
  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • I can tell you that when I met the SIA piloits, I didnt meet them on TV , I met them face to face, 5 feet across the table, so they can see me and see whether Im still vigorous, able to campaign and take them on, whether it's worth taking me on. And I offered them two choices, either you argue you stop this intimidation, which is what it was bringing SIA right down disrupting services ruining its reputation, millions of dollars worth of advertisments and and sales, ruin within a matter of two weeks. I gave them a choice, continue this and I will by every means at my disposal teach you, get the people of Singapore help me teach you a lesson you wont forget. And Im prepared to start all over again, or stop it, get back to work, restore discipline then argue your case. It took them 65 minutes and they decided okay it isnt worth the fight. Why? Because they know they will lose, they know Im prepared to ground the airline, I can get the airline going again without them. Let there be no mistakes about this, whoever governs Singapore must have that iron in him or give it up. This is not a game of cards, this is your life and mine. I've spent the whole life building this, and as long as Im in charge, nobody is going to knock it down.

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