Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this video. I know it’s not like my usual content, but I’ve been feeling the need to try something different lately. This is more of a slow pace, movie type of video that focuses more on the story than the flashy editing. The regular hardcore videos won’t be going anywhere, I just need to try new things sometimes to keep growing as a creator. ❤️ :)
Would love to see more 100 days in different mod packs! Like a one block world, all ocean, or like super flat plus or smthn like that, love your content man 💖 keep up the great work, youre fr one of my fav creators
Yeah, it's honestly great but I think just a tiny little bit of background ambience during his talking sections (I know there's a little jingle type thing but something more noticeable but not distracting would be nice)
this is so refreshing and enjoyable, not being talked to like a toddler with ADHD but like an adult who likes a game, slow paced, normal voice not fricking skweaking high pitched toned voice and talking like a disney character
Never on my life I would have thought i would watch a video 1h and 30min long without skipping once, you are truly different from the rest. Keep doing what you re doing🙌
@@le.farquad608 it seems that you never watched videos as backround for work, because for it the longer - the better (casually watches 19h long letsplay video while working)
@@corrdoxIf you're watching a video while working, your attention is divided between the video and your tasks. The comment is saying that the video encapsulated their attention so well that they were able to watch the full 1 hour video without skipping through or doing something else
@@loganglover1 I sometimes do that too, for 2-3h long science videos, but for gameplays yeah, I do watch it mostly when I do something else (sorry if I made mistakes, I'm a little drunk),
I know nothing about Minecraft besides "you build stuff and there are enemies sometimes" but this was a well-told, very relaxing story to listen to. Thank you!
Quick tip: when trading, you can press space to put in the same trade as before so you don’t have to go back and forth to trade. It’s really helpful and makes trading sticks a lot faster
I love the way you did the story telling and instead of progressively getting quicker with each day you explained it in full, was really enjoyable to watch. New viewer acquired.
This was a lot of fun to watch. I can't even imagine the time it takes to edit so many hours, looking through notes, scripting all 100 days into a coherent and fun narrative. Well done.
i don't usually leave comments under the videos i watch but i just gotta say that it's been a long time since i've watched a minecraft youtube video this long but i loooved this one. love the editing and the commentary - very calm but with the perfect amount of humor (landed every joke). this video not only entertained me as i enjoyed the gameplay itself and the aesthetics but also it made me relax. perfect for a late night chill and just kind of getting your mind off of things. thank you (:
Hands down the most entertaining gaming video I have seen in several years. I love the background music, the commentary is perfect, and your playing style is very entertaining to watch. For me this is what youtube is about, and I have missed it for such a long time, so thank you
I would love for you to make more 100 days related content, its just top notch. I love your chill energy and how you aren't way over saturated like so many other youtubers!
I happened to stumble upon this video. Watched it in full, without skipping any second and at times going back to rewatch a moment. Loved it immensely, to the core! The builds, the commentary, music/sound bits selection. Everything was absolutely perfect an 11/10 video. Liked the video, Subscribed to the channel and turned the notification bell on! Love from India.🇮🇳♥️ Simly Wow!♥️💯🫰🏽
Love these kinds of youtubers, very calm and relaxed vibe in contrast to the unpleasant experience of the other youtubers who are always screaming and yelling in their videos. You are definitely going to be one of my new favs!
I enjoyed this so much! I love the idea of Skyblock, but nowadays most people seem to focus on making farms for everything, ending up with tons of stuff they'll never use. It was so nice to see a more relaxed approach, where you built what you needed, did a lot of stuff 'manually', and ended up with a beautiful build. More videos like this would be very welcome😊
I believe the issue you were having with the villager farm was that you were throwing the bread directly into the center, you need to throw it onto the bed and let them pick it up. Also I might be wrong about this but I believe zombie piglins don’t give you bonuses for killing them yourself, like regular mobs do. You can build a drop shaft high enough to kill and still get everything, assuming they’re still aggro’d at you
This is the first video of yours I've watched, and I really enjoyed the more mellow narration and cinematic storytelling. I didn't realize it wasn't your usual style until I saw the pinned comment. I really enjoyed it! Will definitely be checking out other videos
I don't normally sit and watch straight streams, but for a Sunday morning coffee watch, this was both informative and entertaining. Thank you for the time and effort. I was hoping you might put in an end city building (even just a little one), but I did enjoy the simplicity of the pedestals with the head and egg. Fantastic build.
This is super cool once more. Seems like a fun way to stay interested in minecraft, and your narration and other comments are enjoyable and funny to listen to! Keep up the good work
How does this guy not have more subscribers! His voice is relaxing, and this is also the first sky block series I didn't get bored of in the first 5 minutes. (I didn't get bored at all watching this video, just wanted to make that clear)
1:26:57 It’s possible that you put the platform in a biome that doesn’t spawn animals, such as an ocean, desert, or even deep dark. Might wanna check that next time you get on
This video was so refreshing and calming to watch. The texture pack and shaders as well as the background music and your calm voice settings feels like a breath of fresh air.
i really, really enjoyed this, and i hope you continue playing in this world! i'd love to see the rest of the middle quadrants filled with things, and see how you expand your base. if you do continue playing in this world, iirc you'll need to nametag the passive mobs already in your base to remove them from the passive mob cap. then your farm at void level should work! i love this departure from your usual editing style and hope to see you continue to experiment. i always get excited to see you've posted :)
glad i discovered your channel, this was both relaxing and entertaining to watch - so impressed with your skyblock builds!! straight up a master class in minecraft
I have zero idea why I was recommended this as I haven't played or watched minecraft in over 5 years probably but something about the format and the challenge had me staying for like an hour
press space while your mouse is in the section you take the emeralds/items from trades from after taking them, it should automatically put in the needed materials to redo the trade so you don't have to move your mouse back and forth
Obsessed with your videos! I love the calm style, but the videos are put together so well that I'm entertained the whole time. Excited for all the future content man
Here’s a tip that’s gonna help you speed up your stick trading. 1. Click on stick trade in fletcher to put the first stack of sticks in. 2. Hover your mouse over the emerald in the trade menu. 3. Hold right shift while alternating between pressing enter and left clicking. This is WAY faster than clicking on the stick trade each time, and it’s way easier to do
I really like how you make the videos longer, I get my tea and chips, seat myself comfortable and watch the movie. Your commentary's are excellent, entertaining, humorous and fun. It's a grind I know but I really appreciate the work you do....well done, please keep it up.
While waiting for something I decided to watch this out of random. Didn’t expect to stick around till the end! I found this playthrough so refreshing. It also put into perspective just how much new content has been added to the game since the last time I heavily played. The animation mod really adds a lot of life to the Minecraft world; it made that Mansion raid more intense than without it imo.
It is from the Complementary shaders he linked in the description. When you have installed it, go to Video Settings -> Shader Packs -> Shader Pack Settings. In there, choose "RP support" = Integrated PBR+ then go to Materials -> Integrated PBR+ Materials and set "Generated Normals" = On. You can do a lot more in those settings to change the look of the world.
Good storytelling. I don't even like Minecraft all that much tbh and rarely play it, but I like when people tell captivating stories of their game experiences. Enjoyed it!
aust you never fail to provide amazing, well thought out, and entertaining content. all of your videos have been so enjoyable. my current comfort youtuber rn ✊sending lots of love
I can't believe I actually watched through this entire hour and a half long video and enjoyed all of it, but it was well paced and nicely edited- what minecraft content on RUclips should be, really.
Nope. Man here. Never leave the house without at least two or three drinks, lip balm, hand sanitizer, deodorant, headphones, extra clothes, hairbrush, pain relief medicine, antacid tablets, phone charger, chewing gum, a hat, a sweater or jacket, fidget toy, portable phone stand, cologne, toothbrush, vape, toothpicks, mouthwash, snacks, or an extra plastic bag. I realize I'm an outlier here but this does not apply to EVERY man. I like to be prepared for anything and yes you can call my backpack a purse. I do not mind.
What if you put a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box, am i talking too much? Na shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box
i don’t care what some people say, long form content is art and i want more of it. this is really well done and very entertaining. keep at it, you’re doing great !
i feel extremely guilty, i took a half day to watch this, I found this just before break and started watching while taking a dumb and couldn't stop and decided to take a sick day. I work from home and already have it too easy. the video just hooked me for some reason, i have recently got back into minecraft and don't know any of the stuff being done in the video so it's like every minute I learn something new. love it. Edit1: on day 89 now, I am extremely happy to see the video had 5 million views, the amount of work done deserves even more.
Been playing skyblock as a break from my own hardcore world, and this is my favorite video to put on in the background aside from House. Peaceful, no overly energetic music, and I can take some tips from what you're doing for my own skyblock world! (Didn't even think about curing zombie villagers with a witch until this video lol) You've certainly gained a new subscriber and fan ❤
The end made me so sad, and for what,,, It was a good, happy ending but it was so melancholic, nothing left to achieve; like completing a story game and going back to the start, talking to everyone you met your first time playing, but now everyone's all grown up and that feeling of starting anew is lingering - but simultaneously absent, and the only thing you can think about is how it was when you were still beginning
Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this video. I know it’s not like my usual content, but I’ve been feeling the need to try something different lately. This is more of a slow pace, movie type of video that focuses more on the story than the flashy editing. The regular hardcore videos won’t be going anywhere, I just need to try new things sometimes to keep growing as a creator. ❤️ :)
Love to see you trying new content! Keep up the great work
I really like this! it’s certainly a change but It’s kept me very engaged!
Would love to see more 100 days in different mod packs! Like a one block world, all ocean, or like super flat plus or smthn like that, love your content man 💖 keep up the great work, youre fr one of my fav creators
I'm happy for that
When traiding with villagers, if you hold shift and click enter it will make trading for sticks and other large amount of resources wayyyy faster.
No obnoxious music/effects, just commentary and entertaining gameplay. It is seriously so refreshing, love it!
i couldnt agree more
Yeah, it's honestly great but I think just a tiny little bit of background ambience during his talking sections (I know there's a little jingle type thing but something more noticeable but not distracting would be nice)
this is so refreshing and enjoyable, not being talked to like a toddler with ADHD but like an adult who likes a game, slow paced, normal voice not fricking skweaking high pitched toned voice and talking like a disney character
This right here 👆 I subbed for this exact reason
and saying "lets go" every fifth second like a autistic brocolihead.
For real.
yeah he reminds me of binging with babish. very soft and nice voice
@@godofchristmas9611 same
You know he’s a real 100 day Chad when he starts on Day 0 instead of Day 1. Awesome vid as always!
😂 Thanks Rage!
Rage, you are my favorite mod RUclipsR, and Aust is my other favorite HC RUclipsR, are you are in the same comment 😂😂
He’s actually right tho ngl u ARE the chad of my skyblock and I have watched a lot of my skyblock vids
hi 6:07
Never on my life I would have thought i would watch a video 1h and 30min long without skipping once, you are truly different from the rest. Keep doing what you re doing🙌
You’ve never watched a video that long?
@@Zozzy111 When A video doesn't encapsulate the viewer right away with an awesome story/goal like this video. it's hard to not skip to the good parts.
@@le.farquad608 it seems that you never watched videos as backround for work, because for it the longer - the better (casually watches 19h long letsplay video while working)
@@corrdoxIf you're watching a video while working, your attention is divided between the video and your tasks. The comment is saying that the video encapsulated their attention so well that they were able to watch the full 1 hour video without skipping through or doing something else
@@loganglover1 I sometimes do that too, for 2-3h long science videos, but for gameplays yeah, I do watch it mostly when I do something else
(sorry if I made mistakes, I'm a little drunk),
I know nothing about Minecraft besides "you build stuff and there are enemies sometimes" but this was a well-told, very relaxing story to listen to. Thank you!
your minecraft knowledge is complete, other than pvp
@@ethabn4 pvp = there are enemies sometimes
Quick tip: when trading, you can press space to put in the same trade as before so you don’t have to go back and forth to trade. It’s really helpful and makes trading sticks a lot faster
oh my god i love you for that
Sooo that’s how RUclipsrs fast trade
yeah it makes it infinitely faster you can just spam click left click and spacebar ^^
@@joe_delici bro ive been trading sticks for emeralds 1 at a time
WHAT. I've missed this for a years!?!
I love the way you did the story telling and instead of progressively getting quicker with each day you explained it in full, was really enjoyable to watch. New viewer acquired.
absolutely love this style of editing. This is a lot easier to process and follow than your main hardcore series, even tho i love both.
love the pfp
Bread 🍞 👍
35:30 bombastic sideye
why are you posting this on a Minecraft video. @RepentandbelieveinJesusChrist5
"Return the slab."
Zombie: "What's your offer."
My offer, YOUR LIFE
FIAH BALL!!! *pachoo* /ref
I don't even play Minecraft, but your voice is very soothing. Helps keeps my mind off my fever. I appreciate that
I was also watching this while sick😧
@@whydoiexistp7947me too :,0
This was a lot of fun to watch. I can't even imagine the time it takes to edit so many hours, looking through notes, scripting all 100 days into a coherent and fun narrative. Well done.
I love how Aust's idea of a base is basically the same as his normal hardcore series, but on a smaller scale.
omg your literally everywhere
Best RUclipsr ever, he’s so calm and doesn’t make annoying jokes. We appreciate you so much aust thank you for these amazing videos.
Bro's still homeless after 100 days...
i don't usually leave comments under the videos i watch but i just gotta say that it's been a long time since i've watched a minecraft youtube video this long but i loooved this one. love the editing and the commentary - very calm but with the perfect amount of humor (landed every joke). this video not only entertained me as i enjoyed the gameplay itself and the aesthetics but also it made me relax. perfect for a late night chill and just kind of getting your mind off of things. thank you (:
I'd listen to any audiobook if you ever made one, your voice is really soothing
True tho
som true frfr
same tbh
Can’t wait to see how you do your own take on Skyblock! Always love the content!
Skyblock is just soooooooo chill !
Hands down the most entertaining gaming video I have seen in several years. I love the background music, the commentary is perfect, and your playing style is very entertaining to watch. For me this is what youtube is about, and I have missed it for such a long time, so thank you
We need a part 2 where you get as many achievements as possible!
I would love for you to make more 100 days related content, its just top notch. I love your chill energy and how you aren't way over saturated like so many other youtubers!
I didn’t even realise how long this video was until I’d nearly finished it! I’ve really enjoyed this relaxed chill pace
It’s cool that you are doing other things besides you’re HC world
@@justus1110 bro needs more teaching in grammar 💀
Nearly falling at any moment would give me such anxiety. You're a legend for surviving all those encounters.
I happened to stumble upon this video. Watched it in full, without skipping any second and at times going back to rewatch a moment. Loved it immensely, to the core! The builds, the commentary, music/sound bits selection. Everything was absolutely perfect an 11/10 video. Liked the video, Subscribed to the channel and turned the notification bell on! Love from India.🇮🇳♥️ Simly Wow!♥️💯🫰🏽
3:33 His "Give me the slab" reopen an ancient memory from my childhood. Courage the Cowardly Dog was my life.
it was so comical i enjoy watching his videos
Love these kinds of youtubers, very calm and relaxed vibe in contrast to the unpleasant experience of the other youtubers who are always screaming and yelling in their videos. You are definitely going to be one of my new favs!
I enjoyed this so much! I love the idea of Skyblock, but nowadays most people seem to focus on making farms for everything, ending up with tons of stuff they'll never use. It was so nice to see a more relaxed approach, where you built what you needed, did a lot of stuff 'manually', and ended up with a beautiful build. More videos like this would be very welcome😊
Probably one of the most entertaining 100 days videos I’ve seen and it’s completely vanilla Minecraft
love how chill you are, not constantly screaming in my ear, i can just relax and enjoy
No way i can have a bad day if Aust uploads.
I believe the issue you were having with the villager farm was that you were throwing the bread directly into the center, you need to throw it onto the bed and let them pick it up. Also I might be wrong about this but I believe zombie piglins don’t give you bonuses for killing them yourself, like regular mobs do. You can build a drop shaft high enough to kill and still get everything, assuming they’re still aggro’d at you
This has to be one of the most amazing cinematic skyblock island videos I’ve ever watched
dude your voice is so relaxing, i love falling asleep to stuff like this
there's something I find extremely soothing about your commentary
You should put glowberries hanging down from the retaining walls, would give the base some depth and some great lighting :)
I like spoilers but W
thank you good sir
Trolls HATE this one little trick
3:28 "Give me the slab." ... "i burned my slab :(" That was so funny 😂
thank you for not screaming like an idiot or making awful jokes for kids 😭 first minecraft youtuber i can actually watch. nice video
This is the first video of yours I've watched, and I really enjoyed the more mellow narration and cinematic storytelling. I didn't realize it wasn't your usual style until I saw the pinned comment. I really enjoyed it! Will definitely be checking out other videos
I don't normally sit and watch straight streams, but for a Sunday morning coffee watch, this was both informative and entertaining. Thank you for the time and effort. I was hoping you might put in an end city building (even just a little one), but I did enjoy the simplicity of the pedestals with the head and egg. Fantastic build.
This is super cool once more. Seems like a fun way to stay interested in minecraft, and your narration and other comments are enjoyable and funny to listen to! Keep up the good work
How does this guy not have more subscribers! His voice is relaxing, and this is also the first sky block series I didn't get bored of in the first 5 minutes. (I didn't get bored at all watching this video, just wanted to make that clear)
1:26:57 It’s possible that you put the platform in a biome that doesn’t spawn animals, such as an ocean, desert, or even deep dark. Might wanna check that next time you get on
This video was so refreshing and calming to watch. The texture pack and shaders as well as the background music and your calm voice settings feels like a breath of fresh air.
Literally just finished rewatching the entire Hardcore S1 playlist for the the 3rd time to see a new video out woo tysm
I don't know if you remember, but I have been with you since around 5k, and I knew you would grow big one. Here we are. Great job.
32:22 "ahh, I can't see😭" got me dying 😂
I think this is the single greatest minecraft video I have ever seen. Well done.
Beautiful movie! Your technique is amazing. Thank you for uploading. from Japan
i really, really enjoyed this, and i hope you continue playing in this world! i'd love to see the rest of the middle quadrants filled with things, and see how you expand your base.
if you do continue playing in this world, iirc you'll need to nametag the passive mobs already in your base to remove them from the passive mob cap. then your farm at void level should work!
i love this departure from your usual editing style and hope to see you continue to experiment. i always get excited to see you've posted :)
I’m loving this! Hopefully it becomes new series. Amazing job Aust!
I like the animations! They make the game feel more alive
i love that this is a chill minecraft video i understand why most are super high energy but its very nice to have something like this
I appreciate you putting the map in the description, I don't see many youtubers do that. Good vid!
glad i discovered your channel, this was both relaxing and entertaining to watch - so impressed with your skyblock builds!! straight up a master class in minecraft
Aust is so underrated, he's one of the funniest most talented hardcore youtubers I've seen, so glad I found his channel!!
Finally a video we adults can watch too
I have zero idea why I was recommended this as I haven't played or watched minecraft in over 5 years probably but something about the format and the challenge had me staying for like an hour
Little tip if it ever becomes useful, harming potions go through armour so that iron armour didnt matter
press space while your mouse is in the section you take the emeralds/items from trades from after taking them, it should automatically put in the needed materials to redo the trade so you don't have to move your mouse back and forth
The comment that need to be on the top!
It ended like a movie.
you are genuinely my new favorite minecraft youtuber. Great Video edit, awesome content, calming voice! Cant wait to see more!
his voice is so relaxing, that's the best minecraft youtuber for me
Obsessed with your videos! I love the calm style, but the videos are put together so well that I'm entertained the whole time. Excited for all the future content man
Damn I remember subbing to you when you were at 5K you’ve grown so much!
This was so beautiful every single second of it. thank you for constant hours of entertainment 🚀
It's refreshing to watch someone build a symmetrical island
This is actually the best and most commentated enderdragon fight I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot.
"As fun as watcing grow grass, wow" -Aust 2023👽
Leave Aust alone for long enough and he'll start remaking biomes.
Here’s a tip that’s gonna help you speed up your stick trading.
1. Click on stick trade in fletcher to put the first stack of sticks in.
2. Hover your mouse over the emerald in the trade menu.
3. Hold right shift while alternating between pressing enter and left clicking.
This is WAY faster than clicking on the stick trade each time, and it’s way easier to do
I love how you don’t overreact your voice like other RUclipsrs your just nice and quiet ands its perfect to play Minecraft to
Your content is amazing! Your channel has grown so much!
Chicken nugget
I understand completely.
I really like how you make the videos longer, I get my tea and chips, seat myself comfortable and watch the movie. Your commentary's are excellent, entertaining, humorous and fun. It's a grind I know but I really appreciate the work you do....well done, please keep it up.
tea and chips ☠️
While waiting for something I decided to watch this out of random. Didn’t expect to stick around till the end! I found this playthrough so refreshing. It also put into perspective just how much new content has been added to the game since the last time I heavily played. The animation mod really adds a lot of life to the Minecraft world; it made that Mansion raid more intense than without it imo.
Of all the skyblock videos I’ve seen, this one is still my favorite.
How did you manage to get Opsidian 24:17
This is exactly what I wanted to know
Dude's not playing a genuine run, that's for damn sure
never mind in the begging the chest had 10 obsidian if you look closely so this is legit 1:22:57
@@GNOMEM1LF yes he is there was 10 obsidian in his starter chest
What texture pack did you use?? Cuz I absolutely love it!!
Pls tell me if you find it
It is from the Complementary shaders he linked in the description. When you have installed it, go to Video Settings -> Shader Packs -> Shader Pack Settings. In there, choose "RP support" = Integrated PBR+ then go to Materials -> Integrated PBR+ Materials and set "Generated Normals" = On. You can do a lot more in those settings to change the look of the world.
@@andreasjohansson1969 THANKS!
Another quick tip: you can use your hoe on course dirt to get regular dirt so that you don’t use more of your shovel’s durability
When it all ended, listening to the music and going around the circle made me feel so nostalgic. Just came here to say Good job! You got another sub.
Good storytelling. I don't even like Minecraft all that much tbh and rarely play it, but I like when people tell captivating stories of their game experiences. Enjoyed it!
aust you never fail to provide amazing, well thought out, and entertaining content. all of your videos have been so enjoyable. my current comfort youtuber rn ✊sending lots of love
My question must sound dumb, but what texture pack do you use to have this "more detailled look" on your game ?
Thanks in advance !
He mentioned complimentary shaders and the animation pack otherwise idk what you mean
@@PiperCraft-w7x the cobble and grass looked more detailed, i've been searching for that same texture pack cant find it tho
wait where did the Obsidian came from?
i've stopped watching at this point
It came from the
You are right 😮
ye, im asking myself the same
Got a paper due tomorrow and here I am 3:30 am (exact) ending this video with a smile. This video makes me happy.
I can't believe I actually watched through this entire hour and a half long video and enjoyed all of it, but it was well paced and nicely edited- what minecraft content on RUclips should be, really.
Nope. Man here. Never leave the house without at least two or three drinks, lip balm, hand sanitizer, deodorant, headphones, extra clothes, hairbrush, pain relief medicine, antacid tablets, phone charger, chewing gum, a hat, a sweater or jacket, fidget toy, portable phone stand, cologne, toothbrush, vape, toothpicks, mouthwash, snacks, or an extra plastic bag. I realize I'm an outlier here but this does not apply to EVERY man. I like to be prepared for anything and yes you can call my backpack a purse. I do not mind.
As a totally, definitely, unquestionably cisgender man, I also do not leave the house with any of these.
Most make sense besides the vape
2024 anyone?😄😃
Bruh not like it was posted 5y ago
What if you put a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box, am i talking too much? Na shulker box inside of a shulker box inside of a shulker box
I like the way you think
the same thing that happens if you put milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk
Infinite storage *head blows*
You know u can't do that💀
Yeah you cant do that anymore sadly, but you can put shulkwr boxes in an ender chest then the ender chest in another shulker box
i don’t care what some people say, long form content is art and i want more of it. this is really well done and very entertaining. keep at it, you’re doing great !
i feel extremely guilty, i took a half day to watch this, I found this just before break and started watching while taking a dumb and couldn't stop and decided to take a sick day. I work from home and already have it too easy. the video just hooked me for some reason, i have recently got back into minecraft and don't know any of the stuff being done in the video so it's like every minute I learn something new.
love it.
Edit1: on day 89 now, I am extremely happy to see the video had 5 million views, the amount of work done deserves even more.
texture ???????????
The ending actually touched me. Oh my God.
This video was the younger me's dream minecraft video, this all feels so nostalgic for me, that ending was legendary.
The comment about the sneaky villager being parkour legend Michael Scott absolutely slayed me. 😂
Replicating the original item in the centre is such a beautiful, sentimental touch.
Been playing skyblock as a break from my own hardcore world, and this is my favorite video to put on in the background aside from House. Peaceful, no overly energetic music, and I can take some tips from what you're doing for my own skyblock world! (Didn't even think about curing zombie villagers with a witch until this video lol) You've certainly gained a new subscriber and fan ❤
The end made me so sad, and for what,,, It was a good, happy ending but it was so melancholic, nothing left to achieve; like completing a story game and going back to the start, talking to everyone you met your first time playing, but now everyone's all grown up and that feeling of starting anew is lingering - but simultaneously absent, and the only thing you can think about is how it was when you were still beginning