A Stray Sumerian Tablet

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Sumerian clay tablet (MS Doc. 829)
    Zabala, southern Iraq, ca 2200 BCE
    MS Doc. 829
    This diminutive clay tablet was written by a Sumerian scribe in an administrative office around 2200 BC. The full translation of the laconic text runs as follows:
    18 jars of pig fat - Balli.
    4 jars of pig fat - Nimgir-ab-lah.
    Fat dispensed (at ?) the city of Zabala.
    Ab-kid-kid, the scribe.
    4th year 10th month.
    There are plenty of uncertainties about this translation. We cannot be sure that the personal names Balli, Ningir-ablah and Ab-kid-kid are correctly transcribed because of the multivalence of cuneiform signs at this date. Moreover, there are no verbs to tell us whether Balli and Nimgir-ablah were receiving pig fat or handing it out. The fat was either poured out at Zabala or for Zabala, an ancient city of central Sumer whose patron deity was the goddess Inana, identified with the mounds of Ibzeikh. The tablet may have been written at Zabala, but it is also possible it was written at, and was rediscovered in, the even more important city of Umma further to the east. To decide this we need to take account of other similar documents.
    There are several clues in this short text which allow us to position it in an archival context, and comparison. Tablets dated by year and month (no day, and no ‘year-name’ which was the better attested practice) are known to belong late in the decades of the Dynasty of Akkad which ruled south Mesopotamia in the twenty-third and twenty-second centuries BC. While very few such ‘mu-iti’ (year-month) tablets have been recovered in archaeological excavations, plenty appeared on the antiquities market in the early decades of the twentieth century and are scattered among the museums of the western world, including the Louvre, the British Museum, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, St Petersburg, Yale and Chicago. A study of these texts was included in B. R. Foster’s work Umma in the Sargonic period (Hamden CT, 1982), especially Chapter 4. He discusses numerous tablets which record the issue of food stuffs and other commodities. He writes “animal fats were an important part of human diet”, lard “was stored in jars, and issued by the sìla [ca. 1 litre]”. … “It may also have been an important commercial product, as stocks of it were kept in various cities outside of Umma itself and records kept at Umma as to what was on hand or disbursed in those cities” (pp. 116-70).
    This reads very aptly for our tablet, and that it is relevant becomes apparent when we find that one of his texts mentions Balli, another records Zabala as the place where the pig fat was used, and a third tablet concerned with pig fat mentions an Ab-kid-kid. Here he is the scribe, and Balli and Nimgir-ab-lah must be receiving, issuing, or authorizing the issue of the pig fat. While Nimgir-ablah is new to us, Balli turns up regularly in the texts discussed by Foster, and he seems to be an official in charge of a wide range of oils, from pig fat and butter to sesame oil and almond oil. It is virtually certain that this little tablet was clandestinely excavated some time early in the twentieth century, and found its way to Europe along with many other tablets from an institutional archive-a palace or conceivably also a temple. As for its more precise date, this is still sub judice, but along with the rest of its archive it probably belongs to a time when Shar-kali-sharri, the last king of the Dynasty of Akkad, had lost control of parts of the south, and documents at Umma were no longer dated by his regnal years, but by another system. Unfortunately we don’t know what the starting point for the ‘4th year’ was.
    Nicholas Postgate, Trinity College.
    Production: Team Digital Content Unit
    Presenting: Nicholas Postgate
    Research Assistant: Catherine Ansorge
    Film made by: Amélie Deblauwe and Błażej Mikuła
    Music: Little Planet and Relaxing - Bensound.com

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @stevenhearrell1564
    @stevenhearrell1564 4 года назад +90

    We're lucky to have scholars like this man, who have the knowledge and skill, to help us understand the past.

    • @abh6968
      @abh6968 2 года назад

      they stole it from iraq u fool

  • @fahadmotaz4884
    @fahadmotaz4884 6 лет назад +994

    I always hated being an iraqi but when i searched about our history and civilizations iam so proud to be born one

    • @truthchecker3645
      @truthchecker3645 6 лет назад +149

      Every man that's been procreated from his mother's womb - HAS EVERY RIGHT TO EXIST "IN HARMONY" UPON GOD'S GREEN EARTH - as the next man does! ALWAYS be proud of who God made you to be, and TO HELL with anyone that does't like it!!! PEACE...

    • @fahadmotaz4884
      @fahadmotaz4884 6 лет назад +33

      @@truthchecker3645 thank you for your support ❤

    • @truthchecker3645
      @truthchecker3645 6 лет назад +55

      @@fahadmotaz4884 under the great canopy of our supreme creator, we are all one - peculiar and special to our creator as his children. Go, and find peace and harmony in all you do, friend...THIS WORLD BELONGS TO ALL MEN!

    • @fahadmotaz4884
      @fahadmotaz4884 6 лет назад +63

      @Edward Gross thank you for the spirit
      Unfortunately iraq suffered for centuries cuz of it's strategic place but now it gave me a dream to make it a better country so ppl can come over and see the ruins when they're not afraid of war
      Greetings to u and to Australia my friend ❤

    • @blindshiva2826
      @blindshiva2826 6 лет назад +17

      Pride and shame have everything to do with one's actual accomplishments, what one does with one's gifts. They have nothing at all to do with the accident of one's birth.

  • @robb15033
    @robb15033 5 лет назад +290

    Its a crime that the Iraqi museums were looted, human history looted.

    • @Dreamhelmet
      @Dreamhelmet 5 лет назад +33

      Latin American governments have allowed unexplored ancient pyramids to be destroyed for road fill! As Einstein observed: 'Only two things are infinite, the Universe and the stupidity of man - and I have my doubts about the Universe!'

    • @AdMBandLeader
      @AdMBandLeader 5 лет назад +35

      @@Dreamhelmet You're absolutely spot on. The Baghdad museum looting was one of the chief purposes of the Iraqi war. You know who the perpetrators were.

    • @rajanya157
      @rajanya157 5 лет назад +3

      @@AdMBandLeader अमरीकी सेना ने लूटने की छूट दी थी।।

    • @kellymuse9333
      @kellymuse9333 5 лет назад +22

      And all the temples it's gut wrenching and totally intentionally to keep us from the truth.

    • @honour123
      @honour123 5 лет назад +15

      @@AdMBandLeader Really? And what group BLEW UP!!! some of the most PRECIOUS HISTORICAL SITES on the PLANET... ISLAMIC TERROR GROUPS!!! Bye bye Buddhas of Bamyan in Afghan and Palmyra in Syria... Better to be stolen than BLOWN UP!!!!!

  • @deanc.5984
    @deanc.5984 6 лет назад +58

    Ancient history is so valuable to all cultures, its human knowledge we all need to know. We need global cooperation and global peace. Currently, this planet is still to violent towards each other.

    •  4 года назад

      Shut up globalist

    • @kennyhill2678
      @kennyhill2678 3 года назад

      Ignorance breeds easily

    • @mr.e695
      @mr.e695 3 года назад

      Mr. C. or Dean if you prefer,
      We could/should correct all that, one random act of kindness at a time, at least in my humble opinion. It will be a long row to hoe without a doubt. Most of humanity currently still believes that currency is real and necessary. Even with the exponential growth of technology, the human race collectively, it would still seem, are just children fighting over the new shiny thing in a sandbox, or so we think. I feel we're still centuries away from any semblance of sanity. For now, I believe we have to find some solace in the knowledge that the lunatics clearly overran the asylum quite some time ago, and we have no control over that. It's been 2000 +/- years according to the documented history of the world, that we've continued to repeat the same behavior again, and again, and again, still to this day expecting the outcome to be different. I think you probably know what that defines, at least according Einstein. Of course, that approximation, and any hypothesis I may have, is conditional on all those sources being accurate about those two thousand or so years. The further back into time, or if you envision the future, considering and checking sources becomes increasing more difficult, with less probability of accuracy. That very concept is what brought me here today. Again, just my humble opinion. I can say with 100% certainty however, I agree wholeheartedly with every word of your comment!
      Who knows Dean, maybe the UAP's will come en force with actual intelligence, and show everyone the better way, preferably forcing it, as that's how we really listen and find a way to change. Reminding humanity as one whole, that if we just stop trying to sabotage each other, and cease placing so much value on THINGS that WE CONTROL the VALUE of, we'll be free to simply start helping each other and actually start evolving. Other than junk that's helped us become more complacent, there hasn't been much evolution. That will never happen if we continue to just keep getting better at making even more stuff and junk, continue talking about our limitations⁰, while never taking action to change it, and constraining ourselves with whatever false "fear du jour" we have dreamed up today for ourselves. No matter what that is; maybe it's racism, maybe it terrorism, maybe it's one of the many other "ism's" shoved in our faces, that are really just distractions everyone submits themselves to. Maybe it'll be this New Flu that will come back around for a fresh injection of that particular flavor of fear. It has been presented as quite tragic, and of course when someone dies it's a loss. I don't take the time for things like this because I dislike people. In reality, it is still no more of a mortality threat to us than the old flu was, at least from the actual, yet still incomplete data we have available. Coincidentally¹, our good old fashioned influenza killed 16% LESS people in 2019 than in 2018 globally. There IS Old Flu data for 2020, as well as New Flu data from the W.H.O., C.D.C., the U.N. and their affiliates, World Bank, and UNICEF who compile the stats pandemic or no. If anyone ever manages to get past the first couple Google results and actually reads any single one of those data sets from any of these organizations, they ALL state the findings are "preliminary". It's not any big newsflash though, as historically, nothing related to global health from the C.D.C. and W.H.O. is "finalized" during it's current year, or the year previous even, at least not anything involving pesky Science³. It's STILL logistically impossible to expect accurate global data within the same year as an event like this. It was an absolute absurdity hearing stats about this thing LAST year. Two years after those groups start tracking something globally is the best anyone can expect. Eight BILLION people spread across an ENTIRE that takes a full 24 hours in a JET going approx. NINE HUNDRED KM/H (560MPH) to get HALF way around. How people even entertained the idea we were getting accurate information is beyond me still. Even if CNN², all of the other Sitcom's³ like it, and all the highly reputable³ internet "News Outlets" get together and report the same numbers so they can claim to "Know" the stats for the New Flu now, people, especially Americans, should come to terms with the actual facts.
      Actionable intelligence on a global scale from all these health organizations comes years down range from the inception of events like this, it was a full decade for HIV/AIds and I can't believe I'm the only one who remembers ALL of the 80's. As a representative sample e.g. New Orleans taking us 6 months just to get there, and then start being able to know what to work on. I mean we all known how that went down there now. That's one smaller city and about 480,000 people pre-Katrina population, approx. 6 ONE-HUNDRED-THOUSANDTHS of ONE SINGLE PERCENT (0.00006%) of the global population of approx. 7.9 Billion. HELLO - It'll take a hot minute STILL to suss out those, 7.9 Billion and growing people all over the entire planet.
      Just for a quick moment, imagine any single aspect of getting the needed data logistically ... for example, autopsy information. Seems like that'd be an important variable we need to know to determine how many people actually did in fact die from the New Flu. Don't even think of actually performing a years worth of autopsies globally⁴, and don't even consider extrapolating from it either yet. Just imagine compiling that data for 60-70+/- MILLION autopsies, it has to be Billions of data points. Once you consider that one single part of that one single aspect of what will be many other aspects needed for anyone to have any idea of what is actually going on, you can start to realize the other aspects and what it will take get them in order before we can have any realistic information about the New Flu. Why do we need a planets worth of annual autopsy information for this? That's rhetorical 😎 It's the fact, that since this got to our radar, if you were in a Drive-By shooting that ended with you tripping a few M18A1's⁵ and blowing ALL of your limbs off in a gruesome deadly explosion, but ended up with an overworked, under-paid Nurses Assistant tasked with testing body parts for the medical examiner who gets a positive reading on the highly inaccurate "quick tests" for the New Flu that are still being used, then your autopsy is Marked New Flu POSITIVE. Even though you're in 14 different baggies after being blown up by gangster's, your cause of death now is THE NEW FLU, because that was the "protocol". A doctor came on RUclips over a year ago now, to warn about that ... His video was taken down.
      SO ... all those numbers and stats being thrown around for well over a year now that are ruling everyone's lives, while folks have treated this all like it IS the verbatim Gospel coming directly from their Deity's mouth in front of their eyes,
      ... Well ... those stats ARE, and HAVE BEEN, AT BEST estimates and ignorance, and that's if we're lucky as Americans. It's the best possible crappy option we can hope for among all the possibilities of crappy options...
      ... and at worst, it's this current insanity where absurdity has murdered all common sense, and reigns supreme; a deliberate manipulation of ALL of the aforementioned ☝️B.O.L.O.G.N.A.☝️ and probably even more still to 👇come👇.
      I'm NO conspiracy "theorist" because thinking up more stuff than the reality that's right in front of my face would be just as insane as the rest of the world. I do, however, believe the evidence that we have available, not just the biased opinions, conjecture, and innuendo that passes for news today, and there certainly have been historically, a veritable plethora of events in our history that would fall firmly under Webster's definition of conspiracy. However, even with ALL the facts, or blatant lack thereof, that CLEARLY say something is NOT right. Someone can tell me 2+2= FIVE as much as they'd like, but I know better.
      That said, I don't really think, or even have a feeling that this New Flu Freak-Show is some nefarious conspiracy. I sincerely feel, we just all got a new type, or maybe it would be more accurate to say, new-ish type of bug and OF COURSE people freaked out. That's what the "news" was doing, making more news. Clearly NO ONE was reporting ANYTHING that could resemble a fact. We STILL DON"T have those facts. Since we were all looking at it through todays worlds eyes, "virtually" that is, ignorance, fear, and conjecture grew exponentially faster than fact and knowledge. SHOCKER right? I know ... not really. I won't call anyone an idiot, but idiocy loves social networking, it helps it spread like Star Trek Tribbles. Ironically, the New Flu went viral. Well, all the fear and bad information about it, that I think really helped a lot of people break and/or escape the monotony of their lives went viral anyway. The New Flu Virus itself clearly didn't go nearly as viral. If it continues unchecked at this rate, or even increases a couple dozen percentage points, it will take it 50 years to do what H1N1 did in two. That was 100 years ago now. Even our pandemics today are Nancy's 😂 Sorry that was juvenile, but I needed a laugh.
      It didn't take much either to get us here; once that ball was rolling with an ENTIRE planet of people waiting in line to get it going full steam, and of course, the global power players⁶, stepped in! Chaos ALWAYS Creates Cash, and that IS what they do. It's what they've done for Millennia, so there's no "conspiracy" it's just that reality. If everyone knows, it can't be some weirdo evil Pinky and the Brain fantasy conspiracy. Who needs to conspire, when a whole planet stands in line to pay above retail for this new improved version of a Pet Rock? That was also rhetorical 😊 and I digress again.

    • @mr.e695
      @mr.e695 3 года назад

      It's no secret, anyone could take a few years to put the data together, but The Global Power Players, as I call them, those that control about 80% of the entire planets currency, approx. Two Hundred Fifty Thousand people, which kinda sounds at first like a whole bunch, yet in perspective, compared to the World, it's less than 1% ... way less than 1%. More accurately, it is in fact 0.000035% It's an unfathomable and glaring disparity. They're really like little kids about it now, and all those kids want is pretty much everything. I started this by talking about us being kids in sandboxes fighting for toys, well they want ALL of the sandboxes even though they own most, that we think we we're playing in and get toys from. Yeah, they want ALL of the shiny new toys in them too.
      All of the junk, stuff, and things everyone covets so desperately is what ultimately brings everyone to heel, and what's worse is that they think they're actually becoming more successful, on a path of finding happiness in it all, as it piles up around them like the bars and gates and walls of their prison they'll never leave, as they can't see they're even in one, and that continues to feed the absurdity of it all and perpetuate this insanity. Let the little you have go, and get more than you ever imagined. One of these generations is going to have to understand that it WILL be uncomfortable, but only temporarily, and that living like Jeremiah Johnson, Mad Max, and Red Dawn for a bit is worth it in the whole scheme of things. It hasn't happened in 70+ generations, but a boy can still dream ... I think
      Masks ... it was my about my 3rd really big clue, that I tried as hard as I knew how, but still couldn't NOT notice and realize this was going to be, yet another lucrative shuffle of the deck for that 0.000035%. What a smack in the face ... literally! I've traveled to Hong Kong. Mainland China, Korea, India, and Japan for about 30 years now. 25 or so years ago, ALL of the people in the metropolitan areas, and a great deal of the people in the rural areas of China ALL started wearing masks. So ... follow along ...
      The New Flu originates in China, then spreads outside of that country, into a really scary sounding thing called a Pandemic, which would be a threat equivalent to battling an entire regiment of V.C. dug into a hill by yourself, but was actually more like one Cambodian sympathizer that will vow fealty for a carton of smokes and a bottle of Jack. A pain in your six and not really convenient, but exponentially better than the really good shot at dying with all those guerillas in the bush. Now this New Flu spreading all over the world allegedly. The VERY Best thing we can do is to wear a mask. Of course, everyone does ... they were told to! AND, Bonus, they all get their New Flu gift basket of pandemic accessories including 4 cords of paper products, gallons of hand sanitizer Doctors told us a decade ago to use sparingly, and not at all for extended periods, because of the chemicals that can build up and become toxic, a couple drums of bleach, alcohol and ammonia to kill germs, or to accidentally mix since it's everywhere in your life now and inadvertantly make a WW1 trench warfare gas weapon that could kill an entire apartment building, and last but nowhere close to least, the MASK ... that provides absolutely NO protection against anything for the one wearing it, but works well at keeping our communicable material from escaping our personal biosphere ...
      ... as long as you know by "communicable material" I mean spit, and by "biosphere", I mean your mouth. That is EXACTLY what Paul Berger designed it for over 100 years ago in the late 1800's. We haven't really made any significant technological breakthroughs in that time, and it worked OK for all the Cowboys that robbed trains, plus someone told me I should just wear one³³³. I mean, all of the Chinese people where the virus orginated were wearing masks, so we should too, because it obviously works, right?³³³
      HEY .... Wait a minute. 🤔 ...
      OK, nevermind, I'll just go buy a few dozen, so I have some to match all of my outfits³³³. I'm clearly not smart enough to figure out why wearing one didn't make a single difference in helping contain the virus in China or help its people, unless you speak the Chinese Government who says they have like 2 guys maybe, and they're just a little sick, but they're in the Wu Tang Clan anyway³³³, and no one died or anything, so masks it will work for me here, and I have to believe that, because I'm an American, and we're just way better people³³³ ... plus someone told me to, so I don't even have to think about it, it will obviously help³³³.
      Well, it looks like I got a little too into this comment, And I apologize if you've made it all the way here without really knowing my motivation, which was to show some appreciation, because not many people can really see how simple the complicated solutions to our problems can be, but you obviously did from what you wrote. It's just rare for me to see it, and I wanted to say Thanks, and now I'm not even sure I did that. I can be pretty dense at times for a fairly smart fella . If nothing else, I hope you at least got a couple laughs along the way. Just the fact you can say that someone wrote an epic reply to your comment ... including FOOTNOTES for Petes Sake. That previous sentence being the truth is so absurd I find it hysterical. Right now I could easily be just another one of the Lunatics with the keys to the Asylum. I hope ya had fun.

      ⁰ Based on the flow of currency, which is a concept born completely from human imaginations and ego, that no one yet can imagine a world without. Humanity collectively just doesn't have the empathy yet to understand, if they give their little bit of junk up to realize that evolution, they'll get EVERYTHING they wanted
      ¹ (no such thing as coincidence, but it makes people feel better to think that)
      ² CNN is still a thing right? 😂 I haven't watched television since Walter Cronkite died, easily over a decade now, especially not the "News" that I avoid everywhere. I'm glad for Walt that he's gone, because he would lose his ever loving mind with this insanity in place. Although, maybe if he and others like him were still around, "News" would still be a real thing, and it may have never gotten this psycho “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
      ³ Sarcasm - Yes, some people actually need footnotes for that one, probably more, to realize and understand it, so I still include them and a ³³³ means totally hysterical sarcasm ... as long as you have a daark, dry sense of humor
      ⁴ 60 to 70 +/- Million per year deaths needing autopsy
      ⁵ M18A1 Claymore is a directional anti-personnel mine developed for the U.S.A. Unlike a conventional land mine, the Claymore is command-detonated and directional, meaning it is fired by remote-control and shoots a pattern of metal balls into the kill zone like a shotgun.
      ⁶ The percentage of the global population of those controlling 80% of the Worlds currency is approx. 3 ONE-HUNDRED-THOUSANDTHS of ONE SINGLE PERCENT (0.00003% +/- 0.00001%) to help with some perspective of that, it is even smaller than the example used in the body, of New Orleans as compared to the entire world. So, if Seven (7), like 1,2,3,4,5,6 .... 7 people total out of the ENTIRE City of New Orleans owned 80% of EVERYTHING there, you'd have a pretty accurate representative sample of the World

  • @flamencoprof
    @flamencoprof 5 лет назад +59

    I have so much respect for scholars such as this. Doing the hard graft, gleaning every bit of information from such slim pickings as a small bit of clay with some dents in it, and slowly revealing a bigger picture.

  • @PopGoesTheology
    @PopGoesTheology 6 лет назад +20

    Thomas Fisch. What a bad boy, keeping all the knowledge to himself. Fortunately, the CU Library is making everything good again with informative clips like these. Thank you so much. This video is very professionally done, a pleasure to watch and the rest of us are very appreciative! All I can say, is, more, more, more!

  • @danielletimmons3176
    @danielletimmons3176 5 лет назад +155

    This is a receipt. Lord help the future archeologist that uncovers my mortgage documents and attempts to extrapolate a societal allegory.

    • @NoOne-yh4cl
      @NoOne-yh4cl 5 лет назад +13

      It will not take very long for almost all knowledge pertaining to our civilization to completely vanish after we are gone.
      They will likely find the pyramids of Egypt and south and central America before they ever discover anything of us.

    • @survivortechharold6575
      @survivortechharold6575 5 лет назад +1

      I guess they spent 2 or 3 days to make a receipt.

    • @fatpanda8884
      @fatpanda8884 5 лет назад +2

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 it was the first thing that came to mind 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣

    • @MaxPower-tx8ci
      @MaxPower-tx8ci 5 лет назад +1

      Lmao totally

    • @rodicapopescu2038
      @rodicapopescu2038 5 лет назад

      @@NoOne-yh4clthat's because there is absolutely nothing to discover ..

  • @jamesshelburn5825
    @jamesshelburn5825 5 лет назад +7

    Buying in bulk might be the earliest known soap production

  • @forcedchannel5996
    @forcedchannel5996 6 лет назад +58

    I’m obsessed with the Sumerians and all things cuneiform lol. Loved this video!

    • @servitar1652
      @servitar1652 4 года назад +2

      You should be, their religion is the closest thing to the truth

    • @ps-hb3vg
      @ps-hb3vg 4 года назад

      @@servitar1652 am just new this chapter. Can you explain me wats the truth

    • @servitar1652
      @servitar1652 4 года назад +4

      @@ps-hb3vg well from a scientific standpoint the religion is viewed as having believed this, and I personally agree with it. The long and short is that aliens came here and one of them, called enki, spliced his Gene's with those of an ape and over many failed attempts such as Neanderthals and stuff he finally made humans. then it talks about the flood wiping out mountains that were used as beacons and that's why the pyramids were made. It has the whole thing about the ark but its every animals dna not 2 of every animal. There was also references to adam and eve and the garden of eden, but the fruit was just knowledge and was given to all of mankind by enki which resulted in a big fight between him and his brother enlil, who didnt think humans should have been even allowed to survive the flood. But yea go on youtube and type in "lost book of enki synopsis" there should be a playlist with the videos in it

    • @servitar1652
      @servitar1652 4 года назад

      @@ps-hb3vg update. Okay so I just tried to find it and the synopsis version has been deleted. I guess you could use this version but it's a more direct translation and gets confusing and hard to understand. ruclips.net/p/PLJBLezQjFu-bebfv0Ywq9qPg5ICy63We1

    • @annaabrams8738
      @annaabrams8738 3 года назад +4

      @@servitar1652 lol. I see someone's been reading Zach Sitchin.

  • @shelski4218
    @shelski4218 5 лет назад +20

    There's millions of students that go to these universities and colleges put them to work photographing all of these tablets around the world and all the museums and then get them or you guys figure it out put them together!! If there's a will there's a way!!! It may take a long time but it can be done!!! So somebody better get to work!!

    • @BorsosGabor2023
      @BorsosGabor2023 5 лет назад

      I suspect, there is not a will...Soap in "Iraq", 2200 BC.?! Even after Christ,the Christian Europe did not cleanse for centuries! Even the Pope was dirty and smelly under his ornate dress!

  • @katalinas9264
    @katalinas9264 6 лет назад +37

    So no one was guarding the site of the "oldest official texts" known to mankind? BRILLIANT!

    • @44hawk28
      @44hawk28 6 лет назад +5

      Archaeology's only been around for the last hundred fifty years period and in its infancy it was rather crude. The few people who practiced it could not stand guard over every place that they ran across. You even have major archaeologist that went into the Pyramid of Giza and still claim that Khufu built the Pyramid of Giza and it didn't happen the Pyramid of Giza was there at least 6000 to 8,000 years before Khufu was even born.

    • @katalinas9264
      @katalinas9264 6 лет назад +3

      @@44hawk28 seems like we still need more archeologists

    • @44hawk28
      @44hawk28 6 лет назад +11

      @@katalinas9264 I'm kind of ambivalent on that idea, as I found from too many of them completely wrong on the way they present evidence that they find. Not to mention all the things they won't look into. And they are far too often making archaeological decisions without referencing other Sciences to make an informed decision. Just one case in point, the Kensington runestone. Archaeologists say it's a fake because there were no non-natives in Minnesota in the mid 1300s. The runestone was found in 1895 bound up in the roots of a tree growing over it. And the scale on the stone itself, according to geologists who have investigated it period is well over 300 years old. That's including the scale that is in the writings on the stone. Meaning that it couldn't possibly have been faked by the itinerant farmer that found it. History is not what they've been telling you.

    • @katalinas9264
      @katalinas9264 6 лет назад +2

      @@44hawk28 yes have seen videos on it...won't argue with you, I agree there is much we've been lied to about...TOO MUCH. Keep spreading the truth my good man...

    • @44hawk28
      @44hawk28 6 лет назад +4

      @@katalinas9264 I always give the truth when I know it, and I qualify my opinion when I state it. You can never learn enough. You could just struggle to learn as much as you can.

  • @charlesbates6178
    @charlesbates6178 5 лет назад +138

    How comforting to know that the Ancients had to deal with bureaucrats just like we do.

    • @clarissadavis1327
      @clarissadavis1327 4 года назад +7

      Heck, Guy... I'm beginning to wonder if they are the same beings. Not necessarily the 'same'... but of the same lineage. They could not stand 'man' then and they still think less of us now.

    • @TT3TT3
      @TT3TT3 3 года назад

      Man's worst enemy-man.

    • @jrrarglblarg9241
      @jrrarglblarg9241 6 месяцев назад +2

      Bureaucracy in the form of professionals with information is a natural function of advanced state societies. The Inca used knotted string of different colors to do the same exact job as this tablet and others like it: tracking needs, reserves and distribution of consumable resources. Pretty cool.

    • @Don.Challenger
      @Don.Challenger 3 месяца назад

      God (if there is one) has to deal with bureaucrats as well and in his infinite wisdom created he them.

    • @ArtBellJr
      @ArtBellJr 2 месяца назад

      ​@@jrrarglblarg9241The Inca people used string cause of the mountainous region. Imagine using stone to go up and down the mountain into the next valley. They also had a knot system in place that hasn't been deciphered yet.

  • @01sapphireGTS
    @01sapphireGTS 6 лет назад +19

    Potash is also used in glass blowing ( making molten glass ). It lets the silica (typically in the form of sand) melt at a lower temperature and acts like a "flux" in the batch.

    • @tjdillashaw2703
      @tjdillashaw2703 3 года назад +1

      Potasshium 😁👍

    • @01sapphireGTS
      @01sapphireGTS 3 года назад +1

      @@tjdillashaw2703 Clever ~

    • @tjdillashaw2703
      @tjdillashaw2703 3 года назад +1

      @@01sapphireGTS a potash video popped up on my feed the other day 😂

  • @jeffsmyth6270
    @jeffsmyth6270 5 лет назад +8

    I was in a small museum in St albans called the CMJ and they had lots of clay tablets but didn't have any translations for them (this was about 15 years ago though)

    • @ArtBellJr
      @ArtBellJr 2 месяца назад

      I've heard there are more cuneiform tablets then Hieroglyph cause the papyrus obviously decayed. Also so many haven't been studied cause only a few read it. Zachariah Sitchen had a Doctorate degree to read Cuneiform and translated many stories into books. You can also search online for translation into English as well.

  • @alphazar
    @alphazar 5 лет назад +3

    One day you could scan a cuneiform tablet with your phone and Siri will read it out for you.

  • @Mickmcdonagh28
    @Mickmcdonagh28 5 лет назад +8

    It’s funny that when the Americans conquered Iraq and every other country they went to the museums and took all ancient artifacts

    • @GFSLombardo
      @GFSLombardo 5 лет назад +1

      The Americans are just late coming copy cats. Go the ANTIQUITIES SECTION of any "major" museum in the world, you will find lots of stolen stuff in them from all over. The only real difference is that "archeology" "egyptology" etc. used to be called "treasure hunting" but the end results are the same. I imagine there is a big museum somewhere not too far from where you live. Do go there and check it out, it may surprise you.

  • @WallHaxxx
    @WallHaxxx 6 лет назад +65

    Just imagine some old historian 4 thousand years from now, trying to piece together our history with a bunch of fragmented soap company shipping manifest files on some ancient CDRs that were scattered across a landfill.

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 4 года назад +10

      Ya, and servers worth of porn.

    • @happyhoney855
      @happyhoney855 4 года назад +5


    • @happyhoney855
      @happyhoney855 4 года назад

      @@seanhammer6296 😂😂😂

    • @LucidDreamn
      @LucidDreamn 3 года назад

      @@seanhammer6296 if they are spiritually more advanced than us they would cringe at us rn

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 3 года назад +7

      @@LucidDreamn Are we more "spiritually advanced" than people 4,000 years ago?

  • @davidbrandenburg8029
    @davidbrandenburg8029 4 года назад +6

    I wonder if any of these scientist have ever thought that maybe, the Sumerian language is actually Anunnaki?". of course then they would have to admit, that there actually were anunnaki on planet earth!.

  • @alibarron7558
    @alibarron7558 8 месяцев назад +2

    Why does the background music have to be so loud?

  • @jackburton7964
    @jackburton7964 4 года назад +3

    At least some of those tablets are not buried in the Vatican or Smithsonian basements, where things tend to disappear forever.

  • @larryparsons6065
    @larryparsons6065 5 лет назад +1

    I don't understand why only one tablet is presented when there are tens of thousands of them, most of which - if not all, have already been deciphered.

    • @shinehy403
      @shinehy403 2 месяца назад +1

      @larryparsond6065 The focus here is only given, to this one tablet, because it is believed to be the oldest form of writing in existence.

  • @mudball47
    @mudball47 5 лет назад +9

    To have that much fat available at one tine indicates some kind of factory pig farm and a slaughter house and rindering unit.

    • @aleksandersuur9475
      @aleksandersuur9475 5 лет назад

      Or peasants were forced to pay taxes in grain, lard, whatever else they had on them. It all went to some local lordling and from there where-ever the lordling decided it should. You know, kind of how it worked pretty much all the way to industrial revolution all over the world.

    • @orientbeachbum8346
      @orientbeachbum8346 5 лет назад

      Run by Abzeckiah Dean, ancestor of Jimmy Dean

    • @sandrajohnson9926
      @sandrajohnson9926 5 лет назад +1

      Lard was used for lighting, I presume. Goats & sheep would have been the source.

  • @davidvonch8223
    @davidvonch8223 5 лет назад +1

    So happy to find this channel. Dave's wife here.

  • @alvinwine5665
    @alvinwine5665 5 лет назад +4

    Pot ash is used as a fertilizer to make the soil richer for growing food

  • @JaySDXSE
    @JaySDXSE 3 года назад +9

    I feel like they could create a worldwide network for summerian transcripts

  • @texgal3990
    @texgal3990 5 лет назад +4

    oh look! The worlds first thumb drive ...

  • @auljamesnorris4383
    @auljamesnorris4383 2 года назад +1

    Federico Lara peinado is the best about old sumerian culture...viva España!!!

  • @janetgraham-russell4476
    @janetgraham-russell4476 5 лет назад +2

    I love tablets which give us a glimpse of mundane life.

  • @tappetmanifolds7024
    @tappetmanifolds7024 3 года назад +8

    I once read that some tablets containing inscriptions upon them represent a type of life story or personal experience which read like a miniature novel. These were exchanged when persons first met and gave each reader an idea of who they were dealing with as memory and verbal communication could be impaired over time. In which case it would be difficult to ascertain a true representation of a person by appearance alone. Of course, the obverse could also be true, as 'clay portfolios' could be stolen and adopted, or, they could be filled with inconsistencies to deceive. Trickery and subterfuge are nothing new.

  • @TheYamil25
    @TheYamil25 4 года назад +1

    Great information but why why you got that music so loud.

  • @DaveGIS123
    @DaveGIS123 6 лет назад +11

    Wow! A 4000 year old receipt for soap! This little tablet is like a window on an ancient world.
    It reminds me of the Nebo-Sarsekim tablet, which is a receipt for a quantity of gold deposited at a temple in Sippar. Nebo-Sarsekim was a high official of Nebuchadnezzar II, king of Babylon, and was mentioned by name as a leader of the Babylonian forces which captured Jerusalem (see Jeremiah 39).

    • @Dreamhelmet
      @Dreamhelmet 5 лет назад

      Yes, just looked it up - he was there with the King! Does this mean the Bible may be true?! (only kidding!)

    • @SuperRijul
      @SuperRijul 2 года назад

      Ancients civilizations were really advanced

  • @blackbird5634
    @blackbird5634 5 месяцев назад

    At age 12, I could not be bothered with this information, but at 58yrs I am eager to learn, rapt with attention.
    I think we live our lives in reverse to what they should be.
    We study when we should be outside playing games and learning social skills, and we are "headed for the barn" when we could be back in school to learn about the world we inhabit and the lives our ancestors lived.

  • @likeicare300
    @likeicare300 3 года назад +4

    Its remarkable how these have survived. A lot more has been lost

  • @awickedtribe
    @awickedtribe 7 месяцев назад

    Now address the tablet/papyrus that was found which not only was merchant inventory from when the 'Egyptians' first arrived but also mentions that when they got there, they found several large very old Pyramids existed. The three were already there, and all others were merely copies

  • @marleybedford8628
    @marleybedford8628 3 года назад +1

    I loved this short documentary. Thank you.

  • @jayshutman3101
    @jayshutman3101 Год назад

    I don't believe that it's an accident that these tablets have been split up all over the world.

  • @TapioSusi
    @TapioSusi 6 лет назад +15

    If I found a stray Sumerian tablet I'd ask Mom if we could keep it

  • @bridecolbourne1305
    @bridecolbourne1305 5 лет назад +2

    I ask the question , what is the purpose of music in the background when this major information is being expressed?.
    It takes away from being able to have total concentration of the subject 👎

  • @SedDelMar
    @SedDelMar 5 лет назад +19

    I have always found cuneiform a beautiful script for some reason. The tablets themselves remind me of cookies, for some other reason.

    • @chibibeetle
      @chibibeetle 4 года назад +1

      Nice idea. Selling the new Destiny Tablet cookies.

    • @kellihunt3271
      @kellihunt3271 3 года назад +3

      Keebler cookies

  • @andrewdunne1609
    @andrewdunne1609 5 лет назад

    Can't make out what's being said due to the annoying high pitched background racket

  • @mooch6079
    @mooch6079 6 лет назад +6

    Fascinating! Thank you sooooo much for sharing this!

  • @jessicamilburn9043
    @jessicamilburn9043 3 года назад

    There are tablets like a set ..one should have three curving lines side by side..this is the vapors inhaled by the oracled

  • @willrose5424
    @willrose5424 4 года назад +2

    What modern language is it related with?

    • @adamnoman4658
      @adamnoman4658 4 года назад +2

      None, I believe.
      It was possible to "decode" Sumerian cuneiform only because there were Semitic-containing (Assyrian/Babylonian) "Rosetta" stones, that is, inscriptions containing both languages.

  • @robertglass3944
    @robertglass3944 6 лет назад +6

    Potash is also used as a soil amendment, in vegetable gardening.

  • @MissRenee_X
    @MissRenee_X 3 года назад +1

    Everything is always a secret. They act as if our intuition doesn’t tell us the story. The joke is on them because we know.

  • @larisasosis2574
    @larisasosis2574 6 лет назад +25

    Music is too loud

  • @ItsMeMissV369
    @ItsMeMissV369 3 года назад

    This piece sounds like a binding contract, a legal document.

  • @KeyhaneBishomar
    @KeyhaneBishomar 5 лет назад +5

    "Esh" means ash in old persian, Eshtar been used as soap for cleaning in the old times all the way intill now, the word you looked at was "potesh" which might be a "bowl of ash" there is a cultural belif that ash can clean any kind of dirt from skin . i belive the many answers to questions of western researchers dont lies under the sand, but lies in those older messopotamian languages and ceremonical acts, religious books and cultural norms, like persian ,hebrew ,assyrian and armenian.

  • @williamozier918
    @williamozier918 6 лет назад +1

    So, it was the first ever piece of bureacratic paperwork?

  • @rinaldykase
    @rinaldykase 6 лет назад +6

    4.2K views, 22 likes including me, and no comments when I watch this nice video. Thanks.

  • @Mr.Stevens-xh1zm
    @Mr.Stevens-xh1zm Месяц назад

    4k year old tablet, which is basically a receipt for soap ingredients, but we lost the tapes to the moon landing. Mmhmm.

  • @goodtutt4733
    @goodtutt4733 5 лет назад +1

    Why the added musical sounds? 👎

  • @hertzair1186
    @hertzair1186 3 года назад

    It’s a receipt for Enki’s shopping spree....

  • @templesleeper27
    @templesleeper27 6 лет назад +13

    the audio is fine jesus christ

  • @immasoxfanbaby
    @immasoxfanbaby 3 года назад

    Thank you. Im behind u pushing to share the tablet stone writinga. Cant wait to learn ro read them sir.

  • @markmcwilliams3767
    @markmcwilliams3767 6 лет назад +12

    I really liked this video I'm very interested in the surmanins i know i butchered that sry but i am very interested in them and they're history i would love to go to the museum in Germany where they have so many of the clay tablets great video

  • @nelsonjv1
    @nelsonjv1 2 года назад

    Where are the tablets Zachariah Sitchen read?

  • @fredgillespie5855
    @fredgillespie5855 3 года назад

    The background music is an intrusive noise.

  • @marnielarocque9412
    @marnielarocque9412 6 лет назад +4

    Potash and pork fat or lard and measurements sounds like the recipe for a large batch of soap might also look for some flowers or other things that would be used to and a nice aroma to the soap and possibly turmeric for coloring the soap as soap made from just potash and fat will be greyish and not to smell

  • @claudiosaltara8847
    @claudiosaltara8847 5 лет назад

    I imagine there are many more interesting tablet to study than one that talks about pork fat.

  • @cognatoralbertl9366
    @cognatoralbertl9366 6 лет назад +87

    It is the oldest written language that we know of!

    • @form49
      @form49 6 лет назад +15

      You can add "that we know of" or "so far as we know" to every element of the knowledge of mankind.

    • @tomsawyer2541
      @tomsawyer2541 6 лет назад

      Yes!! It is TURAN= turkish!!!

    • @connorfisher1651
      @connorfisher1651 6 лет назад +2

      I thought Indus Valley text was older, or is it simply ancient and untranslated?

    • @Gumardee_coins_and_banknotes
      @Gumardee_coins_and_banknotes 6 лет назад

      Na, the oldest.

    • @guillaumerusengo9371
      @guillaumerusengo9371 6 лет назад +2

      There are ancient egyptian symbols of the same age or older!?

  • @Lance0714
    @Lance0714 6 лет назад +1

    Approximately 5000 years before now we began to lust for gold.

  • @samfreeke6087
    @samfreeke6087 5 лет назад +4

    Very good! Loud music! We could easily do without the voice! Silence the old man!

  • @DouglasKYoung
    @DouglasKYoung 5 лет назад

    In a thousand years when our documents are dust Sumerian tablets will remain. So many civilizations come and go. Maybe there's more for us to learn from the tablets than simply what is written.

  • @DeeegerD
    @DeeegerD 5 лет назад +13

    22 Jars of 80 litres each does not equal 400 litres more like 1760 litres. Guess this is why archeologists get dates wrong so often ;)

    • @stumccabe
      @stumccabe 5 лет назад +8

      Not 80 - he said 18. 22x18 = 396.

    • @charliejeans2413
      @charliejeans2413 5 лет назад +2

      @@stumccabe blessed be those with ears to hear. Lol

    • @420snoogins
      @420snoogins 5 лет назад +1

      80 litre jar, be one hell of a jug!

    • @L98fiero
      @L98fiero 5 лет назад

      @@stumccabe Maybe that's why some are so critical of others.

  • @lombardlouch5146
    @lombardlouch5146 5 лет назад +1

    Why or how did they get ''Lard''?

    • @GFSLombardo
      @GFSLombardo 5 лет назад

      Kill a pig and boil off its fat=lard (cows work too)

  • @mortalclown3812
    @mortalclown3812 5 лет назад +1

    Postgate's brilliance is intoxicating.

  • @joesmith2398
    @joesmith2398 5 лет назад +3

    I believe in the anunnaki theory 100%

  • @raulduke1528
    @raulduke1528 3 года назад

    So the sumerian tablets were stone sticky notes?

  • @amtb70x7anunkwn9
    @amtb70x7anunkwn9 5 лет назад

    This would have been a pleasant video if the music did not drown out the speaker.

  • @davidhollifield4794
    @davidhollifield4794 5 лет назад +3

    A friend of mine gave me an oil lamp which was from 4700 years ago..one day while my mother was cleaning my home, she saw it on top of my TV, and thought it was an ordinary piece of clay and threw it out..no..you can't take stuff with you when it's your time.

    • @c.jensen44
      @c.jensen44 Год назад

      Maybe you should clean your own home instead of your mommy. Just sayin'.

  • @AhmedYoussef-kd9nc
    @AhmedYoussef-kd9nc Год назад

    credit to Zaceriah Sitchin for this knowledge

  • @sourcetext
    @sourcetext 2 месяца назад

    The music is to loud. Please redue the videos ❤

  • @toxiclilboi42
    @toxiclilboi42 5 лет назад +9

    Top 10 nigga moments

  • @mackenzieo.898
    @mackenzieo.898 3 года назад

    Please turn down music so i can hear him clearly. =)

  • @lesflo7231
    @lesflo7231 Год назад

    the scholars one day will find an artifact. And unknowingly summon an evil entity.

  • @selenalelunyairgi8048
    @selenalelunyairgi8048 3 года назад +1

    Brilliant. Thanks for the simplicity.

  • @SSmith-fm9kg
    @SSmith-fm9kg 6 лет назад +13


  • @casm.v
    @casm.v Год назад

    Respect to this person who can translate this language but where are the other 40.000 sumerian tablets ? Why they dont want to translate it also ? Sumerian Tablets are very very very Important for Human species ! Show them the thruth !!!

  • @Marauder1981
    @Marauder1981 5 лет назад +1

    I think robbers of these artifacts should be allowed to be legally shot by anybody

  • @DrCorvid
    @DrCorvid 6 лет назад +9

    Since this video was posted, a city identifying itself as Eden was discovered under Trypillia, with ancient writing dated at about 22,000 and 44,000 years old. The writing is, oddly, in Dravidian/Tamil, and Tamil scholars can read ancient Sumerian. The north has been Sanskrit-based for a long time, but in the Eden west of the Black Sea we had people writing in south Indian, whose oral history is said to span about 150,000 years.

    • @knowyourlove5613
      @knowyourlove5613 6 лет назад

      Duncan Crow
      Can you give link or YT video link? Thank you for sharing

    • @DrCorvid
      @DrCorvid 6 лет назад +1

      Creep my facebook; yes, the original researcher reported on the age of Akhenaten's heirloom treasures and sarcophagus on RUclips here:

    • @DrCorvid
      @DrCorvid 6 лет назад +1

      Creep my facebook; yes here's the link to Aratta Trypillia calling itself Eden and according to original research, containing up to 44,000 year old Dravidian Tamil writing.

    • @shreyvaghela3963
      @shreyvaghela3963 6 лет назад

      Duncan Crow there are no aryans or dravidans.

    • @catherinealbion6955
      @catherinealbion6955 5 лет назад

      @@DrCorvid. Interesting, thanks.

  • @endtimes5568
    @endtimes5568 3 года назад

    The information isn't lost. Its hidden.

  • @immasoxfanbaby
    @immasoxfanbaby 3 года назад

    He carries herbs to heal the mind

  • @DBCisco
    @DBCisco 6 лет назад +6

    If you can read Cuneiform and Hebrew, you will notice that Hebrew is a written form of cuneiform. You will also notice a plethora of cognate words.

    • @ethanpreis413
      @ethanpreis413 6 лет назад +2

      I believe the Hebrew script is descendant from the Phoenician alphabet not Sumerian cuneiform. Not sure about cognates though

    • @DBCisco
      @DBCisco 6 лет назад +1

      I wish I didn't have my library in storage (I'm retired) but the Hebrew alphabet grew from the cuneiform alphabet (a transition from stylus on clay to ink on papyrii) and Mesopotamian language(s); not only in form but in the total absence of vowels, punctuation and word spacing. Also many Hebrew words (IE: El, Ba'El ) are 100% cognate with the Hebrew language.

    • @martinfalkjohansson5204
      @martinfalkjohansson5204 6 лет назад +1

      No, it did not. Hebrew is from proto-sinaitic via Phoenician. The current Hebrew script is actually the same as a version of Aramaic, that superseded the original Hebrew script that looked more like Phoenician.
      Akkadian, as well as Sumerian, wrote vowels. Hebrew cannot have inherited its consonantlessness therefrom. Ugaritic, a kind of faux-cuneiform inspired by Phoenician was an abjad though, but it came after the alphabet had already been invented.
      Akkadian is an east semitic language, Hebrew is a west semitic language. Thus they are related.
      The Hebrew script is ultimately related to Hieroglyphs, out of which Proto Sinaitic formed.
      The word for god in Akkadian is ilum and the word for lord is belum. The weaker consonant were lost very early on.

    • @DBCisco
      @DBCisco 6 лет назад +1

      You are mistaken, Martin. But you are not forced to take the scholarly side that I do. You realize this issue has been debated for over 100 years and new discoveries (proto-Hebrew on cave walls for example). I would be interested in how you correlate the Phoenician alphabet with the Hebrew one (which does indeed have no vowels)
      I do retract my statement on no vowels in cuneiform, there are four possible vowels in cuneiform. However they are minimal, for example, the deity which literal transcribed from the cuneiform tablets as BL is translated (variously and validly) as Bel, Bal, Ba'El, Ba'Al, Baal, etc.

    • @DBCisco
      @DBCisco 6 лет назад

      There is little similarity between Hebrew and Phoenician > www.ancient.eu/img/r/p/750x750/175.png?v=1485680516

  • @dr.nohaelnagdi415
    @dr.nohaelnagdi415 3 года назад

    What astonished me in this video that he mentioned that the lard was despensed in "zebala". Actually in Egypt we call garbage "zebala" !! I think there might be a linguistic connection

  • @abdulrahmana8623
    @abdulrahmana8623 3 года назад +1

    The music in the background is used also on random mediation video that i listen to all the time. So watching this video actually sent me in trance state 😮🧙‍♂️. Amazing video

  • @jasminapeev191
    @jasminapeev191 6 лет назад +3

    Zabala = Zavala in Serbian language

    • @tolrem
      @tolrem 6 лет назад

      What does it mean in Serbian?

    • @razvanvaleanu3971
      @razvanvaleanu3971 6 лет назад +1

      Jasmina Peev / When you start looking for faces in the clouds you will start seeing faces in the clouds. Zabala = zabala (front part of the horse harness) in Romanian. Clearly no connection whatsoever.

    • @moorek1967
      @moorek1967 6 лет назад

      +Cibo But what does it mean in Serbian? I understand that Romania is actually a mixture of Central Asian and Roman, hence Romania.
      Zabala is also a Basque surname. It means "large" or "broad" or "wide".
      The front part of a horse's harness is large, broad and wide to accommodate the muzzle of the horse. I say the Basque, Serbian and Romanian are all related.
      Remember, there are also many English words that are either obsolete or only one meaning now, but that doesn't mean English didn't come from another language. And just because Serbian, Basque and Romanian have obsolete words or one meaning for words does not mean they are not related nor connected.

    • @razvanvaleanu3971
      @razvanvaleanu3971 6 лет назад

      moorek1967 / I don't know what Zabala means in Serbian. Romanians are locals; yes they have been hit by waves of Asian invaders over centuries (as whole Europe has been) and they left a mark.
      Romanian is a Latin language - very, very similar to Italian while Serbian is a Slavic language - hardly any similarities between the two - only very few common words due to proximity but the language structure is very different.
      I'm not qualified to comment regarding the Basque but I doubt there are any similarities with the two previously mentioned apart from Latin influences.
      On the side note, you'll probably be surprised to learn that there are hundreds, if not thousands of similar words between Romanian and English (grammar is completely different though) . The only connection between the two is the Latin as they had both been part of The Roman Empire nearly 2000 years ago.
      Back on track, I wouldn't be surprised if you'll find a meaning for "zabala" in an African language. Totally unrelated.

  • @Hirohito_iLoveYou
    @Hirohito_iLoveYou Год назад +1

    I did not expect it to be that small 😏 hehehe

  • @edschultz2939
    @edschultz2939 6 лет назад

    The background music plots out what he is saying.

  • @nibiruresearch
    @nibiruresearch 2 года назад

    Why this loud distracting music?

  • @user-sz9ft6jj4d
    @user-sz9ft6jj4d 2 года назад

    excellent thank you

  • @senatorjosephmccarthy2720
    @senatorjosephmccarthy2720 5 лет назад

    Do you think we can hear you better with the "music" interfering? Or do you think we're so bored we an assist in attention? Or maybe you're placating the endemic addition to it.

  • @busterbiloxi3833
    @busterbiloxi3833 5 лет назад +2

    Wise academic. Damn straight!

  • @williambrady1043
    @williambrady1043 5 лет назад

    Why is it that people think they have to put music into scientific documentaries? It's so annoying and with people my age it's background sound that makes it impossible or at least difficult to hear the speaker.

  • @SarahWRah
    @SarahWRah 4 месяца назад

    All of our digital/electronic communications and knowlege will vanish for future generations. Storage requires specialized equipment that will become outdated all too soon. So sad.

  • @petulakunnemann9439
    @petulakunnemann9439 3 года назад

    There's rumour some of these were found here

  • @glenobrien894
    @glenobrien894 4 года назад

    Your showing it side ways Summarian is written in linear A. They read Top to bottom .right to left

  • @andrewsnowmon2586
    @andrewsnowmon2586 5 лет назад

    I would say it's a bill of lading a product is being transported for delivery to a particular place.

  • @Simonjose7258
    @Simonjose7258 3 года назад


  • @johnwhite74
    @johnwhite74 4 года назад

    Thank you.