I had the pleasure of visiting the charming country of Luxembourg, where I embarked on an adventure as a skilled IT professional. Initially, I was offered a permanent contract, which sounded like a dream come true However, after six months, I found myself succumbing to a profound state of depression, triggered by the relentless monotony, perpetually gray weather, and exorbitant and unjustifiable cost of living in Luxembourg. Consequently, I made the decision to bid farewell to Luxembourg, and I must say, I couldn't be happier with my choice. I discovered that my heart yearns for the vibrant pulse of big cities, where the sun and the sea weave a symphony of joy. Luckily, I stumbled upon the holy grail of remote work-100% remote, to be precise. It's nothing short of a miracle, and it has brought me immeasurable happiness. Now, the mere thought of Luxembourg evokes a shiver down my spine. Even if you waved a hundred thousand euros per month in front of me, I wouldn't consider living there again.
Not yet, but no longer am I in that depressive place. I crave the warmth of the sun and vibrant places teeming with life. I might not know exactly what I want, but I'm crystal clear about what I don't want, and Luxembourg is definitely one of those things I no longer desire in my life. It's time to seek new adventures, explore exciting destinations, and embrace a life full of possibilities! 🌞🌴✨
Luxembourg-city is more like 125000-130000 residents and since almost 100000 people rush to work in the city everyday you can add those to the residents. Which makes 230000 people during office hours. Luxembourg city isn`t that small after all.
Great video, guys. Sounds like Switzerland, but smaller: language, border shopping, high cost of living, great place to live... Kalie, love your earrings!
Switzerland is really beautiful with majestic mountains, splendid lakes and the Swiss are very polite. Plus there's plenty of activities to do in Switzerland on top of the higher salaries and lower income taxes. Lux cannot be compared to Switzerland.
Thanks for the insight, guys. Re salary and cost of living - what is an annual salary figure that would allow you to live comfortably as a single individual?
Luxembourg is really a nice a safe place to live. But as you suggested in the video, it's very expensive too, housing being terribly expensive. So anyone who considers coming and living in Luxembourg should double-check if not triple-check that.
@@spark_6710 plus there are drug addicts and homeless people roaming around the train station area or city centre where they also sleep in front of the stores and sometimes on your doorstep. It's been like this for years.
@monkeybiz8353 Ohh really ? That's something we see everywhere nowadays especially after covid / lock downs !! Here,Los Angeles has become a capital of homelessness ,so sad !! And they're making lots of problems !! Thanks for the info & your replies !! 💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
@@spark_6710 Yeah unfortunately it has always been like this in the "wealthiest" EU member state. Sometimes they even do drugs in front of you in public spaces like outside the gym. Pretty scary. You wouldn't see that in Zurich, Monaco or Andorra - really rich places in Europe. Sadly these homeless people even seem to be multilingual as they perfectly know how to speak in all languages in Lux, so they seem to be smart and skilled. It's so sad to see them sleeping in shop nooks in the freezing winter time with only a cardboard or sleeping bag. But nothing is being done about this.
Great job, guys! And great to see you branching outside of Portugal again! Did you pick up any Luxembourgish while you were there? Looks like a very cool country!
You know questioning Do you want to move and live in luxembourg is not even a question to ask. of course who doesn’t want to live there, it’s really a HEAVEN for many, 😅 Including me.
@@expatseverywhereexploreshi I planning to come to Luxembourg in work permit through agent from India. They say I can earn more in Luxembourg is it true. And they also said I can work as Administrative job. Can you clarify?
A very detailed video !! Thanks !! Free transportation ( trians/ busses )!!?? WOW !! My jaw literally dropped to the floor !! WOW !! WOW !! How neat/ nice / cool about that !! 👍👍👏👏💜🥁🐉🎤🎶✈️💞
Sounds great in theory, but in reality the free transportation is offset by the high costs of literally everything else, especially housing. The country is also very small so it's not like that free public transit gets you very far. TBH I would take Austria's 1095 Euro per year klimaticket than any day over Luxemburg's free transportation. With the klimaticket in Austria you can travel on pretty much every train, bus, tram, U-Bahn, S-Bahn, you name it. Germany has something similar but I'm not sure it includes high speed trains.
Thanks for your reply ! I am just curious why you don't use local transportation there much !? Do you use a bicycle more ,or walk often instead ? That's very nice that you get to go to other countries often !! I am jealous !! 💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
P.S. That's common ,if you get any benefits from the government of your country ,usually it's coming from your tax payments ! Lol. But,I still find that very useful ,off course it doesn't make everyone happy as individual life style is different ! But,yet the costs in your country is more affordable than ours it seems !! I am Japanese, but been living in the States, living in Los Angeles for a very long time ,but 2 bedroom apartments here costs you $ 2,800 to $4,000/ month !! Some place charge you $ 5,000 ! It depends ! But the average is $2,800 / mo.Cup of coffee is $4 & up !! If you eat out here ,3 meal course will cost you $ $ 34 to $50 !! Pizza costs like $ 24 ,it used be like $ 5 in the 80's & $ 8 to $9 in the 90's to early 2000's I believe !! It's cray cray !!! And ,yet ,we don't get anything for free here !! LOL 😆 Only so.e public parks ,pretty much ! Just for your information, so that you can feel better !! Lol People here go bankrupt for medical fees !!! No jokes !! 💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
Hhiii , I am a sports coach in India and I want to move from India to Europe being a sports coach…..there is opportunities for me…. Guide me which country is good for me
Hi there, Luxembourg is nit a Duchy, it is the only Grand-Duchy in the world😁 Almost half of our population is from abroad, but only 15-18 % are Portuguese ( very kind people by the way) Yes, Luxembourg is expensive, but only the real estate prices. Other branches are more or less the same than in neighbour countries, but wages are by far higher in Luxembourg. And of course, it’s a national sport😁to go on shopping tours in the greater region arround Luxembourg, but don’t expect to make the big deal there. You have to check what you want to buy, many things are cheaper in Luxembourg, others are more expensive. And integration works very well in Luxembourg, by far better then in France or Germany. When I read ‘micro agressions’ , this makes me laugh, in other countries there are ‘hyper-macro agressions’ then in comparison Great video 👍
Buna seara. Sunt sofer de autobuz in Germania. Ce parere ai, daca invat limba franceza, am sanse sa ma angajez ca sofer de autobuz in Luxemburg? Ai vreo idee cat ar fi salariul brut si net in Luxemburg, pentru aceasta meserie? Mulțumesc anticipat.
Luxembourg has loads of potential but it is NOT an easy nor welcoming nor fun nor cheerful nor organized nor safe , nor easy place to live. Ohh but don’t criticize because people also don’t like to hear the truth! Expect to be fight tooth and nail for everything. Of all the countries I’ve lived this takes the cake as the worst experience!
@@norakenderes7852 bullying , micro aggressions, xenophobia and even racism. All within one year and if you complain someone can report you…then up to the law which favors locals….we felt very unsafe as anglophone expats
Japan is definitely a nice country with all of those things you listed to take into consideration. We're wondering if in your 10 years away things have changed in Luxembourg?
@@expatseverywhereexplores no idea, i went to Luxembourg 4-5 years ago, was worse than when i lived there. My sister still lives there and it became a real shithole.
@@expatseverywhereexplores nothing has changed. Public transport may be "for free" now (although nobody ever checked tickets before it was official. Plus consider the tax money financing it) and Lux has one tram line now! But everything Raw Japan mentioned still applies today, except rent is insanely more expensive than London or Zurich. The majority of expats leave after two years by average.
Do hutt dir leider Recht. Besonnesch an der leschter Zäit, huelen Iwwerfäll op Leit, Drogekriminalitéit an Abréch staark zou. An d'Stad géif ech ganz éierlech kee Fouss méi no Sonnenënnergang setzen, besonnesch net an de staater Park. An dozou kënnt da nach de Klassiker, dat üblecht Gelungers vu komesche Leit an donkelen Ecken, ech nennen dat ëmmer d'Ghettoversammlungen. Vun de Präisser brauch ee guer net ze schwätzen, alles ass horrend deier a vu bezuelbarem Wunnraum brauch ee guer net ze schwätzen. Entweeder et huet een d'Gléck eppes ze ierwen oder et huet een de Kierzere gezunn. Genuch Gehalt ass just mat engem Master dran, mam Bachelor eventuell mee mat just enger Première oder drënner ass een op verluerenem Posten. Ech studéieren dowéinst grad, fir un eppes ze kommen, mee de Bildungssystem léisst hei och vill ze wënschen iwwreg. Ech sinn am Moment op der "unipunktällu" wéi een ëmmer esou gären am Geck seet, an do ass och nach ganz vill Loft no uewen. Wéi gesäit et dann a Japan aus? Ech sinn och u Japan interesséiert, besonnesch well et do sécher, propper an organiséiert ass an d'Land souwéi Kultur u sech och vill ze bidden huet an d'Sprooch ass och interessant, mee wéi gestalt sech do den Alldag? Et héiert ee jo ëmmer vu schlechten Aarbechtsbedingungen, vill deelweis onbezuelten Iwwerstonnen, kaum Vakanz, enorme Stress a besonnesch als Auslänner oft Schikane vun de Patronen. Fir mech ass halt och Work-Life Balance wichteg an vill Kontakt mat der Natur, mee dat schéint jo ebesse russesch Roulette a Japan ze sinn, ob een do en Beruff kritt, wou een net ausgebeut gëtt, wann een de westlechen Dokuen an Erfarungsberichter vu ville Leit gleewen däerf. Ausserdeem wollt ech wëssen, wéi et a Japan a punkto Behënnerunge vu Leit ausgesäit? Gëtt et do Inklusioun um Aarbechtsmaart a wéi ass d'Verständnis vun der Bevëlkerung géigeniwwer Leit mat gesondheetleche Beanträchtegungen? Ech hunn zwar keng siichtbar Behënnerung, mee eng relativ onbekannte Krankheet, déi hei a Lëtzebuerg schon oft zu mannerwäertegem Ëmgang oder zu Erniddregunge géigeniwwer mir gefouert huet, besonnesch op der Uni. Hei zu Lëtzebuerg fillt een sech oft am Stach gelooss an et gëtt ëmmer vill ronderëm de Bräi geschwat, mee am Endeffekt bleift villes esou wéi et ass oder gëtt schlëmmer.
I spent few years in Luxembourg and I am leaving in 4 months. Leaving forever behind me luxembourg is the best decision of my life. I count every single day. I would not suggest this place to my worst enemy, insane cost of living, over-priced flight tickets and extremely extremely boring life. Ths country has nothing to offer for your life and people close to you than depressive life and costant desire to escape in the weekend (as everyone does). Luxembourg is a scam. Please do not think I'm not grateful or I disrespect this country, I contributed for years with tax but I consider Luxembourg as the worst decision you can make in your life especially if you expect to have a meaningful life. Thanks to my friends and people I met on my way, lovely people who made this place just less depressive.
@@reuterromain1054 you apparently looks to be one of them, aggressive attitude and arrogance is one of their main feature. They easily get offended and many of them they don't respect the place or try to understand the country culture. From west side the exceptions are the Portuguese, the young ones. I know very well that there are exceptions but unfortunately the average cannot adapt and remains with their mindset from their original country.
Thanks but i wish more visuals about the place and not the overexposure of your faces...which you could have just imposed on one small corner of the screen...pictures paint a thousand words !!!
I had the pleasure of visiting the charming country of Luxembourg, where I embarked on an adventure as a skilled IT professional. Initially, I was offered a permanent contract, which sounded like a dream come true
However, after six months, I found myself succumbing to a profound state of depression, triggered by the relentless monotony, perpetually gray weather, and exorbitant and unjustifiable cost of living in Luxembourg. Consequently, I made the decision to bid farewell to Luxembourg, and I must say, I couldn't be happier with my choice.
I discovered that my heart yearns for the vibrant pulse of big cities, where the sun and the sea weave a symphony of joy. Luckily, I stumbled upon the holy grail of remote work-100% remote, to be precise. It's nothing short of a miracle, and it has brought me immeasurable happiness. Now, the mere thought of Luxembourg evokes a shiver down my spine. Even if you waved a hundred thousand euros per month in front of me, I wouldn't consider living there again.
Thanks for sharing! Are you nomadic now or do you have a piece of land that you call home?
Not yet, but no longer am I in that depressive place. I crave the warmth of the sun and vibrant places teeming with life. I might not know exactly what I want, but I'm crystal clear about what I don't want, and Luxembourg is definitely one of those things I no longer desire in my life. It's time to seek new adventures, explore exciting destinations, and embrace a life full of possibilities! 🌞🌴✨
@@testaccount-qq8zy where are now bro
For a native Luxembourger your post is pretty much offensive.
@@reuterromain1054 I just told my experience
Luxembourg-city is more like 125000-130000 residents and since almost 100000 people rush
to work in the city everyday you can add those to the residents. Which makes
230000 people during office hours. Luxembourg city isn`t that small after all.
Great video, guys. Sounds like Switzerland, but smaller: language, border shopping, high cost of living, great place to live... Kalie, love your earrings!
Thank you, Veronica! It does have that feel. We look forward to going back. Kalie says thanks! 😊
Switzerland is really beautiful with majestic mountains, splendid lakes and the Swiss are very polite. Plus there's plenty of activities to do in Switzerland on top of the higher salaries and lower income taxes. Lux cannot be compared to Switzerland.
very good information without baising , i love bright sunlight & vibrant outdoor so this place may sad me due to its grey weather mostly.
Thanks for the insight, guys. Re salary and cost of living - what is an annual salary figure that would allow you to live comfortably as a single individual?
Luxembourg is really a nice a safe place to live. But as you suggested in the video, it's very expensive too, housing being terribly expensive. So anyone who considers coming and living in Luxembourg should double-check if not triple-check that.
Yup. 👍 Exactly what you said. We're not in that pay bracket yet to move there. - Josh & Kalie
That's crazy that the cost of living here in Alaska is higher than it is in Luxembourg yet the crime here is lower, lol
@@xanderunderwoods3363Is housing more expensive in Alaska than in Luxembourg? As for the safety, I don't know the stats but L-g is really safe.
When I was stationed in Germany I was 45 minutes from Luxembourg. I used to go there a lot, loved it. YES, it is expensive.
So cool! Would you drive or take the train? - Josh & Kalie
Luxembourg is on my top list to move my family in four years. Saving video to our excel research doc! :)
Thank you, we're going to do more on Luxembourg in 2024.
I totally see a thing in common between Luxembourg & Switzerland & Japan & Singapore...very clean streets !!! 👍👍👍💜🥁🐉🎤🎶✈️💞
Unfortunately that’s not true for Luxembourg, especially around the station.
@@albawutz Really !? That's sad .Thanks for the info & your reply .💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
@@spark_6710 plus there are drug addicts and homeless people roaming around the train station area or city centre where they also sleep in front of the stores and sometimes on your doorstep. It's been like this for years.
@monkeybiz8353 Ohh really ? That's something we see everywhere nowadays especially after covid / lock downs !! Here,Los Angeles has become a capital of homelessness ,so sad !! And they're making lots of problems !! Thanks for the info & your replies !! 💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
@@spark_6710 Yeah unfortunately it has always been like this in the "wealthiest" EU member state. Sometimes they even do drugs in front of you in public spaces like outside the gym. Pretty scary. You wouldn't see that in Zurich, Monaco or Andorra - really rich places in Europe. Sadly these homeless people even seem to be multilingual as they perfectly know how to speak in all languages in Lux, so they seem to be smart and skilled. It's so sad to see them sleeping in shop nooks in the freezing winter time with only a cardboard or sleeping bag. But nothing is being done about this.
Great job, guys! And great to see you branching outside of Portugal again! Did you pick up any Luxembourgish while you were there? Looks like a very cool country!
Thanks, Michael. We didn't but we had a great time saying Luxembourgish. 😁 It's a really nice city/country. We want to go back.
You know questioning Do you want to move and live in luxembourg is not even a question to ask. of course who doesn’t want to live there, it’s really a HEAVEN for many, 😅 Including me.
It's a question that we'll always ask in this format. It's a fun game to play. :-) - Josh & Kalie
@@expatseverywhereexplores Hello if we get the Shengan Visa for 90days can we find a job ? Hw about the PR process ?
Cost of Living Including Rent in Zurich is 52.4% higher than in Luxembourg so, it's not that bad haha.
Great video, very informative!
Thank you!
Wow in interesting, thanks for sharing, I have a friend there, thanks for know more about Luxembourg.
Comprehensive video. Looking forward to going in a few months.
Glad it was helpful! Enjoy it. It's an interesting place. Small but some decent diversity.
So beautiful country I will come
Iam interested but I got a Spain Schengen visa from my country can I travel to Luxembourg on that spain Schengen or I need to get another visa
Beautiful place
It really is! We want to go back in the spring or summer.
Great video
I think the place is very good
How easy is it for a us citizen to get a drivers license in Luxembourg?
So Beautiful♥️Thank u for sharing✌️👏
Our pleasure 😊 Thanks for watching.
@@expatseverywhereexploreshi I planning to come to Luxembourg in work permit through agent from India. They say I can earn more in Luxembourg is it true. And they also said I can work as Administrative job.
Can you clarify?
Very Good information
I m a big fan you...Jorge nd Kelly...
Thank you. - Josh & Kalie
This is a really good video with lots of details / information !! 👍👍💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
Thanks so much!!
Thank you...
A very detailed video !! Thanks !! Free transportation ( trians/ busses )!!?? WOW !! My jaw literally dropped to the floor !! WOW !! WOW !! How neat/ nice / cool about that !! 👍👍👏👏💜🥁🐉🎤🎶✈️💞
Thank you. 😊 The free transportation is an interesting perk for sure.
Sounds great in theory, but in reality the free transportation is offset by the high costs of literally everything else, especially housing. The country is also very small so it's not like that free public transit gets you very far.
TBH I would take Austria's 1095 Euro per year klimaticket than any day over Luxemburg's free transportation. With the klimaticket in Austria you can travel on pretty much every train, bus, tram, U-Bahn, S-Bahn, you name it. Germany has something similar but I'm not sure it includes high speed trains.
Thanks for your reply ! I am just curious why you don't use local transportation there much !? Do you use a bicycle more ,or walk often instead ? That's very nice that you get to go to other countries often !! I am jealous !! 💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
P.S. That's common ,if you get any benefits from the government of your country ,usually it's coming from your tax payments ! Lol. But,I still find that very useful ,off course it doesn't make everyone happy as individual life style is different ! But,yet the costs in your country is more affordable than ours it seems !! I am Japanese, but been living in the States, living in Los Angeles for a very long time ,but 2 bedroom apartments here costs you $ 2,800 to $4,000/ month !! Some place charge you $ 5,000 ! It depends ! But the average is $2,800 / mo.Cup of coffee is $4 & up !! If you eat out here ,3 meal course will cost you $ $ 34 to $50 !! Pizza costs like $ 24 ,it used be like $ 5 in the 80's & $ 8 to $9 in the 90's to early 2000's I believe !! It's cray cray !!! And ,yet ,we don't get anything for free here !! LOL 😆 Only so.e public parks ,pretty much ! Just for your information, so that you can feel better !! Lol People here go bankrupt for medical fees !!! No jokes !! 💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞
E gratuit si nu prea. Este platit din taxe. Nimic nu e gratuit in viata asta.
Rentals are very high! What is the minimum wage though?!
2570 gross monthly salary for 40h/week for unskilled workers. Skilled is 20% more.
Nice place
What is the average cost of raising a family in Luxembourg?
I wish I could afford to live there. Let alone fly there
Wait so basically the price of living is almost exactly the same as in the US
The average wage, after tax, is higher than the U.S.
how would be to work in the hospitality industry? Is it correct that they need portuguese speakers?
Bro in Luxembourg they speak three languages French German and Luxembourgish, so I recommend you to try French which is more spoken
Hhiii , I am a sports coach in India and I want to move from India to Europe being a sports coach…..there is opportunities for me…. Guide me which country is good for me
Syria..you guys are loss a touch, you floorished over canada, Austria and USA..what is the fate of your country?
Hi there, Luxembourg is nit a Duchy, it is the only Grand-Duchy in the world😁
Almost half of our population is from abroad, but only 15-18 % are Portuguese ( very kind people by the way)
Yes, Luxembourg is expensive, but only the real estate prices. Other branches are more or less the same than in neighbour countries, but wages are by far higher in Luxembourg.
And of course, it’s a national sport😁to go on shopping tours in the greater region arround Luxembourg, but don’t expect to make the big deal there. You have to check what you want to buy, many things are cheaper in Luxembourg, others are more expensive.
And integration works very well in Luxembourg, by far better then in France or Germany.
When I read ‘micro agressions’ , this makes me laugh, in other countries there are ‘hyper-macro agressions’ then in comparison Great video 👍
Buna seara.
Sunt sofer de autobuz in Germania.
Ce parere ai, daca invat limba franceza, am sanse sa ma angajez ca sofer de autobuz in Luxemburg? Ai vreo idee cat ar fi salariul brut si net in Luxemburg, pentru aceasta meserie?
Mulțumesc anticipat.
Food is the most expensive in Europe! You easily spend 300-500,- EUR p.p. in a month.
@@SimonEmig 300-500 Eur a month is not expensive, my dear. You’ll spend the same amount in Belgium, Germany or France and more in OK or Switzerland.
As a welder talk about that
I want to work in Luxembourg please advise me
For mi am looking job there but I don't have anyone to connect mo
Hi there
Luxembourg has loads of potential but it is NOT an easy nor welcoming nor fun nor cheerful nor organized nor safe , nor easy place to live. Ohh but don’t criticize because people also don’t like to hear the truth! Expect to be fight tooth and nail for everything. Of all the countries I’ve lived this takes the cake as the worst experience!
Hi Ni Ki, can you please describe your experience a little bit more?
@@norakenderes7852 bullying , micro aggressions, xenophobia and even racism. All within one year and if you complain someone can report you…then up to the law which favors locals….we felt very unsafe as anglophone expats
Are you live in Luxenburg? Do you have WhatsApp?
@@Mickey-ul3hoseriously, how can you write such non sense?, Iam Luxembourger and no, you can not report someone for complaining.
@@Mickey-ul3ho Today everything is racist.
I know some anglophones from Britain, US and SA
and they all are quite happy.
So cute guys :)
Hi.. Jorge nd Kelly ... You head saluate...🙏🙏🙏🙏
Luxembourger myself. Terrible place to live, drugs, dangerous, and impossible to have a decent life if you earn
Japan is definitely a nice country with all of those things you listed to take into consideration. We're wondering if in your 10 years away things have changed in Luxembourg?
@@expatseverywhereexplores no idea, i went to Luxembourg 4-5 years ago, was worse than when i lived there. My sister still lives there and it became a real shithole.
@@expatseverywhereexplores nothing has changed. Public transport may be "for free" now (although nobody ever checked tickets before it was official. Plus consider the tax money financing it) and Lux has one tram line now! But everything Raw Japan mentioned still applies today, except rent is insanely more expensive than London or Zurich. The majority of expats leave after two years by average.
Do hutt dir leider Recht. Besonnesch an der leschter Zäit, huelen Iwwerfäll op Leit, Drogekriminalitéit an Abréch staark zou. An d'Stad géif ech ganz éierlech kee Fouss méi no Sonnenënnergang setzen, besonnesch net an de staater Park.
An dozou kënnt da nach de Klassiker, dat üblecht Gelungers vu komesche Leit an donkelen Ecken, ech nennen dat ëmmer d'Ghettoversammlungen.
Vun de Präisser brauch ee guer net ze schwätzen, alles ass horrend deier a vu bezuelbarem Wunnraum brauch ee guer net ze schwätzen. Entweeder et huet een d'Gléck eppes ze ierwen oder et huet een de Kierzere gezunn.
Genuch Gehalt ass just mat engem Master dran, mam Bachelor eventuell mee mat just enger Première oder drënner ass een op verluerenem Posten.
Ech studéieren dowéinst grad, fir un eppes ze kommen, mee de Bildungssystem léisst hei och vill ze wënschen iwwreg.
Ech sinn am Moment op der "unipunktällu" wéi een ëmmer esou gären am Geck seet, an do ass och nach ganz vill Loft no uewen.
Wéi gesäit et dann a Japan aus? Ech sinn och u Japan interesséiert, besonnesch well et do sécher, propper an organiséiert ass an d'Land souwéi Kultur u sech och vill ze bidden huet an d'Sprooch ass och interessant, mee wéi gestalt sech do den Alldag? Et héiert ee jo ëmmer vu schlechten Aarbechtsbedingungen, vill deelweis onbezuelten Iwwerstonnen, kaum Vakanz, enorme Stress a besonnesch als Auslänner oft Schikane vun de Patronen.
Fir mech ass halt och Work-Life Balance wichteg an vill Kontakt mat der Natur, mee dat schéint jo ebesse russesch Roulette a Japan ze sinn, ob een do en Beruff kritt, wou een net ausgebeut gëtt, wann een de westlechen Dokuen an Erfarungsberichter vu ville Leit gleewen däerf.
Ausserdeem wollt ech wëssen, wéi et a Japan a punkto Behënnerunge vu Leit ausgesäit? Gëtt et do Inklusioun um Aarbechtsmaart a wéi ass d'Verständnis vun der Bevëlkerung géigeniwwer Leit mat gesondheetleche Beanträchtegungen? Ech hunn zwar keng siichtbar Behënnerung, mee eng relativ onbekannte Krankheet, déi hei a Lëtzebuerg schon oft zu mannerwäertegem Ëmgang oder zu Erniddregunge géigeniwwer mir gefouert huet, besonnesch op der Uni.
Hei zu Lëtzebuerg fillt een sech oft am Stach gelooss an et gëtt ëmmer vill ronderëm de Bräi geschwat, mee am Endeffekt bleift villes esou wéi et ass oder gëtt schlëmmer.
I know many peoole who live very well here with 2000 euro salary.
So the Portuguese fled foreigners by going to Luxembourg?
Not really, Portuguese for years have been going to places like Luxembourg and Switzerland. - Josh & Kalie
hello i ma from Pakistan can i apply tha vist visa
@@expatseverywhereexplores hello
Yes, to punjab
only if you receive a job offer for one of the demanded jobs (mainly IT and finance)
What about massage therapist job please
OR You You are Eu Citizen and just move live as long as wish
There is that.
One third Portuguese is exaggerated.
I spent few years in Luxembourg and I am leaving in 4 months. Leaving forever behind me luxembourg is the best decision of my life. I count every single day.
I would not suggest this place to my worst enemy, insane cost of living, over-priced flight tickets and extremely extremely boring life. Ths country has nothing to offer for your life and people close to you than depressive life and costant desire to escape in the weekend (as everyone does).
Luxembourg is a scam.
Please do not think I'm not grateful or I disrespect this country, I contributed for years with tax but I consider Luxembourg as the worst decision you can make in your life especially if you expect to have a meaningful life.
Thanks to my friends and people I met on my way, lovely people who made this place just less depressive.
yeah, you are right. Russia is better!
Fascinating. - Josh & Kalie
Guys, don't do it. Avoid this sad country.
Goodbye. 😊
Seems you didn't have family in Luxembourg
Thank you so much your video,May be peaceful all the Luxembourg people ,animals and birds from Myanmar.😅
So nice of you. Thank you. - Josh & Kalie
Don't advertise this beautiful country, a lot of bad educated people are coming here from the East, which unfortunately keeps their bad habits.
Interesting take, Daniel. This isn't an advertisement though and it likely won't be seen in the East most of our viewers are US, UK, and Canada.
Bad educated people from the East? Whom the hell are you referring to?
@@reuterromain1054 you apparently looks to be one of them, aggressive attitude and arrogance is one of their main feature. They easily get offended and many of them they don't respect the place or try to understand the country culture. From west side the exceptions are the Portuguese, the young ones. I know very well that there are exceptions but unfortunately the average cannot adapt and remains with their mindset from their original country.
@@Daniel-kj8kj I still don`t know whom you are referring to.
@Daniel-kj8kj be more specific, who are the bad Europeans from the East, Poland,Romania ,Hungary, Slovakia Bulgaria, have some balls ,say it
Sounds perfectly sedated! 😆
In a good way, right? 😁
@@expatseverywhereexplores Of course. We all need some sedation!
Thanks but i wish more visuals about the place and not the overexposure of your faces...which you could have just imposed on one small corner of the screen...pictures paint a thousand words !!!
You're welcome. Maybe this is what you're looking for. ruclips.net/video/cJoxdtgZjQw/видео.html
The subject is Luxemburg.....not your faces !!!!!!!!!
Here you go. ruclips.net/video/cJoxdtgZjQw/видео.html
Ridiculously expensive
Thanks for sharing.
Tax Haven for the super rich.
USA is still the best in the whole world. No debate. Period.
I wouldn't move to the US for any money in the world.
@@surlespasdondine that's cause Ur brain is tiny
💩any shootings lately 😅?
Now this is a random video recommendation
thanks for watching it though.