The tip of the Spear is the Infantry. Everything else is support, even Spec Ops. Special means they are used for special purpose missions, they don’t have the numbers to be the tip of the Spear in war. The two do completely different missions, and both are equally important. Side note, being ten tip of the Spear ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, the shit is hard, and war is hell.
If your in Marine Infantryman and Army Infantry, they don’t get a break, they don’t have a gym back in the rear, they live and operate in the most austere environments, and in many cases come to the aid of special ops guys who inadvertently gotten in over their heads. Nothing better than to have an infantry platoon having your back. At the end of the day it’s all about Fire Superiority.
Yeah, there’s a guy like you in every infantry platoon. Usually the guy who marries a chick at the first bar off post. And has your name written all over the port-a-shitters.😂
I remember a SEAL on Shawn Ryan podcast saying that his first tour in Iraq didn't see any real combat but that a line infantry unit just down the road from them were in constant firefights and IED strikes.
Thanks for saying that JOCKO. I was an 11 bang bang with the 82nd Airborne for a while, needed to hear somebody say they believe in us. I genuinely met a lot of smart people. My unit was riddled with guys from 75th Ranger who were kicked out for stupid things, as a result I lived and worked with some real freaks. I’ll never forget it.
@@nicholasd7107 he probably means “freaks” as in they’re freaks of nature, but that goes with almost any infantry unit. As a 75th dude I met some hardcore 82nd guys in Ranger school and RASP.
SF major told me on mission once that the most important job that had the most riding on its success in any war is the infantry. He said all jobs in the military, are there to directly or indirectly support those men both army and marines so they can move in and destroy the enemy. Surprised me that an SF soldier thought of us that way. Best brotherhood ever.
My family, friends, and a lot of other soldiers couldn't understand why I chose infantry with a 96 ASVAB. I knew I wanted to join the Army. When I, like most people, think of the Army I think of the Infantry. Why join the Army and not do the most Army thing? I could make a lot more money somewhere else, but I couldn't be infantry anywhere else. I'm out now on 80%, but it has improved my life. Going to use the GI bill to get a degree in forestry in AZ to eventually be a mounted (on a horse) park ranger soon and also train up to get my EMT cert and also be a wildland firefighter, maybe hotshot in the future. I just enjoy being at the forefront protecting and serving in my community.
Heart felt appreciation Jocko from me a combat veteran 11B grunt and I did all 22 years a grunt bad times a good ones. Trust me I felt the same way as that letter. We don't get all the cool toys and coolest missions , and we do get the shit jobs but we pride in being grunts the ones then nation sends into the worst situations . Because grunts can take anything and keep going and we aim to win.
It’s mainly civilians that throw shade at grunts. But everyone has their jobs. Special operations is just that, for special missions ex hitting a hvt,hostage rescue etc. infantry is to solely to destroy the enemy.
i was 11B in Iraq in 03-04 and 08-09. we do 13 months straight. had zero leave. our job was to walk around and draw fire, then delete the threat. It's way more dangerous than just hitting a target quick and back on base in a half hour. we lived off base. and took many casualties. beyond different that SOF guys. looking back. I think I need my head examined for the things i did.
11b 2008 I was in Ramadi. We got attached to 1 marine exp force air ground team. I remember there was a part called shark base where the beards hung out. Best time of my life. Kinda gotta be a little sick in the head to say it.
There's an Excellent book that details Army and Marine Corps Infantry fighting alongside Navy SEALs in AL Anbar Province, Iraq. It's called The Sheriff of Ramadi.
A lot of high iq people go into infantry, because they want to fight and challenge themselves. Nothing wrong with infantry. It’s badass. Similar to how police get better training than most military jobs (outside of sof) but they are talked down upon.
Coming from a 11B who got the privilege to lead a weapons team we looked up to SF and Rangers like literal gods of the battlefield. Got to do work some high speed guys. No crazy stories just a little shooting training cause we used thier range to zero about half way through deployment and help with setting up perimeters and shit around targets but i always felt elite as fuck. Beat all the patrols by a mile.
That was part of the problem within the infantry. They didn’t freakin understand the value they carried themselves given what we were tasked to freakin do. What SOF and Rangers do shouldn’t concern infantrymen outside of the SOCOM spectrum. They have their mission and we have ours, and for any infantryman to hold them in this higher regard than themselves, you need to go to selection and join them, or reclass to something else. Yes, they have a tough road to get to do that job, but that don’t mean dick to an infantryman that values their job. We are the best at what WE DO! If you don’t have that mindset, you weren’t a true infantryman, simple as that. Respect all SOF guys, but on the battlefield I’m riding with my team because our mission demands it. A “conventional” infantryman/grunt has to believe that their squad is the baddest fuckers out there and if you don’t, you ain’t training hard enough.
@@parawill7074My point was not to say we were lesser. I am and always will be the queen of battle and the guys around me were very capable warriors. My point was it was always a morale boost to know we were going to be working with elite forces. Rangers are the most elite light infantry in the world. SF are force multipliers that bring a whole other bag of tricks to the party. Yeah, you shouldnt concern yourself with the misson set they have but you gotta show respect. Gonna bet your the kinda guy who calls other MOSs POGs but are gonna act like they shouldnt "Follow" or look up and rely on you to hold the peremiter? Cause they should just join us or reclass huh? I mean you earned your opinion and i earned mine.
All SF and SO know that conventional force’s are the backbone of the military and the most important pieces. If you think of the entire military as a giant wheel it take’s every branch and MOS to keep that wheel moving.
@@parawill7074brother you are correct, somewhere along the lines... the Infantry was been told we're not shit... or dont deserve respect... hopefully the stigma changes... "we, the Infantry, own the last 100 yards of the battlefield".... ....
One great advantage special operations units have over conventional forces is their budgets. I don’t know if it ‘s true, but I heard the Navy Seals have the same budget for ammo as the entire Marine Corps. This alone will make the spec ops troops better. This is not meant as a slight to conventional United States infantry troops, they are among the most highly trained soldiers in the world.
@@c431infyea as long as you are in good shape your infantry unit will put the package for you to try out. If for whatever reason you don’t make it at least you can go back to infantry
It's the ground pounder that wins the intire war. It's the ground pounders whos blood regrows the grass , the trees, it's the grunts who made you free. All those that died by the hundreds of thousands for freedom where all grunts who pushed right on through despite the horrors in front of them.
11B transitioned to 11A. 28 years later retired. “Conventional”. “Ground pounder”. “Regular” etc. Here’s to us and those like us that embodied our motto….”Follow Me!”
People think that out of ignorance. Any big battle ever. Infantry was involved. Special opps is like sniper rifle for precision targets. Infantry is like a machine gun there to fuck shit up.
Someone once asked me the difference between special operations and the infantry. I told them Special Operations are small teams with a wide skill set. The infantry is more built for direct combat action. Special operations will take a small team, sneak into a village, and try to grab a person. The infantry will destroy everything, then look for the remains of the person 😂
Besides the training, the difference is probably the time spent planning an operation, and where the orders come from. Some people think infantry only pushes forward as a big group.
From the outside Civilians only look at SF and SOF like Navy Seals, Green Berets, Rangers. They dont realize that being an Infantry Unit is still extremely punishing and capable.
I was only a reservist but I always believed my job was to give the best advantage possible to 11 bravos. I always revere anyone who serves in the infantry. Both of my grandpas were Army infantry in WW2, one with a Purple Heart from fighting in the Philippines. I would never look down on the guys doing the grunt work.
I served in a supply role in an infantry company. What i learned is that grunts and scouts have a brotherhood and code of honor that i didnt see "as much" in other MOS. They were also pretty chill and big on mentoring people. If grunts like you they will try to get you to be a grunt.
I started my career as a Medic with the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. Then went Airborne and deployed to Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division. Then I went to grad school and became a Medical Officer with a SF Group. God loves The Infantry, and so do I. The Infantry IS the Army, and as far as I see it, I was there to keep my Infantryman alive and well, and I am honored to have been in the position to do it. Even though I eventually moved into the Special Operations world, I never lost my respect for The Infantryman.
Honestly, half the reason why infantry are unpopular is jealousy. As a remf myself, laying my head down at night, I knew I was a soldier, but I'm never getting a bronze star. They're exceptionally well trained compared to every other army. I have a Green Beret buddy I ran into in Korea and he was training with their SF. I asked how they compared to our guys. He said: "American Infantry is at the level South Korea's Special Forces are at." Because the Infantry trains in a very specific, limited skill set they get extremely good at it. "I fear not the man that knows 10,000 kicks, but he that trained one kick 10,000 times." After seeing what they've gone through overseas, melting all day in full-battle rattle humping their house around, that's tough and they did it all day every day. Infantry guys may be harder to motivate than my intel peeps, but once they get the scent of the enemy they will not stop until they complete their objectives. The other reason infantry is unpopular is their alpha male attitude. But in order to be combat arms you need that edge, that overconfidence. That's what keeps you in the fight. It makes total sense. My Drill Sergeant was infantry and he taught us WAY more cool stuff than any of the pog drill sergeants. The sky is blue because God loves the Infantry.
Alpha male attitude would imply we think we’re the heroes. Not so. Just men confident in themselves and their brothers to get the mission done. Somebody with that attitude would never make it. Andrew Tate would never make it.
I highly admire spec ops. I went to selection and saw the kind of people who get selected for it. But I've always felt the true merit of the infantry is that we don't get years of training. We get four months to the front. And we are in the exact same area's as Spec ops (minus black ops). Everyone does their part. WW2 and the Vietnam era were the infantry's time to shine because many of the Elite units were either in their infancy (OSS) or simply not well known. Post 911, spec ops became the center of attention.
Regular Army infantry should have more movies and Netflix shows made about them kinda like they did back in the post World War 2 era. Civilians don’t know much about the Army’s 1st Infantry Division or 1st Armored division, just two examples. The only conventional units that civilians seem to hold in esteem are Airborne and Marines because they get movies and video games made about them, meanwhile Army Mechanized units get no attention it seems.
I joined the Marines in 1966 because I wanted to be a Marine. We Army and Marines tease each other but we always had respect for the army grunts. Civilians pick on the army and they will find out how we respect them. The Army does most of the fighting and dying in a war. We Marines are a small in numbers, and yes, a cocky group. But my Army friends lived in the same jungles and rice paddies as I did. Put up with unbearable heat and fatigue while eating crap food and made fun of because they lived in terrible conditions just like I did. In WW2 the Army had 99 divisions, the Marines had 5 until the last battle on Okinawa where they had 6. Who do you think did the most fighting and dying. Bless you Army grunts. I would be proud to by you a beer and talk.
Jocko asks, When did special operations become so popular? I's say John Wayne, especially "The Green Berets" to first bring attention to Special Forces. Or maybe the underwater battle scene from "James Bond - Thunder Ball".
During WW2, the 'sexy' servicemen (besides fighter pilots, etc) were paratroopers, Marines, and Rangers. These were the units that tended to get most press attention. These are the men that Hollywood made (and still make) movies about. Not to throw shade on Easy Company of Band of Brothers fame, but they (and their parent unit, the 101st Airborne Division) didn't see half as much combat as numerous 'ordinary' Army infantry units. Many of those guys were already combat veterans long before D-Day, as they'd fought in North Africa and Italy. It's the same with the Marines. I take nothing away from the hell they went through in the Pacific Theater, but you'd easily get the impression from both USMC PR and many movies, video games, etc that they fought there by themselves. In fact, three quarters of the ground forces in the Pacific Theater were Army soldiers. They were in almost every island battle, plus the Philippines, Burma, etc.
Thank you for your reply! I agree with your analysis, especially the amount of U.S. Army in the Pacific Theater. We seem to agree that Hollywood has played a huge role in shaping public opinion. I recall Jocko's Lieutenant in Iraq and business partner Leif Babbit, share why he joined the SEALs... Charley Sheen and "The Navy SEALs" movie he said...which actually is not a bad movie, in my humble opinion. Not saying it was accurate (what Hollywood film is?) but it sure helped recruitment. And "Top Gun" sent recruiting through the roof too.
Ya know as a POG who is finally getting my Purple Heart it’s good to hear this, I was in Ramadi 15 months living on Combat outpost Grant that was rigged with IEDs & propane tanks, also received a combat action badge for an IED that knocked me out 2008, and coded out my M88. I wonder what operators thought of us regular Army bastard slaves.
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars being portrayed as "police action" and/or "occupation" missions has redefined how the public views the Army. Ask most civilians and they will tell you that the Army is a "defensive/occupational force" that follows the elite units into conflict and then "holds" territory for them. This is just false. Regular Army infantry leads the way--if the fight is a war that calls for major infantry ops. It's true that Iraq and Afghanistan turned into occupational fights, and so that's what the Army did, but they started out with big offensive combat ops led by regular Army infantry and armor primarily. As an aside, Marine PR pushes this too, and it's the one thing that bothers me most about the Marines--a lot of their good PR is at the Army's expense, a lot of it includes straight up misinformation about what the Army's offensive combat force does during wartime.
As a grunt with 1/110th 28th ID in Ramadi I’ve always thought of specialty units such as seals, D and others with awe watching them in the AO but I also would look at fellow grunts the same! These MFers would close with enemy, often not knowing the situation and just push through the objective with ruthless professionalism!
@@sirjoshuafaw I don’t know. Pound for pound, the USMC as a whole is a more lethal fighting force than Army. I mean no disrespect to the Corps, they are awesome. I’d just say the 82nd Airborne Infantry is a terrific unit, well trained and extremely disciplined. They are a cut above the rest of the US Army. This is just my opinion and it really doesn’t mean much. I was in the Army for 8 years and worked with the USMC a couple of times. My unit was the 101st.
@@sirjoshuafawI have 3 friends that all were former marine infantry. All 3 went to army infantry after. 1 went 82nd, 1 went to 11th airborne division in alaska and the other went to 4th infantry division in colorado. All said it was the training intensity, better equipment and less yelling than marine corps. The only difference was my friend that went to the 82nd said he does more running there than he did in the marine corps. The one in colorado said its alil more laid back but the leadership is nightmare in 4id and the one who went to 11th airborne said training in up to -50 has been the worst time in his entire life. Just food for thought. I've never been a marine I'm 23 and going straight into Army because there giving me a 40k bonus, alaska and airborne school. I wish you the best my guy
I personally never felt that SOF guys exalt themselves into the limelight. I don’t know a lot of them but the few I had the privilege to serve with and run operations with were nothing short of professional and proficient in their skills. I never got treated like a “grunt” or a nobody they always embraced our involvement and yes if shit was fucked up, they would very humbly correct it on the spot. No drama, no complaining, no bullshit. if someone within our ranks on the conventional side couldn’t get it together, well then that guy just won’t run ops with our platoon, keep that fucker by the trucks or something. It was always an honor being around them and there is nothing like having those guys next to you in a gun fight. When they were around we knew shit was gonna get done period.
Regular forces win wars. Special forces aid in that ability for the regular forces to win wars. Terrorism and hostage rescue is obviously alot of what sf do. But most is reconnaissance, taking down critical infrastructure, sabatage etc behind the lines. Before the regs can do their thing.
Here’s the thing. Watch the movie Restrepo and the sequel korengal and you’ll think regular infantry 11b and 11c are super badass dudes….just because it’s not spec ops doesn’t mean they are lesser. Those are real warriors!
god bless the infantry
Special operations might be the tip of the spear, but the normal infantry is the Hammer!
infantry is the tip of the spear. special operations is the cloak and dagger.
The shaft if you will 😂
The tip of the Spear is the Infantry.
Everything else is support, even Spec Ops.
Special means they are used for special purpose missions, they don’t have the numbers to be the tip of the Spear in war.
The two do completely different missions, and both are equally important.
Side note, being ten tip of the Spear ain’t all it’s cracked up to be, the shit is hard, and war is hell.
Former 11B here, warms my heart for Jocko to say this....
God bless
11b here .. love being a grunt
Let them know why the sky is blue!
Why does his opinion matter?
If your in Marine Infantryman and Army Infantry, they don’t get a break, they don’t have a gym back in the rear, they live and operate in the most austere environments, and in many cases come to the aid of special ops guys who inadvertently gotten in over their heads. Nothing better than to have an infantry platoon having your back. At the end of the day it’s all about Fire Superiority.
I was in the infantry in the streets of Iraq in 2004. I now have a blue cord tattooed on my body. God bless the infantry.
Thank you
infrantry is badass God bless all infrantry combat verterans that served this country
Yeah, there’s a guy like you in every infantry platoon. Usually the guy who marries a chick at the first bar off post. And has your name written all over the port-a-shitters.😂
@@Darth_Sepharious long live the infrantry
I remember a SEAL on Shawn Ryan podcast saying that his first tour in Iraq didn't see any real combat but that a line infantry unit just down the road from them were in constant firefights and IED strikes.
In Iraq 0311 and 11b are patrolling outside the wire daily while spec ops mainly move at night doing raid on targets they get intel on.
Thanks for saying that JOCKO. I was an 11 bang bang with the 82nd Airborne for a while, needed to hear somebody say they believe in us. I genuinely met a lot of smart people. My unit was riddled with guys from 75th Ranger who were kicked out for stupid things, as a result I lived and worked with some real freaks. I’ll never forget it.
What do you mean by freaks?
@@nicholasd7107 he probably means “freaks” as in they’re freaks of nature, but that goes with almost any infantry unit. As a 75th dude I met some hardcore 82nd guys in Ranger school and RASP.
SF major told me on mission once that the most important job that had the most riding on its success in any war is the infantry. He said all jobs in the military, are there to directly or indirectly support those men both army and marines so they can move in and destroy the enemy. Surprised me that an SF soldier thought of us that way. Best brotherhood ever.
Every other mos in the military was developed as support for the infantry
not sure the Navy was
@@josephfoulger9628 and like the air force , once they get to a destination who then secures the ground again ?
Some of the most decorated soldiers in U.S. History were regular infantry. Alvin York, Gino Merli, Audy Murphy to name a few.
My family, friends, and a lot of other soldiers couldn't understand why I chose infantry with a 96 ASVAB. I knew I wanted to join the Army. When I, like most people, think of the Army I think of the Infantry. Why join the Army and not do the most Army thing? I could make a lot more money somewhere else, but I couldn't be infantry anywhere else. I'm out now on 80%, but it has improved my life. Going to use the GI bill to get a degree in forestry in AZ to eventually be a mounted (on a horse) park ranger soon and also train up to get my EMT cert and also be a wildland firefighter, maybe hotshot in the future. I just enjoy being at the forefront protecting and serving in my community.
As a 11B Platoon Sergeant. The lowest GT score in my Platoon is a 106. Let that sink in.
Heart felt appreciation Jocko from me a combat veteran 11B grunt and I did all 22 years a grunt bad times a good ones. Trust me I felt the same way as that letter. We don't get all the cool toys and coolest missions , and we do get the shit jobs but we pride in being grunts the ones then nation sends into the worst situations . Because grunts can take anything and keep going and we aim to win.
It’s mainly civilians that throw shade at grunts. But everyone has their jobs. Special operations is just that, for special missions ex hitting a hvt,hostage rescue etc. infantry is to solely to destroy the enemy.
i was 11B in Iraq in 03-04 and 08-09. we do 13 months straight. had zero leave. our job was to walk around and draw fire, then delete the threat. It's way more dangerous than just hitting a target quick and back on base in a half hour. we lived off base. and took many casualties. beyond different that SOF guys. looking back. I think I need my head examined for the things i did.
That has been I’m experience too
God bless all who served
11b 2008 I was in Ramadi. We got attached to 1 marine exp force air ground team. I remember there was a part called shark base where the beards hung out. Best time of my life. Kinda gotta be a little sick in the head to say it.
Route Michigan and redwings just out of Ramadi just nothing but IED’s
Jocko's task unit was at Sharkbase, and know Route Michigan very well
There's an Excellent book that details Army and Marine Corps Infantry fighting alongside Navy SEALs in AL Anbar Province, Iraq. It's called The Sheriff of Ramadi.
A lot of high iq people go into infantry, because they want to fight and challenge themselves. Nothing wrong with infantry. It’s badass. Similar to how police get better training than most military jobs (outside of sof) but they are talked down upon.
Coming from a 11B who got the privilege to lead a weapons team we looked up to SF and Rangers like literal gods of the battlefield. Got to do work some high speed guys. No crazy stories just a little shooting training cause we used thier range to zero about half way through deployment and help with setting up perimeters and shit around targets but i always felt elite as fuck. Beat all the patrols by a mile.
That was part of the problem within the infantry. They didn’t freakin understand the value they carried themselves given what we were tasked to freakin do. What SOF and Rangers do shouldn’t concern infantrymen outside of the SOCOM spectrum. They have their mission and we have ours, and for any infantryman to hold them in this higher regard than themselves, you need to go to selection and join them, or reclass to something else. Yes, they have a tough road to get to do that job, but that don’t mean dick to an infantryman that values their job.
We are the best at what WE DO! If you don’t have that mindset, you weren’t a true infantryman, simple as that. Respect all SOF guys, but on the battlefield I’m riding with my team because our mission demands it. A “conventional” infantryman/grunt has to believe that their squad is the baddest fuckers out there and if you don’t, you ain’t training hard enough.
@@parawill7074My point was not to say we were lesser. I am and always will be the queen of battle and the guys around me were very capable warriors. My point was it was always a morale boost to know we were going to be working with elite forces. Rangers are the most elite light infantry in the world. SF are force multipliers that bring a whole other bag of tricks to the party. Yeah, you shouldnt concern yourself with the misson set they have but you gotta show respect. Gonna bet your the kinda guy who calls other MOSs POGs but are gonna act like they shouldnt "Follow" or look up and rely on you to hold the peremiter? Cause they should just join us or reclass huh? I mean you earned your opinion and i earned mine.
All SF and SO know that conventional force’s are the backbone of the military and the most important pieces. If you think of the entire military as a giant wheel it take’s every branch and MOS to keep that wheel moving.
@@parawill7074brother you are correct, somewhere along the lines... the Infantry was been told we're not shit... or dont deserve respect... hopefully the stigma changes... "we, the Infantry, own the last 100 yards of the battlefield".... ....
One great advantage special operations units have over conventional forces is their budgets. I don’t know if it ‘s true, but I heard the Navy Seals have the same budget for ammo as the entire Marine Corps. This alone will make the spec ops troops better. This is not meant as a slight to conventional United States infantry troops, they are among the most highly trained soldiers in the world.
11B as well. I love hearing this from Jocko. It means so much honestly. He also called one of our sister units out too from PA. LETS GO!
Most special forces soldiers start out as infantry.
Even as POGs I was in supply and my section leader is in MARSOC right now
Because they still have to be mos qualified as 11b as a requirement
@@c431infyea as long as you are in good shape your infantry unit will put the package for you to try out. If for whatever reason you don’t make it at least you can go back to infantry
@@c431inf They dont. You can go to SFAS as any MOS. Its just that as an 11B there is alot of crossover so the Q course will be more familiar.
@@rjhick1 maybe things changed , even NG SF units had to get 11b mos qualified even if not primary mos to be selected
It's the ground pounder that wins the intire war. It's the ground pounders whos blood regrows the grass , the trees, it's the grunts who made you free. All those that died by the hundreds of thousands for freedom where all grunts who pushed right on through despite the horrors in front of them.
Navy seals are a platoon level fighting force. You have to go green beret if you want to be in charge of everything on the mission
11B transitioned to 11A. 28 years later retired. “Conventional”. “Ground pounder”. “Regular” etc.
Here’s to us and those like us that embodied our motto….”Follow Me!”
People think that out of ignorance. Any big battle ever. Infantry was involved. Special opps is like sniper rifle for precision targets. Infantry is like a machine gun there to fuck shit up.
Someone once asked me the difference between special operations and the infantry. I told them Special Operations are small teams with a wide skill set. The infantry is more built for direct combat action. Special operations will take a small team, sneak into a village, and try to grab a person. The infantry will destroy everything, then look for the remains of the person 😂
Besides the training, the difference is probably the time spent planning an operation, and where the orders come from. Some people think infantry only pushes forward as a big group.
From the outside Civilians only look at SF and SOF like Navy Seals, Green Berets, Rangers. They dont realize that being an Infantry Unit is still extremely punishing and capable.
All the SF guys I know were former infantry dudes except for one.
The infantryman has always Bourne the brunt of the casualties in war. Still do.
I was only a reservist but I always believed my job was to give the best advantage possible to 11 bravos. I always revere anyone who serves in the infantry. Both of my grandpas were Army infantry in WW2, one with a Purple Heart from fighting in the Philippines. I would never look down on the guys doing the grunt work.
1-506 Baker Co! Currahee! Proud 11Bang Bang.
Logistics runs were some of the most dangerous operations on MSR Tampa.
The Queen of Battle
it is the regular grunt that i respect above all els.
Yep. 2nd ID, Oef 2012 southern Panjwai. We made our own rules!
Go grunts🙌 former 0311 combat wounded with a Purple Heart
I served in a supply role in an infantry company. What i learned is that grunts and scouts have a brotherhood and code of honor that i didnt see "as much" in other MOS. They were also pretty chill and big on mentoring people. If grunts like you they will try to get you to be a grunt.
I started my career as a Medic with the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea. Then went Airborne and deployed to Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division. Then I went to grad school and became a Medical Officer with a SF Group.
God loves The Infantry, and so do I. The Infantry IS the Army, and as far as I see it, I was there to keep my Infantryman alive and well, and I am honored to have been in the position to do it.
Even though I eventually moved into the Special Operations world, I never lost my respect for The Infantryman.
I am the Infantry!
Thank you sir I’m a upcoming army infantry soldier
11b currahee door kicker pround grunt.... we all worked as a team those there will only know.... 2004-2005
Honestly, half the reason why infantry are unpopular is jealousy. As a remf myself, laying my head down at night, I knew I was a soldier, but I'm never getting a bronze star. They're exceptionally well trained compared to every other army. I have a Green Beret buddy I ran into in Korea and he was training with their SF. I asked how they compared to our guys. He said: "American Infantry is at the level South Korea's Special Forces are at." Because the Infantry trains in a very specific, limited skill set they get extremely good at it. "I fear not the man that knows 10,000 kicks, but he that trained one kick 10,000 times." After seeing what they've gone through overseas, melting all day in full-battle rattle humping their house around, that's tough and they did it all day every day. Infantry guys may be harder to motivate than my intel peeps, but once they get the scent of the enemy they will not stop until they complete their objectives. The other reason infantry is unpopular is their alpha male attitude. But in order to be combat arms you need that edge, that overconfidence. That's what keeps you in the fight. It makes total sense. My Drill Sergeant was infantry and he taught us WAY more cool stuff than any of the pog drill sergeants.
The sky is blue because God loves the Infantry.
Alpha male attitude would imply we think we’re the heroes. Not so. Just men confident in themselves and their brothers to get the mission done. Somebody with that attitude would never make it. Andrew Tate would never make it.
11B10 straight leg Infantry! 23rd Inf. regiment Tomahawks!!
The regular infantry not only holds ground, they take it too.
I highly admire spec ops. I went to selection and saw the kind of people who get selected for it. But I've always felt the true merit of the infantry is that we don't get years of training. We get four months to the front. And we are in the exact same area's as Spec ops (minus black ops). Everyone does their part. WW2 and the Vietnam era were the infantry's time to shine because many of the Elite units were either in their infancy (OSS) or simply not well known. Post 911, spec ops became the center of attention.
Regular Army infantry should have more movies and Netflix shows made about them kinda like they did back in the post World War 2 era. Civilians don’t know much about the Army’s 1st Infantry Division or 1st Armored division, just two examples. The only conventional units that civilians seem to hold in esteem are Airborne and Marines because they get movies and video games made about them, meanwhile Army Mechanized units get no attention it seems.
I joined the Marines in 1966 because I wanted to be a Marine. We Army and Marines tease each other but we always had respect for the army grunts. Civilians pick on the army and they will find out how we respect them. The Army does most of the fighting and dying in a war. We Marines are a small in numbers, and yes, a cocky group. But my Army friends lived in the same jungles and rice paddies as I did. Put up with unbearable heat and fatigue while eating crap food and made fun of because they lived in terrible conditions just like I did. In WW2 the Army had 99 divisions, the Marines had 5 until the last battle on Okinawa where they had 6. Who do you think did the most fighting and dying. Bless you Army grunts. I would be proud to by you a beer and talk.
Jocko asks, When did special operations become so popular?
I's say John Wayne, especially "The Green Berets" to first bring attention to Special Forces.
Or maybe the underwater battle scene from "James Bond - Thunder Ball".
During WW2, the 'sexy' servicemen (besides fighter pilots, etc) were paratroopers, Marines, and Rangers. These were the units that tended to get most press attention. These are the men that Hollywood made (and still make) movies about.
Not to throw shade on Easy Company of Band of Brothers fame, but they (and their parent unit, the 101st Airborne Division) didn't see half as much combat as numerous 'ordinary' Army infantry units. Many of those guys were already combat veterans long before D-Day, as they'd fought in North Africa and Italy.
It's the same with the Marines. I take nothing away from the hell they went through in the Pacific Theater, but you'd easily get the impression from both USMC PR and many movies, video games, etc that they fought there by themselves. In fact, three quarters of the ground forces in the Pacific Theater were Army soldiers. They were in almost every island battle, plus the Philippines, Burma, etc.
Thank you for your reply!
I agree with your analysis, especially the amount of U.S. Army in the Pacific Theater.
We seem to agree that Hollywood has played a huge role in shaping public opinion.
I recall Jocko's Lieutenant in Iraq and business partner Leif Babbit, share why he joined the SEALs...
Charley Sheen and "The Navy SEALs" movie he said...which actually is not a bad movie, in my humble opinion.
Not saying it was accurate (what Hollywood film is?) but it sure helped recruitment.
And "Top Gun" sent recruiting through the roof too.
lets go Jocko!!! I want arm wrestling challange...this old broken 11Bravo grunt wants some!!!!!!!!!!! 10mnt!!! baby!!
Ya know as a POG who is finally getting my Purple Heart it’s good to hear this, I was in Ramadi 15 months living on Combat outpost Grant that was rigged with IEDs & propane tanks, also received a combat action badge for an IED that knocked me out 2008, and coded out my M88. I wonder what operators thought of us regular Army bastard slaves.
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars being portrayed as "police action" and/or "occupation" missions has redefined how the public views the Army. Ask most civilians and they will tell you that the Army is a "defensive/occupational force" that follows the elite units into conflict and then "holds" territory for them. This is just false. Regular Army infantry leads the way--if the fight is a war that calls for major infantry ops. It's true that Iraq and Afghanistan turned into occupational fights, and so that's what the Army did, but they started out with big offensive combat ops led by regular Army infantry and armor primarily.
As an aside, Marine PR pushes this too, and it's the one thing that bothers me most about the Marines--a lot of their good PR is at the Army's expense, a lot of it includes straight up misinformation about what the Army's offensive combat force does during wartime.
As a grunt with 1/110th 28th ID in Ramadi I’ve always thought of specialty units such as seals, D and others with awe watching them in the AO but I also would look at fellow grunts the same! These MFers would close with enemy, often not knowing the situation and just push through the objective with ruthless professionalism!
I love what he says
Is the Army 82nd Airborne Division a well known and good force ?
Fuck around and find out. The 82nd ABN are some of the finest troops on earth.
@@Jacob-he1lg are they more fine than 3/7 Marines ?
@@sirjoshuafaw I don’t know. Pound for pound, the USMC as a whole is a more lethal fighting force than Army. I mean no disrespect to the Corps, they are awesome. I’d just say the 82nd Airborne Infantry is a terrific unit, well trained and extremely disciplined. They are a cut above the rest of the US Army. This is just my opinion and it really doesn’t mean much. I was in the Army for 8 years and worked with the USMC a couple of times. My unit was the 101st.
@@sirjoshuafawI have 3 friends that all were former marine infantry. All 3 went to army infantry after. 1 went 82nd, 1 went to 11th airborne division in alaska and the other went to 4th infantry division in colorado. All said it was the training intensity, better equipment and less yelling than marine corps. The only difference was my friend that went to the 82nd said he does more running there than he did in the marine corps. The one in colorado said its alil more laid back but the leadership is nightmare in 4id and the one who went to 11th airborne said training in up to -50 has been the worst time in his entire life. Just food for thought. I've never been a marine I'm 23 and going straight into Army because there giving me a 40k bonus, alaska and airborne school. I wish you the best my guy
Every MOS, including special operations, exist solely to support the Infantry on the battlefield.
Infantry are the tip of the spear in military speak.
B co 1/506 INF ........fucking door kicker iraq 2004-2005
This shit made me tear up every i hear this 🥲
You served?
I personally never felt that SOF guys exalt themselves into the limelight. I don’t know a lot of them but the few I had the privilege to serve with and run operations with were nothing short of professional and proficient in their skills. I never got treated like a “grunt” or a nobody they always embraced our involvement and yes if shit was fucked up, they would very humbly correct it on the spot. No drama, no complaining, no bullshit. if someone within our ranks on the conventional side couldn’t get it together, well then that guy just won’t run ops with our platoon, keep that fucker by the trucks or something. It was always an honor being around them and there is nothing like having those guys next to you in a gun fight. When they were around we knew shit was gonna get done period.
Regular forces win wars. Special forces aid in that ability for the regular forces to win wars. Terrorism and hostage rescue is obviously alot of what sf do. But most is reconnaissance, taking down critical infrastructure, sabatage etc behind the lines. Before the regs can do their thing.
In the Army the Infantry is looked up on. Everyone wants to be a grunt until you have to do grunt shit.
Here’s the thing. Watch the movie Restrepo and the sequel korengal and you’ll think regular infantry 11b and 11c are super badass dudes….just because it’s not spec ops doesn’t mean they are lesser. Those are real warriors!
1-18 infantry here.. just listening …. Lol
I was a cav guy and the people who bash conventional army are just chumps who know nothing about combat.
11bang in the regiment! rltw
11C here. Fuckin everyone hates us 😅😂
Infantry get less specialized training, older gear,less pay..My Heroes, The Queen of battle,doing so much with so little for so long...
Anybody that's been in the army, in any western country, knows what the guy asking the question is talking about. Sad.
By order of cool factor: pogs > infantry > medics > pilots > operators
KBR truckdrivers went into combat with zero weapons and the convoys left them stranded, Lol, that takes more balls then any fkker in the military./
hes lying his ass off
What makes you say that?
Infantry is the first step to teir 3. Infantry has a 30% graduation rate. That course will take most good men down hard.
OH BOY!!! Another squid...and of course he knows everything. Especially how to commit murder. Man those Navy SEAL's are stone cold killers...LAUGH.