@@Jewonastick if you lived back in thr day that Jesus walked the earth performing miracles of healing and casting out demons right in front of your eyes you probably woukd still decide to say that He isn't the Son of God. Believing is seeing. The evidence of demons duping humans into believing in supernatural entities is all over the world and the net. People genuinely have seen what they believe to be aliens, ghosts, dead loved ones, things bring thrown across the room, voices, 'shadow figures ', mediums and séances, ouija boards, it's all demonic activity. It's no shocker. Anything to pull humans into false belief. The proof that the world is more accepting of possibility of 'alien life' and 'ghosts' than Jesus Christ, Creator God is all the evidence any humble person needs.
Technically angels and demons are aliens (means foreign) their habitation is not on earth, some of them fell. The correct term to refer to them is the one used in the bible.
Yeah I agree with this too. The watchers in genesis came down and mated with women. I’m not saying fallen angels pilot craft. I think it’s more likely secret tech. Maybe dug up from times before the flood. Maybe the government just doesn’t want us to know about it. However, there is 2 kings 6:17 which describes aerials (chariots of fire). Not really sure. I think we’ll see soon enough. I just wouldn’t trust anything that claims to be our future evolution or our gods that seemingly come from other planets.
Extraterrestrial means not from earth and well last time I checked Angels,cherubim ect ect aren’t from planet earth. So when I hear alien I hear fallen ones coming to deceive mankind. Just as was told in the last days. I mean the Antichrist could be “alien” and would have an easy global takeover just on that premise alone.
Agree 100%. These “UFO manifestations” are not “from another planet” or anywhere else in our space-time continuum. They are not “extraterrestrial” they are “extradimensional”: demonic manifestations that defy the laws of physics that exist in our continuum. They manifest for the purpose of deceiving those who fall for them as “space buddied” but instead are bent on our destruction. I understand from Dr. Hugh Ross (Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men) that “automatic writing” receive from people in a close encounter is about 32% trying to refute the Person and Work of Jesus. That says a lot about who they are and where they originate if you ask me. I think they play a role in the “Strong Delusion” of non Christ Followers (2 Thess 2:11).
What if the ones who left their appointed place (in Jude) and were in chains, that are to be released at the appointed time have been released? I believe this is part of the end times deception, brother Ken. 🙂🙏✝️ God bless
@@singingwindrider9881 I agree with the OP. I believe that these things are demons. The UFO's are real enough. We know that. We also know that they are not from our government or any government on this planet. They have to be something and the best bible explanation is demons.
@@avafury4584yes, it isn't really clear on when the appointed time is but if things other than humans are appearing in this world, there are only so many other living things that God created.
There are other creations that God made. Angels, which are in heaven and fallen angels. That's what the bible says. We know that fallen angels in the past were able to manifest themselves to humans and the nephilim came from their unholy union. That is the only other life that exists in this universe so if there is something else out there it has to be them.
They're satanic manifestations. Fallen angel hybrids from millenia of kidnapped earthly creatures, human and animal alike. A Nephilim of sorts. MANY will die at their hands. The Nephilim will return. Man is already being conditioned to accept hybrids, and "super heroes" Nephilim really (the mighty men of old) Woe to man when actual fallen angels show up in their appointed time.
@@Wretchlikemee demons weren't "destroyed" in the flood. The nephilim came back after the flood, so what does that tell us? Demons began mating with humans again after the flood.
Does that mean Mars doesn't exist? Oh, it's included as part of the heavens? But the things ON the other planets aren't part of the heavens??? Do atoms not exist because they aren't mentioned? Bible is meant as a spiritual guide, not the book of everything. Does man need to know about aliens, if they exist?
I don't think God would tell us about His creations on other planets because the Bible is really about one tribe of people and the tribes they fought with. And then the scope gets even narrower and it becomes all about God incarnate, Jesus Christ and His 12 disciples. Then the scope widens slightly to include the mentioning of the various churches. The Bible is actually very focused on what humans need to know: need to know God in three persons, how God created all things, that Man was given free will to obey or disobey, that Man disobeyed and God's love for Man anyway, and hiw God gave Himself for us, and faith in God (Jesus Christ) and all He fid for us is how we can be saved from the birning garbage heap for all time, and that woth faith in Jesus Christ, we can live eternally with God in Love, Joy, Peace, etc. So why would God tell us about His creation elsewhere when we have enough to concern ourselves with demons, Satan and his evil angels messing with us ??
It should all be about what the bible says, my brother. The bible says there are certain living things that God created. #1 humans, #2 angels, #3 fallen angels, #4 animals and sea creatures. That's all. So, if there are UAP's that exist and they are doing things that human beings are incapable of then that leaves us with only option 1 and 2. Since angels are ministering spirits that do the work of God we can definitely rule them out. That leaves us with only one option. #3, the bible says, have been able to show themselves to human beings in the past. We know we are drawing close to the end and in Revelation the bible mentions them as deceiving the nations and preparing them for the final battle against Christ. There are only so many options according to the bible and we should stick to the bible. No offense to AIG. I love you guys but the bible knows best.
Cf H G Wells' _The War of the Worlds:_ the church minister believed the aliens were demons too. The point was that aliens are scientifically possible, whereas there's no reason to assume that demons are.
@ratsofatso5525 Well, no: under _any_ belief system, there is no reason to assume the existence of something that hasn't been proven. Of course, that doesn't mean demons definitely _don't_ exist either...
@@joshuakohlmann9731 Well faith and common sense indicate an intelligent designer beyond the realm of proof. The exacting perfection and unending complexity as we move out and in SCREAM SUPERNATURAL ORIGIN. That means in your parlance, "unprovable God".
Hi, Ken: Would you please share with me the Scripture that says that man's sin has affected all of creation? I have looked and can't seem to find it no matter how I search. Thank you.
@@newcreationinchrist1423 Thank you. I just read Romans a while ago and thought I had finally found where it said that but it seems that it only says that by one man's sin, death came upon all men. I was hoping for where it says that all creation was affected because I have heard people say that like Ken does in this video. Your help is much appreciated. Nice chatting with you.
Here. Romans 8:19-25 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.
How about interdimensional beings, ie. fallen angels? Would be curious of your / AIG's take on that. There definitely aren't "ordinary" beings on other planets though, or it would have been awful unfair to them once the effects of sin spanned the whole physical universe.
Have to respectfully disagree with Ken on this. God, angels, and demons are not of this world, so they technically fit the definition of alien. We don't refer to them as such, but it is technically accurate. That's why when atheists suggest that aliens may have seeded life on this planet I don't disagree, I just ask why God couldn't be the alien.
It also doesn't state that other life forms don't exist, it just says he created earth and life ON earth. Idk why this is so hard to understand. The Bible doesn't mention a lot of things in space, but we know they exist right? It doesn't state how the sun is created, but it's obviously a very real thing that is extremely important and we would all die without it, but there's no mention of God creating the sun, etc. except for heavens, but it's never stated that he didn't create life or that life exists else's besides Earth.. 🤷
I don't think there's any evidence of Intellegent life visiting earth either. But if we did find life out there. Wouldn't that shatter your entire worldview?
Aliens do exist. According to the Bible there are millions of extraterrestrial beings, 1/3 of which rebelled against Creator/Sustainer, and illegitimately rule over man. Eph 2:2, 6:12 speaks of a prince-ipal_ity of the air. This (ese) person(s) is not from earth ( Luke 10:18), not human (Job 4:18-19), and was cast down from heaven, yet still inhabits a heavenly realm. This group of persons masquerade as angels of light. According to the Bible angels garments (Luke 24:4) and face [ Angel of the LORD] (Judges 13:6 ) shine. Gen 28:12 speaks of a portal to this realm. Job 1:6 speaks along that line as well, ie, higher beings , not from Earth , traveling down to the Earth. But these aliens do not have flesh and blood. So, to synaps... these aliens (1/3 of heaven) inhabit the heavenlies, the air,have an earthly portal, and can emit light, and at least one [ cast down/fallen angel] can travel "to and fro" and "in" " the earth. They also have a following on earth, are worshiped as gods, and will be " cast down to the earth" in Daniels 70th week, and their head angel given dominion for a time(s).
Of course they can shape shift! It's in the Bible. Sometimes they appear as men. Means they don't always look like men. Read Ezekiel. But aliens are not fallen angels, but rather a Nephilim of sorts. Satanic manifestations. Hybrid beings. Pure evil. That feed on human blood.
@@--..-...-..-.--.... Satan shapeshifted into a serpent. God sent angels to Lot that appeared human. The Bible says some have entertained angels unaware. That’s because they appeared human.
Well stated. However, I had it explained to me by a very good Christian former pastor that the aliens are from the fallen angels mixing with the daughters of men. PS I really appreciate this channel. Thanks.
That's the definition of the Nephilim. "Aliens" are a Nephilim of sorts. Hybrid satanic beings from millennia of breeding kidnapped earthly creatures, human and animals, and Nephilim. They feed on human blood.
If there is no life in the rest of the universe and we are unable to travel, why did god create the estimated 30,000,000,000,000,000,000(30 quintillion) other habitable planets in the universe?
Well that's ridiculous since all of creation was done by God and the Bible states clearly " all scripture is God breathed" so clearly if God id truly the author inspiring scripture through men, then the author of all scripture clearly knew about aliens.
We still don't have any evidence for rational life outside of earth. In fact, we can use telescopes to see a ruined universe that doesn't support rational life.
I can see why such things are classified. The goverment can not tell us what they are because the goverment does not have the spiritual resources to deal with them.
The government messed up BIG TIME making covenants with them! Covenants to win the arms race, and get a heads up on technology. Who can control Satan though? No man Seek out the Master's Voice Prophecy Blog.
The scriptures aren't just a book. They are 66 books. And they aren't merely books. They are the speech of the Almighty Creator. An all powerful Being can certainly chose to speak through prophets and certify those prophets with miracles.
@@truthisbeautiful7492 prove that. All this talk of the creator talking he’s talking through schizophrenics. That hear voices of their own mind. Nothing can prove there were words from god!!! Period!!
You say it won't be fair for aliens because human sined but animal's also sufer the consequences of sin. So how is this fair? They don't deserve it. This shows you how little thought is put into these arguments.
Well read Genesis. Humans are put in charge of animals. So what affects humans affects the whole creation. I don't think it would make sense to put rational Aliens into the category of animala that we rule over.
Erm angels are extraterrestrials because in gods creation the angels rejoiced in their creation (their being man). Implying angels are oustide of the creation of man/woman etc. As a Christian this blew my mind and confirms the creation of the universe by god.
Do you believe in angels? I don’t remember them showing up in the six days of creation. I think, considering God has already created a non-human intelligent life form besides us, that if He wanted to make more, He’s free to do so. And He doesn’t owe us an explanation.
This isn't the first creation Ken. Do you really think God was doing absolutely nothing before he made the Earth 6000 years ago. Just sitting on his thrown doing absolutely nothing lol. Their is uncountable Alien/Foreign life to Earth. everything done before Earth was made. ...Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them!!!!! Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:12 KJV
sounds like the perfect answer from someone that believes evolution is insane but doesn't want to believe or admit that we are in an enclosed & very flat earth.
@@truthisbeautiful7492 I mean this: The main harm and danger caused by the man-made Bible and the man-made Quran is, that even though they contain man-made wisdom, they also contain man-made errors that are claimed to be the word of their god. By that, they expect the reality to adjust to those errors and not vice versa. Thats very harmful, especially as those man-made and “godly claimed” errors include topics like e.g. astronomy, evolution, biology and homosexuality.
Wow, this is well said. Thank you. I just read from what is supposed to be Noah's writings that we were not meant to write things down and in doing so is limiting our life... Or something to that degree. This was part of consuming the fruit of tree of knowledge.
@@igyigy Jesus said in Mathew 9: 16 I did not come here to mend what the Pharisee created, I came here to take over, not to play a part of. The old Testament is why Jesus came, to free us from bondage from Judaism, Jesus preached forgiveness of which the Old Testament teaches an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. In this manner we would all be blind and eating soup through a straw
This type of logic is the same type of logical people used when they imposed their worldview on Bible and said “well the Bible says that the earth is the center of the universe.” We gotta think with a little more context when reading scripture - it isn’t a scientific text book telling us about the existence or non existence of alien life.
And I heard a great voice bearing record from heav’n, He’s the Saviour and Only Begotten of God; By him, of him, and through him, the worlds were made, Even all that careen in the heavens so broad. Whose inhabitants, too, from the first to the last, Are sav’d by the very same Saviour of ours.
Aliens don’t have to be extraterrestrial. They can also be interdimensional. And what beings in the Bible can go in and out of dimensions? Angels and demons.
They're not UFOs and they contain no pilots. They're Demons (Fallen Angels) deceiving us. Consider this!... Just look how clever we humans now are in making 3D Movies look so real, but we know they're fake! However, despite Demons being smarter & more powerful than we are, fortunately, God is Paramount! He is giving them leeway to fulfill the End Times Prophecies, but He is in control. His Bible predictions of such events prior to Jesus' Return are helpful for us to know the time is nearing!
Several faulty a priori assumptions lead to faulty conclusions. The reasoning of the presenter is illogical upon several points, and makes leaps to incorrect conclusions based upon their incorrect starting positions. The premise of the presenter is not from a Biblical (KJB) position in starting, but merely from an attempted counter-evolutionary one, and while evolutionary thought is incorrect, simply being counter-evolutionary is not necessarily being scriptural (KJB). Thus, he carries many incorrect assumptions. He also has several misunderstandings about scriptural doctrines, such as Creation in Genesis 1, Angelic (created unfallen intelligences/beings) nature, God's nature, and the universe as a whole. Gen 1, doesn't say anything overtly about the already existing universe before the creation of this world and its atmosphere and local Sol system. Gen 1:1 refers to this world (sky (first heaven) & earth) alone. Gen 1:14-19 refers to the second Heaven, or local Sol system and its Sun, Moon and planets (aka 'stars', planets reflecting to this earth the light of Sol/Sun), see 2 Kin 23:5. The other unfallen worlds and systems in the unfallen universe created 'ages' ago already existed before 'Earth' (see Job 38:7, &c). Genesis 1 only hints at the 3rd heaven, as it is where God is creating from. 2 Pet 2:4 mentions the darkness between worlds (for in 3rd Heaven, and the world that God lives upon is always "light"), that Lucifer and his fallen angels were cast into before they came to this world (after it was created). He also invents an imaginary 'hurdle' about salvation, redemption and other beings on them in relation to Jesus' sacrifice. Unfallen beings don't require salvation/redemption. The Bible says that Jesus did not take on him the nature of 'angels' (Heb 2:16). It was only this world that fell (and the fallen portion of angels (Lucifer, etal)). When the bible speaks about the whole "creation" groaneth it refers to this fallen world, not unfallen ones of the previous creations.
Q: DID JESUS SPEAK ABOUT UNFALLEN BEINGS ON UNFALLEN WORLDS THAT ARE NOT ON THIS FALLEN WORLD? A: - YES! - Mat 18:10-14; Luk 15:4-7 (Rev 12:12; every person on this one lost world, needs repentance, but on the ‘99’ (symbolic) unfallen worlds, where they never sinned, they do not need repentance, having never gone astray, being just persons in the heavens) Q: ARE THERE ANY OTHER FALLEN (SINFUL) BEINGS BESIDES MANKIND, AND IF SO, WHERE ARE THEY NOW? A: - YES! - 2 Pet 2:4; Jud 1:6; Luk 10L18; Isa 14:12-15; Eze 28:12-19; Rev 12:7-13,17; 1 Pet 5:8; Rev 16:14; Mar 5:9 (see also Mar. 5:15; Luk. 8:30); 1 Kin 22:22 (see also 1 Kin. 22:23; 2 Chr. 18:21-22); 2 Cor 11:14 Q: ARE THERE ANY HEAVENLY CITIES? A: - YES! - Gal 4:26 (A city, like a ship (in scripture), with brilliant light, colorful gems, coming down, a “Mother”-ship (which is where satan counterfeits the idea from) …); Rev 3:12, 21:2,10; Joe 3:16 Q: ARE THERE ANY HEAVENLY 'VEHICLES'? A: - YES! - 2 Kin 2:12, 13:14; Psa 68:1; 2 Sam 22:11; Psa 18:10, 104:3; 2 Kin 6:17; Isa 66:15 The presenter also has a misunderstansing of the nature of angels (unfallen messengers of God from other worlds), and spiritualize their natures, whereas the scripture says that God the Father, and Son, along with the angelic messengers (created beings of the unfallen worlds) are all physical beings.
Q: DID GOD (ELOHIYM) MAKE ANY OTHER WORLDS BESIDES THIS EARTH? A: - Heb_1:2, 11:3 ("worlds"); Psa 33:14 (From the place of [God's] habitation; (see also Isa. 26:21, 57:15; Eze. 3:12; Mic. 1:3)); Jhn 14:2-4 (In my Father's house are many mansions ... prepare a place ... where I [Jesus] am); Isa 40:22 (Heavens are as a tent, or Father's house, in which are many planets (mansions) to "dwell in") Q: DID GOD (ELOHIYM) CREATE ANY OTHER STAR SYSTEMS BESIDES OUR LOCAL SOL (SUN) SYSTEM? A: - Job 9:9 (maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south), 38:31 (Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion), 38:32 (Mazzaroth ... Arcturus with his sons); Amo 5:8 (Orion); Rev 1:16 (seven stars (Pleiades, the seven sisters); see also Rev. 1:20, 2:1, 3:1, and also consider the “Pleiades” as the ‘seven sisters’, Isa. 4:1) Q: DID GOD (ELOHIYM) CREATE ANY OTHER LIFE FORMS BESIDES THE ONES ON THIS EARTH? (this addresses the 'E.T.' or Extra-Terrestrial (outside of earth)) A: - Col 1:16 (that are in the heaven ... thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers); Gen 28:12; Mar 12:25; Rev 12:12 (rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them); Isa 13:5 (They come from a far country, from the end of heaven); Heb 12:1 (“clouds” are symbolic of heavenly ‘waters’ or ‘peoples’, as angelic beings, Psa. 104:3-4; Isa. 14:14; Dan. 7:13; Mat. 24:30, 26:64; Mar. 13:26, 14:62; Luk. 21:27; Act. 1:9; 1 Thes. 4:17; Heb. 11:2,4,39, 12:22; Rev. 1:7); 1 Cor 4:9; Dan 4:13 (see also Gen. 31:49; Jer. 31:28,29; Dan. 4:17,23); Isa 6:8; Luk 1:19 (see also Dan. 8:16, 9:21; Luk. 1:26; I personally nicknamed the other angel that is always with Gabriel, ‘Herald’);
7. “Host of Heaven” (aka “Sabaoth”): 1 Kin. 22:19; 2 Chr. 18:18; Rom. 9:29; Jam. 5:4, see also Rev. 19:4-6, “armies”, “servants”, “voice of a great multitude”; Rev 5:3,13; Mat 26:53; Eph 3;15 8. “morning stars”: Job 38:7. 9. “thrones”: Dan. 7:9; Mat. 19:28; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:4, 11:16, 20:4. 10. “dominions”: Job 25:2; Psa. 103:22, 114:2, 145:13; Dan. 4:3,34, 6:26; Mic. 4:8 (compare to how Adam was given "dominion" (in stewardship to God) over this earth, Gen. 1:26,28; Psa. 8:6; then compare to the “dominion” Jesus, the second man and last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45,47), Psa. 72:8; Dan. 7:27; Zec. 9:10; 1 Pet. 4:11, 5:11; Jud. 1:25; Rev. 1:6; Eph. 1:20-21; Col. 1:16; Jud. 1:8). 11. “principalities”: Rom. 8:38; Eph. 1:20-21, 3:10, 6:12; Col. 1:16, 2:15; Tit. 3:1. 12. “powers”: Eph. 1:20-21, 3:10, 6:12; Col. 1:16; Tit. 3:1; 1 Pet. 3:22. 13. “rulers of”: Eph. 6:12. 14. There are also many texts which speak of God’s “Kingdom” in the Heavens, even the “Kingdom of Heaven”, “Kingdom of God”, the “hosts” there, as He is “KING”, and “LORD” over them, ruling from His eternal “Throne” over them all; as it is written, “... Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Mat. 6:10) and “... Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” (Luk. 11:2).
QUESTION: WHAT ARE ANGELS LIKE, PHYSICAL OR AETHERAL (GHOSTLY, GASEOUS, NON-CORPOREAL (NO-BODY)) BEINGS? The heavenly beings (good or evil) have “celestial bodies” (1 Cor. 15:40), being an “heavenly” (1 Cor. 15:48,49; Heb. 11:16), for God has given to each kind (angel and man), “a body as it hath pleased him” (1 Cor. 15:38), for “(a)ll flesh is not the same flesh” (1 Cor. 15:39), and there are “celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial” (1 Cor. 15:40), which is why Jud. says that the beings of heaven have "strange (foreign, alien to this world/earth) flesh" (Jud. 1:7, σαρκος ετερας). The heavenly beings have physical, tangible bodies of heavenly (2nd) nature (Heb. 2:16), and our bodies in the resurrection, or translation, will be glorified like their glorious bodies, even as Jesus has a glorious body after His resurrection (Mat. 22:30; Mar. 12:25; Luk. 20:35-36; Rom. 5:6; 1 Cor. 15:47-49; Eph. 5:30; Php. 3:21; Job 19:25-27). The “stone” (Mat. 28:2; Mar. 16:3,4; Luk. 24:2; Jhn. 20:1) upon the tomb had to be rolled back by Gabriel, to let Jesus free. Jesus did not phase through it, He got up and walked out of the opening (Mat. 28:1-7; Mar. 16:1-8; Luk. 24;1-9; Jhn. 20:1-13). Additionally, in Jesus' death there was an earthquake (Mat. 27:51) which “opened” (Mat. 27:52) many of the tombs of the martyred saints around Jerusalem, so that those martyred saints therein, could come “out” (Mat. 27:53) in their resurrection when Jesus was resurrected (1 Cor. 15:20,23). They did not phase through them either. ...
The angels are also called ‘spirits’ and “persons” (“fellows”; Heb. 1:9), “young man” (Mar. 16:5; Dan. 9:21; &c), and yet have real celestial (2nd Heavenly) “bodies” with unfallen angelic “flesh” (1 Cor. 15:35-58; Jud. 1:7, Gen. 17-19, &c) an unfallen heavenly “nature” (Heb. 2:16), whereas we have bodies terrestrial (dust). The Son is also a “person” (Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 2:10; Mat. 27:24; Deut. 27:25; &c). So is the Holy Ghost (Jhn. 14:16; &c), but His nature is a mystery, unspoken of in scripture, and where scripture does not speak, silence is golden. Mankind are also called ‘spirits’ (1 Pet. 3:19; Heb. 12:23) and yet are real tangible beings, with bodies (made of dust). Texts for consideration: Php. 2:6; Dan. 3:25; Gen. 18:4, 19:2; Exo. 24:10-11; Psa. 18:9; Jhn. 5:37; Exo. 33:23,20,22; Dan. 7:9-10,13; Eze. 1:1,8,26-28; Act. 7:55-56; Psa. 24:1-10; Jhn. 20:17; 1 Pet. 3:22; Mat. 18:10; Rev. 1:13-20, 2:1, 4:1-11, 5:1-14; Heb. 1:13; Col. 1:3-6; Num. 12:8; Isa. 45:23, 48:3; Rev. 3:16; Psa. 89:34; Psa. 104:33, 146:2; Act. 17:28; Gen. 1:26-27; Col. 1:15; &c.
There have been Bible believing Protestants in the past who believes in rational life on other planets. But that was the early 19th century and they didn't know how barren and lifeless the universe is.
@@truthisbeautiful7492 Very easy to search mate, remember the more we find out about our universe the further we get from a god did it, that's not to say a god didn't do it and people got it wrong, but we are still yet to see I god do anything.
I'm aware that some famous Christians of the past disagreed (see 19th century Americans). But rather then an explicit statement like that, I would draw deductions. If the whole creation is ruined by sin, where would aliens live if botin the ruined creation? Are they sinners or not sinners? If they aren't sinners, they don't need a savior. If they are sinners, why is their creation ruined? Next, Jesus is the kinsman redeemer. God became human to die for humans. He only died once on earth. Not other planets. So nobody died for their sins, so they aren't forgiven. Then they would be the same position as fallen angels. But there is no good evidence for rational Aliens.
In area 51 in the USA, deep underground are found alien like beings. The reason I say this is that a fellow ( Phil Schneider) who worked in that area and had security clearances saw such beings and was attacked by them using some sort of laser. He called them grays. He said there were different types and some were very hostile. He lost some of his fingers when one attacked him with laser beams and u can see that when he holds up his hand. He said they were mortal and can be killed by a bullet, which he did do. He also said they dont live on normal food but the blood of humans. I did watch a number of his videos and he was targeted by the Gov for coming out and speaking openly about what he saw. He said that Eisenhower did a deal with them in the 50's, that in return for technology he would supply them with human blood. All sounds very weird, but this fellow was eventually killed. He knew it was coming, but preferred to tell the truth.
Very true. But people prefer to remain with their heads in the sand. The answers are available from various sources but again "people can't handle the truth." Satanic Hollywood shows what's really going on. And so people discredit everything as "that's from a movie!" Time for people to wake up before their faith is shaken and they become part of the falling away. Satanic manifestations in the form of fallen angel, human and animal hybrids bred for millennia (aka aliens) doesn't disprove God's existence. It proves the enemy's existence. People are so stuck in their prejudices and preconceived notions that they can't even recognize the truth any more.
Well, you are right that UFOs aren't aliens. Everything else that fell out of your mouth, as usual, was nonsense. That said, the very first microbe we find off Earth, your whole book is rendered incorrect, so you might want to re-think this part of your grift.
And how does Ken Ham know that Jesus would not be incarnated as a Betaloid in order to convey God's word to them? The near impossibility to interact meaningfully with any sentient beings on other planets allows the Bible to fully ignore them without it invalidating anything that it says about anything. Ham is not competent at logic.
Isn't he the same guy who believes that humans and dinosaurs lived together? Even though they're not in the bible? You would think that they deserved at least a mention. Maybe jesus wasn't crucified, but eaten by a tyrannosaurus.
This is why I strongly agree with Bro. Tim Chaffey’s assessment on the Genesis 6. Too many cultures and ancient civilizations show some interactions with higher beings.
Interactions yes. But please, please PLEASE do not think they are "higher" beings. They (aliens) are satanic manifestations. Fallen angels and human females produced the Nephilim. "The mighty men of old" think Hercules, etc. Fallen angels and fallen angel technologies have been trying to destroy mankind for thousands of years. They're still trying. That's what's behind AI. AI are demons. They are not here to help, nor to save, nor to enlighten...but to defile, kill and destroy God's pinnacle of creation - mankind.
Aliens? No. But please justify the claim that Earth is the [Only] place made for life! It's not there. I have no issue with God creating thousands or millions of other worlds full of life that perhaps the design plan would have been for man to ultimately inhabit.
I think we should assume the stars and planets were created for humans to spread life to before the fall, but after Adam and Eve's sin, this destiny was made less achievable.
@@truthisbeautiful7492 I think this is also why all the rest of the Universe appears to be in ruins: the whole universe was destroyed in a universal catastrophe during the time of the flood. Kurt Wise thinks this is likely along with a handful of other creation scientists.
best answer ever, but good luck convincing the alien worshipers they like the climate doomsdayer, flat earthers and million- year earthers will never accept the truth because they are in love with the darkness.
Talk about something that is unbelievable. This guy's opinion about life outside of earth. Believing in an unseen god is as unbelievable as believing in aliens.
@@chuckfriebe843Jesus did things no other man has done before. He performed miracles, never sinned, and resurrected Himself from a grave. That power only comes from God.
If we are the only life in the universe then why is everything a little over engineered? Hubris is real with this one. Paradise is a place where life exist just not in the flesh and the wood. When the time comes will you graduate from here?
Demons want to dupe humans into believing in anything supernatural other than Creator God.
Exactly right
Amen 🙂🙏👍👍☝️
Evidence for that claim?
@@Jewonastick if you lived back in thr day that Jesus walked the earth performing miracles of healing and casting out demons right in front of your eyes you probably woukd still decide to say that He isn't the Son of God. Believing is seeing. The evidence of demons duping humans into believing in supernatural entities is all over the world and the net. People genuinely have seen what they believe to be aliens, ghosts, dead loved ones, things bring thrown across the room, voices, 'shadow figures ', mediums and séances, ouija boards, it's all demonic activity. It's no shocker. Anything to pull humans into false belief. The proof that the world is more accepting of possibility of 'alien life' and 'ghosts' than Jesus Christ, Creator God is all the evidence any humble person needs.
Technically angels and demons are aliens (means foreign) their habitation is not on earth, some of them fell. The correct term to refer to them is the one used in the bible.
Amen I 100% agree
Yeah I agree with this too. The watchers in genesis came down and mated with women. I’m not saying fallen angels pilot craft. I think it’s more likely secret tech. Maybe dug up from times before the flood. Maybe the government just doesn’t want us to know about it. However, there is 2 kings 6:17 which describes aerials (chariots of fire). Not really sure. I think we’ll see soon enough. I just wouldn’t trust anything that claims to be our future evolution or our gods that seemingly come from other planets.
Extraterrestrial means not from earth and well last time I checked Angels,cherubim ect ect aren’t from planet earth. So when I hear alien I hear fallen ones coming to deceive mankind. Just as was told in the last days. I mean the Antichrist could be “alien” and would have an easy global takeover just on that premise alone.
Agree 100%. These “UFO manifestations” are not “from another planet” or anywhere else in our space-time continuum. They are not “extraterrestrial” they are “extradimensional”: demonic manifestations that defy the laws of physics that exist in our continuum. They manifest for the purpose of deceiving those who fall for them as “space buddied” but instead are bent on our destruction. I understand from Dr. Hugh Ross (Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men) that “automatic writing” receive from people in a close encounter is about 32% trying to refute the Person and Work of Jesus. That says a lot about who they are and where they originate if you ask me. I think they play a role in the “Strong Delusion” of non Christ Followers (2 Thess 2:11).
Well said
You go Ken!! 100% agree with you sir
What if the ones who left their appointed place (in Jude) and were in chains, that are to be released at the appointed time have been released? I believe this is part of the end times deception, brother Ken. 🙂🙏✝️ God bless
They are released during the tribulation & we aren't in that yet. Those who belong to Jesus are raptured first then the tribulation begins.
@@singingwindrider9881it doesn't say that in the bible. It says "the appointed time."
You can't add things to the bible like that. Read Jude.
@@singingwindrider9881 I agree with the OP. I believe that these things are demons. The UFO's are real enough. We know that. We also know that they are not from our government or any government on this planet. They have to be something and the best bible explanation is demons.
@@singingwindrider9881it says the "appointed time."
@@avafury4584yes, it isn't really clear on when the appointed time is but if things other than humans are appearing in this world, there are only so many other living things that God created.
That is a good explanation of man's connection to God, no aliens needed.
There are other creations that God made. Angels, which are in heaven and fallen angels.
That's what the bible says. We know that fallen angels in the past were able to manifest themselves to humans and the nephilim came from their unholy union. That is the only other life that exists in this universe so if there is something else out there it has to be them.
I agree 👍💯
They're satanic manifestations. Fallen angel hybrids from millenia of kidnapped earthly creatures, human and animal alike. A Nephilim of sorts. MANY will die at their hands. The Nephilim will return. Man is already being conditioned to accept hybrids, and "super heroes" Nephilim really (the mighty men of old) Woe to man when actual fallen angels show up in their appointed time.
But is that not the purpose of the great flood, Gods wrath on the world to destroy all sin including demons and the nephilim
@@Wretchlikemee demons weren't "destroyed" in the flood. The nephilim came back after the flood, so what does that tell us? Demons began mating with humans again after the flood.
@@avafury4584 could you please show me where it says this in the bible? I admit I have not read the entire bible
Right on Ken! Keep up the good work!😊
Amen. That is the exact argument that I have used to try and show people.
Excellent video, short and to the point!
If God had created aliens from other planets, He would have told us about them in Genesis.
Demons are mentioned in the bible.
Does that mean Mars doesn't exist?
Oh, it's included as part of the heavens? But the things ON the other planets aren't part of the heavens???
Do atoms not exist because they aren't mentioned?
Bible is meant as a spiritual guide, not the book of everything. Does man need to know about aliens, if they exist?
I don't think God would tell us about His creations on other planets because the Bible is really about one tribe of people and the tribes they fought with.
And then the scope gets even narrower and it becomes all about God incarnate, Jesus Christ and His 12 disciples.
Then the scope widens slightly to include the mentioning of the various churches.
The Bible is actually very focused on what humans need to know: need to know God in three persons, how God created all things, that Man was given free will to obey or disobey, that Man disobeyed and God's love for Man anyway, and hiw God gave Himself for us, and faith in God (Jesus Christ) and all He fid for us is how we can be saved from the birning garbage heap for all time, and that woth faith in Jesus Christ, we can live eternally with God in Love, Joy, Peace, etc.
So why would God tell us about His creation elsewhere when we have enough to concern ourselves with demons, Satan and his evil angels messing with us ??
I agree. They aren't from another planet. They are mentioned in the bible.
@@silver-fd3cv The scientists have not found the UFOs in outerspace. It's looking more like a earth problem.
It should all be about what the bible says, my brother. The bible says there are certain living things that God created. #1 humans, #2 angels, #3 fallen angels, #4 animals and sea creatures. That's all. So, if there are UAP's that exist and they are doing things that human beings are incapable of then that leaves us with only option 1 and 2. Since angels are ministering spirits that do the work of God we can definitely rule them out. That leaves us with only one option. #3, the bible says, have been able to show themselves to human beings in the past. We know we are drawing close to the end and in Revelation the bible mentions them as deceiving the nations and preparing them for the final battle against Christ. There are only so many options according to the bible and we should stick to the bible. No offense to AIG. I love you guys but the bible knows best.
Amen 🙏
Fallen angels yep
Amen! Amen!
What's your beef? AIG Ken Ham was teaching according to the Bible.
@@testingperson8413 I don't think it was any slight to AIG. If someone gets wisdom from the Lord they should share it.
I appreciate this view.
Amen, Brother Ham. ❤
Thank you. Been saying this this whole time
I’m with you, 100%!!!
Amen! Sobering to hear I’m not alone with this conclusion. Viva Christo Rey!
But Demons do.
I believe that is what they are too
Cf H G Wells' _The War of the Worlds:_ the church minister believed the aliens were demons too. The point was that aliens are scientifically possible, whereas there's no reason to assume that demons are.
@@joshuakohlmann9731 only according to your limited belief system.
@ratsofatso5525 Well, no: under _any_ belief system, there is no reason to assume the existence of something that hasn't been proven. Of course, that doesn't mean demons definitely _don't_ exist either...
@@joshuakohlmann9731 Well faith and common sense indicate an intelligent designer beyond the realm of proof. The exacting perfection and unending complexity as we move out and in SCREAM SUPERNATURAL ORIGIN.
That means in your parlance, "unprovable God".
Hi, Ken: Would you please share with me the Scripture that says that man's sin has affected all of creation? I have looked and can't seem to find it no matter how I search. Thank you.
I'm not Ken but maybe I can help? Sorry to intrude but I felt led to help you. Read Romans 5. Particularly, starting with verse 12. Hope that helps 🙏
@@newcreationinchrist1423 Thank you. I just read Romans a while ago and thought I had finally found where it said that but it seems that it only says that by one man's sin, death came upon all men. I was hoping for where it says that all creation was affected because I have heard people say that like Ken does in this video. Your help is much appreciated. Nice chatting with you.
answersingenesis.org/sin/original-sin/did-fall-have-consequences-creation/- posted by moderator
Romans 8:19-25
For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body. For in hope we have been saved, but hope that is seen is not hope; for who hopes for what he already sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait eagerly for it.
@@answersingenesis Thank you.
How about interdimensional beings, ie. fallen angels? Would be curious of your / AIG's take on that. There definitely aren't "ordinary" beings on other planets though, or it would have been awful unfair to them once the effects of sin spanned the whole physical universe.
Have to respectfully disagree with Ken on this. God, angels, and demons are not of this world, so they technically fit the definition of alien. We don't refer to them as such, but it is technically accurate. That's why when atheists suggest that aliens may have seeded life on this planet I don't disagree, I just ask why God couldn't be the alien.
Amen 🙏
It also doesn't state that other life forms don't exist, it just says he created earth and life ON earth. Idk why this is so hard to understand. The Bible doesn't mention a lot of things in space, but we know they exist right? It doesn't state how the sun is created, but it's obviously a very real thing that is extremely important and we would all die without it, but there's no mention of God creating the sun, etc. except for heavens, but it's never stated that he didn't create life or that life exists else's besides Earth.. 🤷
Hebrews 1 v 2 hath spoken in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things through he has made the WORLDS
I agree.
Best answer by a believer ever given.
I don't think there's any evidence of Intellegent life visiting earth either. But if we did find life out there. Wouldn't that shatter your entire worldview?
They could be mormon missionaries.
This video 💯
Ken Ham and I agree on something.
Aliens do exist. According to the Bible there are millions of extraterrestrial beings, 1/3 of which rebelled against Creator/Sustainer, and illegitimately rule over man. Eph 2:2, 6:12 speaks of a prince-ipal_ity of the air. This (ese) person(s) is not from earth ( Luke 10:18), not human (Job 4:18-19), and was cast down from heaven, yet still inhabits a heavenly realm. This group of persons masquerade as angels of light. According to the Bible angels garments (Luke 24:4) and face [ Angel of the LORD] (Judges 13:6 ) shine. Gen 28:12 speaks of a portal to this realm. Job 1:6 speaks along that line as well, ie, higher beings , not from Earth , traveling down to the Earth. But these aliens do not have flesh and blood. So, to synaps... these aliens (1/3 of heaven) inhabit the heavenlies, the air,have an earthly portal, and can emit light, and at least one [ cast down/fallen angel] can travel "to and fro" and "in" " the earth. They also have a following on earth, are worshiped as gods, and will be " cast down to the earth" in Daniels 70th week, and their head angel given dominion for a time(s).
Aliens do exist. Kinda. They are fallen angels. Angels can shapeshift into aliens.
Angels can shape-shift?? Who can we trust????
Of course they can shape shift! It's in the Bible. Sometimes they appear as men. Means they don't always look like men. Read Ezekiel.
But aliens are not fallen angels, but rather a Nephilim of sorts. Satanic manifestations. Hybrid beings. Pure evil. That feed on human blood.
Satan shapeshifted into a serpent.
God sent angels to Lot that appeared human.
The Bible says some have entertained angels unaware. That’s because they appeared human.
Alléluia 🔥💜🔥
I agree with this statement because anything that’s flying and you don’t know what it is. It’s considered a ufo
It doesn't matter whether aliens exist or not. My salvation has nothing to do with them, fictional or real.
Correct sir
Well stated. However, I had it explained to me by a very good Christian former pastor that the aliens are from the fallen angels mixing with the daughters of men. PS I really appreciate this channel. Thanks.
That's the definition of the Nephilim. "Aliens" are a Nephilim of sorts. Hybrid satanic beings from millennia of breeding kidnapped earthly creatures, human and animals, and Nephilim. They feed on human blood.
Amen 🙏
Though God and angels are aliens 😁
True enough, but I think he is referring to the commonly held belief that aliens are physical beings who come from far-away planets.
Of course. I am 100% agree with him. I am christian. it was a 'joke'. @@dooglitas 😅
@@DavidDM59 I see. Okay.
I agree! 👽
If there is no life in the rest of the universe and we are unable to travel, why did god create the estimated 30,000,000,000,000,000,000(30 quintillion) other habitable planets in the universe?
That had zero surprise...
That’s a very bold statement, I’m sure aliens would say the same thing about us since we are aliens to them.
But there is no evidence for aliens and good evidence against aliens.
When the Bible was written that they did not know anything about life outside of Earth.
Well that's ridiculous since all of creation was done by God and the Bible states clearly " all scripture is God breathed" so clearly if God id truly the author inspiring scripture through men, then the author of all scripture clearly knew about aliens.
We still don't have any evidence for rational life outside of earth. In fact, we can use telescopes to see a ruined universe that doesn't support rational life.
Mr. Ham, do you believe in demon being "sold" to us as aliens?
So true. Jesus would also have to be born as an alien and crucified in every planet that sinned.
I can see why such things are classified. The goverment can not tell us what they are because the goverment does not have the spiritual resources to deal with them.
The government messed up BIG TIME making covenants with them! Covenants to win the arms race, and get a heads up on technology. Who can control Satan though? No man
Seek out the Master's Voice Prophecy Blog.
I love Ken Ham, but this argument is filled with non-sequiturs.
Some people will believe in anything. Thats why Paul said be not deceived.
Study hard and prey to God about what he created on the second day. This truth will set you free from the great lie.
This is so crazy to live by a book. The only reason is because they have nothing else to share on earth!!
The scriptures aren't just a book. They are 66 books. And they aren't merely books. They are the speech of the Almighty Creator. An all powerful Being can certainly chose to speak through prophets and certify those prophets with miracles.
@@truthisbeautiful7492 prove that. All this talk of the creator talking he’s talking through schizophrenics. That hear voices of their own mind. Nothing can prove there were words from god!!! Period!!
Our Creator can accomplish what He needs to do with mankind. Why would He need or what to create another intelligent lifeform?
You say it won't be fair for aliens because human sined but animal's also sufer the consequences of sin. So how is this fair? They don't deserve it. This shows you how little thought is put into these arguments.
Well read Genesis. Humans are put in charge of animals. So what affects humans affects the whole creation. I don't think it would make sense to put rational Aliens into the category of animala that we rule over.
Erm angels are extraterrestrials because in gods creation the angels rejoiced in their creation (their being man). Implying angels are oustide of the creation of man/woman etc. As a Christian this blew my mind and confirms the creation of the universe by god.
Does this mean that if alien life is found, Ken Ham will stop believing?
NOT possible, except through sheeple deception, as does NOT exist.
FatFrank has a funny bible!
......and DemonHands believes marvel comics is real.
@@Moist._Robot Is actually Good Vs Evil and not aliens.
@@bpbp8597 Marvel has as its basis the offspring of the fallen angels ie the Nephilim of Genesis 6:4
Do you believe in angels? I don’t remember them showing up in the six days of creation. I think, considering God has already created a non-human intelligent life form besides us, that if He wanted to make more, He’s free to do so. And He doesn’t owe us an explanation.
They do exist life is all over the universe it a force of nature that is a part of everything that is everywhere
This isn't the first creation Ken.
Do you really think God was doing absolutely nothing before he made the Earth 6000 years ago. Just sitting on his thrown doing absolutely nothing lol.
Their is uncountable Alien/Foreign life to Earth. everything done before Earth was made.
...Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them!!!!! Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
Revelation 12:12 KJV
Usa military knows what they are why they are here,and they work with them.
sounds like the perfect answer from someone that believes evolution is insane but doesn't want to believe or admit that we are in an enclosed & very flat earth.
And out comes the troll.....
May soon come light in the religious darknes of this channel.
What do you mean?
@@truthisbeautiful7492 I mean this:
The main harm and danger caused by the man-made Bible and the man-made Quran is, that even though they contain man-made wisdom, they also contain man-made errors that are claimed to be the word of their god.
By that, they expect the reality to adjust to those errors and not vice versa.
Thats very harmful, especially as those man-made and “godly claimed” errors include topics like e.g. astronomy, evolution, biology and homosexuality.
Nobody should live vicariously through a book, don't concentrate on the finger or you will lose all the heavenly glory
Wow, this is well said. Thank you. I just read from what is supposed to be Noah's writings that we were not meant to write things down and in doing so is limiting our life... Or something to that degree. This was part of consuming the fruit of tree of knowledge.
@@igyigy Jesus said in Mathew 9: 16 I did not come here to mend what the Pharisee created, I came here to take over, not to play a part of. The old Testament is why Jesus came, to free us from bondage from Judaism, Jesus preached forgiveness of which the Old Testament teaches an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. In this manner we would all be blind and eating soup through a straw
@@igyigy I agree, opulent are the ones who favor the simple things in life.
Has anybody seen a flying object like that?
This type of logic is the same type of logical people used when they imposed their worldview on Bible and said “well the Bible says that the earth is the center of the universe.” We gotta think with a little more context when reading scripture - it isn’t a scientific text book telling us about the existence or non existence of alien life.
And I heard a great voice bearing record from heav’n, He’s the Saviour and Only Begotten of God; By him, of him, and through him, the worlds were made, Even all that careen in the heavens so broad. Whose inhabitants, too, from the first to the last, Are sav’d by the very same Saviour of ours.
False gospel. Which brand was that from?
Aliens don’t have to be extraterrestrial. They can also be interdimensional. And what beings in the Bible can go in and out of dimensions? Angels and demons.
Love the "X-Files" music theme 🥰
So, who built the UFOs and who are flying the UFOs, in your opinion ??
I don't know who they are but the reports are indicating they only stay around the Earth, includingin the oceans. 🤔
They're not UFOs and they contain no pilots. They're Demons (Fallen Angels) deceiving us. Consider this!... Just look how clever we humans now are in making 3D Movies look so real, but we know they're fake! However, despite Demons being smarter & more powerful than we are, fortunately, God is Paramount! He is giving them leeway to fulfill the End Times Prophecies, but He is in control. His Bible predictions of such events prior to Jesus' Return are helpful for us to know the time is nearing!
Conspiracy theory on a whole new level
Several faulty a priori assumptions lead to faulty conclusions. The reasoning of the presenter is illogical upon several points, and makes leaps to incorrect conclusions based upon their incorrect starting positions. The premise of the presenter is not from a Biblical (KJB) position in starting, but merely from an attempted counter-evolutionary one, and while evolutionary thought is incorrect, simply being counter-evolutionary is not necessarily being scriptural (KJB). Thus, he carries many incorrect assumptions.
He also has several misunderstandings about scriptural doctrines, such as Creation in Genesis 1, Angelic (created unfallen intelligences/beings) nature, God's nature, and the universe as a whole.
Gen 1, doesn't say anything overtly about the already existing universe before the creation of this world and its atmosphere and local Sol system. Gen 1:1 refers to this world (sky (first heaven) & earth) alone. Gen 1:14-19 refers to the second Heaven, or local Sol system and its Sun, Moon and planets (aka 'stars', planets reflecting to this earth the light of Sol/Sun), see 2 Kin 23:5. The other unfallen worlds and systems in the unfallen universe created 'ages' ago already existed before 'Earth' (see Job 38:7, &c). Genesis 1 only hints at the 3rd heaven, as it is where God is creating from. 2 Pet 2:4 mentions the darkness between worlds (for in 3rd Heaven, and the world that God lives upon is always "light"), that Lucifer and his fallen angels were cast into before they came to this world (after it was created).
He also invents an imaginary 'hurdle' about salvation, redemption and other beings on them in relation to Jesus' sacrifice. Unfallen beings don't require salvation/redemption. The Bible says that Jesus did not take on him the nature of 'angels' (Heb 2:16). It was only this world that fell (and the fallen portion of angels (Lucifer, etal)). When the bible speaks about the whole "creation" groaneth it refers to this fallen world, not unfallen ones of the previous creations.
A: - YES! - Mat 18:10-14; Luk 15:4-7 (Rev 12:12; every person on this one lost world, needs repentance, but on the ‘99’ (symbolic) unfallen worlds, where they never sinned, they do not need repentance, having never gone astray, being just persons in the heavens)
A: - YES! - 2 Pet 2:4; Jud 1:6; Luk 10L18; Isa 14:12-15; Eze 28:12-19; Rev 12:7-13,17; 1 Pet 5:8; Rev 16:14; Mar 5:9 (see also Mar. 5:15; Luk. 8:30); 1 Kin 22:22 (see also 1 Kin. 22:23; 2 Chr. 18:21-22); 2 Cor 11:14
A: - YES! - Gal 4:26 (A city, like a ship (in scripture), with brilliant light, colorful gems, coming down, a “Mother”-ship (which is where satan counterfeits the idea from) …); Rev 3:12, 21:2,10; Joe 3:16
A: - YES! - 2 Kin 2:12, 13:14; Psa 68:1; 2 Sam 22:11; Psa 18:10, 104:3; 2 Kin 6:17; Isa 66:15
The presenter also has a misunderstansing of the nature of angels (unfallen messengers of God from other worlds), and spiritualize their natures, whereas the scripture says that God the Father, and Son, along with the angelic messengers (created beings of the unfallen worlds) are all physical beings.
A: - Heb_1:2, 11:3 ("worlds"); Psa 33:14 (From the place of [God's] habitation; (see also Isa. 26:21, 57:15; Eze. 3:12; Mic. 1:3)); Jhn 14:2-4 (In my Father's house are many mansions ... prepare a place ... where I [Jesus] am); Isa 40:22 (Heavens are as a tent, or Father's house, in which are many planets (mansions) to "dwell in")
A: - Job 9:9 (maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south), 38:31 (Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion), 38:32 (Mazzaroth ... Arcturus with his sons); Amo 5:8 (Orion); Rev 1:16 (seven stars (Pleiades, the seven sisters); see also Rev. 1:20, 2:1, 3:1, and also consider the “Pleiades” as the ‘seven sisters’, Isa. 4:1)
Q: DID GOD (ELOHIYM) CREATE ANY OTHER LIFE FORMS BESIDES THE ONES ON THIS EARTH? (this addresses the 'E.T.' or Extra-Terrestrial (outside of earth))
A: - Col 1:16 (that are in the heaven ... thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers); Gen 28:12; Mar 12:25; Rev 12:12 (rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them); Isa 13:5 (They come from a far country, from the end of heaven); Heb 12:1 (“clouds” are symbolic of heavenly ‘waters’ or ‘peoples’, as angelic beings, Psa. 104:3-4; Isa. 14:14; Dan. 7:13; Mat. 24:30, 26:64; Mar. 13:26, 14:62; Luk. 21:27; Act. 1:9; 1 Thes. 4:17; Heb. 11:2,4,39, 12:22; Rev. 1:7); 1 Cor 4:9; Dan 4:13 (see also Gen. 31:49; Jer. 31:28,29; Dan. 4:17,23); Isa 6:8; Luk 1:19 (see also Dan. 8:16, 9:21; Luk. 1:26; I personally nicknamed the other angel that is always with Gabriel, ‘Herald’);
7. “Host of Heaven” (aka “Sabaoth”): 1 Kin. 22:19; 2 Chr. 18:18; Rom. 9:29; Jam. 5:4, see also Rev. 19:4-6, “armies”, “servants”, “voice of a great multitude”; Rev 5:3,13; Mat 26:53; Eph 3;15
8. “morning stars”: Job 38:7.
9. “thrones”: Dan. 7:9; Mat. 19:28; Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:4, 11:16, 20:4.
10. “dominions”: Job 25:2; Psa. 103:22, 114:2, 145:13; Dan. 4:3,34, 6:26; Mic. 4:8 (compare to how Adam was given "dominion" (in stewardship to God) over this earth, Gen. 1:26,28; Psa. 8:6; then compare to the “dominion” Jesus, the second man and last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45,47), Psa. 72:8; Dan. 7:27; Zec. 9:10; 1 Pet. 4:11, 5:11; Jud. 1:25; Rev. 1:6; Eph. 1:20-21; Col. 1:16; Jud. 1:8).
11. “principalities”: Rom. 8:38; Eph. 1:20-21, 3:10, 6:12; Col. 1:16, 2:15; Tit. 3:1.
12. “powers”: Eph. 1:20-21, 3:10, 6:12; Col. 1:16; Tit. 3:1; 1 Pet. 3:22.
13. “rulers of”: Eph. 6:12.
14. There are also many texts which speak of God’s “Kingdom” in the Heavens, even the “Kingdom of Heaven”, “Kingdom of God”, the “hosts” there, as He is “KING”, and “LORD” over them, ruling from His eternal “Throne” over them all; as it is written, “... Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Mat. 6:10) and “... Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” (Luk. 11:2).
The heavenly beings (good or evil) have “celestial bodies” (1 Cor. 15:40), being an “heavenly” (1 Cor. 15:48,49; Heb. 11:16), for God has given to each kind (angel and man), “a body as it hath pleased him” (1 Cor. 15:38), for “(a)ll flesh is not the same flesh” (1 Cor. 15:39), and there are “celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial” (1 Cor. 15:40), which is why Jud. says that the beings of heaven have "strange (foreign, alien to this world/earth) flesh" (Jud. 1:7, σαρκος ετερας).
The heavenly beings have physical, tangible bodies of heavenly (2nd) nature (Heb. 2:16), and our bodies in the resurrection, or translation, will be glorified like their glorious bodies, even as Jesus has a glorious body after His resurrection (Mat. 22:30; Mar. 12:25; Luk. 20:35-36; Rom. 5:6; 1 Cor. 15:47-49; Eph. 5:30; Php. 3:21; Job 19:25-27).
The “stone” (Mat. 28:2; Mar. 16:3,4; Luk. 24:2; Jhn. 20:1) upon the tomb had to be rolled back by Gabriel, to let Jesus free. Jesus did not phase through it, He got up and walked out of the opening (Mat. 28:1-7; Mar. 16:1-8; Luk. 24;1-9; Jhn. 20:1-13). Additionally, in Jesus' death there was an earthquake (Mat. 27:51) which “opened” (Mat. 27:52) many of the tombs of the martyred saints around Jerusalem, so that those martyred saints therein, could come “out” (Mat. 27:53) in their resurrection when Jesus was resurrected (1 Cor. 15:20,23). They did not phase through them either. ...
The angels are also called ‘spirits’ and “persons” (“fellows”; Heb. 1:9), “young man” (Mar. 16:5; Dan. 9:21; &c), and yet have real celestial (2nd Heavenly) “bodies” with unfallen angelic “flesh” (1 Cor. 15:35-58; Jud. 1:7, Gen. 17-19, &c) an unfallen heavenly “nature” (Heb. 2:16), whereas we have bodies terrestrial (dust).
The Son is also a “person” (Heb. 1:3; 2 Cor. 2:10; Mat. 27:24; Deut. 27:25; &c).
So is the Holy Ghost (Jhn. 14:16; &c), but His nature is a mystery, unspoken of in scripture, and where scripture does not speak, silence is golden.
Mankind are also called ‘spirits’ (1 Pet. 3:19; Heb. 12:23) and yet are real tangible beings, with bodies (made of dust).
Texts for consideration: Php. 2:6; Dan. 3:25; Gen. 18:4, 19:2; Exo. 24:10-11; Psa. 18:9; Jhn. 5:37; Exo. 33:23,20,22; Dan. 7:9-10,13; Eze. 1:1,8,26-28; Act. 7:55-56; Psa. 24:1-10; Jhn. 20:17; 1 Pet. 3:22; Mat. 18:10; Rev. 1:13-20, 2:1, 4:1-11, 5:1-14; Heb. 1:13; Col. 1:3-6; Num. 12:8; Isa. 45:23, 48:3; Rev. 3:16; Psa. 89:34; Psa. 104:33, 146:2; Act. 17:28; Gen. 1:26-27; Col. 1:15; &c.
And I would ask him, if that means we do find life on another planet will he stop believing the Bible is true?
There have been Bible believing Protestants in the past who believes in rational life on other planets. But that was the early 19th century and they didn't know how barren and lifeless the universe is.
And yet in our current life span they have found planets that could hold life.
@@HUNTSMARTFASTHARD which ones in particular?
Very easy to search mate, remember the more we find out about our universe the further we get from a god did it, that's not to say a god didn't do it and people got it wrong, but we are still yet to see I god do anything.
Go on, Mr Ham: _where_ in the Bible does it say that aliens can't be saved?
I'm aware that some famous Christians of the past disagreed (see 19th century Americans). But rather then an explicit statement like that, I would draw deductions. If the whole creation is ruined by sin, where would aliens live if botin the ruined creation? Are they sinners or not sinners? If they aren't sinners, they don't need a savior. If they are sinners, why is their creation ruined?
Next, Jesus is the kinsman redeemer. God became human to die for humans. He only died once on earth. Not other planets. So nobody died for their sins, so they aren't forgiven. Then they would be the same position as fallen angels. But there is no good evidence for rational Aliens.
Rephaim and Demons manifest.
Once you believe one lie, I wouldn't expect you to reject all of them.
There are UFO… in films.
In area 51 in the USA, deep underground are found alien like beings. The reason I say this is that a fellow ( Phil Schneider) who worked in that area and had security clearances saw such beings and was attacked by them using some sort of laser. He called them grays. He said there were different types and some were very hostile.
He lost some of his fingers when one attacked him with laser beams and u can see that when he holds up his hand.
He said they were mortal and can be killed by a bullet, which he did do. He also said they dont live on normal food but the blood of humans.
I did watch a number of his videos and he was targeted by the Gov for coming out and speaking openly about what he saw.
He said that Eisenhower did a deal with them in the 50's, that in return for technology he would supply them with human blood.
All sounds very weird, but this fellow was eventually killed. He knew it was coming, but preferred to tell the truth.
Sure, fed boy!
Or Chi-Com bot!
Very true. But people prefer to remain with their heads in the sand. The answers are available from various sources but again "people can't handle the truth." Satanic Hollywood shows what's really going on. And so people discredit everything as "that's from a movie!" Time for people to wake up before their faith is shaken and they become part of the falling away. Satanic manifestations in the form of fallen angel, human and animal hybrids bred for millennia (aka aliens) doesn't disprove God's existence. It proves the enemy's existence. People are so stuck in their prejudices and preconceived notions that they can't even recognize the truth any more.
@Scribeintheink do fools believe eye witnesses?
If they only ate human blood, that means they've been here the whole time and didn't come from elsewhere.
@@robertschmidt9296 Exactly.
I want to like the video...but it's at 665😢
....Waiting a day.
I did the same thing earlier today !😮
I did not want to be the one who ...
I was the 333rd like...i met Satan halfway👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
Aliens = demons and fallen angels 🤷
Jesus did not come as a God-man, he was fully human who received authority from his Father and performed miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He was worshipped by his Apostles and only God Almighty should be worshipped. So he is My Lord and My God.
A stunningly narrow world view.
Well, you are right that UFOs aren't aliens. Everything else that fell out of your mouth, as usual, was nonsense. That said, the very first microbe we find off Earth, your whole book is rendered incorrect, so you might want to re-think this part of your grift.
And how does Ken Ham know that Jesus would not be incarnated as a Betaloid in order to convey God's word to them?
The near impossibility to interact meaningfully with any sentient beings on other planets allows the Bible to fully ignore them without it invalidating anything that it says about anything.
Ham is not competent at logic.
Isn't he the same guy who believes that humans and dinosaurs lived together? Even though they're not in the bible? You would think that they deserved at least a mention. Maybe jesus wasn't crucified, but eaten by a tyrannosaurus.
That’s a hypocrite thing to say you said well yes but then you said yes at the ending 😂
This is why I strongly agree with Bro. Tim Chaffey’s assessment on the Genesis 6. Too many cultures and ancient civilizations show some interactions with higher beings.
Interactions yes. But please, please PLEASE do not think they are "higher" beings. They (aliens) are satanic manifestations. Fallen angels and human females produced the Nephilim. "The mighty men of old" think Hercules, etc. Fallen angels and fallen angel technologies have been trying to destroy mankind for thousands of years. They're still trying. That's what's behind AI. AI are demons. They are not here to help, nor to save, nor to enlighten...but to defile, kill and destroy God's pinnacle of creation - mankind.
Aliens? No. But please justify the claim that Earth is the [Only] place made for life! It's not there. I have no issue with God creating thousands or millions of other worlds full of life that perhaps the design plan would have been for man to ultimately inhabit.
I respectfully disagree. To me, Angels and Demons ARE ALIENS !
But you believe in dragons?
I think we should assume the stars and planets were created for humans to spread life to before the fall, but after Adam and Eve's sin, this destiny was made less achievable.
I wonder about this, but I don't want to assume, so I label it as speculation
@@truthisbeautiful7492 I think this is also why all the rest of the Universe appears to be in ruins: the whole universe was destroyed in a universal catastrophe during the time of the flood. Kurt Wise thinks this is likely along with a handful of other creation scientists.
best answer ever, but good luck convincing the alien worshipers they like the climate doomsdayer, flat earthers and million- year earthers will never accept the truth because they are in love with the darkness.
If they were real we would never know. So that we do not infect them with sin. God's wisdoms is far above man's.
Some say gods wisdom and mans wisdom are the same thing.
@@bennettdeneghuedoeshits2950you try carrying that cross :)
@@bennettdeneghuedoeshits2950 anyone who says that has absolutely no Idea who God is
@@We_project_biblically Yeah alright, get me one, I'll carry that sucka.
@@777Treeoflife Neither can god.
That is such a dumb argument.
Ken Ham. One of the wisest men in Academia
You have to be kidding, right?
And this is how you stop innovation. Thanks religion.
Aliens will be the perfect explanation for the rapture!
Talk about something that is unbelievable. This guy's opinion about life outside of earth. Believing in an unseen god is as unbelievable as believing in aliens.
Humans saw Jesus.
@@barefoot3662 right. They saw a man. No question there.
@@chuckfriebe843Jesus did things no other man has done before. He performed miracles, never sinned, and resurrected Himself from a grave. That power only comes from God.
@@Bob_Bobson47 and you saw this recorded in a secular history book somewhere?
@@chuckfriebe843 A secular book would deny it, because they're biased. If they admitted it, they'd contradict themselves.
So Ken knows Jesus never went to those other planets??? Stop limiting God & Son!
If we are the only life in the universe then why is everything a little over engineered? Hubris is real with this one.
Paradise is a place where life exist just not in the flesh and the wood. When the time comes will you graduate from here?