I'm so tired of this Net Neutrality thing. I can't help but think that's part of the plan though. Still, ya gotta keep defending the one thing that matters no matter how tiresome it gets.
Goose Boose actually in an alternative universe where America isn't synonymous with "Loltardistan", you don't have to fight constantly because the president is not Donald "a dickless reality tv star"Trump. Elections have consequences. Learn that sentence.
I think the net neutrality thing is overplayed. It's made out to be this savior of the people, in reality it's just a handout to google, facebook, and netflix at the expense of comcast, verizon, and time warner cable.
Snavels I think we should bring simulator games back into the mainstream so that capitalists can live out their fantasies of ruling an empire without actually using real people.
The constant attempts to get rid of Net Neutrality disgusts and infuriates me. How many times can we make it clear that EVERYONE is in favor of Net Neutrality? If we lose it, our whole society loses out. We will be shoved further under the boot of greedy corporations, and fall behind the rest of the world both culturally and economically. This is absolutely a dark day, and it's only the beginning. This is what happens when corporations are prioritized over the people.
Barna Bop "we will be shoved further under the boot of greedy corporations" exactly. That's what they want. In their eyes, we aren't human beings with free wills. We are tools to fill their pockets with cha-ching and keep them living high. They don't give a fudge about what we want. They only care about what they want. And they want money.
You can always identify the sheep from the shepherds. Sheep: Oh no the Internet! What will we do?? Shepherd: Id perfer a mesh network anyway. Don't tempt me.
He was appointed to his job by Trump, and he was outspoken in his opposition to Net Neutrality before his appointment so this is all Trump's fault. Fucker.
The FCC is under the Executive branch, so he would be assigned the job by the President or some other high ranking official. Unfortunately we didn't really have a say in if this asshat should have had the job.
This is terrifying. No matter how transparent companies are net neutrality will be gone. I feel like my government isn't listening to me or others like me and I'm worried to death about the future...
Well, when has the person in the oval office ever listened to anyone but himself? When has he hired anyone who listens to anyone but him? When has a single iota of 2-way communication ever existed during this administration? I've seen absolutely nothing but shouting down. Watch any 'whenever-we-feel-like-getting-around-to-it' press conference. It's all nothing but professional contentiousness.
these people should removed from power. We all need to march up to capital hill drag these corrupt politicians down and place them into custody for crimes against humanity.!
Our founding fathers warned us about this exact problem. The moment any politician makes more than the common folk, its corrupt. When paper money is introduced, despite the warnings, we're corrupt. If the government body tries to pass laws to scapegoat politicians from their crime(s), we're corrupt. The moment there is a 2 party system and with the spectrum of 'independent/moderate' in between, we're corrupt. Its literally self explanatory. Its just the ignorants who don't know a lick of history are the ones destroying the foundation of what the United States was built upon. It was warned continuously, yet now we're trying to destroy that history.
Put it simply, ea will pay a billion to keep them with the best services, steam will be slow, producers will want their games on origin and will pay a lot for it, gaben will get mad and buy the FCC somehow, we will all be saved as he makes working for EA illegal.
Net Neutrality is one of the most important things in the modern world so with that in mind I'm looking forward to protesting at my local Verizon store this December with many other Americans.
Hello, wasn't Net Neutrality put into place in 2015? The internet wasn't that bad pre-2015, without NN, why is it going to be so terrible repealing NN?
xXmisterfishXx Its hard for me to explain but before 2015 something was probably put in place. Now if net neutrality is removed this could mean your internet provider could slow down or block certain websites making you pay for an internet bundle.
Dragonborn 360 maybe, but I can't find anything that was in before Net Neutrality, I don't think there was. I think that open market kept them in line. How? thanks for asking. See, if comcast were to start blocking sites, people would absolutely not tolerate that and would switch to another ISP, and in areas where they only have one choice, the demand would be so high it would be worth it for Verizon to swoop in and take all that business. In other words, an ISP wouldn't violate Net Neutrality because they wouldn't want the bad publicity or to give a competitor a chance to swoop in. If I'm wrong, please walk me through it, thanks.
RUclips Troller I guess I don't exactly understand what Net Neutrality is then. Because I was under the impression that political agenda-driven companies like Google utterly hated the idea of a free Internet.
I live in a rural area. Century link comes within two miles of my house with high speed but says they are unable to "push" it to my location. Whatever the heck that means. I could go with Sky Blue but if I check my email everyday, I would go over allotted amount for their cheapest plan and I'm throttled back to dial up speed, for which I would still have to pay $60 per month. Thankfully there is another agency that recently started here so maybe, just maybe I can finally get something that works well...not entirely hopeful but I gotta try.
Lolwut!?! Do you enjoy talking out of your ass? I've been around a long time in politiosphere and watched countless legislative attempts at net neutrality fail miserably. It's you who are spreading misinformation, Sir.
As some rando with terrible social anxiety, I will be calling about the net neutrality cause because whatever may happen, atleast we can look back and say “atleast I tried” or “every voice counted” instead of have a shit ton of shame. *please* do the same.
Rick Harris like I said man, calling up is better than doing jack-shit and complaining about it. More voices heard the better, even if the percentage of change is incredibly slim
Rick Harris you suggest we start a rebellion? No one would support us. We americans are uses to being pushed around by companies ans this won't be a big deal at all to most people, as evident by no one giving a shit in the past or present.
“back in my day, we slaughtered those who we did not agree with. you damn millenialls peacefully partaking in political discourse are what’s wrong with the world today”
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How are the people alone gonna fight against billion dollar companies? I've written my congressman. I'm hopeful for the best but I still doubt we can stop it
Tyclone You do realize google is a company worth half a trillion dollars. Amazon and netflix are also very large billion dollar companies. Team internet can win. Call congress, do everything you can.
Because everyone is so busy being distracted by EAs bs lootbox problem... It's star wars episode 3! Droids are getting wrecked but the empire is about to unleash order 66 on these idiots and shoot them in the back for being so distracted.
I am stuck with Frontier internet it used to be Verizon till Frontier bought them out in California. and they own a monopoly in the area i live where no other company can provide internet where i live. So i have been stuck with 350k/b download speed and i get charged the same price as there high end 50m/b download speed that they provide to other areas. I have no choice but to pay it since i can't move out to a better place with better internet. And they don't need to upgrade since there is no competition.
I can only have frontier....and they were only to provide me service about 6 months ago......no one else could provide internet to my area. It sucks so bad....but for right now id rather have frontier than nothing but I wish I had more options. I use to have time Warner for internet and it was great!
I did Tech Support and Customer Service for Frontier. Strangely enough, I don't even live in a city where it's present; so comparing Frontier to the multitude of services provided here, it's just shit. The rates for the prices are unfair (to put it nicely) and most of us working there knew it. So I'm sorry mayne, I feel you on that.
Honestly i hate that people make this about left or right. I consider myself republican but this net neutrality thing is pissing me off just as much as the next person. Unless im missing some part of the story, this is about the consumer against the big corporations and their supporters, *not* democrat vs republican
Same. Just because I'm right wing doesn't mean I'm against net neutrality. I think this is one of the rarest times dems and repubs can actually agree on to let it stay. Well not some repubs in congress anyway.
>Traitors of capitalism Except I'm very capitalist and removing NN is going to hurt me financially. Also, please do not act like some regressive hard leftist. The Right is not a hivemind.
You're definitely missing a big part of the story. The attack on net neutrality is an almost completely one-sided attack by the Republicans. Trump was the one who appointed the FCC chairman who is doing all of this. And the majority of the GOP are in favor of it. For example, in 2011, Congress voted on net neutrality. In the House, 177 Democrats voted for it, and 6 against it. 234 Republicans voted against it, and only 2 voted for it. In the Senate, every single Democrat (52 in total) voted for it, and EVERY SINGLE Republican (46) voted against it. So yes, this is completely on your party. Sure, most Republican citizens might be in favor of it, but you guys still keep voting for the politicians who are against it.
jjboog45 "Trump was the one who appointed the FCC chairman" False. Obama appointed Ajit to the FCC and then Trump made him Chairman. "So yes, this is completely on your party. Sure, most Republican citizens are in favor of it, but you guys still keep voting for the who are against it." Because we have a much better interest for voting for congressional democrats who hate our guts. In the one time everyone on each side is against this, you still turn this into "well that side is!!!" mentality. Not to mention even the Repubs in congress wouldn't risk a Democratic blue wave in 2018 if this was allowed to be removed. The surge in democrat votes would be too much.
How To Make Sushi Did it actually happen. Legit, actual question. I really don’t know what’s been going on with with this since this video was uploaded.
Google android is spying on your data and records it, they know everything about what you do, and, proven by mass of people reporting similar situation, they are also recording your conversations on or off calls. The mike, is never off if you own a phone from the scumcorps. Past novels on dystopian futures have nothing on the level of invasion of today. Quartz caught Google with their pants down, and their response was "sorry you caught us, we're not going to anymore". Which, is a repeat from the time when Google stole WiFi data from Europe and got sent to court for it, where they attempted to keep the records "as evidence" in the case, well after they were told to have them fully erased. Spying isn't a government issue anymore when corporations do it for them.
Adam Beard how many options do you have for internet? I have 2. One offers 50mbps dl and 25mbps ul, the other offers 100mbps dl and 5mbps ul so instead of being able to choose one based on the speed offered, i need to see which one the services i use paid to give me the full speed service i already pay for? And you dont see a problem with this? ISPs are as close to a monopoly in this country as it gets
KyleTVProductions its not a perfect comparison but the point stands. Companies dont give a shit about the consumers, all they care about is money. Yes if you dont agree with EA, dont buy their games, and even if EA was a monopoly, you lose playing video games. You disagree with your ISP you lose INTERNET which is quite necessary to a large portion of the countries life.
Felix Fedre If ney nuetrality was corrupt then why does 98% of the internet support to keep it? Because the people actually want to keep it. For the people, by the people!
Wtf did that chart say some people think asking someone to go on a date is sexual harassment? Um no? How tf is asking a co-worker one time "hey want to go out for drinks" harassment? Jesus in the future I bet making eye contact can get you in trouble.
SNOW SOS there is a big difference between a compliment and harassment . This includes the wording of your sentence and tone of voice . A compliment is "that dress is nice!" Harassment is "that dress is so revealing ! What I would do to that body"
It's already there in the UK, where women can report what they "feel" is a hate crime, and whether or not an actual criminal offense is committed, the accused can still be tried for a hate crime
This time they're likely to push it through despite it going against the will of the people. The only way to beat it is to convince your local congressman not to support it. That can be a difficult thing to do though, considering most represent big money interests rather than you.
Johnus Smittinis I think net neutrality is kind of a grey area in the Constitution. The fore fathers wrote about it in an unclear way, similar to the second amendment.
Oen713 then people can't be that organized anymore. Makes it easier for rebellions to start and die out faster. Oh and if you heard a bus load of preteen girls heading to Washington D.C. to play doctor, it's a bogus story. After all those politicos can play with them any time while the people shift to notice boards all the while sex, corruption, and shit continues.
The overall majority of people using internet have no idea about speed throttling, to them they will have "the internet". ComCast etc will hide the throtttling by advertising "services". A whole generation of will grow up who will be accepting of loot boxes and throttling because that would be all they have known. I live in South Africa. Throttling here is all people have ever known. I am paying double price for unlimited and unthrottled connection. In asouth Africa there are several tiers for internet and bandwidth. ISPs have do ne it so long that its become widely acceptable.
Even in Canada I know taking away net neutrality in the US would affect the internet for us and the rest of the world too. I'll do everything I can to protect it.
As an European that has fought hard and long against any kind of invasion on my privacy, to see that things go sideways on us because of a third world country in anything but impressions, is SEVERELY aggravating. Incompetent idiots did this, by allowing this kind of behavior to be ok. Blinded fools.
gododoof No one gives a shit about Canada. You contribute nothing to the world other than SJWs. I can't wait until China finishes buying off all of your infrastructure and real estate.
Hey people if you're not in the US 1.Yes this *will* affect you! Most big websites that we use regularly are based in the US (reddit, youtube, google in general etc.). So this will affect them, and indirectly it would affect us since we are using said websites.2. To participate in the fight for Net neutrality you can go on the *FCC website* of the US and submit a filling - just *check the little "international" box* when you're filling your compaint! The *proceeding number is 17-108.*
Ok so to clarify it would be indirectly : It'll affect big website that we use all the time like google, youtube, reddit... since they are based in the us, therefore if they are slowed down or lose money or whatnot there will be repercussions even for us. Sorry about not being explicit^^
Not necessarily. This law will only affect the internet lines in the US, all of those companies have servers in Europe and Asia too, when I go to google, I don't have to ping the other side of the world, that would take too long. There's probably a server in Germany or Ireland. American ISP's can't throttle the traffic in Europe. The only way it would affect me is that those giant companies will get a hit on their revenue from the US, but they will still thrive in the EU. I'm not saying I don't support net neutrality btw, I'm just saying I don't think it's that bad for Europeans just yet.
Free clearly doesn't mean good. Ever hear of a library? Literally every generation before millennials got all the way through college by reading BOOKS.
nacho jimenez Books that are usually outdated and filled with mistakes and bias. If you really think that a collection of limited books can compare to an easily accessible archive of data (whether it be wikipedia, online articles, journals, etc) that is constantly updated with citations and references, then your spite for the newer generations is clearly clouding your mind.
I see the few good things from ending net neutrality, but they are HEAVILY outweighed by the bad. Until the oligopoly on cell service and internet providers is broken and there is true market competition in those areas, maybe we can consider it. Right now though, this move makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Please call your congressman / congresswoman within the next few days. What hurts politicians more than losing a financial back-deal with large companies is losing votes and power. We the people can do that
Are you nuts?!! We shouldn't have to pay for the internet when we pay for everything else. People use the internet for school, college, contact family members, relax and watch youtube or netflix. This will destroy what the internet was made for... FREE WILL
The oligopoly can only be broken once the restrictions are removed. If Comcast throttles access to youtube. then another company can come in and say "hey. we are going to not throttle youtube but instead boost the speeds at which youtube videos download". People would drop Comcast and switch. Creating competition.
The "good things" all depend on ISP's to self-regulate... We're basically being asked to trust them and hope our service doesn't get impacted. That's not how it should be.
The problem is there is no competiton : arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/08/us-broadband-still-no-isp-choice-for-many-especially-at-higher-speeds/
nowocinm24 Phil literally just said the problem with that being there's not enough competition for that. I've lived all over the country, usually there's only one internet provider and the slow dsl crap. Keep up brah
Jo King silly plebian the government is to help the devine nobles that have personally been given wealth by Jesus christ (btw yes this is sarcasm for those that thought I was serious, I know at least one of you thought that )
What about the people whose jobs revolve around the internet? Such as online freelance graphic designers, freelance web designers, youtubers, etc. If they're in the slow lane and they can't upgrade for whatever reason, how are they supposed to make any money?
Max Goldberg BSME Yeah, you hit the nail on the head, and the sad part is they're both in the pockets of various corporations and anytime anyone outside of those two parties tries to do anything they get stomped down by all the people colluding to make sure we stay a two party system that never gets anything done or moves forward in any way because moving forward means less money for the greedy.
patrick gardner On what their inbox is full of. It could be full of thongs unrelated to your issue, or even things that are against what you want. Or it could be full of messages by people who are calling for the exact same reason you are. That's why it depends.
I know this episode is about net neutrality and all but I'm not from the US so can't call your congressmen and whatnot. Just commenting to say that I watched Tunnel cause of the recommendation Phil, and it made me cry. Thanks for that. It reminded me what having feelings is like.
Of course Verizon is okay with this, because (iirc) Pai used to be their attorney! Correction: he actually used to be Verizon's Associate General Counsel, "where he handled competition matters, regulatory issues, and counseling of business units on broadband initiatives", according to Wikipedia. So there's that. The fact still remains though.
It should be illegal to petition on matters whilst hiding your past relationships with those who would profit the most from it. You shouldn't be prevented from advocating for what you want, but it should be made abundantly clear the nature of past relationships where relevant.
I'm going to call and I'm going to stand up for net neutrality, but every time this comes up AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN i can't help but wonder why? Why do they want this? Why are people this stupid? Why are we constantly being guided towards an Orwellian future of lost ideas and lost hope? WHY?
It's the tactic politicians and bureaucrats use. Wear down the voters or constituents. Tweak some of the language to make it sound better but really it's no different than the last time they tried to pass it. Find some loophole. In my neck of the woods, the voters turned down light rail. Twice. Guess what got built?
You should be happy the FCC wants to do this, it's another area where the government shouldn't have its hands tied up in, the internet needs to be free, open and controlled by the people not by the government, the only reason Net Neutrality exists is because previous administration's allowed companies to grow into monopolies. The only real way to solve the issue to break up and end monopolies!
I'm Australian living in Australia. A while back during the US election campaign a Young American adult came into my place of work. When I asked her if she was nervous about Trump being in the election she didn't seem to care and said, no. I replied with, "oh so you're going to be voting for Hilary?" And she just replied casually with a "noo I can't be bothered to vote, besides Trump would never win." I didn't want to start lecturing her about politics because it's extremely hard to change a tigers strips right? sooo I just mentioned how in Australia it's compulsory for everyone to vote and it's good because democracy wins But I wish I had said something more. I wish I had told her that her attitude is what lets these horrible changes occur... LEGALLY. This net neutrality issue should not be ignored.. don't have that young woman's attitude, YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Come on amercia, show us you can learn from your mistakes and do something about net neutrality!!
No, this is how democracy dies when you vote republican...they got the majority and they are fucking everyone over in healthcare, "tax cuts" and now this..
while everyone is making formal arguments about net neutrality I'm just sitting here thinking. Will i still be able to go to hentai haven and xvideos or not?
My understanding is this - imagine if when you turned on your TV you had access to every tv channel ever! That is what we have right now with Net Neutrality and the internet. You can access anything you want out there. Now look at how TV actually works - were companies charge you extra $$$ for access to certain packages etc. like sports or movies. This is what this Pai guy is trying to do to the internet. They could charge people EXTRA for a RUclips Package or Netflix Package or Steam Game Download Package for example. This is bad.
It should cost the same to stream video and view plain text even if it costs the isp more. PUT IT IN THE CONSTITUTION. Lot of geniuses Philly-D's channel.
How are you advocating violence? Is it violent to not shed tears for people you don't know dying? Well shit everyone is pretty fucking violent then because kids in Africa could have drank those tears.
If he wasn't advocating violence then why did he go out of the way to say he never advocates violence? Usually if you are going to say something like "I don't normally advocate this" you then follow it with something you are advocating. You wouldn't say "I normally have a very good sense of humor, but I found this very funny.", it just wouldn't make sense.
A message to the commenters, Ok A) Complaining about trump isn’t going fix anything. B) I’m from The south and in a mostly conservative community, we all hate anything against Net Neutrality, all my pro-trump friends are against this bill as well. I’ve been on conservative forums looking at reactions and their against this. Calm the fuck down. Go sign up for a petition C) Here’s another thing you don’t understand, we’re all in the same goddamn boat. There is no reason why we should divide from each other more than we already have. The election’s already passed complaining about the election which happened a full year ago isn’t going to change anything. You know what is going to change something? Signing up with these websites Philly D mentioned. Okay I’m done. Now, if you really care, go do something about it. There’s no sense in being an armchair moralist in this situation.
I'm not pro-trump but it doesn't matter to me if you are indeed pro-trump. I'm just glad that almost all of us as the common people can agree that this bill is absolute horseshit and values the profit for internet service providers over its own citizens. Net neutrality needs to be protected, and your political stance doesn't change that.
The Dark wins against the Light for the first time in DECADES! A joyous day, in spite of the most fraud-filled BLACK election of Doug Jones, where blacks from the ENTIRE country went on buses to vote in Jones!
In school, we were learning about US History, and isn’t there some part of the Declaration of Independence where it says the people can do something about the government?
the DOI has nothing to do with laws in the US, it's only a document that had influence on the current system and yes, you can do something about government any time you like, that's what the 2nd amendment is for if you want to kill people over you not getting on youtube however, please do us all a favor and fuck off
"isn’t there some part of the Declaration of Independence where it says the people can do something about the government" is directly related to the 2nd amendment (your right to buy a gun) and using force to overthrow tyrannical government I'm saying that if you want to overthrow the government because of internet deregulation, you need to fuck off *not you in particular
STEPS TO CHAOS: 1) Put a callus business man into the seat of power to overturn ethical humane rulings. 2) Create confusion and disharmony in political discussions and commerce. 3) * Strengthen the over site and regulation of data communications to monopolize and control information. 4) Build a far reaching structure around your "For freedom and justice for all" nation under the guise of patriotism.
Philip, thank you so much for bringing this story to the attention of all of us! I live in rural Alabama....around here, people have 1 option, and even worse, no Internet....I have already called my congress, and I have told all of my friends to do the same. If they raised rates for certain websites/apps, we would be hurting. People around here can't afford the absurd prices of television, so, we rely on most of the internet for our news/ entertainment...everyone, PLEASE give that call!!
dead Mars This decision has me so angry. The fact this is happening right in front of us and we can do nothing about it is even worse. Where are the government officials standing up to do what is right? They want my vote but do absolutely nothing for me. The FTC has no real power other than fines....what is $500k to a billion dollar company
I don't know dead Mars, if you watch the netflix programming it seems to follow along with the same message of all progressive liberal ideologies are good and conservative ideologies are bad.
.....And the point has been missed. Idiology is not the point and this is the reason we are losing. Right or Left we all use the net equally and now we both lose because we are too far divided. I don't watch Fox News but I should have equal access to their site just like CNN or MSNBC. Imagine shopping Amazon black friday on a throttled network because TWC isn't partnered with them so those $30 Beats you wanted so bad are gone! I pay TWC $100 for 200 megabits and avg 24Mb on a good day and now I'm expected to pay them more for to have standard speeds to a site?!? WTF
Free market. Net Neutrality was a government regulation. It did nothing at all to help us as consumers. HAve you noticed anything wrong since it was repealed? Nope. BTW...my Comcast internet speed this month on the 25 MB/s plan has gone up to 100 MB/s without an increase in charges. What's most fucking hilarious is that ISPs not having to eat the costs of data usage by huge companies like Google so they can lower costs, which is good for us, is the opposite of what people beleive. The liberal media is completely FUCKING you all. They misinformed you on NN, and now they are trying to bullshit you on the new tax cuts that give us all a raise and make the corporate tax rate competitive to all the other first world countries so that they will come back, or stay here along with all their jobs. Quit listening to these fucking Mainstream Media liars. Their only goal is to undermine ANYTHING that Trump's administration does, and they are willing to completely LIE to you to do it.
That net neutrality problem is very concerning. Since I'm not american, I always looked at a lot of US politics like one would watched Fail Army: from afar. But what is concerning here is that Internet does not exist in a bubble and, since the «Land of the Free» is such a big deal when it comes to cultural products, media and stuff, there's no way that wreck of a law won't affect other countries as well. I know it might be a weird question but what can we do, as Canadians, Europeans, South Americans, Africans, Australians and so on?
TheOboebunny I wish we could do something. The government knows we don't want net neutrality to go, but they don't care. The best thing the people can do is kill the guy and even if that happens, it could still be enforced.
While you might not be able to make any 'official' complaints about the change in the law, I think trying to rally support in your cities to email the white house or some form of our government could help. Just saying if a flood of comments come pouring in from locations outside of the states, it might make them thing twice if they get concerned of this becoming some kind of international issue. This link should help get you started. www.usa.gov/email
That'll probably be lost on a lot of people though. Another example would be TV cable companies. Can't access those channels? Too bad, your cable provider doesn't have it because that channel doesn't want to pay them.
Thanks for the thought, regardless. ♡ It really sucks though. We've had things like this in the past with the Interwebz, like PIPA and SOPA. Let's hope we dominate this one again.
5KYM0L3CUL3 do you remember 2014. That was the last year the internet and ISP were held under title 1. Do you remember the internet being a dystopia back then. NN is fear mongering. Websites like netflix and RUclips, who use way more band with than most sites, will pay whatever fee ISP impose, and most customers will never know or care.
except it was worse before 2015. the fact that many isps were either lying about what they were giving consumers (TWC in regards to renting out routers that had no chance of reaching the stated speeds that they were making people pay) or black mailing other content providers to pay more money to not get slowed down (netflix paying millions to verizon) is something that happened. sometimes it still does happen
5KYM0L3CUL3 Allowing an ISP to make deals with content providers allows capital to be more freely allocated to expanding infrastructure. If Comcast lays line down my road as part of a deal with Netflix to provide their package the risk shifts to Netflix away from Comcast. Netflix foots much of the upfront cost and now it is their loss if I don't sign up for internet. Also these kind of deals could provide capital to smaller ISPs. An investor may not value a given market to recoup costs quick enough for them, but content providers have a stake in many markets and care how they do as an aggregate. Not necessarily my beliefs, but the best I can come up with.
Reddles37 yeah. Tru. It's like destiny. The traveler came in 2012, and now, a few years later, the Collapse came. At this rate, the Terminator movies won't seem as stupid.
This is ridiculous the only provider in my area is Spectrum it's either that or no internet. Its gonna take advantage of people like us which is so unfair and it is ridiculous
Kesia Andujar it really is but as always most people in america dont care about actual important stuff they rather discuss their gender studies or next blm/ antifa protest
VeGaZz: How many times are you going to post the same damned thing? We get it, YOU think ALL Americans care about is gender studies or BLM or whatever other nonsense you've written. Get educated about Americans. The biggest advantage/disadvantage about America is we're not all the same. Where is this Utopia that you live?
Harrison Fletcher you do know that's basically BS right? I live in a country where net neutrality isn't a thing and only those at the top benefit from it, they also make sure no one else starts up or rises to the position their rivals/frienemies, after all they don't want to enter into any other unofficial non-compete agreements and shrink their market share. The reason net neutrality is needed is a very simple and obvious one, greed. The internet has become to necessary a resource and therefore classifying it with other utilities and having it fall under those restrictions is normal and logical.
S M B well from what I see its all you lot go on about as your reply proves because it is all your interested in, not the NN issue just calling out someone talking about all the usual talking points you lot go on about. And judging by all your other comments ive seen in the last 20min id say your a liberal, as evidenced by your anti republican blame posting and the libralisim defence posting, and now onto proving this guys comment by commenting on it, my guess is you just dont like it when people bring up all the shity points that you and yours are guilty of so rather than debate you just deny and deflect, typical lefty behaviour.
Remember people, if you actually support Net Neutrality, do what the man says. Otherwise, at least put messages on message boards and comments section with "SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY" or some crap in places to spread awareness
Hey Phil, you are a very reliable person to go to when you are looking for news. Turns out I am doing a school project on net neutrality and your video really helped me to gather my ideas and information to use on the project. Thank you for a great source of information!
rawsalmon75 Netflix, Amazon, Google, etc were created in the US under Net Neutrality, if NN hadn't existed and they went against ISP's interests they wouldn't be as successful and thus as beneficial to the public as today.
In regards to the polls, I think they are an inaccurate way to measure harassment because what matters to me are the identities of the actor and the target. Keep in mind I'm not trying to be ageist, sexist, etc. But there is a difference between when a person my age tells me I look sexy, and when a married, middle-aged man who was the youth group leader at my church tells 18-year-old me I look hot and asks me out to coffee repeatedly (Hi Andrew!) Dirty people know they are being dirty, I don't think a poll really matters.
That's what a lot of guys don't get (and I'm a guy), it's all about the social dynamics. Generally, most of us are linear thinkers, with one track minds; this sometimes leads to internalizing certain things and taking them personally to dissuade and distract us from seeing the bigger picture. Like you say, it's all about the social dynamic. Plus, a lot of guys are also super mushy and romantic on the inside and a lot of us want to find that perfect one right out the get go (I can only speak in the case of heterosexual men), and when those hopes are broken it can lead to them spewing their perceived internalized oppression on people and mischaracterizing the whole concept. It is a tricky one though, dating; it all comes down to chance. We as guys need to build strong ideas of what proper sexual etiquette is in order to know we're not stepping our bounds. On a sidenote, I absolutely love how you just anonymously throw shade at that random person near the end. Oooooh that gave me a chuckle xD.
Notice how rape and/or true cases of sexual harassment involve people in power. Whether it's a teacher, policeman, actor/actress, CEO, etc. Ding ding ding! I just highlighted what the left continues to ignore! How is drawing more attention to this issue take away what I said? Rapists don't rape for sex. They rape because it makes them feel what? POWERFUL. Criminals don't obey laws so it's not going to disappear anytime soon regardless of how brainwashed people are. It's a sad reality but we don't live in a rape culture libtard SJWs!
I'm actually very conflicted about this. Context definitely matters. Being told "you're sexy" feels vastly different coming from a random person at the bar vs. someone who's interviewing you, or anyone you have a strictly professional relationship with. On the other, hand, I have never ever felt comfortable when someone "wolf-whistles" at me on the street, no matter the context.
Merrielle Mandy When liberals and SJWs are the source of the problem, I'm going to point it out. They already make white straight men guilty so what's the point of anything? Also, rapists typically have high levels of testosterone, you know the alpha male types. That's why some rapes occur in frats which lead them to believe it's okay. There's literally no way to "end" rape, just like there's no way to "end" racism. The left believes fairytales and I'm not afraid to bash them for it. We don't live in Iran where rape victims can be stoned to death for being raped. As we can all see rapists are PUNISHED here, even more so when they're found innocent. I refuse to bow to leftist ideologies.
You make a good point Emily, and I think it varies in severity. Your example was wolf whistling, but there are lots of things that are bad no matter what, like groping, pantsing, flashing. It frustrates me that there are some people who claim not to understand how it affects people.
It's that little : " Would you like to go out for a drink? Or else... I can make your life miserable sweetie " . You know the drill David . Stop playing dumb
sentry8535 respondents stating “always” or “usually” so these people believe if i were to ask one of my coworkers (of equal level) to go for a drink it would be sexual harassment
CALL. NOW. This is important. They work for you, let them hear your voice. Net Neutrality is soooooooooo vital.
Philip DeFranco ok
Is there a petition out now to reject this and keep net neutrality?
We will lose one day they will never stop at trying to take over the internet & once they get in they will never get out
Fuck isps
I'm so tired of this Net Neutrality thing. I can't help but think that's part of the plan though. Still, ya gotta keep defending the one thing that matters no matter how tiresome it gets.
Goose Boose I usually don’t comment but I saw you comment here so I Just wanted to say that I love your channel!
Goose Boose actually in an alternative universe where America isn't synonymous with "Loltardistan", you don't have to fight constantly because the president is not Donald "a dickless reality tv star"Trump. Elections have consequences. Learn that sentence.
Yeah they are trying to cause public fatigue so people stop caring about it
I think the net neutrality thing is overplayed. It's made out to be this savior of the people, in reality it's just a handout to google, facebook, and netflix at the expense of comcast, verizon, and time warner cable.
Ant Man are you crazy? Net neutrality is important
"hey, let's not stop at Micro-transactions in video games, Let's have Micro-transactions for the whole goddamn internet"
Ooh I unlocked RUclips! That’s a legendary! Wooooo
Snavels I think we should bring simulator games back into the mainstream so that capitalists can live out their fantasies of ruling an empire without actually using real people.
We need to keep net neutrality. If not we cant see this big cat video:
Snavels your profile pic shows my true feelings ln this whole situation.
FCC: hey guys take a look at this do you like it?
everyone: we hate it
FCC: ok great! it’s effective next month
Yeah, basically ignored our 1st amendment rights. It shouldn't be up for debate the people want net neutrality it should stay the way it is.
i liked it
The constant attempts to get rid of Net Neutrality disgusts and infuriates me. How many times can we make it clear that EVERYONE is in favor of Net Neutrality? If we lose it, our whole society loses out. We will be shoved further under the boot of greedy corporations, and fall behind the rest of the world both culturally and economically. This is absolutely a dark day, and it's only the beginning. This is what happens when corporations are prioritized over the people.
Barna Bop "we will be shoved further under the boot of greedy corporations" exactly. That's what they want. In their eyes, we aren't human beings with free wills. We are tools to fill their pockets with cha-ching and keep them living high. They don't give a fudge about what we want. They only care about what they want. And they want money.
Barna Bop
Judging from all the spreading of this news, I think we will win this battle. If not... well, a shit ton of rioting will take place.
We truly are living in the darkest timeline.
These people have an ajenda so they are going to keep pushing untill we are too tired or too sick of the argument to push back
You can always identify the sheep from the shepherds.
Sheep: Oh no the Internet! What will we do??
Shepherd: Id perfer a mesh network anyway. Don't tempt me.
Simply requiring the company to explain their unfair actions doesn’t suddenly make it okay for them do it. Who elected this guy?
He was appointed to his job by Trump, and he was outspoken in his opposition to Net Neutrality before his appointment so this is all Trump's fault. Fucker.
The FCC is under the Executive branch, so he would be assigned the job by the President or some other high ranking official. Unfortunately we didn't really have a say in if this asshat should have had the job.
I typically vote Republican FYI (not last election though)
by trump... big supersize there
Emperor Cloud the IX of Upsilon Midgar I see you are another Trumptard who screeches "REE FAKE NEWS SUCC IT LIBTARDS" at anything that criticizes him.
This is terrifying. No matter how transparent companies are net neutrality will be gone. I feel like my government isn't listening to me or others like me and I'm worried to death about the future...
Well, when has the person in the oval office ever listened to anyone but himself? When has he hired anyone who listens to anyone but him? When has a single iota of 2-way communication ever existed during this administration? I've seen absolutely nothing but shouting down. Watch any 'whenever-we-feel-like-getting-around-to-it' press conference. It's all nothing but professional contentiousness.
Rick Harris
these people should removed from power. We all need to march up to capital hill drag these corrupt politicians down and place them into custody for crimes against humanity.!
Of course they don't listen to us. They only listen to corporate lobbyists.
Our founding fathers warned us about this exact problem. The moment any politician makes more than the common folk, its corrupt. When paper money is introduced, despite the warnings, we're corrupt. If the government body tries to pass laws to scapegoat politicians from their crime(s), we're corrupt. The moment there is a 2 party system and with the spectrum of 'independent/moderate' in between, we're corrupt.
Its literally self explanatory. Its just the ignorants who don't know a lick of history are the ones destroying the foundation of what the United States was built upon. It was warned continuously, yet now we're trying to destroy that history.
If this thing actually goes through, who wants to help set up a protest
I will
I will but I don't even think protests help now a days
Being forced to concede to these manipulative monopolies is like dealing with the mafia. Disgusting.
Monopolies are illegal, don't worry
It's a shame the government doesn't seem to care about regional duopolies, huh.
Who would win?
Millions of internet users
One greedy boi?
I know it's supposed to be a joke, but man, it doesn't sound like one.
*one fcc boi
RACHELLE Sadly that one greedy boi might actually win.
Basically turning the entire internet into a pay-to-win game, doesn't surprise me at all
Christopher Rule
It surprises me. Only dumb Americans could have had this idea.
Looks like FCC let EA do their dirty work
Christopher Rule making it into EA, sounds like hell.
shizukagozen777: Correction, only half of Americans were stupid enough to allow this happen.
Put it simply, ea will pay a billion to keep them with the best services, steam will be slow, producers will want their games on origin and will pay a lot for it, gaben will get mad and buy the FCC somehow, we will all be saved as he makes working for EA illegal.
Net Neutrality is one of the most important things in the modern world so with that in mind I'm looking forward to protesting at my local Verizon store this December with many other Americans.
dylan bellerose Where is this protest located I have nothing to do let me join.
dylan bellerose
Explain how Net Neutrality is good.
Hello, wasn't Net Neutrality put into place in 2015? The internet wasn't that bad pre-2015, without NN, why is it going to be so terrible repealing NN?
xXmisterfishXx Its hard for me to explain but before 2015 something was probably put in place. Now if net neutrality is removed this could mean your internet provider could slow down or block certain websites making you pay for an internet bundle.
Dragonborn 360 maybe, but I can't find anything that was in before Net Neutrality, I don't think there was. I think that open market kept them in line. How? thanks for asking. See, if comcast were to start blocking sites, people would absolutely not tolerate that and would switch to another ISP, and in areas where they only have one choice, the demand would be so high it would be worth it for Verizon to swoop in and take all that business. In other words, an ISP wouldn't violate Net Neutrality because they wouldn't want the bad publicity or to give a competitor a chance to swoop in. If I'm wrong, please walk me through it, thanks.
Can we get a round of applause for RUclips, since they put this on trending?
*_Crickets chirping, then a random cough._*
Joshua Fogg Exactly
Google supports net neutrality so it is not surprising that this is on trending, it supports their agenda.
RUclips Troller I guess I don't exactly understand what Net Neutrality is then. Because I was under the impression that political agenda-driven companies like Google utterly hated the idea of a free Internet.
TheCatLord In that case, I understand fully.
I have ONE option for internet. 1.5 mb from century link. So ya, I'd say the market is slim.
AdventureSportFlashlights owned by altice,right? Luckily,I have slightly diffrent company. Cablevision/optimum. Also/-Also- owned by altice.
I live in a rural area. Century link comes within two miles of my house with high speed but says they are unable to "push" it to my location. Whatever the heck that means. I could go with Sky Blue but if I check my email everyday, I would go over allotted amount for their cheapest plan and I'm throttled back to dial up speed, for which I would still have to pay $60 per month.
Thankfully there is another agency that recently started here so maybe, just maybe I can finally get something that works well...not entirely hopeful but I gotta try.
AdventureSportFlashlights i have centiry link at 35mbps with a wired connection. are you wired?
Have you tried *_Rust-eze!?_*
It will certainly be improved by creating more barriers to market entry rather than removing existing ones.
What a disgusting government we have if this goes through. Internet should always be equal and safe.
The internet is neither equal nor safe, and never was.
Net neutrality isn't even a thing. It hasn't had a chance to cause damage, yet. Thank God!
Lucas I know right. All these guys think that Net Neutrality either hasn't been implemented or was implemented after 2015. What a load of bs
Kylin Finley If the government gains control of the internet, they could control nearly all americans.
Do you enjoy talking out of your ass?
I've been around a long time in politiosphere and watched countless legislative attempts at net neutrality fail miserably. It's you who are spreading misinformation, Sir.
Clearly you don't know, right.
why is this the only video on net neutrality that is trending? glad there is at least one, good on ya.
As some rando with terrible social anxiety, I will be calling about the net neutrality cause because whatever may happen, atleast we can look back and say “atleast I tried” or “every voice counted” instead of have a shit ton of shame. *please* do the same.
Too much of a wuss to murder as Rick Harris is suggesting, but I'll call along with Flavored Chip. Good luck
Rick Harris like I said man, calling up is better than doing jack-shit and complaining about it. More voices heard the better, even if the percentage of change is incredibly slim
Rick Harris you suggest we start a rebellion? No one would support us. We americans are uses to being pushed around by companies ans this won't be a big deal at all to most people, as evident by no one giving a shit in the past or present.
“back in my day, we slaughtered those who we did not agree with. you damn millenialls peacefully partaking in political discourse are what’s wrong with the world today”
Flavored Chip I believe in you. You can do it.
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The Ace Of Spades or don’t pay for it, no one else pays for it, company can change policy or go out of business, yay free markets
Adam Beard RIP - Nail; Cause of Death: Hit on the head
Does it say that you can't see the comment for the rest of you guys too?
Mike Brown ... no?
How are the people alone gonna fight against billion dollar companies? I've written my congressman. I'm hopeful for the best but I still doubt we can stop it
Tyclone You do realize google is a company worth half a trillion dollars. Amazon and netflix are also very large billion dollar companies. Team internet can win. Call congress, do everything you can.
because there are also billion dollar companies who this hurts?
diep hai thanks for the virus I appreciate it
Vote with your wallet. Don't give them any of your money. That is how you fight them.
Because everyone is so busy being distracted by EAs bs lootbox problem... It's star wars episode 3! Droids are getting wrecked but the empire is about to unleash order 66 on these idiots and shoot them in the back for being so distracted.
The people of the US need to rise up and fight against the FCC.
Liam Ryan and they must continue
We have no power here.
Sam 'N' Cheese Doesnt mean you sit around and let the suits win, you protest. If no one stands uo for change then nothing will change.
I am stuck with Frontier internet it used to be Verizon till Frontier bought them out in California. and they own a monopoly in the area i live where no other company can provide internet where i live. So i have been stuck with 350k/b download speed and i get charged the same price as there high end 50m/b download speed that they provide to other areas. I have no choice but to pay it since i can't move out to a better place with better internet. And they don't need to upgrade since there is no competition.
WBsteve that sucks
yes it does
I can only have frontier....and they were only to provide me service about 6 months ago......no one else could provide internet to my area. It sucks so bad....but for right now id rather have frontier than nothing but I wish I had more options. I use to have time Warner for internet and it was great!
I did Tech Support and Customer Service for Frontier.
Strangely enough, I don't even live in a city where it's present; so comparing Frontier to the multitude of services provided here, it's just shit. The rates for the prices are unfair (to put it nicely) and most of us working there knew it.
So I'm sorry mayne, I feel you on that.
Same thing happened in FL. Had to switch to Directv but it’s still not as good as Verizon was
*This should be #1 trending*
June Mares apparently Rick and Morty is more important.
June Mares lol bts is trending instead
Honestly i hate that people make this about left or right. I consider myself republican but this net neutrality thing is pissing me off just as much as the next person. Unless im missing some part of the story, this is about the consumer against the big corporations and their supporters, *not* democrat vs republican
Same. Just because I'm right wing doesn't mean I'm against net neutrality. I think this is one of the rarest times dems and repubs can actually agree on to let it stay. Well not some repubs in congress anyway.
>Traitors of capitalism
Except I'm very capitalist and removing NN is going to hurt me financially.
Also, please do not act like some regressive hard leftist. The Right is not a hivemind.
Actually I believe the left and right agree on many topics as there being a problem, I think the differences are in the resolution
You're definitely missing a big part of the story. The attack on net neutrality is an almost completely one-sided attack by the Republicans. Trump was the one who appointed the FCC chairman who is doing all of this. And the majority of the GOP are in favor of it.
For example, in 2011, Congress voted on net neutrality. In the House, 177 Democrats voted for it, and 6 against it. 234 Republicans voted against it, and only 2 voted for it. In the Senate, every single Democrat (52 in total) voted for it, and EVERY SINGLE Republican (46) voted against it.
So yes, this is completely on your party. Sure, most Republican citizens might be in favor of it, but you guys still keep voting for the politicians who are against it.
jjboog45 "Trump was the one who appointed the FCC chairman" False. Obama appointed Ajit to the FCC and then Trump made him Chairman.
"So yes, this is completely on your party. Sure, most Republican citizens are in favor of it, but you guys still keep voting for the who are against it."
Because we have a much better interest for voting for congressional democrats who hate our guts. In the one time everyone on each side is against this, you still turn this into "well that side is!!!" mentality.
Not to mention even the Repubs in congress wouldn't risk a Democratic blue wave in 2018 if this was allowed to be removed. The surge in democrat votes would be too much.
Well seems like we lost net neutrality...
Dude please tell this to your subs to reach out to more people since you have so many subs
How To Make Sushi Did it actually happen. Legit, actual question. I really don’t know what’s been going on with with this since this video was uploaded.
How much rice should I be putting in my sushi? Plz respond
No, we haven't lost it yet and we should keep fighting. Please send a letter to your local representative to help the fight
How To Make Sushi too bad cuz Im not in South Africa lol
The world is slowly turning into the world of syndicate
Or Deus Ex
The US*
Google android is spying on your data and records it, they know everything about what you do, and, proven by mass of people reporting similar situation, they are also recording your conversations on or off calls. The mike, is never off if you own a phone from the scumcorps. Past novels on dystopian futures have nothing on the level of invasion of today. Quartz caught Google with their pants down, and their response was "sorry you caught us, we're not going to anymore". Which, is a repeat from the time when Google stole WiFi data from Europe and got sent to court for it, where they attempted to keep the records "as evidence" in the case, well after they were told to have them fully erased. Spying isn't a government issue anymore when corporations do it for them.
nah, just you guys
fxck the usa and 3 worlds :)
Oh yeah, trust big companies. Trusting big companies like EA to self regulate their greed is definitely working out in the quality department.
Jo King you have a choice not to but EA games then EA either changes or goes away, isn’t free market economics great!
Its a free market. EA makes games people buy. No one is forcing you to buy EA games
Adam Beard how many options do you have for internet? I have 2. One offers 50mbps dl and 25mbps ul, the other offers 100mbps dl and 5mbps ul so instead of being able to choose one based on the speed offered, i need to see which one the services i use paid to give me the full speed service i already pay for? And you dont see a problem with this? ISPs are as close to a monopoly in this country as it gets
KyleTVProductions its not a perfect comparison but the point stands. Companies dont give a shit about the consumers, all they care about is money. Yes if you dont agree with EA, dont buy their games, and even if EA was a monopoly, you lose playing video games. You disagree with your ISP you lose INTERNET which is quite necessary to a large portion of the countries life.
Gamer Kai yeah but having a monopoly Is illegal,they have to go give other competition a chance
America is behind so many other countries regarding ISPs? My country literally has one ISP and they do us dirty... Monopoly sucks
Ben Thunder what country are you in??
chibiyaten15 Africa Ig
chibiyaten15 Namibia, Africa...
Ben Thunder and having only 2 real options is so much better?
Ben Thunder literally every other major country has at least 10 or 20 different options for ISPs and that's just locally for them
Make the internet great again... oh wait..
keep the internet great
And get rid of Obama's corrupt net nutrality.
Felix Fedre it may be obamas idea but trump made it real.
Felix Fedre Are you just blindly and blatantly with the right?
Felix Fedre If ney nuetrality was corrupt then why does 98% of the internet support to keep it? Because the people actually want to keep it. For the people, by the people!
Neo Guy i misunderstood Felix Fedre. So was obama for net neutrality?
Wtf did that chart say some people think asking someone to go on a date is sexual harassment? Um no? How tf is asking a co-worker one time "hey want to go out for drinks" harassment? Jesus in the future I bet making eye contact can get you in trouble.
SNOW SOS there is a big difference between a compliment and harassment . This includes the wording of your sentence and tone of voice .
A compliment is "that dress is nice!"
Harassment is "that dress is so revealing ! What I would do to that body"
a lot of places have a rule that managers cannot date anyone in the company
Harassment is prolonged and targeted. Saying that once is fine. Saying it again after the person has expressed distaste for it is less fine.
It's already there in the UK, where women can report what they "feel" is a hate crime, and whether or not an actual criminal offense is committed, the accused can still be tried for a hate crime
Do you make a habit of asking out coworkers? Do your job and get your dates elsewhere.
My first thoughts upon seeing this title: Fuck, again? Who do I have to petition this time?
Alexis Ford don't petition, CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN
Philip DeFranco hey look a fake account
This time they're likely to push it through despite it going against the will of the people. The only way to beat it is to convince your local congressman not to support it. That can be a difficult thing to do though, considering most represent big money interests rather than you.
Nobody, you lost. It's a 3 to 2 and the game was rigged from the start. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Alexis Ford b
We have to protect net neutrality at all cost
@Tormenta China
Long winded yet elegant response. XD
Let's not... I'd rather take out the unconstitutional net neutrality...
i have to protect you at all costs M'lady.
Johnus Smittinis I think net neutrality is kind of a grey area in the Constitution. The fore fathers wrote about it in an unclear way, similar to the second amendment.
Lots of people will stop watching RUclips cus they ain't gonna pay
Soo many companies would die oh boi and we would go back a era,all the news would appear in notice board in town lmao
israel moreno part of the plan.
Oen713 then people can't be that organized anymore. Makes it easier for rebellions to start and die out faster.
Oh and if you heard a bus load of preteen girls heading to Washington D.C. to play doctor, it's a bogus story. After all those politicos can play with them any time while the people shift to notice boards all the while sex, corruption, and shit continues.
No crap. This is a lose lose situation. For everyone.
The overall majority of people using internet have no idea about speed throttling, to them they will have "the internet". ComCast etc will hide the throtttling by advertising "services". A whole generation of will grow up who will be accepting of loot boxes and throttling because that would be all they have known. I live in South Africa. Throttling here is all people have ever known. I am paying double price for unlimited and unthrottled connection. In asouth Africa there are several tiers for internet and bandwidth. ISPs have do ne it so long that its become widely acceptable.
Even in Canada I know taking away net neutrality in the US would affect the internet for us and the rest of the world too. I'll do everything I can to protect it.
gododoof same here I’m worried that it’s going to cause some kind of a domino effect
Our internet in Australia is so slow there is fuck all that anyone can do to affect it.
gododoof "I'm sorry this content is not available in your region" - currently most US sites to Canada
As an European that has fought hard and long against any kind of invasion on my privacy, to see that things go sideways on us because of a third world country in anything but impressions, is SEVERELY aggravating. Incompetent idiots did this, by allowing this kind of behavior to be ok. Blinded fools.
gododoof No one gives a shit about Canada. You contribute nothing to the world other than SJWs. I can't wait until China finishes buying off all of your infrastructure and real estate.
Hey people if you're not in the US 1.Yes this *will* affect you! Most big websites that we use regularly are based in the US (reddit, youtube, google in general etc.). So this will affect them, and indirectly it would affect us since we are using said websites.2. To participate in the fight for Net neutrality you can go on the *FCC website* of the US and submit a filling - just *check the little "international" box* when you're filling your compaint! The *proceeding number is 17-108.*
Shaetane if it does how come that our specific parliament can not vote on it? That's hardly fair
Ok so to clarify it would be indirectly : It'll affect big website that we use all the time like google, youtube, reddit... since they are based in the us, therefore if they are slowed down or lose money or whatnot there will be repercussions even for us. Sorry about not being explicit^^
Ok I'll check it out
Not necessarily.
This law will only affect the internet lines in the US, all of those companies have servers in Europe and Asia too, when I go to google, I don't have to ping the other side of the world, that would take too long. There's probably a server in Germany or Ireland.
American ISP's can't throttle the traffic in Europe.
The only way it would affect me is that those giant companies will get a hit on their revenue from the US, but they will still thrive in the EU.
I'm not saying I don't support net neutrality btw, I'm just saying I don't think it's that bad for Europeans just yet.
We just need to make youtube2 in other country
Imagine writing a paper for school and you can’t access wiki bc you didn’t pay. Public education is supposed to be free
Free clearly doesn't mean good. Ever hear of a library?
Literally every generation before millennials got all the way through college by reading BOOKS.
No bc things like webquests and I need an online teacher rn because our teacher is on maternity leave
mymom93 8 what my school will say is well too bad. Take the F.
What about people who are on online school do they have to pay to go to a online school?
nacho jimenez Books that are usually outdated and filled with mistakes and bias. If you really think that a collection of limited books can compare to an easily accessible archive of data (whether it be wikipedia, online articles, journals, etc) that is constantly updated with citations and references, then your spite for the newer generations is clearly clouding your mind.
Why let ISPs get in the way of a good *You do not have access to the rest of this comment. Pay $69.99 for Premium RUclips package*
oh no! looks like you don't have the youtube reply pass! would you like to get one for only 21.99$ a month?
But my life is revolved around the internet T_T
Get book ! Save your time
Spider Pig this repeal is probs run by a whole buncha old ppl. Who want us to go outside
call your congress men I did it :)
You may want to start hunting for comic libraries cause it looks like the internet is about to die.
The FCC is going to give me depression I use the internet as an escape when I have problems in real life that no one I know can really help me
get a dog
I can help you
I feel you
Umitalia nyan cool story bro
The FCC is the EA of internet
Mario mario for an extra 3.99 you can call 911!
The FCC isn't an ISP though.
The FCC is the ubisoft of thr Government.
This is bigger than EA.
It's like EA, Ubisoft, and Activision had a demon baby.
Im so wierd lol, I hope the net is saved.
It more than likely won't be. The leader of the FCC said he doesn't care about the about the comments against the repeal
... shutup 😑
Hahahaha u r soooooo weeeeiiirrdddd ecksdee xdxd
I see the few good things from ending net neutrality, but they are HEAVILY outweighed by the bad. Until the oligopoly on cell service and internet providers is broken and there is true market competition in those areas, maybe we can consider it. Right now though, this move makes the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Please call your congressman / congresswoman within the next few days. What hurts politicians more than losing a financial back-deal with large companies is losing votes and power. We the people can do that
Are you nuts?!! We shouldn't have to pay for the internet when we pay for everything else. People use the internet for school, college, contact family members, relax and watch youtube or netflix. This will destroy what the internet was made for... FREE WILL
The oligopoly can only be broken once the restrictions are removed. If Comcast throttles access to youtube. then another company can come in and say "hey. we are going to not throttle youtube but instead boost the speeds at which youtube videos download". People would drop Comcast and switch. Creating competition.
The "good things" all depend on ISP's to self-regulate... We're basically being asked to trust them and hope our service doesn't get impacted. That's not how it should be.
The problem is there is no competiton : arstechnica.com/information-technology/2016/08/us-broadband-still-no-isp-choice-for-many-especially-at-higher-speeds/
nowocinm24 Phil literally just said the problem with that being there's not enough competition for that. I've lived all over the country, usually there's only one internet provider and the slow dsl crap. Keep up brah
What the fuck is the government for if not to help the people? Let's just make the rich monopoly company heads even richer.
Jo King silly plebian the government is to help the devine nobles that have personally been given wealth by Jesus christ
(btw yes this is sarcasm for those that thought I was serious, I know at least one of you thought that )
Jo King i mean the president is a billionaire
It's an oligopoly but i get the sentiment.
More accurately that's the Government interfering with the free market, causing a lack of competition allowing this situation to occur....for you...
It's not about making them richer. It's about keeping them in the country.
... So I'm being told that secret link goes to my channel. AW, YOU BABE!
Ryan Hollinger hi
Shhhhh man it's supposed to be a secret
Good job
Ryan Hollinger shhhhhhhh
Well, now i know what it is, there's no need to click on it :)
What about the people whose jobs revolve around the internet? Such as online freelance graphic designers, freelance web designers, youtubers, etc. If they're in the slow lane and they can't upgrade for whatever reason, how are they supposed to make any money?
The FCC chairman Ajit Pai doesn't care about them because repealing net neutrality is a gift to his former employer Verizon.
Yeah.. Here I am hoping to be a freelance writer. It's a dying wish now. But I'll try to pursue it as best as I can.
I'm so sorry... I wish you good luck on your endeavor!
Holly Williams Aw, thank you! Hoped you'll have a nice life! :'D
Thank you, you're so kind! :D
If my wifi is removed I die
dirty cyborg
nacho jimenez ...
I'm not a cyborg as far as I know. And I didn't mean it litterally if you didn't notice
Can't take a joke either.
'if you didnt notice' implies that maybe it was a joke and maybe it wasnt
Umitalia nyan you just sound dumb at this point
America is fucked. Corporations own everything in america especially the government.
Ian Roper corrupt govt
Max Goldberg BSME Yeah, you hit the nail on the head, and the sad part is they're both in the pockets of various corporations and anytime anyone outside of those two parties tries to do anything they get stomped down by all the people colluding to make sure we stay a two party system that never gets anything done or moves forward in any way because moving forward means less money for the greedy.
That’s the fault of the government, not the corporations. Corporations are not inherently bad lol.
You can say that again
Wealth is power and power corrupts.
When will the US change name to Monopoly Land?
Give it a few years, don't worry. It's inevitable.
USA--->United States of America
A few years later
PGF200-->Pass Go For 200
Saturn666 "Monopoly Land" isn't a good brand for a mock democracy tho 👀
Probably after you have to pay for air
Edit: wait a sec *long pause*
*distant lorax songs*
Sorry Monopoly land is copyrighted and it will be a $5000 fine for every month you use it. Pay upppp.
Who is here before net neutrality dies??
me... (sigh) net neutrality, you where great while you lasted
I am.
Go to battleforthenet! Sign some petitions, call the Congress. Do whatever you can, don't give up. Share with everyone you know!
Cecil Speaks the death of net neutrality will be like an episode of black mirror. Dystopia is nearing before us...
Why won't the FCC just let me be me?
yaslerfuj classic eminem
Because you have money that they want you to give to your ISP so they can get it.
At this point, I would give my life away if it means making the government leaving me alone for good.
James Kerch-Matthias Net neutrality is the exact opposite of that, i hope you realize...
I went to call but my reps mailbox is full. That good right?
Well, depends, honestly.
Call tomorrow earlier in the day. They probably just went home. Just keep the website tabbed and call until you get through.
YingofDarkness will do.
rainynight02 on what?
patrick gardner
On what their inbox is full of.
It could be full of thongs unrelated to your issue, or even things that are against what you want.
Or it could be full of messages by people who are calling for the exact same reason you are.
That's why it depends.
I know this episode is about net neutrality and all but I'm not from the US so can't call your congressmen and whatnot. Just commenting to say that I watched Tunnel cause of the recommendation Phil, and it made me cry. Thanks for that. It reminded me what having feelings is like.
I wish this was two separate videos. He is talking about two serious important topics that in my opinion each deserve their own comment section.
Of course Verizon is okay with this, because (iirc) Pai used to be their attorney!
Correction: he actually used to be Verizon's Associate General Counsel, "where he handled competition matters, regulatory issues, and counseling of business units on broadband initiatives", according to Wikipedia. So there's that. The fact still remains though.
Marshimus Prime really? I didn't know that
It should be illegal to petition on matters whilst hiding your past relationships with those who would profit the most from it. You shouldn't be prevented from advocating for what you want, but it should be made abundantly clear the nature of past relationships where relevant.
I'm going to call and I'm going to stand up for net neutrality, but every time this comes up AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN i can't help but wonder why? Why do they want this? Why are people this stupid? Why are we constantly being guided towards an Orwellian future of lost ideas and lost hope? WHY?
It's the tactic politicians and bureaucrats use. Wear down the voters or constituents. Tweak some of the language to make it sound better but really it's no different than the last time they tried to pass it. Find some loophole.
In my neck of the woods, the voters turned down light rail. Twice. Guess what got built?
because money is greater than ethics for companies.
Marty Herrick sadly because it will get big companys more money...
Because they think we'll eventually get tired of it and not want to fight it anymore.
You should be happy the FCC wants to do this, it's another area where the government shouldn't have its hands tied up in, the internet needs to be free, open and controlled by the people not by the government, the only reason Net Neutrality exists is because previous administration's allowed companies to grow into monopolies.
The only real way to solve the issue to break up and end monopolies!
Phil is really good at informing me on stuff that I potentially care about that I otherwise wouldn't know about.
Shui Dongliu sane
Yes I agree it keeps me updated on American news which is really good in my historiography degree
I'm Australian living in Australia. A while back during the US election campaign a Young American adult came into my place of work. When I asked her if she was nervous about Trump being in the election she didn't seem to care and said, no. I replied with, "oh so you're going to be voting for Hilary?" And she just replied casually with a "noo I can't be bothered to vote, besides Trump would never win." I didn't want to start lecturing her about politics because it's extremely hard to change a tigers strips right? sooo I just mentioned how in Australia it's compulsory for everyone to vote and it's good because democracy wins But I wish I had said something more. I wish I had told her that her attitude is what lets these horrible changes occur... LEGALLY. This net neutrality issue should not be ignored.. don't have that young woman's attitude, YOUR VOICE MATTERS! Come on amercia, show us you can learn from your mistakes and do something about net neutrality!!
This is how democracy dies. With thunderous applause.
What thunderous applause? There are pitch forks everywhere
Patriot Supreme Star Wars reference
No, this is how democracy dies when you vote republican...they got the majority and they are fucking everyone over in healthcare, "tax cuts" and now this..
I'm surprised there's people here that didn't catch the reference...
Kames Konah Kamseon Only a fool thinks democracy ever existed.
Dying? No, I'd say it's already dead and starting to decay.
electronicsNmore good
Just Fantastic whoa that's an edge
+Just Fantastic May you explain what you have against Net Neutrality?
Just Fantastic Found Pajit
electronicsNmore ahhh necrosis
while everyone is making formal arguments about net neutrality I'm just sitting here thinking. Will i still be able to go to hentai haven and xvideos or not?
This man's asking the real questions right here.
Bill Gates Yep yet noone is answering lol i guess I'll look into this more.
TheHaseoking imma be downloading a lot tonight boys
Raven that made me nervous what do we do
Not just that, will I still be able to use the piratebay?
My understanding is this - imagine if when you turned on your TV you had access to every tv channel ever! That is what we have right now with Net Neutrality and the internet. You can access anything you want out there.
Now look at how TV actually works - were companies charge you extra $$$ for access to certain packages etc. like sports or movies. This is what this Pai guy is trying to do to the internet. They could charge people EXTRA for a RUclips Package or Netflix Package or Steam Game Download Package for example. This is bad.
Net Neutrality needs to be amended to the constitution. Net Neutrality is extremely important and it's importance will only increase overtime.
This is just a terrible idea. The constitution is designed to regulate government, not private business.
It should cost the same to stream video and view plain text even if it costs the isp more. PUT IT IN THE CONSTITUTION.
Lot of geniuses Philly-D's channel.
There's way too little competition/innovation in the telecommunication market to justify it being in the free market in the first place.
Times change. The world isn't the same as it was 240 years ago.
nacho jimenez except it really doesn't because that's not at all how that works but ok keep on being ignorant.
Make sure to call, emails and letters almost always go unread!
I will never advocate for violence, but if the head of the FCC dropped dead, I wouldn’t shed a tear
Its not like you know him from anywhere.
How are you advocating violence? Is it violent to not shed tears for people you don't know dying? Well shit everyone is pretty fucking violent then because kids in Africa could have drank those tears.
Jordan Ricketts he didn't say he was advicating violence he said he wasn't clearly you need to read that a second time
I would be laughing that he died
If he wasn't advocating violence then why did he go out of the way to say he never advocates violence? Usually if you are going to say something like "I don't normally advocate this" you then follow it with something you are advocating. You wouldn't say "I normally have a very good sense of humor, but I found this very funny.", it just wouldn't make sense.
The FCC won’t let me be, Or let me be me, so let me see, They try to shut me down in MTV but it feels so empty without me
DREAD Raptor I love Eminem
Without Net Neutrality we might have to pay for porn.
Deafidue Five free videos all over again...
Wouldn't be surprised if porn became censored and 'family-friendly'
Baka Iggy porn will just be two people laying next to each other and saying "ooo ahhh monatatus married sex good ooo ahhh"
Wait... your not supposed to pay?
And suddenly pornhub isn’t free
After not having internet for 4 months I finally get it today and I find this shit...
If this is accepted deadline is Dec 10th
You need to fight back asap
Contacted my senators and congressman bout net neutrality :)
Curious Beats I'm so proud of you
love you too
A message to the commenters, Ok A) Complaining about trump isn’t going fix anything.
B) I’m from The south and in a mostly conservative community, we all hate anything against Net Neutrality, all my pro-trump friends are against this bill as well. I’ve been on conservative forums looking at reactions and their against this. Calm the fuck down. Go sign up for a petition
C) Here’s another thing you don’t understand, we’re all in the same goddamn boat. There is no reason why we should divide from each other more than we already have. The election’s already passed complaining about the election which happened a full year ago isn’t going to change anything. You know what is going to change something? Signing up with these websites Philly D mentioned.
Okay I’m done. Now, if you really care, go do something about it. There’s no sense in being an armchair moralist in this situation.
I am pro Trump and pro net neutrality. I don't get why people are acting like any conservative person is totally anti net neutrality.
The rational posts are all the way down at the bottom of the comments. I just found one, and boy am I relieved.
I'm not pro-trump but it doesn't matter to me if you are indeed pro-trump. I'm just glad that almost all of us as the common people can agree that this bill is absolute horseshit and values the profit for internet service providers over its own citizens. Net neutrality needs to be protected, and your political stance doesn't change that.
Is trump doing anything to stop this? or is he on it too to make more cash
The Dark wins against the Light for the first time in DECADES! A joyous day, in spite of the most fraud-filled BLACK election of Doug Jones, where blacks from the ENTIRE country went on buses to vote in Jones!
If only we had someone like the Punisher to expose and end the corruption... No one is fighting for the people.
Why didn't I think of that, we could just kill everyone at EA.
Yeah, a government for the people, by the people was probably one of the worst things that happened.
I have a love hate relationship with the words “Let’s just jump into it”
dont we all
Same I prefer walking...
Animation Smart yeah but it's better than LETS GET RIGHT INTO THE NEWS
Animation Smart well let's just jump right into that😃
LGRITN is objectively more catchy and recognisable, which means Killer Keemstar is objectively 98% Jesus and 2% walking in the woods
PLEASE EVERYONE CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN! Don’t let people of greed ruin you.
Big boss, could you try and sabotage the FCC's plans
Big Boss can you try and infiltrate FCC HQ and sabotage their stuff?
Big Boss or maybe raid their HQ and disable all their electronics preventing them from performing the removal of NN
Big Boss .ve
You think the congressman gives a shit? He's/ she's probably being paid by one of these companies in order to allow this. Our government is corrupt.
South Park called it 9 years ago. Season 12 episode 6 "Over logging"
This is what's going to happen to America if we lose net neutrality to our ISP.
In school, we were learning about US History, and isn’t there some part of the Declaration of Independence where it says the people can do something about the government?
the DOI has nothing to do with laws in the US, it's only a document that had influence on the current system
and yes, you can do something about government any time you like, that's what the 2nd amendment is for
if you want to kill people over you not getting on youtube however, please do us all a favor and fuck off
Thanks, I was just wondering.
Also, on the last paragraph - huh?
"isn’t there some part of the Declaration of Independence where it says the people can do something about the government"
is directly related to the 2nd amendment (your right to buy a gun) and using force to overthrow tyrannical government
I'm saying that if you want to overthrow the government because of internet deregulation, you need to fuck off
*not you in particular
Oooh...yeah ok I’m not very educated on government stuff.
watch some of the young turks and steven crowder, these things have a direct impact on your daily life, and it's important to know about it
1) Put a callus business man into the seat of power to overturn ethical humane rulings.
2) Create confusion and disharmony in political discussions and commerce.
3) * Strengthen the over site and regulation of data communications to monopolize and control information.
4) Build a far reaching structure around your "For freedom and justice for all" nation under the guise of patriotism.
The fact I live in Canada and can't help really hurts me...
Fort_Master Dito
Same. I live in UK.
It's fine we can deal with it ourselves. It'll only be hard but we can do that.
Unfortunately, I live in the US. Odds are, someday, I'll move to Canada or the UK, especially if the US keeps doing this shit
Philip, thank you so much for bringing this story to the attention of all of us! I live in rural Alabama....around here, people have 1 option, and even worse, no Internet....I have already called my congress, and I have told all of my friends to do the same. If they raised rates for certain websites/apps, we would be hurting. People around here can't afford the absurd prices of television, so, we rely on most of the internet for our news/ entertainment...everyone, PLEASE give that call!!
Everyone talked about him not covering this yesterday, so here you go!
Kelly Hill sure did
Yeah it’s pretty important you know...
Please call your representative one call can make a massive difference
K then ill have someone else so do it for me
I'm too young apparently :/
i called.
Is this the beginning of the end of Netflix? Providers are in an all out assault against streaming
Ramsey Jordan Probably because Netflix won't spew the propaganda of the media its killing
dead Mars This decision has me so angry. The fact this is happening right in front of us and we can do nothing about it is even worse. Where are the government officials standing up to do what is right? They want my vote but do absolutely nothing for me. The FTC has no real power other than fines....what is $500k to a billion dollar company
I don't know dead Mars, if you watch the netflix programming it seems to follow along with the same message of all progressive liberal ideologies are good and conservative ideologies are bad.
It goes to the propaganda that you mentioned. But whatever, its not worth the argument.
.....And the point has been missed. Idiology is not the point and this is the reason we are losing. Right or Left we all use the net equally and now we both lose because we are too far divided. I don't watch Fox News but I should have equal access to their site just like CNN or MSNBC. Imagine shopping Amazon black friday on a throttled network because TWC isn't partnered with them so those $30 Beats you wanted so bad are gone! I pay TWC $100 for 200 megabits and avg 24Mb on a good day and now I'm expected to pay them more for to have standard speeds to a site?!? WTF
America land of the free...
Free market. Net Neutrality was a government regulation. It did nothing at all to help us as consumers. HAve you noticed anything wrong since it was repealed? Nope.
BTW...my Comcast internet speed this month on the 25 MB/s plan has gone up to 100 MB/s without an increase in charges.
What's most fucking hilarious is that ISPs not having to eat the costs of data usage by huge companies like Google so they can lower costs, which is good for us, is the opposite of what people beleive.
The liberal media is completely FUCKING you all. They misinformed you on NN, and now they are trying to bullshit you on the new tax cuts that give us all a raise and make the corporate tax rate competitive to all the other first world countries so that they will come back, or stay here along with all their jobs.
Quit listening to these fucking Mainstream Media liars. Their only goal is to undermine ANYTHING that Trump's administration does, and they are willing to completely LIE to you to do it.
That net neutrality problem is very concerning. Since I'm not american, I always looked at a lot of US politics like one would watched Fail Army: from afar. But what is concerning here is that Internet does not exist in a bubble and, since the «Land of the Free» is such a big deal when it comes to cultural products, media and stuff, there's no way that wreck of a law won't affect other countries as well. I know it might be a weird question but what can we do, as Canadians, Europeans, South Americans, Africans, Australians and so on?
TheOboebunny I wish we could do something. The government knows we don't want net neutrality to go, but they don't care.
The best thing the people can do is kill the guy and even if that happens, it could still be enforced.
While you might not be able to make any 'official' complaints about the change in the law, I think trying to rally support in your cities to email the white house or some form of our government could help. Just saying if a flood of comments come pouring in from locations outside of the states, it might make them thing twice if they get concerned of this becoming some kind of international issue. This link should help get you started. www.usa.gov/email
Nuke me please.
I have it coming. Don't feel any regret.
TheOboebunny Spread awareness and donate to Net Neutrality campaigns. Past that, we just have to hope US Americans do the right thing.
Here's a fun analogy for you: No net neutrality is like if EA were your ISP.
That'll probably be lost on a lot of people though. Another example would be TV cable companies. Can't access those channels? Too bad, your cable provider doesn't have it because that channel doesn't want to pay them.
I hate Comcast with a burning passion but there are no better alternatives where I live.
J Lee ATT?
J Lee spectrums not that much better
I have 150mbps down with Comcast, ATT Uverse maxes out at 50mbps down where I live and they have the same terabyte data cap.
All in favor of starting a revolution and creating a new government with absolutely no corruption that stands for the people and by the people?
There will always be coruption, no matter what
Easier said than done
Communism? Nah, you have to kill at least 10 million of your comrades for that to work
Fascism? Too brutal.
DefineFox Read Animal Farm?
Like the one the founding fathers made?
I think this will be the only time I'd say that I want to live in the US, and just to help you guys with your net neutrality.
What could you do that no one else here could? It's more or less out of our hands, only the people we elect can really do anything about this.
Thanks for the thought, regardless. ♡ It really sucks though. We've had things like this in the past with the Interwebz, like PIPA and SOPA. Let's hope we dominate this one again.
Arian Go away.
If you wanted to help an american, maybe you could pay for my immigration to a less screwed country.
So anyone that isn't open to net neutrality, anyone who has a point against net neutrality, please tell me. I would really like to know.
5KYM0L3CUL3 do you remember 2014. That was the last year the internet and ISP were held under title 1. Do you remember the internet being a dystopia back then.
NN is fear mongering.
Websites like netflix and RUclips, who use way more band with than most sites, will pay whatever fee ISP impose, and most customers will never know or care.
The government controlling the internet, need I say more to dissuade you? Imagine the DMV mindset for your ISP, thats is what you will get.
Okay, who here likes how cable companies work? No one? Okay, that's basically what the FCC is trying to make the internet like.
except it was worse before 2015. the fact that many isps were either lying about what they were giving consumers (TWC in regards to renting out routers that had no chance of reaching the stated speeds that they were making people pay) or black mailing other content providers to pay more money to not get slowed down (netflix paying millions to verizon) is something that happened. sometimes it still does happen
5KYM0L3CUL3 Allowing an ISP to make deals with content providers allows capital to be more freely allocated to expanding infrastructure. If Comcast lays line down my road as part of a deal with Netflix to provide their package the risk shifts to Netflix away from Comcast. Netflix foots much of the upfront cost and now it is their loss if I don't sign up for internet. Also these kind of deals could provide capital to smaller ISPs. An investor may not value a given market to recoup costs quick enough for them, but content providers have a stake in many markets and care how they do as an aggregate. Not necessarily my beliefs, but the best I can come up with.
Face it... we hit our golden year as humanity in 2012... its all downhill from there...
Naw you need to go back before 9/11 that's when the globalist agenda really kicked in
2001 marked the peak and decline of the United States. When we began making decisions based on emotion and taglines, rather than rationality.
The Mayans were right!
Reddles37 yeah. Tru. It's like destiny. The traveler came in 2012, and now, a few years later, the Collapse came.
At this rate, the Terminator movies won't seem as stupid.
Its because we all died in 2012
Why should the FCC have a single word to say about it? They had nothing to do with its creation or use!
This is ridiculous the only provider in my area is Spectrum it's either that or no internet. Its gonna take advantage of people like us which is so unfair and it is ridiculous
Kesia Andujar it really is but as always most people in america dont care about actual important stuff they rather discuss their gender studies or next blm/ antifa protest
VeGaZz: How many times are you going to post the same damned thing? We get it, YOU think ALL Americans care about is gender studies or BLM or whatever other nonsense you've written. Get educated about Americans. The biggest advantage/disadvantage about America is we're not all the same. Where is this Utopia that you live?
Kesia Andujar welcome to a globalistic society. Life is unfair
Harrison Fletcher
you do know that's basically BS right? I live in a country where net neutrality isn't a thing and only those at the top benefit from it, they also make sure no one else starts up or rises to the position their rivals/frienemies, after all they don't want to enter into any other unofficial non-compete agreements and shrink their market share.
The reason net neutrality is needed is a very simple and obvious one, greed. The internet has become to necessary a resource and therefore classifying it with other utilities and having it fall under those restrictions is normal and logical.
S M B well from what I see its all you lot go on about as your reply proves because it is all your interested in, not the NN issue just calling out someone talking about all the usual talking points you lot go on about.
And judging by all your other comments ive seen in the last 20min id say your a liberal, as evidenced by your anti republican blame posting and the libralisim defence posting, and now onto proving this guys comment by commenting on it, my guess is you just dont like it when people bring up all the shity points that you and yours are guilty of so rather than debate you just deny and deflect, typical lefty behaviour.
Remember people, if you actually support Net Neutrality, do what the man says. Otherwise, at least put messages on message boards and comments section with "SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY" or some crap in places to spread awareness
Yay it’s trending
Hey Phil, you are a very reliable person to go to when you are looking for news. Turns out I am doing a school project on net neutrality and your video really helped me to gather my ideas and information to use on the project. Thank you for a great source of information!
30% of Americans only have 1 isp option. This is so dumb.
Phil! You're finally trending!
Nathan Perez he's trended before....
It's because he's supporting the mainstream media message. That's how you trend. Not worthy of congratulations.
We need to keep net neutrality. If not we cant see this big cat video:
Quick question, How does Net neutrality affect a person like me in Britain and how can we help you peeps across the big pond?
Not much other countries can do but spread awareness. Spread awareness to the Americans who have no idea how much this will affect them.
rawsalmon75 Netflix, Amazon, Google, etc were created in the US under Net Neutrality, if NN hadn't existed and they went against ISP's interests they wouldn't be as successful and thus as beneficial to the public as today.
Well as a canadian I just stand on the side lines screaming "what are you yanks doing!?".
Not much really. Some providers do it but it isn't anything too detrimental.
Danny Fitzgerald lol
Thank god Someone Big has said something.
Well boys looks like I'm not using the internet anymore
Be sure to tweet us and tell us how it goes.
In regards to the polls, I think they are an inaccurate way to measure harassment because what matters to me are the identities of the actor and the target. Keep in mind I'm not trying to be ageist, sexist, etc. But there is a difference between when a person my age tells me I look sexy, and when a married, middle-aged man who was the youth group leader at my church tells 18-year-old me I look hot and asks me out to coffee repeatedly (Hi Andrew!) Dirty people know they are being dirty, I don't think a poll really matters.
That's what a lot of guys don't get (and I'm a guy), it's all about the social dynamics. Generally, most of us are linear thinkers, with one track minds; this sometimes leads to internalizing certain things and taking them personally to dissuade and distract us from seeing the bigger picture. Like you say, it's all about the social dynamic. Plus, a lot of guys are also super mushy and romantic on the inside and a lot of us want to find that perfect one right out the get go (I can only speak in the case of heterosexual men), and when those hopes are broken it can lead to them spewing their perceived internalized oppression on people and mischaracterizing the whole concept. It is a tricky one though, dating; it all comes down to chance. We as guys need to build strong ideas of what proper sexual etiquette is in order to know we're not stepping our bounds.
On a sidenote, I absolutely love how you just anonymously throw shade at that random person near the end. Oooooh that gave me a chuckle xD.
Notice how rape and/or true cases of sexual harassment involve people in power. Whether it's a teacher, policeman, actor/actress, CEO, etc. Ding ding ding! I just highlighted what the left continues to ignore! How is drawing more attention to this issue take away what I said? Rapists don't rape for sex. They rape because it makes them feel what? POWERFUL. Criminals don't obey laws so it's not going to disappear anytime soon regardless of how brainwashed people are. It's a sad reality but we don't live in a rape culture libtard SJWs!
I'm actually very conflicted about this. Context definitely matters. Being told "you're sexy" feels vastly different coming from a random person at the bar vs. someone who's interviewing you, or anyone you have a strictly professional relationship with. On the other, hand, I have never ever felt comfortable when someone "wolf-whistles" at me on the street, no matter the context.
Merrielle Mandy When liberals and SJWs are the source of the problem, I'm going to point it out. They already make white straight men guilty so what's the point of anything? Also, rapists typically have high levels of testosterone, you know the alpha male types. That's why some rapes occur in frats which lead them to believe it's okay. There's literally no way to "end" rape, just like there's no way to "end" racism. The left believes fairytales and I'm not afraid to bash them for it. We don't live in Iran where rape victims can be stoned to death for being raped. As we can all see rapists are PUNISHED here, even more so when they're found innocent. I refuse to bow to leftist ideologies.
You make a good point Emily, and I think it varies in severity. Your example was wolf whistling, but there are lots of things that are bad no matter what, like groping, pantsing, flashing. It frustrates me that there are some people who claim not to understand how it affects people.
The idea that asking to go for a drink is sexual harassment blows my mind.
It's that little : " Would you like to go out for a drink? Or else... I can make your life miserable sweetie " . You know the drill David . Stop playing dumb
sentry8535 respondents stating “always” or “usually” so these people believe if i were to ask one of my coworkers (of equal level) to go for a drink it would be sexual harassment
To make it simple ' No workplace dating ' You're hired to do a job ' Not look for a mate
if you have not yet called call
That's a very ironic statement coming from the screen name "True Renegade" . It's like: "Are you just trying to be funny?"