8/3/19 Maran Harav Shach and the Lubavitcher Rebbe: 30 years later understanding their Hashkafik and

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Source:
    Are they still relevant? Have things changed? Would they still hold their positions today?
    with Rabbi Yissachar Dov Lederman - Mikurav to Rav Shach, Z"L and Rosh Mosdos - 27:00with Rabbi Chaim Dalfin - Author and Rosh Kollel - 56:30
    מראי מקומות

Комментарии • 9

  • @TheOwllake
    @TheOwllake 2 года назад +2

    Do you know what lashon hara is? The first interview is lashon hara. To say that the Rebbe wasn’t a gadol (which a is ridiculous assertion) is lashon hara. Even if you think it, you don’t say it on the radio or the internet. To say R Shach called him but not the reverse is lashon hara (and equally ridiculous). I recall 35 years a maggid shiur of mine (who is married into one of the chashuv families) saying that the Rebbe just called R Shach about something. To say R Shach tried to make peace wherever possible, but the Rebbe didn’t is lashon hara (and even more ridiculous). So we see already who we are getting testimony from here. To say that R Schach had no personal animosity against the Rebbe is a lie intended to portray that R Shach was some kind of tzadick because tzadickim don’t have animosity toward frum Jews. Meanwhile, R Shach stood up in a soccer stadium before 1000s and ranted about the Rebbe. It was a personal attack delivered in a crude way. The man was full of animosity toward all kinds of people. The Rebbe on the other hand was an actual peace maker. He didn’t say a peep about R Shach even after Shach’s public tirades. He held his tongue. The Rebbe’s approach with the government was different than R Shach’s. He criticized it plenty, particularly about its treatment of Russian and Sephardic Jews. But he tried to work with it. He was waging a different battle, to rescue non-religious Jews. And for this, you can’t come across like a raging lunatic. The Rebbe didn’t obstruct R Shach, other than having a different view on giving land to Arabs. But because R Shach thought he was the center of the universe, he couldn’t deal with anybody disagreeing with him. So look what happened, Israel gave Gaza to the Arabs after forcibly removing thousands of Jews. How did that work out? This little interview is one-sided and just stupid. It’s so lacking in intelligence and fact and just full of cliches and slander. It’s the usual R Shach contingent propaganda that starts with the belief that EMM Shach was infallible. So who is worshiping men here? What the R Shach crowd does is project all its faults on others. The interviewer is all ears when talking to the R Shach follower. He doesn't challenge his ridiculous assertions more than a modicum. But when he talks to Rabbi Dalfin, he's very aggressive, dominating much of the conversation.

  • @benohana5817
    @benohana5817 2 года назад

    The Rebbe was a huge gadol who was a multifaceted individual. He was able to speak to all the masses and reach out to all jews on their own level, despite their religious affiliation. He was able to understand the essence of each individual's neshama. It really disturbs me to see the animosity and hostility towards this amazing movement. There have been Yeshiva's in the Litvack World giving lectures on hatred of the Chabad movement promoting stereotypes, narrow-mindedness, and biases that are flat-out awful.
    Chabad does such wonderful work within Kiruv by providing Jewish centers for international cities, and campus life for young adults that attend college. The mere fact, that they offer enlightening experiences to Yidden that they never had such as putting tefillin for the 1st time, Shabbat dinners, and 1st time bar mitzvahs is extraordinary. In the early days of the Chabad emissaries, they have had a huge impact on my heritage in the Sephardic country of Morocco, bringing many people to the path of Torah and Mitzvot is a huge blessing and wonderful to see.
    We should all have Ahavat Yisrael(love for a fellow jew) and reconcile this machloket once and for all it's time to move on.
    Even though there is a portion of some who believe he is Mashiach we should still not have sinat chinam towards them and rather still greet them(even though we all don't agree with the notion the rebbe was Moshiach).
    The overall message is to see with anything in life give the benefit of the doubt, to jump to conclusions, and see the good in all of hashem's creations

    • @levisandberg4885
      @levisandberg4885 2 года назад

      There is nothing wrong in halacha with believing the rebbe is moshiach there were many generations when people believed that there rebbe or someone else was moshiach for instance rabi akiva went around telling everyone that ben kuzbi was moshiach.

    • @titmus312
      @titmus312 Год назад +1

      "He was able to speak to all the masses and reach out to all jews on their own level, despite their religious affiliation. He was able to understand the essence of each individual's neshama"
      This kind of evidence-free assertion is an example of the reason that thinking people reject Lubavitch in all its manifestations.

  • @angerycamel2
    @angerycamel2 2 года назад +1

    The guy from ponevezh has no self awareness, he blames the rebbe for Degel Hatorah and Agudat yisreal's failures. Meanwhile shas is growing? Why? Because Shas widens their appeal to yidden with a holy jewish neshemeh, maybe not fully frum, but they run adds on tv "will you vote for medina without yahadut, with no day off on shabbat", and the sephardi jews respond.
    The ponovezh attitude is REJECT REJECT REJECT, and this is the fruit of this attitude, you water a tree with poison and you are surprised it doesnt grow.

  • @cholententertainment6516
    @cholententertainment6516 3 года назад

    Don’t agree with everything but it is very interesting 🧐

  • @alexrobinson4601
    @alexrobinson4601 4 года назад

    Where can I get more of this podcast?

  • @Reporterreporter770
    @Reporterreporter770 4 года назад

    There is more but thanks