In 1988 I was drinking a fifth of alcohol a day . I knew that there was more to life than I realized but I didn't know what it was . I had a wonderful girlfriend , we raced motorcycles , we went to bluegrass festivals and did whatever we wanted to do . I realized that I had everything the world said was happiness but I felt something important was missing and I didn't know what it was. I tried scientology , all kinds of yoga, martial arts and various other disciplines but nothing satisfied me . One Sunday morning I came home drunk in a taxicab and waiting outside of my house was a man who was giving my roommate a ride to church. I had gone to alcoholics anonymous for six months and they helped me a lot but I had gone back to drinking .He invited me to sit in his car and talk. He asked me if I wanted a bible study. I said I would love to have a bible study . He came on Monday nights the only night of the week that I didn't drink. It was a 12 week bible study that went from Genesis to Revelation. He showed me in the book of Acts ( Acts 2:38 ) where it said repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost . I said I'd never seen that in the bible and I wanted to get baptized in Jesus' name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. I got baptized in Jesus' name and prayed for two months to get the Holy Ghost. The night that I got the Holy Ghost I was praying and I started to talk in tongues , I felt wonderful and GOD delivered me from the spirit of alcohol . I have never wanted to drink since then and I praise GOD for that. . The man who gave me the twelve week bible study taught me a ' GODHEAD ' bible study twice but i didn't understand the oneness of God or the trinity . I was reading the bible one day and read Ephesians 4 : 5-6 that i had previously highlighted in my bible . God gave me the revelation of oneness . ' ONE LORD , ONE FAITH , ONE BAPTISM , ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL , WHO IS ABOVE ALL , AND THROUGH ALL ,AND IN YOU ALL ! JOHN 3:16 IS ONE VERSE : YOU NEED TO READ ALL OF CHAPTER THREE TO UNDERSTAND JESUS' PLAN OF SALVATION ! THANK YOU FOR READING THIS !
What a wonderful testimony of God's grace and mercy and your endurance in faith to get deliverance and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. People here is a testimony to us all to not give up and to press in for the victory.
This is the first clear teaching I heard in my Christian walk on Baptism, and yes I got re Baptised, and I am so different, the joy and freedom to walk and love Jesus is become mine.
Hi Sandra!!! May i ask, is the joy you felt after you get baptized comes naturally or you still need to renew your mind before you feel that joy??? Thank You!!!
+Alfred Kyo Hello Alfred, that is solely done by God through the Holy Spirit which is done in your spirit, it is different than happiness it is joy that abides in you. glad to help further Sandy
+Alfred Kyo You asked me when I got Baptised the joy that came into my heart with abiding peace. It is there given by the Holy Spirit If I can illustrate it this way, nothing I did but the goodness of God gave this joy and peace, not praying and reading the Bible to get this grace, it's receiving from God
I got baptized when I was 21 years old it was from pressure mostly from my mom. I understood who Jesus was but never read the bible, did not understand the seriousness of sin or repentance at all. I didn't understand that until 43 years old. When I was watching a Pentecostal preacher on RUclips preaching about living in willful sin and repentance, and it hit me and I was in tears and in repentance of the sinful life i had lived all those years, I was deceived for 20 some years ...I will be getting baptized in the church the wife and I joined a month ago sometime soon!
Thank you for this teaching. I saw the movie last week and the desire of my heart is to go to one of the events to be baptized, to learn and to go out to heal the sick, cast out demons, serve and make disciples of Jesus Christ. There is an event this coming weekend, on the other side of Canada but due to financial reasons, it would be impossible for me to God. But what is impossible with me, is possible with God. I pray for a miracle so I can attend. I feel that time is so short that there simply is no time left to waste. Thank you for all you do Torben and may God richly bless all that you do. Janice
This was perfect timing confirmation for this issue I’ve been talking to God about. This time I’m repentant and not coming to baptism to be a member of a specific church. I want to fully die to sin in Christ and rise with a new life finally.
fully dying to see him is not found in the water baptism but in the complete surrender of your heart to God. baptismal regeneration is a false doctrine based in ignorance of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a whole. The only way your sins can be forgiven is through the blood of Jesus Christ. and the one baptism the Bible speaks of is the baptism by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ, this is a different baptism than water baptism, and this baptism occurs immediately upon repentance and faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 have you read the scriptures? Because Jesus said "No-one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of WATER AND THE SPIRIT" John 3:5 Do you know better than Jesus Christ? Also; "Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved" Mark 16:16 Peter replied "Repent and be baptised, EVERY ONE OF YOU, in the name of Jesus Christ, FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS. And you will receive the Holy Spirit " Acts 2:38 "And now, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get up! Be baptised and wash your sins away, calling on His name" Acts 22:16 Romans 6:3&4 1Cor 12:13 Gal 3:27 Col 2:12 1Peter 3:21 Check it out. Having an opinion not based on Christ's teachings is foolish!!!8
@@suzannegriffiths4795 yes Not only have I read the Scriptures you selected but have an understanding of how salvation comes. It comes solely by exercising faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross. it is not the water of baptism that washes away sin, it is the blood of Jesus. acts 22:16 is an idiom referencing the blood of Jesus. without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. you need to take a more in-depth look on how salvation occurs and what being born again references. The only two things the Bible specifically states about being born again is being born of the word and born of the spirit. there is no reference in scripture to being born by baptismal water. this is where those that adhere to baptismal regeneration are in error. baptism in water is a subsequent work of salvation, not a primary work. acts 2:38 in the Greek clearly references being baptized because your sins are washed away not to wash your sins away. how do we know this to be true? because we see in scripture men and women receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit before they were baptized. One cannot receive the gift of the Holy Spirit before their sins are washed away. we see Cornelius and his house receive the gift of the Holy Spirit before being baptized in water. this is a clear indication that our sins are washed away simply by exercising faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross before water baptism. water baptism is a command by Jesus to illustrate our identification with him, it is not a means of salvation. but don’t take my word for it, do some research on your own and speak to individuals that have a more perfect understanding of the word, The heresy of baptismal regeneration has been around for a long time and every once in a while it resurfaces and has to be addressed again. Also Torben does not believe that you need to be water baptized to be saved/born again and he specifically has stated he doesn't believe in baptismal regeneration. if baptism in water was necessary to be saved or have your sins washed away then our salvation would be predicated upon a work that we do which is in conflict with a whole of scripture. we are saved by grace through faith not of ourselves, it is a gift of God.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 what you believe lacks faith in the Fathers plan. Read Ezekiel 36:25-25. God will not accept sinners into His holy presence. He CLEANSES us from sin now, not just covering it. Many people avoid ALL the scripture about what He means by cleansing, and righteousness, and holiness. This is unwise because God says "without holiness, no-one will see God". There is more to this christian life than futile sinning and trying to remain "covered" by faith. Freedom is offered to those who will leave their sin-nature/body of death to God to deal with. Being baptised is choosing to DIE with Christ. If you have not DIED, your sin nature will still rule you. You are a slave to sin!!! Read 1John! Test yourself to see if you are "in Christ"! I pray that you will see that those whom the Son sets free are free indeed! And leave all sin behind to follow my glorious Lord!!!
I was rebaptized thru TLR- due to serious repentance I had been thru for 2years..and it was amazing! God honored it with a word spoken over me and also a demon evicted!! Praise God! It was a yr ago now, and God keeps confirming the word spoken over me - to whom much is given - much will be expected...that IS a true Word over me!!!❤❤❤
Thank you Torben, so many in the U.K. have been infant baptised, how can that be on our own faith. ? I was re baptised a few years ago because I couldn't reconcile my infant baptism With scripture. I was already born again in 1995 and baptised in the Spirit a little later on. It wasn't for the lack of the Holy Spirit in my life that I got baptised on my own faith, as I have seen God heal many people, including me, and have known the joy of seeing someone set free from years of pain or suffering or spiritual torment. Praise God. But the reason I was baptised on my own faith was out of obedience. Keep up the wonderful work of God Torben, this world needs Jesus ! God bless you brother.
My mom and dad were born in mexico they got baptized as infants in catholic church they grew up then moved to california they study the bible a coworker of my mom witness to her about ACTS. 2:38. they believed it got REBAPTIZED. IN THE. NAME OF. JESUS CHRIST THEY GOT FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST SPOKE IN TONGUES GOT BORN AGAIN AND SAVEDB
Wow ! This just answered the exact question that has been on my mind. The first time I got baptized was to satisfy my family. Now I’m ready to have a true baptism. Thanks so much for this video !!
Very true, I myself am baptized only as a baby. I haven't been baptized as an adult with water. I have also received the baptism with fire of the Holy Spirit and have received the gift of speaking in tongues and walk daily in signs of healing and evangelizing. I just belong to Jesus ! I have turned away from sin and God has set me free of so much junk. I believe I am saved as much as anyone who has been in water as an adult. But I can't deny the power I see released in the baptisms on this channel. Keep up the great work guys !
I just got (re)baptized tonight. The first time I was baptized is when I was around 11 years old. I do remember feeling the Holy Spirit but I did not repent for sin or anything. I am 32 now and felt as an adult who understands that I need to repent of my sins, it was time to get baptized again.
Kenneth Stevenson I'm glad you wrote this and I'm glad I saw this video from torben because when I was 19 I got baptized but I was not told in that church I needed to repent and I didn't speak in tongues and I'm 33 now and still don't I thought it was a block and now I see I need to repent and be re baptized! God bless you writing this I'm getting rebaptized!
Kenneth Stevenson I had a similar expirience only at 23. Later at 49 I came back to faith, repented, received the Holy Spirit in a way that I could feel spiritually, phisi
Kenneth Stevenson I accidentally send my comment incomplete. Anyway , I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit 25 years after my water baptism. I do not feel the need to be rebaptised. I am walking in Christ every day and speak in tongues so there is no need to do it again.
Thank you so much for making this valuable and important video! Your answered my questions and have put my heart at ease. Your explanations are right on target and true! I am now convinced that I need to be baptized again with my new and and complete understanding of the purpose and power of a true baptism! God bless you!!
Dear Torben, thank u for this video & your boldness! I too got baptized (as I never was baptized before, but only sprinkled as a baby in the catholic church)! And realised, after I read the Word, that u have to believe first, and then get baptized. Acts 2:38 says, Repent and get baptized in the name of Jesus, and then you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit! And the verse, 'He that beleveth and is baptized shall be saved'! I realised it's importance and Repented and got baptized when I understood this! and oh Happy Day!! thank the Lord!
Great information, brother Torben. You are blessed, and I pray for you, and would want to go to that reformation study. I've only had one real miracle sign on my own, but God is always faithful, and there will be more miracles as time progresses, and we are on a way to a fantastic time ahead with our Lord YHWH Jesus Christ. Blessings.
The one baptism scripture speaks about is not water baptism, but baptism by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ that occurs at the moment of salvation. The moment of salvation is when we exercise faith in his finished work on the cross alone to be saved.
I really needed this video... I prayed to Jesus to guide me and direct me as i was confused n didnt knw what steps to tk next... I was a Catholic and got baptized when i very little i dnt even remember that.. so i wanted to get baptized again bt was confused whether it is God's will or nt but i guess i got the answer... Thankyou so much.. God worked through you to deliver this message... Praise Jesus.. Hallelujah ..Amen!!😇😇
I just baptized someone at my house for the first time a few days ago and knew there was a chance that things might get a little wild and crazy. As soon as the person came out of the water demons manifested violently but as I commanded them to go, they left. There's no need for there to be any fear. It's powerful and so amazing watching God work.
Amen. I'm one of those who got "rebaptized" since my first baptism was meaningless. I just did it because it was something Christians should do. I lacked repentance.
I’m wondering if I should do that too. I was 18 when I got baptised and didn’t fully understand why I was doing it. I didn’t speak in tongues or anything afterward and then shortly after went back into sin. Do you think I should get rebaptised?
@@emmaduncan3604 If it is a question for you, then probably yes, :) with sincere repentance and understanding of Rom 6. And you will have a clear conscience before God, not always wondering if your baptism at 18 was legit or not. 1 Peter 3:21 "Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God." 1 John 3:9
Thankyou Torben i need it. I fell out in the world and came back thrugh Christ Yeshua. I told a pentacostal about it and the answer whas" ones babtised always babrised". The jews do mikwe from time to time when they are in a new era of thir life. Ofcourse they dont have Yeshua. But i belive that you need to renew you trought your life while walking with Him Yeshua. God bless you.
God bless you brother this is very true. you really are a person of God. there are a lot of people who make lies about you and theres even a youtube channel trying to expose you. God is with you and he loves you💜
When I was a kid, I always told my parents that I want to get baptized. They told me I had to understand what true baptism means. They said "when you are ready, understand and can tell me what it means. Then you can get baptized." So in 2013 I got baptized. I was saved since I was 4 years old, but in 2013 I realized I had to die with Christ, my old self dead and my new being born again. When I was baptized I had repented. I knew the Lord since I was 4 years old, however I didn't get baptized until I was about 13. There are times that I thought I got baptized in vain, because of certain sins I didn't want to let go, however I was reminded that because my old self died when I got baptized, I had to dispose that "body" if you will, and that flesh was, metaphorically giving me a bad odor and bringing in disease, however, now I know I have dealt with my old body! I am filled with the Spirit. I had repented and then baptized with water, but until recently, I've felt filled with the Holy Spirit. So recently I was also baptized with His Spirit! Hallelujah!
I love the Lord and I believe but I don't remember ever being baptized. i watch your videos and i love to see people getting healed it amazes me to see this it makes me want to heal people since i am a very caring person i'm always trying to help people with health with advice on what to do now i watch these videos of Jesus healing and i think that's all we need. but i cant force people to believe as myself i never been baptized but i find myself telling people God loves you and to repent and i haven't done that so therefore I am wrong because I need to repent and learn more about God and be baptized myself. I watch these videos and i cry because i want this i want to be saved i want to be healed i want to heal others too. what you are doing is wonderful so thank you so much these videos inspire me.
you can get baptized now, if you repent, that is all you need to do before going under the water. :) Don't put it off, ask God to lead you to someone to baptize you, like Philip was sent to the Ethiopian in Acts 8.
I’m reading a book from 1979, it is a life story of a missionary, and she tells her story of how she received the Holy Spirit baptism. She was baptised 3 times in water because she was attending two churches with different doctrines and friends that confused her, however she was relying on the book of Acts formula. She received the Holy Spirit the week after she was baptised the third time in water, because it wasn’t until after that third water baptism that she went to the altar to repent of her sins. While she was repenting, a ball of light was sent down to her from heaven and she began speaking in other tongues and all in the church witnessed her glowing face. Yes, repentance is required, and you are right, that those baptised in water need to repent then they can receive the Spirit. I am posting this here because her story told that the pastors who were baptising her in water back in the 1960s fully believed that as she came out of the water she would be risen speaking in tongues as she came out of the water. American Christian churches once believed the infilling followed repentance as the final outcome of water baptism. But they don’t believe it today. Torben, you are correct, and God follows you around confirming it with miracles. Amen.
Hi Torben I just saw the last reformation movie and got touched.I can't stop crying throughout the movie. I already got baptised in water when I was fourteen. I thought it was enough. But after seeing the movie I felt that I need to be baptised again coz I didn't. Know the real meaning of Baptism when atthat time I asked God do I have to be baptised again and this video just answered my question Hallelujah
Thats exact wat i wants to message torbet .wat about al others ho baptisme and give life to jesus very quick without knows the meaning of real repent of sin
I really wanted to get rebaptized in the Jordan River when I went to Israel, but I decided to not do it because I know my first baptism was true. I didn’t know what was the right choice at the time but now I understand that I did the right thing.
Not to long ago I came back to Jesus and asked for forgiveness. I was baptized when I was little. But have wanted to be rebaptize. I have had a hard time wanting to trust church not to be confused with believing in Jesus. I see the baptizing that happens on this channel and absolutely want this kind of baptisms. How do I achieve this?
Don't be discouraged God will meet you where your at in church building or outside a church building he wants to meet you more than you want to meet him so if you make that first step he will send laborers or meet you how he chooses I really do encourage you to go to the last Reformation website and check the map and see who is near you so you can reach out to them will be keeping you in my prayers
Yes this is so true!!! In the book of Acts it says “In the name of Jesus” The ONLY name that MUST be spoken over every repentant person that is immersed in the water of baptism for remission of sin. This is good biblical teaching a Torben #rightlydividingthewordoftruth
actually Jesus taught to be baptized in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit. although you can be baptized in Jesus name also. it is the same. but be careful about baptismal regeneration, this teaching is unBiblical.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 You literally typed it out but I’m not sure you’re seeing it or grasping the importance of THE NAME! …baptizing them in THE NAME… - Matthew 28:19 What’s the name of the Father? It’s Jesus. I am come in my Father’s NAME… - John 5:43 What’s the name of the Son? It’s Jesus. …and thou shalt call his name JESUS… - Matthew 1:21 What’s the name of the Holy Spirit? It’s Jesus. …whom the Father will send in MY NAME… - John 14:26 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. - Acts 4:12 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in THE NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. - Acts 2:38 No other water baptism is valid unless THE NAME is applied for remission of sins. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, - Ephesians 4:5
I grew up in a Christian home. My parents got saved, when I was one year old. I knew Jesus, even saw demons cast out as a child and thought it was cool that demons are afraid of Jesus. During one youth camp when I was a teenager I got baptised in water, but the leaders did not explain what it is. That I have to make a decision to turn away completely from my old life and all sin. Die with Christ, rise with Him and then live a new life for His glory. I got baptised, but soon enough lived just like the world. 10 years ago I called on God when I felt bad after taking drugs in a party. God came to me and I understood that sin is the stupidest thing a man can do. I repented and got baptised with the Holy Spirit. I had received the gift of tongues as a child, but this time I spoke a real language I do not know. I started repeating a phrase in Finnish. Holy Spirit is so cool! Last year I started partying alot, taking all kinds of drugs, sleeping around and so on. I told my ex-girlfriend about four months ago how I met God and remember how happy I was with Him. I started reading the Bible and praying. It was so difficult! Some force was choking me when I tried to pray, but I made a decision to pray and read the Bible everyday for a week. I stopped praying in tongues for a year, because I knew that the Holy Spirit will make me want to repent, so I did not pray to continue living in my sins... After a week or so I started listening to sermons. During one sermon the preacher said, that if I will give everything to God, He will give everything to me. I did it, I told God to take my life and that I turn away from my sins. Since then everything started changing. I started going to a church, preaching the Gospel together with them, but there was alot of anger inside of me. A month or so ago I went through deliverance. There was a three day event organised by my church during whitch I repented for all my sins and I was throwing up for three days. Lots of demons left me. I got baptised for the second time (I dont count the catholic baptism) and felt it this time. After the baptism I felt fear when I looked in the mirror, because I could see God.
I too was re baptised in the precious name of Jesus on Sunday the 12 October 1978 when God gave me a conviction and revelation of his precious name . I had by now fully repented and when I got baptised and came out I felt free happy and all the past guilt of sins burden and shame gone and washed in the precious blood of Jesus . Only the powerful name of Jesus remits and washes away all sins . Acts 2.38 & Acts 22.16 . It was the happiest day of my life ever and this experience was so real The Lord gave me a song that he had anointed and inspired me to write on this experience It's called " Jesus Makes A Difference " and it talks of my experience of water baptism in the name of Jesus . You can hear and be blessed by googling Ignatius Rodrigues . God Bless
I have been hungry for this truth and clarity for so long! It’s such a breathe of fresh air or new life, hearing Torben speaking genuinely and explain why. I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I would like to be baptized in the name of Jesus. Also, is it possible to cast demons out if yourself? I feel like there’s something actually blocking me in some areas. I would love to come to the kickstart in margate, FL this coming month but it’s over 1,000 miles away and I’m not sure I can make it happen. I’m in Ohio. I know if God wants me there he’ll make a way for me to go after that journey! I just want to be baptized in Jesus name, be prayed for and learn and to serve my purpose in Christ in sharing the gospel, praying and helping those when I come back home!
Born again speaks of the regeneration of our spirit by the Holy Spirit. baptized in the Holy Spirit speaks of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in our life and ministry. two separate events for two separate purposes. these two events can occur simultaneously or can occur at different times. The second event is verified by the Holy Spirit through the manifestation of supernatural tongues. The first event is verified by the Holy Spirit through the fruit of the spirit.
Torben, what are your thoughts about if a person was baptized, with true faith and true repentance, but it was "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (Southern Baptist church) rather than specifically "in the name of Jesus Christ"? Thanks for all you do.
This might sound confusing but if your baptized in the name of Jesus christ then you have obed what Jesus Christ. said to baptized them in the name of the Father and the Son and holy spirit because the one doing the baptizing is not just repeating this comand
I went to a kickstart and was impressed that before baptism the person was thoroughly counseled to confess all sins and much time and energy was spent on this step. (I'm not sure if person was expected to confess each sin verbally to counselor or not, if so that would be unscriptural.) But what concerned me was the arduous method of exorcism of demons after the baptism. Many times young and inexperienced believers would kneel beside the baptismal and shout and call out demons for an extended time. When I asked about this doctrine the TLR leader admitted it was not in the Bible. It reminded me of the false prophets calling on their false gods because it was not peaceable nor did I notice any deliverance. If the counseling beforehand is done correctly and prayer and Bible reading are offered the demons will manifest themselves before baptizing. Jesus and his disciples only exorcised demons when there were clear manifestations. That's something not to be toyed with and there is never an instant in the old or new testament where young children and new believers were encouraged to cast out demons. Update to Torben: I'm praying for you, Torben, and your family during this jail trial you going through. I pray for your family's safety and well-being. I have certain concerns about TLR but that doesn't mean I don't admire your zeal and pray for your spiritual direction. The church needs to be established and mentored, elders and pastors need to be named before going on to the next kickstart. It seems to me that there is a lot of emphasis put on the gifts, deliverance, demons, etc. but not on establishing viable fellowships with trained leaders.
I was baptised into a Christian Church, and I felt like joy had returned to me. and I felt good. But i didn't stayin contact with the church, and 2 weeks later I fell out. and I never went back. But i'm trying to follow God Again. Am I alright? I'm scared if i blaspheme the holy spirit
Hey Brother, this is awesome that you feel coming back to God. He is waiting for you with wide open arms;) we cannot be first clean, good and so on without him, so don't be afraid: he will take you just as you are and bring you save home;) be blessed!
Torben I really need to be baptized again I got baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit in a Baptist church is it the same thing as Jesus name or no. Please help me understand.
Your videos have been such a blessing to me! I have been so inspired in my faith and have already starting seeing God do amazing things in my life! I do have a question though. I'm confused when you say you can cast out demons during and after Baptism; because if someone is saved and have the Spirit of God in them, how can they also have a demon? What is the difference between a saved person and a person filled with the Holy Spirit? Are they both going to heaven? Thanks! God Bless!
Torben, can you talk about a backslidden christian or is there really such a thing. And what would qualify as backslidden? Thanks. Just watched the movie this morning. Jesus is amazing and what He's doing.
I am a tongue speaking, repented, Spirit filled Christian. I have been enjoying your videos, but I’m a bit confused. Are you saying Baptist’s and other denominations baptisms you do not accept? I know some of these people haven’t repented, but some really have. Is it the denomination or the heart? Just confused. Pls explain, thank you ☺️
How can I be re baptized again the way God recognize it? I do repent, but need deliverance and to be baptized to Christ Jesus again. Is there any true Disciples of Jesus here in the US in my state of Virginia. I live in Salem, VA. I have been saved but feel that I need to re dedicate my life to Christ. I try to live free of sin now by I have struggled with my flesh and relationship with God. And I know I need deliverance! Is there any chance I can meet with Torbin or a disciple closer to me in the U S?
The Last Reformation Yes amen. don't compromise tell it like it is. REPENT AND BE BAPTISED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF SIN AND YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. No church denomination is allowed to change that simple but powerfull message.
if you've been baptized in the name of the father and son and holy ghost you've been baptized wrong you must get rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ this is how it's FULLFILLED acts 2:38,
David Ortega Example in scripture of people that got rebaptised. Act 19:3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. Act 19:4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. Act 19:5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Act 19:6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied. Act 19:7 And all the men were about twelve. Paul is in Ephesus and he meets these disciples of John that were baptized with Johns baptism, not with the baptism of Jesus. Paul had to rebaptize them in the NAME of the LORD JESUS. Baptism in the NAME is very important. Why ? Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Because there is only one Baptism. Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, PEACE
And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28:17-20 KJV
I received Christ as my Lord in 7th grade, and I put my full faith in Him and got baptized. It was powerful. However when I was in my early 20's, I sinned in a big way where I thought I lost my salvation.. Someone said I needed to be baptized again. To redo my first works. I never did because I meant it when I first gave my life to Christ. So, is mine the case where you would say that I do not need to be baptized again? I would not want to change my testimony to say the other baptism wasnt real because it truly was! Thanks for answering! :)
Very good video. But there is one thing I don't understand (5:38). Why should Jehovah's Witnesses be baptized again? I am not one myself, but I have heard that they baptize in Jesus' name. So why should they be baptized again? Is it because they don't believe in the trinity God? I'm happy if Thorben can answer to the question, please, no-one else. Thanks!
Hey. Torben, the reason why Paul baptized someone for the 2nd time because that baptized John used were not i the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. (Sorry for my english)
Baptism is supernatural just like the Lords Supper. The Holy Spirit baptizes us into Christ Jesus body by using other believers into water into Christ Jesus body.
baptism in water is when you’re baptized by a minister in water. baptism into the body of Christ is when you’re baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ. these are separate baptisms that occur at different times. baptism in water always follows baptism by the spirit into the body of Christ. baptism by the spirit into the body of Christ occurs immediately upon your confession of faith in Christ and his finished working on the cross to be saved. baptism in water occurs after salvation and is an outward demonstration of your identification with Christ.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 Thanks for your response. Yes the great commission command us to go preach the gospel and baptize.Either you are in Christ or still in the world. If you’re in Christ then you are led by the Spirit and becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ while making other disciples on your journey.There is no 2 tier system in the church and God has no favoritism. You are a able minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 3:4-6.There is now no clergy and laity but we are all one in Christ Jesus. Yes when you are baptizing a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ or in water baptism after repentance and calling on the Lord Jesus Christ fo forgiveness then the next steps are important. Deliverance from all demonic and infirmities by commanding them to leave as they have lost all power now. When the believer is free then they are filled with the Holy Spirit Spirit by asking the Lord Jesus to fill them with His Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-46. . A Spirit filled believer becomes a disciple by the renewing of our minds daily by God’s word while making other believers on our journeys. The early believers who were predominantly Jews who believed believers in their messiah broke bread daily from house to house and had fellowship and prayer and devoted themselves to the apostles doctrines and healing the sick
I mean yes i did do it because of sin but because i had more understanding with it. I wanted to make it my choice to get baptized and not my parents. I grew closer with Him and His word afterwards. I didnt need to but i wanted to make it personal i guess is what im sayin.. Sheek D
Maybe this might help to clarify. Jesus said I desire Mercy over sacrifice. He said to the Pharisees you worship me with your lips but your hearts are far from me. So God is looking for not so much are action but more so our hearts. I don't think it's wrong to get baptized again if you feel your first baptism was invalid or that you had incomplete understanding of what you're doing. From my understanding I believe in Colossians baptism is like circumcision. It's like if one is to get circumsized and then get circumcised again it wouldn't make a lot of sense. But if you were to get circumcised incorrectly then it would make sense to be circumcised again the right way. So getting baptized again and again and again would demonstrate a lack of faith what being baptized again for the reasons. She stated previously should be authentic. Buttdefinitely believe the Bible over me
I got baptized in a Charismatic Church, where I was possessed the whole time ... I decided to get baptized because I wanted to get demons out of me... but it didn’t leave me, so I got tempted again by the demons,right after I got baptized I fell into sins, I got discouraged and left the church. I wanted to die. Cause I believed God was going to deliver me and It didn’t happen! 4 years later I went to a new church that wasn’t Charismatic but they still did believe in Miracles , it just wasn’t as crazy as the first church, and the demons came out of my body! ... should I get baptized again in this church?
if you are a truefollower of Jesus jesus said forsake your self and take up you Cross.. you must deny your sinfull nature.. and life for the king of kings jesus.. Baptism is the Declaration of your Faith.. that you are a new Creation.. and you live a new life.. but if you Turn away from God it means you are Crucifying Jesus Again....
I believe you are correct on these matters. I have a question that you might know answer to. When were the apostles baptised into Jesus? as I see no record of this, they only seemed to have been baptised by John. Was it because they were actually with Jesus and were already clean? Thx
How many times do you go to the grave with Jesus? Romans 6. Which baptism is right according to Jesus Christ (GOD) ? Matt 28 To God alone be glory. Maranatha!
Brother Torben..I got baptized wihout any bible knowledge so now I feel it wasnt valid, I dont recall repenting. I didnt have any knowledge I was a sinner. My spiritual eye were closed.I have never had any experience with the Holy baptism was followed by 5 yrs of sin, then my spritual eyes were opened and I hungered to know more and now i attend a pentecostal church and I left my sinful life but I still yet to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How will I know if Jesus baptized me at water baptism? Can I enter heaven without ever experiencing the gifts? I would appreciate your input. Thank you. God bless
I was baptized twice as an adult first time did it for wrong reason second time I felt like I had better understanding. But both times where at a baptist church . I have been a follower of Jesus since I was a little girl . So is it wrong if we get baptized in the name of trinity ? I repent on a daily basis but don’t remember if I repented right before I was baptized
I've been going back and forth with this... If you were baptized and understood that you were giving your life to Christ and it was in the name of Jesus, but then fell away and did not truly follow Christ... Is it ok to then be baptized again when finally making the real commitment to Christ that He requires ?
Hei Tom! Please come to Norway 😊 i from Indonesia and i was muslim 10 years a go and i been baptis in Indonesia and just litle bit water on my head and when i came to Norway i heard that baptism must go under the water and i did that but iam not repent my sin before i get baptis , o lord please forgive me 😑
Many years ago I was not in a position to attend a church so I baptized myself. Do I need to be rebaptised? I’m still unable to go to church as I am disabled. I do speak in tongues but have no other manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
In France , the problem is the translation of Bible . In recent translations, instead of " repent " , you read " change your behaviour " , or "seek a radical change " as if people don't want to feel accused or guilty ( guilty is a very big problem in France ) . But this is very mistaken , because the word in greek is realy " repent " . I don't remember anyone told me to repent before my baptism .
Hey guys what about if i was baptized in the name if the father son and Holy Spirit by a Christian church? I did truly repent and my life is growing in Christ
Thank you for publishing this video brother. Much appreciated as I've watched your videos wondering these questions. I have 2 questions for you if you can reply: 1. I gave my life to Jesus alone in my bedroom at 13 in an unbelieving house. I felt the Holy Spiti come over me from head to toes. But struggling to find a church I wasn't baptized until 18. At the time I honestly cannot remember if it was about being repentant or about stating publicly I was a Christian (even though my peers already knew I was). Is this not a true baptism? Should I do it again? Is it important someone who understands this aspect of repentance do it or can it be anyone? 2. You said when someone is baptized you start praying for demons to leave. First, how can Christians have demons in them? Maybe you have a video on this? Second, why wouldn't a Christian know if someone is oppressed and have to guess and see if something happens. It seems very odd to me. I have never prayed for someone to be freed from a demon but if the person didn't have one it seems very odd thing to pray for (forcefully at that). I'd like to understand more. Often we think of the demon possessed/oppressed as loud violent wild people but in the video you posted today with the lady with fibromyalgia she seemed fine personality wise. I never would have guessed it was sickness oppression like that. I've seen other prayed for and be healed but no bodily reaction like that. So interesting. Thank you and God bless!
abgej family demons attack all of us. This is why repentance is deemed necessary. Satan is the master of deception and each of his demons are very conniving in carrying out specific lies/destruction. Constant prayer and glorification of the Father and Jesus help us in Deliverance. Even Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, so of course we will be tested on the daily
Hey guys. Chris from Waterloo Canada. Torben has really got it. I was baptised as a child in the Catholic faith but I feel I need to do it again. Do you know where I can do it in my area?
I decided I didn't need to. I know I have jesus and holy spirit inside me. I believe I am bride of Christ and will be raptured to heaven to be with the lord forever. this will be happening very soon. check out you tube channel still small voice. I know jesus is speaking to his children thru clare. god bless
Water baptism in Jesus name is the only baptism that remits sin. It's the only one that the apostles taught, and in John 17:20 Jesus Himself said this Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
Matthew 28:19 was added to the original scripture that Jesus said go ye and make disciples in my NAME this was quoted by Eusebius and early church father from an old manuscript written around 50 AD the Roman Catholic church destroyed all if the ancient manuscripts and added the the words in the name of the father and the son
@@davidortega357 before I ever did research on the Catholic Church changing the words on that verse. I already had the idea they did because they do everything in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. The devil has always tried to get us away from the truth. Which is Jesus. Which is the only way to God.
When baptizing i notice you speak in tongues. I've never baptized someone in the Holy Spirit but the Lord through your channel has shown me that this is how i should be living as a Christian Amen. But thats whats confusing me. I know that speaking in Tongues edifies our spirit but thats during intimate time with the Lord because no one else can understand. I need help understanding how when baptizing someone speaking in tongues would help them recieve? Please help me understand this brother(s) and sisters out there.
Mat Nicholson, that is not what scripture says, scripture tells us we sin because of our own lusts which draw us away. Blaming the devil is a cop out of responsibility for your own actions.
A born again Christian can be infected with demons, I know because I've cast them out. You cant be owned by Satan because Jesus paid the price for you. You can't serve 2 masters. Demons can re-enter through deliberate sin, which some Christians can fall foul of because we aren't perfect. Importantly though, there's no deliverance without repentance. As there should be repentance at the baptism that is why sometimes demons manifest because their legal right to remain has been removed with the confession and they reluctantly leave although sometimes it can seem somewhat dramatic.
Alex Burrell: even if someone's born again, a demon can still attach to their spirit of they invite them in. Then there's a foothold for them. That's the same for believers or non believers. From what I've seen and gathered. Once attached, they will not leave unless forced.
See the world map if not just stsrt your own in your house or meet in mcdonalds or homes . ❤ blessings Connect with disciples in ur area now, let's go for coffee, we are here to Help you . See World map ⬇️
Great video!! I was wondering if there is any differences between baptisms by immersion and sprinkling? If I repented my sins and get baptized by sprinkling, is the baptism still valid? Or should I receive re-baptism by immersion? Can someone help me?
+alwayslove The word "Baptism" means the opposite of sprinkling. Baptism means "immersion". i.e. sprinkling is by definition the opposite of baptism, so "sprinkling" cannot be "baptism". Blessings,
i always like to speak RESPECT AND BLESSING over the 'previous baptism' and those who were doing the baptising. So i am not being 'ADVERSARIAL TOWARDS THE BROTHERHOOD'.. In the EXODUS, when the father put BLOOD ON THE DOORPOSTS, did it affect only the father? No. it was a powerful effect on the WHOLE FAMILY.... The male human being has much more responsibility over his loved ones than most people realize. So i am NOT 'against rebaptism' and i am not against immersing a child, in a family of truly ACTIVE HolySpirit filled peoples.
alwayslove I dont know whether you received an answer yet, but here it is: the original text in Greek speaks of the word Baptizo when people get baptised like Jesus got baptised. Jesus was the first one, the Prototype (prototypos in the Greek) to set an example how we should follow after Him. Now Baptizo means going fully under, so full immersion. You can look this up in the Strong's concordance Bible. Now where the word 'sprinkling' is used in the Bible, the original word in Greek is Rantizo, which is used in totally different situations. For example in the ols testament, when every year the high priest had to bring sacrifices to God for all the sins of the children of Israel, God's people. The high priest would than sprinkle innocent animal blood on the veil of the temple. So you see this word Rantizo has nothing to do with the baptism (immersion) of the new testament. Hope thia shines some light. God Bless.
The baptism of babies is really a baby being dedicated into that denomination or organization. Believers after repentance and commitment to Jesus are only baptized into Christ Jesus body. After being set free immediately they receive the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to fill the with His Holy they are cleansed and sealed with the Holy Spirit until their redemption or until they go to the lord Jesus in glory
if you've been baptized in the name of Jesus and you backslide just repent get the Baptism if the holy ghost no need to get rebaptized only if you got baptized in the Trinity that doesn't remit sins
Those who are born again cannot persist in sin. Read 1st John. You just described an impossibility. Those of us with God indwelling cannot endure falling into a life of sin as you described.
He seems to be proof texting. The scripture in Ephesian was take total out of context the scripture one faith, one Lord one baptism is not about baptism at all but about the unity of the church. I question some of what he is teaching.
In 1988 I was drinking a fifth of alcohol a day . I knew that there was more to life than I realized but I didn't know what it was . I had a wonderful girlfriend , we raced motorcycles , we went to bluegrass festivals and did whatever we wanted to do . I realized that I had everything the world said was happiness but I felt something important was missing and I didn't know what it was. I tried scientology , all kinds of yoga, martial arts and various other disciplines but nothing satisfied me . One Sunday morning I came home drunk in a taxicab and waiting outside of my house was a man who was giving my roommate a ride to church. I had gone to alcoholics anonymous for six months and they helped me a lot but I had gone back to drinking .He invited me to sit in his car and talk. He asked me if I wanted a bible study. I said I would love to have a bible study . He came on Monday nights the only night of the week that I didn't drink. It was a 12 week bible study that went from Genesis to Revelation. He showed me in the book of Acts ( Acts 2:38 ) where it said repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost . I said I'd never seen that in the bible and I wanted to get baptized in Jesus' name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. I got baptized in Jesus' name and prayed for two months to get the Holy Ghost. The night that I got the Holy Ghost I was praying and I started to talk in tongues , I felt wonderful and GOD delivered me from the spirit of alcohol . I have never wanted to drink since then and I praise GOD for that.
. The man who gave me the twelve week bible study taught me a ' GODHEAD ' bible study twice but i didn't understand the oneness of God or the trinity . I was reading the bible one day and read Ephesians 4 : 5-6 that i had previously highlighted in my bible . God gave me the revelation of oneness . ' ONE LORD , ONE FAITH , ONE BAPTISM , ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL , WHO IS ABOVE ALL , AND THROUGH ALL ,AND IN YOU ALL !
Praise God.
George Swope: Amen!!!
What a wonderful testimony of God's grace and mercy and your endurance in faith to get deliverance and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. People here is a testimony to us all to not give up and to press in for the victory.
Don Childers this is an amazing testimony. Thank you Jesus for revealing the oneness of The Godhead. Jesus is Lord!!
George Swope What an amazing Testimonial So Excited God gotchya back!!! I wish I could copy and paste to send to a friend its So Powerful 👊🏻💥🙏🏻
This is the first clear teaching I heard in my Christian walk on Baptism, and yes I got re Baptised, and I am so different, the joy and freedom to walk and love Jesus is become mine.
Hi Sandra!!! May i ask, is the joy you felt after you get baptized comes naturally or you still need to renew your mind before you feel that joy???
Thank You!!!
+Alfred Kyo Hello Alfred, that is solely done by God through the Holy Spirit which is done in your spirit, it is different than happiness it is joy that abides in you. glad to help further Sandy
Sandra Holdsworth
So you just suddenly feel this joy from God even if you do not pray or read your bible???
+Alfred Kyo You asked me when I got Baptised the joy that came into my heart with abiding peace. It is there given by the Holy Spirit If I can illustrate it this way, nothing I did but the goodness of God gave this joy and peace, not praying and reading the Bible to get this grace, it's receiving from God
I see, Thank You so much Sandra :)
I got baptized when I was 21 years old it was from pressure mostly from my mom. I understood who Jesus was but never read the bible, did not understand the seriousness of sin or repentance at all. I didn't understand that until 43 years old. When I was watching a Pentecostal preacher on RUclips preaching about living in willful sin and repentance, and it hit me and I was in tears and in repentance of the sinful life i had lived all those years, I was deceived for 20 some years ...I will be getting baptized in the church the wife and I joined a month ago sometime soon!
Thank you for this teaching. I saw the movie last week and the desire of my heart is to go to one of the events to be baptized, to learn and to go out to heal the sick, cast out demons, serve and make disciples of Jesus Christ. There is an event this coming weekend, on the other side of Canada but due to financial reasons, it would be impossible for me to God. But what is impossible with me, is possible with God. I pray for a miracle so I can attend. I feel that time is so short that there simply is no time left to waste. Thank you for all you do Torben and may God richly bless all that you do.
This was perfect timing confirmation for this issue I’ve been talking to God about. This time I’m repentant and not coming to baptism to be a member of a specific church. I want to fully die to sin in Christ and rise with a new life finally.
fully dying to see him is not found in the water baptism but in the complete surrender of your heart to God.
baptismal regeneration is a false doctrine based in ignorance of the gospel of Jesus Christ as a whole.
The only way your sins can be forgiven is through the blood of Jesus Christ.
and the one baptism the Bible speaks of is the baptism by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ, this is a different baptism than water baptism, and this baptism occurs immediately upon repentance and faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 amen
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 have you read the scriptures? Because Jesus said "No-one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of WATER AND THE SPIRIT" John 3:5
Do you know better than Jesus Christ?
"Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved" Mark 16:16
Peter replied "Repent and be baptised, EVERY ONE OF YOU, in the name of Jesus Christ, FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS. And you will receive the Holy Spirit " Acts 2:38
"And now, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get up! Be baptised and wash your sins away, calling on His name"
Acts 22:16
Romans 6:3&4
1Cor 12:13
Gal 3:27
Col 2:12
1Peter 3:21
Check it out. Having an opinion not based on Christ's teachings is foolish!!!8
yes Not only have I read the Scriptures you selected but have an understanding of how salvation comes.
It comes solely by exercising faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross.
it is not the water of baptism that washes away sin, it is the blood of Jesus.
acts 22:16 is an idiom referencing the blood of Jesus.
without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
you need to take a more in-depth look on how salvation occurs and what being born again references.
The only two things the Bible specifically states about being born again is being born of the word and born of the spirit.
there is no reference in scripture to being born by baptismal water. this is where those that adhere to baptismal regeneration are in error.
baptism in water is a subsequent work of salvation, not a primary work.
acts 2:38 in the Greek clearly references being baptized because your sins are washed away not to wash your sins away.
how do we know this to be true? because we see in scripture men and women receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit before they were baptized.
One cannot receive the gift of the Holy Spirit before their sins are washed away. we see Cornelius and his house receive the gift of the Holy Spirit before being baptized in water.
this is a clear indication that our sins are washed away simply by exercising faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross before water baptism.
water baptism is a command by Jesus to illustrate our identification with him, it is not a means of salvation.
but don’t take my word for it, do some research on your own and speak to individuals that have a more perfect understanding of the word,
The heresy of baptismal regeneration has been around for a long time and every once in a while it resurfaces and has to be addressed again.
Also Torben does not believe that you need to be water baptized to be saved/born again and he specifically has stated he doesn't believe in baptismal regeneration.
if baptism in water was necessary to be saved or have your sins washed away then our salvation would be predicated upon a work that we do which is in conflict with a whole of scripture.
we are saved by grace through faith not of ourselves, it is a gift of God.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 what you believe lacks faith in the Fathers plan. Read Ezekiel 36:25-25.
God will not accept sinners into His holy presence. He CLEANSES us from sin now, not just covering it.
Many people avoid ALL the scripture about what He means by cleansing, and righteousness, and holiness. This is unwise because God says "without holiness, no-one will see God".
There is more to this christian life than futile sinning and trying to remain "covered" by faith.
Freedom is offered to those who will leave their sin-nature/body of death to God to deal with. Being baptised is choosing to DIE with Christ.
If you have not DIED, your sin nature will still rule you. You are a slave to sin!!!
Read 1John! Test yourself to see if you are "in Christ"!
I pray that you will see that those whom the Son sets free are free indeed! And leave all sin behind to follow my glorious Lord!!!
I was rebaptized thru TLR- due to serious repentance I had been thru for 2years..and it was amazing! God honored it with a word spoken over me and also a demon evicted!! Praise God! It was a yr ago now, and God keeps confirming the word spoken over me - to whom much is given - much will be expected...that IS a true Word over me!!!❤❤❤
Thank you Torben, so many in the U.K. have been infant baptised, how can that be on our own faith. ? I was re baptised a few years ago because I couldn't reconcile my infant baptism
With scripture. I was already born again in 1995 and baptised in the Spirit a little later on. It wasn't for the lack of the Holy Spirit in my life that I got baptised on my own faith, as I have seen God heal many people, including me, and have known the joy of seeing someone set free from years of pain or suffering or spiritual torment. Praise God. But the reason I was baptised on my own faith was out of obedience. Keep up the wonderful work of God Torben, this world needs Jesus ! God bless you brother.
My mom and dad were born in mexico they got baptized as infants in catholic church they grew up then moved to california they study the bible a coworker of my mom witness to her about ACTS. 2:38. they believed it got REBAPTIZED. IN THE. NAME OF. JESUS CHRIST THEY GOT FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST SPOKE IN TONGUES GOT BORN AGAIN AND SAVEDB
Wow ! This just answered the exact question that has been on my mind. The first time I got baptized was to satisfy my family. Now I’m ready to have a true baptism. Thanks so much for this video !!
Very true,
I myself am baptized only as a baby. I haven't been baptized as an adult with water. I have also received the baptism with fire of the Holy Spirit and have received the gift of speaking in tongues and walk daily in signs of healing and evangelizing. I just belong to Jesus ! I have turned away from sin and God has set me free of so much junk. I believe I am saved as much as anyone who has been in water as an adult. But I can't deny the power I see released in the baptisms on this channel.
Keep up the great work guys !
So what stops u from being Baptised in water?
I just got (re)baptized tonight. The first time I was baptized is when I was around 11 years old. I do remember feeling the Holy Spirit but I did not repent for sin or anything. I am 32 now and felt as an adult who understands that I need to repent of my sins, it was time to get baptized again.
Ditto, entirely.
Kenneth Stevenson I'm glad you wrote this and I'm glad I saw this video from torben because when I was 19 I got baptized but I was not told in that church I needed to repent and I didn't speak in tongues and I'm 33 now and still don't I thought it was a block and now I see I need to repent and be re baptized! God bless you writing this I'm getting rebaptized!
Kenneth Stevenson Amen I got baptized today as well wow I felt it God is Good
Kenneth Stevenson I had a similar expirience only at 23. Later at 49 I came back to faith, repented, received the Holy Spirit in a way that I could feel spiritually, phisi
Kenneth Stevenson I accidentally send my comment incomplete. Anyway , I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit 25 years after my water baptism. I do not feel the need to be rebaptised. I am walking in Christ every day and speak in tongues so there is no need to do it again.
Thank you so much for making this valuable and important video! Your answered my questions and have put my heart at ease. Your explanations are right on target and true! I am now convinced that I need to be baptized again with my new and and complete understanding of the purpose and power of a true baptism! God bless you!!
Dear Torben, thank u for this video & your boldness! I too got baptized (as I never was baptized before, but only sprinkled as a baby in the catholic church)! And realised, after I read the Word, that u have to believe first, and then get baptized. Acts 2:38 says, Repent and get baptized in the name of Jesus, and then you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit! And the verse, 'He that beleveth and is baptized shall be saved'! I realised it's importance and Repented and got baptized when I understood this! and oh Happy Day!! thank the Lord!
Mona L same holy spirit baptized grown Philadelphia area church when bady was like .
Great information, brother Torben. You are blessed, and I pray for you, and would want to go to that reformation study. I've only had one real miracle sign on my own, but God is always faithful, and there will be more miracles as time progresses, and we are on a way to a fantastic time ahead with our Lord YHWH Jesus Christ. Blessings.
Yes awesome information. He is a great blessing to the body of Christ
I have bern watching the TLR videos,and as a Lutheran I have been stuck on the one baptism issue. Thank the Lord for this clarity!
The one baptism scripture speaks about is not water baptism, but baptism by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ that occurs at the moment of salvation.
The moment of salvation is when we exercise faith in his finished work on the cross alone to be saved.
I really needed this video... I prayed to Jesus to guide me and direct me as i was confused n didnt knw what steps to tk next... I was a Catholic and got baptized when i very little i dnt even remember that.. so i wanted to get baptized again bt was confused whether it is God's will or nt but i guess i got the answer... Thankyou so much.. God worked through you to deliver this message... Praise Jesus.. Hallelujah ..Amen!!😇😇
This was exactly on time! i was just reading Ephesians 4 last night. Thank you so much.
I just baptized someone at my house for the first time a few days ago and knew there was a chance that things might get a little wild and crazy. As soon as the person came out of the water demons manifested violently but as I commanded them to go, they left. There's no need for there to be any fear. It's powerful and so amazing watching God work.
The guy in the background is wondering why he had to come to that cafe today! Haha! He’s gonna hear the gospel today! 😂
Amen. I'm one of those who got "rebaptized" since my first baptism was meaningless. I just did it because it was something Christians should do. I lacked repentance.
I’m wondering if I should do that too. I was 18 when I got baptised and didn’t fully understand why I was doing it. I didn’t speak in tongues or anything afterward and then shortly after went back into sin. Do you think I should get rebaptised?
@@emmaduncan3604 If it is a question for you, then probably yes, :) with sincere repentance and understanding of Rom 6.
And you will have a clear conscience before God, not always wondering if your baptism at 18 was legit or not. 1 Peter 3:21
"Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God." 1 John 3:9
Thank you torben for living the true gospel for others to see! Bless you brother
Thankyou Torben i need it. I fell out in the world and came back thrugh Christ Yeshua. I told a pentacostal about it and the answer whas" ones babtised always babrised". The jews do mikwe from time to time when they are in a new era of thir life. Ofcourse they dont have Yeshua. But i belive that you need to renew you trought your life while walking with Him Yeshua. God bless you.
My brother is diagnosed with leukaemia in Italy.. Please pray for him in the name of Jesus. Gbu
+Ashane Nenik No, you do it!!! Pray vor him in the mighty Name of Jesus...
JESUS do it!
God bless you brother this is very true. you really are a person of God.
there are a lot of people who make lies about you and theres even a youtube channel trying to expose you. God is with you and he loves you💜
When I was a kid, I always told my parents that I want to get baptized. They told me I had to understand what true baptism means. They said "when you are ready, understand and can tell me what it means. Then you can get baptized." So in 2013 I got baptized. I was saved since I was 4 years old, but in 2013 I realized I had to die with Christ, my old self dead and my new being born again. When I was baptized I had repented. I knew the Lord since I was 4 years old, however I didn't get baptized until I was about 13. There are times that I thought I got baptized in vain, because of certain sins I didn't want to let go, however I was reminded that because my old self died when I got baptized, I had to dispose that "body" if you will, and that flesh was, metaphorically giving me a bad odor and bringing in disease, however, now I know I have dealt with my old body! I am filled with the Spirit. I had repented and then baptized with water, but until recently, I've felt filled with the Holy Spirit. So recently I was also baptized with His Spirit! Hallelujah!
How do I get baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Godhead bodily bodily is plural Father, Son, Holy Ghost
Im so glad I found your channel ! God is awesome. Please continue with these videos ! Blessings
I love the Lord and I believe but I don't remember ever being baptized. i watch your videos and i love to see people getting healed it amazes me to see this it makes me want to heal people since i am a very caring person i'm always trying to help people with health with advice on what to do now i watch these videos of Jesus healing and i think that's all we need. but i cant force people to believe as myself i never been baptized but i find myself telling people God loves you and to repent and i haven't done that so therefore I am wrong because I need to repent and learn more about God and be baptized myself. I watch these videos and i cry because i want this i want to be saved i want to be healed i want to heal others too. what you are doing is wonderful so thank you so much these videos inspire me.
you can get baptized now, if you repent, that is all you need to do before going under the water. :) Don't put it off, ask God to lead you to someone to baptize you, like Philip was sent to the Ethiopian in Acts 8.
I’m reading a book from 1979, it is a life story of a missionary, and she tells her story of how she received the Holy Spirit baptism. She was baptised 3 times in water because she was attending two churches with different doctrines and friends that confused her, however she was relying on the book of Acts formula. She received the Holy Spirit the week after she was baptised the third time in water, because it wasn’t until after that third water baptism that she went to the altar to repent of her sins. While she was repenting, a ball of light was sent down to her from heaven and she began speaking in other tongues and all in the church witnessed her glowing face. Yes, repentance is required, and you are right, that those baptised in water need to repent then they can receive the Spirit. I am posting this here because her story told that the pastors who were baptising her in water back in the 1960s fully believed that as she came out of the water she would be risen speaking in tongues as she came out of the water. American Christian churches once believed the infilling followed repentance as the final outcome of water baptism. But they don’t believe it today. Torben, you are correct, and God follows you around confirming it with miracles. Amen.
Hi Torben I just saw the last reformation movie and got touched.I can't stop crying throughout the movie. I already got baptised in water when I was fourteen. I thought it was enough. But after seeing the movie I felt that I need to be baptised again coz I didn't. Know the real meaning of Baptism when atthat time I asked God do I have to be baptised again and this video just answered my question Hallelujah
Thats exact wat i wants to message torbet .wat about al others ho baptisme and give life to jesus very quick without knows the meaning of real repent of sin
Amazing Truth brother Halleluyah
I really wanted to get rebaptized in the Jordan River when I went to Israel, but I decided to not do it because I know my first baptism was true. I didn’t know what was the right choice at the time but now I understand that I did the right thing.
Bless you Torben!! 👏🏼🔥🙏🏼
Not to long ago I came back to Jesus and asked for forgiveness. I was baptized when I was little. But have wanted to be rebaptize. I have had a hard time wanting to trust church not to be confused with believing in Jesus. I see the baptizing that happens on this channel and absolutely want this kind of baptisms. How do I achieve this?
Don't be discouraged God will meet you where your at in church building or outside a church building he wants to meet you more than you want to meet him so if you make that first step he will send laborers or meet you how he chooses I really do encourage you to go to the last Reformation website and check the map and see who is near you so you can reach out to them will be keeping you in my prayers
Yes this is so true!!! In the book of Acts it says “In the name of Jesus” The ONLY name that MUST be spoken over every repentant person that is immersed in the water of baptism for remission of sin. This is good biblical teaching a Torben #rightlydividingthewordoftruth
actually Jesus taught to be baptized in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit.
although you can be baptized in Jesus name also. it is the same.
but be careful about baptismal regeneration, this teaching is unBiblical.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 You literally typed it out but I’m not sure you’re seeing it or grasping the importance of THE NAME!
…baptizing them in THE NAME…
- Matthew 28:19
What’s the name of the Father? It’s Jesus.
I am come in my Father’s NAME…
- John 5:43
What’s the name of the Son? It’s Jesus.
…and thou shalt call his name JESUS…
- Matthew 1:21
What’s the name of the Holy Spirit? It’s Jesus.
…whom the Father will send in MY NAME…
- John 14:26
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
- Acts 4:12
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in THE NAME of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- Acts 2:38
No other water baptism is valid unless THE NAME is applied for remission of sins.
One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
- Ephesians 4:5
I grew up in a Christian home. My parents got saved, when I was one year old. I knew Jesus, even saw demons cast out as a child and thought it was cool that demons are afraid of Jesus. During one youth camp when I was a teenager I got baptised in water, but the leaders did not explain what it is. That I have to make a decision to turn away completely from my old life and all sin. Die with Christ, rise with Him and then live a new life for His glory. I got baptised, but soon enough lived just like the world. 10 years ago I called on God when I felt bad after taking drugs in a party. God came to me and I understood that sin is the stupidest thing a man can do. I repented and got baptised with the Holy Spirit. I had received the gift of tongues as a child, but this time I spoke a real language I do not know. I started repeating a phrase in Finnish. Holy Spirit is so cool!
Last year I started partying alot, taking all kinds of drugs, sleeping around and so on. I told my ex-girlfriend about four months ago how I met God and remember how happy I was with Him. I started reading the Bible and praying. It was so difficult! Some force was choking me when I tried to pray, but I made a decision to pray and read the Bible everyday for a week. I stopped praying in tongues for a year, because I knew that the Holy Spirit will make me want to repent, so I did not pray to continue living in my sins... After a week or so I started listening to sermons. During one sermon the preacher said, that if I will give everything to God, He will give everything to me. I did it, I told God to take my life and that I turn away from my sins. Since then everything started changing. I started going to a church, preaching the Gospel together with them, but there was alot of anger inside of me. A month or so ago I went through deliverance. There was a three day event organised by my church during whitch I repented for all my sins and I was throwing up for three days. Lots of demons left me. I got baptised for the second time (I dont count the catholic baptism) and felt it this time. After the baptism I felt fear when I looked in the mirror, because I could see God.
I too was re baptised in the precious name of Jesus on Sunday the 12 October 1978 when God gave me a conviction and revelation of his precious name . I had by now fully repented and when I got baptised and came out I felt free happy and all the past guilt of sins burden and shame gone and washed in the precious blood of Jesus . Only the powerful name of Jesus remits and washes away all sins . Acts 2.38 & Acts 22.16 . It was the happiest day of my life ever and this experience was so real The Lord gave me a song that he had anointed and inspired me to write on this experience It's called " Jesus Makes A Difference " and it talks of my experience of water baptism in the name of Jesus . You can hear and be blessed by googling Ignatius Rodrigues . God Bless
I too was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ in 1971 in Seoul, south Korea in a UPCI G I service US Army
I have been hungry for this truth and clarity for so long! It’s such a breathe of fresh air or new life, hearing Torben speaking genuinely and explain why.
I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I would like to be baptized in the name of Jesus. Also, is it possible to cast demons out if yourself? I feel like there’s something actually blocking me in some areas. I would love to come to the kickstart in margate, FL this coming month but it’s over 1,000 miles away and I’m not sure I can make it happen. I’m in Ohio. I know if God wants me there he’ll make a way for me to go after that journey! I just want to be baptized in Jesus name, be prayed for and learn and to serve my purpose in Christ in sharing the gospel, praying and helping those when I come back home!
The moment you repent and are born again you are baptised with the Holy spirit
Born again speaks of the regeneration of our spirit by the Holy Spirit.
baptized in the Holy Spirit speaks of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in our life and ministry.
two separate events for two separate purposes.
these two events can occur simultaneously or can occur at different times.
The second event is verified by the Holy Spirit through the manifestation of supernatural tongues.
The first event is verified by the Holy Spirit through the fruit of the spirit.
Bless you! Hope you can come someday to Romania too! I would like to meet you in person. God bless your ministry!
Is there true baptism in You're Romania
My Ireland is now belong to Satan himself
Love and kindest of regards
You and I were baptised as Catholics
Yet neither of us have truly been baptised
Torben.. please pray for me I want to be delivered...
Torben, what are your thoughts about if a person was baptized, with true faith and true repentance, but it was "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" (Southern Baptist church) rather than specifically "in the name of Jesus Christ"?
Thanks for all you do.
This might sound confusing but if your baptized in the name of Jesus christ then you have obed what Jesus Christ. said to baptized them in the name of the Father and the Son and holy spirit because the one doing the baptizing is not just repeating this comand
I went to a kickstart and was impressed that before baptism the person was thoroughly counseled to confess all sins and much time and energy was spent on this step. (I'm not sure if person was expected to confess each sin verbally to counselor or not, if so that would be unscriptural.) But what concerned me was the arduous method of exorcism of demons after the baptism. Many times young and inexperienced believers would kneel beside the baptismal and shout and call out demons for an extended time. When I asked about this doctrine the TLR leader admitted it was not in the Bible. It reminded me of the false prophets calling on their false gods because it was not peaceable nor did I notice any deliverance. If the counseling beforehand is done correctly and prayer and Bible reading are offered the demons will manifest themselves before baptizing. Jesus and his disciples only exorcised demons when there were clear manifestations. That's something not to be toyed with and there is never an instant in the old or new testament where young children and new believers were encouraged to cast out demons. Update to Torben: I'm praying for you, Torben, and your family during this jail trial you going through. I pray for your family's safety and well-being. I have certain concerns about TLR but that doesn't mean I don't admire your zeal and pray for your spiritual direction. The church needs to be established and mentored, elders and pastors need to be named before going on to the next kickstart. It seems to me that there is a lot of emphasis put on the gifts, deliverance, demons, etc. but not on establishing viable fellowships with trained leaders.
I was baptised into a Christian Church, and I felt like joy had returned to me. and I felt good. But i didn't stayin contact with the church, and 2 weeks later I fell out. and I never went back. But i'm trying to follow God Again. Am I alright? I'm scared if i blaspheme the holy spirit
Hey Brother, this is awesome that you feel coming back to God. He is waiting for you with wide open arms;) we cannot be first clean, good and so on without him, so don't be afraid: he will take you just as you are and bring you save home;) be blessed!
may the almighty Lord continue to bless you toben. please tell us when are visiting florida.
The Greek word baptiza means “submerge”. So why wasn’t it translated to English? So that authorities didn’t have to submerge.
Yes, if one is baptized and not *submerged* , or if it wasn’t after repentance.
Thaaankkkkssss thank thank i was struggeling with this a so long time but this Video is realy the answer for my prayers thanks thanks thanks!!!!!
Torben I really need to be baptized again I got baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit in a Baptist church is it the same thing as Jesus name or no. Please help me understand.
Your videos have been such a blessing to me! I have been so inspired in my faith and have already starting seeing God do amazing things in my life! I do have a question though. I'm confused when you say you can cast out demons during and after Baptism; because if someone is saved and have the Spirit of God in them, how can they also have a demon? What is the difference between a saved person and a person filled with the Holy Spirit? Are they both going to heaven? Thanks! God Bless!
So happy to hear you were re-baptized..
Torben, can you talk about a backslidden christian or is there really such a thing. And what would qualify as backslidden? Thanks. Just watched the movie this morning. Jesus is amazing and what He's doing.
I am a tongue speaking, repented, Spirit filled Christian. I have been enjoying your videos, but I’m a bit confused. Are you saying Baptist’s and other denominations baptisms you do not accept? I know some of these people haven’t repented, but some really have. Is it the denomination or the heart? Just confused. Pls explain, thank you ☺️
How can I be re baptized again the way God recognize it? I do repent, but need deliverance and to be baptized to Christ Jesus again. Is there any true Disciples of Jesus here in the US in my state of Virginia. I live in Salem, VA. I have been saved but feel that I need to re dedicate my life to Christ. I try to live free of sin now by I have struggled with my flesh and relationship with God. And I know I need deliverance! Is there any chance I can meet with Torbin or a disciple closer to me in the U S?
The Last Reformation
Yes amen. don't compromise tell it like it is. REPENT AND BE BAPTISED IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE REMISSION OF SIN AND YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. No church denomination is allowed to change that simple but powerfull message.
Ain't that the truth acts 238 no other name
Frank Meintjes my church baptizes in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit is that wrong
if you've been baptized in the name of the father and son and holy ghost you've been baptized wrong you must get rebaptized in the name of Jesus Christ this is how it's FULLFILLED acts 2:38,
David Ortega
Example in scripture of people that got rebaptised.
Act 19:3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
Act 19:4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.
Act 19:5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Act 19:6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
Act 19:7 And all the men were about twelve.
Paul is in Ephesus and he meets these disciples of John that were baptized with Johns baptism, not with the baptism of Jesus. Paul had to rebaptize them in the NAME of the LORD JESUS.
Baptism in the NAME is very important. Why ?
Gal 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
Because there is only one Baptism.
Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28:17-20 KJV
I received Christ as my Lord in 7th grade, and I put my full faith in Him and got baptized. It was powerful. However when I was in my early 20's, I sinned in a big way where I thought I lost my salvation.. Someone said I needed to be baptized again. To redo my first works. I never did because I meant it when I first gave my life to Christ. So, is mine the case where you would say that I do not need to be baptized again? I would not want to change my testimony to say the other baptism wasnt real because it truly was! Thanks for answering! :)
I want to baptize again, but i don't think my parents would be happy because of it. Is this bad to get baptized secretly?
Hello Pastor Torben, when will you be in Indonesia or Australia? Thank you Pastor.. Greetings from Indonesian living in Australia
Hi torben. Thanks for all the videos. Have you ever been to Ireland. 🇮🇪🙏
Very good video. But there is one thing I don't understand (5:38). Why should Jehovah's Witnesses be baptized again? I am not one myself, but I have heard that they baptize in Jesus' name. So why should they be baptized again? Is it because they don't believe in the trinity God? I'm happy if Thorben can answer to the question, please, no-one else. Thanks!
God bless you brother please pray all people pray please pray i am india Punjab miss you i love you Jesus I love amen amen
Right on Torben, good word brotha!
Hey. Torben, the reason why Paul baptized someone for the 2nd time because that baptized John used were not i the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. (Sorry for my english)
But even the one you mentioned is not right, the right and only way is in the name of Jesus like it says in Acts 2 :38
Baptism is supernatural just like the Lords Supper. The Holy Spirit baptizes us into Christ Jesus body by using other believers into water into Christ Jesus body.
1 Corinthians 12:13. We have all been baptized by the same spirit into the one body of Christ Jesus
baptism in water is when you’re baptized by a minister in water.
baptism into the body of Christ is when you’re baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ.
these are separate baptisms that occur at different times.
baptism in water always follows baptism by the spirit into the body of Christ.
baptism by the spirit into the body of Christ occurs immediately upon your confession of faith in Christ and his finished working on the cross to be saved.
baptism in water occurs after salvation and is an outward demonstration of your identification with Christ.
@@LetTheTruthBeTold8324 Thanks for your response. Yes the great commission command us to go preach the gospel and baptize.Either you are in Christ or still in the world. If you’re in Christ then you are led by the Spirit and becoming disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ while making other disciples on your journey.There is no 2 tier system in the church and God has no favoritism. You are a able minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ 2 Corinthians 3:4-6.There is now no clergy and laity but we are all one in Christ Jesus. Yes when you are baptizing a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ or in water baptism after repentance and calling on the Lord Jesus Christ fo forgiveness then the next steps are important. Deliverance from all demonic and infirmities by commanding them to leave as they have lost all power now. When the believer is free then they are filled with the Holy Spirit Spirit by asking the Lord Jesus to fill them with His Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-46. . A Spirit filled believer becomes a disciple by the renewing of our minds daily by God’s word while making other believers on our journeys. The early believers who were predominantly Jews who believed believers in their messiah broke bread daily from house to house and had fellowship and prayer and devoted themselves to the apostles doctrines and healing the sick
i was baptized as a child..but when i got older and had more understanding i did it again at the age of 21. Was that wrong?
I don't believe so. You re much more aware of sin (the whole problem) and your need for Yeshua is most likely more evident.
I mean yes i did do it because of sin but because i had more understanding with it. I wanted to make it my choice to get baptized and not my parents. I grew closer with Him and His word afterwards. I didnt need to but i wanted to make it personal i guess is what im sayin.. Sheek D
Maybe this might help to clarify. Jesus said I desire Mercy over sacrifice. He said to the Pharisees you worship me with your lips but your hearts are far from me. So God is looking for not so much are action but more so our hearts. I don't think it's wrong to get baptized again if you feel your first baptism was invalid or that you had incomplete understanding of what you're doing. From my understanding I believe in Colossians baptism is like circumcision. It's like if one is to get circumsized and then get circumcised again it wouldn't make a lot of sense. But if you were to get circumcised incorrectly then it would make sense to be circumcised again the right way. So getting baptized again and again and again would demonstrate a lack of faith what being baptized again for the reasons. She stated previously should be authentic. Buttdefinitely believe the Bible over me
Wow thats alot of enlightenment. Thank yu. That really make since to me. 😊
Time stamp 2:15, "I don't recognize previous baptisms" here is where torgan condemns most christians throughout Christian history to hell
The Baptism is just One !!!That is right!
I got baptized in a Charismatic Church, where I was possessed the whole time ... I decided to get baptized because I wanted to get demons out of me... but it didn’t leave me, so I got tempted again by the demons,right after I got baptized I fell into sins, I got discouraged and left the church. I wanted to die. Cause I believed God was going to deliver me and It didn’t happen! 4 years later I went to a new church that wasn’t Charismatic but they still did believe in Miracles , it just wasn’t as crazy as the first church, and the demons came out of my body! ... should I get baptized again in this church?
if you are a truefollower of Jesus
jesus said forsake your self and take up you Cross..
you must deny your sinfull nature..
and life for the king of kings jesus..
Baptism is the Declaration of your Faith..
that you are a new Creation.. and you live a new life..
but if you Turn away from God
it means you are Crucifying Jesus Again....
I believe you are correct on these matters. I have a question that you might know answer to. When were the apostles baptised into Jesus? as I see no record of this, they only seemed to have been baptised by John. Was it because they were actually with Jesus and were already clean? Thx
they all got rebaptized into the name of Jesus Christ because he taught them that remission if sin comes with his name
Que pensez vous de quelqu'un qui a reçoit le parle en langue avant le bapteme et qui a été baptisés dans une église pentecôtiste.
How many times do you go to the grave with Jesus? Romans 6.
Which baptism is right according to Jesus Christ (GOD) ? Matt 28
To God alone be glory. Maranatha!
Brother Torben..I got baptized wihout any bible knowledge so now I feel it wasnt valid, I dont recall repenting. I didnt have any knowledge I was a sinner. My spiritual eye were closed.I have never had any experience with the Holy baptism was followed by 5 yrs of sin, then my spritual eyes were opened and I hungered to know more and now i attend a pentecostal church and I left my sinful life but
I still yet to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit. How will I know if Jesus baptized me at water baptism? Can I enter heaven without ever experiencing the gifts? I would appreciate your input. Thank you. God bless
Do he need to repent and baptisme again for second time? Cos in the first time he didt repent?
I was baptized twice as an adult first time did it for wrong reason second time I felt like I had better understanding. But both times where at a baptist church . I have been a follower of Jesus since I was a little girl . So is it wrong if we get baptized in the name of trinity ? I repent on a daily basis but don’t remember if I repented right before I was baptized
I've been going back and forth with this... If you were baptized and understood that you were giving your life to Christ and it was in the name of Jesus, but then fell away and did not truly follow Christ... Is it ok to then be baptized again when finally making the real commitment to Christ that He requires ?
Ash B I’m right on the fence with you can you let me know if you get any answers
Hei Tom! Please come to Norway 😊 i from Indonesia and i was muslim 10 years a go and i been baptis in Indonesia and just litle bit water on my head and when i came to Norway i heard that baptism must go under the water and i did that but iam not repent my sin before i get baptis , o lord please forgive me 😑
If it says they baptized IN the name then why don’t you say that when you baptize?
Many years ago I was not in a position to attend a church so I baptized myself. Do I need to be rebaptised? I’m still unable to go to church as I am disabled. I do speak in tongues but have no other manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
In France , the problem is the translation of Bible . In recent translations, instead of " repent " , you read " change your behaviour " , or "seek a radical change " as if people don't want to feel accused or guilty ( guilty is a very big problem in France ) . But this is very mistaken , because the word in greek is realy " repent " . I don't remember anyone told me to repent before my baptism .
Hey guys what about if i was baptized in the name if the father son and Holy Spirit by a Christian church? I did truly repent and my life is growing in Christ
Thank you for publishing this video brother. Much appreciated as I've watched your videos wondering these questions. I have 2 questions for you if you can reply:
1. I gave my life to Jesus alone in my bedroom at 13 in an unbelieving house. I felt the Holy Spiti come over me from head to toes. But struggling to find a church I wasn't baptized until 18. At the time I honestly cannot remember if it was about being repentant or about stating publicly I was a Christian (even though my peers already knew I was). Is this not a true baptism? Should I do it again? Is it important someone who understands this aspect of repentance do it or can it be anyone?
2. You said when someone is baptized you start praying for demons to leave. First, how can Christians have demons in them? Maybe you have a video on this? Second, why wouldn't a Christian know if someone is oppressed and have to guess and see if something happens. It seems very odd to me. I have never prayed for someone to be freed from a demon but if the person didn't have one it seems very odd thing to pray for (forcefully at that). I'd like to understand more. Often we think of the demon possessed/oppressed as loud violent wild people but in the video you posted today with the lady with fibromyalgia she seemed fine personality wise. I never would have guessed it was sickness oppression like that. I've seen other prayed for and be healed but no bodily reaction like that. So interesting.
Thank you and God bless!
abgej family demons attack all of us. This is why repentance is deemed necessary. Satan is the master of deception and each of his demons are very conniving in carrying out specific lies/destruction. Constant prayer and glorification of the Father and Jesus help us in Deliverance. Even Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, so of course we will be tested on the daily
Brother Torben. Where do demons come from? Are they fallin angels ore are they nephilim spirits ore spirits of a pre-adamic race?
Hey guys. Chris from Waterloo Canada. Torben has really got it. I was baptised as a child in the Catholic faith but I feel I need to do it again. Do you know where I can do it in my area?
Hi Chris! Check out the map at to find someone near you who can baptize you. God bless!
+Ebba Åström Thx Ebba. Will try. Chris
I decided I didn't need to. I know I have jesus and holy spirit inside me. I believe I am bride of Christ and will be raptured to heaven to be with the lord forever. this will be happening very soon. check out you tube channel still small voice. I know jesus is speaking to his children thru clare. god bless
chris godin Look up Revival Fellowship Canada
Very good video
Water baptism in Jesus name is the only baptism that remits sin. It's the only one that the apostles taught, and in John 17:20 Jesus Himself said this
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
Matthew 28:19 was added to the original scripture that Jesus said go ye and make disciples in my NAME this was quoted by Eusebius and early church father from an old manuscript written around 50 AD the Roman Catholic church destroyed all if the ancient manuscripts and added the the words in the name of the father and the son
@@davidortega357 before I ever did research on the Catholic Church changing the words on that verse. I already had the idea they did because they do everything in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. The devil has always tried to get us away from the truth. Which is Jesus. Which is the only way to God.
David Ortega
do you have and email I can reach out to you?
How do you know if the person has a demon? Do you feel it or do you hear God telling you or what?
When baptizing i notice you speak in tongues. I've never baptized someone in the Holy Spirit but the Lord through your channel has shown me that this is how i should be living as a Christian Amen. But thats whats confusing me. I know that speaking in Tongues edifies our spirit but thats during intimate time with the Lord because no one else can understand. I need help understanding how when baptizing someone speaking in tongues would help them recieve? Please help me understand this brother(s) and sisters out there.
Yes and amen!
Thank you so much! I want this!!
I would really like to know john did it in the lake they never talked in tongues until later in the upper room.
❤️❤️❤️YOU!!!! Thank you Jesus!
Torben, what would you say to someone who says people who are filled with the Holy Ghost and born again cannot also have demons?
if you can still sin you can still have demons, simple
Mat Nicholson, that is not what scripture says, scripture tells us we sin because of our own lusts which draw us away. Blaming the devil is a cop out of responsibility for your own actions.
A born again Christian can be infected with demons, I know because I've cast them out.
You cant be owned by Satan because Jesus paid the price for you. You can't serve 2 masters.
Demons can re-enter through deliberate sin, which some Christians can fall foul of because we aren't perfect.
Importantly though, there's no deliverance without repentance. As there should be repentance at the baptism that is why sometimes demons manifest because their legal right to remain has been removed with the confession and they reluctantly leave although sometimes it can seem somewhat dramatic.
Alex Burrell: even if someone's born again, a demon can still attach to their spirit of they invite them in. Then there's a foothold for them. That's the same for believers or non believers. From what I've seen and gathered. Once attached, they will not leave unless forced.
If you are baptized and have a deliverance to release demons, can those same demons return back in your life or any new ones???
Is there a church here in Manila Philippines? Please..
See the world map if not just stsrt your own in your house or meet in mcdonalds or homes . ❤ blessings Connect with disciples in ur area now, let's go for coffee, we are here to Help you . See World map ⬇️
Great video!! I was wondering if there is any differences between baptisms by immersion and sprinkling? If I repented my sins and get baptized by sprinkling, is the baptism still valid? Or should I receive re-baptism by immersion? Can someone help me?
The word "Baptism" means the opposite of sprinkling. Baptism means "immersion". i.e. sprinkling is by definition the opposite of baptism, so "sprinkling" cannot be "baptism".
i always like to speak RESPECT AND BLESSING over the 'previous baptism' and those who were doing the baptising.
In the EXODUS, when the father put BLOOD ON THE DOORPOSTS, did it affect only the father? No. it was a powerful effect on the WHOLE FAMILY.... The male human being has much more responsibility over his loved ones than most people realize.
So i am NOT 'against rebaptism' and i am not against immersing a child, in a family of truly ACTIVE HolySpirit filled peoples.
alwayslove I dont know whether you received an answer yet, but here it is: the original text in Greek speaks of the word Baptizo when people get baptised like Jesus got baptised. Jesus was the first one, the Prototype (prototypos in the Greek) to set an example how we should follow after Him. Now Baptizo means going fully under, so full immersion. You can look this up in the Strong's concordance Bible. Now where the word 'sprinkling' is used in the Bible, the original word in Greek is Rantizo, which is used in totally different situations. For example in the ols testament, when every year the high priest had to bring sacrifices to God for all the sins of the children of Israel, God's people. The high priest would than sprinkle innocent animal blood on the veil of the temple. So you see this word Rantizo has nothing to do with the baptism (immersion) of the new testament. Hope thia shines some light. God Bless.
The baptism of babies is really a baby being dedicated into that denomination or organization. Believers after repentance and commitment to Jesus are only baptized into Christ Jesus body. After being set free immediately they receive the Holy Spirit by asking Jesus to fill the with His Holy they are cleansed and sealed with the Holy Spirit until their redemption or until they go to the lord Jesus in glory
Question. If a born again baptized Christian has fallen into a life of sin, then gets convicted and repents, should that person get baptized again?
if you've been baptized in the name of Jesus and you backslide just repent get the Baptism if the holy ghost no need to get rebaptized only if you got baptized in the Trinity that doesn't remit sins
Those who are born again cannot persist in sin. Read 1st John. You just described an impossibility. Those of us with God indwelling cannot endure falling into a life of sin as you described.
@@maryb.1313 born again Christians don't PRACTICE sin, which means they don't PLAN to or LIKE to sin, but they still fall victim to it.
i need to get re baptize down here in south carolina
Very good! 😍
He seems to be proof texting. The scripture in Ephesian was take total out of context the scripture one faith, one Lord one baptism is not about baptism at all but about the unity of the church. I question some of what he is teaching.