Is Every Black Woman So Beautiful Like You? Asian Guy First Meeting Black Woman!

  • Опубликовано: 13 янв 2021
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Комментарии • 15 тыс.

  • @awesomeworld12
    @awesomeworld12  3 года назад +1857

    Hi Awesome People! We have opened an Official Facebook Page! Follow us on Facebook as well! :) Here's the link! -->

    • @benmccoy6417
      @benmccoy6417 3 года назад +10

      Is ho seung really this kind? Or is it just an act.

    • @thewriteinpresident
      @thewriteinpresident 3 года назад +4

      Flowers INSTEAD of flags…
      As I access the Protocols of my mind, it seems the more we delve into the Realm of our Waking Walking Dream where here in Purgatory, the many have no clue what too {LIVE A LIE} actually means???, and since most have been raised since they were born to do as you are told, and do NOT think for your right to be you, we find ourselves in this {As Above / So Below} 2 sided FLAT EARTH where the Northern Hemisphere, and The Southern Hemisphere are both controlled by the CONTROL PANELS in the [D.U.M.B.S.] of our Shared Celestial Sphere INNER EARTH where machines and mechanization make the Holy Sun rise and Set on “Both Sides” of this enclosed COSMOLOGY World, and the Moon does so too Eclipse this Sun too REMEMBER [male and female] are one, and without the ZERO and The ONE of Computer Holographix Arrhythmical Interfaces, our Virtual Reality of ALL THE WORLD IS A GAME has {taken over} what once was ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE, and now we all live THE “GAME” MUST GO ON, and the Show Must go on is seen as nothing more then {Illusions and Disillusion} of MALFEASANCE reporters on our T.V. INDOCTRINATION Re-Education and Re-Integration 2D FLAT SCREENS…
      When every one on TV is and has ALWAYS been nothing more then An Actor or “Actress” the Blinds of Insanity all fall into place!!! Telling WE THE PEOPLE we landed on the Moon whence we have not!!! Telling us WAR IS NOT MURDER when to {kill anything} is to MURDER IT… Has there ever been a day in your life that one of these many “variations” of MEDIA SCREENS has not been operational as The Mark of the BEAST in your Hand to the Marks of INVASION on your minds???? Do you know what the Book of REVELATION is actually all about.?.?.?, and do you’m know WE THE PEOPLE Wrote every book [ever made] in this place of The Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, and do you know we Humans are the nonhumans, and that {we are} all Androids and Gynoids reliving the experience of what happened to this Celestial Sphere called PLANET EARTH where the Awful Horror from the Book of Books is our Dead, and Beaten, and Dry BLACK BLOOD of Black Water Terrestrial “Moon” in OUR shared Night and Day Skies as day after day after day WE THE PEOPLE keep waking up here as the Human Race.?.?.?.?
      How many of you’m know a FLAG is just a Piece of [Coloured] CLOTH that your World Leaders use too say: Kill them cause Their FLAG is not our FLAG??? Whom set up “this game” of WAR IS MURDER when we all have Mothers and Fathers, and we all want Babies, and Children too one day replace WE THE PEOPLE as our new foundlings of CLONES cause when a Man and a [Wombman] Procreate are they not making CLONES of their Desire to have “both” of their BLOOD LINES go on???, and whom would talk you into an ABORTION that is {the eradication} of your BLOOD LINE.?.?.? Sure THEY LIVE Yell, and Scream, and threaten they will throw you in the Brig that is just one more {Jail and Prison} in LAWS we the people have “no say in” cause the Vast Majority of People on this Northern Hemisphere are run by Task Masters known as TAX COLLECTORS, and we have come to the Conclusion that only FREE MASON [Lodge Members] get to run Our Courts, Our Towns, Our Military FLAGS, and so on and so forth, and then these “U.N. Troops” whom have taken over all Police, and Military, and Religions, and Schools of Thoughts say: PAY YOUR TAXES TO YOUR GOVERNMENT, but you the people {will have} no say in how your EMPLOYED Public Servants Treat WE THE PEOPLE???????
      If this place was not PURGATORY, it would all “seem” so unbelievable, and yet, we the people know we are Living THE MEMORY of a World called {Planet Earth} that is this Celestial Sphere where the many have gone mad, and insane with an insatiable desire too CONSUME all that is in this world where Pollution abounds as SKY SHIPS Spray Toxic CORPORATE WASTE called [Chemicals] in the skies… I did not know the CONSUMERS was the real reason the {Socks and Bonds} go up and down forever and ever in the explanation of Hell and Hades in the NEW TESTAMENT, but there can be no doubt these STUDENT LOANS has turned all our Children into [Debt SLAVES] whom will murder other children to pay off those STUDENT LOAN DEBTS when all can be forgiven, and CENTRAL BANKS be Nationalized… However, when no one is allowed to “think” matters through, nor Question that big Q in the Sky, then Children kill and murder [Children] cause they think Your FLAG is the Enemy, and yet, if it is only THE FLAG that makes WE THE PEOPLE do WAR IS MURDER, then why don’t {we the people} take down all FLAGS and Proclaim our Collective “Proclivity” to live as ONE???
      Johnny Exodice
      A FLAG has no more [meaning] than WHAT you the Individual Give It…. Sadly FREE MASON want you to do WAR IS MURDER cause they make “Money” off making Weapons that kill all the Flowers in your lands with Sludge from the Mass Production of Predator Drones, and Robotic Tanks, and Automated Naval WAR Ships: poised to kill us all in WORLD WAR with IRAN and China, and any other U.N. FLAG our World Police the {USA PEACEKEEPERS} and their imaginative TV Shows say:
      Too kill is not MURDER it is how you become a HERO OF WAR, and yet too kill is to murder anything be it Plants - Wildlife - Sea-life, and all your ABORTION “Children” whom only got Aborted Later in life in a [Distant Land] far from you their Mother and Father, and not too mention how many Brothers and Sisters Got “The Abortion” of their Life TERMINATED in distant Lands cause Their FLAG was not OUR FLAG, and then all you “orphaned” Children as Your Mom and Dad just had to be Abortionist, so they could win the GAME of being called a {WAR HERO} on these God Damned TV Screens…
      The Society of nonmason~
      Your Religions and your Courts say: Murder is Against The LAW, so do tell me my puny idiotic Humans why do you Break the LAW of your “FLAGS” when WAR IS MURDER and that makes WAR Illegal in all your {Human Courts} and all your so called Humane Religions…
      The Sentinel…видео.html
      Finally…, what if all these MUD FLOOD Building still stand, and they are just on the Other Side of our FLAT EARTH known as The Southern Hemisphere once you get past the INNER EARTH and all our Underground and Underworld Cities and Military Check Points by those whom control and command the MACHINES in This World of the Dead…
      The Commander~
      We Are The Rag Tag Rebellion “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition that can STOP all WARS, and forgive all National Debts by becoming the NEW WINE SKINS, and saying {No More} do we The Youth: follow you’m THE OLD WINE SKINS…
      We Are Pak-Toe… We don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!
      We Are Revelation… We do not forgive… WE DO NOT COMPLY… Game Over…
      Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where all our nonmason [populations] lay in unmarked graves for every FREE MASON [U.N. FLAGS] Wars “fought” for nothing...
      † ///|||\\\ Ω

    • @terezahoward4008
      @terezahoward4008 3 года назад +5

      you got a new girl friend hahaha ask her out!

    • @thewriteinpresident
      @thewriteinpresident 3 года назад +2

      @@terezahoward4008 Evil: It is a matter of Perspective
      Until it is in the “Hands” of a Man or a Wombman… When we look at this world of madness, and TV Lies day in and day out, we know our Enemy {The Racka} are trapped in A Destruction of their own making, and as these FREE MASON Lodge Members continue down this road of Perdition, we the [nonmason] whom are their Fellow Citizens: as these MASONS live off of our Taxes as Judges, C.O.P.S., Lawyers, Doctors, School Boards, Hospital Nurses, City Councils to the Town Mayor have all sealed their FATE, and Destiny, and Luck in their LIES AGREED UPON, and though the TV Screens will say this or that, it does not reflect the true {emotional power} of WE THE PEOPLE whom know everything from our Town Hall History too our States Capitals LAWS is and are Malfeasance, and as these FREE MASON Lodge Members in our Nations try to make We The People FORGET we never landed on the MOON by faking the {Common Cold} as a Deadly Bio Weapon from Outer Space, we know the only SPACE that SPACE FORCE Wants’ is too Murder We The People whom live inside this Celestial Sphere!!!
      I have walked the streets of many a Nation, and WE THE PEOPLE for the most part` do our best to keep community, allow differences, and pray to our Gods, but when the “USA” is the World Police of the UNITED NATIONS {International Mafia} and NATO is and are all these Peacekeeper U.N. Troops of the E.U. and other BLUE EYED Nations, well than, NATO does not protect, nor represent WE ARE The 50 STATES FLAGS that are at WAR with the United States OF America: as we still consider ourselves The UNITED STATES FOR AMERICA… However, it has become completely APPARENT that the U.N. is a CORPORATION WAR MACHINE, and that the [Jesuit Zionist] MASONS Temples and Lodges are OUT POST in our “Countries” from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH known as the Southern Hemisphere where all the {Amazing Buildings} from the MUD FLOOD WARS remain, and by way of PORTALS, and their Computational Mechanization's in those D.U.M.B.S. these Doppelgangers known as [U.N. Troops] of G4S have taken over our Police Municipalities, and our Military Bases called {FREE MASON} C.O.P.S. Where Blue Eyes abound, and Brown Eyed Nations Frown…
      By way of Dark Magic, and RAPTURES, and Sorcery, and Enchantments called: LET US ENTERTAIN YOU’ the masses have come to “believe” anything their {NEWS} World Order TV Screens say, and yet, no matter what nation you watch their NEWS, there is always an ENGLISH Word for a Word that [never existed] in their Native Tongues be it India - Japan - Guatemala, and so on, and so forth, and knowing {all words} go back to the GREEKS of Homer and The Iliad and The Odyssey, is it any wonder our Captors [Lie about everything] where there is no DNA, but there is Magic + Code + Alchemy = Sorcery, and that the Original Meaning of the Word Pharmacology and Pharmacist is a person whom makes POTIONS like Witches, and Warlocks, and Wizards, and if you ever [listened] too the SIDE EFFECTS of these POTIONS called Drugs and Medicine, you would know you’m are ingesting a SPELL, and those whom cast “The Spell” were and are Incubus and Succubus, and them SIDE EFFECTS spoken on the TV Commercials are Facts, not something that Might Happen…
      However, down here in PURGATORY among Devils and Demons and Satanist, no one listens to what the SIDE EFFECTS are in the Medications and Drugs and “Potions” called COVAX and other [incantations] of Vaccines for this Lie Agreed Upon called (COVID19) that is well known by we the people to be JADE HELM 15 “continuing” DEPOPULATION of OUR PEOPLE as Replacement Populations get all our JOBS coming from the Southern Hemisphere while We the people from this Side of FLAT EARTH known as the Northern Hemisphere have ALL been “put” under House Arrest, as the Malfeasance TV Screens show {U.N. Troops} have taken the CAPITAL of the USA cause every one knows the USA is just ONE MORE [U.N. FLAG] of these Invaders from the Southern Hemisphere, and now that you are out of work my nonmason Tax Paying Populations, what are you going to do about [all these] OUT POST from the Southern side of FLAT EARTH known as these ENTRENCHED Invaders called FREE MASON Lodge Members of the U.N. FLAG.?.?.?.?
      Johnny Exodice
      Once you’m know we live “inside” a Bubble called OUR ENCLOSED COSMOLOGY known as this Celestial Sphere, and that the North Star is the Northern Hemisphere, and the “South Star” is the Southern Hemisphere, and our ENEMY whom took over this side of the world after the MUD FLOOD WARS in 1855……., then when you look at “Sgt Peppers” Lonely Hearts Club Band album by the Beetles, and see all the {CUT and PASTE} people in the Back Ground:
      you would do well to look at the CUT OUT “People” in all these Old 1800’s + 1900’s MUD FLOOD Empty Cities when [our ancestors] were nothing more then INCUBATOR BABIES, and yes, these Buildings still stand, they are just on the {OTHER SIDE} of the World that is the Southern Hemisphere to our Northern Hemisphere in this Celestial Sphere CONSTRUCT, and only by going into the D.U.M.B.S. can you “my people” and children of Pak-Toe get to the LOST WORLD as we fight with the Racka on this side of FLAT EARTH…
      The Society of nonmason~
      NEVER FORGET we are “dealing” with SORCERY, and those at the Top of the MASONS O.T.O. Kabbalah Zohar Jesuit Zionist U.N. {NEWS} World Order Pyramid Scheme: know magic + code + Alchemy = Sorcery, and they have “invoked” EVIL SPIRITS onto the many in their Minds known as The RAPTURE of all these 2D {3D C.G.I.} Screens of Enchantments - Hexes - Charms, and Voo Doo, so continue to [study and learn] how to do SORCERY your “selves” my people and children of Pak-Toe, so your MORTAL Corporeal Carnal enemy: The Racka known as these FREE MASON Lodges in “your” home towns do not seduce you into their WAYS’ when {Christ Jesus Returned} is the only WAY out of Purgatory…
      The Sentinel…
      † ///|||\\\ Ω

    • @nsphilippe
      @nsphilippe 3 года назад

      Congrats on the Facebook Page. I just liked it!!
      Thank you for the awesome, fun content and for subtitles

  • @absentminded7230
    @absentminded7230 3 года назад +5324

    She’s gorgeous. Senegalese women I’ve seen are just gorgeous.

    • @yaida8065
      @yaida8065 3 года назад +60

      I confirm

    • @fatamy8597
      @fatamy8597 3 года назад +15


    • @JadedMuse2
      @JadedMuse2 3 года назад +38

      Yes they are. 💖

    • @snf2004
      @snf2004 3 года назад +52

      Yass as a senegalese i agree

    • @EloquentlyEse
      @EloquentlyEse 3 года назад +65

      As a Nigerian, I second that.

  • @violette_ems
    @violette_ems 3 года назад +6768

    I like how they are casually speaking three different languages.. like it's no big deal

    • @FluoxetinaBelcher
      @FluoxetinaBelcher 3 года назад +187


    • @thebee2685
      @thebee2685 3 года назад +124

      You would be surprised how many people think that its not a big deal especially in France. Im Hungarian i live in France. I speak,write and read 5 languages and i been told many times : " you think that its a big deal that you speak foreign languages ? "

    • @minette36
      @minette36 3 года назад +184

      @@thebee2685 In the US, nearly no one speaks more than one language. The concept of people in Europe and other parts of the world being conversationally-fluent in multiple languages sounds extraordinary to an American!

    • @thebee2685
      @thebee2685 3 года назад +13

      @@minette36 Not to a French person it dont...😂

    • @lephepha
      @lephepha 3 года назад +37

      Bruh! Also, I'm South African.. I think it's well known now that there are 11 official languages in our country. Racism is near an end so I can finally include white people in this now, but here, most of the children born, grow up being able to speak at least 5 languages, by the time you reach 21, you'll be fluent in maybe 6 and 2 or 3 more that you understand.. it's a problem because now when you're older, you can't cuss at someone who pisses you off in your language because they can also speak it. 😅

  • @Lonewolfwinters
    @Lonewolfwinters Год назад +701

    Hands down Black women are beautiful. I repeat they are beautiful. I don't really care about race but, I've always been into black women the most and I'm Asian.

  • @tonyapatterson4046
    @tonyapatterson4046 2 года назад +1351

    So the moral of this story is that beauty comes in all colors, shapes and forms. No one should be singled out and questioned about their beauty based on the color of their skin. BEAUTIFUL is BEAUTIFUL and that's that.

    • @lilianluhasi5053
      @lilianluhasi5053 Год назад +5


    • @ThePeacePlant
      @ThePeacePlant Год назад +33

      Duh, we are all shaped like humans. We all have nose, eyes lips and whatever, skin color doesn't change that. Beauty is beauty

    • @bellakamiya1761
      @bellakamiya1761 Год назад +19

      @@ThePeacePlant a lot of people think differently

    • @bellakamiya1761
      @bellakamiya1761 Год назад +15

      @@lilianluhasi5053 the tone of this comment is a little…

    • @captaincrunch3720
      @captaincrunch3720 Год назад +2

      THIS! So sick of ignorant fools tricked into singling out hating one group of women on earth for no damn reason other than to feel superior and get away with evil. We are ALL worthy of love and acceptance. Your skin color, hair texture, gender or any other physical features or land of origin has NOTHING to do with what beauty actually is. Your race does not make you beautiful being a good person is what makes people beautiful

  • @adrianasabode1583
    @adrianasabode1583 2 года назад +5492

    I see some commenters saying she is African-American. STOP! There are many black women in UK, France, Australia, Africa, etc. we don’t just live in America. And she told you she’s French

    • @ultrainstinct70
      @ultrainstinct70 2 года назад +10

      Hi Adriana 🥺

    • @marilynwillett804
      @marilynwillett804 2 года назад +185

      Her race is black, where she lives is a different issue.

    • @ultrainstinct70
      @ultrainstinct70 2 года назад +5


    • @zahrafatima8169
      @zahrafatima8169 2 года назад +511

      @@Astrafigura its fine if they call her African... what the person was trying to say was that its not fine to say shes african AMERICAN. shes african and french.

    • @chocolateangel8743
      @chocolateangel8743 2 года назад +40

      @@Astrafigura The people you're around must be really dumb.

  • @ThunderPants13
    @ThunderPants13 3 года назад +10561

    She's originally from Senegal, lives in France, has studied in the U.S. and also speaks Korean. Impressive.

    • @Sorel366
      @Sorel366 3 года назад +361

      Her family is from Senegal but she was likely born in France or raised there from a very young age

    • @najahfields7794
      @najahfields7794 3 года назад +64

      Beyond impressive

    • @Author2011
      @Author2011 3 года назад +38

      Very impressive!!

    • @KCaviness3
      @KCaviness3 3 года назад +83

      that's a black woman for you!

    • @akuegbumitchell3403
      @akuegbumitchell3403 3 года назад +173

      Senegal is a French speaking country with French as their official language.

  • @keygoal9841
    @keygoal9841 Год назад +364

    Im asian and I love black women ❤️❤️🇵🇭

    • @aysha2548
      @aysha2548 Год назад +57

      Am a black girl,and i like asian men❤️

    • @theshampoocoach
      @theshampoocoach Год назад +5


    • @Omar_PS9inchhs
      @Omar_PS9inchhs Год назад +50

      I think asian men and black women belong together..

    • @MsAppassionata
      @MsAppassionata Год назад +21

      I’m African American and I find a lot of Asian men very attractive.

    • @reginaonuoha4759
      @reginaonuoha4759 Год назад +14

      You’re not doing us favour by liking black women

  • @scusa2023
    @scusa2023 2 года назад +93

    She is gorgeous she represented black women very well

    • @leeedward6297
      @leeedward6297 Год назад

      American Blacks are beginning to monitor how Africans are traveling about the world stealing Black American Culture, Dressing Style and Swags like Black Americans and trying to pass off the image that they are Americans to be more acceptable in other Country. The way these Africans Women dressing is Black American Dressing Style. These Foreigners know they are not Americans by the dialect in the way they speak. This is why African hate Black Americans because they want to be Americans and have little of Statics as the Black American influence around the world. Stop Stealing from Black Americans.

    • @francaisetmarron
      @francaisetmarron Год назад +3

      Indeed gorgeous 😍🔥

    • @diopfifi4937
      @diopfifi4937 Год назад +7

      She presented African women well *

    • @j1quxn
      @j1quxn Год назад +2

      @@diopfifi4937 african is black

    • @thelegacyofgaming2928
      @thelegacyofgaming2928 7 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, they definitely sent the best

  • @siveghansah4045
    @siveghansah4045 3 года назад +8959

    strangers hyping each other up for 7 mins straight
    Edit: holy cow, that’s a lot of likes😅

    • @__-ul1lr
      @__-ul1lr 3 года назад +75

      Im loving the vibe in the video and in the comments as well. Everyones so nice!!

    • @rzangyz3672
      @rzangyz3672 3 года назад +14

      Love it

    • @illakiyaprabhu6590
      @illakiyaprabhu6590 3 года назад +9

      @@__-ul1lr we are all AWSOME after all🤷🏻‍♀️😎💜

    • @__-ul1lr
      @__-ul1lr 3 года назад +3

      @@illakiyaprabhu6590 👉🏻😎👉🏻 nice word play

    • @anna.7266
      @anna.7266 3 года назад +1

      *holy moly

  • @andreastrom6106
    @andreastrom6106 3 года назад +5719

    Aww hes so adorable getting compliments. Its like he doesn't even know he's cute lol

    • @michaelkim7111
      @michaelkim7111 3 года назад +49


    • @carine_joseph_8337
      @carine_joseph_8337 3 года назад +25


    • @orti1283
      @orti1283 3 года назад +102

      Men aren't used to compliments, we are hardly ever told that we have any attractive feature, so even handsome guys may think they're unattractive or just average

    • @BerishStarr
      @BerishStarr 3 года назад +36

      @@orti1283 I'm 40 this year, and I can't remember when I got a compliment from a woman last.

    • @qoq7794
      @qoq7794 3 года назад +85

      @@BerishStarr hey hottie you lookin extra fine today 🤰🏾

  • @n0rix443
    @n0rix443 Год назад +134

    She's almost 30!?!?! She looks so young so pretty

    • @DolliePlays
      @DolliePlays Год назад +24

      With all due respect why do everyone always assume 30 should look so much older. 30 is still considered young especially early 30's late 20's... and 30 is so different now a days compared to the past. Plus she was still in her 20's here... so she shouldn't look that much older than someone 24/25.. that would be concerning. but I guess I can see what you mean... She does looks like 19 yo imo.

    • @n0rix443
      @n0rix443 Год назад +8

      @@DolliePlays I was tryna say like she looks 19 so ig

    • @JordeeFam
      @JordeeFam Год назад +4

      30 isn’t old 😂

    • @n0rix443
      @n0rix443 Год назад +3

      @@JordeeFam i meant she looked 19

    • @Trancymind
      @Trancymind Год назад

      @@DolliePlays She doesn't look like 19 years old. She looks 25-27 years old.

  • @Zphora
    @Zphora 9 месяцев назад +25

    Black women are naturally beautiful, so striking and sensual ! Every race has beautiful people ❤❤❤

  • @kentinson1670
    @kentinson1670 3 года назад +8943

    French girl: speaks Korean
    Korean guy: *shook*
    Korean guy: speaks French
    French girl: *shook intensifies*

    • @BendyLilZebraBabe
      @BendyLilZebraBabe 3 года назад +99

      Understated comment 😁

    • @masuganut2082
      @masuganut2082 3 года назад +267

      And they both also speak English. So they both know at least three languages. That’s amazing to me. To know multiple languages. ❤️

    • @TheTororist
      @TheTororist 3 года назад +112

      @@masuganut2082 and she's Senegalese so she probably speaks her mother tongue language as well

    • @ugaas3074
      @ugaas3074 3 года назад +54

      She speaks 4 language English France Korean and her mother land language.

    • @juggboylifetimemusic1977
      @juggboylifetimemusic1977 3 года назад +6

      @@TheTororist they speak french there

  • @alldayeveryday20able
    @alldayeveryday20able 3 года назад +4271

    As an Asian woman, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen was a Black girl in the NYC subway. I'm straight but I couldn't stop staring.

    • @8thhousemoonrabbit205
      @8thhousemoonrabbit205 3 года назад +386

      Lol an Asian woman gave me my first full body massage (I usually dont seek out scenarios where I'm touched, by non intimate people)
      - she kept fawning over my features and slimness and I was a fairly new mother.. I only expected my body to feel better but she was so flattering lol that I left feeling like a whole new woman, inside and out. I actually was made to feel completely bashful and I'm not a complete stranger to compliments.

    • @kingslate1
      @kingslate1 3 года назад +18

      What did she look like? (Specifically)

    • @trendydivahairstyles3083
      @trendydivahairstyles3083 3 года назад +3


    • @ddddd10
      @ddddd10 3 года назад +128

      @@kingslate1 like a black person

    • @chaopanofasia8490
      @chaopanofasia8490 3 года назад +1


  • @renadamcelveen410
    @renadamcelveen410 2 года назад +676

    Makes me feel good to be a black woman Other Cultures appreciate us more than our own man and I've never dated out of my race but I'm starting to consider it

    • @femmefatale6550
      @femmefatale6550 2 года назад +110

      As another Blk woman, you are 100% right. And as someone who has dated outside our race, yes, definitely consider it! Ain't no other race of women on Earth sticking to only one race of men. Does this seem like a smart decision to you? 🥰

    • @kangaruth
      @kangaruth 2 года назад +2

      same, girl. I feel like black guys always treat me disrespectfully and White guys treat me kindly. I am going to date outside of my race and I don't care what anyone says.

    • @evefairy111
      @evefairy111 Год назад +40

      give it a try just to see yk and maybe you'll like it :)

    • @bacrope
      @bacrope Год назад +41

      Yea you really should, don't worry about the haters tho

    • @tiffanyh.5788
      @tiffanyh.5788 Год назад +39

      It will be a good decision. Black men are doing it.

  • @evieluvon5965
    @evieluvon5965 Год назад +110

    Their chemistry is out of this world, made me miss my boyfriend so much imma go hug him now 🥺

  • @mr.k8231
    @mr.k8231 3 года назад +5546

    If they were to be a couple they would sound crazy when talking or arguing, korean, english and french at the same time, oh boy can't even imagine.

    • @michaelkim7111
      @michaelkim7111 3 года назад +86


    • @lei67
      @lei67 3 года назад +684

      It's called world war

    • @sandwich6643
      @sandwich6643 3 года назад +123

      @@lei67 bruhhh nooooo

    • @lei67
      @lei67 3 года назад +46

      @@sandwich6643 🤷‍♀️

    • @DefineMorena
      @DefineMorena 3 года назад +74

      @@lei67 Staph-💀

  • @keepinitkawaii
    @keepinitkawaii 3 года назад +12449

    When she was talking about why she likes asian men Hoseung was feelin himself for real😂😂😂😂💞

    • @loveinavernet-vinson1796
      @loveinavernet-vinson1796 3 года назад +412

      True i have that same perspective as sue does for korean men

    • @keepinitkawaii
      @keepinitkawaii 3 года назад +67

      @@loveinavernet-vinson1796 same

    • @qoq7794
      @qoq7794 3 года назад +374

      Ikr he was like 👀😳

    • @msKaiAnna
      @msKaiAnna 3 года назад +331

      I saw it too my dude was getting so red

    • @soraya4721
      @soraya4721 3 года назад +25

      @@loveinavernet-vinson1796 same

  • @GisaShuva
    @GisaShuva Год назад +54

    As a black girl truly love as this was all very respectful and how natural it was. Awesome world never disapoints :)

  • @manonl1340
    @manonl1340 3 года назад +1803

    Incase anyone was wondering, they're pretty much flirting in french

    • @7777kvcc
      @7777kvcc 3 года назад +75

      de oufffff le "vous etes belle" la rayayay

    • @Shawnkaysal
      @Shawnkaysal 3 года назад +18

      What are they saying???

    • @_staceylang
      @_staceylang 3 года назад +310

      @@Shawnkaysal @3:21
      Bridget : Thirty ?!
      Hoseung : Trente. (Thirty)
      B : Ohh, he speaks French ?!
      H : Un peu. (A little bit)
      B : Tu parles français ? (You speak French ?)
      H : Oui. (Yes)
      B : Woww..
      H : J'ai étudié le français depuis le lycée. (I've been learning French since high school)
      B : Oh wowww, bravo !
      *they start making eye contact*
      H : Oh, vous êtes belle ! (Oh, you are beautiful)
      B : Merci, vous êtes très beau. (Thank you, you are very handsome)
      H : Merci beaucoup ! (Thank you so much)

    • @whatzittooya1833
      @whatzittooya1833 3 года назад +26

      @No Face I really hope so 🤣

    • @shushu6441
      @shushu6441 3 года назад +23

      No that much (i'm french) he just say "you're beautiful" in french like he do in korean and some random things but not flirting

  • @Magneticitist
    @Magneticitist 3 года назад +6343

    my man busted out that French he knew exactly what he was doing

  • @NelsonLilTV
    @NelsonLilTV 2 года назад +170

    Black women are the most beautiful women in the world.

    • @iradessapearl6004
      @iradessapearl6004 Год назад +17

      Everyone is pretty in their own way...

    • @Ak3ilaa
      @Ak3ilaa Год назад +30

      @@iradessapearl6004 they never said they weren’t. They are just lifting black women up.

    • @jpsnsn7548
      @jpsnsn7548 Год назад +1

      Nothing beats this one right here. I guess more exposure is needed though.

    • @sultanakkoc9623
      @sultanakkoc9623 Год назад

      Hell no lol black somebody are less desirable women in the world ,

    • @alienfrmvenus
      @alienfrmvenus Год назад +4

      @@iradessapearl6004 they never said any other woman of race wasn’t 💀…

  • @ArestheticLova234
    @ArestheticLova234 Год назад +32

    I think the world is becoming so interactive. I am also black African, and I am impressed by what I just saw. Friendship irrespective of color and race💖

  • @Kluermoi
    @Kluermoi 3 года назад +13838

    She is very beautiful

    • @k.kkeotsenye8279
      @k.kkeotsenye8279 3 года назад +237

      @@chrisjordan9890 wtf is your problem, can't women compliment each other ?

    • @rgb2296
      @rgb2296 3 года назад +59

      @@chrisjordan9890 huh?

    • @ContoseFadas.
      @ContoseFadas. 3 года назад +124

      @@chrisjordan9890 why does it matter? Compliments are always welcome. Don’t be a dick.

    • @michaelschweigart3517
      @michaelschweigart3517 3 года назад +59

      Blessed Be to all lesbians!😀👭.... and, yes, she's very beautiful

    • @kiarakiari7466
      @kiarakiari7466 3 года назад +7

      @@chrisjordan9890 I am 😂😂

  • @AznPridexX123
    @AznPridexX123 3 года назад +2856

    She looks like a model. Wow. She’s so pretty

    • @itsme-pi6of
      @itsme-pi6of 3 года назад +26

      Siii, she's so beautiful

    • @musikinolvidable8090
      @musikinolvidable8090 3 года назад +10

      Es muy, muy bonita!

    • @leaclerc8209
      @leaclerc8209 3 года назад +2

      She alike shy’m french singer

    • @itsme-pi6of
      @itsme-pi6of 3 года назад

      @@leaclerc8209 really? Are you French?

    • @itsme-pi6of
      @itsme-pi6of 3 года назад +1

      @@musikinolvidable8090 siiii, muy hermosa

  • @vannhantran547
    @vannhantran547 2 года назад +21

    She is definition of beauty in my eyes

  • @dominicanmami9766
    @dominicanmami9766 7 месяцев назад +18

    Wow I love the chemistry between them. It's like they matched so freaking well with each other. They need to get married. They even complimented each other. This was cute. More of this!

    • @bryant475
      @bryant475 6 месяцев назад +2

      Yeah wonder if there was ever a part 2? Would love it if they got married and have lil Blasian babies lol :)

  • @airie14
    @airie14 3 года назад +3621

    Imagine just meeting someone speaking three different languages interchangeably and understanding each other every step of the way 😭

    • @pierrojules
      @pierrojules 3 года назад +92

      Moreover, she didn't even speak a word in wolof, which I guess is her mother language.

    • @pervysage4934
      @pervysage4934 3 года назад +40

      they are gorgeous, they'd make a great couple. the cynic in me thinks this is setup/staged

    • @annoyedgamer8847
      @annoyedgamer8847 3 года назад +14

      @@pervysage4934 it is completely set up that’s the point...

    • @BIga-qf1tm
      @BIga-qf1tm 3 года назад +70

      Welcome to my family.
      We speak 5 languages. I'm Congolese my husband is Nigerian and we live in Holland. Our kids of 7 , 5 and 3 years old learn and speak Igbo Lingala French English and Dutch interchangeably. CIA and nosy neughbours ain't got nothing on us🤣🤣🤣

    • @eunycembazoghe4574
      @eunycembazoghe4574 3 года назад +16

      Hi this is my current situation with my fiancé. French Portuguese and English and I can listen Lingala too. But I’m from Gabon and he’s Angolan.

  • @liraneazier5430
    @liraneazier5430 3 года назад +2177

    The way that my black self clicked on it so fast 👀

  • @sandrawithoutborders5631
    @sandrawithoutborders5631 Год назад +15

    It’s amazing to hear them communicating in three different languages.

  • @kyong444
    @kyong444 3 месяца назад +3

    she is absolutely beautiful.

  • @darrenfearon4288
    @darrenfearon4288 3 года назад +2935

    She has model model looks . perfect bone structure and perfect skin.

    • @myname1022
      @myname1022 3 года назад +7

      I was your 100th like :p

    • @lastdays3148
      @lastdays3148 3 года назад +23

      Yes I agree she looks liked a Model. She is Gorgeous.

    • @lastdays3148
      @lastdays3148 3 года назад +5

      @Pixel Smile ,awwwww thank you. How very sweet of you to say💞

    • @zkdlin446
      @zkdlin446 3 года назад +2

      @@lastdays3148 , it so normal that they are sweet and beautiful like chocolate,
      What's awwww with that?

    • @recoveringincel2933
      @recoveringincel2933 3 года назад

      Her skin is black

  • @dowenslyjean-brice8440
    @dowenslyjean-brice8440 3 года назад +2448

    Okay but why is nobody talking about his English and her korean skills like.... they're amazing.

    • @wearejustcrazy6475
      @wearejustcrazy6475 3 года назад +163

      The fact that they both can speak more than two language is amazing as well.

    • @zodiak2461
      @zodiak2461 3 года назад +58

      and french :O like damn

    • @chloe-polkadotlover4786
      @chloe-polkadotlover4786 3 года назад +11

      I thought the same thing! Amazing 😳🙌🏻

    • @foxxygirl1577
      @foxxygirl1577 3 года назад +17

      @@wearejustcrazy6475 ikr I'm still here fighting with English 🤣

    • @thirzahelmus5090
      @thirzahelmus5090 3 года назад +22

      Not even starting on their french!!! DAMNNN, French is really hard. Here in the Netherlands we have to learn it in highschool but i cant speak it lmao

  • @Tony_CDXX
    @Tony_CDXX Год назад +2

    Wow! She is so BEAUTIFUL !

  • @pyck97two
    @pyck97two Год назад +14

    Finally, finally, we have a video that's is not America (US) centered, where protagonists even if they speak English, know other languages, such as French. I am happy that the black woman that was invited is a Francophone, and can speak english and Korean as well. That's the best video in that genre on youtube (or any other social media) that I ever seen. Me, as a french black person, I feel good seeing something like this, a real proof of diversity. Thank you for making that video. Hope it will be seen a 100 million times!!

  • @FeziMatsebula
    @FeziMatsebula 3 года назад +15344

    As an African black girl, I genuinely appreciated how respectful they both were. This was very wholesome. Thank you AWESOME WORLD!

    • @DestinyManifeste
      @DestinyManifeste 3 года назад +76

      I described this the same way lol Wholesome 🥰

    • @blodyn7802
      @blodyn7802 3 года назад +143

      Omg if it's you in your pfp just saying you're beautiful! 😊

    • @FeziMatsebula
      @FeziMatsebula 3 года назад +81

      @@blodyn7802 yes it is me. Thank you so much

    • @fathymacele5622
      @fathymacele5622 3 года назад +93

      Yes girl, I feel you. We need some positive content associated with us

    • @FeziMatsebula
      @FeziMatsebula 3 года назад +51

      @@fathymacele5622 especially during these trying times

  • @hyeon_archive
    @hyeon_archive 3 года назад +3151

    You know the sure thing is that Black people’s skin is just so crazy !! So gorgeous and clear and clean

    • @erinsimmons7627
      @erinsimmons7627 3 года назад +689

      Me, a black person with bad acne: *breaking stereotypes out here*

    • @vixen4962
      @vixen4962 3 года назад +208

      @@erinsimmons7627 lmao yes but it gets better when we older

    • @webtoonoverload4026
      @webtoonoverload4026 3 года назад +70

      @@erinsimmons7627 I feel your pain

    • @natashamugane6418
      @natashamugane6418 3 года назад +17

      @@vixen4962 🤞🏾🤞🏾

    • @doggy8004
      @doggy8004 3 года назад +28

      Thank u for the compliment people say i have good clear skin as well

  • @SeraphinaRuthman246
    @SeraphinaRuthman246 Год назад +57

    She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. So so stunning. Her skin is literally perfect. ❤

  • @Orlando89S
    @Orlando89S Год назад +31

    I’m half Senegalese. This girl is my cousin. Went to same church in Dakar when we were kids or teenagers maybe, and used to see her in family celebration when the big family gathered. Didn’t see her since 2003, saw her again in 2012 and that’s all. She went overseas while we stayed in Africa. She was a Sailor Moon fan 😂
    Her face seemed familiar to me and she said her name is Brigitte, I was like “Oh purée C’est Brigitte 🤣”
    Fier de toi petite sœur.

    • @leeedward6297
      @leeedward6297 Год назад

      American Blacks are beginning to monitor how Africans are traveling about the world stealing Black American Culture, Dressing Style and Swags like Black Americans and trying to pass off the image that they are Americans to be more acceptable in other Country. The way these Africans Women dressing is Black American Dressing Style. These Foreigners know they are not Americans by the dialect in the way they speak. This is why African hate Black Americans because they want to be Americans and have little of Statics as the Black American influence around the world. Stop Stealing from Black Americans.

    • @jebbarisanae2698
      @jebbarisanae2698 Год назад +3

      Bravo !! Ta cousine Brigitte est une superbe femme qui a fait de grandes études et qui est polyglotte...c'est une exception ici en France, surtout dans les minorité ethnique !!

    • @1111111111202
      @1111111111202 Год назад +2

      wow a christian too. perfect.

  • @Kingofthepeople
    @Kingofthepeople Год назад +12

    I'm black and proud and I love all my Asians brothers and sisters.🖤💛
    Besides all Asian females are so cute.

    • @FriendlyBatDoom
      @FriendlyBatDoom 9 месяцев назад +3

      To me both Black and Asian women are 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

    • @thelegacyofgaming2928
      @thelegacyofgaming2928 7 месяцев назад +2

      Asian women are truly beautiful

  • @tulipmars
    @tulipmars 3 года назад +3571

    she is gorgeous. and she’s literally looks 10 yrs younger than her age
    edit: i made a mistake🤦‍♀️ ya’ll can calm down now😺

    • @LiveOutLoudKorea
      @LiveOutLoudKorea 3 года назад +70

      Thank youuuuu hehehe

    • @bangtan_armythang4389
      @bangtan_armythang4389 3 года назад +12

      @@LiveOutLoudKorea wait your her

    • @ijbolqueen
      @ijbolqueen 3 года назад +4

      @@bangtan_armythang4389 i think it's her

    • @m.m5436
      @m.m5436 3 года назад +27

      She’s like 23... does she look 13?

    • @Love25648
      @Love25648 3 года назад +81

      She looks her age though? I swear y’all think anything over 20 is old

  • @freedomm
    @freedomm 3 года назад +2436

    Originally from Senegal, raised in France. She is not "African American".

    • @ninavictoria6805
      @ninavictoria6805 3 года назад +379

      People are very ignorant when it comes to Race, ethnicity and nationality.

    • @jessicaw_
      @jessicaw_ 3 года назад +38

      Lmao kinda confused there

    • @audibleastro
      @audibleastro 3 года назад +184

      I saw another comment saying that he didn’t actually say “African American” and that the translation was wrong.

    • @SanilJadhav711
      @SanilJadhav711 3 года назад +2

      @@audibleastro lol yea it's in the replies of the comment just below this comment too

    • @lorebay2593
      @lorebay2593 3 года назад +72

      She is a black woman born in Africa transplanted into France. I am a black woman born in America with great great grand parents from West Africa, so I would love to visit the homeland one day. Many African American or black women here are beautiful like her (she’s pretty like my daughter) or slightly different but another kind of beautiful and we come from all walks of life and should not be generalized because each person is a different individual.

  • @31284502
    @31284502 Год назад +3

    Damn she is so gorgeous and has perfect skin. This girl speaks multiple languages. Very impressive. Can't say I'm not envious.

  • @reneerose9730
    @reneerose9730 8 месяцев назад +11

    That is hands down one of the sweetest cutest most wholesome heartwarming cute-meets I’ve ever seen❤

  • @LaGantoise
    @LaGantoise 3 года назад +1822

    PD: What do you think about African-American women?
    Bridget: Hi, my name is Bridget. I'm from France.

    • @lilitje.x5052
      @lilitje.x5052 3 года назад +36


    • @iThinkweALLloveGucci
      @iThinkweALLloveGucci 3 года назад +110

      I was like wth lol definitely not African American

    • @y0ungship118
      @y0ungship118 3 года назад +109

      Originaly from Senegal which means she's actually african 😂

    • @sandragiant777
      @sandragiant777 3 года назад +26

      The PD might have gotten confused since Bridget said she went to school in America - PD might have thought she was an American from Africa, since she speaks fluent english also.

    • @mnbvcxz1597
      @mnbvcxz1597 3 года назад +104

      The producer didn't say African American. She said black woman in korean.. It's just the translator that got it wrong 😆

  • @j.maginnenu6291
    @j.maginnenu6291 3 года назад +1961

    She speaks FLUENTLY IN 3 LANGUAGES!!! She has pretty eyes, looks like a doll. Extremely pretty features too.

    • @bondemupazanyini4706
      @bondemupazanyini4706 3 года назад +69

      Maybe 4 including Senegalese Language

    • @K1ngq4t
      @K1ngq4t 3 года назад +2

      + wolof

    • @hiroshiramasendjews9539
      @hiroshiramasendjews9539 3 года назад +34

      If she has a boyfriend l feel like he's the luckiest man alive. No seriously cuz honestly there is only a small chance that you would even met someone like her in real life. Let alone being able to date her.

    • @hiroshiramasendjews9539
      @hiroshiramasendjews9539 3 года назад +6

      @Bella N Damn l wish l was there........

    • @Yman83464z
      @Yman83464z 3 года назад +11

      @@hiroshiramasendjews9539 I pray she has someone in her life that treats her well, and truly loves her... I am always sad when I hear stories of awesomely lovely people falling into the wrong hands...

  • @spitonash
    @spitonash Год назад +11

    shes literally just like the black barbie dolls shes GORGEOUS these two are so cute together

  • @fayboedecker2532
    @fayboedecker2532 Год назад +11

    This is like an ancient discovery. Glad that the younger generation is stepping up exposure of life outside of the Asian community.

  • @rosieej5267
    @rosieej5267 3 года назад +2689

    No- wait. This can’t be real. They both happened to speak the same languages. Korean, English and French. So if they become friends, date or marry they can mix the languages and not struggle to find the right word in a language. Idk if that’s unusual but *GOALS*

      @KITTIMIN 3 года назад +128

      yea they seem meant to be lmao

    • @amorerobinson4140
      @amorerobinson4140 3 года назад +77

      It’s so cute!!! I can’t help smiling from ear to ear 😆😆😆

    • @MeJustAimy
      @MeJustAimy 3 года назад +35

      @Melike yees my parents did ^^ french, german, and english :P

    • @SR77736
      @SR77736 3 года назад +37

      The chemistry is amazing between them

    • @ceciliareyes9485
      @ceciliareyes9485 3 года назад +13


  • @cjeygitau6505
    @cjeygitau6505 2 года назад +5384

    That girl is beautiful.... She also speaks native Senegalese language, French, English, Korean perfectly

    • @Jsbsbdvsvajjs
      @Jsbsbdvsvajjs 2 года назад +184

      I’m half Senegalese. Senegalese women are the prettiest

    • @evelyn4120
      @evelyn4120 2 года назад +69

      That’s some language talent

    • @cyan971
      @cyan971 2 года назад +61

      Oui car on parle francais au Sénégal !

    • @lilcaesarspizza5896
      @lilcaesarspizza5896 2 года назад +2

      @@Jsbsbdvsvajjs what is your other half?

    • @Jsbsbdvsvajjs
      @Jsbsbdvsvajjs 2 года назад +12

      @@lilcaesarspizza5896 well I’m half Togolese/Senegalese and then half Swedish

  • @Missleelian
    @Missleelian Год назад +4

    She’s so beautiful 🥺😍

  • @irenakarani
    @irenakarani Год назад +2

    She is so stunning and sweet! Her energy is so refreshing and he’s so in awe with her it makes him shy so cute !!!!

  • @ZyZy456
    @ZyZy456 3 года назад +572

    The fact that they both speak Korean,English and French!!

  • @22221mm
    @22221mm 3 года назад +4314

    This was adorable. He so genuinely appreciated Black women for their beauty. No creepy racist fetishes.

    • @porchmonkeypete9476
      @porchmonkeypete9476 3 года назад +35

      They literally forced him to say all of that shit. Do you really think this Korean man would prefer blacks over his own Korean women?

    • @gloria_221
      @gloria_221 3 года назад +478

      @@porchmonkeypete9476 When is it even mentioned that he prefers black women over Korean women??

    • @Snow-xd4rv
      @Snow-xd4rv 3 года назад +54

      Now if only white people could do that for asians.

    • @hanshysher6266
      @hanshysher6266 3 года назад +128

      @@Snow-xd4rv The problem starts when we only see color and not the others awesome features.

    • @tamarahshouse9326
      @tamarahshouse9326 3 года назад +1


  • @Daisysbasic
    @Daisysbasic 8 месяцев назад +4

    they are both so shy and it was adorable how they both compliment each other this definitely brings my hopes up but I love this and also i am pretty sure they are great friends and everything.💜💞

  • @dewieli2389
    @dewieli2389 Год назад +33

    Aww I didn't want this episode to end. You two are a cute couple 💕

  • @StudioAnnLe
    @StudioAnnLe 3 года назад +18949

    I thought it’s cute how they’re both so shy.

    • @imafidonrebeccaisi675
      @imafidonrebeccaisi675 3 года назад +70

      😂 yea

    • @123benny4
      @123benny4 3 года назад +73


    • @tink6225
      @tink6225 3 года назад +243

      they were so respectful too

    • @KambyTales
      @KambyTales 3 года назад +111

      Lol they just kept looking at the producer instead

    • @victordali2404
      @victordali2404 3 года назад +158

      It is human to be shy and especially meeting strangers and in front of camera. I like what the guy said before. He prefers natural encounters and not meetings set up like these. But they met and were both genuinely respectful as far as I could see and natural.
      That challenge of looking at each other's eyes for 30 seconds is tough..😂

  • @myriam6101
    @myriam6101 3 года назад +3397

    Imagine calling a French/Senegalese woman “African American »

    • @deeann9287
      @deeann9287 3 года назад +62

      Senegalese korean french fries

    • @ruthart1307
      @ruthart1307 3 года назад +409 sounds weird...
      She's a French and also a Senegalese. So she isn't African American lol buh rather African European..

    • @Parisroam
      @Parisroam 3 года назад +28

      Yeah I peeped. 🤦🏾‍♀️

    • @nikkiparson7113
      @nikkiparson7113 3 года назад +205

      It seems Koreans use that term synonmously for any westernized black person.

    • @artheurnkenzacki7697
      @artheurnkenzacki7697 3 года назад +1


  • @jaydoes2166
    @jaydoes2166 Год назад +6

    She’s gorgeous

  • @jakejake7289
    @jakejake7289 2 года назад +4

    She's gorgeous!

  • @toniquebrown387
    @toniquebrown387 3 года назад +1730

    Im just so impressed that they spoke 3 different languages in this video. They are amazing!

    • @user-mp7vy9dz9f
      @user-mp7vy9dz9f 3 года назад +39

      ikr they are both so smart i cant comprehend it

    • @simsrock9982
      @simsrock9982 3 года назад +31

      Imagine switching btwn 3 languages so smoothly. It's not easy they are v smart

    • @user-bo3sn6th2c
      @user-bo3sn6th2c 3 года назад +10

      Its normal if u are born as a foreign in another country for me it is lmao

    • @lienbijs1205
      @lienbijs1205 3 года назад +6

      @@simsrock9982 So funny that you find it amazing that people can speak 3 languages. Here in the Netherlands children learn German, French and English at school and of course Dutch is a subject as well.😃

    • @user-mp7vy9dz9f
      @user-mp7vy9dz9f 3 года назад +5

      @@lienbijs1205 girl, im indian ik a lil something abt languages. its the fact that 1/3 was both their native language and they both learned in their later years. u must b fun at parties LMAOOO

  • @mrs.t3263
    @mrs.t3263 3 года назад +2031

    Why is she hiding her smile. If I had her smile I would be even smiling while crying to show it 😂

    • @sparklez365
      @sparklez365 3 года назад +153

      LOL she probably doesn't realize she's doing it...I've caught myself doing it a few times when I lived over there

    • @frocksole2275
      @frocksole2275 3 года назад +70

      She’s blushing, I tend to do the same gesture when blushing

    • @favourosaro3323
      @favourosaro3323 3 года назад +138

      That’s how koreans act
      They cover their mouth while laughing its their thing have seen it alot
      I guess she has been living in korean for a long time

    • @minellebitch6651
      @minellebitch6651 3 года назад +25

      @@favourosaro3323 i do this often and im not korean

    • @Bro-cz8bj
      @Bro-cz8bj 3 года назад +27

      @@minellebitch6651 yeah but the gesture is more prominent in korea/with koreans

  • @hermione9030
    @hermione9030 Год назад +1

    aww she seemed so sweet! loved how both of them complimented each other ^^

  • @Lina_unchained
    @Lina_unchained 7 месяцев назад +2

    Dammnit even I fell in love with her. 😂😂😂❤❤ I love how respectful they both were and how much they clearly wanted to learn. Love this!!!

  • @DragonballBlack
    @DragonballBlack 3 года назад +15745

    Love how they casually speak in and out of 3 different languages the American Education System has FAILED US. They are too cute btw.

    • @sntvag
      @sntvag 3 года назад +255

      big time.

    • @nobs997
      @nobs997 3 года назад +805

      Q: What is the opposite of polyglot?
      A: American

    • @FireStormBaller
      @FireStormBaller 3 года назад +124

      I’m only fluent in this language for serious? The rest of the world speaks 2, do you think I’m an idiot?

    • @RealMcLovin
      @RealMcLovin 3 года назад +83

      and demorats want to keep pumping more money into a failed system!

    • @Victoria-_
      @Victoria-_ 3 года назад +279

      Fr. I studied Spanish for three years and I can barely hold a basic conversation 😭. I can read & write pretty okay, but if someone talks to me I’ll have no clue what they’re saying.

  • @SlayNetwork
    @SlayNetwork 3 года назад +5813

    She’s so stunning and he is cute

    • @selie2001
      @selie2001 3 года назад +86

      And she speaks 3 languages.. that are so different from each

    • @tanyagreene4035
      @tanyagreene4035 3 года назад +16

      Yes they are 😉

    • @Kemet3.0
      @Kemet3.0 3 года назад +15

      If this guy is cute then you have a problem. He is below average looking. And she is above beautiful looking.

    • @sr969
      @sr969 3 года назад +65

      @@Kemet3.0 he is pretty cute actually, especially his attitude and energy.

    • @lejlaj876
      @lejlaj876 3 года назад +16

      Not really. He is cute and I am a woman so this is from woman’s perception.

  • @yttav5328
    @yttav5328 Год назад +4

    Love black girl. ❤️

  • @darrenfearon4288
    @darrenfearon4288 Год назад +3

    She has got to be a model her face is so stunning

  • @thehamsterarmy2380
    @thehamsterarmy2380 3 года назад +1182

    These comments are so sweet. Where are all my dark-skinned beauties at? 💞💞💞

  • @temaiyalydia8435
    @temaiyalydia8435 Год назад +5

    Personally I will be so grateful to meet and interact with a Korean, I have always admired that one country in my life.
    K-drama made me fall in love.

  • @anne-christelleetondiedjan4089
    @anne-christelleetondiedjan4089 Год назад +5

    Yes we are all beautiful women in Africa in my country Cameroon 🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲

  • @magnoliaflower3310
    @magnoliaflower3310 3 года назад +1444

    If they are both single and not seeing anyone, I ship them.

  • @itsbrihanna9219
    @itsbrihanna9219 3 года назад +1675

    We not going to talk how he smiled when she said she finds Asian men attractive

    • @dalizpower2292
      @dalizpower2292 3 года назад +30

      I knowwwww

    • @ouucartier4257
      @ouucartier4257 3 года назад +38

      ahhh they’re so cute😌

    • @itsbrihanna9219
      @itsbrihanna9219 3 года назад +39

      @@dalizpower2292 I think he likes her

    • @itsbrihanna9219
      @itsbrihanna9219 3 года назад +7

      @@ouucartier4257 ikr ✨

    • @harisharis4287
      @harisharis4287 3 года назад +32

      This woman to me is a beauty queen material. Her body, her face, her speaking skills...perfect fit...

  • @takaraamoi2152
    @takaraamoi2152 Год назад +2

    This was so wholesome and cute!!! Loved it!!

  • @noramildred60
    @noramildred60 7 месяцев назад +2

    Literally my first time coming across your page, ain't gonna lie this made me happy, like was just smiling from chick to chick the whole time😊😊

  • @tshuavkuvlawmxwb
    @tshuavkuvlawmxwb 3 года назад +4692

    As an Asian woman who grew up alongside Black people, I think that Black women are some of the most realest, coolest, funniest, down to earth people. Extremely talented and beautiful, too. They're the whole package.

    • @peachandstrawberry5625
      @peachandstrawberry5625 3 года назад +397

      Aww thank you so much.It's rare to receive such compliments.Thank you very much again.

    • @peachandstrawberry5625
      @peachandstrawberry5625 3 года назад +227

      @Keya Abacate well this person is just appreciating black people as they love black people.But i see nowhere where they mentioned race as in discriminating them.Again this asian peraon is just appreciating black people.I guess you gota misunderstanding.

    • @amjroid5291
      @amjroid5291 3 года назад +17

      I mean, they're alright I guess. I prefer the company of Southeast Asian women personally...

    • @hbiancaaa8909
      @hbiancaaa8909 3 года назад +357

      @@amjroid5291 congrats? what was the point

    • @amjroid5291
      @amjroid5291 3 года назад +19

      @@hbiancaaa8909 what's the point of any of these comments? If everyone else is gonna praise black women here, I'm gonna praise Southeast Asian women. Why not?

  • @denysiabethea5931
    @denysiabethea5931 3 года назад +2810

    Finally a darkskin women and she’s African love it

    • @lillyv9430
      @lillyv9430 3 года назад +89

      Shes really beautiful though, dark or light skin wouldnt matter on her. But i get your point, dark skin representation!

    • @aarnzoo5124
      @aarnzoo5124 3 года назад +31

      She’s absolutely gorgeous 😍

    • @YaAllahswt
      @YaAllahswt 3 года назад +26

      Love to see a west African sister ❤️

    • @dawest767
      @dawest767 3 года назад +50

      Interesting how the subtitles say "African American" when that's obviously not the case at all.

    • @denysiabethea5931
      @denysiabethea5931 3 года назад +7

      @@dawest767 right I’m like she’s French

  • @jennieismyguiltypleasure1185
    @jennieismyguiltypleasure1185 Год назад +2

    Help she's so pretty im blushing

  • @sirabalde9322
    @sirabalde9322 9 месяцев назад +3

    My beautiful Senegalese sister ❤️😍

  • @bingemuch8950
    @bingemuch8950 3 года назад +1974

    Him: speaks English Korean and French
    Her: speaks English Korean and French
    Me: bearly speaks English

  • @musicalfaxsel
    @musicalfaxsel 3 года назад +2341

    The way hearing people talk positive about black people makes me wanna cheer ahh this video is awesome and the bilingual skills in both bridget and ho seung man the skills are immaculate.

    • @itoo4884
      @itoo4884 3 года назад +69

      Make that trilingual! Their English is also pretty good.

    • @elongaabigail8636
      @elongaabigail8636 3 года назад +29

      I don't need anyone being positive about my race to make me feel good. I love my race and skin and that's enough to make me feel good. Compliments are good but it doesn't define who we really are.

    • @itoo4884
      @itoo4884 3 года назад +35

      @@elongaabigail8636 This might sound mean but not everyone loves themselves enough to feel comfortable in their skin. If some people seek words of affirmation, then that's fine.
      Or they're not used to external compliments.

    • @fmj06_
      @fmj06_ 3 года назад +1

      This is so wholesome, I love it

    • @firecrakka
      @firecrakka 3 года назад +20

      @@elongaabigail8636 Nobody said they need affirmation or endorsement, just that it made them happy to hear it. I think most people feel good when they or someone they share traits with are complimented. Especially in the confines of the internet comments section, Which is usually just a pool of toxic abuse and hate.
      Shoutout to my ebony Queens.... stay beautiful.

  • @widvensthezard1739
    @widvensthezard1739 Год назад +4

    She is literally the kind of black woman I would be down to date simple pretty girl as a nice sunset💛

  • @11th888
    @11th888 Год назад +14

    Ok, now I know why my cousin is obsessed with Korean guys! You both should date!! Perfect match! 🙏🏾💜✨✨

  • @mattthedestroyer2804
    @mattthedestroyer2804 3 года назад +3560

    Not every black person is african american

    • @aspebb
      @aspebb 3 года назад +436

      Say it louder for the people in the back!

    • @nighthawk6010
      @nighthawk6010 3 года назад +12

      @@aspebb who is she?you know her name or instagram?

    • @ibunkie
      @ibunkie 3 года назад +61

      Truu! Lowkey triggered me. Side note, I am down to mirror this interaction with Lee Heejae if she is available 👀

    • @nighthawk6010
      @nighthawk6010 3 года назад +1

      @@ibunkie please,you know her name?

    • @ibunkie
      @ibunkie 3 года назад +3

      @@nighthawk6010 idk but a link to her RUclips is in the description

  • @viktoriaweberg3663
    @viktoriaweberg3663 3 года назад +4876

    Why is no one mentioning the fact this absolutely BEAUTIFUL woman is almost 30 years old?!?! She looks no older than 20 at the most, such a gorgeous woman

    • @feliznavidad6958
      @feliznavidad6958 3 года назад +353

      Nearly 30 isnt anywhere near old. Plenty of actresses in their 30s play 20 somethings

    • @jackwilkins7972
      @jackwilkins7972 3 года назад +411

      Blacks don't crack.

    • @goldmind9399
      @goldmind9399 3 года назад +282

      Girl 30 is not old

    • @loisjeanwilliams
      @loisjeanwilliams 3 года назад +133

      She is beautiful. Looking 20, but is actually 30!
      Black Don't Crack!!

    • @monamackey569
      @monamackey569 3 года назад +120

      So you want to tell me people from 1992 are old now ooh pls

  • @jenniferbrowne8645
    @jenniferbrowne8645 Год назад +2

    She is beautiful all over, and he his handsome Love both of them and both of them conversed very well

  • @tadycakes00
    @tadycakes00 Год назад +1

    2 Beauties (inside and out) enjoying eachothers company! Love this, so wholesome and cute! ❤🥰😘

  • @mFabulous14
    @mFabulous14 3 года назад +4835

    My only critique: please don’t refer to someone as african american if they are in fact not american. You can call them black. It’s not offensive

    • 3 года назад +145

      The word African American is a made up description ... even though the link was broken from our ancestors we all came from the same places

    • @Pip734
      @Pip734 3 года назад +169

      Don't call me african american and I AM from America! Lol

    • @feliznavidad6958
      @feliznavidad6958 3 года назад +359 African American was a term coined from Jesse Jackson to describe black people in America with american history and culture. The majority if black people in the world are not African American.

    • @Brian-_
      @Brian-_ 3 года назад +19

      Do you find it offending? I'm genuinely curious. Would you rather be referred to as African American or black?

    • @user-qu7vx8cu1l
      @user-qu7vx8cu1l 3 года назад +151

      @@Brian-_ I would be offended, I am French Caribbean

  • @justshuttfup6282
    @justshuttfup6282 3 года назад +661

    *talk in korean*
    *switch to english*
    *switch to french*
    *switch to korean*
    *switch to english*

  • @mnfgtrytyrtuy3649
    @mnfgtrytyrtuy3649 Год назад +3

    she's so stunning

  • @Pamanicious
    @Pamanicious Год назад +3

    I love both of your reactions in this video. This is so cute and speaking as a black woman she was telling the truth about everything. I was secretly crushing on male Asian actors too. They are so handsome and cute and they are always dressed so perfect. I have only a few Asian friends but they are all gorgeous people too. ♥️💯🙏🏽

  • @jai5997
    @jai5997 3 года назад +5344

    im black and I’m watching this video and reading the comments and I’m honestly feeling so good about myself.. ppl can be rlly mean and these comments are just making my day.. so thank you
    edit: PLS omg you all are so fricking nice. i hope you all have a beautiful year and so on. u deserve it. thank you 🥺!

    • @michaelkim7111
      @michaelkim7111 3 года назад +176

      and u really should feel good about urself! I wish u all the love❤️

    • @sllzaly87
      @sllzaly87 3 года назад +44


    • @amonniash170
      @amonniash170 3 года назад +115

      lol right it's kinda making me blush

    • @julesishere7836
      @julesishere7836 3 года назад +45

      So happy to read that, have a great day

    • @teek8161
      @teek8161 3 года назад +86

      You absolutely don’t need any validation!!! But I’m so happy this video made you feel good~

  • @xaneemax
    @xaneemax 3 года назад +1571

    Is she aware that SHE'S RIDICULOUSLY SO PRETTY??

    • @qjtvaddict
      @qjtvaddict 3 года назад +27

      Sadly many aren’t

    • @kennethjoseph8360
      @kennethjoseph8360 3 года назад +20

      😣😣mahn. am a simp now

    • @minimage1055
      @minimage1055 3 года назад +2

      @@qjtvaddict eye-

    • @456nelyboy
      @456nelyboy 3 года назад +6

      @@kennethjoseph8360 nope you just just appreciate a beautiful face

    • @cashmereglow7549
      @cashmereglow7549 3 года назад +3

      @@kennethjoseph8360 Right. I'm sure the girl already knows how pretty she is.

  • @bethelight8776
    @bethelight8776 9 месяцев назад +3

    I wish all black women understood their power and beauty. It is envied by many and that translates to hostility towards them.

  • @mississippiindigenous3963
    @mississippiindigenous3963 Год назад

    Aaawwww their chemistry was awesome and I love how they could communicate with one another. Good stuff ✨✨💕

  • @Ignasimp
    @Ignasimp 3 года назад +1932

    He seems like a shy extrovert. His body language and what he says tells us he is shy, but he can't stop talking hahaha he has a cute personality.

    • @siceloshange6498
      @siceloshange6498 3 года назад +36

      You're observant!🙌🙌🙌...such personalities exist!

    • @Hamppariranskis
      @Hamppariranskis 3 года назад +18

      I feel oddly validated by this comment

    • @agnidas5816
      @agnidas5816 3 года назад +16

      My personality also. It's the best. i am outgoing and shy at the same time. Creates really fun times :)

    • @mohadams3754
      @mohadams3754 3 года назад +13

      I'm the opposite, a confident introvert

    • @user-cw9xg8cg4g
      @user-cw9xg8cg4g 3 года назад +3

      Then I am a goofy introvert 😂😂😂

  • @amrin_03
    @amrin_03 3 года назад +455

    Why is no one talking about Ho Seung flirting so smoothly like 😮😮😮😮 why is it that each time I watch him I see I different side of him like 😮😮😆😆

    • @julespumachu
      @julespumachu 3 года назад +11

      This must be part of his "Gentle Beast" mode.

    • @blippypippy6770
      @blippypippy6770 3 года назад +2

      Yeah, smooth and shy......

  • @aubrieee_
    @aubrieee_ Год назад +4

    No doubt. She is beautiful.

  • @akirahojo2
    @akirahojo2 Год назад +2

    She’s lovely, multilingual and still studying - the future is looking bright for her.