@Stradious oh trust me ik lmao, I've just played her so long (since pre nerf) that I'm most comfortable playing her over any other controller. Clove is slowly getting up there for me tho.
Well, i disagree that there any agent that is bad for soloq. I have highest winrate and acs with kj, viper and Astra with same amount of games played as iso. I just have more understanding of how to play lurky agents with strong postplant and ability to support, coordinate and follow your 4apes. So if Astra fits you best and you have fun with her specific playstyle- keep It going.
Astra is indeed a strong agent and you can get a ton of value from her if you have good gamesence as well as gunplay I agree that she is better with a team or a duo but it doesn't mean that she's useless. We all get those type of guys that run for kills right? An astra can use them or assist them with her kit to possibly win the round
Met a dude in solo Q who said yeah Valorant is a 5v5 game but getting 5 random players to work together perfectly is never happening so just focus entirely on what you are doing and don't overthink anything. Chances are your enemies are just as brain dead as your team so stop overestimating them.
1. Don’t play past 10pm. 2. Turn off Opp Chat. 3. Stop playing after 2 losses. 4. Swing with the team to get the pick. 5. Stop changing your Fkn sens. It’s that simple. 😂
@@RecruiterGongYoo1 because when I continue to play I’ll get more frustrated and when you involve your emotions with any task it effects the outcome. Likely is never the desired outcome you’re looking for. It may start slow and you don’t notice. But first your aim will slip and then decision making. And before you know it you’re tilted trying to force plays to compensate for the downfall and bam you lost 5 in a row and bout to derank if not already
for the first tip when you play those selfish agents, and you bot frag you'd be more useful playing breach and being your teamates utility bot, but if you want to continue playing those selfish agents regardless of your performance still help your team if you run reyna still expect to help flash with your team, still expect to enter with your team, expect to make plans with your team when you watch pros and radiants play selfish characters, they dont play solo and they dont play super selfishly all the time they play with their team. dont play reyna and solo lurk every round or get mad at bad teamcomps when you instalock
This is true, you will be more useful when you’re on support and doing bad. HOWEVER, You have to understand that playing support won’t help you IMPROVE since you are relying on the skill of others and at the end of the day it’s about getting better, so really the result of one match shouldn’t matter ykwim. But yea solo lurk Reyna’s suck LMAOO
Problem is tho you're gonna have bad games no matter if you're a utility bot or egoist duelist. On one of them if you improve you can carry for your team but if you improve on the other you'll have minimal impact. Might as well train the agent that will get you impact.
@@StradiousNO thats just wrong as breach you just throw your sht and then you can start worrying just about your skill as a player and not about “should i use this ability?” you just do your job first and then focus on improvement that is also why reyna is so often recommended she doesnt have util so you dont have to worry about util however breach is just better as you can play as reyna but still have util also trying to help someone doesnt make you reliant on that person its quite the opposite if i give a homeless i guy money i dont rely on him to pay my rent
I think the comms section was very simple, effectove and specific, i loved it gj. Jokes apart great video, i like the vibes, but mabye sometimes you get lost in you own speach and it sometimes gets confusing, hope this helps for future videos!
I solo quene a ton started playing jett was really in consistant with jett switch to clove and clove is the perfect agent for me and the team. I can entry when needed with the team with the ult provide smokes for the team and even have impact on the game when dead. Imo clove is the best agent for solo Q players
The most annoying thing is controllers as teammates, they either never smoke where it’s not needed. I became so untrustworthy of controllers I became a full-time controller now
Another tip, don’t be pressed on your rank. If you are close to Rank or rank up we tend to not play our fullest making us worry. It’s fine. We won’t always be lucky. But, that’s all in mental. Don’t let your rank control your mental
So with strat call outs Just see how ur team is gonna entry Example: I play sova sunset. And when i get a cypher and we go A. I ask him to cam left side. So i can dart right side hall (usually i dart left) but since we have cam + dart Its easy space to take Or icebox A If u have a raze “can u nade back site box by rafters?” Cause thats a common strat Or bind a (can u nade cubby hall) (Phoenix can u flash out the. Molly cubby) Do things that work for the map So learn little things and figure out 1 how can ur agent make up for a missing raze/molly / flash and if u csnt look at ur teammates to see if they have correct agent or someone similar
i think its infinitely better to play an agent that makes a big impact, especially in low elo, i think maining breach or kj is best, i'm a kj main myself and have a 77% winrate, compared to last act where i had a 35% winrate when i played reyna etc. it makes easy kills for you and is especially difficult to counter when enemies dont know what they doing and its basically just funni flash free kills. making a quick site setup or clicking q for free kills is alot easier than becoming mechanically crazy and outaim everyone on the enemy team as reyna or jett
That’s true yea, like these agents def will have a higher impact with their utility however you’re not getting better mechanically if you’re not testing your limits with mechanical agents like you said Jett or Reyna. Sure your wr may falter in the short run but in the long run as u put yourself into these more mechanically intensive situations, you’ll only improve faster. Esp on an agent like a duelist, on like kj for example like you said u can just sit behind a box and get free kills with your q. Sure you’ll win, but imo id rather lose and learn and get better then win while sitting in a corner
@ been there lmao, imm2 to ass 2 was on like 10-20 game l streak (in 1 day too *do not tilt q) But yea keep ur head up king silver will soon be in sight
@@HenriG-i6ghonestly id quit if i were you like yeah youll prob be able to get plat in like 2 months but it just aint worth it this video is just gon make you worse
I just fill for the team depending on the map. I have recently only started playing ranked seriously. Gold 1 currently. My first goal is reach high plat.
im in the silver trenches but often get told i play like plat or diamond even tho diamond players are DOGSHIT. mostly lose my comp games to no coms, crybaby throwers or just bad teammates and confident enemies, would appreciate a vod review to help me climb cuz i am serious about it, love this game but hate gold/silv/plat/bronze lobies
so this is how my friend aced twice in a day (he is bronze 3) while playing iso but we lost almost everygame bc of bad teamates or no comms (i am silver 2)
dude i watched this video, and it gave me so much skill just from watching it that the skill i gained was so vast i made it from iron 1 to ascendent 3 in one game bro i love you so much and it was a great video!!!!!!!!!
Every time i try to use comms i bottom frag, my mind is too distracted for comms and valorant so i just stopped doing comms and i won a few games in a row lol
@@Ar-tv8hj yeah you have to strike a healthy balance. Comm when you know you’re safe, ex pre round post round, and during mid round like when ur looking at map or not fighting. The rest of the time stay locked I know what you mean tho
good advice! for anyone who sees this looking back at your gameplay doesn't nessacarily have to be a bad thing, I often record myself when I play and look back to see what mistakes I made so I can improve!
Bro im hardstuck gold 3 and i have everything like My aim is really good My gamesense is good My angles are good My confidence is good Im not over exaggerating But most of the time it's just my ego that gets ruined in the starting of the game else i topfrag everygame my ego isnt ruined idk how to fix that
dude imma be honest its the teammates. not like how they play but usually they will do everything in their power to ruin your mental so id suggest to just mute and focus on ur gameplay. still comm ofc, but most of the time the comms from ur teammates will suck and so if it affects u that much then get a duo and only talk to each other or i suggest to mute
You know cuz of this video i had the idea that maybe if u p,ay 3 stack and are gold or smthng u should just instalock reyna iso and clove and try to play 3v7 and let ur teammates play the game they want cuz they wont cry around aswell then if u dont tell them anything maybe im js braindead but fsr i think thatd work perfect in low ranks
@@CAMP3R1Yea fs lol! I always messed with settings a lot so definitely that’d be a good idea. Also I’ll probably make an aimlabs routine too but to get started Lowkey just start playing aimlabs like 15 mins a day before u play and you’ll improve ur aim for sure
My problem is when I play deathmatch I play amazing winning but when I play comp or unrated I play like shit not cause I don’t know how to use the ability’s but maybe cause pressure and other factors also when I am playing I autopliot a lot and when I die I can think and predict what they do but when alive I can’t think
I had the same issue, you just need to have more faith in yourself, stop playing more than 2 dm before comp and play as many comp games as possible in a day, if you want to get better at comp, play more comp or you will only be good in dms. I was gold 3 before now i am asc 2
Lowkey I kinda disagree, I feel like if u autopilot a lot u should play less comp but focus more on the quality of the games you play. However with mental, playing more games will help. So it’s kinda a weird situation to be in lol
When I play valorant I get my head clip by bronze players but then random iron teammate be hittin jump shots running shots the whole shit on the same people when I get shot at my forehead is a bullet magnet but when my teammates deprived of brain cells get shot at by the same people shooting me they are fuckin Neo it’s insane
A soft fix is to unbind crouch (or bind it to a far away key), it’s sorta like putting on training wheels and it’ll help u learn to strafe. But yea like others have said just get those reps in, the more clutch scenarios you’re in the more your brain weirdly enough will get used to it. Like the more times you die in a clutch the better since the next time you’re in that situation that you’ve been in a thousand times already you’ll be more calm so don’t sweat it
Any tips on getting through ascendant to immo 1? I'm currently at my peak rank ascendant 1 (ass) playing jett and neon depending on map. Also don't think I didn't see you shit on thanos himself aspas SHEEESH
LMAOOOO but yea ascendant to immo 1 is id say consistency and mentality. play more games and play those games quality. jett and neon dont be afraid on offense and let your team know what you're going to do and since you're a duelist its ok to tell them where to drop their util to support u. ( i personally suck on jett and neon cuz my movement on them is ass) so im assuming your mechs are insane so work on gamesense work on comms and youll fs rank up in no time
What would you say are the stems of aiming in val? I rlly like calm aim and I wanna make a kovvaks playlist. Idk how long it should be lol, when I mean stems I mean like flicking smoothness js like what are the base things I need to practice for aim in val
Tbh I myself don’t even have an aim playlist I just pick like tasks, I recommend stuff from voltaic and ik ra headclick is good. Also do gridshot, like a lot, if not for aim do it for confidence it’s kinda like the bench press of aim lol. Base of aiming id say is crosshair placement, the less u NEED to aim the better. The best aimers barely aim since their passive aim is so good they don’t have to use their active aim
I think iso and reyna are good for solo q, on defense on duelists you want to be taking early fights. Big tip for this is try to play at the barriers on defense and fight for that neutral space on duelist. Think about it like a counterattack, they're taking space on A, so a duelist you want to be forcing them to lose space on C. (Or if you're on A, make them waste utility fighting for that neutral ground on A, buy time for your teammates to rotate).
hello sir. thank you for your tips. I just played Valorant for a month and i'm stuck at bronze. do you have recommendation for aim training/routine? I feel like my aim is not consistent. Moreover, often times i felt like idk what to do when my teammates died earlier than me on attacker side, specially on Haven map. Hopefully you can upload or give us some tips for the low rank like me. Once again thank you so much and keep safe. P.S. sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language.
@@JamesAbang173 All good man, so for aim training I recommend you do aim labs before u play like around 15 mins doesn’t have to be much, gridshot, headclick, voltaic tasks are all good. If your teammates are dying early on offense SLOW IT DOWN. You’re gonna wanna tilt throw and run in but I feel like in the lower ranks especially slowing it down will force out a mistake from the defenders and you’ll equalize numbers. And yea np maybe I’ll make a vid on this
For like rad and above probably just keep your games super quality like always play with a duo and for the win and as long as you have a good wr you’ll climb
brother what to do if u are trying to get out of low elo rank matches like in bronze and in ur team u get nbew players who have 0 game sense who are deaf who cvant hear from where enemy is coming and who are idots and just spray all the time because i cant 1 v 4 or 1 v 5 all 13 rounds
yea @lime7188 is right try to get a good duo, 5 stack, and just focus on improving. if you improve you WILL climb it will only be a matter of time so yea keep your head up bro
3:56 i feel like this advice is contrary to what a lot of people say. but i feel like there may be something to this. i really try to play towards and with my team in solo q and i fucking suck shit at the game even tho i swear im not retarded and it’s not a pure mechanics issue idk
well true u should play w/ ur team but like dont rely on them if u want to improve. if ur playing w/ ppl u trust then yea i understand but solo q is just random bozos
"Pick selfish agents" me in the corner as a solo queue Astra main 😅
BROO Astra is the WORST agent for solo queue 💀
@Stradious oh trust me ik lmao, I've just played her so long (since pre nerf) that I'm most comfortable playing her over any other controller. Clove is slowly getting up there for me tho.
stop playing astra. it's worth it to learn clove/omen over astra as their kit is way better rn and both have more utility for you to play selfishly
Well, i disagree that there any agent that is bad for soloq. I have highest winrate and acs with kj, viper and Astra with same amount of games played as iso. I just have more understanding of how to play lurky agents with strong postplant and ability to support, coordinate and follow your 4apes. So if Astra fits you best and you have fun with her specific playstyle- keep It going.
Astra is indeed a strong agent and you can get a ton of value from her if you have good gamesence as well as gunplay
I agree that she is better with a team or a duo but it doesn't mean that she's useless. We all get those type of guys that run for kills right? An astra can use them or assist them with her kit to possibly win the round
Met a dude in solo Q who said yeah Valorant is a 5v5 game but getting 5 random players to work together perfectly is never happening so just focus entirely on what you are doing and don't overthink anything. Chances are your enemies are just as brain dead as your team so stop overestimating them.
That dude spitting facts fr 1V9 every game!!!!
man i had a radiant smurf in my game and i happened to piss him off and he aced like 8 times 😢
@@1berlin452 never piss off smurfs dawg
1. Don’t play past 10pm.
2. Turn off Opp Chat.
3. Stop playing after 2 losses.
4. Swing with the team to get the pick.
5. Stop changing your Fkn sens.
It’s that simple. 😂
valid tips
why not past 10 pm??
@@Trixqz69 just have had all my experience with trolls who throw games, Smurfs after 10pm
Why stop playing after 2 losses?
@@RecruiterGongYoo1 because when I continue to play I’ll get more frustrated and when you involve your emotions with any task it effects the outcome. Likely is never the desired outcome you’re looking for. It may start slow and you don’t notice. But first your aim will slip and then decision making. And before you know it you’re tilted trying to force plays to compensate for the downfall and bam you lost 5 in a row and bout to derank if not already
for the first tip
when you play those selfish agents, and you bot frag
you'd be more useful playing breach and being your teamates utility bot, but if you want to continue playing those selfish agents regardless of your performance still help your team
if you run reyna still expect to help flash with your team, still expect to enter with your team, expect to make plans with your team
when you watch pros and radiants play selfish characters, they dont play solo and they dont play super selfishly all the time
they play with their team. dont play reyna and solo lurk every round or get mad at bad teamcomps when you instalock
This is true, you will be more useful when you’re on support and doing bad. HOWEVER,
You have to understand that playing support won’t help you IMPROVE since you are relying on the skill of others and at the end of the day it’s about getting better, so really the result of one match shouldn’t matter ykwim.
But yea solo lurk Reyna’s suck LMAOO
Problem is tho you're gonna have bad games no matter if you're a utility bot or egoist duelist. On one of them if you improve you can carry for your team but if you improve on the other you'll have minimal impact. Might as well train the agent that will get you impact.
@@NotSoJuicyMacdat is true wat a nerdcake 🤓
@@StradiousNO thats just wrong as breach you just throw your sht and then you can start worrying just about your skill as a player and not about “should i use this ability?” you just do your job first and then focus on improvement that is also why reyna is so often recommended she doesnt have util so you dont have to worry about util however breach is just better as you can play as reyna but still have util also trying to help someone doesnt make you reliant on that person its quite the opposite if i give a homeless i guy money i dont rely on him to pay my rent
"Valorant is like playing Elden Ring! We're the player and we have 4 summons."
- LotharHS
I think the comms section was very simple, effectove and specific, i loved it gj. Jokes apart great video, i like the vibes, but mabye sometimes you get lost in you own speach and it sometimes gets confusing, hope this helps for future videos!
Appreciate the feedback bro! Yeah I def should’ve been more concise on some topics fs
I did soloq most of the episode 3-5 and now i feel like starting to soloq again. Thanks for the tips.
the fact he did this with no script and it didnt sound bad at all , bro is good at speaking fr
Bro leaked my career in the first 5 seconds
My bad g 😂
Blue Lock stan gets an automatic sub. Gotta channel my inner egoist. Thanks for pointing me back to that sage advice
@@nathanzamora2466 LMAOOO I AM A BLUE LOCK FIENDDD ❤️
valid ass video, I already do these things and they work. don't sleep on this video
Thanks brother 🙏
nah its kinda bad
This guy is very right cuz kills make you rank up a lot
Yea in lower elo it’s more performance based till like immortal
focusing on my self and not my teammates tip helped me sooo much
yea mentality is everything
5:13 the energy flowing through those lines are straight out cooked from all the debating clubs in the institutions
Frfr lol
@@StradiousDo you know who the person talking is? Is it a good anime?
I solo quene a ton started playing jett was really in consistant with jett switch to clove and clove is the perfect agent for me and the team. I can entry when needed with the team with the ult provide smokes for the team and even have impact on the game when dead. Imo clove is the best agent for solo Q players
Factual, anotha reason why clove had highest wr lol. The ult is insane but it also messes up your Kd 💀
this guys shares my mentality
Mamba mentality or what
5:22 he got my sub as soon as i saw ayanakoji. the blue lock reference was tempting too
LMAOOO lol thanks
The most annoying thing is controllers as teammates, they either never smoke where it’s not needed. I became so untrustworthy of controllers I became a full-time controller now
ts actually helpful asf earned a sub
thanks bro!! more vids to come!
that woohojin plug was hilarious
Lowkey miss him brotha quit 😢
reyna reyna go away, rizz up kids another day brimstone says its not okay reyna reyna go away
Um what the skibbidty
Another tip, don’t be pressed on your rank. If you are close to
Rank or rank up we tend to not play our fullest making us worry. It’s fine. We won’t always be lucky. But, that’s all in mental. Don’t let your rank control your mental
Fr some ppl get too caught up in rank but at the end of the day it’s bout getting better. Rank will come with skill
With this advice, I’ll be able to see the future of my games
Isagi lookin ahhhh ❤❤❤
ty for help!!! very useful and effective would watch in .25 again
thanks kek! .25 is crazyyy
🔥🔥🔥 King tips bro!!! 👑 NEW SUB 💯!!!
Thanks for the sub brotha wwww
Subbed just because of the first tip. Blue lock supremacy
lowkey fun as hell vid keep it up
thank you
Thank you for the tips. Time to climb outa diamond! ♥
gotchu bro lmk when u hit it
@@Stradious fs
this is underrated bro (im an egoist, trust)
I trust I trust
So with strat call outs
Just see how ur team is gonna entry
I play sova sunset. And when i get a cypher and we go A. I ask him to cam left side. So i can dart right side hall (usually i dart left) but since we have cam + dart
Its easy space to take
Or icebox A
If u have a raze “can u nade back site box by rafters?”
Cause thats a common strat
Or bind a (can u nade cubby hall)
(Phoenix can u flash out the. Molly cubby)
Do things that work for the map
So learn little things and figure out 1 how can ur agent make up for a missing raze/molly / flash and if u csnt look at ur teammates to see if they have correct agent or someone similar
Valid ahh strats 👍👍👍
10:30 this cought me off guard ngl lol , really helpful video ty
might sound stock but you rlly sound like you have subs. praying that you make it man
Thanks man I really appreciate it ❤
Yoooo this is awesome
"Fck it we ball" this sums up the whole video
Fr sigma alpha mentality
i think its infinitely better to play an agent that makes a big impact, especially in low elo, i think maining breach or kj is best, i'm a kj main myself and have a 77% winrate, compared to last act where i had a 35% winrate when i played reyna etc. it makes easy kills for you and is especially difficult to counter when enemies dont know what they doing and its basically just funni flash free kills. making a quick site setup or clicking q for free kills is alot easier than becoming mechanically crazy and outaim everyone on the enemy team as reyna or jett
That’s true yea, like these agents def will have a higher impact with their utility however you’re not getting better mechanically if you’re not testing your limits with mechanical agents like you said Jett or Reyna. Sure your wr may falter in the short run but in the long run as u put yourself into these more mechanically intensive situations, you’ll only improve faster. Esp on an agent like a duelist, on like kj for example like you said u can just sit behind a box and get free kills with your q. Sure you’ll win, but imo id rather lose and learn and get better then win while sitting in a corner
@ yea you have a point lol but being bronze 3 about to derank to bronze 2 on an 8 game loss streak isnt fun 35% winrate
@ been there lmao, imm2 to ass 2 was on like 10-20 game l streak (in 1 day too *do not tilt q)
But yea keep ur head up king silver will soon be in sight
Man I haven't even put this video to test, but in paper i feel like imma get out of gold so easilly now
You got it bro lmk when you escape
@@Stradious So far, my troll tm8's ff'ed while i was trying to keep morale up...
@@HenriG-i6ghonestly id quit if i were you like yeah youll prob be able to get plat in like 2 months but it just aint worth it this video is just gon make you worse
ORE WA NO RADIANT DAAAAAAA (plays intense blue lock music)
played one game as deadlock(never played her before) and i might use her when soloing
Yeah dl her wall and grav net are super busted
I just fill for the team depending on the map. I have recently only started playing ranked seriously. Gold 1 currently. My first goal is reach high plat.
cote reference the unsung goat fr
i just watched this before playing, ill comeback here if i get to gold elo, currently in silver.
🙏🙏🙏praying u get good tms fr
this is almost if dantes played valorant
thanks for the help bro!
For the first tip watch and read blue lock😊
Insane anime ! !
im in the silver trenches but often get told i play like plat or diamond even tho diamond players are DOGSHIT. mostly lose my comp games to no coms, crybaby throwers or just bad teammates and confident enemies, would appreciate a vod review to help me climb cuz i am serious about it, love this game but hate gold/silv/plat/bronze lobies
I’m down to vod review, dm me on discord
@@Stradious user?
so this is how my friend aced twice in a day (he is bronze 3) while playing iso but we lost almost everygame bc of bad teamates or no comms (i am silver 2)
yea if only those teammates watched this video LMAO
@@Stradious ikr
dude i watched this video, and it gave me so much skill just from watching it that the skill i gained was so vast i made it from iron 1 to ascendent 3 in one game bro i love you so much and it was a great video!!!!!!!!!
wowza wowza
I tweaked out when i saw the clip at 8:10
BRO I WAS LIKE NAHHHHHH but I didn’t say anything I needed the rr
In EU the comms issue are worse because language barriers
Fr I watched an eu vod the other day and the comms in eu are insane LMAO
S tier video!!!
Thanks papi chulo
7:46 the point he was trying to make, everyone have the combined iq of 1 fr shined through in thi clip
😂 Deadass I act put that clip there becuz my tms threw LOL surprised you noticed fr making me blush 🤭
Every time i try to use comms i bottom frag, my mind is too distracted for comms and valorant so i just stopped doing comms and i won a few games in a row lol
@@Ar-tv8hj yeah you have to strike a healthy balance. Comm when you know you’re safe, ex pre round post round, and during mid round like when ur looking at map or not fighting. The rest of the time stay locked I know what you mean tho
me who is hard stuck in bronze
You can escape!!! Never give up!! Never back down
good advice! for anyone who sees this looking back at your gameplay doesn't nessacarily have to be a bad thing, I often record myself when I play and look back to see what mistakes I made so I can improve!
This this this. If u have nvidia shadow play sometimes when i die midround i deadass clip it and go back during the game to see what happened lmao
I watched this video before game session, and got Asc1
10:59 shot sick
Yeah that was a hospital flick lol
omg this vid W no glaze
Thanks hottie ❤
Bro im hardstuck gold 3 and i have everything like
My aim is really good
My gamesense is good
My angles are good
My confidence is good
Im not over exaggerating
But most of the time it's just my ego that gets ruined in the starting of the game else i topfrag everygame my ego isnt ruined idk how to fix that
dude imma be honest its the teammates. not like how they play but usually they will do everything in their power to ruin your mental so id suggest to just mute and focus on ur gameplay. still comm ofc, but most of the time the comms from ur teammates will suck and so if it affects u that much then get a duo and only talk to each other or i suggest to mute
@@Stradious true my servers are so toxic thx for the reply
So basically just apply the Bluelock way to get better
Fr they gotta make blue lock for valorant
muting everyone got me from silver to diamond n realized i can finally focus without ppl screaming n moaning in my ears
Blue lock undefeated 🤞🏽
You know cuz of this video i had the idea that maybe if u p,ay 3 stack and are gold or smthng u should just instalock reyna iso and clove and try to play 3v7 and let ur teammates play the game they want cuz they wont cry around aswell then if u dont tell them anything maybe im js braindead but fsr i think thatd work perfect in low ranks
Yeah defo those agents are insane esp w/ dookie tms
The yay diss is crazy
@@laxahomeschooling9220 oops.
Best tips! I'm b2 but I should be s3
What do u think is holding u back?
@@Stradious I think it is my game knowledge and I don't have any aimlab routine.
@@Stradious also can you make a video on the best settings for val
@@CAMP3R1Yea fs lol! I always messed with settings a lot so definitely that’d be a good idea. Also I’ll probably make an aimlabs routine too but to get started Lowkey just start playing aimlabs like 15 mins a day before u play and you’ll improve ur aim for sure
MF this shi the training grounds for villains 😈
My problem is when I play deathmatch I play amazing winning but when I play comp or unrated I play like shit not cause I don’t know how to use the ability’s but maybe cause pressure and other factors also when I am playing I autopliot a lot and when I die I can think and predict what they do but when alive I can’t think
I had the same issue, you just need to have more faith in yourself, stop playing more than 2 dm before comp and play as many comp games as possible in a day, if you want to get better at comp, play more comp or you will only be good in dms. I was gold 3 before now i am asc 2
Lowkey I kinda disagree, I feel like if u autopilot a lot u should play less comp but focus more on the quality of the games you play.
However with mental, playing more games will help. So it’s kinda a weird situation to be in lol
When I play valorant I get my head clip by bronze players but then random iron teammate be hittin jump shots running shots the whole shit on the same people when I get shot at my forehead is a bullet magnet but when my teammates deprived of brain cells get shot at by the same people shooting me they are fuckin Neo it’s insane
nah brotha some games r just unlucky like that keep your head up
how do i manage to stay calm cause in dm/tdm i can strafe and click heads but when it comes to comp i justt crouch and panic spray
And if im warming up in csgo and then playing dm in val is good?
just gotta play more there's nothing else u can do, more ranked less fear cuz then you care less about performance
@@thecompiler3769 im playing 2-4 comps a day and play even more (around 8 h)
A soft fix is to unbind crouch (or bind it to a far away key), it’s sorta like putting on training wheels and it’ll help u learn to strafe. But yea like others have said just get those reps in, the more clutch scenarios you’re in the more your brain weirdly enough will get used to it. Like the more times you die in a clutch the better since the next time you’re in that situation that you’ve been in a thousand times already you’ll be more calm so don’t sweat it
unbind crouch and try to focus on strafing
Any tips on getting through ascendant to immo 1? I'm currently at my peak rank ascendant 1 (ass) playing jett and neon depending on map. Also don't think I didn't see you shit on thanos himself aspas SHEEESH
LMAOOOO but yea ascendant to immo 1 is id say consistency and mentality. play more games and play those games quality. jett and neon dont be afraid on offense and let your team know what you're going to do and since you're a duelist its ok to tell them where to drop their util to support u. ( i personally suck on jett and neon cuz my movement on them is ass) so im assuming your mechs are insane so work on gamesense work on comms and youll fs rank up in no time
What would you say are the stems of aiming in val? I rlly like calm aim and I wanna make a kovvaks playlist. Idk how long it should be lol, when I mean stems I mean like flicking smoothness js like what are the base things I need to practice for aim in val
Tbh I myself don’t even have an aim playlist I just pick like tasks, I recommend stuff from voltaic and ik ra headclick is good. Also do gridshot, like a lot, if not for aim do it for confidence it’s kinda like the bench press of aim lol.
Base of aiming id say is crosshair placement, the less u NEED to aim the better. The best aimers barely aim since their passive aim is so good they don’t have to use their active aim
Just put the fries in the bag bro 😭🙏🏿
im a future mcdonalds worker
the ayanokoji clip made me suffocate
Probably the worst tap session I’ve heard in recent time
Bro, what's the best agent for solo Q (i usually play iso ,reyna but can't take kills at defending)
I think iso and reyna are good for solo q, on defense on duelists you want to be taking early fights. Big tip for this is try to play at the barriers on defense and fight for that neutral space on duelist. Think about it like a counterattack, they're taking space on A, so a duelist you want to be forcing them to lose space on C. (Or if you're on A, make them waste utility fighting for that neutral ground on A, buy time for your teammates to rotate).
Woohoojin got 24 hrs to respond!
lmaooo all love tho
hello sir. thank you for your tips. I just played Valorant for a month and i'm stuck at bronze. do you have recommendation for aim training/routine? I feel like my aim is not consistent. Moreover, often times i felt like idk what to do when my teammates died earlier than me on attacker side, specially on Haven map. Hopefully you can upload or give us some tips for the low rank like me. Once again thank you so much and keep safe.
P.S. sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language.
@@JamesAbang173 All good man, so for aim training I recommend you do aim labs before u play like around 15 mins doesn’t have to be much, gridshot, headclick, voltaic tasks are all good. If your teammates are dying early on offense SLOW IT DOWN. You’re gonna wanna tilt throw and run in but I feel like in the lower ranks especially slowing it down will force out a mistake from the defenders and you’ll equalize numbers. And yea np maybe I’ll make a vid on this
@@Stradious Thank you for your response sir. I appreciate it a lot.
i need 550rr minimum for radiant in eu and from 400rr it is really hard to climb what tips do you have
For like rad and above probably just keep your games super quality like always play with a duo and for the win and as long as you have a good wr you’ll climb
Would you be down to vod review a gold2 with hopes to reach immo?
possibly yea shoot me a dm and lmk
whats your ch code for the white ch?
I dunno off the top of my head but settings video coming soon!!!!!
I'm jus glad it wasn't griffith
Xd moment
is nobody gonna talk about the flick at 10:52 ?
Let me know if these tips help and what rank you are! Also if you have any tips of your own lmk as well
Wallpaper IV
Like this comment if you've seen Bluelock before this video 🔥
Szn 2 is out 0-0
Bro quoted tzu 😭🙏
Sun tzu the goat
W video!!!!
Which is a big W
brother what to do if u are trying to get out of low elo rank matches like in bronze and in ur team u get nbew players who have 0 game sense who are deaf who cvant hear from where enemy is coming and who are idots and just spray all the time
because i cant 1 v 4 or 1 v 5 all 13 rounds
5 stack or play with atleast 2 good players
yea @lime7188 is right try to get a good duo, 5 stack, and just focus on improving. if you improve you WILL climb it will only be a matter of time so yea keep your head up bro
3:56 i feel like this advice is contrary to what a lot of people say. but i feel like there may be something to this. i really try to play towards and with my team in solo q and i fucking suck shit at the game even tho i swear im not retarded and it’s not a pure mechanics issue idk
just got placed iron 😂😤
well true u should play w/ ur team but like dont rely on them if u want to improve. if ur playing w/ ppl u trust then yea i understand but solo q is just random bozos
i’m going to follow griffith’s speech instead
Noooooo 😢
8:10 clove is too good
clove is beastmode
i do comms but my stupid doesnt even talk and listen even when i say it early
what can you do to get better aim and finding your perfect sense. Is buying a wooting keyboard going to rank up
Yeah I heard wooting is cracked with the snappy tappy or wtv. I saved up and I’m getting an 80he like this December
I heard blue lock top 1 and was outta there
Nahhh thoughts on top 1? Alwys dwn to watch fr
This dude might be legit but what he says is to be an egoistic duelist. HOW DO YOU BECOME EGOISTIC IF YOUR TEAMMATES ARE PURE ASS
A true egoist would just carry them MUHAHAHAHHA
Blud got carried to Radiant and giving braindead advices
plz bro
yo what sens do you play on?
0.3 800 dpi, I’ll prolly make a settings video soon
@@Stradious ight, thanks bro
Can I get vod review pls
Yea fs dm me on discord
Low sens or high sens on 800dpi. What send if so
I’m on 800 dpi and use 0.3