I've been to Thailand's elephant ride once many many years ago and was extremely bothered by the bullhook which they used to hit the elephant's front skull repeatedly. I will never ever take the ride again / would never had if I knew they do such cruel things to the elephants. I did not pay to get them tortured. I just want to spend some time with the elephants. I do not support animal cruelty. Say no to elephant rides!
Same went to the uk and went fishing to catch the fish with a hook in its mouth an weigh it and throw it back in the river that is torture let’s stop sport fishing
@@trevordean7144 If you kill a fish you're not torturing it you're killing it... what these guys are doing are mentally breaking these animals to obey them.
When I went to Thailand with my family, me and my father went on an elephant ride. I was 10 and wondered why they have a bullhook with them and why the elephant had white spots on them. My asked me father and he said "I don't know, honey". When we saw our guide hit the elephant, my dad understood and never talked about the ride again
@@presleyjordan8519 After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
The lack of transparency on elephants TRAINED & worked like these are the biggest problem...esp. in training. That's the reason why major CIRCUSES using animals are mostly dead or dying (whether the animals are ferocious, wild or gentle)...because of the brutal & ignorant methods employed to train them. Elephants are intelligent gentle giants. Like humans, they do have feelings and can emphathize and feel compassion with their counterparts. The question here is: If there are no customers or patrons, would it be better for them in the long run?
@Timefliesbye The "mostly dead or dying" remark is in reference to Circuses themselves, since animals trained to do tricks and circus acts are one of the big attractions...in circuses.
@@franz.isler799 Well to be fair, the circuses themselves that use such animals are also mostly dead or dying in terms of the number of attendees that still go to them.
@@kanokonpholprasertkul5150 actually if we free them they would die cause of the hunters scattered all over the world will hunt them so we cant do anything at all sadly
•GVQ•GVT•20/50• This is deep man, i cried a little reading it. Never thought if if this way, but you are right. have you wrote some books? Id like to read them
J C we are animals. But our minds have developed enough to move past basic instincts. Yes, the foundation of humans is based on instincts. But our minds allow us persevere past that’s. That is what separates us from the beasts. Humans are animals though.
Same with horses in the western countries, racing horses and whipping them so you can entertain gamblers at ascot breeding them to and training them just to race is also very cruel thailand has been using elephants for the last 500 + years our country don’t have natural horses like Europe maybe you should understand better
Definitely a torture !!! I have traveled to Thailand for many years and have seen a lot of what the residents do to make money. Please to all visitors in Thailand, do not ride elephants and do not attend elephant shows, this is pure animal cruelty
After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
More and more I think people shouldn't even have pet goldfish or anything. We don't take care of our selves or our offspring, what makes us feel so good about keeping pets. Elephants should be respected and cared for when necessary but, allowed their freedom. Just as we should treat each other. Amazing animals!!! We could learn from them. If you do this to a human it's called slavery. And no I am not a vegan tree hugger or anything else like that. Just hate to see or even know about this kind of stuff. G'day
I feel the same, but there are people that know how take really good care of animals. You just need to be sure you can take care of an animal before you get a pet.
The bull hook is so inhumane (in addition to a slew of other things I noticed in this video). One of these days, those humans will get their comeuppance!
Look at their eyes - totally dead , glazed eyes - the elephants know they are captive and enslaved , they are truly the walking dead , really cruel and barbaric .
I took an elephant for a ride a few years ago. It was very stressful and I feel quite guilty about it now. In my defence I did ask to stop after about two kilometres before the end. The walk home was a pleasure without an elephant on my back.
Idontwhatonamemyselfso istilldontknow / so what your saying is that they don’t have feelings and it’s right to take them out of their habitat and abuse them clearly you don’t have a soul. These animals get beat to death. It doesn’t matter if they have a soul or not they shouldn’t be treated this way.
Yes, elephants are wild animals and not be stolen from their mothers and families so humans can ride them. They wern't designed for riding. Their back bone has vertical vertabra which makes this very painful to them. This creates many permanent medical issues. So riding them is also inhumane.
Humans do shy away and do not patronize this activity, but not the Chinese who are practically salivating at the prospect of killing the elephant so they can make cancer miracle cures from its ivory tusks.
Let me have that pick axe & 5 minutes with those little dudes hacking the elephant. Chaining that elephant up for 14 hours is very cruel. They should build a camp for them to walk around some.
This should no longer be a part of the tourist activity. no one should be making profit from those creatures and should not be supported. i hope the best for these sweet creatures.
I’m 14 and this is my personal view: Yes, I know that there are places where the elephants are abused and the cruel method “Phajaan” is used to literally break the elephant, I am highly against this and these kinds of places should be closed for good. But what I don’t agree with is people bashing all locals who ride elephants and use them for daily work, even if they do not use bull hooks or phajaan and even if they saved the elephant from harm. We need to realise that not all people who keep elephants for work are automatically evil sadistic jerks. They are like you and me, just trying to make a living for themselves and their families, who often live below the poverty line. They provide the elephants with food, shelter and protection and in return the elephants provide a source of income for them. Elephant riding is part of their country’s culture and rich history that ought to be preserved. Humans have been riding elephants in Asia for thousands of years, even before we domesticated horses. When we ban all elephant riding, they loose their identity and culture, just like if rodeo, which is a big part of America’s culture is banned. Back in 2017, my grandma, my aunt, my cousin and my uncle went to Thailand to ride elephants at a local national park and there, workers breed and train domesticated elephants for riding. The methods they use are similar to that of horses and there is very little cruelty involved. There, they even have an elephant riding school for boys that matches elephants with them. You might often see elephants with their feet chained up. You might think this is cruel but it actually has a useful purpose. This is often done on male elephants for a few months during a period they go through called musth, which makes their hormone levels dramatically increase and makes them uncontrollable, destructive and extremely aggressive and dangerous to people and other animals. Their handlers chain their elephants’ feet to prevent the elephant from harming itself and others. It’s Just like we use nose rings and hobbles on livestock to control them and muzzles on dogs to prevent biting. If people think elephant riding is cruel, why don’t we also consider rodeo, bull nose rings, hobbles and muzzles as cruel? Another thing that bugs me is hypocrisy in this. Why is it ok to ride horses, camels and donkeys but not elephants? You may have heard that elephants suffer severe back deformities after years of riding but don’t you know that horses, particularly ponies, also suffer severe back and hoof deformities?In both cases, it is the result of the load being too heavy, too much riding at the same time without rest or poor saddle design and implementation. What we can do is improve elephant saddle design and enforce rules on when and how many times elephants can be ridden per day, just like with horses. And I am very sorry for my language but those saying “Oh elephants are wild and horses are domesticated” deserve to be slapped in the face. Domestication has nothing to do with how dangerous, trainable or fearful the animal is. Try going up to a random feral mustang horse and trust me, it will not want you to ride it. The fact that we even managed to ride elephants thousands of years ago, even before horses, shows that it is possible to train them and possibly even more easily than horses. And one more thing, domestication does not give us the right to be cruel to animals. Domestication does not automatically turn animals into robots with no instincts whatsoever. Do people think horses like it when we constantly ride them, lock them up in stalls, force them to wear mouth bits? In the wild, horses are constantly on the move, running thousands of miles a day across the huge, vast prairies. And there are also people who use cruel riding and training methods on them too. Where is all the outrage about horse cruelty? In conclusion, elephant riding should not be banned because it is considered a part of many countries’ culture and heritage. But what we can do is make it more ethical and responsible. Does anyone agree with me? What do you think of this?
Culture is just a human construct, nothing more. And as of now, there is no official training method for elephants, which doesn't involve cruelty (even thousands of years ago, people used crushing)
It’s Thai culture I hope they put a hook in a hamburger and feed you so we can weigh you like and throwback into the river for Fun I love western fishing
After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
What love and respect with Ming????? How just how???? They use the hook to hit then how harmful they pull there ears and not feed them if they disobey this is horrible and harmful the government should make this illegal i can’t stand this !!!!!
Fun fact back then in Thailand they didnt even need to chain there elephants because the owners took care of them and there is a muay boran style of the elephant and it looks similar to how elephants fight.
The bullhook the man used in this is very pointy. He said that his elephant is like a family member to him. Then why the pointy hook and chains? Anyway, the ways they trained the elephants need to stop. Absolutely brutal. And tourists need to educate themselves about elephants.
This not cruel these elephants are being feed well daily, washed daily and chilling. Being in the wild they’ll get hunted and often times not survive due to scarce resources.
After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
One elephant is suffering permanent damage to its back, following years of carrying tourists. The 71-year-old female named Pai Lin has a caved-in spine after being made to carry up to six tourists at a time for 25 years, according to Ms Amy Jones, a spokesman for Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT).
Elephants are highly intelligent and it is pure torture to use them for profit. The training is barbaric. Look up “crushing” if you don’t believe it. These animals cry, grieve and love. Just like humans. They deserve so much more then cruelty and slavery.
Because it's an elephant... do you have any idea what an elephant can do if left free? They're most active at night and are proper frkn destructive when in heat. That's why it's in chains. My dog is a part of my family but I don't let her on the dinner table🙄
I like to connect things to horseback riding because that's what I know the most about and here's what I think could be changed Instead of chaining an elephant to a pole or the ground and just let them roam a limited area but not too small Instead of the hooks a better thing to do would be like a bitless bridle and have some type of rope on their tusks and use your feet so like squeezing your left leg to push him to the left and vise versa for the right It's not hard to treat an animal correctly
Elephants' spines cannot support the weight of people and doing so all day can lead to permanent spinal injuries. There are further complications from having a chair (howdah) attached to their backs. This clunky contraption rubs on their backs, causing blisters that can become infected.
Did a elephant ride in Thailand back in December as it was part of a combined tour with boat and ATV through jungle. Felt so bad the entire time while on the back, don't know why I even went trough with it :S
The choice is between having the elephant taken care of in the safety of the camp, and letting it loose and risk being killed by poachers for the tusks or destroying farmlands and trampling people to death.
CRUEEELLL in my opinion this is equivalent to poaching! These elephants are dead on the inside and let me not get into the BULLHOOK! I mean watching donkeys being beaten all day to carry load is quite too much and now there's a pecking method??? These are living creatures who breathe and bleed and excrete and tire and PAIN ; not chunks of wood at the carpenter's shop. And to think just for entertainment? Sure it may be exciting but also watching their real, free, expressive, selves at game drives should be enough "entertainment" And to only think they are described as "family" for these owners 😫😫(im crying on the inside) Thank you @natalietewa for sharing this doc.
His argument is ridiculous... Culture? Tradition? Way of life? A lot of other "traditions" people used to have are now unthinkable - child marriage, wife beatings, genocide, holy wars.... all these made a lot of sense back then and were considered tradition by many nations. Should i then open a business of child marriages and call it tradition so you cant sue me/cant judge me? As I said, ridiculous....
Right, because people from developed countries come to less developed ones and judge and criticize the civilians because the West has "superior morals" I suppose. Get rid of your saviour complex already, it's getting old. These people are doing whatever it takes to put food on their plates, this is their livelihood. I don't support it myself and am more in favour of elephant orphanages or sanctuaries. But I also acknowledge that this practice exists because people need money. If you think this is cruel, horses and other wild animals being broken in go through the same process. But sure, come shit on a less developed country and criticize them with your uppity attitude. People from developed countries don't have the right to come criticize these people following something that is a part of their tradition. Elephants have been broken in the exact same way since the middle ages and the treatment given here is far better than being in a circus in the West. The solution is elephant sanctuaries, established animal abuse laws and proper maintenance and awareness. But that should be accompanied with a new employment opportunity or way of life for the people who make a living here as well
Most animals in thailand have been tortured these people believed Buddhism but they very cruel to animals in which contradiction to this crazy religion, they must not abused animals these people must be put in prison. And never again should own or cares for any elephant. They should treat God's creatures with loves,not to abused them.
An Elephant is an cool.ambassador of wildlife. The ride is his funby work, if the boss is nice. He is intelligent and loves to learn tricks. It is often stopped by the ones who are to scared or to shy to jump on the back and ride. Like everything is stopped by fear.😮
The elephants are ambassadors for the remaining wild ones . When people lose their fears and gain knowledge about animals it is a win win situation. In a perfect world the elephants would be free, however this is far from a perfect world. Give is humans time and we will become better at dealing with the animal friends. 🐘🐘🐘
It's a shame to see activities like this still existing nowadays. Shame on the cruel activity and shame on the dumb tourists who pay to keep the cruelty moving forward.
It would be ok if they didn't hurt the elephant but when they use sharp force, that would be like me using a needle to make my son listen or when my friend makes me mad I just stab her with a safety pin, no it's not ok
It'll be difficult try to convince Thai people that this is bad. It's difficult for foreigner, especially westerner, to try to convince them. You'll be met with the usual westerner bad/white people bad attitude. We've been using that as an excuse to not do something about it for a very long time. It took us so long to finally do something about the infamous Tiger Temple despite years of local outcry.
Since our founding founders in Sukothai when the whites are crushed by China maybe you shut up I feel sorry for you whites men all immigrants are buying your land and Asian don’t allow whites to own our lands your people will disappear
The bull is restless because it’s traumatized. Humans are so cruel to these precious animals. Their relationship is based on abusing the elephant if it doesn’t comply. Hate this! Free the elephants. Can’t even watch this.....too sad!
These Chinese tourists don't seem to give a care about the treatment of these beautiful animals. I think they rather not know how they are trained to entertain them and their friends. It is a very sickening thing to witness. These wealthy tourists getting off on the pain and cruelty of those majestic creatures. Watching this makes me feel so much shame as a westerner. We too used to be a major link in the chain of ultimate cruelty to these animals. It's very sad to see that the Chinese have NOT learned from our past mistakes! They are just going to go and exploit the peace and sovereignty of less advantaged people where ever they can find them ! They have an opportunity now to lead by example and bring their part of the world together in a peaceful and righteous manor but it appears to me that they are choosing a different path. A very SELFISH path ! Now when people buy " Made In China " you will be supporting Chinese EXPLOITATION of the less fortunate people of our world. If you care about the world we live in it is time to use a bit more energy to research where the products you buy are coming from ! With your pocketbook you can really make a difference in the world. BOYCOTT " MADE IN CHINA " It is up to us now !
My sister rode an elephant once this was 7 or 8 years ago though so I don’t know how I felt all I remember was hiding behind a wall and running away from elephants to this day I still don’t know what happened.
Elephant rides are a widely sought-after tourist attraction in numerous countries; however, animal rights activists argue that this practice constitutes a form of animal cruelty, as elephants are not anatomically suited for riding. They contend that these majestic creatures often endure abuse and exploitation in various ways, including trekking and logging, leading to many succumbing to exhaustion and malnutrition as they are worked to the point of death. It is crucial to recognize that elephants, in contrast to horses, are not bred for riding purposes. They are wild animals that are captured and subjected to harsh living conditions. The constant strain placed on their bodies can lead to significant deterioration of the tissue and bones in their backs, resulting in irreversible damage to their spines. Elephants are renowned for their intelligence, complex social structures, and emotional richness; however, captivity can severely disrupt these attributes. Research increasingly indicates that the impact of captivity on the brains of elephants is profound, affecting not only their behavior but also their cognitive, neurological, and psychological well-being. Elephants naturally exist within matriarchal societies characterized by strong familial bonds, exhibiting a variety of social behaviors, including cooperative care and mourning rituals. These relationships, along with the stimulation provided by diverse habitats, are essential for their mental and emotional health. Unfortunately, captivity strips elephants of these vital social and environmental interactions, resulting in a series of detrimental effects on their cognitive function and overall health. Therefore, if you are an advocate for animal welfare, please refrain from supporting activities such as elephant rides, circuses, or even visiting zoos, as your participation only perpetuates the ongoing abuse of these magnificent animals. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I rode elephants in Hua Hin, Thailand on two separate occasions in 2012 and 2015. The first time I feel like the animals were treated worse. It wasn't a nice expensive tourist spot and the handlers would walk the elephants around with those hooks on their ears all the time. The saddles weren't in nice condition and the tour guides would push you to buy jewelry and other trinkets. The second place I feel like they were treated better, and the place was more popular. There were shows and other animals around too like tigers. They did press you to buy bananas for the elephants, but what tourist destination isn't going to try and get as much money out of you as possible. I don't want to do anything like that again because now, I'm more aware of animal cruelty and those elephants in captivity their whole lives is not something I want to be supporting. I till remember the name of that first elephant I rode- Nobokun. He would toot his trunk every time his handler said his name too. I hope he's doing alright.
Allow me to say this. Even if the news said it was elephant abuse. but no one do a research about this. You can't assume or judge other country's cultural by just your emotional Once time I asked the veterinary when there was the news that said Riding elephant was cruel.He said that actually the seat that you sit was based from the elephant back bone specially.the elepant can receive weight more than/less than(I forgot) 600 Kg if they are tired or not treated properly.they will not go to work.important thing is mahout know how much limit of Elephant their own individually know character and what do they like individually.you may seem it cruelt but for me that live in Thailand.so many mahout that I get close to feel toward them like a pet( dog or cat) You may think I was biased or how they will love them if they cruelty took them from the forest. I want to inform you that so many year pass.not all of was took from the forest.it was breeding like a pet ~2-3 million bath. Not everyone can have the elephant and it take much more money for his/her food. And if you worry about elephant capture from the forest . actually it was Elephant ID card that have plan to develop right now to be better.so you will know who do took the elephant out after the law used. And the circus. I didn't see or heard about there have a circus that use elephant/animal in Thailand.Never in my whole life include my friend and family. It is good thing that you concern about elephant but more than elephant riding that the mahout love them(may be some bad mahout but selfishly I don't think it was Thai people) I think conflict between villager that live near the forest and wild elephant is more dramatic.So many people died or losses their vegetation and elephant died when villager need to protect themself too. Thai government and so many people love elephant but not know that just word can't manage wildlife properly. It was culture like you have horse even if I don't like the hook but you need to know that it was their culture.it was livelihood to earn their bread and they care them not different from the way you treat dog/cat (not everyone of them use hook too ). And about the paddle it was not made to reduce the weight but just to prevent direct contact that may cause the bruise I help some work with my professor about provide tool to get basic information to manage elephant(umbrella species) in wildlife sanctuary properly. Almost protect area in Thai lack budget from government to do a proper management.not just these conversations it seem like they are slow to everything and not know how to properly management. If you care for elephant feel free to ask me and if I made you understand.when anyone say it was Elephant abuse totally! please told anyone that it was not true. I type non-stop with so many emotional 😂 if I have chance I will do some research to find that if riding elephant have effect to them like many of foreigner news said.I will do it you you wait for me😂
So you noticed animal torture the first time you went then did it again? Nobokun is probably still enslaved cause they live decades. You're a terrible person. Was the picture worth it?
I’m sorry but I just watched a video before this , an elephant in captivity. A happy elephant in captivity. They were free a loved , no abuse . Plenty of shade , space, food,care and love . This is plenty sad ☹️
all these years I always thought Thai people love elephant because this animal became their national symbol. But why they allowed this to happened, I hope they changed.
Westerners also understand that Thai people catch wild elephants for riding this is the elephant house Like a foreigner raising a horse, working a horse. Breeding horses to obtain offspring for further use or sale. No one has caught wild horses for training. Thai people have elephants as working animals for hundreds of years. At present, only a few communities are left to raise elephants. For decades, wild elephants have been declared a protected species. No one can catch wild elephants to train anymore. It's difficult and illegal. The hook is an elephant control device because the elephant's skin is thick. But no elephant owner chops the hook until it bleeds, just control.
Elephants do bleed! When they are stolen from their mothers from the wild, they go through pajaan (crush) they are beaten everywhere including their heads with them. Yes, they use them for control but they stab them and pull on their skin. These bullhooks are used to remind them of pain. Elephants bone structure is not that of a horse.. While horses have flat smooth spines, elephants don't. Their vertebrae is vertical so it causes them immense pain and usually result in arthritis and chronic foot which usually ends with euthanasia.
@@wildafrica626 all domesticated elephants have chip implant and id certificate, you can’t just take wild elephant, government officer can test the DNA and take away the elephants if the DNA is not according to the parent. And people can face jail. The ‘ take away from wild mother elephants’ did happen but in the past many years back, not now.
@@wildafrica626 I don’t see why horse have straight spine mean it’s better for riding than elephant that have curve spine. The overwork of any animal is always bad, and riding horse is not better than riding elephant, in fact if put 2 human on the the back of elephant and horse, the horse will feel worse than elephant due to body weight comparison.
Ye so this could possibly be abuse every time I go back to Thailand bc it’s my home country I go elephant riding but uhh I don’t like that they hit elephants with sickles also WHY DO THOSE PEPOLE GET AN ACTUAL COMFORTABLE SEAT WHEN RIDING THEM AND I HAD TO SIT ON THE ELEPHANT’S BACK WITH THE HAIR POKING THORUGH MY SHORTS mabye cuz I went into the water. But still this may or may not be abuse
I've been to Thailand's elephant ride once many many years ago and was extremely bothered by the bullhook which they used to hit the elephant's front skull repeatedly. I will never ever take the ride again / would never had if I knew they do such cruel things to the elephants. I did not pay to get them tortured. I just want to spend some time with the elephants. I do not support animal cruelty. Say no to elephant rides!
to excited to go and ride some elephants:fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:
Same went to the uk and went fishing to catch the fish with a hook in its mouth an weigh it and throw it back in the river that is torture let’s stop sport fishing
@@trevordean7144 Stop both.
@@trevordean7144 If you kill a fish you're not torturing it you're killing it... what these guys are doing are mentally breaking these animals to obey them.
when rich people in england hunting fox and kill them what for?
When I went to Thailand with my family, me and my father went on an elephant ride. I was 10 and wondered why they have a bullhook with them and why the elephant had white spots on them. My asked me father and he said "I don't know, honey". When we saw our guide hit the elephant, my dad understood and never talked about the ride again
@@presleyjordan8519 After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
@@cloverdunn2951 wtf is not about judgement its about cruelty to elephants.
@@lennarthagen3638 No. It's about mashing the two up when it is not. and too egotistical to know the difference.
@@lennarthagen3638 so if you ban this practice, are you going to pay to provide for these poor jobless people now?
@@user-op8fg3ny3j They dont have to beat them to stay in business. These elephants have zero respect for their keepers
It is not all black and white. In the west an elephant ride is a shame but our cows and pigs have life worse than that.
It doesnt absolve these parks though
It's 2022, anyone who rides an elephant today knows better and just doesn't give a damn.
The lack of transparency on elephants TRAINED & worked like these are the biggest problem...esp. in training. That's the reason why major CIRCUSES using animals are mostly dead or dying (whether the animals are ferocious, wild or gentle)...because of the brutal & ignorant methods employed to train them. Elephants are intelligent gentle giants. Like humans, they do have feelings and can emphathize and feel compassion with their counterparts.
The question here is: If there are no customers or patrons, would it be better for them in the long run?
@Timefliesbye The "mostly dead or dying" remark is in reference to Circuses themselves, since animals trained to do tricks and circus acts are one of the big attractions...in circuses.
@@franz.isler799 Well to be fair, the circuses themselves that use such animals are also mostly dead or dying in terms of the number of attendees that still go to them.
Freedom for the elephants
@@kanokonpholprasertkul5150 actually if we free them they would die cause of the hunters scattered all over the world will hunt them so we cant do anything at all sadly
@@JTG.. true. but might be we can do anything like kill the hunters? hahha lol.
@@lizbael735 its impossible to do that plus some hunters are nice but some are not soo
This might sound stupid but what if there were hunters AFTER the elephant hunters
Some Humans act more like animals, than most Animals do. SMH.
•GVQ•GVT•20/50• This is deep man, i cried a little reading it.
Never thought if if this way, but you are right.
have you wrote some books? Id like to read them
We as a species are animals. Kingdom: animalia, order: primates, species: sapiens. We act based on instincts. Read a book.
J C we are animals. But our minds have developed enough to move past basic instincts. Yes, the foundation of humans is based on instincts. But our minds allow us persevere past that’s. That is what separates us from the beasts. Humans are animals though.
Same with horses in the western countries, racing horses and whipping them so you can entertain gamblers at ascot breeding them to and training them just to race is also very cruel thailand has been using elephants for the last 500 + years our country don’t have natural horses like Europe maybe you should understand better
Some humans my ass. Say the word. Third world countries
Definitely a torture !!!
I have traveled to Thailand for many years and have seen a lot of what the residents do to make money.
Please to all visitors in Thailand, do not ride elephants and do not attend elephant shows, this is pure animal cruelty
14 hours in chains is too much. I hope so he gets some more time to relax free.
After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
@@cloverdunn2951 I aggree.
More and more I think people shouldn't even have pet goldfish or anything. We don't take care of our selves or our offspring, what makes us feel so good about keeping pets.
Elephants should be respected and cared for when necessary but, allowed their freedom.
Just as we should treat each other.
Amazing animals!!!
We could learn from them.
If you do this to a human it's called slavery.
And no I am not a vegan tree hugger or anything else like that. Just hate to see or even know about this kind of stuff.
I feel the same, but there are people that know how take really good care of animals. You just need to be sure you can take care of an animal before you get a pet.
TOURISTS...Please don't visit these places. They are cruel to these animals. I've been and witnessed it. Sad.
Tourists, please don't visit any country in the world.All governments are exterminating their own citizens ( even if you are not aware of ) !
The bull hook is so inhumane (in addition to a slew of other things I noticed in this video). One of these days, those humans will get their comeuppance!
Not Mr. Soy though since he has a bromance with the elephant
Look at their eyes - totally dead , glazed eyes - the elephants know they are captive and enslaved , they are truly the walking dead , really cruel and barbaric .
I took an elephant for a ride a few years ago. It was very stressful and I feel quite guilty about it now. In my defence I did ask to stop after about two kilometres before the end. The walk home was a pleasure without an elephant on my back.
Colin Connelly bruh
lol !
What about Australia, which slaughtered thousands of camels because they are too many? Why don't you talk about Australia?
Stop this animal abuse! Elephants have Souls. All animals have souls.
I don't think so
No they dont they are just cow and other animal they dont have soul except us human only we have soul
Idontwhatonamemyselfso istilldontknow / so what your saying is that they don’t have feelings and it’s right to take them out of their habitat and abuse them clearly you don’t have a soul. These animals get beat to death. It doesn’t matter if they have a soul or not they shouldn’t be treated this way.
Horses have souls too!
No they dont
I second that: Freedom for all wild animals. If you love them, watch over them in freedom, so that no one will kill them for any kind of belief.
Stop animal abuse!!!!
Freedom and respect to all elephants 🙏🐘✨
What about Australia, which slaughtered thousands of camels because they are too many? Why don't you talk about Australia?
@@enfl0 Plenty of people are talking about it, that's why you know about it.
@@enfl0 If you want to discuss camels, there are plenty of forums about that. This is about elephants.
OUR WORLD NEEDS MIRACLES ! the lies of the cruel and stupid are said to protect greed and brutality ! LIFE ON EARTH SHOULD NOT BE HELL FOR ANIMALS !
Wow, well said
That is called
@@rioxamericandragonfan75ani18 tru
Elephants are wild animals.
They need taming so tourist can ride them.
Mistreating Elephant is not good.
Using chains on there feet is inhumane.
Yes, elephants are wild animals and not be stolen from their mothers and families so humans can ride them. They wern't designed for riding. Their back bone has vertical vertabra which makes this very painful to them. This creates many permanent medical issues. So riding them is also inhumane.
I'm Thai American n elephants are holy. I'm shocked n embarrassed. This is exactly why I won't go to a zoo.
Please stop using animals as form of entertainment! Tourists should be responsible and shy away patronizing this kind of activity.
Humans just forgot that they are animals too...but with no respect.
@@timbeq2874 I agree that we need to take better care of animals, but humans aren't animals.
Humans do shy away and do not patronize this activity, but not the Chinese who are practically salivating at the prospect of killing the elephant so they can make cancer miracle cures from its ivory tusks.
@@johnnyphisit We are very different from animals. An animal would never be able to reply to comment like you just did.
@@kilo393 Its a perfect time to get yourself a very basic education.
Let me have that pick axe & 5 minutes with those little dudes hacking the elephant. Chaining that elephant up for 14 hours is very cruel. They should build a camp for them to walk around some.
Everyday routine and being confined 14 hours straight is torture for any intelligent being. The lack of stimulation and social time is just sad.
Theresa Werner It’s torture for any beings, not just the intelligent ones! Smh.
To me it is CRUEL!!!!!!!!!
@Santiago P It is the same but just another animal smh
@@meshalrahman3863 no it's not
No one cares
Freedom for the elephants 🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘 please save the all elephants in Thailand 😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
This is just cruel and horrible.
This should no longer be a part of the tourist activity. no one should be making profit from those creatures and should not be supported. i hope the best for these sweet creatures.
I’m 14 and this is my personal view:
Yes, I know that there are places where the elephants are abused and the cruel method “Phajaan” is used to literally break the elephant, I am highly against this and these kinds of places should be closed for good. But what I don’t agree with is people bashing all locals who ride elephants and use them for daily work, even if they do not use bull hooks or phajaan and even if they saved the elephant from harm. We need to realise that not all people who keep elephants for work are automatically evil sadistic jerks. They are like you and me, just trying to make a living for themselves and their families, who often live below the poverty line. They provide the elephants with food, shelter and protection and in return the elephants provide a source of income for them. Elephant riding is part of their country’s culture and rich history that ought to be preserved. Humans have been riding elephants in Asia for thousands of years, even before we domesticated horses. When we ban all elephant riding, they loose their identity and culture, just like if rodeo, which is a big part of America’s culture is banned. Back in 2017, my grandma, my aunt, my cousin and my uncle went to Thailand to ride elephants at a local national park and there, workers breed and train domesticated elephants for riding. The methods they use are similar to that of horses and there is very little cruelty involved. There, they even have an elephant riding school for boys that matches elephants with them.
You might often see elephants with their feet chained up. You might think this is cruel but it actually has a useful purpose. This is often done on male elephants for a few months during a period they go through called musth, which makes their hormone levels dramatically increase and makes them uncontrollable, destructive and extremely aggressive and dangerous to people and other animals. Their handlers chain their elephants’ feet to prevent the elephant from harming itself and others. It’s Just like we use nose rings and hobbles on livestock to control them and muzzles on dogs to prevent biting. If people think elephant riding is cruel, why don’t we also consider rodeo, bull nose rings, hobbles and muzzles as cruel?
Another thing that bugs me is hypocrisy in this. Why is it ok to ride horses, camels and donkeys but not elephants? You may have heard that elephants suffer severe back deformities after years of riding but don’t you know that horses, particularly ponies, also suffer severe back and hoof deformities?In both cases, it is the result of the load being too heavy, too much riding at the same time without rest or poor saddle design and implementation. What we can do is improve elephant saddle design and enforce rules on when and how many times elephants can be ridden per day, just like with horses. And I am very sorry for my language but those saying “Oh elephants are wild and horses are domesticated” deserve to be slapped in the face. Domestication has nothing to do with how dangerous, trainable or fearful the animal is. Try going up to a random feral mustang horse and trust me, it will not want you to ride it. The fact that we even managed to ride elephants thousands of years ago, even before horses, shows that it is possible to train them and possibly even more easily than horses. And one more thing, domestication does not give us the right to be cruel to animals. Domestication does not automatically turn animals into robots with no instincts whatsoever. Do people think horses like it when we constantly ride them, lock them up in stalls, force them to wear mouth bits? In the wild, horses are constantly on the move, running thousands of miles a day across the huge, vast prairies. And there are also people who use cruel riding and training methods on them too. Where is all the outrage about horse cruelty?
In conclusion, elephant riding should not be banned because it is considered a part of many countries’ culture and heritage. But what we can do is make it more ethical and responsible. Does anyone agree with me? What do you think of this?
Culture is just a human construct, nothing more.
And as of now, there is no official training method for elephants, which doesn't involve cruelty (even thousands of years ago, people used crushing)
number 2 on bucket list quickly changed from elephant ride to breaking the owner of these elephants jaw with a sledgehammer
It’s Thai culture I hope they put a hook in a hamburger and feed you so we can weigh you like and throwback into the river for
Fun I love western fishing
Poor elephants 🐘. 😢 😢 😢
After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
What about Australia, which slaughtered thousands of camels because they are too many? Why don't you talk about Australia?
@@enfl0 cuz they are many not a problem to kill them
@@user-gq3eq5bf9t wow because they are too many of them it is okay to kill them?
What love and respect with Ming????? How just how???? They use the hook to hit then how harmful they pull there ears and not feed them if they disobey this is horrible and harmful the government should make this illegal i can’t stand this !!!!!
When an elephant sways it is distress and tortured
Fun fact back then in Thailand they didnt even need to chain there elephants because the owners took care of them and there is a muay boran style of the elephant and it looks similar to how elephants fight.
fun fact the elephant riders have bull hooks they hit the elephant
This is so wrong in every way possible
To upset to watch. Elephants are supposed to live in the wild free.
The bullhook the man used in this is very pointy. He said that his elephant is like a family member to him. Then why the pointy hook and chains?
Anyway, the ways they trained the elephants need to stop. Absolutely brutal. And tourists need to educate themselves about elephants.
This not cruel these elephants are being feed well daily, washed daily and chilling. Being in the wild they’ll get hunted and often times not survive due to scarce resources.
Disgraceful cruel and unforgiveable treatment, this has got to stop
After watching the elephant attack videos and the way they are crazy agressive and dangerous towards humans I can see how you would need an extreme form of training to make them safe to be around humans. Alot of people have families to feed in this poor country and have done this for hundreds of years. I'll still take a ride or two when I travel there. People need to chill out and stop being so judgemental. Especially people from wealthy western countries. We are lucky to be able to judge from our ivory tower
One elephant is suffering permanent damage to its back, following years of carrying tourists. The 71-year-old female named Pai Lin has a caved-in spine after being made to carry up to six tourists at a time for 25 years, according to Ms Amy Jones, a spokesman for Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT).
Did they mention pajaan or the crush? If not, there are lots of videos on youtubeif you use the correct key words like elephant crush cruel
Elephants are highly intelligent and it is pure torture to use them for profit. The training is barbaric. Look up “crushing” if you don’t believe it. These animals cry, grieve and love. Just like humans. They deserve so much more then cruelty and slavery.
If Ning is family, why do you have him in chains?
Because it's an elephant... do you have any idea what an elephant can do if left free? They're most active at night and are proper frkn destructive when in heat. That's why it's in chains.
My dog is a part of my family but I don't let her on the dinner table🙄
I like to connect things to horseback riding because that's what I know the most about and here's what I think could be changed
Instead of chaining an elephant to a pole or the ground and just let them roam a limited area but not too small
Instead of the hooks a better thing to do would be like a bitless bridle and have some type of rope on their tusks and use your feet so like squeezing your left leg to push him to the left and vise versa for the right
It's not hard to treat an animal correctly
Horses are domestic animals. They are User to humans.
Elefants are wild. They usually run away from humans.
Elephants' spines cannot support the weight of people and doing so all day can lead to permanent spinal injuries. There are further complications from having a chair (howdah) attached to their backs. This clunky contraption rubs on their backs, causing blisters that can become infected.
@@rikekaiser595 Yea right, go up to a random wild mustang.
Elephant was domesticated for a thousand years
Elephant spine could support the weight of peoples
humans are monsters🤮🤢 Poor little animals! 😢💔
Did a elephant ride in Thailand back in December as it was part of a combined tour with boat and ATV through jungle. Felt so bad the entire time while on the back, don't know why I even went trough with it :S
Pls i beg you let them free!
@@lackpoop3598 Shut up
Please!,I think tourists should stop riding the elephants, so that the elephants will be free from slavery.
The choice is between having the elephant taken care of in the safety of the camp, and letting it loose and risk being killed by poachers for the tusks or destroying farmlands and trampling people to death.
Or maybe house and protect them and not abuse them for tourists.
in my opinion this is equivalent to poaching! These elephants are dead on the inside and let me not get into the BULLHOOK! I mean watching donkeys being beaten all day to carry load is quite too much and now there's a pecking method??? These are living creatures who breathe and bleed and excrete and tire and PAIN ; not chunks of wood at the carpenter's shop. And to think just for entertainment? Sure it may be exciting but also watching their real, free, expressive, selves at game drives should be enough "entertainment"
And to only think they are described as "family" for these owners 😫😫(im crying on the inside)
Thank you @natalietewa for sharing this doc.
The elephant weights ~7,000lbs and the bullhook weighs probably 5-10lbs, so around 0.0714% of the animal's weight.
@@chownful A needle is just as small when compared to us humans but it still hurts when it pricks us so using the bullhorn on an elephant is not okay!
His argument is ridiculous... Culture? Tradition? Way of life?
A lot of other "traditions" people used to have are now unthinkable - child marriage, wife beatings, genocide, holy wars.... all these made a lot of sense back then and were considered tradition by many nations.
Should i then open a business of child marriages and call it tradition so you cant sue me/cant judge me? As I said, ridiculous....
Right, because people from developed countries come to less developed ones and judge and criticize the civilians because the West has "superior morals" I suppose. Get rid of your saviour complex already, it's getting old. These people are doing whatever it takes to put food on their plates, this is their livelihood. I don't support it myself and am more in favour of elephant orphanages or sanctuaries. But I also acknowledge that this practice exists because people need money.
If you think this is cruel, horses and other wild animals being broken in go through the same process. But sure, come shit on a less developed country and criticize them with your uppity attitude.
People from developed countries don't have the right to come criticize these people following something that is a part of their tradition. Elephants have been broken in the exact same way since the middle ages and the treatment given here is far better than being in a circus in the West. The solution is elephant sanctuaries, established animal abuse laws and proper maintenance and awareness. But that should be accompanied with a new employment opportunity or way of life for the people who make a living here as well
animals shall never be used for any types of transportation
I've seen people riding dogs, cats and other animals that were tortured to let the human ride them. People r so cruel.
Most animals in thailand have been tortured these people believed Buddhism but they very cruel to animals in which contradiction to this crazy religion, they must not abused animals these people must be put in prison. And never again should own or cares for any elephant. They should treat God's creatures with loves,not to abused them.
So long as there is a market for this, it will continue...
An Elephant is an cool.ambassador of wildlife. The ride is his funby work, if the boss is nice. He is intelligent and loves to learn tricks. It is often stopped by the ones who are to scared or to shy to jump on the back and ride. Like everything is stopped by fear.😮
The elephants are ambassadors for the remaining wild ones . When people lose their fears and gain knowledge about animals it is a win win situation. In a perfect world the elephants would be free, however this is far from a perfect world. Give is humans time and we will become better at dealing with the animal friends. 🐘🐘🐘
Just in time for our planet to die....
@@_robustus_ yep you are correct sad to say
It's a shame to see activities like this still existing nowadays. Shame on the cruel activity and shame on the dumb tourists who pay to keep the cruelty moving forward.
They didn’t know so you can’t blame them. But I do understand and I do agree that it is cruel.
You're eating and testing medicine on animals but upset about riding elephant
It would be ok if they didn't hurt the elephant but when they use sharp force, that would be like me using a needle to make my son listen or when my friend makes me mad I just stab her with a safety pin, no it's not ok
It'll be difficult try to convince Thai people that this is bad. It's difficult for foreigner, especially westerner, to try to convince them. You'll be met with the usual westerner bad/white people bad attitude. We've been using that as an excuse to not do something about it for a very long time. It took us so long to finally do something about the infamous Tiger Temple despite years of local outcry.
Since our founding founders in Sukothai when the whites are crushed by China maybe you shut up I feel sorry for you whites men all immigrants are buying your land and Asian don’t allow whites to own our lands your people will disappear
This is so emotional.
The bull is restless because it’s traumatized. Humans are so cruel to these precious animals. Their relationship is based on abusing the elephant if it doesn’t comply. Hate this! Free the elephants. Can’t even watch this.....too sad!
Free all Elephants around the World
ride a horse fun or cruel?
It depends on the way you treat them
@@oliviafrancis843 The same thing can be say about elephants. It can go both ways!
Patrick Lange horses have been domesticated and I don’t think it should happen to elephants
@@oliviafrancis843 They are both animals. I don't see a difference between a horse and elephant!
Patrick Lange do you think that riding an elephant is ok then?
I think it's fun and cruel in the same time. But it's sad. 😢😢😢
I don’t dare to replay, but did that guy tried to chop the elephant on the head?
Some people here seem to think this is a competition for whatever people has done the worse things.
Il sourit au public, mais fixe son éléphant avec grande dureté. 😢.
These Chinese tourists don't seem to give a care about the treatment of these beautiful animals. I think they rather not know how they are trained to entertain them and their friends. It is a very sickening thing to witness. These wealthy tourists getting off on the pain and cruelty of those majestic creatures. Watching this makes me feel so much shame as a westerner. We too used to be a major link in the chain of ultimate cruelty to these animals. It's very sad to see that the Chinese have NOT learned from our past mistakes! They are just going to go and exploit the peace and sovereignty of less advantaged people where ever they can find them ! They have an opportunity now to lead by example and bring their part of the world together in a peaceful and righteous manor but it appears to me that they are choosing a different path. A very SELFISH path ! Now when people buy " Made In China " you will be supporting Chinese EXPLOITATION of the less fortunate people of our world. If you care about the world we live in it is time to use a bit more energy to research where the products you buy are coming from ! With your pocketbook you can really make a difference in the world. BOYCOTT " MADE IN CHINA " It is up to us now !
It's also westerners that go to see this..
@@wildafrica626 I know, you can find these kind of people in most “ civilized “ countries 😞
That guy tries to justify the treatment of abuse.
They all do. What he neglects is to show you, s the nail he's holding in his hand
If the elephant is a member of the family then why does he carry that horrible hook that tortures the poor elephant
My sister rode an elephant once this was 7 or 8 years ago though so I don’t know how I felt all I remember was hiding behind a wall and running away from elephants to this day I still don’t know what happened.
Talks about mutual respect while the elephant is chained up
Fun or Cruel? You know the answer DW ?
Circus is the same thing! Stop using animals for fun!
Tourists need to wake up
Depends how they feel about it
Example: if the elephants were the human & the humans were the elephants , our lifes would be more difficult
Elephant rides are a widely sought-after tourist attraction in numerous countries; however, animal rights activists argue that this practice constitutes a form of animal cruelty, as elephants are not anatomically suited for riding. They contend that these majestic creatures often endure abuse and exploitation in various ways, including trekking and logging, leading to many succumbing to exhaustion and malnutrition as they are worked to the point of death.
It is crucial to recognize that elephants, in contrast to horses, are not bred for riding purposes. They are wild animals that are captured and subjected to harsh living conditions. The constant strain placed on their bodies can lead to significant deterioration of the tissue and bones in their backs, resulting in irreversible damage to their spines.
Elephants are renowned for their intelligence, complex social structures, and emotional richness; however, captivity can severely disrupt these attributes. Research increasingly indicates that the impact of captivity on the brains of elephants is profound, affecting not only their behavior but also their cognitive, neurological, and psychological well-being.
Elephants naturally exist within matriarchal societies characterized by strong familial bonds, exhibiting a variety of social behaviors, including cooperative care and mourning rituals. These relationships, along with the stimulation provided by diverse habitats, are essential for their mental and emotional health. Unfortunately, captivity strips elephants of these vital social and environmental interactions, resulting in a series of detrimental effects on their cognitive function and overall health.
Therefore, if you are an advocate for animal welfare, please refrain from supporting activities such as elephant rides, circuses, or even visiting zoos, as your participation only perpetuates the ongoing abuse of these magnificent animals. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
What happend to his ears?
I rode elephants in Hua Hin, Thailand on two separate occasions in 2012 and 2015. The first time I feel like the animals were treated worse. It wasn't a nice expensive tourist spot and the handlers would walk the elephants around with those hooks on their ears all the time. The saddles weren't in nice condition and the tour guides would push you to buy jewelry and other trinkets. The second place I feel like they were treated better, and the place was more popular. There were shows and other animals around too like tigers. They did press you to buy bananas for the elephants, but what tourist destination isn't going to try and get as much money out of you as possible. I don't want to do anything like that again because now, I'm more aware of animal cruelty and those elephants in captivity their whole lives is not something I want to be supporting. I till remember the name of that first elephant I rode- Nobokun. He would toot his trunk every time his handler said his name too. I hope he's doing alright.
Allow me to say this. Even if the news said it was elephant abuse. but no one do a research about this. You can't assume or judge other country's cultural by just your emotional
Once time I asked the veterinary when there was the news that said Riding elephant was cruel.He said that actually the seat that you sit was based from the elephant back bone specially.the elepant can receive weight more than/less than(I forgot) 600 Kg if they are tired or not treated properly.they will not go to work.important thing is mahout know how much limit of Elephant their own individually know character and what do they like individually.you may seem it cruelt but for me that live in Thailand.so many mahout that I get close to feel toward them like a pet( dog or cat)
You may think I was biased or how they will love them if they cruelty took them from the forest. I want to inform you that so many year pass.not all of was took from the forest.it was breeding like a pet ~2-3 million bath. Not everyone can have the elephant and it take much more money for his/her food. And if you worry about elephant capture from the forest . actually it was Elephant ID card that have plan to develop right now to be better.so you will know who do took the elephant out after the law used.
And the circus. I didn't see or heard about there have a circus that use elephant/animal in Thailand.Never in my whole life include my friend and family.
It is good thing that you concern about elephant but more than elephant riding that the mahout love them(may be some bad mahout but selfishly I don't think it was Thai people) I think conflict between villager that live near the forest and wild elephant is more dramatic.So many people died or losses their vegetation and elephant died when villager need to protect themself too. Thai government and so many people love elephant but not know that just word can't manage wildlife properly.
It was culture like you have horse even if I don't like the hook but you need to know that it was their culture.it was livelihood to earn their bread and they care them not different from the way you treat dog/cat (not everyone of them use hook too ). And about the paddle it was not made to reduce the weight but just to prevent direct contact that may cause the bruise
I help some work with my professor about provide tool to get basic information to manage elephant(umbrella species) in wildlife sanctuary properly. Almost protect area in Thai lack budget from government to do a proper management.not just these conversations it seem like they are slow to everything and not know how to properly management.
If you care for elephant feel free to ask me and if I made you understand.when anyone say it was Elephant abuse totally! please told anyone that it was not true.
I type non-stop with so many emotional 😂 if I have chance I will do some research to find that if riding elephant have effect to them like many of foreigner news said.I will do it you you wait for me😂
So you noticed animal torture the first time you went then did it again? Nobokun is probably still enslaved cause they live decades. You're a terrible person. Was the picture worth it?
Elephants will never be free from humans even in the wild Animal Prechers will kill them.
You will happy to know. They have arrested the most wanted poacher.
So sad..cruel!
What about Australia, which slaughtered thousands of camels because they are too many? Why don't you talk about Australia?
I’m sorry but I just watched a video before this , an elephant in captivity. A happy elephant in captivity. They were free a loved , no abuse . Plenty of shade , space, food,care and love . This is plenty sad ☹️
Poor babies
This made me cry
all these years I always thought Thai people love elephant because this animal became their national symbol. But why they allowed this to happened, I hope they changed.
Very Very Sad...free the elephants...
Avoid these places and visit one of Thailand elephant sanctuaries.
They're treating them like bump cars
There's no doubt . This is a torture for sure
now at khmer all of the elephant have been releast to the wild at kulen mounthant
Westerners also understand that Thai people catch wild elephants for riding this is the elephant house Like a foreigner raising a horse, working a horse. Breeding horses to obtain offspring for further use or sale. No one has caught wild horses for training. Thai people have elephants as working animals for hundreds of years. At present, only a few communities are left to raise elephants. For decades, wild elephants have been declared a protected species. No one can catch wild elephants to train anymore. It's difficult and illegal. The hook is an elephant control device because the elephant's skin is thick. But no elephant owner chops the hook until it bleeds, just control.
Elephants do bleed! When they are stolen from their mothers from the wild, they go through pajaan (crush) they are beaten everywhere including their heads with them. Yes, they use them for control but they stab them and pull on their skin. These bullhooks are used to remind them of pain. Elephants bone structure is not that of a horse.. While horses have flat smooth spines, elephants don't. Their vertebrae is vertical so it causes them immense pain and usually result in arthritis and chronic foot which usually ends with euthanasia.
@@wildafrica626 all domesticated elephants have chip implant and id certificate, you can’t just take wild elephant, government officer can test the DNA and take away the elephants if the DNA is not according to the parent. And people can face jail. The ‘ take away from wild mother elephants’ did happen but in the past many years back, not now.
@@wildafrica626 I don’t see why horse have straight spine mean it’s better for riding than elephant that have curve spine. The overwork of any animal is always bad, and riding horse is not better than riding elephant, in fact if put 2 human on the the back of elephant and horse, the horse will feel worse than elephant due to body weight comparison.
What about horses being used to ride ??????
Imagine if it were that you needed to eat while showering rushed.
I hate this cruelty to baby elephants, & adults !
Such a shame, couldn’t believe people still doing that.
Ye so this could possibly be abuse every time I go back to Thailand bc it’s my home country I go elephant riding but uhh I don’t like that they hit elephants with sickles also WHY DO THOSE PEPOLE GET AN ACTUAL COMFORTABLE SEAT WHEN RIDING THEM AND I HAD TO SIT ON THE ELEPHANT’S BACK WITH THE HAIR POKING THORUGH MY SHORTS mabye cuz I went into the water. But still this may or may not be abuse