MORE HAPPY, MORE CAREFUL - Sheikh Salih al Fawzan حفظه الله

  • Опубликовано: 2 июн 2024
  • MORE HAPPY, MORE CAREFUL - Sheikh Salih al Fawzan حفظه الله

Комментарии • 17

  • @sharfcaptured
    @sharfcaptured Месяц назад +9

    Every sentence here is Gem.

  • @SameerMdumbemalongo
    @SameerMdumbemalongo Месяц назад +1

    May Allah preserve these type of shaikh....muwaheed ...sunniy

  • @marzet70
    @marzet70 Месяц назад

    Alhamdulilah again!!! One of the best things I heard all day!!!

  • @suyelahmed5395
    @suyelahmed5395 Месяц назад

    Every sentence must be painted with gold.
    Pease tell the book name and some such books. I want to spend my earnings to such books. May Allah preserve the Sheikh Aameen

  • @marzet70
    @marzet70 Месяц назад

    This is serious!!! But he studied with serious sheikh s may ALLAAH reward him !!!

  • @animescholar8062
    @animescholar8062 Месяц назад +2

    From which book are they reading

  • @user-qu7yr9ky8i
    @user-qu7yr9ky8i Месяц назад +2

    Assalamu Alikum
    Which book he is reading??
    Assalamu alikum

  • @Alfififian
    @Alfififian Месяц назад +2

    This is what I understand all of the time. I may be wrong
    Adam alaihissalam was sent to this world not because a punishment, but because Allah wants to make human a khalifah in this world just like Allah said in the Qur'an اني جاعل فى الارض خليفة. He (Adam) alaihissalam ofc did a sin from eating a fruit from that tree, but he did also repent and Allah forgave him right ربنا ظامنا انفسنا وان لم تغفرلنا لنكوننا من الخاسرين
    He sin, he repent, he forgiven, and then later on the journey of becoming khalifa. Not because of punishment, but because the time is due
    قَالَ ٱهْبِطُوا۟ بَعْضُكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّۖ وَلَكُمْ فِى ٱلْأَرْضِ مُسْتَقَرٌّ وَمَتَٰعٌ إِلَىٰ حِينٍ
    [Allāh] said, "Descend, being to one another enemies. And for you on the earth is a place of settlement and enjoyment [i.e., provision] for a time"
    Allahu A'lam, May Allah guide me to the right understanding

    • @artachi2420
      @artachi2420 Месяц назад

      I also understand it this way. Someone more knowledgeable plz explain

  • @moaadzeedan6363
    @moaadzeedan6363 Месяц назад +2

    السلام عليكم was that a Hadith that the speaker was reading and the sheikh explained because I want to find the Hadith inshaa Allah.

    • @sarah..3000
      @sarah..3000 Месяц назад

      No, this was a letter from Hassan al Basri rahimahu Allah to Omar Abdel Aziz. Here is the original: ذكر ابن أبي الدنيا أن الحسن البصري كتب الى عمر بن عبدالعزيز أما بعد : فإن الدنيا دار ظعن ليست بدار إقامة إنما أنزل إليها آدم عليه السلام عقوبة فاحذرها يا أمير المؤمنين فإن الزاد منها تركها والغنى فيها فقرها لها في كل حين قتيل تذل من أعزها وتفقر من جمعها هي كالسم يأكله من لا يعرفه وهو حتفه فكن فيها كالمداوي جراحه يحتمي قليلا مخافة ما يكره طويلا ويصبر على شدة الدواء مخافة طول البلاء فاحذر هذه الدار الغرارة الخداعة الخيالة التي قد تزينت بخدعها وفتنت بغرورها وختلت بآمالها وتشوفت لخطابها فأصبحت كالعروس المجلوة فالعيون إليها ناظرة والقلوب عليها والهة والنفوس لها عاشقة وهي لأزواجها كلهم قاتلة فعاشق لها قد ظفر منها بحاجته فاغتر وطغى ونسى المعاد فشغل بها لبه حتى زلت عنها قدمه فعظمت عليها ندامته وكثرت حسرته واجتمعت عليه سكرات الموت وألمه وحسرات الفوت وعاشق لم ينل منها بغيته فعاش بغصته وذهب بكمده ولم يدرك منها ما طلب ولم تسترح نفسه من التعب فخرج بغير زاد وقدم على غير مهاد ما تكون فيها أحذر ما تكون لها فإن صاحب الدنيا كلما اطمأن منها إلى سرور أشخصته إلى مكروه وصل الرخاء منها بالبلاء وجعل البقاء فيها إلى فناء سرورها مشوب بالحزن أمانيها كاذبة وآمالها باطلة وصفوها كدر وعيشها نكد فلو كان ربنا لم يخبر عنها خبرا ولم يضرب لها مثلا لكانت قد أيقظت النائم ونبهت الغافل فكيف وقد جاء من الله فيها واعظ وعنها زاجر فمالها عند الله قدر ولا وزن ولا نظر إليها منذ خلقها ولقد عرضت على نبينا بمفاتيحها وخزائنها لا ينقصها عند الله جناح بعوضة فأبى أن يقبلها كره أن يحب ما أبغض خالقه أو يرفع ما وضع مليكه فزواها عن الصالحين اختيارا وبسطها لاعدائه اغترارا فيظن المغرور بها المقتدر عليها أنه أكرم بها ونسى ما صنع الله عز وجل برسوله حين شد الحجر على بطنه
      وقال الحسن أيضا : إن قوما أكرموا الدنيا فصلبتهم على الخشب فأهينوها فأهنأ ما تكون إذا أهنتموها .

  • @DEen_75
    @DEen_75 Месяц назад +1

    Is this shaykh is alive 😊

  • @shaikshaffi557
    @shaikshaffi557 Месяц назад +1

    Assalamu alaikum. I believe in Black magic.If a guy is passing on road and saw a lemon on road and thinks someone might did black magic with it to harm others and didn't cross it. Some people think that crossing lemon is dangerous. I known it's a superstition. But this muslim thinks that someone might have done some black magic with it. So that's why he didn't crossed that lemon .Is this shirk? .

    • @theguidedpath1
      @theguidedpath1  Месяц назад +8

      Wa 'alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah
      Yes, these kind of beliefs can lead to shirk & kufr
      These kinds of fears are definitely not normal; he should seek advice from someone knowledgeable.
      "That is only Satan who frightens [you] of his supporters. So fear them not, but fear Me, if you are [indeed] believers."
      Surah Ali 'imran 175
      " If you ask, then ask Allah [alone]; and if you seek help, then seek help from Allah [alone]. And know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with what Allah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already prescribed against you."
      an-Nawawi Hadith 19
      May Allah Protect us
      May Allah Forgive our mistakes & shortcomings

    • @user-qu7yr9ky8i
      @user-qu7yr9ky8i Месяц назад

      Assalamu Alikum wa Rahmatullah...
      Everyone fears death,, is it shirk??
      Obviously not.... It is the natural fear...
      Similarly,, we all fear which is not good,,, just as black magic... & also it’s dangerous..
      What i know from ibn uthaimeen rahimaullah,,, that your question coincide with following evil omen...
      Ibn uthaimeen rahimaullah said,, following evil omen is haram.. It constrict the life of a person.... One should not do that...
      Here what you are saying,, he is not fearing the lemon,, he is actually fearing the black magic but there is not any real evidence behind that... That is a wuswas from shaitan....
      ( this is a false belief or superstition that may be this lemon is material of black magic -- it is superstition)
      According to ibn uthaimeen rahimaullah,, it is haram.....
      But this should not be done...
      We all take protection from it...
      Just like,, reading azkar / dhikr in the morning & evening continuously...with strong belief that, Allah will protect me with these azkar... Just as ibn uthaimeen rahimaullah said..
      Seek protection from Allah... Make excessive dua....
      Don't fall into shaytan's
      There is a rule in fiqh principles,, """certainly is not overruled by doubts """
      Meaning,, what we are certain,, we should follow according to that...
      But what we are not sure,, we should not follow that...
      For example,, if we go to restaurant in muslim country.,,,
      We should think that all is slaughtered here by the name of Allah.....
      If we are on a table,, we then think that it is slaughtered or not...?.
      Obviously it is from shaitan...
      If you find evidence that this restaurant slaughter animal other way that Allah hasn’t prescribed,, then,, you should refrain from....
      Just in this case,, if you fully certain that,, the lemon is a material for black magic,,, then you should refrain from..but otherwise you should ignore this...
      This is what is clear to me..
      Allah knows the best