Classes that play clunky in the beginning: Commando (Till lvl 60) Mercenary (Till lvl 60) Assassin Shadow This list May change over time =) Thank you @Average Hater for reminding me to post this information =)
This has to be the best guide I've seen to introduce both new and veteran players to each class, seriously well done. The general gameplay sections for each class is genius, never seen other guides do that,
Sith sorcerer is my personal favourite of them all it feels so powerful to use even at the beginning, strongly suggest people give it a go if you're struggling to chose a class to use!
That was a really well made video. Looking at all the classes gameplay really helped decide - would have never thought Scoundrel/Operative would be that interesting mix of ranged and close combat. Nice!
this guide is amazing. its everything I was looking for but couldnt find on youtube. I am completely new to this game and this helped me know exactly 100 percent which classes Im gonna play first and with which playstyle especially ! i love how you thought of literally everything including even that some people just want cool weapons and cool looking fighting styles rather than having the best class for dps for example. so your video material of all fighting styles is really GREAT in my opinion cant thank you enough for this masterpiece of a guide I think this is the most well made guide Ive ever watched about any video game. from league to valorant to age of empires this one really strikes me the most with the ''woah thats SUCH a useful guide'' feeling
Finally going to get into the game, its been a long time coming but nows better then never lol thank you for this video though, it will make my first class and story path much easier to pick!
Please let me know if you want to see more beginner guides and if that is the case, tell me for which subject =) Thank you a lot. On Sunday I will release my first Outfit video for free to play Players!
Doooood I just started playing this MMO after falling out with WoW. Hugeeee KOTOR I and II fan. Thank you so much for putting the time into explaining the stories in 1 sentence!! That helps a ton in deciding which class stories I'll pursue next :) thanks!
visuals on this game feel more important than most games due to how similar many are. thank you for the effort of adding those clips. be nice if they ever let us just use any class in any story
For DoT specs, one should most importantly ask themselves do they want a high skill ceiling that is rewarding with outstanding damage numbers. Snipers/Gunslinger DoT have the most consistent damage and the lowest fall-out during rotation refreshes, but they never really have a peak DPS count and their utility tools are very team centered. Mercenary / Commando have moderate up-down waving with a short window of *really* high DPS damage, but suffer from very tight ressource management. Sage / Sorcerer have the arguably lowest numbers but are the safest to play due to very powerful self-healing. Sentinel / Marauder have the shortest windows and the highest difference between peak dps and fall-out when refreshing the rotation ontop of the shortest duration of their DoT effects, but they do have the highest average peak DPS number and usually also the highest crit chances on individual abilities. Each DoT class has its difficulties that need to be mastered and its a question of individual feeling as well as just the patience to deal with it.
Thank you for this! Played the game at launch and after about a year or 2 my buddies and I all lost interest but it's always been on my mind. As others have said your inclusion of the classes in action was incredibly helpful in making my decision!
Your video is awesome. Thank you for all your hard work. Half of what anyone needs to know is if a class looks fun to play. No one but you gives us that.
What might help is to know if a class plays smoothly or clunky during leveling. There were some classes / specs that really were annoying to play up to lvl50 when the resource management become easier due to the passives you unlock and some just are fun right from the beginning because resources are not an issue. No need to really rank them but some class / spec combinations really require a caveat for new players (gunslinger e.g. felt really clunky for most of the leveling process and became awesome past lvl 50). Other than that: great video! Really going to play agent next!
I, as a veteran, have it like this: DPS pointed sub-classes are clunky from the beginning but when you reach the point where you have a lot of abilities (I’d say 40+ level) you are quickly downing your opponent, but to that point.. you might struggle with HPs, other classes have it switched, you are good with endurance but might find out that in the end-game you might want to have higher DPS output..
Other guides for new Players and Beginners in SWTOR: (this list will be updated over time) - How do I get a speeder/mount? -видео.html (Mount Guide) - How do I get some lightsaber crystals? -видео.html (Lightsaber Crystal Guide)
Is there something I’m missing? This version of STOR looks a little different from the other ones this one has wayyyy best graphics is this a mod or is this a base version thag would be on steam? I’m thinking ab getting it on my laptop but I’d much rather play this version but if it requires mods that may derail me for a bit. Any help is appreciate
@@htr__3542 Sorry for the late answer =) I just saw your comment. This is the normal version with max graphics. But every computer should be able to run swtor in some way ^^
For my own advice (Main story line has 3 parts) : 8. Jedi Consular : Boring 7. Smuggler : Yeah you're a pirate, you're a not-so-bad-guy, You're Han Solo but not in the Original movie, more like "Solo' Movie. It's not bad, just ... "meh", more than Trooper for me. 5-6. Sith Inquisitor : The class is good, first part is excellent but part 2 and 3 ... meh. Trooper has a "meh" story for me, no real surprise, just a little beter as the Inquisitor last part so ... equality 4. Jedi Knight : Like the Sith Warrior is the main storyline but stop before the end of the Sith Warrior Way, and Republic is so annoying 2-3. Equality for me Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter, Sith is really the main Quest on all parts and has great moments. Bounty is more interesting on the first part, not bad on the 2 but part 3 is so boring 1. Imperial Agent 3/3 parts are great, great companion, etc
Yo Vitnir, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this video of this overview of everything. I haven’t really put too much time into the game and haven’t really been looking to put any more time into it, however your video really changed that outlook for me. I’m pretty excited to play this game much more as well as delve into the gameplay and all it has to offer.
Great video! I played them all, favs would be Sentinel, Gunslinger, Assassin, Operative I went Mercenary, Commando, Marauder and Shadow for the others to complete all the class stories. Good times
Thank you very much! =D I would love to forget everything about swtor just so I could replay everything again with the same WoW effect as I did when I first started in 2011 =D EDIT: Does not mean I dont like playing now, but the first time is always special ^^
@@Vitnir I know what you mean 100% Though I struggled to keep up with what was happening as I actually played the agent so I will definitely do that one again haha
Cheers for the vid! Gonna sub and play through Agent and Sorcerer they seem the most fun then I'll hop on Jug and feel like vader if I get bored. Great work!
SW story is my favorite of all time. One of my favorite parts is when the republic sets up a defense in a tunnel and your SW just starts laughing maniacally. (Even if you play a light side sith like mine.)
It's important to know, that if you choose a sith class, you can still make light side decisions, and you'll get a whole different experience and also it's fun to deceive jedi and sith lords with your good charisma. Choose your class and play whatever you want, all stories differently good. My personal favourite was the Jedi council and it's ranked the worst one... but I learned so much about the jedi philosophy trough this class, and felt good to help others.
First i thought this will be like those not rly anything worth lame af tierlist videos then i watched it and holy shit straightup entertaining video! had some fun
I’m not a new SWTOR player any more, but I would have found this a useful video back then. Very well organised and helpful in terms of the basic questions covered, and the short clips of all the classes in action was a good inclusion. o7
Sith inquisitor has ranged dps AND saber(s). Its been a looooong time since ive played this game.. But i remember doing crazy ranged damage, even aoe and having a saber. I created mine to look like ventress and had a black/purple saber. My male sith marauder i created looking like malgus. I even got many compliments for how good he looked. Now im a console gamer, so cant wait for kotor remake for playstation.
Great vedio i liked the jedi consular story very much i wouldnt put it at 8 and also i like the sentinal class high burst damage that can absolutly destroy your enemies in what has to be the coolest way of fighting just having two lightsabers is a great expirience
It is awesome to hear that a lot of people do enjoy the consular story so much =D And yea it is awesome to destroy your oponnents with the sentinel =D I always play mine with a normal lightsaber and a shoto ^^ For the Ahsoka vibes
Imo, Sith Inquisitor has the best Story. The Rise to Power, the Lineage... If only the Inquisitor could have Jaesa instead of Ashara (the reversal would fit to the characters better imo) then it would be perfect.
It depends on your play style and if you want a more serious or humorous playing experience. By most accounts, the Imperial Agent is the best story but I was bored outta my mind, I didn't even get off the starting planet. By most accounts, the Inquisitor was one of the worst classes but I blazed through it twice as a male Assassin and a Female Lightning Sorceress. I'm finishing the Warrior and I have 2 Knights to do after that. I think for me it's the fact that I've only enjoyed the Force Using classes so far
Please MORE !:) I've been playing this game thins 2011 early access . . . but with huge breaks in between. As a Star Wars Fan and a Fan of the great class storys which are a important part of that game, i came to the conclusion that companions are most important for the normal Gameplay. So important indeed, that i came to the conclusion, that i could not be the Hero of my Story if i had to handle the game wihtout a companion. So i searched for the class that could handle all things by it self. Playing a tank i thought would be strong enough - but NO! the inability of self healing and the much longer Fights because of lower damage make them weak in solo play (without companions) At the end i found the three classes with the Most surviveabiltiy. In Order: Mercanary, Operativ, Sith Sorcerer. This classes survive when all other classes die. A good way to learn is playing lower heros solo.
Nice to hear. I also play since 2011. And I also had huge breaks in between. That is an interesting thought. I need to try that also some time =D Thank you ^^
_SWtOR_ MBTI and Berens Chart. Trooper/Hunter: xSTx. Bloodthirsty and greedy at worst, law-abiding and honorable at best. Knight/Warrior: xSFx. At worst, arrogant and violent; at best, diligent and life-respecting. Consular/Inquisitor: xNxJ. The worst are mad with power, but the best are wise and subtly healing. Smuggler/Agent: xNxP. Gluttonous and belligerent at worst, fun and problem-solving at best. The next chart will assume all healthy characters are Light-sided. LS Pubs work towards process while LS Imps head towards goals. Republic: Movement (melancholic and sanguine, aka directive & introverted or extraverted & informative). Empire: Control (choleric and supine, aka directive & extraverted or introverted and informative). Conscious Omision: Structure-Focus (SJ & NT) and Motive-Focus (NF & SP); the former is male and the latter is female. Empire Bounty Hunter: ESTx. Sith Warrior: ISFx. Sith Inquisitor: ENxJ. Imperial Agent: INxP. Republic Trooper: ISTx. Jedi Knight: ESFx. Jedi Consular: INxJ. Smuggler: ENxP. Advanced Classes Bounty Hunter: DS Powertech (gets up-close and personal for sadism) or LS Mercenary (far away like his/her handler who gave him/her the carbon-freezer). Trooper: DS Commando (far away like Garza, who encourages evil actions for "the greater good) or LS Vanguard (close enough to notice the civilians he/she fights for). Sith Warrior: DS Juggernaut (arrogantly backhands opponents and stays sturdy in the dark Empire) or LS Marauder (fluid and more likely to find alternatives). Jedi Knight: DS Sentinel (quicker to kill and most grandiose) or LS Guardian (stands firm in the Light). Sith Inquisitor: DS Sorcerer (drunk with power) or LS Assassin (subtle and thinking). Jedi Consular: DS Shadow (prefers to hunt down the targets) or LS Sage (will selflessly heal the sick). Imperial Agent: DS Operative (toxic and sadistic) or LS Sniper (straightforward and pragmatic). Smuggler: DS Gunslinger (destructive and cowardly) or LS Scoundrel (adventure and fair-play).
_SWtOR_ MBTI and Berens Chart. Trooper/Hunter: xSTx. Ruthless, greedy, and bloodthirsty at worst, law-abiding and honorable at best. Knight/Warrior: xSFx. At worst, arrogant and violent; at best, diligent and life-respecting. Consular/Inquisitor: xNxJ. The worst are mad with power, but the best are wise and subtly healing. Smuggler/Agent: xNxP. Gluttonous and belligerent at worst, fun and problem-solving at best. The next two charts after this will assume all healthy characters are Light-sided. LS Pubs work towards process while LS Imps head towards goals. For the Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Consular, and Smuggler, this translates to Movement (Directive Introvert or Informative Extrovert) or a preference for chaos like warriors. For the Trooper, Inquisitor, Knight, and Imperial Agent, this communicates toward Control (Directive Extravert or Informative Introvert) or a preference for order like soldiers. Conscious Ommision: Motive-focus (NF & SP) and Structure-focus (NT & SJ); the former is female and the latter is male because females don't feel the biological need to distinguish themselves from their mothers while males do. In order of recommended story order: Bounty Hunter: ISTx.. Trooper: ESTx. Sith Inquisitor: ENxJ. Jedi Knight: ISFx. Sith Warrior: ESFx. Jedi Consular: INxJ. Imperial Agent: INxP. Smuggler: ENxP. Races: ★ *Bounty Hunter:* Rattataki (he/she has a unique dialogue in a Belsavis side quest). * *Trooper:* Mirialan (no bonus dialogues, but creates a foil with two antagonistic Mirialans) or Zabrak (unique dialogue during a conversation with your first companion). ★ *Sith Inquisitor:* Twi'lek female and Human female or male (the latter, can be either sex, but the male needs to be only human because he is more driven to be separate, so it would be best for him to avoid the hermit's advise to use his rage from others' speciesism and can even get the "pro-alien" dialogue from one of his companions' dialogues; the former can be either because she'll not only to willfully ignore the aforementioned advise so as to commune with others, but also get the funny bonus dialogue on Hoth from the same companion if alien). * *Jedi Knight:* Human Female, Miraluka Male (the former has special dialogue when Doc mentions the possibility of children while the latter is most lightsaber-focused of the Jedi classes, plus he gets a bonus dialogue with the final boss on Alderaan). ★ *Sith Warrior:* Pureblood female and Zabrak male (as mentioned above, women want to commune while men want to separate; the latter will feel a greater need to rebel as an alien while the former will still rebel by being a friend to the lower class). * *Jedi Consular:* Zabrak (best justifies his or her apparently quick recovery after healing and gives a roleplay reason for acting like a warrior around the first companion), Twi'lek (can make the diplomacy on the introductory planet make a little sense, albeit with no unique dialogue), or Mirialan (can make sense with the class; there's supposed to be unique dialogue with a Mirialan Padawan on the last story planet, but it isn't there in the final product). ★ *Imperial Agent:* Chiss (the entire class revolves around being a Chiss) or Human/Cyborg (also makes sense). * *Smuggler:* Human/Cyborg female and Twi'lek male (the former has an extra flirtatious bonus dialogue at the end of her romance quest while the latter just fits the Smuggler, plus, if he is a shade of blue (one of which is Pub-exclusive), he manages to make one of the dialogues in the _Heist of the Millennium_ quest funnier). Combat Styles and Echani vs Mandalorian: The Echani favor lighter and/or more flexible armor along with communication through combat while the Mandalorians favor heavy armor while dueling. Since the Trooper's armor is specifically designed for maximum flexibility and the Bounty Hunter's weaponry are highly favored by the Mandalorians, their respective original advanced classes, the Vanguard & the Commando and the Powertech & the Mercenary, will be Echani and Mandalorian respectively. *Echani:* Assassin, Sentinel, Marauder, Shadow, Operative, and Scoundrel. *Mandalorian:* Sorcerer*, Guardian, Juggernaut, Sage*, Sniper, and Gunslinger. *Note: the Sorcerer and the Sage are listed as *"Mandalorian"* because, in the Bounty Hunter's story on Hoth, there is a character with the Sith Sorcerer model who challenges the player to an honorable Blooding and it's considered a Light Side action to accept it.
I kinda new to the game, been doing alot of pve but want to make a jedi guardian character and try pvp but I'm having trouble choosing vigilance or focus. Don't plan on doing tank until I get better at dps.
Most people don't like the Jedi consular story because of the lack of action but for me it was the opposite. The parts where they were trying to force in action was the worst parts for me. If the story was all about diplomacy and jedi lore without the forced action it would easily be one of the best for me. Chapter 1 was the best chapter since it was all about solving already existing conflicts between groups instead of forcing in new threats for the player to fight. Still a good story though but it could be improved
That is an very interesting view point. I never saw it that way. But now i would want a story that is based on your ideas. I think that would be very interesting and different to play =D
I just finished imperial agent class story which was my final story for legendary achievement and i gotta say imperial agent is by far the best story in this game and its not even close
Awesome to hear =D I also love the Imperial Agent a lot ^^ Also by far. What is the story you would put in second place? Im kinda interested in that ^^
Part of me wants to play Knight but I heavily frown at what they did to Revan and Meetra and the other Kotor characters. So far, I only play Sith Warrior and am going through Imperial Agent.
I’m late to this comment but I’m about halfway through the Jedi knight story and the voice actor and dialogue options kill it for me , probably some of the cheesiest good guy dialogue I’ve seen in a game but the story is solid
I’ve only just started playing after my mate nagged me none stop to try it out and due to my ignorance I decided not to but about 5 days ago I thought to give it a go and it’s the absolute only thing I’ve been doing since then. I’ve been grinding my Sith Assassin class and I’m having an absolute blast. I was super curious on trying out some new classes and I just could not decide. Thanks to your fuckin amazing guide, I was able to make my decision and have a general idea of the next classes i would like to experience. Thank you for the perfect and incredibly enjoyable guide and run through. Loved it
@@Vitnir Thank you very much mate! Definitely subbing after the video too, I can’t wait to get to the DLC! Picked up a 60 day subscription meaning I’ll be grinding the absolute heck out SWTOR.
wish there was a class that was mesh of force and tech. Sorta like a force user who isn't aligned with either side and learns to use the force in other ways
Thanks man cool video and i liked the combat videos of the classes! The siths all look cool compared to the jedi so i think i will try all of those first! Those ranged classes all looked very interesting, i did not expect that, i guess i will make more than one character :P
Great video ! My favorite class is still the smuggler, his story is quite generic But he has the best lines of the game, his dialogues are often very funny (if you decide to play him in neutral)
Classes that play clunky in the beginning:
Commando (Till lvl 60)
Mercenary (Till lvl 60)
This list May change over time =)
Thank you @Average Hater for reminding me to post this information =)
Awesome!Thank you!
My first was a shadow. My second was a merc. Can confirm, terribly slow, until they REALLY aren't!
Could you pin this comment?
@@dunaldd0ck done =)
@@Vitnir thx😁
This has to be the best guide I've seen to introduce both new and veteran players to each class, seriously well done. The general gameplay sections for each class is genius, never seen other guides do that,
Thank you very much =D That is awesome to hear and makes me happy you liked it that much
Sith sorcerer is my personal favourite of them all it feels so powerful to use even at the beginning, strongly suggest people give it a go if you're struggling to chose a class to use!
That is true. And the story is also fun! =) ^^
That was a really well made video. Looking at all the classes gameplay really helped decide - would have never thought Scoundrel/Operative would be that interesting mix of ranged and close combat. Nice!
Iam happy to hear that the video served you this well! And thank you a lot =)
Merc / Bounty Hunter - doesn't get any more badass.
my all time fav. without a question (I finished every story class)
i like playing sage telekinetic because i like the idea of having a jedi who is very strong and knowledgable in the ways of he force like yoda
That is true. Sage is a lot of fun. Though I prefer the Sith Sorcerer because of the lighting. But Sage is very close. =D
IMO Sith Inquisitor is most fun to play, and, has some of the funniest dialogue options.
That is true Sith Inquisitor is a lot of fun. The best part is when you meet Harkun later in the Story again. (Dont want to spoiler anything) ^^
i love the way you torture people with the inquisitor
I think the smuggler has the best dialogues, some lines are incredible ahah
bounty hunter dialogues 😂
This is without a doubt the most entertaining yet resourceful guid I've ever seen
Thank you very much! =)
Thank you, this had everything I needed to make a decision, and in fairly concise manner. Wish all guides of this type were this complete.
That is awesome to hear =D
this guide is amazing. its everything I was looking for but couldnt find on youtube. I am completely new to this game and this helped me know exactly 100 percent which classes Im gonna play first and with which playstyle especially !
i love how you thought of literally everything including even that some people just want cool weapons and cool looking fighting styles rather than having the best class for dps for example. so your video material of all fighting styles is really GREAT in my opinion
cant thank you enough for this masterpiece of a guide
I think this is the most well made guide Ive ever watched about any video game. from league to valorant to age of empires this one really strikes me the most with the ''woah thats SUCH a useful guide'' feeling
Thank you so much =D That is one of the best comments I have ever gotten thy
Finally going to get into the game, its been a long time coming but nows better then never lol thank you for this video though, it will make my first class and story path much easier to pick!
Hi thank you too! ^^ nice to hear that you revisit swtor again =) Iam happy I could help you and I wish you a lot of fun in SWTOR
Please let me know if you want to see more beginner guides and if that is the case, tell me for which subject =) Thank you a lot. On Sunday I will release my first Outfit video for free to play Players!
GANZ GANZ GANZ STRAKES VIDEO DANKE DANKE !!!! das mit den visuellen effeckten der klassen war auschlaggebend HIER steckt viel arbeit drinne
Vielen Dank =) / Thank you
Doooood I just started playing this MMO after falling out with WoW. Hugeeee KOTOR I and II fan. Thank you so much for putting the time into explaining the stories in 1 sentence!! That helps a ton in deciding which class stories I'll pursue next :) thanks!
Awesome to hear that it helped you =D Have a lot of fun playing!
I've just come back to swtor after a long absence. This video was really useful, thank you
That is nice to hear thank you very much and have a lot of fun playing! =)
visuals on this game feel more important than most games due to how similar many are. thank you for the effort of adding those clips. be nice if they ever let us just use any class in any story
Iam happy the video helped =)
For DoT specs, one should most importantly ask themselves do they want a high skill ceiling that is rewarding with outstanding damage numbers. Snipers/Gunslinger DoT have the most consistent damage and the lowest fall-out during rotation refreshes, but they never really have a peak DPS count and their utility tools are very team centered. Mercenary / Commando have moderate up-down waving with a short window of *really* high DPS damage, but suffer from very tight ressource management. Sage / Sorcerer have the arguably lowest numbers but are the safest to play due to very powerful self-healing. Sentinel / Marauder have the shortest windows and the highest difference between peak dps and fall-out when refreshing the rotation ontop of the shortest duration of their DoT effects, but they do have the highest average peak DPS number and usually also the highest crit chances on individual abilities.
Each DoT class has its difficulties that need to be mastered and its a question of individual feeling as well as just the patience to deal with it.
Thanks for the overview really made picking a class easy!
That is awesome to hear! ^^
Thank you for this! Played the game at launch and after about a year or 2 my buddies and I all lost interest but it's always been on my mind. As others have said your inclusion of the classes in action was incredibly helpful in making my decision!
Iam happy to hear that the guide helped you =D Which class did you pick? I wish you a lot of fun in SWTOR
Your video is awesome. Thank you for all your hard work.
Half of what anyone needs to know is if a class looks fun to play. No one but you gives us that.
Awesome that it helped you =) much love to you
Play them all! I had 22 characters, Sith warrior Juggernaut was my favorite, had multiple Jugs.
Yea I can relate. I have 2 Accounts because one was full xD EDIT: Yes play them all it is worht it every second. Even multiple times ^^
What might help is to know if a class plays smoothly or clunky during leveling. There were some classes / specs that really were annoying to play up to lvl50 when the resource management become easier due to the passives you unlock and some just are fun right from the beginning because resources are not an issue. No need to really rank them but some class / spec combinations really require a caveat for new players (gunslinger e.g. felt really clunky for most of the leveling process and became awesome past lvl 50).
Other than that: great video! Really going to play agent next!
That is an good idea! =) Thank you a lot! I will make a list and I will post it in the comments here =)
@@Vitnir lol u never did that :D
@@OliosWorld i forgot thank you for reminding
This was so good I had to watch this twice just to gather my info together lol
Thank you very much =D Awesome it helped you!
I, as a veteran, have it like this:
DPS pointed sub-classes are clunky from the beginning but when you reach the point where you have a lot of abilities (I’d say 40+ level) you are quickly downing your opponent, but to that point.. you might struggle with HPs, other classes have it switched, you are good with endurance but might find out that in the end-game you might want to have higher DPS output..
Great addition =D Thank you for charing. And I agree ^^
Other guides for new Players and Beginners in SWTOR: (this list will be updated over time)
- How do I get a speeder/mount? -видео.html (Mount Guide)
- How do I get some lightsaber crystals? -видео.html (Lightsaber Crystal Guide)
Is there something I’m missing? This version of STOR looks a little different from the other ones this one has wayyyy best graphics is this a mod or is this a base version thag would be on steam? I’m thinking ab getting it on my laptop but I’d much rather play this version but if it requires mods that may derail me for a bit. Any help is appreciate
@@htr__3542 Sorry for the late answer =) I just saw your comment. This is the normal version with max graphics. But every computer should be able to run swtor in some way ^^
Well done on the info and the production on this vid. Well done!
Thank you very much! =)
lol your delivery of the info is highly entertaining! great job!
Thank you =D That is really nice to hear and means a lot to me
For my own advice (Main story line has 3 parts) :
8. Jedi Consular : Boring
7. Smuggler : Yeah you're a pirate, you're a not-so-bad-guy, You're Han Solo but not in the Original movie, more like "Solo' Movie. It's not bad, just ... "meh", more than Trooper for me.
5-6. Sith Inquisitor : The class is good, first part is excellent but part 2 and 3 ... meh. Trooper has a "meh" story for me, no real surprise, just a little beter as the Inquisitor last part so ... equality
4. Jedi Knight : Like the Sith Warrior is the main storyline but stop before the end of the Sith Warrior Way, and Republic is so annoying
2-3. Equality for me Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter, Sith is really the main Quest on all parts and has great moments. Bounty is more interesting on the first part, not bad on the 2 but part 3 is so boring
1. Imperial Agent 3/3 parts are great, great companion, etc
Interesting that you dislike the Smuggler more than the trooper. =D Also interesting that Counsellor is on the last place most of the time x3
I blindly picked Jedi Consular story and I enjoyed it very much
That is great =D
@@Vitnir now I have to play the 1st from your list ;)
@@gemgreg haha yea it is definetly worth it in my opinion =D
I hope you will like it tooo ^^
Wow, this video didnt get the attention it deserves. Its informative, helpful and great overall😁 big thank you for helping!
Thank you a lot! =) It makes me happy to see that I could help you a bit!
I absolutely agree with the Story rating list
Interesting to hear that someone has the same opinion ^^
Bro great Video and awesome editing! Underated channel
Thank you a lot!
Yo Vitnir, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this video of this overview of everything. I haven’t really put too much time into the game and haven’t really been looking to put any more time into it, however your video really changed that outlook for me. I’m pretty excited to play this game much more as well as delve into the gameplay and all it has to offer.
That is great to hear =D
Thank you! Just returned after a very long period. You really helped me out
That is great to hear =D I hope you have a lot of fun!
This was incredible, thank you!!!
Thank you very much!
Helpful vid, may the force be with you my friend 👍
Awesome it helped you =D Much love to you and a lot of fun in swtor =D
Great video!
I played them all, favs would be Sentinel, Gunslinger, Assassin, Operative
I went Mercenary, Commando, Marauder and Shadow for the others to complete all the class stories. Good times
Thank you very much! =D I would love to forget everything about swtor just so I could replay everything again with the same WoW effect as I did when I first started in 2011 =D
EDIT: Does not mean I dont like playing now, but the first time is always special ^^
@@Vitnir I know what you mean 100%
Though I struggled to keep up with what was happening as I actually played the agent so I will definitely do that one again haha
A wonderfully humorous and informative guide. Take my sub!
Thank you a lot =)
Jedi Guardian, that i'll pick, in all mmo's im tank xD
Edit: i just needed 1:08 minutes hahaha, so good video bro
Awesome that it helped you this fast =D
Best story, Imperial Agent.
Yes. Nothing else to add to that ^^
You CAN play range-DPS with a lightsaber (sage or sorcerer ), it's just you're not going to use it for more than a flashlight :)
That is true. Thy for mentioning it
Cheers for the vid! Gonna sub and play through Agent and Sorcerer they seem the most fun then I'll hop on Jug and feel like vader if I get bored. Great work!
Thank you a lot =)
Me, who just wants to mate Vette: interesting
Vette is the best Companion in the game imo ^^
This really narrowed down what I wanted to play
That is awesome to hear =D Have a lot of fun playing!
SW story is my favorite of all time. One of my favorite parts is when the republic sets up a defense in a tunnel and your SW just starts laughing maniacally. (Even if you play a light side sith like mine.)
The storys in general are well writen and awesome to play through. There are so many iconic moments that are just awesome =D
@@Vitnir they were, granted for me the Republic classes stories lacked in comparison to the empires side. Granted I did love the Smugglers story
So far Jedi Consular is actually my fave, but I’m playing some other classes ATM and Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, and Sith Inquisitor are so fun to play.
Awesome to hear =D I also love playing all classes tbh ^^
The German in the end, I love it!
Awesome to hear =D Vielen Dank
@@Vitnir Gern geschehen
Hammer Video, weiter so 😊
Thank you =) / Vielen Dank!
I completed the republic stories - once. The empire, more times than I can count 😄
Haha I also like the Empire a bit more than the Republic ^^
It's important to know, that if you choose a sith class, you can still make light side decisions, and you'll get a whole different experience and also it's fun to deceive jedi and sith lords with your good charisma. Choose your class and play whatever you want, all stories differently good. My personal favourite was the Jedi council and it's ranked the worst one... but I learned so much about the jedi philosophy trough this class, and felt good to help others.
That is true =D It is interesting how other people rank the storylines ^^
What an amazing video! (Servus aus Österreich)
Thank you a lot =D Grüße zurück aus Deutschland ^^
First i thought this will be like those not rly anything worth lame af tierlist videos then i watched it and holy shit straightup entertaining video! had some fun
That is awesome to hear! =D Thank you a lot!
You have earned your sub may the content flow like water
Thank you very much! =)
Iam fulfilled just downloaded game made a sith maruader (and got updated kotor 2 on phone) this IS what i was looking for! TY!
Iam happy it helped you
I fully agree with the agent story
Awesome to hear! =D
since cad bane and boba fett are my favrotie star wars characters i decided to be a bounty hunter and i was not dissapointed.
The Bounty Hunter Questline is one of my favorites. I really like the whole Bounty Hunter Setting imo. ^^
I’m not a new SWTOR player any more, but I would have found this a useful video back then. Very well organised and helpful in terms of the basic questions covered, and the short clips of all the classes in action was a good inclusion. o7
Thank you! That means a lot to me =)
Sith inquisitor has ranged dps AND saber(s).
Its been a looooong time since ive played this game..
But i remember doing crazy ranged damage, even aoe and having a saber.
I created mine to look like ventress and had a black/purple saber.
My male sith marauder i created looking like malgus.
I even got many compliments for how good he looked.
Now im a console gamer, so cant wait for kotor remake for playstation.
I liked my Sith Operative. I dropped the game too early. Had I played a bit more, I could've recruited an NPC tank and went Power Duo.
The Companion system is really great. If you play a tank or healer you will always have an npc helper that deals some dmg too ^^
@3:47 facts. this had me laugh, doesnt happen often
Awesome to hear =D
Great vedio i liked the jedi consular story very much i wouldnt put it at 8 and also i like the sentinal class high burst damage that can absolutly destroy your enemies in what has to be the coolest way of fighting just having two lightsabers is a great expirience
It is awesome to hear that a lot of people do enjoy the consular story so much =D And yea it is awesome to destroy your oponnents with the sentinel =D I always play mine with a normal lightsaber and a shoto ^^ For the Ahsoka vibes
@@Vitnir nice
Imo, Sith Inquisitor has the best Story. The Rise to Power, the Lineage... If only the Inquisitor could have Jaesa instead of Ashara (the reversal would fit to the characters better imo) then it would be perfect.
Yea it is also a very good one =D Interesting thought could be better this way. ^^
Sorc is my fav madness spec well I run lightning now
Awesome video man. Definitely hit that subscribed button. Just the content I needed to make some hard choices
Thank you a lot! =D Im happy it can help you a bit ^^
This video was not only very entertaining, but very informative thank you earned a sub for sure keep it up!!
Than I reached my goal! =D Thank you a lot man =D
It depends on your play style and if you want a more serious or humorous playing experience. By most accounts, the Imperial Agent is the best story but I was bored outta my mind, I didn't even get off the starting planet. By most accounts, the Inquisitor was one of the worst classes but I blazed through it twice as a male Assassin and a Female Lightning Sorceress. I'm finishing the Warrior and I have 2 Knights to do after that. I think for me it's the fact that I've only enjoyed the Force Using classes so far
Very interesting =D But I know waht you mean ^^ For example I play Arms Warrior in WoW which a lot of people find very boring to play.
Subscribed for the hard work 🔥♥️
Thank you =) next Video is dropping today ^^
Please MORE !:) I've been playing this game thins 2011 early access . . . but with huge breaks in between.
As a Star Wars Fan and a Fan of the great class storys which are a important part of that game, i came to the conclusion that
companions are most important for the normal Gameplay. So important indeed, that i came to the conclusion, that i could not be the Hero of my Story
if i had to handle the game wihtout a companion. So i searched for the class that could handle all things by it self. Playing a tank i thought would be strong
enough - but NO! the inability of self healing and the much longer Fights because of lower damage make them weak in solo play (without companions)
At the end i found the three classes with the Most surviveabiltiy. In Order: Mercanary, Operativ, Sith Sorcerer. This classes survive when all other classes die.
A good way to learn is playing lower heros solo.
Nice to hear. I also play since 2011. And I also had huge breaks in between. That is an interesting thought. I need to try that also some time =D Thank you ^^
_SWtOR_ MBTI and Berens Chart.
Trooper/Hunter: xSTx. Bloodthirsty and greedy at worst, law-abiding and honorable at best.
Knight/Warrior: xSFx. At worst, arrogant and violent; at best, diligent and life-respecting.
Consular/Inquisitor: xNxJ. The worst are mad with power, but the best are wise and subtly healing.
Smuggler/Agent: xNxP. Gluttonous and belligerent at worst, fun and problem-solving at best.
The next chart will assume all healthy characters are Light-sided. LS Pubs work towards process while LS Imps head towards goals.
Republic: Movement (melancholic and sanguine, aka directive & introverted or extraverted & informative).
Empire: Control (choleric and supine, aka directive & extraverted or introverted and informative).
Conscious Omision: Structure-Focus (SJ & NT) and Motive-Focus (NF & SP); the former is male and the latter is female.
Bounty Hunter: ESTx.
Sith Warrior: ISFx.
Sith Inquisitor: ENxJ.
Imperial Agent: INxP.
Trooper: ISTx.
Jedi Knight: ESFx.
Jedi Consular: INxJ.
Smuggler: ENxP.
Advanced Classes
Bounty Hunter: DS Powertech (gets up-close and personal for sadism) or LS Mercenary (far away like his/her handler who gave him/her the carbon-freezer).
Trooper: DS Commando (far away like Garza, who encourages evil actions for "the greater good) or LS Vanguard (close enough to notice the civilians he/she fights for).
Sith Warrior: DS Juggernaut (arrogantly backhands opponents and stays sturdy in the dark Empire) or LS Marauder (fluid and more likely to find alternatives).
Jedi Knight: DS Sentinel (quicker to kill and most grandiose) or LS Guardian (stands firm in the Light).
Sith Inquisitor: DS Sorcerer (drunk with power) or LS Assassin (subtle and thinking).
Jedi Consular: DS Shadow (prefers to hunt down the targets) or LS Sage (will selflessly heal the sick).
Imperial Agent: DS Operative (toxic and sadistic) or LS Sniper (straightforward and pragmatic).
Smuggler: DS Gunslinger (destructive and cowardly) or LS Scoundrel (adventure and fair-play).
Thanks mate =)
I'm an ENTJ female and I play Combat Medic and Bodyguard. For anecdotal reference.
_SWtOR_ MBTI and Berens Chart.
Trooper/Hunter: xSTx. Ruthless, greedy, and bloodthirsty at worst, law-abiding and honorable at best.
Knight/Warrior: xSFx. At worst, arrogant and violent; at best, diligent and life-respecting.
Consular/Inquisitor: xNxJ. The worst are mad with power, but the best are wise and subtly healing.
Smuggler/Agent: xNxP. Gluttonous and belligerent at worst, fun and problem-solving at best.
The next two charts after this will assume all healthy characters are Light-sided. LS Pubs work towards process while LS Imps head towards goals. For the Bounty Hunter, Warrior, Consular, and Smuggler, this translates to Movement (Directive Introvert or Informative Extrovert) or a preference for chaos like warriors. For the Trooper, Inquisitor, Knight, and Imperial Agent, this communicates toward Control (Directive Extravert or Informative Introvert) or a preference for order like soldiers.
Conscious Ommision: Motive-focus (NF & SP) and Structure-focus (NT & SJ); the former is female and the latter is male because females don't feel the biological need to distinguish themselves from their mothers while males do.
In order of recommended story order:
Bounty Hunter: ISTx..
Trooper: ESTx.
Sith Inquisitor: ENxJ.
Jedi Knight: ISFx.
Sith Warrior: ESFx.
Jedi Consular: INxJ.
Imperial Agent: INxP.
Smuggler: ENxP.
★ *Bounty Hunter:* Rattataki (he/she has a unique dialogue in a Belsavis side quest).
* *Trooper:* Mirialan (no bonus dialogues, but creates a foil with two antagonistic Mirialans) or Zabrak (unique dialogue during a conversation with your first companion).
★ *Sith Inquisitor:* Twi'lek female and Human female or male (the latter, can be either sex, but the male needs to be only human because he is more driven to be separate, so it would be best for him to avoid the hermit's advise to use his rage from others' speciesism and can even get the "pro-alien" dialogue from one of his companions' dialogues; the former can be either because she'll not only to willfully ignore the aforementioned advise so as to commune with others, but also get the funny bonus dialogue on Hoth from the same companion if alien).
* *Jedi Knight:* Human Female, Miraluka Male (the former has special dialogue when Doc mentions the possibility of children while the latter is most lightsaber-focused of the Jedi classes, plus he gets a bonus dialogue with the final boss on Alderaan).
★ *Sith Warrior:* Pureblood female and Zabrak male (as mentioned above, women want to commune while men want to separate; the latter will feel a greater need to rebel as an alien while the former will still rebel by being a friend to the lower class).
* *Jedi Consular:* Zabrak (best justifies his or her apparently quick recovery after healing and gives a roleplay reason for acting like a warrior around the first companion), Twi'lek (can make the diplomacy on the introductory planet make a little sense, albeit with no unique dialogue), or Mirialan (can make sense with the class; there's supposed to be unique dialogue with a Mirialan Padawan on the last story planet, but it isn't there in the final product).
★ *Imperial Agent:* Chiss (the entire class revolves around being a Chiss) or Human/Cyborg (also makes sense).
* *Smuggler:* Human/Cyborg female and Twi'lek male (the former has an extra flirtatious bonus dialogue at the end of her romance quest while the latter just fits the Smuggler, plus, if he is a shade of blue (one of which is Pub-exclusive), he manages to make one of the dialogues in the _Heist of the Millennium_ quest funnier).
Combat Styles and Echani vs Mandalorian:
The Echani favor lighter and/or more flexible armor along with communication through combat while the Mandalorians favor heavy armor while dueling. Since the Trooper's armor is specifically designed for maximum flexibility and the Bounty Hunter's weaponry are highly favored by the Mandalorians, their respective original advanced classes, the Vanguard & the Commando and the Powertech & the Mercenary, will be Echani and Mandalorian respectively.
*Echani:* Assassin, Sentinel, Marauder, Shadow, Operative, and Scoundrel.
*Mandalorian:* Sorcerer*, Guardian, Juggernaut, Sage*, Sniper, and Gunslinger.
*Note: the Sorcerer and the Sage are listed as *"Mandalorian"* because, in the Bounty Hunter's story on Hoth, there is a character with the Sith Sorcerer model who challenges the player to an honorable Blooding and it's considered a Light Side action to accept it.
But the video was really helpful thanks :D
Awesome to hear thank you a lot =D
Thank you =)
@@Vitnir Thumbs up!
@@yourboizach9681 Thank you very much
I kinda new to the game, been doing alot of pve but want to make a jedi guardian character and try pvp but I'm having trouble choosing vigilance or focus. Don't plan on doing tank until I get better at dps.
Most people don't like the Jedi consular story because of the lack of action but for me it was the opposite. The parts where they were trying to force in action was the worst parts for me. If the story was all about diplomacy and jedi lore without the forced action it would easily be one of the best for me. Chapter 1 was the best chapter since it was all about solving already existing conflicts between groups instead of forcing in new threats for the player to fight. Still a good story though but it could be improved
That is an very interesting view point. I never saw it that way. But now i would want a story that is based on your ideas. I think that would be very interesting and different to play =D
I just finished imperial agent class story which was my final story for legendary achievement and i gotta say imperial agent is by far the best story in this game and its not even close
Awesome to hear =D I also love the Imperial Agent a lot ^^ Also by far. What is the story you would put in second place? Im kinda interested in that ^^
@@Vitnir well my personal top is imperial agent > jedi knight > smuggler > sith warrior > bounty hunter > inquisitor > consular > trooper :D .
@@Andrewf5251 Interesting =D Thanks for sharing =D
Thank you for the review.
Thank you too
Very nicely done :-)
Thank you very much =)
thank you for your advice good sir!
Thank you too my Lord ^^
Great guide, thank you :>
Thank you a lot! =)
The best video thx man !
Thank you too! ^^
thank you awesomw work !
Thank you too! =)
Part of me wants to play Knight but I heavily frown at what they did to Revan and Meetra and the other Kotor characters. So far, I only play Sith Warrior and am going through Imperial Agent.
I like the Jedi Knight Story a lot. I would definetly recommend it to you ^^
I’m late to this comment but I’m about halfway through the Jedi knight story and the voice actor and dialogue options kill it for me , probably some of the cheesiest good guy dialogue I’ve seen in a game but the story is solid
very good video!!!
Thank you very much! =)
Downloaded and gonna play it
I wish you a lot of fun =)
Trick question. I play all of them
I’ve only just started playing after my mate nagged me none stop to try it out and due to my ignorance I decided not to but about 5 days ago I thought to give it a go and it’s the absolute only thing I’ve been doing since then. I’ve been grinding my Sith Assassin class and I’m having an absolute blast. I was super curious on trying out some new classes and I just could not decide. Thanks to your fuckin amazing guide, I was able to make my decision and have a general idea of the next classes i would like to experience.
Thank you for the perfect and incredibly enjoyable guide and run through. Loved it
Wow thank you a lot =)
@@Vitnir Thank you very much mate!
Definitely subbing after the video too, I can’t wait to get to the DLC!
Picked up a 60 day subscription meaning I’ll be grinding the absolute heck out SWTOR.
@@Brickmuncher4000 Thank you ^^ I wish you a lot of fun doing so ^^ =)
the best tutorial I've ever seen
so funny and very useful
Ty vit
Thank you a lot =) Im happy to hear that you liked it and it was helpful ^^
thx a lot dude!
Thy also a lot dude! =)
@@Vitnir im start 2 play today lol
That is awseome ^^ I wish you a lot of fun!
@@Vitnir so i'm take a jedi sentinel is awesome! Tu for every think
@@gomesergei Thy also very much =) I hope you will have a lot of fun playing it =)
Good guide, ty
Thank you very much =)
Ez. All of them... Sans trooper.
All of them is a great choice =D
Yo7r very underated...I like the good care in the video editing
Thank you a lot
wish there was a class that was mesh of force and tech. Sorta like a force user who isn't aligned with either side and learns to use the force in other ways
That is a really awesome idea =D Honestly I would play that ^^
The answer is always Sith Juggernaut😈
Easy, you should play all of them. This game is EXTREMELY alt-friendly.
That is true and one thing I really like in SWTOR ^^
Did u just say "Leb wohl!" In German at the end? How awesome is that?! =D
Yes I did ^^ Iam happy that you like it =D Vielen Dank für den Kommentar =) Much love to you!
@@Vitnir I thank you for the awesome Video! =D
Danke dir für das tolle Video! =D
The best class, is the one that does not look like dog shit. The rest does not matter.
I think you can make every class look cool =D
Thanks man cool video and i liked the combat videos of the classes! The siths all look cool compared to the jedi so i think i will try all of those first! Those ranged classes all looked very interesting, i did not expect that, i guess i will make more than one character :P
Sounds good =D And thank you a lot! ^^
My favorite story was Inquisitor and the Agent was the most boring one, lol
Interesting to hear that =D You are the first that does not like the agent story that much ^^
Great video ! My favorite class is still the smuggler, his story is quite generic But he has the best lines of the game, his dialogues are often very funny (if you decide to play him in neutral)
That is true, smugglers area always fun to play x3 =D
Nice viedeo
Thank you =)
3:50 lol