H.H. The Sakya Kyabgon Thrichen Rinpoche 2024

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • In the Arya land (India ) there might be many lineages.
    But As a Buddhist, Mangpo Kurwai lineage was the most supreme and precious among all.
    Likewise, in the land of snow (Tibet) we had many greatly amazing lineages
    Especially, For many of us Celestial race, Khon and the Palden Sakyapa
    Renowned as a combination of three Excellent names, the stainless lineage.
    In the past, Khon Nagendrarashikta, Khon Konchok Gyalpo, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo, Lopon Sonam Tsemo, Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen and Sakya Pandita Drogon Choegyal Phakpa etc.
    Had descended one after another non-stop as lights in the northern Gloomy region.
    Our very own Holiness is also a descendant of this precious Lineage.
    In this way, The perfect Guru His Holiness, embodies qualities such as
    Abandonment and realization, wisdom and practice, diligence and graciousnessand unimaginable ornaments, etc.
    The Master of Constant on others' well-being, visible and never hidden,can be seen, heard and experienced directly.
    In general, in the time of decreasing the light of the Buddha's Dharma turn to Buddha's Life-tree, the companionship of Buddha.
    The master of all, glorious Sakyapa or the King of the North, renowned crown.
    The living master H.H. is the only one to put a finger as our refuge, hope, saviour and companionship.
    Countless good fortune disciples and numerous religious tradition holders.
    In particular, three glorious Sa, Ngor, Tsar, Dungseys and Je-tsun-mas from all palaces.
    His Holiness is the root Guru for all of them.
    Holiness is one from whom received, all the empowerment and transmission of Mandalas,
    All the Sutras and Tantras' transmission and instructions as well.
    His Holiness is the only one from whom we seek refuge in this life, the next life and in the intermediate state,
    The diamond King, the actual Heruka, expressing his name is difficult but for the sake of all.
    Kyabgon Dagtri Dorjee chang Ngawang Kunga Thegchen PalbarTrinley Samphel Wangi Gyalpo Ayur Benjar Rinpoche.
    The One living gracefully is the PERFECT GURU of the present.
    All sentient beings are our mothers.
    All sentient beings have been our very dear ones. lgnoring them and just seeking liberation or enlightenment for oneself alone is not right.
    -H.H. The Sakya Gongma Thrichen Rinpoche

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