Jeremy Runnells RESIGNS from the LDS Church

  • Опубликовано: 25 окт 2024

Комментарии • 378

  • @s.m.strassburg2269
    @s.m.strassburg2269 2 года назад +11

    Jeremy, I have followed you for years. Thanks for being the champion you are! The CES Letter helped me leave with a clearer, and confirmed feeling that I did the right thing by resigning too!

  • @aliciabell4850
    @aliciabell4850 8 лет назад +17

    Good for you Jeremy for leaving the church. God bless you. I'm so proud of you.

  • @jimmymendez9995
    @jimmymendez9995 6 лет назад +8

    I am proud to be a ex Mormon got save 4 yrs ago accepted the real Jesus Christ

  • @Debra309
    @Debra309 6 лет назад +7

    I have sought truth regarding the LDS church when I learned Joseph Smith was not loyal to Emma as I was taught. I am so grateful to have found your testimony. You changed my life for the better. I wrote my resignation letter from the LDS church, will have it notarized and intend to mail it this week. Thank you!

  • @DenverHarward
    @DenverHarward 8 лет назад +22

    Good for you, sir. Asking questions is the best thing you can do. From an eternal skeptic and a happy ExMo

  • @lv2dive7
    @lv2dive7 6 лет назад +10

    I was born and raised in the “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Nothing was more important than the Church. First is God, second the Church, third spouse and family. If I were to choose not to follow the rules and laws, (commonly know as latter day prophecy in which allows the church to change policy in their teachings) I was just flat out wrong in their eyes. To have “family” gang up against me for loosing my “faith” is just sad.
    Since childhood, there has been so much “fear” placed upon me as a member of the church. Fear of being sent to Hell for not living the “gospel” principles.
    After being born into an “LDS” Family, I was “blessed” and given my name by my father. This is what I would be known by on the “records” of the church. In that blessing many things were pronounced upon me. Like, I would grow and develop a testimony that the “church” was the only “true” church upon the face of this earth. That Joseph Smith was the prophet of God. That I would be baptized at 8 and become a full member of the gospel. (Which I did) They told me that “I was making the choice to be baptized”. That would be the 1st “hook” into their gasp of me Around the age of 12, I was “privileged “ to be baptized for the dead in the Churches Temple as their proxy. But before that could happen I met with the leader of the “ward”, (a group of members in the same area), or more commonly known as the Bishop. At that time I was pressured to tell any wrong doings to him. Alone just me and him. Kind of like confession. I feared the Bishop as he had the right to tell me whether or not I was “worthy” to go. Now, at the age of 8 being baptized, I was put under water once. For the dead though I was dunked approximately 25 times. This was supposed to make me feel the spiritual side or the sacredness of the Temple. Not as the world said a “secret”. It was just weird. Around the age of 16 I was taken to the “Patriarch” for a “Patriarchal Blessing”. He told me through the laying on of hands”, how my earthly life would continue on as long as I was worthy. I was told many things such as I would meet and marry an honorable man whom had served a full time mission for the Church. That he would take me to the house of the Lord or Temple, to be married and sealed for time and all eternity. That I would become a mother in Zion and bear children. That I would serve the woman of the ward,....and on and on
    As a young adult, I was diligent in my church. I went to Seminary for 4 years in the wee hours of the morning during my 9th-12th grade. I attended Brigham Young University and met my Husband. I was married in the Salt Lake Temple. Once again I went to the temple to take out my endowments, (or promises) and to be married and sealed to him. The ordinances done there in the Temple were literally scary. The cult behavior inside is extreme. Doing chants, certain signs and symbols. Wearing ropes of white, a green leaf apron to cover my “nakedness” before the sight of God. A veil to cover my face during a ritualistic prayer. But being promised if I did this I would have that “forever family”,.....I went along with it.
    During my marriage I gave birth to 7 children. After years of sexual and mental abuse myself, I found out my children were being sexually and physically abused by my husbands nephew. The torment that I went through was hell itself! But when I found out about my children’s abuse, I was furious!! I attended a court of law after my Bishop counseled me to forgive and forget. My son and I were threatened by my father-in-law and his Grandfather, to be silent for their “name” could not be tarnished. In the court of law my son and I sat alone on the opposite side that his father and his family sat on. Just before entering court, my son, his father and I were approached by the grandfather. His statement was to his son, (my husband and father of my son), “you have a lot to lose”. LlAt that time my son and I were told by my husband, “I have to be there for my sister and my family.” I said, “we are your family”. At that point, I knew we were alone.
    The LDS Church has destroyed my family. From private investigators to Bishops, my family has been torn apart. They have pitted myself and my children against each other. Saying “choose wisely”. The fear instilled from the church keeps them from choosing reality. It’s faith instead of facts. Church over family. Abandonment. Fear of losing everything and everyone because all that’s known IS the Church. Continued harassment from church leaders and members of the family that still are in the church is never ending. Loss is great. Loss is evident. Loss became reality.
    Not only have I lost my married family but now my birth family. Our belongings have been taken. Our finances stopped. Help is an under statement.

    • @hailhails7768
      @hailhails7768 3 года назад

      I am so sorry what you went through...

    • @jeffmarceil4941
      @jeffmarceil4941 2 года назад

      Based on what you have said, your Bishop was wrong and your Husband was wrong and there was a lot of selfish pride shown by the grandfather. The Church didn't ruin your family, some "Bad Actors" did. The molester and those who wanted to bury things. People aren't perfect. The Church has much to offer. I am a convert and the Church has made a huge difference in my life. It can be fir you again as well. You just need to keep Church and idiots separate.

  • @princesskaren78
    @princesskaren78 3 года назад +4

    What a brave man! Standing there sharing his most valuable example of courage and a sincere quest for the true, May our Lord Jesus Christ always help him and his ministry so that all know who Out God really is.

  • @justinportnoy1261
    @justinportnoy1261 3 года назад +4

    You kicked the church right in the balls! The CES letter is what finally brought me to recognize that I need out. Thanks Brother!

  • @trusty1rusty
    @trusty1rusty 8 лет назад +13

    I am gobsmacked by the degree of lack of respect shown by the Brethren towards the humble sloggers. Why do they not deserve honest answers to honest questions?

    • @Cameron4077
      @Cameron4077 8 лет назад +1

      +Russ Turner -because the brethren see right through cheap con artists like hi and his ilk

    • @Cameron4077
      @Cameron4077 8 лет назад +1

      i've been to the states yes!

  • @gigi1332
    @gigi1332 7 лет назад +4

    Thank you so much Jeramy
    if you only knew how much your moment here means so much to me
    Thank you!

  • @Forese83
    @Forese83 8 лет назад +8

    Congratulations, you stood your ground, that shows character and security in yourself. BE FREE, FEEL FREE!

  • @daveyjones9930
    @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад +28

    Wow!! Attending a court of "love", requiring the time and efforts of 12 High Councilmen 3 Stake Presidency, Jeremy's bishop and several other LDS priesthood leaders, requiring them to attend and participate in this "disciplinary council" (instead of being at home with their families)---and *THEN* for Jeremy to completely shut down this kangaroo court by submitting his resignation papers to Ivens and walking OUT, was pure GENIUS!!
    In case some don't realize the significance of this event (Jeremy's resignation AFTER the "hearing"), the very moment a resignation letter is delivered to an "agent" of the LDS church (President Ivins), that person resigning is INSTANTLY no longer a member and CANNOT BE DISCIPLINED. The "court" was immediately rendered meaningless and of no effect by Jeremy! It was a thing of beauty to behold!! I do feel bad for the priesthood brethren in attendance, that they wasted their time in this charade for NOTHING. Bottom line: no excommunication took place. Instead, a very public RESIGNATION foiled their attempt. Wish I coudda been there!!

    • @TA-jb4ke
      @TA-jb4ke 8 лет назад +1

      You didn't watch the video Jeremy "leaked", did you? Jeremy's excommunication was a foregone conclusion. He simply made it easier by finally getting the courage to resign rather than being involuntarily ousted.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад +5

      Duh!That's exactly what I said."Finally getting the courage"?? LOL!!That was Jeremy's ace-in-the-hole move. He fully expected to cross examine or ask questions....which happens in a REAL court or hearing. When it was clear he was being railroaded with no recourse, he pulled out his *ace*!

    • @travisr.anderson6776
      @travisr.anderson6776 8 лет назад +1

      "Duh!That's exactly what I said."
      No, what you wrote was, "THEN for Jeremy to completely shut down this kangaroo court by submitting his resignation papers to Ivens and walking OUT, was pure GENIUS!!" He didn't "shut down" anything. The Stake President set the pattern of proceeding. He stated, I will give a 15 minute statement, then you are allowed to respond for 45 minutes. Jeremy didn't even have enough material to go the full time he was allotted. At the end of Jeremy's statement, he was simply going to be excommunicated. He didn't even bother responding to the charges of the Stake President. Instead, he was "shut down" by their refusing to allow him to dictate the proceeding. You really don't get it, do you?
      "Finally getting the courage"?? LOL!!"
      Yes. Finally, He has been whining and scared of being excommunicated for years. If he had any real courage, he wouldn't have waited until the inevitable was upon him.
      "That was Jeremy's ace-in-the-hole move. He fully expected to cross examine or ask questions....which happens in a REAL court or hearing."
      "Ace-in-the-hole move"? How? He was dictated to by the Stake President and did what he was told. As you stated, "He fully expected to cross examine" however he was "told" that is not how the proceeding was going to occur. The High Council was informed he would be recording the proceeding in an attempt to "leak" the material for purpose of ridicule and what we now have is Jeremy's attempt to reconstruct some semblance of his motives. You don't know him very well, do you?
      "When it was clear he was being railroaded with no recourse, he pulled out his ace!"
      What he really did was get shut down and act like a whining child. He "took his ball and went home" like a petulant Child.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад +3

      I admit that I *DON'T GET IT!!* That's why I'm out and your still IN...and supporting this type of unChrist like barbarism!! What Jeremy "shut down" was the INTENT of this phony Star Chamber Tribunal to excommunicate him.*THAT* is what he "shut down", which is EXACTLY what I said that you ignored---trying to make up some bullshit story. I don't know Jeremy?? At least I read his cesletter. YOU apparently have NOT. And you accuse ME of not knowing him?? LOL!! I admit I don't know him personally, tho we did meet and talk briefly in Costco a couple of months ago. Are YOU claiming to know him personally?? Where do you get your enlightened knowledge about him from??--the anti-anti-Mormon scuttlebutt at CHURCH?!?! "Petulant child". What else could he have done?... allow their Salt Lake City based decision to EX him, prevail?? He did the ONLY THING he could do when he realized he was being railroaded...with no recourse. It's worse than medieval!! Even Catholic excommunications 500 years ago, allowed rebuttals to the accusations, and even witnesses for the defense!! (Reference Galileo's RCC excommunication.) I've listened to EVERY interview that has ever been made with Jeremy and about him, and I have NEVER heard him "whine" about the possibility of being EXed. He KNEW it was a possibility. I have heard him say he didn't want to be deference to his wife and her feelings. That is HARDLY "whining" about it. He WAS "shut down", that's for sure!! *THAT is what being railroaded MEANS!!* No recourse. No defense allowed OR considered. The FIX was IN!! His ONLY SIN was asking questions. The REAL SIN was never getting answers--even tho he was PROMISED answers! (Lying, dishonest, anti-Christ bastards!!) I also have to're pretty good at making up bullshit!! Your church has taught you WELL!!

    • @travisr.anderson6776
      @travisr.anderson6776 8 лет назад +1

      "What Jeremy "shut down" was the INTENT of this phony Star Chamber Tribunal to excommunicate him."
      By preemptively leaving after they dictated the terms of the proceeding and he stammered to retort? Sure, believe that.
      "THAT is what he "shut down".I don't know Jeremy? At least I read his cesletter."
      He is no longer a member of the Church. The objective of the Stake President and High Counsel was achieved. He saved them what was turning into an awkward moment, pretending that wasn't the result they expected. I am sure you "read the CES Letter." So have I. Additionally, as previously stated, I have also performed the historical and scholarly research respecting the historical context and theological content of the "issues" he plagiarized. You have not. Especially if you only spent "2 years" researching the Church.
      "YOU apparently have NOT. And you accuse ME of not knowing him?? LOL!!"
      I have read it. As I already stated. His conclusions are silly and factual analysis deficient. That you were taken in by it is not surprising. He appeals to a certain type of simpleton. The kind that "do what they are told" without thinking.
      "I admit I don't know him personally, tho we did meet and talk briefly in Costco a couple of months ago."
      I know.
      "Where do you get your enlightened knowledge about him from??--the anti-anti-Mormon scuttlebutt at CHURCH?!?!"
      He is quite prolific. He has subjected us to hours upon hours of his ranting, youtube videos and interviews. It isn't difficult to diagnose is issues. Additionally, his writings are a good indicator of the type of moron he is.
      "Petulant child". What else could he have done? Allow their Salt Lake City based decision to EX him, prevail??"
      That is exactly what he did. He admittedly doesn't believe in God or the LDS Church. Yet he went through the farce of pretending to care that he retain his membership. These are the actions of a child.
      "He did the ONLY THING he could do when he realized he was being railroaded...with no recourse. It's worse than medieval!! Even Catholic excommunications allow rebuttals to the accusations, and even witnesses for the defense!!"
      You don't understand Church Counsels, do you? They aren't "Courts". They aren't there to prosecute a person. They are there to assist a person with their problems, if they want it. He didn't.
      "I've listened to EVERY interview that has ever been made with Jeremy and about him, and I have NEVER heard him "whine" about the possibility of being EXed."
      Then you haven't listened very closely.
      "I have heard him say he didn't want to be deference to his wife and her feelings."
      Again, like you, doing something only because he was "told".
      "That is HARDLY "whining" about it. He WAS "shut down", that's for sure!! THAT is what being railroaded MEANS!! No recourse. No defense allowed OR considered. The FIX was IN!!"
      Agreed. He was a mindless simpleton and excommunication was the only way to prevent further injury to his soul.

  • @UnPluggingThePlayer
    @UnPluggingThePlayer 8 лет назад +4

    Jeremy Runnells did an incredible job and is one of the clearest, concisest and honest minds. I'm so impressed at the way he uses logic and truth to defend his innocence and incriminate their pathological lying history.
    His legacy will outlast his life. What an incredible example he's provided to others; whether mormon or not.
    If there's a hell that president and all the mormon liars should be there. I have trouble forgiving them because their such liars who have no accountablilty yet want to make Jeremy accountable for expecting truth ! Like Jeremy said, the only power they get is the power you give them. ...... I'm still working on forgiveness, and may be for the rest of my life.

  • @Beezer32279
    @Beezer32279 8 лет назад +42

    Now he can experience and fully enjoy life.

    • @Robinfuckable
      @Robinfuckable 5 лет назад +1

      It's easy he found that Mormonism is a False Gospel.

    • @rayscroggs2708
      @rayscroggs2708 5 лет назад +1

      God bless you on your new journey he will shower you with many many blessings and cover you with his love

    • @ezekiellister3176
      @ezekiellister3176 3 года назад +1

      Till he goes to outter darkness ...yes he will.

    • @Dawnyy
      @Dawnyy 3 года назад

      @Kof Latu imagine not being allowed to drink coffee, one of the healthiest things to reduce risk of heart illness, cancer

    • @swantann7457
      @swantann7457 2 года назад

      @@ezekiellister3176 lol

  • @coachanderson2704
    @coachanderson2704 8 лет назад +13

    Very smart guy, good luck to you Jeremy!

  • @KeithVaught
    @KeithVaught 8 лет назад +8

    You are brave, good man, Jeremy. I applaud you.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад

      +Keith Vaught Jeremy is my hero! The *greater news* is...there are many more like him waiting in the wings!!

  • @pastmomo3959
    @pastmomo3959 8 лет назад +13

    I'm so happy when another one makes it out of this fraud of a church.

    • @davidralphs4
      @davidralphs4 8 лет назад +2

      +Non Mormon I hope you have chosen secularism over Jesus.

  • @Royalchess1
    @Royalchess1 8 месяцев назад

    Sir Jeremy Runnells, I heard about your situation within the last week, and I just decided to listen to this video. I wish you well with the beginning of your new life.

  • @nunyabuzness2088
    @nunyabuzness2088 8 лет назад +13

    What public actions has he done against the church? He wrote a letter about all the conflicting things in the LDS church, church history, and church doctrine. Two years after he wrote the CES Letter, the church started publishing the "essays". The essays confirmed all the things in the CES letter were true. So if everything in the CES Letter is true, why is the church taking him to church court? Aren't members suppose to "seek after truth"? He was even willing to change the CES Letter, if anything written wasn't true. The church tried for a year and half to find something that wasn't true, so they could ex him for spreading lies, but they couldn't find anything.
    The situation is this: the TRUE facts about church doctrine and church history that are published in the CES letter are leading members away. The church can't erase the TRUTH, so they are going after the messenger.

  • @Cuinn837
    @Cuinn837 8 лет назад +10

    Congratulations, Jeremy.

  • @sjordan7085
    @sjordan7085 2 года назад +1

    LDS chuch is a total scam, like many. Good fo you J.

  • @KyleSfhandyman
    @KyleSfhandyman 8 лет назад +15

    Jeremy has probably saved more Mormons than the Seagulls.

  • @khadijagwen
    @khadijagwen 7 лет назад +4

    There is this illusion that the church has power over anyone.

  • @scottbrandon9390
    @scottbrandon9390 3 года назад +3

    It doesn't matter whether the CES Letter has truth or falsehoods. There are a lot of errors in the letter. The reason he was ex'd was he communicated those beliefs on the internet, causing 1000s to leave the church. A member may have those beliefs, but cannot cause others to leave the church.

    • @bmo5082
      @bmo5082 7 месяцев назад +2

      Like he stated in the speech. He asked where he was incorrect in his letter. No answer was given from the Church.
      He was being punished for speaking an inconvenient truth.

    • @GuyRegular
      @GuyRegular 3 месяца назад

      If the authority is at the church, can't point out the errors. Perhaps you could. And please be specific

  • @bbctons1238
    @bbctons1238 2 года назад +1

    Love you Jeremy , I wish you could speak with Mormon Latinos too!
    But , please don’t leave the Real Jesus of the Bible .
    He’s not a lier or a co-man like smith was. Smith is where he deserved, in torment for all eternity..
    But, you have hope ! You can be saved, the Lord Jesus is waiting for you to give him your heart!
    He can answer all your questions! All you have to do is read the Bible Alone .
    Hope you read this message .

  • @ieremiasosene4703
    @ieremiasosene4703 8 лет назад +3

    only the truth will set people free..

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад

      +Ieremia Sosene True.Some celebrity (don't remember who) added a very important phrase to that script that goes like this: "The truth will set you free--but first it will piss you off!!"

  • @markrunnells5642
    @markrunnells5642 Год назад

    God bless you my brother! (Rev. Mark Runnells).

  • @90barns
    @90barns 7 лет назад +3

    Congratulations Jeremy!! Always question authority! Don't let these fools make you think that they are the ones that rule your life because if you do, you're just a weak individual who depends on some cult to tell you what to do.

  • @riversidewatch
    @riversidewatch 8 лет назад

    The opposite of doubt is not faith.
    The opposite of doubt is certainty.
    God bless you.

  • @spirit1802
    @spirit1802 6 лет назад +1

    very few people actually care about truth...Truth stand where lies fall those that seek the wisdom of truth will find

  • @jasonlscarabin
    @jasonlscarabin 8 лет назад +1

    Equally as awesome as Jeremy is the awesome Holbrooks being there! This is beautiful!

  • @brooklynmoore9760
    @brooklynmoore9760 3 года назад

    Thank you for your bravery!

  • @letsgocountry1242
    @letsgocountry1242 8 лет назад +6

    He's not desperate for validation at all!

    • @dcarts5616
      @dcarts5616 3 года назад

      Nope. Not at all.

    • @jamesricks
      @jamesricks Год назад

      Not as desperate as "converts" joining the church because they have the validation of their new friends and missionaries at church saying they are doing a "great thing"

  • @sugarpacketchad
    @sugarpacketchad 7 лет назад +8

    I recently resigned from the LDS church! Congratulations!!!

  • @MultiRobotnik
    @MultiRobotnik Год назад +1

    Wasn't he excommunicated though? Is it a _"You can't fire me, I quit?"_

  • @xavierathorne
    @xavierathorne 8 лет назад

    Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me.
    ‪#‎LDS‬ ‪#‎MeetTheMormons‬ ‪#‎Mormons‬ ‪#‎Mormon‬ ‪#‎SalesPitch‬ ‪#‎FollowtheProphet‬ ‪#‎LDSConf‬ ‪#‎MormonHistory‬ ‪#‎MormonDoctrine‬ ‪#‎CESletter‬

  • @lukeslc-xd8ds
    @lukeslc-xd8ds 8 лет назад +1

    Mr. Runnells, what Church on the face of this planet can tell you and show you how to return to the presence of God the Father? What Church has answers of Eternity?

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  8 лет назад

      You can return to the presence of God by proclaiming your faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and acknowledge that he took the brunt for your sins. Following the dictates of Joseph Smith or Thomas Monson cannot do the same.

    • @GuyRegular
      @GuyRegular 3 месяца назад

      None of them religion is all BS

  • @thedrlfter5967
    @thedrlfter5967 6 лет назад

    Although I think I would have done one thing differently, I would have let the the council remove me from the membership roll.
    In doing so you could have filed a written appeal asking them to provide in writing their specific reasons for removing you from the membership roll.
    Then, their justification could have been sent to mainstream media, local media and ultimately published on RUclips.
    You made it extremely easy for them.
    Admittedly I’m not a member of your faith but I am a member of a similar group with similar problems and similar reactions.
    It is amazing as you stated earlier that this age of information is peeling back the layers of history and error.
    May you find peace…
    The Drifter

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  6 лет назад +1

      There is no benefit towards daring local church leaders to excommunicate you other than some emotional high complex. It's much better to make the local leaders feel guilty; and that by resigning you tell them they have no power over you.

  • @stevekoski8643
    @stevekoski8643 8 лет назад +2

    I'm happy for you Jeremy!

  • @rrrrrrrr290
    @rrrrrrrr290 8 лет назад +1

    I'm disappointed that Jeremy did't let the court run to the end
    I would have like to hear the Stake Pres. verdict
    Guessing we know what it would have been. Depending which side of the fence you set your tent would decide if you agree or not.
    But as Gods judge didn't get to make a judgment we can only guess and wonder.
    For the record I think it unfair that no church leaders have tried to answer Jeremy's questions

    • @jamesricks
      @jamesricks Год назад

      His statement sums it up.
      He didn't want to give the church any more power.
      My curiosity wants to know too, but who cares what the church wanted? We know that it is false. We know what would have happened.

  • @TheShodan92
    @TheShodan92 3 года назад +2

    This would be the typical response from a TBM ; " Jeremy will be sorry.. so very sorry". But it's guaranteed not a single TBM can assure anyone that what they're saying is fact, as the foundation of such a statement is originally from years of indoctrinated fear implanted deeply in the conscience and sub conscience of the TBM.
    Well done Jeremy. I fully support you.

  • @christophermorreall3454
    @christophermorreall3454 2 года назад

    I admire Jeremy for exposing this religion and for video tapping the cult rituals. That's was brave and risky especially when hiding cameras.

  • @shandihuddleston2167
    @shandihuddleston2167 4 года назад +1

    They can take your salvation away? No one has that power! They are sick and twisted just as Joseph Smith was!

    • @jamesricks
      @jamesricks Год назад

      Joseph Smith was an atheist, with a business that gave him money, power, and sex.
      His product was one that didn't exist.
      You can call him evil and probably be correct, but he was also smart, and a highly effective manipulator.

  • @delberthall9748
    @delberthall9748 5 лет назад

    From that tine many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.

  • @scowell
    @scowell 8 лет назад +9

    Here's hoping he doesn't get sucked into another one!

    • @goingtothetop55
      @goingtothetop55 8 лет назад

      +scowell lmao!

    • @arranmc182
      @arranmc182 8 лет назад

      +scowellIn the UK a lot of ex members who say the church is to controlling end up with the JW's

    • @presidenteldermarkhoffman8304
      @presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 лет назад +1

      +arranmc182 Most smart LDS who leave know Religion is not needed. Cult tells you, you must have their Religion lol.

    • @edsnow1526
      @edsnow1526 8 лет назад

      +scowell Amen

  • @TheChancesmom
    @TheChancesmom 8 лет назад +1

    WTG Jeremy man cannot take your salvation away only you and God can do that"

  • @patricedavies4079
    @patricedavies4079 8 лет назад +1

    Why do people have to trash others beliefs in trying to follow their own?! People are trashing on both sides and quite frankly neither are a good example of "being Christian". I think if he feels that he wants to leave the Mormon church there is nothing wrong with that. Do what you believe. I believe God wants us to find what we believe to be true and follow that. I don't believe the same as he does but I respect his ability to be able to choose what he wants to be a member of. I am grateful for Jesus Christ's example for us to follow.

    • @ecnetsixe
      @ecnetsixe 8 лет назад +1

      +janey robinson because there comes a point when you are just TIRED of the suffering caused by the barrier to human connection that is 100% the result of belief in an imaginary soul parent. It blocks channels that should be for honest, authentic trust between humans. We dont need it. We don't want it any more. It is dehumanizing, and at the point you've had enough, morally, you must stand up and fight back against toxic forces in the world, not just stand by and suffer in silence.

    • @stevebennion8601
      @stevebennion8601 5 лет назад

      @@ecnetsixe He didn't plan for it all to blow up as it did, but now we're here it's just the facts listed in the ces letter pretty much prove the whole thing to be false with no answer's to them. People defend what they believe and naturally they fight over it.

  • @jeffersonianideal
    @jeffersonianideal 8 лет назад +1

    To institutionalized religion, critical thinking is a subversive activity.

  • @leeleviner8159
    @leeleviner8159 6 лет назад +1

    Before he got to this predicament, he was lovingly counseled many times (at least three ) to cease from whatever he was doing that was against the teachings of the church. He and many others, who have left, will have a chance to come back to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints if they want to. If they don't, it will be their decision.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  6 лет назад

      Show us where does it say asking questions to leaders about church history is considered against the teachings of the church. SHOW IT! Put up or shut up. Even so, what church that claims to follow Jesus Christ would forbid its members from asking questions? Do it! Show proof!

    • @leeleviner8159
      @leeleviner8159 6 лет назад

      someone who has been a member of that church for a year would have known the answers to the questions he asked his leaders. The books of that church has all the info any member or nonmember would want to know about the church. Just go and download the gospel library app to your phone and find out for yourself. or visit To answer your question, you already had the answer. what you're looking for is down below in your 300 some comments. it s ok that you didn't see it. it was a video.

    • @leeleviner8159
      @leeleviner8159 6 лет назад

      now where does it say in the church that they would forbid it members from asking questions?

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  6 лет назад

      Then WHY is this Jeremy Runnells going through a disciplinary council? C'mon now, you have the priesthood, tell us....

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  6 лет назад

      Have YOU read the CES Letter, Lee? Isn't it the truth?

  • @adamgoodword7888
    @adamgoodword7888 7 лет назад +2

    God created man, man created religion!
    Jesus wants us to follow Him, not religion.
    Jesus said I Am the way, not religion is the way.
    Jesus said Follow Me, not follow me then pick some brand of worldly religion to follow also.
    Jesus never followed a religion. In fact Jesus was against the religious people of His day and He even went as far as to call them the children of the devil.
    The 12 disciples never followed religion, they only followed Jesus.
    So why is it that Mormons and other religious people believe they need to create or join a religion????
    People seek after religion because Jesus and the Gospel are no longer enough for them.
    As Jesus is no longer enough for them they create a religion to follow.
    It is like the people of Moses' day, where the people created a golden calf and worshiped it.
    Mormons have set their religion before them like an idol. They worship it and they defend it.
    Mormons need their book of Mormon because they believe that the Bible which contains all that Jesus did and taught is not enough for them.
    Mormons believe "church" = a religious institution
    Christians know "church" = people, followers of Jesus, His sheep.
    Mormons are not Christians. They put their religion first and Jesus last.
    Mormons are Mormon first and Christians second.
    Mormons will always defend their religion because they hold it closer to their heart than they do Jesus and His Gospel.
    Mormons are the most deceived church upon the earth.
    Mormons belong to: The Church Of Joseph Smith of Latter Day Deceived
    The Book Of Mormon is The Most Corrected Book Upon The Earth
    The Book Of Mormon is Another Deception Of The Anti Christ
    The Book Of Mormon is Joseph's Myth
    Christians will always attack religion because it is not of God.
    Mormons will always defend their religion because they are not of God.
    Religious people always need a religion to go through to get to God.
    Christians only need Jesus to get to Him and the Father.
    Any time that a church tells you that you have to go through them to get to God it is usually a cult.
    When Mormons bear testimonies it is more so to convince EACH OTHER that their religion is true than to bear witness or convince non believers.
    Mormons spend so much of their time bearing testimonies on the book of mormon being true and their church being true.
    Christians already know that the bible is true and we know that anyone who follows Jesus are His true church.
    Christians just get on with teaching the gospels and all that is contained within the bible.
    Mormons just continue trying to convince everyone that their book of Mormon is true rather than devoting all their time to teaching anything out of it.
    Jesus leads to salvation.
    Joseph leads to damnation.
    So Mormons, who will you choose? Jesus or Joseph?

    • @winnerwinner5286
      @winnerwinner5286 6 лет назад +1

      Mormons literally just say "Its true and I know it" when you ask Why . They cant explain why they Believe the Shit they've had Downloaded into their brain since they were 3 . It is SO SAD!

  • @kitmcnicholas7986
    @kitmcnicholas7986 8 лет назад +1

    Way to use your brain, Jeremy! You obviously have a great support network. They're what matters.

  • @travisr.anderson6776
    @travisr.anderson6776 8 лет назад +2

    "I am disgusted by their attempts to put me in the same category as murderers ..."
    "Yea, and I had murdered many of his children, or rather led them away unto destruction; yea, and in fine so great had been my iniquities ... " (Alma 36:14)

    • @presidenteldermarkhoffman8304
      @presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 лет назад


    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  8 лет назад

      +Travis Anderson For a dedicated TBM such as yourself, you sure don't know which is which about characters in the Book of Mormon. You're probably thinking of Abinadi. With President Ivins playing the role of Kong Noah perfectly.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад

      +Travis Anderson I didn't realize that apostate Alma had been asking question of his superiors?? Was that his "sin"...asking questions?? YOU, TA, are the one drawing a parallel between Alma and Jeremy.TRY to be consistent, please...

    • @ElderJoseph
      @ElderJoseph 8 лет назад

      +Travis Anderson It's possible that Travis really is a member of MormonDUMB and not just a trouble making troll with nothing to do, trying to make otherwise ordinary decent Mormons look so stupid. lol

    • @daric_
      @daric_ 8 лет назад

      +Travis Anderson
      Truly the sign of a cult when their die-hard members are absolutely convinced that people seeking truth, like Martin Luther, like JOSEPH SMITH HIMSELF (as he claimed), are like rapists and murderers for seeking answers to questions.

  • @glenncalder1430
    @glenncalder1430 8 лет назад +1

    what love is this that you get from this church such hypocrites

  • @Joseam-of9rk
    @Joseam-of9rk 8 лет назад

    thanks jeremy to be honest and brave

  • @davidaustin1561
    @davidaustin1561 4 года назад

    The Church is deeply saddened....

  • @UVJ_Scott
    @UVJ_Scott 4 года назад

    Since he doesn’t believe the Church is true, why does he care that he was excommunicated? I have read every question and every response to his pretend CES letter and am totally satisfied that the Church and it’s doctrine remain true.

  • @samuelmoon3051
    @samuelmoon3051 5 месяцев назад +1

    Wow. Attention seeking much?

  • @lydiavui1029
    @lydiavui1029 2 года назад

    brilliant Jeremy !

  • @jamessoter1900
    @jamessoter1900 3 года назад

    this seems as cultish as they claim the church to be

  • @eunicebryan5410
    @eunicebryan5410 5 лет назад +1

    Praises to Jesus for opening your prison door, and leading you out into the light. I have prayed for many years that God will save precious Mormon people who really are seeking truth!

  • @davidaustin1561
    @davidaustin1561 4 года назад +1

    Study the story of Thomas B. Marsh Mr. Runnels.

  • @wjcolby
    @wjcolby 8 лет назад

    Good luck Jeremy. Always search for truth.You know it because the facts don't discredit it and there is open and honest discussion encouraged.Anyone who hides their deeds in secret will be shown in public in the end for all to see.

  • @zacharybalog7266
    @zacharybalog7266 8 лет назад +3

    What's apostate with asking questions about doctrine and history? Why shun academia and learning? It's a shame no one in three years tackled the questions in the CES Letter. However, the council had no interest in debating the issues or answering Jeremy's questions; they focused on the antithetical conclusions he came to and sought to discipline him. If a member questions the veracity of church doctrine or its leaders, it's considered apostasy. Church's aren't a democracy, they're a theocracy.

  • @tomnelson3393
    @tomnelson3393 2 года назад

    Still think this president will be answered by God with this dealing would not want to be in his shoes

  • @Forestgump12able
    @Forestgump12able Год назад


  • @kvanderstel
    @kvanderstel 8 лет назад

    He is sooo not what he presents himself to be... an answer seeker? Hardly. His intent was to poke the eye of the church and he did, on their own property no less, should have been arrested for trespassing. He's not brave, he's disingenuous at every level. His so-called "letter" was a 90 page rant filled with old and rehashed arguments, that he tried to veil in scholarship in an effort to mislead. I've read it, it is not honest....

    • @Phatooine
      @Phatooine 8 лет назад +1

      +Kyle Vanderstel Folks, this is brainwashing at its finest. Congrats LDS Inc on the work you did on this bot.
      Kyle, have you seen his church court? It's on RUclips if you look for it. Jeremy clearly asks them if there are any errors and mistake in the CES Letter, then correct them. Nobody would answer him. But the fact that doesn't cross your mind tells me how fucked up you are. Your religion is slowly dying.

  • @folautribe
    @folautribe 7 лет назад +2

    l lost 7 minutes of my life.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  7 лет назад

      LOL! And yet you gained a *lifetime* of knowledge, which is a gift the Lord provides you if you're willing to accept it.

    • @folautribe
      @folautribe 7 лет назад +1

      Elder Broomhead, I have the gift of knowledge, God given gift to me. I never confused when I saw something like this everyday. God have laws for everything upon Earth.

    • @folautribe
      @folautribe 7 лет назад +1

      Elder Broomhead, knowledge is God given gifts to me. Sorry, I never learned anything from this video period.

    • @lbradshaw6817
      @lbradshaw6817 4 года назад

      @@folautribe so that means you're still brainwashed from your LDS leaders?? Wake up Paul Folau

  • @Forestgump12able
    @Forestgump12able Год назад

    What church does he go to now?

  • @alc2979
    @alc2979 3 года назад


  • @robertcame
    @robertcame 5 лет назад

    JEREMY IS A HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @HelloUSA87
    @HelloUSA87 5 лет назад +1

    This guy is a joke.

  • @zachleak3101
    @zachleak3101 8 лет назад +1

    There are plenty of responses to the questions raised in his letter. Seems to me that's not what he was really searching for. Best of luck Jeremy in whatever makes you and your family

    • @ElderJoseph
      @ElderJoseph 8 лет назад

      +Zach Leak " There are plenty of responses to the questions raised in his letter."
      Last time I read some LDS apologetics, one suggested that King Lamoni summoning his Horses and Chariots into battle could be " Horse Burger" type meal provisions being dragged on some stick like contraption.
      Known as 'chicken and backpack' apologetics to explain non existent chariots and horses in the new world.
      Another one was that Horses could have been Tapirs?

    • @ElderJoseph
      @ElderJoseph 8 лет назад

      +Zach Leak " Best of luck Jeremy in whatever makes you and your family happy"
      He'll need a lot of luck if he has extended LDS family that have been mind controlled into believing that some Satan has got him and start shunning him.
      A worser cult known as The JW's are The Universe's Masters of Shunning if someone leaves their fraudulent cult.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  8 лет назад

      +Zach Leak Weren't you the TBM nut who went toe-to-toe online with Elder Norton regarding his temple video exposes a few years ago? If so how on earth could we consider your response credible? BTW very appropriate name assuming that's your real name.....

  • @Forestgump12able
    @Forestgump12able Год назад

    What punishment. Did you recieve.

    • @jamesricks
      @jamesricks Год назад

      He got lied to, and was repeatedly ignored. His punishment for combining facts (which the church did not deny) was likely going to be excommunication, because of the publicity those true facts received.
      Instead of giving the church the chance to excommunicate him however, he quit.

  • @richardmcginnis5344
    @richardmcginnis5344 8 лет назад

    he says doubts, but the doubts are not doubts, they are the holy ghost trying to wake you up, wake you up to the corruption of men

  • @ieremiasosene4703
    @ieremiasosene4703 8 лет назад

    davey jones: guess the truth hurts then haha..

  • @marleymae6746
    @marleymae6746 3 года назад

    Yeah Jeremy!

  • @steeltalon2317
    @steeltalon2317 8 лет назад +3

    He can leave the church, but he can't leave alone. He like others will simply fade into obscurity.

    • @trusty1rusty
      @trusty1rusty 8 лет назад +1

      +steel talon And your point is . . . ?

    • @austintwiwble1111
      @austintwiwble1111 8 лет назад

      +steel talon So sad,but Kinda true.

    • @steeltalon2317
      @steeltalon2317 8 лет назад

      +Russ Turner We both know you already understand my point.

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 лет назад

      Christians will always attack religion because it is not of God.
      Mormons will always defend their religion because they are not of God.

    • @jamesricks
      @jamesricks Год назад

      He will stop believing the church, but Mormons like you won't leave him alone. His steak president couldn't leave him alone, he couldn't even wait for the appointments he set!

  • @cdowis
    @cdowis 8 лет назад +1

    Here is a letter which gives the church's response regarding an excommunication in a similar situation
    This action was not taken against you because you have doubts or because you were asking questions about Church doctrine. I also want you to know that I acknowledge your right to criticize the Church and its doctrines and to try to persuade others to your cause. Our Heavenly Father has given us moral agency to decide how we will live our lives, and cherished free speech rights in this country allow you to openly state your opinions. *But you do not have the right to remain a member of the Church in good standing while openly and publicly trying to convince others that Church teachings are in error*.”
    Church discipline is not designed to be the end of the process, but the beginning of the road back to full fellowship. One who leaves the Church is always welcome to attend weekly worship services and is always welcome to return to Church membership through the grace and Atonement of Jesus Christ.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  8 лет назад

      Yet you say (assuming it's really you) in a MormonDialogue discussion on Sen. Gordon Smith's statements to the LDS Politburo about where his loyalties lie, "This will hurt the church --> Anyone who wants to speak off-the-record now faces the possibility that their remarks will come back to haunt them.". So, you don't think this kangaroo court action against someone who has legitimate questions to ask, does NOT damage the LDS Church's public image? Why couldn't Jeremy addressed these issues IN FRONT OF the 12 men who run the church, and when he addresses it to his stake president, as he's directed to do, he's immediately summoned to a "disciplinary hearing" where his excommunication is inevitable and written in stone?

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 8 лет назад

      Bruce bwc It isn't either a fraud!

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 8 лет назад

      @Bruce bwc By the way, Jeremy Runnels' info is problematic. Have you seen the ''Debunking the ces Letter'' videos yet?

    • @cdowis
      @cdowis 8 лет назад

      Elder Broomhead
      It's me.
      You are talking about apples and oranges. This issue with Rummels is that he is recruiting and attempting to convert others, and asking for donations to further his mission regarding the church. His letter, for example, is not only in English but also in several languages including Japanese.
      Why? Which apostle speaks only Japanese, if he is simply seeking answers.
      By his own action of resigning from the church, he is admitting that he is not just asking questions, seeking answers, but has joined with the other bitter enemies of the church seeking to destroy the church.

  • @rodolfoh.carrillo3267
    @rodolfoh.carrillo3267 8 лет назад


  • @joshuaweatherston5124
    @joshuaweatherston5124 5 лет назад

    The coffee at the end is the best part

    • @jamesricks
      @jamesricks Год назад

      They should have had something healthy instead, like root beer and caprisuns. Even Energy Drinks are better for you than coffee.

  • @lukeslc-xd8ds
    @lukeslc-xd8ds 8 лет назад

    Mr. Runnells,

  • @scottbrandon9390
    @scottbrandon9390 3 года назад

    I think he was ex'd.

  • @markservice8735
    @markservice8735 4 года назад

    The dark clouds in the sky are apropos

    • @jaredfishburn2565
      @jaredfishburn2565 4 года назад

      Mark Service What does that word mean?

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  4 года назад

      It was a gorgeous, cool (but not cold) afternoon. This was about 5:30 pm in the afternoon; those clouds are common this time of day. There was absolutely no rain or precipitation that day.
      The sun is still shining as you can see. Proof that Heavenly Father shines His light on Jeremy for standing up for what he believed in the face of falsehoods and intimidation by his own stake president Mark Ivins.

  • @nadinehightower2894
    @nadinehightower2894 8 лет назад +5

    I feel compassion for Jeremy. I too have issues with some priesthood holders and their actions, but I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church of Jesus Christ here on this earth, and no person is going to cause me to leave it. I joined as a convert when I was 16 years old, because I "KNEW" it was true. I still know that. Christ can not be here to run his church, so men are put in charge, and they make a LOT of mistakes. That's not my fault, and as mad as I get sometimes at their ignorance, I still will not allow them to make me leave.

    • @nunyabuzness2088
      @nunyabuzness2088 8 лет назад +2

      +Nadine Hightower What about: "God would never allow his prophet to lead his people astray."?
      Mountain Meadow Massacre: The prophet instructed people to attack and murder over a hundred: men, women, and children.
      How come the church doesn't openly tell investigators the full story in the church restoration? They only talk about the "Faith promoting" things. They never mentioned that Joseph Smith used a rock and hat. Or that he practiced polygamy, but then publicly denounced polygamy. Or the many character issue surrounding Joseph Smith.

    • @edsnow1526
      @edsnow1526 8 лет назад

      +Nadine Hightower I understand your point of view. The mind is a tool, and to use it properly we must learn to distinguish our subjective opinions (such as feelings based on unproved assumptions) from objective, quantifiable facts and reliable evidence of such facts, which are real. A testimony is an opinion based on an emotional feeling. It is not truth, nor is it evidence of truth (contrary to what church leaders teach us). Jeremy's quest to find the "truth" of Mormonism was based on the quantitative facts contained in church history (such as institutionalized racism, sexism and bigotry within the church, Joseph Smith's polygamy, pedophilia and polyandry, obvious errors in the Book of Mormon and the scientifically confirmed mistranslation of the book of Abraham, to name a few), not his subjective feelings about the church. Once we understand that our feelings about something are independent of, and are incapable of altering, its true reality, then we can finally begin to see through the "bubble" that distorts the minds of church (and cult) members.
      Only you can decide whether to leave the L.D.S. church, but before you make that decision, please make sure you are thinking clearly because every religion has members who sincerely "believe" in and "love" their belief system as much as you do. We humans are easily deceived.

  • @steeltalon2317
    @steeltalon2317 8 лет назад +1

    The sad point is that he will add himself to a list of other excommunicated members of the church clamering for attention and validation of their actions.

    • @nunyabuzness2088
      @nunyabuzness2088 8 лет назад +2

      +steel talon Oh shut up. There are thousand of people who leave the church and don't "clamer for attention". You just heard someone say, "they leave the church, but they won't leave the church alone". That saying is a lie! It is a generalization of all people who leave the church.
      Well maybe if the church missionaries told the truth to investigators about how Joseph Smith used a rock in a hat to translate the book of mormon, then people wouldn't feel deceived when the find out 20 years later. Then those people wouldn't feel a moral obligation to tell people the full story and the full truth.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  8 лет назад

      +steel talon Which Ivins could've prevented simply by answering Jeremy's questions.

    • @uofute
      @uofute 8 лет назад

      +steel talon The sadder point is that you just added yourself to a long list of current members of the church blindly following teachings and without enough courage to validate your actions and beliefs within the church independently of its oppressive oversight.

    • @steeltalon2317
      @steeltalon2317 8 лет назад +1

      Oh, please. Use your brain. Mormons are some of the most successful groups of people in the US. You can be a loser and site and cry all you want.

  • @ogasontop
    @ogasontop 8 лет назад +1

    Well life goes on, all will be forgotten

  • @richardjohnson5934
    @richardjohnson5934 8 лет назад +2

    Congratulations on being free! Now, please avoid getting tangled up in any *other* religion and realize that they're all the same. True freedom begins when you learn about the real world instead of people's made up versions. The more education you have, the more likely you are to become atheist.

    • @Phatooine
      @Phatooine 8 лет назад +1

      +Richard Johnson He knows. Jeremy is an atheist.

    • @richardjohnson5934
      @richardjohnson5934 8 лет назад

      +Phatooine Good! He sounds like a knowledgeable guy. I have a copy of his "Letter to a CES Directory", just haven't yet had a chance to read it. Thanks for the reply!

    • @hereiam21ful
      @hereiam21ful 6 лет назад

      As I am n't a Mormon or wish any ill will towards any other person, but their are no true Atheists for one to be a true Atheists one must posses all knowledge. Atheists are no different when it comes to being a fallen sinner. Who choose to sure-press the Truth of the One & Only, true living, God of the Bible alone. Just Like Bob Dylan said, You got to serve somebody, so either one is a slave of righteousness, that comes from the Biblical Christ, n't the false Christ of Mormonism, or one is a slave to unrighteousness. But one will have to serve somebody & be a loyal servant.
      The only form of Atheism in the Bible is practical atheism” (Shedd, Dogmatic Theology Kindle location 5766). This means that people can live as though there were no God, but none can genuinely lack knowledge of God. Atheism is a practical reality, but not a genuine reality.
      Rom 1:20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power & Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, & their foolish hearts were darkened.

  • @LatterDaisySaint
    @LatterDaisySaint 4 года назад


  • @Ryanjbond
    @Ryanjbond 7 лет назад +1

    Fifteen minutes are over now. Nothing to see here.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  7 лет назад +4

      So how many people have resigned or have gone inactive from your ward since then? Looks like the Church's own 15 minutes have long since expired.....

    • @Cuinn837
      @Cuinn837 6 лет назад +2

      Jeremy constantly updates the CES letter with true information. It will never be over.

    • @hailhails7768
      @hailhails7768 3 года назад +1

      Boy Ryan you can see that your clearly brainwashed in the Mormon church and are one of their sheep ...Baaa 🐏🐑

    • @Ryanjbond
      @Ryanjbond 3 года назад

      @@elderbroomhead2671 Not as many as have stayed.

    • @Ryanjbond
      @Ryanjbond 3 года назад

      @@Cuinn837 I haven't read it for a long time, I'll check it out again.

  • @richardholmes7199
    @richardholmes7199 7 лет назад +1

    Attention everybody. Google ''Answering the CES Letter You Tube'' Those videos expose the deceptive tactics of the author of the ces letter Jeremy Runnels.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 7 лет назад +1

      Also Google ''Book of Abraham Debunks anti-LDS Lies You Tube'' That video DEBUNKS ALL ANTI-BOOK OF ABRAHAM INFO (books, websites, You Tube videos) from the anti-Mormons and the Egyptologists (of those who commented) thoroughly. That includes debunking the anti-Book of Abraham info from Jeremy Runnels too.

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  7 лет назад +1 refutes all that. Sorry Richie boy, but I don't think you can carry Dan Petersen's water. The cat (or should we say *tapir* ) is out of the bag; Jeremy's research is irrefutable, so it may be in your interest to tell all your Melchizedek buds that Jeremy is right, and you should be thinking of ways to lead the LDS church out of cult status and into the role of a respected denomination.

    • @richardholmes7199
      @richardholmes7199 7 лет назад

      You impolite anti-Mormons don't look very far into things, do you? Again, those VIDEOS EXPOSE THE DECEPTIVE TACTICS of the author Jeremy Runnels! Did you even watch those videos that expose the deceptive tactics of the author Jeremy Runnels?

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  7 лет назад +2

      Richie the Bloodhound, looking for anti-Mormon boogiemen where ever he can.....

    • @joelrodriguez2152
      @joelrodriguez2152 5 лет назад

      Lds is a fraud n there believe are not truth they from 19 century so the Mormon church is a complete corporate money That need to be disbanded effective immediately josh smith is a fraud n a criminal

  • @Peedarb
    @Peedarb 8 лет назад

    so weak

    • @presidenteldermarkhoffman8304
      @presidenteldermarkhoffman8304 8 лет назад


  • @yupyupyup960
    @yupyupyup960 8 лет назад +1

    It's to bad, People just need to have some patience. Prophecies are being fulfilled and there are signs of Jesus returning all over the place lol. Don't worry Jeremy your questions will be all answered in time.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад +1

      Ah-h-h-h !! The age old *DODGE*!! "Your questions will be answered in time".
      For a church that claims to be "THE ONE AND *ONLY TRUE* CHURCH ON EARTH", you folks sure have trouble with simple questions.
      We NEED the questions answered NOW! Not in ten years or 50...or in the next life. *NOW*.
      Maybe you should stop paying tithing (IF you do), and if the bishop asks why you aren't paying, just tell him you'll pay it all in the next life.
      You're in a church that expects you to fill your callings *NOW*!! You're in a church that expects your devotion, your time AND your money *NOW*, not later on "in time".
      Why belong to ANY organization that demands so much, NOW, and isn't willing to perform IT'S SIDE of the AT LEAST answer some questions and provide some TRUTH!!
      Jeremy did what every Mormon SHOULD DO!! *DEMAND ANSWERS..or leave.*

    • @yupyupyup960
      @yupyupyup960 8 лет назад

      NO Davey you are wrong and you are false, the answers to these questions have always been here, people just need to look for them. (yes the internet has made it easier and faster) I and millions of other mormons know the answers to these questions, our heavenly Father and Jesus wants us to exercise our free agency, we are to think and check things out for our selves and pray and ask. Jeremy made up his own mind up at what he wanted to understand, he made his choice, the LDS church is not to blame. I even sent Jeremy a letter last year to ask him if he wanted to talk about the history of the LDS church and Joseph Smith, he didn't reply to me. So i rely don't think he wanted any answers, I think he just wanted his 5 minutes of fame and leave.

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад +1

      I'm "false"??
      I can admit to possibly being "wrong"...but how can I be false? I have a heartbeat, a job, a wife and kids?!?! I'm A REAL PERSON!!
      (OH!! That's RIGHT!! NON Mormons are not real people! I see where you're coming from now.)
      "FALSE" people are, like, robots or dolls made to LOOK LIKE people.
      REAL people may be telling lies or being dishonest (like most Mormons), but they can't be called "false".
      A side from that, I asked you 5 questions
      above and you I G N O R E D them. *Is this the way you would answer Jeremy's questions*?? Ignore them??
      Well, one thing is certain.
      You're no different than Jeremy's bishop and Stake President---NONE OF YOU will answer questions. I guess it's easier for you lower level *dolts* to just BOOT EM OUT (excom) than answer questions.
      If that's the way you operate, go fish elsewhere!

    • @yupyupyup960
      @yupyupyup960 8 лет назад

      Are you mentally disabled or something you make no sense, "FALSE" people are, like, robots or dolls made to LOOK LIKE people. weird! 5 questions, what are you talking about there is not one question mark in your first conversation! "go fish elsewhere" what are you talking about? weird!

    • @daveyjones9930
      @daveyjones9930 8 лет назад

      You're just plain fuked up in da cabezza. It's not your fault. Your batshit religion did that TO you!
      I went back over my last posts in this thread and counted at least *TEN* sentences I wrote WITH QUESTION MARKS!!
      How old are you 12?? I'm not your mommy! You need to look up the word "false". MAYBE THEN you'll get the point...but I won't be holding my breath...
      Like I said. Go fish elsewhere!

  • @royalpipeline1759
    @royalpipeline1759 8 лет назад +3

    I find it amusing, this guy pretends to misunderstand why he was at church court. He is there to answer questions not ask them. He wasn't in church court because he was asking questions, he is in probably in church court because of his public actions against the church. He says he never got the answers, it sounds like he didn't like the answers he was provided. He admits in his writing that he already had his answers and wasn't looking for any "answers". His letter is not about questions it is more about "his" statements of beliefs. He says he excommunicated the church... did the church go to his court? Looks like he just got out of a meeting where he got the boot. People like this who have this kind of arrogance are welcome to leave any church. Seems like he didn't like the result of church court, in fact, all the people that were there in the parking lot seemed to know that he was going to leave the church, like it was a staged event. Usually if you want to stay a member of a church you have a more humble attitude than this, on the other hand if you want to bash said church (after court) you prob bring a microphone and give a speech from the back of a pickup truck. It basically probably shows (to those who are judges in your church) that they made the right decision to let you go do your own thing. In other words, they probably slept better last night than you. Cheers.

    • @scowell
      @scowell 8 лет назад +9

      +Gov Master Have you read the CES Letter? It's pretty conclusive... they didn't answer because there is no answer to his scholarship. Joseph Smith was a charlatan, a cad, a bounder, a polygamist/polyandrist, a con man, and a fake. The LDS is built on his fakery.

    • @aerexil23
      @aerexil23 8 лет назад +5

      +Gov Master You need to read the CES Letter in order to understand what you're quickly writing off. Runnells has been very open in his communication and has made sure to update his questions so that they remain pertinent. He has provided evidence as reasons for the many questions he and many other disenchanted Mormons have and has received no response to his questions. It's very clear you know almost nothing about this case. I suggest you research it further before judging Jeremy or anyone else like him. What's fascinating is that Jeremy's questions have continued to go unanswered by Church leaders, even when all of this attention is drawn to him. If truth does not fear investigation, why would leaders in the "one true church" be so quick to work on removing one of their most inquisitive members?

    • @nunyabuzness2088
      @nunyabuzness2088 8 лет назад +2

      +Gov Master What public actions has he done against the church? He wrote a letter about all the conflicting things in the LDS church, church history, and church doctrine. Two years after he wrote the CES Letter, the church started publishing the "essays". The essays confirmed all the things in the CES letter were true. So if everything in the CES Letter is true, why is the church taking him to church court? Aren't members suppose to "seek after truth"? He was even willing to change the CES Letter, if anything written wasn't true. The church tried for a year and half to find something that wasn't true, so they could ex him for spreading lies, but they couldn't find anything.
      The situation is this: the TRUE facts about church doctrine and church history that are published in the CES letter are leading members away. The church can't erase the TRUTH, so they are going after the messenger.

    • @royalpipeline1759
      @royalpipeline1759 8 лет назад +4

      Yes, I have read the cesletter. Very good questions. But my point is, church court has little to do with having questions. It has to do with working against the church and its leaders. In his videos he says he doesn't believe any of it etc. and he is preaching against the church. He is not apologetic and therefore the church has grounds to question him and release him as a member. I personally like the questions that he brought up. My family talked about all of these topics as a child. We were always questioning things. I respect questions, in fact I love the real life of these men and their tribulations. The history is very full and When studied it really is awesome. The LDS church doesn't mind questions. How something is translated with Gods help, to me it is a fascinating topic. Where are the ruins of the Book of Mormon? These are mysteries right? Just because I can't see the timbers from Noah's ark doesn't mean there was not a flood. Wouldn't you agree? I still need to have faith in that story? Does God help translate with the knowledge a man can grasp? Is it that simple? Yes, the pictures and story of Joe Smith translations look cute, and understandable to a kid. A rock in a hat looks weird right? Lol. Milk before meat? Did Joe prob sit and look at the plates as the pictures depict, sure. Is it a lie? No, I wouldn't go that far. Does marrying men's wives make sense to you and I? Hell No. Do I pretend to understand, no. Will I make excuses, No.... I just don't get it. Did Brigham take most of the heat for polygamy, absolutely! Did Emma tell Joseph the 3rd that his father was not a polygamist? Yea, she did. Were there Popes who were polygamist? Yes. What? Yea, I said yes. Do Muslims and Navajo practice polygamy? Yes, they do. ..... what is going on in this world! Right? Do I think the church has sugar coated stuff? Sure. Does it make sense why? Yea it does to me. I love the history of our church. I find it fascinating. I love that they showed us the seat stones we all have heard about, I love it! Is it hard for some? Yea sure.... Is that why they have not talked details about stones...? Hmm.. Probably. Was Mtn. Meadow Massacre bad? Yes! Yes! Does it mean the Book of Mormon is false, no. Does it mean people can be treacherous? Yes. But, back to church court... if you want to stay a member of any church you probably need to listen to your leaders. If you don't like answers they give... well, deal with it. Seek God in prayer and study. Do good but hiding behind unanswered questions is a weak defense of why you got booted, in my opinion. The questions won't leave. The church isn't going anywhere. And I hope we all grow in the process. Can I feel the holy ghost when I study truths, yes. Do I need to look beyond the mark? I try not to. Have I seen great miracles in my life or while in my church, yes. Can you or anyone make me deny those blessings? No, not going to happen.

    • @royalpipeline1759
      @royalpipeline1759 8 лет назад +1

      I asked the Pope and the Cardinals why there was polygamy 500 years ago, why hey killed the Aztec by the million and why the Pope wears funny hats? They didn't answer me so I excommunicated them from my life. I still wondered why the remaining South Americans are all Catholic?..... so I wrote an open letter and posted about how they were bad people and full of it, a bunch of liars. Later my local Priest excommunicated me...... the Pope just wouldn't answer my questions. What the heck? Lol

  • @999LDS
    @999LDS 8 лет назад +4

    Galatians 1 6-8
    I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel- which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

    • @adamgoodword7888
      @adamgoodword7888 7 лет назад

      Mormons teach another Gospel!!
      The Book Of Mormon is The Most Corrected Book Upon The Earth
      The Book Of Mormon is Another Deception Of The Anti Christ
      The Book Of Mormon is Joseph's Myth
      Mormons are the most deceived church upon the earth.
      Mormons belong to: The Church Of Joseph Smith of Latter Day Deceived

  • @godsoffspring4195
    @godsoffspring4195 8 лет назад

    Another one bites the dust....... "resolve your doubts"?? Looks like Jeremy never did nor maybe will. His doubts may even be eternal. :>)

  • @grandpaje4734
    @grandpaje4734 5 лет назад

    We don't know the whole truth behind his excommunication.
    Regardless CES Letter, he knows well that his pre planned action will lead to this point.
    Proof: he had a hidden camera during the trial. The priesthood leaders was inspired not to respond much during the trials.
    Now he is completely out from
    Jesus Christ. Let's pray that he will repent because there is no other NAME.

  • @glenngarygoodell6352
    @glenngarygoodell6352 5 лет назад

    is this his new calling in life now.??
    by. getting on a loud speaker and telling everyone he hates Mormons and the church well then get in line with all the others who find reasons to hate the LDS Church i wonder if you were a catholic would you do the same ? or you just want attention

    • @elderbroomhead2671
      @elderbroomhead2671  5 лет назад +1

      *Where* did Jeremy claim he hates Mormons???
      WHERE, Mr. Goodell? Point out where he said that, or best you keep your trap shut.
      I was there, he was shaken but remained bold, and was hugged by many of those who were treated as badly by their own priesthood leaders as he was.
      Maybe you should ask Catholics themselves what their thoughts are. I live among them and they face no repercussions whenever they voice pointed criticisms of their clergy and leaders.

  • @litzyruizvargas7824
    @litzyruizvargas7824 8 лет назад +2

    you shouldn't even post this on RUclips. it's not something to be happy about. the church can't answer all of your questions. that's why you read the scriptures. that's why you have to pray

    • @fastsofaracing
      @fastsofaracing 8 лет назад +2

      I think you meant to say cult,not church

    • @oliverdownunder9397
      @oliverdownunder9397 8 лет назад

      CULT!!!! Another dumb institutionalized believer.

    • @yosemite2405
      @yosemite2405 7 лет назад +2

      He did read the scriptures and the are conflicting themselves. There are also books that were written a few years before the BOM that have the exact same sentences in them

    • @Codester91670
      @Codester91670 6 лет назад +2

      Litzy Ruiz Vargas church should be able to answer the questions in the CES letters. Lol

    • @nowayjay2122
      @nowayjay2122 6 лет назад +1

      He was just saved from going to hell alongside Joseph Smith. This is something to be VERY happy about!!!