The battleship did its job, I think it was a good idea. You could have waited one more day before deploying it so you didn't need to base skip, though. Instead of a BShip on that day you could deploy a couple of tanks and infantry and still had 13k funds to roll over to the next day. With 20k income that is enough to deploy the BShip and still afford infantry on the following turn. I think the primary reason you lost this game was the near constant stream of infantry (and sometimes tanks) you marched to their deaths for no real gain.
A lot of players make the mistake that all the time it's "quality over quantity" in AW, when it's actually very much "quantity over quality". I had the same situation like this occur to me, and did the exact same thing as Arthur, even got mocked in chat by my opponent for it. It wasn't bizarre that he still went on the offensive despite the BB being there (the same thing I did that had my opponent mocking me for), it was actually the right call. By going on the offensive in the bottom right side, Arthur is basically forcing you to spend your eco responding to the push, something he very well knows Mangs cannot afford after wasting 28K on a BB. By base skipping and throwing away funds for just one unit, he knows that if he pushes in one front, Mangs won't have enough units on the other front, and that's exactly what Arthur did. He forced a reaction on the bottom right and then sent a massive push at the top left where Mangs couldn't reinforce well because he was drawn on the other side, creating a numerical advantage. Arthur then used this newfound numerical superiority to take properties from Mangs, and from there slowly won through eco and numbers advantages. Like before as well, this problem was made worse by Mangs repeatedly throwing away most of his infantry again on brain dead suicide missions and generally just poor use of infantry.
38:00 On this turn, I think you should've front switched into the lower middle. It'd force his arty ball to chase or be irrelevant and allowed you to fully overtake the right side. Though your comments about sending your infantry downward and keeping the raging cappers alive would probably have been needed to win. Every unit you give up for free is essentially a base-skip that cost you funds.
I wish every other AWBW commentator would watch your videos and take notes. The storytelling on display, and the descriptions of different inflection points in the match, is on another level compared to other creators.
I was wondering when the next Competitive Advance Wars video was comin'. Nice timing. As soon as I saw the Battleship, I grew worried... And I was right. Maybe next time, Mangs.
I was excited when I saw that battleship too; it did great for shutting down the initial attack in that area... King Arthur was able to work around it really well though.
Good to see another AWBW replay, I've been missing this type of content (and the streams). This was a very enjoyable watch, you played well up to a certain point, then you started making more mistakes. Great commentary, as usual. Hope you do more of these.
Very nice replay with unexpected plays, just one little bit of feedback: 'Your' properties in the middle King Arthur is trying to take, aren't actually yours. They are exactly on the centerline of the map, meant to be heavily contested but owned by nobody. This goes too for when you say you're in a better fighting spot, you're in a diagonally mirrored map, so your roads to the battlefield are equal.
@@deckleberryFacts don't care about your feelings; obvious case of trying to hide your fragile ego through the facade of masculinity. Keep in mind OP was discussing diagonal symmetry, you're over here inserting "muh alpha".
I definitely would have done the same with that battleship. That in my opinion was a good play, it just may have been done a turn or two too early. Mangs, after all, you recently said that base skipping is no good. Had you not done so, you wouldn't have been on the back foot with that awesome piece of bombardment there. Now imagine this was on Days of Ruin! You would've been infinitely more a threat with a moving and shooting battleship! I love that game so much. My favorite AW by far. It fixed many of my personal issues with naval warfare, but even with that being said, it needs more fixing.
Lash is solid on Caustic Finale. The 1v1 infantry fight that often happens in the bottom left corner is heavily shifted by her bonus on mountains/towers. It can often require a recon to dislodge a single infantry, which can be a big tempo advantage. It's also reasonable to park mechs in some of the mountains. As a final plus, Lash is a decent user of artillery with the bonus defense she gets on big turns.
He remains the king. Really nice match and some great Lash play. pretty rare to see her. Always perfect timing with prime tactics. The battleship did a great job zoning out but the cost was just too great.
@23:51 I see your opponent probably was regretting retreating the infantry in the southwest. It should have been waiting and ready to pounce on your comm tower.
The Battleship was a good play that earned itself in value and slowing his push on that corner. What lost you the match was throwing away infantry and tanks into the meat grinder.
"Don't know why we got cowboy music" my man, starcraft is about cowboys in space. Sweet Home Alabama was played in a rockola on a starcraft 2 cutscene haha
32:40 Mangs why didn't you move your MD Tank to the plain tile between the two mountains in the bottom left corner? It would have trapped Arthur's infantry and it would have taken him at least two turns to scramble a MD Tank to its aid, giving you ample time to attempt a capture.
Yeah, the fact that Lash is so rare in global league really makes me sad. But I hope she can shine more in the Reboot Camp, since Kindle doesn't exist there
Are you assuming random players are going to go by CO tiers? Online is going to be nothing but Kanbie, Colin, Sensei, and Hachi just like random pokemon has a problem with legendary spam
@@whichDude I am aware. But there will probably be some kind of player made league system through something like discord where tiers are a thing just like in awbw or a ranked battle system will be included in the reboot camp itself, but I doubt that we'll get that lucky lol
@@tom-ate You're probably right on the first thing, but I doubt it have ranked online play on the game itself. Even if it did their is no way they will properly tier COs. I don't even know if I would want them too. Some tier list can be inaccurate. Remember Mangs believing Kindle was an A-tier CO who he believed was a match for AW:DS Jess?
I was thinking that a cool video idea might be about interesting matchups between characters in the same tiers, like if one is a potential counter to another. It could be like in the fighting game community, where they rate matchups based on two equally skilled players playing 10 matches. An even match is 5-5, a counter would be like 7-3, and only games that are literally unwinnable are 10-0.
I disagree with the battleship, although it definitely did its job in this fight. The problem is that King Arthur severely misplayed by continually challenging it. If he had simply front switched to the left side with his lower army, the battleship would have been nearly useless in the fight to defend your western bases and the COM tower. Your tanks were completely out of position to actually front switch with him.
I wouldn't say lash is bad, I would say that she is very niche. She is better in standard than fog because she can attack in forests better. On standard maps that are aggresive that have a lot of terrain like this one she can be better than Kindle as she can attack from 4 types of terrain while Kindle has to attack from cities.
10:20 hmm..i say that city ,and one other not is 'anyones' since well..either can pop a tank out the factory and punish over extending caping on it , could also be a nice way to 'force' deployment or have the opponent expose if they built tanks already etc.. just like with the city thats right between either hq.. though that one looks like its safe to use as a front position if you can nab it aslong the other side not gotten long range support weapons out or such being much further from the factories
hmm..maby instead of pushing after the battleship , spent some cash to nab the missile silos and have a cue degrae to follow up that global dps with at the push afterwards..hmm..
Honestly this made me realize how uncommon Lash is. When I had first joined AWBW, as a coincidence I was matched against her a LOT early on, to the point I was getting tired of seeing her. Then I started to see her less often over time but until now I've always kind of assumed she was a popular pick because of my early experience, without really thinking about it. But now that you mention it yeah, she is an unpopular pick for sure…
Lash is a very "newb-friendly" CO since her d2d essentially rewards you for playing the game, which is really enticing for new players. Which is why you probably played against Lash players a lot.
For me, it was the opposite. Early on, I would play as Lash very often, most of the time. As I got more experienced, I stopped using her, to the point where I almost never select her as a CO.
Great game. As you said, it would have been better to move the Infantry south around your battleship to threaten captures. It's really rough to be down 5k income, you needed those properties the next 2-4 turns on the right side asap around the lake. Building more Artillery to back up capping infantry, rather than going for more tanks engagements (especially the ones out of BS range) would have been much better too. If you were able to make a wall for your Arty on the right side, it would have been very tough for Arthur, since he can't use his own artillery there because of BS threatening them. The game was more lost because of hemorrhaging Inf rather than the BS build, I would say. Nice play however. Often times I don't take the stronger defense of Drakes Battleship into account. 25% is really nasty. Mostly Iplay Andy in T3 but maybe I give Drake a shot in one of my next T 3 matches, since I'm a big fan of Battleships. Not that Battleships are bad with Andy or anything (they are actually pretty good) but 55% on Harbors with Drake is just ridiculous!
Fun battleship, but overall it probably did lose the game. I don't know how much damage it did, but I don't think it was greater than 28000, not to mention the opportunity cost and tempo lost from building it. Most important, it failed to fully secure the area around it and lead to prop captures just because the opponent perfectly went in and out of its range, delaying caps and then pulling back, and repeating, until he had such a massive money lead that you could never recover.
They are meant to go dark after creating a unit. But its definitely a bug that they don't reset correctly. I'll get onto fixing that. I'm just now wondering how long that this was an issue for... and how did I not notice it when I was fixing up some other Fogless match issues... Haha.
1. you always spread your units too thin 2. the property at the lower left was actually not your propert. it’s a neutral property since the map is diagonally symmetrical 3. the battleship is good for defending but without a good sea, it’s easy to immobilize it
Too many mistake steps,specially the attack after building battle ship. Should have gather more unit around battle ship before moving in, this may reduce treat on battle ship in the same time slow pushing to enemy base. When enemy is retreating, should have attack on the corner base instead since both infantry and artillery are low in health. Bases over there are essentially free and easy to defend. With the battle ship in range, you may set that corner as fortress to defend and threatening near by bases and factory. Another part is when Medium tank moving in range of 2 artillery, if the Mid tank is still alive may have trade for couple of tanks or infantry, even providing chance to attack artillery. The reason is when you are outnumber, your big boy is serve to reduce enemy number until you have build up your number. If the Mid tank is damaged, it reduce treat to enemy.
Why are the COs who play against global damage on the clock? If an enemy CO has a superior day to day power and the number of bases is capped out, isn't a global damage CO on the clock to kill his opponent with a death blow before CO powers become massively expensive and the day to day CO wins out?
It's hard to survive against d2d CO's in a match that goes above 20+ days. King Arthur was able to do it here thanks to good plays and an income advantage, but every time Typhoon hits, 20% of your army is gone, and when this happens repeatedly it wears you out pretty fast.
@@Mangs1337 Drake doesn't have a D2D to speak of here... his naval units (that battleship) can move slightly further (except it's trapped) and takes less damage (not that it's worth fighting in the first place). Lash's D2D on the other hand gives her anywhere from +10% to +40% on almost all attacks. Once the Super CO Powers stop happening because of cost, Lash is incredibly strong.
That's too low for a power like that. And it would need some way to isolate which units to revive in order to avoid hitting the unit cap. (For example, units destroyed last turn)
To counter the "battleship was a good idea" crowd: white elephant plays never work, full stop. In every situation, it is infinitely better to have a few weaker range units than it is to have one lone mega unit. The only exception to this would be medium and Neotanks due to their mobility.
Imagine if Arthur just front swith away of the ship. There are so much plaecs to be on this map. When the Batleship was build, it were a third of Mangs unit's value, the rest of the field was quite weak and the base skip put a severe lack of unit.
@@Mangs1337 I understand your trying to switch things up. Also. I do think its interesting that Lash is a borderline teir co. It reminds me of the stuff in competitive pokemon oddly enough
God doesn’t want anybody in hell because He loves us, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). We’re not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we’re sinners. Sin is the nature of our flesh that we are born with due to the sin of Adam in the garden. For someone to be justified before God they have to be sinless. We’ve all sinned (Romans 3:23), and the the law demands death for those who sin (Romans 6:23). God is righteous, so He must punish our sin, which is what He did through His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus is Holy and sinless, yet He received our sin when He died on the cross, so that we can be righteous before God (2 Corinthians 5:21). When He died on the cross, He said “It is finished” (John 19:30), which means He paid the full price for all of your sins (past, present, and future) to be forgiven. He was buried and rose again from the dead. God will forgive anybody who puts their full trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We aren’t saved based on our good deeds, but only by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). His precious blood that He shed is the only reason why we can be forgiven of our sins (Hebrews 9:22). If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead, then you’ll be saved (Romans 10:9). You are born-again with the Spirit of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and are not only legally justified before God, but also are accredited His righteous (Romans 4:24). Believers live for Christ now, so get to know Him through His Word. I recommend reading the book of Romans and the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and watching Pastor Joseph Prince’s online sermons
Mangs: "With this battleship, my dominance in the area is secured."
Arthur: "Or, and consider this, no."
The battleship did its job, I think it was a good idea. You could have waited one more day before deploying it so you didn't need to base skip, though. Instead of a BShip on that day you could deploy a couple of tanks and infantry and still had 13k funds to roll over to the next day. With 20k income that is enough to deploy the BShip and still afford infantry on the following turn. I think the primary reason you lost this game was the near constant stream of infantry (and sometimes tanks) you marched to their deaths for no real gain.
however without airforce they are so hard to take down
I like how Mangs considers the properties on the symmetry dividing line to be his.
Glad to see you doing more replays, these are always a treat!
A lot of players make the mistake that all the time it's "quality over quantity" in AW, when it's actually very much "quantity over quality". I had the same situation like this occur to me, and did the exact same thing as Arthur, even got mocked in chat by my opponent for it. It wasn't bizarre that he still went on the offensive despite the BB being there (the same thing I did that had my opponent mocking me for), it was actually the right call. By going on the offensive in the bottom right side, Arthur is basically forcing you to spend your eco responding to the push, something he very well knows Mangs cannot afford after wasting 28K on a BB. By base skipping and throwing away funds for just one unit, he knows that if he pushes in one front, Mangs won't have enough units on the other front, and that's exactly what Arthur did. He forced a reaction on the bottom right and then sent a massive push at the top left where Mangs couldn't reinforce well because he was drawn on the other side, creating a numerical advantage. Arthur then used this newfound numerical superiority to take properties from Mangs, and from there slowly won through eco and numbers advantages. Like before as well, this problem was made worse by Mangs repeatedly throwing away most of his infantry again on brain dead suicide missions and generally just poor use of infantry.
"Did you build it?"
"What did it cost?"
Nice evangelion ref man
15:12 So I capture here because...
Me: Expecting the biggest brain explaination
Mangs: Sorry, there's no reason I'm dumb 😆
38:00 On this turn, I think you should've front switched into the lower middle. It'd force his arty ball to chase or be irrelevant and allowed you to fully overtake the right side.
Though your comments about sending your infantry downward and keeping the raging cappers alive would probably have been needed to win. Every unit you give up for free is essentially a base-skip that cost you funds.
I wish every other AWBW commentator would watch your videos and take notes. The storytelling on display, and the descriptions of different inflection points in the match, is on another level compared to other creators.
Love the awbw content, these analysis are so good
I was wondering when the next Competitive Advance Wars video was comin'. Nice timing.
As soon as I saw the Battleship, I grew worried...
And I was right. Maybe next time, Mangs.
I was excited when I saw that battleship too; it did great for shutting down the initial attack in that area... King Arthur was able to work around it really well though.
Good to see another AWBW replay, I've been missing this type of content (and the streams). This was a very enjoyable watch, you played well up to a certain point, then you started making more mistakes. Great commentary, as usual. Hope you do more of these.
Loved that battle, very interesting and great narration!
Good thumbnail man
Love the picture 😍
The classic Itlog base skip Battleship play! You love to see it.
*grumbles about Egg Island*
Very nice replay with unexpected plays, just one little bit of feedback: 'Your' properties in the middle King Arthur is trying to take, aren't actually yours. They are exactly on the centerline of the map, meant to be heavily contested but owned by nobody. This goes too for when you say you're in a better fighting spot, you're in a diagonally mirrored map, so your roads to the battlefield are equal.
Beta mindset
Not really Beta mindset. Floyd Mayweather is a great defensive and psychological fighter. He could have the same mindset.
@@paulsaloma the Alpha "these are MY properties" vs the beta "well i guess they could be mine or yours they are in a neutral position"
@@deckleberryFacts don't care about your feelings; obvious case of trying to hide your fragile ego through the facade of masculinity.
Keep in mind OP was discussing diagonal symmetry, you're over here inserting "muh alpha".
I love your AW stuff, but of the 9/10 content you make, your awbw games are 9.9/10
I am surprised you call the cities on the diagonal "your" city. Are they not contested cities? They are as far away from your bases as Arthur's.
Dude doesn't know how symmetry works apparently
What a great game, and a great map! I'm definitely going to port this map to RBC whenever it's out.
The replay function looks like its getting better
It is an application made by someone
@@royalghost4914 ahh okay it did look like it was totally revamped.
I definitely would have done the same with that battleship. That in my opinion was a good play, it just may have been done a turn or two too early. Mangs, after all, you recently said that base skipping is no good. Had you not done so, you wouldn't have been on the back foot with that awesome piece of bombardment there. Now imagine this was on Days of Ruin! You would've been infinitely more a threat with a moving and shooting battleship! I love that game so much. My favorite AW by far. It fixed many of my personal issues with naval warfare, but even with that being said, it needs more fixing.
45 minutes, PERFECT for my static bike session later on today :P
I fucking love the replay commentaries
The cowboy music is from starcraft sound track lmao. The cut scene where they run over the zergling
I cringed hard internally when he called the banger Terran theme from Brood War "cowboy music". Absolute heresy.
“Angry Fun”
Isn’t that just the spirit of playing Advance Wars?
Mangs Brannigan: "When I'm in command, every mission is a suicide mission."
That battleship
Lash is solid on Caustic Finale. The 1v1 infantry fight that often happens in the bottom left corner is heavily shifted by her bonus on mountains/towers. It can often require a recon to dislodge a single infantry, which can be a big tempo advantage. It's also reasonable to park mechs in some of the mountains.
As a final plus, Lash is a decent user of artillery with the bonus defense she gets on big turns.
Hoorah missed these!
He remains the king. Really nice match and some great Lash play. pretty rare to see her.
Always perfect timing with prime tactics.
The battleship did a great job zoning out but the cost was just too great.
Love AWBW hope to see content in the Channel, also really enjoyable match
I missed these SO MUCH!
@23:51 I see your opponent probably was regretting retreating the infantry in the southwest. It should have been waiting and ready to pounce on your comm tower.
The Battleship was a good play that earned itself in value and slowing his push on that corner. What lost you the match was throwing away infantry and tanks into the meat grinder.
I think the battleship was a great strategic play. He just nickel and dimed you with superior infantry and tank placements
The starcraft soundtrack hits so hard ^^
Cool, a new Advance Wars Replay.
Sweet, it's Lash vs Drake.
Wait, going against King Arthur?
Biggest Mistake of the Match!
"Don't know why we got cowboy music" my man, starcraft is about cowboys in space. Sweet Home Alabama was played in a rockola on a starcraft 2 cutscene haha
The thumbnail is really cute for some reason
I really like how Mangs never doubt those center properties are his. For his defense, maps with odd length are less commun than even length ones.
Hey, starcraft music with mangs. Sure i'll watch
Mangs really saw two city straight on the mirror diagonal and went "this are my cities why is king arthur trying to grab them"
Finally a new aw replay
I could imagine Deejus' reaction on those cardinal sins
32:40 Mangs why didn't you move your MD Tank to the plain tile between the two mountains in the bottom left corner? It would have trapped Arthur's infantry and it would have taken him at least two turns to scramble a MD Tank to its aid, giving you ample time to attempt a capture.
Ironically enough. I’m watching this while it’s raining outside.
mangs, looking forwards to more replays
Yeah, the fact that Lash is so rare in global league really makes me sad. But I hope she can shine more in the Reboot Camp, since Kindle doesn't exist there
Are you assuming random players are going to go by CO tiers? Online is going to be nothing but Kanbie, Colin, Sensei, and Hachi just like random pokemon has a problem with legendary spam
@@whichDude I am aware. But there will probably be some kind of player made league system through something like discord where tiers are a thing just like in awbw
or a ranked battle system will be included in the reboot camp itself, but I doubt that we'll get that lucky lol
@@tom-ate You're probably right on the first thing, but I doubt it have ranked online play on the game itself. Even if it did their is no way they will properly tier COs. I don't even know if I would want them too. Some tier list can be inaccurate. Remember Mangs believing Kindle was an A-tier CO who he believed was a match for AW:DS Jess?
yes, the starcraft soundtrack is one of the best.
Love the AWBW content!!
King Arthur eats eggs for breakfast
Please Mangs...Do more of these!
Great video : )
Mangs infantry blender go brrrrr
thought i left starcraft running in the background lol
I was thinking that a cool video idea might be about interesting matchups between characters in the same tiers, like if one is a potential counter to another. It could be like in the fighting game community, where they rate matchups based on two equally skilled players playing 10 matches. An even match is 5-5, a counter would be like 7-3, and only games that are literally unwinnable are 10-0.
Anyone know how to get this awbw replay player daemon hunter made?
I disagree with the battleship, although it definitely did its job in this fight. The problem is that King Arthur severely misplayed by continually challenging it.
If he had simply front switched to the left side with his lower army, the battleship would have been nearly useless in the fight to defend your western bases and the COM tower. Your tanks were completely out of position to actually front switch with him.
Advance wars in Rea Life: TSUNAMI
I wouldn't say lash is bad, I would say that she is very niche. She is better in standard than fog because she can attack in forests better. On standard maps that are aggresive that have a lot of terrain like this one she can be better than Kindle as she can attack from 4 types of terrain while Kindle has to attack from cities.
Hello Mangs
Wanted to ask, how do we submit a match to you for possible review? Played one recently that might be interesting.
hmm..i say that city ,and one other not is 'anyones' since well..either can pop a tank out the factory and punish over extending caping on it , could also be a nice way to 'force' deployment or have the opponent expose if they built tanks already etc.. just like with the city thats right between either hq.. though that one looks like its safe to use as a front position if you can nab it aslong the other side not gotten long range support weapons out or such being much further from the factories
hmm..maby instead of pushing after the battleship , spent some cash to nab the missile silos and have a cue degrae to follow up that global dps with at the push afterwards..hmm..
Honestly this made me realize how uncommon Lash is. When I had first joined AWBW, as a coincidence I was matched against her a LOT early on, to the point I was getting tired of seeing her. Then I started to see her less often over time but until now I've always kind of assumed she was a popular pick because of my early experience, without really thinking about it. But now that you mention it yeah, she is an unpopular pick for sure…
Lash is a very "newb-friendly" CO since her d2d essentially rewards you for playing the game, which is really enticing for new players. Which is why you probably played against Lash players a lot.
When you go more up and up global damage become the meta or something that can counter it (sasha or andy)
For me, it was the opposite. Early on, I would play as Lash very often, most of the time. As I got more experienced, I stopped using her, to the point where I almost never select her as a CO.
Love those
I missed these
I see the King had eggs for breakfast
"I don't know why we have cowboy music."
How fucking dare you call the Starcraft Brood War Terran theme "cowboy music".
Great game. As you said, it would have been better to move the Infantry south around your battleship to threaten captures. It's really rough to be down 5k income, you needed those properties the next 2-4 turns on the right side asap around the lake. Building more Artillery to back up capping infantry, rather than going for more tanks engagements (especially the ones out of BS range) would have been much better too. If you were able to make a wall for your Arty on the right side, it would have been very tough for Arthur, since he can't use his own artillery there because of BS threatening them. The game was more lost because of hemorrhaging Inf rather than the BS build, I would say.
Nice play however. Often times I don't take the stronger defense of Drakes Battleship into account. 25% is really nasty. Mostly Iplay Andy in T3 but maybe I give Drake a shot in one of my next T 3 matches, since I'm a big fan of Battleships. Not that Battleships are bad with Andy or anything (they are actually pretty good) but 55% on Harbors with Drake is just ridiculous!
Lets goooo I missed these
A can of monster?? what!? where's the Pepsi Max?!?
what's with the top right missle? just to troll?
Fun battleship, but overall it probably did lose the game. I don't know how much damage it did, but I don't think it was greater than 28000, not to mention the opportunity cost and tempo lost from building it. Most important, it failed to fully secure the area around it and lead to prop captures just because the opponent perfectly went in and out of its range, delaying caps and then pulling back, and repeating, until he had such a massive money lead that you could never recover.
DRAKE????????????????? CERTIFIED LOVER BOY????????????????
I would have picked Andy or Hawke to counter the power
Hawke in tier 3 is a good pick indeed. Joke aside, it is a global league match, Mangs doesn't know Artur's pick before the game start.
Good Game 💪🏾
In this replay at least the bases on the map are darkended, as if there was fog of war. Just a visual glitch?
They are meant to go dark after creating a unit. But its definitely a bug that they don't reset correctly. I'll get onto fixing that.
I'm just now wondering how long that this was an issue for... and how did I not notice it when I was fixing up some other Fogless match issues... Haha.
seems like i cant find the link to deejus's video
For a sec I thought I was watching starcraft.
I still want to see unit analysis of the Anti-Air. I can't find IF you did one. So, you haven't...
Now waiting for King Arthus comment where he explains the match :)
1. you always spread your units too thin
2. the property at the lower left was actually not your propert. it’s a neutral property since the map is diagonally symmetrical
3. the battleship is good for defending but without a good sea, it’s easy to immobilize it
29:41 sus
Too many mistake steps,specially the attack after building battle ship. Should have gather more unit around battle ship before moving in, this may reduce treat on battle ship in the same time slow pushing to enemy base. When enemy is retreating, should have attack on the corner base instead since both infantry and artillery are low in health. Bases over there are essentially free and easy to defend. With the battle ship in range, you may set that corner as fortress to defend and threatening near by bases and factory.
Another part is when Medium tank moving in range of 2 artillery, if the Mid tank is still alive may have trade for couple of tanks or infantry, even providing chance to attack artillery. The reason is when you are outnumber, your big boy is serve to reduce enemy number until you have build up your number. If the Mid tank is damaged, it reduce treat to enemy.
Should have built 2 battleships
this why lash is my main Co
Why are the COs who play against global damage on the clock? If an enemy CO has a superior day to day power and the number of bases is capped out, isn't a global damage CO on the clock to kill his opponent with a death blow before CO powers become massively expensive and the day to day CO wins out?
It's hard to survive against d2d CO's in a match that goes above 20+ days. King Arthur was able to do it here thanks to good plays and an income advantage, but every time Typhoon hits, 20% of your army is gone, and when this happens repeatedly it wears you out pretty fast.
@@Mangs1337 Drake doesn't have a D2D to speak of here... his naval units (that battleship) can move slightly further (except it's trapped) and takes less damage (not that it's worth fighting in the first place).
Lash's D2D on the other hand gives her anywhere from +10% to +40% on almost all attacks.
Once the Super CO Powers stop happening because of cost, Lash is incredibly strong.
I liked these kinds of videos better when they had music from a good game instead of Starcrap.
I still think the Battleship could've been a good idea if it didn't cost you three bases's worth of deployment.
Would you be opposed for a advance wars game with a co witch can revive its units but they have 5hp after being revived as super power worth 6 stars
I don't think that can be programmed into the game
@@PyrelordPazuzu I was thinking of making it in unity not fire emblem builder
That's too low for a power like that. And it would need some way to isolate which units to revive in order to avoid hitting the unit cap. (For example, units destroyed last turn)
To counter the "battleship was a good idea" crowd: white elephant plays never work, full stop. In every situation, it is infinitely better to have a few weaker range units than it is to have one lone mega unit. The only exception to this would be medium and Neotanks due to their mobility.
Imagine if Arthur just front swith away of the ship. There are so much plaecs to be on this map. When the Batleship was build, it were a third of Mangs unit's value, the rest of the field was quite weak and the base skip put a severe lack of unit.
Tbh. I preferred it when Advance Wars music was playing.
Can't please everyone. I'll try to switch it up a bit!
It could get a little repetitive after a while
@@Mangs1337 I understand your trying to switch things up.
Also. I do think its interesting that Lash is a borderline teir co. It reminds me of the stuff in competitive pokemon oddly enough
I liked it when The AW music played the early turns, then more intense music plays later on
@@Mangs1337 there's a nice album called flying beagle, that kind of music would be good, too.
Can we get a transparent version of that Drake x Lash image?
Because that is spicy and I love it.
God doesn’t want anybody in hell because He loves us, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). We’re not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we’re sinners. Sin is the nature of our flesh that we are born with due to the sin of Adam in the garden. For someone to be justified before God they have to be sinless. We’ve all sinned (Romans 3:23), and the the law demands death for those who sin (Romans 6:23). God is righteous, so He must punish our sin, which is what He did through His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Jesus is Holy and sinless, yet He received our sin when He died on the cross, so that we can be righteous before God (2 Corinthians 5:21). When He died on the cross, He said “It is finished” (John 19:30), which means He paid the full price for all of your sins (past, present, and future) to be forgiven. He was buried and rose again from the dead. God will forgive anybody who puts their full trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. We aren’t saved based on our good deeds, but only by the grace of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). His precious blood that He shed is the only reason why we can be forgiven of our sins (Hebrews 9:22). If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead, then you’ll be saved (Romans 10:9). You are born-again with the Spirit of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17), and are not only legally justified before God, but also are accredited His righteous (Romans 4:24). Believers live for Christ now, so get to know Him through His Word. I recommend reading the book of Romans and the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), and watching Pastor Joseph Prince’s online sermons