EGW's comment about Lucifer's skull shape is one of her multiple references to phrenology despite contradictory statements of her and the EGW Estate saying she didn't believe in it. Error upon error... SDAs -- we're begging you: run while you can.
@@cmbtheambassador5773 Reveal your sources(scripts from EGW Estate etc.) so it's possible to believe your statements, please. It would be quite surprising if EGW Estate would believe in her statements and, at the same time, find some of her authorship contradictory to the Scriptures.
@answeringadventism I can't help myself! You know I'm just an angry, bitter, ill-informed former SDA who is a secret Jesuit... matter of fact, let me call Vatican HR -- I haven't gotten my Christmas bonus in the mail yet 😅😅😅😅
@mr.liberty5086 If you've been around long enough, you know we keep receipts 😉 EGW utilizing principles from phrenology "I think Dr. Jackson gave an accurate account of the **disposition and organization** of our children. He pronounced **Willie's head** to be one of the best that has ever come under his observation. He gave a good description of Edson's **character and peculiarities**. I think this examination will be worth everything to Edson." Ellen White, Letter 6, 1864 (to Bro. and Sister Lockwood, Sep. 14, 1864, from Jackson's clinic in Dansville, New York). According to the pseudo-science of phrenology, "the animal organs of the brain were located in the back and lower part of the head, while organs of intellect and sentiment occupied the frontal region."7 Heating the back of the head brought blood to this area and supposedly stimulated the sexual passions.8 Therefore, Mrs. White protested against the use of wigs by her followers: "The artificial hair and pads covering the base of the brain heat and excite the spinal nerves centering in the brain. The head should ever be kept cool. The heat caused by these artificial coverings induces the blood to the brain. The action of the blood upon the lower or animal organs of the brain, causes unnatural activity, tends to recklessness in morals, and the mind and heart are in danger of being corrupted."7 6. Ellen White, "Our Late Experience," Review and Herald, Feb. 27, 1866; James White to Ira Abbey, June 27, 1873. 7. Ronald Numbers, Prophetess of Health: Ellen G. White and the Origins of Seventh-day Adventist Health Reform (Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1992),, 158-159. 8. Ibid., 159. EGW Estate denying get involvement/endorsement of phrenology In 1884 she repeated her warning: “The sciences which treat of the human mind are very much exalted. They are good in their place, but they are seized upon by Satan as his powerful agents to deceive and destroy souls.... The world, which is supposed to be benefited so much by phrenology and animal magnetism, never was so corrupt as now. Through these sciences, virtue is destroyed, and the foundations of Spiritualism are laid... No one would suggest that Ellen White understood all the mechanics and physiology of how the brain works; no one does today. Being a devoted mother, she was interested in anything that would help her to be a better mother. This routine examination at Dansville would be, at the most, interesting; in no way did it indicate that Ellen White espoused the philosophy of phrenology." Excerpts from Messenger of the Lord -- link to website below 👇🏿
Wait, is this before or after the Father exalted Jesus. And which fake Jesus is she talking about, the one that isn't divine or the one that's a separate God? Or the impotent one that Satan has to step up and be the sin-bearer?
@@jtmx_217 Cherry-picked? Are you saying he's wrong to use EGW heretical writings and should be using the ones that aren't so blatantly heretical? But more importantly, what possible context is he leaving out?
Another person who thinks they know what SDA's believe yet has no idea. "Separate God"?....what in the world is wrong with you folks? You really seem to have a big chip on your shoulder if you're willing to raise false witness on a whole group like that....but then again in the end, we will be persecuted. Because of people like you, I have begun to understand that it will only get worse.
Why would Christians have any interest in persecuting Adventists? We don’t care that you go to church Saturday. The real persecution is nothing about when one worships but about who is Lord. So Adventists , relax . The propose of this platform as I see it is to clarify biblical Christianity from distortions such as SDA. There are other platforms that come from ex Mormons or ex Jehovahs witnesses and again, they likely have no interest in persecuting those cults, just in plucking out as many as possible from their clutches. And concerning your fear of Catholics, I bet more of them worship on Saturday than there are SDAs , so why would they persecute their own?
This is a common misconception about Seventh-day Adventists. The average Seventh-day Adventist holds the Bible as the ultimate authority for faith and practice. The teachings of Ellen G. White (EGW), a co-founder of the denomination, are viewed as providing guidance and encouragement but are always subject to the Bible. In fact, Ellen White herself wrote, “The Bible, and the Bible alone, is to be our creed” (The Review and Herald, Dec. 15, 1885). Adventists do not worship Ellen White; they believe her writings are a reflection of the biblical message and serve to point people back to Scripture and to Jesus Christ.
@@larsandrune Can you truthfully tell me if you watch and listened attentively to the video if you did please highlight any comment or illustration that was said that you find to be false,thanks....
Im not an SDA, but I have had interactions with people belonging to this denomination and I would say the majority are trying to honour God fervently. Try to understand that we are all fallen beings, endeavouring to be more like Christ, through the power of The Holy Spirit. Ellen G White lived in a time when most people didn’t have easy access to broader teaching and educational facilities. Books were expensive, travel was more difficult and the internet didn’t exist. After reading some of her work, I don’t think she ever aimed to achieve cult status, but to simply educate and explain the Bible as best she could. Perhaps she got a little bit carried away as we all do at times, but the SDA’s of her time were eagerly devouring all she gave them and they kept wanting more. To elevate her to the status of “prophetess”, akin to the apostle Paul is a bit ridiculous as some of her claims were clearly false, but this is the fault of Adventists that followed her, not necessarily her fault. Give a little grace and celebrate the fact that SDA’s are eagerly anticipating the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and this should be applauded. God bless you all and thank you for your teaching as all discussion about the Bible keeps us focussed on our God and Saviour! Remember, steel sharpens steel! 🙏🏼😉
Actually, what she said is supported in Ezk 28 and Isaiah 14 as well as Paul’s comments about His fighting directly with God in Heaven and being cast out along with 1/3 of deceived angels who gave alliance to Satan over Jesus. Nothing she said is in contradiction to scripture. Paul says he is as. Roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and is transformed into an angel of light. Jesus said he witnessed him fall from heaven as lightening and that he is a murder and a liar from the beginning and the father of it. The complete antithesis of Jesus Christ who has brought many souls to eternal damnation.
@@juligraham7319 _"Nothing she said is in contradiction to scripture. "_ I assume that the older brothers of Jesus don't count, nor the holy people that live on Jupiter, neither the Sunday law or IJ that is not founded in the Word of God. Correct? The cool-aid you are using can't be the regular stuff.
@@juligraham7319 _"Nothing she said is in contradiction to scripture. "_ I assume that the older brothers of Jesus don't count, nor the holy people that live on Jupiter, neither the Sunday law or IJ that is not founded in the Word of God. Correct? The cool-aid you are using can't be the regular stuff.
@Rezparviz they all drink of the same counterfeit. Any alternative is a straight up lie. No corrupted tree can bear good fruit. Only Yahweh God is good and anything deviating from Him is corruption and not good. JESUS is Yahweh God in the 2nd person of the trinity come into His own sinless flesh to become sin on the cross and rise SINLESS from the dead!
Just a question. Are you saying the devil is nothing to be feared? Did not even Peter deny Jesus 3 times, who had been in Jesus’ direct presence for 3 years? Did not Jesus look him in the face and say “get thee behind me Satan?” when Peter insisted that Jesus would not die? Does not scripture say Satan entered Judas to have Jesus crucified? Does not Jesus say that the Pharisees were of Satan? We’re not 1/3 of the heavenly host deceived by Satan and list their place in heaven, who had been at the throne of God? Were not Adam and Eve deceived by Satan who had been created perfect by Jesus Christ and knew him face to face? Our only safety is in Christ. ALL have sinned, including you and me, meaning Satan has deceived us, too. Only the blood of Jesus and His victory over Satan and sin and save us. May we surrender to Jesus daily to receive His strength to overcome.
"And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I shall lose none of those He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day." Jn 6:39. If Satan through his "majesty" could steal away those who Jesus bought, then clearly he's more powerful than the will of the Father. What heresy!!😮😮😮
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
@@waynecharles7346 Hi please read from verse 1-6 to see all the background 2Th 2:1Now we beseech you, brothers, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together to him, 2 That you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;4 Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.5 Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?6 And now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way. "For the mystery of iniquity" is satan himself which used a power ruled by men to oppose God and His worshippers see v.4 " that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." What power that fulfilled this? Remember the Dark Ages, the first fase of it the second fase will come very soon it's described in Rv 13. Although Jesus said what you posted He also said in Mathews 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you.5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. For more details send me your contact. May God still bless us and our family with His Words of wisdom.
So many Bible versus explain that the righteous can fall and many will fall. It’s a choice. You can choose to leave Christ. You can choose to leave your learning to videos such as this one rather than asking God to guide into all of His truth by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pride comes before a fall. Unless we have the faith of little children and are born of the spirit, we will not be saved no matter how deceived we are to believe we are. It’s a scary thing. We need humility in full surrender to Christ. Take up your cross daily. We must abide in Him.
We have to remember that according to pope Ellen and friends, their glorified angel god Michael, was sort of the brother of this "Majestic" angel called Lucifer at one time. And yes, It was God the Father that caused this hatred and jealousy of satan, for He was the one who glorified Michael who was lower in rank than Lucifer.
Michael means "He who is like God" in Hebrew. So when you hear that Jesus is an angel, think about the fact that He was an archangel. And an angel can be: a messenger, a watcher and maybe something more. So The Word of God was the archangel oh the angels. That is what we believe. You can research more about that if you want
@@Calin_Nd _"That is what we believe."_ Correct, that is what you believe, now go and get some concrete evidence that its actually the case, instead of propagating your foundationless believes as the truth. _"think about the fact that He was an archangel."_ Let the Bible do the talking, and not your opinions. Give book name, chapter and verse number that gave evidence for this *"fact"* what you are talking about. _"You can research more about that if you want"_ No need for me to study on what you do believe, your pope Ellen and her gang have published everything on what is needed to know about you satanic origin.
@@Calin_Nd _'But The Word had no begining, and Lucifer had," It's not what your founding fathers did believe, according to them he had a beginning, but I guess it don't matter to you who did the indoctrination, as long as you are convinced. right? "And as to the Son of God, he would be excluded also, for he had God for his Father, and did, some point at the eternity of the past, have beginning of days." JN Andrews Review and Herald September 1869
@@Calin_Nd _"That is what we believe."_ Correct, that is what you believe, now go and get some concrete evidence that its actually the case, instead of propagating your foundationless believes as the truth. _"think about the fact that He was an archangel."_ Let the Bible do the talking, and not your opinions. Give book name, chapter and verse number that gave evidence for this *"fact"* what you are talking about. _"You can research more about that if you want"_ No need for me to study on what you do believe, your pope Ellen and her gang have published everything on what is needed to know about you satanic origin.
Greetings, I absolutely agree with your guest, Josh. I would have never put the words satanic and majesty together…ever. I find EGW gives Satan a “center stage” role that rivals Jesus Christ our Savior, bordering on strange fascination, putting to the pen descriptions and dialogue that can’t be proven and are unnecessary.
Does not Jesus warn repeatedly against the wiles of satan, as all of the apostles? Would you accuse them also of giving too much space to warnings against Satan and his deceptions?
@@juligraham7319 Your sda jesus was once an angel next to Satan before your sda god did glorified him to be in second command in your sda heaven. Your own pope EGW has said that, no need for you to deflect reality.
Ezekiel 28 (KJV) ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¹⁴ Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. ¹⁵ Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. ¹⁶ By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Some SDA churches are downplaying their association with the false prophetess. Why doesn't the group/sect disavow her? If they want to be accepted by other Christians, and grow, should not they cut ties with that woman? I think that would be prudent.
@ChrisKirkland-k8k they can't. The second EGW gets exposed as a fraud, the entire house of cards comes crashing down. The organizational powers that be are holding this thing together by threads.
@@ChrisKirkland-k8k because the way Adventist theology is set up as a system, that would cause the system to collapse. She’s supposed to be part of what identifies the SDA church as Gods end times church, the remnant. This is core to their identity claims. She’s one of the seven pillars. No matter how much distancing individuals do, Ellen white will never be abandoned organizationally.
Ellen G. White’s role in Seventh-day Adventism is indeed foundational, and the church continues to uphold her as a significant figure, but it’s important to clarify how and why this is the case. Adventists do not view her writings as a replacement for the Bible but rather as a lesser light pointing to the greater light of Scripture. Her writings support and emphasize biblical teachings, and the church sees her ministry as part of God’s guidance to the Adventist movement. The Adventist Church’s identity as a prophetic, end-time movement is closely linked to their interpretation of Revelation 12:17, which speaks of the remnant who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. They interpret the testimony of Jesus as the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), and they believe Ellen White’s ministry fulfills this prophetic role. Therefore, removing her from their identity would fundamentally alter the way they understand their calling and mission. While individual churches or members may emphasize different aspects of their faith, the global Adventist Church maintains that Ellen White’s writings provide inspired counsel, which supports rather than supersedes the Bible. The church sees no conflict between adhering to her guidance and being accepted by other Christians, as their core belief is in Jesus Christ, His grace, and the authority of Scripture.
EG White had a fanatic faith in willpower.She wrote chapters on the dire importance of the will and the power of the mind/will, and its necessity for salvation.She once met a mesmerist and said as she was talking to him she could feel him trying to enter her mind.She said she literaly saw ten eyes coming out the end of this mesmermists ten fingers.It takes one to know one evidentily.She probably could bend spoons with her mind in her spare time.
I wish someone would put all the woowoo stuff about EGW into one place - like a picture/trivia/novelty/coffee table type book with old-fashioned 19th century illustrations & footnotes at the bottom of each page telling where the info can be found (because you know SDAs will immediately start crying "She never said that" 😫). Just saying because I could immediately picture the eyes at the ends of the fingers coming out at her 😅 I'd buy it 😆
@@DamonNomad82 Definitely. You can show them a clear Scripture & they'll tell you "It doesn't say that." It takes bent minds to produce bent thoughts.
They believe that Michael the archangel is actually Jesus Himself. So Satan was an archangel with Christ. How foolish and heretical! Rebellion originated with Satan. Notwithstanding the exalted position which he occupied among the heavenly host, he became dissatisfied because he was not accorded supreme honor. Hence he questioned God's purposes and impugned his justice. He bent all his powers to allure the angels from their allegiance. The fact that he was an archangel, glorious and powerful, enabled him to exert a mighty influence. His complaints against God's government, at first met with no favor; yet being urged again and again, they were finally accepted by those who had before been loyal and happy subjects of the King of Heaven. Ellen G. White SIGNS OF THE TIMES SEPTEMBER 14, 1882
I believe Myles is a Calvinist. So, here ya go - John Calvin believed that Michael the archangel could refer to the person of Christ. Calvin's reasoning was that it was best to represent Christ as standing up for the defense of his people. Calvin also believed that Michael should be the protector of the elect people and that he should have immense power.
@@topgunviper no, John Calvin didn’t believe Jesus was Michael the archangel. You guys need to study better. You need to cross reference him in Jude, not just Daniel 12:1. Calvin recognized Daniel was prophetic literature and saw Michael as a TYPE or picture that points to Jesus-not that they are ontologically the same being. So stop misrepresenting him. He makes it clear in Jude he didn’t believe Michael was Jesus as he says Michael in Jude is a picture of the LESSER to the GREATER. Michael pointing to God as superior. Calvin was an orthodox Trinitarian and believed Jesus is the Almighty and he didn’t believe Michael was. Calvin was a first day sabbatarian along with all of the reformers. Are you now going to become a first day sabbatarian because “the reformers believed it?” Of course not. You only say this in this context because you think it helps the SDA view of Michael. Also-being a “Calvinist” doesn’t mean you believe whatever John Calvin said.
Calvin’s quote…Michael may mean an angel; but I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward for the defense of his elect people.
Shouldn't You have said that God The Father prepared a lamb without spot and blemish that made us righteous in His (God's) sight. God reversed the curse of what Adam gave away and God through Christ allowed us to have dominion again
@@answeringadventismbackground audio is youtube keeps playing when screen turned off or switching apps. I know certain video tags can kill it like when tagged for children.
Question in 2016, check the video thousands of thousands were baptized/accepting Jesus in one Adventist revival session in Rwanda. Do you think this is solely Adventist deceiving power? No Jesus power intervention at all? Do you think these thousands os thousands are just stupid people? Your answer please.
O Lucifer, son of the morning! ...For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ASCEND into heaven... I will be like the most High. Isaiah (14:12-14 K.J.V.) Strong's concordance, ascend, Hebrew 5927 , alah a prime root with a plethora of meanings. Look them up.
I don't understand the point. If a prophet says something, why is it crucial whether it is already in the Bible? If Isaiah says that a virgin will give birth to a child, I don't ask where it is already in the Bible. The question is whether or not what a prophet says comes from God. Everyone has to decide that for themselves.
@@michuanni because this organization insists Ellen white adds nothing to the Bible. They insist to “only believe the Bible” yet they prop up an entirely novel and extra biblical worldview that is entirely foreign to the Bible. Your comment also evidences that Ellen White is seen no differently than canonical prophets despite the organizations insistence that she isn’t, trying to say she had the “New Testament gift of prophecy.” It’s hypocrisy. Furthermore, she’s affirming blasphemy and attributing it to God.
@@answeringadventism It is not quite clear to me, what it means to refer ONLY to the Bible. I don't know of any Christian church that does that. Every domination has the Bible and tradition. Today this is called exegesis. But there are also assertions that come from outside the Bible. For example, conservative churches insist that the Gospels were actually written by Mark, Matthew, John and Luke. But that is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Or, it is claimed that the Bible is the word of God. But that is also nowhere to be found. Every church has its own interpretation of the Bible. From my point of view, there is not much difference between you and the Adventists. Both insist that their interpretation of the Bible is the correct one. I am convinced that this attitude leads nowhere.
@@answeringadventismI think you are missing the point. A prophet points people back to the Bible which is the Word, Jesus Christ. They may certainly have new insight, but it is always in line with Bible foundational truth. We see this with Jeremiah. He brought new insight into a coming Babylonian captivity, but it was in line with the Bible truth that disobedience will have consequences. And God loved His people so much that He sent a messenger to warn them to cooperate. Sadly, many called Jeremiah a false prophet and said he was sharing unbiblical information. I see nothing of EG White’s writings that make me want to live away from God and His word. Rather, she shares so many amazing Bible verses that I never would have appreciated on my own. She gives greater understanding of Christ’s sacrifice which leads to a deeper love of Him. The Desire of Ages literally brings me to tears every time I read it as I see in a very deep sense Jesus’ suffering on my behalf because He loves me sooo much. She calls this an unfathomable love. She says He would have died if I were the only sinner on earth. That’s how much He wants me and you saved. The Bible talks of Jesus’ love, but I did not fully understand what that meant until I read the Desire of Ages. And then wow! The Bible came alive. Jesus is who I want to be like. And I know I fall so short. He even loved His enemies. He never had a sharp word (except a few times when provoked by false teachers who were trying to trap Him). He was kind and gentle and even loved Judas who betrayed Him and washed his feet. He obeyed God the Father unto death. I want that kind of love and obedience. If we hate our enemies, which I see a lot of on this platform, how can we say we are Christian? Jesus even died for his enemies. Are you ready to die for a Seventh Day Adventist? Am I ready to die for you? Jesus has a lot of work to do in our hearts and minds. But He who promised is faithful. I pray ALL read The Desire of Ages. It will truly change your life in accordance with God’s will. God really is love. All His ways are truth and righteousness. All of His commands are holy. May we be perfect as He is perfect…only by His grace. And may God be glorified in us.
Lucifer was indeed an exalted angel in heaven, created with beauty, wisdom, and a position of leadership. This is consistent with Scripture, particularly Ezekiel 28:12-15 and Isaiah 14:12-15, which describe his perfection before iniquity was found in him. Ellen G. White’s writings on this topic align with the biblical portrayal of Lucifer’s role and fall. Her insights, far from being contradictory, often provide deeper reflection on these events, rooted in Scripture. It’s worth asking why there is so much effort to “debunk” Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) doctrines when these teachings are grounded in biblical principles. For example, SDAs emphasize the importance of God’s law, as highlighted in Psalm 119, where David speaks of the law, statutes, and testimonies with reverence. The idea that Christ’s grace abolishes the need to live according to God’s standards is a misinterpretation; grace empowers us to uphold His law out of love (Romans 3:31, John 14:15). True Christianity involves obedience and transformation, not using grace as an excuse to continue in sin. Critiquing others’ doctrines without understanding their biblical foundation often reflects a lack of deep study. Many Protestant denominations hold to doctrines that stray far from Scripture, yet few people examine the origins of these teachings. Instead of focusing on disproving SDA beliefs, which are rooted in diligent Bible study, energy might be better spent striving to live as true Christians, reflecting Christ’s character in love and humility. As Paul wrote, spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14). To engage in theological discussions, it’s essential to approach the Bible prayerfully and humbly, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Discussions should build up, not tear down, and reflect the love and humility of Christ. Criticism that comes across as bitter or emotionally charged only detracts from meaningful dialogue. Ultimately, we are called to love one another and to reflect Christ’s character in all we do. Instead of being consumed by disproving others’ beliefs, let us strive to be true Christians who study the Word deeply, live out its teachings, and seek unity in Christ.
@@soulvegancuisine5722 yet you weren’t able to prove what was in focus. Notice your obfuscations-we never claimed Lucifer wasn’t beautiful and exalted. You port into that that he was “next to Christ.” No he wasn’t. The Bible doesn’t teach this and it’s heretical. Instead of proving this you complained about Adventism being critiqued and said “but but other people also believe false things.” Yeah that’s called the tu quoque fallacy. Nothing here was “emotionally charged.” This is a clip from a 2 hour discussion which was clearly linked at the end and we discussed Ezekiel and Isaiah both. So while you claim I’m not well read you yourself didn’t even bother to listen to the full discussion and be well listened. So why the hypocrisy? How’s about coming into Answering Adventism live and we see who has and hasn’t read more of SDA primary sources?
@ Response: Brother, I understand your point about Ellen G. White’s statement regarding Lucifer’s position being “next to Christ.” While this might differ from your interpretation of Scripture, it aligns with the understanding of Lucifer’s unique role as a covering cherub, described in Ezekiel 28:14, where he stood in the presence of God. This does not place him in the Godhead but reflects his exalted position among created beings. Your response, however, has become emotional and less focused on Scripture. Accusing others of hatred or heresy without engaging in mature, biblical dialogue reflects a lack of objectivity. Discussions like these require humility, not assumptions about someone’s intent or faith. I encourage you to prayerfully approach this topic with the Spirit of discernment. Let’s focus on God’s Word as the ultimate standard, engaging with grace and maturity. Peace to you.
@soulvegancuisine5722 "next to Christ" is awfully ambiguous communication at best and/or heresy at worst. Why is this "prophet" such an awful communicator?
@@soulvegancuisine5722 no, being a “covering cherub” doesn’t mean Satan was “next in honor” to Jesus. You’re just asserting this under the guise of “interpretation.” However, it isn’t surprising that emotional gaslighting is the route you decided to take instead of proving such. “Discussions like these require humility, not assumptions” After you commented a wall of assumptions, such as that I’m not well read on SDA theology. Have some self awareness. This is your first comment on our channel. I’d encourage you to poke around first before making all sorts of assumptions, especially after you just tried chiding me for such.
@@georgecartwright6390 this is a clip from a 2 hour discussion. And he didn’t cite any scripture because what he was asked about isn’t in the Bible. Did you even listen to the question? lol
Hey Myles, I really appreciate your passion for discussing Adventist beliefs, but I think it’s important that we engage with the theology and teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a fair and informed manner. It’s easy to misrepresent any belief system by cherry-picking texts or relying on second-hand interpretations. If we’re going to have a meaningful conversation, it would be helpful to encourage people to actually read Ellen G. White’s writings and the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Adventism. You mentioned Sam Shamoun debating EGW without really reading her books or understanding the teachings of the Adventist Church, which I think is a missed opportunity for real dialogue. I agree with you that getting someone like Justin Khoe and Advent Media Connect to have an open and informed discussion could help clarify a lot of misconceptions and give a fuller picture of what Adventists believe. I think it’s important to approach these conversations with respect and ensure that everyone has done their own research and is open to learning from both sides. Only then can we have a productive and fair discussion. Thanks for your time, and I hope this can lead to more balanced and thoughtful conversations in the future.
@@jtmx_217 none of this has anything to do with what’s in focus in this clip. Please read our mission statement. You’re clearly confused about what this platform is even about. Sam Shamoun never debated Ellen White on our platform. There were no “second hand interpretations” here. I literally read a paragraph and asked Josh’s opinion. You just said people should read Ellen for themselves and then whine when that is done and claim it’s a misinterpretation. We don’t need an Adventist to hand hold us every time we have a discussion. You aren’t our dictators. This conversation with Josh was very meaningful and Christian’s found it very informative, as the comments on the full stream this clip is from demonstrate. I’m on record CONSTANTLY telling people to read the sources for themselves. Our website has hundreds of articles with THOUSANDS of primary source materials hyperlinked for people to do their own research. So what are you even talking about? Possibly you could take your own advice and learn more about what this platform is about, why it exists, etc. and not make assertions based on clear errors in assumption.
@@answeringadventism amazingly he's not concern about what you quoted from her book which is the topic at hand but instead he concerned about what he thinks you should be doing with regard to engaging Adventist teaching ...
_" If we’re going to have a meaningful conversation, it would be helpful to encourage people to actually read Ellen G. White’s writings and the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Adventism."_ Why don't you rather encourage people to read the Bible? Something Adventists don't do. Next your friends will rock up and request that we must read the satanic Bible of Anton Levey.
@@answeringadventism I sense hatred in you brother, no offense. You claim you’re in the business of debunking SDAs, this sounds more like a platform for you to gather more masses in your hatred agendas. Once again no offense. Whatever happened to you, i pray you forgive and find deliverance from Hatred.❤
Speaking of satan, if GOD says The Seventh Day Sabbath is His Day to worship Him, Then who's day is the first day Sunday for worship? GOD don't speak from two sides of His mouth. GOD says He doesn't charge! Malachi 3:16, so who's lying? O, GOD also says He Cannot lie! Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2. By the way, where's your Prophet? GOD always leads His people by a Prophet !!! Revelation chapter 12:17, 14:12.
I just want to say, we don't have to go on a race about who's prophet is better, that is not the point. It's a very important subject. People have to study this matter on their own and we have to not become provocative. If we act this way we will make people reject what we want to tell them and it will be our fault because we didn't know you to approach them. God bless!
I just want to say, we don't have to become provocative about who's prophet is better. It is a very important matter that everyone has to study for themselves and make a decision based on that study. If we become provocative than people will have their guard up and they will reject what we want to tell them. That is a natural reaction from people. And if that happens, than it is our fault that it happened because we didn't know how to approach them. God bless!
@@kimartistpraise the Lord. And He said He will send another prophet…that his sons and daughters will prophesy in the mast days, and that He does nothing but that He reveals it through His prophets.
Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. Scripture says Lucifer was the “seal of perfection.” This language shows us he was exalted above all. And he was the “covering cherub” over the throne of God. It would be very unlikely for 1/3 of the angels to be deceived by a low ranking angel. No, His high rank and beauty is what led to his fall through pride and his incredible intellect and craftiness of lies and high rank is what caused 1/3 of the heavenly host to reject God.
Let me address a recurring point being made in the comments and by you regarding evidence. The question of evidence, particularly in matters of faith and doctrine, ties directly to spiritual discernment. As the Bible states, “spiritual things are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). Evidence, in a spiritual context, must be seen through the lens of spiritual discernment; without it, even clear truths can be denied or dismissed. Take, for example, the Sabbath. The evidence for the Sabbath is unmistakable in Scripture. It is part of the moral law, the Ten Commandments, given not just for the Jews but for all of mankind (Mark 2:27). Yet, many claim the Sabbath has been replaced by Sunday worship-despite there being no biblical evidence to support Sunday as a holy day in either the Old or New Testament. Even if someone hypothetically argues that Sunday is now the “Lord’s Day” to honor Christ’s resurrection, it raises an important question: Why is Sunday treated like any other day? If it were truly the Sabbath, it would demand reverence, rest, and a cessation from regular activities. Yet many attend church on Sunday and then treat the day casually-working, watching football, dining out, or running errands. The biblical standard of holiness, rest, and worship is not observed. The same principle applies to other doctrinal matters, such as the state of the dead. The Bible clearly teaches that “the dead know nothing” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) and that the soul does not immediately ascend to heaven or descend to hell. Yet, many Protestant doctrines perpetuate the unbiblical idea of the immortality of the soul, despite ample scriptural evidence to the contrary. Here’s the point: When you demand “evidence,” be prepared to acknowledge it when it’s presented. Evidence and spiritual discernment are inseparable when dealing with spiritual truths. If you deny clear evidence because it doesn’t align with preconceived beliefs, the issue isn’t the evidence itself-it’s a lack of spiritual discernment. Debates over these matters often become unproductive because both sides bring their “evidence” to refute the other. But truth is not determined by who argues louder or longer; it is revealed through sincere study, prayer, and a willingness to accept the evidence God has provided in His Word. In the end, the Bible is the final authority. Whether it’s the Sabbath, the state of the dead, or other doctrines, the evidence is there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Spiritual discernment, rooted in humility and a desire for truth, is what allows us to recognize it.
Lucifer was a covering cherub in the temple. You are the temple. He protected souls from going against the law of God. When he fell, we now had a voice teaching against God in us. He spoke to the serpent within us, our possible carnal nature from freedom of choice.
Let’s take a step back and address this objectively. 1. Overall Focus of Ellen White’s Writings: The central question is this-do Ellen White’s writings uplift Christ, call others to follow Him, and emphasize living by the highest Christian standard? The answer, when you look at her work as a whole, is a resounding yes. She consistently points to Christ as Lord and Savior and calls for genuine repentance and transformation. 2. Addressing the SDA Church: Ellen White’s primary focus was on reforming the Seventh-day Adventist Church, much like prophets of old addressed Israel. She warned of apostasy, not to condemn, but to bring people back to Christ. She also acknowledged that salvation is not limited to Adventists-in fact many more will be saved outside the SDA church from our sister churches and the world. 3. Judging Spirit vs. Truth: While it is important to discern truth from error, the spirit with which we engage matters. Truth must be shared with humility and grace, not animosity or judgment. Harsh criticism, especially when focused on one group, raises questions about intent and the spirit behind the message. 4. The Bigger Picture: Many winds of doctrine-like flat-earth theories, Nephilim myths, and occult ideologies-are infiltrating Christian communities. These are the real distractions, much more damaging than the writings of someone who ultimately sought to point people to Christ. 5. Character Above All: At the end of the day, what matters most is Christ-like character. Ellen White called Christ the “Pattern Man,” and we should reflect Him in our words and actions rather than tearing one another down. In conclusion, while you may disagree with certain interpretations, let’s ask the essential question: Does the message lead us to Christ and call us to live for Him? If so, it’s worth examining with an open heart.
@@soulvegancuisine5722 right, scripture doesn’t teach that Satan was ever “next in honor” to the Eternal Logos, the Word. Thanks All this chatter about “tearing people down,” etc. is rich considering that’s exactly what the SDA movement does to the Christian church. Slanders, lies about, misrepresents, etc. we’re “Babylon,” and so on. If you think asking a question and hearing an answer is “tearing down” then I feel sorry for you as that’s incredibly weak minded and overly sensitive. Literally all that was done here was a Christian pastor was asked his thoughts on something. Please learn why this platform exists. We see you’re new here. Welcome. But don’t become another drop in the bucket that parrots out all the same talking points and assertions that thousands of other Adventists have over the years. All the talking points in your comment have been addressed before. We don’t agree with your skewing of the picture. Such as that the SDA church teaches (along with Ellen) that more people outside of your little group will be saved. This is not forthright. This is only because the majority of people are ignorant of your group and theology, yet you try and present it like it’s out of an ecumenical and irenic spirit when it isn’t. People can only be saved in ignorance outside of your church according to the church’s own fundamental beliefs book, website, and numerous other primary sources. I was an Adventist for two decades. I know you don’t care and will more than likely do the “you were never a REAL Adventist” route, but I’ve heard all of this thousands of times and I’ve been engaging with Adventists for basically my whole life.
@ Let’s address this clearly and objectively. 1. “Next in Honor” - Clarification: When someone is called a “right-hand man,” it signifies a position of trust, authority, and importance-not necessarily family status. Similarly, to say Lucifer was “next in honor to Christ” does not suggest he was part of the Godhead. It simply acknowledges his exalted position as a created being, which aligns with the Bible’s portrayal of him as the highest angel before his fall. 2. Lucifer vs. Satan: Lucifer was his name before the fall; he became Satan after his rebellion. This distinction matters and avoids confusion when discussing his role and nature. 3. The Honor of Creation: Consider this: God created humanity in His image, knowing full well that Adam and Eve would fall. He did it anyway out of love. Despite our unworthiness, we are promised a place of honor-Scripture says believers will “sit at the right hand of God” (Ephesians 2:6). If God chooses to create a being like Lucifer with special attributes, who are we to challenge His design? 4. Misrepresenting Statements: Labeling Ellen White’s statement about Lucifer as “demonic” is unfounded and misrepresents what she said. She never claimed he was divine or part of the Godhead-only that he held a uniquely honored position among created beings. 5. A Call for Focus and Balance: Lastly, while your channel may focus on critiquing Ellen White, we must ensure that we approach these discussions with accuracy, humility, and discernment. Turning a straightforward statement into something it’s not only fuels unnecessary division. In summary, the issue here is not the statement itself but the misinterpretation of it. Let’s stay grounded in Scripture, pray for understanding, and approach these matters with a spirit of truth and grace.
@Donatello-b4x which is entirely nonsensical. The Sabbath requires a physical earth. The SDA idea that the 10 commandments are eternal and "keeping God's law" is a central point in the Great Controversy theme, how is it that a sunset to sunset Sabbath could have been kept in Heaven PRIOR TO creation of a physical universe or even created beings?
So, you don't have anything to do that lying,all your life, instead of studying the Bible.SDA is the only church of Christ that teachings are true but as Jesus Christ was considered as a false and his church the sect of Jew.So is SDA.Just because the church Jesus Christ established on earth is seventh day Saturday Sabbath's church, which is SDA church. May God open your eyes to see and understand the scripture.
@nonconformist4802 for sure it's a broken record,NOOOO tattooed preacher is recorded in the Bible, even if you twist Paul's WRITINGS there's no evidence
"Tattooed tongue"? Have you been staring at Myles' tongue, or are you just making things up? Regardless, at least his tongue isn't coated in his own ear wax, like yours is, Okapi James...
Wow. And satan took Christ to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and said, if you bow down to me all of this will be yours. And Christ said, It is written, Worship the Lord thy God. Irrespective he is a defeated foe. He had power. Job, And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life. -just because he is created he was given power, a seat, and great authority. This is what the bible says. The war in heaven? Why would there need to be a war if God could just say the word? Because it's not that simple. He has power. He was given it. And is allowed to demonstrate it. The storm Jesus rebuked, was from satan, he had power to change the weather. satan entered into judas. But what is the most important is satan giving his power, seat, and great authority to the beast system of government. Which billions are apart of. You see that today. You see that in history. He lead heaven in worship of God. Pipes were built in his vester. And a 3rd of all angels were swayed by him. That is billions of angels. Swayed. Now, he is a defeated foe. Why he continues we will only know in the bye and bye, but this controversy could not just be wiped away by God saying so. Instead God went ahead with His plan to make man and show the angels that did not line with satan that the law can be kept. satan was against the law of God. Do as thy wilt is the whole of the law. You will be be like God. You will not surely die. This is his language. God proved him wrong. For man did choice to follow His law. And some did not and side with satan. Have their own law to themselves and have their own day as well, when the commandment is clear. Remember the 7th day and keep it holy for God worked 6 days and rested on the 7th, so you should structure your life that way as well. And this will be a sign between you and Me that i am the God you serve. Wow. Seems God is trying to prove a point to satan as well. And He justified all of His actions by raising men up in the last day to live with Him forever, for by one mans transgression death fell upon all men, so by one mans right living many transgressors became right living before God. This is the justice and mercy of God. Defeated foe, yes. Powerful, yes. But only because man let him. Only because the angels let him. Free will. Angels even had it. But Christ was manifest to shut up all transgression in the universe that it should be no more, and the law of freedom abound. Therefore throwing the beast, the false prophet, hell and death, and satan into the lake of fire that they be no more. And a new heaven and earth will be replenished and we will learn of Him forever. Amen.
_"That is billions of angels. Swayed."_ SDA assumption without any real evidence. _" make man and show the angels that did not line with satan that the law can be kept."_ Good old pope Ellen and her witch craft doctrines that believe you don't need Jesus, you can be saved on your own steam. _" when the commandment is clear. Remember the 7th day"_ Remember, there is no power in a message if you forgot to mentioned something about the Sabbath, keep that in mind Adventists. _"And this will be a sign between you and Me that i am the God you serve. Wow. "_ Wrong, it was for them to remember that God brought them out of Egypt. Deuteronomy 5: 15 _"Seems God is trying to prove a point to satan as well."_ As if God is in need for that. LOL _" into the lake of fire that they be no more."_ Well they did last at least a 1000 years in this non existing forever SDA hell. Revelation 19: 20 - Revelation 20:10 WOW, what a spin of reality?
There you go again, needlessly complicating the Scriptures by adding a lot of filler that came from silly 19th Century fanfiction. Just like the LDS with their BOM...
Myles for Christ sake can you get Advent media connect just you and him talking about this issue in clearly when and how because of ABC reasons you left the church and why you started this campaign I find it kind of sad how you could get Sam shamoun out here debating egw when he never read a book of hers and he doesn’t even know the 28 fundamental beliefs and you never asked people to do their own research on adventism asking folks to actually read an egw book .
Sam Shamoun was never on our platform debating Ellen White. For someone annoyed by others allegedly not knowing what they're talking about you sure fit the bill for such nicely. How's about focusing on the content and not rambling? We've responded to James numerous times. He might be one of the most ignorant of the bunch, in my opinion.
@@nonconformist4802 It's like they took the Scripture from 1 John that everyone who sins breaks the Law and turned it completely on its head, so that in their thought (if not their official words) "anyone who keeps the SDA version of the 'Sabbath' keeps the whole law, even if they break every other commandment in it 1000 times a day!"
EGW's comment about Lucifer's skull shape is one of her multiple references to phrenology despite contradictory statements of her and the EGW Estate saying she didn't believe in it.
Error upon error...
SDAs -- we're begging you: run while you can.
@@cmbtheambassador5773 why are you so emotional and hateful, CMB?! Why do you hate the sabbath? Why do you hate Adventists? Why are you so angry?!?!
@@cmbtheambassador5773 Reveal your sources(scripts from EGW Estate etc.) so it's possible to believe your statements, please. It would be quite surprising if EGW Estate would believe in her statements and, at the same time, find some of her authorship contradictory to the Scriptures.
@mr.liberty5086 your kidding, right.
@answeringadventism I can't help myself! You know I'm just an angry, bitter, ill-informed former SDA who is a secret Jesuit... matter of fact, let me call Vatican HR -- I haven't gotten my Christmas bonus in the mail yet 😅😅😅😅
@mr.liberty5086 If you've been around long enough, you know we keep receipts 😉
EGW utilizing principles from phrenology
"I think Dr. Jackson gave an accurate account of the **disposition and organization** of our children. He pronounced **Willie's head** to be one of the best that has ever come under his observation. He gave a good description of Edson's **character and peculiarities**. I think this examination will be worth everything to Edson."
Ellen White, Letter 6, 1864 (to Bro. and Sister Lockwood, Sep. 14, 1864, from Jackson's clinic in Dansville, New York).
According to the pseudo-science of phrenology, "the animal organs of the brain were located in the back and lower part of the head, while organs of intellect and sentiment occupied the frontal region."7 Heating the back of the head brought blood to this area and supposedly stimulated the sexual passions.8 Therefore, Mrs. White protested against the use of wigs by her followers:
"The artificial hair and pads covering the base of the brain heat and excite the spinal nerves centering in the brain. The head should ever be kept cool. The heat caused by these artificial coverings induces the blood to the brain. The action of the blood upon the lower or animal organs of the brain, causes unnatural activity, tends to recklessness in morals, and the mind and heart are in danger of being corrupted."7
6. Ellen White, "Our Late Experience," Review and Herald, Feb. 27, 1866; James White to Ira Abbey, June 27, 1873.
7. Ronald Numbers, Prophetess of Health: Ellen G. White and the Origins of Seventh-day Adventist Health Reform (Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1992),, 158-159.
8. Ibid., 159.
EGW Estate denying get involvement/endorsement of phrenology
In 1884 she repeated her warning: “The sciences which treat of the human mind are very much exalted. They are good in their place, but they are seized upon by Satan as his powerful agents to deceive and destroy souls.... The world, which is supposed to be benefited so much by phrenology and animal magnetism, never was so corrupt as now. Through these sciences, virtue is destroyed, and the foundations of Spiritualism are laid...
No one would suggest that Ellen White understood all the mechanics and physiology of how the brain works; no one does today. Being a devoted mother, she was interested in anything that would help her to be a better mother. This routine examination at Dansville would be, at the most, interesting; in no way did it indicate that Ellen White espoused the philosophy of phrenology."
Excerpts from Messenger of the Lord -- link to website below 👇🏿
Wait, is this before or after the Father exalted Jesus. And which fake Jesus is she talking about, the one that isn't divine or the one that's a separate God? Or the impotent one that Satan has to step up and be the sin-bearer?
Again this text are cherry picked and taken out of context 😂
@@jtmx_217 Cherry-picked? Are you saying he's wrong to use EGW heretical writings and should be using the ones that aren't so blatantly heretical?
But more importantly, what possible context is he leaving out?
Another person who thinks they know what SDA's believe yet has no idea. "Separate God"?....what in the world is wrong with you folks? You really seem to have a big chip on your shoulder if you're willing to raise false witness on a whole group like that....but then again in the end, we will be persecuted. Because of people like you, I have begun to understand that it will only get worse.
Why would Christians have any interest in persecuting Adventists?
We don’t care that you go to church Saturday.
The real persecution is nothing about when one worships but about who is Lord.
So Adventists , relax .
The propose of this platform as I see it is to clarify biblical Christianity from distortions such as SDA.
There are other platforms that come from ex Mormons or ex Jehovahs witnesses and again, they likely have no interest in persecuting those cults, just in plucking out as many as possible from their clutches.
And concerning your fear of Catholics, I bet more of them worship on Saturday than there are SDAs , so why would they persecute their own?
@@jsimoes9424do you understand what you just wrote
The average seventh day Adventist doesn't care if what egw writes isn't biblically Truth she is their Truth and that's what or who they worship...
The average anti-seventh day adventist doesn't care about anything.
This is a common misconception about Seventh-day Adventists. The average Seventh-day Adventist holds the Bible as the ultimate authority for faith and practice. The teachings of Ellen G. White (EGW), a co-founder of the denomination, are viewed as providing guidance and encouragement but are always subject to the Bible. In fact, Ellen White herself wrote, “The Bible, and the Bible alone, is to be our creed” (The Review and Herald, Dec. 15, 1885). Adventists do not worship Ellen White; they believe her writings are a reflection of the biblical message and serve to point people back to Scripture and to Jesus Christ.
@@larsandrune Can you truthfully tell me if you watch and listened attentively to the video if you did please highlight any comment or illustration that was said that you find to be false,thanks....
Im not an SDA, but I have had interactions with people belonging to this denomination and I would say the majority are trying to honour God fervently. Try to understand that we are all fallen beings, endeavouring to be more like Christ, through the power of The Holy Spirit. Ellen G White lived in a time when most people didn’t have easy access to broader teaching and educational facilities. Books were expensive, travel was more difficult and the internet didn’t exist. After reading some of her work, I don’t think she ever aimed to achieve cult status, but to simply educate and explain the Bible as best she could. Perhaps she got a little bit carried away as we all do at times, but the SDA’s of her time were eagerly devouring all she gave them and they kept wanting more. To elevate her to the status of “prophetess”, akin to the apostle Paul is a bit ridiculous as some of her claims were clearly false, but this is the fault of Adventists that followed her, not necessarily her fault. Give a little grace and celebrate the fact that SDA’s are eagerly anticipating the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and this should be applauded. God bless you all and thank you for your teaching as all discussion about the Bible keeps us focussed on our God and Saviour! Remember, steel sharpens steel! 🙏🏼😉
@Donatello-b4x bunch of bewitched hypocrites...
EGW had so much more information about Satan than the Apostles - - red flag
Even more as what the Word of God revealed
Actually, what she said is supported in Ezk 28 and Isaiah 14 as well as Paul’s comments about His fighting directly with God in Heaven and being cast out along with 1/3 of deceived angels who gave alliance to Satan over Jesus.
Nothing she said is in contradiction to scripture.
Paul says he is as. Roaring lion seeking whom he may devour and is transformed into an angel of light. Jesus said he witnessed him fall from heaven as lightening and that he is a murder and a liar from the beginning and the father of it. The complete antithesis of Jesus Christ who has brought many souls to eternal damnation.
_"Nothing she said is in contradiction to scripture. "_
I assume that the older brothers of Jesus don't count, nor the holy people that live on Jupiter, neither the Sunday law or IJ that is not founded in the Word of God. Correct?
The cool-aid you are using can't be the regular stuff.
_"Nothing she said is in contradiction to scripture. "_
I assume that the older brothers of Jesus don't count, nor the holy people that live on Jupiter, neither the Sunday law or IJ that is not founded in the Word of God. Correct?
The cool-aid you are using can't be the regular stuff.
Tell us more about the older brothers of Jesus, the holy people that live on Jupiter and the shut door.
Why don't you mentioned that?
It’s not just SdA that believe these things about the devil , the Muslims have the same exact beliefs
All cults and false religions do.
@Rezparviz they all drink of the same counterfeit. Any alternative is a straight up lie. No corrupted tree can bear good fruit. Only Yahweh God is good and anything deviating from Him is corruption and not good. JESUS is Yahweh God in the 2nd person of the trinity come into His own sinless flesh to become sin on the cross and rise SINLESS from the dead!
Just a question. Are you saying the devil is nothing to be feared? Did not even Peter deny Jesus 3 times, who had been in Jesus’ direct presence for 3 years? Did not Jesus look him in the face and say “get thee behind me Satan?” when Peter insisted that Jesus would not die? Does not scripture say Satan entered Judas to have Jesus crucified? Does not Jesus say that the Pharisees were of Satan? We’re not 1/3 of the heavenly host deceived by Satan and list their place in heaven, who had been at the throne of God? Were not Adam and Eve deceived by Satan who had been created perfect by Jesus Christ and knew him face to face?
Our only safety is in Christ. ALL have sinned, including you and me, meaning Satan has deceived us, too. Only the blood of Jesus and His victory over Satan and sin and save us. May we surrender to Jesus daily to receive His strength to overcome.
"And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that I shall lose none of those He has given Me, but raise them up at the last day." Jn 6:39. If Satan through his "majesty" could steal away those who Jesus bought, then clearly he's more powerful than the will of the Father. What heresy!!😮😮😮
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
@@oretornoelias8284 hi, verse 7 seems to be confusing to many even myself can you explain it or give Ur thoughts, regards 🙏
@@waynecharles7346 Hi please read from verse 1-6 to see all the background
2Th 2:1Now we beseech you, brothers, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together to him, 2 That you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;4 Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.5 Remember you not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?6 And now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time.
7 For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way.
"For the mystery of iniquity" is satan himself which used a power ruled by men to oppose God and His worshippers see v.4 " that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."
What power that fulfilled this?
Remember the Dark Ages, the first fase of it the second fase will come very soon it's described in Rv 13.
Although Jesus said what you posted He also said in Mathews 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them, Take heed that no man deceive you.5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
For more details send me your contact.
May God still bless us and our family with His Words of wisdom.
So many Bible versus explain that the righteous can fall and many will fall. It’s a choice. You can choose to leave Christ. You can choose to leave your learning to videos such as this one rather than asking God to guide into all of His truth by the gift of the Holy Spirit. Pride comes before a fall. Unless we have the faith of little children and are born of the spirit, we will not be saved no matter how deceived we are to believe we are. It’s a scary thing. We need humility in full surrender to Christ. Take up your cross daily. We must abide in Him.
We have to remember that according to pope Ellen and friends, their glorified angel god Michael, was sort of the brother of this "Majestic" angel called Lucifer at one time.
And yes, It was God the Father that caused this hatred and jealousy of satan, for He was the one who glorified Michael who was lower in rank than Lucifer.
Michael means "He who is like God" in Hebrew. So when you hear that Jesus is an angel, think about the fact that He was an archangel. And an angel can be: a messenger, a watcher and maybe something more. So The Word of God was the archangel oh the angels. That is what we believe. You can research more about that if you want
But The Word had no begining, and Lucifer had, but it did not matter to him I guess.
_"That is what we believe."_
Correct, that is what you believe, now go and get some concrete evidence that its actually the case, instead of propagating your foundationless believes as the truth.
_"think about the fact that He was an archangel."_
Let the Bible do the talking, and not your opinions. Give book name, chapter and verse number that gave evidence for this *"fact"* what you are talking about.
_"You can research more about that if you want"_
No need for me to study on what you do believe, your pope Ellen and her gang have published everything on what is needed to know about you satanic origin.
_'But The Word had no begining, and Lucifer had,"
It's not what your founding fathers did believe, according to them he had a beginning, but I guess it don't matter to you who did the indoctrination, as long as you are convinced. right?
"And as to the Son of God, he would be excluded also, for he had God for his Father, and did, some point at the eternity of the past, have beginning of days."
JN Andrews Review and Herald September 1869
_"That is what we believe."_
Correct, that is what you believe, now go and get some concrete evidence that its actually the case, instead of propagating your foundationless believes as the truth.
_"think about the fact that He was an archangel."_
Let the Bible do the talking, and not your opinions. Give book name, chapter and verse number that gave evidence for this *"fact"* what you are talking about.
_"You can research more about that if you want"_
No need for me to study on what you do believe, your pope Ellen and her gang have published everything on what is needed to know about you satanic origin.
Greetings, I absolutely agree with your guest, Josh. I would have never put the words satanic and majesty together…ever. I find EGW gives Satan a “center stage” role that rivals Jesus Christ our Savior, bordering on strange fascination, putting to the pen descriptions and dialogue that can’t be proven and are unnecessary.
The Rolling Stones did
It was the same rolling stone that hit pope Ellen against her head.
Does not Jesus warn repeatedly against the wiles of satan, as all of the apostles? Would you accuse them also of giving too much space to warnings against Satan and his deceptions?
Pope Ellen caught you hook line and sinker.
Your sda jesus was once an angel next to Satan before your sda god did glorified him to be in second command in your sda heaven.
Your own pope EGW has said that, no need for you to deflect reality.
Great show! Keep speaking the truth!
Ezekiel 28 (KJV)
¹⁴ Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
¹⁵ Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
¹⁶ By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
Some SDA churches are downplaying their association with the false prophetess. Why doesn't the group/sect disavow her? If they want to be accepted by other Christians, and grow, should not they cut ties with that woman? I think that would be prudent.
@ChrisKirkland-k8k they can't.
The second EGW gets exposed as a fraud, the entire house of cards comes crashing down. The organizational powers that be are holding this thing together by threads.
@@ChrisKirkland-k8k because the way Adventist theology is set up as a system, that would cause the system to collapse. She’s supposed to be part of what identifies the SDA church as Gods end times church, the remnant. This is core to their identity claims. She’s one of the seven pillars.
No matter how much distancing individuals do, Ellen white will never be abandoned organizationally.
And yet every one of its doctrines are founded on Scripture
@topgunviper founded on Scripture when it's grossly out of context isn't a flex
Ellen G. White’s role in Seventh-day Adventism is indeed foundational, and the church continues to uphold her as a significant figure, but it’s important to clarify how and why this is the case. Adventists do not view her writings as a replacement for the Bible but rather as a lesser light pointing to the greater light of Scripture. Her writings support and emphasize biblical teachings, and the church sees her ministry as part of God’s guidance to the Adventist movement.
The Adventist Church’s identity as a prophetic, end-time movement is closely linked to their interpretation of Revelation 12:17, which speaks of the remnant who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. They interpret the testimony of Jesus as the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10), and they believe Ellen White’s ministry fulfills this prophetic role. Therefore, removing her from their identity would fundamentally alter the way they understand their calling and mission.
While individual churches or members may emphasize different aspects of their faith, the global Adventist Church maintains that Ellen White’s writings provide inspired counsel, which supports rather than supersedes the Bible. The church sees no conflict between adhering to her guidance and being accepted by other Christians, as their core belief is in Jesus Christ, His grace, and the authority of Scripture.
EG White had a fanatic faith in willpower.She wrote chapters on the dire importance of the will and the power of the mind/will, and its necessity for salvation.She once met a mesmerist and said as she was talking to him she could feel him trying to enter her mind.She said she literaly saw ten eyes coming out the end of this mesmermists ten fingers.It takes one to know one evidentily.She probably could bend spoons with her mind in her spare time.
I wish someone would put all the woowoo stuff about EGW into one place - like a picture/trivia/novelty/coffee table type book with old-fashioned 19th century illustrations & footnotes at the bottom of each page telling where the info can be found (because you know SDAs will immediately start crying "She never said that" 😫). Just saying because I could immediately picture the eyes at the ends of the fingers coming out at her 😅 I'd buy it 😆
(1 EGW. LM g2g 2 Chapter about Animal Magnitism)@@kimartist
EGW was the original New Age "crystal woowoo lady"...
Most of the EGW fans who are regulars in the comments of this channel can bend their minds with a spoon...
@@DamonNomad82 Definitely. You can show them a clear Scripture & they'll tell you "It doesn't say that." It takes bent minds to produce bent thoughts.
Keep it up!!
They believe that Michael the archangel is actually Jesus Himself. So Satan was an archangel with Christ. How foolish and heretical!
Rebellion originated with Satan. Notwithstanding the exalted
position which he occupied among the heavenly host, he
became dissatisfied because he was not accorded supreme
honor. Hence he questioned God's purposes and impugned his
justice. He bent all his powers to allure the angels from their
allegiance. The fact that he was an archangel, glorious and
powerful, enabled him to exert a mighty influence. His
complaints against God's government, at first met with no favor;
yet being urged again and again, they were finally accepted by
those who had before been loyal and happy subjects of the King
of Heaven.
Ellen G. White
SEPTEMBER 14, 1882
Untrue. Michael the arch angel which means head or commander of the angels. Every protestant reformer held the same view-do a little research.
I don't think Satan was ever called an archangel in the bible. He was a covering angel
I believe Myles is a Calvinist. So, here ya go - John Calvin believed that Michael the archangel could refer to the person of Christ. Calvin's reasoning was that it was best to represent Christ as standing up for the defense of his people. Calvin also believed that Michael should be the protector of the elect people and that he should have immense power.
@@topgunviper no, John Calvin didn’t believe Jesus was Michael the archangel. You guys need to study better.
You need to cross reference him in Jude, not just Daniel 12:1. Calvin recognized Daniel was prophetic literature and saw Michael as a TYPE or picture that points to Jesus-not that they are ontologically the same being.
So stop misrepresenting him. He makes it clear in Jude he didn’t believe Michael was Jesus as he says Michael in Jude is a picture of the LESSER to the GREATER. Michael pointing to God as superior. Calvin was an orthodox Trinitarian and believed Jesus is the Almighty and he didn’t believe Michael was.
Calvin was a first day sabbatarian along with all of the reformers. Are you now going to become a first day sabbatarian because “the reformers believed it?” Of course not. You only say this in this context because you think it helps the SDA view of Michael.
Also-being a “Calvinist” doesn’t mean you believe whatever John Calvin said.
Calvin’s quote…Michael may mean an angel; but I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward for the defense of his elect people.
Shouldn't You have said that God The Father prepared a lamb without spot and blemish that made us righteous in His (God's) sight. God reversed the curse of what Adam gave away and God through Christ allowed us to have dominion again
Wow. Great job in exposing this
No one can be blest breaking God law
Go and seek the Holy Spirit before you can understand scriptures "You must be born again"
Background audio not working
@@ChaseDowell ??
Hmm, issue seems to be on my end. It's working now.
@@answeringadventismbackground audio is youtube keeps playing when screen turned off or switching apps. I know certain video tags can kill it like when tagged for children.
Do you know why many of my comments aren't being seen? I even joined hoping that would help to no help at all.
Question in 2016, check the video thousands of thousands were baptized/accepting Jesus in one Adventist revival session in Rwanda. Do you think this is solely Adventist deceiving power? No Jesus power intervention at all? Do you think these thousands os thousands are just stupid people? Your answer please.
O Lucifer, son of the morning! ...For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ASCEND into heaven... I will be like the most High. Isaiah (14:12-14 K.J.V.) Strong's concordance, ascend, Hebrew 5927 , alah a prime root with a plethora of meanings. Look them up.
I don't understand the point. If a prophet says something, why is it crucial whether it is already in the Bible? If Isaiah says that a virgin will give birth to a child, I don't ask where it is already in the Bible. The question is whether or not what a prophet says comes from God. Everyone has to decide that for themselves.
@@michuanni because this organization insists Ellen white adds nothing to the Bible. They insist to “only believe the Bible” yet they prop up an entirely novel and extra biblical worldview that is entirely foreign to the Bible.
Your comment also evidences that Ellen White is seen no differently than canonical prophets despite the organizations insistence that she isn’t, trying to say she had the “New Testament gift of prophecy.”
It’s hypocrisy.
Furthermore, she’s affirming blasphemy and attributing it to God.
@@answeringadventism It is not quite clear to me, what it means to refer ONLY to the Bible. I don't know of any Christian church that does that. Every domination has the Bible and tradition. Today this is called exegesis. But there are also assertions that come from outside the Bible. For example, conservative churches insist that the Gospels were actually written by Mark, Matthew, John and Luke. But that is nowhere to be found in the Bible. Or, it is claimed that the Bible is the word of God. But that is also nowhere to be found. Every church has its own interpretation of the Bible. From my point of view, there is not much difference between you and the Adventists. Both insist that their interpretation of the Bible is the correct one. I am convinced that this attitude leads nowhere.
@@answeringadventismI think you are missing the point. A prophet points people back to the Bible which is the Word, Jesus Christ. They may certainly have new insight, but it is always in line with Bible foundational truth. We see this with Jeremiah. He brought new insight into a coming Babylonian captivity, but it was in line with the Bible truth that disobedience will have consequences. And God loved His people so much that He sent a messenger to warn them to cooperate. Sadly, many called Jeremiah a false prophet and said he was sharing unbiblical information.
I see nothing of EG White’s writings that make me want to live away from God and His word. Rather, she shares so many amazing Bible verses that I never would have appreciated on my own. She gives greater understanding of Christ’s sacrifice which leads to a deeper love of Him. The Desire of Ages literally brings me to tears every time I read it as I see in a very deep sense Jesus’ suffering on my behalf because He loves me sooo much. She calls this an unfathomable love. She says He would have died if I were the only sinner on earth. That’s how much He wants me and you saved.
The Bible talks of Jesus’ love, but I did not fully understand what that meant until I read the Desire of Ages. And then wow! The Bible came alive. Jesus is who I want to be like. And I know I fall so short. He even loved His enemies. He never had a sharp word (except a few times when provoked by false teachers who were trying to trap Him). He was kind and gentle and even loved Judas who betrayed Him and washed his feet. He obeyed God the Father unto death. I want that kind of love and obedience.
If we hate our enemies, which I see a lot of on this platform, how can we say we are Christian? Jesus even died for his enemies. Are you ready to die for a Seventh Day Adventist? Am I ready to die for you? Jesus has a lot of work to do in our hearts and minds. But He who promised is faithful.
I pray ALL read The Desire of Ages. It will truly change your life in accordance with God’s will. God really is love. All His ways are truth and righteousness. All of His commands are holy. May we be perfect as He is perfect…only by His grace. And may God be glorified in us.
Lucifer was indeed an exalted angel in heaven, created with beauty, wisdom, and a position of leadership. This is consistent with Scripture, particularly Ezekiel 28:12-15 and Isaiah 14:12-15, which describe his perfection before iniquity was found in him. Ellen G. White’s writings on this topic align with the biblical portrayal of Lucifer’s role and fall. Her insights, far from being contradictory, often provide deeper reflection on these events, rooted in Scripture.
It’s worth asking why there is so much effort to “debunk” Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) doctrines when these teachings are grounded in biblical principles. For example, SDAs emphasize the importance of God’s law, as highlighted in Psalm 119, where David speaks of the law, statutes, and testimonies with reverence. The idea that Christ’s grace abolishes the need to live according to God’s standards is a misinterpretation; grace empowers us to uphold His law out of love (Romans 3:31, John 14:15). True Christianity involves obedience and transformation, not using grace as an excuse to continue in sin.
Critiquing others’ doctrines without understanding their biblical foundation often reflects a lack of deep study. Many Protestant denominations hold to doctrines that stray far from Scripture, yet few people examine the origins of these teachings. Instead of focusing on disproving SDA beliefs, which are rooted in diligent Bible study, energy might be better spent striving to live as true Christians, reflecting Christ’s character in love and humility.
As Paul wrote, spiritual truths are discerned through the Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14). To engage in theological discussions, it’s essential to approach the Bible prayerfully and humbly, seeking the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Discussions should build up, not tear down, and reflect the love and humility of Christ. Criticism that comes across as bitter or emotionally charged only detracts from meaningful dialogue.
Ultimately, we are called to love one another and to reflect Christ’s character in all we do. Instead of being consumed by disproving others’ beliefs, let us strive to be true Christians who study the Word deeply, live out its teachings, and seek unity in Christ.
@@soulvegancuisine5722 yet you weren’t able to prove what was in focus. Notice your obfuscations-we never claimed Lucifer wasn’t beautiful and exalted. You port into that that he was “next to Christ.” No he wasn’t. The Bible doesn’t teach this and it’s heretical. Instead of proving this you complained about Adventism being critiqued and said “but but other people also believe false things.” Yeah that’s called the tu quoque fallacy.
Nothing here was “emotionally charged.”
This is a clip from a 2 hour discussion which was clearly linked at the end and we discussed Ezekiel and Isaiah both. So while you claim I’m not well read you yourself didn’t even bother to listen to the full discussion and be well listened. So why the hypocrisy?
How’s about coming into Answering Adventism live and we see who has and hasn’t read more of SDA primary sources?
@ Response:
Brother, I understand your point about Ellen G. White’s statement regarding Lucifer’s position being “next to Christ.” While this might differ from your interpretation of Scripture, it aligns with the understanding of Lucifer’s unique role as a covering cherub, described in Ezekiel 28:14, where he stood in the presence of God. This does not place him in the Godhead but reflects his exalted position among created beings.
Your response, however, has become emotional and less focused on Scripture. Accusing others of hatred or heresy without engaging in mature, biblical dialogue reflects a lack of objectivity. Discussions like these require humility, not assumptions about someone’s intent or faith.
I encourage you to prayerfully approach this topic with the Spirit of discernment. Let’s focus on God’s Word as the ultimate standard, engaging with grace and maturity. Peace to you.
@@soulvegancuisine5722 This is the true Biblical understanding you delivered so beautifully!
@soulvegancuisine5722 "next to Christ" is awfully ambiguous communication at best and/or heresy at worst. Why is this "prophet" such an awful communicator?
@@soulvegancuisine5722 no, being a “covering cherub” doesn’t mean Satan was “next in honor” to Jesus. You’re just asserting this under the guise of “interpretation.”
However, it isn’t surprising that emotional gaslighting is the route you decided to take instead of proving such.
“Discussions like these require humility, not assumptions”
After you commented a wall of assumptions, such as that I’m not well read on SDA theology. Have some self awareness.
This is your first comment on our channel. I’d encourage you to poke around first before making all sorts of assumptions, especially after you just tried chiding me for such.
Just curious on your interpretation of who the King of Tyre is in Ezekiel 28?
Of all the guest studies, did anyone hear him quote one scripture or tell us where whatever the bible says about Lucifer is? Maybe I missed it.
@@georgecartwright6390 this is a clip from a 2 hour discussion. And he didn’t cite any scripture because what he was asked about isn’t in the Bible. Did you even listen to the question? lol
@@answeringadventism obviously. The clip of a larger video explains why. I will find the other video
Hey Myles, I really appreciate your passion for discussing Adventist beliefs, but I think it’s important that we engage with the theology and teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in a fair and informed manner. It’s easy to misrepresent any belief system by cherry-picking texts or relying on second-hand interpretations. If we’re going to have a meaningful conversation, it would be helpful to encourage people to actually read Ellen G. White’s writings and the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Adventism.
You mentioned Sam Shamoun debating EGW without really reading her books or understanding the teachings of the Adventist Church, which I think is a missed opportunity for real dialogue. I agree with you that getting someone like Justin Khoe and Advent Media Connect to have an open and informed discussion could help clarify a lot of misconceptions and give a fuller picture of what Adventists believe.
I think it’s important to approach these conversations with respect and ensure that everyone has done their own research and is open to learning from both sides. Only then can we have a productive and fair discussion. Thanks for your time, and I hope this can lead to more balanced and thoughtful conversations in the future.
@@jtmx_217 none of this has anything to do with what’s in focus in this clip. Please read our mission statement. You’re clearly confused about what this platform is even about.
Sam Shamoun never debated Ellen White on our platform.
There were no “second hand interpretations” here. I literally read a paragraph and asked Josh’s opinion. You just said people should read Ellen for themselves and then whine when that is done and claim it’s a misinterpretation.
We don’t need an Adventist to hand hold us every time we have a discussion. You aren’t our dictators. This conversation with Josh was very meaningful and Christian’s found it very informative, as the comments on the full stream this clip is from demonstrate.
I’m on record CONSTANTLY telling people to read the sources for themselves. Our website has hundreds of articles with THOUSANDS of primary source materials hyperlinked for people to do their own research. So what are you even talking about?
Possibly you could take your own advice and learn more about what this platform is about, why it exists, etc. and not make assertions based on clear errors in assumption.
@@answeringadventism amazingly he's not concern about what you quoted from her book which is the topic at hand but instead he concerned about what he thinks you should be doing with regard to engaging Adventist teaching ...
_" If we’re going to have a meaningful conversation, it would be helpful to encourage people to actually read Ellen G. White’s writings and the 28 Fundamental Beliefs of Adventism."_
Why don't you rather encourage people to read the Bible? Something Adventists don't do.
Next your friends will rock up and request that we must read the satanic Bible of Anton Levey.
@@answeringadventism I sense hatred in you brother, no offense. You claim you’re in the business of debunking SDAs, this sounds more like a platform for you to gather more masses in your hatred agendas. Once again no offense. Whatever happened to you, i pray you forgive and find deliverance from Hatred.❤
Nothing is being misrepresented here, EGW was a false prophet and the quotes presented prove that.
Speaking of satan, if GOD says The Seventh Day Sabbath is His Day to worship Him, Then who's day is the first day Sunday for worship?
GOD don't speak from two sides of His mouth.
GOD says He doesn't charge! Malachi 3:16, so who's lying?
O, GOD also says He Cannot lie!
Numbers 23:19, Hebrews 6:18, Titus 1:2.
By the way, where's your Prophet? GOD always leads His people by a Prophet !!!
Revelation chapter 12:17, 14:12.
I just want to say, we don't have to go on a race about who's prophet is better, that is not the point. It's a very important subject. People have to study this matter on their own and we have to not become provocative. If we act this way we will make people reject what we want to tell them and it will be our fault because we didn't know you to approach them. God bless!
I just want to say, we don't have to become provocative about who's prophet is better. It is a very important matter that everyone has to study for themselves and make a decision based on that study. If we become provocative than people will have their guard up and they will reject what we want to tell them. That is a natural reaction from people. And if that happens, than it is our fault that it happened because we didn't know how to approach them. God bless!
Jesus is my Prophet.
@@kimartistpraise the Lord. And He said He will send another prophet…that his sons and daughters will prophesy in the mast days, and that He does nothing but that He reveals it through His prophets.
Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. Scripture says Lucifer was the “seal of perfection.” This language shows us he was exalted above all. And he was the “covering cherub” over the throne of God. It would be very unlikely for 1/3 of the angels to be deceived by a low ranking angel. No, His high rank and beauty is what led to his fall through pride and his incredible intellect and craftiness of lies and high rank is what caused 1/3 of the heavenly host to reject God.
Let me address a recurring point being made in the comments and by you regarding evidence. The question of evidence, particularly in matters of faith and doctrine, ties directly to spiritual discernment. As the Bible states, “spiritual things are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). Evidence, in a spiritual context, must be seen through the lens of spiritual discernment; without it, even clear truths can be denied or dismissed.
Take, for example, the Sabbath. The evidence for the Sabbath is unmistakable in Scripture. It is part of the moral law, the Ten Commandments, given not just for the Jews but for all of mankind (Mark 2:27). Yet, many claim the Sabbath has been replaced by Sunday worship-despite there being no biblical evidence to support Sunday as a holy day in either the Old or New Testament.
Even if someone hypothetically argues that Sunday is now the “Lord’s Day” to honor Christ’s resurrection, it raises an important question: Why is Sunday treated like any other day? If it were truly the Sabbath, it would demand reverence, rest, and a cessation from regular activities. Yet many attend church on Sunday and then treat the day casually-working, watching football, dining out, or running errands. The biblical standard of holiness, rest, and worship is not observed.
The same principle applies to other doctrinal matters, such as the state of the dead. The Bible clearly teaches that “the dead know nothing” (Ecclesiastes 9:5) and that the soul does not immediately ascend to heaven or descend to hell. Yet, many Protestant doctrines perpetuate the unbiblical idea of the immortality of the soul, despite ample scriptural evidence to the contrary.
Here’s the point: When you demand “evidence,” be prepared to acknowledge it when it’s presented. Evidence and spiritual discernment are inseparable when dealing with spiritual truths. If you deny clear evidence because it doesn’t align with preconceived beliefs, the issue isn’t the evidence itself-it’s a lack of spiritual discernment.
Debates over these matters often become unproductive because both sides bring their “evidence” to refute the other. But truth is not determined by who argues louder or longer; it is revealed through sincere study, prayer, and a willingness to accept the evidence God has provided in His Word.
In the end, the Bible is the final authority. Whether it’s the Sabbath, the state of the dead, or other doctrines, the evidence is there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Spiritual discernment, rooted in humility and a desire for truth, is what allows us to recognize it.
Amen 🙏🏻
Lucifer was a covering cherub in the temple. You are the temple. He protected souls from going against the law of God. When he fell, we now had a voice teaching against God in us. He spoke to the serpent within us, our possible carnal nature from freedom of choice.
And in what comic book did you read all this rubbish?
@@nonconformist4802the Bible. Ezk 28, Isaiah 14, 1 Corinthians 3:16-17.
Let’s take a step back and address this objectively.
1. Overall Focus of Ellen White’s Writings: The central question is this-do Ellen White’s writings uplift Christ, call others to follow Him, and emphasize living by the highest Christian standard? The answer, when you look at her work as a whole, is a resounding yes. She consistently points to Christ as Lord and Savior and calls for genuine repentance and transformation.
2. Addressing the SDA Church: Ellen White’s primary focus was on reforming the Seventh-day Adventist Church, much like prophets of old addressed Israel. She warned of apostasy, not to condemn, but to bring people back to Christ. She also acknowledged that salvation is not limited to Adventists-in fact many more will be saved outside the SDA church from our sister churches and the world.
3. Judging Spirit vs. Truth: While it is important to discern truth from error, the spirit with which we engage matters. Truth must be shared with humility and grace, not animosity or judgment. Harsh criticism, especially when focused on one group, raises questions about intent and the spirit behind the message.
4. The Bigger Picture: Many winds of doctrine-like flat-earth theories, Nephilim myths, and occult ideologies-are infiltrating Christian communities. These are the real distractions, much more damaging than the writings of someone who ultimately sought to point people to Christ.
5. Character Above All: At the end of the day, what matters most is Christ-like character. Ellen White called Christ the “Pattern Man,” and we should reflect Him in our words and actions rather than tearing one another down.
In conclusion, while you may disagree with certain interpretations, let’s ask the essential question: Does the message lead us to Christ and call us to live for Him? If so, it’s worth examining with an open heart.
@@soulvegancuisine5722 right, scripture doesn’t teach that Satan was ever “next in honor” to the Eternal Logos, the Word. Thanks
All this chatter about “tearing people down,” etc. is rich considering that’s exactly what the SDA movement does to the Christian church. Slanders, lies about, misrepresents, etc. we’re “Babylon,” and so on.
If you think asking a question and hearing an answer is “tearing down” then I feel sorry for you as that’s incredibly weak minded and overly sensitive. Literally all that was done here was a Christian pastor was asked his thoughts on something.
Please learn why this platform exists. We see you’re new here. Welcome. But don’t become another drop in the bucket that parrots out all the same talking points and assertions that thousands of other Adventists have over the years. All the talking points in your comment have been addressed before. We don’t agree with your skewing of the picture. Such as that the SDA church teaches (along with Ellen) that more people outside of your little group will be saved. This is not forthright. This is only because the majority of people are ignorant of your group and theology, yet you try and present it like it’s out of an ecumenical and irenic spirit when it isn’t. People can only be saved in ignorance outside of your church according to the church’s own fundamental beliefs book, website, and numerous other primary sources.
I was an Adventist for two decades. I know you don’t care and will more than likely do the “you were never a REAL Adventist” route, but I’ve heard all of this thousands of times and I’ve been engaging with Adventists for basically my whole life.
Let’s address this clearly and objectively.
1. “Next in Honor” - Clarification:
When someone is called a “right-hand man,” it signifies a position of trust, authority, and importance-not necessarily family status. Similarly, to say Lucifer was “next in honor to Christ” does not suggest he was part of the Godhead. It simply acknowledges his exalted position as a created being, which aligns with the Bible’s portrayal of him as the highest angel before his fall.
2. Lucifer vs. Satan:
Lucifer was his name before the fall; he became Satan after his rebellion. This distinction matters and avoids confusion when discussing his role and nature.
3. The Honor of Creation:
Consider this: God created humanity in His image, knowing full well that Adam and Eve would fall. He did it anyway out of love. Despite our unworthiness, we are promised a place of honor-Scripture says believers will “sit at the right hand of God” (Ephesians 2:6). If God chooses to create a being like Lucifer with special attributes, who are we to challenge His design?
4. Misrepresenting Statements:
Labeling Ellen White’s statement about Lucifer as “demonic” is unfounded and misrepresents what she said. She never claimed he was divine or part of the Godhead-only that he held a uniquely honored position among created beings.
5. A Call for Focus and Balance:
Lastly, while your channel may focus on critiquing Ellen White, we must ensure that we approach these discussions with accuracy, humility, and discernment. Turning a straightforward statement into something it’s not only fuels unnecessary division.
In summary, the issue here is not the statement itself but the misinterpretation of it. Let’s stay grounded in Scripture, pray for understanding, and approach these matters with a spirit of truth and grace.
@Donatello-b4x which is entirely nonsensical.
The Sabbath requires a physical earth. The SDA idea that the 10 commandments are eternal and "keeping God's law" is a central point in the Great Controversy theme, how is it that a sunset to sunset Sabbath could have been kept in Heaven PRIOR TO creation of a physical universe or even created beings?
So, you don't have anything to do that lying,all your life, instead of studying the Bible.SDA is the only church of Christ that teachings are true but as Jesus Christ was considered as a false and his church the sect of Jew.So is SDA.Just because the church Jesus Christ established on earth is seventh day Saturday Sabbath's church, which is SDA church.
May God open your eyes to see and understand the scripture.
God's name shouldn't be spoken by your tattooed tongue, you are obstructing God's message 😢😢😢
Ockwi - the broken record
@nonconformist4802 for sure it's a broken record,NOOOO tattooed preacher is recorded in the Bible, even if you twist Paul's WRITINGS there's no evidence
Hahahah , funny character this Okwi
"Tattooed tongue"? Have you been staring at Myles' tongue, or are you just making things up? Regardless, at least his tongue isn't coated in his own ear wax, like yours is, Okapi James...
Funny how your joke of a god cant save a sinner, what can be the reason for that?
Wow. And satan took Christ to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world, and said, if you bow down to me all of this will be yours. And Christ said, It is written, Worship the Lord thy God. Irrespective he is a defeated foe. He had power.
Job, And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life.
-just because he is created he was given power, a seat, and great authority. This is what the bible says.
The war in heaven? Why would there need to be a war if God could just say the word? Because it's not that simple. He has power. He was given it. And is allowed to demonstrate it.
The storm Jesus rebuked, was from satan, he had power to change the weather.
satan entered into judas.
But what is the most important is satan giving his power, seat, and great authority to the beast system of government. Which billions are apart of. You see that today. You see that in history.
He lead heaven in worship of God. Pipes were built in his vester. And a 3rd of all angels were swayed by him. That is billions of angels. Swayed.
Now, he is a defeated foe. Why he continues we will only know in the bye and bye, but this controversy could not just be wiped away by God saying so.
Instead God went ahead with His plan to make man and show the angels that did not line with satan that the law can be kept.
satan was against the law of God. Do as thy wilt is the whole of the law. You will be be like God. You will not surely die. This is his language. God proved him wrong. For man did choice to follow His law. And some did not and side with satan.
Have their own law to themselves and have their own day as well, when the commandment is clear. Remember the 7th day and keep it holy for God worked 6 days and rested on the 7th, so you should structure your life that way as well. And this will be a sign between you and Me that i am the God you serve. Wow.
Seems God is trying to prove a point to satan as well. And He justified all of His actions by raising men up in the last day to live with Him forever, for by one mans transgression death fell upon all men, so by one mans right living many transgressors became right living before God. This is the justice and mercy of God.
Defeated foe, yes. Powerful, yes. But only because man let him. Only because the angels let him. Free will. Angels even had it.
But Christ was manifest to shut up all transgression in the universe that it should be no more, and the law of freedom abound.
Therefore throwing the beast, the false prophet, hell and death, and satan into the lake of fire that they be no more.
And a new heaven and earth will be replenished and we will learn of Him forever. Amen.
_"That is billions of angels. Swayed."_
SDA assumption without any real evidence.
_" make man and show the angels that did not line with satan that the law can be kept."_
Good old pope Ellen and her witch craft doctrines that believe you don't need Jesus, you can be saved on your own steam.
_" when the commandment is clear. Remember the 7th day"_
Remember, there is no power in a message if you forgot to mentioned something about the Sabbath, keep that in mind Adventists.
_"And this will be a sign between you and Me that i am the God you serve. Wow. "_
Wrong, it was for them to remember that God brought them out of Egypt. Deuteronomy 5: 15
_"Seems God is trying to prove a point to satan as well."_
As if God is in need for that. LOL
_" into the lake of fire that they be no more."_
Well they did last at least a 1000 years in this non existing forever SDA hell. Revelation 19: 20 - Revelation 20:10
WOW, what a spin of reality?
There you go again, needlessly complicating the Scriptures by adding a lot of filler that came from silly 19th Century fanfiction. Just like the LDS with their BOM...
Scrapping the barrel. Just throwing any video out there.
Myles for Christ sake can you get Advent media connect just you and him talking about this issue in clearly when and how because of ABC reasons you left the church and why you started this campaign I find it kind of sad how you could get Sam shamoun out here debating egw when he never read a book of hers and he doesn’t even know the 28 fundamental beliefs and you never asked people to do their own research on adventism asking folks to actually read an egw book .
Sam Shamoun was never on our platform debating Ellen White. For someone annoyed by others allegedly not knowing what they're talking about you sure fit the bill for such nicely. How's about focusing on the content and not rambling?
We've responded to James numerous times. He might be one of the most ignorant of the bunch, in my opinion.
He is keeping the sabbath, it make all wrongs right apparently
@@nonconformist4802 It's like they took the Scripture from 1 John that everyone who sins breaks the Law and turned it completely on its head, so that in their thought (if not their official words) "anyone who keeps the SDA version of the 'Sabbath' keeps the whole law, even if they break every other commandment in it 1000 times a day!"