Was the Prophet Jeremiah Unsure He Heard From God?? Responding to the Guys at Remnant Radio

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024

Комментарии • 364

  • @stevenjohnson3883
    @stevenjohnson3883 11 месяцев назад +26

    I know that Pastor Chris had an exchange with them concerning primarily Deut. 18. What follows is an edited version of what I posted on one of their videos. And when I refer to “you” or “your” I am referring to Remnant Radio. I have tried to insert that into the text to make it clear as to whom I am referring to, but I just wanted to make it clear from the start this was directed at them in case I missed a reference or two below.
    I am mystified at your (REMNANT RADIO) attempts to justify your (meaning REMNANT RADIO) bizarre teachings and methods of personal prophecy and that prophets can get it wrong. You say God is perfect, but that the prophet gets it wrong. but I don’t see how you justify such teachings.
    Deut. 18: 20 “But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.'21 And if you say in your heart, 'How may we know the word that the Lord has not spoken?'-23 when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.”
    The Lord takes it very seriously if you say “Thus saith the Lord” and especially when Lord didn’t thus saith! In the Old Testament the penalty was death, and you mention that. So, it is a weighty matter to presume to speak for the Lord and must be taken extremely seriously to say the least. To be a prophet of God you must score 100% anything less than that proves you are a false prophet. And worst yet you are guilty of taking the Lord’s name in vain by saying the Lord said or declared something he didn’t say!!!!
    Perhaps some serious contemplation should occur before one hastily speaks in the name of the Lord. To do so is a VERY solemn and consequential thing. And I never see anywhere in the Bible where a prophet said, “I think the Lord is saying...” or “I feel the Lord is trying to tell you...” or any other phrase that indicated they were unsure that the word they spoke or received was not from God.
    In this case the text is simple and plain. The question is how do we know if God (Yahweh) has spoken a certain thing and the answer is quite clear, if it didn’t come to pass then God didn’t speak it and thus a person is a false prophet. It is an open and shut case.
    In one of your videos, you use the following type of reasoning which I found from Jack Deere who you have had on your program several times and I believe is the direct or one of the direct mentors for Rowntree and Miller.
    Here is a quote from Jack Deere:
    Deut. 18, Moses said 'a prophet like me'.- a theocratic mediator - a leader of the people of God -that prophecy ultimately referred to Messiah. That’s the way they took it in the New Testament. Moses was not saying if a prophet makes a mistake, you kill 'em. He wasn't saying that at all. He's saying, the one who presumes to be like me and then tells you to go after false gods, that’s the prophet that killed, not the prophet that makes a mistake ...A prophet that makes a mistake is not a false prophet., any more than a teacher that teaches something wrong is a false teacher... (Jack Deere, NATIONAL SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS "Mobilizing the Prophetic Office", May 11, 2000 11:30 AM tape #3)
    Yet Deut. 18 speaks specifically about false prophets. I have checked out some other resources on this as I do not know Hebrew, or Greek for that matter, but I have checked with some who do. And the bottom line is, IF Moses meant “theocratic mediator” or “leader of the people of God” then he would have used the Hebrew words to say so. But He didn’t!!! And neither does any scripture anywhere. Can you point to chapter and verse that shows otherwise?
    Again, the text of Deut. 18 is plain and simple and does not offer any qualifiers as mentioned by Jack Deere.
    History is my field and I know that there are times when knowing about the geography, cultural or historical background may aid our understanding of a scripture in question. But I am hard pressed to find any such reason here. Mainly because throughout scripture there are so many warnings about false prophets and false teachers.
    Here is another quote from Jack Deere:
    One of the reasons for prophets is that prophets are messy. Prophets are really messy. Prophets make mistakes; And sometimes when a prophet makes a mistake, it's a serious mistake. I mean, I know prophets just last year that cost people millions of dollars with a mistake they made (Jack Deere, NATIONAL SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS "Mobilizing the Prophetic Office", May 11, 2000, 11:30 AM tape #3)
    Really? Show me texts in the Bible where God’s prophets are “messy”. Chapter and verse please. And it’s okay to cost people millions of dollars????
    You also seem to reflect his teaching in that you try to make a third category for prophets who make a lot of mistakes and/or miss God. And you say God gives them the word, but they misheard it or misspoke it. Where is that in the Bible? The Bible is very plain either someone is a prophet of God, or they are a false prophet.
    You seem to move or speak out on feelings or is it that still small voice in a person’s head? And you encourage others to do so. That is dangerous! This is encouraging people to use the same type of methods psychics use. Because as people depart from the written word of God there is no guarantee that they are speaking or have arrived at the truth. This opens the door to deception.
    Perhaps this is why in 1949 during the first wave of the latter rain movement the Assemblies of God reacted and here is what they said.
    The resolution adopted disapproved of the following practices of the Latter Rain, and the action was made necessary as a result of the movement invading the Assembly of God churches: 1. The overemphasis relative to imparting, identifying, bestowing, or confirming of gifts by the laying on of hands and prophecy. 2. The erroneous teaching that the Church is built on the foundation of present-day apostles and prophets. 3. The extreme teaching as advocated by the “New Order,” regarding the confession of sin to man and deliverance as practiced, which claims prerogatives to human agency which belongs only to Christ. 4. The erroneous teaching concerning the impartation of the gift of languages as special equipment for missionary service. 5. The extreme and unscriptural practice of imparting or imposing personal leadings by the means of the gifts of utterance. 6. Such other wrestlings and distortions of scripture interpretations which are in opposition to teachings and practices generally accepted among us. (Anointed To Serve, William Menzies, Ph.D., Gospel Publishing House, 1971.)
    Notice especially points 1 and 5 as they speak to what you (Remnant Radio) are doing, and they stood against such practices.
    One of your (REMNANT RADIO) defenses is that you say we are not prophesying in a way that is contrary to scripture or heresy or adding to the Bible. True not in a direct sense of adding words. Yet, I see no scriptural justification for your practices, rather just the opposite. Consider the following.
    How do you handle Lev 20:27 says whoever is a medium or necromancer shall be put to death. Or what about “Leviticus 19:26 ... You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes.” ESV Also see Deut. 18:10 Deut. 18:14 and 1 Chron. 10:13.
    And what you (REMNANT RADIO) are doing is telling fortunes. Telling people, they are going to India, China or whatever else about themselves. This is called having familiar spirits. And a good cold reader could extract much of the same information. I know the cold reading and other routines and you people often do the same type of things, but you call it “prophecy”. In some of your past videos you speak of times when you had a “word” for someone, or you specifically asked for a word.
    The only people who received personal prophecies in the Bible where those whose lives impacted the whole nation of Israel. People such as kings, high priests, prophets and Judges. In the New Testament Paul is an example of what may be considered personal prophecy, but it was because what would happen to him would impact the whole Church!

    • @scrapingrama1
      @scrapingrama1 11 месяцев назад

      Joseph and Mary weren’t kings or judges. Oh yes neither was John the Baptist.

    • @stevenjohnson3883
      @stevenjohnson3883 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@scrapingrama1 Those people weren’t in the Old Testament. And I said SUCH AS, kings, priests, prophets and judges in the Old Testament! By using the term “such as” indicated this is NOT an exhaustive or an exclusive list. I was simply indicating that those types of individuals were the primary focus. So, I hope this helps to clarify what I said.
      For the New Testament I just used Paul as an example but again I did not mean that as an exclusive or an exhaustive list. He is a primary example of my main point. But as I mentioned certainly, Mary and Joseph or John the Baptist and his parents would be certainly included in that list for the New Testament. As these people certainly played a role that directly impacted prophecy, the church and history in general. They were not just average everyday people trying to decide what job to take or where to live etc. Rather these are people who have a a special role and purpose to play in God’s plan.
      You seem to miss the main point. Again, I refer to Leviticus 19:26 ... You shall not interpret omens or tell fortunes. And my larger point was when you do see personal prophecy in the Bible there is a larger purpose, it was because of the impact directly or indirectly on Israel or the church.
      I watched a lot of their videos concerning prophecy and this was my reaction to their use of personal prophecy and how they talked to people. By their own admission they have been wrong several times. And they also say they have been right several times. As someone who knows cold reading, I could make the same claims.

    • @robbyclark6915
      @robbyclark6915 11 месяцев назад +1

      As someone who is NOT a cessationist and has zero plans of becoming one, i completely agree with your statements! I detest and despise these false teachers and false prophets who have infested the church with their doctrines of devils and seducing spirits. They are a judgement from God upon a people in love with lies and deceptions. They are the fulfillment of prophecy themselves. Jesus to Paul to Peter, John, and Jude all prophecy of their impact upon the church of the end times. Many false prophets will rise and deceive MANY.

    • @stevenjohnson3883
      @stevenjohnson3883 11 месяцев назад +6

      @@scrapingrama1 And I also wanted to point out that the announcements concerning the births of Jesus and John the Baptist came via the angel Gabriel direct from God, NOT through personal prophecy!

    • @edenalekssandria
      @edenalekssandria 11 месяцев назад +4

      This comment is great! I was dumbfounded by Jack’s second quote. No seriousness whatsoever. Thank you for sharing!

  • @amy8161
    @amy8161 11 месяцев назад +120

    When I saw Pastor Chris on the thumbnail, I just smiled. A collaboration between two of my favourite teachers. Christmas came early. As a former charismatic who God saved using Justin and grew in the faith through Chris, this couldn't get better. May God bless you brothers because I know your work is far from easy

    • @JustinPetersMin
      @JustinPetersMin  11 месяцев назад +20

      Thank you, Amy! Blessings to you :)

    • @Jeremiah17910
      @Jeremiah17910 11 месяцев назад +8

      I am so happy for you Amy, and so glad that you are listening to Justin and Chris they are truly true Shepherds of the Lord who feed His sheep with God's word. I praise God for them too, they are helping many new Christians to stear away from false teachers. Decrement comes from knowing God's word from Genesis to Revelation, unfortunately not many Christians read and study the Bible regularly and continually so they fall for false teachers and they are everywhere thanks to the technology, I always rejoice when I hear a testimony like yours because the Lord delivered you from the Charismatic movement and lead you to Justin and Chris to hear His word of truth so that through His word He set you free. John 8:31-32 Lord bless you and your family 😊

    • @karenlippett4342
      @karenlippett4342 11 месяцев назад +3

      Very well said. Your exact words are my story too. Keep walking in the Lord

    • @legacystudentschannel
      @legacystudentschannel 11 месяцев назад +2

      Me too 👏

    • @abbzilla56
      @abbzilla56 11 месяцев назад +1

      I hope they watch this and then come to there senses

  • @michaeljguy
    @michaeljguy 11 месяцев назад +43

    Justin, my first video I ever found from you was "2020 The Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Year For The Prophets". My descent out of charismatic theology was all down hill from there. Thank you for all that you do, and keep up the good work.

  • @WilliamtheWorst
    @WilliamtheWorst 11 месяцев назад +32

    When these two get together, good things happen for the Lord. Thanks, gentlemen!

  • @bonniebarbee7984
    @bonniebarbee7984 11 месяцев назад +21

    God Bless you for speaking the TRUTH to us about the Bible and giving us a Warning to take heed . We NEED TO READ OUR BIBLES to know the TRUTH for ourselves!!

  • @Samw1seGamegee
    @Samw1seGamegee 10 месяцев назад +15

    The response video by Remnant Radio is solid. 💙

    • @jamie5931
      @jamie5931 9 месяцев назад

      It most definitely was solid. I would love to hear Justin comment on their response.

    • @alexvolosin3562
      @alexvolosin3562 9 месяцев назад

      Justin will never respond. That’s a typical Calvinistic cessationist approach to things lol

    • @reformedpresbyterianpulpit6745
      @reformedpresbyterianpulpit6745 5 месяцев назад

      No. It really wasn't. Chris's final video response is rather devastating. If the Remnant Radio men have integrity, they will publicly repent of this goofy error claiming "then... he knew it was the Word of the Lord" as if what that is actually saying in Hebrew is that Jeremiah *wasn't sure* if it was a word from God or not. That absurdity is Scripture-twisting of the worst kind. Those men are actually trying to demote a true prophet of God to their level... i.e. their odd world of uncertain and potentially erroneous "prophecy." Please watch this.

  • @antoniosilvestrojr.
    @antoniosilvestrojr. 11 месяцев назад +12

    I left the NAR church I was going to a year ago. I would have LOVED to be in this specific mindset (reading and translating the Old Testament with time honored Hebrew commentary) when I was still there. We're in a Baptist church now, with a Pastor who actually went to seminary, and are very Grateful for Justin's teachings.

    • @JustinPetersMin
      @JustinPetersMin  11 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you so much, Antonio - blessings to you :)

  • @Izthefaithful
    @Izthefaithful 11 месяцев назад +27

    I love when you and Chris Collaborate together it’s awesomeness 🤩

    • @WasLostButNowAmFound
      @WasLostButNowAmFound 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@marklucero2524 Remnant radio will be too scared 😂

    • @HartyBiker
      @HartyBiker 11 месяцев назад

      ​@marklucero2524 I'm of the opinion more and more that online "debates" are often pretty fruitless since the lack of structure tends to lead to pretty low level conversations. Formal and public debates are better for actually allowing both sides to give their best arguments, and then actually cross examine them.

    • @WasLostButNowAmFound
      @WasLostButNowAmFound 11 месяцев назад

      @@marklucero2524 once they go into the original languages, they (remnant radio) will give all sorts of excuses. seen it happen before.

  • @jojohnson215
    @jojohnson215 11 месяцев назад +29

    Thank you brothers, we need more collabs of you two. Justin and Chris making false prophets everywhere tremble from truth.

  • @jody2873
    @jody2873 11 месяцев назад +14

    I love that you two can call each other up and help us all out!

  • @eclipsesonic
    @eclipsesonic 11 месяцев назад +19

    It's so good to see Chris on your channel, Justin. I love his content, as well as yours. God bless you both. 🙏🙏

  • @enosguderian9231
    @enosguderian9231 11 месяцев назад +7

    I thank God that he had me watch American Gospel all these years ago, so I could discover sound teachers such as Justin Peters and John Macarthur.

    • @HartyBiker
      @HartyBiker 11 месяцев назад +3

      I believe that American Gospel was what God used to finally break through my stubborn heart and turn my affections to Him.

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@HartyBiker i watched that with an anti cessationist anti discernment opinion
      now i agree with everything they said

  • @jameseverhart9814
    @jameseverhart9814 11 месяцев назад +10

    It's awesome that you brought Chris on your channel and he brought out the Hebrew

    • @Keverember
      @Keverember 10 месяцев назад +1

      Not trying to instigate anything at all. But I would recommend you view Remnant’s response to this video. The “Hebrew” Chris presented was an extremely narrow view that isn’t backed up by the majority of good commentaries and actually goes against how most lexicographers view the text. Blessings in Christ Jesus!

  • @MountainMimi816
    @MountainMimi816 11 месяцев назад +8

    Two of my favorite guys! Thank you for the clarification on this passage!

  • @williewiner4161
    @williewiner4161 11 месяцев назад +8

    Love you my brothers, thank you both for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus.

  • @ilish25
    @ilish25 11 месяцев назад +11

    I'm subscribed to Chris' channel, great teacher.
    Together, these guys are awesome,🙏

  • @barbaraburke1676
    @barbaraburke1676 11 месяцев назад +14

    Thank you Brother Justin and Brother and Pastor Chris, great to see you both and a blessing too. As always scriptures exergeted and made clearer to understand with the original Hebrew meaning in the context and from commentaries in midst as well. Again, thank you and God bless you both. See yall in your next video contents too. I try keeping up between my crazy work schedule as much possible. Wouldn't miss watching any replays if I have to 🤗❤️😉👍📖🕊

  • @ellapittman9494
    @ellapittman9494 11 месяцев назад +7

    Blessings teacher justin peters...I really do need to hear this!!! As always my prayers are with you and your family..teacher

  • @josemuniz_
    @josemuniz_ 11 месяцев назад +13

    Thanks so much for this! I’ve been praying that Chris would respond to some of the claims made from Remnant Radio.
    One of the major claims they’ve made is that giving false prophecy doesn’t make someone a false prophet and use Nathan as an example of this. This can be found at the 46:54 minute mark in this video: ruclips.net/video/wckzco274tk/видео.htmlsi=A51axSZBpNVqERrA
    They then go on to discuss the passages in Deuteronomy from there. It would be great if you could have Chris back on to answer these objections! This would be super helpful!

  • @sneaksyranger
    @sneaksyranger 11 месяцев назад +9

    If we're bringing Jeremiah into the mix: "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?"
    If feelings are the basis of our understanding, we are not standing on solid ground.

    • @ReLair88
      @ReLair88 10 месяцев назад

      Every human being (and Christian) has feelings that color everything we do, say, and think. We can misinterpret based on our feelings and not even realize it. There is no way to remove our feelings and say we understand because our feelings were not part of our conclusions. Not possible.

    • @sneaksyranger
      @sneaksyranger 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@ReLair88 Feelings are intrinsic to us, but as noted in other comments, Deuteronomy is pretty clear that if a prophet gives a word that does not come to pass, it did not come from God. It works with Scripture too. If I take verses out of context because I agree with the phrasing, I would be wrong.
      I've never seen a charismatic consider words coming from anything but God, however. It's always been hand waved as "the prophet misinterpreted God", and they take zero accountability for their error. There isn't room for what I feel about the word of God if I rely what He said to others.

    • @Marlaina
      @Marlaina 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@ReLair88You can read the clear text and believe it. Also learning the original languages is often important. No feelings involved in gaining knowledge and believing what God says. The remnant radio guys are looking at the verse through what their circle wants it to say and what narrative they want to push.
      It's biblical politics.

  • @Ironturbine
    @Ironturbine 11 месяцев назад +4

    Speaking of someone who speaks with clarity ... you and chris rock

  • @davidneal9368
    @davidneal9368 11 месяцев назад +2

    When God speaks it's crystal clear and there's no questioning it.

  • @kathyglatz4140
    @kathyglatz4140 11 месяцев назад +5

    One of the issues with Charismatics prophesying is they very often start with the word "I".

    • @fnjesusfreak
      @fnjesusfreak 11 месяцев назад +2

      NARCIGESIS! (not you)

  • @danielbrofford3885
    @danielbrofford3885 11 месяцев назад +2

    I am glad I seen this video and watched it. Thank you Brothers Justin & Chris.

  • @sarahhurst701
    @sarahhurst701 11 месяцев назад +6

    God bless you men of God.❤

  • @cherylallen9445
    @cherylallen9445 10 месяцев назад

    2 of my favorite “voices “ of God. just listening to the TRUTH you teach and knowing that I’m not being deceived is more valuable than gold! Thank you both for sharing your gifts of teaching🙏💜

  • @juzzyjj6387
    @juzzyjj6387 11 месяцев назад +3

    thanks Justin and Chris for keeping it real and shedding light where needed

  • @stevenjohnson3883
    @stevenjohnson3883 11 месяцев назад +11

    Love both you guys and this excellent video!!!! Thanks for the much-needed corrections!!!!!!!! Blessings to both of you!!!!
    Just wanted to say that Jack Deere provides so much of the theological underpinnings for these fellows. And he is somebody you may want to do a video on. He has twisted the scriptures to show how to justify inaccurate “prophets”. He has opened the door to so much bad theology. He was a follower of John Wimber and Paul Cain and was a professor at Dallas theological and was fired. As two of these guys studied directly under him. So much more I could add but will stop for now.

    • @trevordavis8135
      @trevordavis8135 10 месяцев назад

      Have you ever met Jack or reached out to him with your criticisms?

    • @stevenjohnson3883
      @stevenjohnson3883 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@trevordavis8135 I’ll admit I am a little puzzled by your comment. As in this post my criticisms are mentioned only in very general terms. Whereas in my longer post I go into more detail. And if your comment was directed at that I will have much more to say. So, I am a little confused as to what in particular you are asking.
      Nevertheless, I will do my best to answer what I think you are saying. If I am wrong or have misunderstood, then please let me know, and clarify your statement.
      This is not a personal matter as is spoken of in Matthew 18:15. His statements and books are a matter of public record and by the same token so are mine! He, you, me or anybody else can agree or disagree with someone based on the public record. So, I am not supposed to disagree with someone’s public statements unless I meet with them personally first????

  • @kimber9000
    @kimber9000 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this clarification. Sooo edifying. You all are a blessing.

  • @rinihogewoning6528
    @rinihogewoning6528 11 месяцев назад +1

    That you for the reminder to be mindful of "reader-response" Bible reading in that we shouldn't be trying to make the scriptures say what we want them to say. It's also the danger of jumping straight to application without understanding the context first. Thank you gentlemen for your reverence for God's holy word.

  • @nello7111
    @nello7111 11 месяцев назад +1

    Yeay! May there be many more collaborations 🎉

  • @tylerzechar
    @tylerzechar 11 месяцев назад +8

    Justin, I would love for you to do a video sometime where you go through the books on your bookshelf. Thank you for all you do! You are appreciated!

  • @denniscrumbley8274
    @denniscrumbley8274 11 месяцев назад +5

    Love to see you two chatting!

  • @otrotemps
    @otrotemps 11 месяцев назад +31

    Another stunning misinterpretation by these charismatics, following standard false teaching methodology: ignore context and base interpretation on a specific word in a particular translation, and ignore anything that the Heb/Ar/Greek might contribute. If one simply checks other Bible translations, THEN it is "CLEAR" no specific "then" is in the Hebrew. [So a dangerous place to pound a pulpit.]
    An interlinear can confirm that the Hebrew text starts with the ubiquitous waw, "and," in a common construction known as a waw consecutive. This is rendered as "And" or"So" in several English translations, as well as by "Then." It merely presents events in sequence: Jeremiah heard and delivered God's prophecy (not unsure about the message, clearly: named the event, the person, the purpose, and linked it to the larger prophetic message of a return to the land of Israel), and he saw these things come to pass.
    Secondly, the Hebrew word for "know/knew" here is yada), and you'd expect charismatics would "KNOW" that "know" doesn't always mean simply factual knowledge (derogatorily, "head knowledge"), but typically is an experiential type of knowledge. (i. e. Jeremiah is 'testifyin' to the truth of God's prior announced prophetic word coming true in his life.)
    "Rather, yd( in the OT indicates:
    (a) primarily the sensory awareness of objects and circumstances in one’s environment attained through involvement with them and through the information of others (qal “to become conscious of, become aware of, observe, perceive, realize, experience,” .... [listing of many exx follow] )
    Ernst Jenni and Claus Westermann, Theological Lexicon of the Old Testament (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1997), 511.

    • @JustinPetersMin
      @JustinPetersMin  11 месяцев назад +9

      Great comment - thank you!

    • @ifeifesi
      @ifeifesi 11 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@user-fe4pm7tm4nwe do need to be honest and admit that it is amongst Charismatics that we see bad theology because of their habit of adding things to the Word that just are not there as well as taking things wildly out of context.
      And yes, some of Chris Roseborough's followers exhibit behaviours in the comments that leave a bad taste in the mouth, (I actually unsubscribed from his channel for that very reason). However, his teachings are good for the body of Christ despite some of his followers.
      Their behaviour may be unloving of others but, it is also unloving to not point out false teaching that is leading people away fro God and putting them on to the path to hell.

    • @Beechdrive1
      @Beechdrive1 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@user-fe4pm7tm4nPlease tell us who these theologians are and what they say exactly. Thank you.

    • @Beechdrive1
      @Beechdrive1 11 месяцев назад

      Thank you for this information!

    • @Scripturesdude6361
      @Scripturesdude6361 11 месяцев назад

      And Yirmeyahu said, The Word of Yahuah came unto me, saying, Behold, Chanam'el the son of Shallum your uncle shall come unto you, saying, Buy you my field that is in Anathoth: for the right of redemption is yours to buy it. So Chanam'el my uncle's son came to me in the court of the prison according to the Word of Yahuah, and said unto me, Buy my field, I pray you, that is in Anathoth, which is in the country of Binyamiyn: for the right of inheritance is yours, and the redemption is yours; buy it for yourself. Then I knew that this was the Word of Yahuah. YIRMEYAHU 32:6-8.

  • @wendyfowler3536
    @wendyfowler3536 11 месяцев назад +1

    Justin AND Chris?!? Saturday jackpot!!
    Truly appreciate both of you guys!

  • @cristianoboricuafranksanti2102
    @cristianoboricuafranksanti2102 11 месяцев назад +2

    God Be With You Both!!!! Great Video!!! Blessings To All!!!

  • @saramorisani
    @saramorisani 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you!

  • @raeboyd5596
    @raeboyd5596 11 месяцев назад +1

    Don't be feeling pressure to go live! Just sitting and talking is fine. It's nice to have a video playing while I'm cooking or whatever and not have to be looking at the screen , like a sewing or quilting video, These are the ones I put on my watch later list to just hit play and go make my bed or wash dishes and just listen to. You kitchen looks good. Open shelving is really popular even in new homes. It looks so nice and warm and cozy.

  • @lalaland962
    @lalaland962 11 месяцев назад +3

    You do so many helpful videos for us. Thank you, Justin, and may God bless!

  • @davidjarvie9546
    @davidjarvie9546 11 месяцев назад +3

    Loved the collaboration guys.

  • @JESUSisLORD24151
    @JESUSisLORD24151 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thank you, Justin, for another great video. Chris is another fantastic teacher.

  • @robine1018
    @robine1018 11 месяцев назад +4

    Plus, they always act like it’s so casual. If God spoke to anyone, it wouldn’t be casual, it would be amazing and powerful. Overwhelming comes to mind.

    • @laurenlovel
      @laurenlovel 11 месяцев назад +1

      In 1 Kings 19 it says God spoke in a low whisper…seems pretty casual to me. He wasnt speaking in the earthquake or the fire- both very overwhelming.

  • @jasonjeanjacquet9334
    @jasonjeanjacquet9334 11 месяцев назад +3

    Never heard of the he-man club before.😂😂 But, seriously this was very helpful

  • @FirefighterAliveJC
    @FirefighterAliveJC 11 месяцев назад +5

    I’d like to see you and remnant do a video together. I consider myself a charismatic but I enjoy your content. In the back and forth, please be loving and respectful toward each other :)

    • @Jeremiah17910
      @Jeremiah17910 11 месяцев назад

      So called apostles and prophets should be rebuked according to God's word, not pampered. Twisting the word of God to fit one's theology, is the work of Master twister himself the Devil. Read 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, and you will know to whom all of todays false teachers so called apostles and prophets from Pentecostal Charismatic movement, NAR, WOF, belong to, they are Satans servants according to God's word. They must be rebuked with the warning, unless they repent God has prepared for them the blackness of darkness forever. Jude 1:13.

  • @mikerobertson4041
    @mikerobertson4041 11 месяцев назад +14

    We must beware of Remnant Radio. These guys have shown that they will stand on their heads and bend over backwards to uphold their erroneous teachings.

    • @graysonbr
      @graysonbr 11 месяцев назад


    • @raphaelahlm961
      @raphaelahlm961 11 месяцев назад +3

      What is wrong with earnestly desire the spiritual gifts (1 Cor 14:1)?

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад

      @@raphaelahlm961 whats wrong is claiming you have a gift that isn't the gift as described in the Bible so they put words in the mouth of God....

    • @raphaelahlm961
      @raphaelahlm961 11 месяцев назад

      @@tomtemple69 what gifts are described in the Bible?

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад

      @@raphaelahlm961 show me where fallible prophecy is in the Bible

  • @benkenobi8816
    @benkenobi8816 11 месяцев назад +2

    I love when there is a new Justin Peters video

  • @nduatimathias2189
    @nduatimathias2189 5 месяцев назад

    Thanks Justine and chris, your hard work is not invain you truly impact our lives positively, epecially some of us here in Africa. My prayers are always with you.
    I have a request, please. Teach us complehensively on the doctrine of Justification, and sanctification kindly.
    May be like the way you did with Spirial warfare, with Jim Osman. It was truly helpful.
    Now i know the spiritual walfare is about battle for the truth.. Thanks so much.

  • @freedomslunch
    @freedomslunch 11 месяцев назад +3

    I don't know Hebrew, but I knew from the whole of scripture the context of that passage. It was clearly Jeremiah acknowledging that this man was echoing the Word of the Lord, leaving him no doubt that it was God's will he purchase a plot of land that would soon be taken by the Babylonians. I assumed at first he didn't exactly understand what God was telling him to do or how it would be done, but he knew it was the Word of the Lord he had received.

  • @GershomSeventyEight
    @GershomSeventyEight 11 месяцев назад +2

    Very clear exposition! Thank you both!

  • @libertylarochelle8517
    @libertylarochelle8517 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you Justin and Pastor Chris. ❤ 🇦🇺

  • @kramsdrawde8159
    @kramsdrawde8159 11 месяцев назад

    Justin, I Love both of you and Chris, I had some issues concerning some bible passages and Chris helped me with them as also you have through time... GOD Bless you both and to your families, Shalom mishpocha.

  • @LadyoftheBunnies
    @LadyoftheBunnies 11 месяцев назад +1

    A wonderful video and awesome collab. I hope that Justin will be back on prophecy bingo. :)

  • @joshuathomas6326
    @joshuathomas6326 10 месяцев назад +3

    Guys please check the response by Remnant radio….I found their response far more genuine and honest when it comes to the Jeremiah…..CR Cherry picked the one commentary that agreed with him….read John Calvin’s commentary, or by Campbell etc…..you actually read into this text your bad theology.

  • @godsnotdead5279
    @godsnotdead5279 11 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks! Love listening to you both, especially together!
    One question Justin, my understanding of Samuel’s being called by God and thinking it was Eli was deliberate, God was conveying to Eli that He was calling Samuel because Eli had fallen under judgment for not disciplining his sons in their ungodly behavior. Because Samuel thought Eli was calling him, Eli knew God spoke to Samuel and asked Samuel what the Lord spoke to him. Eli knew that God was not speaking to him any more and that his sons would die.

  • @mariabean1786
    @mariabean1786 11 месяцев назад +6

    Lol 😂 let’s take the word ‘feel’ out of their vocabulary and they wouldn’t be able to communicate

  • @gloriaelmore9092
    @gloriaelmore9092 11 месяцев назад +2

    Thank you. I am praying God will wake up the bride of Christ from the darkness believed, to the truth only, clearly stated in the Bible.🙏

  • @jefetce
    @jefetce 11 месяцев назад

    Oh nice. I was wondering about that. Thx for clarifying that.

  • @maxmustermann1206
    @maxmustermann1206 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks for the video, Justin. I see Remnant Radio is already planning a response video.

  • @CeciliaMurphy-uy4so
    @CeciliaMurphy-uy4so 11 месяцев назад


  • @Golfinthefamily
    @Golfinthefamily 11 месяцев назад +2

    Justin, would you consider going on their show and interacting with them? I know they are open to it!

  • @thomasturner4253
    @thomasturner4253 11 месяцев назад +2


  • @theresa42213
    @theresa42213 11 месяцев назад +2

    First l would like to say ...l love you guys both in Christ Jesus! Also, this ''feeling'' or ''unction'', or ''burning in the bosom'' is very VERY Mormon sounding. They want us to believe all kinds of heresies. l know the Mormon thing isn't really what you do, but _golly_ the things people believe are NOWHERE in the scripture. Thank you both. :D

  • @bryannewsome9739
    @bryannewsome9739 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for this clarity! Wow! But as an aside, I wouldn’t assume malicious intent, like they are eisegeting the text because they want to make it fit. It could be they just misunderstood. That’s what I did but when I heard it explained you guys made sense. Anyway thank you for the video!

  • @marvinpettigrew3891
    @marvinpettigrew3891 11 месяцев назад +1

    Amen teach my brother teach

  • @8762able
    @8762able 11 месяцев назад +4

    There are a handful of people in my church who claim to have some sort of gift for prophetic utterances. But they usually start out by saying: I feel the Lord is telling me... I’m not sure if this is God, but because I don’t want to be disobedient, thus saith the Lord...
    But isn’t prophesying like this adding to Scripture?

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 11 месяцев назад

      they'll bring up the unbiblical concept that God speaks but its not authoritative or clear or always accurate

    • @mnelisi
      @mnelisi 10 месяцев назад

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@tomtemple69it’s not universally authoritative to every one like scripture. As for clarity, God compared the way he spoke to Moses and other prophets saying that he spoke clearly and not in riddles with Moses unlike other prophets. God tells us that He’s not always clear to prophets. As for accuracy, I’ve never heard anyone say God’s word is not always accurate

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 10 месяцев назад

      @@mnelisi and in Deutoronomy it says that if a prophet says something and it doesn't come to pass, they are a false prophet
      I. The cause is called, and the parties are summoned forthwith to attend at the door of the tabernacle, v. 4, 5. Moses had often shown himself jealous for God's honour, and now God showed himself jealous for his reputation; for those that honour God he will honour, nor will he ever be behind-hand with any that appear for him. Judges of old sat in the gate of the city to try causes, and so on this occasion the shechinah in the cloud of glory stood at the door of the tabernacle, and Aaron and Miriam, as delinquents, were called to the bar.
      II. Aaron and Miriam were made to know that great as they were they must not pretend to be equal to Moses, nor set up as rivals with him, v. 6-8. Were they prophets of the Lord? Of Moses it might be truly said, He more.
      1. It was true that God put a great deal of honour upon the prophets. However men mocked them and misused them, they were the favourites and intimates of heaven. God made himself known to them, either by dreams when they were asleep or by visions when they were awake, and by them made himself known to others. And those are happy, those are great, truly great, truly happy, to whom God makes himself known, Now he does it not by dreams and visions, as of old, but by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, who makes known those things to babes which prophets and kings desired to see and might not. Hence in the last days, the days of the Messiah, the sons and daughters are said to prophesy (Joel 2:28), because they shall be better acquainted with the mysteries of the kingdom of grace than even the prophets themselves were; see Heb. 1:1, 2.
      2. Yet the honour put upon Moses was far greater (v. 7): My servant Moses is not so, he excels them all. To recompense Moses for his meekly and patiently bearing the affronts which Miriam and Aaron gave him, God not only cleared him, but praised him; and took that occasion to give him an encomium which remains upon record to his immortal honour; and thus shall those that are reviled and persecuted for righteousness' sake have a great reward in heaven, Christ will confess them before his Father and the holy angels.
      (1.) Moses was a man of great integrity and tried fidelity. He is faithful in all my house. This is put first in his character, because grace excels gifts, love excels knowledge, and sincerity in the service of God puts a greater honour upon a man and recommends him to the divine favour more than learning, abstruse speculations, and an ability to speak with tongues. This is that part of Moses's character which the apostle quotes when he would show that Christ was greater than Moses, making it out that he was so in this chief instance of his greatness; for Moses was faithful only as a servant, but Christ as a son, Heb. 3:2, 5, 6. God entrusted Moses to deliver his mind in all things to Israel; Israel entrusted him to treat for them with God; and he was faithful to both. He said and did every thing in the management of that great affair as became an honest good man, that aimed at nothing else but the honour of God and the welfare of Israel.
      (2.) Moses was therefore honoured with clearer discoveries of God's mind, and a more intimate communion with God, than any other prophet whatsoever. He shall,
      [1.] Hear more from God than any other prophet, more clearly and distinctly: With him will I speak mouth to mouth, or face to face (Ex. 33:11), as a man speaks to his friend, whom he discourses with freely and familiarly, and without any confusion or consternation, such as sometimes other prophets were under; as Ezekiel, and John himself, when God spoke to them. By other prophets God sent to his people reproofs, and predictions of good or evil, which were properly enough delivered in dark speeches, figures, types, and parables; but by Moses he gave laws to his people, and the institution of holy ordinances, which could by no means be delivered by dark speeches, but must be expressed in the plainest and most intelligible manner.
      [2.] He shall see more of God than any other prophet: The similitude of the Lord shall behold, as he hath seen it in Horeb, when God proclaimed his name before him. Yet he saw only the similitude of the Lord, angels and glorified saints always behold the face of our Father. Moses had the spirit of prophecy in a way peculiar to himself, and which set him far above all other prophets; yet he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he, much more does our Lord Jesus infinitely excel him, Heb. 3:1, etc.
      When God speaks it is clear, but the exact meaning and interpretation is not always clear, do you think every prophet in the old testament understand every single prophecy they uttered? they knew exactly what God wanted them to say, but they may not have always understood when it would happen and what exactly would happen, but the prophecies were always true
      God doesn't leave a prophetic utterance open to interpretation, He gives the prophet a word, the prophet says the word exactly as God gives it regardless of how mysterious it is, Jesus spoke in parables and gave the meaning to His disciples only, but the rest of the crowd did not understand until later on
      this whole notion of "I had a vague prophecy" is nonsense, every prophecy is spoken clearly, regardless of if the prophet themselves know exactly what God means
      there was never a prophecy given in the old testament that didn't happen, nor did anyone question "was it actually God saying this or was it my imagination"
      no, they knew exactly when God spoke and they conveyed that information like God intended

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 10 месяцев назад

      @@mnelisi if you believe God is sovereign and you think that prophecy can be wrong than you either believe God lies or He gives a prophecy to someone He knows will not convey it correctly.... or you believe God just leaves it up to chance and isn't omnipotent enough to make sure they get it right....
      if that were the case, then it's not important enough for it to be conveyed accurately and shouldn't be taken seriously
      any way you slice it, an actual prophet never gets it wrong

    • @tomtemple69
      @tomtemple69 10 месяцев назад

      @@mnelisi "God tells us that He’s not always clear to prophet"
      no it does not, you are misinterpreting that passage to justify false prophets...
      it is not at all evident that the passage has two kinds of prophecy in view; instead, the text merely sets Moses apart from all other prophets
      read what God tells Moses vs what He tells other old testament prophets if you want to understand what Number 12 is talking about
      and Deuteronomy 18 applies to any prophecy(the word that the Lord has spoken)

  • @sonofthunder3168
    @sonofthunder3168 11 месяцев назад +3

    I do not know the folks you were critiquing. I agree with your analysis of Jerimiah 32:8 . A "feeling" from the Lord should be discussed amongst fellow brothers, test all things in light of scripture, right. I’d rather hear someone has a feeling than a word. The hair on my neck goes up when someone says "God told me". I been a Christian for over 40 plus years and Yahweh, Yahushua, nor the Holy Spirit have never audibly told me anything. And those who supposedly speak with God say people like me are not walking right, that’s' why we are sick, poor, and can’t here Him. I would like to know, Justin and Chris; does God speak to you?

  • @stevenjohnson3883
    @stevenjohnson3883 10 месяцев назад +2

    Just wanted to respond to Remnant Radio’s response. I noticed some of you are impressed by them but as the late great Paul Harvey used to say, “and now for the rest of the story.”
    First, let me frame the debate. It is based on what Rowntree and Miller say in the short video, and here is the transcript Rowntree says:
    “Jeremiah doesn’t know that he knows that he knows it’s the word of the Lord until
    Hanameel offers to buy that field. Which is how the story plays out.” Then Miller adds,” I don’t know how they get around that yeah, the very clear statement then I knew it was the Lord.”
    So just to be clear their belief is that Jeremiah didn’t know it was the word of the Lord until the event happened. So up until that point Jeremiah according to them wasn’t sure if he had heard from God or not.
    Then in their response video they go into a few commentaries to “prove” their point. Rowntree first quotes John Calvin. But he only quotes part of Calvin’s statement. He does say that there is more but moves on.
    Let’s look at the rest of that statement. Does it support their contention that Jeremiah only knew it was the word of the Lord when events played out? As up to that point he was unsure if he had heard from God or not. At least that is my understanding of what they are contenting.
    Picking up where Rowntree left off Calvin said: (and note capitalization mine for emphasis and I break up the paragraphs also for the sake of clarity)
    “But it is right to distinguish between the knowledge received from the revelation of the Spirit and experimental knowledge, as they say. The Prophet therefore DID NOT then for the FIRST TIME LEARN that God had spoken, but as he was confirmed in the certainty of his faith, and in the thing itself, there is no inconsistency; for nothing is taken away from the credit and authority of God’s word, when the reality and experience confirm us; and thus God often has a regard to the weakness of his people.
    Jeremiah then RELIED on God’s ORACLE and was FULLY PERSUADED that he was DIRECTED FROM ABOVE to buy the field; but afterwards, when Hanameel came to him, the event was as it were the sealing of the vision: then the truth of God was more and more confirmed in the heart of the Prophet. This, as I have said, was experimental knowledge, which detracts nothing from the credibility of the word, but is rather a help and a comfort to human infirmity. In this sense it was that he said that he now knew it; and thus, he intended also to make others believe the prophecy.
    For when the faithful compare a vision with its accomplishment, this consent and harmony, so to speak, avails not a little to confirm their faith, that as when in one part they hear that God had spoken, and when in another they see that what the Prophet had been taught was really fulfilled.”
    End quote
    Notice a couple of key points here Calvin points out that Jeremiah did not learn from the events that God had spoken. He already knew and believed that. But he did know that as events played out that this was indeed what the Lord had already spoken to him. As he said Jeremiah was already fully persuaded that he was directed by the Lord. I think any fair reading of what I just posted does not show any overwhelming support for RR’s position.
    Then the next commentary mention was of G Campbell Morgan. While I couldn’t find the exact quote Rowntree used, I did find the following:
    “The next of the prophecies of hope consists of the account of Jeremiah's purchase of a field in Anathoth, with the interpretation of the suggestiveness of the action. While he was still in prison through the opposition of Zedekiah, the word of the Lord came to him, informing him of the coming of Hanamel his cousin, requesting him to buy a field in Anathoth.
    KNOWING that this was the will of God, he purchased the field, and declared in the presence of witnesses that his purchase was a sign that houses and fields and vineyards would yet be bought in the land.
    Notwithstanding this, the outlook seemed so contrary to any such expectation that Jeremiah inquired of the Lord how the prophecy he had uttered could be fulfilled. This inquiry was introduced by an ascription of praise to God, and a description of the wonder of His dealing with His people.
    Jehovah's answer to his inquiry consisted, first, of an all-inclusive general affirmation of His Being and power, coupled with an inquiry whether anything was too hard for Him. The word of the Lord then proceeded to declare to Jeremiah the certainty of the judgment which he had already foretold, and the reasons for it.
    Finally, that word of the Lord announced the divine determination to gather His people together from all the countries, and declared the resulting restoration of prosperity, so that what Jeremiah had declared to his cousin and the witnesses would become true.
    Notwithstanding this, the outlook seemed so contrary to any such expectation that Jeremiah inquired of the Lord HOW the prophecy he had uttered could be fulfilled. This inquiry was introduced by an ascription of praise to God, and a description of the wonder of His dealing with His people.
    Jehovah's answer to his inquiry consisted, first, of an all-inclusive general affirmation of His Being and power, coupled with an inquiry whether anything was too hard for Him. The word of the Lord then proceeded to declare to Jeremiah the certainty of the judgment which he had already foretold, and the reasons for it.
    Finally, that word of the Lord announced the divine determination to gather His people together from all the countries, and declared the resulting restoration of prosperity, so that what Jeremiah had declared to his cousin and the witnesses would become true.”
    End Quote
    Again a few key points Morgan points out Jeremiah did know and believed he was fulfilling the will of God in this situation. And how did he know that? Because he had a word from God! Again, no fair reading here renders any overwhelming support for RR.
    And as Morgan points out the key question for Jeremiah was how was God going to do this? As pointed out Jeremiah’s situation seemed hopeless. Again, as Chris Rosebrough always says the key to any passage is context, context, context. And when you read the rest of the chapter as Morgan points out Jeremiah inquires of the Lord about this situation and the Lord answers him in kind and supplies an even bigger meaning.
    Enter the strawman argument!!!
    When you can’t defend your point, change or react to something not said.
    In their response Rowntree subtly changes things a bit by saying at around the 23:30 mark or so about how scripture and prophecies can be difficult to understand.
    Again, read the transcript or go back and watch their short video for yourself. That is NOT the point Rowntree and Miller are making in the short used by Justin.
    The key question raised by their short video is did Jeremiah know he heard from God before or after the events took place. They say he didn’t know until he (Jeremiah) saw how things played out.
    And I could agree with that that indeed there are difficult passages. But that is changing the issue from what Justin and Chris talked about and are reacting to as demonstrated by their video that Justin used.
    Rowntree is conflating that argument with what Justin and Chris say here. They said that when God speaks it is clear. What they are referring to is, when a person has God comminate directly with them it is clear that it is God and there is no question. I don’t think they meant that everything God says is always clear to our personal understanding as for example prophets foretold future events and we are still debating those issues today. Again, that is a whole different issue.
    But when God communicates with you that is clear that it is God!!! And you will not go around saying things like,” I think what the Lord is saying is...” or “I feel God is saying...” or any other similar phrase.
    Bottom line is that these guys are following the modern thought, taught especially by Jack Deere that prophets can miss it and be wrong yet still be a prophet of God. So, they look for texts like this one where they can call into question, in this case was Jeremiah really convinced, he heard from God? They say no he had to wait for events to play out first to be sure. I say that is in direct opposition to the rest of scripture and certainly to the rest of Jeremiah’s story.
    I think that Jeremiah clearly knew it was God speaking to him, but he didn’t see just how God was going to do it until the situation revealed itself to him. So, when the events happened, he instantly recognized that this was the situation God was talking to him about.
    In this case to think that Jeremiah wasn’t sure he heard from God is second guessing God’s prophets and by extension God’s word. Here is the thing when a message is communicated from God and the prophet was convinced that God had spoken it. Then he would go forth and without hesitation say “Thus saith the Lord...” And he would be prepared to suffer and die for proclaiming that word. And certainly, the life of Jeremiah demonstrated that point!!!!
    And to you modern speakers of “prophecy” are you prepared to make that same commitment. If not, I suggest you wait until you know for CERTAIN you have heard from the Lord before you speak in his name!!!!

  • @jknga5869
    @jknga5869 11 месяцев назад

    That was a very good comment. Its a charismatic theology. Good point.

  • @olukayodeladapo1702
    @olukayodeladapo1702 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you bro Justin and bro Chris for this response. It's been long overdue. I saw that clip by the hosts of Remnant Radio and I felt very sorry for them because they don't know the implication of what they are doing. An attack on the Prophets of the Bible is an attack on the Bible, which is also an attack on the God of the Bible!!!
    The Gift of Prophecy had 100% record whether in the Old Testament or New Testament because the Prophets prophesied infallibly for God. But the hosts of Remnant Radio are suggesting otherwise in order to accommodate the fallibility and unreliability of what they Practice as Prophecy.
    What they don't realize is that an attempt to discredit the Prophets of the Bible is an attempt to discredit the Bible, as well as the God of the Bible!!! If there's any shadow of doubt attributed to the Holy Apostles and Prophets of the Bible, then we can't trust the Bible!!! If they were fallible and unreliable, then it also means that the Bible is fallible and unreliable!!!
    You see, while the Word of Faith Movement exaggerate their testimonies in order to elevate their experiences to match up with the High Standard of the Holy Apostles and Prophets in the Bible, the Hosts of Remnant Radio are trying to find loopholes in the Bible to bring down the standard of the Holy Apostles and Prophets in the Bible in order to accommodate their very low standard of what they Practice as Prophecy!!!
    I don't want to be in the shoes of the Hosts of Remnant Radio because in the bid of trying to bring down the standard of Prophecy to accommodate their errors, they make themselves an enemy of God!!!
    But praise God we can trust the Bible today as infallible and reliable because the Gifts of Apostles and Prophets that delivered it were infallible and reliable without any shadow of doubt!!!

    • @stevenjohnson3883
      @stevenjohnson3883 10 месяцев назад

      Amen!!!! I am in complete agreement with you 100%!!!! You mentioned something i wanted to mention in my post in that they seem to be like lawyers looking for loopholes to justify their beliefs. And as you say this is a direct attack on the authority of the scripture.!!!!!

    • @jaypeck
      @jaypeck 10 месяцев назад

      Exactly what is your reference for your claim that they are attempting to discredit the Prophets of the Bible? Do you have evidence that there is a low standard of what they practice as prophecy? What does word of faith have to do with Michael Rowntree?
      I attend Bridgeway. I assure you there are true prophets there with a high standard of prophesying truly. The church has nothing to do with word of faith. Rowntree is far from attacking the Bible or its Prophets. I fear you speak with authority of what you do not understand.

  • @gishamolmathew1601
    @gishamolmathew1601 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much :)

  • @uncletacosupreme7023
    @uncletacosupreme7023 11 месяцев назад

    Great video. I know they use these tactics but it is good to see a specific example. You guys are two of the best shepherds.

  • @tylerstoner-realtor
    @tylerstoner-realtor 10 месяцев назад

    Man, if this is the most theological humility and grace for the rest of the body we have as a people, we are in serious trouble. 😔🤦‍♂️

    • @tpw7250
      @tpw7250 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yep. It seems to me that the more theologically correct someone believes they are, the less gracious they seem to others

  • @RobertLee-tv4hc
    @RobertLee-tv4hc 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you brother Justin for this video.
    I was watching a video of Heidi Baker goofing in her "tongue" nonsense and recognized two words that I have heard before.
    She said "Sharaba Santu". So I looked them up and sure enough they are real words, but not good ones.
    Sharaba is an eight legged Hindu god half bird and half lion, and Santu is a Hindu name meaning kind or beautiful girl, in astrology means protector of men.
    A baptist missionary told a story of when he was in South America and one of the charismatic preachers ran into the Baptist church and asked for help because they were talking in tomgues in there charismatic church, and a man that knew no English started cussing and blapheming God in perfect English. The Baptist missionary told them this tongues stuff they are practicing is not of God and they should stop it.
    Some of them actualy soumd like they are talking in the Enochian angelic language from the Enochian Magick that even Aleiter Crowley was involved with.

  • @michelerivera2330
    @michelerivera2330 11 месяцев назад +3


  • @ericmchenryil5186
    @ericmchenryil5186 11 месяцев назад +3

    This is a twisting of scripture, so the charismatics when they get their prophecies wrong, which are all wrong. They can be justified in their minds by thinking that it's okay.

  • @vladtheinhaler8940
    @vladtheinhaler8940 11 месяцев назад +2

    Great collaboration.

  • @LuisCruz-st3nz
    @LuisCruz-st3nz 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hey Justin it's great to hear from you brother. How so called Christian's like Chris said twist the word of God to get likes

  • @jhowe5571
    @jhowe5571 11 месяцев назад +2

    Nice to see Chris and Justin doing a collaboration. 👍😁
    One of the contextual issues that I keep thinking of, in regards to what charismatics do with text about prophets and prophecy, is that most all those texts are descriptive and historical narrative. Not imperatives and instructives. There's only a few that delineate what is a prophet is and how a prophet works.
    So, charismatics utilize the non-descriptive historical texts to claim an instructive imperitive. Because, such happened to such prophet, it must be how God instructs us to operate. We need mantles and special fires and other such nonsense. It's never indicated such things are normative in scripture. That's why discernment is so important for us. 😁

  • @racheltonner2509
    @racheltonner2509 10 месяцев назад

    Hey y'all I loved this! Just one thing. Please pastors...stopping quoting cs lewis! Do your research on him. His theology was unchristian. He was a universalist and pushed hard for the ecumenical movement...graham following after him. Whats even worse is his writings geared toward children. Narnia for example teaches universalism at the end of the series.. Not something I want my children to be deceived into thinking. Be on guard! CS Lewis does not deserve adoration he gets from the Christian public.

  • @BarbaraBrown-og7mz
    @BarbaraBrown-og7mz 11 месяцев назад +2

    Hi Justin, I found your site quite by accident. I think the first video I saw was about why mysticism is dangerous (or something like that) It seemed intriguing so I watched and then watched some more of your videos. I had heard of the Charismatics but thought for the most part they were just a quirky offshoot of Christianity so didn't give them much thought. I ignored the faith healers and health and prosperity preachers as just goofy. Watching your videos has given me greater insight into just how truly dangerous this kind of teaching is. Much like cult mentality. I confess to having watched Andrew Womack on tv once and he didn't seem that bad, a bit boring but nothing outrageous. The next time I tuned in he was proclaiming that he rebuked the mildew in his closet and it left. Frankly so did I. I just want to thank for your "reasonable" and Bible based refuting of all this teaching. Glad to see you posting again and look forward to more of your insights.

  • @Scripturesdude6361
    @Scripturesdude6361 11 месяцев назад +1

    Now Shemu'el did not yet know Yahuah, neither was the Word of Yahuah yet revealed unto him. And Yahuah called Shemu'el again the third time. And he arose and went to Eliy, and said, Here am I; for you did call me. And Eliy perceived that Yahuah had called the child. SHEMU'EL RI'SHON 3:7-8.

    @EXPWUC 11 месяцев назад

    Thanks brother Justin and pastor Chris, the question should turn back to the remnant radio guys:

  • @FollowerofChrist232
    @FollowerofChrist232 11 месяцев назад +1

    As a fellow cessationist myself. Will you make a video on the report of people having dreams of Jesus in Gaza.

  • @Pastor_Grant
    @Pastor_Grant 11 месяцев назад +3

    Does Roundtree really claim God is speaking directly to him?

  • @noivee3732
    @noivee3732 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you 🙏 ❤️😇

  • @tinkerbell2675
    @tinkerbell2675 11 месяцев назад +2

    The question is why ppl always take things in a negative way from the bible. If you know the Lord then you will know the words in the bible and what it means. If you dont understand...then you need to ask for wisdom to understand and be patient for the Lord to make that available to you. Do not follow your heart on feelings. That is what Adonai said that we will always fail/fall if we do. That is going back to the flesh. We know nothing on our own...we need the Lord for understanding and wisdom. Out side of that , is the way to fall and land right at Lucifers feet.

  • @ericmchenryil5186
    @ericmchenryil5186 11 месяцев назад +10

    Yeah, these remnant radio guys are new-agers who use all different horrible versions of the Bible and have been taught wrong in these waterdown seminaries that they have gone to as well.

    • @jennamarielovesjesus12
      @jennamarielovesjesus12 11 месяцев назад +2

      I don’t know about them being new agers, but I know from the minute I listened to them was the last minute I was going to listen to them LOL, they are way off on their theology

    • @ericmchenryil5186
      @ericmchenryil5186 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@jennamarielovesjesus12 Well, if they're charismatics, then they are into the nastic gospel and feeling based mysticism. Pretty much which is pretty much new age.

    • @jennamarielovesjesus12
      @jennamarielovesjesus12 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@ericmchenryil5186 Honestly , I didn’t even know they were charismatics until Justin Peters said it, like I said, the minute I first listened to them was the last minute I ever listened to them, I knew something was way off, well, I should say the Holy Spirit showed me that something was way off

    • @jennamarielovesjesus12
      @jennamarielovesjesus12 11 месяцев назад +2

      @@ericmchenryil5186 And yes I know all about the New Age, I’ve been doing research on it since GOD saved me 9 years ago , I was and still am ALL about exposing the FALSE , I have my own RUclips channel and the reason I created it was to share my poetry I wrote/write for the Lord (to use the gift HE gave me to glorify HIM) and to EXPOSE THE FALSE, and to preach the TRUTH
      Blessings again lol🙏🏼✝️🙌🏼😇🔥⚔️👑💯

    • @ericmchenryil5186
      @ericmchenryil5186 11 месяцев назад +3

      ​@jennamarielovesjesus12 that's great.
      Keep testing the spirits so your fellowship is strong. 😊

  • @gigiis526
    @gigiis526 11 месяцев назад

    I had a guy shoe horning Acts 2:38 today. He was saying there was an extra impartation of the Holy Spirit after being saved. I replied to him every time straight out of the MacArthur study bible. I reminded him about considering context. He got so mad at me that he blocked me!

  • @LadyoftheBunnies
    @LadyoftheBunnies 11 месяцев назад +1

    "Did God really say" is honestly what I think of. And really the whole movement (not individuals) is a distraction from the word of God aka the Bible. And it's sad that "Remnant Radio" is just getting worse and worse. I pray that this video helps people.

  • @mbrdc555
    @mbrdc555 10 месяцев назад +1

    I love you guys, and I agree with a lot of what you say, but to say the RR guys are being duplicitous seems a little harsh. I think they’re wrong about some things, but I don’t think they’re being deliberately deceptive. I do agree with your take on Jer 32. The whole book makes it clear. Jeremiah repeatedly receives words from the Lord and proclaims them with absolute confidence. No where else does he say,”then I knew.” It seems much more likely that in 32:8 he is now seeing what God was talking about, not that he is now seeing that God was talking.

  • @bazkib
    @bazkib 11 месяцев назад

    You two together are brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Leon-Servant-of-Christ
    @Leon-Servant-of-Christ 11 месяцев назад +1

    Sorry, but when Sovereign Lord speaks, there is NEVER a doubt that it's HIM, nor is what HE says ever unclear in any way!! To say otherwise is blasphemy! All praise to God Almighty!

    • @jaypeck
      @jaypeck 10 месяцев назад

      That sounds reasonable. Where is that doctrine in the Bible?

  • @DanKoning777
    @DanKoning777 11 месяцев назад +2

    Well done-as always your hermeneutic(s) is spot on. I'm currently going through Zechariah which leaves no doubt re: the means, or if/when God is speaking. The only time I ever had to work through an issue similar to this was years ago in Matt 11/Luke 7-where John the Baptist asked Jesus "Are You the one to come.." It didn't take long to see that John's question stemmed from his imprisonment, and his own expectations re: what he told the people to expect of Jesus ministry i.e., judgment [c3 v 12]. Fact is, what John saw was healing/compassion from Jesus vs judgment, and He was in Galilee not Jerusalem. Thanks Justin/Chris-sound theology/truth triumph once again.

    • @JerryPotter.
      @JerryPotter. 9 месяцев назад

      @DanKoning: Dan: I think you missed the point of John asking Jesus anything. John is the one that saw the Spirit descend like a Dove and heard his voice. John would NEVER have asked that question. He was sending HIS disciples to Jesus. He wanted THEM to know who he was and to follow him, to no longer be HIS disciples, but become Jesus's disciples. John was encouraging them to leave him and join up with the Messiah because he knew he was going to die. John was Jesus' cousin. HE leapt inside Elizabeth's womb when Mary approached her. HE KNEW from the beginning. So John's "question" was not for himself. This was "faith" in practice. I hope this helps you, "Work through the issue" better.

    • @DanKoning777
      @DanKoning777 9 месяцев назад

      @@JerryPotter.// Being set apart by God for His purposes e.g., Moses, David, Solomon, Mark etc, wouldn't make them immune to failure/weakness. John was no different even though he "saw the Spirit descend/heard Gods voice," was Jesus' cousin/leapt in Elizabeth's womb-he could still be momentarily confused [Matt 11 v2 states why he had a question]. Peter, James, John saw Jesus transformed and *heard* God speak [Matt 17], and even after being warned [Matt 26], they all still fell away-including Peter who denied Christ even *after* being warned. I won't respond again. Have a blessed New Year.

    • @JerryPotter.
      @JerryPotter. 9 месяцев назад

      @@DanKoning777 That doesn't change one thing about John's purpose of telling HIS disciples to go and follow Jesus. It was to strengthen their understanding of who Jesus was: The Messiah. That was FAITH; not doubt. WHY with all of that which was written about John and his knowledge and proclaiming the Messiah was coming, would he ever doubt who Jesus was? Peter James and John were all WARNED about what was going to happen to them. Peter James and John were trying to build three tabernacles, to house the GLORY OF GOD, in. They wanted to restrict God and confine him. John the baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world. He knew who Jesus was before anyone else did. HUGE difference. John the baptist was never warned about anything. God is very specific with his word. Do not lump them together. You just can't learn from someone else, can you? "You won't respond"? Wow. Ichthus Have a nice life.

  • @SimpleQuietLife
    @SimpleQuietLife 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you, Justin. Uhggg... Mike Winger, whom I highly respect as a solid Continuationist Bible teacher, just posted on his community page, a video of the Remnant Radio guys giving prophecies at a conference. Mike was endorsing this video, not Remnant Radio, he said. Having seen so much fake prophecy out of the NAR, I feel so confused as to why Mike would post a prophetic ministry that looks very similar to Bethel Redding's School of the Supernatural. I see red flags everywhere in that video he posted. Being a continuationist myself, I believe that any prophetic word given should be organic and 100% certain that the word is from God. Otherwise, perhaps they should say, "May I encourage you with a word", not claiming it to be from the Lord at all. Uhggg... I feel Mike Winger is being defensive about posting this and not listening to our concerns.

  • @LifeOnHoth
    @LifeOnHoth 5 месяцев назад

    Heheh you're what? My eyebrows just raised a bit extra. Oslo? Kongsvinger? As a Norwegian this is strange hehe. I know it's kinda common in USA that this happens, but Oslo is obviously our captial city, and Kongsvinger is a city just east of Oslo, Norway :P.
    Anyways... onto the video.

  • @404nitro
    @404nitro 11 месяцев назад

    I love your videos and the fact that you worship God according to the Word as it is written without trying to translate it into what suits your beliefs like so many so called pastors are doing today. I am extremely glad you call out all these new age false preachers. I have to ask you- where did you get those awesome globes of Earth and Jupiter?

    • @ReLair88
      @ReLair88 10 месяцев назад

      Justin and Chris are translating into what suits their beliefs just as much as the other side is.

    • @404nitro
      @404nitro 10 месяцев назад

      @@ReLair88 Nonsense. They use the Bible and what it says in plain black and white rather than interpreting it loosely based on a belief or theory that suits them. Anyone that has actually read the Bible front to back knows that too.

    • @ReLair88
      @ReLair88 10 месяцев назад

      @@404nitro Every person comes to the Bible with preconceived biases which they use to interpret scripture, no matter how much they study it. Any honest person knows this. Your own experience will influence your interpretation markedly. No supernatural experiences witnessed--you will most likely rule out supernatural gifts. Since I was saved in a very dramatic supernatural way (all salvations are supernatural, I agree), I had proof that God is still doing supernatural things THROUGH HIS PEOPLE. I just don't understand why Christians want so much to limit God in these days--it's as if they read the Word completely divorced from how God operated in Jesus time (not to mention Moses' et al), as if God is not the same in all ages. And as the Word says, "And Jesus did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief."

  • @jennamarielovesjesus12
    @jennamarielovesjesus12 11 месяцев назад +3

    Was never a fan of the guys from remnant radio. I knew from the minute I first listened to them was the last minute I was ever going back to listen to them lol , I believe they are NOT well-versed in the Bible.
    Context… Pastor Chris Rosebrough

  • @frankiehernandez3276
    @frankiehernandez3276 11 месяцев назад

    Thank you Justin. Let us know if you’re ever in Oklahoma 🙏

  • @bazkib
    @bazkib 11 месяцев назад +3

    If you listen to Remnant Radio you might as well read leaves in a teacup.

  • @jaypeck
    @jaypeck 10 месяцев назад

    Justin says that, when God speaks it is always clear and never ambiguous who is speaking. I don't understand how he can believe that and the Bible at the same time. To understand him better, I wish I could hear his exegesis of Samuel's call when Samuel thought the voice of the Lord was Eli, Saul's call when his companions heard thunder as God spoke, or Jesus's teachings which by His own mouth were described as having their meaning hidden in parables. The scripture describing these events seem to very clearly indicate that sometimes when God speaks it is not clearly received and sometimes the speaker is not unambiguously identified.

    • @JustinPetersMin
      @JustinPetersMin  10 месяцев назад

      When God called Samuel, the text says that a word from the Lord was rare in those days and visions were infrequent (1 Sam. 3:1) so no one was expecting to hear from God. Plus, Samuel was just a boy - likely 7 to 10 years of age. Very young. Plus, verse 7 says that Samuel "did not know Yahweh nor had the word of Yahweh yet been revealed to him." He was a young boy who did not know God so it is not to be expected to know it was God. BUT, even at that Samuel still knew exactly what was being said: "Samuel." He heard God perfectly clearly, he just did not know at first it was God. So-called prophets today don't even get that much right.
      Plus, you are trying to make the rule out of an exception. For all the reasons listed above, Samuel was the exception, not the rule.
      As for Saul's call, not sure what you are talking about. Saul's companions heard the voice but saw no one (Acts 9).
      As for Jesus speaking in parables, the people heard Jesus clearly, they just did not understand the meaning. There was a purpose in that as well - judgment (Matthew 13:13).

    • @tpw7250
      @tpw7250 10 месяцев назад

      ​@JustinPetersMin You can't dismiss the Samuel passage as simply 'an exception' it still counts. Also the reference to Saul and his companions used above is correct when you read Acts 22:6.
      On another note, when are you going to actually have a conversation with the RR guys. You're invited. They are willing to do it. Isn't the more godly thing to have a gracious in person conversation, rather than make snarky videos with guys in your echo chamber?

    • @JustinPetersMin
      @JustinPetersMin  10 месяцев назад

      @@tpw7250 Christ was speaking specifically to Saul and Saul heard precisely what Christ said.
      The RR guys were naming me in their videos long before they made any overture to me. I have still yet to receive an email invitation from them (and I do not have theirs). I am not interested in debating Cessationism. I philosophically do nt do debates. It's just not my thing. I teach scripture, I don't debate it. Plus, that debate has already been done many times.
      Now, if they want to discuss why Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson and other men (and women) they have defended are false teachers and wolves and why they (the RR guys) must repent for defending them, that is a conversation I will have.

    • @tpw7250
      @tpw7250 10 месяцев назад

      @@JustinPetersMin Do you not see that you are debating? Albeit via response videos. So to say you fo not debate and are simply a Bible teacher is not true. The difference is, you seem unwilling to have those debates in person. It's your choice, but as right as you are about some of the false teachers you name, it appears to me yourself, Chris and Steve Kozar are ungracious towards and mock charismatic brothers in Christ you disagree with. It would appear that you prize more highly right Theology. Although cessationism is blatantly wrong, over demonstrating Christ-like character in the way you engage with others