This song was hard to sing in the thick strong voice despite its high voice. Many times was singing while practicing. I've hurt my throat for that. Pauls Shout is difficult. And listen to me, thank you!
Hey Cuts, you got guts, I think you rock! Tell us how many years have you been covering Beatles songs? Those are also some rare 1968 pictures which are the same period as the White Album, and where did you find the pictures?
I started covering the Beatles from 2004. That was two more songs. I am looking for pictures on the
Good performance!
Thank you so much!
Loved it my friend. This is not my favorite tune of The Beatles but you've done a great job with it. THUMBS UP
I do not like this song too.
I think people that I like that's rare.
Thank you for listening to me all the time!
I like your version a lot
This song is not from my favourites, but I like very much how you performed it.
Thank you my friend.
All the best,
I also just like you, this song does not like.
However, it was recorded because it is goal is to a copy of the songs.
Thank you for listening.
Hello!! I love it!! Could you please make a tutorial how to sing like that?? I can't find a way to do it! please! Thank you! GREAT VIDEO!
This song was hard to sing in the thick strong voice despite its high voice.
Many times was singing while practicing.
I've hurt my throat for that. Pauls Shout is difficult. And listen to me, thank you!
Haha wasn't expecting a cover, the accent is fucking hilarious 😂
How good is your Japanese ? Zero ? I thought so ...
I swear I was crying 😂😂😂😂
オリジナル聴いて来ましたがいつものポールの声と違っていました!そんな声までそっくり歌えることが素晴らしい!!^^ ポールって・・Cuts さんも一緒ですけど^^ いろんな声を持っていてスゴイですね!シャウトなんかそっくりでさすが拘りのコピー・・野性味あふれる^^Cutsさんのパフォーマンス、ソーグッドでしたぁ~~!
fpさん、ありがとうございます。この曲はfpさん好みからだと、かなりかけ離れた感じではないでしょうか(^_^;) そんなでも、お聴き下さったようで、とても嬉しいです。
同じ歌詞ばかりのフレーズを3回唄うだけなんですけど、全部微妙に違ったり全然違ったりするので大変でした(;´Д`A 何しろポールとしてはエイヤッ!のアドリブですからね。今回ほとほと疲れました^^
ポール、ワンマンレコーディングのストリート・ファイティング・マンへのお返し曲ですね^^ Beatlesが分裂をし始めた頃の作品なのでポール色が一層濃く出てる作品だと思います。シンプルな中にもワイルドさとナイーブさを織り交ぜた短編傑作じゃないでしょうか?! Nice Shout!! M.M
Very nice
Thank you so much!
Hey Cuts, you got guts, I think you rock! Tell us how many years have you been covering Beatles songs? Those are also some rare 1968 pictures which are the same period as the White Album, and where did you find the pictures?
I started covering the Beatles from 2004.
That was two more songs.
I am looking for pictures on the
ご苦労様です^^ この曲の絶叫度数を考えますとさぞ喉を酷使されたものと思いますが、
何テイク位録られたんですか、、、しかしまぁ絶叫系はお得意とされているCuts師匠ですから、これ位へっちゃらなんでしょうね^^ お見事でした!
It's so hilarious!
IMPOSIBLE to match those Paul´s voice levels
That's for granted! That is something you can not do either. hahaha!
That works. その作品します。
Right on brother. 右上の兄
Now 2024 ...
Why don't we do it in the road ?
Que an hecho .
Estoy avergonzado(^▽^)hahaha!
Está cantando Letongue? 😂😂😂
Eu estou cantando com meu nariz. (≧ ▽ ≦) Hahaha
DO what in the road?
+3333sweetie It would be of course that! (^▽^)hahaha
***** Sex?
+3333sweetie No. It is Standing piss.(^▽^)hahaha!
Wish you a good year!
***** LOL you too.
+3333sweetie You gotta be kidding!
Quien canta? El letongué? Xd
Bueno, ¿quién cantará? . . Que? (Risa)
Bueno, ¿quién cantará? (≧▽≦)
hate it😤
Wow this pronunciation is bad