Cons of ISPConfig

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @CheapHomeTech
    @CheapHomeTech 4 года назад +4

    Good tips on setting up SSLs that will save us hours of work.

  • @kidades
    @kidades Год назад +1

    Are you still using ISPConfig? How has it been after this time?

    • @SwitchedtoLinux
      @SwitchedtoLinux  Год назад +1

      Yes. I will do a summary review of it since it has been a while. Overall, it works, though it is a bit rough around the edges.

  • @nilpo
    @nilpo 11 месяцев назад +2

    You absolutely CAN have a single FTP account for all domains/subdomains under a single client. You set your subdomain up as a separate site. Don't do that. The SSL limitations you speak of are due to how Let's Encrypt works. All of your frustrations seem to be due to the same reason: you didn't read any of the documentation.

    • @SwitchedtoLinux
      @SwitchedtoLinux  11 месяцев назад

      I did read the documentation. How I setup subdomains is exactly how they say to set it up. There is NO OPTION to add a sub domain directly to a site.

    • @nilpo
      @nilpo 11 месяцев назад

      @@SwitchedtoLinux Set redirection to "L" and point it to a directory under the main site. It's accessible by the main FTP user. You can also just create the main site as a wildcard and use .htaccess to do the same thing without any subdomain site in ISPConfig at all.

  • @allferryrocha2698
    @allferryrocha2698 4 года назад

    Hi, just to add on, ISPCONFIG will not be shipping with App Install list in the future, so WordPress and other apps won’t be available for installing in the next version of ISPCONFIG. They are currently hidden in the current version. This is due to the project that was maintaining the App catalogue was put into a pause.

    • @HiltonT69
      @HiltonT69 3 года назад

      Wow, that severely limits the functionality of ISP config. :(

  • @prettybrian1985
    @prettybrian1985 2 года назад

    @4:44 autoSSL

  • @Power_in_Praise
    @Power_in_Praise 3 года назад

    Can we host 20 websites on ISPConfig.?

    • @freeranger1677
      @freeranger1677 3 года назад +1

      If you are the administrator you can host as many as you like. If you are an end user then you are restricted by the limits set by the server administrator.

    • @nick066hu
      @nick066hu Год назад

      You can pnly host 19 websites or less, or 21 websites or more. Hosting 20 is not possible.

    • @LlamaOates
      @LlamaOates 7 месяцев назад
