He saved 250,000 lives! Young Citizens of the World Meets Human Rights Champion Dr. Lloyd Axworthy

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • Yesterday, on July 23rd, we had the honor of interviewing the esteemed Dr. Lloyd Axworthy as part of our Young Citizens of the World ''Great Canadian'' series. Dr. Axworthy shared his remarkable journey, offering profound insights on leadership, global challenges, and the power of young people to drive change.
    The interview began with a warm welcome from Dr. Albert Tam, co-founder of Young Citizens of the World, who highlighted the organization's mission to unite students and educators globally. Chris Ford then introduced Dr. Axworthy, detailing his distinguished political career and significant contributions, such as his leadership in the United Nations and his work on the landmine ban.
    Senator Tony Loffreda also joined us, commending the efforts of Young Citizens of the World for their transformative impact on education and youth empowerment. He praised Dr. Axworthy and Filipe Dinis for their continued support and leadership.
    We were honored to have Filipe Dinis, COO of the Bank of Canada, join the discussion. Filipe highlighted the importance of global education and leadership, and shared his admiration for Dr. Axworthy's contributions, particularly in his role as Chair of the World Refugee and Migration Council.
    🔹 "According to the United Nations, there are over 100 million people displaced due to conflict and other reasons. About 50% of those individuals are children under the age of 18. Dr. Axworthy leads a strategic organization that explores ways for the international community to better respond to refugee situations."
    Dr. Axworthy captivated us with stories from his early life during World War II, explaining how these experiences shaped his values and motivations for public service. He recounted his role as Minister of Foreign Affairs, focusing on the successful campaign to ban landmines, which has saved hundreds of thousands of lives.
    🔹 "We were able to bring about something that has huge benefit to the rest of the world. Right now, we estimate that since 1997 when the treaty was signed, about 250,000 lives have been saved."
    Dr. Axworthy also discussed his tenure as President of the University of Winnipeg, where he implemented numerous initiatives to support indigenous and marginalized students, including the Opportunity Fund and community engagement programs.
    🔹 "The end result was that we were able to enroll a large number of young men and women, probably 70% of them indigenous, to become part of the university."
    When asked about pressing global challenges, Dr. Axworthy highlighted the rise of authoritarianism, climate change, and migration. He emphasized the critical role of young people in advocating for change and fostering global citizenship.
    🔹 "One of the biggest dangers is the emergence of authoritarianism. That is, governments that don't recognize democracy, that don't give people freedoms and rights, but they rule."
    🔹 "The climate change and there is less enthusiastic or effective support. What can young people do? I think young people are actually leading the charge."
    🔹 "In a country like Iran, it was young women who went on the streets to protest and who still oppose those governments."
    Dr. Axworthy spoke specifically about the role of the United States in global issues:
    🔹 "Even the United States, which didn't sign the treaty, played a major role. My close friend Madeleine Albright supported the treaty and made sure that the US behaved according to its rules. Despite some setbacks, the commitment remains strong under the current administration."
    He concluded with a powerful message to young people:
    🔹 "Think about how you can become a global citizen and put aside all these kinds of appeals to grievance, to nationalism. We’re all humans. We’re all equal. We all have to treat each other with respect and we have to bond and build connections with each other."
    The interview concluded with expressions of gratitude from the participants and a call to action for continued engagement and leadership in addressing global challenges. Dr. Axworthy’s insights and experiences provide valuable lessons and inspiration for the young audience, encouraging them to take an active role in shaping a better future.
    Thank you, Dr. Axworthy, for sharing your wisdom and inspiring the next generation of global leaders. 🌟
    And a special thank you to Filipe Dinis for his invaluable contributions and for highlighting the importance of global education and leadership.
    #Leadership #GlobalChange #YouthEmpowerment #YoungCitizensOfTheWorld #LloydAxworthy #GlobalCitizenship #FilipeDinis

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