Unit Review: Leman Russ Punisher - 10th Edition Index

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 25

  • @tinylittledragon9412
    @tinylittledragon9412 3 месяца назад +3

    I find the 0ap really hurts the Punisher. It's a lot of points for a unit that's generally going to scatter like 2 dev wounds and maybe 4-5 ap0 wounds onto a target on its turn.

  • @dankvu
    @dankvu 3 месяца назад +8

    What sucks is you can't synergize this with Born Soldier, once you get the lethal hits, it won't get the devastating wounds.
    Good tank to move forward with though!

    • @CadianSergeantSteel
      @CadianSergeantSteel  3 месяца назад +1


    • @kentongilmartin1689
      @kentongilmartin1689 3 месяца назад

      I hate it and love it. So many guard units tempt you to not move for born soldier and make a choice. Move up the map or kill more. This tank doesn’t do that at least.

  • @jerrytoppins
    @jerrytoppins 3 месяца назад +8

    My punishers have not performed well in 10th. Only one game out of about 10 did a Punisher do any significant damage. They did soak up some shooting for a turn or two.

    • @karlnygren
      @karlnygren 3 месяца назад

      It is still a Leman Russ so even if it's turret isn't that lethal to the enemy it brings a lot of wounds with 2+ save and a good gun platform.
      I would switch the gun if I could or just proxy it in the games, at least to try out different loadouts.

  • @RFischer
    @RFischer 3 месяца назад +3

    I love the notion of this tank. So much so I bought some Kromlech punisher turrets so I could field an army using 6 just for kicks and giggles. Look out Green Tide!

    • @mistformsquirrel
      @mistformsquirrel 3 месяца назад

      The orks might even respect that level of dakka. It's not enuff... but it's pretty good. For a 'umie.

  • @Jaybirderino
    @Jaybirderino 3 месяца назад +3

    Solid review! One note - why not triple heavy flamers for the hull and sponson weapons? That makes this an overwatch beast.
    Really the only flaw of the punisher gatling cannon is a lack of AP! If you stack lots of them on it as you mentioned, this cannon can rip through terminators.

  • @stauxin91093
    @stauxin91093 2 месяца назад +1

    I like to combine a hellhound and exterminator with this into my most common enemies thunderwolf cavalry and conoptek wraiths

  • @KevinPuttock1981
    @KevinPuttock1981 3 месяца назад +1

    Great video and I love the look and idea of the Punisher but sadly it’s not very effective in 10th unless you play hordes of light infantry. Dev wounds don’t come up enough to be reliable against tougher infantry or mounted units
    Couple of points; I think overwatch is a huge trap if you’re hitting on 6s. It’s rarely worth the CP spend even with the rate of fire the Punisher has
    Also, buffing the Punisher with AP-1 from fields of fire or an exterminator is good into light infantry but often pointless against MEQ. It simply allows them the benefit of cover cos of the AP which they wouldn’t have got from AP0 so against anything with 3+ save or better and in cover, don’t bother buffing with AP unless you can stack AP-2 and/or AP-1 and a hellhound
    Lastly, it doesn’t seem very efficient to use an exterminator to buff a Punisher. The Exterminator autocannon is a much better gun than the Punisher so you should prioritise the target the exterminator wants to shoot and if the punisher also goes into it then great but otherwise it’s not a good use

  • @redspec01
    @redspec01 3 месяца назад +3

    Excellent video Sarge! Do you have a video on deployment yet?

  • @mistformsquirrel
    @mistformsquirrel 3 месяца назад +1

    Punisher is one of those units I *want* to love... but I don't feel like I can justify it over the Exterminator. That may just be my preference for having a unit that can do many things 'kinda OK + buff' as opposed to one thing (clearing hordes) very well though.
    Regardless of it's actual ability though, no one can say it doesn't look *incredibly cool*. A gigantic Gatling gun tank? Yes please.

  • @ElTheJono
    @ElTheJono 3 месяца назад +1

    I haven't used it yet in 10th but it seems pretty bad, at least in my local meta. Too many vehicles and elite infantry and everything has cover.

  • @blackwolf671
    @blackwolf671 3 месяца назад

    I think your getting a bit ahead of yourself on the Devastating wounds. It happens on the wound roll, So while yeah, it has 20 attacks, but on a 4+ BS, only 10 are going to hit on average, Less than 2 of those hits will translate into devastating wounds. In three rounds you'd expect only 5 devastating wounds. And those are still only 1 damage being pushed through a time.
    The rest of its attacks are AP 0 which will struggle with power armor. Yes, it does pair nicely with an exterminator and FoF and scout sentinels, and it benefits a lot from orders, but thats true of basically everything in the guard. I agree with the flamer sponsons to turn it into an overwatch threat, and maybe in an all tank list that lacks any infantry theirs a place for this if gaunt carpets or green tide become a majority of lists..
    but, For 35 points less, a Hellhound with an inferno cannon is getting roughly the same number of wounds through but with AP-2 and ignores cover built in. The Bane wolf version is anti-infantry 2+ and 2 damage. That thing is designed to murder Marines. with the cherry ontop of stripping cover from whatever it was shooting at, letting it become a force multiplier for the rest of your army while not needed all the buffs and support a russ needs to shine. If you do want a Russ for the extra toughness and wounds, The battle cannon on a standard russ is going to outperform it against every target other than the absolute cheapest of chaff infantry, especially against targets on objectives, will still being almost as effective into hordes. You could get A Taurux prime with a squad of cadians for 150 points and get the same or better results everywhere but the overwatch.
    Its sad, but Punisher Russes just aren't worth it in 10th. Take them out back and bury them with your 8th ed. Codexes with honor. They served the guard well for a long time, but this just is not their edition.

  • @pistoneteo
    @pistoneteo 3 месяца назад +2


  • @RFischer
    @RFischer 3 месяца назад

    Not sure the devastating wounds will work on overwatch. Your tank has not moved so all 6s to hit are lethal per the army rule?

    • @CadianSergeantSteel
      @CadianSergeantSteel  3 месяца назад

      Ahh, great catch. Lethal Hits wouldn't work in overwatch but the unit ability for Devastating Wounds would.

    • @RFischer
      @RFischer 3 месяца назад

      @@CadianSergeantSteel Critical Hit: A Critical Hit is scored when a player rolls an unmodified
      Hit roll of 6 for an attack. Critical Hits are always successful Hit
      rolls, and can also trigger additional effects as described in certain
      rules (such effects are often said to be triggered ‘on a Critical Hit’,
      meaning when a Critical Hit is scored). While resolving attacks using
      the Fire Overwatch Stratagem, Critical Hits are only ever scored on
      unmodified Hit rolls of 6.
      So when you roll the 6 you get the Astra Militarum 'lethal hit' and therefore it is an auto wound. No chance to roll a 6 to wound. (Taken from the Rules Commentary Update)

    • @CodedToKillYT
      @CodedToKillYT 3 месяца назад

      @@RFischer The Combined Regiment lethal hits does not proc, as it requires a unit to remain stationary. Since overwatch occurs during the opponents turn, you did not have a movement phase, therefore did not Remain Stationary, therefore does not proc lethal hits

    • @karlnygren
      @karlnygren 3 месяца назад +2

      Except born soldiers is only active in the TURN you remained stationary (which you do in the movement phase) and not round. Thus no lethal hits in overwatch. The devastating wounds are worded every time they attack and work in overwatch.

    • @CadianSergeantSteel
      @CadianSergeantSteel  3 месяца назад

      @@karlnygren agreed.