren't deadly, however if taken in irresponsible doses at low experience in psychedelic usage can cause PTSD
@@mafiamax5521 Caffeine however can increase risk of heart attack or stroke, on top of that, if you drink caffeine on your adderall prescription, it will increase in factors of multiple, because it is an ndri while adderall boosts the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, this means all that extra dopamine will bounce back on to the receptors over and over
I actually heard someone say once "I'm totally anti drugs", then have gone on to say "I cant function with my starbucks everyday", some people are as dumb as a sack of walnut shells.
All my friends are always going on and on about how coffee is the best thing ever and they could never live with out it, but me, someone with unusually high levels of acid in their stomach at all times and constantly dealing with acid reflux, gets incredibly nauseous from coffee, so much so that I can't drink it to be more productive because it makes me feel worse.
***** There has been some debate over it because coffee is specifically banned and some people assume that it applies to caffeine too, but the leaders of the church have clarified that caffeine is just fine. I am Mormon and I have a Coca Cola bottle on my desk right now. Now before anyone starts spamming me with links to anti-Mormon articles (because that happens more then you might think) I want to make it clear that chances are I've heard that argument before, I have better things to do with my life then debate my religion for the hundredth time, and I already am beginning to question that religion (for reasons completely unrelated to the things people have told me on the internet). I just want to end this before it starts because literally every time I have mentioned my religion on the internet I have received a flood of people trying to debunk it. As you might imagine it gets annoying after a while.
Just an FYI: Coffee does not remove your fatigue, it simply stops your brain from receiving signals telling it that it is tired. (It's something along those lines, don't quote me). In Layman's Terms, you're muting that voice inside your head that tells you to sleep. But it doesn't stop your brain from actually NEEDING sleep. Otherwise we could just inject ourselves with caffeine and stay awake eternally, which as we all OUGHT to know, is still impossible.
+Xyrik Right, just like drinking alcohol when you are cold. It doesn't actually help keep your body warm. It removes your body's recognition that it is cold, and exacerbates the risk of hypothermia.
Actually coffee increases blood pressure and speeds up bodily functions. It doesn't do anything to fatigue, but if you're well rested it can provide a helpful boost.
"There's really no reason to ever stop using this stuff"? I mean, there's one very fundamental bodily function that caffeine greatly interferes with: sleep. Coffee hinders a person's ability to sleep, and also compromises the quality of that sleep, making the individual feel tired. And the tired individual turns to what? More coffee. Yay!
As a kid I suffered from heavy migraines due to difficulty from my body absorving vitamin D. Despite being very young, a time from when I have very few and far between memories, I still remember VIVIDLY the sensation of taking a suppository. And now, 15 or so years later, Im learning that it was a caffeine based suppository. Life goes on I guess
Per 2014 Sweden now has the 2th largest coffee consumption per capita. 3rd is Netherlands, 4th is Germany, (new in top 5 since this video) And 5th is Netherlands. Denmark is only 6th. Source: www.statista.com/statistics/277135/leading-countries-by-coffee-consumption/
True but that applies for other drugs as well, but isnt actually a health issue. Consuming with care only gives you the positives, unless there are actual health risks which are what im asking for, and which will appear even without excessive consumption
+Jacob Nugent (yacabo) Lol that is completely false. Did you miss the part about withdrawal? If you start your day without it, after drinking it very often, your mood will shift and you'll and possibly experience a headache. If someone wakes up late and doesn't get a chance to drink coffee do you think they just say fuck it and go back to sleep because they "literally can't start the day without it"? No. You can still get your shit done if you forget to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, no matter how often you drink it.
ELH255 Right but the brain will eventually start to adapt to the constant flow of caffeine and will assume it will get the necessary energy from there.
As someone who has a lot of Mormon friends, I can tell you that I'm their eyes, the whole point of avoiding caffeine is the same as avoiding nicotine, other drugs, alcohol, and also pornography. The whole point is avoid addiction to something that is viewed as unnecessary, repulsive and/or just plain filthy.
@@dingo1547 Oh boy, you really need to read into some scientific (I'm talking real papers, not the opinions of yome dude on the internet) studies performed with thr limited amount of shrooms scientisty are allowed to study
I wish there were more studies on ADHD and caffeine. I feel like coffee helps me focus so much while if I miss a day of coffee, I can’t seem to keep my thoughts on one task
J. B. M Viittaa siihen, että Suomen voittaessa MM kultaa jääkiekossa on tapana juhlia kauppatorilla stadissa. Sitä sitten ironisesti käytetään aina kun Suomi mainitaan jossain, erityisesti täällä RUclipsssa.
sunyboy333 No, why would it do so? While one might not notice the caffeine boost from coffee or whatever, it still gets into the system, alongside whatever other chemicals that is released. This means that no matter how long you're onto caffeine, you're still getting it into your system, thus having the benefits of it. This is like any other ingested substance that one intakes. It will have the benefits, but one does not simply feel them.
sunyboy333 No, because it's still a natural antioxidant since it is derived from the coffee bean. Does spinach stop being high in Vitamin K just because you eat it every day? No. Also, adaptation doesn't work that way. You get into a hot tub, it feels hot initially, but over time, it goes from being super hot to feeling comfortable. Is this because the hot tub became less hot? Nope, the hot tub is the same temperature it was when you first got in. You just don't notice it anymore. Similarly, you might not notice that caffeine has traveled to your brain and is causing a chemical reaction, but does it mean that the caffeine isn't getting there? Nope, it's still getting there and working its magic, you're just not noticing it anymore because you're used to having that effect.
MangaEater68 Well there is actually a chemical basis further than that. When you take a drug often and develop tolerance, it's more than just being so used to it that you don't notice its effects. Your brain actually downregulates the amount of receptors that the particular substance works on in an effort to maintain homeostasis... so you literally will not get as much of the same effects from it. And that is why you will get physical withdrawal symptoms as well (i.e the headache and fatigue).
Grey, the first step is admitting you have a problem
¿Por qué no los dos?
If you know you know
@@TheBluePhoenix008 I know
Someone is trying to justify his addiction...
+mouwersor And your point would be? :-)
spotted the mormon
Kevan Cryan I'm not a mormon.. You may need to replace your mormon-detection system.
+mouwersor oh just a buzzkill detected then, sorry
The so called benifits are only short lasting and you like any other drug need more to get what you once had. Also caffeen is known to negatively affect your bones, robbing them of minerals. So heavy drinkers are at a higher risk of getting osteo. Especially if they have the so called Energy drinks where it is even worse than coffee.
I like to live a life where I can enjoy things and not have to worry about where to get my next fix. I just smile and grin to myself when the power goes out for an hour. People think the world has come to an end because the can't have thier coffee. Me no such problems :-)
"Caffeine is technically lethal." This is just a statement of the main general principle of toxicology: the difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose. Almost anything is lethal in sufficient quantity.
Pure caffeine in small doses can be lethal
right, mercury in small enough doses cannot kill.
@@adrianatgaming8640 They said sufficient, not small.
Murder is lethal in sufficient quantities
This is widely known. You don't have to throw jargon around to make yourself seem smart.
"Every day the world consumes 300 tones of caffeine - enough for one cup of coffee for every man, woman and child."
Well, one of you is clearly drinking 2 cups a day, seeing as I'm not drinking mine...
make that two!
only 2 HA! 6 at least in Sweden XD
Don't forget about the 2.2 billion that don't have access to clean drinking water, all the kids that don't drink coffee and all the people who can't afford it because their wage is less than 2$/day
That would still mean that an f ton of people are consuming more than 1 cup. Cus this estimate contains every person. A lot of people in developing as well as poor country can't even afford it. I wonder who is drinking that much
@@AG-JustYourAverageGuy Caffeine isn't only present in coffee, so it also get consumed from other source, like energy drink. So there's that to take into account into the worldwide caffeine consumption.
You know a channel is good if you can't tell if it's from 2019 or 2011
Holly fuck this video is from 2011, man he was so ahead of his time, how hasn't him blown up yet?
Wtf, just noticed. #pretty damn good quality video from 2011.
you can tell because there are 2011 memes in the video
same but in 2020
Same i couldnt tell the difference
I remember sitting at a cafe with my friend as he explained to me his issues with anxiety, insomnia and frequent visits to the bathroom, all while he was sipping away at a cup of coffee. I wish I was joking
Oh wow...
Caffiene makes me alot less anxious.
Unless you get used to coffee like grey and then it controlled your mind and forces you to sponsor it without a vidio to put it in.
Quitting caffeine helped control my anxiety.
Decafe all the way
It's like an ad from the cigar companies but for coffee.
Now it's alcohol ads
And hopefully more true!
In a lot of places, including where I live, this would be super illegal if it were a cigar ad...
Yeah but you can't compare tobacco too coffee ^^ If you drink coffee in moderate ammounts its actually healthy. Yeah to much is bad, bad that counts for everything ^^
Ten years later: The research *does* seem to imply that caffeine has a few drawbacks. Namely that it can over-stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, causing anxiety, sleeplessness, jitters, and a temporary loss in cardiovascular performance. But it also depends on how fast you can metabolize it
yep, that's why I quit, cold turkey, after drinking coffee since childhood.
Same here, I drank coffee since high school & I noticed I alway wanted to sleep + it helped to develop freaking hemorrhoids in my ass :'(((((
& I thought it was healthy
@@yaago You sure you were drinking coffee? I have never heard of hemorrhoids being caused by coffee.
@@johnhill160 Always wanting to sleep is also the opposite of sleeplessness. I think the guy has others issues.
cause or correlate??? i mean some people drinks coffee to be able to stay up late and chances are they are sleep deprived too, so maybe it's the lack of sleep that causes this. i do have once read that it can decrease quality of sleep if you have it close to your night bedtime.
Love how he’s talking like he just snorted espresso
Ikr! Cpg Grey puts so much effort in his videos, it's a real treat.
This guy speaks so fast, it's like he drinks 100 cups of coffee every day!
He does.
Only 100?
69th comment.
Cause he does
i speak tons faster than him lmao
Imagine having to DRINK to get energized.....
This post was Made by the cocain gang
They should let me have coca leaves. Cocaine in its natural state without purification is actually surprisingly safe, and also I want to.
@@diablominero who's "they"? The police? Dont let them control you man, make all the coke you want. If they try and stop you then engage in war
@@diablominero all psychoactive plants should be legal
@@juliopiotti8807 Ascended basism
But coffee being a stimulant means that its not giving you energy, its only managing your energy. Your body feels tired because its low on energy. Using coffee to stimulate it means you're delaying the crash, not eliminating it.
That being said, I think coffee is ok for the occasional energy boost, maybe to get you through the hardest part of your day. Consuming it all the time will just lead to the same thing that happens with other drugs: you will stop getting benefits and instead just need it to stay normal.
Worse, it's only changing your perception of how much energy you have.
Just be sure to eat and sleep well so you actually have some juice when you flip the overdrive switch
just take more coffee XD
Not managing your energy, more like ignoring your fatique, that's a different story.
It blocks your fatique adenine's receptors, that's all. Not "managing your energy".
This is why coffee is great in the morning to help you get up
You don't feel the fatigue you have from just waking up and by the time the caffeine fades it's the middle of the day and you (should) be fine
You know you’re an addict when you’re in denial.
That is such a retarded logic. First of all that is complete bullshit because there are plenty of addicts whoa are not in denial and there are plenty of non-addicts who are rightfully denying being addicted. By your logic someone basically must be addicted if you say he is, because denying it only makes you think more that that it's the case. This kind of thinking is incredibly childish and just a terrible way to engage with the world.
@@ToBeIsWasWere First off: he literally calls it a physiological addiction.
Second: Denying being addicted is what all addicts do at some point or another and the majority of coffee drinkers are indeed addicted due to caffeine inherently addictive chemical structure.
@Bob Bob And, BAM your wait pays off
Denial is a nice river, nothing wrong with swimming in it.
How am I supposed to know I am in denial? If I am in denial, I do not know. If I know, then I am not in denial anymore.
Grey, you're not being objective. We know you love your coffee.
This is propaganda!
Starbucks is a fun way to spell squarespace
Don't think about it
? I don’t get it
This dutch one
Starbucks is desert masquerading as coffee.
I wonder if he is still as passionate about coffee…
Sponsored by Coffee
Like coffee needs to sponsor anyone ! :-)
Big Coffee
No. A sponsor interups a video, these doesn't have a video to sponsor
I kept waiting for the HOWEVER part
I'm still not convinced this is 100% honest lol
It's an honest way to justify my addiction :P
@@frankie5928 It's not a joke and the positive benefits of coffee have only grown in certainty since this video was made. Check out Healthcare Triage's video on the studies that have been done on coffee and tea.
There are studies that show some negative effects but that's only if you drink at least 6 cups a day, less than that and it's beneficial
However drinking coffee too often may prove to be a bad thing to your wallet
I googled it.
Coffee is good for you.
Coffee is for babies. Real men stay awake through SHEER FORCE OF WILL!!! Unfortunately, I have none. (Chug, chug, chug)
Damn right. Either you kill something with sheer force due to explosions or just don't kill that something at all.
and aderall
Nah cocaines the thing
Its a healthy stimulant.... unless you're part of the ADD club, in which case its a depressant, but still makes me happy all the same. ♥
I have ADD I drink coffee I’m depressed...
Yo what I have ADHD and am Norwegian
Edit: I drink a shitton of coffee every day
isn't it ADHD?
ADD and ADHD are two totally separate disorders that have complete opposite reactions to caffeine. There's a lot of similarities between the two, but they are still very different.
Dist0rt3d Hum0r I’m happy some one knows that there is a difference between the two
So if you slow to .5, he speaks normal speed. But because of how he speaks, he ends up sounding drunk. It's the best thing ever.
Ethan Salie Oh my goodness I love it xD
Ethan Salie Some people get aggressive when drunk, others get too honest; CGP Grey starts a classroom lesson on coffee.
Ethan Salie This was actually really funny :) Thanks!
+Ethan Salie I'm in tears over here!! This is so perfect.
+Ethan Salie Hahaha, that made my evening
“Caffeine can remove migraines”
Me: “ooo just what I need”
*See’s method*
Me: “No”
Is the See's method where you get a bunch of randomly assorted coffee products and eat them all at once
OCEAN Man i found out that there are people addicted to let’s say the method
i've migraine and coffe trigres my headache then I quit and no longer headaches though
The weak shall suffer!
@@minealiencraft You fool, you were supposed to drink more coffee to get rid of the headaches!
Did you come to terms with your addiction yet?
CGP Grey: "Who would want to get rid of coffee?"
Me, with my caffeine induced migraines: "Unfortunately I've had to."
CGP Grey: "They can even get rid of migraines!"
Me: "What?"
Actually majority of migraines are due to caffeine withdrawal. Coffee causes vasoconstriction and once you stop drinking it your blood vessels widen with a surge of blood going to your head and causing a headache. This usually happens 24-48 hours after last caffeinated beverage. Once you drink it your vessels will constrict and the pain will go away. In fact almost all anti migraine drugs have caffeine in them for that very reason. It's very shady. Basically curing a migraine by feeding your addiction. After several days of no caffeine migraines go away.
I had to get rid of caffeine due to my seizures... Now I just have swiss water decaf
You're just drinking it wrong
Drink less coffee. Just fixed your problem.
@@gratefulfrisko8645 I drink hot chocolate now instead. The amount of sugar can't be any better for me. XD
"It's not like the coffee trees WANT humans cutting bits off of them."
I'm telling ya, man, the most effective survival strategy in the history of EVER is "be useful to humans".
As a species, sure, as an individual, not so much.
I thought it was being a cockroach
I absolutely love this video but as someone who has drank coffee and quit like 5 different times, I guarantee you that if you have anxiety, coffee can make it much worse. It’s great when you really need it but if you drink it regularly, it can have some negative effects on your mental health. That’s just my experience with it though, you do you.
I sat on the end card the entire time waiting for there to be a "But no, actually"
Coffee is not a replacement for sleep. If you are so tired you need to drink coffee to function properly, it is likely a sign that you should sleep more.
Most people don’t sleep enough, which is extremely unhealthy.
Of course it's not. But it can give a little boost if you need an extra hour or two once in a while. Or to wake up faster/ stay alive during night shifts (can save lives).
And if you are already addicted..... a cup of latte won't help you (except for hydration and umm.... taste?), it will just bring you back to "normal". And since there are 0 side-effects to drinking a cup of coffee daily, why stop.
btw. I mean coffee, not a coffee-flavored dessert
Imagine doing 100 hours research for justify your addiction
Not 100 hours, he did it in 72 hours, but HAD TO DRINK a LOT of coffee to to it ! hahah
@@trol4889 The negatives happen to be not very significant unless you are drinking like 6 cups a day, which is not the idea from what I can tell.
That's what every true drug addict aspires to do
@@toomanycharacter even if he talked about the negatives this video wouldn't change much.
As long as you are drinking it in moderation the negatives are mild at worst.
Dude you gotta at least mention the side effects like insomnia, anxiety, ulcers and for some, arrhythmia. It's not ALL upsides. Like any drug it needs to be used carefully.
No shit, but there is a difference between one cup a day plus a possible other one later in the day and dropping 6 cups in the span of 16 waking hours.
@@Hyperversum3 As a swede i feel attacked
@@GlassWeringAwesomnes Italian speaking, it's not like we don't have a big ass tradition of coffee (the words "Espresso" and "Cappuccino" surely ain't english) and my city, Trieste, even has different dialectal ways to speak about coffee compared to the rest of Italy, but it's pretty rare to see people consuming coffee that many times everyday, it's more after meals.
@@Hyperversum3 I meant it as a comment on swedes general coffe consumtion. Drinking 6 cups a day is't unusual
@@Hyperversum3 The problem with coffee, that Gray doesnt mention, is adaptation. Drink one cup per day for a month, and your body will adapt. To get the same effects, you will either have to drink 2 cups, or stop drinking for a month. I have never drank coffee, and never will. Drinking a glass of water every morning does great job in waking me up.
Don't forget that if you've consumed caffeine consistently for long enough to suffer withdrawal symptoms, you're probably not being stimulated by the same amount anymore but instead just drink coffee/soda to feel normal and not be sleepy. It's a bad habit and every drug in the world that has benefits takes something from you in return don't forget that.
This is the only video of Grey's that I considered giving a thumbs down. If nothing else, coffee is a stimulant, and just as you describe, at the very least it will eventually be required by your body to function as efficiently as it used to before you started using it and in turn developed a tolerance for it.
And of course this is anecdotal but I know many people that swear by their decision to stop drinking coffee after being a regular drinker for many years, citing a ton of improvements in their lives (physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, professionally).
I just think saying it is completely free of negative effects is inaccurate.
A lof of the positive effects after quitting coffee come from the sugar. Not so much the coffee itself.
Too much strain on the kidneys
I don't think everyone who habitually drinks coffee considers it a bad habit. I don't even think most people who drink coffee consider it a bad habit. That's your subjective opinion. Not saying that Grey didn't have a subjective opinion that he was freely expressing without calling it as much, but I think that goes without saying. I doubt anybody took this as actual medical advice....
NOPE, I never* had coffee with sugar and after quitting I still feel better overall.
What Einar said is true, you really become dependent on it just to function and what's even worse it can actually lead to you not getting enough sleep in the long term because you can't really distinguish between caffeine withdrawal and actually feeling tired anymore.
Which seems allright at first (well, not really since sleep deprivation can have awful long term effects if you do it constantly) but it does kinda suck out the joy of your life. I remember just a few weeks ago everything, even the GREAT things weren't really that interesting or great and everything was just kinda faded out. Now I'm still kinda tired (school starts way too early) but I'm in a much better mood (things are actually fun now!) and I'm starting to do productive things again (a comic) when I was in an artistic rut for about a year or longer before.
That is not to say that I'm principally against any coffee consumption, just that it's generally a better idea to not let it become a habit since then you'd be getting into tolerance which is just no good at all. At least if you're coffee-free** for the most part you actually get the desired effect if you really need it.
*well, a handful of times I put in a little as a treat, but that was about 20-30 times total spread over 3 years.
**including soda and tee in coffee because they contain caffeine as well.
"So go grab a cup guilt free!"
Coffee Child *'Labor'* has entered the chat
Go buy local roasters that has humaine forms of farming. Slightly more expensive but it tastes better and is more humaine
@@Theironminer-ky2pg can't buy from local roasters if you don't live in the coffee belt.
@@ashtar3876 Yea you can, its really the roast date that makes coffee fresh, not the farm date.
sounds like your trying to convince yourself not us
Grammar nazi to the rescue!!! *you're
Cinestar Productions i Tnk UR tnking Ove Ur
Cinestar Productions Grammar nazi number two to the rescue! *you're* (Two Asterisks.
Harry Krek Two? Why two? Because you're the second grammar nazi?
Convince? About what? :)
We call them “beans” but they’re actually more like cherry pits.
Indeed, botanically that fruit form is called a _drupe_ or more commonly a stone fruit.
As a person who doesn't drink coffee, I feel like a just got, like, ad-ed.
Attention deficit erectile dysfunction?
Your capacity for research has truly, truly grown since this video was made.
I do think he could maybe go back and try fact checking his old videos and adding corrections or doubts to a comment for new viewers of them to see.
Cpg Gray : coffee is pure awesome and there is no reason to stop using it
Insomnia and Cardiovascular risks : are we a joke to you ?
It says in the video it may PROTECT from cardiovascular disease
@@bastbo3225 Yes, but the data he used for that might not be reliable. There's a heavy bias people have where they tend to believe what they want to believe, leading to people cherry picking data, only looking at data that supports their POV. I don't think CPG Gray is a medical professional, and I'd also bet he's some form of millennial who needs (or really wants) caffeine to get that boost of energy for a typically exhausting day, though I can't verify if either of my assumptions are true.
I don't know what has happened in this scenario, but rest assured the best way to find an answer to whether or not caffeine is healthy is to look for a meta analysis comparing many many studies, for which all these studies were unbiased and controlled for all variables, including possible other components of coffee that may be healthy, like how people tout red wine as healthy (even though it isn't) just because it has antioxidants, which fruits, berries, greens, beans, etc also have in larger quantities.
@Succubus Chan great counter argument lmao
@William Brynn Do you have adhd? I've heard people with adhd who drink it get tired.
@@maisiedonohue3234 where is the evidence that red wine in moderation isn't healthy? The longest-lived populations in the world, in Ikaria and Sardinia, drink one or more glasses a day. I have heard from doctors and medical students I know that moderate drinkers outlive non-drinkers. And just because fruits, berries etc. have more antioxidants is not an argument against drinking red wine for its antioxidant properties.
There are two downfalls to this drink. The most understated one is that it's addicting. I know you said this, but the implications are such, something has a stranglehold on your mood and your actions. The addiction - calling you back for another cup, regardless if you want it. The second thing is that it amplifies your current emotion. That's bad for someone with chronic anxiety or other mental disorder. Coffee CAN make it harder to enjoy life, regardless of its short term effects.
It can also stain the fuck out of your teeth.
Marquise Williams That's true too. Three downfalls then.
What about insomnia?
Maximal Now you've got four. We're really on a roll.
He's a coffee addict, that's why he sugar coats the video. It's like porn, everybody does it so it probably isn't that bad right?
CGP Grey: "Go grab a cup of coffee, guilt-free!"
The people working in slave-like conditions to hand-pick the berries: "Am I a joke to you?"
A.k.a. Costarrican kids.
My weirdest experience with coffee was uncovering ADHD. I had a friend who flatly refused to drink caffeine citing anxiety, until she was so out of it one day I convinced her to try a small, weak batch. She drank it and, as it is a stimulant, the caffeine had a paradoxical effect of calming her down. That nudged her towards visiting a psychiatrist, who indeed confirmed an ADHD diagnosis!
Oh, this video makes sense now after the road trip one where Grey was just pounding the coffee. I mean, so long as your anxiety isn't bad, your heart isn't acting funky, and you can sleep, drink all the coffee you want
l theanine
Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever
Sugar: "I m a joke to you ? "
sugar causes obesity and salt blood pressure related complications
coffee however, a drug only effecting the brain does not cause illnesses related to other organs causes the worst effect of all
it increases the amount of coffee you need to drink
The difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose. Both Coffee and Sugar can be beneficial in small doses and harmful in large doses.
The average westerner eats an unhealthy amount of sugar. That is an fact. Whether we drink an unhealthy amount of coffee is still up for debate
Bold of your assuming I don't put a lot of sugar in my coffee
Sugar is bad for you tho. And so is coffee. All addictions are awful
@jocaguz18 yeah but sugar is addictive and you really don't need that much, and it makes you obese. Water is none of those. Also why are you defending sugar? Fat is the one that gets all the hate even though sugar is worse
Admit it.
Starbucks sponsored this video, didn't they?
I literally scrolled down to the comment section just to type this exact comment 😂😂
Were videos regularly sponsored back then?
Smart cat
If anyone remembers, in his tesla roadtrip he ran on coffee on that whole trip
Grey: 1:40 "imperial unit barbarians"
Also Grey: "BuT fAhReNhEiT iS sTilL mY fAvOrIte"
I’d like to see his ego in imperial units
Farenhite is not neccesrilly imperial
@Age Restrictions ha, you are so funny.
@@iDunnoMC 1.spelling
And 2. Yes Fahrenheit is most definitely imperial.
I didn't get the memo.
EL Kabong yeaaaaaaaaah, well if you could just go ahead and put a coversheet on ALL the new TPS reports, that'd be greaaaaaaat.
Leon Rosenberg mmmmmmKAY ?
this video was brought to you by starbucks
you mean tim hortons
bones Great place. Patron Saint of Canada
I'm Canadian and Tim Hortons has complete and utter shit coffee
of here
panteleimon panomarenko That's not even the saddest thing about that shithole. It's the fact that it isn't even owned by Canadians... My work here is done, I'll leave with my superior 1$ instant coffee now.
10 years later Grey compelled me to drink a cup of coffee. What a magic
it makes you have to poop
& that's a beautiful, beautiful thing!
There are better things that will make you poop. Like going to Zoo. To see a Tiger. Inside it's gace. And you are in this cage too. And Tiger is slowly walking towards you.
Koniaczek Koń Probably much more expensive than a $2 cup of coffee though, all in all...
Only a small percentage of people though.
also, the compound that makes you want to poop makes IBS coffee addict patients' lives a living hell
"All of these countries are outside the coffee belt and must import 100% of there caffeine supply"
Denmark: laughs in colonialism.
I know I'm awesome
Coffee Fresh
Thanks for being my life support
Coffee Fresh I love you.
thanks for the headaches ya liquid jerk
I don't even drink you
I love you so much. You saved me from going to jail so many times.
I used to be addicted to sugar since I was young. Recently I started to drink coffee, got addicted and always combined it with sugar. Then I tried to drink it without any sugar and it tastes much, much better so now I don't put sugar on anything. Coffee helped me get rid of sugar addiction and since then I also quit the coffee adiction so I only drink it a couple times a week.
Finnish citizen here!!! We're #1!!
+MegaMrFroggy Torilla tavataan!!
+Pudde Putte PERKELEEE!!!!!!1!
+MegaMrFroggy based on 2010/2011 data.......
andy56duky We are 1# every year
+MegaMrFroggy #1 most autistic self deprecating retards.
It is impossible to drink 90 cups of coffee
Matt Stonie: Hold my sandwich
2:39 So that's how it works. I knew it! Every time you drink coffee, you make a deal with the devil!
In that case, I make a deal with the Devil 'bout... well, let's say 6 times a day. LOL! :D
Reminds me of that one futurama episode where Fry drinks a hundred cups of coffee and becomes the flash
i've been drinking insecticide all this time???
This was Sponsored by the Coffee Inc.
Or is it? *Vsauce music starts playing*
It’s all a ploy by big coffee
@@sameggenton1077 B.i.g. C.o.f.f.e.e.
it's just like Big Pharma and Big Banana. yeek!
This video was made by Big Coffee to sell more coffee
More like Black Rifle coffee company
Video about drug, 4:20 mins long.
Ferret Ferretson don't get it
+Mark I'm stupid I have seen it behind the meme and i forgot LELZ
Not a coincidence.
I love coffee, but one has to be willfully blind to say there's no negative side effects. here just a few from my own experience:
● increased blood pressure
● increased heart rate
● headache
● manic euphoria
● anxiety
● withdrawal-induced depression
● more work for the kidneys
and that's just from a single 1 liter thermos on an odd day. I have no idea how Grey is still alive.
Also, stained teeth. Not to mention, if you're barely surviving when it comes to food, being addicted to a specific drink that costs money to have (some beans / grounds are more pricey than others) and does all of these other things isn't exactly the best situation.
The increased blood pressure and heart rate are short-lived side effects and are reduced if caffeine is consumed regularly, most likely due to a buildup of tolerance.
Headaches are generally caused by withdrawal or other factors which correlate with caffeine consumption but are not affected by it, such as stress.
If you're experiencing manic euphoria from coffee then either you are consuming too much and definitely need to cut down, have a genetic sensitivity to caffeine and need to cut down, or the two things are not actually related.
Anxiety can be uncovered by increased alertness and maybe exacerbated by a short-term increase in blood pressure, particularly in individuals with already high blood pressure, but caffeine is very unlikely to routinely cause anxiety on its own from normal doses.
caffeine withdrawal only lasts for a few days at most and will often lead to tiredness and irritability, but not actual depression.
Studies have shown a correlation between moderate coffee consumption and *improved* kidney function, as well as a slightly lower chance of renal cell carcinoma, certainly no negative kidney effects to worry about.
I would suggest that a full litre (equivalent to about 4 cups) "on an odd day" is ill-advised, it would be more healthy to drink less coffee more regularly if you're concerned about blood pressure and heart rate, or ideally less coffee less regularly to minimise negative effects while still increasing energy. Since you aren't drinking it regularly, you're going from 0mg to around 400mg of caffeine, which your body isn't used to dealing with, so it will have a much increased effect than if you were used to, say, 200mg per day.
A video about why some people don't get affected by caffeine would be nice. I can drink coffee before bed with no problems and it really doesn't feel like it has any effect on me
That seems like you're ether desesitized or part of the ADHD club./g /lh
Some part of me still thinks that we'll discover side effects of caffeine. There's just no way something can have only benefits and zero negatives ( yes, I know addiction can be considered a negative, but, like Grey stated, there's no reason to give up coffee so you won't experience the withdraw anyway).
They're already discovered. Just Google Side Effects of Caffeine, it's downside is much worse than the upside, in addition the ingredients in coffee itself are even more unhealthy.
that is side effects of caffeine not coffee and like cgp said you would have to be snorting a pile of PURE REFINED caffeine
there is a side effect for men, it has estrogen meaning if you drink to much you may grow man boobs XD
+Bhume TM Yes. It absolutely is xenoestrogenic and can cause a number of problems if consumed in large quantities (3+ cups a day) - not to mention the man boobs of which you speak. :). Women need to be careful also because it cause lactation (when not pregnant or post partum) and uterine polyps.
Ive found many studies saying that coffee helps you do things better for a while but after a couple week you actually work worse then you did originally.
I saw one recently that showed a positive effect on memory from long-term caffeine consumption
@@thebuddercweeper Same with nicotine
"there's really no reason to ever stop using the stuff"
I dunno, I'd say a caffeine allergy is a pretty good reason to not consume it
oh noooo rip 😭
@@adrianwalden9788 why rip? I function perfectly fine without it, and the allergy isn't so severe that I can't have chocolate. I actually tend to be more awake than my caffeine addicted friends 90% of the time.
@@8-bitsarda747 I personally have problems with caffeine, but I am also an unmedicated adhd-haver. So, my situation is different than yours probably. Just, for me that'd be really sucky, yk?
@@8-bitsarda747 can you drink cola?
I love science that confirms my healthy addictions! =D
cocaine is the king of drugs... like 100x better than caffeine...
cocaine is better than meth also... meth is a debacle
EnEvighet7 coffee and sugar are the greatest legal drugs to control the masses!
the biggest drug dealers on the planet are the corporations that matket them!
sugar and fats r the best cus they tasty and they can be reserved in your body for emergency energy
pure table sugar is the best for instant energy boost !
Refined sugars make you fat.
Average coffee drinker: I am very addicted to this substance and need it just ab every day to be useful ... but that’s a good thing because it makes me useful
You sure that is supposed to be the average coffee drinker?
Unless you're working in the coffee fields themselves there's really no point to this strawman
Caffeine doesn’t work on me, it just makes my heart rate go up.
Im impressed brazil wasnt mentioned on the video. Coffee is our economy, history and so engrained our culture that breakfast is "café da manhã" which means morning coffee
Nice! Its great to see how coffee has shaped other cultures and languages in similar ways.
In Costa Rica a lot of people have a morning coffee and an afternoon coffee. We also use the expression "drink coffee" to mean take a light meal, often in the afternoon, even if the person won't actually drink coffee or doesn't even like coffee.
Once you hear the breathing, you can't un-hear the breathing.
shtuffy shtuff Now I’ll be focused on his breathing for the rest of the video.
I hate you right now
CGP Grey: Caffeine releases dopamine which stops headaches so why would you wanna ever stop.
Me: don't meth, speed, and cocaine also release dopamine
First of all, CGP grey didn't say that dopamine gets rid of headaches, and secondly meth, speed, and cocaine have actual health risks over long term use unlike caffeine(if used in healthy quantities)
Poisonous mushrooms have dopamine too so let’s all eat poisonous mushrooms
@@gabrieldabriel don't do that magic mushrooms aren't deadly, however if taken in irresponsible doses at low experience in psychedelic usage can cause PTSD
@@mafiamax5521 Caffeine however can increase risk of heart attack or stroke, on top of that, if you drink caffeine on your adderall prescription, it will increase in factors of multiple, because it is an ndri while adderall boosts the production of dopamine and norepinephrine, this means all that extra dopamine will bounce back on to the receptors over and over
watching this at 0.5 speed makes him sound super drunk! XD
I'm watching this and drinking coffee.
I actually heard someone say once "I'm totally anti drugs", then have gone on to say "I cant function with my starbucks everyday", some people are as dumb as a sack of walnut shells.
Hah good one
Coffee is nothing compared to actual drugs
@@klake5375 coffee IS an "actual drug"
@@klake5375 caffeine withdrawl is worst and longest of aaalll drugs it can take years to be normal again
@@MrDrew2220 Compared to cocaine and Heroin? It's nothing.
All my friends are always going on and on about how coffee is the best thing ever and they could never live with out it, but me, someone with unusually high levels of acid in their stomach at all times and constantly dealing with acid reflux, gets incredibly nauseous from coffee, so much so that I can't drink it to be more productive because it makes me feel worse.
Then stop voring so much
It should be noted that Mormons are not against caffeine in general, just coffee.
I have no idea.
There has been some debate over it because coffee is specifically banned and some people assume that it applies to caffeine too, but the leaders of the church have clarified that caffeine is just fine. I am Mormon and I have a Coca Cola bottle on my desk right now.
Now before anyone starts spamming me with links to anti-Mormon articles (because that happens more then you might think) I want to make it clear that chances are I've heard that argument before, I have better things to do with my life then debate my religion for the hundredth time, and I already am beginning to question that religion (for reasons completely unrelated to the things people have told me on the internet). I just want to end this before it starts because literally every time I have mentioned my religion on the internet I have received a flood of people trying to debunk it. As you might imagine it gets annoying after a while.
So what is the point of disliking coffee if not for the caffeine?
What about caffeine-free soda, like Sprite, Fanta, or Ginger Ale?
+Erik the God Eating Penguin The man who founded Mormonism hated hot drinks, so he banned them (not a joke)
The Grim Reaper = Mandy Patinkin
Just an FYI: Coffee does not remove your fatigue, it simply stops your brain from receiving signals telling it that it is tired. (It's something along those lines, don't quote me). In Layman's Terms, you're muting that voice inside your head that tells you to sleep. But it doesn't stop your brain from actually NEEDING sleep. Otherwise we could just inject ourselves with caffeine and stay awake eternally, which as we all OUGHT to know, is still impossible.
+Xyrik Right, just like drinking alcohol when you are cold. It doesn't actually help keep your body warm. It removes your body's recognition that it is cold, and exacerbates the risk of hypothermia.
Actually coffee increases blood pressure and speeds up bodily functions. It doesn't do anything to fatigue, but if you're well rested it can provide a helpful boost.
0:28 Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan! Perkele!
voi vittu saatana perkele
Max Wilderson Yes, that's all what it is. You have done your homework well.
"Perkele," what does that mean? Anywhere close to "Percolate," which is to "brew?"
Hey grey: mind putting up some citations? specificaly about the lack of medical concern?
This video was 5 years ago.
If you are concerned, you could maybe Tweet at him or visit his Community forum at www.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey
Or visit healthcare triage on youtube and search coffee. lots and lots of sources cited
i didn't know karkat was afraid of the side effects for coffee ;)
nice profile pic
I watched this while making a cup of coffee
"There's really no reason to ever stop using this stuff"? I mean, there's one very fundamental bodily function that caffeine greatly interferes with: sleep. Coffee hinders a person's ability to sleep, and also compromises the quality of that sleep, making the individual feel tired. And the tired individual turns to what? More coffee. Yay!
Then just, don't drink it before you go to bed? Honestly it's incredibly obvious.
I don't drink coffee just because I don't want to have to rely on something so heavily
Acer Scout
It's (kinda) an acquired taste but after a while you'll figure out to put into it to make it taste best for you.
You still there?
“Caffeine is technically lethal”
*anything is technically lethal if your dedicated enough*
As a kid I suffered from heavy migraines due to difficulty from my body absorving vitamin D. Despite being very young, a time from when I have very few and far between memories, I still remember VIVIDLY the sensation of taking a suppository. And now, 15 or so years later, Im learning that it was a caffeine based suppository.
Life goes on I guess
So... Someone rathered give you a suppository than a cup of coffee...
@@BardockSSJL I believe the delivery method is necessary for the effect.
Now they need to fix the flavor so that it tastes good
no, stop. you made me cringe. hard.
proof of a lack of “enlightenment”.
Bet ur cringing today
You can tell that this was written while drinking a lot of coffee.
“Coffee: The Greatest Addiction Ever”
Sugar: Allow me to *reintroduce* myself
Per 2014 Sweden now has the 2th largest coffee consumption per capita.
3rd is Netherlands,
4th is Germany, (new in top 5 since this video)
And 5th is Netherlands.
Denmark is only 6th.
No one cares about Sweden, Finland is way more awesome.
How is the Netherlands 3rd and 5th??
Megan Thomas because typo! :) 5th is Norway. (according to the statista anyway)
Iorveth #typos
You forgot to mention the disadvantages
+Jacob Nugent (yacabo) like? legitimately asking, no sarcasm intended as I don't drink coffee myself
TasosZ If you drink it too often you will eventally become dependent on it to the point where you literaly can't start the day without it.
True but that applies for other drugs as well, but isnt actually a health issue. Consuming with care only gives you the positives, unless there are actual health risks which are what im asking for, and which will appear even without excessive consumption
+Jacob Nugent (yacabo) Lol that is completely false. Did you miss the part about withdrawal? If you start your day without it, after drinking it very often, your mood will shift and you'll and possibly experience a headache. If someone wakes up late and doesn't get a chance to drink coffee do you think they just say fuck it and go back to sleep because they "literally can't start the day without it"? No. You can still get your shit done if you forget to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, no matter how often you drink it.
ELH255 Right but the brain will eventually start to adapt to the constant flow of caffeine and will assume it will get the necessary energy from there.
As someone who has a lot of Mormon friends, I can tell you that I'm their eyes, the whole point of avoiding caffeine is the same as avoiding nicotine, other drugs, alcohol, and also pornography. The whole point is avoid addiction to something that is viewed as unnecessary, repulsive and/or just plain filthy.
Also money. All the money spent on addictive substances is spent on more usefull things.
@@dingo1547 Most sodas/coffees are cheaper than most juices, and the sugar levels in the latter are often extremely high too
@@dingo1547 Oh boy, you really need to read into some scientific (I'm talking real papers, not the opinions of yome dude on the internet) studies performed with thr limited amount of shrooms scientisty are allowed to study
And that's why you're wasting your lives with those primitive beliefs.
@@Nazuiko Most water is cheaper than sodas/coffees/juices and contain as much or more water than them.
*sips my coffee while watching this*
i prefer tea but it makes you hungry.
tea and crumpets :D
+PassbyU Only thing about tea is that I absolutely adore it with cream. So I only drink it at most once a week.
+David Rodriguez never heard of tea with cream. only coffee
Shaun Gordon I'm coming to find that people drink both in increasingly diverse ways.
It doesn't make me hungry and I drink the stuff like its air
I wish there were more studies on ADHD and caffeine. I feel like coffee helps me focus so much while if I miss a day of coffee, I can’t seem to keep my thoughts on one task
It increase your dopamine which helps with adhd
Hyvä suomi!
Torilla tavataan!
J. B. M Viittaa siihen, että Suomen voittaessa MM kultaa jääkiekossa on tapana juhlia kauppatorilla stadissa. Sitä sitten ironisesti käytetään aina kun Suomi mainitaan jossain, erityisesti täällä RUclipsssa.
Caffeine is a double edged sword. One of those edges is just really, really, really dull.
0:06 I cannot stop thinking of it as some sort of "weeeee..." sound because of the font.
I was dying at the "NSFW [for plants]" part when he was talking about pollination lmao so clever
Don't the benefits of caffeine fade away when you're ingesting it on a regular basis in a way that you need to drink coffee just to function normally?
Shengz W Where did you get this information, are you using anecdotal evidence?
No, why would it do so?
While one might not notice the caffeine boost from coffee or whatever, it still gets into the system, alongside whatever other chemicals that is released.
This means that no matter how long you're onto caffeine, you're still getting it into your system, thus having the benefits of it.
This is like any other ingested substance that one intakes. It will have the benefits, but one does not simply feel them.
sunyboy333 No, because it's still a natural antioxidant since it is derived from the coffee bean. Does spinach stop being high in Vitamin K just because you eat it every day? No.
Also, adaptation doesn't work that way. You get into a hot tub, it feels hot initially, but over time, it goes from being super hot to feeling comfortable. Is this because the hot tub became less hot? Nope, the hot tub is the same temperature it was when you first got in. You just don't notice it anymore.
Similarly, you might not notice that caffeine has traveled to your brain and is causing a chemical reaction, but does it mean that the caffeine isn't getting there? Nope, it's still getting there and working its magic, you're just not noticing it anymore because you're used to having that effect.
sunyboy333 Which is why I simply consume more. *twitches. *eye pops out
Well there is actually a chemical basis further than that. When you take a drug often and develop tolerance, it's more than just being so used to it that you don't notice its effects. Your brain actually downregulates the amount of receptors that the particular substance works on in an effort to maintain homeostasis... so you literally will not get as much of the same effects from it. And that is why you will get physical withdrawal symptoms as well (i.e the headache and fatigue).