You might find this cool, I made this video by taking a recording of clouds and running it through a number of filters with ffmpeg. I think I used these scripts of mine: * * * The echo is self explanatory. The fps is "frames per second", it makes the video interestingly choppy, sort of like in Wong Kar-Wai movies (search up "Wong Kar-Wai Stutter" or similar). The chromakey is a green screen effect, I basically overlaid the video on top of itself. There is a course for using ffmpeg called "video art with ffmpeg" by Artificial Images on youtube. Thanks for your comment friend
Oh, pas vraiment :). Mais tes morceaux ambients sont beaux
You might find this cool, I made this video by taking a recording of clouds and running it through a number of filters with ffmpeg. I think I used these scripts of mine:
The echo is self explanatory. The fps is "frames per second", it makes the video interestingly choppy, sort of like in Wong Kar-Wai movies (search up "Wong Kar-Wai Stutter" or similar). The chromakey is a green screen effect, I basically overlaid the video on top of itself.
There is a course for using ffmpeg called "video art with ffmpeg" by Artificial Images on youtube.
Thanks for your comment friend