Korean Hwarang: A legend or a fact?

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @user-hh7vv7xj7o
    @user-hh7vv7xj7o 3 года назад +13

    Wonhwa was not a female warrior, but a leader of a youth group. The king made a beautiful princess and a beautiful lady led two youth groups to boost the group member's self-esteem because Silla admired beauty. It was a sort of honorary position. Also, Do of Hwarangdo means group, not martial arts. Hwarangdo means youth group, like

    • @mikitadou
      @mikitadou  3 года назад +3

      I believe you, the information about Wonhwa is almost non-excitant. They were an older concept that even the Hwarang, but apparently they had a warrior purpose too, something akin to Japanese onnamusha. If you have more information about it, please share it, I would like to learn more about ancient Korea ;)

    @PETBOY 3 года назад +10

    Silla was an era of luxury. In fact, the silla people wore a lot of makeup, but there are many records of makeup and accessories. We also had exchanges with Iran, which is very far away. Men said they put on something similar to Makeup Powder and On the lips lipstick . It is said that before putting on makeup, hair was also removed from the face. And during a certain period, Silla was the one that had more exchanges with Japan than the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty ignored Japan at the time, but Shilla had a lot of exchanges because it was geographically very close to Japan. ex) According to the website of Nara Prefecture, Japan, the construction of Todaiji in Japan was supervised by Silla carpenter craftsman.

    • @mikitadou
      @mikitadou  3 года назад +2

      That makes sense, first Korean cities and temples were also supervised by the Chinese architects. But I didn't know about Silla's connection to Japan, since I always thought Baekje had deeper relationship in trade with Japan at that time.

    • @PETBOY
      @PETBOY 3 года назад +1

      @@mikitadou ​ They also exchanged with Baekje, but they also had exchanges with silla. It is said that Tōdai-ji Giant Buddha was designed by Baekje. And Tōdai-ji Stone tiger statue made in south Song dynasty Sculpture craftsman. It seems that in the beginning, we got along well with each other. Source is here www.pref.nara.jp/koho/kenmindayori/tayori/t2010/tayori2208/tyu_kan_yukari2208.htm And it is said that Goguryeo, Baekje, and Shinlins, who were defeated in the war with China, migrated to Japan in large numbers. And it is said that Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, who were defeated in the war with China, migrated to Japan in large numbers. It is said that the people of Goguryeo built Etc, Hokanji Temple in Kyoto.(ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B3%95%E8%A6%B3%E5%AF%BA 聖徳太子創建の伝承は信憑性に疑いがあるものの、平安京遷都以前から存在した古い寺院であることは確かとされており、朝鮮半島系の渡来氏族・八坂氏の氏寺として創建されたという見方が有力である。)

    • @mitonaarea5856
      @mitonaarea5856 2 года назад

      @@PETBOY Only people from Baekje were said to migrate to Japan following the dissolution of their state.

  • @gabrielmondragon3715
    @gabrielmondragon3715 8 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent, does it can be related also to Taekyon?
    Man, U do an excellent work, hope everything is good over there (knowing as it is) and may the blessing of almighty God be with you and yours... greetings from Colombia 🇨🇴

  • @이름모를누구-m4v
    @이름모를누구-m4v 2 года назад +2

    You seem to have doubts about the existence of the Hwarang, but it is true that the Hwarang itself did exist. But it's not a grand concept. It's just like JROTC. Silla was the weakest of the three kingdoms of ancient Korea, and in order to survive, it implemented various military service systems, and Hwarang was just a military service system that conscripted the children of nobles.

  • @user-rq8rh3si3m
    @user-rq8rh3si3m Год назад +4

    화랑은 엘리트귀족 집단이 맞다. 화랑에 선발되는 가장 중요한 기준은 외모였다. 신라인들은 자유로운 연애를 했다. 신라는 모계사회였기때문에 여성들의 성관계는 매우 자유로웠으며, 우수한 유전자를 남기고 싶어해서 화랑들은 인기가 아주 많았다.
    신라는 다부다처제였다. 여성들은 남성들과 똑같이 성관계에서 제약을 받지 않았으며 오히려 주도권은 여성에게 있었다. 신라에는 성관계를 할때 남성이 갖춰야하는 예절이 따로 있었다. 신라인들은 여러명과 자유롭게 연애하고 성관계를 했지만, 성관계에 대한 특별한 예절이 있었기에 문란하다 할 수 없다. 그들은 성관계를 성스럽게 여겼다. 신라의 여성인권은 상당히 높았으며 왕위 선정에 개입하는 식으로 정치에도 참여했으며, 여왕도 존재했다. 여성인권이 상당히 낮은 지금의 한국사회를 보면 상상이 가지 않지만 한국의 고대중세는 모계사회였고 심지어 유교국가였던 300년 전까지도 모계풍습은 사라지지않아서 모든 아이들은 외가에서 자랐다. 남녀 부모재산 상속도 동일했다. 그리고 한국 왕조의 왕의 어머니가 신분이 낮은 경우는 거의 없다. 왜냐하면 혈통의 존귀는 어머니 영향이 컸기때문이다. 모계풍습의 전통이었다. 이것은 낮은신분의 여성도 왕의 어머니인 태후가 될 수 있었던 중국의 경우와 완전히 다르다.
    화랑은 이런 사회적 배경에 만들어진 신라 정신을 대표하는 인재양성소였다. 그들은 나라를 위해 전쟁에서 공을 세웠으나 무도 못지않게 아름다움과 예술, 기예, 지혜 등을 갈고 닦았다. 신라는 여성의 인권이 높은 매우 부유한 나라였으며, 페르시아에서는 신라를 동방의 유토피아라고 기록했다. 신라는 과학과 기술도 뛰어났다. 그들은 천문학과 기하학에 밝았으며, 무역강국이었다.
    신라와 일본과의 교류가 아니라 일본에 신라의 식민지가 있었다. 사실 고대일본은 삼한의 식민지였고 백제가 망하자 백제왕조가 일본에서 패권을 잡아 제대로된 왕조를 이어나갔다. 일본인들은 인정하고 싶지않겠지만 고대의 일본은 모든 것을 삼한으로 부터 얻었다
    신라가 얼마나 부유했냐면 일본으로 보내는 물품에 신라 행정문서 종이를 싸서 보냈다. 행정문서는 타국으로 반출하지않는 것인데, 일본은 식민지이기때문에 보냈던걸로 추측할 수 있다. 고대에는 종이가 아주 귀했는데 종이를 완충제로 썼다는 것 또한 놀라운 점이다. 신라는 약소국이 아니다 당대 선진국이며 기술 과학이 발달한 국가였다 나침반이 신라가 만든 발명품이다 중국은 인정하기싫겠지만ㅋ 한국의 고대역사는 중국과 일본에 의해 폄훼되고 약소평가된다 왜냐하면 한국이 동아시아 문명의 원류인 점을 그들은 절대 들키고 싶지 않기 때문이다 역사는 승자의 것이지않은가 중국과 일본에 비하면 현재 한국은 크게 힘을 못쓴다 그래서 제대로된 역사가 알려지지않은 것이다

    • @범희이-b1k
      @범희이-b1k 3 месяца назад

      대륙신라에 대해 어떻게 생각하심?

  • @barbiebarbie1813
    @barbiebarbie1813 Год назад

    Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, Goryeo, Joseon. The ruler family has always claimed to be Chinese. They have always been Chinese officials and nobles. They have learned Chinese and Chinese characters as soon as they are born. For more than 2000 years, they have been closely with the Chinese emperor and official touch (Like the kings of other Chinese cities), all historical records and decisions on the Korean Peninsula need to be approved by the Chinese emperor.
    And Goguryeo (one of the ancient Chinese city) had opinion with the Chinese emperor. The emperor ordered Baekje, Silla sent troops to eliminate Goguryeo's rebels (Chinese officials).
    (* Goguryeo, Baekje, SILLA is one of the ancient Chinese governance cities and military areas. It was once a long -term residence of ancient Chinese people. The location is on the Korean Peninsula today.
    Most of the ancient tombs and unearthed cultural relics prove the traces of settlement and life of a large number of ancient Chinese.)))
    The ancient Chinese did not fight with other countries (except the invaders: Mongolians and Manchus).
    For the reunification of the Han nationality. In ancient China, war often occurred. In the history of Chinese history. The Han national unity war is common (after the Qin Shihuang era). Goguryeo is similar to today's Taiwan and Hong Kong situation.
    Writing history is the tradition and habit of the Chinese.
    The history of the ancient Korean Peninsula was written by classical Chinese (文言文). This was read for the Chinese and must be approved for the Chinese emperor. This is a record and governance story of Chinese officials and nobles on the ancient Korean Peninsula.
    In Chinese history, the ancestors of the Korean today are called "White Clothes Ethnic". Their language is Korean. It is the southernmost indigenous people on the ancient Korean Peninsula .
    They have been banned by Chinese local administrators (the governors of ancient North Korea) for banning Chinese language and Chinese characters. Because only the Chinese (royal, officials, nobles, scholars, doctors, monks, senior officers, technicians ... ) can to use it.
    Chinese language and Korean language are completely different languages and grammar.
    People who do not speak Chinese language and Chinese characters (high education) are the history of the Korean Peninsula written by Chinese people who do not understand. People who use classical Chinese are people who can speak fluent Chinese official languages and Chinese dialects. Korean people who speak Korean can not understand Chinese characters and classical Chinese at all.
    There is no ruling family on the ancient Korean peninsula to speak Korean and Korean characters. They will speak fluent Chinese Han dialects and Chinese official languages. They all use Chinese characters and classical Chinese.
    Goguryeo, Baekje, SILLA, Goryeo, Joseon. The ruler family. Their language is Chinese Han dialect . They can use Chinese characters fluently.

  • @barbiebarbie1813
    @barbiebarbie1813 Год назад

    Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, Goryeo, Joseon ......aristocratic regimes established on the ancient korea peninsula 朝鮮半島. Why can they be universal Chinese characters and classical Chinese. Because the language they speak is Chinese Han dialect. At the same time, they will also speak Chinese official language. (Like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Shanghai, Sichuan ....)
    Since ancient times, the educated Han people have at least 2 Chinese languages (also in China today). One is the official language (the emperor's Han dialect). The other is the local Han dialect. Whether they are talking about the kind of Han dialect. They can all generally communicate and communicate with Chinese characters and classical Chinese.
    It is impossible for ancient Chinese to teach Chinese culture from non -Han people. Language, Chinese characters, architectural technology, medicine, and other technologies.
    The ancient Chinese emperor completely banned the ancient Japanese (Japanese language) and South Korea (Korean language) entered Chinese territory. Only the Chinese in the local area could travel to China.
    Only the area occupied by the Chinese. After becoming the territory of the Chinese, they will report to the Chinese emperor. They are approved by the Chinese emperor as a local Chinese official (little king).
    The Chinese emperor will give a Chinese character name in this new area (倭JAPAN. 朝鮮KOREA. 越 Vietnam). He will send a large number of Chinese officials, trainees, soldiers, monks, doctors, architects, technicians, and their family members. Move to local life (ancient Japan, Korea, North Vietnam) and responsible for the development of these backward districts.
    The official Chinese palace that establishes political power in the local area. Establish a Chinese governance system. Build a large number of Chinese buildings. It has transported a large number of Chinese books, products, fabrics, artworks, various tools ...Send it to the local supply to the Chinese.
    Ancient Chinese culture naturally produced in this area. This is also a symbol of Chinese territory, political and military power. This is also the traditional practice of expanding the territory of the ancient Chinese royal family.
    However, these Chinese culture and local indigenous people (Japanese language. Korean language. Vietnamese language) has little to do. Except for some indigenous people who work for the ancint Chinese, it is possible to learn some Chinese technology.
    * The ruler of the Japanese Edo period was replaced by the local indigenous people (bald epidemic). Continue to use the castles and culture left by the Chinese.
    Some of the ancient Chinese in Japan were killed. Some of them were classified as Japanese technicians/scholars/martial arts/monks ... continue to help the development and innovation of Japanese culture in Japan.
    * Ancient people need to learn Chinese characters and Chinese technology. It is very, very difficult (modern people).
    It is impossible for non -Han people who have not lived in China for a long time. (You think there are networks and RUclips in ancient times)
    * Ancient Chinese = Han people 漢人

  • @barbiebarbie1813
    @barbiebarbie1813 Год назад

    History of 2000. The ancient Chinese (Han people) never regarded the ancient Koreans as the same Ethnic.
    Most parts of the ancient Korea (古朝鮮) are where Chinese live (Han four counties 漢四郡 >> Goguryeo. Silla. Baiji. >>Goryeo >>Joseon ). Ancient Korean history was also written by Chinese officials and scholars. Record the life and governance of the Chinese (mainly king and nobles) on the ancient Korean Peninsula.
    Indigenous Koreans (the ancestors of Koreans today). They are living in the southernmost part of the ancient Korean Peninsula. They speak Korean language. They are like the ethnic minorities in China today. In history, the ancient Chinese called them "white clothes Ethnic白衣民族".
    The ancient Chinese were very disgusted with Koreans (white clothes Ethnic白衣民族). Because this Ethnic was very primitive and backward. They wore white clothes and exposed nipples . After the 13th century, Chinese officials (kings of ancient Korea) prohibited Koreans from wearing white clothes and exposing nipples. (But they are very resistant. So it cannot be implemented. Until 1960. Westerners can still see Korean women wearing nipples with nipples on the street. Refer to real historical photos).).
    The ancient Koreans were banned from learning and using Chinese characters. They also prohibited them from leaving the Korean Peninsula to enter the area where the Han people lived.
    * ancient korea = 古朝鮮 . The rulers are ancient Chinese 漢人. The official language is Chinese (& the Han dialect 漢族方言) and classic Chinese characters.
    * today korea = 韓國 . The rulers are white clothes Ethnic 白衣民族. The official language is Korean and Korean characters.