The Bondage and SM videos always end with the actress saying how much fun she had, when that part was clearly filmed before the horrendous session began. You can see it on the faces of the women that they are in deeper than they ever expected. I ran into one where the woman was crying uncontrollably while she was being urinated on and verbally abused. I haven't watched a porn in over ten years, but that scene stands out in my mind as truly tragic.
Yea, well that would be a niche genre of porn. Not all porn is that extreme, bdsm also isn’t just porn. It’s like a community and people do it in real life without cameras, people actually did it before cameras.
@@Eric_Bassett True, but I doubt the sadistic emperors of Rome had willing participants. There was probably a high number of sexual sadists among the Nazis too. Even today, Nazi uniforms and imagery play a big part in the SM scene. There is a real darkness that lurks in the human mind that comes out when people have power over one another.
@@Eric_BassettDude, what's your problem? I see that in every moment you have you take advantage of it to "defend" corn, although you do it in a strange way, justifying and looking for pathetic ways to defend its consumption, although you are right about the criticism that actresses receive from their own consumers, but only in that. Better admit that you like looking at it, that you are most likely an @dd1ct and that the frustration of finding a partner (something you say a lot) applies to your life, otherwise I don't understand why your eagerness to defend it like a wild animal with its food. Unless I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it. Don't bother answering, I already saw your way of doing it, extremely predictable.
@@RebelliousLittleElf R@pe is based on consent. Non consensual sex is r@pe. There’s no such thing as legal r@pe. As far as violent degrading sex acts go, Believe it or not some women like violent sex and may even be the one dishing out the violence. What do you think a dominatrix is ? you can’t sum this up with one sentence and then just skedaddle. That’s not how life works.
It helps to know real stories of busy but it is also like telling a drug addict about the brutality of the drug trade. It can help but the energy that motivates them must come from witihin
@@arisorokin of course. And they must stop being brainwashed into thinking that they are missing out on something by quitting.. The “one last time” mindset is a trap. It’s abstaining long enough for the inner beast to die.
True. When I was in the sex industry, I took great pains to convince those who could hire me that I was not in any kind of desperate situation. This is more important today than it used to be. No one wants to be the one who talked someone into it. I understood that they didn’t want something like that affecting their image or conscience. It’s uncomfortable and distasteful to employers and consumers. It’s also a legal liability. It’s, essentially, about image and the brand producers want to promote. I do the same thing with square employers. The more desperate I am for the job, the less desperate I want to appear, so they don’t worry about theft, a chaotic situation causing me to miss work, etc. I know it would not benefit me to do those things, but they don’t know. I stress my interest in the mission and philosophy of the organization or company, the type of work I’m qualified to do, and a strong desire to do the type of work they are offering. People with the power to make hiring decisions don’t often relate to a need to do anything that will make ends meet. It’s the same way in the sex industry. People want to hire someone who is excited about the work, not someone who supposes they will do it, if it comes down to survival. In the day of awareness of human trafficking, you not only have to work but you have to reassure people it’s ok with you and something you would do anyway, if money was not a factor. Performers and sexual service providers aren’t stupid and pick up on this easily. It comes from being turned down if you’re open and honest about doing so because you just left an abusive marriage, have a chronic illness and medical bills, kids you need to feed, an addiction, someone close to you with an addiction, or whatever the case may be. We see those who present themselves as eager, wild, incorrigible women being hired and paid gladly. It’s an image a lot of people wouldn’t want to portray, in any personal context, and the fact that people don’t notice the difference when money is involved is mind-boggling. Maybe the producers, etc. are aware, but reward people who play the role, for their image. I have seen a lot of street interviews on YT and the average viewer does not consider the worker’s position at all. They say, “I have no sympathy. She loves the lifestyle and chooses it freely.” They never consider what would happen to the p*rn performer or sexual service provider’s client base or fan base if they shared their uncensored point of view and feelings, much less how other people who earn money from their image and persona would react.
Unfortunately, in our modern click-bait culture, feigned authenticity is not only expected, but pushed to its absolute limit. Non-sensational content no longer has a place in the market. The effect has been so radically transformative that I no longer believe people can even spot a hard truth when they're exposed to it; reality and marketing have become swirled together into one big bag of continuous disappointment. And why? Because it's an endless cycle of unrealistic expectations crashing into a refusal to accept less. Just like a Ponzi scheme, it'll always be better next time. More empty promises, less honesty. It's not just the dirty video industry feeling sensationalism's squeeze: any media that still wishes to survive has been affected, and it keeps ratcheting up. Even toilet paper now blithely claims that _12 = 48 rolls!_
@@pocket83squared Excellent point! With so much competition, every product has to be sensational. As a consumer, I reject sensational claims and buy honestly and accurately advertised products, whenever possible. I support doing the same with erotica…purchasing only what could be healthy and enjoyable for both/all parties depicted, in real life. Pushing the limits of what the human body can endure should not be encouraged. I’ve known women who have bladder and bowel control issues, in their 20s, from sensational depictions of sex. It’s treating human beings as disposable. I’ve known of men who have gone through similar, with their psyches, but in mainstream, heterosexual p*rn, women bear the brunt of the push for more and further. Some women have boyfriends (or girlfriends) who are fixated on extreme sex and insist on it, bored with what they now view as soft core activities. Then, later, don’t want to be with a partner who loses bladder control during sex or has a rectal prolapse or perforations that make the rectum and vagina an all-purpose exit. I’ve seen women wait months to years to have these conditions corrected on state insurance, when they can’t make money anymore. These are situations I’ve seen play out many times. In the industry, they just get rid of you when you break, unless you’re willing to do “prolapse party” scenes, doing novel things that would, most likely, worsen that condition. I hear performers in their early 20s, who say it’s empowering to show how much the female body can take, which definitely gets them work, but I’d be interested to see how often it works out in their favor. It really comes down to how much control over shooting, when they are physically ready to accommodate more than common tastes. For most, who don’t produce their own video and make a living that way, once they participate in that arena, it’s expected. It’s even easy for cam girls and independent contractors to get themselves in that box, when they create sensational content. It’s not necessary, to work, but it can be, once you’ve done it. When it affects the welfare of people, like that, it’s a pressing area of consumer sensationalism!
@Eric_Bassett hello, i doubt that we do it with no issues. So many problems in terms of relationships and personality and social life are influenced by porn use, and for us the standards of life have changed so we think that our anxiety for example, or difficultly in making connections or other stuff, we think its normal, and the idea is, its normal to certain point, not to what we have reached nowadays
@@Eric_BassettAnd that has to do? We know that lies are not moral. Don't mix different topics, a certain topic is being talked about here, but I already saw that you are only trying to stupidly justify the consumption and distribution of corn. Better accept that you are addicted to it and stop being ridiculous, otherwise I don't understand why you defend it so much.
@@MWick-xr5dl who says your not addicted to it ? You see that’s the thing about the internet. you can point the finger at me, but I can point right back at you. I’m not the one using an Alias screen name. Your no better than anyone else because of your views.
Ethical pornography, wow. I agree there's no such thing. Maybe I'm out of the loop but a few weeks ago I learned about "ethical non-monogmy". That makes no sense to me either. Both seem like a walking contradiction.
If you see pornography/sex work or polyamory (etc.) as inherently unethical, it's very likely you've been grown up in very patriarchal society, where women are traditionally viewed as someone else's property, rather than equal human beings. In some societies, men are expected to have mistresses, multiple wives, but having it the other way... Oh, boy, the horrors...
@@moravianlion3108 I'm aware this stuff has existed since the beginning of time but I don't condone men doing these things anymore then women. I also don't just "expect" them to always be doing it either. Some people cheat, some don't.
@@melbeth79 you can't cheat if your arrangement is non-monogamous you know. Cheating is breaking trust and what was established, not breaking the social boundary.
@@yavvivvay the person mentioned mistresses and how society expects men to have them. Mistresses imply cheating in a one to one relationship, which is a separate matter from "ethical" non-monogramy. I simply said I don't just expect men to do this.
Honetly though if its lustful, hateful and spiteful which is what all porn is its not ethical. Its crazy to think that people get praised for sex work nowadays saying that its free and liberating😂. And those that are in the industry by force, trafficing or other illeagal means are left to suffer in silence. Ethical my ass
@yavvivvay Lust is therefore ethical, you say. Can you defend that with a better argument than your "imaginary friend" argument? That's no argument at all.
@@JonDeuling I see zero reason for it not being ethical other than religion. Dunno what my argument would be? I could discuss the reasons You think its unethical though.
So by that logic people that work in legitimate textile factories are unethical people because in other places in the world people are being forced into working in textile factories for little to no pay ? I can apply what you just said to so many things. Not sure your logic holds up to well here. Independent women doing s3x work on OF on there own is night and day from studio porn. You can hardly compare the two.
@@moravianlion3108 I don't think it is very natural. Go out in the wild and try to survive. Ofc you will still have lust but not of p**nograhpich nature
It's hard to know if anything we consume is ethical. Food, clothing, toys -- anything. 10000% percent agree with exposing the dangers of the porn industry, encouraging help for porn addictions, and being skeptical of what we consume. But even in situations where we have verbal consent in real life, we don't know if they are saying yes because they are vulnerable, experienced SA as a child, etc. like you mentioned in this video. Wouldn't that make any and all sex unethical? I guess I'm not totally convinced all porn is unethical, but I agree that the examples of even somewhat ethical pornography is few and far between -- and almost certainly behind a paywall.
Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to verify if any consumable media or product is ethically made. There is too much self-bias applied to the perspective represented in this video and much of it is likely hypocritical coming from a Westerner who participates in a capitalist society. Personally, I believe there is no such thing as "ethical" animal product consumption being that the animals have zero agency over what the humans are forcing on them and the person speaking may be a consumer of animal products who justifies their consumption in some way. That being said ethics is complex. Just like any industry there are sex workers that participate in the sex work industry in a way that is ethical and empowering and there are plenty of instances where there is manipulation and power dynamics at play that make it unethical. I believe to call all sex work or pornography unethical is an oversimplification with the context of a capitalist system which is inherently flawed and promotes unethical practices in all industries that we all participate in consciously or not.
I agree with the message, it got me thinking: Arent we all victims of economical exploitation and desperation? I mean at least most of us are completely vulnerable economically and are forced to work. We are selling our bodies as well, most of just arent getting penetrated on the job.
Would an average man really be likely to prefer being filmed having oral sex and being violently penetrated on camera over waiting tables? Even a rough construction job won’t give you anal prolapse (at least not as probably as a career in porn will).
Now, I agree with her that you can never have a 100% reliable way to know if the person in front of camera is there for good reasons. And that's also my big complaint here. The lady says there's no such thing as ethical porn. There's *a lot* of sex workers of all kinds in the world. And saying none of them are doing their job by their own will is just ridiculous. By the same logic, I could accuse anyone of anything at any time. Like saying this old, lady boomer complaining about legitimate sex workers is just christian BS, because no one can reliably prove me otherwise. I refuse to slutshame anyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation or their job preference. With that being said, there were certain good points on this channel that made me rethink certain attitude of mine regarding porn and I'm thankful for that.
The problem, especially in sex work, is that anytime there is no consent, it's automatically rape. With prostitution, that is much more often the case than not, so anybody buying sex from a prostitute is Ok with this being rape. For porn that case is harder to make, but it's there as well....
@@Andreas-gh6is umm prostitutes do consent to the person buying. If someone is forcing them to it that is a separate crime that should be prevented by good industry standards and control.
A bit too much whataboutism though. If you go far enough, all work under capitalism is unethical. I wouldnt go as far. Also, does she know about free porn? Or is not porn then?
That's a fundamentalist anti-capitalism argument. I'd agree that certain forms of unbridled capitalism (porn industry) is wrong. But check it out, capitalism guided by love and truth is better than communism guided by China. I'm in Canada, where our government has a lot to learn still, but I credit them for our good roads. That was good capitalism.
@@icessoup I think they have a point though. We don't know the labor conditions behind most things we consume/use. It's just usually hard to make broad-sweeping judgment calls on anything (ie. *all* porn is unethical) because there are so many different circumstances and situations to consider. I like this channel and generally agree with the messages, I just don't think @GeneralArmorus and I think this video specifically is well-reasoned
@@enclavebrat You have completely avoided replying directly to my comment at women who make the porn themselves, this is not porn made by producers. This is females on their own motives making porn to prey on lonely men
@@enclavebratsure but nobody is forcing women to make OF accounts either lol. So why is it just the men who should seek therapy ? Especially when it’s men at the disadvantage of finding a spouse to begin with. 66% of young men are single in the US. Now I urge you to look up the percentage of single young women. There’s a reason more men consume porn than women do. More men see it as the only way to cope with sexual frustration.
@@Eric_Bassett Consumers are responsible for what they consume. Simple. Just because someone makes an OF doesn't mean pay for a subscription. There are *tons* of exploitation sites that are *free* to view. Bringing up OF is just a way of blaming women for mens' issues. Disadvantage of finding a spouse"? What does that mean, exactly? That percentage says more about men than women. Those men are single because real life women don't look like their favorite pornstars and they can't be bothered to accept a real life woman with flaws.
Maybe Hentai and only fans is more ethical? Despite some of the horrendous things fetishized in some hentai at least people aren’t being trafficked for it.
@@nellorchronicles377 from what I’ve read about the teenage homeless crisis in Japan, I fear this is true. Sometimes it’s difficult to enjoy the beauty this world has to offer when there is so much darkness and evil lurking between the cracks and beneath the surface of society. I think one of the best things we can all do is pay attention to those in our community. Never be afraid to ask people, especially children if you are in the right position (family friend, teacher, counselor, health care provider). How they are doing and try to keep aware of people so it’s easier to notice any changes that may indicate strange happenings.
The Bondage and SM videos always end with the actress saying how much fun she had, when that part was clearly filmed before the horrendous session began. You can see it on the faces of the women that they are in deeper than they ever expected. I ran into one where the woman was crying uncontrollably while she was being urinated on and verbally abused. I haven't watched a porn in over ten years, but that scene stands out in my mind as truly tragic.
Yea, well that would be a niche genre of porn. Not all porn is that extreme, bdsm also isn’t just porn. It’s like a community and people do it in real life without cameras, people actually did it before cameras.
It's legal rape. Horrible.😡
@@Eric_Bassett True, but I doubt the sadistic emperors of Rome had willing participants. There was probably a high number of sexual sadists among the Nazis too. Even today, Nazi uniforms and imagery play a big part in the SM scene. There is a real darkness that lurks in the human mind that comes out when people have power over one another.
@@Eric_BassettDude, what's your problem? I see that in every moment you have you take advantage of it to "defend" corn, although you do it in a strange way, justifying and looking for pathetic ways to defend its consumption, although you are right about the criticism that actresses receive from their own consumers, but only in that.
Better admit that you like looking at it, that you are most likely an @dd1ct and that the frustration of finding a partner (something you say a lot) applies to your life, otherwise I don't understand why your eagerness to defend it like a wild animal with its food. Unless I'm wrong, but I highly doubt it.
Don't bother answering, I already saw your way of doing it, extremely predictable.
@@RebelliousLittleElf R@pe is based on consent. Non consensual sex is r@pe. There’s no such thing as legal r@pe. As far as violent degrading sex acts go, Believe it or not some women like violent sex and may even be the one dishing out the violence. What do you think a dominatrix is ? you can’t sum this up with one sentence and then just skedaddle. That’s not how life works.
Before you slip/relapse, watch some of these videos. Don't know about you guys, but to me hearing these stories definitely is a effective urge killer.
It helps to know real stories of busy but it is also like telling a drug addict about the brutality of the drug trade. It can help but the energy that motivates them must come from witihin
@@arisorokin of course. And they must stop being brainwashed into thinking that they are missing out on something by quitting.. The “one last time” mindset is a trap. It’s abstaining long enough for the inner beast to die.
True. When I was in the sex industry, I took great pains to convince those who could hire me that I was not in any kind of desperate situation. This is more important today than it used to be. No one wants to be the one who talked someone into it. I understood that they didn’t want something like that affecting their image or conscience. It’s uncomfortable and distasteful to employers and consumers. It’s also a legal liability. It’s, essentially, about image and the brand producers want to promote. I do the same thing with square employers. The more desperate I am for the job, the less desperate I want to appear, so they don’t worry about theft, a chaotic situation causing me to miss work, etc. I know it would not benefit me to do those things, but they don’t know. I stress my interest in the mission and philosophy of the organization or company, the type of work I’m qualified to do, and a strong desire to do the type of work they are offering. People with the power to make hiring decisions don’t often relate to a need to do anything that will make ends meet. It’s the same way in the sex industry. People want to hire someone who is excited about the work, not someone who supposes they will do it, if it comes down to survival. In the day of awareness of human trafficking, you not only have to work but you have to reassure people it’s ok with you and something you would do anyway, if money was not a factor. Performers and sexual service providers aren’t stupid and pick up on this easily. It comes from being turned down if you’re open and honest about doing so because you just left an abusive marriage, have a chronic illness and medical bills, kids you need to feed, an addiction, someone close to you with an addiction, or whatever the case may be. We see those who present themselves as eager, wild, incorrigible women being hired and paid gladly. It’s an image a lot of people wouldn’t want to portray, in any personal context, and the fact that people don’t notice the difference when money is involved is mind-boggling. Maybe the producers, etc. are aware, but reward people who play the role, for their image. I have seen a lot of street interviews on YT and the average viewer does not consider the worker’s position at all. They say, “I have no sympathy. She loves the lifestyle and chooses it freely.” They never consider what would happen to the p*rn performer or sexual service provider’s client base or fan base if they shared their uncensored point of view and feelings, much less how other people who earn money from their image and persona would react.
Unfortunately, in our modern click-bait culture, feigned authenticity is not only expected, but pushed to its absolute limit. Non-sensational content no longer has a place in the market. The effect has been so radically transformative that I no longer believe people can even spot a hard truth when they're exposed to it; reality and marketing have become swirled together into one big bag of continuous disappointment. And why? Because it's an endless cycle of unrealistic expectations crashing into a refusal to accept less. Just like a Ponzi scheme, it'll always be better next time. More empty promises, less honesty.
It's not just the dirty video industry feeling sensationalism's squeeze: any media that still wishes to survive has been affected, and it keeps ratcheting up. Even toilet paper now blithely claims that _12 = 48 rolls!_
@@pocket83squared Excellent point! With so much competition, every product has to be sensational. As a consumer, I reject sensational claims and buy honestly and accurately advertised products, whenever possible. I support doing the same with erotica…purchasing only what could be healthy and enjoyable for both/all parties depicted, in real life. Pushing the limits of what the human body can endure should not be encouraged. I’ve known women who have bladder and bowel control issues, in their 20s, from sensational depictions of sex. It’s treating human beings as disposable. I’ve known of men who have gone through similar, with their psyches, but in mainstream, heterosexual p*rn, women bear the brunt of the push for more and further. Some women have boyfriends (or girlfriends) who are fixated on extreme sex and insist on it, bored with what they now view as soft core activities. Then, later, don’t want to be with a partner who loses bladder control during sex or has a rectal prolapse or perforations that make the rectum and vagina an all-purpose exit. I’ve seen women wait months to years to have these conditions corrected on state insurance, when they can’t make money anymore. These are situations I’ve seen play out many times. In the industry, they just get rid of you when you break, unless you’re willing to do “prolapse party” scenes, doing novel things that would, most likely, worsen that condition. I hear performers in their early 20s, who say it’s empowering to show how much the female body can take, which definitely gets them work, but I’d be interested to see how often it works out in their favor. It really comes down to how much control over shooting, when they are physically ready to accommodate more than common tastes. For most, who don’t produce their own video and make a living that way, once they participate in that arena, it’s expected. It’s even easy for cam girls and independent contractors to get themselves in that box, when they create sensational content. It’s not necessary, to work, but it can be, once you’ve done it. When it affects the welfare of people, like that, it’s a pressing area of consumer sensationalism!
Ethical p*rn... Oxymoron.
i totally agree
the two words ethical and porn can't be in the same sentence (expect for: "porn is not ethical" obviously).
i dont know what ethical means so i still watch porn
Nor is lying, but people do that everyday with no issues lol. Humanity is hardly moral/ethical in general these days.
@Eric_Bassett hello, i doubt that we do it with no issues.
So many problems in terms of relationships and personality and social life are influenced by porn use, and for us the standards of life have changed so we think that our anxiety for example, or difficultly in making connections or other stuff, we think its normal, and the idea is, its normal to certain point, not to what we have reached nowadays
@@Eric_BassettAnd that has to do?
We know that lies are not moral. Don't mix different topics, a certain topic is being talked about here, but I already saw that you are only trying to stupidly justify the consumption and distribution of corn.
Better accept that you are addicted to it and stop being ridiculous, otherwise I don't understand why you defend it so much.
@@MWick-xr5dl who says your not addicted to it ? You see that’s the thing about the internet. you can point the finger at me, but I can point right back at you. I’m not the one using an Alias screen name. Your no better than anyone else because of your views.
Ethical pornography, wow. I agree there's no such thing. Maybe I'm out of the loop but a few weeks ago I learned about "ethical non-monogmy". That makes no sense to me either. Both seem like a walking contradiction.
If you see pornography/sex work or polyamory (etc.) as inherently unethical, it's very likely you've been grown up in very patriarchal society, where women are traditionally viewed as someone else's property, rather than equal human beings.
In some societies, men are expected to have mistresses, multiple wives, but having it the other way... Oh, boy, the horrors...
@@moravianlion3108 I'm aware this stuff has existed since the beginning of time but I don't condone men doing these things anymore then women. I also don't just "expect" them to always be doing it either. Some people cheat, some don't.
@@melbeth79 you can't cheat if your arrangement is non-monogamous you know. Cheating is breaking trust and what was established, not breaking the social boundary.
@@yavvivvay the person mentioned mistresses and how society expects men to have them. Mistresses imply cheating in a one to one relationship, which is a separate matter from "ethical" non-monogramy. I simply said I don't just expect men to do this.
@@melbeth79 oh, of course, my bad. But mistresses can be a thing in arrranged marriages which is accepted by both sides - rarely tho.
Honetly though if its lustful, hateful and spiteful which is what all porn is its not ethical. Its crazy to think that people get praised for sex work nowadays saying that its free and liberating😂. And those that are in the industry by force, trafficing or other illeagal means are left to suffer in silence. Ethical my ass
Lust is not unethical unless you are into imaginary friends in heaven.
@yavvivvay Lust is therefore ethical, you say. Can you defend that with a better argument than your "imaginary friend" argument? That's no argument at all.
@@JonDeuling I see zero reason for it not being ethical other than religion. Dunno what my argument would be? I could discuss the reasons You think its unethical though.
So by that logic people that work in legitimate textile factories are unethical people because in other places in the world people are being forced into working in textile factories for little to no pay ? I can apply what you just said to so many things. Not sure your logic holds up to well here. Independent women doing s3x work on OF on there own is night and day from studio porn. You can hardly compare the two.
@yavvivvay pal I was religious and we are taught lust is natural and normal you just don't act on it before marriage.
what about drawn porn? wouldn't that be victimless if the art doesn't portray problematic content?
Thank you for what you do ❤
Ethical porn is a bit like ethical genocide or ethical racial hatred.
Lust is never moral, therefore the cause of it is never ethical.
Thank you. Like “ethical” and “pornography” are literal oxymorons
Yes, it's not moral, but natural.
The incorrect analysis but at least you’re antiporn.
@@moravianlion3108 I don't think it is very natural. Go out in the wild and try to survive. Ofc you will still have lust but not of p**nograhpich nature
@@radicalfeministanon Maybe
This is an excellent commentary.
So well spoken
It's hard to know if anything we consume is ethical. Food, clothing, toys -- anything. 10000% percent agree with exposing the dangers of the porn industry, encouraging help for porn addictions, and being skeptical of what we consume. But even in situations where we have verbal consent in real life, we don't know if they are saying yes because they are vulnerable, experienced SA as a child, etc. like you mentioned in this video. Wouldn't that make any and all sex unethical? I guess I'm not totally convinced all porn is unethical, but I agree that the examples of even somewhat ethical pornography is few and far between -- and almost certainly behind a paywall.
Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to verify if any consumable media or product is ethically made. There is too much self-bias applied to the perspective represented in this video and much of it is likely hypocritical coming from a Westerner who participates in a capitalist society. Personally, I believe there is no such thing as "ethical" animal product consumption being that the animals have zero agency over what the humans are forcing on them and the person speaking may be a consumer of animal products who justifies their consumption in some way. That being said ethics is complex. Just like any industry there are sex workers that participate in the sex work industry in a way that is ethical and empowering and there are plenty of instances where there is manipulation and power dynamics at play that make it unethical. I believe to call all sex work or pornography unethical is an oversimplification with the context of a capitalist system which is inherently flawed and promotes unethical practices in all industries that we all participate in consciously or not.
i agree
I agree with the message, it got me thinking: Arent we all victims of economical exploitation and desperation? I mean at least most of us are completely vulnerable economically and are forced to work. We are selling our bodies as well, most of just arent getting penetrated on the job.
Would an average man really be likely to prefer being filmed having oral sex and being violently penetrated on camera over waiting tables? Even a rough construction job won’t give you anal prolapse (at least not as probably as a career in porn will).
Now, I agree with her that you can never have a 100% reliable way to know if the person in front of camera is there for good reasons.
And that's also my big complaint here. The lady says there's no such thing as ethical porn. There's *a lot* of sex workers of all kinds in the world. And saying none of them are doing their job by their own will is just ridiculous.
By the same logic, I could accuse anyone of anything at any time. Like saying this old, lady boomer complaining about legitimate sex workers is just christian BS, because no one can reliably prove me otherwise.
I refuse to slutshame anyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation or their job preference.
With that being said, there were certain good points on this channel that made me rethink certain attitude of mine regarding porn and I'm thankful for that.
The problem, especially in sex work, is that anytime there is no consent, it's automatically rape. With prostitution, that is much more often the case than not, so anybody buying sex from a prostitute is Ok with this being rape. For porn that case is harder to make, but it's there as well....
@@Andreas-gh6is umm prostitutes do consent to the person buying. If someone is forcing them to it that is a separate crime that should be prevented by good industry standards and control.
A bit too much whataboutism though. If you go far enough, all work under capitalism is unethical. I wouldnt go as far. Also, does she know about free porn? Or is not porn then?
Prostitution is not work
That's a fundamentalist anti-capitalism argument. I'd agree that certain forms of unbridled capitalism (porn industry) is wrong. But check it out, capitalism guided by love and truth is better than communism guided by China. I'm in Canada, where our government has a lot to learn still, but I credit them for our good roads. That was good capitalism.
She gives her reason what you could consider as unethical, use your brain lol
@@icessoup I think they have a point though. We don't know the labor conditions behind most things we consume/use. It's just usually hard to make broad-sweeping judgment calls on anything (ie. *all* porn is unethical) because there are so many different circumstances and situations to consider. I like this channel and generally agree with the messages, I just don't think @GeneralArmorus and I think this video specifically is well-reasoned
@@icessoup for instance say 2 people in a relationship are both exhibitionist and love uploading porn by themselves.
Unethical, maybe? What about the millions of women on only fans preying on mens loneliness for tips and money?
Maybe they should seek therapy instead. No one is forcing them to subscribe to OF content.
@@enclavebrat You have completely avoided replying directly to my comment at women who make the porn themselves, this is not porn made by producers. This is females on their own motives making porn to prey on lonely men
🤷♀️ unfortunately, if there is demand, someone will supply.
@@enclavebratsure but nobody is forcing women to make OF accounts either lol. So why is it just the men who should seek therapy ? Especially when it’s men at the disadvantage of finding a spouse to begin with. 66% of young men are single in the US. Now I urge you to look up the percentage of single young women. There’s a reason more men consume porn than women do. More men see it as the only way to cope with sexual frustration.
@@Eric_Bassett Consumers are responsible for what they consume. Simple. Just because someone makes an OF doesn't mean pay for a subscription. There are *tons* of exploitation sites that are *free* to view. Bringing up OF is just a way of blaming women for mens' issues. Disadvantage of finding a spouse"? What does that mean, exactly? That percentage says more about men than women. Those men are single because real life women don't look like their favorite pornstars and they can't be bothered to accept a real life woman with flaws.
Maybe Hentai and only fans is more ethical? Despite some of the horrendous things fetishized in some hentai at least people aren’t being trafficked for it.
But they can be. Oftentimes young women with few prospects are coerced into these softer industries by traffickers who are grooming them.
@@candicefrost4561 yeah that might be true. But a lot of the smaller content creators you can actually talk to.
No hentai laughs at the mere idea of consent and becomes far more disgusting than live action stuff.
@@nellorchronicles377 from what I’ve read about the teenage homeless crisis in Japan, I fear this is true. Sometimes it’s difficult to enjoy the beauty this world has to offer when there is so much darkness and evil lurking between the cracks and beneath the surface of society. I think one of the best things we can all do is pay attention to those in our community. Never be afraid to ask people, especially children if you are in the right position (family friend, teacher, counselor, health care provider). How they are doing and try to keep aware of people so it’s easier to notice any changes that may indicate strange happenings.