Oh, I used to listen to Boulez all the time, and I had the honor of hearing him conduct "Notations" with the Chicago Symphony. I haven't heard his music since the '80s. So delighted to have found EI's channel here! The gold standard!
Quelle consolation que cela existe. Nous aurons encore un peu de répit pour nous abreuver à la Beauté avant que les barbares n’arrivent. (Leurs éclaireurs sont déjà là, comme le révèlent certains commentaires.) Quelle consolation que vous ayez pu nous laisser cela, Pierre Boulez, et quel courage que fut le vôtre à lutter toute votre vie pour le rendre possible.
This is really wonderful. Debussy and Bartok are among my favorite composers, and find the same colorful sonorities and breathtaking rythmic energy ! The entrance of the soloists is mindblowingly beautiful ! A transcendental experience !
This is really good road trip music 🎶 I listened to this driving through the deep south where I’ve never been to before, with wetlands everywhere and scraggly looking trees. It fits rather well Thank you Mr. Boulez
Très belle version ! Boulez a su transmettre sa musique si raffinée, mais aussi puissante. Une énergie complexe et sensible à la fois. Thank you Mister Boulez !
Je ne m'en lasserai jamais. J'écoute Répons depuis dix ans, régulièrement, et, tel un classique, il ne cesse de livrer différents secrets à chaque écoute. Et puis la vidéo nous épargne les applaudissements (indésirables même dans le classique).
L'un de nos plus beaux chefs-d'œuvre musicaux. Écouter cette pièce me réconforte immensément en ces temps difficiles. J'espère un jour être capable d'écrire une œuvre aussi forte. Bonne année à tous.
Une performance brillante et subtile avec la grande comprehension de l'oeuvre. Merci aux musiciens de l'EI et ingenieurs de l'EVM-IRCAM pour nous donner cette qualite incroyable du son et de l'image.
My niece asked me what kind of music robots, machines and automatons would make. I told her to listen to Boulez. She did and she said it was like elevator music for a crash dummy factory.
Toujours aussi belle année après année, et même de plus en plus sublime, détaillée, inspirante. C'est vraiment une œuvre à part ! L'entrée des solistes me fait frissonner d'enchantement à chaque fois !
Repons de Pierre Boulez é a maior obra-prima da música contemporânea em toda sua extensão ! Com Repons Pierre Boulez reina em primeiro lugar na música contemporânea .
Fabulous! Blew me away! Heard things I didn't quite hear in the Boulez recording. That's musicianship. These musicians must have rehearsed hundreds of hours on this!!! (Some of them also played on the Boulez recording too). Thank God Gerzso is still around to make the electroniques work; in a way, he should be credited as some kind of arranger or assistant composer. Unforgettable performance of an unforgettable piece of music. Keep it up, Maestro Pintscher.
My niece asked me what kind of music robots, machines and automatons would make. I told her to listen to Boulez. She did and she said it was like elevator music for a crash dummy factory.
Superbe interprétation de ce pure cristal boulézien, avec une qualité de son exceptionnelle, comme toujours avec l'Ensemble Intercontemporain. Merci beaucoup !
The work of a composer lives with the look we give it. She is not limited to what it is, nor to the person who produced it, she is also made by the one who hears it. Music, painting are a space of questioning and meditation where the senses that we attribute to it can come and be made and undone
amazing, supple, nuanced performance, thought I knew the piece well, so many new facets to discover here, just a marvel of tone color and lyricism! Bravo to conductor, orchestra, and RUclips poster!
un grand merci a cet inconnu qui ne s est pas prive de nous faire partager cette partition. elle resonnera longtemps dans l espace ou je vis.splendide!
Absolument fantastique ! Ces nouveaux "codes" d'écriture musicale m'enchantent à souhait . On va de surprise en surprise , que ce soit au niveau de la richesse des timbres et de leur exploitation ou bien encore de la structure même de cette oeuvre gigantesque aux multiples "rebondissements" . On ne s'ennuie jamais , c'est un véritable délice ! Un génie de la Création , ce grand Maître Pierre BOULEZ . Orchestre magnifique , Direction impeccable , mastering du son et de l'image parfait . Bref , tous mes compliments à tous les musiciens et aux équipes techniques . Cordialement . Pierrot
Your immense efforts would be better understood if they were presented not as music but as sonic art, entirely disconnected from any expectations of music as an art form as it developed over the last 4oo years. PB was much more modern than he himself thought, he created, together with Stockhausen, Xenakis et al an entirely new art form based upon pure sound. Music is something fundamentally different. By the way, 'Repons' appears to be brilliantly played, as far as this could ever be assessed - 'wrong notes' do not exist in Boulez' work because the concept of 'rightness' refers only to the written note, not to an overall musical conception.
I agree on calling this sonic art, but I wouldn't lump Xenakis in with Boulez and other serialists. Xenakis could make functional music. Purposefully ugly, mind-bending music but music still, although a few of his compositions do fit the "sonic art" category.
The problem with sonic art, it seems to me, is that it's enjoyment is low-level. It sucks both as an art form and as entertainment. Maybe it would be quality entertainment for the blind.
wonderful concert hall/visuals and a beguiling if overlong piece from a major musician from the 2nd half of the 20th Century. Interesting to see how his approach to toccata-like texture evolved over time, from the 2nd movement of the 1st piano sonata/ to the glossy kind of material at 25:00
Surely, the biggest musical contribution of the XXth century. Looking to the past, everything is integrated and looking to the future of music and aesthetics. absolument genial.
After coming to embrace and enjoy the piano sonatas as masterpieces of modernism, it is with this piece that I am able to include Boulez as a significant orchestrator and modernist composer of the first rank. A dearth of compositions may ultimately deprive him of the success that will devolve on Carter, Wuorinen, Ligeti, Babbitt and a few others of the post WWII era. I dare say that in a peculiar way his legacy will look more like William Schuman - an academic, an educator and occasional contributor to the ouevre. How do ya like me now? This is an amazing piece of music.
L'œuvre d'un compositeur vit avec le regard que nous lui donnons. Elle ne se limite ni à ce qu'elle est, ni à la personne qui l'a produite, elle est également faite par celui qui l'entend. La musique, la peinture sont un espace de questionnement et de méditation où les sens que nous lui attribuons peuvent venir et se faire et se défaire¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I highly respect Boulez in all the aspects of his work, but, sadly have to admit that I never could appreciate this work of his whom I regurarly try to listen to. Glad to find so many people enjoing it despite my personal taste/point of view (no need to say that the piece is well written and so on...)
I've listened to this video many times, and it always amazes me that one person could have the energy and determination to write all of this down on manuscript paper. Any 15 seconds of this piece would have taken me a lifetime to write down. Also, I must say, as much as I enjoy Boulez's music, I strongly prefer music that "goes a certain way" -- music that can be remembered and internalized. That is why, for me, the premier composer of the 20th century is Messiaen. He composed a lot of very colourful music in the French manner, but the colour was always in the service of the overarching musical narrative. The thing that Messiaen's music has, and which Boulez's music completely lacks, is DRAMA. Compare a very modern piece of Messiaen (for example, "Christus Jesus, Splendor Patris," the 3rd movement of La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ (1965-1969) -- but please listen to the Dorati version, not the Chung version) with Repons. The former has a beginning, and ending, and a clear sense of development, even though it is organized in blocks (as Boulez loved to criticize Messiaen for). Messiaen could express infinitely more with his juxtaposed blocks than Boulez could ever hope to with his relentless wash of colours. Just my opinion -- I'm sure yours will differ.
Première fois que la musique de Boulez me touche - probablement pas un titre de fierté... Douce étrangeté, fluidité, splendeur des timbres, raffinement ornemental : un étrange bain bleu glacier de musique minérale néanmoins chaude. Etonnant, vraiment !
I must purchase this score! I will be stealing from Carter,Boulez,Messiaen and Varese the rest of my days hope I contribute something but this will be the chair I stand on to get a view and then paint on the sky my own visions !
@@JohnBorstlap You could take this advice yourself, John, and lay off the tonal koolaid. The 20th century happened, you have to deal with that the way everyone else is and not just bury your head in the ossified aesthetics of the past. I'd definitely rather Boulez over Borstlap any day of the week.
A nice example of ideological thinking, part and parcel of postwar modernism. History as a prescriptive party line, to which artists have to subdue themselves, as in fascism and communism people had to accept the totalitarian rewriting of history and answer the needs of the regime. But history is the result of decisions taken by people, and in art history we see often that things are being picked-up from previous periods - what to think of the Italian Renaissance, when being 'modern' was following the examples of Antiquity? What about the flowering of humanism in the same period, with the rediscovery of the Greek philosophers? Also revealing is the term 'koolaid' in the comment, such things pop-up throughtlessly and are therefore telling, like pot splinters at an archeological site: the term expresses contempt towards tonality, as something like an outdated position of a human construct which has fortunately been left behind, for us, who know so much better. But it is primitive thinking, result of ignorance.The entire classical music world, with a repertoire of literally ages of musical differentiation, is based upon a physical property: sound waves have mathematically-defined proportions which are reflected in musical works.Read Roger Scruton's 'Aesthetics of Music' and be liberated from totalitarian simpleton's ideas about cultural reality.
many people try to listen to this music and cannot find the poetry in it . Which is a shame .I like these soundscape worlds. He should not be compare to a great composer of the Past .It s just another way of making music
Boulez était un excellent musicologue/chef d'orchestre/chercheur. Grace à ses travaux, les compositeurs de tous bords ont beaucoup plus d'outils à disposition. Grace à ses travaux/recherches/vulgarisations il a mis en lumière des moyens, théorisé des techniques de composition qui ont nourri le monde des compositeurs et conséquemment le monde musical. Boulez se voulait novateur, et voulait marquer son époque. C'est réussi d'un point de vue musicologique... mais musicalement ça se discute ! Musicalement, Boulez est clairement une illustration de la pensée de son époque (Nihilisme, expressionnisme, structuralisme, traumatisme de la guerre/du chaos politique (nations devenues obsolètes)). Et il a illustré cette pensée en musiques. Sa musique est quelque part un figuralisme d'un monde abstrait. Rien de nouveau, c'est juste 2 pièces de lego collées ensemble^^ Par sa musique il ne créé donc pas une nouvelle réalité (un de ses objectifs de base), il interprète juste la sienne. Il est donc musicalement plus un symptôme de son époque, un interprète de son époque, qu'un compositeur novateur. Ce qui est un peu pauvre comme produit artistique pour crier au génie musicien ! (Cf Charlie Parker Thelonius Monk Charles Mingus Claude Debussy Beethoven Mozart Bach et consors... qui en leur temps ont changé le monde par la musique, et qui par ailleurs sont tous très populaires et étaient d'excellents improvisateurs). Sur le rapport populaire / savant, sur le sens de sa musique : Surfer sur la vague de notre condition humaine misérable et la déplorer ensemble pour se sentir plus proches les uns des autres, c'est un peu comme le "blues" pourrait-on se dire... A la différence que le blues était populaire, fait pour, né du peuple ; et que la musique de Boulez est (pour moi) une version victimaire subventionnée (typiquement française/européenne de son temps), individualiste péteuse et pédante (qui veut créer / se distinguer), prétentieuse et impopulaire de fait. La "popularité" musicale (pas musicologique) de Boulez n'est d'ailleurs (selon mon expérience personnelle) qu'une catharsis pour quelques bourgeois mélomanes se confortant dans leur nihilisme (cause et conséquence de leur condition). Un peu comme la musique gothique pour les ados, de la musique sectaire qui remplit sa fonction sociale. Lui qui se battait contre la condition immuable de l'homme, qui voulait rester dans l'Histoire, qui voulait changer le monde... restera peut-être dans l'Histoire comme un de ces hommes qui pensaient selon ce logiciel au XXeme siècle. Une caricature... J'en reviens à mon premier propos (déprécier la musicalité de Boulez met souvent ses défenseurs en émoi) : --> Boulez était un excellent musicologue/chef d'orchestre/chercheur. Grace à ses travaux, les compositeurs de tous bords ont beaucoup plus d'outils à disposition. Grace à ses travaux/recherches/vulgarisations il a mis en lumière des moyens, théorisé des techniques de composition qui ont nourri le monde des compositeurs et conséquemment le monde musical. --> Voilà ce que l'on peut à coup sûr lui reconnaître ;) RIP Pierrot
I've never seen this work performed live. The moment at around 8:46 when the percussive sounds enter is great staging. Is this type of theatrical entry indicated in the score?
é musica dell'istantaneità, di grande levatura, poggia su una ferrea costruzione ed organizzazione sonora, è un mondo ignoto, remoto, fortemente allusivo nel senso della mente e non certo delle emozioni.La musica suscitatrice di caldi affetti e di piacevoli emozioni è pattumiera, la musica deve comunque scioccare.
This is a very interesting piece, but, much as I love electronics, they almost seem superfluous to me here. The piece wouldn't really suffer without them. I don't feel that they add all that much to the soloists.
Perhaps M. Boulez and serious musicians would not approve, but I often think it helps to just think of it as a soundtrack. We hear music like this all the time in the movies, we just don't of it as standalone experience. Wonderful sharp colors, long curving lines, fleeting textures, and the flow of intense images of dreams... It is not the traditional forward moving structured rhetoric which tells us a story, but more an unfolding scroll of vivid, perhaps nightmarish, but always evocative, shifting and rich textural imagery.
Agreed. It's easy to think this music is striving to be more than its surfaces, sonorities, and textures, when it doesn't really seem to be. With no conventional dramatic movement and no followable through-line, the mind drifts off to its own thoughts while being persistently stimulated by the music, which I think is a good way to approach it. I even listen to this one in the background.
There's really nothing to 'comprehend'. Boulez' music is in the French tradition and is primarily sensuous, immediate. The surface, the pure sound, is an end in itself, and there is no deeper semantic component. Which is not to say that the music doesn't communicate emotion. Far from it--Boulez likened his music to "collective hysteria".
Il serait si passionnant, utile, pour le profane, de voir une partition graphique d'une œuvre de Pierre Boulez. J'ai mieux compris la Neuvième symphonie de Beethoven en la regardant défiler sur la chaîne de Stephen Malinowski, qui a un aspect pédagogique. Les analyses musicales disponibles dans le commerce sont éclairantes mais les "transcriptions" visuelles les complètent, à mon sens. Il a été dit que la musique contemporaine avait inventé de nouvelles structures... je ne saurais dire lesquelles bien que j'aie joué des petits morceaux du XXe siècle au piano, en amateur. Peut-être que l'Ensemble Intercontemporain un jour diffusera une vidéo graphique d'une œuvre célèbre de Pierre Boulez comme *Répons*, à la manière des partitions de musique électronique. Ne serait-ce pas merveilleux ?
We're priviledged to be able to experience this. Finest contemporary ensemble anywhere. Best visuals imaginable. if only one could bottle it.
Late 20th Century masterpiece, brilliantly performed and recorded. Thank you.
This is amazing: a crystal-clear recording of an outstanding performance!
Oh, I used to listen to Boulez all the time, and I had the honor of hearing him conduct "Notations" with the Chicago Symphony. I haven't heard his music since the '80s. So delighted to have found EI's channel here! The gold standard!
Quelle consolation que cela existe. Nous aurons encore un peu de répit pour nous abreuver à la Beauté avant que les barbares n’arrivent. (Leurs éclaireurs sont déjà là, comme le révèlent certains commentaires.)
Quelle consolation que vous ayez pu nous laisser cela, Pierre Boulez, et quel courage que fut le vôtre à lutter toute votre vie pour le rendre possible.
This is really wonderful. Debussy and Bartok are among my favorite composers, and find the same colorful sonorities and breathtaking rythmic energy ! The entrance of the soloists is mindblowingly beautiful ! A transcendental experience !
This is really good road trip music 🎶
I listened to this driving through the deep south where I’ve never been to before, with wetlands everywhere and scraggly looking trees. It fits rather well
Thank you Mr. Boulez
wonderful description
Très belle version ! Boulez a su transmettre sa musique si raffinée, mais aussi puissante. Une énergie complexe et sensible à la fois. Thank you Mister Boulez !
One of my favorites pieces!
I can listen to it all day 💖
Je ne m'en lasserai jamais. J'écoute Répons depuis dix ans, régulièrement, et, tel un classique, il ne cesse de livrer différents secrets à chaque écoute. Et puis la vidéo nous épargne les applaudissements (indésirables même dans le classique).
L'un de nos plus beaux chefs-d'œuvre musicaux. Écouter cette pièce me réconforte immensément en ces temps difficiles. J'espère un jour être capable d'écrire une œuvre aussi forte.
Bonne année à tous.
What's going on in the part starting at about the 3.5 minute mark, how would you explain how that stuttering/fluttery effect is executed?
My favourite Boulez piece. Camera work is excellent!
Une performance brillante et subtile avec la grande comprehension de l'oeuvre. Merci aux musiciens de l'EI et ingenieurs de l'EVM-IRCAM pour nous donner cette qualite incroyable du son et de l'image.
Merci beaucoup !
Vous aimez Pierre Boulez, Emile ? Un compositeur que je découvre depuis vingt ans. J'aime beaucoup Repons et Structures pour piano.
My niece asked me what kind of music robots, machines and automatons would make. I told her to listen to Boulez. She did and she said it was like elevator music for a crash dummy factory.
Toujours aussi belle année après année, et même de plus en plus sublime, détaillée, inspirante. C'est vraiment une œuvre à part ! L'entrée des solistes me fait frissonner d'enchantement à chaque fois !
Repons de Pierre Boulez é a maior obra-prima da música contemporânea em toda sua extensão ! Com Repons Pierre Boulez reina em primeiro lugar na música contemporânea .
Still listening to it regularly, and still enchanted by it ! Strenght and courage to everybody in those uncertain times.
Fabulous! Blew me away! Heard things I didn't quite hear in the Boulez recording. That's musicianship. These musicians must have rehearsed hundreds of hours on this!!! (Some of them also played on the Boulez recording too). Thank God Gerzso is still around to make the electroniques work; in a way, he should be credited as some kind of arranger or assistant composer. Unforgettable performance of an unforgettable piece of music. Keep it up, Maestro Pintscher.
My niece asked me what kind of music robots, machines and automatons would make. I told her to listen to Boulez. She did and she said it was like elevator music for a crash dummy factory.
Who is Gerszo?
What a great recording! So many cool details, like the closeup of the bass striking the strings with a mallet.
Amazing beauty and vitality ! Such a truly powerful and awesome musical Masterpiece. "Thank you Mister Pierre Boulez" !
Stunning beauty
absolutely amazing performance
Superbe interprétation de ce pure cristal boulézien, avec une qualité de son exceptionnelle, comme toujours avec l'Ensemble Intercontemporain. Merci beaucoup !
The work of a composer lives with the look we give it. She is not limited to what it is, nor to the person who produced it, she is also made by the one who hears it. Music, painting are a space of questioning and meditation where the senses that we attribute to it can come and be made and undone
amazing, supple, nuanced performance, thought I knew the piece well, so many new facets to discover here, just a marvel of tone color and lyricism! Bravo to conductor, orchestra, and RUclips poster!
Thanks !
Ditto for me. A remarkable performance of a very challenging work.
un grand merci a cet inconnu qui ne s est pas prive de nous faire partager cette partition. elle resonnera longtemps dans l espace ou je vis.splendide!
Ce n'est pas un inconnu. C'est l'Ensemble Intercontemporain.
Bravo! Played with such commitment.
Absolument fantastique !
Ces nouveaux "codes" d'écriture musicale m'enchantent à souhait .
On va de surprise en surprise , que ce soit au niveau de la richesse des timbres et de leur exploitation ou bien encore de la structure même de cette oeuvre gigantesque aux multiples "rebondissements" .
On ne s'ennuie jamais , c'est un véritable délice !
Un génie de la Création , ce grand Maître Pierre BOULEZ .
Orchestre magnifique , Direction impeccable , mastering du son et de l'image parfait .
Bref , tous mes compliments à tous les musiciens et aux équipes techniques .
Cordialement . Pierrot
Merci !
This piece is like the mafia: just when I think I'm done with it forever it somehow draws me back in.
Parfaite acoustique , éclairage très réussi . Pierre Boulez aurait aimé cette réalisation.
How lucky to stumble on such a marvel! Exquisite.
Hearing this music live is quite an experience.
Fantastic. Thanks for sharing!
this is fantastic: exact, energetic, full of dimension and color
Incredible piece of music(R.I.P.Boulez), incredible conductor, incredible Ensemble.Thanks for this video:)
Thanks !
Boulez's music is just like glittering diamonds! A sonic treat.
This is truly awesome. Didn't expect that would be so deep and beautiful. Listened to this in one breath.
beautiful performance bravo!
+Kamil Kosecki Composer Thanks !
this performance is indeed amazing. bravo!
Merci , c'est beau ,de la haute voltige. Bravo à ces artistes qui brillent d'intelligence .
Superb, music and performance.
probably one of the most beautiful music i've ever heard, this work changed my life ! and this performance is superb !
Thanks !
Your immense efforts would be better understood if they were presented not as music but as sonic art, entirely disconnected from any expectations of music as an art form as it developed over the last 4oo years. PB was much more modern than he himself thought, he created, together with Stockhausen, Xenakis et al an entirely new art form based upon pure sound. Music is something fundamentally different. By the way, 'Repons' appears to be brilliantly played, as far as this could ever be assessed - 'wrong notes' do not exist in Boulez' work because the concept of 'rightness' refers only to the written note, not to an overall musical conception.
I agree on calling this sonic art, but I wouldn't lump Xenakis in with Boulez and other serialists. Xenakis could make functional music. Purposefully ugly, mind-bending music but music still, although a few of his compositions do fit the "sonic art" category.
The problem with sonic art, it seems to me, is that it's enjoyment is low-level. It sucks both as an art form and as entertainment. Maybe it would be quality entertainment for the blind.
@@Qoombia It is quite beautiful. I don't get how people are deaf and can't hear the music.
Oeuvre hors du temps... Sublime
RIP, Maestro Boulez. You will be greatly missed.
I agree, he was a really great musician
Bruno56 are you out of your fucking mind
Spectacular playing and a great video!
Bravo les Musiciens! Le Chef bien-sur! Belle prise de vue !
Oh La La ! Wonderful, Superb, Tip Top, Great !
wonderful concert hall/visuals and a beguiling if overlong piece from a major musician from the 2nd half of the 20th Century. Interesting to see how his approach to toccata-like texture evolved over time, from the 2nd movement of the 1st piano sonata/ to the glossy kind of material at 25:00
Great Performance!
Surely, the biggest musical contribution of the XXth century. Looking to the past, everything is integrated and looking to the future of music and aesthetics. absolument genial.
I really hope you would come and play this work in Taiwan
merveilleuse cette oeuvre. très belle performance.
After coming to embrace and enjoy the piano sonatas as masterpieces of modernism, it is with this piece that I am able to include Boulez as a significant orchestrator and modernist composer of the first rank. A dearth of compositions may ultimately deprive him of the success that will devolve on Carter, Wuorinen, Ligeti, Babbitt and a few others of the post WWII era. I dare say that in a peculiar way his legacy will look more like William Schuman - an academic, an educator and occasional contributor to the ouevre. How do ya like me now? This is an amazing piece of music.
I am amazed and surprised by this masterpiece! Glorious!
Is it posible to you describe what do you feel when you listen to it?
@@davidalonsoaguilarvaldizan6448 for me it’s excitement
@@zgart and could you describe which elements of the music cause this feeling in you?
@@davidalonsoaguilarvaldizan6448 contrast of timbres and harmony, which are relatively new to me so it’s fascinating and refreshing!
@@zgart this elements keep your attention the hole piece? For example , the “harmony” keep sounding fresh the 46 minutes of music to you?
Wow, thank you so much to the musicians.
Thanks , I love this music and architecture , engineer.
L'œuvre d'un compositeur vit avec le regard que nous lui donnons. Elle ne se limite ni à ce qu'elle est, ni à la personne qui l'a produite, elle est également faite par celui qui l'entend. La musique, la peinture sont un espace de questionnement et de méditation où les sens que nous lui attribuons peuvent venir et se faire et se défaire¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Masterpiece! Thanks for posting
Complètement sublime
Magnifique. Quel talent . Bravo
Peut être LE Chef d'oeuvre de Pierre Boulez et de la seconde moitié du XX° siècle.
I highly respect Boulez in all the aspects of his work, but, sadly have to admit that I never could appreciate this work of his whom I regurarly try to listen to. Glad to find so many people enjoing it despite my personal taste/point of view (no need to say that the piece is well written and so on...)
I've listened to this video many times, and it always amazes me that one person could have the energy and determination to write all of this down on manuscript paper. Any 15 seconds of this piece would have taken me a lifetime to write down. Also, I must say, as much as I enjoy Boulez's music, I strongly prefer music that "goes a certain way" -- music that can be remembered and internalized. That is why, for me, the premier composer of the 20th century is Messiaen. He composed a lot of very colourful music in the French manner, but the colour was always in the service of the overarching musical narrative. The thing that Messiaen's music has, and which Boulez's music completely lacks, is DRAMA. Compare a very modern piece of Messiaen (for example, "Christus Jesus, Splendor Patris," the 3rd movement of La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ (1965-1969) -- but please listen to the Dorati version, not the Chung version) with Repons. The former has a beginning, and ending, and a clear sense of development, even though it is organized in blocks (as Boulez loved to criticize Messiaen for). Messiaen could express infinitely more with his juxtaposed blocks than Boulez could ever hope to with his relentless wash of colours. Just my opinion -- I'm sure yours will differ.
RIP Boulez - thank you for transcribing a sort fanged noumena through a new musical language
Pierre Boulez m'offre des promenades à travers ses paysages sonores et mon imaginaire vagabonde 😊
Première fois que la musique de Boulez me touche - probablement pas un titre de fierté... Douce étrangeté, fluidité, splendeur des timbres, raffinement ornemental : un étrange bain bleu glacier de musique minérale néanmoins chaude. Etonnant, vraiment !
La révélation pour moi ça a été Improvisation III (4e mouvement de Pli selon pli) à la radio.
I must purchase this score! I will be stealing from Carter,Boulez,Messiaen and Varese the rest of my days hope I contribute something but this will be the chair I stand on to get a view and then paint on the sky my own visions !
Don't forget to take your medicines.
@@JohnBorstlap You could take this advice yourself, John, and lay off the tonal koolaid. The 20th century happened, you have to deal with that the way everyone else is and not just bury your head in the ossified aesthetics of the past. I'd definitely rather Boulez over Borstlap any day of the week.
A nice example of ideological thinking, part and parcel of postwar modernism. History as a prescriptive party line, to which artists have to subdue themselves, as in fascism and communism people had to accept the totalitarian rewriting of history and answer the needs of the regime. But history is the result of decisions taken by people, and in art history we see often that things are being picked-up from previous periods - what to think of the Italian Renaissance, when being 'modern' was following the examples of Antiquity? What about the flowering of humanism in the same period, with the rediscovery of the Greek philosophers? Also revealing is the term 'koolaid' in the comment, such things pop-up throughtlessly and are therefore telling, like pot splinters at an archeological site: the term expresses contempt towards tonality, as something like an outdated position of a human construct which has fortunately been left behind, for us, who know so much better. But it is primitive thinking, result of ignorance.The entire classical music world, with a repertoire of literally ages of musical differentiation, is based upon a physical property: sound waves have mathematically-defined proportions which are reflected in musical works.Read Roger Scruton's 'Aesthetics of Music' and be liberated from totalitarian simpleton's ideas about cultural reality.
The finalle, superb.
Starts at 1:34
Tenebrosamente bello. Me encanta.
many people try to listen to this music and cannot find the poetry in it . Which is a shame .I like these soundscape worlds. He should not be compare to a great composer of the Past .It s just another way of making music
OK, Igor S. -- See what you started? But still, somehow, I like it. I can't stop smiling.
This is pretty good. I like how the conductor looks like he's not enjoying it and is just doing movements 😂
the anti-Gergiev
I think I heard an octave somewhere, around 14:00. Must have been a mistake.
ca. 12:00 too :-)
Thank you so much.
AMAZING! It will take several listenings to appreciate all the colors and inter actions. Sounds like a difficult score to play.
Good job!
Звукопись Булеза почему то очень узнаваема и так удивительна. Мелодический орнамент и тембры. Для меня это отдельный мир музыки.
music is mysterious
awesome music
Boulez était un excellent musicologue/chef d'orchestre/chercheur.
Grace à ses travaux, les compositeurs de tous bords ont beaucoup plus d'outils à disposition. Grace à ses travaux/recherches/vulgarisations il a mis en lumière des moyens, théorisé des techniques de composition qui ont nourri le monde des compositeurs et conséquemment le monde musical.
Boulez se voulait novateur, et voulait marquer son époque.
C'est réussi d'un point de vue musicologique... mais musicalement ça se discute !
Musicalement, Boulez est clairement une illustration de la pensée de son époque (Nihilisme, expressionnisme, structuralisme, traumatisme de la guerre/du chaos politique (nations devenues obsolètes)).
Et il a illustré cette pensée en musiques.
Sa musique est quelque part un figuralisme d'un monde abstrait. Rien de nouveau, c'est juste 2 pièces de lego collées ensemble^^
Par sa musique il ne créé donc pas une nouvelle réalité (un de ses objectifs de base), il interprète juste la sienne.
Il est donc musicalement plus un symptôme de son époque, un interprète de son époque, qu'un compositeur novateur.
Ce qui est un peu pauvre comme produit artistique pour crier au génie musicien ! (Cf Charlie Parker Thelonius Monk Charles Mingus Claude Debussy Beethoven Mozart Bach et consors... qui en leur temps ont changé le monde par la musique, et qui par ailleurs sont tous très populaires et étaient d'excellents improvisateurs).
Sur le rapport populaire / savant, sur le sens de sa musique :
Surfer sur la vague de notre condition humaine misérable et la déplorer ensemble pour se sentir plus proches les uns des autres, c'est un peu comme le "blues" pourrait-on se dire...
A la différence que le blues était populaire, fait pour, né du peuple ; et que la musique de Boulez est (pour moi) une version victimaire subventionnée (typiquement française/européenne de son temps), individualiste péteuse et pédante (qui veut créer / se distinguer), prétentieuse et impopulaire de fait.
La "popularité" musicale (pas musicologique) de Boulez n'est d'ailleurs (selon mon expérience personnelle) qu'une catharsis pour quelques bourgeois mélomanes se confortant dans leur nihilisme (cause et conséquence de leur condition).
Un peu comme la musique gothique pour les ados, de la musique sectaire qui remplit sa fonction sociale.
Lui qui se battait contre la condition immuable de l'homme, qui voulait rester dans l'Histoire, qui voulait changer le monde... restera peut-être dans l'Histoire comme un de ces hommes qui pensaient selon ce logiciel au XXeme siècle.
Une caricature...
J'en reviens à mon premier propos (déprécier la musicalité de Boulez met souvent ses défenseurs en émoi) :
--> Boulez était un excellent musicologue/chef d'orchestre/chercheur.
Grace à ses travaux, les compositeurs de tous bords ont beaucoup plus d'outils à disposition. Grace à ses travaux/recherches/vulgarisations il a mis en lumière des moyens, théorisé des techniques de composition qui ont nourri le monde des compositeurs et conséquemment le monde musical.
--> Voilà ce que l'on peut à coup sûr lui reconnaître ;) RIP Pierrot
definitive performance - the orchestral playing in particular is more confident, clear and gutsy than in the Boulez recording.
so good...
you mean: sodelicious!
Now I am finally realizing - 30+ years after graduating from Conservatory - the through line between Boulez and Zappa 😅
Don't know jacksheet bout contemporary classics, but this piece has a lot of interesting sound chunk :0
I've never seen this work performed live. The moment at around 8:46 when the percussive sounds enter is great staging. Is this type of theatrical entry indicated in the score?
é musica dell'istantaneità, di grande levatura, poggia su una ferrea costruzione ed organizzazione sonora, è un mondo ignoto, remoto, fortemente allusivo nel senso della mente e non certo delle emozioni.La musica suscitatrice di caldi affetti e di piacevoli emozioni è pattumiera, la musica deve comunque scioccare.
1:33 start
This is a very interesting piece, but, much as I love electronics, they almost seem superfluous to me here. The piece wouldn't really suffer without them. I don't feel that they add all that much to the soloists.
I don't know if this music is too complicated or I'm just very stupid, but I just can't comprehend it :/
Perhaps M. Boulez and serious musicians would not approve, but I often think it helps to just think of it as a soundtrack. We hear music like this all the time in the movies, we just don't of it as standalone experience. Wonderful sharp colors, long curving lines, fleeting textures, and the flow of intense images of dreams... It is not the traditional forward moving structured rhetoric which tells us a story, but more an unfolding scroll of vivid, perhaps nightmarish, but always evocative, shifting and rich textural imagery.
Agreed. It's easy to think this music is striving to be more than its surfaces, sonorities, and textures, when it doesn't really seem to be. With no conventional dramatic movement and no followable through-line, the mind drifts off to its own thoughts while being persistently stimulated by the music, which I think is a good way to approach it. I even listen to this one in the background.
Hear it again and again. Simply that.
I think you might be right...the music sounds random and textual and could be the soundtrack to something nightmarish.
There's really nothing to 'comprehend'. Boulez' music is in the French tradition and is primarily sensuous, immediate. The surface, the pure sound, is an end in itself, and there is no deeper semantic component. Which is not to say that the music doesn't communicate emotion. Far from it--Boulez likened his music to "collective hysteria".
Il serait si passionnant, utile, pour le profane, de voir une partition graphique d'une œuvre de Pierre Boulez. J'ai mieux compris la Neuvième symphonie de Beethoven en la regardant défiler sur la chaîne de Stephen Malinowski, qui a un aspect pédagogique. Les analyses musicales disponibles dans le commerce sont éclairantes mais les "transcriptions" visuelles les complètent, à mon sens. Il a été dit que la musique contemporaine avait inventé de nouvelles structures... je ne saurais dire lesquelles bien que j'aie joué des petits morceaux du XXe siècle au piano, en amateur. Peut-être que l'Ensemble Intercontemporain un jour diffusera une vidéo graphique d'une œuvre célèbre de Pierre Boulez comme *Répons*, à la manière des partitions de musique électronique. Ne serait-ce pas merveilleux ?
Listening to this gives me a sense of urgency and tension that I don't know what to do or think of. It's kind of weird.
P.boulez is a master
37:51 that smile.. that damned smile..
Incluido en Klásica: ruclips.net/p/PLGwMd6H3V68oJldmR0OkSzoNiCqfFg0VS
Igor Stravinsky is the first to conceive such a unique style!