5 things I love about living in Spain [You would love them too]

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 101

  • @AmericaToSpain
    @AmericaToSpain  2 месяца назад +11

    This is a short list of great things Spain has to offer.

  • @Torosentao
    @Torosentao 2 месяца назад +11

    Gracias por tus palabras a mi pais!! Se agradecen mucho, ojala todos los extranjeros que vienen a España fueran tan educados como tu! Gran video!

  • @cal9112
    @cal9112 2 месяца назад +8

    When l was living in LA. back in the 90ths what struck me the most NO PEOPLE in the streets, drive everywhere, no morning or evening walks, nobody cooks, and yes,activities are different according to ones age, back in Barcelona( now l live in Canary Islands and love it)first thing l did is get rid of the car and WALK , oh my!! did l enjoy a simple walk outside, such little thing, so much pleasure, and see people walking everwhere l go, didn't know that was going to be such wonderful thing🎉

  • @Jose-dv6uo
    @Jose-dv6uo 2 месяца назад +7

    Soy Español y vivo en Valencia y me pare un momento a escuchar uno de tus vídeos me pareciste una persona inteligente que sabe lo que dice y que sabe como somos los españoles.
    Si todos los de EEUU tienen la misma manera de pensar que tu serán bienvenidos en España.
    Bienvenidos a tu nueva vida aquí.
    Un abrazo

    • @susanaescriba977
      @susanaescriba977 Месяц назад +1

      Tu quieres venderle algo, verdad?

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      José muchas gracias por tu comentario tan amable. Disculpa que te escriba y responda hasta hoy. Gracias .

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      jaja, nos hemos vuelto muy desconfiados.....

  • @antoniolopezlopez4236
    @antoniolopezlopez4236 2 месяца назад +14

    Well, as spaniard, i think i need to add some things to the statements/assumptions spoken in the video.
    By the landscape behind the man, it seems that he lives in a warm coast area, and there normally life is more relaxed than other places. Its like comparing California with New England. Colder weather and different light/landscape can make the people's character quite different.
    If you live in Madrid, for example, people use to have a way more bustling life. Its quite normal that you work from 9:00 am to 19:00 or 20:00 pm (and its also normal that they dont pay extra hours). Thats the reason why the markets are open till late, because people leave work almost at night.
    In some places in Spain life can be very grey with long work hours but its true that most of the people always find some time after work to go to some place and have fun with friends.
    Its also very true that Spain is very diverse in culture, even in languages, because in the middle age these regions used to be separated kingdoms with different origins and etnicity.
    So its normal to see bagpipes in the northwest, while in the south you have flamenco and bull fights.
    Some of these traditions were also exported to America during the middle age, and you will see similar architecture in the hundred of cities, cathedrals, old roads, hospitals and universities built in the new world.
    There it was incredible mixture of cultures resulting in a new culture and gastronomy. For example we have the Tequila, a drink created from the fusion of the american plant called Agave and the destilation tecnique brought by the spanish and inherited from arabs living in the peninsula for hundred years.
    Hispanic world cultural heritage is very extensive, in such a way it goes from Spain to America and the Philippines.

    • @beanovofilgueira1584
      @beanovofilgueira1584 Месяц назад

      Hablas bien inglés, respecto a las afirmaciones que realizas , unas puntualizaciones, Colón llegó a América en 1492 , pleno renacimiento europeo y la llamada Edad Moderna, nada de Edad , respecto a qué , el estilo de vida es " gris " en otras regiones dónde llueve o el clima es más frío, estás muy equivocado. En el noroeste , salimos igual aunque esté cayendo agua a cántaros o haga frío, a Galicia le llaman. " El pais de las mil fiestas " por algo y eso pasa a lo largo de todo el año . En cuanto a los horarios de trabajo, mejor no generalizar , hay personas que trabajan a turnos de mañana,tarde o noche y muchas de ellas a las dos de la tarde salen del trabajo o cómo mí hermano residente en Madrid ( ya prejubilado ) que prefería trabajar en turno de noche de 10 a seis . Por supuesto habrá otros que hagan esas jornadas ( ilegales) sí el empresario no paga esas horas extras , se llama explotación laboral y es ilegal yo diría que hasta delito. Un saludo

    • @beanovofilgueira1584
      @beanovofilgueira1584 Месяц назад

      Ah y los árabes, estuvieron en lo que hoy es España, setecientos años , en 1492 se conquistó el reino nazarí de Granada.

    • @antoniolopezlopez4236
      @antoniolopezlopez4236 Месяц назад

      @@beanovofilgueira1584 Boas rapaz, eu tamén son galego, de boa cepa, meus abós eran de Fornelas. É un honor saudar a un compatriota.
      O mellor as cousas xa non son coma antes, porque cando eu comezei a traballar non pagaban horas extra y rematabas facendo máis do que poñía o contrato.
      Agora xa teño outro traballo despois de haber viaxado por dous continentes e estou algo alonxado de cómo son os contratos agora, pero xa che digo que antes a xente, por exemplo na construcción ou hostelería, traballaban dez ou catorce horas ó día. É bo saber que as cousas parecen estar mellor na actualidade.
      Un saúdo dende a ciudade da muralla romana.

    • @beanovofilgueira1584
      @beanovofilgueira1584 Месяц назад

      @@antoniolopezlopez4236 Boas , de rapaza xa pasei fai alguns anos 😂. Paso dos 50 e en un momento dado sí se facian as cousas en determinados sectores de mala maneira, de feito todavía existe moito aproveitado . De todas formas, eu son da comarca de Ferrolterra e sempre fumos , bastante rescobellos que diría miña aboa , ella traballou hasta que casou e xa daquela , estaba afiliada na CNT que lle facian a puñeta a " Don Evaristo" moi amigo de Alfonso XIII.... Nesta zona viveuse sempre dos asteleiros e da Armada , e foi nos asteleiros mais noutros sitios dónde escomenzou a reclamar dereitos e salarios xustos. Tamen noutros sitios do país se reclamaron. A xente de por aquí, non acostuma a qué no traballo , as horas extras e outras cousas non se fagan de maneira legal porqué enton o que tera que dobralo lombo será o empresario.... Un saudo paisano

  • @baltarbb4969
    @baltarbb4969 2 месяца назад +8

    Vaya mareo con los pajaritos 🦜🦜🦜🦜🦜

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Si que mal, tendré que rehacer el video.

  • @miguelnespral
    @miguelnespral Месяц назад +1

    Gracias,por tu visión😊

  • @nestorduque8690
    @nestorduque8690 Месяц назад +1

    Nice comments and i"m absolutly agree with you. Regards from Barcelona.

  • @MsAdrianovski
    @MsAdrianovski Месяц назад +1

    I like the rithm you talk. I use to watch many videos in english, trying to learn and improve, and your rithm is perfect. I can understand you very well, practically with no english subtitles. So, you have a new subscriptor. And, by the way, happy you enjoy our country, you're very welcomed here ;)

  • @eduardopicomendoza4113
    @eduardopicomendoza4113 2 месяца назад +4

    Great video, I actually enjoyed the sound of the birds.

  • @Odiseio
    @Odiseio Месяц назад +1

    All points are valid. The concept of integrated families is just as you describe.

  • @MikeS29
    @MikeS29 2 месяца назад +5

    Thank you for sharing. I appreciate your calm and gentle delivery, and great information.

  • @ElCuervodeSanlo
    @ElCuervodeSanlo 2 месяца назад +1

    Totally agree with you!

  • @rolflin
    @rolflin 2 месяца назад +2


    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      A ti por ver el video y aguantar los pájaros.

  • @viquiben4919
    @viquiben4919 2 месяца назад +2

    Greetings from Tenerife ❤

  • @tierraprometida8866
    @tierraprometida8866 2 месяца назад +3

    Argentine cotorras (birds) love Spain too, but they are noisy 😂❤

  • @pereximepere8439
    @pereximepere8439 Месяц назад +2

    For the sound of the birds I suppose you are around Malaga.

  • @joseguerratornero9098
    @joseguerratornero9098 Месяц назад +2

    😂😂Los dichosos pajaritos

  • @edwardsharpe6234
    @edwardsharpe6234 2 месяца назад +4

    I hit the thumbs up button but it stayed at 0.

  • @miguelnespral
    @miguelnespral Месяц назад +1

    Tienes que dar de comer a esos pájaros,casi no te pude oir😂😂😂😂

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Si, estaban molestos que los estaba invadiendo 😂

  • @jonpenaecheverria6926
    @jonpenaecheverria6926 2 месяца назад +19

    Next video without birds, please. LOL.

    • @javierjimenezmartinez5613
      @javierjimenezmartinez5613 2 месяца назад +1


    • @dormador
      @dormador 2 месяца назад +6

      In Spain birds don't sing, they argue 😂

    • @javierjimenezmartinez5613
      @javierjimenezmartinez5613 2 месяца назад +1

      @@dormador 🤣😂

    • @alibelula9269
      @alibelula9269 2 месяца назад +1


    • @aha3885
      @aha3885 2 месяца назад

      They are ploting against us, and this will be the last time because this time...they will not fail. Hitchcock warned us and we didn't listen.

  • @Sabemasporviejo
    @Sabemasporviejo 2 месяца назад +5

    I have to laugh because of those sabotaging birds 😆

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      yes, terrible, I have to reshoot it. 😀

  • @Michaelcj-m2d
    @Michaelcj-m2d 2 месяца назад +2

    exMichigan in Spain since 2000.

    • @Michaelcj-m2d
      @Michaelcj-m2d 2 месяца назад +4

      Was there as well in the USAF 1980 - 1982. Knew then this was my life. Took a while but did 🍷🇪🇸🇪🇺🍷👍

    • @worldobserver3515
      @worldobserver3515 29 дней назад

      @@Michaelcj-m2d How long did it take you to become fluent in Spanish once you moved there?

  • @Beatriz50288
    @Beatriz50288 2 месяца назад +2

    Que playa más espectacular!!! Eso es España? Y donde?

    • @nalagrz5773
      @nalagrz5773 2 месяца назад +1

      Eso es Málaga con las molestas cotorras argentinas que están por todas las palmeras de la costa y han hecho que apenas se vean gorriones

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Sí Beatriz es cerca de Málaga.

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      si que cotorras..... se sentían amenazadas por mi.

  • @unhagalega
    @unhagalega 2 месяца назад +2

    Esos pájaros 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      si..... se sentían invadidos por mi..... lo siento.

  • @Caambrinus
    @Caambrinus 2 месяца назад +1

    The first minute or two is hilarious....as if you were reporting back to the CIA! We have noisy parakeets in Cartagena, too! They react to human presence.......doh!

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      hahaha, you made me laugh. Reporting to the CIA. Funny!!!!

  • @hoosomio
    @hoosomio 2 месяца назад +2

    Subtítulos en español porfa
    Aún así gracias x hablar tan despacito !!

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Si creo que vi otro comentario tuyo, lo tomaré en cuenta. Gracias.

  • @maalfons
    @maalfons 2 месяца назад +1

    Those birds are invasive species, monk parakeet

  • @AmapolaBrillit
    @AmapolaBrillit 2 месяца назад +3

    Subtítulos en español por favor , aqui en España muchos no hablamos el ingles

    • @markpalmer8083
      @markpalmer8083 Месяц назад

      Mejor aprenderlo, no? Es el idioma del mundo, y sobre todo del mundo comercial. Tendrás oportunidades de trabajo, muchas mejores si lo hablas.

  • @oscarparadelo168
    @oscarparadelo168 2 месяца назад +1

    I am Spanish, but if I weren't watching your video I imagine a country with some very annoying birds...

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Gracias Oscar, si lo lamento..... tendré que hacer otro video.

    • @oscarparadelo168
      @oscarparadelo168 Месяц назад

      No me molesto para nada los pájaros, más bien me hizo gracia...

  • @Garcwyn
    @Garcwyn 2 месяца назад +2

    Those birds were incredibly irritating

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад +1

      I know. I'm sorry, I will avoid them like Covid next time. 😎

  • @roberluancoluanco
    @roberluancoluanco 2 месяца назад +1

    What's life without familiy and friends??
    Work for living, and don't live for working.

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      I do have my family with me and have made some friends. We can adapt. Thank you for your comment.

  • @DonaldCarroll-i8m
    @DonaldCarroll-i8m 2 месяца назад

    Walker Ronald Taylor Laura Allen Sharon

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      Thank you for your comment. Not sure if understand it. Where you tagging someone?

  • @krasimirkirev7178
    @krasimirkirev7178 Месяц назад +1

    Only five? You need more than five things to move to another country

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      Haha, I love many more things, I will make a second part (without the stupid birds making noise).

  • @Dawkowski
    @Dawkowski 2 месяца назад +1

    It's a shame the British Europeans can't live in Spain after Brexit.

    • @susanaescriba977
      @susanaescriba977 2 месяца назад +3

      It's not a shame, it's a blessing.

    • @Caambrinus
      @Caambrinus 2 месяца назад +1

      @@susanaescriba977 To be serious, they can, under certain conditions.

    • @susanaescriba977
      @susanaescriba977 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Caambrinus I know but let them cry for a while.

    • @markpalmer8083
      @markpalmer8083 Месяц назад

      Are you ignorant? They can. Without any difficulty. You just need to apply for the correct visa and show that you can support yourself. It's not difficult.

    • @Caambrinus
      @Caambrinus Месяц назад

      @@markpalmer8083 I’ve been there, pal, It’s a bit tougher than that.

  • @hermandinovarela661
    @hermandinovarela661 Месяц назад +1

    It was really dangerous to speak beeing threatened by so many agressive voltures. 😮

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  15 дней назад

      jaja, yes I'm surprised I'm alive!!!!! Those are some loud birds!!!! Sorry.

  • @telesforillos
    @telesforillos 2 месяца назад +1

    Next time do not record your video under a palm tree full of noisy cotorras, please!. I’d appreciate thank you

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      I know it sucks right? These birds were going crazy. I guess they felt invaded by me.😂

  • @nexuslang
    @nexuslang 2 месяца назад +2

    Dude, between the chattering birds and the listless delivery, I stopped the vid at 4 minutes. Very distracting! I love Spain (been living here 40 years) and I've seen more enthusiasm from the tomatoes they use for gazpacho here.

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Thank you for your comment. Yes I will avoid being next to birds next time. 👍

  • @markpalmer8083
    @markpalmer8083 Месяц назад +1

    It's socialist 😖

    • @Caambrinus
      @Caambrinus Месяц назад

      And you’re a fool. Socialism = progress. Look to your own benighted country….

    • @AmericaToSpain
      @AmericaToSpain  Месяц назад

      Yes, it is. Politics are complicated here in Spain. As of now it does not bother me that it is a socialist country. It is a very welcoming country and people are amazing.

    • @Caambrinus
      @Caambrinus Месяц назад +1

      @@AmericaToSpain There is a socialist government with a wafer-thin majority (that’s called ‘democracy’). Spain is not a socialist country; no country is. It’s also much more pleasant and safer than living in the ‘Land of the Free’.

    • @Xiroi87
      @Xiroi87 11 дней назад

      Socialist? You mean the party that won the latest election is a social democracy party. Not the same thing as socialist the way you mean in the US.