I’ve only recently taken the plunge into Tarkov and coming to terms with how much of a meat grinder it is made a huge difference when it came to getting over getting dunked on constantly. The only thing I regret is I didn’t get into this game sooner
It really is a meat grinder. I've found if I don't have the jump on someone I'm probably dead. Some of the hours some of these players have is crazy 😂I feel like you really need to spend a wipe or two totally dedicated to the game to really truly grasp it.
Yeah I have to agree with it being the hardest game. I don't think anything comes close to how in depth this game is from the weapons, maps, healing system, its crazy.
I’ve only recently taken the plunge into Tarkov and coming to terms with how much of a meat grinder it is made a huge difference when it came to getting over getting dunked on constantly. The only thing I regret is I didn’t get into this game sooner
It really is a meat grinder. I've found if I don't have the jump on someone I'm probably dead. Some of the hours some of these players have is crazy 😂I feel like you really need to spend a wipe or two totally dedicated to the game to really truly grasp it.
Left Alt helps you equip things quicker and left Ctrl is a quick way to throw items in and out of your inventory. Keep goin man it ain't easy
Yeah I always forget this in my panicked state after actually killing someone. Thanks dude I'm still hoping to unlock the flea this wipe 😂
it's the hardest game ive ever played bro, wish i could say it gets easier lol
Yeah I have to agree with it being the hardest game. I don't think anything comes close to how in depth this game is from the weapons, maps, healing system, its crazy.