Illegal Immigration in 303 Seconds

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Illegal immigration is controversial. But as you know, this isn't surprising. Since the very beginning, immigration has been a contested issue in the U.S. That fact is however, that we are a nation of immigrants. And immigrants today, whether legal or illegal, whether you like them or not, provide our country with much more than just those jobs that some of you think they took away.
    Instagram: / thoughtmonkeyhq
    The stories of several DACA recipients:
    12 million undocumented immigrants, 1 million DACA recipients: www.pewresearch...
    4 million children born by undocumented immigrants: www.pewhispanic...
    Denunciation of Muslim immigrants:
    Why immigrants come to the U.S.:
    - www.americanim...
    Americans say immigrants destroy American jobs: library.cqpress...
    Undocumented immigrants pay more taxes than the cost of services they use:
    Why undocumented immigrants pay taxes:
    U.S. economy would slow without undocumented immigrants: giovanniperi.uc...
    Less undocumented immigrants commit crimes than Americans do:
    Sanctuary cities are not more dangerous than non-sanctuary cities: journals.sagepu...

Комментарии • 155

  • @Bastogne1944
    @Bastogne1944 6 лет назад +84

    You are also about to start WW3 in the comment section in 303 seconds.

    • @cillyprodd
      @cillyprodd 6 лет назад

      General S. Patton why are u telling him instead of asking

    • @gaztons1115
      @gaztons1115 6 лет назад +7

      Dom Dukes Wtf are you talking you bloke?

    • @denniszonn8139
      @denniszonn8139 6 лет назад +2


  • @ContinualImprovement
    @ContinualImprovement 6 лет назад +23

    “303 seconds” I love your precision.

  • @lancecorporalveteran0621
    @lancecorporalveteran0621 3 года назад +2

    As the great grandson of an immigrant from Mexico when asked why I oppose illegal immigration or open borders immigration
    Basically if your in line for the benefits you don't want anyone else cutting in line to compete against you.

  • @jneutra1
    @jneutra1 6 лет назад +36

    illegal immigration will destroy the bargaining power of the American worker. You never addressed this concern.

    • @itgaam
      @itgaam 6 лет назад +1

      jneutra1 how?

    • @comradewildcat1770
      @comradewildcat1770 6 лет назад +4

      Doesn't really matter anyway. It was destroyed when the big companies decided to move their industry to countries like China where there's an abundance of cheap labor. It's more often than not less beneficial for industry to stay in America than to move out. Another problem with a globalist world. Illegal immigrants are just a pinch in the back compared to the dent in the rights for the American worker the moving of the industry meant.

    • @SaigonPharmacy
      @SaigonPharmacy 6 лет назад +2

      No worries, in a few short years the robots will be replacing the immigrant workforce even faster than the immigrant workforce replaced us and everyone will be in the same boat headed towards the falls without a paddle or even a rudder.

    • @mikehoot3978
      @mikehoot3978 5 лет назад +1

      A country of immigration hate inmigration. Is mental.
      Immigration doesn´t destroy bargaining power of locals.
      You don´t know nothing about economics.

  • @durellnelson2641
    @durellnelson2641 6 лет назад +3

    I'm in no way saying you're dishonest, but the evidence you linked weren't studies. A study would have the method they used to find out what they did and the results they retreaved from it in diagram form. It would say who did the study and who funded it. That's all information I need to know before I can decide whether the information I'm hearing is trustworthy or not.

  • @FBicoolshaman
    @FBicoolshaman 6 лет назад +4

    Lefty propaganda

  • @tinaw.5538
    @tinaw.5538 6 лет назад +4

    I want them gone because breaking immigration law is a crime in and of itself they should be removed for. Furthermore, it is illegal to hire an illegal alien, and said employer should be punished under the law as well. It is not unreasonable to want the laws in your country enforced after they break them. You or I wouldn't dream of breaking another country's immigration law, so why does their particular sob story get a pass? More than that, it's grossly unfair to the immigrants who did everything right to be here legally.

  • @joshh5353
    @joshh5353 6 лет назад +6

    Definitely a lot of good points here. You don’t explicitly take a stance but I think its safe to say, based on what you said, that illegal immigration is ultimatley okay because of the benefits it yields.
    While I understand the benefits you mentioned, I don’t see how letting immigrants come into the country illegally is in any way fair to the people who enter legally. What are we supposed to tell the people who come to the country legally?

  • @happylangs6567
    @happylangs6567 6 лет назад +8

    I don't quite understand why there are so many downvotes and angry comments.

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  6 лет назад +7

      There is a huge history of fear of immigrants in the U.S. Immigration has never been supported by the majority of Americans. It surprises me that there aren't more down votes. Especially with what's happening in Europe with all the Syrian refugees.

    • @jaquanders476
      @jaquanders476 6 лет назад +2

      Combine a historic fear of Immigrants within North America (Yes, in Canada to) with a rather frightening uptick in political polarization (and by extent, popularization of far right and far left movements) gives you a nice steaming batch of people who are not willing to listen to the other side of the argument, and immediately denounce the other's sources as "liberal bullshit" or "Alt-right propaganda".

  • @cyndwinzeler3417
    @cyndwinzeler3417 6 лет назад +1

    and decided when an adult not to even attempt to become legal, while given in state discounts the LEGAL immigrants are not allowed. We allow more than any other nation to come- IF they want to be here and assimilate, why not come legally?

    • @cyndwinzeler3417
      @cyndwinzeler3417 6 лет назад

      They pay taxes on stolen ss numbers and DO get refunds. Therefore it does not mean they add to pay for costs.

  • @puzzlebox420
    @puzzlebox420 6 лет назад +2

    "illegal immigrants paying taxes" LOL

  • @BangMaster96
    @BangMaster96 5 лет назад +4

    Sorry Thought Monkey, i have to disagree with you on this one.
    I came to the US with my parents when i was a kid, they had to wait 17 years in order to get the green card, after which we moved to the US.
    We came here legally, i didn't speak English at all when i moved here, i had to learn and adapt to the culture, and just about a year ago, we became Naturalized US citizens.
    It's not easy for people to come legally to the US, but it is still possible.
    Those who come illegally here completely defeat the purpose of migrating into a country legally with proper paper works and documents.
    Her parents knew the risks they were taking, it is not her fault, but rather her parents, by giving children of illegal immigrants rights to education and funding, we are only encouraging more people do come to the US illegally.
    If the only justified reason for allowing people to illegally enter US is because they are looking for a better job and opportunity for their kids, then we might as well open the borders to the entire third world, and let everyone from third world countries just walk right into the US without any paperworks or documents, because everybody in the third world country is looking for a better job and opportunity for their kids.

  • @jamesbrooks1367
    @jamesbrooks1367 6 лет назад +1

    SO who should be allowed to come here? You think just anyone who wants should just be able to come here illegally and not face any repercussions? We can't just let anyone who wants to come into a county come. there needs to be some form on legal immigration for it to work right.

  • @bandicootface5593
    @bandicootface5593 6 лет назад +3

    Great video but I have a question... Why do the illegal immigrants come here undocumented? Why don't they just do it legally? You sort of mentioned this, but didn't really explain it...

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  6 лет назад +1

      Most immigrants that come here illegally can't come here legally. They don't have the skills or income that would allow them to get even a work permit. There situations are usually so dire they are willing to break the law in order to create a better life for themselves and their families.

    • @gisellesandoval1163
      @gisellesandoval1163 6 лет назад +1

      The process is also very tedious (financially and the waiting time)

  • @videtowitelpavo
    @videtowitelpavo 6 лет назад +1

    Truth. Now the other perspective, the origin countries. Since im not that well aware of the means of other countries or places imma give you the perspective of a northen mexican (a Chihuahua México native, born and raised).
    The countries from where this inmigrants come from often get fueled by the trafic of these ilegal inmigrants for being steping stones on the way to the U.S. ¿how so? Easy, they hurt they own economy, legal & political aspects by the following:
    financiating the crimelords of the area. In the last study of the INEGI (the national institute of geograpy and stadistics for their spanish lyric) conducted on april 2015 it was revealed that one third of the income from "la linea" in Chihuahua (being that is the most prominent cartel of Chihuahua) comes from treats of ilegal inmigrants either by "coyotes y polleros" -people who help people to transit to the U.S.-, slavers, people traficant and organ dealers just as much as narcotraficants. To put it on a more forseable way the cartel from Joaquín el chapo Guzmán "el cartel de Sinaloa" once was so rich and powerfull that ofered the mexican goverment to pay their external debt (debt that at the time was for over 156 000 million dollars on that moment) in order to operate freely on the nation. And nowdays "la linea" is just as powerfull with a third of the mexican territory under their control being Chihuahua their biggest state. Thing that actually romanticises the idea of being a criminal, being the original culture of a hardwork, pridefull unstopable and unapologetic town that Chihuahua once had prior to the 1930's into an state where the death is on the air and being the criminal who reings over the wasteland is the best you can aspire to be if you're poor by extension providing this groups with an evergrowing amounth of footsoldiers either by illegals who didnt crossed the border, left out children whom parents went and never came back, people born into poverty and soldiers who lost their faith on their country. And this is not even taking in account the war on drugs.
    I can further explain and deconstruct the issues that this brings like the apaty that it has brougth for politics, the fact that the U.S. releases dangerous individuals on the mexican border with no control or means to return to their countries (often withouth advicing authorities on here) or the fact that since the large amount of inmigrants had overwelmed the authorities we are now controled by 5 powers; judiciary, legislative, executive, military (they act independently, no legislative or judiciary power has authority over their descicions since the war on drugs started. Totally managed by internal voting) & the criminal (entire areas on here like Santa Clara, Cuchillo Parado & others dont even have police, the cartels manage the inforcement of law & order as judge, jury and executioner) and a large etc. Not to mention the "brain escape" were our most prepared people escape to another countries in fear of investing on their lands fail to end up stuck in here and ever so growing feeling of detachment of the population for their own land by a perfect storm of all of the factors prior mentioned.

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  6 лет назад

      Interesting to hear that the border is a major source of revenue for cartels and other crime rings. It seems to me that the U.S. needs major immigration reform in order to address problems on BOTH sides of border. A ban on drugs allowed cartels to profit off of the U.S. thirst for them, while a ban on low skilled immigrant workers have allowed the cartels to profit off those wanting to immigrate to the U.S.
      Thanks for this El Pavo.

  • @teotorstensson86
    @teotorstensson86 6 лет назад +1

    What you said in the beginning is an absolute dream senario

  • @kirankumar-ud4gy
    @kirankumar-ud4gy 6 лет назад +3

    You are an Immigrant for sure

    • @mikehoot3978
      @mikehoot3978 5 лет назад

      So? USA is a immigrant nation, land of the free. Remember?

  • @stormshell69
    @stormshell69 6 лет назад +1

    what a load of bollox

  • @JagielloFilmLTD
    @JagielloFilmLTD 6 лет назад

    Here’s a joke : illegal immigrant walks in to social security office And says hi I would like a SS card so I can pay taxes clerk replays sure let me see you driver license and birth certificate. II replays ow I’m here illegally but I want to make sure I pay taxes !! - shit never happens ! Illegal immigrants use fake ss number and or once from stolen identity smh

  • @holdencaulfield8239
    @holdencaulfield8239 4 года назад +3

    I am pro-immigration and even I think this video is one-sided

  • @justafighter1346
    @justafighter1346 6 лет назад +51


    • @cillyprodd
      @cillyprodd 6 лет назад +7

      JusTAfighter we all know its illegal moron is it right or not tho?

    • @newageretrohip2522
      @newageretrohip2522 6 лет назад +4

      JusTAfighter when it comes to laws the USA is not the brightest country, took them long enough for people of color to get rights, prohibition and trump also happened.

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  6 лет назад +6

      Right. Are all laws lawful? Or are some laws actually harmful to the people they are suppose to "protect"?

    • @sethharrigan7261
      @sethharrigan7261 6 лет назад

      Goat How do we decide if it’s right or wrong?

    • @sethharrigan7261
      @sethharrigan7261 6 лет назад +3

      Goat Personally I think they should put daca members at the back of the line behind those who want to come here legally. I’m not saying I don’t want a certain group of people here, I just think that before we try to take in more people, we should put Americans first. And that includes legal immigrants

  • @tadm123
    @tadm123 6 лет назад +1

    "Undocumented immigrants"
    Oh boy

  • @coalsauce4457
    @coalsauce4457 6 лет назад +8

    I'm sorry but I cannot agree with you. The law is the law and you cannot try to stick in morals or feelings. I'd one law is not obeyed why will others be obeyed when the law is just a joke? Broken
    Glass theory.

    • @thelegit969
      @thelegit969 6 лет назад

      Chris Qiao If an illegal has broken the law due to his/her mere presence in this country, then why would they risk deportation with braking other laws? That would be just stupid

    • @coalsauce4457
      @coalsauce4457 6 лет назад

      The Legit no I'm saying don't make a damn joke out of the law. It will also probably make domestic people more tempted to commit crime because hey, if the government can't keep boarders safe why the hell will they bother with domestic problems?

    • @thelegit969
      @thelegit969 6 лет назад +1

      Chris Qiao well illegals commiting a crime is different from a citizen's crime. With illegals aliens, it is alot more complicated because our moral compass is affected. Moreover, we have the right and left in politics arguing over their status.
      I can assure you that no sane citizen will use the "well an illegal immigrant broke the law" as an excuse for his/her crime.

    • @thelegit969
      @thelegit969 6 лет назад

      Chris Qiao also, the law is not a joke. Obama deported millions during his administration and Trump will only deport more. Let's not forget, that a state has it's right and does not need to comply with federal agencies

    • @coalsauce4457
      @coalsauce4457 6 лет назад

      If one law is not enforced, ones seen as less severe will likely be broken due to priorities of the law enforcers. Seriously I know Obama deported and so will trump what wrong with it? Nothing, I know. Might as well spit out green cards then. The law is the law.

  • @LokiBeckonswow
    @LokiBeckonswow 6 лет назад

    thanks again for another great video man #tax your corporations more and everyone wins

  • @LL-bk8cm
    @LL-bk8cm 6 лет назад +4

    This sounds a little biased. Time to unsubscribe

  • @laurennicole1170
    @laurennicole1170 5 лет назад +2

    I'm an America citizen why can't I get free college free housing and free food ?!

  • @paullachance4100
    @paullachance4100 6 лет назад +12

    When my grandparents came to America, they stood in line like everyone else and went through a long qualification process. Who do these people think they are by jumping the line or sneaking around it altogether??? If they break the law, they should be expelled or put in prison. period. Stop the bleeding heart crap. Also, the little girl earned her master's degree by paying in-state tuition to get that degree at that university. If I wanted to send my daughter to that university, I would have to pay out-of-state tuition to have her attend. Do you think that is a good deal for a citizen vs an illegal??? YOU STAND IN LINE AND QUALIFY TO ENTER LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. If you did that, most Americans would welcome you as I would.

    • @Zephyrs009
      @Zephyrs009 6 лет назад +1

      paul lachance ph boo hoo cry me a river.

  • @jaquanders476
    @jaquanders476 6 лет назад +5

    REMEMBER! The majority of comments in something like a YT video will be done by someone enraged enough to comment! Take the number of comments hating on or approving the video with a grain of salt!

  • @wanderingNprobablylost
    @wanderingNprobablylost 4 года назад +3

    A big issue is a country must have a border, law, and order to function...similar to a house must have walls, doors, rules, and a lock. A country without border or a house without wall is no longer a self-sustaining entity. The worst case would be an open border that will receive a flood of immigrants that overwhelms the resources, leaving the U.S to be a dead carcass then everyone in the U.S will need to find a new prosperous country to emigrate to...and the cycle continues. This is a tricky balance between practicality and humanitarianism.

  • @davidleeattorney
    @davidleeattorney 6 лет назад +1

    There's a reason we Americans are afraid of mass Islamic Immigration. (Notice: I'm not saying generic immigration, nor illegal immigration mor Muslim immigration.) It's the MASS, uncontrolled, immigration that Europe has experienced which then leads to a increases in rape, car burning, terrorism, anti-semitism... Oh, and call me a racist, xenophobic, hate monger. Actually, I'm far from any of those, but I am fully aware of the political aspects of Islam. See Bill Warner and the mass of related videos:видео.html

    • @Zephyrs009
      @Zephyrs009 6 лет назад

      David Lee That is incorrect. The truth about islam is that its the most conservative Religion of all. The rapist terror shit, thats the wahabi School of Sunni Islam. Look at the Ottomans, they followed Houfism, Which was much more Moderate than protestantism.

  • @ismellnegativity5332
    @ismellnegativity5332 6 лет назад +2

    DACA was for illegal immigrants who came here when they were KIDS, and to even be approved for DACA had to meet high standards. Yes, illegal, but yes American grown, same as us. DACA is the main one thing I don't get why people fight against. I'd be glad to hear another opinion.

    • @angelabolin1730
      @angelabolin1730 3 года назад

      As in, you can have three misdemeanors and need be a high school. It's another sympathy play to admit everyone illegally in the country. They are about as much us citizens as I would be if broke into your house and declared myself your family member. It makes zero sense

  • @eugeneimbangyorteza
    @eugeneimbangyorteza 4 года назад

    Well this applies well to the USA (or Latin American, Asian, etc immigrants) but not much towards Europe whose immigrants are....

  • @beltwayservicesinc5187
    @beltwayservicesinc5187 3 года назад

    This is a liberal explanation now tell the real facts !!

  • @strictlyesl3174
    @strictlyesl3174 5 лет назад

    The undocumented pay sales tax, not income tax. They should be allowed to pay income tax as part of a path to citizenship. After all, undocumented workers become legal workers some day, anyway. The unsettling reality is that undocumented people cannot pay taxes, but have access to all services, such as free college tuition (in some states, at least), free medical insurance, free legal services (in NYC at least), and the list goes on. I have to pay over 100K on college tuition in the next several years, while someone else who does not report income gets it for free.

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  5 лет назад

      Most undocumented pay income taxes:

  • @gisellesandoval1163
    @gisellesandoval1163 6 лет назад +1

    These comments truly sadden me.....

  • @KaisHistory
    @KaisHistory 6 лет назад

    The hole situation is the fault of the Us. It is suppressing Latin America already for one century. But this means not that you should allow illegal migrants to stay. The Us should better stop suppressing Latin America and help the to get rid of their corruption, even if it means, that another American country could seize economical power. We, on the the other side if the Atlantic, have the same problem too and it is also caused by the late consequences of imperialism.

  • @Treeeboi
    @Treeeboi 6 лет назад +11

    Why do they pay taxes: "cause it's illegal if they don't". Ohhhhhhhh, so they care if something is illegal after breaking the law. Makes sense bro.

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  6 лет назад +3

      The reason they pay taxes is because it gives them a better chance of staying here if their case is ever brought up in front of an immigration judge. I clearly state this in the video.

    • @Treeeboi
      @Treeeboi 6 лет назад

      Thought Monkey what would give illegals a good chance of staying here is going through the process legally like millions of others.

    • @ThoughtMonkeyhq
      @ThoughtMonkeyhq  6 лет назад +2

      You are absolutely correct. But most of the immigrants that come to the U.S. would never be able to come to the U.S. through that process. So instead they risk breaking one law (crossing the border illegally), in the hopes that they will be able to live here long enough, then find an immigration lawyer, and be given permission to here permanently.

    • @petergriffin3790
      @petergriffin3790 6 лет назад +2

      Thought Monkey they are still going to face consequences since they broke the law in the first place

    • @johanexxxx
      @johanexxxx 3 года назад

      That's like saying "I have the right to break into your private property because you didn't give me any consensual way of doing it."

  • @Tsukiko.97
    @Tsukiko.97 6 лет назад +12

    A border wall alongside Mexico would not be feasible. Most unauthorized immigrants arrive from Latin American nations I.e Honduras, Colombia or El Salvador, not Mexico.
    Instead I believe that helping to prevent the issues that causes both refugees and migrants to flee would be most beneficial for the United States internal as well as external politics. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

    • @tbush6657
      @tbush6657 6 лет назад +2

      If you were to study any up to date North American map, you would notice the only countries the U.S. borders are Canada, and Mexico (and not any other countries that you have stated). So unless they were to try to cross the Gulf of Mexico, or go out into the Pacific, and beach on the west coast, the only way would be able to cross into America would be by crossing the southern U.S. border. There for putting a wall alongside Mexico would not only deter illegal immigrants from Mexico, but by extension, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia (I know Colombia is not in North America, but I'm pretty sure there is no border between Colombia and America).

    • @Tsukiko.97
      @Tsukiko.97 6 лет назад +6

      Trevor Taylor If you were to have thoroughly read my comment you would have noticed that I never stated that the U.S borders any of the nations that I previously mentioned. Instead I was denoting that migrants crossing the Mexican border aren't Mexicans but are Latinos as well as Hispanics. Deterring migrants from entering the U.S will not prevent them from entering Canada. I do not want to maintain 'illegal immigration' I want to help solve what is seemingly to be a crisis.

    • @tbush6657
      @tbush6657 6 лет назад +1

      Abyssinia Empire You seemed to be implying (at least from how I read it) that the wall would be infeasible because the migrants were not Mexican, instead being from other Latin American countries. Therefore, they don't have to cross the Mexican border.
      But I do agree that we should also try helping solve the source of the problem.

    • @Tsukiko.97
      @Tsukiko.97 6 лет назад

      Trevor Taylor I don't blame you, I could have been more clear and concise.
      And touché.

    • @Tsukiko.97
      @Tsukiko.97 6 лет назад +4

      Russ Guastello Not an argument.

  • @MISSING-4O4-
    @MISSING-4O4- 6 лет назад +1

    I’m am not entitled to a foreign country’s resources, nor am I entitled to their’s.