This is why we love you Sigur Ros! I cant believe how many of us dont understand you anyway and yet your music touches us like nothing before. Peace 2 the world
Ohhh ! it was in Arras I guess...I was there and noticed that something was wrong when Jonsi started to laugh ! Now I understand why ! thanks for posting the translation :-))
I saw Radiohead on the In Rainbows tour & Thom messed up Faust Arp like 2 or 3 times, was cracking up, the drummer ran onstage and put a dollar in his shirt (a tip), started to do a cover, probably almost peed himself laughing, and then finally did the song right. Sometimes when certain "perfect" bands mess up it's wonderful. I saw Amiina mess up a song too on their solo tour...same....wonderful & intimate.
@RamonFRT I'd wager that Icelanders use "english" curses more than Americans per-capita ;) Thanks to this video, I'll hopefully finally remember now that að gleyma takes þágufall. :)
In the end, he says "ég bara sorrý" which means: I, just, sorry I had to replay twice before i got it that he is not siging the actual lyrics. How cool is that!
Shit is now in the Icelandic dictionary, only spelled in the Icelandic way "Sjitt" Meaning:Interjection sjitt 1. (vulgar) shit (exclamation indicating a marked displeasure with a newly discovered piece of news or with the current situation, or desperation on the realization of trouble to come)
jáááá , núna skil ég af hverju allir eru gg pirraðir úti mig , ég var ekki að tala um jónsa , ég var bara að segja að með því að posta þetta (íslendingur) var hann að sýna öllum á Frakklandi mistökin hans Jónsa , en já...
This is why we love you Sigur Ros! I cant believe how many of us dont understand you anyway and yet your music touches us like nothing before. Peace 2 the world
Hahahaha!!!! Love Jonsi. He's too cute.
I can hear his laugh. lol
Seung Joo Lee Same XD
It's odd to think that throughout the show (I saw them in London), he could have been singing anything, and no one would have known any different.
Aha, he's so cute! Even when he swears he's just adorable :P
LOL "I'M IN FRANCE so nobody understands me anyways" haha
Ohhh ! it was in Arras I guess...I was there and noticed that something was wrong when Jonsi started to laugh ! Now I understand why ! thanks for posting the translation :-))
He played it of so well
Going to see them in convert in june. Can't wait! Love this guys !
Nice idea for the mistake
I saw Radiohead on the In Rainbows tour & Thom messed up Faust Arp like 2 or 3 times, was cracking up, the drummer ran onstage and put a dollar in his shirt (a tip), started to do a cover, probably almost peed himself laughing, and then finally did the song right. Sometimes when certain "perfect" bands mess up it's wonderful.
I saw Amiina mess up a song too on their solo tour...same....wonderful & intimate.
Man I wish I could've seen Amiina touring with Sigur Ros, let alone see their solo tours. One day!
oh jonsi......this video makes me smile so much !
"Oh, shit!"
Haha! Cute ^^
I love the title. Everything about Jonsi is hilarious!
What a legend
Ahaha, he covered so nicely. xD
It's okay, I'm sure no one noticed.
Until it was posted on RUclips.
Haha, that's just funny. I like the way he covered it up.
We love you Jonsi!
I Love Him!
@RamonFRT I'd wager that Icelanders use "english" curses more than Americans per-capita ;)
Thanks to this video, I'll hopefully finally remember now that að gleyma takes þágufall. :)
hhaha xD vá best "en það er alltilagi því við erum í frakklandi, þar sem enginn skilur okkur"
In the end, he says "ég bara sorrý"
which means: I, just, sorry
I had to replay twice before i got it that he is not siging the actual lyrics. How cool is that!
How come nobody on the stage fell over laughing?
that's why we love jónsi
I don't know much Icelandic, but I noticed that when I first saw the video ;)
OMG that is tooooooooo hillarious!!!!
Sigur Rós ROCK!
hahaha!! it's great! love it! :D
woah.. the lyrycs to that song are not easy... heheh luv Jónsi!! XD
Hann sagði "Oh shit, en höldum áfram, ég gleymdi teeextanum en við erum í frakklandi, þar sem enginn skilur.
Shit is now in the Icelandic dictionary, only spelled in the Icelandic way "Sjitt" Meaning:Interjection
1. (vulgar) shit (exclamation indicating a marked displeasure with a newly discovered piece of news or with the current situation, or desperation on the realization of trouble to come)
Fucking awesome. Just watching I have increased my respect for these guys. AWESOME!
vá , ég meinti ekki að vera svona leiðinlegur...bara að tala sko...
yay reddit videos sent me here op thank you yku
I love you Jonsi!!!:)
ahahahaha! Fantástico! Finalmente alguém capaz de axincalhar os avecs!
hahah ...q grande este grupo!
arriba Sigur Ròs!
Lol krúttið, góður að redda sér bara :3
Ég fýla sigurrós alls ekki neitt en mér finnst þetta alger snilld. Djöfull bjargaði hann sér.
hahaha that's so cool!
vá hvað þið ertu barnalegir , ég nenni ekki að tala við svona fólk
HAHA dude that's genius!
já , hann bjargaði sig vel ...
LOL!!! I guess we all have our slow moments! XD
Los amo *-* !
HAHAHA besta redding sem ég hef séð :D
HHaha class still
HAHAHA oh man that is awesome
Gleymdi textanum, það er erfitt. Er í Frakklandi. Þar sem enginn skilur neitt,"
Epic redd
hahahahaha.... LIKE A BOSS!
Hahahaha!! Amazing
Forgot the lyrics, its hard. Im just in France and no one can under stand. Or something like that =) haha Jonsi is the man..
Oh I had a good laugh with this...
that is so funny!
most oftheir lyrics are in Icelandic, althougha few are in "hopelandic"
This one is in Icelandic, and the translation is right
Kemur fyrir besta fólk. Snilldar mistök :D
like everyone speaks icelandic
laughing my ass off. that's wonderful.
Wow! Must have been hard for the others to keep playing. lol
"inní mér syngur vitleysingur" :D
Oh, that’s hopelandic, actually
@BittersweetHistory It's Inní mér syngur vitleysingur
Þetta eru bara Frakka, engin skilur mig.
haha he sorted it out funny :P
Veit samt ekki hvort ætti að kalla þetta "hillarious mistake" það er tær snild að redda sér svona!:D
Hvað heitir þetta lag?
can't remember what song this is! someone?
hahaaa dude had to bring over a lyric sheet
jáááá , núna skil ég af hverju allir eru gg pirraðir úti mig , ég var ekki að tala um jónsa , ég var bara að segja að með því að posta þetta (íslendingur) var hann að sýna öllum á Frakklandi mistökin hans Jónsa , en já...
hvað er málið það voru eingin mistök
Haha, that's what's so great about touring in foreign countries.
i think that the song is "inní mér syngur vitleysingur"!
já meina ef þetta ert þú bara að tala þá fer þér ekki að tala
thats f*ckn funny!!
@ndes0532 They held their face and focused so they could finish the song :P
I love Jonsi ! haha
hahaha snilld .. reddaði sér hehe
hmh, that was supposed to be a reply
Yes, and I know for sure because I'm Icelandic
haha álit mitt á honum hækkaði mjöög mikið með þessu.
op is like my good guy greg but more trolly reddit style
Jónsi = bestur!
talandi um redd?
besta redd allra tíma ?? xD
@Progmandrake That's Icelandic
O shi*
ég er bunað gleyma textanum
En allir eru ok
við erum barí frakklandi þar sem enginn skilur neitt
hahaha vá þetta er epic :D
Hopelandic. :D
Djöfull reddaði hann þessu.
hehehe bjargaði sér helv vel þarna maður ;)
inní mér syngur vitleysingur
(if i understood correctly, what you wanted to know)
jajajaj que grande jonsiii
@yvesgomes yup
lol, er þetta textinn sem hann kemur með í endann?