Exploit was the word I was trying to think of when I said take advantage of. I apologize for not speaking well when I have not thought out my words before hand. There are a lot of points I wanted to make but did not touch on in this video. There are many more vacant houses in the US than there are unhoused people. But simply giving people houses who could use them does not create revenue, and would decrease the will for people to work unfulfilling jobs. There are more people in existence today than are required to sustain vital industry, farming, manufacturing, transportation, medical workers etc. The corporate entities and governments of the world are left with two options, either eradicate this excess population, or create unnecessary jobs for them to fill. These unnecessary jobs in turn create profit for the corporations and provide the excess population with a means of survival without devaluing the structure of capitalist society ( one must work for money in order to survive ) we are conditioned to view a lack of wanting to work as a moral failure, laziness, stupidity etc. A lack of interest in work can also be a recognition of the pointlessness or even negative impacts of the job at hand. Selling insurance, thawing frozen hamburgers to serve to over weight customers, building prisons or overpriced condos that will likely sit vacant etc. The vast majority of jobs contribute very little to the positive well being of society. One can contribute a lot to the world without being employed, or at the very least be one less negative contribution to the world. I am very happy to work and contribute my labor to friends, family and anyone or any cause that I feel benefits the well being of our planet.🖤
Very well said man. I can't say I'm homeless because I'm on a married couples couch, it's funny, living with a man who can read my mind and know me very well and try to drive me insane because he is broken and cleaning up after ungrateful children + whatever else I gotta do to stay off the streets sounds better then peace, I left this house and went to a park and all of a sudden somehow that misery never left me, I still gotta deal with a head full of bullshit, I would of had to pan handle and go find places to sleep and then avoid anyone on the street god throw at me that maybe wanted to beat my ass or maybe a stupid cop. I'm lucky I get food stamps and I'm considered a loser even though most of my time I spend doing things that benefit others and never myself, how does one benefit themselves when you're only on this planet to live, god created Jesus and there's a whole story that goes on + we live on a planet. Ps my dad drinks a few of those beers everyday sense I was a weeeee baby, bud ice case every week is my father's prize
I like this channel man. I was homeless for years when i was younger. I travelled. Just enjoyed life day by day. Working at a miserable job is way worse than being homeless. I have health issues now and I'm too beat up to be comfortable outdoors anymore. I agree with you completely though. I hope more people adopt this mentality. We need to destroy this evil system
We're a homeless couple, in a camper now, instead of a van. Therefore my disability has improved...still in progress... 7 years now, so not by choice, but without the disability our options would be wildly different. No regrets though. NOT gonna fall for the "supposed to" routines that are a system of control to capture the people in their struggles, just as you've expressed here. David Graeber's book Bullshit Jobs. (& others by him). Gonna find a copy myself after hearing his various talks. He's put #'s to just what you're sharing about. His anarchist views, as an anthropologist, are also compelling for regular people, though I needed no persuasion, ever, he just comes across so reasonable, because it is. Also, we do Mutual Aid organizing, one could call it. We all still have choices, to do what we can, which is a lot! 🖤
Lack of empathy and care is a real scary thing. And also, no matter how empathic one thinks he is, our society will easily eat you up, spit you and you slowly become selfish and lose a lot of empathy. Trauma makes you stuck in your head that you forget thinking of others. Sometimes i snap out of it and realise how selfish i can seem to be, or actually be. But its mostly because i keep getting stuck inside my head.
Spot on with the “lack of empathy and care” part. Also you wanna know what’s worse? How it’s become so normalized in this country that speaking out against it like you did just results in people either scoffing at you or looking at you like you have 3 heads or something. Sad but true.
@@Pundit07 Yes that's because most have the same line of thinking. Its not even so much about thinking, but doing. Most don't think like you and I do and others who are like us. We're not superior because of it, but i believe we're the minority and that's why it's so painful being the thinker type. We can come to an amazing insights about life, our world and how different dynamics are operating, why and how, but if we lack a healthy and supportive environment, we're pretty much fckd until (and if) we discover it ourselves and learn how to make it an advantage, because it is an advantage in it's own ways. Cheers man and thanks for sharing with us🙏🏾❤️😊
Very true. They may not even be aware that that is a motive, mostly they just think homeless are unsightly or scary or something. But when people stop caring about housing or material possessions and take what they need for free, that is definitely a threat to the system. They could make life easier for the unhoused but instead try to drive them elsewhere by placing boulders in campable spots, closing public restrooms and shutting off outlets and water spigots.
@@stephaniecoomey2356 Yes I live here. Cities place boulders under bridges so people can't sleep there, they close public bathrooms, they turn off outlets and water spigots. They kick people out of abandoned buildings and empty lots forcing them out onto the sidewalks. They evict homeless camps from one location forcing them to rebuild in another location.
I dunno, ask the government WHY there are so many homeless veterans and WHY so many asylums got shut down. No money for drug and alcohol treatment and yet all the money to be found for sanctuary cities.
It can be hell for a lot of people who don't choose it. Especially if you suffer from addiction or mental illness which a lot of my unhoused kindred do. So I don't want to make it sound glamorous or whatever. But for those unsatisfied with conventional living it can sometimes be a more fulfilling option.
Cant wait to see how you are doing in five years bro. I am 🚲 to cali this week. You aint no poser. I will pray you find Jesus because he will show you places no one knows about.
Raw. I like it. Yes, Earth is OUR home. Rich people... 'people'... not sure how human they are. But I get it. I used to make 5k$/month. Now I'm homeless. Something's not right here. After learning about the Palestine/Israel stuff, that's widened my eyes to the repeated atrocities that I've never heard of. Yikes. Thanks for sharing.
Before 2020, you making $5k a month, I'd have to say why did you spend it on shit? Pay a person more and their possessions will just cost more; it is why movie stars go broke. Now post-2020 and I say that $5k a month is close to being minimum wage if you want to have a roof over your head and food in your belly.
Thanks for spending some time to talk to us, my friend. I read all the back and forth comments, too. There’s a lot going on here and it takes courage to tell your stories and defend yourself. So I’m popping in to tell you thank you for putting yourself out here. You keep being you.
Ive been homless for a few years now. Im at a point in my life where i actually dont see myself in some house paying rent, and everything costs so much to own a house. staying in one place,staying at a job for years. Ive tried that, and always came out unhappy after a while. I still have family left, and even told them plans on how i want to go to alaska and they told me they wouldnt visit because its cold there. So whats the point? Warm, food, my own built shelter, my cat, my motorcycle, some good tabacco and a cold soda. I dont complain. Keep making art. Subbed
"Unhoused" and shit is just to make the people in houses feel better. Can't afford to buy a house or pay rent? You are homeless. Another 1984 Double Speak is : food insecurity; call it what it is, STARVING.
Makes since if people could just build lil shacks anywhere they wanted and insulate them there wouldn't be many people working 50 hours in fastfood jobs who can't even still afford a car
Yes. No one is obligated to give me anything and I don't expect it. But I still live in that society that demands money, and I recognize that spending money is a contribution. So I try to spend as little as possible. But until we abolish money or I find a way to escape from society entirely, I am forced to use a small amount of money. I do work from time to time for people I respect who respect me. I am not lazy. I enjoy work, which is different from a job. If people would like to give me the small amount of money I am forced to use in this society I will accept it.
@@humble2246 I wish I had the skills to be entirely self sufficient and Hunt and gather my own food in the wilderness, but that's a lot easier said than done. my friends and family would still be here in society, and I get lonely. Exiting society is very difficult to do. I do spend most of my time in wooded areas avoiding people for the most part, but I still have to venture into society for supplies.
I edited my description. As much as I dislike society and would like to not contribute to it's existence I recognize that I do live in society and will always be dependent on some aspects of society. I contribute whatever I can to I don't want to say society but, members of society? Helping friends with chores and tasks, whatever I can do to help I am willing to do within reason. Like I said most jobs contribute very little to the positive well being of our society.
I don't have any problem with people wanting to be homeless. What I don't have much patience for is when people who choose that lifestyle impose it upon others by pan-handling, sleeping on sidewalks, tossing garbage all over the place, etc. Hell I lived in the mountains for several years (and so effectively homeless) and yet asked for nothing, slept in the woods, and kept things tidy. Not a single person treated me with disgust or contempt. A homeless person that is self-sufficient and respects the commerce districts will likely not get much hassle from anyone....
I keep to myself and clean up after myself, but people definitely judge me for my appearance and lifestyle. People respect hikers and backpackers because it is temporary, they have money and eventually go back to their jobs. If someone lives that way permanently it is looked down upon. I'm sure when you lived in the mountains you went there with the money and resources you needed. People who toss garbage are usually suffering mental illness. Sleeping on sidewalks is usually done when it is the only option, they kick people out of abandoned houses and empty lots that could be lived in, there is plenty of empty space they could allow homeless people to live, but that would be encouraging homelessness, so they try to make things hard and push people out onto the sidewalks. With panhandling you are simply exercising your freedom of speech to ask for money which people have a right to decline.
I have much more respect for you than the Kardashians/Logan Paul's etc. People who have no skill and got rich from being dumb in this lottery world. Stay strong. 💪
Thank you, I'm so fucking sick of defending my lifestyle to judgmental pricks that have never lived on the streets before bitching about their tax money.
@@Bumlife666 Yeah, they have slave mentality (probably worshipping these people I mentioned above along with their corporate owners) that's why. You value your freedom, that's why I respect you.
The only role homelessness has in capitalism is the drugs a lot of addicts buy to sustain the black market. Otherwise they don't produce much and GENERALLY live off of the charity of a capitalist society. As for vacant homes; we no longer have slave labor en masse so when they are built someone does so with the idea that they will be compensated for it. Giving it away to homeless people is charity on a massive scale. California tried to put homeless people in homes to solve the issue and all that happened was that homeless people essentially kicked out the tenants already there by being extremely loud, doing drugs, and basically making the place an encampment no one wants to live in. All that said I agree with most of the points in the vid
Most illegal drug users live in houses. As many as 60 percent of homeless are actually employed but can still not afford housing. I've been kicked out of abandoned parking garages that they for some reason feel the need to pay a security guard to ensure that it stays empty and unused. Homeless people that do manage to get placed in housing are generally under much scrutiny and can get kicked out easily for letting homeless friends stay with them and definitely for noise and drug use. Most of the empty buildings that exist were built a long time ago and are just waiting to be demolished. And yet we keep building luxury condos many of which sit empty.
I love working, it feels good. "what, so you like to lick boots?" Nope. I don't like working for people who step on me. "So you're lazy and childish" Here we go.
Thank you. It's bound to happen more. Technology. People seem to think homeless people are like cave men or something. Like we all went to the same schools everyone else did and if your under 40 grew up in the Internet age too.
people shouldnt judge anyone for any reason, People dont understand how difficult life is bro, ide be homeless if it werent for family, I got divorced and got fucked out of 70k now Im fucking working my ass off at a shitty job and i barely get by.
You're young now and having fun living the free life of the roamer but perhaps it won't be that fun when you're sixty-five, if you see that many winters. Someday you may require the support of society. You say you enjoy working on your friend's farm. Would you not wish to own your own farm? I guarantee you're friend didn't get it by drinking malt liquor under a bridge. But I digress, live each day to the fullest and be happy!
I work for friends when I can. I can recycle cans if I'm in a state that it's worth it. I can panhandle if all else fails. I live on very little. I scavenge what I can.
i do avoid places where there are homeless people if im with a woman or with people im expected to protect, but i actively go out of my way to speak to homeless people often, do you guys get annoyed by this? i just like to hear stories, make you guys feel less forgotten about out there, idk what are your thoughts on my attitude, is that fetishism or just my interest in peoples lives?
I definitely can't speak for all homeless people. But I think it is good for you to talk to them like normal human beings. The truth is homeless people are exactly the same as housed people, minus the house. Perhaps we suffer from addiction and mental illness at a higher rate, but behind closed doors there's housed people just as fucking crazy as the person screaming on the streets. I really wouldn't worry too much about safety around homeless people, the most they will do is ask you for money. I think it's pretty rare to be robbed or physically attacked by an unhoused person unless you provoke them just like anybody else. That being said I also tend to avoid homeless camps, mainly out of respect, that's there house. People are just fucking people, every individual is different.
@@Bumlife666 yee, i live in the UK btw, scotland, its kinda hard to be homeless here because of all the social welfare, you are given solo temp accommodation within 48 hrs of calling a number lol, so most people on the streets are there because they want to be/ are too deep in addiction, so they are more violent on average id say than in america, just should clarify that. I got addiction problems too though so sometimes that helps me to relate to ppl and get on their "side" sorta thing, its kinda a hobby to help ppl in my own way, i give out first aid stuff for drug users and carry IM narcan and 4 nasal sprays lol, lots of ODs around here sadly, thanks for the reply, interesting life/take on stuff, i subbed!
@@Bumlife666 i also only approach people who are in a public street, id never like even disturb a tent, thats like knocking someones door down while they are sleeping
Hey man - If you wind up in San Diego anytime soon, I'd love to buy you a beer and just talk about life. Randomly showed up on my YT and glad i watched your videos.
thank you for posting this i'm a huge advocate for free time and universal basic income. I genuinely believe the worst crime being committed against humans is the robbery of life in the name of profit and productivity. When you look at lots of animals they rest sleep longe cuddle and basically spend most of there time loving there existence I greatly hope humans can go twordes more and more free time and free in the near future love
@@Ah__ah__ah__ah. I try to live like other animals, yeah I have technology and drink beer I know. But I sleep outside on the ground, I wake up whenever feels natural and all I really need to worry about is getting food and water. My favorite pass time is just soaking my feet in the river drinking booze and watching the sunset.
What if working 40 hours a week just to make ends meet and fit in with society just isn't the way you want to live your one shot at existence? I don't see anything wrong with that. As long as they're not stealing or hurting people I can respect that. Live and let live.
As long as the individual in question isn't an active criminal (stealing, scamming, or robbing innocent people) or a welfare parasite, idgaf how someone else chooses to live their life. I had a friend who used to live his life hopping trains. Dude said that he loved it. I get why that would be liberating and enjoyable, but I don't support living that lifestyle as a burden to the rest of society. Flying signs, pan handling, welfare-seeking, stealing, etc., is not cool, especially if someone has the choice to contribute, and a lot of homeless people do have that option. Idk how you make a living, and for all I know you work to earn a living legitimately, but most homeless people are 100% parasitical burdens to society. The stigma of homelessness is collectively earned over time, and you should know that since you intermingle with them more than the average person. As a traveler who works and earns a living legitimately, I am personally sick and tired of homeless people harrassing me in every city I go to trying to get money from me as if it's no big deal to ask a stranger to give them money for nothing. I don't call people names or disparage them for it, but I can see why some people lose their temper and verbally lash out in response.
I do work for the most part, but at times have probably been what you consider a "parasite" as long as one is polite I don't think it is a big deal to ask a stranger for money. Other homeless people ask me for money all the time and I have no problem giving them a dollar or two. If you fly a sign asking for work most people would rather just give you money because they don't have any work for you or they don't like the look of you. Many homeless struggle with addiction and mental illness making them unemployable. I view society as the burden on the individual. But we don't all have to agree, you're views are based on your life experience and mine on mine.
@@Bumlife666 The current society is absolutely a burden on the individual. No argument there. But we are accountable to not add to that burden unless it's absolutely necessary. It's not lost on me that I one day could have to ask a stranger for money out of desperation. The issue I'm talking about is those who do this as their default way of surviving. I don't have all the solutions (not certain about having any tbh). That being said, I do see clear cases of wrong living. There are parasites at every level. I don't automatically assume you or anyone else who is homeless is a parasite. That's not my business nor would it be my interest to find out. I'm just speaking on principles is all. I definitely don't want to give you the impression that I was calling you a parasite. That shit is harsh language reserved only for the unequivocally shitty people among us, many of whom live in mansions and wear fancy tailored suits.
@@Czechmate99 sometimes panhandling and welfare seeking is all one knows, and a lot of those "parasite" people are some of the most kindest and generous with what they have. The wealthiest tend to be the stingiest with money, when I have panhandled it is usually the person who lives paycheck to paycheck that will hand you a 20 and not think twice about it. Everything comes back around and money is just worthless paper we are forced to use.
@@elijahwilson1422 I n theory. In actuality fascism and capitalism work well together. But we can just debate the meanings of words. It's a pile of shit whatever political definition you want to put on our modern society structure.
You can be homeless in Canada for maybe 4 - 6 months out of the year with camping gear. In the winter it becomes much more difficult. The USA is a much better place for the unhoused.
I have friends in Montreal, which I plan to visit soon. They say to live outside in the winter you need like 4 sleeping bags. I read an article about the city of Edmonton clearing homeless camps in the middle of winter.
I've thought about that. But I really don't have the patience, responding to all these comments is getting old. I felt a need to speak my mind in response to people, but most of my videos are just entertaining videos of me chugging beer. I may choose to turn comments off on future posts. At the same time I do feel some duty to argue with the anti homeless people and perhaps change perceptions. But I doubt anyone ever really changes their perception.
You said your goal is to contribute nothing to society that sickens you . What happens when you’re sick ? Do you expect my tax dollars to heal you ? A what about when you get assaulted or something else happens to you that you need the police or emt or fire department for ? Do you think this stuff is free ? I hope you’re not sleeping on the sidewalks that myself and other taxpayers pay for . You said you can contributed a lot to society without being employed …ya that may be true sometimes but that dosnt make up for all the benefits that you don’t realize you enjoy for free . Again if you go to the hospital, you are forcing someone to heal you for free . You’re forcing them to work for nothing in return . That’s slavery
I believe that if we abolished money and worked the jobs we wanted everyone would be happy to take care of each other. Doctors want to help people, if they didn't have bills to pay they could work for free, we could all work doing what we love because we want to not because we require money to survive. But realistically I don't expect money to ever be abolished or for society change for the better. I think it's really funny how people get so upset about others benefiting from there tax dollars. When I had a job and paid taxes I was like I hate giving my money to the government but if I can help pay for a sick person in the hospital or buy food for people on welfare that's great. I would even be happy to donate money to public assistance programs if I was making enough money. It bothers you that your tax dollars might heal someone like me?
There are various aspects to society and perhaps, I should change my description. My goal is to not contribute to what I see as pointless jobs making the wealthy wealthier and trapping everyone in a system of dependence upon working for money.
I think it's slavery even if you are getting paid, your a slave to money, you have no choice. I worked as a bread baker for 6 years because I had rent to pay. It was a decent job I didn't mind it. But rather than selling overpriced bread to yuppies because I am a slave to money, I think I would feel better volunteering to bake bread and give it away for free.
You are divine all which hinders the expression of this divinity is a misunderstanding with yourself be unapologetically yourself be good, do good never worry
The endgame of capitalism is being able to live while doing no work (AKA retirement), so he's just skipping a bunch of steps in exchange for having less money.
@@MK_ULTRA420 I really thought it was funny one person who told me to get a job, then said they were 35 and retired. Like so you made a shitload of money, your not expected to work anymore but I am.
@@Bumlife666 I was pretty physically fit, but I just got tired of it. And it was winter, so wanted to find somewhere warm. Kind of wish I would've perservered a little bit more.
@@austinghoste I migrate with the seasons and rarely ever stay in one town for long, I have an addiction to moving. If I was to stay in one location it's probable that I would get bored and just get a job and house to fill my time.
@@Bumlife666 that’s cool. Ya, I’m moving into an apartment from a halfway house. The cops kept throwing me into psych wards and mental hospitals even though I didn’t really do anything psychotic. I doubt they’d let me roam around town to town. Not sure why tho.
Sometimes. I'm not sure why it makes you feel good to say degrading things to strangers on the Internet. But hopefully you got a kick out of that. Enjoy your miserable existence.
Exploit was the word I was trying to think of when I said take advantage of. I apologize for not speaking well when I have not thought out my words before hand. There are a lot of points I wanted to make but did not touch on in this video. There are many more vacant houses in the US than there are unhoused people. But simply giving people houses who could use them does not create revenue, and would decrease the will for people to work unfulfilling jobs. There are more people in existence today than are required to sustain vital industry, farming, manufacturing, transportation, medical workers etc. The corporate entities and governments of the world are left with two options, either eradicate this excess population, or create unnecessary jobs for them to fill. These unnecessary jobs in turn create profit for the corporations and provide the excess population with a means of survival without devaluing the structure of capitalist society ( one must work for money in order to survive ) we are conditioned to view a lack of wanting to work as a moral failure, laziness, stupidity etc. A lack of interest in work can also be a recognition of the pointlessness or even negative impacts of the job at hand. Selling insurance, thawing frozen hamburgers to serve to over weight customers, building prisons or overpriced condos that will likely sit vacant etc. The vast majority of jobs contribute very little to the positive well being of society. One can contribute a lot to the world without being employed, or at the very least be one less negative contribution to the world. I am very happy to work and contribute my labor to friends, family and anyone or any cause that I feel benefits the well being of our planet.🖤
Very well said man. I can't say I'm homeless because I'm on a married couples couch, it's funny, living with a man who can read my mind and know me very well and try to drive me insane because he is broken and cleaning up after ungrateful children + whatever else I gotta do to stay off the streets sounds better then peace, I left this house and went to a park and all of a sudden somehow that misery never left me, I still gotta deal with a head full of bullshit, I would of had to pan handle and go find places to sleep and then avoid anyone on the street god throw at me that maybe wanted to beat my ass or maybe a stupid cop. I'm lucky I get food stamps and I'm considered a loser even though most of my time I spend doing things that benefit others and never myself, how does one benefit themselves when you're only on this planet to live, god created Jesus and there's a whole story that goes on + we live on a planet. Ps my dad drinks a few of those beers everyday sense I was a weeeee baby, bud ice case every week is my father's prize
Preach my brother, preach. CHURCH!
I like this channel man. I was homeless for years when i was younger. I travelled. Just enjoyed life day by day. Working at a miserable job is way worse than being homeless. I have health issues now and I'm too beat up to be comfortable outdoors anymore. I agree with you completely though. I hope more people adopt this mentality. We need to destroy this evil system
Do any of you have telegram? I’d like to talk to you
We're a homeless couple, in a camper now, instead of a van. Therefore my disability has improved...still in progress...
7 years now, so not by choice, but without the disability our options would be wildly different. No regrets though.
NOT gonna fall for the "supposed to" routines that are a system of control to capture the people in their struggles, just as you've expressed here.
David Graeber's book Bullshit Jobs. (& others by him).
Gonna find a copy myself after hearing his various talks. He's put #'s to just what you're sharing about. His anarchist views, as an anthropologist, are also compelling for regular people, though I needed no persuasion, ever, he just comes across so reasonable, because it is.
Also, we do Mutual Aid organizing, one could call it.
We all still have choices, to do what we can, which is a lot!
Lack of empathy and care is a real scary thing. And also, no matter how empathic one thinks he is, our society will easily eat you up, spit you and you slowly become selfish and lose a lot of empathy. Trauma makes you stuck in your head that you forget thinking of others. Sometimes i snap out of it and realise how selfish i can seem to be, or actually be. But its mostly because i keep getting stuck inside my head.
Spot on with the “lack of empathy and care” part. Also you wanna know what’s worse? How it’s become so normalized in this country that speaking out against it like you did just results in people either scoffing at you or looking at you like you have 3 heads or something. Sad but true.
Yes that's because most have the same line of thinking. Its not even so much about thinking, but doing. Most don't think like you and I do and others who are like us. We're not superior because of it, but i believe we're the minority and that's why it's so painful being the thinker type. We can come to an amazing insights about life, our world and how different dynamics are operating, why and how, but if we lack a healthy and supportive environment, we're pretty much fckd until (and if) we discover it ourselves and learn how to make it an advantage, because it is an advantage in it's own ways. Cheers man and thanks for sharing with us🙏🏾❤️😊
You've found a loophole in the system and that threatens profits. That's one reason why city governments are hard on the homeless, imo.
Very true. They may not even be aware that that is a motive, mostly they just think homeless are unsightly or scary or something. But when people stop caring about housing or material possessions and take what they need for free, that is definitely a threat to the system. They could make life easier for the unhoused but instead try to drive them elsewhere by placing boulders in campable spots, closing public restrooms and shutting off outlets and water spigots.
governemnts hard on the homeless? have you seen america lmao
@@stephaniecoomey2356 Yes I live here. Cities place boulders under bridges so people can't sleep there, they close public bathrooms, they turn off outlets and water spigots. They kick people out of abandoned buildings and empty lots forcing them out onto the sidewalks. They evict homeless camps from one location forcing them to rebuild in another location.
@@Bumlife666 I see no problem in any of that, get off drugs and get a job. i cant believe the homeless are up on high horses in 2024, fucking unreal.
I dunno, ask the government WHY there are so many homeless veterans and WHY so many asylums got shut down. No money for drug and alcohol treatment and yet all the money to be found for sanctuary cities.
I became homeless not by my choice but learned it wasn’t that bad.
It can be hell for a lot of people who don't choose it. Especially if you suffer from addiction or mental illness which a lot of my unhoused kindred do. So I don't want to make it sound glamorous or whatever. But for those unsatisfied with conventional living it can sometimes be a more fulfilling option.
It's better for some than others and it is tied to the particular attitude of the townsfolk
Cant wait to see how you are doing in five years bro. I am 🚲 to cali this week. You aint no poser. I will pray you find Jesus because he will show you places no one knows about.
Raw. I like it. Yes, Earth is OUR home. Rich people... 'people'... not sure how human they are. But I get it. I used to make 5k$/month. Now I'm homeless. Something's not right here. After learning about the Palestine/Israel stuff, that's widened my eyes to the repeated atrocities that I've never heard of. Yikes. Thanks for sharing.
whoa 5k a month to homeless :( gosh UBI is so needed right now
Before 2020, you making $5k a month, I'd have to say why did you spend it on shit? Pay a person more and their possessions will just cost more; it is why movie stars go broke. Now post-2020 and I say that $5k a month is close to being minimum wage if you want to have a roof over your head and food in your belly.
Thanks for spending some time to talk to us, my friend. I read all the back and forth comments, too. There’s a lot going on here and it takes courage to tell your stories and defend yourself. So I’m popping in to tell you thank you for putting yourself out here. You keep being you.
Thanks Bizy. I'm probably going to turn comments off on future videos, cause fuck everything.
@@Bumlife666don’t do that bro, the comments help the algorithm. Fuck the haters!
I used to know a dude went by the name satan and he would say “I am the sexiest bum alive” and it was hilarious every time lol
Keep making vids and having fun with it man I dig it. Subbed
@@zacharymcneely6039 Thanks man. I just do it for my own fun.
Ive been homless for a few years now. Im at a point in my life where i actually dont see myself in some house paying rent, and everything costs so much to own a house. staying in one place,staying at a job for years. Ive tried that, and always came out unhappy after a while. I still have family left, and even told them plans on how i want to go to alaska and they told me they wouldnt visit because its cold there. So whats the point? Warm, food, my own built shelter, my cat, my motorcycle, some good tabacco and a cold soda. I dont complain. Keep making art. Subbed
Before the current epidemic of homelessness, the "unhoused" were people with "no fixed address".
"Unhoused" and shit is just to make the people in houses feel better. Can't afford to buy a house or pay rent? You are homeless. Another 1984 Double Speak is : food insecurity; call it what it is, STARVING.
Concept in the title is something that got me interested in your channel
Makes since if people could just build lil shacks anywhere they wanted and insulate them there wouldn't be many people working 50 hours in fastfood jobs who can't even still afford a car
I live in a house and got nothing against you. In fact, I sometimes envy the lifestyle you have.
In your description you say your goal is to "contribute nothing at all to a society that sickens me," yet you then ask society to donate money to you?
Yes. No one is obligated to give me anything and I don't expect it. But I still live in that society that demands money, and I recognize that spending money is a contribution. So I try to spend as little as possible. But until we abolish money or I find a way to escape from society entirely, I am forced to use a small amount of money. I do work from time to time for people I respect who respect me. I am not lazy. I enjoy work, which is different from a job. If people would like to give me the small amount of money I am forced to use in this society I will accept it.
@@Bumlife666 You already can leave society... It's called the wilderness...
@@humble2246 I wish I had the skills to be entirely self sufficient and Hunt and gather my own food in the wilderness, but that's a lot easier said than done. my friends and family would still be here in society, and I get lonely. Exiting society is very difficult to do. I do spend most of my time in wooded areas avoiding people for the most part, but I still have to venture into society for supplies.
@@Bumlife666 no one is obligated to but they do because people like you prey on the good nature of people .
I edited my description. As much as I dislike society and would like to not contribute to it's existence I recognize that I do live in society and will always be dependent on some aspects of society. I contribute whatever I can to I don't want to say society but, members of society? Helping friends with chores and tasks, whatever I can do to help I am willing to do within reason. Like I said most jobs contribute very little to the positive well being of our society.
Love your view on people doing “nice things” for homeless people, it’s f’d up. Great videos man!
I don't have any problem with people wanting to be homeless. What I don't have much patience for is when people who choose that lifestyle impose it upon others by pan-handling, sleeping on sidewalks, tossing garbage all over the place, etc. Hell I lived in the mountains for several years (and so effectively homeless) and yet asked for nothing, slept in the woods, and kept things tidy. Not a single person treated me with disgust or contempt. A homeless person that is self-sufficient and respects the commerce districts will likely not get much hassle from anyone....
I keep to myself and clean up after myself, but people definitely judge me for my appearance and lifestyle. People respect hikers and backpackers because it is temporary, they have money and eventually go back to their jobs. If someone lives that way permanently it is looked down upon. I'm sure when you lived in the mountains you went there with the money and resources you needed. People who toss garbage are usually suffering mental illness. Sleeping on sidewalks is usually done when it is the only option, they kick people out of abandoned houses and empty lots that could be lived in, there is plenty of empty space they could allow homeless people to live, but that would be encouraging homelessness, so they try to make things hard and push people out onto the sidewalks. With panhandling you are simply exercising your freedom of speech to ask for money which people have a right to decline.
I have much more respect for you than the Kardashians/Logan Paul's etc. People who have no skill and got rich from being dumb in this lottery world. Stay strong. 💪
Thank you, I'm so fucking sick of defending my lifestyle to judgmental pricks that have never lived on the streets before bitching about their tax money.
@@Bumlife666 Yeah, they have slave mentality (probably worshipping these people I mentioned above along with their corporate owners) that's why. You value your freedom, that's why I respect you.
The only role homelessness has in capitalism is the drugs a lot of addicts buy to sustain the black market. Otherwise they don't produce much and GENERALLY live off of the charity of a capitalist society. As for vacant homes; we no longer have slave labor en masse so when they are built someone does so with the idea that they will be compensated for it. Giving it away to homeless people is charity on a massive scale. California tried to put homeless people in homes to solve the issue and all that happened was that homeless people essentially kicked out the tenants already there by being extremely loud, doing drugs, and basically making the place an encampment no one wants to live in.
All that said I agree with most of the points in the vid
Most illegal drug users live in houses. As many as 60 percent of homeless are actually employed but can still not afford housing. I've been kicked out of abandoned parking garages that they for some reason feel the need to pay a security guard to ensure that it stays empty and unused. Homeless people that do manage to get placed in housing are generally under much scrutiny and can get kicked out easily for letting homeless friends stay with them and definitely for noise and drug use. Most of the empty buildings that exist were built a long time ago and are just waiting to be demolished. And yet we keep building luxury condos many of which sit empty.
Might not agree with every thing you said but you seem like a kind soul. Many blessings brother
I love working, it feels good.
"what, so you like to lick boots?"
Nope. I don't like working for people who step on me.
"So you're lazy and childish"
Here we go.
I like working. Having a job and working are two very separate things.
never seen a homeless man get on my youtube recommendations before but pretty good video
Thank you. It's bound to happen more. Technology. People seem to think homeless people are like cave men or something. Like we all went to the same schools everyone else did and if your under 40 grew up in the Internet age too.
@@Bumlife666 West coast?
@@thomaslodger7675 I'm transient all over the country. I used to live on the west coast but haven't been back over a year.
I saw this one dude who is homeless w his gf and is a gangstalking victim.
Nothing but pure entertainment over here folk. You heard it fast from the South Shore local legend Mozes! Cheers
Thanks for your perspective brother
Shooting over some beer $ now. 👍 Keep up the vids!
Thank you. Much appreciated 🖤
people shouldnt judge anyone for any reason, People dont understand how difficult life is bro, ide be homeless if it werent for family, I got divorced and got fucked out of 70k now Im fucking working my ass off at a shitty job and i barely get by.
That Flux of Pink Indians Shirt is sick,used to have that patch.
Hell yeah man, keep living the good life
You're young now and having fun living the free life of the roamer but perhaps it won't be that fun when you're sixty-five, if you see that many winters. Someday you may require the support of society. You say you enjoy working on your friend's farm. Would you not wish to own your own farm? I guarantee you're friend didn't get it by drinking malt liquor under a bridge. But I digress, live each day to the fullest and be happy!
How do you get money? Cheers brother
I work for friends when I can. I can recycle cans if I'm in a state that it's worth it. I can panhandle if all else fails. I live on very little. I scavenge what I can.
i do avoid places where there are homeless people if im with a woman or with people im expected to protect, but i actively go out of my way to speak to homeless people often, do you guys get annoyed by this? i just like to hear stories, make you guys feel less forgotten about out there, idk what are your thoughts on my attitude, is that fetishism or just my interest in peoples lives?
I definitely can't speak for all homeless people. But I think it is good for you to talk to them like normal human beings. The truth is homeless people are exactly the same as housed people, minus the house. Perhaps we suffer from addiction and mental illness at a higher rate, but behind closed doors there's housed people just as fucking crazy as the person screaming on the streets. I really wouldn't worry too much about safety around homeless people, the most they will do is ask you for money. I think it's pretty rare to be robbed or physically attacked by an unhoused person unless you provoke them just like anybody else. That being said I also tend to avoid homeless camps, mainly out of respect, that's there house. People are just fucking people, every individual is different.
@@Bumlife666 yee, i live in the UK btw, scotland, its kinda hard to be homeless here because of all the social welfare, you are given solo temp accommodation within 48 hrs of calling a number lol, so most people on the streets are there because they want to be/ are too deep in addiction, so they are more violent on average id say than in america, just should clarify that. I got addiction problems too though so sometimes that helps me to relate to ppl and get on their "side" sorta thing, its kinda a hobby to help ppl in my own way, i give out first aid stuff for drug users and carry IM narcan and 4 nasal sprays lol, lots of ODs around here sadly, thanks for the reply, interesting life/take on stuff, i subbed!
@@Bumlife666 i also only approach people who are in a public street, id never like even disturb a tent, thats like knocking someones door down while they are sleeping
Hey man - If you wind up in San Diego anytime soon, I'd love to buy you a beer and just talk about life. Randomly showed up on my YT and glad i watched your videos.
Love and gratitude for a view from your reality keep this channel going many blessings
thank you for posting this i'm a huge advocate for free time and universal basic income.
I genuinely believe the worst crime being committed against humans is the robbery of life in the name of profit and productivity.
When you look at lots of animals they rest sleep longe cuddle and basically spend most of there time loving there existence
I greatly hope humans can go twordes more and more free time and free in the near future
@@Ah__ah__ah__ah. I try to live like other animals, yeah I have technology and drink beer I know. But I sleep outside on the ground, I wake up whenever feels natural and all I really need to worry about is getting food and water. My favorite pass time is just soaking my feet in the river drinking booze and watching the sunset.
@@Bumlife666 awesome
You are a nomad. Have you ever thought of exploring abandonded buildings? Reddit has a app and stuff
@@expertservicers3186 I explore whatever I come across. I don't go far out of my way to look for abandos
@@expertservicers3186 thats kinda lame there's an app for finding abandos. Kinda blows up the spot.
What if working 40 hours a week just to make ends meet and fit in with society just isn't the way you want to live your one shot at existence? I don't see anything wrong with that. As long as they're not stealing or hurting people I can respect that. Live and let live.
Dude reminds me of Butthead tho. Not as dumb, but his voice is close. Need a Beavis to do video with lol.
Check out my four Loko video with my friend David, someone else commented real life Beavis and Butthead
As long as the individual in question isn't an active criminal (stealing, scamming, or robbing innocent people) or a welfare parasite, idgaf how someone else chooses to live their life. I had a friend who used to live his life hopping trains. Dude said that he loved it. I get why that would be liberating and enjoyable, but I don't support living that lifestyle as a burden to the rest of society. Flying signs, pan handling, welfare-seeking, stealing, etc., is not cool, especially if someone has the choice to contribute, and a lot of homeless people do have that option. Idk how you make a living, and for all I know you work to earn a living legitimately, but most homeless people are 100% parasitical burdens to society. The stigma of homelessness is collectively earned over time, and you should know that since you intermingle with them more than the average person. As a traveler who works and earns a living legitimately, I am personally sick and tired of homeless people harrassing me in every city I go to trying to get money from me as if it's no big deal to ask a stranger to give them money for nothing. I don't call people names or disparage them for it, but I can see why some people lose their temper and verbally lash out in response.
I do work for the most part, but at times have probably been what you consider a "parasite" as long as one is polite I don't think it is a big deal to ask a stranger for money. Other homeless people ask me for money all the time and I have no problem giving them a dollar or two. If you fly a sign asking for work most people would rather just give you money because they don't have any work for you or they don't like the look of you. Many homeless struggle with addiction and mental illness making them unemployable. I view society as the burden on the individual. But we don't all have to agree, you're views are based on your life experience and mine on mine.
The current society is absolutely a burden on the individual. No argument there. But we are accountable to not add to that burden unless it's absolutely necessary. It's not lost on me that I one day could have to ask a stranger for money out of desperation. The issue I'm talking about is those who do this as their default way of surviving. I don't have all the solutions (not certain about having any tbh). That being said, I do see clear cases of wrong living. There are parasites at every level. I don't automatically assume you or anyone else who is homeless is a parasite. That's not my business nor would it be my interest to find out. I'm just speaking on principles is all. I definitely don't want to give you the impression that I was calling you a parasite. That shit is harsh language reserved only for the unequivocally shitty people among us, many of whom live in mansions and wear fancy tailored suits.
@@Czechmate99 sometimes panhandling and welfare seeking is all one knows, and a lot of those "parasite" people are some of the most kindest and generous with what they have. The wealthiest tend to be the stingiest with money, when I have panhandled it is usually the person who lives paycheck to paycheck that will hand you a 20 and not think twice about it. Everything comes back around and money is just worthless paper we are forced to use.
This isn't capitalism. The public entities have merged with the corporate entities. They all want the same thing.
That's literally what late stage capitalism is
Capitalism is the social relation in the production process, you have to sell your Labour in order to have descent life, that's Capitalism.
@@lumpenproletarier9584 okay comrade
@xp8969 merging the state together with corporations IS Fascist and Fascism strongly opposed Capitalism.
@@elijahwilson1422 I n theory. In actuality fascism and capitalism work well together. But we can just debate the meanings of words. It's a pile of shit whatever political definition you want to put on our modern society structure.
Do you train hop? How do you travel so much? Gotta be safe hopping!
I been hopping a long time. I be safe.
You can be homeless in Canada for maybe 4 - 6 months out of the year with camping gear. In the winter it becomes much more difficult. The USA is a much better place for the unhoused.
I have friends in Montreal, which I plan to visit soon. They say to live outside in the winter you need like 4 sleeping bags. I read an article about the city of Edmonton clearing homeless camps in the middle of winter.
@@Bumlife666 Great place to visit in the summer. Hope someone buys you a poutine and a bagel.
Love this guy, envy of how you live brother
You seriously need to upgrade your beer game.
Reopen the state hospitals
I love your atitude. keep kicking ass.
Your channel 👍👍bro you rock!!!
would be an awesome idea to do a Q&A video dude.
I've thought about that. But I really don't have the patience, responding to all these comments is getting old. I felt a need to speak my mind in response to people, but most of my videos are just entertaining videos of me chugging beer. I may choose to turn comments off on future posts. At the same time I do feel some duty to argue with the anti homeless people and perhaps change perceptions. But I doubt anyone ever really changes their perception.
I hope the best for you, the government needs to suffer
You said your goal is to contribute nothing to society that sickens you . What happens when you’re sick ? Do you expect my tax dollars to heal you ? A what about when you get assaulted or something else happens to you that you need the police or emt or fire department for ? Do you think this stuff is free ? I hope you’re not sleeping on the sidewalks that myself and other taxpayers pay for . You said you can contributed a lot to society without being employed …ya that may be true sometimes but that dosnt make up for all the benefits that you don’t realize you enjoy for free . Again if you go to the hospital, you are forcing someone to heal you for free . You’re forcing them to work for nothing in return . That’s slavery
I believe that if we abolished money and worked the jobs we wanted everyone would be happy to take care of each other. Doctors want to help people, if they didn't have bills to pay they could work for free, we could all work doing what we love because we want to not because we require money to survive. But realistically I don't expect money to ever be abolished or for society change for the better. I think it's really funny how people get so upset about others benefiting from there tax dollars. When I had a job and paid taxes I was like I hate giving my money to the government but if I can help pay for a sick person in the hospital or buy food for people on welfare that's great. I would even be happy to donate money to public assistance programs if I was making enough money. It bothers you that your tax dollars might heal someone like me?
There are various aspects to society and perhaps, I should change my description. My goal is to not contribute to what I see as pointless jobs making the wealthy wealthier and trapping everyone in a system of dependence upon working for money.
I think it's slavery even if you are getting paid, your a slave to money, you have no choice. I worked as a bread baker for 6 years because I had rent to pay. It was a decent job I didn't mind it. But rather than selling overpriced bread to yuppies because I am a slave to money, I think I would feel better volunteering to bake bread and give it away for free.
But you can't play xbone
You are divine all which hinders the expression of this divinity is a misunderstanding with yourself be unapologetically yourself be good, do good never worry
Eat the Rich! Class War.
Damn, even youtube knows i miss the road
Thank you. I'll try and fix that.
"i'm a leech on society so i'll blame it on capitalism."
I'm not blaming anyone, I clearly said I choose to live this way. And if people have problem with it they can go f*ck themselves.
The endgame of capitalism is being able to live while doing no work (AKA retirement), so he's just skipping a bunch of steps in exchange for having less money.
@@MK_ULTRA420 I really thought it was funny one person who told me to get a job, then said they were 35 and retired.
Like so you made a shitload of money, your not expected to work anymore but I am.
@@Bumlife666 It's resentment from having to work extra hard to earn enough money to retire at 35. Or they have a slaveowner mentality idk.
@@MK_ULTRA420 I guess so
keep the vidds coming bro
This shit is so funny when you’re fried
Social assistance?
I'm not proposing any answers or promoting any ideologies. I'm just stating the facts as I see them. The world is what it is.
get a job, being part of society means contributing. Do something.
My response is everything I already stated in this video. Especially the end.
@@Bumlife666 not sure why this came on my timeline but no way I’m watching a vid of a hobo not working
@@simpleclam you are commenting without even knowing what I said? Did you bother to read the description or my pinned comment above?
I was homeless for awhile, but ya know.
It ain't for everyone. Everybody lives homeless differently, can be very taxing depending on your strategy.
@@Bumlife666 I was pretty physically fit, but I just got tired of it. And it was winter, so wanted to find somewhere warm. Kind of wish I would've perservered a little bit more.
@@austinghoste I migrate with the seasons and rarely ever stay in one town for long, I have an addiction to moving. If I was to stay in one location it's probable that I would get bored and just get a job and house to fill my time.
@@Bumlife666 that’s cool. Ya, I’m moving into an apartment from a halfway house. The cops kept throwing me into psych wards and mental hospitals even though I didn’t really do anything psychotic. I doubt they’d let me roam around town to town. Not sure why tho.
@@austinghoste best of luck dude, stay strong 🖤
you must smell really bad and sour
Sometimes. I'm not sure why it makes you feel good to say degrading things to strangers on the Internet. But hopefully you got a kick out of that. Enjoy your miserable existence.
Dude you’re my idol and I someday hope to meet you.